#Filipino movies are a different breed
Some more painful *hugot* lines from Filipino movies that could work for Polin:
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Do not reciprocate my love because I love you, love me because you truly love me, because that is what I deserve.
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Do you know why I am sure of my love for you? Because I chose you, every single day.
More here👇🏻
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kaleschmidt · 2 years
DSAF Assorted HCs
Just a note that some of these HCs involve my own AU/verse where the main gang are given a second chance at life (labeled TKPverse)! These are like highly self-indulgent
Jack (he/they/it)
Jack grows a shitty mullet (Affectionate) post-DSAF 2
Actually likes to keep his hands busy. Machines aren't his specialty, but he likes sewing + knitting and actually was the one who knitted the scarf for Dee's birthday!
Had a fling with Harry (actually canon guys. trust me.)
Everyone in DSAF 1 has played a part in Jack loosing their front teeth at least once in all universes
After the true end, Jack is the only one with solid information of all the timelines he went through. Everyone else can remember pieces of different timelines, but only vaguely
The whole Kennedy family is Filipino (with the family moving to the US). Jack wasn't as close to his heritage as his other siblings, but he can still understand Tagalog. He just can't speak a lot of it.
LOOVVEESSS chicken adobo. He overseasons it so badly though. Corpse tastebuds.
look i get tall jack but also. 5'2" jack. hear me out.
Dave (he/she)
Dave's far-sighted, but he never figures it out until TKPverse, and even then, he refuses to get glasses until he's forced to. He rarely wears them, though
Dave uses both his name + William, though he prefers only people close to him use William. Still hates being called 'Willy'.
Dave is humanoid but... no one knows what he exactly is. His anatomy is somewhat normal, but his body has some kind of muppet-like/felt texture, with his hair similar to craft fur. Also he does taste a bit like eggplant.
Genuinely likes licorice
Usually done unintentionally, but Dave sometimes falls asleep with her eyes open. This has scared the shit out of Jack several times
Dave has lots of boundaries regarding his hair. Jack's one of the few who's allowed to touch and style it
One of his most prized possessions was this. It was one of Dave's few toys back then
Steven (he/him)
I'm gonna be honest i do not have a lot for him. Sorry Steven i love you stil.
Before his springlock incident, Steven's favorite animal really were foxes!
The type to have really old movies probs
Peter (he/him)
Genuinely likes Rick Astley, especially his album "Whenever You Need Somebody". Has unintentionally rickrolled the family several times
^ He also likes Sade. One of his favorite songs is 'Smooth Operator'
He's the dad in the grocery store who has his song come on and then starts doing a jig to it and embarrasses his kid. Jack joined in. They were both kicked out
as long as we don't have any information on caroline idc idc peter was THE fucking malewife. and he was also the wifeguy. he loved his wifey so much he would go on full fucking rambles to jack about caroline on the phone
Eldest Kennedy + the closest to his heritage. Peter knows perfect Tagalog and also learned his mom's family recipes!
Dee (she/they)
dee i am also so fucking sorry i don't have a lot for you.....
Dee was never able to have her 18th debut, but TKPverse, I believe Peter + Jack made sure to give her the most extravagant surprise belated debut! The only guests were the main cast but Dee was still touched. Also yes the kennedy brothers did get a custom-made gown for dee
They love all cats, but their favorite breed would be ragdoll cats
Dee doesn't know a lot of Tagalog, but she's learning more from Peter
Matt (he/it)
He's allergic to nuts. Why the fuck did he accept Jack's payment? god if i know. Matt also has an orange allergy
Matt has NPD because that's my medal of honor to him, along with the he/it
After the California location shut down, Matt just. disappeared. No one heard of him since then. Jack was only able to find him by dialing random numbers
SPEAKING OF DIALING! Matt can literally use anything as a phone. He does not have an actual phone at all and he refuses to get one
Has complete knowledge of the alternate timelines. You didn't hear that here, though.
Nobody knows if he's human or not but they're afraid to approach him.
Matt is capable of genuinely smiling, but never does so during work*. If Matt ever genuinely smiled during DSAF, it probably would have a reversed effect of attracting people to him. a bit scary
It's so used to having a forced smile that whenever it talks to anyone, even if it's not face-to-face, Matt ends up putting on a forced smile
So fucking tired.
Matt usually listens to music as background noise. This usually consists of metal, screamo, breakcore, and/or the most drilling sounds known to men. If you ever asked it its favorite song, Matt would say "the one with the screaming :)"
the percentage of how many times matt was involved with making jack loose his front teeth is low but is not 0.
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kyutown · 3 years
hi there!! may i kindly ask for a ship w enha/nct/svt? i’m 19 years old (‘02). i’m a pretty chaotic person when i’m with my friends, and i’m the mom friend... like i legit bake stuff regularly to just feed my friends... i’m also really physically affectionate with them (i love hugs), and i try to support them through words.
however, with other people, i can be really quiet, as i’m picky with who i want to invest my energy in. my hobbies include cooking, baking (my love language — if i bake for you, i love you!), learning languages (i speak filipino, english, chinese, korean, french), listening to music, playing the ukulele, makeup, eating, fashion, shopping, watching videos and movies. when i go out, i usually dress really extra or really meh, depending on my mood. i’m scared of fish (like REALLY scared), so i’m not really into swimming, especially in the sea. i guess i prefer indoor activities, but i guess i would like outdoor activities relating to earth elements (forests, mountains). i also love cherry blossoms because they symbolize rebirth and tell you that you can always start again. I LOVE DOGS TOO!!! my favorite breeds are Shiba Inu and Golden Retriever. my favorite food are chicken wings and SUSHI. 😭😭😭
oh yeah, i’m quite a nerd too. i study really hard and care a lot about my grades. i’m actually the type of person who works hard in tasks i really care for but gives the bare minimum to tasks that don’t have an impact on me (that’s a better way of saying i’m lazy).
i’m a very emotional and sympathetic person also, with that comes with me being a crybaby. i easily absorb others’ energy and feel for them too.
as for my type,, uhhh i don’t really have a specific one since i’m on different spectrums all the time, but i would appreciate someone who is really caring or someone who i could really care for. someone who’s also in tune with their emotions. someone who’d understand that i’m silent and unable to interact when i’m drained. someone who’d understand my weirdness and play along with me (e.g when i randomly have spurs of dancing sessions when i’m happy, when i bark to try and communicate w my dogs lol).
thank you so much in advance, and i hope you have a nice day!!!
hi! thank you for responding!
for enhypen, i think sunoo would be a good fit! sunoo would be the type of person who would know that if you bake him something that means you love him! i feel like he wouldn't need you to say i love you (but if you do, he would still love that as well) because your baking and actions are enough to show your love. he would appreciate everything you do and he would always remember the time where you bake for him him for the first time!
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for nct, i think shotaro would match you well! shotaro likes sushi and sweet food. so i think he would love your baking and would enjoy going out with you to eat sushi with you! he would also be the type who wouldn't mind you being quiet as he is not judgemental. he, himself is more of the quiet type so i think he would understand you. he would take good care of you and would love to spend time with you!
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for seventeen, i think jun would be a nice pair for you! jun is the type who likes to spend time indoors more than going out. he enjoys reading and watching movies so he wouldn't mind not going out. he would never tease you about your fear of fish and would just want you to be happy! he would stay indoors, playing with dogs or learning languages with you!
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Here it is y’all! I’ll do my best to update it regularly :)
The numbers refer to my Prompt List
Hallow-Queen Prompts HallowQUEEN Masterlist
Series/Long Fics
My Man (Ben!Roger x Reader) Part I Part II Part III (kinda steamy at the end) Part IV Part V (tw: attempted sexual assault) Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX (smut) Part X Epilogue Bonus Blurb
Catching Up (Joe x Reader) Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI (contains smut) Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI Part XII Part XIII Epilogue
Dancing With Ben (Ben x Reader) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 (contains smut) Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Epilogue
I Don’t Like You or Your Band (John Deacon x Reader) Preview Full Fic (contains smut)
Lingerie (Joe Mazzello x Reader) Sneak Peek (smut) Full Fic (smut)
Peace Like A River (Gwilym x Reader) Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX (smut) Part X Part XI Epilogue
Ben Hardy Ben and post-baby reader Ben saves reader from attack at a party (tw: attempted sexual assault) Ben and reader love at first sight (very fluffy) Ben helps reader with a sprained ankle Ben fights with reader about screenshots online Reader sees Ben’s ex on his Insta Reader is daughter of a Hollywood exec Ben and a younger woman Ben falling for a bookshop girl Ben wants to take you on vacation Ben and Filipino reader Running away from your asshole fiance with Ben Trying to start a family with Ben Long distance relationship with Ben (fluffy) 15 and 43 29 and 46 (smut) Introducing his boyfriend to the rest of he BoRhap boys 20, 21, 22 (smut) 1 and 44 (smut) 2 and 25 Dad!Ben (fluffy) Domestic fluff w/ daughter and baby #2 on the way Starring with him in a movie Morning sex with Ben (smut) Telling him you’re pregnant on his birthday Ben and your daughter surprising you on Mother’s Day Getting with Joe’s brother on set What You Deserve Firsts Reuniting after breaking up Misunderstanding you and Roger’s relationship When his fans are rude to you Dating an Australian HCs Dating a punk girl Teaching him drums for BoRhap Coaching your daughter’s soccer team Sub!Ben w/ pegging (smut) Asking you to have a baby with him (smut) Relieving his stress (smut) Comforting you after getting a haircut Asking him to make a sex tape (kinda steamy) Taking care of you after getting your tonsils out
Joe Mazzello Joe and reader find out they’re having twins Joe and reader with PTSD WWI AU with soldier!Joe and nurse!reader (very fluffy) Cheering up Rami’s sister after a breakup Meeting Joe after a long term relationship Drunk crying over Joe Joe helping reader with body image issues Meeting Joe on a blind date Getting with Joe at Rami and Lucy’s wedding (fluffy) A musical proposal Joe comforting you after a nightmare (kinda steamy)  Surprising you at work Comforting you when stress triggers depression Taking a bath with him (steamy) Drunkenly seducing him (steamy) You and Joe having lots of kids + one more 15 and 19 49 and 20 (smut) 40 and 49 36 and 50 21 and 27 (smut) Accidentally revealing you’re pregnant in an interview 28 and 34 41, 44, 23 Joe being clingy in his sleep Neighbor!Joe Romantic dinner away from the kids (steamy) Part II of ^ (smut) Fighting before he goes on a trip Joe wants to move in together but Y/N is hesitant When you’re different from his exes Choosing adoption Taking your grandmother’s ring to propose Celebrating going to college together Taking care of you on your birthday Comforting him after a breakup Proposing to you after a roller coaster Bath bomb proposal (kinda steamy) Morning sex with Joe at your parents’ house (smut) Morning sex interrupted by your baby (smut) Dancing to Somebody to Love at your wedding Baking with him on a lazy weekend Wedding night (smut) Introducing him to Stranger Things He takes you to a Yankees game Dad!Joe on your daughter’s birthday Stargazing with him Sub!Joe (smut) Dancing to Senorita Watching fireworks with him Keeping you up to watch the cricket world cup Starting the family band Aftercare with Joe Going to Burger King at 1AM Falling asleep watching TV Drunk makeout with Joe HCs Comforting you after losing your cat Wanting you to stay in bed with him Being Joe’s stylist (smut) Convincing you to dance with him Playing Just Dance with him Getting together while on vacation (smut) Feeling like you’re not good enough for him Doing a bunch of DIY around the house  Discovering his size kink (smut) Camping adventures Your first time sleeping together (smut) Catching you masturbating (smut) At your wedding reception Rami and Lucy hyping you and Joe up for your first date Falling asleep/waking up next to him HCs (kinda steamy) Distracting you from your yoga (smut) Telling him you want to wait until marriage Embarrassing your kids in front of their friends Going to bed angry HCs Turning him on in public (smut) Saying goodbye before college Drifting apart HCs (angst)
Gwilym Lee Gwilym comforts bartender reader Threesome with Gwilym and Rami (kinda steamy but also not my best work) Gwilym helps reader destress after exams (extremely fluffy) Giving Gwil a strip tease (kinda steamy) Gwil almost makes you watch Child’s Play  Gwil helps reader who is afraid of storms (FLUFFY AS SHIT PROBABLY MY FAVORITE) Gwilym and reader fight before a party Gwilym’s best friend has feelings for him Gwilym comes home after a month away Gwil and reader say goodbye to their dog (PAINFUL) Gwil used to make fun of reader in school Fighting for you at a bar Comforting him through loss of a loved one (fluffy) Playing Chrissy in BoRhap Reader attacked while with Gwil at a bar (tw: attempted sexual assault) Meeting Gwil and his friends at the bar Fighting with him before a business trip Getting into an accident and Gwil stays by your side Waking up with Gwilym (fluffy) 9, 29, 43 Baking Introducing you to Brian and Roger Comforting you after a bad breakup  Being with an American on 4th of July Surprising him on his birthday Firsts Moving in together Gwil and Playmate!Reader (smut) “Strangers at a bar” (smut) Dressing as schoolgirl for him (smut) Sub!Gwil w/ slight breeding kink (smut) Comforting you about your nose When you get you wisdom teeth out
Rami Malek Rami hooks up with a fan at the bar (smut) Part II of ^ Rami and reader skinny dip in their pool (kinda steamy) Helps reader with writer’s block relax (smut) Reader has a hard time showing emotions Taking care of sick Rami (fluffy) Defending Rami Fighting with Rami Rami winning you over on set (kinda steamy) An unexpected proposal 36 and 29 Seeing you without makeup Sub!Rami headcanons (smut) Proposing to you after sex (brief smut) Rami in drag for BoRhap HCs (smut) Under The Stars Friends to lovers Telling him you’re terminally ill (angsty as fuck) Taking your daughter to her first day of school Rami and deaf!reader cooking for his family
Lucy Boynton Helping her with her wedding Celebrating your anniversary Relieving the sexual tension (smut) Coming out to the cast together Getting drunk and admitting her feelings to you When your daughter is getting bullied
Allen Leech Taking you home to Ireland
Brian May Finding out Brian cheated (ANGSTY) Brian proposing on stage (fluffy) Brian and reader fuck at the drive in (smut) Brian and HS gf lose their virginities (smut) Brian comforts reader after serious accident (very fluffy) Brian and reader with ADHD Reader passes out and goes to hospital Brian and reader’s wedding day Dom!Bri blurb (smut) Road tripping with Brian (kinda steamy) Confessing his feelings under the stars You and Brian’s daughter coming out You and Brian’s daughter marrying her girlfriend  2 and 46 (smut) 50 Brian and plus size reader 40 (smut) 20 and 31 28, 33, 36 Roger’s groupies make fun of Brian’s gf Carrying you to bed b/c of an injury All his pet names for you Being insecure he might be cheating “Rumor has it I make you nervous” Enemies w/ benefits to lovers Becoming smitten with a flutist Defending you from the press
Roger Taylor  Flirting with reader after a gig Rog gets jealous when John accidentally sees reader nude Making up after a fight Performing Rocky Horror for him (kinda steamy) Teaching his best friend the drums Dreaming Roger was in an accident 60s Roger 80s Roger and Filipino reader  Roger and Latina reader Roger confessing his feelings after a car accident 10, 17, 37 Passing notes “All I Wanted” songfic She’s out of my life (angsty) Fighting with his childhood friend but getting together Being amused by your emotions on your period Public quickie with Roger (smut) 8, 17, 38 Doing his Rogerina makeup
John Deacon Joe!John kissing reader for the first time 20 and 42 27 and 21 Meeting John on SNL Helping you with period pain Talking about you in an interview Waking him up on his birthday
Freddie Mercury 19 He’s your first kiss 27 (fluffy) 46 Comforting you during stress When he isn’t there for you (daughter!reader)
BoRhap Boys Pregnancy fluff Discussing accents Ben interrupts you and Gwil’s wedding Helping you when you’ve been rejected
Queen Helping their protege after she gets pregnant  Choosing between Brian and Roger Taking care of you after fracturing your tailbone
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purplesurveys · 4 years
All About the Letter A!
Please List! (at least one)
Animals I Like: Aspins! That’s what we call our native dogs, and usually they’re street dogs. Since they come from the street, they can eat all types of human food with no problem and are generally less likely to contract serious diseases. They make for amazing guard dogs and are just the best companions. Kimi’s part aspin :)
Foods I Like: There’s a local place that makes really good avocado cheesecake, and I’ll go with that.
I Know Someone Who’s (jobs): Anthropologist, air cabin crew, and accountant.
I Wouldn’t Mind Visiting: Athens, Arizona, Antarctica.
Sometimes I Feel: Anxious is the word I’m looking for most of the time these days. Sometimes I also get agitated.
Music I Listen To: Against Me!, Ariana Grande, alt-J, Adele.
Movies I’ve Seen: Anomalisa, A Clockwork Orange, A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Streetcar Named Desire, Amélie, American History X, Adventureland.
Names I Like: Amelie/Amelia, Alessandra, Arden, Ava, Audrey.
And now, onto the random questions!
Are you able to distinguish the difference of when to use “a” versus “and”? If the survey meant a/an, then yes.
Have you ever been in an airplane before? Yessss, a bunch of times. Riding airplanes never fails to make me feel excited, too.
Are you available? No. Which reminds me of some asshole who messaged my Facebook last week and said he wanted “to talk” to me because I’m “pretty.” I was the most horrified demisexual and my fingers went straight to the Block option lol.
What’s the best/funniest “autocorrect” that has happened to you/in your phone? Fuck turning into duck is always funny.
Abercrombie, American Eagle, or Aeropostale for clothes? Pass. I think all three of these shops went out of style like a decade ago.
Do you believe in angels or aliens? I believe in extraterrestrial life but not in the big head, green skin, big black eyes way that they’re usually portrayed as. I don’t believe in angels.
Have you ever been arrested? Nope.
Can you tell the difference between acute, right, and obtuse angles? Yes.
Do you appreciate art? In which forms? I appreciate all kinds of art, but like if I was in an art museum I would always flock to paintings.
Does any part of your body currently ache? Which part? Nothing is aching but my entire body is feeling very hot because it’s noon.
Do you get a lot of acne? Only whenever I’m really stressed in school. When all my deadlines start coming together, there’s always one or two noticeable pimples that show up and it’s always in an unfortunate area on my face, like in the middle of my eyes.
Are you athletic? To an extent, I guess? I can play table tennis and have shown good reflexes in sports like futsal.
Who/what are you attracted to? What attractive qualities do you find appealing? I’m demisexual; who I’m attracted to depends on who I’ve become close with, so having a list of desirable traits around doesn’t work for me.
Favorite author? I don’t have one.
Favorite actor or actress: Kate Winslet.
Do you consume alcohol? Yesssss and am always down for it.
Do you have any ailments? Not anymore! I had a UTI last week but with some very good antibiotics prescribed to me by Angela’s mom I’ve been feeling better for around a week now. It was bad for a while though and I kept having a fever that never went away and I could barely go up and down the stairs without feeling faint.
Do you wear an apron when you cook? No. I don’t think we even have aprons at home.
What time do you normally fall asleep? Midnight or a few hours after that.
Have you ever broken your arm or your ankle? I’ve sprained an ankle before. I had a bad fall, embarrassingly, in front of a rally that was ongoing at school at the time.
What is your age? 22.
Do you typically win or lose arguments? With Gabie, it only ever ends in a truce because neither of us like losing. With my mom, I let her win so that I can pretty much continue staying in this house, but she doesn’t know I could essentially kill her if I just chose to turn up my arguments to 100% lmao. 
Do you believe in astrology? No and it’s really hard to like people who take them incredibly seriously. A worst breed of people is those who like astrology but relentlessly shit on the MBTI test like...sure it might be bogus too, but at least you take a million questions about your personality on the MBTI test...
Do you enjoy going to amusement parks? My friends and I don’t ever have time to go to amusement parks, but even if we did, I’d probably be the friend that doesn’t go half the time. I just wouldn’t get my money’s worth in places like those since I don’t go on rides anyway.
Do you like the color aqua? It’s not a bad color at all. < True.
What are your aspirations? Get a great start into my career, save some money to help my parents for a bit, move out, travel some, and ultimately, all the white picket fence stuff with the person I’ll be with. Idk, I’m conventional when it comes to my goals.
Do you have any allergies? I don’t.
What is one of your most awkward moments? I have at least one everyday. Same goes for embarrassing moments.
Describe your appearance: I’m 5′1″, black shoulder-length hair with bangs, dark brown eyes, two ear piercings with one of the piercings ripped open from an accident, and shoulders that are a little bit tilted if you look closely because of my scoliosis.
What kind of an accent do you have? I wouldn’t know how to describe it but I have just a teeeeeny bit of an American accent due to me talking in English most of the time with nearly everyone I know, but it’s not perfect because of my Filipino tongue. It’s the same accent as those who went to private school and speaks English as a first language.
Are you addicted to anything? I don’t have any serious addictions but I will never pass up the chance to eat macarons, cheesecake, and any dish with truffle in it.
What are you afraid of? Death, cockroaches, losing the people I love, being in the kitchen and having something get on fire, getting eaten alive by an animal, drowning in the middle of the ocean or sea.
Are you big on showing affection? Intimately, like if it’s only the two of us together. I don’t like being too showy when in public because I know a good number of people don’t like it.
Do you live in an apartment? Nope. House.
Do you prefer Apple products? Yeah, all the gadgets I use regularly are Apple.
Have you ever received an award? For what? The last one I received was in elementary school for winning in a quiz bee.
Are you an Aquarius or an Aries? No.
Which alarms have you heard before? My phone’s, the fire alarm in emergency drills, the national local alerts on my phone whenever there’s a typhoon, earthquake, or volcano eruption, firetruck siren, ambulance siren, police siren.
Have you ever been under anesthesia before? What was the outcome? No and I am scaredddddd for the possibility. As far as I know that’s an injection too; and besides, I might end up saying embarrassing shit in front of my parents.
Anything else that you’d like to ask? Nopes.
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aaannmariee · 4 years
“Ay, Pastilan!”
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      There was a time, it was christmas and I was in grade 10 that time as well. We normally go home to our province, which is located in Impasug-ong, Kibenton near Malay balay City. After we arrived, my cat was restless for he is not familiar with the place. It was his first time there. My father said that let the cat roam around so he will be familiar with the place and surroundings. So I let him roam around and get back inside because my mom called me to help her cook our dinner. After cooking, I immediately searched for my cat, I kept on calling his name and he didn’t answer for he normally responded when being called, he would meow back. But there’s no sign of his existence, even a small meow. One hour, two hours, and three hours have passed, still he didn’t show up. My mom called me to eat my dinner, devastated but needed some strength. That night,  I  have been crying a lot,  I can not sleep well. I got up from bed and grabbed my flashlight. I kept on searching  and was about to lose hope. I will just accept what will happen, if he will come back or not anymore. I already lost hope, why of all the time and place, you get to loose a beloved somewhere you are not familiar yourself with. I kept wondering what he might be doing or there maybe other cats, dogs or animals that may hurt him and may be abducted since he was cute and looked expensive (we always wanted to ask the vet what breed he was, never got the chance though until he grew up to be fine mingming)..  Again, I cried until I fell asleep and when I woke up, I was startled by the noise of a cat outside in front of our door. “Pastilaaaaan! there you are, pastilan ah but I’m so happy  you came backkkk! I almost gave up huhu, thought I would lose you forever”, I said to my cat. 
Pastilan is a Filipino word that originally came from Cebu, a province of the Philippines located in Central Visayas Region. Mostly used by Cebuanos and with Bisaya or Visayan dialect and tone, often describing a situation or person. It’s literal translation in english is “Oh my gosh/ goodness!” Used as an expression to stress an emotion, there are four emotions stated below which are; 1.) Expression of great worry or grief. 2.) Expression of feigned surprise or concern, with a disdainful tone. 3.) Expression of pain and annoyance. Lastly,  exclamation of how interesting something is. It has no exact word to translate in tagalog but most likely the same meaning as ‘Makulit’ and ‘Nakakagulat’, an expression word when you are annoyed and surprised. It is an exclamation of surprises. A simple reaction to qualify one’s surprise, a comment to express one’s reaction to something that you are not expecting. Often expressed in the matter of good or bad. The word ‘Pastilan’ is always connoted to be a bad expression or cursed word when in fact it actually is not. It is accused for being a cuss word. They or the Adults, our Uncles and Aunts misconcept the word and and might have fanatically used the word in expressing great disappointment ; “Pastilan  ka!”, “Sus, pastilan!”. 
Going through, there was a movie and  entitled “Panaghoy sa Suba: The call of the river”. The story is set in Bohol, Central Visayas during World War II before, during, and immediately after, the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines.
Duroy (Cesar Montano) is a banca operator who falls in love with Iset (Juliana Palermo), the most bewitching girl in her village. Iset is an obedient child whose father and materialistic aunt hope that she will marry the American businessman who employs her and thereby achieve wealth and status. The resident American businessman, John Smith (played by Philip Anthony), is an abusive, rude and stingy landowner. He notices Iset's beauty but sees her as a potential mistress rather than a future wife. Islet loves Duroy but obeys her parents.
Ibô (Reiven Bulado), Duroy's brother, is also smitten with Iset. As Duroy adores his family and does not want to get in his brother's way, he stops courting Iset. Duroy is devoted to his family, his mother (Daria Ramirez), Ibô and his sister, Bikay (multi-awarded former child star Rebecca Lusterio). Heartbroken after her husband leaves for an American woman and ill, Duroy's mother dies when they run out of money to purchase her medicine. John Smith sees Ibo talking with Iset at the warehouse and shoots him on the spot. Duroy vows revenge.
When the Japanese invasion begins, many men of the village flee into the mountains to become guerillas. The women and children stay, along with an American priest. John Smith is drafted into the American army and leaves. The Japanese commander who arrives notices Iset but does not attack her as many Japanese military personnel did elsewhere in the Philippines during the war. With the Japanese now in power, Iset's aunt wants her to marry the officer.
Several years pass before Duroy and his men launch an attack against the Japanese garrison. The Japanese responded by killing the priest and taking hostages. In 1945, a group of Filipino and American troops arrived to help the Boholano guerrilla force defeat the Japanese troops. Duroy kills the Japanese commander after a long man-against-man battle.
John Smith (mockingly dubbed "White Balls" by Duroy and his friends) returns after the war expecting life to continue as it was before the Japanese invasion. Duroy attacks him but after beating Smith and thoroughly humiliating him tells Smith that he isn't worth killing him. Iset refuses John Smith's clumsy offer to renew their relationship and chooses Duroy.
 A movie that reminiscent the Region’s dialect, culture and lifestyle.  It was released in 2004, Cesar Montano a.k.a ‘Buboy’ decided to produce a movie in the Cebuano language and  acted as the main character.  Many netizens commented about the movie and one of his famous phrases that bisaya and non-bisaya people would totally not forget and would understand during the scenes were “Pastilan” goes from  ‘darn’ to ‘oh boy’ and “Uy kalami!” becomes “How sweet” instead of “how tasty!”. Because of Cesar Montano together with his  movie, the word “Pastilan” became more famous and it spread not just in Visayas, but in Mindanao as well. Having said that, we get to have a glimpse of how the word really is known and used way back, even to the Ancestors. Well, 16 years passed by nevertheless we often still hear this kind of expression.
There are a lot of expressions to be used and ‘Pastilan’ is one of them. True enough, when you are shocked or even pissed, you often tend to say the word. It is a reminder also that whenever some people will hear you saying this, they will think that you are disrespectful, foul-mouthed and even foul mannered. The word PASTILAN, as time passes by, people are now used to using this expression, like, if I/you are gonna say it out loud today, most of the people will misunderstand you. 
As time passes by, the word ‘Pastilan’ is being passed to generations (bisaya people or even other places, inside the Philippines) as a curse/cuss word.  We heard and still hear our forebears say this word (especially to us, bisaya people) and they will scold you for saying it where in fact, we just heard it from them. It became a common belief or idea among the people that the word pastilan is inadequate or not proper to use. For it is just an expression, you cannot expect to not say it unless you never heard it from your elders or to the environment  around you. We are living in the 21st century, a modern generation, for technology is rising up so fast. Why not use this opportunity to discover new words, or words you have just recently heard, their differences and meaning.
But as my mom and ate always remind me and I come to believe that you should always have to be careful on what words you use. You can not take the fact that we are truthfully surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, judging us not just by our appearance but as to what words come out our mouth, judging our Parents or the person taught us our manners. As others would say, “Giunsa man ka ug padako (how are we brought)” that we get to act the way we do. Despite the history and true meaning of such expressions not just this, prevention is always better or being more careful, minding the things or words, instead of bad mouthing rather able that word would be more encouraging. I don’t really have anything against anyone or to the people using the word as a cuss, they have their own side of the story.
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Grace Kelly, photographed by Jean Howard, on the cover of Everybody’s, a UK tabloid.
After only four years in films, Miss Kelly, daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia building contractor, has become the most sought-after young lady in Hollywood. Every studio, every director wants her, always to cast her as the leading actor’s “good, young wife." The Bridges at Toko-Ri will mark the sixth time in as many films that she has played the part. It is an odd, almost unprecedented role through which to achieve film fame. The answer may be that audiences like an occasional change, that they welcome Miss Kelly’s cold beauty and ladylike demeanour as a pleasant relief from all the blonde bombshells who have gone before. 
Kelly may grace the cover, but the interior article is a puff piece that focuses on her Bridges at Toko-Ri costar, William Holden. Click below to read it.
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William Holden is his name, and The Bridges at Toko-Ri his latest film. And yet no one is less like a film star
As typecast by the public, the typical actor comes equipped with a long, low, snow-white sports car upholstered in red leather, a heated swimming pool shaped like a shamrock, a Filipino butler who lays out his ties and stalls eager ladies on the telephone, a camel hair polo coat belted with a knotted loop, a white silk scarf and brown or blue suede shoes.
It is impossible to think of Bill Holden in such terms. He doesn’t look the part, act the part nor react to the part.
He is a leading representative of a slowly evolving school of male movie stars, a new breed composed of uncrazy, non-mixed-up types as opposed to those who would strive to conform to the myth of Valentino.
The man who performed so brilliantly in Sunset Boulevard, who gained an Oscar for his work in Stalag 17, who played opposite Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina Fair, and now joins with Grace Kelly in The Bridges at Toko-Ri is no balloon-head who has suddenly soared aloft.
With him there have been no suspensions, no mysterious disappearances; no whiffs of marijuana, no gadding about the world as half of a twosome minus marriage lines. He is responsible, dependable, quiet in manner, and conservative in dress.
He is, in fact, a most un-typical movie actor. Some actors feel that intelligence doesn’t pay; that it’s unnecessary for acting; that it is a handicap and, if possessed, must be concealed. Holden refuses to admit the truth of such loony talk. He doesn’t admit that intelligence can be a drawback in any profession. When Bill Holden was still Bill Beedle, a late-teenage Pasadena boy, he was willing to pass up his chance of becoming a movie star in favour of a junior-college exam which he considered more important.
To backtrack for a moment to show what kind of person the Bill Beedle was who made this decision, it is pertinent to note that his father’s business had largely to do with fertilisers, and that Bill was not coddled during his early years.
He visited plants engaged in processing fertilisers, took a sample of the product they made, brought it back to his father’s laboratory for analysis. Most of the time it was a smelly job. He worked in boxcars from Mexico full of steer-blood meal or fish meal or bone meal. If it was hot, he emerged with so much dry steer-blood adhering to him that he seemed to be bleeding to death.
He also did a great deal of daredevil motorbike riding. One day his mother arrived home to find a crowd before her South Pasadena house. They were staring at Bill as he stood on the seat of his motorcycle, his arms spread wide, as he cruised up and down the street.
(“You set your throttle at a certain speed,” he told me. “You stood on the seat. You manoeuvred by weight and by balance. No hands; no brains either.“)
His mother called out, "If you fall, I’ll send you to the hospital.” He paid no attention. She raised her voice and added, “And I won’t come to see you.’”
“This isn’t dangerous!” Bill shouted back.
“Then why is the crowd watching you?” she demanded.
“Because they can’t do it themselves!’’ he said and continued his cruise.
Bill’s father’s ambition for his son to join him in the chemical fertiliser business never materialised. A school play about the Curie family of radium fame, in which Bill was cast as the eighty-year-old Pierre Curie, Sr., intervened.
A Paramount talent scout, Milton Lewis, saw the play, asked Bill Beedle to look him up the following morning.
"Sorry,” the youngster told him, “but I have an exam, and I don’t want to miss it.”
“Opportunity only knocks once,” Lewis reminded him.
“This one will have to knock twice,” young Beedle replied.
Lewis tried irony. “When you’ve taken care of the really important things, give me a call at Paramount,” he said.
A week later Beedle dropped in. Asked to portray a character from a play in which he’d appeared, he did the eighty-year-old Pierre Curie, Sr. His choice was not difficult. Pierre Curie, Sr., was the only character he had ever played.
But at least it encouraged the studio to give him a further screen test and as a result of that take an option on his services.
He was re-christened Bill Holden but received no work until his screen test was seen by another company. Columbia Pictures only asked to see it because of their interest in the girl who played opposite Holden. But, it was Holden who caught their eye.
He was so obviously the man to play Golden Boy, a boxing violinist, in their projected film of that title. They’d already tested eighty-five applicants. Now Holden the non-applicant was given the part.
Golden Boy made a lot of money. As a result, Bill had a prophetic, if fleeting, hint of what it could mean to be ‘hot’ in the industry.
Every studio wanted him. In his first four pictures, he worked at four different studios.
But then came the war. He gained a commission in the Army Air Force and was put to work on propaganda programmes and camp entertainments. He understood why he was put to such use, but he would have much preferred flying assignments, especially after the Japanese got his brother, Bob, who was stationed on a carrier.
He sums up his years in the Air Force in a few sentences. “I got married (his wife Ardis was also an actress). I went away to war. Then I came home and saw my wife. Our first son, Wes, was born in November of 1943. I went away again and came back again. Our second son, Scotty, was born right after the war.”
Bill went straight back into films after leaving uniform, although by now there was not so much competition for his services. It took him seven hard years to get near the top again, but then came Sunset Boulevard and he was there—this time, it seems, for keeps.
“The thing with Holden,” says Billy Wilder who directed him in Sunset Boulevard and Stalag 17, “is that he didn’t become, overnight, the biggest, the most sensational leading man in the profession, then two pictures later fall flat on his rear. He grew, and his growth was a healthy thing.“
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scrambledgegs · 4 years
Dead Kids
     Filipino indie film, Dead Kids is more than your stereotypical coming-of-aged type of movie. The film centralizes around a group of middle to upper class, private high school students who conspire together and hatch an amateur plan to kidnap the resident school bully. By kidnapping him and holding him for ransom for Php 30 Million, they will be able to kill two birds with one stone – get even and teach their tormentor a lasting lesson, and secondly, get their hands on a hefty sum of money for personal reasons.
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  In this respect, only one of the kidnappers seemed to have “the most valid reason” because unlike the other students in the private school, he is the only scholar and in “real” need of money to pay for college and other basic necessities. In fact, he resorts to various “rackets” just to keep financially afloat. He is constantly marginalized and unaccepted by his peers at school. This aspect of the movie also highlights social divides that plagues the Philippines as well, and is exacerbated by growing issues of entitlement among the wealthy and privileged.
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As the movie unfolds, as expected, the group collectively bungle the kidnapping operations; they destroy families, dreams and lives. The movie is both comedic and tragic – which is why it really resonated with me. It is very real.
    What struck me the most was the formulation and execution of the whole plan – the scenes and dialogue hit close to home. I recalled my younger school-kid self, as well as my peers back in the day. We conversed very similarly, in a mix of Tagalog and English and used slang words. We also had the same, typical encompassing adolescent problems, the usual things like – school, grades, barkada, relationships, peer pressure, gimikan and yes, vices.
     The dark and stark difference however is that these kids are beyond your average group; they are quite scary. They are made of different stuff – they are very much alive, but at a young age, already seem dead inside, devoid of morals and values. To even think about kidnapping a classmate is one thing, but to actually have the resolve to execute the plan is really frightening. At one point, you will feel sorry for the kidnapped bully, despite what he has done to them individually in the past scenes. Adults are also hardly present in the movie. It is as though these kids live in a warped world with no authority and supervision. Mind you, this movie is based on actual events that transpired in 2018 among university students in Manila. The movie will really make you think about then and now, and the factors which are pushing our youth over the edge.
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The Age of the Internet of things: Anxiety, Depression, Violence and Envy
    Dead Kids touched on many prevailing themes faced by our generation today – specifically by Millennials and now the Generation Z (Gen Z). Over and over again in the movie, social media was shown to play a disastrous effect on the psyche of these kids, mirroring what is happening in real life today. At a click of a button and swipe of fingertips, everyone knows what everyone else is doing because of social media, and that makes people compare themselves to others. This continuous, 24/7 exposure breeds anxiety, depression and envy – especially for young people who are unable to compartmentalize or differentiate social media lives from reality. Affected young people feel like they are just not good enough, as compared with for example: a classmate who has topped the class with the highest grades, or their athletic friend who has won a championship title, or another colleague who possesses the latest designer clothes, or an affluent friend who recently took a trip to Europe over summer vacation. They want to achieve or get their hands on the same things as quickly as they could, so that they too can post and boast about it online. Social media encourages instant gratification, and many of our young people forget the value of hard work and replace it with what they will call “passion” – in the form of unsteady and capricious whims. As a business professor of mine said, this generation is concerned “with reaching only the summit, but forget about the climb.” This could not be any truer.
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Cyber-Bullying and Disconnection
    Let us also not forget the issue of cyber-bullying. As shown in Dead Kids, one of the kidnappers recalls how the resident bully is able to bully him in all mediums – physically in school, as well as online, in front of everyone, and get away with it. Those on the posting-end, who receive numerous likes, views and comments, feel as though their online taunts are encouraged and justified, and those as the object of cyber-bullying, feel as though they deserve this treatment. What makes it even worse is that nobody is really held accountable. You can easily see how this can make one spiral downwards in self-loathing and anger. It does not come as a surprise that the recent literature today speaks of significantly increasing rates of depression, aggression, anxiety – and even suicide among the youth. Another matter hand-in-hand with this are issues on personal connections, or the lack thereof. Why does it seem that young people today feel like they have no safe space or outlet to talk about what they are really going through? We have heard this before: that the more we are connected through the cyber world and technology, the more we have become disconnected in our actual and personal relationships.
Narcissism and Materialism
    There was also a memorable scene in Dead Kids during the drop-off of the ransom money at the agreed location. (The location happens to be real-life bar called 2020, in Pasong Tamo where I have been to a couple of time before, and coincidentally today is 02.20.2020). The ransom money is put together by the victim’s father, an alleged drug lord, and he places the money in a designer bag. The moment the bag is plopped in the center of the dance floor, amidst the blazing trap music and flashing neon lights, many girls race for it, not knowing its contents. The scene was done really well, and you just think to yourself, “Wow, have we really become this materialistic and shallow, that we would physically fight over a designer bag?” In turn, the raucous compromises the whole operation, and one of the girls is held at gunpoint.
The Death of a Nation
    I would go so far to say that I believe there is a breakdown of values in the Philippines and in the world today. We can blame social media, but ultimately, we also have to look inwards at ourselves.  Sometimes, we too propagate social injustices with our simple, unconscious actions.
    Our leaders as well have a responsibility. Unfortunately, the highest leader of the land, our incumbent President has not personified anything substantial to be emulated, but we are either gripped with fear, indifference or blind loyalty and let things be. Regarding his character alone, on TV for instance, our children watch our President curse and drop profanity in every statement likes there’s no tomorrow. They will grow up thinking that this is totally okay and cool, and then we wonder why we have dead kids. It is because we are becoming a Dead nation.
    Moreover, he has made rape jokes, sexist and sordid comments against women, demeaning statements against Pope Francis and the Church, but his supporters continue to make unfounded excuses for this behavior. Our journalists and media as well are being silenced with real threats – to livelihood and life. Those who attempt to speak out are punished without due process and are ridiculed in a dehumanizing manner – Senator Leila de Lima being the biggest example of this. Most importantly, he continues to justify his drug war and extra judicial killings through conjured up data and convoluted truths. Have we lost our sights on human rights, life and God? These scenarios seem all too familiar.
Parallelisms to Martial Law of the Marcos Regime
    We can draw many softer parallelisms of what is happening today to the atrocities of Martial Law under the 20-year Marcos dictatorship. Filipinos are truly quick to forget or love to choose to be ignorant. What I find truly unacceptable, that in this age where information is abundant and easily accessible, turns out many Filipinos, not just among the younger Millennials and Gen Z groups, but actually older people too, have a skewed version of Martial Law. They think it was a Golden Era of discipline and crime-free streets, not knowing about the countless and undocumented people who were imprisoned, murdered and tortured. To say the least, some do not even know Martial Law once existed in the Philippines. This ignorance and lack of information is not limited to just the uneducated, but persists even among private school educated Filipinos. Apparently, this part of Philippine history – Ninoy Aquino, Martial Law and the 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution is not really taught or emphasized in our education system. It is truly a tragedy because we Filipinos were the victors of this miraculous, peaceful revolt which ultimately toppled Marcos, and yet we have not been able write history as it should be.
    President Duterte was elected because he sold the idea that the Philippines can only be great again with an “iron-fisted” leader, the same dream that Marcos peddled to the Philippines. Today with President Duterte at the helm, the myth of the iron-fisted leader is again debunked, and now is an unfolding tragedy.
The Importance of Real, Personal Relationships
    The movie’s title, I’d like to believe, is a comment on the actual reality of extra judicial killings happening in the Philippines today, but the movie also tells us that being a Dead Kid means more than the literal sense. Perhaps we’ve all felt like a dead kid at some point in life. I personally know what it felt like to be one; I can say that I have felt it twice in my youth. I had lost my way, my purpose and felt dead inside. But what helped me conquer my demons? It was my support system composed of my family and various groups of friends. During my most vulnerable and weak moments, they had been there all along and instilled the strength I needed to bounce back. Very importantly as well, they were real friends who had the courage to intervene and tell me to my face when I was becoming the worst version of myself. You need these types of people – or you will really go through life thinking, either that you are completely alone or completely invincible.
    Many years later, now that I have a daughter, I know that I cannot shield her completely from the problems of the world, but I hope I can truly imbibe one of the most important qualities – and that is resilience. I know that like me, she will fail at things. She will get hurt. She will be rejected, at times, for no good reason. However, I want her to be tough, to be brave and rise to the occasion when needed. Giving up is not the answer. She must also remember to always be kind, fair and have integrity despite how unbelievable people can be. We are all dealt with a different deck of cards in life, but to be able to achieve that winning hand lies in you.
Generation Alpha
    Analysts have dubbed the Generation Alpha (Gen Alpha) as the generation that will succeed the Gen Zs. They are those born in 2010 up until the year 2025, supposedly the “children of the Millennials,” our children. I think about this movie Dead Kids, and then I think to myself that I do not want my daughter and our generation’s children to grow up with fractured values and distorted principles. Don’t you want to handover to your children, a world that you can be proud of?
    I am no expert, and I am no Mother Teresa, but I do know that as early as their formative years, we must be conscious and deliberate about the things we say and do – because they will mimic what they see. We must teach them what is morally wrong, even if it is deemed okay by society. The family unit is the very first thing that a child knows – so us as parents, or as older people wizened by life experiences, truly have that responsibility to set a good example. Education is also key for political consciousness and value formation.
    Like I said earlier, when I was going through tough times in my youth, what made all the difference were my family and friends. I was lucky enough to have grown up with the right group of friends – those that had a positive influence throughout my entire life. It was never about material things, but rather what was intangible and essential.
     We have to be very present and visible in our children’s lives – but to also give them sufficient space to grow and make mistakes. Of course, it is easier said than done – but the growing demographic of dead kids, both literally and figuratively, is today’s reality. I do not want to wake up one day and find that we have turned our children into Dead Kids.
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masayahingbatapoako · 7 years
50: Top 3 pet peeves 1. sa grammars “You” and “You’re 2. The feel of chalk. 3. Loud chewing, or people chewing with their mouths open
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive 1. the way you look at the pizza 2. the way you smile at the pizza 3. the way you taste the pizza
52: Top 3 bad habits 1. Yosi 2. ewan 3. ewan
53: Top 3 pets you’ve had/wish to have 1. Cats 2. Dogs 3. Hamster
54: Top 3 types of foreign food 1-3. Ewan ko hahaha
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime 1. i’m sorry 2. i’m sorry 3. i’m sorry
56: Top 3 dog breeds 1. huskey 2. shih tzu 3. golden retriever
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies 1. Titanic 2. deadpool (hahaha trust me there is) 3. the vow
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak 1. French 2. Spanish 3. Japanese
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) 1. Teen wolf 2. Blue is the warmest color 3. If stay
60: Top 3 pizza toppings 1. pepproni 2. veggietarian 3. meat
61: Top 3 youtubers you’re subscribed to 1. will dasovich 2. Why Not Us 3. hindi ko alam ahha
62: Top 3 tattoo/piercing ideas 1. equality sign 2. arrow 3. rainbow with semicolon in it.
63: Top 3 awards you want to win 1. being left out 2. ugly 3. emotional
64: Top 3 emojis 1. 😊 2.😂 3.😧
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning 1. VolksWagen 2. ferarri 3. Mazda
66: Top 3 authors 1. John Green 2. J.K Rowling 3. Gayle Forman
67: Top 3 historical figures 1. Albert einstein 2. Marilyn Monroe 3. Martin Luther King
68: Top 3 baby names 1. brendon 2. mia 3. Hazel
69: Top 3 DIYs 1. Riped jeans 2. Windshield rainbow 3. missioni shoes
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors 1. Mango strawbaeri 2. strawbaeris 3. bannanananananberries
71: Top 3 songs of this month 1. opm songs 2. rather be 3. Unsteady
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked 1. kumain na ba kayo? 2. ano ulam nio? 3. kamusta ang araw?
73: Top 3 villains (marvel/dc) 1. Green goblin/norman osborn 2. Magneto 3. Venom
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see 1-3. MARIKINA hahahha uwi nio na kasi ako i really do know.
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try 1. french cuisine 2. more korean cuisines 3. more japanese cuisines
76: Top 3 dream jobs 1-3 artist sana haha pero hindi ko sure hah
77: Top 3 lucky items 1. Earphone 2. Phone 3. Wallet chareng
78: Top 3 traditions you have 1-3 iniisip ko tuloy si phoebs ng FRIENDS hahaha wala eh.
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid 1-3. muckang bitin ako ewan ko ba hahahahhahah
80: Top 3 harry potter characters 1. harry potter 2. hermione grainger 3. si ed sheeran ay si ano pala Ron Wealey pala.
81: Top 3 lies you were told 1. PROMISES 2. PROMISES 3. (nangangamote kasi pagod na si acoe)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now 1-3 napost ko na. kagabi pa.
83: Top 3 turn ons 1. Humour 2. Smile 3. matic na reply
84: Top 3 turn offs 1. reply na sususnod na bukas 2. Lack of a sense of humor 3. grammars. tempers.
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read 1-3. nope
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier 1. my secret admirer pota meron ba? 2. ewan 3. ewan
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes 1. colorful krabby patty 2. introducing krabby patty 3. evil doodle ME HOY MINOY!!!
88: Top 3 places to be in the world 1. Europe 2. labas ng earth and be an astronaut xD 3. travelling in total hahahha
89: Top 3 things you’d do differently 1. matamlay chareng 2. i can do what i can’t do. 3. i am getting good at art i guess?
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood 1. teletubs 2. Art Attack 3. Spongiebob
91: Top 3 meals you love 1. fried chicken chareng 2. subway 3. ewan
92: Top 3 kinds of tea 1. green tea 2. green tea with lemon 3. chamomile tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments 1-3. ewan ko hahahha
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate 1. Christmas 2. Holloween 3. New year hahahahha
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain 1. SLEEP 2. kape/choco 3. Read books
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow. 1. snowman 2. snowball 3. angels thingy
97: Top 3 items you can’t leave the house w/o 1. Earphones 2. phones 3. keys
98: Top 3 movies you’d like to see 1. power ranger 2. Ghost in the shell 3. the fate of the furious
99: Top 3 art mediums 1. mix 2. water color 3. ink
100: Top 3 museums you’ve been to 1. Auckland Museums. 2. sa pinas Pambatang moseo 3. sana sa france
101: Top 3 school memories 1. pinaiyak ng filipino teacher nung 1st year highschool 2. papabili ng kung ano sayo (utos dito, utos duon.) 3. crushesss is the most thing i guess
102: Top 3 things you don’t/Won’t miss 1. past 2. past 3. past
103: Top 3 pick up lines 1. yelo ka ba? kasi ang cold mo saakin. chareng lang 2. drum set ka ba? because you are the beat of my heart… ano raw? wth 3. Buhok ka ba? magulo parang ikaw charuuuuuuuttttttey…
104: Top 3 sports to watch 1. Basketball 2. volleyball 3. badminton (but neither one of them havent even watch)
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs 1. we are never getting back together 2. Love story 3. crazier
@timang-sincebirth mahal na mahal mo ko talaga hahahahhaa eto na buwis buhay sa utak
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
Meet UAE-based Filipino who creates royal wedding gowns
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/meet-uae-based-filipino-who-creates-royal-wedding-gowns/
Meet UAE-based Filipino who creates royal wedding gowns
Harvey Cenit, 31, is making his mark in the fashion scene with his wedding gown creations.
Dubai: The UAE has been a fertile breeding ground for Filipino creativity and ingenuity in the field of fashion. Michael Cinco, Furne One and Ezra Santos are just some of the most successful names in the industry – icons who have served as inspiration and set the trail ablaze for a new generation of talents.
A young and promising fashion designer is making big strides as he follows in the footsteps of his more illustrious peers. Harvey Cenit, 31, is making his mark in the fashion scene with his wedding gown creations that cater to royalties in the region.
After honing his skills for eight years in Cebu, Philippines, Cenit brought his wares to the UAE almost six years ago. 
“[I came here] basically to venture into new things, to learn new things, to learn new cultures,” Cenit tells Gulf News #Pinoy. He says the UAE has been the perfect place for aspiring fashion professionals to further sharpen their skills and find more lucrative opportunities.
“Here in UAE, couture is really a big thing,” he says. “Here you can really learn things that you cannot learn from our place.”
Harvey Cenit is now the head designer and creative director at Al Aroosa Aniqah.
Cenit is now the head designer and creative director at Al Aroosa Aniqah, where he has been designing mainly bridal outfits.
“Here in Dubai, in Sharjah, in the UAE, wedding gowns are really one of the best markets for couture, for couturiers,” says Cenit. “On the business side, there’s a lot of money in weddings. Arab people spend money for wedding gowns – for anything beautiful. So, that’s why wedding gowns are really one of the big markets here in the UAE.”
Cenit, who earned a degree in Fine Arts major in Visual Arts from the University of the Philippines, Cebu, says his fervent desire to create works of art has been a driving force in the fiercely competitive fashion establishment.
“My background is visual arts, but my passion is really fashion designing. It’s quite cliché, but my passion is fashion,”
His venture in the UAE, though, has also been a big adjustment.
“Back in the Philippines, I used to design wedding gowns that were very simple, very elegant, very Western,” he says. “Here in the UAE, it’s a new thing. Wedding gowns are very extravagant, very couture, very detailed, fully beaded dresses, so it’s quite different from ours.”
Read more #Pinoy stories in UAE  
He adds: “The brides here have three sets of weddings – they start with the engagement, then the henna party and the third one is the white dress, which is exclusive for all women. Ours is more Western, more elegant. We kind of adopt the Western cultures and there’s a lot of theme – beach wedding, garden wedding.”
Cenit says one of the advantages of working in the UAE is that it opens opportunities to work for some of the more exclusive brands or even to design for big-time celebrities.
 For exposure, we are quite near to Western countries and European countries. You know Cinco is Hollywood designer already, and there is also Amato and Santos. That’s the advantage I guess,” he says.
He reveals more in this Q&A with #Pinoy:
On his inspirations
I get it from movies and music. I listen to Lana Del Ray’s music and then I can imagine what she’s wearing; that’s the time I’ll start sketching. From the movies, I love the dresses from the movie the  Crimson Peak and I love Audrey Hepburn movies. 
I love the elegant silhouette and I love the detailed things in the dress. I used to combine colours, the weird colours – not the typical combination of colours, that’s my thing. So I am both wearable and artistic.
What does it take to be a good wedding fashion designer?
You have to listen to your bride. You have to understand what she likes. You have to get her ideas and then fuse it with your ideas to have the perfect combination and both of you will be happy.
Big no-no in wedding fashion
For me, there’s no particular thing that I don’t like for a wedding gown. Maybe just the showy type, maybe just the very see-through type and the very outrageous one. For me, it’s really up to the bride; if it makes them happy, why not. 
Here in the UAE, they listen to me, they listen to the designers. Mostly, they bring photos, which is good because I can see directly the dresses that they like and then I can just suggest what is not appropriate.
How wedding gowns have evolved
The classic one is the 60s, it’s very elegant – the plain without beads. These are the timeless pieces. The classic ones are not dying, they’re very timeless and very modern at the same time. In this particular era, we are kind of mixing both the very detailed one and the elegant silhouette. The silhouette is very simple, but the details of the dress are very heavy and very fully beaded – that’s the trend in this time. 
People he looks up to 
Cinco, One and Santos – the three of them are the biggest ones here. All of the Filipinos I think look up to them, especially fashion designers. Cinco, Amato and Santos, they’re really the big names here in the UAE.
On dressing up Filipino celebrities
Well, I already dressed up Lea Salonga before, so that’s already quite an achievement.I’m a frustrated singer [laughs], so I’m dressing up singers instead of me singing. I still want to dress up Mercedes Cabral. I dressed her up before during the Cannes [Film Festival in 2009]. I want to dress up her again because she’s quite a pride for our country. She’s a great image of a Filipino woman – brown skin and not the typical mestiza, great body and a great actress as well.
Lea Salonga in a Harvey Cenit gown.
(Cenit also has dressed up Dubai-based X Factor UK 2016 aspirant Ivy Grace Paredes, Asia’s Phoenix Morissette Amon, other singers like Sheryn Regis, Nikki Gil and actresses like Dionne Monsanto and Beauty Gonzalez.)
International stars he would love to dress up
I love Celine [Dion]. I’ve mentioned that I’ve always wanted to dress up singers. I love Celine, I love [Lady] Gaga and for the red carpet I would love to dress up Anne Hathaway. 
Dream wedding to work on
I don’t know who’s the next in line for a royal wedding [laughs]. I love to dress up any royalty.
Practical tips for a modern bride
You have to know your style. You have to know what you like. You don’t have to copy anybody else’s style and you have to share to your designer what you like, listen to his suggestions and then you’ll get the perfect wedding dress.
You also have to know your budget. You have to tell to your designer your budget so that he can work around your budget. If you’re going to buy materials here in the UAE, there’s a lot of affordable materials – fabrics, beadings, tulle, bridal accessories – in Rolla, Sharjah, Bur Dubai, Satwa, Naif that are very high quality. There’s a lot of high-quality but affordable resources here.
What’s next for him?
I would love to paint again. I miss painting. I miss the visual art world.
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heeyitskayee · 7 years
How to Be a Hero in Your Own Simple Ways
Modern times call for a new breed of heroes
To change our country was what great Filipinos, like Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio sought to do in their time. Their remarkable deeds have helped inspire a new generation of heroes that are living up to this calling in several different ways.
Indeed, heroism is very much alive as we see people from all walks of life doing something great and extraordinary for family, friends and even strangers. It’s enough to make your heart swell with pride if you’re a Filipino.
Be your own hero and a hero to others in simple ways. Here's how:
1. Perform random acts of kindness.
This was the theme of the 2000 movie release Pay It Forward starring Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment.
As the young boy in the movie, Trevor (Osment), tries to make the world a better place by doing good deeds and asking the people he has helped to return the favor by showing acts of love and kindness to others.
In the recent past, a number of Facebook posts have made the rounds online, each demonstrating the good side of humanity. Read the one about the food delivery guy who brought not only food but also medicine after reading a note posted by the mother at the online store, requesting it for her sick child?  
How about of the schoolchild who ate junk food as ulam? This prompted his teacher to post a photo online and tell users of the child’s plight?
That must have felt wonderful for the two Good Samaritans.
2. Use the power of small gestures.
A hug, a smile, or a pat on the back is an inexpensive way of telling someone you care. It also does not need a lot of effort on your part, so you really don’t have an excuse not to do it.
For all you know, that gentle pat could be what your co-worker needs to know your office isn’t that bad after all.
3. Volunteer your talent.
You certainly have a talent that you could put to good use for the benefit of the less fortunate. Remember the church choir in Sister Act, which Whoopi Goldberg inspired to sing with their until so people would go to church again?
Not gifted with powerful vocal chords? Surely you have other talents you can use to people in your community.
You could also donate whatever extra resources or cash you have toward worthwhile projects, events, or causes, especially those related to education, housing and care for the elderly. Remember that no good act is too little if you have all the right intentions of making a difference in someone’s life.
4. Support local.
Our country has a wealth of talent, from performing artists to cinematic geniuses. Supporting local can be as easy as loving your own by say, buying locally made wares or watching new kinds of Filipino movies, like Birdshot.
5. Promote peace, not hate.
In real life and on social media. Choose your battles, if it's not worth getting worked up about, let it go. If it is, discuss it with the people involved. Meanwhile online, don't leave nasty comments on people's feeds or photos. If you must say something, maybe do so in private. But again, as said above, choose your battles wisely.
We can all be heroes by simply being kind and considerate to others. So, what have you done today?
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Where are you from? Sacramento, California
How would you describe your race/ethnicity? Filipino/white (50/50)
Do you identify with one particular aspect of your ethnicity more than another? Have you ever felt pressure to choose between parts of your identity? It's easiest to simply identify as American because even my Filipino side is very Americanized--my grandparents immigrated here and my mom was born here, so she grew up American. Plus my Filipino family lives in Los Angeles so I only saw them a couple times a year growing up, separating me a lot from their culture.
Did your parents encounter any difficulties from being in an interracial relationship? They both grew up in CA and first met in Los Angeles (then later moved to NorCal) so they didn't stick out too much; they haven't encountered any big problems.
How has your mixed background impacted your sense of identity and belonging? It's made me more weary of both white and POC spaces because I have a right to be in both! So I usually just try to exist in both and will fight anyone who says I don't belong. I think I'm a pretty neat person, mixed background included.
Have you been asked questions like "What are you?" or "Where are you from?" by strangers? If so, how do you typically respond? I've gotten "what are you?" from friends and strangers before and I usually just give them the answer--half-Filipino, half-white. Not so much of "where are you from?" since I'm lighter skinned than other Filipinxs.
Have you experienced people making comments about you based on your appearance? Yup! Aside from random guessing games at my race, I've sat through the awkward "mixed babies are soooo cute!" and "hapa people are soooo attractive!" (And if mixed Asian people are *soooo attractive* why aren't more people coming up to me and expressing interest, hmmm?????) 
Have you ever been mistaken for another ethnicity? Latina and once Italian (lol). Or just plain old white I suppose!
Have you ever felt the need to change your behavior due to how you believe others will perceive you? In what way? I've felt like I needed to act "more Asian" when with my Asian friends/clubs at school, so I don't stick out like a sore thumb quite as much. This usually leads to me overcompensating and learn more about different cultural things than even my monoracial friends!
What positive benefits have you experienced by being mixed? i love my mixed fam! We get to blend different cultural things in my house so that's always fun. And it's fun comparing what phenotypical features I got to what my younger sister got because we look pretty different!
Have you changed the way you identify yourself over the years? I'm definitely more vocal about the fact that I'm not one but TWO races after a childhood of only marking Filipino on those dumb standardized tests. Part of my identity now is a passion for proper representation of poc (especially mixed people!) in media which of course comes from watching monoracial TV for too long!
Are you proud to be mixed? Yes
Do you have any other stories you would like to share from your own experiences? I used to get suuuuper confused as a kid when I'd watch movies/tv and only see monoracial couples. For example, I distinctly remember being confused by Taylor and chad, the 2 black main characters in high school musical, automatically being paired up. I kept thinking, "they look so similar???? What are the chances the person you'll be in love with is the same race as you??????" and of course that eventually changed as I grew up. I depended heavily on movies like Lady and the Tramp, Pocahontas, and Disney's adaptation of the broadway musical Annie (1999) because these films featured "mixed" couples (lady and the tramp are different breeds, John smith and Pocahontas are white and native, and in Annie, Ms. grace was cast as black and she and daddy warbucks end up together at the end!) and I projected myself/my parents onto them a LOT. Now I'm a film student hoping I can bring proper representation to hollywood for mixed people!!!
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Do you have any old calendars in your room? I have old planners from 2012-2017 if they count as calendars. Do you have any exercise equipment you just hang clothes on? I don’t even have exercise equipment of my own at all haha. Even if I did though I don’t think I’d be that messy. What do you like best about yourself? I’m quite detail-oriented. I can be crazy about it but I’d take it over being inattentive any day. What was the last movie you saw in theaters? I *think* it was Rainbow’s Sunset. It had such potential for a Filipino LGBT film, but they squashed it so bad. Is there a certain breed of dog you just can't stand? Fucking chihuahuas. I never want one of those near me lmao. I MEAN I’d save one of them if they were dying or starving, but I generally just hate their attitude.
Do you own any stuffed animals? I don’t, but my sister is nuts about them. She buys a new one every time we go to the mall. How long until your next birthday? Three weeks till I’m 21 bound. When was the last time you had peanut butter? I’m not so sure. I don’t really like when it’s a spread, but I will have peanut butter-flavored anything. Obama: Love him or hate him? As an observer from the outside, I love him. He’s at least better than the shitshow y’all had elected three years ago. Do you try to blend in with the crowd, or prefer to stand out? I just do my own thing and wouldn’t really care if I ended up as the former or the latter. Say something about the last person to comment you on myspace: What was the last book you read? Idk, something for my Pol Sci class if that counts. How are you currently feeling at the moment? I’m a little hungover and sleepy and I need sloppy hangover food right now, but it’s nothing serious. And the reason for that feeling? I drank so much last night and ate very little. Do you ever feel like you should have been born in a different decade? No, I’m fine where I’m at. Do you like the winter? I would probably like it if I got to experience it. Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes. Will that be changing anytime soon? Highly doubt it. What was the last thing you bought? How much did you spend on it? A pitcher of some cocktail. I don’t even remember how much it was, I just kept pulling out money last night. Are you a Twilight fan? YESSSSSSSSSSSSS If so, have you seen the movie yet? I’ve seen the first one a literal hundred times. I know every word to it. How many profile views do you have on MySpace? What do you currently hear? There was a tricycle (or a motorcycle?) that zoomed past the house just now and I heard its engine. Anything hurting on you right now? Just my stomach because it feels empty.
When was the last time you sent someone a letter in the mail? Wow uhhh never haha. Do you like video games? I can appreciate them, but I don’t play them myself. Anything you're looking forward to? I’m watching the UP/ADMU volleyball game laterrrrr and I’m super excited for it. Are you currently missing someone? Kind of. Anything you're wanting to say to someone right now? Sure. Do you have anything in your room that has penguins on it? I doubt it. Are you any good at HTML? I used to be when I would edit my themes on Tumblr. I barely remember any of those tricks now. Do you like the band Mae? (They're amazing!) Never heard. Have you ever kissed someone who had braces? Yes. Funny feeling, but it’s cute. What's your favorite fruit? I hate fruit!!! If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be? This was also asked in the previous survey. Dark green. What's the most random thing in your room? I have a weird inflated figure of a pig on top of my closet. I won it at an arcade. Do you say "like" too much? Yeah I think so. In your opinion, what's the worst music genre out there? I’m not gonna shit on an entire genre and call it the worst lol. I can live without country, though. What was the last thing you ate? One of the basic burgers at McDonald’s and their fries. Are you currently on a diet? Nope. Have you ever experienced true love? What I’ve been experiencing for three years feels like it, but I don’t really like to claim it - the idea of ~true love~ is very subjective. What's the longest relationship you've been in? Three years.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? (Assuming you celebrate it, that is) What does your last text say? “I’ll excuse us.” Do you believe in evolution or Creation? Evolution. Duh? Have you ever been to any concerts? Which ones? Paramore two times, One Direction, Coldplay (from the fifth floor of a parking lot), a whole bunch of local gigs. Who was the last person to smack your booty? Probs Gab. Bright colors or pastels? Pastels! What's something you're really wanting right now? HANGOVER FOOD. I need a really greasy fried chicken with nachos and a burger right now, fuuuuuuuck. I’m so hungry. Do you like Paramore? OMG I didn’t know this question was going to be on here :(((((( I LOVE THEM On average, how much TV do you watch each day? 0. Do you need to do laundry? I don’t do laundry. Do you download songs illegally? (i.e. Limewire) I used to, but now I just do Spotify. Do you play any instruments? I can’t. I was not blessed in that department. If not, do you wish you did? Of course I do. I would have loved to know how to play the piano or the violin. What was the last song/songs you listened to on repeat? Lie To Me by 5SOS. Who are your top friends? QUICK! The world is ending!!! Fish or chicken??? Chicken. Anywho, when was the last time you went out on a date? Last Thursday. Gab and I had Yabu for dinner - been legit a long while since we had a proper dinner like that. Pants or shorts? Shorts. Do you need to pee? Not right now. Plans for tomorrow? Study! Gotta bounce back after this shitty week. When was the last time you colored in a coloring book? December. I invested in several adult coloring books at the time to help cope with my annual Christmas depression thing. Are you really a kid at heart? I can be.
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penpowersong · 7 years
Manila Metropolitan Theater
…its history and story of neglect
By Apolinario Villalobos
  A country without a cultural landmark is like a basket that can’t hold water. Nothing is left to stand for the past, be it significant or not. Events just happen and forgotten, and for this, the people’s culture suffers. Many countries, though how small they are, have won the respect of powerful ones because of their rich past, made tangible by whatever remains.
  The Philippine’s rich past has made its people look for an outlet which took form in plays, songs, poems, paintings, sculpture and other artistic expressions. The admixture of the eastern and western influences, have surfaced in all these expressions. Foreign influences which left their respective sediments in the country nourished cultures which are distinctly different from each other. These are however, consolidated by the Filipinos in a compromising effort to have just one that could be identified with them.
  That was the benevolent intent which was magnified during the administration of Ferdinand Marcos. The theater was then, beginning to gain momentum in its effort for revival, as plays and concerts were again held, but unfortunately cut short when the feisty president was deposed.
  Despite its sorry state today, it is important that Filipinos know how such neglected important landmark came to be.
  The Metropolitan Theater that sprung up on a area of 8,293.58 square meters at Liwasang Bonifacio (formerly, Lawton plaza), embodies the several periods that saw the metamorphosis of the country. The unpretentious environment in which the expressionistic framework of the theater took shape is just a stone’s throw from the Bonifacio monument that stands witness to rallies of disgruntled students and workers. It is also a few steps from Mehan Garden, once a popular recluse of Manilans on weekends. Today, Mehan Garden is part of the Universidad de Manila campus.
  Its colorful and massive façade reflects its mute desire to stand firm and solid despite the challenges posed by turbulent years that rocked its structure more than five decades ago. The month of February in 1945 saw the crumbling of its roof as a result of bombings and shelling by the Allied Forces during the liberation of Manila. Its walls however, withstood the barrage of both the allies’ and enemy’s fires.
  But the theater’s story before the dark years of WWII was something else. It was full of struggle and challenges that just strengthened its foundation. In 1924, with an appeal from Mayor Earnshaw, an area of 8,293.58 square meters was leased  by the government of Manila to the Metropolitan Theater Company, represented by Horace Pond, Antonio Milian, Leopoldo Khan, Manuel Camus, Enrique Zobel and Rafael Palma. The land then was used as a flower market of Mehan Garden. It was an untrimmed and not so pleasantly landscaped area that gave way to the theater.
The concerted effort of various communities of Manila that comprised of Americans, Chinese, Spanish and Filipinos, bolstered the hope of the crusading artists. A magazine, Manila’s Philippine Magazine, carried encouraging write ups on the proposed theater in its effort to gain support from its readers. Stocks were sold by the Philippine International Corporation at Php100.00 and Php50.00 to raise the needed fund which was one million pesos.
  The project inspired many artists. Almost everybody was concerned and did not hesitate to offer help. One of these early sympathizers was Juan M. Arellano, a leading architect of the era, and who was sent to study in the United States with Thomas W. Lamb, an expert in theater construction. His sojourn in the United States marked the birth of a unique theatrical design which stood for the Filipino’s artistic traits. A brother of Arellano, Arcadio, contributed his skill in decking the structure which took form shortly after the cornerstone was laid in 1930.
  What took shape was what the Phlippine Magazine editor, A.V.H. Hartendorp called modern expressionism. Flagstone paths were cut across lawns greened by tropical creepers and shrubs. On each side of the rectangular theater were pavilions separated from the main hall by open courtyards.
  The theater’s façade truly expressed the richness of the Malay culture imbibed in the ways of the Filipinos. Colorful were the glasses that made up the big “window” and the tiles on both side of the façade. Philippine plants in relief added exoticness to the theater’s face which was crowned with traditional Muslim minarets. Additional oriental accent was provided by shapely sculptured figures of two women who seemed to be preparing to take flight.
  The theater’s interior equaled the exterior’s magnificence – wide marble staircase, mural paintings by Amorsolo and modern sculptures by Francisco R. Monti. The latter was an Italian sculptor, who practiced his trade in the country in the early 1930s. To give a feeling of spaciousness, boxes were eliminated. Relief figures cast shadows on the proscenium. Elongated lamps of translucent glass in the shape of bamboo stalks filled up the empty wall on both sides of the hall. The translucent stalks pointed to the ceiling that burst with a cornucopia of mango fruits and leaves.
  The auditorium’s facilities were excellent, although the seating area could only accommodate 1,670, quite small for a fast-growing city like Manila. Its lighting, acoustics, air-cooling system and dressing rooms were all excellent and almost faultless. However, there was no understage and the orchestra pit was too narrow.
  Dramatic Philippines was responsible for the showing of outstanding plays that made the theater famous. Very active members were Francisco Rodrigo, Emma Benitez and Narciso Pimentel. The theater’s stage was also grace by the zarzuela queen, Atang de la Rama.
  Even when the country wallowed in the misery of subordination by a foreign power during the WWII, the theater continued to draw art lovers. It was used by members of the Volunteer Social Aid Committee (VSAC) as a front in raising funds for the underground movement against the Japanese. This group of artists likewise acted as secret mail carriers for Manilans who would like to get in touch with relatives detained at Capas and Cabanatuan. These Manila girls, some of whom were Conchita Sunico, Helen Benitez and Pilar Campos, went to the extent of spending for their own clothing materials which were then designed by Matilde Olmos, the best modiste of European clothes during that time.
  The scarred Met which lost its roof during the liberation of Manila in February 1945 held on to what remained. Unfortunately, the transition period did not give much impetus to those who were previously active in theatricals. Of the several establishments housed by the Met, only the Magnolia Rendezvous, an ice cream kiosk held firm. Meanwhile the building underwent painful changes from a boxing arena into a cheap motel and gay bar, basketball court, garage and warehouse, until finally, into a home for half a hundred of displaced families.
  It was in such a sorry state when a new breed of artists surfaced and made an appeal to the government to help salvage the Met. Their plea awakened the public from its long indifference and sheer neglect of a priceless heritage. Trouble between the artists and a group of enterprisers ensued when the latter proposed its demolition to give way to a modernistic commercial complex. A petition was submitted to the National Historical Institute to stop the sacrilegious hand and recognize the theater as an historical landmark.
  The timely mediation of Mrs. Imelda Marcos gave assurance to the artists’ victory over their destructive opponents. The Met was finally restored to its pre-war grandeur and has been called the Manila Metropolitan Theater.  Its seating capacity was increased from 1,670 to 1,709.
To augment its finances, galleries that fringed the outer structure were rented out to shops that sell handicrafts, restaurants, studious and a night club. Bigger rooms on the second floor were furnished for receptions and meetings. Even the auditorium was leased to a movie company which showed three-dimensional films whenever the theater was free. Once again, shows and concerts were held.
  The recovery of the theater was, however, short-lived. The emergence of the modern Cultural Center of the Philippines, Folk Arts Theater, modern cinema theaters and other cultural and artistic venues signaled again its slow deterioration. Groups of concerned artists joined hands to prevent its continued relapse to no avail….until, finally, it is back to its former state of gross neglect that we woefully see today. To protect it from intruding street dwellers, the periphery of the structure is fenced with board on which are pasted scenes of its former glory.
      Manila Metropolitan Theater…its history and story of neglect Manila Metropolitan Theater …its history and story of neglect By Apolinario Villalobos A country without a cultural landmark is like a basket that can’t hold water.
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