#Fanfic Directors Cuts
a-strange-inkling · 17 days
Going through drafts and I almost forgot about a deleted scene in Old Haunts. It’s an extension of Eddie and Jason’s confrontation. Jason has a lot more to say originally, and he says something about the girls, specifically Livvy. I just couldn’t keep it in because there was no way Eddie wouldn’t have clocked him out.
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hello! I’m here to humbly ask for director’s commentary on Impure Thoughts: Some
(only if you want to!)
I'd love to! Thank you for sending in this ask 😊 Here's the ask game for anyone else who's interested!
I remember exactly what made me want to write Impure Thoughts: Some. It was this gif and the tags I saw someone leave on the original post.
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I did a few writing warm-ups that were just Ed thinking about Stede with this vibe in mind. I was really struggling with finishing another fic (Sometimes I Still Feel the Bruise, still unfinished but I got some weirdly accurate s2 vibes in there so that's neat) at the time so I was just trying to get myself to write anything.
It turned out to be really fun, just letting myself write something lighthearted and self-indulgent, and all those writing warm-ups fit together pretty well, so I decided to write a final chapter with the duel as the end. The goal was to have it pretty much follow canon, with another scene of Ed realizing the depth of his feelings for Stede.
And then I saw this gif:
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And I figured Ed just had to kiss Stede at the end because LOOK at him he wants to kiss Stede so bad holy shit.
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fractualized · 27 days
For the fanfic writer's director's cut thing. I'm obsessed with this exchange from Line in the sand:
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Any thoughts about it are welcome, I pretty much just want you to know it lives in my brain rent free (and that I'd still give you my firstborn for a sequel).
Oh god, what do you say about the conversation that you knew the whole fic hinged on and knew you would revise fifty thousand times so it sounded like thoughts Bruce would brood over instead of… too writerly and whatnot? Case in point, the fourth paragraph in that excerpt was originally going to be somewhat longer, with at least one more version of "you ______, but ______" until I realized, duh, shorter works fine. The rule of threes is not obligatory.
But yeah, I wanted this bit to be Bruce's l'esprit d'escalier of sorts. Just stuff he's wanted to yell at Joker but hasn't because it didn't come to him at the time or previous moments didn't allow it or it seemed pointless. Including letting Joker know that he doesn't think it's foolish to reach out even if Joker will only bite back.
In this story's infancy, the final line of Bruce's speech was meant to really disarm Joker, and his kiss would be in earnest, which would disarm Bruce and result in them sleeping together. But that's the kind of idea that you realize does not work while writing it. 😂 So then the kiss turned into its own form of pushback.
It was also while writing this that I started thinking I've gone to the well of The Killing Joke too much? LOL That seems stupid to say because it's such a key moment in Bruce and Joker's relationship. There's often no avoiding it, especially in a fic that finally pulls them together. But writing about TKJ enough can start to feel like you're rehashing instead of making a point. Of course it was key for this story, so it's all still in, and I did reference TKJ again for "No Apologies." But it is a minor reason I want to focus on the mpreg comedy, so the story pivots on something else.
(ask game- fanfic director's commentary)
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deathonthe · 2 months
ferrari parked outside | 1633
pairing: charles/max
rating: explicit
word count: ~5000
tags: established relationship, slightly non-linear narrative, under-negotiated kink, somnophilia, riding
Max is an embarrassing amount of gin and tonics into the night when Lando shouts very loudly into his ear. “Does Charles pay for everything for you?” “What?” Max shouts back. “I mean like– Seems like he’s always paying for you, mate,” Lando says. Holds both hands up in the air and dubiously glances to the side. “Not that I’m judging or anything.” “He doesn’t pay for everything,” Max lamely insists.
director's cut:
the following are my notes and thoughts during the writing of this fic. they should in no way influence the way you've interpreted it! but feel free to read it to gain some extra insight into my pea-sized brain
ok. one thing u should know about me is that i will constantly push the max verstappen babygirl agenda no matter what. sugar baby max is pretty adjacent to that
i spent an awful about of time deciding the opening scene, between first scene (B) and the following directly after (A), idk how many times i swapped the two. i was afraid if i started off with B, it would kinda give a tacky record scratch effect when u reach A. but starting with A made the progression into B seem unnatural and too abrupt so. in the end i went with B, then A because the fic gradually loses its seriousness and matches the kinda light humour it progresses into
the line "I want chocolates and those bread rolls they bake fresh." took me a god awful amount of time to write. at first i wanted max to specify a monte carlo cafe to make it seem more genuine but all the reviews for cafes in monaco were in french! which i suppose i should've expected. in the end i went with that even though i'm not completely happy with it
another thing u should know about it is that i care about character voice and characterisation above all else. i try my best to emulate how these people sound. i always sift through so much interview material while writing a fic to try and get the drivers' voice tones and linguistic quirks and body language as accurately and naturally as possible. and too be honest, i don't think i did that very well in this fic. i think i could have imitated it better
a little bit of french, of course. they live in monaco, charles speaks french. max doesn't speak enough, so not quite as much french as other fics (for example, for esteban and lance, i would generally write about half of their dialogue in french if they were only speaking to each other in a scene. it feels more authentic as esteban and lance communicate in french when they are talking to each other in real life)
i designated charles three terms of endearment: baby, cheri and mon cher
nothing made me happier than when it became canon that max calls charles 'charlie' in real life, because i was gonna scrap it from the fic because i thought it sounded ooc
to be clear, i never intended to give charles a daddy kink in this fic. you can assume he doesn't have one. neither does max
the running joke is that this is actually a proposal fic and not a sugar baby one
in the lando scene, when max cuts him off before he can finish his sentence, lando is about to say: "and charles also paid for martjin to dj at this red bull party for u." i wasn't sure if the implication was very strong, though
in actuality, max cuts off lando with a "fuck off" and lando says later "why the fuck would i be, charles isn't my fucking boyfriend" but i thought that was too many fucks and ended up taking all but one of them out
i know charles doesn't drive a red laferrari
the other running joke in this fic is obviously charles is not ever watching the whale documentary seriously. he was instead always thinking or focused on something else in his head
the ice cream scene came to me in a fever dream
charles can't actually procure the cheesecake factory, he's about $125 million in net worth. the cheesecake factory is over $1 billion
i am not a fan (i.e., i am actually just a hater) of when max is depicted like an aggressive, overly possessive, hyper-masculine suave, dom caricature from an e l james erotica novel and when charles is just delegated the softer, more feminine counterpart automatically. so. u see me subverting that expectation a lot
i had a lot of fun writing victoria's part where she cooks both charles and max within 100 words
did you know this fic is exactly 14 pages on google docs? i thought that was pretty cool
if i had to sum up this fic in three words: chekov's schrodinger's proposal
thanks for staying 'til the end!
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Boy King AU | Vettonso + Martian | 1.3k
There's something about putting the future emperor of the Holy Realm on his knees like this. About how easily he goes, how willingly, how obediently. What would his adoring public think if they could see him now. If they saw their beloved king pressed down like this, in the cramped space between Fernando's legs. When they realized their little boy king took it like he was a little concubine instead. 
Fernando's bitterness is lifted away in moments like these, like taking off a heavy cloak on a winter's day. It was hard to feel humiliated about his own situation when watching Sebastian debase himself like this. 
He always gives himself up so easily. When Fernando threaded his fingers through his thick curls. When he pulled them, and then when he pressed his face down further down into the vee of his legs.  Sebastian rubbed his cheek into the coarse fabric of Fernando's breeches and blinked up at him. Fernando had to smother an embarrassing sound; he was just like a little cat!
Sebastian quirked his lips up into an odd little smile and slightly rose up on his knees, "What's funny?" Fernando swallowed lightly and schooled his face back into being impassive, "Nothing. As you were." Sebastian simply smirked at him and let himself be pushed back down by the fist clenched in his hair. 
Fernando scoffed internally, there was only so much pleasure in putting the other man in his place when he instead acted like this, this degrading action, was his birthright. He took to ruling and indulging in carnal pleasures as if they were of equal gravity. To be privileged to hold such high station and also let himself be taken apart like this…Fernando felt embarrassed for him.
He is dragged away from his musings when Sebastian moved to settle his hands in Fernando's lap, clutching his hips over the fabric and slightly squeezing; Fernando fought against the urge to shiver. Sebastian pushed up the skirt of Fernando's waistcoat and smoothed his hands over the opening flap of his breeches.
His eyes darted up at Fernando again, a daft smile on his face. Fernando scowled at him, "What?" Seb's grin sharpened, "You could stand to be a little more gracious. This is your future emperor, and future husband might I add, kneeling for you on this dirty, depraved, derelict- ah–" Fernando tugged on his hair again and hissed, "Well then, why don't you show me how eager you are to perform your marital duties?" 
Seb licked his lips, completely unconcerned by Fernando's annoyance, and unbuttoned one side of the closure to Fernando's breeches and moved to open the other–
The door to the carriage flew open, arrival announcement dying on a wheezing breath as the servant took in the image the two kings made. One splayed across the seat, exuding power, the other kneeled, debauched, between the former's legs. 
One would be hard pressed to determine which was higher on the totem of power and titles. 
There was something gratifying about this to Fernando, about being caught. He had been humiliated enough throughout the entire courtship, what was one more thing? And, certainly, what was one more thing if he could drag Sebastian down into the dirt with him. 
"Oh Mark, don't act so abashed! It's nothing you haven't seen before, in fact, we have been in this very position not even a fortnight ago!"
Oh. Yes. That. 
It was hard to be completely pleased when he remembered how Sebastian had already spent years prior to their engagement sampling the palace's ample selection of fellow high-born men. And how all those men seemed to be completely and utterly wrapped around his little finger.
Fernando released his hand from Sebastian's hair as if it had burned him. He did not understand why he felt ashamed with Mark looking in on them like this. Fernando was the one marrying Sebastian, not Mark; Mark was just a lowly courtier who had the esteemed duty of spending practically every waking hour with the brat…something he himself was decidedly not looking forward to. 
Sebastian stayed kneeling, staring impassively up at Mark, still fiddling with the clasp on Fernando's breeches. Fernando gritted his teeth and looked up from where he was watching Sebastian's clever little hands; Mark stared back at him placidly. 
Mark's indifference made the entire situation worse. Fernando now felt as if he was not doing anything unique, not doing anything particularly new. How many other men had Mark caught Seb with in this exact position? Fernando felt like he was just another plaything of the boy king, soon to be boy emperor, except his position was forever, permanent. He was the "Kept King", the king who only kept his throne due to the whims of a boy who doesn't even understand what power is.
Mark coughed, "Well," he says, "Your Majesty, I do believe you have a meeting to attend." Seb pouted at him and whined, "We were just getting to the main course," but still braced himself on Fernando's thighs and got up off the carriage floor. 
Seb pranced down the steps Mark had placed next to the carriage, miming tripping sown the stairs, snickering when his action made Mark reflexively reach out to grab him, and then playfully skipped off the final step. 
Fernando couldn't help but stare as Mark made the weirdest grimace in response, and he inexplicably felt all his mortification seep away from him. Huh. Maybe Mark is-
Seb then turned around and frowned at him, seemingly disappointed, but his eyes are deceivingly sharp, "Fernando, I regret to inform you that I have other duties I must attend to, you will simply have to wait." He then grinned up at Mark next to him and giggled as the other man stiffened when Sebastian looped both of his arms through Mark's. 
He leaned all his weight on the other man, Mark not so much as shifting his weight, "Oh Mark, won't you carry me back to the palace? I'm so very tired after all the horse riding," Seb looked up at him imploringly.
Fernando observed as Mark rolled his eyes and shrugged off the man, though notably not pulling his arm from Seb's grasp, and he got the distinct feeling that this exact scene had been played out countless times before. 
Fernando clenched his jaw as he watched Seb turn and saunter off, Mark trotting alongside him like a loyal dog. Fernando was supposed to be the unaffected one in this partnership, the unflustered one, the unconcerned one. And yet here he stood, in broad daylight, in a foreign kingdom, on the steps of a carriage with his breeches half unbuttoned and his cravat in disarray. 
He heard a cough from beside him, jolted and looked to the side. Sebastian's loyal Horse Master stood there, lounging against the side of the carriage. Fernando had forgotten who had even been driving the carriage in the first place. After Seb has let himself be pushed down, his hair still windswept from their ride together, everything else seemed to fade away. His thoughts were reduced only to how he could mess up the younger man's hair further. 
Jenson grinned at him wolfishly, and casually crossed his legs,  "First time?" he inquired. Fernando glared at him. The other man laughed openly at him, "What? He's a busy man with big prospects. You're not his majesty's only conquest, you know. Now your throne on the other hand…"
Fernando seethed, it was one thing to be humiliated by the future emperor, but to be patronized by the king's horse boy? No. It would simply not do. He closed his eyes in annoyance, pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaled, and prepared a speech about how he was not about to be talked down to by a man who didn't even have a throne to speak of! 
But when he opened his eyes again and opened his mouth to begin his tirade, Jenson was already wandering away to tend to the horses. Dios mío, Fernando was not mentally prepared to spend the rest of his life with all of these impertinent morons. 
#i love how i kept saying to people: no no i shant write any fic for this. only art.#me like two weeks later: hey guys :)#this is just: i was sitting in class and had a drawing idea but then im obv not drawing *this* in class so my brain went into narrative mod#not exactly 'baby's first ficlet!!!' but moreso ive not written in a while so i hope its alright???#but aaahhh this was actually pretty fun!! idk i think it was bcs i was also being brainrotted by the image of seb kneeling....#maybe ill draw it. but it felt like something that needed the context of narrative and not just oo here is a drawing!#anyways you can always ask me for a directors cut-(PLEASE PLEAE BEGGING PLEASE)#see this is why im not cut out for writing fic#its not like i dont think it can speak for itself. more that im just an overly reflective person who wants to explain all my thoughts#if i wrote fic itd really be just: chapter 1. chapter 1.5 chapter 2. chapter 2.5#anyways i think its pretty obvious but this is before their wedding and just like peak bitterness.#well not peak. peak would be the first year- first few months of their marriage#but this is fernando who is only just realizing how naive all his expectations of seb were and getting a glimpse of his future#but mostly: mindgames and power play and: whos actually really winning?#also my god jense is literally the best chara in this au. he is vibing and basically just witnessing ye olde reality tv#mark and fernando are always in a weird powerplay with seb(even if seb isnt even consiously doing so) and jense is just free from it all#hmm now how does one go about tagging fic#vettonso#f1 fanfic#formula 1 fanfic#f1#formula 1#martian#sebmark#also idk why im always so concerned abt tagging when im basically just writing this for my little boy king following i have somehow formed#hahaha! it is art to me!:#catie.art.#boy king au
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curator-on-ao3 · 7 months
for the director's cut thing, i would LOVE to hear you talk about the light before dawn! (sorry if you've already done it lol) it's one of my absolute all time favourite pikeuna fics <3
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much, @belannaswlonkderfulworm!! ❤️ That’s so kind of you and deeply meaningful for me. 🥹
To explain: The Light Before Dawn lives in my heart. I started writing that multi-chap during Strange New Worlds’ first season and I think about it often with so much affection. I know fandom wisdom is people don’t like modern AUs, but I wanted to write it anyway. Something about that story just needed to be told.
I began by trying to figure out Una’s secret. I would have liked to have made her in the United States illegally, but then marriage could fix her problem and I didn’t want that pressure on her and Chris’ relationship. I also considered making Una trans, but I don’t feel qualified to write that experience. There was the option of making her a religious or ethnic minority, but then she would hopefully have a community and not be so alone. The idea of genetic engineering correlating to medical device implantation and ableism finally hit me and really resonated.
For Chris, my first idea was that he could be an equine therapist. But that didn’t work out geographically and, once I figured out Una’s secret, I also decided I didn’t want Chris in any kind of medical profession. (That’s why Joseph and Christine are barely in the story.) Making Chris a modern-day peacemaker seemed right.
Once I had the facts straight, the story had one rule — nothing bad could happen during the course of the narrative. This would be a story about emotional recovery from trauma. Even misunderstandings (like the one Una and La’an had) would be in the service of recovery. I feel like that came through, in part because one of the story bookmarks has the note “comfort in words.” I’ll tell you right now that there are times when I’ve had a shitty day, I look at or think about that bookmark and it helps me feel better that my words were able to comfort someone.
All that being said, there was so much I wanted to fit into that story and couldn’t:
I had this idea in my head that when Chris and Vina got divorced, Chris wore brown loafers with tassels to Family Court because he knew Vina hated those shoes … and he felt guilty at doing something so petty, but also free from trying to please her. As Chris made his way down the front steps of the court after the divorce was finalized, he nearly danced on the concrete with the shoes his wife — ex-wife — hated.
Speaking of Vina … there are songs on my fic playlist for Vina, a character who doesn’t even appear except for Chris mentioning her. But I have so many thoughts about Vina’s frustration with Chris, her pain at him pulling away from a life she thought was good. Vina, a financial planner, helps money make more money. She shops at chic stores and pays too much for haircuts. She moved to SoHo after the divorce and doesn’t really enjoy sex with her dates but does it to reassure herself that she’s “normal” and “fun” and “cool” because all of that is so desperately important to her. I hope she snaps out of her need to impress others, I really do, because Vina’s life could be better if she just lived it for herself.
I considered including that in the mornings when Chris’ light didn’t go on that he was at Judge Batel’s place feeling like absolute garbage. But then who discriminated against Una and cost Una her dream? It got too messy so I just left Batel out and I’m glad I did.
I was going to have the kitchen renovation company belong to Hemmer but when the show killed him, I nixed that.
At the last minute, I edited out a part where Una told Chris that when she was little and her parents would drive past the garbage dump, she would get scared they would drop her off there and leave her. But that was just too sad, even in the past.
In the universe of the story, Rukiya 100% lives to be an adult. There is no cygnokemia in New York City. After they read and run around at the park, Joseph and Rukiya go home to Debra and the family plays board games until it’s time for dinner.
In terms of good stuff, I’m really pleased with some of the details in that story — Una’s nail polish bottles, Chris’ Eagle Scout award (the highest award in Boy Scouts), those two discussing leaky scaffolding (a relatable New York City experience), the reveal of what happened to Gabriel Lorca. Also, I know I’m biased, but when Una set the stars at the planetarium to Mojave, California, so she could see what the sky looked like for Chris when he was a child at night, I think that’s so goddamn romantic of her.
I’m less pleased with my decision to have Una’s quick conversation in the mail room be with a nameless neighbor. My original thought was the neighbor could be any one of the Discovery women — Kat Cornwell, Michael Burnham, Phillipa Georgiou, etc. Meh. Then I wrote and deleted a whole section that made clear the neighbor was Christine Chapel. Maybe I should have kept that and removed the fleeting Chapel reference later. I’m not sure.
I stand by the Spirk joke at the end, though.
I also stand by Una not being a model patient. She’s mostly good about things, but she doesn’t always carry her card with her … just like a real person. And I am gleeful that Eagle Scout Mr. Moral Compass Christopher Pike uses the work printer for personal documents because, come on, we all do it.
Oof, I could keep talking about this story but I should stop. Thank you for this absolutely lovely opportunity, @belannaswlonkderfulworm, I’ve enjoyed every second of babbling about my beloved The Light Before Dawn. ❤️
Want more information about a fic I wrote? Send me an ask.
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saintmurd0ck · 1 year
Oh, Rhi. When I saw this, I knew I had to send in a request 😆❤️
And because I'm in such a fluffy mood, could I pretty please have some major fluff with Frank Castle? Maybe a love confession? 🙈
Feel free to ignore, I'm just a fluffball today and Frank needs some love 😍
death and taxes
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frank masterlist | sleepover masterlist
awwww lily i am in a mortifyingly fluffy mood and simultaneously yearning for the man that is frank castle... so please rejoice in these thoughts with me. please note the photo is a little misleading cause this thing be angsty (a little) BUT ANYWAY i hope you like it!
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frank doesn't know why it's taken him this long to say it. 
he thinks it's partially denial, but like many aspects of his life, there's a thin layer of silt that's settled over this feeling, that causes it to numb, despite the heart loudly pounding in his ribcage in earnest. for you.
he glances at the alarm clock on the bedside table, wincing at the time. it's 4.24 in the morning. he looses a heavy sigh before turning back onto his side, staring intently at the steady rise and fall of your chest, at the blissful expression painted on your face.
the sun is far from rising, moonlight barely drifting past the curtains, but there's an ethereal glow about you. there's a dull ache that spreads in frank's chest, symbiote-like as it snakes outwards, reaching into every shadow-filled nook and cranny within.
it pains him--loving you pains him. it's a sweet kind of agony, one that pairs fitful sleep and tormenting nightmares with the goodness of your soul, the understanding and kindness that seep from your actions into the centre of frank's transgressions. after all, you're the only person left in his life that sees him for who he truly is. 
there are days when he is weary, when his self-loathing echoes above your adoration, when he questions all of what he deserves. he doesn't know if today will be one of those days, where the roaring in his head dulls every other sense about him.
but he knows it's time. it's long overdue. 
and he knows he's got a shot with you. it's a chance of redemption, even if the odds are slim.
frank grits his jaw as the phantom pain spreads, catching stiffly in his joints, in his breathing. this is real, he reminds himself. it's not a nightmare. he moves closer to you, pressing a gentle kiss to your spine, inhaling the scent that's become home to him.
as it does every once in a while, the voice of mario castiglione blossoms in his memory. frank's father. his lilting sicilian accent rings clear. 'when you meet the one, you'll know. you'll know, because the love will be as real as the two things in life that are certain.' frank can still see the two fingers his dad would hold up. 'death, and taxes.'
death and taxes, indeed.
frank chuckles softly, supplementing his father's memory with a new one of his own. "wanted to wait until you were awake to say this, but if i don't do it now, i'll lose my nerve."
he pauses as you stir, mumbling his name, resuming only when he's certain you're fast asleep. "shoulda said it the first time i laid eyes on you, sweetheart. but here we are." 
he nudges himself once more. as real as death and taxes.
"i love you. i sure as hell don't deserve you, but you're here, huh? hell, i'll spend every goddamn day makin' it up to you... to, i dunno, prove myself."
the confession is freeing, easing the weight on his shoulders, one word at a time. frank can't remember the last time he's spoken to anyone with this sort of grace, or vulnerability. it's liberating, and he feels it--mind, body and soul. 
"i love you," he whispers, scooping you into his arms, holding your bodies as close as he can muster. as if the dam has broken, it comes tumbling out; a mantra, a tangible prayer. "i love you, sweetheart."
'i love you i love you i love you,' his spirit sings.
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tags {x} @marvelswh0re @murdock-and-the-sea @itwasthereaminuteago @devils-dares @mattmurdocksscars @castlesnchurches @mindidjarin @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @honeyedheartss
tagging some of my frank besties cause i'm so fucking proud of this one
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the12thnightproject · 23 days
*jumps in*
Gonna fly in and drop a ⭐star⭐ because I know there's probably Director's Commentary you probably are dying to talk about in Ten Things I Hate About Mitsuhide. No pressure, though. Thank you!
Hi and thank you for the ask!
And you're right, I haven't had as much chance to talk about Ten Things, the way I have about Shingen and Mitsunari's longfics.
Loong, long answer below the cut...
Mitsuhide's longfic wasn't intended to be the third story. Originally, it was going to be Shingen, then Hideyoshi, then Mitsunari, but when I finished Shingen's story, I realized what I had planned for Hideyoshi had too many similarities to Shingen's story, so I bumped up Mitsunari. I was loosely considering Ieyasu as after Mitsunari, but Mitsuhide and 'Okatsu' had so much chemistry in Mitsunari's story, that it kind of felt like it needed to be next. He was in fact the love rival in Mitsunari's story, but because we never get his POV, it's not obvious (I think if you skim over his chapters in Mitsunari's story with that in mind, you can sort of see it, but it was never stated).
I still hesitated, because Mitsuhide is so popular that I was afraid if I didn't 'get him right,' it would go down very badly. And while I think I did ok with his character, I still feel like I rushed the story, and it could have used another edit on plot. In the first draft, Mitsuhide and Katsu were separated for most of the last third of the story. Once she left Sakai, they didn't reunite until almost the end (when he joins her in modern Kyoto). But I really hated keeping my two main characters apart for so long, and I was afraid people would lose patience with the story if they were separated for all of Act III. I spent a lot of time fiddling with Act III, and kept changing stuff, even up through nights before I posted the chapters.
So let's really talk about Act III, since the first three quarters of the story were fairly easy for me to write, but that final 25% took me almost as long to write as what came before. Honestly, Act III gave me fits (granted I was writing it last winter when I was working two jobs, and I had far less time to write than normal).
Oh, aside, I'm using film terms to describe the length of my acts... Act I is the first 25%, Act II is the next 50% (although usually is divided into two parts midpoint plot twist being an emotional mid-story climax), and Act III is the final 25%. I consider Act I to go through the point where Katsuko and Mitsuhide contract to work together. Act II through the midpoint goes through when they are taken prisoner by Motonari, and the rest of Act II goes through when Katsu leaves Sakai and Mitsuhide).
In my first attempt at Act III, once Katsuko leaves Mitsuhide's townhouse, she goes to Motonari and bargains with him to take her to Tsuruga - which was my original location for Act III. For reasons (that I no longer remember) Yoshimoto was also onboard. I got about 5 or 6 thousand words into that section, realized it wasn't working (at that point, Motonari was supposed to be the love rival), and backtracked to when she left Mitsuhide. In the revision, she goes to Yoshimoto, who agrees to take her to where Yoshiaki was hiding out. By this time, I realized that Yoshimoto made a better love rival (so when I did my second draft, I gave him a lot more to do in earlier chapters). This was all part of the original handwritten draft, so that Motonari section didn't even get typed up.
As I was working on my next attempt at Act III, I wasn't really sure exactly where Yoshimoto and Katsu were specifically going. I was going to create a new location where Yoshiaki was hiding out, and as I started to describe the area they were riding into, I realized, 'wait, I already created a dark remote castle for Mitsunari's story, I know what it looks like, and the area of that is more or less where this one needs to be too, so lets just use it again.' (I'm also using it in the next story, but just a little bit near the beginning of the fic. So far.) This also allowed me to drop a couple of vague Easter egg clues for the ongoing multiverse story.
Anyway, in that draft, it wasn't Mitsuhide who doubled around and ended up there as he too searched for Yoshiaki, it was Kyubei, who, sent by Mitsuhide, was following Katsu to ensure she was ok. Katsu was aware he was following her, and when she and Yoshimoto discover Yoshiaki's plans to team up with Motonari and Kennyo in order to attack Sakai, she sneaks out of the castle (Yoshimoto creates a diversion), finds Kyubei, and gives him a message to give to Mitsuhide. Then she sneaks back in rejoins Yoshimoto (and then the plot continued more or less the way it played out in the posted draft).
I always write the "his POV" chapters last, and since I changed my mind on Act III prior to writing the his POV chapter, this never did get written, but what my original plan for "what was Mitsuhide doing while Katsu was in Genba was that he had figured out where Toshiie was, and he'd found her brother, and was 'drying him out.' He doesn't learn what happened to Katsu, until Yoshimoto visits Azuchi and tells him. Anyway. That didn't get written, because by the time I was writing the stuff that was taking place in modern Kyoto, I realized that the Act III wasn't working as written. So I dumped the Kyubei chapter and replaced it with the chapter where Mitsuhide connects with Katsu in Genba, the scene in the garden, and then I rewrote the scene on top of the castle wall to include Mitsuhide. I'm happy with that particular decision, because I think it ended up stronger that way. (Sorry Kyubei for dumping your chapter).
I don't think there was that much else I deleted between the first and the second drafts, but there was a fair amount added. Originally the priest who tries to buy Katsu on the slave ship was a one and done character and we never see him again. I later brought him back to that scene on the grounds of the temple that was used for the city managers meeting because the original scene felt a bit flat and needed more danger (originally Katsu just overhears a few different conversations, but that got repetitive). The decision to have him show up on the old video from Katsu's childhood was a last minute right before posting the chapter decision (originally the person in that scene was just a random stranger, but that didn't really pay off).
A couple of other more active scenes got added between the second and third draft to help the pacing. Most of that was in the second half of Act II, the stuff at and around the area where Mai and Hideyoshi were being held prisoner.
Oh a weird BTS thing for the chapter where Mitsuhide teaches Katsu how to pick and code crack locks, is that I actually ordered a couple of cheap antique lock knock-offs from Amazon, watched a few lock picking videos, and taught myself how it worked, to help write that chapter. That was a really fun chapter to write - I enjoyed trying to figure out the sexual tension subtext.
There is also a scene that I didn't write (because the modern section had gotten too long, and it didn't add anything except my personal fan service) but that I consider canon to the story (in my head), is that when Mitsuhide and Shingen were in modern Japan with Katsu and Sasuke, there was one night where they went to a games center and played Beat Saber. Maybe someday I'll go back and write it as a short story.
Again, thank you for asking. It's always fun to revisit this stuff, especially when I'm in the middle of breaking a new story and feel frustrated during the moments where I'm stuck. Helps to remember that the first draft is always messy and will change.
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hwalyn · 9 months
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ateez social media au !
summary ! katie was always the top of her class, her projects and assignments were the ones teachers used as examples in class, and she never, ever got a failing grade. so why is her professor now telling her that a soundtrack is going to make or break her grade? and why does the person helping her have to be one of the members of the group she’s listed as her personal enemies? can this final be turned in safely?
pairing ! student!hongjoong x fem!oc
genre ! non idol au, university au, angst, fluff, the actual enemies to lovers
warnings ! cursing, some kys jokes, hongjoong is kind of an ass, teacup drama . . . tba
START ! . . .
END ! . . .
join the taglist here taglist will be closed at 50 !
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Director's cut ask... 👉👈
Did you ever consider a different ending for 'make that kitty purr'?
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I cut down Make That Kitty Purr extensively. It was originally much darker and very sinister.
But, if anyone is interested, I would love to revisit this story and present it longer, thicker, and uncut (😈). I do have to rewrite it though. So, maybe by the end of the weekend, we can have:
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nellycanwrite · 1 year
Thank you for your support and kind words, Nelly! Now a few stars for you because I have a few questions about His Timeless Love and A Request!
⭐️ "You came/You called" had me WEAK when I read it. How did you feel when you wrote it? How did you come up with dialogue that is so simple but so romantic and full of yearning?
⭐️ What are some of Namor's favorite memories with his baby girl? Are there parts of her that remind him of her mother? Are there parts of her that remind him of himself?
⭐️Is there a specific moment that Namor knew that Attuma had feelings for the reader? Was it something Attuma did? Or was it something the reader did?
MYEHEHE I LOVE THESE QUESTIONS SM! And just giving out my love for all the amazing writers out there💖 Y'all deserve all the support!
⭐ In His Timeless Love, the lines “You came,” - “You called.” were actually inspired from this TikTok audio! I was in that side of TikTok for a while and it really stuck to me while I was writing (and I was doing practice storyboards with that audio during that time so I had it on repeat for a few days)! It didn't actually plan on adding it in but my fingers had a mind of its own and viola! It's now there✨ It just flowed simply and I didn't have to force it to be written, so I opted to let it stay there instead of changing it up!
⭐ There's more lines that I had to stare at and I'm just...how tf did I write that?💀
⭐ But if I'm going to go into deep explanation on the thought process for some of the lines that I love, then it's definitely tied to characterization and parallels! I'm a sucker for parallels in writing and script, so I always incorporate existing scenes to one another as a callback to the past lines so the writing feels tighter and interconnected! This particular ask also dives deeper into the thought process of one simple line that I particularly liked as well💖
⭐ An example would be the analogy of reader calling Namor her God. She said this, in particular: “You are my faith. You are my god. I care not for the faith that had cursed me in my times of desperation. You have saved me when I have called you, you have nursed me until I was well. You are my god of the sea, my K’uk’ulkan, and I will give you everything that I have to give in full faith, devotion, and love.”
⭐ This line specifically is a callback to reader's past life when she cursed him to be a demon and cast him away in the name of her Catholic faith. It's like a little slice of poetic irony that ties it all together and always made nods to the past arcs.
⭐ In A Request, one of Namor's fondest memories with his daughter is when she finally came out of her shell to make friends with Attuma and Namora💖 She had always stuck by his side (quite literally) in the duration of her growing up, so she didn't really have any friends that were her age. She was mature for a child because she realized far too early how heavy her responsibilities are—something that Namor didn't particularly like since he wants her to enjoy her youth.
⭐ Namor sees Princess!Reader's mom in her a lot. But he can't outwardly say much because he knows that any mention of her mother is going to make her feel down (since the death anniversary of Talokan's queen is also reader's birthday). Every single thing reader does reminds Namor of her mother, and he sometimes feels so lonely and sad that he can't share these precious moments with her. I'm actually drafting a prequel to A Request called God, King, and Father as a deep dive to Namor's thoughts on being a single father while being a god and king. It's more of a character exploration piece to give us perspective on Namor's Point of View in both canon and fic!
⭐ Namor also sees a lot in himself in reader, especially when she had inherited his pointed ears and feathered ankles. That's one of the reasons why he forbade her to go to the surface frequently; because if reader is anything like him, she'd want to explore the surface and see the sights, but he doesn't want reader to see what he had seen when he went to the surface to bury his mother. He absolutely knows reader's longing for the surface, and even though he bore nothing but hate for the surface world, he wanted to preserve that childlike wonder a little bit more. He didn't want his hate to affect the next generation, but at the same time, he couldn't help but want to shelter you and his nation from the atrocities that he had seen.
⭐ Namor is cautious with any men who wanted to go near reader tbh, with or without the intention of courting😭 He's already squinting at Attuma from afar, but in the early stages of their friendship, there wasn't really any romantic attraction there (plus he asked Namora to try and keep Attuma's distance from reader HAHAHAHA he's been conspiring with Namora all this time so he deffo knows what's happening between reader and Attuma LMAO💀)
⭐ The moment Namor knew that Attuma had romantic attraction for reader was when they were in their late teens (Attuma didn't even know he already had feelings; he was down bad without even knowing😭). It was a sweet moment when Attuma carried you all the way from the outskirts of Talokan to the palace when you accidentally fell asleep after a long day of training. Namor saw Attuma entering your chambers by late afternoon, and when he was just about to go batshit crazy, he saw that Attuma just simply laid you in bed and made you comfortable enough and lingered by your bedside, kissed your knuckles (as he always did even when you were still friends), and just left. No ulterior motives, just Attuma taking care of his (future) wifey🥹
⭐ Namor made sure to be harsher with Attuma in training the very next day HAHAHAHAHA
⭐ Reader was fuckin oblivious to Attuma's multiple attempts of making it look obvious that he has feelings for her😭 The whole of Talokan knew Attuma was so down bad for her but reader just saw it as a friendly gesture💀 No one was brave enough to point it out and they eventually just had to pat Attuma on the back for reader's obliviousness (something Namor was pleased to see HAHAHAHAHA he found it absolutely hilarious that Attuma's attempts are dismissed as platonic and he feels a tad bit bad. Just a tiiiny bit.)
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lewmagoo · 1 month
⭐⭐⭐ specifically for million dollar man? That's probably my favorite piece you've written!
you’re in luck because i’ve secretly been working on another installment to this universe!
this is leading up to the moment that rhett and little darlin’ sleep together for the first time:
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fractualized · 26 days
For the director's cut
Would love for you to talk about Under Control, any part of it because it's my favorite 🌟
(I was super giddy when you ended up updating it last year!)
Oh man. I said in some recent comment replies that I'd take a look at the latest chapter-in-progress and maybe update again soon… but I got drawn away by other WIPs so sorry to anyone who got their hopes up. 😬
But yeah, I started Under Control thinking it would be fun to have a Telltale batjokes ongoing that was literally just porn to be updated at my leisure. I can't remember exactly why I decided it would be a post-S1 AU where John worked at Wayne Enterprises, as opposed to him and Bruce just fucking around married at the manor or something, but obviously the boss/employee power imbalance kink adds a delightful dimension. And, to be totally honest, I'm sure I was encouraged to go that way with how weird people are about morality in smutfic these days. I love me some Telltale fluff and have written quite a bit of it myself, but it's also valid to write about the screwed up aspects of Bruce and John's interactions. And so I have!
Actual plot has crept in, because my brain cannot allow for anything else, and it will naturally revolve around Bruce coming to terms with how much John likes him and his own growing feelings for John. That said, I typed a rule at the top of the Google doc that there will be porn in every chapter, no matter what happens, no matter how inadvisable. I started this as smut and am committed to it being smut. And Bruce will continue being mean to John sometimes, because John is into it. 😂
But again, I'm not guaranteeing that it will be finished one day. The brain latches onto what it latches onto, and only time will tell.
ask game- fanfic director's commentary
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gerec · 27 days
Oh thanks for giving me a chance to talk about An End Comes to All Good Things!
I recently got a new comment on this story, which reminded me how much I enjoyed writing it and how proud I am of my writing here - imo it's one of my strongest works. I love writing / reading 'getting together' fics, but I also REALLY wanted to write a break up one that wasn't necessarily about the beach divorce, so I came up with the idea for this fic and it's turned into a personal favorite. It doesn't have as much as reach as some of my other fics (understandable given the subject matter of Charles and Erik breaking up, and Erik cheating on Charles) but I'm always hopeful more people will give it a chance :D
Anyway, I keep thinking about a time skip forward from the ending of this story, where Charles finally packs up and leaves and Erik moves on (and in) with Shaw. I'm not really interested in the obvious follow up plot points - i.e. With Erik, where we watch him slowly realize what a mistake it was to fall for Shaw and get involved with him regardless of his feelings for Charles, and then the inevitable fallout where Shaw kicks him out of the firm and he's left with nothing. And with Charles, where we watch him run away to another country and take a job at Oxford U so he doesn't have to ever deal with seeing/running into Erik, and just losing himself to alcohol and bad choices. What actually interests me the most is writing them slowly climbing their way out of rock bottom and coming to terms with their respective mistakes and shortcomings, and healing and moving forward. THEN bringing them together again and exploring what happens - have the ugly feelings from that fallout really gone away? What about the love they used to share? Can they ever learn to trust each other again? Are they better off apart, even if they learn to forgive each other? Maybe sometimes, things are irrevocably broken and can't be fixed no matter how hard you try...
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut
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sometimesanalice · 1 month
I haven’t written a ton for the Blonde Man, but he is one of the stars in the threesome fic! It has some of the best smut I think I’ve written, and is such a cheeky, fun time!
But I highlight this part for grins and giggles, because when I was first drafting this one I would tell people “their hands have me thinking thots” 😂 so I worked it in, haha
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Send me a ⭐️ and I’ll tell you about a fic
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curator-on-ao3 · 7 months
⭐️ Star ⭐️
Oh! Thank you so much for this opportunity, @divinemissem13! 💕
For the “fanfic director’s cut” meme, I want to talk about Your Voice Takes Me Home, a Pikeuna one-shot that’s about going home to someone we love at the end of a long day. It’s also about the history of:
Star Trek
feminism/women in the workplace
women’s fashion
the light bulb
Okay, so, yeah. A lot is going on here. The story is a modern AU in which Una calls Chris to let him know she’s leaving work to come home to him … through the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s. In other words, every decade from the filming of “The Cage” (when Una says she’s on her way) until the premiere of Strange New Worlds (when she finally gets home to Chris). The rectangular lit-up train station Chris reaches in the 2010s (that Una has been in before) symbolizes Chris as a main character in Star Trek: Discovery (while Una guest stars a few times). The “box of light” that is the garage of their home symbolizes both of them as main characters in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. (I figure their appearances in Short Treks work between those two.)
I’ve had people ask me, within the universe of the story, what’s up with the slip-sliding through time, if Chris and Una are immortal beings or stuck in some sort of temporal punishment or what. The answer in my head is that every decade has a Chris and Una. Every decade has their togetherness and their kindness toward each other and their gentle love — a connection forged in the 1960s and back on our TV screens in the 2020s. The Chrisses and the Unas all love each other and all get home to each other safely, in every decade. We only get to see them reunite in the 2020s, but they always make it home to each other because that’s what everyone should have — safety at home, whether that’s with another person or a pet or a plant or peace and quiet or joyful chaos. What Chris and Una want — and get — should be universal: home. (Kathryn Janeway has entered the chat.)
Research for this story was wild. I had to find out how car phones worked. I needed to know what emoji were available in the 2010s. I looked up professions popular for women in each decade, when LED light bulbs began, what typewriter covers were made of, and so much more. The location of the story is purposefully left amorphous so Chris and Una are more relatable, but I picture their house in Long Island, New York.
Things I think about often: Chris lovingly scolding Una for texting and driving, Una’s clothing in each decade, the sweep of Una’s headlights as she turns from the street into the driveway, the horseshoe on their home as a testament to Chris standing up to his dad.
I worked really hard on sensory details — the teacher’s lounge sofa that sighs a cigarette smoke smell, the tick-tack sound of Una’s turn signal, the rubbery buttons on the plastic car phone, the rushing river of white of perpendicular traffic in the night.
It also was important to me that Chris’ moods affect Una because I think that happens in canon … and when people love each other.
Anyway, I feel like this is a “simple” story about going home, but also a meta commentary that touches on a lot of things that are important to me.
So, yeah. Your Voice Takes Me Home. Thank you again for giving me a chance to talk about this one, @divinemissem13 — it means a lot to me. ❤️
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