#GRP stairs
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
hii!! can i req a chen kuanjui. So basically reader and kuanjui have been dating for a long time and they basically got into boys planet tgthr (reader is in g grp) so this is set during the artist battle and reader got kicked out of over me and ended in supercharger so i was wondering mayb a angst to fluff (?) of like during when the reader is getting kicked?!?. Im so sorry if this is abit confusing 😢😢 i appreciate your writing so so much and i hope you have a wonderful dayy!!
It was only just a dream
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pairing: chen kuanjui x g group reader
genre: canonverse, angst, fluff, slight humour, hurt-comfort ish
tw/tags: longtime relationship, codependency/attachment issues, implied intimacy, sharing beds, kuanjui being a little too optimistic, arguing, crying, zhang hao is mother, lots of kisses, threats, someone give haruto an oscar, much drama like a lot
wc: 2495
summary: one of you has to go but it doesn’t seem like kuanjui realises that.
a/n omg anon that wasn't confusing at all!!! i think...lol i hope i was able to get what u were going for~ this is the first sort of angst i think i touched on for this fandom and honestly i think i did better than i expected (maybe the dialogue gets a little too dramatic tho hehe idk) and it was pretty fun to write so i really hope you like it! also prolly the last fic i put out this week since i've got a deadline on mon so we need priorities~
Check my pinned for more fics~
You and Kuanjui have always been a matched set. Coming to Korea to join the company at the same time, scores always one after the other at trainee evaluations, confessing to each other, sneaking kisses and sharing beds at the dorm, even leaving Yuehua together.
Both of you auditioned for Boys Planet and it was about the same. Getting all-stars at the level test and then dropping to three-stars at the signal song. Keita calling his name for Kill this Love team and yours following soon after. As soon as he sees that you’ve picked the song, Kuanjui chooses “Butterfly” without a second thought.
“It’s like you’re one person.” Zhang Hao jokes whenever he sees the two of you mirroring each other’s stretches.
“We basically have an extra bed.” Min tells Keita after he flees his own room to escape Matthew and Zhang Hao’s symphony of snores. You’re fast asleep, snuggled up to Kuanjui on the top bunk.
“It’s for your own good.” Cong and Brian tell Junseo after he asks why you and Kuanjui get the room with the extra bed when it’s become obvious enough to the whole camp that you and Kuanjui always sleep in one bed.
Most of the G-group trainees have already walked in on both of you twisted into some position that: 1. They didn’t know the human body was capable of bending into and 2. Made them want to go pour bleach into their eyes.
Even during eliminations, your ranks are called one after the other. Not even minutes after letting go of each other’s hand do you stand side by side on the stage to give your thank you speeches and then walk up the stairs to take your seats, hand in hand once again. It’s almost like it’s been rigged, you joke sometimes when you’re away from the camera.
Kuanjui just sighs, holds you closer and drops a kiss on your forehead.
“Maybe the Star Creators just like us too much together to keep us apart.”
And maybe Kuanjui is right, when you both, once again, end up in Over Me together. The Star Creators have decided once again to keep you together. But there’s a sense of dread growing in the pit of your stomach. The eliminations come again, your rank follows Kuanjui, one after the other. You’re both safe but you know you aren’t safe enough for when the next round rolls in, beds emptying, the camp getting quieter. Only the Top 18 goes to the finale and your ranks are still languishing in the 20s.
“We’ll make it,” Kuanjui whispers to you as you curl up in the sheets that night. “We’ll go to the finale together and we’ll debut together.”
It’s a nice dream, you think as his arms wrap around you, burying his face into your neck. Eyes growing heavy, you can only hold him as you drift off. Two bodies tangled together. Maybe in your sleep, there’s a future where that does happen, where you both get to live out your dreams for the next 2 and a half years together.
Still, sooner or later, you’ll have to wake up.
There’s a tension in the air, the morning after eliminations.
Along with the 8 other surviving members of Over Me, you’re seated in a semicircle, Kuanjui holding your hand and Keita on the other side. 
“In the previous season,” Jongwoo, your leader, starts. “They made the decision by voting.”
All of you were well aware. Kuanjui squeezes your hand and you squeeze back. From the other end of the semicircle, you catch Zhang Hao’s eyes. He stares at your intertwined hands and then at you. You nod slightly when you’re sure Kuanjui isn’t watching.
Both of you knew what you were going to do and it wasn’t going to go down nicely.
A little later, the trainees from Switch and Supercharger walk in. 
“If we pick someone, they have to join us without resisting.”
All of you react, Kuanjui pulling you to hide behind your fellow members. There’s a little back and forth banter before they tell you that they’re not actually there to choose and your group does need to vote people out. After they leave the room, you all sit back down, the tension returning with a vengeance. Everyone begins to appeal to themselves.
“The song really suits me. I want to do it.” Ricky states.
“I created the rap part at the beginning of the second verse,” Jeonghyeon points out.
“I really poured my everything into it; The costume, stage design, choreography and structure. We just need to keep going with them.” Jongwoo says so passionately that you’re almost swayed by it. Almost. 
But Kuanjui had told you what he, Zhang Hao and Ricky discussed last night and it wasn’t looking good for your leader.  Honestly this wasn’t going to end without someone’s feelings getting hurt. Whether they ended up staying or leaving.
It comes down to the decision not of who should be voted out but who each member thinks should stay, apart from themselves. You write your picks quickly, not even needing to stop and reconsider. 
Everyone sits back down, prepared with their list of names. The moment of truth.
“The first one I thought of was Jay. The next one is Zhang Hao”
“Chen Kuan Jui.”
“Lee Jeonghyeon.”
Once. Your name is called once and it’s obviously when Kuanjui reads off his list, already visibly shaken by the fact that it’s only his name and not yours that he hears from everybody else. You steel your expression into placid acceptance, avoiding your boyfriend’s gaze.
“Jui. Jay. Jeonghyeonie. Ricky. Hao. It’s those five.” Jongwoo sums it up, the disappointment in his voice as clear as the look on Kuanjui’s face when you finally turn to him.
As the four of you who've been voted out make to stand up, Kuanjui does faster than all of you. Before anyone can stop him, he’s already dragging you out of the room, opening the door of the studio so swiftly that the trainees waiting outside jump and pulling you into the bathroom before they can say anything.
He snatches the mics off your sweatshirts. Now you’re just there, staring at each other. You and Kuanjui barely fight but you already know that this is going to be uglier than any of your petty quarrels.
“I’ll talk to Hao-
“Baobei, no-”
“Jongwoo-hyung can stay and-”
“No, I-”
“We can join Supercharger together-”
“Or Switch, whatever you want-”
“Kuanjui.” He finally looks at you. “I have to go.”
“We can go together…” He protests.
“No, that’s unfair to you.”
“It’s not-”
“It is, Jui, it is.” You insist. “Look, I talked with Hao, I knew only one of us would get to stay and it was going to be you. You- you need this. You fit the song so well. We know it. The whole team knows it, that’s why they voted for you. You need to do Over Me, you need the votes. Hell, if you can get the bonus, even better.”
“I voted for you.” He fires back. “I wanted them to vote for you, okay? I told Hao and Ricky that it was going to be a problem when we got the same part. I wanted them to vote for you and not me, I wanted to give you the part.”
“Don’t you dare, Kuanjui.” You hiss. “I could never live with myself if I had to take the part away from you. I-”
“And how do you think I feel? Huh?” His voice breaks and suddenly you become very aware  of how wet your own eyes are.
“We were supposed to do this together.” Kuanjui almost whispers, with a certainty that scares you. “I told you last night. We’ll win the challenge and get the bonus. We’ll make it to the finale together and maybe we’ll debut.”
“Wake up,” you choke back a sob. “We both saw our ranks yesterday. It’s going to take a miracle for both of us to make it unless some people drop. And okay, maybe one of us does. It’s going to be you, Jui. We both know it is.”
“I don’t want that.” This stubborn bastard. “I don’t want to do this without you.”
Why is he breaking your heart?
“Maybe you don’t want to,” you point out. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t, Jui. You’re so talented, you’ve worked so hard, this is your dream.”
“It’s your dream too.”
It is. You manage a shaky smile, despite the tears running down your face.
“I’ll be okay.” You say instead. Jui knows you so well. Arguably, more than you know yourself sometimes. He knows that look on your face. You’ll talk about this more later but right now, what’s done is done.
The discussion is over and the decision has been made. It’s made a long time ago, in the room he pulled you from. Now he has to go back there without you and learn to accept it. 
There’s a quiet knock on the door before it opens, Zhang Hao peeking inside. Honestly you’re surprised that none of the other trainees or staff had walked in or tried to intervene.
“Everything okay?” He asks tentatively even if he can definitely see your swollen eyes, cheeks stained with tear tracks and Jui furiously scrubbing at his face. 
“We talked,” you offer instead as he shuts the door behind him, studying both of you. 
Even if you’re all the same age, Zhang Hao’s always been the parental type from the time you trained at Yuehua together up until now. He’s the one that coaxes you to wash your face, even producing a small makeup kit to get rid of the redness on your nose and around your eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Kuanjui says belatedly, once you’re both presentable enough for the cameras.
“They’re worried about you.” Zhang Hao reassures. “Good thing, Jui moves fast and no one said anything so hopefully they just cut all of this out. Or honestly, you can pretend it’s a hidden camera, I think the editors would be likely to go with that”
You can only nod, finally facing your boyfriend again. He steps forward wrapping you into a tight hug, you can only sink into him, letting some of the tension between bleed out. Zhang Hao quietly excuses himself and walks out first, likely to tell everyone that you’re fine and make an excuse for the cameras.
Once you separate, his hands are still resting around your waist.
“I’ll see you tonight.” He says before giving you a quick kiss.
“Hmmph, we’ll see, I might have to practise all night to learn Supercharger. Oh and we might have to move rooms.”
“I’ll fight the staff if they tell us too. Literally there are so many empty rooms.”
“What? Honestly even if they made us separate, everyone knows that I’m sneaking into your room. I won’t be able to sleep if the bed’s empty.”
“Aiyo, you’re impossible.”
You decide to go for the hidden camera cover up, walking out and doing a somewhat comedic skit, a heavily censored version what went down in the bathroom, overly exaggerating your reactions. Damn, maybe both of you should have taken notes from Jiwoong and gone into acting instead.
Haruto, bless his dramatic ass, gets with the program immediately.
“You’re ours now!” He hollers, clinging onto you and laughing evilly, Zihao grinning and holding onto you as well.
“Noooo, don’t leave me.” Kuanjui cries melodramatically, reaching out for you as a reluctant Zhang Hao drags him back into the practice room. The door clicks shut.
The dread settles in for one moment before Haruto hustles both you and Zihao to Say My Name’s practice room along with team Switch. 
“You okay?” Jongwoo mutters to you on the way down, still very much a concerned leader.
“Mhmm, I’ve been better.” Haruto is still clinging to you which offers some sort of slight comfort. “Are you okay?” You ask Jongwoo, knowing how hard your former leader worked for Over Me.
He laughs humorlessly. “Not the greatest day for me either.”
There’s definitely a ruckus over the new lineups as you all enter.
“Eh??” Matthew exclaims when you walk in.
“How did they get Kuanjui-ge to let you go?!” Ollie’s eyes look like they’re about to fall out of his head from how big they are.
You help Haruto pitch Supercharger as best as you can before stepping outside to wait for your new members. 
That night…
“Okay, Takuto can stay with me. Woongi-hyung and Seowon-hyung said they’ll room together. Which means Ollie can stay with Zihao, eh?”
Haruto’s handing out the room arrangement when Takuto asks where you’ll be sleeping. Immediately, Ollie snorts, Woongi and Seowon exchange glances, definitely having heard of your "special" sleeping arrangement from the other trainees, and Zihao, bless his soul, covers for you, putting an arm over your shoulder as he says to Takuto.
“Don’t worry, they’ll be sleeping with me and Ollie.”
“Ah, is that right?” Because of course your boyfriend decides that it’s the right moment to show up.
“Jui-ge’s just here to say goodnight, right?” Ollie says faux innocently as Takuto grows more confused.
“Sorry baobei, I think I’ll be sleeping with Zihao tonight.” You joke, playfully clinging onto the dancer who seems almost too happy about it.
Kuanjui, on the other, does not look happy at all.
“Zihao. If you don’t let go of them right now, I can make sure that Supercharger will wake up tomorrow with one less member.”
Haruto squawks something about not killing his husband. Seowon and Woongi decide it’s time to remove themselves, taking Takuto and a reluctant Ollie with them. Zihao stops smiling, his arm dropping from your shoulder immediately as he backs off.
Kuanjui is immediately all over you.
“I smell.” You whine to him weakly. “We’ve been practising all day and I haven’t showered.”
“I’ll shower with you.” From the back, you hear Haruto gag, footsteps speeding away from you. Zihao has disappeared from the hallway.
Kuanjui showers with you. You keep it wholesome, kinda. Except your boyfriend is incredibly flexible and can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. So maybe you get a little frisky. Not a lot. Well, at least you don’t traumatise anyone.
And just like that, you’re back in Kuanjui’s arms, lying in bed, hair still damp from the shower. You close your eyes as he litters kisses all over your face, sweet and light and everything you’ve ever wanted. 
“You know we still need to talk.” You’re drifting off, the aches of learning a completely new choreography bearing down on your body.
“I know.” He whispers back. “But let me kiss you first?”
You fall asleep with the feeling of his lips against your skin. The feeling of him holding you. You’ll talk tomorrow, work things out, address issues that the stress of today brought up. But for now, you sleep. And together, you dream.
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allieebobo · 2 years
I chose to skype with Sam in the morning and got his line: "
Then, you fire a text off to the group chat, telling Rayyan that you'd love to join him.
His reply is exuberant, as per usual. "AHH!! I get to see your face before I fly! Awesome." It's followed by a row of party streamers, yellow hearts, and dancing emojis." And I'm laughing so hard imagining Rayyan texting like that and everyone on the team get's all worried if he is sick or wants to murder us.
HAHAH!! OOPS! I THINK i've fixed most of these errors, but now I'm imagining MC having a hard day and Rayyan texting to cheer MC up (before the team knows they're together but has been shipping them for months.)
Rayyan to team grp chat: love u, dumbass. 🥰
*Everyone loses their collective shits*
Tobin drops the entire bowl of blueberries they're using to make their pancake stack with. Deepal, who has slept over at Tobin's place, comes running down the stairs. "HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE--"
Emerson: fhsjshcudiakan AFIQ ARE THOSE MULTIPLE HEARTS??? NExT to YOUR fACe??
Jacks: shd we be worried? Have u been kidnapped?
Tobin: have you kidnapped someone? Is ur victim helping u text?
Rayyan *dies internally and tries to delete their message but it's too late*: WRONG CHAT
Emerson, still not finished hyperventilating: LOVE??? AND rayyan?!?! In the same sentence?!
Tobin: were the hearts for a very specific freshman? 😏😏
MC *enjoying the grp meltdown, all troubles cured*: and who exactly is that?
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
I joined alot of grps and made online friends and now I regret. They always made me feel bad. I was friends with some kpop stans too. They attacked me when I said that I didn't like the same song as they did . They all attacked. Even a 27 yr old women attacked me and shamed for so. Why are kpop stans like this ? 😭most of the time its army and blinks ngl.There was some girl I used to talk to online friend I thought she was my friend only to realize that she was using me as an option . One day when I got into some drama and shared that with her FIRST but she behaved like she didn't understand . But when others in the grp were saying sh*t against all of a sudden she understood everything thwy said and started being angry at me. Even twisted my words and things I told her earlier. Uk why she came back and apologized ? When all her friends left her and she probably had fight with her bffs. Also when she got her friends back she would start ignoring my messages or not reply at all like she used to .
Again one more girl she was kind first but one day we had some misunderstanding .I apologized and cleared it to her as well. I even asked if it affected our friendship and she denied . But I noticed how rude and mean she became. As I said some people attacked me when I didn't like the same music as they did an she was one of those. When I shared how one actor's own wife didn't like her husband own movies doesn't mean she hates him . This girl started saying dumb stuff like " u are comparing the people u love with being an army "🗿💀 tf this doesn't even make sense tbh. Army are fans of bts and they love bts too . What was she trying to say ? Why did all got mad at me for not liking 1 song 💀💀😭😭😭😭😭😭 and made me awful for not liking it. This girl wouldn't stop saying rude stuff , she would nitpick stuff like me sharing or even just talking about stuff and saying how they all were tired of if. When the thing is the things she mentioned those people in grp were tired of , the fight fidnt even happen coz of that. She was saying really rude stuff and being mad at me. She wouldn't understand my pov and if I would try to explain myself she would be like why are you repeating yourself I mean girl ?? 💀💀Btw while I was texting her I was outside somewhere and I fell down from stairs 💀😭cuz I got zoned out when she said awful things to me. I was like " am I really that bad ?? " She attacked me. I really feel that she was just a bitch pretending to be nice at first but then she showed how toxic she was. She was online friend too.
I wonder why i didn't take stand for myself at that time 😭😭😭😭😭and listened to her rude words. They attacked me for no reason _Also last but not the least one day a girl got mad at me when I shared a video of lizzo on my story , a girl shared the same video on grouo chat . Lizzo made some unnecessary comments and I just wrote WTF LIZZO. THIS GIRL THOIGHT THAT I WAS TRYING TO PICK FIGHTS WITH HER ??? I MEANN LIKEE WHAT 😭😭😭 it wasn't even against her . It was against lizzo making disgusting comments .
These online people made me feel so bad. Alot of drama happened similar like this this is just 3% 😭I really want to know ur opinion and advice on these people and how yo deal with these ..sorry for spamming too 😭😭😭
WOW 🥹 hi anonie, my input is this ;
ppl who feel threatened by or dont let u have an individual opinion are red flags. U ARE ENTITLED TO UR OWN OPINION. anyone who disagrees or tries to shame u for it can kick rocks 💀. protect ur peace, drop them cuz they aren't good friends, and listen to music that u like 💗
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rebeccalu · 10 months
Fiberglass grating is a highly versatile and durable material that has a wide range of applications in various industries. One of the most common applications of FRP grating is in chemical plants, where it is used in a variety of applications due to its many benefits.   One of the primary advantages of grp grating is its resistance to corrosion. Chemical plants are exposed to a wide range of chemicals and substances that can be highly corrosive, which can damage traditional materials like steel and concrete. However, FRP grating is resistant to most chemicals, making it an ideal material for use in such environments.   Fibreglass grating is also highly durable and can withstand heavy loads and impacts. This makes it ideal for use in areas where heavy equipment and machinery are used and where there is a lot of foot traffic. Unlike traditional materials such as steel, FRP grating does not rust or weaken over time, which makes it a great choice for applications that require a long-lasting solution.   Another advantage of FRP grating is its non-conductive properties. This makes it ideal for use in areas where there is a risk of electric shock or where electrical equipment is present. It also makes it a safer option compared to other materials.   One of the most common applications of FRP grating in chemical plants is in walkways and platforms. These areas can be slippery and hazardous, especially when wet. FRP grating provides excellent slip resistance, which makes it safer for workers to traverse these areas. It can also be easily customized to fit different sizes and shapes, making it a versatile solution for any workspace.   FRP grating can also be used in chemical storage areas, where it can provide an effective barrier between chemicals and the environment. FRP grating is non-porous and water-resistant, which prevents chemicals from seeping into the ground or other areas. It is also resistant to fire, which adds an extra layer of protection in case of an accident.   Another common application of FRP grating in chemical plants is in drainage systems and trenches. FRP grating is lightweight and easy to install, which makes it an ideal solution for these areas. It can be easily cut to fit around pipes and other fixtures, ensuring that water and other substances are properly drained away from the workspace.   FFRP grating can also be used for catwalks and stair treads in chemical plants. These areas can be highly dangerous if proper safety measures are not in place. FRP grating provides excellent slip resistance and can be easily customized to fit any space. #FRPGRATING #FIBERGLASSGRATING
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grmsolutions · 1 year
What is FRP?
FRP – Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic – also known as glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), is a composite material made of fine glass fibers and a polymer resin. It is an incredibly strong and durable material that is resistant to many forms of corrosion, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of industrial applications, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and marine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibre-reinforced_plastic
In this post, we will review five common types oWhf FRP fiberglass products that GRM Custom Products can fabricate for your project: 1. Ladders & Stairs 2. Walkways & Platforms 3. Handrails 4. Mobile Work Platforms & Walkovers 5. Structural Support Members.
FRP Fiberglass Ladders & Stairways
FRP ladders are designed to provide a safe and long lasting solution for an industrial settings. They are non-conductive, making them ideal for use in electrical environments. They are also resistant to corrosion, chemicals, and UV radiation, making them a reliable option for use in harsh outdoor conditions.
FRP fiberglass ladders are available in a variety of designs to include cages or fall protection systems all customized to fit specific requirements, such as height, weight capacity, and rung spacing.  GRM Custom Products can also provide a stairway for tank access or other egress and ingress needs.
FRP Fiberglass Walkways & Platforms
FRP fiberglass walkways and platforms are designed to provide a safe and stable surface for workers to walk on. These products are ideal for use in industrial settings where there is a risk of slipping or falling.
FRP fiberglass walkways and platforms are lightweight, yet incredibly strong and durable. They are also resistant to corrosion and chemicals, making them ideal for use in harsh outdoor environments. Additionally, they can be customized to fit specific requirements, such as size, shape, and weight capacity.
FRP Fiberglass Handrails
FRP fiberglass handrails are designed to provide a safe and stable handhold for workers in industrial settings. These handrails are non-conductive, making them ideal for use in electrical environments. They are also resistant to corrosion and chemicals, making them ideal for use in harsh outdoor environments.
FRP fiberglass handrails are available in a variety of styles, including round, square, and rectangular. They can also be customized to fit specific requirements, such as length and height.  We can help with any of your FRP needs, please let us help with your next project.
FRP Mobile Work Platforms & Stair Walkovers
Manufactured from corrosion-resistant fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) composites, our mobile work platforms are custom-designed and built to fit any project or structural configuration, ranging from low-level platforms to mobile stair towers. All are prefabricated to enable a quick and easy installation.
GRM Custom Products can also produce for you composite fiberglass stair crossovers for pipelines, roof decks, etc. Our crossovers offer a cost effective solution to meet your specific needs. We can provide for you in a variety of heights that address most standard clearances below the walkover.
Traditional material options such as steel or stainless steel crossovers are often unsafe, costly to ship and install, and difficult to clean, but the lightweight and corrosion resistant properties of FRP make it inexpensive to ship/install and easy to clean.
FRP is lightweight, strong, and durable, highly corrosion resistant, allows for virtually any size or configuration and can be integrated as required for the specific application. Complete custom fabrication, from a ladder to help across an entire project complex.
FRP Fiberglass Structural Support Members
FRP fiberglass structural members are used in a wide range of industrial settings to provide support and stability. These products are incredibly strong and durable, yet lightweight and easy to install.
FRP fiberglass structural members are resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for use in harsh outdoor environments. They are also non-conductive, making them ideal for use in electrical environments.
In conclusion, FRP fiberglass products are an excellent choice for industrial settings due to their strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion and chemicals. From ladders and handrails to walkways, platforms, and structural members, FRP fiberglass products offer a wide range of options to meet the specific needs of any industrial application. With custom fabrication, these products can be tailored to meet even the most unique requirements.
This blog “What is FRP?” was originally published HERE
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alshabibtrdg · 1 year
Anti-Slip Stair Tread Covers
Anti-Slip GRP Stair Tread Covers, designed to cover existing stairs. Safe Tread non-slip Stair Tread Covers have outstanding slip resistance and are a quick and cost effective solution to improving stair safety. Helping you achieve DDA compliance and made from tough, hard wearing, durable GRP, they will last for years. Anti Slip – gritted surface tested in accordance with BS7976-2. It provides…
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highplains123 · 1 year
Farmland Is Valuable, But Shopping For It's Tricky For Fund Buyers The Brand New York Times
It is made up of cooperative banksand associations who present credit score to individuals and businesses all through the United States. The FCS assists the rural neighborhood and organizations of all kinds and sizes, ranging from small household farms to firms with world operations. Golden State Farm Credit has a Funds Held account program, which is an interest-bearing trust held funds account that offers a market-competitive cash administration option for debtors. By establishing a Funds Held account, you can hold your money liquid on your agriculture working needs while additionally incomes a market rate of return.
When determining the ERP components, analysis was carried out to guarantee that payments don't exceed obtainable funding and, in combination throughout all producers, don't exceed 90 percent of losses, as required by the Extending Government Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act. The distinction between the ERP payment issue for crop insurance and NAP is due to variations in the out there coverage ranges. Crop insurance is out there on the catastrophic coverage level funds held and buy-up coverage ranges . NAP is limited by regulation to a most of sixty five p.c buy-up coverage. For both NAP and crop insurance, the ERP fee issue for the catastrophic and maximum buy-up ranges are 75 p.c and 95 % respectively, with the ERP elements stair-stepping for the buy-up choices in-between as proven within the tables above. Payment limits and different reductions will cut back ERP payments, further reducing the % of losses lined.
Farm Credit debtors turn into homeowners of their native Farm Credit establishment, which supplies them the proper to elect peers that can represent their interests as board members. It means borrowers have a personal stake not merely in their own loan, but within the System. We consider this contributes to accountable stewardship of the System's resources. The Farm Credit System doesn't ag funds held concern an ESG report right now. The System formed an ESG Work Group in 2021 to coordinate alignment across Farm Credit System committees, to research and suggest ESG measurement and modeling methodologies, and to make sure broad awareness of ESG actions throughout the Farm Credit System. The progress and findings of this work group will assist us determine the potential for a consolidated, Systemwide ESG report.
We handle agriculture investments to attain key priorities of our sustainability and responsible investing program, sustainably managing the sources entrusted to us and supporting climate change mitigation across our farmland. Agriculture investments have a protracted historical past of generating strong monetary results. The low correlation of farmland returns with the returns of different courses implies that farmland can provide diversification benefits within investor portfolios. Farmland investments may offer moderate inflation protection. Each of those umbrella entities has been approved in Ireland as a UCITS Fund and certain Funds have been licensed for public sale in certain jurisdictions throughout the European Economic Area (“EEA”), United Kingdom and Switzerland. No Fund is currently or is predicted to be approved for public sale in some other jurisdiction, and thus could solely be sold under applicable private placement rules.
Sustainable production practices contain a wide range of approaches. Specific methods must bear in mind topography, soil characteristics, local weather, pests, native availability of inputs and the individual grower's goals. Making the transition to sustainable agriculture is a process. The 2014 Farm Bill created ACEP by combining WRP, FRPP, and GRP, which Congress first approved within the 1990, 1996, and 2002 Farm Bills, respectively.The 2018 Farm Bill retained ACEP with only a few policy modifications and largely restored funds reduce within the 2014 Farm Bill. For grasslands of particular environmental significance, NRCS may contribute as a lot as seventy five percent of the truthful market worth of the easement.
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saprophetic · 5 years
i really, really miss acting and voice acting and wish there was a way i could like. Still Do That.
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vmpbyss · 2 years
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akiology · 4 years
Hello, Are You There? || Part 2
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Minako tries the number neighbor thing. Thinking it was an inactive number, she decides to vent and express her frustrations, turning it into a sort of mini diary. What she didn’t expect was somebody was actually on the other line and decided to send a message back.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Word Count: 4.3k+
Pairing: Akihiko Sanada x Minako Arisato
Note: this chapter includes a long text message thread between headphones and pancakes ehe and some slight angst jfjfdnjf im sorry the next one is gonna be fluffy i promise ; u ; ALSO i accidentally posted this w/o the proper editing so if u saw this b4 im sorry fhrkjfrbf
“Arisato, your grades aren’t so impressive these past few weeks, may I know why?” Miss Toriumi, the teacher in-charge of Minato’s class, asks with concern evident in her voice. This was so unlike him, he always manages to snag the highest scores and is an excellent student. Minato just shrugs nonchalantly. Miss Toriumi sighs, probably realizing Minato probably won’t open up any time soon.
“Arisato, I know you don’t feel comfortable opening up to me. But I hope you are at least opening up to someone. Perhaps your sister?” Miss Toriumi continues. Minato shrugged once again. Before Miss Toriumi could continue once more, a fellow student entered the room.
“Miss Toriumi, you are needed at the Student Council room.” Miss Toriumi gave a quick nod to the other student, and turns to Minato. “Well, I am needed elsewhere. I will take my leave, but please keep in mind that you can talk to me if you need guidance.”
Minato walked out of the Faculty Room and headed for the school gates.
These past few days, Minato has felt… lost.
He overheard his classmates talking about which career paths they will be pursuing, and he felt… left behind. His classmates have already started planning their future and they seemed so… certain.
Minato hasn’t felt the feeling of certainty ever since their parents went abroad without them. They said it's for work, but right now, he really isn't sure if it really is for work. Before they left, he heard them saying that ‘the children are getting bothersome to deal with’. Ever since then, the feeling of stability, the feeling of being sure about something has become a foreign concept to him. Do his parents still love them? Are they a burden? If he was wrong for thinking that his own parents most certainly love and support them, then what about the others? Who's to say he isn't wrong with everything else? Minato envies his classmates, because even though they are the same age as he is, somehow they have already gotten everything figured out for themselves.
‘Why couldn’t he be more like that?’ He could hear the voice in his head say.
This train of thought is the only thing occupying his mind for the past few days, and it has greatly affected his life. His academic grades, his club performance, and even his relationships with both his friends and his very own sister.
Ever since the seed of doubt in his mind was planted, the voice in his head started getting louder and braver.
‘What do you think you’re doing?’
‘Are you sure that’s the right choice?’
‘You probably won’t go far in life.’
‘You’re a failure. That’s why they left.’
He tried everything he can to drown out the voice in his head. He tried listening to music, hanging out with his friends, playing at the arcade, anything. Anything to make it go away or so that he can no longer hear it.
But of course, it is not that easy.
He wanted to talk to his sister, he really did. But he didn’t know how to. It was something he had in common with his sister. Despite being surrounded by many friends, opening up still remains difficult for the both of them. And what makes it even harder is that, he doesn’t know how to explain this feeling of his. Deep down, he is thinking that, perhaps, this was just something he made up himself and that it is not real. So he tried driving his attention somewhere else.
He decided to go somewhere quiet, somewhere hidden.
He let his feet lead him, with his loud music blasting from his headphones.
This mindless walking led him to the train station’s back alley.
It was deserted. Perfect.
He sat down and closed his eyes. Eventually his phone started vibrating. Picking it up, he received a message from Minako.
Sis: hey im in a study grp w fuuka and yukari
Sis: ill be late so eat b4 u go home
Minato was about to send a reply to his sister, when three older men approached him.
“Hey, little man. What are ya doing here?” One of them, whom Minato assumed was their leader, asked him. They didn’t seem too happy with seeing an unfamiliar boy at their hangout spot.
“Nothing.” Minato replied simply, shoving his phone in to his pocket and fixing his headphones into position. The men, however, were irritated by this.
“Ye’r in our spot.” The leader, who apparently has a nose piercing, took a step closer. They tried to look intimidating, but it did not faze Minato one bit.
The guy was starting to get angry, and started digging around in his pocket. “Ye’r from Gekkoukan High, aren’t ya? Damn, one of yous are always trying to waltz around here like some hotshot, but guess what? Ye’r not.”
“Ok.” Minato said absentmindedly. And finally, the man reveals what he was hiding in his pocket. A knife. Minato stood up quickly. “I’ll leave.”
“Haha, ye’r too late. I am angry now.” The man swings his knife, and Minato was barely even able to dodge it. It grazed slightly against his cheek, forming a small scar.
“Hey, stop that!” A tall man wearing a beanie and maroon peacoat quickly came to his rescue. He was able to restrain the man and retrieve the knife from him. Mr. Nose Piercing tried flailing around, but the tall man was much stronger than he is.
“Hey, let him go!” The two other guys who entered with Mr. Nose Piercing, approached the tall male restraining their friend. But before they could attack, another male, a silver-haired gentleman wearing a red vest came, and was able to knock down one guy.
The one left standing kneeled down, pleading for mercy. “Please! I didn’t do anything! It was all him!” He then pointed at Mr. Nose Piercing. The tall, beanie-wearing man scoffed, “Wow, selling your friend out just to be able to escape? How pathetic.”
“Aki, get the knife.”
“Got it, Shinji.”
Mr. Beanie, or Shinji as he was called, dropped Mr. Nose Piercing onto the ground.
“Take your friend, and the other one too. Don’t come back or else we will call the police.”
“Fuck ya, Aragaki! I thought ye were one of us!” Mr. Nose Piercing shouted but quickly exited when he was able to successfully carry his knocked-down friend.
Shinji shook his head and muttered under his breath, “I was never one of you.”
Mr. Red Vest (Minato forgot his name) turned to him and asked, “What were you doing here?”
“I was trying to clear my head.”
Mr. Red Vest looks around, “In here?” He didn’t seem to understand why he chose this out of all the places in Port Island. It was really unhygienic and lots of trashes are strewn around. If he were to go here to clear his head, he’d probably exit more troubled than before.
“Well, you did find me here. So yes, here. I was trying to clear my head here.” Minato sarcastically quipped. Mr. Red Vest looked so confused.
Shinji, approached Minato and gave him a band-aid and an unopened water bottle. Minato raised his eyebrows.
“For your scar. I only have water for now, so use it to clean it. Then cover it with the band-aid. When you get home do a more thorough clean, though. It’s a small scar but better be safe than sorry.” Shinji stated. When Minato accepted the items, Shinji put his hands back into his pockets.
“Don’t come back here anymore. Find another place to clear your head. Let’s go, Aki.”
Ah, Mr. Red Vest was named Aki.
“Um, alright. Goodbye.” Aki awkwardly gave a small wave, and they left. Minato decided to gather his belongings and go home.
As Minato approached the apartment, he pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. However, his phone died. Minato sighs and when looked up, he notices that the lights are on.
Minako is home.
He brought his hand up to his face, feeling around the band-aid that was placed. He hopes Minako doesn’t notice. The last thing he wants to do is stressing Minako out even more. As he turns the doorknob, he looks down. Hopefully, not meeting her eyes would make it less obvious. As he opens the door, he was met with his sister who was in front of the door. ‘Was she going out?’
“And just where have you been?” Minako asked in a harsh tone. It was rare for her to speak like that and when he heard it, he flinched.
Not wanting to anger her even more, he lied. “With the boys.”
“Lies. They told me they didn’t know where you were.”
‘Well, shit.’
‘You’re just gonna come up with a lie and it was a terrible one.’
Not wanting to receive her wrath, he skimmed past her.
“Minato, I am talking to you.”
He stopped abruptly, still not turning to face her, “What?”
“What? What?! What do you mean ‘what’? I was worried sick! You didn’t answer any of my calls, and your friends didn’t know where you were! Not to mention that it’s late, who knows what kind of criminal could be lurking around the streets at this moment!” He could hear the frustration and worry in Minako’s voice, but he couldn’t bring himself to face her.
He feels that if he did, he’ll break down.
“Calm down, I got home safely didn’t I? It’s fine. You’re worrying over nothing.” Minato cringed at what he said, he knew that he sounded extremely self-centered right now but he couldn’t take it back anymore.
‘You’re the bad guy.’
Minato quickly got up the stairs, not wanting to say any more things that he didn’t mean.
“Minato Arisato, come back down here! I am not done talking to you!”
The next day, the twins’ train ride to the school was really awkward. They can’t meet each other’s eyes. However, Minako would be lying if she said that the band-aid on Minato’s face didn’t worry her one bit. They both seem like they have so much to say, but are hesitating whether it was the right moment or not. They instead decide to disappear into their own worlds, with the power of music. It didn’t help calm down Minako’s nerves, so she decided to fidget with her phone. She eventually found her thumb hovering over the messaging app.
‘Fuck it.’
Minako: hey headphones
Minako: gud am
Headphones: Good morning to you too, pancake. :)
Headphones: How are you today?
Minako: um
Minako: don’t wanna talk about it
Minako: can we talk about something else?
Headphones: Sure. What do you want to talk about?
Minako: uhh
Minako: wanna get to know eachother?
Headphones: Okay. How will this work?
Minako: we take turns asking questions, but no matter who’s turn it is, we will both answer
Headphones: Okay, you first?
Minako: mmm
Minako: pronoun?
Minako: i’m she/her
Headphones: He/Him. :)
Headphones: What do you do on your free time?
Headphones: I either train to make myself stronger or hang out with a close friend. :) You?
Minako: maybe at home cleaning/cooking
Minako: or hanging out w friends as well
Minako: do u like any sports?
Minako: i play volleyball
Headphones: Wow, that’s great!
Headphones: I’m into boxing :)
Minako felt her cheeks heat up. Wow, that’s kinda hot.
‘What the hell am I thinking?!’
Headphones: Favorite food?
Headphones: Of course, you already knew about pancakes, but I also like eating beef bowls and ramen from time to time. But no meal of mine is complete without sprinkling some protein powder on it. :)
Minako: oh uhhh
Minako: anything sweet ig
Minako: i’ve got a sweet tooth hehe
Headphones: Then I guess the nickname ‘Pancake’ is perfect for you then. :)
Minako doesn’t know why but whenever they call her that name, it makes her cheeks warm and her heart starts beating faster. This feeling is foreign, but it sure as hell isn’t unwelcomed.
Minako looked out the window and noticed that the train is nearing its destination.
Minako: hey so uh i gtg real soon
Minako: ttyl?
Headphones: Alright, pancake. Take care. :)
Minako: umm
Minako: thanks
Headphones: No problem.
Minako: i dont think u understand, really
Minako: thank u from the bottom of my heart
Minako: for talking to me n being here n all that
Headphones: Anytime. :)
During lunch, Minako decided to eat with Fuuka and Yukari. On the other hand, Minato ate with Junpei and Kenji. Their friends do not seem to be aware that the siblings are currently giving each other the ‘silent treatment’ and haven’t even uttered a word to each other since last night.
As Minako sat down with her food, her phone vibrated in her pocket. As Yukari and Fuuka were settling down in their own seats, she decides to check her phone.
Headphones: Hey, pancake. It’s lunchtime and I hope that you are eating well. :)
That short message made Minako smile so big that it didn’t go unnoticed by Yukari and Fuuka. They gave each other a quick look and turned back to silently observe Minako.
After sending a quick reply, Minako put her phone on the table and placed her bag beside her. After a few minutes, her phone vibrated. Her screen lit up, and it was a message from Headphones again.
Headphones: It better not be all sweets! Your body needs other nutrients too.
Minako chuckled at the message. Which, once again, did not go unnoticed. Yukari scooted over to Fuuka and whispered, “Do you think she forgot that we were here?”
Fuuka replied quietly, “Um, do you know who she’s texting?”
Yukari shrugged and mouthed, ‘Rio?’
Minako: heh okay MOM
Minako: make sure ure the same ok protein man
Minako put her phone down and picked up her utensils, when her phone vibrated again.
Headphones: Hey, that’s not the nickname you gave me!
Minako giggled at the message, but it was cut off by the sound of Yukari clearing her throat. Minako freezed when she realized that she momentarily forgot that Fuuka and Yukari were with her.
“So… who is your new text mate?” Yukari started, sporting a teasing smile and looking at her knowingly.
“Uh, Rio?”
Yukari raised her eyebrows, “Are you asking me?”
Minako cleared her throat, trying to show a poker face. “No, it IS Rio.”
Yukari turned to Fuuka, “Are you buying this, Fuuka?”
“No… She’s acting a bit suspicious.” Fuuka said, shyly.
“Fuuka!” Minako exclaimed, startling nearby students.
“Heh, you heard her. So who is it?”
“It’s nothing! I just saw a funny meme!”
“Would a funny meme make your phone vibrate three times in a row?”
“It’s a notification from a meme page? Um, yeah that’s it! They’re just really active today!” Minako cringed when she heard how fake that sounded.
“Why do you sound so uncertain, this makes it easier to see that you’re lying, y’know?” Yukari said smugly, and Minako doesn’t know if she should admit to Yukari that her new text mate is actually the guy from their number neighbor shenanigan. It’s nothing bad, it’s just that Minako knows that if she mentions this to them, she would not hear the end of it from Yukari.
“Okay fine.” Minako took a deep breath. “I’ll tell you.”
Yukari smiled triumphantly, while Fuuka’s eyes widened in surprise.
“So, who is it?”
“Before I tell you, can I ask what happened to your number neighbors?” Minako asked, hoping to stall.
“Hm, mine blocked me when I sent that message.” Yukari shook her head, disappointed.
“Oh, mine was really scary. They said that if I message them again, they will call the police.” Fuuka said, fidgeting with her fingers.
“What?! Isn’t that a bit too much?” Minako quickly held Fuuka’s hand, hoping to give her some sort of comfort.
“Oh, it’s fine. Maybe they thought I was a hacker or something. It’s not bad to be cautious.”
Yukari sighs, “Let’s never do this again.”
Fuuka nodded, “Agreed.”
There was a moment of silence, until Fuuka spoke up, “Why did you ask about that though, Minako?”
“Oh um… W-well…” Minako looked away and nervously laughed. Until Yukari realized why.
“Wait, is your number neighbor your new text mate?”
“Ehehe, yes?”
Fuuka and Yukari gasped.
“Well, well, well… It looks like I was right. You were able to get a relationship out of this number neighbor thing. Oh! How romantic! You were just one digit away from each other!” Yukari giggled and began hugging Fuuka out of excitement.
“Relationship? N-no… We aren’t in a re-relationship. We’re just… talking. Hehe..” Minako stuttered, and she really wanted to slap herself when she heard how she sounded.
“Yeah, and a relationship comes next after that!” Yukari cheered loudly, standing up and thrusting a first in the air triumphantly. The students in the next table seemed irritated by our table.
“Yukari, simmer down! You’re disturbing the other students!” Minako tried to get Yukari to sit back down. Fuuka found the situation amusing, and giggled.
“Anyways, give us details! You can’t expect us not to want more info when you told us that you actually ended up being text mates with your number neighbor! Spill!”
“Well, he is a nice guy. He is really understanding and willing to listen to my problems. He also respected my decision when I told him to call each other by code names instead of our real names. He also checks in with me every once in a while to see if I was okay…” Minako tells them, and unknowingly smiling to the thought of him. It wouldn’t have been noticed by Yukari and Fuuka if she wasn’t blushing so hard.
“Aww, you like him! Ask him if he wants to meet up, ey?”
“W-what! No! I-I barely know him!”
“Yeah, that’s why you are going to meet up, duh! To get to know each other more… and who knows… This could be something worth mentioning at your wedding when Fuuka and I give our toasts as your maid of honors!”
“Oh, that does sound cute!” Fuuka mentions cheerily.
“Fuuka, NO. Do not encourage Yukari, that wasn’t cute at all!”
After classes, Minato waited outside of Minako’s classroom. Minato decided that he was going to apologize and open up to Minako, no matter what. He doesn’t want to keep his sister in the dark anymore. After a few minutes of waiting for his sister, he decided to go in himself and approach her. He saw her chatting with Fuuka while cleaning up her things.
“Sis.” Minato called, while dumping his bag on top of her desk. “Come with me, you can leave your things for now.” He grabbed his hand and led her outside.
Fuuka seemed confused, but resumed to picking up the scattered trashes. After a few minutes, Yukari entered the room, looking for someone. She quickly found Fuuka and approached her. “Where’s Minako?”
“Oh, Minato told her he had something to talk about. They left their things here, so you can just wait for them. If you wish to talk to Minako, they’ll probably come back soon.”
Suddenly, Yukari grinned widely. “They left their things, ey? So Minako’s phone is in here?”
Fuuka blinked a few times. ‘Why would Yukari ask about Minako’s phone?’
“Yeah, I think? I didn’t see Minako bring anything with her because Minato quickly dragged her outside, it seemed like he had something urgent to say.”
“Aha, I see… Fuuka, want to do a prank with me?”
Minako was surprised by how her brother took the initiative to approach her first. She was happy as it seems like Minato is finally going to start opening up to her, something she wished he did from the start. And then, she remembers Headphone’s words: ‘He just needs some time to figure it out himself and then he will approach you.’
Minato finally let go of her wrist when they arrived at the persimmon tree. He signaled for her to sit down at the nearby bench, which was under the shade. For a few minutes, they were silent. Just taking in the peaceful environment and the cool, refreshing wind.
Minato was the first to speak up. “I’m sorry.”
Minako turned to look at him, “I’m sorry, too. For shouting at you last night, that was unnecessary.”
Minato shook his head and gave his sister a small smile. “No, that was okay. I was being unreasonable. But that’s not the only thing I’m apologizing for.”
Minako tilted her head, confused. “Huh?”
“I have been hiding things from you because I had a feeling you wouldn’t understand me. But that was wrong of me, I shouldn’t just start assuming things and then suddenly start closing off myself. When we were at the train this morning, it felt wrong that you weren’t talking to me. It was a really sucky feeling to have. And then I realized, that this was what you must be feeling when I stopped talking to you.” Minato closed his eyes and buried his face into the palms of his hands.
Minako frowned seeing her brother so distraught. She was about to say something, but Minato lifted his head and continued talking.
“The truth is, lately I have been feeling lost. I don’t know what to do. I feel… empty. I don’t know how to explain it, but basically it’s like the world is in black and white. It’s lifeless, and I don’t see the point. I am… uncertain whether I am making the right choice or not. A voice in my head is always telling me that I am making a bad choice or that I’m a failure. I… I’m sorry if I’m not making sense.”
“Minato, it’s fine… I understand.”
“Do you still love me? You won’t leave?”
Minako was shocked by what he said, “Why would you even think that? I would never leave you! You’re my brother… I would never abandon you.”
“But… mom and dad did.” Minato said quietly, and Minako feel the lump in her throat growing bigger.
“That’s okay. We don’t need them. I won’t ever leave you Minato. You are my partner-in-crime, my bestfriend, and most importantly, my brother. I love you so much and we will always be together.”
“But what will we do about the voice in my head?”
“Well, you have me. We can figure about this together. If you want, we can go see a therapist?”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that…”
“Then that is okay too. You will only go if you want to. I am here for you no matter what, and if you ever start having bad thoughts or the voice in your head gets stronger, just go to me. No matter what time or day, whether there’s classes or not, I’ll be there. Okay?”
“Okay. Thank you.”
Minako and Minato gave small smiles to each other and they hugged. After a few moments, they let go and talked to each other for a few more minutes before heading back inside.
When Minako and Minato returned to the classroom to retrieve their items, they were met with Fuuka looking uneasy and fidgeting. “Fuuka? You okay?” Minako approached her friend, going in for a hug to comfort her but Fuuka jumped.
“Minako! I am so sorry! I tried stopping Yukari but she was determined!” Fuuka bowed her head.
“What are you talking about? What did Yukari do?” Minato strided over, curious with what made Fuuka so worried. Minako shrugged at Minato, confused and worried for her friend.
Fuuka stood up straight, but still unable to look Minako in the eye. Right at that moment, Yukari came in holding an empty food wrapper. “Oh, Minako! There you are!”
Minako, Minato and Fuuka all whipped their heads to where Yukari’s voice was coming from. Yukari approached them, waving the empty food wrapper in front of their faces. “Minako, Fuuka and I are really sorry for eating this deluxe donut snack from the canteen without you! Fuuka was so worried because she knows you like it so much, but I was really hungry so I ate it! Sorry!”
Minako frowned and raised her eyebrow at Yukari, crossing her arms. “Is that all?”
Yukari gulped, and Fuuka started playing with the hem of her skirt, not strong enough to look Minako in the eye. “Yeah, that’s all! R-right Fuuka?” Yukari approached Fuuka, trying to silently ask for back-up.
Fuuka finally looked up to Minako and nodded quickly. “Y-yes! We’re really sorry, Minako!”
Minato stood awkwardly beside Minako, who was seriously studying Yukari and Fuuka. Serious Minako is scary Minako. Eyes scrutinizing their every movement, lips in a tight line, and arms across her chest making her seem even more intimidating.
After a few minutes of silence, Minako gave them a bright smile and laughed. Yukari and Fuuka were surprised and Minato was confused.
“Aww, girls! Don’t worry about that! You were hungry so it’s fine!” Yukari gave a sigh of relief, while Fuuka was still a bit shaken up. Minako closed her distance with the two girls and gave them both a hug.
“But next time, wait for me okay?” She whispered, in their ears eerily.
“Y-yes, Minako.”
“Haha, yeah…”
Minako: hey
Minako: do u live near tatsumi port island
Headphones: Yeah, I do. Why?
Minako: wanna meet tomorrow, sunday?
Minako: get to know each other?
Headphones: Oh, you want to meet?
Headphones: That’s fine by me. :)
Headphones: Where though?
Minako: paulownia mall, that ok? specifically chagall café
Minako: i have brunette hair with silver pins on it forming XXII
Minako: i’ll also be wearing a red scarf
Headphones: That sounds good!
Headphones: See you soon, pancake. :)
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grmsolutions · 1 year
What is FRP?
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FRP – Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic – also known as glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), is a composite material made of fine glass fibers and a polymer resin. It is an incredibly strong and durable material that is resistant to many forms of corrosion, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of industrial applications, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and marine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibre-reinforced_plastic
In this post, we will review five common types oWhf FRP fiberglass products that GRM Custom Products can fabricate for your project: 1. Ladders & Stairs 2. Walkways & Platforms 3. Handrails 4. Mobile Work Platforms & Walkovers 5. Structural Support Members.
FRP Fiberglass Ladders & Stairways
FRP ladders are designed to provide a safe and long lasting solution for an industrial settings. They are non-conductive, making them ideal for use in electrical environments. They are also resistant to corrosion, chemicals, and UV radiation, making them a reliable option for use in harsh outdoor conditions.
FRP fiberglass ladders are available in a variety of designs to include cages or fall protection systems all customized to fit specific requirements, such as height, weight capacity, and rung spacing.  GRM Custom Products can also provide a stairway for tank access or other egress and ingress needs.
FRP Fiberglass Walkways & Platforms
FRP fiberglass walkways and platforms are designed to provide a safe and stable surface for workers to walk on. These products are ideal for use in industrial settings where there is a risk of slipping or falling.
FRP fiberglass walkways and platforms are lightweight, yet incredibly strong and durable. They are also resistant to corrosion and chemicals, making them ideal for use in harsh outdoor environments. Additionally, they can be customized to fit specific requirements, such as size, shape, and weight capacity.
FRP Fiberglass Handrails
FRP fiberglass handrails are designed to provide a safe and stable handhold for workers in industrial settings. These handrails are non-conductive, making them ideal for use in electrical environments. They are also resistant to corrosion and chemicals, making them ideal for use in harsh outdoor environments.
FRP fiberglass handrails are available in a variety of styles, including round, square, and rectangular. They can also be customized to fit specific requirements, such as length and height.  We can help with any of your FRP needs, please let us help with your next project.
FRP Mobile Work Platforms & Stair Walkovers
Manufactured from corrosion-resistant fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) composites, our mobile work platforms are custom-designed and built to fit any project or structural configuration, ranging from low-level platforms to mobile stair towers. All are prefabricated to enable a quick and easy installation.
GRM Custom Products can also produce for you composite fiberglass stair crossovers for pipelines, roof decks, etc. Our crossovers offer a cost effective solution to meet your specific needs. We can provide for you in a variety of heights that address most standard clearances below the walkover.
Traditional material options such as steel or stainless steel crossovers are often unsafe, costly to ship and install, and difficult to clean, but the lightweight and corrosion resistant properties of FRP make it inexpensive to ship/install and easy to clean.
FRP is lightweight, strong, and durable, highly corrosion resistant, allows for virtually any size or configuration and can be integrated as required for the specific application. Complete custom fabrication, from a ladder to help across an entire project complex.
FRP Fiberglass Structural Support Members
FRP fiberglass structural members are used in a wide range of industrial settings to provide support and stability. These products are incredibly strong and durable, yet lightweight and easy to install.
FRP fiberglass structural members are resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for use in harsh outdoor environments. They are also non-conductive, making them ideal for use in electrical environments.
In conclusion, FRP fiberglass products are an excellent choice for industrial settings due to their strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion and chemicals. From ladders and handrails to walkways, platforms, and structural members, FRP fiberglass products offer a wide range of options to meet the specific needs of any industrial application. With custom fabrication, these products can be tailored to meet even the most unique requirements. This blog ”What is FRP?” was originally posted HERE
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evergripgrp-blog · 4 years
Wash Platform Access Stairs & Walkway
Evergrip were approached by a long term customer with a requirement for two small staircase structures fabricated from GRP pultruded sections and open mesh grating. The structures benefitted from an integrated safety handrail in high visibility yellow colour.  Built in our factory they are light enough to be easily transported and handled into position on site for fitting.
To complement this, a previously fabricated & erected U shaped steel wash platform structure was retrofitted with a lightweight, anti-slip, GRP open mesh grating walkway surface.
These products will not corrode and therefore make an idea low maintenance option for exterior structures.
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legendapcy93 · 2 years
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Happy 29🎂Okay, so I have a story to tell. Before arriving here, I actually was deciding whether I should park my car opposite Pullman or in front of Segi College. 🚘So I spin 1 round but cant find any parking slots at those shoplets in front of Pullman then I spin to Segi College but I hesitated whether I should park thr bcz I lazy walk & I felt *the rain is coming*🌧 So I ended parking inside UTC🤣I actually wanted to drive & park at the upper levels but it was blocked so I have no choice to park my car at Lvl2 & took the stairs to Lvl6 bcz of the long queue waiting in front of the lift. Upon arriving at the entrance, I called Roy & he said Ray & him r sitting right in front of Ling Loong Seafood. Excuse Mua? Hw come only 2 of u? Whr the others I wondered? Anyway, we ordered our drinks & I was stupid enough to ask whether gt Bamboo or not. Roy laughed & said, its Air Tebu lah🤣Pabo ku😅 After that, we wanna order some main dishes dy bcz we sibeh hungry, but was asked not to upon another Fran & Jan arrival. Fran say, nt Ling Loong instead its Bukit Mata🙃Apalah...u could have said so earlier ma😒We order drinks liao leh & lucky did not order any food yt. So he went over to Bukit Mata & check whether gt any seats available 1st. After receiving a call from him, we moved over. Once we sat down in front of Bukit Mata whr our seats was directly under the fan, sibeh cold xia🥶Roy & Fran went to order whr the rest of us was met with a *mempersiasoikan situation* I asked hw come no table number & confirm can cincai sit kah, dont ltr *lak bin* After few mins, a grp of ppl approach us & say this table is reserved under their name. They show us thr was a sticky pad stick on the tissue box whr its written "Reserved Under ... " Diu!! I will kill u Fran😈 After moving over to the seats in front of some Steamboat stall, Momo & Hui arrived. They ordered some drinks from another stall which have air tebu & I was like having a FML moment for awhile bcz the honeydew juice I ordered tasted like plain water😑Moving on, our food arrived & it really tasted amazing!! Was touched by them serving me😭 & ya it actually rained when we were eating half way😂 #dynastyrealmunited (at Topspot Seafood, Kuching) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6JjYlPdFR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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