#Front-end Project
worldexploer · 7 months
Best 20's Front-end Language for Web Development
In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, choosing the right front-end language is crucial for crafting engaging and dynamic user interfaces. With a myriad of options available, it can be challenging to pinpoint the best tools for the job. In this blog, we’ll explore the 20 best advanced front-end languages that cater to the diverse needs of web developers. Let’s dive into the world of…
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beanbeanbee · 12 hours
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Happy (unofficial) birthday, Murasaki!!! 🎉
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Tough customers
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
It's giving audience was so distracted with 010 in the opening of s4 that they missed the willel wondertwin evidence right under their noses...
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
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⬙⤠ masterlist ⤝⬙
god of war! reader series ◇ character voicelines (✨live✨ version) (click to view)
(alternatively, the script version can be found here)
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characters ◇ zhongli, xiao
note ◇ recommended to view via pc/laptop screen ◇ you will be prompted to give your name and deity name, but if you don't feel comfortable you can skip them entirely - if you do give your name, the data will only be stored locally on your devices ◇ just like in the game, pov is from the traveler
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© genshrineimpact | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask or dm me!
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hindintech · 6 months
Frontend Projects Ideas
1. E-commerce Website
2. Social Network
3. Online Learning Platform
4. Music Streaming Service
5. Real Estate Listing
6. Project Management Tool
7. Chatbot Interface
8. Job Board
9. Weather Forecast with Al
10. Stock Trading Platform
11. loT Dashboard
12. Voice Assistant Interface
13. Expense Report Generator
14. Augmented-Reality App
15. Interactive 3D Graphics
16. Blockchain Explorer
17. Machine-Learning Dashboard
18. Language Learning App
19. Financial Planning
20. Astronomy Viewe
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animeweeb115 · 3 months
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“How long have you two been standing there!?”
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the bad batch fans because of the series finale:
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ardenrosegarden · 9 months
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rewatching Paranormal Home Inspectors but only the parts with Certified Home Inspector Brian Daley™ like here's how the little guys in the bunker can still win-
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getbreaded · 3 months
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Waking up at 6:15 has its benefits :)
More and more I try to appreciate the small moments, so that my days aren't just a big sludge of studying, public transportation and nothing else.
Spending time with my family, texting a friend, watching the sunrise, enjoying the quiet in the uni library...
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scavenger-toll · 1 month
school is making me wanna drop off of the face of the earth again aughhh
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bonepriests · 5 months
in my struggle to get my hands on a fire runestone, ive found an egg instead
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lololollywrites · 4 months
Ahhhhhh so I was teaching online last night, as I do every Wednesday night, and sharing my screen - again, as I always do - when I selected the URL to copy and paste a YouTube link into the chat for my students. I completely forgot that when you click on the address bar, previous sites come up. Among many that were decidedly expected, "Works: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson" was decidedly less so. I clicked away as quickly as possible, but. Um. Two questions:
Do ya'll think they saw it??
What would you do if you discovered your professor was on AO3? And into Johnlock? Keep in mind that all of you here may be a skewed representative sample of the general not-on-tumblr population.
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sysig · 5 months
2023 Art Purge
Original edition! Ended up having to split the doodles into two parts, I didn’t mean to end up with so many left over but oops - onto the commentary!
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Remember crayon Edgar? I drew this one at the same time! Loosely based off Circus Baby but really just more of a general cutesy look - layering with colours is fun :)
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Eyes, every year. Two general eyes, and two characters! Bottom left is Souichi, and bottom right is Vivian :) Vivian always gets a spare eye haha
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Some concept art for a false backpack I still kinda wanna make - it’d be a prop for a game I made earlier this year, as the prize container! It’s meant to be kind of like a pop-up shop that can fold away fairly small and hold a bunch of small items safely and inconspicuously, though it wouldn’t actually work as a real backpack lol
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Some Cherubsona concept art, thinking about their hair and the light rays - I considered having a single asymmetrical hair tuft, I think while I was still on the fence about having asymmetrical wings as well - I’m happy with the final design :)
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And some baby angels! Based on my DQIX/AGE headcanons/actual canon lol, took a few tries to get a design I was happy with before settling on the bottom-most one with the fuzzed ears, lolling about haha. Cute!
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Also thinking about “Fallen” designs, since my cherubsona is meant to be a fallen angel - or even just biblically accurate angels! Maybe they became more normal-looking after falling haha
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More Charm doodles based on the Hungry idea - neither Frankenstein nor Zombies were quite what I was looking for, but they were close! Poor Charm, even if it is a Look
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More eyes! Concept sketches of the Yanderapy boys :D Mitsu’s swirls and Ishida’s sleepy ♥ eye expression haha
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An alternate panel of Mitsu being shy to admit his love language haha, I wanted his expression to be a little more visible but him hiding in the book is also very cute haha
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Little doodle of Ishida singing Daisy Bell! He’s half-crazy all for the love of Mitsu after all
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Technically these are from later in the year but I was really hoping to have the set up for a silly concept rolling - Ishida wants to play a game! The game would allow each of them to take a turn, with the goal of the game to be to sneak a gift into the other’s bag or pocket when he’s not looking. A cute and silly and fun concept to reverse pick-pocket the other and give a little treat! Totally harmless and not at all strange or weird or with any kind of underlying sinister vibes!
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The punchline of course was that since they’re both yanderes that it basically turns into stalking each other, which as featured here, Mitsu is very into, who could have guess lol. The double punchline is that they’re both so aware of/obsessed with each other that they notice each other right away, but play along because it’s obvious that they’re both enjoying it haha It’s yandere enrichment! Ishida would also get a real rush from “hunting” Mitsu, as would Mitsu enjoy being “hunted” - yet more twisted love languages ♥
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Random deer :) Actually one of the animals I considered for Dahlia early on but decided to scrap, because I don’t know how to draw deer lol
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Also went through a couple scrapped designs for her artist friend, just to make sure I explored all my options thoroughly! I’m glad I did, but I’m happiest with the one I decided on, of course
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Brief Dahlia and Tala meeting. They’re unsure of each other! Squirrels and dogs don’t have the best track record admittedly
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Bit of vent :( Bar’s always good for it ♥
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Bucket! :D Been a bit since I drew anyone from that cast, though I somehow made him on-model by accident lol, and of course he’s still cute! That’s the important part really
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Eyesssssssss <3 <3 On the left were some quick comparisons between dot/filled-in eyes and eyes with a differentiated pupil and iris, since I’ve been defaulting to dark eyes a lot lately (it’s the Vargas influence lol); and on the right were a bunch of Cure eyes! I think at least partially studied off of some character creators? Lots of eye styles to choose from, which one suits her the best hmm. She has very sparkly eyes
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And another sort-of study off a character creator haha, it’s very cute! Not very Cure, though
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One of the early ideas that made me want to dig her out of storage was actually an animation idea that was maybe a liiiiiittle ambitious to go about making without her having a fixed design lol - I’ve always been a fan of magical girl transformations that completely glow-blot out the body and then they explode into frills and bows and fluff at the end haha. I would still like to come back to the idea at some point!
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Ended up with a good handful of muscle studies, even after the ones I already posted - a lot of the poses ended up silly haha
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And a lot of skull/face/neck studies as well, with mixed success :P
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I’ll get it figured out eventually!
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Sometimes it’s fun to just doodle around, shapes :) My own original human style feels so constantly in flux with the fanart I like to make and having so many non-human characters haha, probably doesn’t help that I prefer high stylism
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A trio! They look kinda familiar, hmmm....
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Yet more eyes lol, the first trying to figure shines. You can really see what a lack of editing does to the implied shapes pfft ♪
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Always trying to figure out how to dragons! Another one I’ll have to get to Someday. There’s gotta be a trick to them >:0
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Out of general studies and tests - hey I thought Just Desserts already had a sona??? And that she was like the most important and best and all that?? I got curious what my sona might be in the JD universe without being the villain haha, and I came up with a Chocolate-Chip Brioche Bun lad! :D I’ve always had something of an affinity for brioche, also somewhat inspired by Edgeworth’s cravat haha. But would Charm still exist and be wreaking havoc, or would this be the alternate universe Charm equivalent?? ‘Cause they’re definitely not “Charm”
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Speaking of Charm tho! She’s holding a tooth lol - something something, candy people mining teeth? Because cavities? I dunno lol, but she’s certainly not all that much bigger than a tooth so that’s some fun scale for you :)
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And finishing off with some cutesie little chibis :) I made the first as a reference for proportions, and the second to show how my holosona would look in that style haha, what a cute evil computer
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cloudsrust · 2 years
I know I'm known like the one that overdetails every character I decide to draw (and hell I own it with pride)- but sometimes..
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Simpler styles are nice,,
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iamanerd1 · 3 days
the initial planning document PLANNING - for the voltron rewrite that has been stewing in my head sense November is 54 pages long
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