corrodedcoughin · 1 year
90s au where stobin and Gareth and Eddie meet at a bar. How do they meet? Arguing over the bar’s sonic the hedgehog game. For months the two pairs have been playing it separate nights. Eddie and Gareth on Fridays (usually they have gigs on Saturdays) Steve and Robin on Saturdays (the Official start of their Saturdays nights). Both pairs unknowingly having vendettas against each other for the leader board (never the top spot, they accept they aren’t that good and it’s always headed by some guy called jargyle<3)
Anyway one weekend corroded coffin have a gig on a Friday so gareth and Eddie decide to keep their tradition alive but move it along to Saturday. They arrive at their usual time and set up shop at the game, quickly devolving into their routine of each others nicknames, Eddie being Sonic and Gareth being Tails. They are getting In The Zone when Steve and Robin arrive, absolutely OUTRAGED that somebody is at THEIR game and not only that! They’ve stolen THEIR names, Steve is Sonic, Robin is Tails. They plant themselves in a booth and order drinks, ready to pounce on the machine as soon as those two imposters move.
Only they end up maybe drinking more than expected, possibly riling each other up to the point of storming over to the two guys because how dare they steal Steve and Robins Saturday night ritual?! Their names! Maybe even their high score!
Gareth and Eddie are heading towards drunk themselves, losing more money to the machine than they can justify and over the top celebrating when they clear a level. Which is when Robin taps Eddie on the shoulder, spinning him round to explain Just How Rude he’s being with Gareth standing just behind Eddie’s shoulder, sipping his beer and squinting at Steve who is giving Scary Dog behind Robin. Gareth is maybe further gone than he realises because in the middle of Robin’s speech (which is very eloquent and impressive he must admit) he’s whisper shouting in Eddie’s ear ‘hey dude major hottie behind the cool lesbian. Want me to wing man you?’
And Eddie? Eddie slides his eyes over to ‘major hottie’ who happens to have the fluffiest hair and sharpest jawline he’s ever seen and whisper shouts back to Gareth because he too, is more drunk than he possibly wants to admit, ‘oh my god he’s so hot man, I think he might be a meringue. Menagerie? Mirage!’ And goes to extend a hand towards Steve.
Robin, now slightly endeared from being noted as a cool lesbian, turns to look at Steve who has his Loverboy Game Face on and figures she can swing this display of bad flirting into an opportunity to get her Saturday Night Ritual back on track. Nothing is getting in the way of her playing Sonic with Steve, it might just be a little detoured along the way.
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doortotomorrow · 9 months
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catfindr · 1 year
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carabanchelnet · 8 days
AMENAZAS ‼️ Por mucho que el PP nos amenace, no dejaremos de denunciar su corrupción Video publicado por Más Madrid @MasMadrid__
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adulting-sucks · 7 months
Not deux mou fully believing harry and meghsn were talking to Chris and albs 😭
ShE GoT iT iN A pErSoNaL TeXt. iT mUsT bE TrUe
Wonder how long until we see some blogs sharing this as fact
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stilesmcallister · 9 months
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saintbleeding · 5 months
hi. sorry for sending this ask. I know it might inappropriate but we badly needed some help right and i hope you’d consider .. its for our cat who needs immediate care, you can find the post in my blog as i pinned it. Hoping you’d be so kind to boost/share to help us alleviate the cost as it would tremendously help us a lot. if you can, pls try to answer this privately as some people might i pressure you to do so.. i know its weird, just wanted to avoid it if possible. Thanks a lot, and sorry again for being so direct. 🙏
okey dokey galpal, here's the thing!
you get a soft 1.5/10 on credibility, because the blog description may have been convincing in isolation, but it's gonna be a big fat 0/10 on pretty much every other metric, because your blog is 21 hours old, so is your pinned post, and this is a literal copypasta of a message someone under a different iteration of your username has already attempted word for word. you don't have a cat, you suck at this, and you should really find a better grift in future. thanks for playing, don't try again!!!
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nwmfakes · 1 year
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Scarlet Holland
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darkstarfakes · 10 months
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Lauren German Showing off Boobs
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doortotomorrow · 2 years
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Teen Drinking is Very Bad
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Fakes / Greek Lentil Soup (Vegan)
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cartooongasm · 2 years
Bootleg Toys
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carabanchelnet · 2 days
GOLPE MEDIATICO Saben que no pueden dar un golpe de Estado como ya lo dieron, por eso ahora lo hacen sin armas, pero es igual de efectivo. Escucha a @manuelrico Video publicado por Ana 🔻☂️@Zapatista72
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