#Female Quality Health
rebeccablogs · 5 months
Relaxation Time
Relax and let it all fade away today. Just get into a cozy corner and relax.
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vmures · 3 months
Do people not realize that everyone has both estrogen and testosterone in their system? And that those levels fluctuate over time? It's the amounts that tend to align with specific genders or cause specific aspects of gender attributes.
Cis people often need hormone replacement therapy and/or hormone balancing for health reasons. And the regulations making it harder to access those treatments affect cis people as well.
So support gender confirming care across the board cause transphobia is bad for everyone's health.
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strigital · 7 months
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For a split second, he’s overcome with overwhelming nostalgia. An echo of a dream or a memory of a memory... A rooftop view, a cityscape bathed in neon and starlight. Midnight breeze fresh with petrichor and dying hope. A feeling of weightlessness, of things done, of long-awaited closure. A long chat about life, heartfelt laughter, and a few cold ones. "Funny how we're sitting here, facing the end." "Mhm. The irony is top tier. Never thought we'd have a rooftop date, did you?" "A date, huh? Shit, if I knew this was a date, I woulda worn something nicer..." "Ain't about the threads, V. It's about the company. And tonight, as it were, the company's superb." Cold metal palm against the bony shoulder and the thumping of a heart becomes more deafening than the echo of a rocket launch somewhere in the distance. The thought of an ending comes to mind and it hurts, it hurts worse than a white-hot knife against the skin...
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pagesofkenna · 11 months
I loved Miraculous season 1 and I stopped watching season 2 but I still feel kinda invested in the characters and love seeing fan content on tumblr/ao3... but i have to piece together what's going on in the show and what everyones interpersonal relationships are from context clues, which is itself a fun way to consume a work of fiction
but anyone wants to infodump at me feel free
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Remembering Rosa the sea otter
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Hello Aquarium family. It’s with great sadness that we share that our beloved sea otter Rosa passed away today. At 24 years old, Rosa was the oldest resident otter at the Aquarium and one of our most experienced surrogate moms, having raised 15 stranded sea otter pups in her time with us. 
While Rosa spent the last few months behind the scenes getting extra special care from our staff, she was the matriarch of the Sea Otters exhibit. Beloved and cherished by millions of visitors and fans of the live Sea Otter Cam, she was instantly recognizable thanks to her blonde head (eclipsed only by Ivy as our most grizzled of kelp grizzlies) and her signature head-all-the-way-back swimming style.
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“Rosa was one of our most playful sea otters, and even at 24 years old, she would still be seen frolicking and wrestling with the younger otters when she instigated it,” said Melanie Oerter, curator of mammals. “Rosa was usually found sleeping against the window while on exhibit with her chin tucked tight into her chest and her tail swishing back and forth.”
After being found stranded as a four-week-old pup in September 1999, Rosa became part of the Aquarium family before our sea otter surrogacy program even took shape. Our Sea Otter Program staff raised her by hand for nearly seven months before releasing her to the wild. 
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Rosa eventually returned to the Aquarium once again in March 2002 when she didn’t take to life outside of human care, and she immediately became a fixture in the formative years of our sea otter surrogacy program as a caring adoptive mother for rescued pups destined for wild release.
She was a delight to work with, though she certainly had her expectations of our staff according to the many Sea Otter Mammalogists who trained (were trained by?) Rosa over the years. 
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"Rosa was an incredibly smart otter! Generally calm and patient with the staff. However, she could be defiant at times and there would be no convincing her to do something she did not want to do," said Oerter. "She would often just look at us or swim away. I believe she was the one who was really training us all of these years. I certainly learned a lot from working with such an incredible otter. It has been a privilege and to say we will miss her is understated."
Rosa relaxed into retirement from surrogacy in 2019, acting as a companion and cornerstone in the ever-changing raft of otters in our care. 
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Wild female sea otters live between 15 and 20 years, and reaching the age of 24 is a testament to the exceptional care Rosa received throughout her life from our Veterinary and Animal Care teams. In recent years, she began showing signs of age-related health concerns.  In the last few weeks, her health had been deteriorating. After an exam, the veterinary and animal care teams made the difficult choice to humanely euthanize Rosa because those health conditions were compromising her quality of life. She passed away peacefully, surrounded by her caretakers.
Rosa’s legacy lives on both at the Aquarium with our other resident sea otters Kit, Selka, Ivy, and Ruby, and in the wild, where sea otter pups she raised continue to raise pups of their own, contributing to the recovery of their species and their ecosystems along the California coast. 
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Rosa was an inspiration to millions as a charismatic ambassador for her threatened species while playing a leading role in the story of sea otter recovery from near-extinction during the fur trade. Rosa will be greatly missed by all of us who got to know her over the years.
To celebrate Rosa’s long life, please feel free to share photos and stories of your encounters with Rosa at the Aquarium in the comment section on this post, in her memory and for the staff and volunteers grieving her loss. Thank you all for being such a big part of Rosa’s life. 🦦♥️
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I promised you some lions! Let's talk about manes, males, and management.
This is Tandie, the current male lion at the Woodland Park Zoo.
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Notice anything odd about him? He's got one of those hilarious awkward teenager manes. Except... this cat is nine years old.
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I was, of course, immediately curious.
Manes serve a lot of purposes for male lions, including being an indicator of health and fitness - it's actually a sexually selected trait and a social signal. Mane texture / hair quality / length is dependent on nutrition and the body having energy to grow (and carry around!) that much hair! The color is also a signal: males with darker manes have been found to have higher testosterone levels.
In one research report, wild males were much more likely to avoid a lion decoy when it had a longer or darker mane - but the girls really loved a dark mane. It's thought this is because a long, dark mane is an indicator of mate quality. Males with longer, darker manes have higher testosterone and were pretty healthy: meaning they had more energy for fighting, had a better chance of recovering if they got injured, and generally had a higher rate of offspring survival. Manes matter!
So, back to Tandie. He was actually born at the Woodland Park Zoo in 2014 alongside two brothers, to dad Xerxes and mother Adia.
This was Xerxes (rip).
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Obviously, a very large, dark, lush mane on Xerxes here. So where did these blond muttonchops come from on his son?
I asked the zoo docents and got an answer that didn't make a lot of sense. They told me that after the three cubs grew into adolescents, they were moved to the Oakland Zoo together. But living together suppressed his testosterone, and he never grew a mane.
Here's a photo from 2016, when the brothers debuted at Oakland. They're a year and a half old in this photo.
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(Photo Credit: Oakland Zoo)
And here's from an announcement for their third birthday.
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(Photo credit: Oakland Zoo)
Okay, so these dudes obviously all were growing manes as of 2017. I think Tandie is the one on the left in the first photo, and laying down in the middle on the second. What happened?
I was just in the Bay Area for a zoo road trip, of course I went to Oakland and tracked down a docent to ask some questions.
It turns out that shortly after the brothers turned three, they started acting like adult male lions: they started scuffling regularly. It's a normal social thing for male lions to live in groups, called coalitions, but according to my lion experts there's generally a baseline level of some social jostling within them. It wasn't quite clear from what the docent said if they couldn't manage the boys together, or if they just wanted to avoid the scratches and small wounds that result from normal lion behavior. Regardless, they put all three of the boys on testosterone blockers in order to be able to keep them together as a social group.
Now, I don't know a lot about the use of hormone alteration as a form of captive animal management, except in the case of birth control. I don't think it's something that's unethical - there was just a webinar on it that I saw go by - but I don't think it's commonly done with big cats. Lions have kind of complicated reproductive cycles, and for instance, we've been learning that female lions can take much longer to come into estrus again than expected after coming off hormonal birth control.
In males, testosterone blockers (or being neutered) means they lose their manes. This is why a lot of rescues will do a vasectomy on their males instead of a neuter - it allows them to keep their mane and the social signals that accompany it.
Tandie returned home to Woodland Park Zoo after Xerxes passed in early 2022, and the docent told me all of the lions had been off their blockers "for while." I'd guess those things happened around the same time, since bringing the trio down to a duo at Oakland would reduce some of the social tensions.
Hormones are such interesting things, though. One of Tandie's brothers has a full mane again, and the other is still totally mane-less.
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As for Tandie, his mane is growing back in, and it looks like he might rival his dad for length and coloration.
He started here, in February:
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What a difference four months (and maybe proximity to a girl) makes!
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requinoesis · 3 months
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This is a tribute to Peter Benchley, not the movie Jaws (1975)
The author of 'Jaws' dedicated the rest of his life to reversing the unexpected negative impact his book had on the image of sharks.
Not only were sharks supposedly killed to create props for the movie, but 'Jaws' ended up awakening a bloody sea of ignorance in people at the time, who, haunted by an irrational fear and lack of understanding about marine predators, felt motivated to take to their boats and kill thousands of great white sharks in the most feared ways.
Such as the promotion of great white shark hunting championships that targeted the biggest ones, which were mostly pregnant females who, after being displayed as a trophy, had their jaws ripped off and their bodies discarded in the garbage.
Fear spread widely to all shark species, creating a lack of sensitivity that made it convenient to exterminate entire shark populations around the world that for a long time remained invisible to people's perception.
And this has continued to resonate for a long time with the entertainment media perpetuating the portrayal of sharks as monsters, newspapers favoring sensationalism about shark incidents, governments promoting shark culls, the advance of the unregulated predatory fishing industry, scientists not being supported in their studies of marine predators, the destruction of their natural habitats and the pollution of the oceans.
For thousands of years, sharks have taken care of the health of our oceans, older than the dinosaurs or the first trees, they have gone through great mass extinctions, they have been worshipped and respected as gods and guardians by oceanic peoples and now we demonize them in our media and exterminate them by the millions every year, who is the real monster?
We are shark-eaters.
I hope you can also hear what Peter Benchley himself had to say about all this:
I finally finished this artwork! Hope you like it. At some point I will adapt it for my little Redbubble store.🛍️
I reduced the quality to try to prevent them from stealing. I hope it's enough! 🙁
I posted it in my little RedBubble store for anyone who wants it! There are clothes, prints and other curious things.🛍️
⭐️Link: redbubble.com/people/Requinoesis/
I also published it on INPRINT if you want a print with quality paper, I hope you like it! 🖼️
⭐️Link: inprnt.com/gallery/requinoesis/
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hyperlexichypatia · 5 months
As I keep shouting into the void, pathologizers love shifting discussion about material conditions into discussion about emotional states.
I rant approximately once a week about how the brain maturity myth transmuted “Young adults are too poor to move out of their parents’ homes or have children of their own” into “Young adults are too emotionally and neurologically immature to move out of their parents’ homes or have children of their own.”
I’ve also talked about the misuse of “enabling” and “trauma” and “dopamine” .
And this is a pattern – people coin terms and concepts to describe material problems, and pathologization culture shifts them to be about problems in the brain or psyche of the person experiencing them. Now we’re talking about neurochemicals, frontal lobes, and self-esteem instead of talking about wages, wealth distribution, and civil rights. Now we can say that poor, oppressed, and exploited people are suffering from a neurological/emotional defect that makes them not know what’s best for themselves, so they don’t need or deserve rights or money.
Here are some terms that have been so horribly misused by mental health culture that we’ve almost entirely forgotten that they were originally materialist critiques.
Codependency What it originally referred to: A non-addicted person being overly “helpful” to an addicted partner or relative, often out of financial desperation. For example: Making sure your alcoholic husband gets to work in the morning (even though he’s an adult who should be responsible for himself) because if he loses his job, you’ll lose your home. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/08/opinion/codependency-addiction-recovery.html What it’s been distorted into: Being “clingy,” being “too emotionally needy,” wanting things like affection and quality time from a partner. A way of pathologizing people, especially young women, for wanting things like love and commitment in a romantic relationship.
Compulsory Heterosexuality What it originally referred to: In the 1980 in essay "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence," https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/493756 Adrienne Rich described compulsory heterosexuality as a set of social conditions that coerce women into heterosexual relationships and prioritize those relationships over relationships between women (both romantic and platonic). She also defines “lesbian” much more broadly than current discourse does, encompassing a wide variety of romantic and platonic relationships between women. While she does suggest that women who identify as heterosexual might be doing so out of unquestioned social norms, this is not the primary point she’s making. What it’s been distorted into: The patronizing, biphobic idea that lesbians somehow falsely believe themselves to be attracted to men. Part of the overall “Women don’t really know what they want or what’s good for them” theme of contemporary discourse.
Emotional Labor What it originally referred to: The implicit or explicit requirement that workers (especially women workers, especially workers in female-dominated “pink collar” jobs, especially tipped workers) perform emotional intimacy with customers, coworkers, and bosses above and beyond the actual job being done. Having to smile, be “friendly,” flirt, give the impression of genuine caring, politely accept harassment, etc. https://weld.la.psu.edu/what-is-emotional-labor/ What it’s been distorted into: Everything under the sun. Everything from housework (which we already had a term for), to tolerating the existence of disabled people, to just caring about friends the way friends do. The original intent of the concept was “It’s unreasonable to expect your waitress to care about your problems, because she’s not really your friend,” not “It’s unreasonable to expect your actual friends to care about your problems unless you pay them, because that’s emotional labor,” and certainly not “Disabled people shouldn’t be allowed to be visibly disabled in public, because witnessing a disabled person is emotional labor.” Anything that causes a person emotional distress, even if that emotional distress is rooted in the distress-haver’s bigotry (Many nominally progressive people who would rightfully reject the bigoted logic of “Seeing gay or interracial couples upsets me, which is emotional labor, so they shouldn’t be allowed to exist in public” fully accept the bigoted logic of “Seeing disabled or poor people upsets me, which is emotional labor, so they shouldn’t be allowed to exist in public”).
Battered Wife Syndrome What it originally referred to: The all-encompassing trauma and fear of escalating violence experienced by people suffering ongoing domestic abuse, sometimes resulting in the abuse victim using necessary violence in self-defense. Because domestic abuse often escalates, often to murder, this fear is entirely rational and justified. This is the reasonable, justified belief that someone who beats you, stalks you, and threatens to kill you may actually kill you.
What it’s been distorted into: Like so many of these other items, the idea that women (in this case, women who are victims of domestic violence) don’t know what’s best for themselves. I debated including this one, because “syndrome” was a wrongful framing from the beginning – a justified and rational fear of escalating violence in a situation in which escalating violence is occurring is not a “syndrome.” But the original meaning at least partially acknowledged the material conditions of escalating violence.
I’m not saying the original meanings of these terms are ones I necessarily agree with – as a cognitive liberty absolutist, I’m unsurprisingly not that enamored of either second-wave feminism or 1970s addiction discourse. And as much as I dislike what “emotional labor” has become, I accept that “Women are unfairly expected to care about other people’s feelings more than men are” is a true statement.
What I am saying is that all of these terms originally, at least partly, took material conditions into account in their usage. Subsequent usage has entirely stripped the materialist critique and fully replaced it with emotional pathologization, specifically of women. Acknowledgement that women have their choices constrained by poverty, violence, and oppression has been replaced with the idea that women don’t know what’s best for themselves and need to be coercively “helped” for their own good. Acknowledgement that working-class women experience a gender-and-class-specific form of economic exploitation has been rebranded as yet another variation of “Disabled people are burdensome for wanting to exist.”
Over and over, materialist critiques are reframed as emotional or cognitive defects of marginalized people. The next time you hear a superficially sympathetic (but actually pathologizing) argument for “Marginalized people make bad choices because…” consider stopping and asking: “Wait, who are we to assume that this person’s choices are ‘bad’? And if they are, is there something about their material conditions that constrains their options or makes the ‘bad’ choice the best available option?”
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 2 years
Wild Horses
Part 1
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Doctor!Reader
Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
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A/N: Just a little idea I had after seeing all the TikToks and now I am yanked onto the Ghost train. I used to watch my brother play the game but that was a while ago so bear with me here. (advice or little pointers are much appreciated). I also might make this into a short story or add another part to it, let me know y’all. Comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
Summary: Imagine being the new physician assigned to the team and a certain masked individual takes a new keen concealed interest in you. The two of you are too awkward to function.
Warnings: language, fluff, angst
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You were assigned to the team as their personal physician, as requested by the higher ups in order to make sure the soldiers stayed in best health, both physically and mentally. You used to work at your local hospital before you were offered the position.
You knew the dangers and the risks involved, but you were in debt and had student loans that needed to paid. So after much hesitation, you accepted the offer, eventually being convinced by the fat paycheck.
You remembered the day you were first introduced to the team, the way everyone's eyes glued to you like a hawk, their large forms towering over your small frame in the room while you picked at the skin around your nails in nervous habit.
They were curious to say the least, wondering what the hell someone like you was doing in a place like this. And since when did they get the chance to have a full on doctor to treat them, usually they were offered combat medics. You had guts, that's for sure.
You on the other hand were nervous, frightened even, with the thought of living in the same quarters of men wrapped up within the tumults and afflictions of war without a single clue as to their current psychological state. You had seen the worst of men and humanity growing up and you no idea who these soldiers were, what they were capable of, or what their intentions might be. Maybe you should have requested that briefing before you hopped on that plane.
Amongst all of their gazes, you had failed to notice a certain masked individual in the far back of the room, his form shrouded amongst the others as he studied you. His eyes, hidden underneath the grooves of his mask that only seemed to be darkened by where he stood blocked by the only source of light, watched your every movement, from every gesture of your perfectly manicured fingers to every smoothing of the lint-free fabric of your sweater to the way you kept shifting your weight from one foot to another.
One thing was apparent; during the entire length the high ranking officer next to you introduced you and debriefed the men on what was expected and such, you had not uttered a single word, minus the small polite and somewhat strained smile on your face while your eyes told another story. Why the military truly hired you, he may never know.
After being shown your little office and workspace including your room, you were quick to settle in, decorating the area to the best of your abilities with what you had taken with you from back home in order to bring some life into the dull and two-dimensional area. If anyone questioned you on it you would just say that your own sanity is extremely vital in order to ensure quality treatment for your patients.
Once everything in your office was set up, you threw on your white coat and retreated yourself to your office space, sitting at your desk and hastily going over the files that you had completely forgotten about that were given to you regarding the soldiers' previous health before they come pouring in reporting symptoms of god knows what. Best be prepared. Jesus how many bullet wounds can a single individual have.
The soldiers were advised to do their routine physical examinations with you so the first one to come waltzing in through your office door was none other than Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, a cheeky grin plastered on his face and much too excited for his own good. That boy's got a crush on you I swear. To be honest I'd be lying if I said the whole team didn't have a schoolboy crush on you.
The men were quick to warm up to you, relieved to have a gentle soul in their midst after all the shit that goes down outside, you were like breath of fresh air. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to bring a doctor on board, as quiet and reserved as you were. They speculated you were just shy, the reason why you never spoke much, not knowing that you just couldn't hold a conversation if your life depended on it, especially around those you weren't close with. At first they couldn't tell because of your major rbf.
During their routine check-ups or whatever issue they had going on, they would do most of the talking, which was a good thing on your end because it helped you to piece together their temperaments. Thank the lord no one is a psycho murderer. Oh wait.
Soap is the most chattiest of them all. Boy wouldn't shut his mouth when he sat in your office. He's super flirty. But not as flirty as Alejandro.
Ghost on the other hand was reluctant to step into your office for his check-ups. After all he was usually the one to tend to his own wounds or just push through whatever it is that is going on, so he did not know what all the fuss was about in having to get his health checked. So when you call out his last name more than once might I add, clipboard in hand and scanning the area for whoever looks to be headed in your direction, he can't help but heave out a sigh, trudging over to where you stood, your clean white coat a stark contrast to the rest of the environment as you leaned against your door to hold it open.
You muttered out a small hello to which he let out a small huff as you moved aside to let the man enter, watching him walk into your office and seat himself down. That man intimidated you a bit not gonna lie. Not only could you not see his face but he had also not said a single word to you. And not to mention he was absolutely huge as compared to you, even more so in person. You also had heard a lot of stories from the other guys.
"How is your day?" You ask, shutting the door behind you as you briefly read over his previous but extremely short records on your clipboard. There's barely anything on this man. Does he not get ill?
Ghost is quiet at first, watching your eyes scan over the clipboard and curious to know just what is on those papers before your eyes flit up to meet his and catch him off guard, which causes him to answer abruptly. "Fine."
"Okey dokes." You give a quick smile.
Did you just say okey dokes.
Clearing your throat, you go over to where he sat and set the clipboard down on the table next to you beside your laptop. You didn’t have to read his body language to know he did not want to be here at all. So you were going to do him a favor and make the appointment as quick as possible.
"So do you have any allergies to any medications, any allergies I need to know of?" Your fingers hover over the keyboard of your laptop as you turn to face him, only to be met with an expressionless skull of a mask and the expressionless eyes beneath. Oh boy this session was going to be something. You had heard of how he had never shown his face, so you made sure not to question on it.
"No ma'am."
"Are you currently taking any medication?" You ask the same standard set of questions you have asked every single patient of yours, typing as you go.
"No ma'am."
Any previous illness? Disease?"
The more you ask him questions, the more he strangely finds it easier to answer. Your voice is surprisingly soft, warm even, like the start of autumn, and he finds it comforting to listen to. Or maybe it's just some technique doctors learn during training in order to relax their patients.
"Do you have any history of smoking, alcohol, or illicit drug use?"
".......sometimes I'll have a smoke, and a glass of bourbon." He's almost waiting for you to hand him a pamphlet about the dangers of smoking.
"How many times would you say?" You ask for details, your eyes still glued to the screen of your laptop as you await his answer.
Ghost is a bit confused by the amount of questions you ask, but he also has not been to the doctor's so how would he know. "Um I don't know."
"A rough estimate is fine."
"Not much, maybe 2-3 times a week or so when I'm not on duty."
"How many times a week do you exercise?" You feel silly for asking this question to a man like him but it's all part of the procedure and you almost pray he doesn't hate you for it.
"Every day." So no pamphlet?
Jesus this man has more discipline than you. You can barely get up in the morning.
"Okayyy." You mutter out, more to yourself as you enter in his responses.
Ghost finds himself watching you from his seat on the chair, his eyes tracing over and studying your features as you type away on your laptop. He thinks you're really pretty but either doesn't want to admit it or just flat out does not know that he finds you attractive.
There are certain details about you that he can't help but find himself intrigued by, like the small black outline flower tattoo on your hand that was located near the area of your thumb, running along the curve to meet the knuckle of your forefinger. He's curious as to the meaning behind it, if there was one. He wanted to ask what type of flower it was, perhaps it was your favorite? It would give him an idea as to what flowers to get you.
"Have you ever been hospitalized, had any surgical procedures done or been treated for any chronic conditions?"
"No." Ghost shakes his head before remembering his wounds from combat, wondering if that is something you should know. "Just the bullet and knife wounds from combat. Nothing too serious."
Jesus fucking christ. You were willing to bet he treated those wounds himself.
Ghost is not a fan of hospitals. Pretty sure this dude just looks up YouTube tutorials on how to fix himself instead of just going to the doctor like a normal human being.
"When was the last time you visited your general practitioner.......or just any doctor in general?" You ask the last question, willing to bet it never.
There was silence on his end as you looked towards him waiting for an answer, the clicking of your keyboard coming to a stop and only loudening the silence. Ghost could not remember the last time he had been to a hospital or even scheduled a visit. And as you looked at him, your eyes almost staring into his soul, still waiting for a response, he could not help but feel a tad bit embarrassed, as if you were judging him for not being a responsible adult. Also it didn't help that you were goddamn pretty.
"I'm gonna take that as a very long time, the last time being the prehistoric ages, correct?" There's the slightest hint of a tease in your voice.
"Uh.......yes ma'am." Ghost squints his eyes at you as you go back to typing on your keyboard. Did you just.............did you just call him…..He does not know how to feel about that. Did you just try to crack a joke? He always thought doctors were the serious type.
"Okay then." You straighten up, grabbing your sphygmomanometer off the table and turning yourself to face him. "Is it okay if I check your blood pressure?"
The man is stunned. No one has ever asked his permission for anything before. He's so used to either taking orders or giving orders that he doesn't know how to respond and stares at you for a moment, forcing his brain to process what to do next before eventually giving a nod.
"Is it okay if you take your jacket off so I can get a clearer reading?"
He nods again, still in shock as he takes off his jacket, leaving him in his black long sleeve thermal. He's almost thankful he wasn't in his full tactical gear, having to imagine you standing there waiting for him as he removes every single piece of equipment off his torso.
"Thank you." You give him a short smile, placing your hand under his tricep and gently lifting his arm in order to wrap the inflatable cuff around his bicep. You almost blush at the mere size of this man's arms. "Now you're just going to feel a slight pressure okay."
Ghost can't help but feel a slight warmth spread to his cheeks at the way you handle him with such care, as if he were the small delicate thing and not you. Now he knows why the others were so giddy after leaving your office.
As you place your stethoscope on his forearm near his elbow to listen to his blood pumping through the artery, your other hand pumping air into the cuff using the inflation bulb with your eyes glued to the numbers on the gauge, he can't help but to notice the old Donald Duck watch that sat at your wrist, the ones with the moving arms and the vintage style black leather straps.
And as he further investigated your attire, he noticed a few other details, like the colorful glittery badge reel in the shape of a pill container with the words "licensed drug dealer" printed on it that was attached to your scrub top, the glitter sticker with the words "I'm nicer than my face looks" as well a few Disney character stickers and the little frog looking keychain that hung off of your badge. He was wondering what the hell that thing was. Your accessories were awfully colorful for a general doctor. Something was telling him you either used to work with families or children. Whatever the hell managed to bring you to such a drastic change.
You brought him out of his thoughts as you shifted from your position, unwrapping the inflatable cuff from around his bicep and placing it back on the table before typing the results into your laptop. "Okay," You adjust the ear pieces of your stethoscope back into your ears as you turn back to him, "I'm going to perform some auscultations, which is just listening to the sounds of your heart and your lungs so if you could just sit up straight and relax that would be wonderful."
Simon straightens up his posture as you place your free hand on his shoulder, at this point you're not sure if you're steadying him or yourself, your fingertips just barely grazing across the bottom of his neck. He doesn't know why but, it's as if your fingers are directly touching the skin underneath, despite the fabric of his mask that separated your fingers from his skin. Your hands feels hot, like really hot and he has no clue why.
The soldier only feels his cheeks warm up even more so now as you inch closer to carefully place the diaphragm of your stethoscope on his chest, your head tilted and your eyes lowered to the floor as you listen for his heart beat. He gets a whiff of your perfume and he finds himself drawn to it. You smell like something along the lines of jasmine petals, geranium, myrrh, frankincense, and a hint of sandalwood. Now he definitely knows why the others are fawning over you. Poor Simon is praying you don't hear how his heart is nearly racing. He does not know why he is feeling this way and it slightly bothers him in the way that he has no clue what it is he is feeling.
He catches how your brows slightly furrow at the center and his heart skips a beat. Now he's fucking embarrassed and this man rarely ever is embarrassed. Maybe he's even starting to panic. Can you tell? Do you know? You open your mouth to say something but he quickly interrupts he just got back from a run so you dismiss it with a shrug, placing the diaphragm on his back now and asking him to give you a couple of deep breaths.
"Okay. Take a deep breathe in, breathe it out. Breathe in, and out."
He complies with your instructions, breathing in slow and deep breaths as you go from one side of his back to another.
"Good job." You remove the earpieces and let your stethoscope hang around your neck as you go back to your table, recording in more info. Hang on did you just, did you just tell a grown 6'4" man good job.
Even Simon is confused. Like bitch.
"Okay, so we're all done with that." You inform him, before going over to one of the drawers and sliding it open. "Now if you don't mind, I would like to have some blood work done on you, just to make sure there are no underlying issues that need to be taken care of."
Simon is silent so you turn to him. "Is that okay, Ghost, is that what the others call you? Would you like me to call you Ghost?"
Goddamn you're too polite. "That's fine by me ma'am."
"Perfect. Now is it okay if I take your blood sample?"
Ghost nods, so you grab the tools necessary and place them on the table next to you.
"Could you please roll your sleeve up and make a fist for me? Thank you." You ask him once you sanitize your hands and throw on a pair of fresh gloves. You grab the tourniquet and catch sight of the tattoos that cover his forearm as you tie the tourniquet around his arm above the elbow. You're curious to know the story behind them but you have a feeling he's not one for storytelling or just talking in general so you remain silent. You tear open the small packet of the alcohol wipe and apply it to the area. The chemical is cool against his skin as you sanitize the area before letting it air dry. Simon can't help but notice how small your hands are.
Simon watches you intently as you work, the way you are so focused and so precise with each step, and yet so gentle. It's almost cute.
"You're just going to feel a little pinch." You tell him in a soft tone, a tone you were used to using on all your little patients before inserting the needle into his vein. As if the man hasn't been shot or stabbed and god knows what multiple times before.
At this point Simon doesn't even notice the needle in his arm, he's too focused on the details of your face. He can sense that you're nervous around him and he feels bad. Even though he's just met you, the last thing he wants is for you to feel scared or unsafe around him. And even though this whole situation is awkward for him since he never was a fan of visiting the hospital, you're their physician, and at the end of the day you're there to patch them up. So he comments on your dark circles, thinking you haven't gotten any rest since you arrived here. "You look tired."
"............that's just my face." You give him that distinct smile, the same smile you have given anyone who ever commented on them as you connect the vacutainers to the needle to draw his blood, your eyes glued to the dark red liquid seeping through the thin clear tube before pouring into the sample tube.
If you thought it was quiet before, well you are most definitely wrong because the silence is absolutely deafening now.
Simon nearly punches himself for his stupidity. Why in the bloody hell did he say that of all things. He wanted to tell you he liked your dark circles but decided to bite his tongue instead. Now he's definitely not going to say another word. Better yet, once he leaves your office, he's not coming back. He's just going to avoid you at all costs in order to save both you and himself the embarrassment. He's willing to bet the others handled this way better than him.
"But I suppose I am a bit jet-lagged though. Haven't really gotten any rest since I got on that plane." You add. "I appreciate your concern."
You most definitely said that to make him feel better about himself, Simon thinks to himself as he stares at the wall and avoids your face. There was no other reason.
Once your done drawing his blood you ask him to hold the piece of cotton pad down onto where the needle was punctured as you open up the drawer where the gauze is located. "Do you have a favorite color?"
Did you just ask him his favorite color? Simon stares at you blankly. Were all doctors this odd?
"I'm guessing you like black?" You pull out the roll of black gauze, displaying it in front of you with the most deadpanned expression possible.
You've got jokes. Simon thinks to himself. If he had looked a little closer he would have noticed the ghost of a smirk on your lips.
"You should see the colors the others picked." You tease as you wrap the gauze around his arm at the elbow, making sure it isn't too tight but also not loose enough to the point where the cotton pad underneath slips out.
Simon narrows his eyes at you. Bloody fucking hell. The others picked a color?
You're pretty sure Gaz requested you get an Elmo print one he saw online once somewhere. Soap asked if there a print of the Scotland flag available. The look of hurt on his face when you said there wasn't so you improvised and gave him both the blue and white gauze. You gave him a Dum-Dum lollipop to make him feel better. The others may have also gotten a lollipop as they left your office, especially after seeing the special treatment that Soap received. Were they jealous? Maybe.
Once you tell the man he is all good to go and that you will call him once you're done getting the results from his blood sample, he nearly jumps out of the chair and bolts out of your office. He prays some unknown miracle happens and that his blood sample magically disappears so that he doesn't have to face you, firmly believing he insulted you and that you thought he called you ugly when that is not what he intended. I am telling you this man does not know how to compliment. They should make a guidebook for dummies specialized just for him.
You watch him disappear out your door with a quirked brow. Well that was fucking weird.
When Simon leaves the area he finds Soap lounging about on a chair with a sucker in his mouth.
"The hell is that?" Simon squints at the sergeant.
"Mph mph." Soap's voice comes out muffled.
Soap pauses and turns to see Ghost looming over him. "It's a Dum-Dum."
"A fuckin what?"
"Y/n said they're called Dum-Dums." Soap pulls it out of his mouth, twisting the stick of the lollipop around in his fingers as if he were inspecting it. "This one's a cotton candy flavor."
"She gave you a fuckin lollie?"
"It's pure dead brilliant I tell ya. Why, did she not give ya one?"
More silence. Simon would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't a tad bit butthurt.
"Maybe you scared her." Soap jokes.
Simon lets out a grumbled incoherent huff and walks away.
Soap just shrugs and pops the lollipop back in his mouth.
Simon has a feeling he is going to go to bed thinking about his actions.
Part 2
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opencommunion · 3 months
“Palestinian Prisoners’ Club:
With the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, more than 9,100 Palestinian prisoners in occupation prisons face a policy of starvation and deprivation from practicing religious rituals.
The Prisoners’ Club added in a statement that the starvation policy worsened in an unprecedented way after October 7th, as a result of a number of measures it imposed, including closing the so-called prisoners' cantina, confiscating the prisoners' remaining food supplies, and reducing meals; the food provided to them was poor in quantity and quality, which affected their fate, especially the sick, and contributed to the worsening of their health conditions. The throwing of thousands of detainees after October 7th into cells without providing food also contributed to the worsening of the starvation policy.
The starvation policy constituted the most dangerous policy imposed by the occupation after October 7th, in addition to torture and abuse, which affected all male and female prisoners, as well as detained children, and caused them health problems, specifically in the digestive system, in addition to the weight loss that all prisoners suffer from today.
The Prisoners’ Club continued that the issue of food appeared in the prisoners' testimonies as a prominent and fundamental issue over the past period. In addition to the poor quantity and quality of food provided by the prison administration, it deliberately brings food that is not cooked well, and in some detention centers and camps, specifically affiliated with the army administration, such as ‘Etzion,’ some expired canned food was provided to detainees.
Depriving prisoners of the practice of religious rituals.
In addition to the starvation policy, the prison administration deprived prisoners of the call to prayer, and of congregational prayer, even inside the cells. Prisoners were subjected to attacks many times after trying to perform prayer, or even read the Qur’an in a clear voice. Also, in many prisons, most notably the Naqab, the Qur’an was confiscated from prisoner’s in the first period after the aggression [on Gaza], the prisoners also face difficulty in performing ablution due to the reduction of water provided to them.
In light of the unprecedented state of collective isolation imposed on prisoners, stripping them of any means of communication with the outside world, including radios and the limited television stations that were available to them before October 7th, thousands of them have difficulty even knowing prayer times inside the cells.
How did poor food lead to the martyrdom of the detainee Mohammed Ahmed Al-Sabbar?
Martyr and administrative detainee Mohammed Ahmed Al-Sabbar’s case, was one of the most prominent cases linked to the policy of starvation and the poor quality of food provided to him. Since before his arrest, Mohammed had suffered from intestinal problems and needed special food in addition to health check-ups, and the entirety of his food being legumes caused major bloating in his intestines, which led to a worsening of his health condition and his martyrdom on February 8th, and to this day the occupation continues to detain his body.
The occupation practices humiliation and starvation against detainees.
It’s worth mentioning, in light of the occupation’s continued implementation of the crime of enforced kidnappings of Gaza detainees, there is not sufficient information available about the food provided to them as part of the conditions of their detention, but in light of the testimonies that came out of those who were released, they confirmed that they suffered from the policy of starvation, deliberately humiliating them to get food.
We also point out that among what was reported by prisoners released from prisons, is that the prison administration asks Gaza detainees to ‘bark’ when bringing meals.
The number of prisoners in the occupation prisons is more than 9,100, including 3,558 administrative detainees, about 200 children, and 61 female prisoners.”
RNN Prisoners, 12 March 24
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aloesarchives · 2 months
JJK Drabble #2
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Tw/Warnings: Fem!Reader, Fluff, Fluff Brainrot, Domesticity, Family Man Toji, Usage of Wife and Mom, JJK Oc added
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Reader: Female, Usage of Wife and Mom
AU: Modern/"Toji Lives" Au
(A/N): I'm back! Well, kinda of. Long story short, dealt w/college stuff and had a health scare that kept me away from writing. Also had a mini burnout too. More is explained here!
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Thinking about Toji taking up crocheting and knitting because he saw how expensive yet cheaply made certain items like blankets are made. So he buys a simple set to try it out, following Youtube tutorials and watching videos for ideas. Once he masters the basics, Toji is LOCKED IN once again. Making full on hand-made blankets, scarves, hats, mittens/gloves, stuffed animals, covers/cases, bags, scrunchies, even damn rugs. Anything you ask him for, he’ll make it. This ends up being very practical to Toji because he saves so much money by just making them at home himself. It has to be the premium, natural, good quality type. Organic cotton, wool, cashmere, alpaca/llamas, silk, linen, mohair, bamboo, hemp, all of that. Tell him about polyester or something and he tells you to put that shit back. He buys the premium yarn nearby, locally, or gets them imported internationally. Gets every and any colors because he never wants to be limited when making his projects.
There was a throw blanket you wanted for the couch but it was expensive and the size was a lot smaller than you hoped. The next day, you come home to see Toji making it for you. The same color but better quality and inexpensive, and it was the size you wanted too. You were happy and amazed that he made it within a day. Living off your praise and approval, Toji just makes everything. Since he can’t get carpal tunnel or arthritis, his hands and wrists never get tired from working. Though, his posture does get bad and his back aches from being hunched over. The blanket in your bedroom with Toji? He made that shit with fucking love and care. He actually made multiple ones depending on the weather and season. 
Man has even made throw pillows, regular pillows, water bottle cases, table cloths, coasters, bags, cushions, and made your own curtains. I mentioned before that everything in your home was either made, customized, or renovated by Toji. This stays TRUE because almost all the pillows and blankets in the house are his creation. The blankets and pillows that cover Megumi and Tsumiki’s beds? All Toji. Both pillows and blankets match each other and are in respective colors for the two. Megumi has one at his dorm because it gets cold over there and he hates sleeping in the cold. 
If you are a stuffed animal fiend, like me, you ask Toji to make you any stuffed animal you want. Definitely make squishmallow dupes for you if you asked him. In your personal room/office, there’s a pile of stuffed animals in the corner from Toji that you pluck one from the pile and hold it while relaxing or walking around the house. The ones he loves to make are bees, dragons, whales, dolphins and dogs. And they’re so soft and huggable, you squeeze them all the time. Toji just grins to himself knowing the things he makes brings you and the kids happiness.
Toji “Anything my wife wants, my wife gets. No questions asked” Fushiguro
It’s normal for you to come home to see Toji crocheting/knitting away at something. You either find him in three places at home: the engawa in front of the courtyard and garden, the family room with the shoji doors open, or in his personal room/office. Mostly, he sits outside sitting on the engawa working away at something. It makes him work better, or so he says. Makes his own needles and hooks because of his big hands. Megumi still has his crocheted stuffed puppy when he was younger, still going strong even though it’s been worn down from love. Tsumiki has all the Sanrio characters knitted/crocheted as gifts from Toji.
Tsumiki always wears her hair up in a ponytail, Toji makes her scrunchies in her favorite designs and colors. Her favorite cardigans and pullover sweaters that keep her warm during fall and winter were made by Toji because he wanted to try making outerwear. Luckily it worked in his favor. Tsumiki asked Toji if he could make her a tote bag because she needed a bag for outings. She comes home from school one day to see three of them in different sizes. She has those cute little flower keychains on her school bag and outing bags too because she asked Papa Toji for them. The massive white and blue circle rug in her room is from Toji.
Megumi’s winter scarf, earmuffs, and hat are made by Toji too. Megumi will never admit it out loud but he appreciates that Toji made it for him. They keep him and he doesn’t feel the wind chills nipping at his face. Megumi also appreciates his dad for making his stuffed animals. I’m projecting here but Toji made a set of plush stuffed animals after his shadows. His divine dogs, all of them. Megumi keeps them on his stuffed animal net in the top corner above his bed. Megumi wears a jacket and hoodie made by Toji all year round because of how versatile they are. In general, they’re Megumi’s favorite clothes to wear too.
Thinking about asking Toji to make a present for Nobara and Yuuji on their birthdays. You asked Nobara what her favorite color and style was while Yuuji said he wanted a new hoodie. Toji makes them pretty fast and the two are in love with their gifts. Nobara is wearing her bag EVERYWHERE, and I mean, EVERYWHERE she goes. Yuuji, like Megumi, ends up loving his hoodie that you always see him wear when he’s in casual clothes. Since Nanako and Mimiko grew up with Megumi and Tsumiki, one of Nanako’s cardigans and a pair of her socks are made by Toji while Mimiko only has a random plushie Toji made for her when she was younger because Suguru had to clean the other one.
Not me thinking about how Tsumiki, Megumi, and Mayumi(JJK OC) baby blankets are handmade by Toji himself with their own individual design and patterns. Megumi and Tsumiki’s are still in good condition even though they were lovingly used by the two throughout their whole life. Their baby hats, socks, and certain outfits were all made by him. He keeps them all in individual boxes to not lose them. Gets sentimental and nostalgic that you catch him staring as he holds the small clothes in his big hands. Reminiscing about Megumi and Tsumiki being babies and small children, now realizing that they are growing up before his eyes.
God, all of it is thoroughly well knitted and crocheted that people thought you bought it from a store. “No, actually my husband made it for me. Isn’t he skillful and amazing?” Your friends and co-workers lowkey ask you if Toji is willing to take commissions for them. They’ll pay for it obviously but they want good quality home-made items Toji makes which gives you an idea. You asked Toji if he considered making orders for other people besides his family. He did think about it but he said he would get overwhelmed when receiving orders and packing them up. You asked him if dealing with the orders and packaging them would help him change his mind. So you unintentionally set up a small business with Toji. His shop consists of blankets, bags and baskets of any kind, pot holders, rugs, coverings, and pillows. It runs where one week is for receiving orders, one month is for making them, and another month to send them out. Making a spreadsheet/list for Toji to show what he needs to make. Probably gets finished with all the orders in two weeks or something.
For some reason, Toji wears eye-glasses when he knits and crochets. You don’t know why but it makes him more handsome that your brain rots/short circuits every time you see him working away. He got you all flustered and down bad it’s insane(but absolutely valid). But you don’t understand why he would need them since he already has better vision and eye-sight than 99% of the population.
“Honey, since when do you need glasses?”
“I need it so I don’t strain my eyes when working on them?”
“Can you, like, squint? You already have 20/10 vision. You don’t need glasses when you have superhuman vision, Baby.”
“Doll, just because I have good eye-sight doesn’t mean my eyes aren’t as sensitive. My eyes are still bugged by light, shit hurts and gives me headaches. Anyway, can you pass me the blue yarn in front of ya?”
Megumi and Tsumiki always see you with their Toji. You’re chilling and minding your own business with their baby sister napping away while Toji is working away at a rug because he is bored. Even though he’s been doing this since they were young, the two still can’t get over how their dad can make a king-sized blanket(start to finish) in four hours. Or when they come home from school and see Toji finishing up on a big and long green dragon, turning to Megumi and Tsumiki asking them, “Do you two think your mom would like this?” Or they could be chilling then Toji asks them to try on the projects he finished to see how they look. Tsumiki and Megumi are his main critics, you are too but you aren’t bothered by certain details to criticize Toji’s projects so he leaves it to the kids.
Mayumi(JJK OC) is chilling by Toji as he’s working away, either sleeping away or playing with her stuffed animals close within sight. Being the three year old she is, she sometimes hides underneath the unfinished blankets and pops up from under to surprise Toji. Papa Toji gives his iconic DILF chuckle that has you  GEEKING and GIGGLING like a damn school girl when you get the chance to hear it every time. He just pats her head, calling her a little rascal or princess, then resumes.
I’m projecting once again but you know those cute crochet dolls? Like the ones with the big black eyes, big head, small body, and no mouth? Toji made those of the entire family. There’s one of himself in his iconic black compression shirt, white sweatpants, and kung fu slippers. He added a little scar too where his mouth would be. Then there is your’s, all pretty and pristine with your iconic outfit. Toji getting your colors and features down to the bone. Next is Megumi and Tsumiki, literal carbon copies of their real versions. Toji said Megumi’s hair was the hardest part to make lol. Then Mayumi’s doll is later added once she’s born. The mini Fushiguro Doll set sits on the top shelf of a pristine black display case, next to the tv, in the family room. 
He’s the type of guy you wouldn’t expect to be good at a skill like this then later found out he’s an absolute master and god among men. Toji doesn’t parade around craftsmanship because he knows how some guys have fragile egos. But he won’t shy away when people ask him about his work. Pulls out his phone to show people the things he made with two needles, one crochet hook, and a shit load of yarn.
Satoru, being the shitter he is, tries to tease and bully Toji about it. To which you reprimand and scold him for it. But Toji doesn’t care about dealing with his antics because it’s a practical skill and keeps him out of trouble. Then you remind Satoru that his winter scarf he always wears was made, the one you gifted him for his 18th birthday, was made by Toji at your request. Satoru never wore any scarf because he thought you made it for him. But for you to tell him Toji actually made it for him, Satoru shuts himself up and doesn’t shit on Toji anymore.
Toji loves it when his family uses/wears the things that he made. Usually wears a goofy smile or grin on his face to conceal his prideful yet satisfied self, knowing his creations are appreciated and loved by his family.
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rebeccablogs · 5 months
Good morning habits for Monday
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hadesoftheladies · 7 months
female separatism isn’t about preference or “hating men.” i wish people would understand that separatism is vital to our health as women right now. one of the biggest things patriarchy has taken from us is MOBILITY and HEALTH. can you imagine a world where you wouldn’t be harassed for wanting to be tended to by only women? where female doctors and nurses that knew and prioritized female biology tended to you? streets where you could stroll and not feel a sliver of self-consciousness. where walking didn’t have to be a performance or a race from a man whistling at you?
i used to love going down to the river running at the bottom of the hill where my grandmother’s house sat. now I start to see more and more farm boys and farm men bathing in the spots I loved to rest in. I can’t be free even out there in the country. I have to be chaperoned. go in twos and threes. I can’t WANDER. i can’t run into the wild or bathe in the river. I can’t bask shirtless in the sun.
do women know how physically constrained we are? in corsets and brad and tight dresses because we must always prioritize aesthetics over happiness. we conflate approval and relief for joy. it drives me mad when I see the freedom men have. how wide their strides. how they can break out in a wrestle. how they aren’t taught to deform their bodies. how they are encouraged to nurture their physical power.
I wanted to go to the gymn by my neighbourhood, and my dad got annoyed with me. because it wasn’t safe. the only other segregated gymn in my whole city is miles away and unaffordable.
I taste separatism every time i sleepover at one of my sisters or we go on a retreat together. we can say anything. we relax. we bond and listen to each other. in all our different personalities.
but when there’s men in the conversation, everything becomes tedious. the banter becomes low hanging fruit. the conversation becomes competitive and thoughtless. it’s all about saying the most ludicrous thing for attention. it drags into politics of the worst kind.
and it poisons relationships. my sisters get a little meaner about other women. it’s so subtle and quick you wouldn’t notice it.
I long to be able to reach for women in history and not hunt for their names. not wade through the stories of their husbands or fathers before getting to them. I long for a world where female artists didn’t have to prostitute themselves for the male gaze, didn’t have to cripple their work by being nice to men.
even now in the modern age where information is more accessible than ever, you have to cut through so much noise to get to the voices of women. you have to cut through sob stories for killers and rapists before you get to the victims. you have to wade through male greats to get to their female predecessors.
if men aren’t talking over women, women are quieting themselves or too busy clamoring for another man’s attention, because his approval is power.
I want to show up to work without being condescended by a man who feels threatened by me. I am tired of censoring myself for male comfort.
who would I be, what could I do, if my movement, my body, my self-determination was not constantly suppressed. how many thoughts have I not allowed myself to think because the cost of speaking was too inconvenient?
cutting off male friends that violated my boundaries has already improved my quality of life, what would happen if I could be free of all of them?
I’d be healthier. happier. I’d be so much happier.
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thedragonkween · 1 month
King Baldwin IV Headcanons! ♔🤍♕
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A/N: So, here we are. I could not resist this mysterious and tormented king's charm. His silky voice makes me dream! These are some headcanons I've collected off the top of my head. The Reader is implied to be female and married to Baldwin IV. Please, do feel free to hit my inbox to ramble about our king because I'm literally dying of pining and yearning.
tags: female!reader x baldwin iv of jerusalem (from kingdom of heaven); reader is married to baldwin iv of jerusalem; fluff; slight angst towards the end
wc: 1150k
reccomended songs to listen to while reading: "Summertime Sadness" by Hildegard von Blingin; "Right Here" by Ashes Remain; "Blood, Sweat, Tears" by BTS (orchestral version)
"Many are the tales of the King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and of his Queen. Despite the varying accounts of their deeds, each one of them agrees on one aspect: the King of Jerusalem loved his Queen dearly, and the world is richer for it".
Baldwin IV is mysterious, intense, valiant, noble and utterly devoted to you, his Queen. But what does this devotion look like?
Firstly, he would believe in you like no other and would always be ready to give you his best advice whenever the weight of your responsibility becomes too much. Foreign rulers would soon learn of your qualities - there would hardly be a piece of correspondence where the King of Jerusalem does not praise the intellect and insight of his dear wife. He would glance at you from time to time, while you both work at your desks sharing the burden of paperwork, silently thanking God for having sent him not only a beautiful, but reliable life companion as well.
He values your opinions greatly and has the utmost regard for your views on political, military and state matters. Disagreements happen, yet your overall values are aligned, which is why Baldwin understands your vision and where your point comes from. During the discussions regarding complex decisions, he would let you speak and explain, then he would offer his honest thoughts on the matter, should he see another, different way from yours. 
Playing chess is a favorite way of spending quality time together in your chambers, away from the chaos of the court. If you know how to play and are proficient at it, he would delight in the thrill of challenge, as he would finally have found a true equal. If you do not know how to play, he would teach you with patience, taking pride whenever you make an unexpected and astute move. He would be such a nerd while he explains the rules to you and would be delighted to see how your mind works when devising a plan.
"Congratulations, dove. You have a checkmate."
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I can also see Baldwin taking you on long rides, if his health allows it. He would sweetly check the reins and saddle on your horse before mounting on his steed and leading you away to enjoy the cool early morning breeze, before the heat of Jerusalem becomes too sweltering. You would have a nice and secluded spot to enjoy and to pretend that you are a couple of young lovers without responsibilities and crowns weighing on your heads.
Your presence brings him safety and comfort, which is what would convince him to remove his mask when he is alone with you and the physicians. He would especially love to rest his head on your la as you gently caress his curls while the physicians tend to his skin. It is a sacred moment. He does not know how he went so long without your presence during this delicate time. Speaking softly to each other, you would distract him from the pain with talk of your hometown, fairy tales from your culture, or even simply reflecting on a happening of that day. On these occasions, you learn how to best take care of him, watching the physician tend to his arm while you tend to the other, delicately dabbing the cloth over his wounded skin. Baldwin feels so protected and safe in your presence. He thinks you are God’s greatest gift to him.
Now, jealousy. Baldwin knows he boasts the honor of having an exquisite flower such as yourself to call his own. As do powerful men and courtiers from distant lands. Many covet your loveliness as one would a precious gem. Should one of these foolish people try to take you from him or even stare at you for too long to be considered proper, they would be met with a pure force to be reckoned with. Should a knight’s eye linger on you for too long, he would be quick to put him in place in his signature glacial, elegant way. Before long, everyone learns not to disrespect the Queen consort of Jerusalem.
“Perhaps you would have understood my point, had you not been so insolently ogling my wife”. He takes out his whip. “On your knees. You will pay for insulting the Queen”.
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He would protect you with his life. He swore to protect Jerusalem and, as its Queen, that includes first of all you. Should a courtier doubt your devotion and mistake it for thirst for power, or should he learn of an orchestrated attempt on your life, he would waste no time in employing his best forces in your service to defend you.
His enemies and templars alike fear him, yet with you he is as gentle as the morning breeze that gently caresses Jerusalem. This powerful king who makes armies tremble and kingdoms shake is the same person who holds and kisses your hand (when in public, bringing your fingers to the lips of his mask), who silently admires your loveliness from afar and sighs to himself, who longs for your warmth after a tiring day. 
He would write you letters. Lots of them. And not always when he is away. Maybe he just liked the way the sun reflected in your eyes that morning. Or maybe when you helped a servant, he was moved by your kindness. Your every action inspires him, so much so that he has to let out his thoughts on paper. You have a pretty wooden box brimming with delicate papers penned by Baldwin in your honor. He is not only the King of Jerusalem, but also the king of pining, of yearning. Even when he has you near, he yearns for you.
I love to imagine him letting you accompany him to battle. He would love it too, in theory. You make him so strong, the both of you would be quite the sight, meeting your enemies head on, as one, donning your best armors. Yet, at the same time I cannot imagine him resting easy knowing that a loose arrow, a desperate soldier seeking glory for killing the Queen of Jerusalem, or fatigue and sickness could take you from him. It pains his heart to be parted from you, yet he cannot risk your safety. Instead, Baldwin would trust you with ruling the kingdom. He has absolute faith in your intelligence, willpower and cleverness, especially after all he has taught you about running the realm. He longs for you every second he’s away from Jerusalem, yet his heart is at peace knowing his kingdom is in the most capable hands.
When he feels that his time on this Earth is nearing his end, he calls for his most trusted advisors, including Balian and Tiberias. He would ask them, almost begging, to protect you always, at all costs, when he is no longer there to do so. Balian and Tiberias would exchange a quick glance to each other, vowing to respect their King’s wish until the very end.
“Protect her. Please.” “Always, my Lord”.
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Poems, songs and stories would be written in honor of your love even centuries after your passing. Many tales would speak of Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and his Queen. Different pieces of art, such as paintings and ballads, would inspire people from all over the world to find a love as devoted and unshakable as yours. Until the very end.
All in all, to love Baldwin means knowing your time together is limited. As is the time of all creatures on Earth. He would beg you to go on after his passing, to live for him. He shall wait for you and protect you from above. Until the very end.
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dr-hairblog · 8 months
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Understanding the Procedure of Hair Transplantation Surgery in Turkey
When it comes to hair restoration, Turkey has become a popular destination for many individuals suffering from hair loss. The country boasts of a high success rate in hair transplant procedures, thanks to the advanced techniques and experienced professionals in the field.
Hair transplantation surgery in Turkey is a procedure that involves transferring hair follicles from one part of the body, known as the 'donor site', to the area experiencing hair loss, commonly referred to as the 'recipient site'. This process is mainly used to treat male pattern baldness, but it's also an effective solution for anyone suffering from hair loss.
The hair transplant procedure in Turkey is carried out using state-of-the-art technology and under the guidance of highly skilled specialists. It's a minimally invasive procedure that promises natural-looking results. However, it's crucial to understand that the success of the procedure largely depends on the quality of the donor hair.
Furthermore, Turkey's hair restoration industry has invested heavily in the latest technologies to ensure the delivery of effective hair loss treatments. These treatments not only aim to restore hair but also work towards maintaining the health of the existing hair.
The hair loss treatment in Turkey lies on the cutting edge of medical science. With continuous research and advancements in hair transplantation surgery, patients can expect a safe, efficient, and relatively pain-free experience.
Despite the growing popularity of this procedure, it's important to remember that hair transplantation surgery is a significant decision. Therefore, we recommend that you conduct thorough research, consider all available options, and consult with a professional before deciding to undergo the procedure.
In conclusion, hair transplant Turkey offers a promising solution to individuals grappling with hair loss. With its blend of advanced technology, skilled professionals, and a high success rate, Turkey stands as a leading destination for effective hair restoration.
Understanding Baldness and Hair Transplant Solutions in Turkey
Baldness, or as it's medically known, alopecia, is a condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It's not restricted to any particular gender; both male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are common, highlighting the need for effective solutions.
Male pattern baldness is the most prevalent form of hair loss in men. It manifests as a receding hairline accompanied by thinning hair on the crown and temples. Female pattern baldness, on the other hand, is characterized by a general thinning of hair across the scalp rather than a receding hairline.
The root cause of these conditions is often androgenic alopecia, a genetically determined disorder. This form of hair loss is typically progressive, with the severity and pattern varying from person to person. It can start as early as one's teenage years and worsen over time if left untreated.
In Turkey, there has been a surge in the number of people seeking solutions for baldness, including hair transplant procedures. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from a part of the body called the 'donor site' to the balding part of the scalp known as the 'recipient site'. It's a popular option because it offers a permanent solution to hair loss and the results often mimic natural hair growth patterns.
Genetic hair loss is an issue that many people grapple with, and it's not just about vanity. Losing hair can significantly impact a person's self-esteem and overall quality of life. But, with advancements in medical procedures like hair transplants, there is hope for anyone suffering from baldness or alopecia. Especially in places like Turkey, where the medical community is making strides in providing affordable and effective treatments.
In conclusion, whether you're dealing with male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, it's essential to remember that you're not alone. There are solutions available, and hair transplants in Turkey are proving to be a viable option for many.
Understanding Follicular Unit Extraction and Transplantation in Turkey
The world of hair transplant procedures is constantly evolving, and two techniques have emerged as the preferred methods in Turkey: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Understanding these techniques, their differences, and how they use individual grafts can help potential patients make an informed decision about their hair restoration journey.
Sapphire FUE hair transplant turkey, is a modern grafting technique that is gaining popularity in Turkey. This method involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the patient's donor area, typically the back of the head, before they are transplanted to the balding areas. The key advantage of FUE lies in the fact that it doesn't leave a linear scar, allowing for shorter hairstyles post-procedure. It's important to note that the success of the FUE method is heavily reliant on the expertise of the professional handling the procedure.
On the other hand, Follicular Unit Transplantation, or FUT, is a more traditional method of hair transplant. Unlike FUE, FUT involves removing a strip of tissue containing multiple hair follicles from the donor area. The strip is then dissected into individual grafts, which are then transplanted into the balding regions. While FUT may leave a linear scar, it allows for the transplantation of a larger number of grafts in a single session.
Both FUE and FUT use individual grafts in the transplantation process, but the extraction process differs. The choice between Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation ultimately comes down to the patient's individual needs, the extent of their hair loss, and their personal preferences.
Regardless of the technique chosen, the results can be life-changing. Hair transplant in Turkey, using either the FUE or FUT method, offers an effective solution for those struggling with hair loss. The procedures, when performed correctly, can restore not just hair, but also confidence and self-esteem. It's vital to thoroughly research and understand these grafting techniques before embarking on the hair restoration journey.
Understanding Hair Growth and Density in Hair Transplants in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, understanding the intricacies of hair growth and hair density is crucial. The success of the transplant largely depends on these two factors, which are characterized by the hair growth cycle and the subsequent regrowth of transplanted hair.
Hair growth is a natural process that involves a series of phases collectively known as the hair growth cycle. This cycle consists of the anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting) stages. The anagen phase is where your hair grows and can last between two to six years. The catagen phase is a short transition stage that lasts about two weeks. Finally, the telogen phase is the resting phase where hair falls out and is replaced by new hair.
In a hair transplant procedure, hair follicles are removed from one part of the scalp (usually the back or sides, where hair is denser) and transplanted into the areas where hair is thinning or absent. The transplant aims to increase hair density, improving the overall appearance and boosting the confidence of the individual.
Successful transplanted hair growth depends on several factors, one of the most important being the health of the donor hair follicles. Once transplanted, these follicles go through the same hair growth cycle as the rest of your hair. Initially, the transplanted hair may shed - this is a normal part of the hair cycle and is not a cause for concern. This shedding makes way for new hair regrowth, which usually begins about three months after the transplant.
Hair regrowth after a transplant is a gradual process. The transplanted hair will start to grow at a similar rate as the rest of your hair, and over time, the new hairs will blend seamlessly with the existing ones. It's important to remember that individual results may vary based on the individual's hair cycle, overall health, and post-operative care.
In conclusion, understanding how hair growth, hair density, and the hair growth cycle affect the outcomes of a hair transplant can play a significant role in managing your expectations. It's also vital to remember that while a hair transplant can significantly improve hair density, it is not a cure for hair loss and will not prevent future hair loss. Regular maintenance and care are required to maintain the results of the transplant.
Understanding the Process of Hair Transplant in Turkey
The innovative advancements in the field of hair transplant in Turkey have made it a popular choice for individuals experiencing hair loss from around the world. The procedure involves the careful extraction of hair follicles from a donor area, typically at the back of the scalp, which is then transplanted into the recipient area, usually the balding or thinning sections of the scalp.
The success of a hair transplant largely hinges on the quality and quantity of the donor hair. If the donor area is healthy and dense, it provides an ample number of hair follicles for the transplant. These follicles are the building blocks of hair growth and their careful preservation is instrumental in ensuring a successful transplant.
Follicular units are the naturally occurring groups in which scalp hair grows. They usually consist of one to four hair follicles. The extraction of these follicular units in their natural grouping is essential as it helps maintain the aesthetic integrity of the scalp, ensuring the transplanted hair grows in a natural-looking pattern.
After extraction, these follicular units are meticulously inserted into the recipient area of the scalp. The placement of these units is a critical aspect of the procedure as it determines the direction and density of the hair growth, which ultimately impacts the overall aesthetic result of the hair transplant.
In the context of a hair transplant procedure in Turkey, both the donor and recipient areas of the scalp are treated with utmost care. This ensures minimal damage to the scalp and maximizes the chances of a successful transplant.
The high success rate of hair transplant in Turkey can be attributed to the expertise of the medical professionals and their meticulous handling of the hair follicles and follicular units. Their precise work in extracting donor hair and transplanting it into the recipient area has made Turkey a leading destination for those seeking solutions for hair loss.
Comprehensive Understanding of Hair Transplant Techniques in Turkey
In the realm of cosmetic procedures, hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant momentum. A procedure that primarily involves the transferring of hair grafts from one part of the scalp to another, hair transplant has become a sought-after solution for individuals experiencing hair loss.
The focal point of this procedure is the hairline – the area most affected by balding. The main goal is to restore the hairline, giving it a natural and youthful appearance. The success of hair transplant largely hinges on meticulous attention to the hairline, as it's the most visible part of the scalp.
Several transplantation techniques are utilized in Turkey, each with its unique advantages. These techniques are continually evolving, backed by state-of-the-art technology and a deeper understanding of hair growth patterns. While some techniques focus on the extraction and placement of individual hair follicles, others involve the removal of a strip of scalp tissue, followed by microscopic dissection to isolate the individual grafts.
Microscopic dissection plays a critical role in the process. It allows the surgeon to meticulously separate the individual hair follicles from the harvested scalp tissue, ensuring the grafts remain intact and viable for implantation. This precision significantly improves the success rate of the hair transplant procedure.
The process of harvesting and implantation of the grafts is another crucial aspect of hair transplantation. Harvesting involves the extraction of hair from the donor area, usually the back or sides of the scalp where hair growth is abundant. After the grafts are harvested, they undergo microscopic dissection before being implanted into the recipient area.
Implantation is the final stage of the hair transplant process. Here, the harvested grafts are carefully inserted into tiny incisions made in the balding area. This requires a significant level of skill and precision, as the angle and depth of each incision can greatly influence the overall outcome, including the density and direction of the new hair growth.
In summary, a hair transplant in Turkey encompasses a comprehensive process that includes the careful design of the hairline, the use of various transplantation techniques, meticulous microscopic dissection, and precise harvesting and implantation of grafts. Each step is essential in ensuring a successful and natural-looking result.
Understanding Recovery and Post-Operative Care for Hair Transplant in Turkey
The recovery period following a hair transplant in Turkey is a pivotal phase that contributes significantly to the overall success of the procedure. Understanding the process of post-operative care, managing post-surgery results, and handling potential post-operative complications are all essential aspects of achieving optimal post-transplant hair growth.
Post-operative care is an integral part of the hair transplant journey. It involves meticulous attention to the scalp and hair follicles to ensure the newly transplanted hair grafts thrive and grow as expected. Following the surgeon's instructions for post-operative care can minimize potential complications and promote the best possible outcomes.
One of the significant facets of post-operative care is managing post-surgery results. It is essential to maintain realistic expectations about the timeline and growth pattern of the transplanted hair. The initial shedding phase may cause some concern, but it is a natural part of the process, paving the way for new, healthy hair to grow.
Post-operative follow-up is another crucial element of the recovery process. Regular follow-up sessions with the medical team can help monitor the progress of the transplant and address any concerns or issues that may arise. These sessions are vital to ensure that the post-transplant hair growth is on the right track.
While hair transplant surgeries in Turkey are generally safe, there can still be potential post-operative complications. These may include swelling, pain, and infection. However, with the right care and attention, these can be effectively managed. It is essential to keep in touch with the medical team and inform them of any unusual signs or discomfort.
Lastly, the ultimate goal of a hair transplant procedure is to achieve natural-looking, post-transplant hair growth. This outcome significantly depends on the recovery process and how well post-operative care instructions are followed. Regular cleaning, avoiding exposure to sun and dust, and following a healthy diet can contribute towards successful hair growth.
In conclusion, the recovery phase following a hair transplant in Turkey is as important as the procedure itself. Proper post-operative care, managing post-surgery results, attending regular post-operative follow-up sessions, and addressing potential complications are all key steps to achieving the goal of natural, healthy, post-transplant hair growth.
Understanding Anesthesia and Pain Management in Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
In the realm of hair transplant procedures in Turkey, a crucial component that potential patients often have questions about is the use of anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used, the process of administering it, and the role it plays in pain management are all significant aspects of the pre-surgery consultation.
During a pre-surgery consultation, the hair transplant surgeon or a medical professional will discuss the type of anesthesia that will be used during the procedure. This can be either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The decision is typically based on the patient's health condition, the scope of the procedure, and the patient's comfort levels.
Local anesthesia is the most commonly used type in hair transplant surgeries in Turkey. This type of anesthesia numbs the scalp area, allowing patients to be awake and alert during the procedure without feeling any pain. It has the advantage of quick recovery times and fewer side effects, making the process smoother for both the patient and the medical team.
On the other hand, general anesthesia renders the patient unconscious for the duration of the hair transplant procedure. While this type of anesthesia is less common in hair transplantation, it may be considered in some complex cases or if the patient has significant anxiety about the procedure.
Pain management is another crucial topic covered during the pre-surgery consultation. It's important for patients to understand that while the procedure itself is virtually pain-free thanks to the numbing effect of local anesthesia, there may be some discomfort or mild pain in the days following the procedure as the scalp heals.
The medical team will provide guidance on pain management techniques, including over-the-counter pain relievers and rest, to ensure the post-surgery recovery period is as comfortable as possible.
Overall, understanding the role of anesthesia and pain management in hair transplant procedures in Turkey can significantly ease any anxieties or concerns potential patients may have. It empowers them with knowledge and sets realistic expectations for their journey towards restoring their hair.
Redefining Aesthetic Appearance with Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has emerged as an effective solution for hair loss conditions. Offering a more permanent solution as compared to other hair loss treatments, it's becoming a favored choice of those seeking a full head of natural hair. The process involves the transplantation of healthy hair from one part of the scalp to another, addressing hair thinning and baldness issues primarily.
One of the key reasons why people opt for hair transplant in Turkey is the desire for a better aesthetic appearance. The presence of a full head of natural hair greatly enhances an individual's look, boosting their self-confidence. A successful hair transplant ensures that the hair grows out to look just as natural as your original hair, matching the growth pattern and texture perfectly.
Another major advantage of a hair transplant procedure is that it offers a permanent solution to hair loss conditions. Unlike hair growth serums and medications, which need to be used continuously to maintain hair growth, a hair transplant provides a one-time, long-term solution. Once the healthy hair follicles are transplanted, they continue to grow hair in the treated areas, eliminating the need for repeated treatments.
Scarring is a common concern associated with surgical procedures. However, in the case of hair transplants in Turkey, the advanced techniques used result in minimal scarring. The tiny scars that do occur are usually hidden beneath your new hair growth and fade over time, making them virtually invisible.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey is a promising way to combat hair loss conditions. It offers a permanent solution, resulting in healthy hair and an improved aesthetic appearance. Furthermore, the process is designed to ensure minimal scarring, making it a seamless and effective choice for those battling with hair loss.
The Role of a Hair Surgeon and Surgical Team in a Hair Transplant Procedure in Turkey
In Turkey, hair transplant procedures are carried out by a highly skilled hair surgeon and a dedicated surgical team. The hair surgeon is the professional who leads the process, making key decisions based on the patient's unique hair growth pattern and aesthetic goals. They play a critical role in ensuring that the transplant is successful and that the results are as natural-looking as possible.
The surgical team supports the hair surgeon in various ways. They prepare the surgical instruments required for the procedure, ensuring that they are clean and ready for use. The team also plays a key role in maintaining a sterile environment throughout the procedure, which is crucial in preventing infections and ensuring optimal recovery for the patient.
The surgical procedure itself is a delicate process that requires precision and expertise. Using specialized surgical instruments, the hair surgeon extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplants them to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. This is done using a technique known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), depending on the patient's specific needs.
Sterile technique is paramount throughout the hair transplant procedure. The surgical team carefully prepares the surgical environment, ensuring that it is free from any potential contaminants. This includes sterilizing all surgical instruments and wearing appropriate protective gear such as gloves and masks.
In summary, the success of a hair transplant in Turkey is highly dependent on the skills and expertise of both the hair surgeon and the surgical team. They work in tandem to ensure that the surgical procedure is carried out in a sterile environment using sterilized surgical instruments, following a strict sterile technique. Their combined efforts result in a successful hair transplant procedure that can significantly enhance the patient's appearance and confidence.
Evaluating the Success and Patient Satisfaction of Hair Therapy in Turkey
When it comes to hair transplantation, Turkey has become a leading destination for individuals worldwide seeking to restore their hair. One of the key factors contributing to this trend is the high hair transplant success rate witnessed in the country. Numerous hair transplant testimonials attest to the effectiveness and efficiency of the procedures carried out.
The hair transplant experience in Turkey is unique and patient-centric. It focuses on providing the best service, starting from the initial consultation, throughout the procedure, and during the aftercare period. The aim is to ensure patient satisfaction, which is an essential measure of success in hair therapy.
One of the major focus areas in Turkey's hair transplant industry is the quality of hair achieved post-transplant. The result is not just about having more hair but having hair that closely matches the patient's natural look. The attention to detail and the expertise of the professionals involved contribute to this high quality of hair.
Another noteworthy aspect is the success rate of hair transplants in Turkey. Many individuals have seen drastic improvements in their hair growth and density post-procedure. This success is attributed to the advanced techniques used, the meticulous execution of the procedure, and the personalized care provided to each patient.
The overall hair transplant experience in Turkey has garnered much praise, with patients applauding the service's professionalism and efficiency. These hair transplant testimonials provide a glimpse into the experiences of past patients, detailing the before and after journey of their hair transformation.
In conclusion, the hair transplant sector in Turkey thrives on high patient satisfaction, excellent hair quality, and an impressive success rate. These factors combined provide a holistic and satisfying hair therapy experience for patients, making Turkey a go-to destination for hair transplant procedures.
Outpatient Procedure and Long-term Results: Understanding Hair Transplant Processes in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant popularity and has become a sought-after solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. This procedure, typically an outpatient one, is known for its effectiveness and the promise of long-term results.
The hair transplant process generally involves either a single session or multiple sessions, depending on the severity of the hair loss and the desired hair density. It's important to note that the decision between a single session or multiple sessions is usually determined by a professional based on the specific needs and situation of the individual.
The outpatient procedure aspect of a hair transplant in Turkey is a highlight for many individuals considering this solution. This means that the procedure does not require a lengthy hospital stay. Instead, patients are allowed to return home on the same day of the procedure, making it a convenient choice for many.
A single session of hair transplant can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, again depending on the extent of hair loss and the desired density. Despite the length of the procedure, the single session approach is often preferred for its potential to deliver instant results.
On the other hand, multiple sessions might be recommended for individuals with severe hair loss. Each session is typically spread out over several weeks or months allowing for gradual hair growth and density improvement. This approach ensures a more natural-looking result as the hair begins to regrow.
The long-term results of hair transplant in Turkey have been overwhelmingly positive, with many individuals reporting an increase in density and improvement in the appearance of their hair. However, it's important to manage expected results, as the success of the procedure can vary based on individual factors such as the extent of hair loss and the patient's overall health.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a comprehensive approach to dealing with thinning hair. By addressing the issue of DHT and providing guidance on post-transplant hair wash, individuals undergoing the procedure can expect significant hair rejuvenation and a meaningful solution to hair loss prevention.
The Journey of Hair Transplant in Turkey: From Preparation to Post-Surgery Expectations
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it's crucial to understand the process from start to finish. This includes the procedure time, preparation, post-surgery expectations, and the role of hair loss medication such as finasteride and minoxidil.
The procedure time for a hair transplant can vary depending on the individual's hair loss severity and the technique used. It could take anywhere between four to eight hours, but in some cases, it may extend over two consecutive days. This extensive procedure time is because each hair follicle is individually transplanted to ensure a natural and satisfying outcome.
Preparation is a key step before undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey. This includes a thorough consultation with a hair loss expert who will examine your hair loss pattern, discuss your expectations, and propose the most suitable treatment plan. It's also an opportunity to address any concerns or queries about the procedure.
Hair loss medication plays a pivotal role in both the preparation and post-procedure phase of a hair transplant. Medications such as finasteride and minoxidil are often recommended to stabilize hair loss and enhance the growth of new hair. Finasteride works by preventing the conversion of testosterone into DHT, a hormone that can cause hair loss. On the other hand, minoxidil is a topical solution that stimulates hair growth by increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles.
The post-surgery expectations after a hair transplant in Turkey involve some level of patience. The first signs of new hair growth can take anywhere from three to four months to appear. It's also important to follow a proper hair care routine and continue with the prescribed hair loss medication to maintain the results of the transplant.
In conclusion, understanding the procedure time, preparation, role of hair loss medication, and post-surgery expectations can help individuals make an informed decision about undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey.
Safety Measures and Affordability: Understanding Hair Transplant Cost and Graft Survival Rate in Turkey
Understanding the intricacies involved in a hair transplant procedure is crucial for anyone considering this life-changing decision. One of the key aspects to consider is the hair transplant cost in Turkey, hair transplant procedures are not only renowned for their high quality but are also impressively affordable. This affordability, however, does not compromise the safety measures in place.
Safety measures in Turkey's hair transplant industry are top-notch, ensuring the well-being of every patient. The medical practitioners are highly trained and adhere strictly to international standards of safety and hygiene. These precautions significantly reduce the risk of complications, ensuring not just the survival of hair, but also the overall health of the patient.
When it comes to the graft survival rate, Turkey boasts an exceptionally high percentage. This is a testament to the advanced techniques used in the country, which ensure the survival of hair after the procedure. The high graft survival rate indicates the effectiveness of these techniques, as the transplanted hair continues to grow healthily in the new location.
The survival of the transplanted hair is a key factor that determines the success of the procedure. In Turkey, the transplanted hair tends to thrive due to the meticulous care and precision involved in the transplant process. This high survival rate of transplanted hair is one of the reasons why many individuals opt for hair transplant procedures in Turkey.
In conclusion, the blend of affordable hair transplant cost, stringent safety measures, and high graft survival rate makes Turkey a preferred destination for hair transplant procedures. Understanding these factors can help potential patients make an informed decision and find a solution that best fits their needs.
Maximizing Hair Transplant Results: Post-Surgery Hair Care and Recovery Time
When it comes to hair transplant in Turkey, the procedure itself is only one part of the journey towards achieving a fuller, healthier head of hair. The post-surgery hair care routine and following the post-operative instructions are equally important if you wish to maximize the results of your hair transplant procedure.
After undergoing a hair transplant, the scalp needs a considerable amount of time to heal and adjust to the new follicles. The hair transplant recovery time can vary based on the individual and the specific procedure used, but generally, patients can expect to see the full results within six to twelve months post-surgery.
During the hair transplant recovery time, it's crucial to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. These instructions typically include guidelines on how to clean and care for the scalp, which products to use or avoid, and what activities to refrain from. Adhering to these instructions not only ensures a smoother recovery but also helps to optimize the growth and health of the transplanted hair.
In addition, establishing a proper hair care routine is fundamental during the recovery phase. This involves using gentle, nourishing hair products, protecting the scalp from sun exposure, and maintaining a healthy diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals.
It's also worth noting that the new hair may initially shed after the transplant - this is a normal part of the process and is no cause for concern. The transplanted hair follicles are still healthy and in place, and new hair growth will usually start to occur within a few months.
In conclusion, the success of a hair transplant in Turkey goes beyond the surgical procedure. Proper post-surgery hair care and adherence to post-operative instructions play a significant role in determining the final outcome of the transplant. Remember, patience is key during the hair transplant recovery time as it can take several months to see the full benefits of the surgery.
Addressing Thinning Hair through Hair Transplant in Turkey: An Insight into Post-Transplant Hair Wash and DHT
Thinning hair is a prevalent issue that affects numerous people worldwide, both men and women alike. This condition escalates to a point where self-esteem is compromised, and the pursuit for hair rejuvenation becomes inevitable. Remarkably, Turkey has emerged as a globally recognized destination for hair transplants, offering solutions to hair thinning and hair loss prevention.
The underlying cause of thinning hair is often linked to DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that shrinks hair follicles and hinders hair growth. DHT is usually the culprit behind male pattern baldness, but it also plays a role in female hair loss. While it may seem like a formidable foe, it can be addressed with the appropriate hair loss prevention measures, such as hair transplant procedures.
Hair transplants in Turkey have been revolutionized to counteract the effects of DHT, providing a viable solution for hair rejuvenation. The process involves relocating healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp to the thinning or balding areas. This procedure is meticulously designed to mimic natural hair growth, ensuring that the new hair blends seamlessly with the surrounding hair.
After the hair transplant, it's crucial to follow a proper post-transplant hair wash routine. This step is essential for hair loss prevention and maintaining the health of the newly transplanted hair. It involves using gentle, hair-friendly products to wash the scalp and promote healing. This routine is typically recommended to start a few days after the procedure, once the scalp has had time to recover.
The post-transplant hair wash routine also helps to remove any scabs or crusts that might have formed on the scalp following the procedure. It's a delicate process that requires careful handling to avoid dislodging the newly transplanted hair follicles.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a comprehensive approach to dealing with thinning hair. By addressing the issue of DHT and providing guidance on post-transplant hair wash, individuals undergoing the procedure can expect significant hair rejuvenation and a meaningful solution to hair loss prevention.
The Journey of Hair Transplant in Turkey: Before and After, Reviews, Results, and Side Effects
Embarking on a journey towards getting a hair transplant in Turkey can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this section of the article, we will explore the hair transplant before and after experience, discuss the possible hair transplant side effects, delve into some hair transplant reviews, and highlight the hair transplant results you can expect.
Firstly, understanding the hair transplant before and after process is essential. Prior to the procedure, it is common for individuals to experience varying levels of hair thinning and loss, significantly impacting their confidence and self-esteem. However, after the hair transplant procedure in Turkey, one can expect to see a significant improvement in the density and distribution of hair. This transformation not only enhances physical appearance but also restores self-confidence.
While the hair transplant before and after experience is generally positive, it's important to be aware of potential hair transplant side effects. Like any other medical procedure, a hair transplant carries certain risks such as infection, bleeding, and scarring. It's also possible to experience temporary hair thinning post-procedure. However, these side effects are usually temporary and manageable with appropriate care and medication.
Now, let's delve into hair transplant reviews. It's important to note that individual experiences with hair transplant in Turkey can vary. Generally, hair transplant reviews reflect a high level of satisfaction with the procedure, with many noting an improvement in their overall quality of life. Patients frequently describe the procedure as life-changing, highlighting the positive impact it has had on their self-esteem and happiness.
Lastly, let's talk about hair transplant results. The ultimate goal of a hair transplant is to improve the appearance of the hairline and increase hair density. The hair transplant results can be substantial, with many patients seeing a significant improvement in their hair growth within just a few months of the procedure. However, it's crucial to remember that results can vary depending on individual factors like the extent of hair loss and overall health.
In conclusion, a hair transplant in Turkey offers the potential for significant hair restoration and improved self-confidence. By understanding the hair transplant before and after process, the potential side effects, reviews, and expected results, one can make an informed decision about whether this procedure is the right choice.
Understanding the Recovery Process: Expectations and Aftercare for Hair Transplants in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it's essential to have realistic hair transplant expectations. This procedure is a significant commitment, but it can yield impressive results for individuals experiencing hair loss. Knowing what to expect during recovery, including downtime after hair transplant procedures, can help you adequately prepare and ensure a smoother journey towards your new look.
Firstly, let's discuss the recovery period. This is where the downtime after hair transplant comes in. After the procedure, your scalp may be tender, and you may need to take medications for a few days. Most people can return to work two to five days after surgery. However, it's crucial to note that recovery times can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the hair restoration.
One common concern among patients is the redness after hair transplant surgery. It's a typical side effect and usually subsides within a few weeks. The redness occurs due to the increased blood flow to the scalp and the healing process of the tiny wounds from the procedure. Rest assured, this is a normal part of the healing process and should not cause any alarm.
Swelling after hair transplant surgery is also common. Again, this is a natural reaction from your body as it heals. The swelling typically occurs around the forehead and may last for a few days. Applying a cold compress can help reduce the swelling.
Understanding these aspects of hair transplant expectations can help you make an informed decision and prepare for the recovery process. It's essential to remember that every individual's experience will vary, and it's crucial to follow your healthcare professional's advice for aftercare to ensure the best possible results.
Hair transplant in Turkey is a popular choice for many due to the country's advanced medical facilities and highly experienced specialists. By managing your expectations and being prepared for the recovery process, you can look forward to rejuvenated hair growth and increased confidence in your appearance.
Understanding the Hair Transplant Procedure Steps in Turkey for International Patients
The hair transplant procedure steps in Turkey are renowned worldwide for their efficiency and effectiveness. International patients are drawn to this country due to the highly-regarded reputation of its medical procedures, especially in the field of hair transplantation. Before delving into the specific steps involved in the process, it's important to understand that each patient's journey typically involves a preoperative assessment and a postoperative assessment.
The preoperative assessment is the first step in the hair transplant procedure. This involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's hair loss condition, general health, and expectations. This crucial step helps the medical team devise the most suitable hair transplant plan for the patient. The aim here is to ensure that the procedure will not only be safe but also achieve the highest possible aesthetic results.
Once the preoperative assessment is complete, the hair transplant procedure steps can begin. While the specifics may vary slightly from patient to patient, the general process normally involves the extraction of hair follicles from a donor site (usually the back of the scalp), followed by their careful implantation into the thinning or bald areas.
Throughout the procedure, utmost care is taken to ensure the natural look of the transplanted hair. The orientation, angle, and positioning of each follicle are meticulously considered to replicate the natural hair growth pattern. This level of precision is what sets Turkey's hair transplantation procedures apart, attracting international patients from all corners of the globe.
Following the surgery, the postoperative assessment begins. This step is just as important as the preceding ones, as it allows the medical team to monitor the patient's recovery, assess the results of the transplantation, and provide essential aftercare instructions. It's during this phase that patients can see the fruition of their hair transplant procedure steps, as the newly transplanted hair begins to grow and blend seamlessly with the existing hair.
In conclusion, understanding the hair transplant procedure steps in Turkey can provide international patients with a glimpse into what to expect from their experience. The combination of a thorough preoperative assessment, a meticulous surgical process, and a comprehensive postoperative assessment ensures the best possible outcomes for patients seeking hair transplant procedures in Turkey.
Exploring Hair Transplant Alternatives and Understanding Pre and Post-Transplant Prep in Turkey
The journey of hair transplant in Turkey often begins with an essential, yet often overlooked step: the hair transplant consultation. This crucial meeting serves as an informative platform where patients receive comprehensive insights about the process, along with an evaluation of their scalp laxity and overall suitability for the procedure.
Scalp laxity – the flexibility and looseness of the scalp – plays a significant role in determining the success of a hair transplant. A scalp with good laxity allows for the easy extraction and implantation of hair follicles, resulting in a more natural-looking hairline. On the contrary, a tight scalp may limit the number of grafts, leading to less satisfactory results. Therefore, understanding your scalp laxity is a critical part of the hair transplant consultation.
However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for a hair transplant. In such cases, hair transplant alternatives come into play. These alternatives can range from low-level laser therapy that promotes hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles, to medication that either slows hair loss or encourages new growth. These alternatives offer a ray of hope to those who may not be candidates for a hair transplant due to various reasons, such as inadequate scalp laxity or insufficient donor hair.
Once a patient decides to proceed with the hair transplant, the next step involves pre-transplant prep. This preparation phase mainly involves following the surgeon's advice on lifestyle changes. These might include quitting smoking, avoiding certain medications, and maintaining a healthy diet. Each of these steps is designed to optimize the body for the upcoming procedure and promote better healing and growth post-transplant.
Post-transplant prep, on the other hand, includes understanding what to expect after the procedure and following the surgeon's aftercare instructions. This might involve taking prescribed medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and ensuring a clean and healthy scalp environment for the new hair follicles to grow.
In conclusion, the journey of hair transplant in Turkey involves more than just the procedure itself. It starts with a hair transplant consultation, understanding your scalp laxity, exploring possible hair transplant alternatives, and ends with appropriate pre and post-transplant prep. By understanding these different elements, you can better prepare for your hair transplant journey and optimize your results.
Understanding the Timeline, Aftercare, and Healing Process of a Hair Transplant in Turkey
The journey of a hair transplant in Turkey is not merely confined to the surgical procedure. It is an extended process that involves a notable timeline, diligent aftercare, and a specific healing process. This comprehensive route ensures the maximum benefits of the transplant and contributes significantly to the final outcome.
The hair transplant timeline begins with an initial consultation and assessment. During this stage, the prospective patient's scalp condition, hair density, and hair loss patterns are evaluated. This information aids in the formulation of a tailored treatment plan. Following the consultation, the actual hair transplant surgery is scheduled. The surgery typically lasts several hours, depending on the size of the transplant area and the transplant method used.
Post the surgery, a crucial phase begins - the hair transplant aftercare. This phase is paramount for the success of the hair transplant. The aftercare involves specific guidelines that the patient needs to adhere to diligently. It includes keeping the scalp clean, avoiding strenuous activities, and potentially refraining from hair washing for a few days post-surgery. The patient is also advised to sleep in an elevated position to prevent swelling.
In terms of post-operative medication, it plays a vital role in the hair transplant aftercare. It aids in managing pain, preventing infection, and reducing inflammation. The medication is usually prescribed by the surgeon and may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers. Adherence to the prescribed medication greatly aids in the healing process and contributes to the overall success of the hair transplant.
Another significant aspect of hair transplant aftercare is the scalp massage. A gentle massage can help increase blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth and speeding up the healing process. However, it is important to wait for a certain period post-surgery before commencing the scalp massage to ensure that the transplant area has healed adequately.
Finally, understanding the hair transplant healing process is essential. Each patient's healing timeline may vary, depending on individual factors such as general health, age, and adherence to aftercare instructions. Typically, the first signs of new hair growth can be noticed around three to four months post-surgery, with substantial growth observed after eight to twelve months.
In summary, a hair transplant procedure in Turkey is a journey, encompassing a detailed timeline, meticulous aftercare, and a distinctive healing process. Being informed about these steps can help you better prepare for the procedure and ensure an effective and successful hair transplant.
Understanding Hair Transplant in Turkey: From Procedure to Care, Risks, and Benefits
In the world of medical advancements, hair transplant in Turkey has emerged as a popular and effective hair loss solution. This solution has become increasingly sought-after due to its impressive results, offering individuals struggling with hair loss a much-needed boost in confidence.
Hair transplant is generally categorized into two types, invasive and non-invasive procedures. The invasive procedure is a traditional method that involves the surgical removal of hair from a donor area and implanting it into the balding or thinning area. The non-invasive procedure, on the other hand, uses modern techniques to stimulate hair growth without having to undergo any surgical procedure.
Understanding the hair transplant procedure is crucial, but an equally important aspect is hair transplant care. After the procedure, patients need to take extra care of their scalp to ensure the success of the hair transplant. This includes proper cleaning, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, and refraining from using harsh hair products that might affect the newly transplanted hair.
While hair transplant in Turkey could be the answer to your hair loss problems, it's essential to weigh the hair transplant risks and benefits. Some risks include infection, bleeding, and unnatural-looking hair. However, these risks are usually rare and can be prevented with proper care and by following the surgeon's instructions.
On the brighter side, the benefits of hair transplant are numerous. It's a permanent solution to hair loss, it improves appearance and self-confidence, and it's relatively maintenance-free once the recovery period is over.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a promising and practical solution for those grappling with hair loss. With its invasive and non-invasive procedures, along with comprehensive hair transplant care, it presents an effective method to restore not just hair, but also confidence. However, like any medical procedure, it's crucial to understand the possible risks and acknowledge the benefits before making a decision.
Unraveling the Cost and Effectiveness of Hair Transplant in Turkey
Navigating the journey of hair transplantation can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to understanding the hair transplant cost and the graft survival rate. Turkey, a renowned destination for hair transplant surgeries, provides a comprehensive package that not only satisfies your aesthetic needs but also ensures a high graft survival rate.
Hair transplant cost is a crucial factor that influences your decision. However, it is essential to remember that the effectiveness of the surgery is equally important. You need to ensure the survival of hair after the procedure to enjoy lasting results. In Turkey, the hair transplant cost is often balanced with quality service. The medical practitioners ensure the survival of transplanted hair through advanced procedures and post-operative care.
The graft survival rate is an essential indicator of the success of a hair transplant surgery. It refers to the percentage of transplanted hair follicles that successfully grow in the recipient site. A high graft survival rate implies a higher chance of survival of hair after the operation, leading to better hair density.
Hair density is another crucial aspect to consider. It is the number of hair strands per square inch on your scalp. A successful hair transplant should result in increased hair density, giving a fuller and healthier look. The medical professionals in Turkey use modern techniques to ensure optimal hair density after the surgery, helping you bid farewell to thinning hair.
Thinning hair is a common concern that drives many individuals to consider hair transplant. It is crucial to choose a destination that not only offers affordable hair transplant cost but also ensures a high graft survival rate. After all, the ultimate goal is not just the survival of transplanted hair, but to effectively combat thinning hair and enhance hair density.
In conclusion, when evaluating the hair transplant cost and the graft survival rate in Turkey, it is paramount to consider the overall benefit. The focus should not only be on the survival of hair post-transplant but also on maintaining a satisfactory hair density to permanently resolve the issue of thinning hair.
Enhancing Aesthetic Appearance: The Role of a Hair Surgeon and Surgical Team in Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
In the realm of aesthetic enhancement, hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant attention. It's a procedure that's not only about restoring hair but also about boosting an individual's aesthetic appearance. This process is meticulously carried out by a proficient hair surgeon and their dedicated surgical team.
The role of a hair surgeon is pivotal in this procedure. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, they perform the task of individual grafts placement. This involves transferring hair follicles from regions with sufficient hair to the balding or thinning areas. The precision of the hair surgeon in the placement of these individual grafts is crucial to ensure a natural and seamless look, which enhances the overall aesthetic appearance of the patient.
The surgical team also plays a significant role in the hair transplant procedure. Their meticulous work begins with preparing the donor area and extends to post-operative care. The surgical team works in harmony with the hair surgeon to ensure that each graft is optimally utilized.
Besides the technical aspects of the procedure, patient satisfaction is another critical area of focus in hair transplant procedures. The aim is to not only meet but exceed patients' expectations in terms of results. This is achieved through a blend of technical expertise and patient-centric approach. The surgical team and the hair surgeon work together to ensure that every patient receives personalized care, making them feel comfortable and satisfied throughout the process.
Hair therapy is another aspect that adds value to the hair transplant procedure. The right hair therapy can significantly speed up the healing process and stimulate the growth of the transplanted hair. In addition, it can help maintain the health of the existing hair, preventing further hair loss.
In conclusion, achieving an enhanced aesthetic appearance through hair transplant in Turkey involves a combination of the expertise of a hair surgeon, the teamwork of a surgical team, the use of individual grafts, a focus on patient satisfaction, and post-operative hair therapy. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in delivering an effective and satisfying hair transplant experience.
The Process and Benefits of Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
Turkey has established a reputation as a leading destination for hair regrowth treatments, notably hair transplants. This is due to the country's innovative techniques, affordable prices, and highly skilled professionals. One of the major advantages of having hair transplant in Turkey is the possibility of achieving long-term results that look completely natural.
Hair transplant is a meticulous outpatient procedure typically performed in a sterile environment to prevent any infections. The procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from one part of the scalp, usually the back or sides, where hair is more resistant to balding, to the thinning or balding areas. The goal is to stimulate hair regrowth in those areas, creating a fuller, thicker appearance.
The complexity of the individual's hair loss pattern will determine whether a single session or multiple sessions are required. In a single session, thousands of hair follicles can be transplanted, which makes it a highly efficient solution for those with severe hair loss. However, for those with less extensive hair loss or for those who prefer a more gradual change, multiple sessions may be recommended.
Regardless of whether the transplant is performed in a single session or multiple sessions, patients can expect to see a significant improvement in their hair density. The transplanted hair follicles will grow and shed initially. After a few months, these follicles will start producing new hair, leading to noticeable hair regrowth.
One of the most significant benefits of hair transplant in Turkey is the potential for long-term results. Unlike other hair regrowth treatments that require ongoing use or maintenance, a hair transplant provides a permanent solution to hair loss. Once the hair follicles have been successfully transplanted and have started to grow, the results can last a lifetime, with the transplanted hair growing just like the rest of your natural hair.
In conclusion, a hair transplant procedure in Turkey offers a high possibility of achieving long-term hair regrowth. It is performed in a sterile environment as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can return home the same day. The number of sessions required will depend on the extent of hair loss, but whether it is a single session or multiple sessions, the improvement in hair density can be remarkable.
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 months
The Bonds That Break Us (Rhysand x Female! Reader) Final Part
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Request: "Would you do a Rhysand x fem!reader series? Maybe fem!reader is Rhysand's mate and Tamlin's sister? So secret love?"
AN: I'm sorry this took me a little while guys. I'm currently a sick college student without the funds for Dayquil so we've been struggling. I hope you all like this <3
Summary: It was almost as if the cauldron liked to play games, as if it had sensed years of boredom and predictability and begged to be entertained. Its method of absolving its melancholy? Mate the High Lord of the Night Court to the younger sister of the High Lord of Spring. 
Warnings (so far): mentions of physical abuse, mentions of SA, major sexisim, SMUT, dirty talk, Oral (male and female receiving), Slight breeding kink?, angst,
Word count: 5475
(all photos are from pinterest)
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I glanced through the crevice in the oak doors and beheld the most serene image I have ever witnessed, perhaps ever will witness. Candles lighted the room giving it a warm, faint, glow. The smell of night blooming jasmine filled the air and not a sound could be heard from the small chapel. Rhys stood tall and proud, a crown atop his beautiful head. All members of the inner circle stood around, getting ready to bear witness to the ceremony about to take place. 
I smoothed my hands over my wedding dress once more. I had frantically gone shopping with Mor the day after Rhysand asked me to be his High Lady. With the council meeting to discuss my fate coming so soon we had no time for a grand ceremony, but I couldn’t have been happier with the way things had turned out. Even though the dress was last minute it was perfect, and I couldn’t have pictured anything else I would’ve married Rhys in. 
If you’re having second thoughts mate we can always postpone, Rhysand’s voice crooned into my mind. I looked through the crack in the door to find a somewhat worried expression on his face. 
“Far from it my love, I was just making sure I look perfect.” I giggle down the bond. 
I’m dying to see you in a wedding dress.
I smile and decide not to wait any longer to fulfill his desires. I leave a light knock on the double doors signaling for the men on the other sides to open them up. Immediately all eyes are on me. Normally I would panic or flee or worse, but not tonight. Tonight I locked eyes with Rhys, admiring that unique shade of violet that pulled me in from the moment I set eyes on him. The aisle was short and within a few steps I was clasping hands with Rhys. 
“You’re so beautiful mate,” he gushes, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“You clean up pretty good yourself mate,” I smile, squeezing his hands as we both turn to the priestess. 
“We all gather here today to be witness to the union of these two fae, and the crowning of our new High Lady of The Night Court,” the priestess begins and turns to Rhysand, “Do you, Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, take y/n to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” 
Rhys regarded me with a familiar gaze, one he had cast a thousand times, but this time held a distinct quality. It was a look of pride, something I had never seen before him. I had never held such significance for anyone. His gaze conveyed a sense that I was everything he had ever desired, the missing piece in his puzzle—lost and now found.
“I do,” he smiled and a tear fell down his cheek. 
The priestess turned to me, “Do you, y/n, Princess of the Spring Court, take Rhysand to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” she said. 
“I do,” I say to Rhys without hesitation. Down the bond I can feel joy in his heart rise. 
“Y/n,” she begins again. “Will you swear the oath of High Lady?” 
I smile and feel my nerves pick up but I answer truthfully, “I will,” 
The priestess picks up a glittering crown and holds it in her hands. The large diamonds atop it remind me of the stars that lie over the Illyrian mountain. “Do you y/n promise to serve and protect the Night Court? Do you promise to uphold the customs and practices of its people? To lay down your life for the sake of this court and always act in its best interest whatever the consequence?” she asked me. 
“I solemnly promise to do so,” I say assuredly. 
“Then I crown thee, High Lady of the Night Court,” she says, placing the crown on my head, the weight of it comforting me. “And by the power vested in me, by our High Lord Rhysand of the Night Court, I pronounce you both husband and wife. Rhysand, you may kiss your wife and your High Lady.” the priestess mused. 
“With pleasure,” he smiled before placing a hand on my cheek and pulling me in for a deep kiss. I couldn’t help but smile as I felt his rogue tear of happiness caress my cheek. 
I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes as I raised a hand to cup his face. He was so handsome, so perfect and he was mine. All I could think of was one word, husband. 
“Hell yeah I have a sister now!” Cassian shouted, picking me up and swinging me around before putting me down and engulfing me in a massive bear hug. I backed away to see Cassian’s happy face and then I felt a hand placed  on my shoulder.  
“We have a sister Cass,” Azriel crooned and I turned to give him a hug as well.
“Welcome to the family y/n!” Mor shouted, throwing her arms around me and it wasn’t long until the whole inner circle was giving me the world's longest group hug. 
Not the inner circle anymore, my family. The word used to taste like venom in my mouth, my family had never loved me, never seen me as anything but a means to power. A marble mansion that was so empty and cold. But now I had this, this family. This marriage might not save me from the demands of Tamlin and Eris, and me being High Lady might not give me immunity from Beron’s wrath. But it gave me one thing, something to fight for, not just my mate, but my family.  
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The sun shined brightly in the Day Court like it did the last time I stepped foot here. Things had changed so much since then. Back then I had just met Rhys and he was begging me to just say his name. Now I walked in as his wife and his High Lady. Although my dress billowed behind me like I was going to a ball I had never felt more like I was going to war. 
Azriel and Cassian flanked behind us, normally they didn’t come to council meetings but Rhys told me he meant what he said, that he wouldn’t let Beron and Eris take me from him. He was prepared to fight our way out of this chamber, and was prepared to kill every High Lord in here. The scary part is that he was perfectly capable of doing so, especially with Azriel and Cassian with us. 
The room wasn’t abuzz with the usual chatter of High Lords and their companions when we arrived there. The second we crossed the threshold all eyes were on us. I couldn’t tell which drew their gaze the most, their princess of spring clad in black, the crown glittering atop my head, Rhysand’s death glare, or the Illyrians that flanked us. Each lord seated themselves presently, feeling our silent threat. Every lord but one. 
“Night becomes you, sister,” Tamlin drawls from where he leans over the long table, Beron and Eris seated on his left, Lucien at his right. 
“That it does, Tamlin,” I say, my words cold as ice. I feel Rhysand pluck at the bond showing his pride. 
“Rhysand, y/n. Please be seated so we may begin the trial,” Helion said. I had always loved Helion, and I could tell he wasn’t happy about this arrangement. But for whatever reason this is where the trial would be held. We do as we are asked, Cassian and Azriel standing behind us as the chairs here are not equipped for wings. “Beron, Tamlin we will hear your case, then Rhysand you will be able to state yours. After that the council will decide who is at fault.” Helion explains and nods to Beron to begin. 
“High Lord’s of Prythian I have brought this issue before you today because I wish to find a civil resolution to my case, rather than declaring war upon the Night Court,” Beron began. “A few weeks ago Tamlin and I had meetings discussing the betrothal of Eris and y/n. It had always been abundantly clear from that meeting forward that y/n belonged to Eris. All that stood in the way of formally announcing the engagement was solidifying the terms of the union, what we would give Tamlin in exchange for her and how many male heirs she would be required to bear Eris. She was the property of Eris Vanserra long before Rhysand ever tried to claim her.” Beron says with a confidence that I almost envy.  
It took everything inside of me not to lash out at the word “property” and Rhysand’s grip on my hand told me it killed him inside as well. I can’t help but feel some sort of fear, these men only see me as a breeding vessel, they don’t care for my happiness and they don’t care for my well being beyond my ability to bear sons. I don’t stand a chance at going home with Rhys.
Shhh, I’ll never let them take you. I’ll burn this place to the ground if they even touch you.  That beautiful, glorious voice cleaves into my mind and I let myself breathe again.
“And when did Rhysand make his claim on your sister?” Tarquin asks Tamlin, clearly still holding a grudge over the land dispute they had. 
“It started a week ago today, when my sister came home from what I thought was the Winter Court. She came into my office and told me that the High Lord of the Night Court had deflowered her and that because of it she no longer wished to marry Eris Vanserra. Soon after Rhysand broke into my court, attacked me, and stole my sister away.” Tamlin said. 
“You dirty fucking liar!” I stand unable to keep myself restrained anymore. I feel Rhysand’s hand grip my arm but I don’t care anymore. How dare Tamlin spew out such disingenuous claims in a trail such as this. 
“You are not a member of this council you useless whore and you will not speak unless spoken to!” Beron shouts standing as well, the moment he does his eyes go wide and pain laces his face. Rhysand stands beside me and I realize that he has his talons in Beron’s mind.  
“If you EVER speak of my wife in such a manor again, I will fucking kill you and every male heir you have Vanserra,” Rhysand booms, and even I feel a chill go down my spine. 
“Wife?!” Tamlin shouts in a fit of anger, taking to his own two feet. 
“And his High Lady,” I boast with pride and I scooch my hand to lay on top of Rhysand’s. All I can feel thrumming through the bond is pure male pride as the entire room begins to murmur their shock to one another. 
“Impossible,” Tamlin seethes, getting ready to pounce as the room continues in their sock and surprise. 
“Quiet!” Helion shouts above the crowd, and I don’t break eye contact with Tamlin. “All of you sit down now!”  
We do as we’re told but it doesn’t dissolve the tension in the room as we all continue to stare daggers into one another. Tamlin tries to cover his shock with anger but hides it poorly. 
“Rhysand, why did you attack Tamlin in his own court?” Helion asks calmly. 
“Because he threatened my mate,” he growled. This time the room gave a collective gasp and would’ve gone into full blown panic had Rhys not continued to speak. “I found her injured, freezing and starving in the dungeons below the Spring Court. If we had this meeting sooner you would be able to see the bruise around her beautiful neck from where he choked her.”
Neither party speaks save for the buzzing mumbles circling the room that followed the word ‘mate’. For me to be mated to Rhysand was surely the most exciting and scandalous thing to happen in a hundred years. Kallias was the one to finally break the silence.
“The laws of mates are absolute, and we will not stand by and watch this council question Rhysand and y/n another moment!” Kallias shouts, standing hand in hand with Vivianne. 
My head whips over to the High Lord and Lady and I expect to see something like pity in Viviane's eyes, but all I see is happiness and pride. Happiness for having finally found my mate, pride for having finally found the will to stand up for myself.
“I stand with Kallias and Viviane, if we don’t validate their mating bond, who's to say the council won’t stop with them.” Thessan says. “If I ever find my mate I don’t want to worry about them being taken away from me.” 
A collective murmur of agreement comes over the room and it seems that a verdict has been decided. Helion stands and the scrape of his chair echos off the marble walls quieting everyone down. 
“All those in favor of blessing the union of Rhysand and y/n?” he asks. Every single hand shoots up without hesitation, the only ones who don’t belong to the Spring and Autumn Court. “Rhysand and y/n. You have the blessing of this council.” Helion smiles. 
I turn to Rhys smiling brightly as the whole council room erupts in applause. His violet eyes gleam with pride and for the first time ever he drops his mighty High Lord act and smiles back. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him and I can hear Viviane saying “awww” from across the room. We break apart and I can’t help but stare at him. Free, I am finally free. 
“YOU SELFISH WHORE!” Tamlin screeches and in a second he leaps across the table. He doesn’t get far before blue and red siphons are holding him back. “YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!” he screams struggling against Cassian and Azriel’s power.
Rhys threw his body in front of mine and I put a hand on his shoulder and began to move past him towards Tamlin. He grabs my wrist and I turn to meet his violet gaze. His eyes laced with worry asking me to stay behind him. 
“It’s okay,” I say quietly and Rhys lets go. I walk towards where Tamlin is still struggling and stand right in front of him. I can feel Rhys’ tension through the bond but I push it away. “You did this to yourself Tamlin. I wish things had been different, I really do. I could kill you right now, but I won’t. But if you EVER step foot in my court, I will send out my General, my Spymaster and my mate to find you and I will let them kill you in whatever way they deem worthy for a male such as you.” 
Tamlin stops struggling, unable to fight against Cassian and Azriel any longer. For once in my life, I see true fear in his eyes. A male stripped of everything, his land, his power, his bargaining chip and now his pride. 
I turn and take Rhysand’s hand and he leads me out of the council room, Cassian and Azriel flanking behind us in case Tamin gets any bright ideas again. 
“My strong, smart, beautiful mate. I am so proud of you. You spoke like a true High Lady in there,” Rhys boasts as we walk down the hall. 
“I feel like a High Lady now,” I laugh, squeezing his hand.
“Just wait till later, wife. I have every intention of taking you home and fucking you senseless while you wear nothing but that crown on your head.” Rhysand drawls low.
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Rhys can hardly keep his hands off me as we burst into the townhouse. In fact he doesn't. I'm the one who has to open the front door because his fingers won’t stop dancing all over my waist as he leaves open mouth kisses all over my neck. If this was his reaction to me wearing a crown, best believe I would be wearing them a lot more often. 
The door slams behind us and in an instant he has me pressed up against it already lifting my skirts. 
“Rhys, Rhys wait there’s something I need to do first!” I protest as he attacks my neck.
“Yes, you need to do me first.” he smirks, kissing me again.
“Rhys stop!” I giggle pushing him off and he finally halts his movements. “Have a seat, I'll be right back.” I smile before disappearing into the next room. 
I look around the kitchen and all I see are ingredients. I turn to make sure Rhys isn’t following me and find him sprawled out on the couch in a fit of utter frustration. I try not to giggle to myself as I raid the kitchen. Normally the townhouse makes food for us, so being in here is new. I keep opening up drawers and only finding utensils, towels and bowls. 
“Wife, I'm dying in here!” Rhysand groans from the living room. 
“One moment my oh so impatient husband!” I holler back. 
My eyes land on a jar of strawberry jam and I snatch it up eagerly. I walk over to the bread box and pluck a slice from it. I place it on an ornate plate and begin to spread the jam on top as neat and perfect as can be before carrying it out to the living room where my husband is throwing his temper tantrum. 
“Here,” I say, handing him the toast with jam. “I know it’s not much but it’s all that was lying around.” 
Rhysand’s eyes light up as I present him with food that I made. He takes the plate carefully and looks at it, knowing full well what it means for a female to present her mate with food.  
“You want to mate? Right now?” he asks bewildered. 
“Yes,” I say without hesitation. 
“You do know what you’re getting into right? I won’t act like…myself. We’ll have to go into the mountains for  a while. I won’t be able to control myself,” he explains further and I can already feel the arousal pooling between my legs. 
“Yes I know what I’m getting myself into. We can go into the mountains for however long we need. But I want our first mating to be here, in our home. Then we can winnow to the cabin. That’s my only stipulation,” I tell him. 
“I will agree to that,” he replies. 
I don’t even have time to say another word before he takes a couple bites of the pathetic toast I made him. While I watch him consume it, I’m sure that it’s the worst mating meal a female has ever presented to a male. Nonetheless, he eats it like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted.  
His eyes flick up to meet mine and the plate is discarded on the floor with a crash. In mere seconds stands up and I swear to the gods he’s even taller than he normally is. His hand circles my waist and his touch sets me on fire, now that the mating bond has been accepted. His free hand tilts my chin up to him and he stares at my lips. I must look like a wanton whore begging for him to touch me. 
“Mine,” he growls before searing our lips together. The word alone tells me everything he said before this is true. This isn’t just Rhys, it’s Rhys in his most primal form. 
I whine into his lips and I feel him hoist me up in his arms with ease, despite the large amounts of tule that make up my dress. My hands are in his hair in an instant, nearly knocking the crown off his head and I grab it before it falls off. We start moving up the stairs as fast as Rhysand’s can carry us. 
“Best believe the first time I fuck you as my mate it’s going to be in our marriage bed,” he smirks before slamming the door to our bedroom with his foot. 
The second he talks about fucking me my skin is on fire and the buzzing sension I always felt when he was near was amped up times ten. Like if I didn’t get his cock in me right now I would burst into flames and die. He sets me down on my feet and I begin to undo the buttons of his shirt.  I feel him fumble with the millions of buttons fastening the back of my dress before a deafening rip sounds throughout the room and those millions of buttons are being cast off in every direction.
 I don’t even have a mind to care about it as the dress cascades down and pools on the floor. His mouth is all over my collar bones needy and leaving little bites all over me.
“You’re so fucking beautiful mate,” he groans between kisses. 
I feel my crown slipping and I move to take it off but I feel Rhys’ hand stop me. 
“What did I say earlier?” he asked. 
“That you wanted to fuck me while I wear nothing but the crown,” I say meekly remembering his promise.
“No I said I was going to fuck you senseless while you wear nothing but that crown mate,” he groans kissing me deeply again. 
I feel my legs hit the mattress and I fall back on it greedily. He stares down at me like I’m his own personal feast and he nearly pounces on me but I hold a hand up to stop him. 
“I want to try something,” I say before he can ravish me again. “Something I read about in a book.” I explain further. 
“Oh really? Well I won’t pass up that opportunity. What do you want me to do mate?” His voice is deep and husky.
“Just stand there,” I say before sliding off the bed and dropping to my knees in front of him. 
His eyes blow wide as I stare up at him from under my eye lashes. My hands go to his pants where I expertly un-fasten them and pull them down his legs along with his underwear. He steps on them and watches me intensely as I’m face to face with his aching cock.  
“Are you going to suck my cock wife?” he muses and the words go straight to my core as I wrap my hands around him and give a lick up his length. 
The sound that comes out of him is nothing short of animalistic. It spurs me on as I take him the entire length of my mouth and start sucking. Whatever I can’t fit in my mouth I stroke with my hands and the look of pure bliss on him has me seeing stars. He so fucking beautiful. His muscles are dripping with sweat from the need to cum in me, his eyes are closed taking every stroke I give him, and his lips are parted having the softest wimpers escape them. He’s never been more beautiful than he is right now and I can’t help but moan, sending vibrations through his cock. 
“Oh fuck mate!” he screams and his hands find the back of my head. I swear I’m so wet at the sight of him getting his pleasure from me that I might have left a wet spot on his carpet. I moan again to send another wave of vibrations through him. 
“Shit y/n I’m gonna cum, let me cum inside you!” He shouts trying to remove my head from his member but I swipe his hand away. 
I gently cup his balls and it has him emptying his load into my mouth. I work him through his orgasm staring up at him with the most innocent eyes. I pull my mouth off him and open it for him to see the evidence of his climax inside. I close it again and swallow, feeling the saltiness of it slide down my throat. I open my mouth again to show him that nothing was left and it has him spiraling. 
“You cruel wicked thing,” he growls, picking me up and throwing me on the bed. His body crawls over mine and I run my hands down his bare chest, toned and perfect and all mine. 
“Rhys I wanna try one more thing,” I whine but I’m silenced by his lips on mine. 
“I think it’s my turn now mate,” he whispers in my ear, making me shiver.
He kisses down my neck and my collar bones. I feel his tongue swirl around each of my peaked nipples and I cry out at the friction I didn’t know I needed so badly. His mouth presses a kiss under my breast and when he reaches my lower stomach he looks up at me with a feral grin. 
“I want you to know that I have every intention of getting you so thoroughly pregnant that every male in Prythian will have no choice but to recognize that you are my mate.” He growls, pressing a kiss over my womb. “But not tonight, and not anytime soon. For now I will take pleasure in showing them what an amazing High Lady you are.”  
His mouth trails down and kisses either side of my bare thighs. His hand runs over my stomach and down my leg to hike one knee up over his shoulder to give himself access to where I need him most. 
“Now watch how a High Lord eats out his High Lady, mate,” he grins before diving into me like a starved man. 
I arch my back off the mattress and my hands fly to  his silky hair. I accidentally tug his strands too hard causing him to groan, the vibrations stimulating my clit. He pulls his mouth off me and plunges his fingers inside me, curling them to hit that spongy spot that always left me undeniably breathless. He pulls his head back to watch how I take his fingers and his eyes catch on something. 
“There’s that perfect clit,” he smiles slowly lowering his mouth over the sensitive bud so that his breath fanned it. “Show me those pretty little sounds you make when I lick it, wife.” 
His tongue gives a teasing lick at the apex of me and I let out a moan that’s so high pitched it’s nearly embarrassing. He only chuckles before attacking the spot with a million little licks. The combination of his tongue and his fingers have me screaming his name in no time. 
“Oh gods Rhysand!” I scream as I hit my climax. Tears sting my eyes from the immense pleasure. Rhys has always been able to pull orgasm after orgasm from my body, but the mating bond heightens everything. 
“I need you,” he growls crawling back up my body. “Now”
I pull him close and I feel his hands flip my hips around so that I’m on all fours for him. I nearly groan at the feeling of him running a large hand down my spine. 
“Rhys please,” I cry, pressing my ass into his hard cock. 
“Shh, patience mate,” leans over and whispers in my ear. I feel his cock nudge my entrance and within a moment he is pushing himself into me.  
The stretch is enough to have my chest heaving in pleasure, but the full feeling of him inside of me has me letting out a moan. His hands grip my hips as he starts to thrust inside of me. 
“Always so fucking tight for me,” Rhys grits out increasing his pace.
“Harder Rhys!” I scream needing more of him. 
It’s at that moment I realize that I’ll never truly get enough of him. He could shackle me to his bed and never stop fucking me and it still wouldn’t be enough. The need for him was too great, even before the mating bond. Before I even said his name. I had needed him the second I saw that flash of violet. I’ll never stop needing him. 
“You’re fucking mine!” He growls as his grip on my hips tighten and the moans coming out of him are pure mated male. 
“Oh fuck Rhys I’m gonna…” I shout my words trailing off. 
“Cum for me mate,” he orders me and I oblige.
I climax so hard my vision blacks out for a second, my pussy contracting around him sending him sputtering and cumming inside of me with a roar and I swore the house shook. I collapse, burying my face into the pillow. I feel him gently turn my body over so he can see me. His eyes fall to where his cum is leaking out of me and he bends down to press a kiss to my clit again. 
“Mine,” he says, eyes peering up at me. 
He crawls up to me and pulls me on top of his chest stroking my hair. 
“So it’s official, I am now your wife, your High Lady AND your mate.” I laugh. 
“If I had more titles left to give you I would,” he chuckles, running his hands through my hair more. 
“I don’t think I could ever ask for more than this, more than you.” I say pressing a kiss to his chest and leaning up so I was straddling him. He put his arms behind his head and stared at me like I was a work of art. “I love you so much Rhys. I only wish the gods had given me a million more ways to say it. But I can’t make it any simpler than that… I love you.” 
“I know the feeling, sometimes I get frustrated because ‘I love you’ doesn’t even scratch the surface of what I feel for you mate,” he smiles. 
I lean down to kiss him passionately, hoping that if words can’t tell him how much he means maybe actions can. I know they won’t. His hands slide from behind  his head to my waist and my hair, pulling me deeper into him. My hips grind on his abs a little and I feel his hard cock brush up against my back side causing him suddenly to stop. 
“We need to get to the cabin,” he says frantically. “Now.” 
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The cold mountain air grazes my skin as I sit on the bannister watching the sun come up. The silk bathrobe does little to keep me warm, but the breeze is refreshing. I glance through the window where I see Rhysand sleeping on the massive bed. 
We had been holed up in the snowy mountains for a week now doing everything but sleeping. He wasn’t wrong about the Frenzy and how it would affect our ability to function as normal fae. One night I tried to prepare dinner for us and we lasted about 10 minutes before he took me on the kitchen counter. As I watched the sun rise on the glistening snow I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that every surface in that cabin had been defiled in one way or another. 
The birds began to chirp as I took another long sip of my warm tea. Never had I been so at peace. Never had I been so loved. It was as if every moment of my life had been leading to this one right here. To him.
I felt two warm arms snake around my front as Rhys placed a kiss on my cheek. 
“You’re going to freeze to death out here,” he mumbles into my neck. 
“No I’m not you big worry wart,” I giggle as his lips tickle my neck. I feel him wrap a blanket around the two of us and I lean back into his chest savoring the warmth of him. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, resting his head on top of my head. 
“I’m thinking about how everything in my life led me to you. How I’ve never been more happy and at peace than I am in this court.” I say honestly. 
“Your court my Lady,” he smiles, pressing another kiss to my cheek. 
“Our court, Rhys,” I smile. “What do we do now?”
Rhys chuckles into my shoulder, “We go home, we rule, and you let me love you forever.” he whispers, kissing my shoulder. 
I turn to face him, “I think I can live with that.” I smile.
(AN: wow I'm kinda sad that this series is over now. I feel like I'm going to me missing a huge piece of me :( I want to say thank you to all who read this and supported me, I never thought this would get as much love as it did. I hadn't written in so long, it feels so good to know that people still care about the things I dream up. Now I have some good news...
The next mini series is going to be about...
now drumroll please....
CASSIAN x Female! Reader
I'm so pumped to write this it's been in my head forever. Plot is that the reader is Rhysand's little sister and she is betrothed to Eris. So if you loved the secret love aspect of this series you're going to EAT UP the next one. If you would like to be on the taglist for it go ahead and let me know!)
Taglist: @crystalferret202, @heyyitsnat21 , @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson , @randomperson1234sblog , @local-fangirl09 , @bleh-81 , @annaaaaa88 , @tenaciousperfectionunknown , @judig92, @aunicornmademedoit , @sharknutz , 
 @slytherintaco, @isa1b2h3, @nickishadow139  , @sarawritestories , @coisas-da-dani ,  @lovemesomevesey ,  @graceshifts ,  @writeroutoftime, @why4anne,
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