creatorping · 3 months
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Formal Villains!(;゜0゜)
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spaciebabie · 11 months
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Where did we go? What did we do? I think we made something...entirely new....
some closeups under cut :)
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and here's the first image w/out text :)
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im normal. su makes me feel so normal
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kafeino · 2 months
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Happy 1st „Watching and Dreaming“-anniversary! ✨
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blackberreh-art · 3 months
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The Kiss
All Might isn't returning AfO's calls... She recruits Hawks to help give All Might a bit more incentive~
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propertyofkylar · 4 months
happy valentine’s day - m!kylar x f!pc
cw: breeding kink
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You stood outside the manor door, grasping a large tote bag in your hands. It being the middle of February, the weather was still quite unpleasant, so without knocking, you walked right inside.
Almost immediately as you stepped in, you were attacked. A pair of arms wrapped tightly around you and you stiffened in response before realizing it was just your overly-eager boyfriend.
“Kylar,” you squeaked out. “Lemme breathe.”
He apologetically took a half-step back, not letting go of you. Kylar looked up at you, his eyes shining brightly through his bangs. “Sorry! Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m just so excited…” he said sheepishly, and you got the idea that he wasn’t really all that sorry.
You smiled and playfully shook your head, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Kylar practically lit up when you did that, and was about to snuggle into you again before he got distracted by the bag in your hand. “What’s that?”
You lifted the bag in question. “Gonna make you something to eat.”
Growing up in the orphanage, Valentine’s Day had never been more than you and Robin exchanging sweets you had managed to sneak past Bailey. But now, having a boyfriend, you figured you should actually do something. You weren’t able to afford much and still be able to pay Bailey, and while you knew Kylar would be overjoyed no matter what you offered, you still thought the boy deserved something nice.
Kylar lit up even more and practically jumped for joy. “Thank you, my love!”
You couldn’t help but smile even more as the two of you walked into the rarely-used kitchen. “Curry noodles,” you explained as you set the ingredients on the counter. “I figured it’d be like that crap you eat every day, but with actual nutrients and a non-deadly amount of sodium.”
His head rested on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around you from behind. “Anything you make will be delicious.”
“That’s sweet of you to say, and probably not true,” you smiled. “Now I need you to get off me so I can actually cook.”
“Oh!” Kylar withdrew as if he had been shocked. “Presents! I need to give you your presents!” He scrambled out of the room and returned with a large gift bag.
You began prepping the meal as Kylar showered you with a variety of gifts like flowers, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and more. You opted not to ask where - or rather, how - he had gotten his hands on them.
Making idle chitchat with your sweet (and overbearing boyfriend), the meal quickly came together and it was time to eat. You dished up a plate and slid it in front of Kylar, who was eyeing the meal like he had never seen anything so delicious before.
“Don’t get your hopes up too high, it’s probably not that good,” you warned, but Kylar vigorously shook his head “no.”
“Anything my love makes is the most delicious thing ever!” He proclaimed before taking a bite. Kylar’s face was aglow with joy as he beamed at you. “It’s amazing!”
He quickly dug in for more, and with a chuckle, you began to eat your own helping. Well, it was pretty decent, after all.
You didn’t talk much through dinner - Kylar was unable to speak as he was scarfing down his food and you actually had to ask him to slow down in fear he might choke - and when you two were done, he leaned back in his chair with a satisfied look on his face.
“Thank you, my love,” he said. “Everything you do is perfect. You’re perfect.”
You smiled at the flattery, an eagerness building inside of you as you thought about what was coming next. “That’s not all I have planned.”
Kylar’s eyes widened and his face flushed slightly. Yeah, he had picked up on what you meant. “O-oh?”
Your smirk grew. “It’s time for dessert.”
Without hesitating, Kylar stood from his chair and grabbed your hand, dragging you to his bedroom. He slammed the door behind him, panting a little.
You took your time going to sit on the edge of his bed, feeling Kylar’s eyes on you all the while. He stood by the door, fidgeting with the sleeves of his sweatshirt. Honestly, it was so cute how he still got so nervous when you had sex.
You almost didn’t notice the red rose petals resting atop his bedsheets. The sight of them made you smile. It was a sweet, romantic touch.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Kylar,” you said softly, spreading your legs a little. He could see right up your dress and audibly gulped at the sight of your lacy underwear. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
He blinked repeatedly. “W-whatever I want?”
You nodded. “Whatever you want, baby.”
Kylar sucked in a breath, then nodded. He made his way over to you and tugged at your dress. “Off.”
You stifled a giggle at his forwardness and teasingly took the dress off, revealing the matching bra and panties you had underneath. His eyes roamed your body hungrily and you couldn’t help but blush yourself under the intensity of his stare.
“See, this is what you get when you don’t steal my underwear.”
Kylar frowned. “No teasing,” he said, and pushed you back on the bed so swiftly that you gasped, many of the petals fluttering to the floor.
With his hands pressing on your shoulders, he straddled you, still unable to take his eyes off your body. “So perfect…” he murmured.
Your whole body felt hot as his hands began to move, grabbing and groping various parts of you. You let out a soft whimper, which seemed to awaken something in Kylar.
He brought his mouth right up against your ear, the feeling of his hot breath sending a shiver through your body. “I’m not gonna stop til I’ve put a baby in you.”
Without giving you a chance to react, he slid your panties down and shoved his head between your thighs. He quickly set to work, licking and sucking, and he had you squirming with pleasure within mere moments.
“Fuck, Kylar,” you gasped. He knew your body so well that he was able to lock onto that one spot so quickly.
“You taste so good,” he mumbled against you, and the vibrations of his voice made you shudder.
You cried out as you hit your first climax of the night, and Kylar drew back, a wide grin on his wet face. He clambered back over top of you, tugging off his sweatshirt and t-shirt in one motion.
He kissed you hard and you tasted your own juices on his tongue. “I want you to feel good,” he said, tugging down his pants. A large damp spot was visible on the front of his boxers where his cock was straining against the fabric and he looked up at you sheepishly.
“I can’t help myself,” he muttered, and it made you smile. You sat up to peel down his boxers, revealing his flushed and painfully hard cock that was practically dripping precum. Kylar’s breath hitched as you lightly trailed your fingers down his shaft.
Shaking his head and inhaling deeply, Kylar pushed your shoulders so you were laying flat on the bed. He gently stroked his shaft, lubing up his cock between your folds.
Then, with a slightly crazed look in his eyes, he plunged his cock into you.
Almost immediately, Kylar started whimpering and mumbling, but you couldn't make much of it out other than “ohmygodIloveyousomuch.”
You yelped at the sudden intrusion, but found yourself unable to say anything either.
“Kylar,” you whined, which only inspired Kylar to move his hips faster, relentlessly fucking you as he pressed your legs back, moving you into a mating press.
This new angle had you seeing stars, and already you could feel your second climax approaching.
Kylar was pressing kisses all over your face and neck - anywhere he could reach, basically, all while mumbling under his breath about his love for you and how he would die if he didn’t put a baby in you tonight.
You couldn’t hold it in anymore, and gripped onto Kylar’s shoulders as you came again.
His stuttering hips and erratic breathing signaled that his climax wasn’t far behind. And with a cry, Kylar came inside you, his hands clinging to your waist as he thrust inside you as deeply as possible.
Kylar buried his head in your neck and laid on top of you, your limbs intertwined, and his cock still inside of you. “I love you,” he mumbled against your sweaty skin.
It made you smile. “I love you too,” you replied, and you could feel his own smile grow against your neck.
Wrapping your arms around his back, you held him close as you rested your cheek atop his head, closing your eyes and settling in.
But Kylar had a different idea.
He flipped around so he was on his back and you were on top of him. You could feel him hardening again inside of you already, and the crazed look was back in his eyes.
“Y-you can’t expect to get pregnant from just one load, my love.”
You were in for a long night.
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snail-shell2335 · 10 months
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we would like to inform you that papa IV has been turned into a marketable doll.
link to first three here:
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radiance1 · 8 months
Mechanical eastern dragon.
Danny, ever since he was a wee little lad, about 5 or so. Really liked eastern dragons since he found out about them, so much so that he even tried to make his own little eastern dragons!
When Jack saw that, it seemed to strike something in him and suddenly Danny found himself having a more experienced hand aiding him in his crafts.
Jack started directing him towards something simpler than a dragon when he was first starting out, then over time gradually let him make certain parts of a dragon instead of all at once, then when they were all complete, they stuck them together and Danny? Well, he found out why his dad liked to build so much.
So, he started to build more and more little things, small yet complex that'll eventually come together to form his eastern dragon.
As he got older, and his parents became more and more focused on their portal project, he eventually decided that, hey, why doesn't he just make a giant version of his little crafts?
An actual dragon.
Of course, such a thing was no easy feat, so he started it just like his dad taught him too, little pieces over time that'll eventually come together to make what will essentially be his masterpiece.
However, he lacks the parts to do so.
Well, not exactly considering there's a lot of household things he could take apart for scrap, but his parents are already doing that, plus he wants way better materials that'll really shape this up to be his mastepiece.
So he took to instead drawing out how it'll look, and creating various minor pieces that'll go into powering it and stuff. He took some of the ectoplasmic batteries his parents' didn't have a use for anymore, and kinda just, fused them together?
Either way, he made a core that'll be the basis of power for his dragon when he completes! Of course, it'll have to go over multiple modifications over the years while he refines the design for his dragon, to make it able to hold more energy, more durable and far more powerful.
He won't lie, he was both extremely suspicious and immensely grateful when Sam gave him a diamond of all things to make a battery out of, because she obviously wanted something outta it. What did she want? Dibs on being one of the first too see his creation when its finished.
Very simple, plus she said her parents could buy another one anyways. Ah, the joys of being rich.
Then he heard from his parents about how their portal works, though he wasn't too interested since he was too busy building the skeleton of his dragon from the parts Sam gave him.
Tucker, who was dabbling in coding, decided that he was going to attempt to create a high level AI for Danny's project, which Danny was all for! Great materials provided by his friend, and then his other one wanted to make an AI specifically for his masterpiece?
Why would he ever say no?
Jazz has been acting pretty weird thought lately, he noticed a bit after the day he was made aware of how his parents' portal managed to work, how he still isn't sure, nor did he actually believe there was a realm of the dead but eh. He would admit, he wasn't terribly close with his sister, ever since he started up his master work, and became a fink, but he could tell something was different.
Really only because she seemed to be finally getting off his case about how much work he's putting into his dragon and less into taking care of himself properly, which she usually does by bossing him around. But he thinks she's just busy, and is too busy to even care at this point so it didn't really matter.
He was a bit blindsided by ghosts actually being real but easily accepted it to be honest. Like, he's been using stuff powered by ectoplasm that ghosts are supposedly made of, so it wasn't that much of a stretch.
Of course, a ghost fighting against another ghost was new, different from what his parents had told him, but it was nice to have someone protecting the town other than his parents at the very least.
As he got closer and closer to finishing his masterpiece, and as Tucker himself almost finishing with the AI, his grades weren't receiving that much attention, he would admit. He would look back at them when he completed it, alright? But not now.
Then came a day where he was saved from a ghost attack by Amity Park's hero, and while he was extremely tired, he recognized that bossiness, snobbish attitude and smothering from anywhere. Did he expect his sister to be the ghostly town hero? No, no he did not.
Was he going to tell anyone? Not really, he cared, but he didn't care that much about to go around talking about it. Also, wasn't his place to spill his sister's secret really.
Also, she didn't know he knew, and he planned to keep it that way for the foreseeable future.
Just as he was nearing his completion, only having just a few finishing touches before it was ready for the AI to be uploaded to it, a test popped that he apparently had to study for, with his sister already passing with flying colors (which just proves how much smarter she is than him, because she fights ghosts regularly, he doesn't, doing something much safer and what does he have to show for it?) and urging him to study. Which, with her attitude that got even worse, after becoming half-ghost and a hero, he just, couldn't take.
He's thankful that ghost came when they did, because he just couldn't stand her any longer than that. So he just popped over to Nasty Burger instead, removing himself far as he could from that fight, and of course, of course said fight had to end up there.
The universe just hates him, it seemed. On the plus side, he managed to snag the answer sheet to that C.A.T. test his sister was nagging him about, why would he study if he has this now? Besides, he has something more important to do anyways.
Then a while he's confronted by his sister's apparent alternate evil future self after he dropped his knowledge of her secret in attempts to stave off the conversation of him cheating, which, now that he thought of it, was probably better than finding out and subsequently being knocked out by his sister's alternate self.
Thankfully, when he next awoke, he found his project was perfectly untouched, and then had to leave to take the test. He'll figure out a way to deal with his sister's future self later. While later, he finished the test, and was finally glad to be able to add the last touches to his project.
Oh, right, his sister's evil self. He almost forgot about her if he was being honest. So, he took the Fenton Peeler, and was going to go find his sister before he had to be called to Nasty Burger by his parents and, well, his 'sister' was there, and his cheating was already revealed and decided it's literally whatever and shot her.
Weird that he was separated from everyone else, but it's whatever. Sure, the sauce was going to explode and kill everyone, but he believed in his sister to come and save the day, as she always did and will continue doing and he told his sister's evil self that, and was incredibly smug when it happened.
He watched the fight, cheering a bit from the sidelines because, well, c'mon. It's not everyday he watches his sister beat her future self the up, and he might not get this chance ever again so might as well enjoy it while he can.
Unfortunately, he never accounted for his sister being too weak after said fight to help their parents', Mr. Lancer, and his friends, and then he saw them explode.
Then his sister disappeared.
He, very obviously, did not take this well at all. So, after he got back home, feeling both like shit and nothing at all, he stared at the almost finished eastern dragon sitting to the side of his bedroom/workshop, the only component missing being the AI bead, and promptly broke down crying.
He didn't cry earlier, but he just, couldn't contain himself. His parents were dead, his teacher was dead, and his two only best friends were dead too, and his sister disappeared in front of him and he had no idea where she could be.
He then cried himself to sleep.
Then he woke up, took up the AI bead, and inserted it into the dragon sluggishly.
It's completion was a solemn affair, rather than the bright and happy thing he expected and wanted. No one was around to marvel at his genius, too see the end result of what he tried for years to achieve, and no sister that he could rub it in her face about either.
He had nothing. Nothing but the product created from the combined efforts from him and his friends.
So, what was he to do?
Modify it, of course!
He threw all his attention into it, installing weapons, fiddling around with the core (That he had to take out and put back in) and giving it a lot of ghost shields, and other Fenton tech.
And for what? He doesn't know, but this, giant thing, somehow capable of growing and shrinking to his choosing (he still doesn't know how, even though he made the thing), installed to the brim with Fenton tech, is his.
And he'll use it to find his goddamn sister. Sure, they didn't have the greatest relationship, and sure, she wasn't the best to get along with, but she was the only thing he had left, and whoever took her could pry her from his and his dragon's goddamn hands.
Also, who would he rub his genius in the face of, if he didn't find her?
So, he took off to the zone, got lost, fought a few ghosts with his dragon and Fenton tech, and then ended up in another dimension full of heroes and villains. Did he care about that?
Fuck no.
But apparently, being a 14-year-old and fighting people off with his mechanical dragon was not a normal thing. Sure, he may have overreacted by having said dragon through his aggressors, who were normal humans by the way, through multiple walls, but in his defense.
It was their fault for trying him when he wasn't in the best of moods.
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thelien-art · 10 months
The Fall of Númenor;
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scarredlove · 11 months
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Our sweet thing... Our eternity...
WIP can be found here~
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maiuoart · 6 months
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Memories are sweet...
But having you now is sweeter ♥
Inspired by my mini note from Russ here;
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waivyjellyfish · 7 months
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And again outfit author mochipanco on twit
and Es in a dress⬇️ ;)
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I warned you
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yeagrave · 9 months
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a tender moment
[ click image for better quality ]
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themboification · 9 months
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"i'm afraid... i'm afraid i'm a bad person, imogen"
"you're not a bad person, you're not a bad person"
i kiss her again
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vyllain · 1 year
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the boys night
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brasiliangp · 2 months
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united states vs mexico
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fricchead · 4 months
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見合いコワし- (Deranged Marriage)
Wanted to try a new style/rendering method, inspired mainly by @NineV_ . Some parts look unfinished, but I’m still trying to get a hang of it
(The progress was posted on my Twitter if anyone is interested in checking out !! I had started working on this since last year then completely forgot about it lol)
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