#Frisk Dreemur
sandinabottle · 10 months
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...What's a star?
Can you touch it? Can you eat it? Can you kill it? ... Are you a star?
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niyanoireee · 2 months
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bete design by @strawbebe-dk
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finkisun · 10 months
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i'm actually so proud of how i did grillby here. i'll try to do frisk more justice next time; i don't draw them often !!
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dropinart · 2 years
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KFC doodles because I missed them
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
Undertale platonic request male frisk x older brother reader who fall together both the brothers now will try to find a exit of underground y/n act completely overprotective over frisk then any monster try’s to attack or get closer to frisk headcanons
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1.This takes place during a Pasifist Route.
2. I really liked this idea so I did like, 8 times what I normally write.
-God, this sounds like a nightmare.
-Toriel would be so happy tho. Two children? Again?
-Starting off, you would immediately scold Frisk for doing something so reckless, and now to two are stuck down here.
-Flowey begins his whole things with "LOVE" and "Friendliness pellets" and you're just like, "No not today, no thank you" while pushing Frisk.
-You end up running into Toriel not long after.
-"Oh dear, are you two lost? Here you can follow me back to my house. It is not long from here children."
-But you know better, you've heard stories about these monster, and their all bad and nothing could change them. She's just acting kind to get you and Frisk to trust her and then stab you in the back when you don't expect it.
-"No, we're fine. We don't need a monster's help." Which resulted with Frisk hitting you on your side from your remark. "What? I'm not wrong, you don't know what her motives are, she could be dangerous!"
-You end up following Toriel regardless of your reasons.
-She begins the actual teaching of how to do a battle, while you carefully watch.
-After getting to her house and she tells you and Frisk to lay down, you refuse and sit watch Frisk pass out. Saying you're going to protect them.
-Toriel later comes in with two slices of pie, which you rejected says it could be poison. When Frisk woke up you told them not to eat it, but they took it regardless.
-As soon as Toriel starts fighting you tell Frisk you knew this was going to happen and we could have avoided this if they had listened to you.
-Once outside, you're already questions the surroundings and how they don't seem safe.
-When Sans asks for Frisk to shake his hand you pull Frisk's hand away before he can do anything.
-You and Frisk both hide behind lamps when Papyrus enters.
-When Sans say he was "just looking at these lamps" you internally scold yourself for not seeing this though. But to your surprise, Papyrus does nothing?
-Going through his puzzles and learning more about him, you couldn't really hate him or feel like he had ill intensions
-And he would even fight you two, claiming it was unfair for only one of him to go against two or you.
-Getting into Waterfall is one of your biggest concerns, Papyrus told you about Undyne and how big of a deal she was. Even if you can't fully trust him, you'll take his word on that since the people in Snowdin seem to agree.
-You would basically pick up Frisk and run whenever Undyne started attacking, which Frisk was upset about.
-And the biggest shock to both of you is how you got away from her, she was overheating. You tried to pull Frisk away from her to try and make sure she didn't grab them or anything.
-They somehow got away and poured water over her head, which greatly helped.
-You picked up Frisk again, but Undyne just awkwardly stared at you, turned around, and left. Not that you were complaining.
- Alyphs' lab was frightening, but she was most certainly not. She was nerdly and not intimidating at all.
-Mettaton was the real problem. He kept going on with his game show and making you two play. You did not like it what so ever, but Frisk got everything right and was quite content with themselves.
-You didn't listen to any of Alyphs' phone calls, she usually screwed it up, right? But, you ended up getting more hurt than before. Once you started listening, it wasn't as bad as you thought.
-And Mettaton's segments actually weren't that bad, even if they seemed to put you and Frisk in danger, you never really were.
-Maybe they weren't all bad monsters. Maybe it was just King Asgore, whom you are not too far from. You gave Frisk's hand a reassuring squeeze.
-You were fully prepared to fight him, till Toriel showed up. Then Sans and Papyrus, Undyne, Alyphs. It seemed like the entire Underground was on your side.
-Sadly enough, you don't have much memory after that. But everyone in the Underground seems to know your sibling's name and the barrier was broken.
-You apologized to everyone for thinking all monsters were evil or wrong. Good thing they were all forgiving.
-Eventually you and Frisk start walking out into sunset, the end of one journey, and the beginning of another.
P.S. if someone is seeing this and wants to send a request, I do not normal write this much. This is just because I really liked the idea
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undwertwaleblwog · 3 months
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toriel and frisk =3
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idothingsandstuffs · 8 months
Another memory from my time when I was way more into undertale fandom than how I am now (I am still kind of in it but not as much), was the fact I was CRAVING for chaos gremlin Frisk content because I was so fed up with "Frisk is an inoccent baby who can't do anything wrong and needs saving from a guy, who only does something if you do the worst of the worst but portrayed as someone who is going to despise and kill you if you kill even one frogit, so they will not get possessed by a a kid who is like, 12 at best, who is also Satan aperantly, that is also the reason why Frisk do anything even remotely morally gray, and natural endings does not exist" dynamic Frisk, Sans and Chara had in the fandom.
(And Do Not get me started at the holes in that headcanon, I can make a whole separate post about it. (Especially Chara's part))
And I even made a narrator Chara au in my head where Chara and Frisk's dynamic was like:
Frisk: "Older sibling figure may I now violent?"
Chara: "No, Frisk. You may not violent yet."
To bad I don't have any actual work of that au.
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macaroonkitti · 2 years
I really like this drawing so I'm actually posting it on the day of the prompt
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I love drawing Frisk so much, drawing Flowey was fun too!
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cavalrysystem · 5 months
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The human Dreemur children
Photo ID in alt
Photo ID by: @ketchup-monthly
If you like, please reblog! <3
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chariskneverdies · 2 years
Chara takes after Tori in many many ways; one (cutely annoying to Frisk) is that they are a bit shy when showing affection in public. Sometimes Frisk will lean in for a kiss and they just fucking put both hands in their face to cover Frisk's mouth; Chara turns away bright red and goes "N-not in front of the children!!" Like if Monsterkid haven't seen their gay asses kissing before. Half the underground has AND Frisk brags and talks abt it openly to anyone.
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karakt · 1 month
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Dreemurr family
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mars-the-nerdd · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Chara & Frisk (Undertale), Chara & Asriel Dreemurr, Asriel Dreemurr & Frisk, Chara & Toriel (Undertale), Frisk & Toriel (Undertale), Asgore Dreemurr/Toriel, Asgore Dreemurr & Frisk, Chara & Asgore Dreemurr & Asriel Dreemurr & Toriel, Chara & Asgore Dreemurr, Chara & Asriel Dreemurr & Frisk, Papyrus & Sans (Undertale), Grillby & Sans (Undertale) Characters: Chara (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Chara's Parents (Undertale), Frisk's Parents (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Asgore Dreemurr, Asriel Dreemurr, Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Grillby (Undertale), Gerson (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Muffet (Undertale) Additional Tags: They/Them Pronouns for Chara and Frisk (Undertale), Nonbinary Chara & Frisk (Undertale), Chara & Frisk (Undertale) are Siblings, Human-Monster War (Undertale), Humans won the Human-Monster War (Undertale), Toriel and asgore adopt frisk and chara, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change New chapter up! Just some more introductions but the story’ll get better I promise :]
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saturn-leia · 4 months
my very first undertale fanart. it actually needs some fixing but for now i like it as it is
edit: added some more atmosphere
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anaizzzen-ut · 3 months
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Its the children + the teenager
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chancetried · 3 months
I wanted to make a silly fanart for @akanemnon I didnt entirely ditch my art style even if I was semi trying to do yours but yaya I just wanna say I really love your art and your entire blog honestly so I wanted to pay tribute
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if someone can guess who the two comments are from in this I'll give you the grand gift of...!!! a thumbs up emoji =] (I misspelled Susie's username but it works with her character so I kept it, talk about happy accident XD)
also I have LITERALLY never used Twitter in my life so I had to just look up its format and headcanon that I'm calling this "mewer" because it now with the event of memes has 2 meanings
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vauschen-art · 1 year
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When your uncle who loves cars takes you out for a drive around the city and you meet someone who looks just like you
I swear to god there’s too many connections between Papyrus and Spamton (both associated with red cars, both speaks mainly in all uppercase, both somehow connected to Gaster I think???)
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