#Game Of Thrones 8x06
sharyrazade · 2 years
Were I not on a self-imposed deadline (my writing)
To complete a certain fan fiction of mine on...well, the Ides of March, I was, no bullshit, hand-to-heart, actually just about to include the scene with the smoldering ruins of Garreg Mach with:
- Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Petra, Dorothea, and Caspar all exchanging nervous, guilty glances with each other pretty early on in (”You kept all your promises to me. You killed my enemies...”) in the speech
- Hubert seething at Jeritza being “the bravest of men and loyalest of soldiers,” but he is kinda Grey Worm anyway
- Byleth looking like...well, Byleth, maybe a little concerned
- Her hand, Linhardt, sulking in the shadows behind her, especially sour (”but the war is not over!”) at certain points of the speech
- The (adopted) northerner, Mercedes, somewhere in the crowd, giving her the Arya-style death glare
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daniel-bruehl · 1 year
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"mom wake up."
GAME OF THRONES Season 8 Episode 6 (2019)
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hgstuff · 1 year
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daenerys targaryen icons
like or reblog if u save and don't repost without credits ✨ requested by @velvetive
screencaps by so obsessed
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧, 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
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winnie-the-monster · 9 months
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We all know the NK and Dany were paralleled as the two threats in the show but I also really LOVE this parallel:
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Both of them died in front of the thing they desired most, that they had finally caught up to/reached. For the NK: Bran (and eradicating him to end the world of man like Sam said in 8x02). For Dany: the IT.
And considering Bran was not only the 3ER and ended up on the IT in the end?
Great parallel.
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beholdtheapocalypse · 7 months
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Game of Thrones (2011-2019) 8x06 - The Iron Throne
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sethmerism · 1 year
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Yellowjackets 1x06: Saints
Game of Thrones 8x06: The Iron Throne
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ladysansa · 2 years
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Daenerys Targaryen & Jon Snow, Game of Thrones 8x05, 8x06 // Matthew Stover, Blade of Tyshalle // Aoko Matsuda, The Woman Dies (trans. Polly Barton)
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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Stargate SG-1 2x05 | Hawaii Five-0 4x19 | Merlin 5x12 | Arrow 7x20 | Torchwood 2x12 | Game of Thrones 8x06 | Teen Wolf 3x12 | Sanctuary 4x11 | Krypton 2x09 | Hudson and Rex 2x14 | Stargate Atlantis 5x01 | Lost 1x07
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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elfsroot · 1 year
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                                                   T H E   I R O N   T H R O N E
 Game of Thrones rewatch - 8x06
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finitefall · 2 years
Aegon III will be sitting on the Iron Throne, Viserys II coming after him and continuing the Targaryen bloodline onto on Jon and Daenerys (and Doran, Elia and Oberyn are also Rhaenyra's direct descendants) and NOBODY remembering the Greens whose line went extinct and irrelevant but their demented stans who learned the Hightower's existence yesterday will be still acting like Rhaenyra lost/Aegon won, this is the next level of delusion, arguing with goddamn FACTS, arguing with the goddamn BOOKS 😭
"their demented stans who learned the Hightower's existence yesterday" oh God, this is so true 🤣🤣🤣
I know, nonnie. It's hypocrisy from some of them (they know what they're saying isn't true, they just won't admit it), delusion from others who just can't acknowledge what they want didn't happen or won't happen. We've seen it happening so many times in this fandom, it's useless to spend too much time reading their posts or you just end up with the biggest headache of your life. I took huge breaks (I'm talking several months, almost a year) from tumblr because of how toxic it can become for you.
Unfortunately, they show up in the results even when you're not looking for them. Like yesterday, I saw someone wishing that Sansa was Alicent's descendant, because since Daenerys is Rhaenyra's it would make such an amazing parallel (I don't think I need to say they stan Sansa and Alicent, and are anti Dany and Rhaenyra). They're talking about the shows, of course. Because somehow, the books don't seem to matter for them... well, that's not entirely true. The books are useful to use quotes about a character and make it about another character, or putting quotes out of context, or picking one quote from or about a character to define their entire character while ignoring everything else.
The thing is, nonnie, those people also seem to make a huge confusion (on purpose sometimes, from others it's just delusion as I said) with the books and the shows. We saw it with Game of Thrones, some actually refer to events that only happened in the show when talking about ASOIAF, like there's no difference between show!canon and book!canon.
They're just people who hate Targaryens (except if Alicent is their mother) and want people who caused them harm (like Alicent, who was right to do so) to have descendants in House Stark (especially since it would apply to Sansa, let's be honest), because they want the descendants of each House to fight again, but this time the good people will triumph from Her Satanic Majesty (for those who don't know, it's the description of Dany in the dumb script of 8x06).
They will say the Greens won when Rhaenyra will be killed. They will keep making up more and more dumb theories, all of them ignoring the books because canon isn't what they want. They will be more and more loud about it as we point out canon, and they will keep saying we're the haters because we don't share their fanon vision of ASOIAF. There's literally nothing to do, but you can come in my inbox whenever you need to vent and let it out!
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zelroy · 1 year
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I just watched Game of Thrones 8x06 "The Iron Throne"
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j0rdanvic · 2 years
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I just watched Game of Thrones 8x06 "The Iron Throne"
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winnie-the-monster · 9 months
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Jonsa Parallel: Stirring Jon Into Action - one that reiterates who Jon was protecting in 8x06
In 6x04, we get a scene where Jon is about to embark on a journey to head South after what happened in 6x03 (and his murder):
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(sorry I couldn't find the scene on YouTube to link; HBO is coming hard for GoT clips all of a sudden, so far purely Targaryen/Dany/Jon-centric)
He's done. "My watch has ended." He tells Edd he'll go South and get warm. Despite Edd mentioning the NK (which we know that Jon has been laser-focused on since HardHome, why he let the Wildlings past the Wall, and then got murdered for it), Jon has made up his mind. He's leaving and that's that.
But then we hear the horn and the call to open the gate. Sure enough, we see this in the next shot (after Jon with Edd behind him):
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Sansa is shown first as the doors slowly open, then Brienne and then Podrick. We see Jon's reaction to her arrival and the interaction between them after that. Even though Jon has no interest in fighting Ramsay or anyone really, he is sure of one thing: he's not letting Sansa (the only family left to him that he knows of at this point) out of his sight. He makes that clear with the dialogue from the fireplace scene.
Then they get Ramsay's letter. Even then, as horrified as he is by what Ramsay has told them about Rickon and sees Sansa's own horror, he still seems hesitant to do what needs to be done. Especially when hearing outnumbered they're most likely going to be. It's only when Sansa grabs his hand and tells him they need to save Rickon and Winterfell, that she gets him to listen, that he finally agrees. Which leads to him (and Sansa) amassing an army to fight the NK.
Make no mistake, it's Sansa who stirs him into action. Not Edd, not Davos, not Tormund, and certainly not Melisandre. Even after hearing the threat Ramsay posed to Rickon, to Winterfell (and the North by extension), to the Wildlings, etc.
He is given a new purpose so naturally this scene:
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Is soon replaced by this scene:
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And Edd is there to see Jon switch to his new role/purpose:
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This is Jon going into his new arc. And what propelled him into it? Sansa.
Then we have 8x06:
No matter what Tyrion mentions (including being the shield that guards the realms of men), the people, Tyrion himself, Jon himself, even Arya (in conjunction with Sansa), Jon is not prepared to take action. Even after the KL massacre where a million innocent people were burned alive for no reason. Even after Arya warned him about himself (and Sansa). It's only when Tyrion says that Sansa won't have a choice, that Jon is then gotten through to. It's when Dany confirms that those who oppose her won't have a choice, that he then knows what it means "for those he loves most". It's Sansa again that stirs him into action. And we get:
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It's Sansa who gets him to act, that has him taking on the two threats to her (and Westeros), and Ramsay who was an immediate threat to her. And it was even Sansa who got Ned to act (choosing to confess his treason & dishonor himself), to make the same choice in 1x09 that Jon did in 8x06.
And bonus:
Does Jon's reaction to first seeing it was Sansa look familiar?
Not to mention they have the obvious callback to "forgive me" which Jon doesn't answer here explicitly (because 1) it's unfinished/open-ended between them & 2) he needed to get Bran's confirmation here that he did the right thing). And of course the hug:
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(notice how Brienne and Tormund are in the 6x04 hug shot btw - love that it's just more proof in the pudding for this whole post)
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It was always about Sansa.
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