#Flubber AU
cyncerity · 5 months
working on the Flubber AU rn and doin some doodles for it to get inspo, but i’ve got a question for y’all.
I wanna add all the Las Nevadas boys, so far I obviously have Quackity and Slime as the main ones, and Fundy and Sam as some other characters. I have an idea for Purpled, but I really wanna add Foolish and idk how.
So far all the Las Nevadas boys are creations of Quackity’s, so I can maybe make Foolish another robot? There aren’t any big robots rn and i’m partial to giant!Foolish but idk how Quackity would hide him. Or Quackity can just have Foolish as a random human friend? Or more likely a fuckin therapist or something cause in this au Quackity is really fucking bad at socializing. Maybe some advanced therapy ai?? Again, idk.
If anyone had ideas that fit the mad scientist and sci-go vibes for this au, please share them, idk what to do with him
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camelottree638 · 11 months
Kira/Odo - Celestial
Ever since I heard that song on the radio, inspiration struck and stuck!
Meru, as in the AU if the baby Changeling survived, belongs to @vermin-disciple, is used with permission and will be featured more with zer interactions with Odo and Miles in a later video. At least in the Flubber-stage because I could find no way to visualize zer adult genderfluid changeling body, yet.
It is a bit of an AU of that AU here because Odo leaves to be with the Link like in canon but returns after about half a year for visits as the Ambassador. The suggestion of Odo mourning Kira in Children of Time at the line "things don't look up when you're going down" is from Laura Schiller, as is the clip for the mask of Kira smiling. Plot:
Despite being apart in different parts of the galaxy, Kira and Odo cannot forget the ups and downs of their relationship. Both have already experienced the loss of the other and the pain that could be so much worse than this temporary seperation: Kira when Odo was sick and dying and Odo when Kira had died on Gaia in the alternate timeline. The good times keep them going on through the dark. Meru is adopted by Kira when she misses Kirayoshi after his birth. Nerys and Meru keep waiting  for Odo and Meru tries to comgort zir mother. Whe he does return from the link all three are happily reunited.
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jtl07 · 8 months
oheyyyyy thanks @gowalkyourself for the tag - sleepy af so apologies if this comes out, idk, silly
favourite colour: my instinct is to say "blue" but huh, i'm realizing now that i'm also partial to maroon - though more like, earthy versions of the color? idk color names lol, there's a reason why i'm not a visual artist. i also really love the golden color the sun gets this time of year
currently reading: mostly fic these days, tbh. was rereading @possibilistfanfiction's footy au yesterday and went through @snowandwolves's sixth to the ninth hour again this morning, and now have @jazzfordshire's lena and the worldkillers up for reread lol. as for book books, i'm slowly making my way through "priory of the orange tree" and "look" by solmaz sharif
last song: BRLLNT's brilliant remix of m-flo, ryohei, and melody's "miss you" (have i mentioned i love remixes? pls send me remixes i love them)
last series: uh i'm still making my way through warrior nun lol (i might just skip s1e10, i just ... i don't want to watch adriel guys, i really don't.). tbh i don't watch a lot of series? tho now that i'm looking at my watchlist, i've got a bunch of anime in my queue lol
last movie: in theaters, caught "teenage mutant ninja turtles: mutant mayhem" earlier in the summer. on streaming, watched robin williams' "flubber" for friday movie night with the fam (movies were so different in the 90s lol)
sweet/savoury/spicy: i gravitate towards savory for sure. idk if anyone else is like this, but i can't eat sweets on an empty stomach, else i get a tummy ache. spicy i'm moderately okay with (tho apparently i am weak against thai levels of spice wow)
currently working on: lol what am i not working on? (i flit around pecking at different ideas before one of them gets to a certain point where it grabs me by the shoulders and demands "finish me" in a very scary voice) active wips include a prompt about pockets, 5 times Beatrice never fell in love with Ava, and some 3rd person povs (JC being one, surprisingly)
gonna tag the folks mentioned herein and @sourrind @inkedroplets @karatam but oh gosh i'm falling asleep no pressure and it'd be fun to see other folks' answers so if you wanna do it, just say i tagged you!
ok sleep
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Oh! I also finished Wild for my Ash Soul AU. He's a goopy lad that feeds on malice, coverts said energy into a special ash and uses it to revitalize the area around him. Kinda like purifier version of Flubber put on Mario Sunshine-esque clean setting. He might look creepy but he's a sweetheart.
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Look at that squiggly mess.
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I kinda wanna start a thing where people clarify between Glass Core AU and Squishy Core AU or something like that cuz like what if a core was a ball of squishy ectoplasm that was invincible and impossible to separate from itself completely so it’s like Flubber almost (the hijinks rather than angst from this makes me happy)
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wrathbites · 2 years
I decided I wanted to keep the code word from Rhys’ human verse, and so catch me reworking it for the Sunlight and Stardust AU.
The thing is.  The thing is.  Shepard’s a fidgeting ball of chaos always on the edge of his awareness.  Every minute shift unsettles the frost of his biotic field layered over Kaidan’s, sends it scattering like snowflakes to the wind, only to creep back in later.
And he can be still when he wants, Kaidan’s been witness to it plenty, unsettling and other in the death he dodged however many years ago, unmoving and unblinking and slowly overtaken by the shadows he manipulates at will.  Then the rest of the time he’s always fucking moving — pacing, winding yarn ‘round his fingers, tapping his feet, braiding his hair back, throwing a ball around so fast he’d blow a hole in the hull if he mistimed the snare of dark energy to reclaim it.
But the thing is, whenever Kaidan looks at him, directly at him, Shepard goes still all over again and it’s driving him fucking nuts.
The emotionless mask is fit perfectly over Shepard’s face when Kaidan rounds the mako to inspect her for any damage by his hand.  The same mask he wears for the rest of the crew, and Udina, and the Council, and countless others.  The same mask he knocks just slightly askew for Anderson, and Dr. Chakwas, and whoever the mystery man is behind the vacancy Kaidan’s filled.  The very same mask he decides then and there to take as a personal challenge.
“There a reason why you’re trying to pummel the mako into a lump of unresponsive junk, Shepard?”
Not a peep.  Just that cool, godawful stare.  So he darts his hand out as if to physically pluck Shepard’s weapon of choice from him, catching hold of it with a swirl of dark energy and yanking it to his own palm with a satisfying smack.
“You realise this is a stress ball, right?”
Silence.  He sends it sailing towards the ceiling, grateful for Shepard’s choice in location and the mako’s bulk keeping curious eyes off them.
“Pelting it around like your own personal Flubber implies a certain level of stress, Shepard.  Something on your mind?”
There.  A slight tilt of the head.  A Shepard-ism for unvoiced curiosity.  Kaidan throws the ball again —
“What’s a Flubber?”
— and skips right over catching it, leaving it to roll under the judgement of the mako’s wheels while he stares right back at Shepard.
What’s a Flubber?  What’s a —
“Are you serious?”
“When am I not, Alenko?”
Oh that just won’t do.  That won’t do at all.  What did he even watch as a child?  Nature documentaries?  Archaeological digs?  The news?
“Come with me.”
“Wha —”
“Now.”  And when Shepard hesitates a second too long, Kaidan catches hold of him and pulls just enough to knock him forward a step.  “Keep up, Shepard.”
He snags Garrus and Ashley, too, and pings Tali to join in.  He can excuse the aliens their ignorance of ancient movie excellence, but his CO, formerly of the human race?  Ashley, currently of the human race?  Absolutely not.
One movie, two bowls of popcorn (one of which the dextro-safe equivalent), and a fair bit of laughter later, Shepard’s... calmer.  More at ease in his own body, rather than straining elastic about to snap.  Mostly.  He still freezes up when Kaidan joins him for cleanup, dishtowel at the ready to dry everything Shepard washes.
“Shepard.  Listen.  I get things aren’t great between us given the whole watcher... thing.  But if you ever need an extraction from whatever’s got you pulverising a stress ball to dust, you let me know, yeah?”
“... Just say Flubber?”
“Exactly!  It'll be our little code word.  Help needed, no questions asked.”
“You sure?”
“When am I not, Shepard?” The ghost of a smile around his mouth is gone far too soon for Kaidan’s liking, a frown taking its place as he glances back over his shoulder.  To Tali, Garrus, and Ashley, sitting through the credits, engaged in conversation and oblivious to them.
Well shit.  That was fast.
“All right.  Hit me with it.”  It can’t be too ba —
“I intend to tell Williams.  About me.”
— It is bad.  Oh, shit.
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penseescafeinees · 8 months
Gros.se ! Oui ! Et Alors ?
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Vous avez vu la meuf en maillot ? C'est bon ? J'ai votre attention ?! Ok ! Je commence. "Oh! Mais putain ! Jodie ! Change de sujet ! T'es vraiment relou !" (Oups... Mauvais jeux de mots !) Ce sujet me tient à cœur, car j'ai beaucoup souffert de grossophobie étant enfant et ado ! Et si je peux utiliser ma petite notoriété pour éduquer un peu les gens sur ce sujet. Et bien, je le ferai ! Je sais clairement que je n'éduquerais jamais tout le monde. Mais je m'en fous. ça touche les personnes que ça touche. Et si un.e grossophobe vous casse les bonbons, je vous invite à lui filer mon article. Et à lui faire un bon gros fuck des familles. Si vous êtes vite choqué.e, je vous conseille de partir maintenant. Je vais parler de façon très franche. Au pire, si vous trouvez que je vais trop loin... Je vous invite à rallumer votre télé... Regarder Ardisson ou "Touche pas à mon poste !" 
C’est bon ? Vous êtes toujours là ? Prenez une boisson et de quoi bouffer, ça va être long. Ou pas ! Sinon, on va dire que je vous incite à devenir gros.ses ! Donc non ! Ne mangez pas en lisant cet article ! Limite, faites du sport en même temps ! Bon ok ! Ce n'est pas pratique ! Je tiens à préciser que mon but n'est pas de conforter les gros.se.s dans leur peau. Ni de blâmer les minces d'être mince. Je désire juste remettre les choses à leurs places. Et faire fermer leurs bouches aux plus débiles !
Chaque personne a ses complexes. Au vu la société dans laquelle nous évoluons, certaines personnes sont en mésentente totale avec leur corps. Et si en plus, des personnes tiers s'emmêlent... On est pas sortie de l'auberge. Et vu les belles choses que j'ai lues sur twitter ce mardi soir, je ne suis pas sûr qu'on y soit déjà entré !
Ah oui ! Les personnes qui prétendent tout connaître de façon sérieuse sur le domaine... (Sous prétexte qu'elles ont du vécu. Je ne vise personne en particulier. Je vise toutes les personnes qui pensent comme ça.) J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que nous sommes 7,7 milliards d'être humain sur terre ! Et qu'il y a autant de schémas, de corps, de façon de penser que c'est qu'il y a d'humain.e. Entre le métabolisme de tante Micheline, la façon de penser de Jacky et la façon de fonctionner du facteur... Vous voyez où je veux en venir ? Ce qui s'applique à vous, ne s'appliquera pas forcément à quelqu'un d'autre ! Je crois que je commence à voir des neurones se connecter ! Fabulous ! Au pire, les autres expliqueront aux personnes du fond en commentaire sous l'article.
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J'en ai entendue des insultes ! Grosse vache ! Baleine bleue ! Flubber ! Et j'en ai entendu des préjugés ! Si on est gros.se.s, c'est qu'on est malade ! Parce qu'on ne bouge pas assez ! Parce qu'on mange mal ! C'est incroyable le nombre de médecins qu'il y a sur Internet ! Ah non ! Ce sont des abruti.e.s ! C'est comme les lapins ! ça se reproduit à une de ses vitesses ! Surtout derrière un écran. Comme autres préjugés, j'ai déjà entendu... Les gros.se.s sont fainéant.e.s, sans dynamisme... Si vous pouviez me voir dans certains moments de ma vie intime... Je vous garantis que vous changeriez d'avis. Non ! Jodie ! Les abonné.e.s grossophobes ne veulent pas s'imaginer ça ! Au pire, ça fera marrer les autres ! Plus sérieusement. Vous pensez que les  gros.se.s ne font pas de sport ? Tess Holliday, mannequin plus size de renom, a un coach sportif ! Faut bien les porter les kilos.  (Cette photo vient de son Instagram.) 
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En gros, vos préjugés... Gardez-les pour vous. Ils ne m'empêcheront pas d'insérer de temps en temps un kebab dans mon alimentation ! Il faut bien varier de la pizza et de la glace ! Non ?! Oula ! L'ambiance devient lourde ! (Putain ! Faut que j’arrête avec les jeux de mots pourri !) Sans rire. Si je veux rester en bonne santé dans ma condition de personne grosse, il faut bien manger varié. ça me ferait chier de tomber malade et de vous donner raison. Alors que de toute façon vous auriez tord. Car être gros.se n’est pas une maladie. Mais c’est un symptôme. Bien que je parle en "je", l'article n'est pas centré sur moi. Je le centre sur vous aussi. J'invite les personnes ayant la même façon de penser que moi, à en rire. Et les autres à réfléchir.
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Je peux vous dire qu'à la base... Vu comment est la société actuelle,  (On en parle encore de cette connasse de société !) On ne choisit pas d'être gros.se ! (Comme on ne choisit pas d'être maigre ou d'avoir les yeux de telle ou telle couleur.) On subit ou on décide d'être heureux en apprenant à s'aimer.  On pose son poids sur la tronche des gens intolérant, et on rigole de leur ignorance. Je ne me suis pas réveillée un jour en me disant : "Oh ! C’est une super idée ça ! Je vais prendre 50 kg de plus que la norme ! Et m'en prendre plein la gueule par des gens complètement ignorant ! ça sera tellement marrant !" On est tous plus ou moins gros.se pour différentes raisons. Chez certaines personnes, c'est l'hérédité. D'autres, c'est une façon de vivre peu saine. Chez d'autres encore, c'est une maladie qui a fait qu'iels deviennent gros.se ! (Donc oui ! Symptomatique !) Pour ma part, je suis née comme ça. Je tiens à préciser que je ne suis pas là pour me trouver des excuses sur le pourquoi je suis grosse. Les personnes minces n'ont pas en fournir. Donc pourquoi le devrais-je ? "Bah ! Parce que c'est pas bien d'être gros ! "Nils ! Tais-toi ! On a déjà dit que les préjugés c’est pas bien ! Tu t'enfonces là !” En vrai, personne ne devrait s'excuser de l'apparence qu'iel a. Bon par contre... On va éviter d'aller sur l'apitoiement. Car en vrai, on en a rien à faire de la pitié des gens. On a pitié des minces ? Non ! Nils ! Tais-toi ! "Ouai ! Mais les gros.ses ! Si ils veulent pas se faire insulter, ils ont qu'à perdre du poids !" Ah ! Bah ! Bravo Nils ! Suivons ton raisonnement ! Si tu t'en prends une dans la tronche, on pourra te répondre qu'il fallait être intelligent !
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Ce n'est pas parce qu'on est gros.se qu'on ne peut pas aimer son corps. Et donc vivre avec. Personnellement, je n'ai pas choisi d'être grosse. J'ai juste choisi d'écouter mon mari qui lui me connaît. Et qui me trouve attirante comme je suis. Personne ne devrait changer d'apparence pour quelqu'un d'autre qu’iel-même. Si vous êtes gros.se et que vous n'aimez pas votre corps. Perdez du poids. Mais pour les autres, ne blâmez pas les personnes qui veulent s'aimer comme elles sont. On blâme les gros.se.s en disant que c'est mauvais pour la santé. Mais il y a des gens qui ne seront jamais minces. Et je tiens quand même à préciser qu'on ne stigmatise pas autant les fumeurs.euses que les gros.ses. Alors, que fumer n'est pas une chose naturelle. Je n'ai pas besoin de rappeler que la cigarette est vraiment mauvaise pour la santé. Mais je ne vais pas m'aventurer sur ce sujet.
Simple rappel... Le mot gros.se n'est pas une insulte. C'est la façon dont vous l'utilisez qui peut en devenir une. Dans le cas contraire, j'ai rarement vu des gens dire "Oh ! Espèce de sale mince !" Ah ! J'oubliais que la société nous formatait de façon à penser que gros.se = mauvaise chose ! Et oui ! Encore la société ! Décidément... Elle a bon dos cette connasse ! Mais si on se recentrait sur l'être humain ? Certes, nous faisons partie d'une société. Mais dois-je vous rappeler que vous êtes un.e humain.e ? En d'autres termes... Occupez-vous de vos fesses plutôt que de vous occuper de la taille de celles des autres. Vous avez sûrement d'autres choses plus importante à faire dans votre vie que de vous occuper de la façon de vivre des autres.
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée et vous fait des gros bisous !
Et pour les "mdr g pas lu"...
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cyncerity · 9 months
college is going well! my focus has been on some of my bigger art projects for classes at the moment (i’m an art major and i’m double majoring, so im doin a lot lol) but in the meantime here’s a drawing of Tommy and Tubbo from this Flubber AU story i posted *checks my dying blog* almost a month ago (i’m so sorry guys hgsksksjsg)
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you have no idea how excited I am for y’all to see where this story is headed >:)
the only reason it’s taking so long is cause i’m trying to work out the order of events in the plot, which i suck at 👍
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Thinking about the Rapimzel AU and more ways to spice it up, like what if Inventor!Alan was also a scientist and he accidentally created Glep a-la Flubber and they had a cute father-son dynamic? 💜- Gary/Jules
inchresting inchresting
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
.........dragonfruit? 🥺
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Greatest love shows in genuine reassurance and willingness to lend a helping hand
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avatar-state-kate · 3 years
They made a Flubber (1997) bong
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arzani-fuchsia · 7 years
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SilverFlint Flubber!AU with Silver as Professor Philip Brainard and Flint as his fiancé.
(Bonus points for Thomas as Wilson (who tries to vow Flint), but this time it ends in a OT3 polyamorus relationship)
inspired by @alightabovethearbys
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thatmultifandomhoe · 3 years
Otherworldly Lovin’
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Pairing: Alien Taehyung and Human Reader
Word Count: 6,319
Genre/Rating: NSFW - Alien AU - Friends to Lovers AU - Smut - PWP - Fluff - Rated R
Overview: Not only did he crash land into your yard, but he also crashed right into your heart...among other places.
Warning: oh boy. Alien sex - masturbation - tentacles - light bondage(?) - throat fucking - breast and nipple play - oral sex (fem and tentacle receiving) - Taehyung has the ability to extend his tongue - size kink - Taehyung can change his dick to any size - there’s slime from said tentacles - multiple orgasms - multiple penetration - breeding kink - cream pie - tiddie fucking(it’s a tentacle mushed between boobs having the time of its life if that counts?) - unrealistic sex - hentai, it’s basically hentai - swearing - dirty talk - maybe some sub (fem) and dom (Tae) undertones if you squint - cum play - talk of pregnancy.
Main Master List:
Wish Upon a Star Collaboration Master List
Tagging: @thedarkwinterrose​​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ggukcangetit​ @ezralia-writes​ @hidinginmycupboard @ifntelyinspirit​
©thatmultifandomhoe 2021. Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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The breeze felt like chilly kisses along your skin during the late-night walk home. It had been fun to see your friends, but as the house party grew in numbers and space became limited, that was your cue to head out before there had been a visit from the men in blue to break it up.  It wasn’t Cara’s first time throwing a party that climbed into the triple digits, and despite being on a first name basis with law enforcement in regards to her wild parties, it wouldn’t be her last party.
Kicking at the gravel, you gathered up the hair off the back of your neck with both hands, leaning back your head to look up at the night sky while still walking. The stars were bright, brighter than diamonds, and not for the first time you found yourself grateful that you had made the decision to move to the outskirts of Arizona. Was it hot? Of course. Were people behind the wheel absolutely insane? Fuck yes. Was it risky living on your own, in the desert, in an area where crime was going up again? Extremely. Maybe it was childish and stupid, but between the sunsets and mother nature’s natural landscape, it was all worth it in your eyes.
By the time you reached the front door, you barely glanced at the ten-foot ditch that was only a few feet from the side of your house as you went inside. The ditch hadn’t always been there, and as you turned the three set of locks behind you, a cooling sensation wrapped around your calf to begin its ascent up your bare leg.
“How was the party?” it asked.
You raised an eyebrow, unphased with having a conversation with the green blob.
“Alright,” you said, holding out a hand for it to jump on to like it usually did. This time, it simply shook its little nub of a head. “I mean, it was nice to hang out with her and have a few drinks, but her house filled up fast.”
“And it’s not good for humans to be surrounded by so many people?”
The corner of your mouth lifted as you walked to the kitchen, feeling him climb up to your knee this time. “I mean, it can be dangerous when there are over a hundred people partying in a small house while intoxicated, a lot of people don’t care though.”
“But you care.”
“I do.”
Opening the cabinet, you pulled out a glass and went to the water cooler to fill it up, dropping in a few ice cubes for that extra chill, trying not to think about how cooling and enticing it felt to have the little alien crawling up your bare leg, nearly reaching your thigh. He was a slow mover but he got around.
It was this little green blob, no taller than a hand, who had been the one to create that lovely ditch in your yard, and had succeeded in scaring the absolute shit out of you at four in the morning when it happened. The last thing you ever expected in the world was for aliens to be real – yes, you had been one of the many who was a non-believer – but Taehyung had been the one to convert you quite quickly.
“You don’t look like an alien,” you said, watching as the green, see-through blob slid around on the kitchen table.
“And what does an alien look like?” it asked.
“A crap ton taller,” you immediately answered, rubbing your eyes to try and see just how it was able to talk, let alone have a voice. You could see the wooden chair that was behind it, and there was nothing inside of it. It was just a blob about the size of a softball, from space.
Apparently, that offended the creature, as it suddenly formed two small nubs – what you assumed to be arms, which were promptly placed on its side - and a nub on top for its head. “Excuse me, I don’t know what it’s like here, but where I come from, it’s extremely rude to point out someone’s size. And I’ll have you know; On my home planet I am quite larger than this.”
You blinked.
Maybe it was because you were still wondering if you were insane to be talking to a green blob claiming to be an alien, but a sudden pang went through your chest at having hurt the little guy. Sighing, your footsteps papped against the tile floor as you pulled out one of the chairs at the table to sit down.
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, leaning your cheek in the palm of your left hand to look at it. “You’re right, it was rude of me. Let’s start over. What’s your name?”
It stared up at you. At least, you assumed it was as it turned its body to face you. For a moment, the green blob stood there until finally taking a few steps towards you.
These last few months had been an unforgettable experience, but it would be a lie to say that it hadn’t made life more interesting. The ship he had been flying in was a small metal contraption that could have easily been mistaken as a toy drone. At his request, you had brought it in the house that next morning, and after inspecting it, Taehyung announced it to be completely damaged, but not unfixable. Since then, there had been several times where you stumbled upon him trying to form the arms that he needed to try to patch it up himself, but the crash had forced him into his smaller form for protection, and made it impossible to expand himself the way he needed to.
Only a few days into his stay, you learned that his people – the Flubbers – were similar to that in regards to human height and features. Unlike measly humans, they were able to turn their bodies into this green blob at will, but mostly it was used as a defensive measure to protect themselves or when they were traveling in their small ships. As a result of the crash, Taehyung had trouble returning back to his regular form and with nowhere else to go, he became your new roommate.
But as he began to crawl underneath the fabric of your shorts, the coolness of his body was enticing in more ways than one. Your breath turned shaky as you hurried to reach down and remove him from your thigh.
“How was your night?” You suddenly asked, not wanting him to question why you removed him.
He tilted his body, but settled down in your palms. “I watched more of those shows on your Netflix account.”
“Which ones?”
“Black Butler.”
You gasped, narrowing your eyes at him as you carried him back to your room. “Come on, we were supposed to finish that together.”
“But you were gone, and I wanted to watch it,” Taehyung only remained still for a few more seconds before stretching out himself to begin crawling up your arm.
It was perhaps the weirdest sensation in the world, but it reminded you of the end result of making slime when you were back in college and your roommates dragged you out to the craft events put on by campus. Taehyung was sturdier, more solid, and less gooey. Okay, he wasn’t gooey at all. But as he crawled his way around your arm and shoulder, you were suddenly awfully aware of the fact that you were only wearing a skimpy black tank top with spaghetti straps, allowing him to feel every inch and curve of your body and soak in your body heat. He was naturally cool but he usually warmed up after crawling on your arm for a while.
The fact that he was crawling up to you wasn’t unusual. Tonight however, it was like he was attached to your body and trying to feel every single part of you.
“That’s not nice,” you murmured, shakily inhaling as he slid a tendril-like arm across your neck, his body slinking across your chest. You kicked off your shoes and glanced at your reflection in the full-length mirror. Cheeks flushed, throat bobbing as you swallowed, and you could see that he was forming another limb, stretching it out to wrap around your bicep.
“You said I could watch whatever I wanted. And I wanted to watch Black Butler.” Taehyung said.
In the mirror, you could see his small head glance down, his body suddenly pausing at the discovery that there was something underneath your shirt. He was an alien. Since his arrival, you made sure to get dressed in the bathroom so that he didn’t see certain things.
In addition to that, you hadn’t been entirely sure if he slept or not, so you had created a small bed for him on the floor of your bedroom out of a box you had and thrown in a bunch of soft towels to make it comfortable for him. He seemed to enjoy it since he slid to his bed every night, even tucking himself underneath some of the towels. So not only had you been sharing a room with an alien, but these last few months had been incredibly, touch starving, especially since you were single. It wasn’t like you could suddenly make yourself feel good when Taehyung was right there and would probably ask what you were doing and why.
And now…now you were feeling incredibly horny.
You watched him create another limb, only to close your eyes to feel it softly slide down your sternum, heart racing as it followed the curve of your breast, your pussy clenching around nothing. A second – or was it a third? Maybe a fourth? - limb slipped underneath the shirt to encircle your other breast, but this one was more curious, feeling the size and tightening around the boob when it suddenly ran over your nipple. You stumbled back against the foot-board of the bed until you sat on it, accidentally pressing yourself against the frame and hitting your clit, resulting in an audible gasp.
His limbs suddenly retracted at the sound and before you could stop yourself, you whined at the loss of them only to realize what you had done. He was an alien. You were a human.
“Did I hurt you?” Taehyung asked.
You shook your head, opening your eyes to remove him from where he had wrapped himself around your neck and set him on the bed. Not once did you glance at the mirror, already knowing how flustered you looked. “No, I’m fine.”
“Then what was that sound?”
Damn him for being so curious. “Don’t worry about it. Why don’t you go to bed? I’m going to get dressed.”
Before he could ask another question, you grabbed the spare bed and hurried to the bathroom, taking several deep breaths when certain that you were, in-fact, alone. Not once during these last few months had he touched you like that, and now that he had, you found yourself craving more. It reminded you too much of those hentai videos you occasional stumbled upon while on the hub, and as you hurriedly kicked off your shorts to slip your own hand underneath your panties, you softly moaned when you felt how wet your panties were.
He had created those limbs like it was nothing. Easily curling and wrapping himself around you like second nature, and as you ran your own finger over your clit to take care of yourself, you couldn’t help but imagine what he would have done had you let him crawl up your shorts like he had started to do. Taehyung typically kept himself in the shape of a blob, but you were certain that he would have no issue in filling you up completely.
You pressed yourself further against the wall, another soft moan escaping you. Eyes closed, you were so focused on getting off, that you missed how underneath the doorway, a flat green blob slid its way underneath the door. A limb shaped itself, watching your general direction like it was absorbing your reactions, only to disappear the same way it came when you were satisfied.
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A few nights later, you sighed as you shifted under the blankets once again. The fan had done its job and made the bedroom chilly, but you still couldn’t fall asleep. You tried warm milk, listening to instrumental music, counting sheep. Nothing seemed to work.
“You’re not sleeping?” Taehyung asked.
You glanced at the box on the floor, seeing his towels shift as he moved around. He hadn’t spoken about what happened the other night and neither had you, and for that, you were grateful. He was a friend. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin the only friendship he had while he stayed until his ship was fixed.
“Just having a hard time,” you softly answered.
He was quiet for a moment. “Would you like to talk about it?”
A soft chuckle slipped out of your lips and you rolled over, holding a hand out over the edge. In seconds he was wrapping himself around the limb and crawling on to the empty space next to you.
“Do you miss it?” You asked, slipping an arm underneath your head. “Your home? Your friends and family must miss you a lot.”
“Parts of it,” Taehyung admitted. For being a small green blob – or a small green Flubber – he had a deep baritone voice, and when he spoke softly, there was a calming effect that washed over you. It was the type of voice that not only promised protection, but had the power to be absolutely sinful. “There’s my family and friends that I do miss, but it was a strict place. We’re not a species that was intended to survive you see. A long time ago, the very first of my kind had been created here on your planet by someone…a doctor Jacob, Philip, or Robin, someone at least made a mistake, and from that the first Flubber was born. Over the decades we’ve evolved and managed to repopulate ourselves, but even I can’t remember how we managed to leave this planet and end up on our own. Some poor Flubber had probably been somewhere he shouldn’t have been.”
He shifted and for some reason, if he had facial features right at that moment, you could imagine him lifting an eyebrow with the smallest of smirks. “That’s why our society is strict. We were a mistake yes, but we quite like being alive and would rather keep it that way Flubbers are expected to do as they’re told and I wanted to explore. To see other worlds and galaxies. Granted, crash landing in your back yard was not at all part of the plan, or ruining my ship, but things have had an unexpected way of working out. After all, I did go off in search of the unexpected.”
Gently smiling at him, you nodded in agreement, wetting your lips. “Do you think you’ll go back? Once you fix your ship and explore for a while?”
“Good question. Maybe. I’m not entirely sure. The human race is, well…you people are certainly the most complex creatures I have ever met. I could spend a century here and still be trying to understand everything.”
You rolled on to your back with a laugh, feeling him slide his way up onto your stomach, the sensation sending shivers running through your body since the night shirt rose up at some point. Glancing down, Taehyung stretched a limb out, running it along your waist.
“Humans are very complex,” Taehyung repeated, his voice turning husky as if this was affecting him as well. “Complex, but perhaps, the most fascinating of all creatures to exist.”
No words came from you. Once again, your breath was stuck as he extended his other limb and you watched it crawl its way underneath the shirt, this time rubbing itself right over the nipple. Like he had memorized your reaction to it last time. You shakily gasped again, but you didn’t stop him. You could barely think, unable to look away as his body shifted, expanding itself to a larger version of himself.
“I’ve been practicing to regain my normal form,” he said. “It’s been hard, but I believe I can finally go back and stay in it permanently again.”
The two short nubs he had for legs elongated and thickened with his body. No longer was he a small blob, but he was taking on a new shape. One that was leaner, taller than you, and for the first time, he was gaining features that individualized him. The more he changed, the less green and see through he was. Instead, it turned into a very dark green tint on sun kissed skin, with dark brown eyes delicately painted with streaks of green. Looking down at you - like you imagined - a smirk had found its way home on his face while at the same time, a thumb harshly squeezed and rubbed against your nipple again. You moaned and leaned back into the pillow, wanting him, wanting more.
“Like I said before, us Flubbers are very similar to you humans, only we have…something extra.”
“And what’s that?” You forced out; eyes closed as another moan slipped out when his hands grabbed both breasts. He didn’t need to answer though, because as he played with your chest, something wrapped around your leg. It was similar to his limbs that he normally curled along your body, just as cool and thick to the touch. The thing making its way up your thigh was nearly forgotten about when Taehyung suddenly yanked off the shirt you were wearing, not wasting a second to kiss and suck at your breasts.
Chest heaving, it was impossible to think straight. Parts of your body had chills running across them while others felt hotter than the desert. He wasn’t letting up. Once satisfied, Taehyung gave his complete attention to the other, determined to leave behind a purple and wet path of where he had been. Every now and then there was sharp pain, but he was quick to quiet your whimpers by running his tongue over the marks and leaving a sweet kiss. The thing that had been crawling along your leg was at mid-thigh when it tightened, drawing your attention to its existence when suddenly, something else was sliding inside of your shorts.
Your eyes immediately opened and when you looked down, common sense went out the window as you swallowed the saliva building up in your mouth, pussy clenching. The limbs that you were used to seeing were back. One was coming out of the middle of Taehyung’s back, another appeared to be coming from his side, and as you watched, two more were forming and extending themselves. Unlike the rest of his form, they were completely green, nearly see through.
“We call them Extenders,” Taehyung murmured as he left thick kisses on your skin. “Extra limbs to help carry items and with everyday tasks.”
He lifted his head, eyes searching yours as his eyebrow quirked at you. “But I believe the term that you’re more with, is, tentacles.”
Oh. Oh, you were absolutely fucked.
A soft whimper slipped out when the tentacle that had been sneaking its way underneath your shorts purposely rubbed hard over your underwear. Taehyung must have heard it because his grin widened, and his Extenders were moving your legs to cage him against you.
“Usually I’m not like this,” he continued. “I think my body is still adjusting to this planet but thinks I’m back home. During this time of year, this is normally our season when we mate. That’s something you humans don’t have here, do you?”
Despite how much you wanted the tentacle to slip underneath the underwear, it stayed right where it was, content with teasing you. “We do that whenever we want,” you finally answered. Your gaze met Taehyung’s just in time to see his eyes light up in curiosity.
An ache was growing the longer you remained empty, and if the Extender underneath your shorts continued rubbing the way it was, you weren’t going to be lasting much longer. So, without caring about the consequences, you cupped Taehyung’s face and kissed him deeply. The sudden action allowed the tentacles around your legs to loosen just enough for you to wrap them around his hips, pulling him closer to you. Something thick pressed against your pussy, much larger than the other Extenders growing out of him, made both of you groan at the sudden pressure.
“Mate me,” you breathed out in-between kisses. His form was solid like a human, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through the locks. “Please Taehyung, please mate with me. I’m begging you.”
For a moment, Taehyung just stared down at you. Even the tentacles that had been sliding along your body paused at your words. It only lasted for that one moment. The corner of his lips curled upwards and the green streaks in his eyes darkened before he kissed you again, pressing himself completely against you.
Taehyung’s normal form may have appeared human, and besides the tentacles that moved on their own and were currently crawling their way up your sides and arms, it seemed that he was able to extend not just them, but every part of his body. The kiss was a frenzy from the start, and when the tentacle finally slipped underneath the underwear like you wanted and began to rub your clit earnestly, butterflies swarmed as your lower belly tightened, the orgasm that had been building was now forced from you.
He abruptly broke the kiss and pushed himself up, his hungry gaze running down the length of your body as you gasped in the fresh air. There was no break for you because he ripped away the remaining clothing and threw your legs over his shoulder to lick at your pussy. You lost track of how many tentacles were wrapping along your body, barely noticing that it wasn’t Taehyung holding you open as he ate like a starved man. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes from over-stimulation, but when he suckled at your clit and something long entered your pussy, you cried out in pleasure at finally being filled. It was different from the tentacles caressing your body, more tapered and thinner, and when your walls squeezed around it, Taehyung groaned and every vibration sent your nerves into overdrive.
Glancing down at him, you realized that what was inside you was not another tentacle. There were two green Extenders holding your legs in place, and one currently held your wrists together bound above your head as numbers four and five slid along your body. One of them curled around your chest, leaving behind a slippery green slime in its path that felt cool to the touch as the other made its way closer to your face. You dropped your head back down on the pillow and tried to lift your hips to grind against Taehyung’s face, but a harsh suck made you gasp and stop all movement.
The tentacle reached your face, lazily poking your cheek until you rewarded it with undivided attention. Its movements were gentle as it traced the shape of your lips, the slime it left behind smearing across your face elicited a moan from the alien that was on the receiving end of you being turned on. This was one wet dream that you had never thought would become a reality, and now that it was happening, you didn’t want it to stop. Relaxing against the bed, you wet your lips out of habit before opening your mouth. Like you hoped, the tentacle went in to inspect this new place.
It was slippery as you ran your tongue against the tentacle, discovering it had some weight to it, and the slime that it oozed was sweet like the honey you used in teas. Out of curiosity you swallowed around the limb. A strangled groan came from Taehyung, and it twitched within its confines but didn’t try to remove itself. The more you sucked, the more it appeared to lubricate itself, forcing you to alternate every so often.
“Fucking hell,” Taehyung moaned. Sitting on his knees, he gazed down at you with eyes dark enough to appear black, those green streaks bright enough to glow in the dark. He was finally able to see what his tentacles had gotten themselves up to while he had been busy having his own meal, his chin wet as his tongue shrunk back to normal size.
Taehyung stared at you as the tentacle went further in your mouth, his chest heaving when you relaxed yourself to take it even further. All of the tentacles tightened at your actions, but his gaze went to your chest where one Extender had succeeded in wrapping itself around your breasts to squeeze them together and was currently rubbing itself between the small space, creating a slippery mess that made your skin tingle until it was numb.
“Look at you,” Tae murmured, lowering himself back down to your lower half. “You’re a mess darling.” He kissed your hip sweetly, quite the contradiction to everything else as one of his tentacles was in the midst of thrusting itself down your throat. Butterflies fluttered when he kissed his way across your belly, following the path of slime that had been left behind until his lower half was firmly pressed against yours, his hips grinding against yours so his cock rubbed along your lips.
“An absolute, fucking mess.”
You were so used to the jokes and pleasantries from Taehyung that to hear him swear, to call you darling as he rubbed himself against you, to have him use you as he wanted, it made your head spin until there was nothing but pure desire and need on your mind. He had already gotten you to orgasm twice without cumming himself and you still felt empty. He had yet to give you what you really wanted.
He went higher, not stopping until he was leaving wet kisses on your throat. “Such a beautiful, fucking, mess, and we’re not even done. Think you can keep up with me and my friend’s darling?”
The tentacle pulled out of your mouth then, allowing you to sharply inhale as Taehyung wiped away the string of saliva connecting you to it. He was patient as you caught your breath, amusing himself by continuing his kisses up to the back of your ear. Strands of hair were plastered to your forehead and despite everything, you felt more alive than you ever had.
 “More,” you softly whispered, throat a bit sore.
Taehyung softly hummed. Palms trailed up your sides, smearing the slime all over and up on your breasts, not caring that there was a tentacle obsessed with loving them.
“I don’t think you know what you’re asking for,” Taehyung taunted. There was a shift in his hips and this time, the head of his cock was now pressing against your pussy.
You tilted your head, capturing his lips in an open mouth kiss. Out of habit you tried to wrap your arms around his shoulders, but the Extenders tightened around your wrists. He didn’t even try to coax his tongue in your mouth. He slipped in with ease and you groaned when you realized that you tasted yourself on him. His hands settled on your hips and this time, to your pleasure, he pushed his cock in. The stretch stung but after finally having him in like you wanted all along, it satisfied the ache of being empty that had been growing since this all started a few nights ago.
“Fuck,” Taehyung groaned, knuckles turning white from his grip on your hips. “So different. You’re so warm.”
His cock moved but his hips remained pressed and still against yours, drawing your curiosity to look down. Taehyung had pushed himself balls deep, but you felt his dick changing within you. It was growing thicker, longer, and when he pulled back to thrust back in, you gasped as the new ridges that were along his shaft. He was accommodating himself to fit you perfectly. A one true fit that was made just for you.
The green in his eyes flashed, the tentacles still wrapped around your body tightened to hold you in place as Taehyung’s pace picked up, the ridges rubbing against your inner walls with each stroke became more prominent. You closed your eyes as you pressed back against the pillow, and when there was an eager poke at your lips, your mouth simply opened for the tentacle to slip inside. You were just as eager; the honey flavored slime was addicting to the taste. It was only when there was new wiggling pressure on your clit that you looked down, past the tentacle that was fucking your tits with a newfound passion as it tightened around them to make the space smaller, to see that there was a new Extender rubbing itself on your clit. The pressure was enough to make you moan, legs shaking even in Tae’s grip, but as you watched, it appeared that it didn’t plan to stay there very long. With every thrust from Taehyung, your pussy grew slicker, allowing this appendage to nudge its way into your pussy alongside his dick, all while still rubbing against your clit with each thrust.
Your cry was muffled, the stretch almost becoming overwhelming when more tentacles appeared to cover your body in an attempt to soothe and draw your focus away from the pain. Two more latched themselves on your nipples and by some magic he was able to shape them into mouths that pinched and sucked the same way Taehyung had done earlier. Another two appeared in the palms of your hands with similar ridges to his cock, and not wanting you to be too empty, a thinner tentacle slipped inside your mouth as well. You were completely and utterly stuffed, and had lost count of how many of them there were now with all senses on haywire as your nerves felt like lava with his every touch and yet, somehow, something was still missing.
The headboard thumped against the wall as Taehyung went faster, almost erratic as he chased his own high that he had been holding back from. In the darkness of the bedroom, a green light radiated from Taehyung and the Extenders that were wrapped around you, and when his gaze locked on yours, even his eyes took on the faintest glow. It was otherworldly. For a brief moment, everything slowed around the two of you as the tentacles in your mouth suddenly removed themselves. He swooped down to replace his lips where they had been, his kiss sweet and gentle as he cupped the back of your neck.
A chill racked through your body as the tentacles hugged your body, but your mind was focused on the softness of Taehyung’s lips, and how they made your heart flutter. For a split second, he pulled back to press his forehead against yours while murmuring a foreign word. Despite not knowing what he said, you softly hummed and brushed your nose against his, making him smile. He tried to kiss you again but kept breaking out into a smile that you found yourself unable to resist.
It was when he recaptured your lips in a kiss that the glowing grew brighter, lighting up the room completely. A tingling sensation ran through your body, the temperature skyrocketing as beads of sweat dotted along your skin. Taehyung thrusted one last time, his hips hilting against yours as he reached his release filling you with a green tinted substance that also spurted out of the tentacles, coating your body in goo. You would have been grossed out, but the cum that oozed out of his tentacles along with the slime from earlier was cooling to your feverish skin.
You moaned into the kiss, the Extenders that had curled and twisted around your arms suddenly dropped down to the pillows spent and exhausted. Now free, you were able to tangle your fingers through his hair. Neither of you cared how the goo dripped down your wrists or matted itself in his locks when he leaned down to leave several kisses on your cheek among the sweet words of endearment that he whispered along your skin. This gentle and tenderness was reminiscent of the Taehyung you had known while he was still in his blob form.
All of his Extenders had released you from their grip, simply resting themselves on your bodies before Taehyung called them back. You had gone to kiss him once more when his hips pressed further against yours, his dick still inside you as some of his cum spilled out from around him and down your thigh.
“Shit,” Taehyung murmured, glancing down at where the two of you were still connected.
You softly chuckled. “Is mating season usually this messy?”
He looked back up at you, a boxy smile appearing. “Sorry about that. It’s meant to ensure a successful mating, which entails with the female being pregnant by the end of the season. But it’s never been this pleasurable before.”
Even though you had never met a female Flubber in your life, a sense of pride flashed through you. You weren’t his first apparently, but you were the first to make it feel good at least. “Does that mean you have kids back home?”
“No,” he shifted his weight, lifting an arm to shove his fingers through his hair and off his forehead. “I had only come of age five winters ago, and it’s expected that Flubbers who participate for the first time are not likely to have a successful mating. This would have been my sixth attempt.”
“Sixth attempt?” You asked, leaning your head back against the pillow.
Taehyung carefully sat up. He was mindful this time of his dick keeping his cum inside you, the last thing he wanted to do was risk losing another drop. “When there is a successful mating, the two Flubbers then join in unity until their deaths. If they can produce children the first time, then they’ll be able to have another successful pregnancy next season.”
“So, if I get pregnant, you’ll stay?”
The room fell silent. The glow that had been emanating from Taehyung dimmed now that he was no longer caught up in the moment of his orgasm, but you could still see the way he pressed his lips together. One of the tentacles curled around your arm once more, slightly squeezing you in a gentle manner that reminded you of a hug.
You didn’t want Taehyung to go. Even before tonight, you had enjoyed his company greatly, and if he were to leave, who were you going to finish watching Black Butler with? There wouldn’t be anyone who would spend hours asking about what it was like to be human, who offered help around the house, or would tell you stories about what it was like where he was from. Even going to bed wouldn’t be the same without his check ins, wondering if you had enough blankets, a glass of water on the nightstand, and not so casually reminding you that if you scrolled through your phone until three in the morning again, you’d be cranky when having to go to work the next day.
It wouldn’t be home without Taehyung.
“Actually…” his fingers dug into the fleshy bits of your thighs, his thumb moving in circles as it rubbed some of his cum into the skin. “I was hoping that I could stay. Even if you never got pregnant. If…if that’s okay with you of course.”
Not able to really move, you stroked the length of one of the tentacles still on you, watching Taehyung’s body shiver at the touch. “Nothing would make me happier than that Tae.”
His thumb stopped moving, the green streaks in his eyes once again brightening as he leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. The Extenders came back to life then, each one slipping underneath your body in a tight hug as Taehyung lifted you off the bed when he stood. Your legs squeezed his waist but he merely laughed.
“What are you doing?” You asked when he carried you to the bathroom. With the help of one of his tentacles, the light flickered on.
He lightly nipped at your collarbone. “If you hadn’t noticed yet darling, I am still lodged inside you, and we are covered in various liquids. We are in desperate need of cleaning ourselves.”
Glancing in the mirror behind Taehyung, you were finally able to see the result of tonight’s love fest. The slime had left a clear green tint that had dried down to your skin, and the release of his cum had even gotten in your hair. Tae had not been lucky either and was fairly covered in the goo himself.
“Besides,” he murmured, recapturing your attention as the water from the shower head suddenly turned on. You however, were focused on the way his eyes darkened and his smile curled into a sneaky grin that sent your heart racing. “Like I said earlier, my body is still adjusting and thinks that it’s mating season here. This is not a one-night occurrence my darling.”
One of his tentacles roamed over your chest, paying particular attention to your breasts as Taehyung stepped into the shower, the hot water only seeming to help his Extenders in their movements. At least with a shower, the result of this round of love making would be easier to clean than your stained and ruined bed sheets.
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booperbeanv3 · 2 years
IDK IF I COUNT AS A MUTUAL BUT PLEASE INFORM ME ABT THE AU YOU SPEAK OF,,,,, I’m running out of writing ideas (lie)
basically it's a teen-sitcom-style modern au. title is a work in progress but i've been thinking of writing out myself bc i just think it would be really funny
tankoubon kinda thing with a backing plot [when will the gays get together] but it's mostly just banter: the novel
ages are. idk yet but susato is probably early to mid teens and kazuma/ryuunosuke are late teens [they're deaged bc the 7 year age difference would mean either susato is super young or asoryuus are too old for funnie teen shit]
protag/pov chara is susato bc i think it would be funny. the story starts at some sorta out-of-context asoryuu bit and the whole "freeze. let's rewind to the ACTUAL beginning" thing happens
[exposition below]
a few weeks ago kazuma came back from school after the speech competition he was preparing for for a while. he is absolutely livid. sorta at everything, mostly himself bc he flubbered up the last bit and "Will Forever Bear The Shame On His Shoulders" [basically normal canon]
he starts ranting about how his "guaranteed win" is now no longer guaranteed ["oh that's a shame you're very clear and reasonable about your opinions" "ik susato but let me finish"] and that instead of him some... guy ended up getting the lead instead
this. didn't make him mad actually. he just felt really intense during the whole thing
like yeah he had a good speech and the way he spoke was pleasing to listen to. he has a smooth way of speaking that goes really nicely over the ear. but seriously? he would've totally done better if he didn't fuck up
so then he's like "there is something about him that's sticking out to me and it bothers me because he is [quite literally] SO boring. he bothers me so much and every time i pass by him i have this urge"
"to what?"
"to... i don't know. i think i hate him"
cue susato internal facepalm. "maybe talk to him about it"
"yeah i'll give him a piece of my mind"
and cue next day after school where he does the stupid "why do you speak like that" and ryuu even stupider goes "it's a hobby. speaking fast" and they instantly gel and kazuma never brings ryuunosuke up to susato again until he suddenly comes to their house
to kazuma it's cool bc ryuunosuke wants to see his sword or w/e hey look susato SOMEONE thinks i'm not clinging onto old hopes
but susato is like. "isn't this the guy you wanted to maim and kill two weeks ago"
back to the present. that's all i have down that's clear
i imagine that susato and rei would have regular talks about random things. school, home, other friends, kazuma. eventually this distant fruitiness will ping into susato's head and she'll bring it up to rei
this starts a tumbling snowball where as asoryuus develop more and susahaos keep chitter chattering kazuma and susato realise they gave the gay to each other
they always had suspicions about the other but never themselves
kazuma probably figures it out first though and after that susato is like "shit maybe i do like rei" and then is like "but i'm not a pretty bishounen charmer! how will we ever be more than friends" and pov Susato Goes Masc [ryuutarou]
i literally have no idea what to do with ryuutarou but i'll figure it out
other funny things to include:
ryuunosuke has archery club outside of school on weekends and falls asleep with the guard on hence why he wears it all the time
karuma still exists and is old as balls. idk if kazuma still carries her around all the time bc i don't think you can wave big swords around school hallways [regardless on its family heirloom status] so it's probably in his room somewhere perfectly cared for and regularly used for training
this is 70% of the reason why he has no friends [he is feared or made fun of this is a 50/50 divide]
susato is still a devout fan of herlock sholmes, legendary british detective who is still alive bc yuujin is. there'll probably be a chapter where he comes to [country] and she's super excited and gets her books signed while ryuunosuke casually goes "oh yeah we're good friends he stumbled upon us when asougi passed out" and yuujin is super super casual with sholmes and yeah her dad fucked herlock sholmes
"were all those business trips to the UK because you were fornicating with mr. sholmes answer me honestly"
lastly i imagine asoryuus and susahaos share the same link about super Super gay best friends [ryuu and rei] and their oblivious partners [kazuma and susato]
that's all i have planned. susato would be a wingwoman but honestly kazuma seems fiery enough to stumble into this whole thing by accident and make a whole plan on how to maximise ryuunosuke time bc "the intense feeling hasn't gone away and i need to look through things further" and oh. ohhhhh it's because- pov relationship blossoms.
susahaos are a little more blurry but i want to make them important too it is GUARANTEED [literally susato is the protagonist]
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iinkxerror · 3 years
0 0 reshramlove1ob AllMentionsReblogsReplies TodayMonday, June 21 iinkxerror answered your ask “(Yes!) FT!Griffin: Y-yeah- Oh, and my name is...” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*We go in.*” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: That's fine.” iinkxerror answered your ask “(ok. What if FT!Griffin is from a future where...” iinkxerror answered your ask “Dream: I think the- *a portal opens and a larger...” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: O-ok.” iinkxerror answered your ask “Dream: Ok, let's go guys! *they head back.*” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: Alright, but let's be quick about it.” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*Selena is silent.*” iinkxerror answered your ask “Dream: *stretches* Mmmm, I'm a bit hungry. Blue's...” iinkxerror answered your ask “Cross: I think so..” hosy-le-flor liked your post lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: Ok.” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*Selena's careful around them.*” iinkxerror answered your ask “*Cross does too.*” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*Selena walks quietly.*” iinkxerror answered your ask “*they start off.*” fellswap-goldcoffee liked your post “How many sweaters does error make for his family?” iinkxerror answered your ask “Dream: Ok, thank you.” builtride39 started following reshramlove1ob Follow lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*we start walking.*” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: That would be nice.” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: Ok, thank you.” iinkxerror answered your ask “Cross: I think that'd be best. Dust: Yeah, I don't...” lunasilver010605 liked your post “Holy crap. Holy fricken crap.” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: Oof-” phinix53 liked your post “dingdongyouarewrong: monsterquill: “some people...” phinix53 liked your post “How many sweaters does error make for his family?” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*I go around Medusa.*” dragon-tamer-1 reblogged your post “I Hear a Symphony | Dreamtale | My AU | Drawings” dragon-tamer-1 liked your post “I Hear a Symphony | Dreamtale | My AU | Drawings” dragon-tamer-1 reblogged your post “dingdongyouarewrong: monsterquill: “some people...” dragon-tamer-1 liked your post “dingdongyouarewrong: monsterquill: “some people...” dragon-tamer-1 reblogged your post “How many sweaters does error make for his family?” dragon-tamer-1 liked your post “How many sweaters does error make for his family?” iinkxerror answered your ask “DS!Dream: Oh.” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*I start to run.*” iinkxerror answered your ask “DS!Dream: Is there any way of getting him back?” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*Selena flinches a little.*” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*Selena smiles at Icey.*” iinkxerror answered your ask “Cross: Great!” iinkxerror answered your ask “Seven: Yeah, but I doubt you could get him back to...” iinkxerror answered your ask “Seven: Same thing as me. Trying to bring back our...” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: What else did you want us to do???” iinkxerror answered your ask “(Ooo YES!) Seven: My human counter part. She’s…...” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*I shiver a little.*” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*I look up, a little tense.*” galaticrow546 liked your post “dingdongyouarewrong: monsterquill: “some people...” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “*Selena giggles.* Oki.” lunasilver010605 answered your ask “Selena: That's mean, we'll watch out. Thank you!” See Everything 0 New posts Now, where were we? Text Photo Quote Link Chat Audio Video loafpaw Anonymous asked: hey i just wanted to let you know that i was listening to mitski's washing machine heart, and when it got to 'do me ti why not me', it perfectly synced with your dovewing map part right as i scrolled down, and it gave it more immaculate vibes than i thought it could already have. just wanted to let you know, have a great one. (p.s your art is beyond incredible, please keep up the great work, stay cool. B^)
) OMFG that is so cool #ask#thank youuuuuuu 💖💖💖💖💖💖 underfell-crystal kalquinn Follow underfell-crystal Anonymous asked: ..... hey, dove, you know I love you right? https://youtu.be/2unhM-tWKQA -kq underfell-crystal answered: KQ I swear to God Follow kalquinn underfell-crystal you send Crystal cursed video???? Oh!! Oh!! Jail for KQ for 1,000 years!! Follow kalquinn Not jail!!!🥲🥲🥲 underfell-crystal yes jail!! Don't give me that look!! Follow kalquinn underfell-crystal stop it!! your octopus eyes will not work on me!! Follow kalquinn No jail for me🥺 underfell-crystal go to jail, cariño. Follow kalquinn GIF by flimgifs Follow ivyprism Leigh, the one guarding the jail: @underfell-crystal Follow kalquinn Gdi- GIF by giantmonster underfell-crystal jail for bad octopusSource: underfell-crystal 28 notes shiftythrifting Submitted by beanmebaby #shiftythrifting#submission#thrifting#flubber#shirts#golf 10 notes Follow cookie-monster-ice-cream ds ink#jmv#jmv koroit#jmv Zicron#Dreamswap#Ds Ink#my art#utmv 11 notes Explore all of Tumblr Check out these blogs poorlydrawndsmp yuu tries to draw and fails Follow undermemes * undermemes. Follow mandasarts Mandas.arts Follow dollient (^._.^) Follow Radar Follow chuwenjie 21,953 notes iinkxerror iinkxerror.tumblr.com Unfollow 📷📷 Most of the art are baces Show all posts reshramlove1ob asked: (Yes!) FT!Griffin: Y-yeah- Oh, and my name is Griffin. I-I think I'm from the future? *She scratches the back of her head.* Dream: Ok? But why are you here? Huh?! Griffin: she crawls to her 1 note reshramlove1ob Drop files to upload (Ok lots of LoRe DrOpS- WOAH :0) FT!Griffin: *picking up Griffin.* Yeah, a lot to pack in. But, anyways, let me start at the beginning. So, I hardly knew my dad, I think mom called him Dreamswap Blue? Blue for short. She said he was trapped in a ball of blue color or something along those lines, and she couldn't ever figure out how to free him. How she didn't know how many problems that would cause! I live in a future where foxes rain supreme. Their rules are infinite, the only, the supreme. Their leader is a kitsune, my mom was always into Korean folk lore for some reason so she told me about them. Cross, I think was his name, committed s**c*de a few days after I turned six. Then, when I was ten, Ink, Error, Dreamswap Ink were taken by the Kitsune army. Dream committed s**c*de a few days later, leading to Nightmare starving himself to death. Dreamswap Nightmare and Cross got captured by the katsune army for stealing and were sentenced to death. The only people we know are alive are mom, the other kids, aunt Blight, Dust, Horror, Killer, Dreamswap Dream and DS!Error, but they're hardly in any good shape. Nightmare's gang, I think mom called them, are all in a deep state of depression, Killer's the worst of the bunch, he can hardly move, let alone keep himself alive. Dreamswap Dream became insane after a while and won't speak to anyone except for me, the other kids, and Dreamswap Error. Dreamswap Error is the most stable out of them all, but he's still having a really hard time. He has a really hard time eating and he's been question numerous times by the army, but he's survived so far. You don't know how much stress that was on Dreamswap Dream! Aunt Blight has anxiety because of DS!Ink being taken, and it super jumpy and protective. Mom is super sad, but keeps a bright smile, but I know it's for show. Dad's ball was apprehended from us a couple of years ago. *FT!Griffin takes a deep breath.* Mom told me to go back in time to prevent that from happening. A-any questions? (woah a lot of text :0 Sorry about that-)
There all just trying to take in everything
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outrealm-gates · 3 years
Craving blonde gluttons
Like my Ann. Feed and enjoy her flubber, be she fat or enormous like the immobile slob AU
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