#Endless Screaming || Bill Ask
amischiefofmuses · 3 months
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Let me or a muse draw your muse(s)! || Accepting
@nerdynanny sent: 🖌 for bill from a still enamored young!ford.
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-- ❝Here ya' go IQ- just for you!❞ The image seems to shift in the mindscape, the lines moving as though alive yet never obscuring the portrait itself. (Warning for more accurate eyestrain version under cut!)
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
jj accidentally scaring your bub. like one day it’s because he was laughing so loud and it startled them, and another it’s because you guys were fighting and he forgot for a second he isn’t 16 and slammed something out of anger
not proofread
you hadn’t know there was such thing as a contagious laugh until jj belts one out. it’s a partial tune, and if it’s really funny he’ll repeat what happened time and time again. because even if you weren’t laughing before you’d for sure be laughing then.
your head is on the left of his chest and the sweet baby’s head is on the right of his chest, leaving both of you to face each other— only she’s mid nap. her booties writhing as she adjusted in her pure white daisy onesie. curls and twisting angelic like in her sleep, her safe space was against her father, resting there made always made her eyes close in an instant. his radiating body warmth and considerably large muscular figure tied it in togetherness, encapsulating either of his girls in a whirlwind they wouldn’t mind being caught in for hours.
but that’s all interrupted when a particular man falls over past the cement during the current movie displayed— leaving jj to enter a ruckus of laughter. the chuckle is so breathy that it reverberates, sending vibrations grim his bare chest to your cheek. a smile grin creeping it’s way in at his elation, only to turn into a meager frown upon the baby jumping awake from her slumber.
and the entirety of his laughs come to a halt because her rest is a necessity in this house hold. for multiple reasons but the main two were; to stop grouchiness and because jj had to get his one on one time with momma somehow. then the cries ensue, startling her enough for her eyes to burst open with no remnants of sleep in them.
“daddy laughed too loud? m’so sorry sweet girl.”
her whimpers carry, jj pats her back as gently as possible with his large hands. he didn’t know he could have his ever-changing loves fill the void he’d been sauntering hopelessly, now that he has it he does all that he can to keep it in line. being the father he never had was apart of that; so he falls apart on the inside knowing he was the reason for her tears.
“didn’t mean to scare her baby, shit she’s so upset.”
“j it’s alright her eyes are already closing.”
that they were, as they lessened it admittedly felt like a win to jj in even being her dad.
another scare is trapped in the small child’s throat when she grows a few months older. she wants to scream at the top of her lungs because she knows by the raised voices in the kitchen that this isn’t the usually wholehearted moment. she’s sat atop the granite island, in a play seat to earn her entertainment. but how she can play with her toys in a room with this much intense nature.
“all i asked you to do was pay the bill jj how do you fucking forget that! now we have a late fee!”
“then maybe you should’ve gotten off of your ass and did it.”
he speaks beneath his breath. he despised the way he’s acting right now— all clenched jaw and grinding teeth. confrontation makes his skin crawl as it’s all he’s ever known and he can’t stand for it to be wrapped up the life he’s made for himself. he’s blinded by rage and he can’t handle all of this unneeded pressure.
“what?! i do everything, the one thing i ask you to do and you make it impossible!”
“then how about this, you handle your shit and i’ll handle mine alright!”
“what’s that supposed to mean jj?!”
“take it how you want! i don’t need this shit okay?!”
there’s a spatula firm in his grip, he was picking up dishes. fearing that you’d nag him about that as well, and he practically squashed the spatula by slamming it down onto the counter with apparent fury. the room grown ultimately silent, and he silently curses himself. acting on impulse was not the way he’d planned spending his first few months as a father. fucking up once again, the room filling with endless screams.
the realization that both of you were fighting over something that could be easily solved and that you both share a living breathing child came into thought. its lively and it’s practically ringing in your ears. your pout stains his mind, and her yelps for the yelling to stop give way to the fact that he just lost it like how he use to.
“you’re not 16 anymore j, and we really shouldn’t be arguing in front of her.”
“i know baby, i promise i’ll work on it.”
the nape of your neck collided with his ring clad hand, encouraging it further to meet his lips, as he placed a kiss directly to the center of your forehead. it’s a strong kiss, and the shape of his lips are basically imprinted on your skin.
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tkaulitzlvr · 5 months
can you make a tom!sub? also i am INLOVE with all your writings💓💓
i was thinking if you could write tom being submissive and the (female) reader not letting him finish untill she says so?also if the story could contain some stuff like handcuffs and you know you know... ( only if your comfortable! )
thank you again and no rush! take your time💓
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synopsis: after tom loses a bet that the two of you had made, as promised he has to face his consequence - which involves the roles you usually have in bed completely reversing for the first time.
content: smut
a/n: sub tom has been requested soooo much on my account and honestly i’ve avoided it cause in my eyes he’s like the most obvious dom and that’s all i see him as…but him as a sub is just as hot so i finally decided to write it - i hope it lives up to ur expectations🙏
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my eyes light up when i watch tom look down with a cheesy grin plastered on his face, no longer able to hold eye contact after i had blown him a kiss and winked from behind the barrier. i can just about distinguish his features from the dull flashing lights of the venue, and most importantly, the way his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. i made him blush. the bet which, in any other circumstance would be completely ridiculous, had never meant so much until now. the whole idea is somewhat stupid, tom deciding that it would be fun to see who could make the other blush first - clearly under the impression that he would win. the reward, though not explicitly discussed, is the thing that excites me the most, the endless possibilities from the vague prize of ‘getting whatever you want from the other person’ too good to pass up.
and by the way tom shoots me a quick glance, a defeated smile tugging on his lips, he knows that he has lost too. he shakes his head and mutters something under his breath - not that i can hear it, the speakers blasting out the band’s music paired with psychotic fans’ screams stop me from hearing even what the person next to me is saying. his fingers resume their fast-paced strumming on the guitar splayed across his lap, eyes occasionally darting in my direction until he stands on the stage above me, in line with the rest of his band.
“thank you so much for coming tonight paris. we love you all and hope to see you again soon, goodbye!” bill’s voice is followed by thousands of high-pitched screams, the irritating sound only seeming to get louder when tom snatches the microphone from his brother, shouting ‘thankyou’ to the crowd in his thick german accent.
i make my way to the backstage area whilst tom and the rest of the band say goodbye to the fans, throwing drum sticks and guitar picks into the crowd as they would after every show. i flop down onto one of the couches, the loud screaming still not slowing down as i wait for tom to exit the stage, knowing that he won’t be thrilled after losing the bet he was so eager to initiate.
“you did so good baby, i’m so proud of you!” i smile widely when tom walks through the door, standing up from the sofa and engulfing him in a tight hug, burying my head into his shoulder. he smiles weakly, planting a soft kiss into my hair and wrapping his arms around my waist.
“thank you schatz.” he mumbles, his voice somewhat sad despite the wide smiles that remain etched on the rest of his band members faces - the show they have just performed being one of their best so far, practically flawless. tom pulls away and moves to sit on the couch behind me, sighing frustratedly and spreading his body across it. i don’t need to ask why he is so upset - not only because the reason is totally obvious, but he decides to express his annoyance himself.
“i can’t believe you won.” he groans, tilting his head back and letting it rest against the back of the couch. he gives me a small smile, not intending to seem mad with me, instead he seems annoyed with himself. he opens his arms out, gesturing for me to join him on the couch. i move over, sitting beside him as he wraps an arm around me.
“have you thought of anything yet? for your reward, i mean.” the pads of his fingertips run along my arm, his chin resting on my head as i smile slowly, knowing the answer to his question the second he had asked it - hell, i had known exactly what i would do if i won the second he proposed the bet.
“i think i have something in mind.”
“you want to be in control?” his face displays a mix of confusion and interest, his eyebrows raised, slight smirk on his lips. i nod my head, moving closer forward as i already straddle his lap with my hair disheveled and lips swollen - tom having initiated something the second we had entered the hotel room. things didn’t turn out the way he had expected though, my hand resting firmly on his chest when he had attempted to climb on top, as he did every other time.
he tilts his head to the side, seeing that i am completely serious about this. his hands find my waist, fingers threading through the loops in my jeans as he grinds my hips over his already prominent erection. i shake my head when he tries to manoeuvre my hips again, placing my hands over his and stopping his movements entirely. his eyes widen, body stuck in place as he seems startled by my sudden change in attitude, knowing that usually i would be underneath him in this moment. he shifts around a little, squirming beneath me and sitting up slightly, his back now resting against the headboard as my legs are wrapped around his waist.
“stay still.” i rest my hands flat against his chest, watching as his mouth falls open a little, lips parted as he looks up at me, his gaze bordering desperate as i can tell that he wants me to do something, though he doesn’t know how to say it.
i shift my hips to get closer to him, a low groan leaving his lips in the process, soon cut off when i press my lips to his own, his noises muffled into my mouth. and when i begin to grind against him at a more consistent pace, his ability to kiss back seems to diminish by the second, his breath hitching in his throat. i pull away, watching as his face falls in disappointment, clearly wanting more than just a kiss. and i plan on giving him that, as long as he uses his words, just as he tells me to.
though words can wait for now, my actions taking control as i reach forward, my hands finding the hem of his t-shirt as i lift the material upward and off of his frame, revealing his toned upper half. i throw it to the floor somewhere, returning my attention to tom as his hands reach out, attempting to pull my own small crop top off. he doesn’t get far though, his hands roughly returned to his side as i shake my head.
“no touching. not unless i say so.” he seems to understand that he has next to no control right now, that he can do nothing but wait on me, and i can tell that it irritates him, a low groan sounding from his lips. my eyes never tear away from his own, watching the way he stares intently at my cleavage, eyes drinking it all in as i lift my top over my head, revealing the small lace bra holding my breasts in place. his tongue comes out to flick the small metal piercing that rests on his bottom lip, eyes quickly darkening.
“fuck baby…let me touch you- please.” his voice is barely above a whisper, bordering between frustrated and desperate, both causing him to go next to insane as i deprive him of the one thing he relies on to show affection - touch. he begins to squirm beneath me, attempting to create some sort of friction between us, his hips moving up and down along my clothed heat.
“sit still or you won’t get to touch me at all. you have to be patient.” i scold, watching as he nods his head, his movements soon slowing, cut off by his breath hitching in his throat when my hands make contact with the small metal button of his jeans, undoing it slowly. his eyes stay locked on my fingers, watching as i tug the zipper down, showing no resistance and instead bucking his hips upward and allowing me to slide the denim off of his body when i tug it downward, the material pooling at his feet. i quickly slip out of my mini-skirt, our underwear now the only thing separating us, and i can tell that it drives him crazy.
his chest rises up and down, a thin coat of sweat lining his forehead as his entire body jolts with even the slightest of movements, desperate whines leaving his lips when my hands finally palm him through his boxers, the first bit of attention i give towards the place where he craves it most.
“fuck…oh god, oh my god.” his head falls backward, teeth sinking into his bottom lip when i run the palm of my hand up and down his length, still separated by the thin fabric of his boxers. his erection seems to get more and more painful with each second, every gentle touch i press to his clothed dick generating more sounds from his parted lips - small whines soon turning to loud groans, to the point where he can’t handle it any longer.
“please schatz…do something…need it so bad-shit!” his eyes squeeze shut, wincing slightly when i touch his tip through his boxers, this area more sensitive than the rest of him. despite his pleas, i decide to go that little bit further, knowing how crazy it will drive him.
“what do you want me to do tom?” my voice is low, crossing the line between innocent and seductive, creating a sickly mix of the two that seems to drive him crazy. my head moves downward, lips directly against his ear as i take his lobe in my mouth, biting it lightly before releasing it, feeling the way his whole body shivers below me. my lips make contact with his neck, placing slow kisses, just enough to tease him a little more. “you have to tell me what you want baby.”
“you want my hands?” i whisper into his ear, my hand trailing to palm him once again, yet another groan falling from his lips. “or my mouth, maybe?” i take the skin of his neck between my teeth, sucking slowly before letting it go, my tongue running over it momentarily. he stays quiet, his breathing heavy and body becoming more restless.
“or…” i add, pausing for a few seconds, buying time to leave him guessing, pulling back to study his face, the sight enough to resemble heaven on earth - or at least something pretty damn close to it. his eyes are half-lidded, eyebrows furrowed slightly, tongue poking out of his mouth. he watches me intently, eyes fixed on my hand as it moves to grab his own, trailing downward to my clothed heat, placing it flat against my panties. “do you want this?”
he nods his head rapidly, fingers trying to pull the lace from my lower half, not getting far as i pull them back, leaving him even more desperate than he was seconds ago.
“need to be inside you.” he whines, sighing under his breath and adjusting himself once again, thrusting his hips ever so slightly in the hopes that he will feel any contact, even if it is only for a second. but when i smile weakly above him, sitting up a little and reaching for my panties, his eyes visibly light up, thrilled by the possibility of finally getting what he wants. i step out of my underwear, fingers finding the clasp of my bra and removing it from my frame. tom’s eyes scan my body hungrily, starting at my now exposed breasts, moving down to my lower half. his hands reach outward, making contact with my waist as he pulls me closer to him. i let him this time, watching the way relief takes over his expression from being granted the simple permission of touching my body.
the pads of his fingertips trail upward, moving along my stomach, just about to touch my breasts before i stop him, much to his frustration.
“please baby…can’t take it- need you so bad, need to touch you…” he is practically begging at this point, his body tired and sweaty beneath me, desperate for any sort of relief.
“wait.” i state simply, showing him no sympathy, though my actions seem to act as some consolation as my hands make contact with the waistband of his boxers, fingers dipping underneath them teasingly. his breath catches in his throat, breathing becoming even more erratic as i get closer and closer to giving him what he wants, before tearing away his hope and moving my fingers almost completely away. i tug on the waistband, slipping my fingers in once again, inching closer to his dick, the presence of his boxers frustrating to him as i can only do so much with them there. my hand finds his length as i run a single finger down it, a loud moan pouring from tom’s lips as his head falls backward. i struggle to fit another finger into his boxers, the fabric restricting my movements too much - and it drives him insane.
“fuck schatz…take ‘em off, please…just take them off.” he whines loudly, groaning when i slip my hand out of his boxers, only to tug them down ever so slowly, almost too slowly for tom as he bucks his hips slightly. his dick springs free, hitting his lower abdomen and god, the sight is enough to make me cum on the spot. it is almost painfully hard, the veins within it more prominent than ever, the tip red as pre-cum spills out of it. i almost pity him, watching how he grunts at the slight touch of my fingers wrapping their way around the base.
he hisses when i pump him a few times, my thumb moving to swirl around his tip, his mouth falling open whenever i apply pressure. i don’t give him too much, though, nothing that brings him anywhere close to his release, just enough to show him what he can receive, and he craves for more.
“please just sit on it, please schatz…i can’t, want you so bad- fuck!” he attempts to bring one hand to his hard dick, stroking it once before i pull him away roughly, swatting his hand and placing it by his side.
“what did i say, hm? you have to listen to me to get what you want.” all he can do is nod his head, far too focused on my actions as i speak his eyes glued to my heat as i begin to move forward, lifting my hips upward so that his tip is aligned directly with my entrance. my hands place themselves on his shoulders, maintaining a firm hold before slowly sliding downward, taking just the tip inside of me. he whines loudly, hands flying to rest on my waist, his fingers already digging into the skin, bound to leave marks.
i lift my hips upward after a few seconds, his tip sliding out of me as he whines in frustration, desperate for something, anything, besides from being teased like this. he knows that there is no point in trying to do anything himself - realising that i will just stop him. instead, he watches impatiently as i shift my hips downward again, taking a little more inside me than i did last time. i moan quietly at the sensation, his dick slowly stretching me out as i stop when he is around halfway.
his eyes are now completely closed, squeezing shut as his mouth is now wide open, chest rising and falling at a fast pace, clearly far too lost in pleasure from my minimal acts to think about anything else.
“tell me what you want baby.” my voice is more forgiving this time, lacking the harsh tone it had when i scolded him all those times. now he knows better than to initiate anything, his eyes slowly opening when he registers what i say.
“keep going.” he pleads, his hands trailing to my hips, squeezing the flesh roughly. he clears his throat, though his ability to sound even a little bit composed is long gone, and he knows it too, soon realising when he opens his mouth to speak again, his voice low and whiny. “take all of me, please baby…”
i lean my face closer to his own, lips ghosting over the corner of his mouth. “open your eyes…watch me.” i smile when his eyes flutter open, dark and tired, their gaze flickering to watch where we are connected, struggling to stay open when his dick begins to slowly disappear inside of me, inch my inch.
“oh god-fuck…feels so good…” i haven’t even moved yet, staying sat completely on top of him, not circling my hips and instead adjusting to his size, my walls stretched out as i wait for the pain to turn to pleasure. it doesn’t matter that i haven’t done anything yet, not to tom, anyway. the evident euphoria on his face tells me enough, the continuous teasing i had put him through meaning that literally anything is enough to leave him a moaning mess.
and when i begin to circle my hips, grinding them over his pelvis, the noises that sound from his parted lips become louder and more inaudible, once clear attempts to say my name now barely understandable, lost in the whines that take over any speech. his body shines with a thick layer of sweat, highlighting each defined muscle from beneath me as they contract with each harsh squeeze of my hips. i lift them up, almost all the way off of tom’s dick, before slamming back onto it, soft curses spilling from his lips when i repeat my motions, soon finding a fast rhythm. somehow his hands don’t leave my waist, taking advantage of how i allow them to rest there, afraid that i will tear them away if he decides to move them anywhere else. but i see the way his eyes are fixated on my breasts, fighting the urge to close them purely so he can watch the way they bounce up and down with each movement of my hips. there are times when he jerks his hand upward, seeming to hesitate and return it to its position on my waist, though it doesn’t take long for the urge to become too strong.
“let me touch them liebe…please- just wanna touch them.” a string of pleas follow his request, his voice returning to a low whisper as he awaits my response, his head falling backward when i angle my hips a certain way, his tip brushing directly against my g-spot. i moan loudly at the feeling, eyes rolling to the back of my head as i repeat my movement, his tip drilling against it repeatedly. i am far too lost in pleasure to refuse his ask, nodding my head and mumbling a quick and almost inaudible “go ahead baby”.
and he wastes no time, his hands rushing to cup my breasts, his thumbs running over the hardened nipples as he lets out a satisfied groan. he squeezes the flesh harshly, mesmerised by the feeling as the movements of his hands become more feverish, his need seeming to increase as he moves his head forward, allowing his lips to make contact with them. he places rough and open-mouthed kisses onto the flesh, kneading what isn’t in his mouth, sucking on my breast for a few seconds before running his tongue over the skin, his lips leaving a trail of purple marks scattered across my chest.
“i’m so close…please don’t stop baby- fuck, don’t stop- please!” his voice vibrates against my breast as he continues to kiss the skin, often cut off momentarily by a loud groan whenever i clench around him. and i can tell that he means it, his dick twitching inside of me every few seconds, the frequency of his moans increasing with each movement of my hips.
“you’re not cumming yet.” i state through breathy moans, circling my hips and digging my hails into his shoulders. he whines in response, pulling his head away from my breast to look upward at me. “hold it, you have to wait for me, mhm?”
“can’t baby- i can’t…fuck- it hurts so bad…” if i weren’t to desperate to chase my own release, i would probably pity him and let him cum out of sympathy, though now all i can focus on is finding my own climax, my bounces becoming more sloppy and feverish, craving nothing more than to release the knot in my stomach that begins to build.
“yes you can.” i breathe out, taking my hands and pressing them to the back of his head, bringing his lips closer to my breasts and moaning when his tongue swipes across my nipple. “you can cum when i say so.”
the knot in my stomach becomes more noticeable, my free hand moving downward to rub soft circles on my clit, my head falling backward at the overwhelming pleasure, knowing that it won’t be long until i get to my release. i don’t tell tom that, though, watching intently as he can no longer plant firm kisses to my breasts, instead he falls backward to rest his upper half against the headboard, soft and frequent curses pouring from his lips as he holds back his release, the task becoming harder and harder for him as each second passes.
my own head falls backward, eyes rolling back as i finally let go, feeling my release wash over me. i clutch onto tom’s back for support, rocking my hips back and forth slowly as i ride out my high, still aware that tom hasn’t come yet. and i can tell that he can’t hold on much longer.
“please baby…please let me cum- it hurts so bad schatz, shit!” tears begin to roll down his cheeks, soft whines spilling from his lips far more often than before. the slow roll of my hips on his dick doesn’t help - the angle allowing him to hit the deepest spots inside of me, my walls unconsciously clenching around him when the pleasure gets too much. “need it so bad baby, just wanna cum, please…”
my lips collide with his softly as he still tries to kiss back, the taste of tears on his mouth as i move against him slowly. “c’mon, cum baby…” he sighs loudly once he registers that he has my permission, no longer able to kiss back as his head falls backwards, eyes squeezing shut and eyebrows furrowing, loud and elongated groans elicited from his lips as i feel his hot cum shoot into me, coating my walls as i ride out his high.
“shitshitshit…oh my fucking god!” he begins to lazily thrust upward into me, anything to increase the pleasure he already feels, his movements somehow matching mine as he moans into my mouth, his hands glued to my hips. his nails dig into the skin, leaving harsh marks there. eventually, both our movements slow down, tom’s body trembling as it lays against the headboard, his breathing fast and heavy. i collapse on top of him, his dick still inside of me as i rest my head on his chest. he rubs my back up and down, fingers tracing random patterns there.
“fuck me.” he mumbles into the now silent room, my head whipping upward to look at him, his fucked out expression enough to leave me mesmerised, taking in every feature on his face - the way his eyes struggle to stay open, slight wrinkles on his forehead from his furrowed brows, his lips remaining slightly parted, he somehow looks perfect. “you need to be on top more baby, that’s the best sex we’ve had.”
his hand tiredly reaches to cup my cheek, drawing my face nearer to his as he connects our lips. the kiss is lazy and sloppy, still filled with passion as i press my lips firmly onto his own. he pecks them a few more times before pulling away, standing up and pulling me toward the bathroom to clean up.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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midnight-pluto · 6 months
COFFEE: PG.13 — meet the parents
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COFFEE: tim drake x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: Tim meets a barista that gives him what he needed most — a large coffee with way to many shots of espresso. Though what happens when just a single action changes the other's life, forever?
coffee master list || prev. || next
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FRIDAY, JUNE 23 2023 - 9:30 PM
DATING A LITERAL celebrity. But dealing with parents who still you’re still eleven is even harder — well, to you at least.
Perhaps you should consider yourself lucky today since their focus wasn’t on you. Unfortunately, their focus was on your partner who was just nodding along to their endless rambles on how they most certainly should treat you right.
“Not that I have any doubts that you aren’t treating Y/N right it’s just,” your mother gestures her hand towards Tim, “You don’t look very, well.”
“Mom!” you whisper scream, appalled at her bluntness. You place a hand on Tim’s thigh as a way of apologizing on your mothers behalf to which he slightly snorted at.
“What? I’m just saying,” she remarks.
Lightly squeezing his thigh in slight frustration, Tim places a hand on yours, intertwining your fingers with his and letting it hang inbetween both of your chairs. Exhaling through your nose, your frustration stars to simmer back down until your father speaks up.
“How much money do you make?”
“Enough,” Tim nods which your father looks at him blankly before sipping on the coffee you made for him. You sigh at their words, hanging your head low in embarrassment making Tim let go of your hand to rub the top of your back soothingly.
“Oh my— you can’t just ask that, especially in public!” your mother scolded to which your father just softly chuckled and nodded.
Wanting to get this interaction over with, you interrupt by saying, “If you guys just want to sit here that’s fine but I gotta get back to work soon so just come back to the counter when you’re ready to order.” You hurriedly push your chair back in when your parents nod — signaling that you were allowed to be dismissed.
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FRIDAY, JUNE 23 2023 - 10:27 PM
IT WASN’T LIKE you weren’t used to an overwhelming amount of people in the café, you actually preferred it since it meant you were more likely to get paid more. However, what you weren’t used to were the concerning amount of people crowding the windows just to see a glimpse of the one and only Bruce Wayne.
To be completely honest, you knew for a fact that most of those of reporters outside were from other cities since the main ones in Gotham have been desensitized to the sightings of the local billionaire.
Headlines of Bruce Wayne doing normal daily things in a regular persons life got old after a while — oh wow, he’s at a gas station buying chips! That will definitely get a lot of attention.
The only reason you were freaking out internally was simply because that was that there was close to a hundred people outside the small café which probably made you more nervous than the man in front of you.
“Is there anything else that’d you would like?” you ask, putting on disposable gloves and grabbing the croissant he had requested. Placing it into a small bag you remove your gloves and tap the screen once more.
“No I’m alright,” he said, taking out his wallet for cash and putting the exact amount of money on the counter on top of another bill.
Counting the bills in your hand you raise a brow at the stray hundred given. “Take it as an apology for bringing a lot of people around here.”
Nodding at his explanation you pocket the money and give him his croissant, “Enjoy the rest of your day!”
“You too,” he nods, walking out the front doors and the crowd follows.
You let out a sigh of relief at the lack of eyes on you, resting your hands on the edge of the counter as your heart rate slowed as it had unknowingly quickened at the amount of eyes on your form.
Feeling a comforting rub on your lower back, you turn to see Tim standing there with a smile, “You did good.”
Smiling back at him, you rest your head on his shoulder as a form of relaxation to which he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead in response.
SPECIAL NOTE: i was supposed to post this on Friday but I got distracted by building a Christmas tree 😔
TAGLIST: @grandstrangerphantom @marsbars09 @fabitheraven @lovelypitasworld @dyjcksn @mae77eris @sugarrush-blush @djchik @soundsfunbutno @apizzacalledmel @strangetrashblog @cipheress-to-k-pop @harleycao @unhingedtimdrake @a-homosexual-homosapien @aquarii-doodles @love-stayz @criminallycan @hecate-frenchfries [ if your name isn't highlighted then I wasn't able to tag you. if you would like to join, feel free to send me an ask or to comment! ]
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bettyfrommars · 6 months
hi loves
a wee announcement/bit of reflection below the cut
nothing heavy, just some thoughts & updates
First of all, I want to say I love this fandom so much. Truly I do. It has carried me though possibly the hardest, loneliest year of my life (and this ol' girl has been though some dark times). I've made friendships here that I hope to cherish for the rest of my life.
I came into fanfiction in October of last year, after not writing anything substantial for almost a decade. My dear friend at the time said she was looking for a specific Eddie Munson story, so I wrote it for her. I wrote it in first person because I didn't even understand how "reader perspective" was a thing, that's how wet behind the ears I was to this world. My friend, on the other hand, is a well-versed fic reader, and I distinctly remember messaging her like, "okay, what the hell is a Y/N??"
I spent that entire dark, cold winter writing and passing it to her in parts like notes in a classroom. The rush of getting back to something I loved so deeply after so much time away turned me into a monster. I lived and breathed that story. We sent endless messages back and forth every day about what each character would do next, imagining ourselves in that world, with Eddie. We made playlists, we cried. We screamed and giggled and kicked our feet when they finally kissed. We mourned the loss when it ended and moped around a bit before going back to read it all over again. Some 40k words and four months later I realized, holy shit, I think I write fanfiction now?
In a way, fanfiction saved my life. It brought me back to a part of myself I had buried, a part of me that worried it might never see the light of day again. It came crawling out of the ground, gasping for air like, "you better stretch your fingers bitch because I have a lot to say."
In April, I started posting here when the fandom was notably beginning to wane, but I was happy to see there were so many still going hard for our man. I kinda creeped in, like a little scuttling crab, and was grateful to find that a handful of you embraced me.
Long story short, I am NOT leaving, not at all. I know the tone is there, but that is not what this is, lmao. I will hopefully keep this blog for as long as you will have me. I plan to finish writing I'm on Fire and Death Becomes Us, as well as maybe another bit for gargoyle!Eddie, and nightmare!Eddie, but the other series I've started (or planned to start) will stay on hiatus for a while, possibly forever. I will continue to post blurbs and hc's and whatnot, but I won't be committing to any new series or long fics.
My masterlists will remain intact for the time being for those who want to enjoy what is there. That being said, The Nightmare Factory and Stop the World and Melt with You, might be taken down in the future only because I plan to re-work them into original stories. I have a second non-fandom blog in the works that is dedicated to monsters, nightmares, and magic realism, and I will let those who are interested know about it when the time comes.
Mostly, I wanted to let you know that, even if you notice some changes, I will continue to persist with "My 2 Joe's" delulu era, possibly until the earth swallows me up. I am no longer taking requests, but my asks will always be open for thots, blurbs, obsessions, etc. You know how much I love hearing from you.
That's all really. Perhaps this is simply one of those "end of year" thought dumps, but I also wanted to say a heartfelt Thank You to those who continue to support me, enjoy my work, and share it. My Ride or Die monsterfuckers and biker Eddie enthusiasts. My nightmare Eddie dreamers, my Twilight Zone Eddie pineapple heads. My gargoyle Eddie romantics who cheer on our Stone Boy, and my Hybrid Steve lovers who leave their windows open at night. My True Blood friends who appreciate a vampire Eddie who is nothing like Bill Compton. My darlings, my fellow rebel rousers and misfits, my friends.
This is a very symbiotic relationship, and I could not/would not do this without you ❤️
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clownery-and-fuckery · 4 months
Alright buckle up here's my actual genuine reaction....
First episode:
First of all, I regret asking for more Hemlock, this was fantastically awful, I will not be recovering.
Second of all, that shaved clone has done things to me. Horrible, horrid things that made me actually pause it and look away. It made me physically ill, it was the worst. Great, but the worst.
The passage of time really did fucking get to me BUT HER LITTLE PONYTAIL UGH
crosshair..... I need a moment
I literally don't care that she was allowed to keep the doll, btw. I dont give a shit. I hope Emerie dies in a fire.
nala se.... ew............
I think the whole episode was just pure horror, it was so fucking disgusting to watch, idk about you guys but watching the clone who had probably faced the true horror of SCI-FI warfare crying alone in his cell genuinely had me pausing the episode. Really great work there, Jennifer, I will be billing you for my therapy
Crosshair and Omega bonding !!! The little "What's your mission objective" was definitely a tactic he used on his brothers to have them pay attention, I refuse to acknowledge that he's the youngest, he just isn't. That's big brother keeping his little brother(s) on task behaviour.
Everything about Hemlock gave me chills. I love him. I hate him. I hope his guts cover the screen. I am fascinated by him.
I had a sneaking suspicion Emerie was taken under Hemlock's wing, and her undoing will be her endless loyalty to him... they did not have to say it as obviously as that, though. Glad they did.
Crosshair is sick. There is no way you show us all these sick, dying clones then Crosshair and expect us not to figure that out. He's going to die. His shaking is just the first symptom. I am not ready.
I definitely have more smaller notes I will make once I am not sobbing hysterically about it !!!!
Episode two!!:
This is the one that made me cry, actually.
Watching Wrecker and Hunter march in, quiet and covered in countless injuries, made me so sad. I couldnt recognise them. Those aren't my lads.
Wrecker begging hunter not to go because people didn't make it back.... hunter I get you're desperate, but you will NOT survive another brother being killed. I can't bear to watch him tear himself apart and neither can Wrecker.
"99ers???" THERES FUCKING MORE ??????? I want to know the lore behind this line particularly.
Theyre so cute..... they're so CUTE ugh sedate me immediately
anyways that little fucker who was good with tech..... I see you. I love you.
They were so used to letting Tech do his thing.... they immediately moved to cover fire....... for a second they forgot it wasnt him, I'm weak
wrecker playing with the kids..... laughing with them....... ohh i will not cope when he dies.
Hes going to die, btw. In case you didn't know. I know. I am aware. I am unprepared. I dont want to discuss it.
i cannot express my feelings for this episode.
Episode three!!!!!!:
I want that man. Yes, i do mean that masked man we saw for two seconds, I want him.
The Emperor had me actually screaming. I was so hyped. He scares me so bad.
Hemlock!!!!!! Evil !!!!!!!! CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!
nala se was so obvious about her "Get tf out" speech..... why don't you say it louder, the whole fucking room couldn't hear you
The fucking timer. Chills. CHILLS.
Crosshair and Omega !!!! He was so unserious I love that
....sorry to all the lovers tho, have to say i DIED laughing at his "gUaRdS"
And the SCREAM he scrumpt when the door opened, who allowed that 😭😭 it was so fucking funny whbeisbwiba
They were so messy this entire ep, they're everything to me......
Crosshairs trigger finger shaking so bad he gave his position away....... that's a major fucking problem, isn't it? That's gonna bite him in the ass.
I want more of Hemlock having a damn tantrum, that was fantastic. Him this season has me in a chokehold. I can't wait to write more of him.
This entire season so far is amazing. I can't wait to watch more, there are so many more points I wanna make, I'm freaked. I'm so happy, I'm still crying, I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making more coherent thoughts about them soon <3
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ichikopotato · 4 months
Hi! Could you write about Tom just having the fattest crush on a girl?
Yes, YES
First request bitches!
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It was weird for him, having a huge crush for a girl he barely even knew. It was like a dream to him, not knowing what to do with it.
It started when he was just watching TV with his brother in his hotel room, just munching on skittles. And low and behold, the Band, B/N goes on air. When he first laid eyes on her, he sweared that he had never seen a much beautiful woman than her.
Bill looks at him weirdly, as he stopped eating the skittles with him. “Geht es dir gut? Du siehst aus, als hättest du gerade einen Geist gesehen” he laughed. His brother had stopped chewing. “Nein, holy shit. What’s that girls name?” Tom had muttered.
“Oh, her? Y/N. Why?”
“She’s so..”
Bill laughed, in awe as he saw his brother’s face completely starstruck from this single girl. Tom immediately got off the couch, grabbing his laptop to search more about her.
After endless hours of him searching and finding more information about this girl, Bill hyping him up to ask her, he finally gathered up the courage to ask her out on a date. He booked a ticket for one of her shows, shaking.
“holy shit! You actually have the balls to go and see her.” Bill muttering. Tom laughed his ass off, happy as ever.
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It was the day he was finally going to see your show. He got ready, adding extra effort to look good and presented for her. (he really doesn’t have to)
He got into his car, driving off to the venue- He was swarmed with hundreds of fans, practically screaming at him “Holy shit, I love you!” Holding up signs saying, “Fick mich!” . He finally got into the venue and into front row, of course. He was in complete awe, as he saw her and her band walking onto the stage, waving at the crowd. His heart skipped a beat, as he saw her waving at him.
His lips slightly parted, as he was in complete starstruck as he shyly waved back, at her. After the concert, he gathered up the courage to speak and approach you. Her security let him go backstage, and letting Tom talk to her.
Tom knocked on her dressing room, shaking slightly. His cheeks turned slightly pinkish, as she opens the door, “Oh my god— Tom Kaulitz?! Woah- what are you doing here?” She muttered, smiling up at him.
“I-I was wondering if I could get the honours of taking you out tomorrow night, if you’re not busy.” He stuttered, smirking slyly as he played with his lip piercing.
Her heart skipped a beat, as she hesitated for a moment. She nodded, “Of course, i-ill call you—“ she was cut off by him grabbing her phone, typing in his number. “I’ll pick you up, 6:30 sharp.” Tom winked, smirking as he left her alone, leaving her blushing and shy. He finally got what he was wanting for.
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Ill tag the people who i got these dividers from later, thank you!
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
GIRRRLLLL ur killing me with that Part 3! It was heavier than Part 2 and my thoughts are fucked so take resposibility and make that Part 4 HUHUHU. Ran’s part killed me for real like the way he cried but need to stay strong for her wife im dead :(((((((
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I have had so many people jump down the ask path for a part 4 so FINE! (I'm being fake, I love the response to this.)
But I'm not promising anything other than angst. And maybe a little fluff.
Hand Her Over (Part 4): Rindou Haitani/ Kakucho Hitto x Fem!Reader
wc: 1k
tw: angst, fluff
Hand Her Over Megapost
Rindou Haitani
Rindou's sobbing like a baby. He's wiping away the blood on your lip, trying not to press too hard on the wound. Your tears have dried up, but every now and then, you hiccup and Rindou braces for another flood.
"It's okay," he whispers shakily, trying not to betray his anger. "I'm here."
"You weren't here," you breathe, hiccupping and breaking into a new round of sobs. "You weren't here when he--"
"I know," Rindou croaks. "I know. But I'm here now."
You both were broken, you physically, Rindou mentally, but now he's trying to make it better. Your bruised eye is swelling, but Rindou's given you ice to place around the wound. "Just keep the ice there," he murmurs, leaning you back on the bed and placing a pillow underneath your knees. You stare off into the distance as Rindou gives you a kiss on the forehead, but you flinch at the contact, and suddenly, he wants to scrub his skin raw.
Under the spray of the shower, he does just that, rubbing his skin over and over and over again until he feels just as raw as he feels on the inside.
Bonten is nothing to him now. Bonten is nothing and no one and he's not even part of this charade anymore. When he emerges from the steaming hot shower, he rejoins you in the bedroom. You're not asleep, but you are laying horribly still.
"I'm sorry," Rindou finally says, standing in the middle of the room with the stupid towel around his waist. "I..."
"I hate you," you breathe.
"What?" Rindou gives you a chance to retract the statement, a chance to recant.
"I fucking hate you!" you scream, throwing the half-melted bag of ice at him. "I hate you!" You keep screaming, getting out of the bed and storming toward him. Your fists are flying, but Rindou blocks them easily. This enrages you even more, but you've blown through your endless reserve of anger, and collapse on the floor in a heap of tears.
Rindou doesn't know what to do. He stands still, trying to figure out what to do, but he's frozen to the spot in front of his broken wife and his broken marriage. Rindou wants to apologize again, but that wouldn't mean anything. He'd have to go back in time and prevent all of this from happening.
"You don't mean that," he murmurs, stooping low to touch your shaking shoulders, but you scoot away from him, hiding your reddened face in your arms.
"I wish I never met you."
Kakucho Hitto
"I normally don't do this," Kokonoi murmurs, licking his fingers and shifting through the stack of money. Occasionally, he pulls out a larger bill, but then he continues to count the ones in his hands. "But I'm not pleased with the recent turn of events. Manjiro has gotten out of control." Kakucho stands by your side, holding your shaking hand. "I don't like going against the boss."
"I know," Kakucho replies grimly. "I'm grateful that you're doing this for us."
"Yeah," Koko mutters, tapping the bills on the table and then placing a rubber band around them. He slaps the cash down, the pile joining another stack of bills set out for you. "So, what else do you need?" Kakucho looks at the money, then looks up at Kokonoi with a blooming sense of hope. "Ah," Kokonoi snaps his fingers. "New identities."
He rustles through his desk, then pulls out two passports. He opens them and looks through the information before handing them to Kakucho. "Citizenship is not guaranteed, but you can go plenty of places unseen and unbothered with those."
"Business or pleasure travel?"
"Pleasure," Kokonoi states simply. "Always pleasure." Another sigh from Kokonoi's lips as he thinks. "That's all I can do for you two."
You inhale sharply. "What about the--" Kokonoi's phone buzzes loudly on the desk. He looks down at the screen and his face drops.
"It's Manjiro."
You flinch at the name, and Kakucho grabs the money, placing the stacks in his jacket pocket. "Let's go," he whispers in your ear, and you nod, letting him turn away and take you with him. When you get into the car, you're almost brought to tears by the thoughtfulness and kindness Kokonoi has shown you. He didn't even have to, really. But he did.
Kakucho sits behind the wheel and sets things in motion, driving away from the non-descript building. You lean back in the seat and sigh, praying that the trip would go without incident.
"Where to?" Kakucho wonders as he drives through the streets.
"The airport," you answer, unsure of what he means.
"I know," he begins, looking at you in the rear-view mirror with a soft gaze. "Where in the world do you want to go, Carmen San Diego?" You giggle, if that were even possible at this point in your life.
"Should I just pick a place on a map?" you wonder, and he laughs, reaching into the glovebox. When he tosses a map back at you, you look up at him in shock.
"Pick a place." Just as you open the atlas, Kakucho's phone begins to ring. The number is blocked, but despite your hesitation, he answers on speakerphone.
"You have forty-five minutes to get out of Japan," a raspy voice echoes. Kakucho grunts. "I've bought you just enough time to get the hell out of here and to not turn back."
"Takeomi, we--"
"Don't ever come back." The line goes dead, and you stare, wide-eyed at Kakucho. But he doesn't say anything. He just tosses the phone aside and starts to speed up.
"Pick a place, my love."
The place you've picked is remote and yet, strangely familiar. You've read about it in books, but never seen it up close and personal. "You're about ready to pop," the flight attendant jokes as you walk onto the plane. "Will you be comfortable in that seat?"
"Certainly," you reply, settling into the reclining first-class seat with a sigh. "This is better than the alternative." Kakucho reaches across the aisle and holds your hand, smoothing his thumb over your knuckles.
"I love you," you mouth, resting easily. Kakucho kisses your hand, and you're eased to sleep with the turbulence, thankfully.
"New Zealand, huh?"
"Yeah," you breathe, smiling. "Not far enough?"
"Oh, no," Kakucho smirks. "That's perfect."
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tswwwit · 1 year
I had a dumb idea based on this ask, and then I wrote it!
Short Reincarnation thing where Bill gets his stupid body killed before meeting Dipper, and years later DIpper stumbles across him anyway.
When Dipper sees the faint golden glow in the distance, he staggers up to his feet.
Finally, after endless gray and black and white. After aimless wandering, with nobody to see or hear, nobody to call - 
There’s a light.
Dipper walks towards the light slowly. Cautiously. Then faster. Soon he’s running, eager to see what’s in front of him for the first time in the last probably-four-hours.
Who cares what’s ahead of him? It’s different from everything else around; it has color.
Maybe it’s a way out of here.
He never should have gone to Gravity Falls. Not even with his semi-new confidence with his still-new magic, hoping he would find answers, not even to look for The Thing. Leaving Seattle to explore the infamously magical, dangerous, and nearly impenetrable woods here has to be the dumbest idea he’s ever had.
The glow in the clearing stays steady as he approaches, a steady unflickering light. A beacon. 
Dipper stumbles into the patch of grass between the trees. Nearly trips, before he stands still, chest heaving.
What is it? He doesn’t see anything around. There’s a fallen log, and plants, an old shove leaning against a nearby tree, and. 
The bright gold light is coming from the ground. 
Dipper takes a few, slow steps closer. Arching his neck, leaning into see what might be emitting that light, in the patch of soft bare ground underneath the grass. There’s - 
A triangle. 
Dipper frowns at it.
 Whatever happened to send him into weird gray not-time, it was obviously magic, These woods are magic, this entire thing is because of magic. Obviously this thing is magic, too. 
That can’t be great. 
But while Dipper doesn’t know what this thing is, it’s the only thing around that’s not monochrome besides himself. That has to be a sign. Good or bad, he’s not sure.
He crouches down nearby. Not getting too close, yet. 
Yeah. Definitely super magical. This close, it’s a bright light even in Dipper’s magical senses, and he’s pretty shit at those even for an amateur. 
The object’s made of… gold? Maybe. At least it looks metallic now that he’s close enough to get an idea of the texture. Larger than Dipper thought at first glance, but small enough to theoretically pick up if he dared. And for some reason there’s a miniature top hat rolled off to the side, which is like. What. 
Also, it’s chained to the ground. 
A very thick yellow metal chain - gold again? Maybe - that’s linked to one of the corners. It’s long enough to meander around the clearing and pile in a neat coil near the fallen log, then back to the center before abruptly delving into the soil.
Hesitantly, Dipper edges a little closer. Nothing happens. 
He waves a hand, and gives it a vague magical poke. Looking for movement, or like, big flashy stuff, or a reaction.
Okay. Big magic inside, but not reactive. Possibly inert. Dipper’s filing that under ‘good’ in terms of signs, but he’s ready to revise at a moment’s notice. 
Since the triangle isn’t doing anything, it’s up to Dipper to take action. Fumbling at his side, he keeps his eye on the shape. Just in case it - he doesn’t know, explodes or catches fire or something. 
Dipper finds what he’s searching for, and grips it tight. Nodding, once.
When in doubt, poke it with a stick.
He pokes it. 
In a flash, the shape leaps from the ground, opens one huge, slit-pupiled eye and gets right in his face with a huge noise that Dipper will later remember is ‘BLARG’. 
Despite himself, Dipper screams. The thing screams back at him, thin black arms flailing wildly, inches away. Dipper screams even louder, making a failed leap backward to hit the ground on his butt.
“AHHHH - HA! Ah ha ha ha ha!” The yelling devolves into wild, delighted laughter. The triangle crosses an arm over its front as it cackles, smacking a hand against one of its legs. “Whoo! Oh man! You shoulda seen the look on your face!”
Dipper stares. His heart is pounding, he’s trying to catch his breath. He lets go of his shirt, patting vaguely on the ground for the stick. 
“You were all like ‘Aaaugh’!’” The triangle flails dramatically again, then starts laughing harder. It  wipes under its eye. It looks, as much as any shape can, both totally thrilled and completely unrepentant. “Totally worth it.”
“You asshole.” Dipper sits up, trying to calm down. Unfortunately he truly has lost track of the stick, because he wants to throw something at this jerk.
“Ah, c’mon! You made that way too easy.” The triangle shrugs, lifting up two hands. It flaps a hand in Dipper’s direction. “Some guy all alone in the woods? No backup? No idea what he’s doing?” Its lower eyelid turns up. “You’re a tempting little opportunity, kid!”
Dipper says nothing. He simply glares, and flips it off.
And okay, that is a point, if you look at the situation in a totally twisted way. Dipper is kind of stranded and ignorant and - 
Wait, shit, he is.all of those things, and if this kind of thing is around, then what else is. 
Dipper pushes himself to his feet, and glances around quickly - but, no. Besides the jerk in front of him, nothing’s changed. Nobody and nothing around. Still very… still.
There’s a tap on his shoulder and he jumps - 
But it’s the jerk. Again. One noodly arm extending unnaturally, just to bother Dipper with a poke or two.
“Easy, sapling, there’s nobody here but us.” It says, tugging Dipper closer with one hand, and flapping the other in a semi-reassuring way.. “You can tone down the jumpiness for the moment! Believe it or not, I ain’t got any plans to hurt ya.”
Dipper shrugs, still examining the woods. It’s as silent and unmoving as always, so. Maybe they are alone here. One point in that thing’s favor. 
For lack of anything to say, Dipper flips it off for a second time.  It starts laughing again, clasping its surface.
Weirdly enough, Dipper kind of does believe it. That it doesn’t want to hurt him. Hell knows It had the jump on him, he had no defenses and didn’t expect anything to defend against. And it used that to be annoying, instead of harmful.
He looks it over anyway, still skeptical. It waves back, looking oddly cheerful and glowing slightly brighter.
Alright. No creature Dipper knows about fits this description. There’s magic, sure, but he doesn’t have enough experience to get a gist of it there. All he can tell is that it feels a lot more powerful than it looks, and that makes him vaguely uneasy.
Since he can’t get a read on it, and doesn’t know what to do with it - 
Fuck it. Dipper just asks. “What are you?”
“Usually it’s ‘who’, not ‘what’, kid.  Way to make a guy feel appreciated.” It - he - chides, sounding annoyed. One  of this creature’s arms goes down in a curve to grab the hat on the ground, setting it on his top point. “But since you insist, I’m the local demon in these parts.”
Demon. Great. 
And an even greater sign for where Dipper somehow ended up, if this is the type of creature he’s running into.
Where the hell is he, anyway? How the hell did he get here. What does he do with this thing? And most importantly -  
How quickly can he get the fuck out. 
“What, chupacabra got your tongue? Introductions are in order!” The demon shoves his other arm at Dipper, palm up. Like he’s offering a handshake. “Name’s Bill.”
Dipper nearly shakes its hand - the first stupid move - and nearly speaks his own name, then stops. Glaring at this creature with suspicion. 
Which is when the rest of the information hits home like an arrow. 
Dipper drops his arms, holding them stiff at his sides. “Wait. Bill, like. Bill Cipher?”  He shrinks back in alarm. 
“Wow. Really?” ‘Bill’ says, looking grumpy now. “Now that’s rich. I don’t go around assuming every human named ‘John’ is the same guy, now do I?” He floats away a bit, slightly turned to the side. Eyeing Dipper with clear disapproval. “Real classy of ya, kid.”
“Okay, okay, sorry.” Dipper grimaces. He pats the air a bit, awkward. Bill turns slightly back towards him. “I shouldn’t have assumed.”
He guesses that was a bit dumb, anyway. Bill Cipher has a totally different MO. 
That guy’s powerful demon who can wander around reality. Arson and murder and mayhem are his favorite hobbies. He travels around wearing a handsome human form, adding chaos to the life of whichever mortal he’s picked that time around, with terrible delight.
Not exactly the same level as this Bill, who’s stuck in the middle of nowhere, pulling prank-level jumpscares. 
If a demon like Cipher could be chained up in some weird gray pocket dimension, one of his mortals would have done it ages ago.
“Hey, no biggie!” Bill brightens up, facing Dipper again. He must not have taken the assumption too harshly; he almost looks pleased. “Not a bad guy to be compared to, all things considered.”
Dipper can’t help but make a mental note. Kind of interesting, that Cipher’s well known even outside of reality. That being compared to him is flattering, too, he didn’t expect that. Aren’t there books about this sort of thing? Dipper kind of wishes he’d studied more about demons, even though he never thought he’d need to - 
But this isn’t the time to get sidetracked. No matter how interesting it is.
“Uh, I’m Dipper.” He gives Bill a little wave, instead of taking the again-offered hand to shake. He knows better. Bill drops his hand, thwarted for the moment. “It’s. Interesting to see you.”
Which is true. In that Dipper, finally, has met another… ‘person’ in the place he’s ended up, and that means…
Time to get information.
“Where am I?”
“First time visiting, huh?” Bill floats over, the chain making a strange tinkling sound as it drags behind him. He slings an arm over Dipper’s shoulder in a companionable way, and Dipper tenses. “Lemme introduce you!
“Welcome to the liminal space between dreams and waking! The infinite realm of thought! The Nightmare Realm - or Mindscape, if ya like.” Bill waves over the woods in a broad gesture - then sighs, letting his arm drop. “Though since we’re in the extra liminal bit near your place, it’s not nearly as fun.”
That… makes precisely zero sense. Dipper waits, but Bill’s started glaring at their surroundings instead. Hardly helpful.
Dipper tries to squirm out from under his arm, but it’s oddly difficult to shake off. “That doesn’t make sense.”
“It means we’re stuck in the outskirts, kid. The blendy-in part! Specifically the bit where it’s real solid, cause it’s closest to your usual digs.” Bill flaps a hand over the monochrome scenery, looking annoyed at the scene. “The reality-adjacent burnt edge of pie crust, instead of the golden-brown, juicy, gory middle. Not the best part by miles..”
One bit of information, then. Dipper’s not quite in a different realm, or outside of reality. No, that would be too simple. 
Instead, he’s wound up in the spot where reality bleeds into another dimension. Where things aren’t one place or another, not one thing or another, and there’s probably a lot of magical theory that has a ton to explain all of it, except he hasn’t finished reading those books.
In theory, Dipper would take his time, and try to figure it out. Piece together the bits he’s learned. Maybe even ask Bill for input, since he seems to know about all of this stuff - 
In practice, he keeps running over the words Bill used earlier. 
‘We’re,’ Bill said. Including himself in the previous term, even though he’s an actual, literal demon.
And, ‘Stuck’. Bill said.
“So….” Dipper lets the word trail for a while, palms sweating. He rubs them on his jeans, trying for a smile. “Is there a way out of these… edges?”
“Unless you’re an advanced expert in interdimensional dynamics? Probably not!” Bill shrugs, sounding cheerful despite the horrible news he imparts, or maybe because of it. “Hope you enjoy silence and stillness, Pine Tree.” He pats his surface, eye shut with pride. “But if ya don’t, you’re welcome to hang with yours truly!”
Two horrible options. Dipper stares at Bill for a long moment, not sure what to say. 
He’s not an expert, not at all. He has magic, a lot, apparently, but he barely knows what he’s doing with it, doesn’t know how he has it, and mostly it just makes stuff explode. He can barely light a candle without consequences, much less escape the borderlands of a realm of freakin’ thought.
“Oh,” He says instead. All the air seems like it’s come out of his lungs. “Have a seat, kid.” Bill darts over towards the log, gesturing Dipper closer. He pats the wood invitingly. “After all, misery loves company!”
Feeling numb, Dipper walks over. He turns around, and sits down. 
After a moment, he rests his face in his hands. 
“So! I already know you’re not from around Gravity Falls,” Bill says, floating a few inches over the log and right next to Dipper. Patting thigh, which would almost be reassuring except for everything, ever, and the way he gives it a weird squeeze. “I woulda seen it!”
“Yeah.” Dipper glances over, briefly. Then looks forward again.. 
“Boy, you’re turning out to be a great conversationalist! How lucky for me.” Bill says, very dry. He throws his arms in the air. “Figures. You’d have to be brain-damaged to wander these woods for no reason.”
“I had a reason,” Dipper protests. One he didn’t understand, sure. But he had one.
“Oh yeah? What?”
“I just - I had to.” Dipper folds his arms, looking away. Somehow it makes even less sense when he says it out loud.
Bill shrugs, and says nothing. For a while, actually. Dipper does the same, mouth shut.
Maybe Bill’s planning something, or maybe he’s hoping to hear about Dipper’s vulnerabilities - but Dipper wasn’t born yesterday. He might not have had magic until a  few years ago, but he’s still not an idiot.  He’s not blabbing about his life to a demon of all creatures - 
For about five seconds. 
He can’t help it. The silence feels so deeply wrong that he has to break it. “I don’t know. I just felt-” 
Like he was being drawn here. Like there was an invisible thread, tugging gently at him until he couldn’t ignore it. Whispering, in quiet words, that he might find what he wanted.
A subtle, but effective temptation. Dipper did the stupid thing. He came here on that idiotic whim, and now look what’s happened. 
Maybe he should have known better. But.
For the longest time, Dipper has felt like something’s missing. Nothing he could ever really explain, or make sense of. When he lets himself think about it, which is rarely, it’s The Thing; a feeling so vague he can’t even put a name to it. 
All he knows is that something’s gone and it sucks. Like a piece is missing in his own personal puzzle, maybe dropped off the table or skimmed across the floor, and now he can’t find the stupid thing for the life of him. Doubly infuriating because it was the one last piece he needed, right before it went and fucked off.
When he got his magic, that helped with The Thing, a little. When he started actively looking for The Thing, that helped, too. 
But he still doesn’t know what it is, much less where it is, and he might never find the answer.
Not that he’s telling Bill any of that.  
“I had an impulse, and a stupid idea.” Dipper shrugs. “You know how it is.” Hopefully he does. If not, Bill will find out how annoying getting no explanation is.
“Bet you have a lot of those.” Bill says, amused. He stalks over the log, prodding Dipper in the side. “Probably famous for it!”
“Shut up.” Now Dipper flicks Bill on the side, annoyed. He’s not the only one included in that terrible adjective.  “What about you? What brought you here?”
“None of your beeswax.” Bill sets his fists on his edges, looking proud. “I’m doing exactly what I wanna be doing.”
Dipper casts a long, deliberate glance over the chain, and raises an eyebrow. Bill glares at him.
“Yeah, yeah, things could be a little more lively, whatever.” Another dismissive wave. Bill hops from the log onto Dipper’s leg, and drops down with a surprisingly heavy feel. He shrugs. “But hey, you’re gonna be with me for the foreseeable future! I can work with that.”
So Bill is trapped. He’s come as close to admitting it as Dipper’s likely to get. 
On an impulse, he pats Bill on his weird, metal back. If it’s a back; Dipper’s guessing because it’s the surface that doesn’t have his eye on it. Bill makes a pleased sound, so it must not be too weird.
“I’m guessing your whole deal is, what, mystery hunting? You don’t seem the monster hunter type.” Bill prods his arm, squeezing his bicep with a narrowed eye. “Or hey! Maybe you were just dumb enough to poke around for no reason!” Oh for - Dipper just said he had one. Bill knows that, he’s just being a dick. “I’m not dumb.” He sits up a little straighter, jabbing a thumb at his chest. Lifting his chin in defiance. “At least I’ve never been chained up.”
“Ah, a real vanilla guy.” Bill rubs under his eye thoughtfully. Dipper feels his face warm with embarrassment, waving his hands. That’s not what he meant - and Bill brightens up.. “Guess ‘adventurous’ only goes so far, huh?”
Dipper splutters, not sure how to respond. Bill waggles his upper eyelid, nudging him in the side - and Dipper can’t not respond to this asshole.
Unfortunately, Bill’s ready with a retort for every protest. Dipper can’t let that lie, so he has to accuse him of his own stupidity back, and forth, and back again.
They actually keep at it, for… longer than Dipper expected. More easily than expected.
He kind of thought that being trapped here, trying to keep up conversation with Bill, would trail off into awkward silence more often than not. Dipper’s never been great with small talk, he has to plan, like, half of his conversations in his head before they happen. 
Turns out it’s hard to feel awkward when you really want to make the other guy shut up first.
Bill’s still a jerk, sure. Dipper's known that from moment one. He starts arguments without a purpose, delighting himself with stupid puns, and it turns out he finds it hard to resist a double entendre. That’s a weak point; Dipper can use it. He has to think on his feet to keep up with him, there’s no time to get mired down. 
It’s all pointless, stupid bickering. Bill prodding at him, Dipper responding and prodding back. Bill’s pretty cagey; Dipper doesn’t get much from him.
Bill, though. Gets a lot. Probably more than he wanted, because Dipper finds once he starts talking about some things, he has a lot more to say about them than he thought.
He’s not sure why he’s doing it. Or how he started. He knows Bill hasn’t used magic on him, he can feel that much, it’s just….
Bill keeps asking pointed questions, so he’s asking for it. Dipper hasn’t been able to talk about some of this before, and Bill’s a literally captive audience. Possibly because Bill couldn’t tell anyone else Dipper knows, and partly… because he’s a terrible listener, which kind of helps. Like it doesn’t matter what Dipper says, because Bill won’t care enough to use it against him.
“Not to mention going through magical puberty, like a decade too late.” Dipper finishes, after going over a long, long list of complaints. About his shitty life. About how much things suck. He waves over the air for emphasis. Bill, sitting on his thigh, leans back so his hat isn’t knocked off. “Do you know what that’s like?”
“Likely hilarious! But so what?” Bill sits back up, kicking his legs idly. Which also means he’s lightly kicking Dipper’s other leg. “What’s wrong with more power?”
Dipper opens his mouth to argue. Then stops. 
It makes sense that a demon wouldn’t get it, due to, well. Being a demon. They’re all power hungry. To Bill, this could only seem like a good thing. He wouldn’t understand how-
“More power means solving some problems, alright.” Dipper changes tactics, rubbing at his eyes. There’s a headache coming on, he can feel it. “But now I have different problems. Bigger ones.”
“Aha! Inexperience.” Bill brightens up a bit more, waving off the rest of Dipper’s concerns. “Easy, kid, that’s all temporary. Once you get used to blasting things to pieces, you’d be amazed how many problems are flammable!”
Dipper feels his mouth draw into a thin line. He doesn’t know what he expected. 
He drops back onto the log, resting his chin in his hand. Bill pats his lower back, and starts rambling on about optimal targeting techniques, but Dipper’s not paying attention.
Different experiences, and different problems. He’s in a different place, which has totally eclipsed the Thing problem. Bill’s here too, but he doesn’t seem like the major issue.
The big one, right now, is going home, and how the hell Dipper’s going to do that.
“There has to be a way out of here.”. He’s not going to give up. Not now.
“Well,” Bill draws out the word, slow and with a detectable hint of smugness. “There might be one way to get your butt back to reality.”
Dipper tenses up. 
Right. He should have seen this coming, because Bill’s a demon. He hadn’t forgotten that fact, but he’d put it out of the front of his mind. 
“I see where this is going.” Dipper folds his arms, and gives Bill an unimpressed look. “Let me guess. You’re an expert in interdimensional dynamics.” 
“Never said I wasn’t!” Bill’s lower eyelid is raised in amusement. “To tell the truth, sapling, I’m one of the best in the biz.” He throws in a wink, even with one eye. “You really lucked out meeting me.”
Another thing Dipper should have expected. Bill might be stuck, but he never said the why, only implied it. The chain should have been a clue. A demon would know how to handle dimensions, too, since they can be summoned and dismissed. And trapped.
Demons are also notorious for another thing. Dipper’s not looking forward to it.
Escape isn’t going to come without a cost.
“What do you want,” He says, flat. 
“Make a deal with me!” Bill floats up and in front of Dipper, arms spread invitingly. “I’ll show you how to get out of here in seconds, no problem.”
“What’s the cost.” Dipper remains stern. Glaring, now. Bill hasn’t gotten to it yet, but there’s going to be a catch. 
“Yeesh, way to rush things.” Bill wags a finger, almost chiding. “A jaunt back home can’t be all you want! Think about what you’d really want out of life. ‘Cause I’ve got more magic to work with than you could comprehend!”
Bill waves his arm, and this time - 
Okay. Dipper has to admit it’s impressive.
Wherever Bill gestures, a small scene plays out, like a movie. Bright and colorful, standing out against the bland background. 
“You could ask for fame!” A brief shot of Dipper, being lauded by a crowd. Bill snaps his fingers. “For riches!” Piles of gold tumble around fake-Dipper’s feet, burying him to the ankles -  another snap. “Or hell, even True Love!” 
And a shadowy figure sneaks up on fake-Dipper, then seizes him by the waist, lifting him up. Fake-Dipper looks surprised, then annoyed. He struggles, kicking out helplessly, right before he’s dragged off into nothingness.
Dipper stares at the lingering void left until the ‘screen’ vanishes. Then, incredulously, at Bill.
Bill pops up in front of him again, fists set on his sides with pride. “Name it, kid, and it’s on offer. I could get you all that crap that humans like and more!” 
“I’ll pass.” Dipper flips Bill off, much to his amusement. 
“What, too intimidating?” Bill leans in, nudging Dipper with an elbow-adjacent bend of his arm. “Be reasonable, Pine Tree. You’re gonna make a deal anyway. Why not get something cool while you’re at it?”
Okay, fair point. If Dipper’s risking his soul, he might as well get something else while he’s at it. 
But it’s also dangerous. Bill’s going to cheat, and lie, and according to what he showed Dipper has a totally different view of what’s actually appealing to humans. Making this deal too complicated could only end poorly. 
Everything he’s offering probably comes with a catch, anyway. Fame would probably be for, like, accidentally exploding a building, money from a murder or whatever. Bill’s idea of ‘love’ is just. Yeah, Dipper’s going to pass. And even if there weren’t a huge pitfall waiting for him - Bill certainly couldn’t give Dipper what he’s really looking for, especially when even Dipper’s not sure what it is.  
For a moment, then, Dipper lingers on the image of his shitty apartment. How cold it’s going to be when fall turns into winter, and how his car is starting to make unnerving sounds when -
He shakes his head to clear it.
“Just get me out of here.”
Bill groans, clearly disappointed. “Yeah yeah, stubbornness. But ya gotta sweeten the deal for me, too.” He rubs his fingers together, eye narrowed. “Make it worth my while.”
Of freaking course there’s a minimum buy-in. Dipper groans, rubbing at his eyes. If he has to add onto this - 
“Alright, fine.” He throws his hands in the air.. “Like, enough gas money to get home.” That shouldn’t cost too much. Hopefully.
Bill remains undeterred. He narrows his eye, skeptical. “That’s it? I get skipping over the ‘fame’ one, alright, that can be a pain. When everyone knows who you are, they get all up in your business! But you’re not gonna ask for any affection?” He blinks for a moment, spreading his hands and somewhat incredulous himself. “‘Cause I got-”
“Some really bad ideas.” Dipper says. Bill looks miffed, crossing his arms over his golden front. “Are we doing this deal or not?”
“Hmph. You got no idea what you’re missing out on.” Bill sniffs, which is weird because he doesn’t have a nose -  “Fine, we’ll do it your way. Spoilsport.”
Dipper straightens up, feeling a sudden burst of pride. Bill’s bothered, which means Dipper avoided a trap. He’s in a little less danger. 
“Now, about getting you back to reality. That’s some tricky business there, but I got ideas.” Bill taps under his eye, thoughtful. He stares off into space, pupil changing shape and size, flickering for a moment before it snaps back to ‘normal’. “You’re gonna need a life spell.”
Dipper’s experience is pretty limited, in that he’s only had magic for a few years, but he’s not stupid. To change back dimensions, and get home, life magic doesn’t fit. All it deals with is flesh and blood and a bit with spirit, but that can’t apply here. He thinks..
“What do you mean, what? Who’s the expert here, anyway?” Brightening up, Bill swings an arm around DIpper’s shoulder again, half-guiding and half-dragging him into the middle of the clearing. “You got the magic for it, you got the talent for it. You lack the education for it, but I can walk you through the basics, and we can cram everything into the same spell! One and done, easy.”
“That’s… convenient.” And concerning. Dipper stares at the bare earth under his feet, shifting under Bill’s arm. “So how do I-”
“Ahem.” Bill clears his nonexistent throat, tapping a fist against his surface. He gives Dipper a meaningful look, though what it’s trying to convey is impossible to parse.
Dipper glares at him. Another catch, probably. “What now.”
“You called it earlier, kid! Before we start rifling through the guts of it,” Bill drifts closer, until his eye is right up near Dipper’s face. He pokes him on the cheek with amusement. “We gotta discuss my price.”
Right. There was always going to be one, wasn’t there. 
Dealing with a demon. The stupidest thing possible. 
“How much?” Dipper asks, voice flat. Adding, before Bill can speak up - “I don’t really have much, uh. To me.”
It won’t be cash. Even inexperienced, Dipper knows that much. Whatever Bill asks for, Dipper’s soul’s not going to be on the table; he’d rather be trapped than do that. Maybe Bill will request a demonic thing, but Dipper doesn’t have any connections to other magical beings, any cool relics, or any secret knowledge. 
He really hopes this isn’t going to be painful, or traumatic. Or anything physical, for that matter. Dying in the process of escaping kind of defeats the point.
“Hm. Lemme think.” Bill hums for a moment, eye narrowed. “One spell, complete with escape from the realm you accidentally stumbled your ignorant ass into, and one dose of obscene wealth-” Dipper clears his throat, loud. “Alright, minor wealth, loser. That should run ya…”
Dipper stuffs his hands in his pockets, waiting with growing unease. Bill’s rubbing under his eye in thought, like he’s trying to see how much he can gouge Dipper for. Hopefully it’s not flesh. 
Then Bill stops, and holds up a finger. “One kiss. Seems fair to me!”
Dipper stares at this… thing for a moment. “What.”
Bill glows brighter, seemingly pleased with himself. “Pretty great deal, am I right?” 
“Very funny.” Dipper gives him a derisive look. “What do you actually want?”
“A kiss, kid. With tongue.” Bill says, very seriously. He shuts his eye and wags a finger in the air.. “We’re talking a real tonsil-tickler here, none of that chaste peck crap.”
“With who?” Dipper has a dreadful suspicion. Which isn’t helped by the way Bill gleefully points two thumbs at himself. “You can’t be serious.”
“Dead serious, sapling.” Bill spreads his arms wide, lower eyelid rises in a simulacrum of a smile. “One frenching for one freedom. You couldn’t find a better bargain even if you did have options!”
The worst part is that’s probably right. What Bill’s asking for sounds like it’s the cheapest thing on offer. Most demons would put the price point so much higher - flesh, souls, family, mass slaughter - that it wouldn’t be worth considering. 
Dipper can’t believe he’s considering this.
“And it’s not going to like, burn my mouth with acid, or suck out all my organs, or-”
“Boy, are you paranoid. Typical,” Bill says, sounding exasperated. He rolls his eye in its socket, around and around, before settling back on Dipper. “You can’t kiss back if you pass away, kid! I want active participation, and you’re only up for some lip action right now.”
Dipper remains skeptical. He leans back a bit, making a face.
But the request’s bizarre enough to feel honest, and technically it’s better than the other things Dipper was imagining. All in all, a quick kiss actually does seem like a bargain.
Which means Dipper shouldn’t trust it one bit.
Thinking about it, Bill’s been stuck here, for who knows how long, without access to much. No hanging out with other demons, no manipulating humans. Lacking anyone to talk to, or -  have other mouth actions with, or anything. He’s not operating on standard demon motivations. Likely this has a different angle. Something else he can use to exploit.
Why would Bill want this?
Dipper looks him up and down slowly, lips drawn tight. Trying to figure him out.
Bill clearly takes his attention as interest, because he straightens his hat, and adjusts his tie with obvious pride. He wipes at his surface, hums a little tune, and there’s a squeaking sound as he rubs a wrist against his side. Like he’s polishing it.
Or…. maybe  it’s a bargain because Bill actually wants to make out. The primping can’t be anything but alarmingly sincere.
“Okay.” Dipper gives in, and lets his shoulders drop. Being trapped has obviously tanked Bill’s standards - or his uses for pounds of flesh. Either way, it’s worked out in his favor.  “Let’s do this.”
“Glad to hear it!” Bill floats closer, cupping Dipper’s face in his weird hands. They're oddly soft for a guy who’s mostly made of metal. “Now pucker up, buttercup, and we’ll seal the deal.”
“Don’t call me that,” Dipper says. Bill squishes his cheeks a few times, until Dipper smacks his front.
“Eh, I got other nicknames to use,” Bill says, and draws Dipper in.
Dipper shuts his eyes. He doesn’t want to see this. Whatever’s about to touch his face, it’s probably terrifying. 
For a moment he’s tempted to call it off, but then Bill will protest and maybe cut the deal off, leaving him right back at square one and with less bargaining power. Too late to back out.
Sterning himself, Dipper lets it happen.
There’s… a mouth? Against his mouth. Something, anyway, and it’s not soft but not sharp or stinging, and for the moment his face isn’t melting off. Dipper can work with that. 
There’s a tug on his shirt, and Bill makes an insistent ‘mmh!’. Right, he has to participate. Damn it. 
Kissing Bill back isn’t hard, if he pretends he’s not holding onto the edges of a demonic shape. And forgets the fact that he’s buying his freedom with a makeout session. When a few seconds pass and Dipper hasn’t exploded or turned into a monster, he even manages to relax. 
Yeah. He can get through this. It’s not too bad. Honestly, Bill’s handling this pretty well, all things considered. It’s not slimy or sloppy, or particularly rough.Their teeth haven’t clicked together once, if Bill even has any -  and he doesn’t smell bad. Or like anything, really. 
So, surprisingly, it’s not the worst kiss Dipper’s ever had. Bill, apparently, has some experience in this area. That raises so many questions.
Something wet flickers against his lips, and very reluctantly, Dipper lets them part. This could be - 
 Huh. Bill tastes like…. basil? Of all the things Dipper was expecting, that wasn’t even on the list. And while he’s made of metal and sharp corners, he’s warm, too, and his hand cupping the back of Dipper’s neck runs up and down in a way that’s almost. Nice. Tonsils remain uninvolved, too. If Bill’s forgotten that part, then Dipper’s not going to bring it up.
He’s not sure how long they spend like that, because - well, after a while it’s kind of interesting? That Bill can do this at all. That needs investigating. If Dipper needs to take a weird route to study it, well, that’s acceptable losses. He can deal.
Until there’s a slow slide up his thigh, and a hand squeezes Dipper’s butt.
Dipper shoves this jerk away, grimacing. That wasn’t part of the deal. “Hey! Hands off.”
“What hands? They’re right here!” Bill blinks innocently, and offers them up for Dipper’s inspection.
Now that’s just bullshit. DIpper reaches behind himself, seizes the offending limb, and shoves it right at Bill’s surface. “What about this?”
“Oh wow, what a surprise!” While Bill’s third arm gives Dipper a jaunty wave, he shrugs with the other two. A fourth one pops out and smacks against his edge in mock surprise.  “Where’d that come from?”
Yep. Still, absolutely, one hundred percent asshole. He doesn’t know what he expected.
Dipper flips him off. Again. He wishes he knew more obscene gestures, because this one just makes Bill laugh. 
“I’ll call that a deal fulfilled, sapling. Very nice, by the way! You really went for it!” Bill’s glowing bright, unperturbed. Glossing over the fact that he’s been caught being a pervert. “Even I can’t claim you didn’t pay up.”
Dipper wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, and shrugs. “Just show me the spell.”
“Aw, but it was a fun time, am I right?” Bill tickles Dipper under the chin, lower eyelid raised. He gives Dipper double finger guns, beaming.. ”Next one’s on the house.” 
Dipper rubs at his eyes. Honestly. It’s a good reminder. 
If it weren’t for Bill’s sheer dickishness, he might have said something nearly positive, and that would have been a huge mistake. 
A deal, done. A payment, made. 
Now, to actually get Dipper’s portion. 
Though it takes some arguing. Or rather, a lot of arguing, and a relative armload of innuendoes, only half of which make sense - Dipper, eventually, steers Bill back onto the right track. 
Turns out the trick is questioning whether or not he can actually do it. Questioning Bill’s competence, or knowledge, lights a fire under his nonexistent ass. 
Pride, Dipper notes, is a weak point for Bill. Though he’s not likely to ever need it again, it’s still nice to know.
Bill’s also surprisingly okay to work with. Kind of like the kiss, Dipper expected it to be painful, but Bill actually, amazingly, knows what he’s doing. Albeit without making Dipper have questions he’s not sure he wants the answers to. 
Bill projects an outline of the circle that needs to be drawn, Dipper can easily trace it. His knowledge truly is deep, too; Bill has an encyclopedic knowledge of sigils and runes, and only minorly goes on tangents about destructive and chaotic energy. 
And, though it sucks to admit - he was right again. 
The spell Dipper needs to cast truly is simple. At least on Dipper’s end. All he needs to do is power the thing, and channel it with some theory that Bill described in gory yet helpful terms. 
But the spell *is* life magic. Magic’s not enough; it needs a little more, as Bill put it, ‘oomph’ to get it going.
Dipper flicks the pocketknife open, ready to draw it across his palm. He steadies himself with a deep breath.
Blood is connected to it, magically. A few drops is all it should take. Then it’s over. He’ll be done here.
He’ll get to go home.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Bill grabs Dipper’s wrist before he makes the cut. “Piss poor placing, kid. You want the back of the arm or a leg or something.” He wags a chiding finger. “More blood, and more convenient if you wanna grab anything later.”
Dipper honestly hadn’t thought of that. In movies and stuff, everyone goes for - but. Yeah. 
Yet again, Bill’s been oddly helpful. 
In fact, this entire time he’s been oddly, annoyingly helpful. When Dipper was stuck. When he wanted to complain, and the deal really could have been worse. Maybe it’s only because Bill’s been bored, and he doesn’t have anyone else to mess with. Or because he kind of thinks Dipper’s… worth kissing. 
In any case. It’s the sort of thing he should probably mention.
“Uh. Thanks.” Dipper says, feeling awkward. “You’ve been kind of cool. For a demon.”
“Ha! Now that’s rare!” Bill drifts upwards, fists on his edges. He looks supremely amused. “Glad you spoke up, sapling.” Somehow, he winks with only one eye. “I won’t ever let you forget it.”
Back to ominous, then. Dipper’s going to try and ignore it
“Okay, well. See you… hopefully never again.” He states, and draws the knife over the back of his arm. Just a nick, but enough to draw a few drops.
As Bill starts laughing, Dipper shuts his eyes for a second time, kneeling on the ground, and muttering the chant. He’s already memorized it, no need to listen to Bill anymore. 
Goodbye, demon, goodbye, awful grey realm - 
He draws on the magic, that deep and infinite pool inside him, and pushes.
There’s a strange, clinking sound. A rush of magic out of him,more than he’s used before, it almost leaves him dizzy, and the spell itself clicks into place, complete.
That’s it. He’s done. He’s - 
Dipper looks up.
Everything’s still monochrome, so. That’s not good. 
He gets to his feet slowly, checking - but no, no change. Still stuck, in this impossible liminal realm. 
With a start, he realizes that nothing’s glowing in the clearing, either.
Dipper looks around, suddenly alert, but he doesn’t hear anything. Not a laugh, or a mocking comment. No matter how he looks, there’s no chain. No gold. No freaking Bill around, completely vanished from sight - 
“That son of a bitch.” Dipper clenches his fists at his sides. 
Goddamn it, he should have realized. That entire thing was incredibly, recklessly stupid. It was a trick, Bill’s been freed - and Dipper’s still trapped. 
But you know what? Fuck Bill. Dipper doesn’t need him. 
He’s smart. He got here to begin with, and he didn’t need some asshole to help him with that; he can get out as well. He’s going to figure this out, learn a hell a lot more about demons, get really great at magic, and - and all sorts of other things, too, all out of sheer spite. He’s going to get out of here-
As he clenches his fists, jaw tightening, color washes over the scene.
Dipper blinks again. Then waves his arms, suddenly confused.
That was fast. Almost as fast as thought. 
There’s a breeze on his skin, the smell of the forest in the air. The sky is less dark, though it’s nearly sunset. Dipper spends a long tense minute, watching the sun relative to the horizon, tension tight in his chest. Feeling a huge shudder of relief, as it does, in fact, move. Time’s moving. Time’s normal, and the world is normal, and real.
The spell did work. On a delay that Bill never mentioned.
Dipper taps his foot on the loose earth beneath him, folding his arms.
Great. Now he can’t be mad at Bill. He was as good as his word. 
All in all, Dipper could have made a worse deal, if he doesn’t think too hard about Bill and what he might be up to. The trade, such as it was, did end up fair. 
A freedom for a freedom. That’s about as fair as a demon can be, and all for the low, low cost of. Some lip action.
For some reason, Dipper’s still really annoyed. 
If he knew Bill was going to get out too, well. A heads up would have been nice. Not to mention that Bill just went and fucked off somewhere without so much as a ‘see ya’, or a ‘goodbye’, or - 
But it’s good, really. That they won’t meet again. Better for both of them.
Because If they did, Dipper would have to tell him he’s a jerk, and a bastard. Bill seems like he needs that reminder every once in a while. Or every few days. Or hours. 
So again, good that he’s gone; Dipper’d probably lose his voice if he had to be around him too long. Good riddance.
Dipper stands in the clearing for a while, watching the light fade as evening sets in. Alone in the forest again. Safe in reality. 
After a while, it’s starting to get chilly; he wraps an arm over himself, squeezing the opposite bicep. .
It’s been a very long day. 
He takes a deep breath, and slowly lets it out.
Then the soft earth shifts under his feet, and something grabs his ankle. 
For the second time in a day, Dipper screams. 
A sudden yank makes Dipper lose his balance, but he catches himself before he hits the ground, braced on his elbows. He swears, pulling his leg away on impulse, kicking at the tight grasp on his leg -
And stares in horror as a dirty yet well-manicured hand pulls him closer, impossibly strong. Dragging him down into the earth it burst out from. A few more urgent kicks gets the thing off him, and Dipper scrambles back.
The hand pats around for him, searching, then pushes against the ground. Bringing out an arm, then a chest, a full head that shakes off the dirt. An eye rolls around in one socket, while the other is missing or covered with dirt, and it wears a wide, rictus grin. With very sharp, very white teeth. 
Dipper struggles to his knees. Sweat is breaking out on his forehead, as whole human man - thing pulls itself out of a shallow grave right in front of him. There’s no time to react; it’s up on its feet before he can gain his own. Too steady, and way too fast for the living dead.
Shit. Life magic, of course.
So It wasn’t a trick after all. It was a trap. 
Dipper not only set BIll free but raised, like, a zombie, or something, to take care of the rest. It’s going to finish him off and leave no evidence but a bloody smear on the grass. He tries to leap back but it's already got him by the shirt in a tight grip, dragging him in.
Okay, no time. Last resort. DIpper hates to do this, but. He tenses up, holding his arms out and reaching for his magic. Pulling on it, hard. 
The fire rages, it lights up the whole clearing as it spreads. Dipper can feel it engulf himself, spread around the clearing, and engulf his assailant - 
To absolutely zero effect. Not even a sizzle, what the hell. 
Dipper spends a moment to be indignant as the creature lifts him up, and up, until his feet don’t even touch the ground. What the hell. He’s always been able to explode stuff, and the one time he actually wanted to, it doesn’t work?
“Trying to heat things up, huh? Nice try, sapling, but it won’t work.” Says the man holding him, sounding delightedly amused. “As a guy once said - I’m extremely cool!”
Dipper snaps his gaze downwards, towards that voice. “That’s not what I-”
He stops. Stares. 
Then glares.
A golden eye winks back at him. Some of the dirt has dried from the fire; now it flakes off in patches, revealing an eyepatch instead of an empty socket, and a suit instead of the yellow of lividity. Dipper’s idly tempted to insult his fashion, before he remembers he still can’t touch the freakin’ ground.
While the other shape didn’t have a literal smile, if you plastered it on a human face it would be a one-to-one match.
“You’re kidding me.” Dipper says. Somehow he’s not surprised.
He gets an eyebrow wiggle, and a brighter smile. The man lifts him up like a carnival prize; his suit really is tacky, Dipper should tell him that. And that his voice is so annoying, and he has a very handsome, very awful face. 
Bill cackles. Clearly thrilled.
“Really? Dipper says. Then, feeling tired. “Oh, come on, Bill. That was a dick move.” He lets his arms drop to his sides.
So obvious, when you think about it. So clear, when you know what’s up. 
There were so many chances to spot it, and Dipper was so dumb.
Bill Cipher, dream demon. Infamous for a lot of things, power and insanity and all of that - but mostly for wandering reality, tied to a mortal. While wearing a human shape. Obviously he has another form, being a demon and all, but it’s not like there are many depictions. Bill Cipher doesn’t stride around Earth without wearing his skin suit.
Well. Guess who just went and made him one. 
Dipper should be more upset. He should be furious. But mostly?
He’s thinking about how he’ll get Bill back for this. 
“What’s with the long face?” Bill Cipher asks, looking absurdly pleased with himself. A huge grin as he bounces Dipper in his grip, sharp teeth bared. “Everything went according to plan!”
“I’m an idiot,” Dipper states, before kicking Bill once. It doesn’t work, but it was mostly a gesture, anyway. “And you’re an asshole.”
“Sure am! But you’re my idiot now, sapling.” Bill says, cheerful as anything. He swings Dipper around, then over his shoulder like he weighs nothing. Throwing in a pat on the back, presumably for insult. “Good to see ya again!”
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waklman · 1 year
hey! It’s my birthday today! I was wondering if you could write a small blurb about Bradley doing something special for babybear on her birthday? No worries if you aren’t able to! I love the series! <3
Birthday Suit
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first off, happy freaking birthday!!!!! of course i’ll write something for you!!!! thank you for enjoying my series, i have on my party hat for you right as we speak B) i wanted to get this posted on the day of your birthday so sorry if it’s not as polished >.> (also maybe because i wrote this on the shaky bus..so that too haha)
warnings: fluff, 18+ blog in general, minors dni.
word count: 900
something ‘bout you masterlist.
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“Shit–she’s not here yet, right?” Bradley asks frantically, nudging the door open with his foot—hands clumsy handling a cake.
He’s yet to look up from the very costly decorated birthday cake, trying to balance it with sweaty fingers. You’ve been raving over the local bakery’s designs lately—showing Bradley their custom made desserts to an endless degree.
Which only meant that—he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t splurge on a cake. Especially one that was shaped like the head of a bear. When he finally arrived at the bakery for pickup, in his scramble to show up on time—Bradley couldn’t even be mad that one of the bear’s eyeballs were slipping off the edge, because you’d like it.
It would make you laugh, and that’s all Bradley needed to know before stuffing a fat twenty dollar bill in the tip jar—rendering the teenage girl at the register speechless.
As he sets the cake down, Bradley stretches his neck to face the group of usually chatty aviators surrounding the kitchen island.
His eyes are already narrowed into slits, staring at them through his eyebrows with a warning look.
There’s only silence between him and the group, who all have their mouths parted in shock. Hangman’s mouth is parted the widest, making the paper party horn slip from his teeth—which annoys Bradley even more.
Bob is the only one who can’t face Bradley, blinking down at the cake nervously—trying his hardest to ignore his choice of apparel.
“Don’t say a thing,” he grits, watching Jake collect his thoughts, lips puckering together—a clear sign that he does in fact—has something to say.
To no one’s surprise, he’s the first to speak up. “What the—What the fuck is on your face?” Jake sputters, lips curling inside his mouth to let out a hideous laugh.
He says exactly what everyone’s thinking, causing most of the pilots to double over in laughter. Though some of them—well just Coyote, accidentally spits up in his own hand, from holding in his amusement.
“What the fuck is on his face?!” Natasha yells the question at Jake. “Don’t you mean—What the fuck is he wearing?” Natasha puts forth, tugging on the pink tutu around his waist.
“Hey. Hands off woman, this took forever to put on.” Bradley grunts, turning his hip away from her hands.
It’s not like Bradley isn’t aware of how ridiculous he looks. There’s a full shaving cream beard ringing around his mouth for God's sake. Not to mention the bright pink tulle around his jeans—paired with a matching princess tiara sitting on his curls, of course.
He’s actually very aware that he looks like he’s been dressed by a group of six year old girls given free reign—also known as the collective who runs your brain. You’d have a hoot at this.
Before anyone else can get another word in—the front door of your apartment jiggles, and Fanboy quickly hushes everyone. The make fun of Rooster convention is put to an end as everyone scatters to a nearby hiding spot. If it’s one thing the group is good at—it’s knowing how to act quickly.
Right as you walk in, you almost fall over from being greeted with loud screams of “Suprise!” and “Happy Birthday!” and even one “I love you more than Rooster!” coming from Hangman.
Clutching your chest, your mouth stretches into a wide smile—heart full of joy at the surprise. “W-What? Oh my god,” you catch sight of Bradley first.
Completely dropping your stuff onto the floor, you go running at the flushed pilot, throwing yourself into his arms. Bradley stumbles back with a shy look on his face, “How do I look honey?”
You place a searing kiss to his mouth, letting the shaving cream stamp your own face—matching Bradley. “So freaking cute, I love the tiara,” you laugh, taking it for yourself.
Jake’s already starting, “See, I don’t know—it looks fine on her but on Rooster it’s kinda—” Natasha jabs him in the ribs with her elbow, not wanting him to ruin the moment. Jake groans, catching the hint.
Bradley finally drops you, hands still on your waist as you slip back onto the wooden tiles. You get distracted, playing with Bradley’s skirt as he grins down at you, “How’d they get this in your size? I tried checking before but—”
“Ahem.” Payback cuts in, knowing you and Bradley tend to get lost in your own little world.
You both turn to face the noise, and everyone’s surrounding the cake, waiting for you to notice it.
“No. No you didn’t!” You gape, hands coming to your mouth—smearing your new white beard.
Your eyes start to actually well up watching everyone make excited gestures at you—happy that you got your dream cake. Hangman flaps his hands around the cake, with an open smile.
Unable to contain your tears, your fingers stretch over your eyes, covering your face completely. “Baby—wait hey are you crying?” Bradley worriedly leans down, trying to pry your hands off.
You fall foward into his chest, and he catches you. “It’s s’cute. The ugly little eyeball—I can't,” you muffle into your palms.
“Thought you’d like that,” he laughs, glad they’re just happy tears. Placing a kiss onto your hairline, he whispers, “Happy birthday babybear.”
“Babybear!” All the pilots shout in unison, some even tearing up themselves. In a flash, everyone's throwing themselves at you both, turning it into a group hug. Hangman is the last to join, wrapping his arms around everyone, sniffling.
You just cry harder at the sentiment, this is the best birthday ever.
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note: as always, thank you for reading and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
tags for this series: @wkndwlff @sammyrenae68 @stark3ys @roosterbruiser @gracelyn-writes @zombiedeathsworld @blueoorchid @averyhotchnerr
join my taglist for this series here or follow @waklman-library and turn on notifs to get notified when i post !
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nelkcats · 1 year
Hood Assistant
Prompt Part 1 Part 5 Part 6 Ao3 Next
Part 7
To be fond of dancing is a certain step towards falling in love.
"I see, thanks for confirming Jay" Danny forced a smile as he continued to look around the room.
The apartment yelled Red Hood in a unique way, but it also yelled Jay and that had him extremely confused, although it made sense if he took into account that the two of them were dating each other.
Since at least three of Bill's bizarre theories made sense, then most of them must be true, and Danny couldn't deny that anymore.
Jason was dating Red Hood
A reality that made his head spin and his heart ache, what was he supposed to do now with his silly crush? It was not easy to stop an illusioned heart
Though if he read all the signs correctly then Jay was enjoying his company,and maybe just for a couple of days he could fool himself into thinking he had a chance. Even if the current situation was just to help him face his own fears.
"So when will your roommate come back?" Danny asked worriedly, if the vigilante would return soon, there was no point in getting his hopes up.
"He's on a trip with his team, so definitely not anytime soon" Jason apologized, if the cute boy in front of him had already swallowed the lie that he was living with Red Hood then nothing could be worse. There would be no consequences for him, not at all.
Jason steadfastly refused to acknowledge the endless number of books that were precisely about avoiding lying to others because lies could collapse like a house of cards in the face of a strong wind.
It's for his own good, and this will not bring me any consequences at all.
Maybe if he repeated it to himself enough times it would come true, no matter how much his conscience was screaming at him. Damn charming boy who decided to make him feel things in his own home!
"Well, we're officially glued to each other for at least a couple of days" Danny stated a little brighter, it wouldn't hurt to follow Johnny's advice and allow himself to be happy for a couple of days. A bit risky, but it had enough advantages to consider it.
"It seems so, but we already had breakfast" Jason perked up when he saw that Danny had put the subject of his roommate aside.
He realized that the boy was right, if it was a new formula and Danny was the only human being affected then the bats would take a little longer to create a cure, although staying stuck with him for a few days didn't sound bad. His company was fun, he made him laugh and his stupid heart pounded every time he was around him.
His treacherous heart had not understood that he couldn't fall in love, not now or ever, no matter how much his head recited the entire book of Pride and Prejudice from head to toe, he was not in love, he couldn't be.
Even if the boy was cute, and talked about Disney rats as if they were a fact, or looked at him in admiration when he did something as simple as cook and enjoyed his food as if it had fallen from heaven.
"There's a lot to do besides eat breakfast Jay" Danny smiled as he pulled his hand to follow him, to which Jason didn't put up much resistance.
He definitely noticed the little fang sticking out of Danny's lip, and how the boy was biting his lower lip as if it were bothering him, but he decided not to comment on it yet.
Danny was avoiding with all his might not to bite Jason at that moment, his hunger for ectoplasm was more active than ever, but Jason had no ectoplasm on his body, he tried to remind his head.
He was obviously failing at it, because his new vampiric tendencies wanted to sink his fangs in and sip his crush like juice. But that was wrong, very wrong. And he wasn't a vampire! he winced internally for comparing himself to Vlad for a minute.
“Do you know what I like to do when I'm bored?” Danny asked, swinging his feet from side to side, trying to drive the taste of the ectoplasm out of his mind and diverte the energy meant for biting into the continuous movement of his feet.
"Mutilate fruits and vegetables beyond recognition?" Jason teased, if he had noticed his sudden nervousness he didn't show it.
"Besides that smart ass" Danny rolled his eyes at the comment.
"I have no idea, but it doesn't look like you can stay still for long" Jason pointed out curiously.
"You're right, I don't like sitting still" Danny agreed with him "that made my older sister really desperate, so she taught me something"
Jason had no idea he had a sister, so he decided not to mention it. He would definitely bring up the subject at another time.
"Did she taught you how to swing on expensive chandeliers and a little gymnastics?" Jason asked, if that was the case then it would be a complete coincidence because that was precisely what Dick had taught him when he was a child.
Unfortunately they didn't have the same amount of energy and Jason didn't find funny being dropped off buildings to "learn how to fly", he'd broken his arm once!
"I don't think she knows how to do that," Danny muttered to himself "but no, she taught me how to dance"
"You? Dancing?" Jason raised an eyebrow.
It's not that he believed it impossible, it's just that dancing required a lot of patience even if it was mostly about movement; Danny was definitely not the definition of patience.
"Yes, I like to dance, it's quite relaxing and it helps drain energy" Danny smiled, he had figured out how to divert his new energy "but let me ask you a few questions first"
"I don't see how that's relevant, but as you wish Doll" Jason agreed easily. He had no reason not to trust him with dance questions
"Have you ever danced with Death?" Danny offered his hand in invitation. It was a last minute decision, and the question probably sounded strange but he couldn't help it.
"One time, it wasn't a pleasant experience." Jason took the offered hand. Thinking about death wasn't very satisfying but he was curious where the boy was going with those questions. 
"Would you like to try again?"  Danny pulled him to the center of the room with a smile "I promise I'll do better"
"I didn't picture you as a grim reaper," Jason teased as he followed him into the center of the room, trying to ignore all the implications.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not" Danny said cryptically, although it was obvious he was joking "Anyway, I promise to treat you better than she did"
"Okay, but we're going to need some music" Jason commented, reaching over to take his phone.
"I have it solved, pretty boy" Danny hit the play button on his phone as a song began to play. Did he have his phone the whole time? Jason wondered.
I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along
The song didn't sound familiar to Jason, but the melody relaxed him, and he began to follow in Danny's footsteps. Which seemed to be looking at him with a smile on his face as he gently swayed across the living room.
Now in its place is something new
Jason recalled the happy moments after getting out of Ra's contaminated pit. When he thought that he would be listed as a villain but instead the inhabitants of Crime Alley began to follow him, considering him their protector. When he was greeted with a hug instead of a frown, so similar but different from when he was a child.
I hear it when I look at you
Danny continued to take careful steps as he moved around the room. He liked being with Jason, it made him feel free in a way his family never could.
Jazz had been his only salvation, the only escape he could allow himself, and yet when she left Amity he didn't feel bad; just empty, a little sad. Maybe it was because he knew he was stopping his sister, one way or another.
Danny was aware that Jazz had never been able to afford a normal childhood because of him, that their parents meant well but their intentions were not good to take care of something more than themselves
With simple songs I wanted more, perfection is so quick to bore
Jason remembered his family nights, when they were all together. Or at least pretending to be; The times when they got together to watch Cass's dance recitals. The moment the whole family hosted a small dinner to celebrate Tim's promotion to CEO.
When everyone was a normal family instead of reluctant allies, when his family showed love to each other without words, which never worked for them anyway. And he remembered hating having to come out of the perfect picture.
He remembered how much he'd missed Dick's little pranks, having to force Tim to get some sleep, cooking for Cass, even having an afternoon explaining Damian about art history.
But he didn't belong in that painting. The moment he died he was banned from Bruce Wayne's beautiful family, the boy who was welcome in that loving home was left underground.
He returned to life worse than ever and without the right to return home, the small moments in which they seemed to accept him were only fantasies and he felt like crying or shouting at the world for that injustice.
I'm Jason Todd, and as much as you screw me up, I'm still standing.
He just didn't know where he was standing.
You are more beautiful by far
Danny watched a series of complicated expressions pass over Jason's face and decided to help, he turned him around as they talked "Don't think about it, even if it causes you pain, you must remember that you are still standing"
Danny knew a lot about having complicated emotions on different situations, and maybe he wasn't the best at giving advice but it didn't hurt to try "sometimes, it's better to accept that acting is the best solution"
Jason knew they weren't on the same line of conversation but answered anyway "No, leaving means dying."
Leaving meant going back to his family, meant waiting for acceptance where he had no right. Exposing them to danger out of a selfish desire to have someone to depend on again.
Leaving meant going back to being the scared little boy inside an explosion that led to his death. It meant talking about how he felt even if no one was willing to listen to his words. Jason was tired of being the one to get scared, the one to protect others, but what choice did he have? There was no choice but to face the world head on, get angry, and do something about it where no one else was.
Danny looked at him a little confused but remembered what Jazz had told him "On the contrary, leaving means living before you die"
He would know, he had died because of his parents desire for knowledge, he forced himself to be there for others even when there was no one for him. He refused to accept that there was someone other than him to solve the world's problems, no matter how heavy they were. The city blamed all its problems on the recently dead boy, and he did nothing to contradict them.
Sam and Tucker knew it, they had tried so many times to get the city to leave him alone, but they were just kids. None of them could see an alternative, a different way to act, a way to save themselves as well as the others. Danny gave up because no one had saved him, and maybe no one would ever come to save him.
He gave up to such an extent that he forgot that it was possible to save himself. That he could learn how to swim in the sea that was drowning him. That respirators existed for those who could not breathe.
He chained himself to a duty that was not his and lost everything he cared about, until his home felt like a death trap, his parents like enemies, and his city like a prison. But over the years he got it, he didn't have to be there, he had to act fast, move, leave.
The reason he came to Gotham was because he needed to live again, he needed to remember that he was as alive as he was dead.
"Jason, it's okay to wish others well, to wish them to be perfectly happy, but just like everyone else, you must also allow yourself to be happy in the same way" The halfa decided to say as he continued the dance.
Maybe it was a pointless comment, and it had nothing to do with what Jay was thinking, but he needed to let him know, for his own sake as well as his.
Our flaws are who we really are
Jason allowed himself to think on his words for a moment. Danny had no idea of his identity as Red Hood, would he still say the same after finding out? It was unlikely, but he liked to believe so.
"What makes you so sure it's the best solution?" He asked quietly, when Danny talked about acting he thought maybe he should act in response to his own fears.Take action and leave them behind.
"You don't know, I think that's the thrill of living" Danny smiled as he increased the speed of his steps "sometimes you have to take risks hoping for the best"
One thing he learned after he died was that fear of taking risks was unnecessary. If something was going to happen it would, even if you tried to avoid it in every possible way. It was just the way fate worked. What people used to forget is that they were in control of their own fate.
"Taking risks could get you killed," Jason stated with a frown, following his movements a little more robotically than he intended.
"I'll teach you something that someone important to me taught me" Danny stated, remembering one of Clockwork's lessons.
I used to hear a simple song
"What will you tell me? That there is no point in fearing death because there is so much to live for? Someone gave me that talk a long time ago" and he had died for having listened to it, for throwing himself without precautions like his father had taught him.
"No Jay, nobody wants to die," Danny assured, recalling his own experience "even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there"
"So?" Jason frowned, not quite understanding.
"However, we all end up dying right?" Danny smiled sadly "some sooner than others, but no one escapes it"
"This isn't making me feel any better, Doll" Jason said.
"I didn't mean to make you feel better, just to tell you that there's no point in being afraid to act because death will always be there, it will still do it if you decide not to act, you know?" Danny said as he pulled him closer to himself, even if he was a little short he could lead the dance.
Jason sighed accepting the point as he tried to relax. Maybe Danny was right and he should stop being so cautious around what he loved.
But he had spent so much time being afraid of hurting them that he didn't know how to stop. Maybe things will get better now. Even if most of his siblings backed away from him out of caution, it was the best he'd been in a long time.
That was until you came along
Jason noticed at that moment that the pits weren't acting, he wasn't angry. He was sad, desperate, maybe a little heartbroken but definitely not angry. For some reason Danny helped with that, something in that carefree boy with cooking problems made him feel better.
Neither of the two boys noticed how Danny was slowly feeding on the corrupted ectoplasm the longer they maintained contact. How  his fangs were getting smaller and his urge to bite lessened. The halfa assumed it was just a positive effect of dancing.
Jason just felt better overall as he continued with the dance. He attributed it to his growing feelings for the cute boy. Something about that goofy boy, who had a problem with taking care of himself and a lot of mysteries wrapped around just appealed to him. Maybe it was time to start accepting it, at least until the effects of the gas wore off and they both had to go back to the real world far from the apartment.
You took my broken melody
Jason closed his eyes, letting himself be carried away by the song. He felt broken, the pits made him feel like a damaged product but it would be hypocritical of him to say that because he told Danny that people couldn't be defective right? It was time to start believing his own words.
Humans weren't born defective, and radioactive pits weren't going to change that. He just had to keep repeating that long enough for him to gain the courage to act on his words. Until the moment he allowed himself to return to the side of the family and recognize that he deserved love too, the love that many of them were willing to give him.
Danny also closed his eyes, letting himself go, a little guilty for having to teach Jay such a bittersweet lesson, Clockwork wasn't the best with feelings, nor how to express them. Clockwork was time, time was honest in every way and did not embellish the truth.
Clockwork was his mentor and yet they had met because he was destined to die. Apparently when time doesn't like the fate you're taking he decides it is better to let you know. Danny wondered if Clocky would yell at him if falling for Jason was a bad idea.
And now I hear a symphony
When they both opened their eyes, they were smiling. By some miracle neither of them had tripped over something in the room, or maybe it was just fate acting but they felt a little better.
They finished the song tired, with their hair completely tousled but feeling lighter than they had ever felt before. Who would have thought that a dance could free so much of what you have trapped? And make you think about the situation a little more.
Maybe ignoring the world for a couple of days while staying inside the apartment wasn't such a bad idea after all. Perhaps it was the best idea either of them had ever come up with.
Danny pointed at his phone again and Jason nodded. It was morning and they had a lot of time to waste, so dancing a little more was not a bad idea.
"Love" sang the little crow watching them from the couch, for some reason he had stopped speaking during the entire exchange, maybe he understood the scene, or he was just tired.
"No, no, no, no, I refuse" Johnny said as he pushed Amorpho out of the apartment.
The moment Danny had walked through that door with red eyes, he knew that was definitely not his usual roomie but an impostor.
"No refunds, until Danny gets back from the alleged kidnapping this is a roomie swap" Amorpho sneered as he pushed Johnny into the apartment again "Move over, a new star has come to town"
"But that could take DAYS" Johnny grumbled. He was glad that Danny was with his crush, maybe making some headway. What he didn't like was an intruder in his temporary haunt.
"It's good than I'm replacing him at school then" Amorpho scoffed, stealing Johnny's spot on the couch, Johnny dramatically inhaled and pointed at him in offense.
"MY COUCH" The motorcyclist complained. It had been his couch since the day he'd arrived, which might not sound like much, but by now Johnny had already claimed the couch as his own. His place.
"Our couch" Amorpho corrected him.
He was well aware that the ghost didn't like his company, but he needed a place to stay since he had been dragged to Gotham anyway.
Besides, now that he had new friends and had joined the drama club to star in Beauty and the Beast then he had to stay until the production was over.
If he was completely honest, even if Danny was bounding back out that door in a matter of minutes he'd deny him from going back to college for a long time. He had already put enough effort into attending that supposed advanced physics class for all his efforts to be despised.
Shadow simply sighed as they peeked out of Johnny's shadow to see the new temporary resident and went back into hiding, they weren't going to deal with that.
On the other hand, Cujo woke up and began to bark at the two ghosts until they paid attention to him.
"What's wrong Cujo?" Johnny asked, preferring to pay more attention to the pup than to the couch usurping ghost.
Cujo grunted as he held up a very particular can of soup, to which Johnny cocked his head in confusion.
"That's Danny's ectoplasm" the motorcyclist stated before realizing the problem "DANNY LEFT WITHOUT HIS ECTOPLASM"
"Is that a bad thing?" Amorpho asked curiously looking at the can, honestly it only brought back bad memories "Gotham has enough ectoplasm for him"
"Sure, but Danny's been feeding on pure ectoplasm instead of human food for a while, do you know what that means?" Johnny put his hands on Amorpho's shoulders and started to shake him "he'll have a reaction!"
"How bad can it be?" Amorpho snorted.
"He'll start biting the floor" Johnny said seriously, remembering Lunch's story of the first time she had to deliver emergency ectoplasm to Danny's new haunt because the halfa had run out of reserves "his body will look for the nearest ectoplasm and I'm sorry if I I don't want to become a teether toy for halfas"
"Danny is far from here" Amorpho brushed off the concern.
"But we're the purest ectoplasm in the area," Johnny stated, shaking the can.
"Okay, let's go find him and give him his silly ectoplasm," Amorpho grumbled, "where is he though?"
Cujo groaned as he lay down on the floor, his new caretakers were useless and he wished Danny would come back soon.
Oblivious to the ghosts, Gotham had a perfectly accessible source of ectoplasm below the city, and a slightly impure source right next to the halfa.
After a morning in which they both danced their hearts out, Danny and Jason had decided to take a nap, they never let go of each other's hand. Of course, when Jason woke up he didn't expect to see a suspicious shadow moving through his kitchen. The crow was happily sleeping next to the window.
"What are you doing in my house?" Jason questioned absently before noticing that indeed, there was someone there "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?"
"I want waffle fries" Dick came out of the darkness with an empty plate, looking at his brother with a pleading face.
"I'm not going to cook for you right now" Jason said offended "What am I, your personal chef?"
"Since you're the only one who can cook, yes" Dick nodded, offering his empty plate again.
"That's a complete lie, you could have asked Alfie and you know it" Jason pointed at him accusingly.
Before the two began arguing among themselves, the halfa decided it was better if they noticed him, he assumed Jay had forgotten he was in the room.
"Um, Jay?" Danny tugged at Jason's nightshirt, hiding himself from the sight of the guy who randomly walked into the house "Who is he?"
Danny was lucky to decide not to attack the sudden threat, because the two of them seemed pretty close to each other, however, who walks into someone else's house randomly to order fries?
"Oh, you had a guest" Dick said stupidly.
"Yes, I have a guest," Jason growled in annoyance "Would you mind explaining to him what you're doing here, officer fries?"
Jason and Dick had a staring contest, challenging the other to speak first. However, Dick lost first because Jason nodded towards his empty plate and he took the cue.
If I talk I'm not going to cook anything for you
"I'm sorry, I'm officer Richard Grayson, I usually contact this young man to give him the details of the cases in which he is involved" Dick said clearing his throat, it seemed that being a police officer had served him well.
"Do you get into a lot of trouble?" Danny looked at Jason, concerned, dating Hood must really put him in danger.
"Yes, as Hood's assistant" he said emphasizing the title while looking at the officer "I'm usually the one who talks to the police and stuff, so we're very familiar with each other"
Officer Grayson nodded but Danny looked at the empty plate with a raised eyebrow, he didn't quite believe them.
"Still totally a Dick move, mate" Danny pointed at the officer, who tried to cover his laughter at the comment with a cough "you don't go into other people's houses and demand food"
"And yet I'm going to cook his dumb fries." Jason rolled his eyes as he snatched the empty plate from Dick's hands "come on Danny."
"I was informed that you were involved in Scarecrow's attack" Dick said curiously "is that why you guys are so close?"
Inwardly, Dick wondered if the union was really due to Scarecrow's attack and not his brother's new crush. Maybe it could be both, considering Jason “Pitter” Todd looked so possessive of the civilian when he took him away. 
"You're a very nosy police officer" Jason shot him a stink-eye "we found the effects wear off for him with physical contact"
"You should probably inform the bats," Dick said offhandedly, though the message was obvious. I'll tell the bats.
"Bats are very nosy, they don't need more information about it" Jason refused. Don't you dare.
"However, it might be useful for them to have more information to combat the gas" Dick replied. They need to know.
"It's irrelevant information, they don't need to know" Jason said. They don't need to know about Danny.
Danny just watched the discussion not knowing if he should interrupt. He felt he was missing something but he was never good at reading between the lines.
"Excuse me, why would it help to tell the bats?" Danny asked the officer, frowning "I know they're fascinating animals, but I don't see how they can be of any help,"
"You don't know who the bats are?" Dick questioned in shock, if the guy worked for Hood he should know.
"He's not from Gotham," Jason hastened to clarify "The Bats are a group of vigilantes who dress up as bats to fight crime"
"So, furries?" Danny cocked his head considering the new information.
"If you say it like that it sounds horrible" Dick grimaced, although if you looked at it from another angle they really did
"There's nothing wrong with that, my friend Tucker is one, it's a matter of taste I think" Danny shrugged.
"Wait, didn't you say you've been living in Gotham for a few months?" Jason raised an eyebrow. "How come you've never heard of the Bats or even Crane?"
"Well, I think I did but…" Danny thought about his first days in Gotham.
Danny was tired, after running away from Amity he needed a place to stay but why did it have to be in New Jersey? Something bad always happens in New Jersey! According to Sam.
He looked at the city sign that said "Welcome to Gotham City, the worst place to live" and even though the latter was written in graffiti he smiled, well at least it felt like home..
However, the smile faded from his face as soon as he saw a clown laughing at a guy in a bat costume while he enrolled in his new university; he wasn't going to judge their clothing choices, but why a clown?
He found out later that the madman was called "Joker", (some self-assigned nickname, perhaps?) and caused a lot of destruction, to the point where the city had something called "Joker insurance", apparently the furry also had "Batman insurance" for property damage.
The halfa decided to classify them as rogues of the city. Amity had a lot of them before the portal closed, and perhaps they were in competition with each other to see who had the most control in Gotham.
So when his classmate Amy mentioned that Batman had destroyed her house to catch  Dr. Freeze he frowned.
Batman must be very possessive of Gotham's control.
As he explored the city in search of an apartment he met some very colorful people: a bat man, a crocodile man, a woman dressed as plants, more clowns and even two cats!
Maybe Gotham just dressed so extravagantly out of habit, and it wasn't really a weird thing, they were just all weird by default, or a lot of cosplayers.
Then when he visualized a boy with bat ears he shrugged. He must be part of a theme band, or maybe he's a fan of that Bat-man guy.
When he "borrowed" his apartment in Crime Alley he decided to relax and ignore all the rumors. Soon after, his university was destroyed by this "Joker" guy and he had to take online classes for a while.
The Goons sometimes talked about people he didn't understand "Poison Ivy" "Catwoman" "Harley Quinn" he guessed they were code-speaking by nicknames; he decided to ignore it and ask someone later, he didn't want to be nosy and he doubted it would affect him in the near future.
By the time face-to-face classes returned, he noticed that many of his classmates were whispering about a Scarecrow man, which he considered rude so he shut down the rumors. You shouldn't talk behind others' backs after all.
"I heard of Batman, but I thought he was a very possessive rogue, I had no idea he was a vigilante" Danny shrugged "or had an entourage."
"It's not an entourage!" Dick exclaimed "it's camaraderie and mutual respect"
"Yes, an entourage of bats" the halfa nodded as he followed Jason into the kitchen.
"No wait, you thought Batman was a villain?" Jason smiled broadly, he needed to share that with his other siblings.
"Fights with others, causes property damage, he's possessive of the city" Danny began to count on his fingers "Yeah, it seemed like villainous behavior"
"But he also donates to the city, fights the real villains and keeps the streets safe" Dick replied.
"No, from what I heard Bruce Wayne donates to the city, even though fighting bad guys is a good reason I thought he was doing it out of possessiveness" Danny clarified.
"You have no idea about villains or vigilantes but you know exactly who Bruce Wayne is?" Jason raised an eyebrow, taking out the materials to cook the potatoes.
"Well, I had to know who to run from, obviously" Danny said, rolling his eyes.
"Why would you run from Bruce Wayne?" Dick asked feeling doubtful "he's just a playboy with a lot of kids"
"I don't like millionaires" Danny narrowed his eyes "and I remember reading that he had a son named Richard, just like you"
"Okay, you got me, he's my dad" Dick sighed, there was no point in denying it if the boy was paranoid with millionaires.
Although neither of the other two knew about it, Danny was very paranoid about people with money and big houses. He investigated Bruce Wayne to get out of his way, just like Lex Luthor and Oliver Queen, Vlad had left him a bad experience that he didn't plan to repeat.
"I'm sorry for your loss" Danny patted Dick's shoulder solemnly.
"I'm not dead" Dick said, offended.
"If you're not offended, why don't you go back to the mansion and have Alfred cook your fries, eh?" Jason smirked as he pointed at Dick with a knife.
"You're scary when you have a knife in your hand," Dick pointed out, though he didn't seem threatened at all "But I didn't want to upset Alfie, I moved a long time ago" 
"Or you didn't want to see Bruce, you probably got into a fight with him again," Jason pointed out as he went back to his task of cutting potatoes with one hand.
The halfa tried to help him by cutting another part of the potatoes, but most of his potato pieces were jagged. So he frowned and tried to do a little better.
"Again, sorry for your loss" Danny repeated "millionaires can't be trusted, I get it officer"
Every millionaire has a secret basement and something to hide. The halfa refrained from saying out loud, it would be impolite to speak ill of the father of the non-guest.
Dick rolled his eyes, even if Jason wasn't wrong and he had fought with Bruce, he wouldn't let him know. It was quite obvious that the family had some problems with each other.
"Oh, who's Alfie?"  Danny asked remembering the name "The only thing I understood is that he could cook"
"He's a cat," Jason said nonchalantly, taking the jagged potato wedges Danny made along with his own and starting to cook them.
"No, he's my butler" Dick corrected his younger brother before Danny had any ideas. He already had weird theories with millionaires, surely he didn't need fuel to theorize about butlers too.
"But it's also a cat" Jason said again. It was quite easy to tease his older brother at the moment, and since his roles were usually opposite, he was having fun.
"He's a butler cat who can cook?" Danny asked, more and more confused. The mental image of a small white cat with a frying pan flashed into his mind and he chuckled. He reminded him of one of the videos he had seen online.
"Alfred is a Wayne family butler" the policeman said with a sigh "but yes, we also have a cat named Alfred"
Dick congratulated himself for not saying ours throughout the conversation, he was doing a good job of keeping Jason's cover. Even if the two people in front of him were getting a bit infuriating.
Maybe he shouldn't have randomly interrupted Jason after he faced a Scarecrow attack, but he had a huge craving for waffle fries, and both Alfred and Jason were the only ones who knew how to make them correctly.
"Doesn't that get confusing quickly?" Danny said, feeling a bit queasy from all the going back and forth, the rich really did have weird traditions.
"Probably, my little brother loved Alfred the butler and decided to name the cat after him" Dick shrugged, there was nothing that could be done when Damian decided to name his new pets after something, and as long as Alfred didn't get offended by it, it was fine.
"Rich people really do have weird hobbies" Danny whispered to Jason as he handed over more of the potato wedges.
"Yeah, I don't know how they handle all the luxury" Jason whispered back with a grin.
He was well aware that his older brother was listening to him perfectly, but he didn't care. He really didn't know how they managed to bear all the luxury and details that the mansion had, there were times when it was too much.
Deciding not to mention their conversation, Dick began to evaluate them. They seemed quite comfortable with each other, even if Danny really needed the physical contact he thought Jason would be more reluctant to accept.
Could it be that his brother was in love?
"Here are your waffle fries Dick" Jason put the perfectly done fries in front of the police officer, who looked at them with stars in his eyes.
"You're a kitchen angel!" Dick exclaimed as he began to eat them, they tasted as good as he remembered.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jason huffed as he put another two batches of fries in front of him and Danny, they were more irregular in shape and indistinct, but Jason didn't seem bothered about it.
Danny's heart raced as he realized Jason was specifically eating the potatoes he'd cut up, even if they didn't look like they should. He couldn't help but smile as he stole a few.
"Hey Doll, don't be a thief" Jason slapped the hand who was stealing from him as he pushed the fries away from the halfa's reach.
"I'm not the one insulting a police officer" Danny grumbled under his breath as he decided to stick with his perfectly cooked slice of waffle fries that Jason had handed him. They were very well made but he wanted the effort of both of them.
Jason ignored the pleading face Danny was sending him as he ate the misshapen fries, he didn't know why he felt possessive towards them but he did.
"But he wasn't insulting me" said Dick, confused by the comment, although it was a bit unintelligible due to the amount of fries he had in his mouth at that moment.
"He called you Dick and multiple variants of it a couple of times" Danny pointed out in confusion, that was obviously an insult.
"Besides, don't be an animal and swallow before you speak" Jason scolded.
"You read that my name was Richard but you don't know that my nickname is Dick?" The policeman said in disbelief, maybe the boy was bad at investigation.
"Did any of your friends hate you? Or did your parents?" Danny asked with concern, surely no one would choose that nickname voluntarily.
"I have no idea what you're implying, I had a very good family, and my friends loved me very much" Dick replied, narrowing his eyes.
"Did you choose that nickname willingly?" The halfa told him worried "Did you know what you were getting yourself into?"
"I'm not from this country, I came in a circus" Dick rolled his eyes "and my nickname is beautiful, thank you very much"
"Beautiful for a big Di-" Danny tried to say but was stopped by Jason putting a hand over his mouth and shaking his head. Well, he supposed he'd let the circus boy go for once.
"Anyway, I'm here to report that Nightwing will visit later to update you on the cure" Dick informed.
"Nightwing must be a nosy vigilante" Jason scoffed as he finished his fries.
"And how do you know about him? Is it some Bruce Wayne secret?" Danny asked suspiciously, communication with those bats (glorified furries) was weird.
"No, it's because I work in Blüdhaven with him" The police officer quickly denied, the less this paranoid boy knew the better.
"Uh, but if you work there, why do you come here to ask Jason about Hood? He shouldn't be part of your jurisdiction." Danny narrowed his eyes, catching a hint of a lie.
"Oh, it's just that I found out they had a close relationship" Dick tried to fix the problem "and since I'm familiar with Gotham because I lived here, the cops send me every time they have a problem"
Jason knew that everything his older brother was saying at that moment was nonsense. He simply hoped that Danny would buy it without commenting too much.
"I understand what you mean" Danny nodded understanding the situation, he assumed that the police had found out about Jason's relationship with Hood, so they sent an outside officer to confirm if the rumors were true.
"Yes, totally" although he was surprised that Danny believed his words, Dick accepted it, even if he had a feeling he was feeding another bizarre theory.
Everyone already knew about their relationship or is Gotham very gossipy? Danny wondered
"Thank you very much for the fries, Chef Jay" Dick nodded, waving his empty plate "it was delicious as always."
"Sadly I can't get rid of you if I don't feed you," Jason grumbled as he leaned back on Danny's head.
"Although I'm glad your coexistence is going well, I still have to inform the bats so" The policeman pointed to the door "wait for a visit very soon, bye!"
With that said, the officer ran out of the apartment, though Danny swore he was holding back the urge to jump buildings. But that made no sense, not everyone in Gotham had to be weird.
"You have very strange friends" the halfa commented to Jason once the policeman was out of sight.
"Friends who don't even know how to lock the door" Jason complained looking at how he had turned out his apartment "Don't stay too comfortable, one of the bats is going to come here later"
"One of the furries? I think I can handle it" Danny sneered, he had lived with Tucker all his life, another furry shouldn't be a problem.
"I don't think you understand, they're very nosy Doll" Jason frowned worriedly, stroking his hand "they'll want to know everything"
"Well, all we're going to tell them is that you're making me fat like the witch from Hansel and Gretel" Danny replied with a smirk.
"I'm much prettier than the witch in a story" Jason sneered with a smile on his face.
"Of course, you're much sexier, and comfortable," Danny said, though he regretted speaking "I mean, compared to the witch who's probably totally wrinkled and toothless"
"Don't try to improve it, the beginning was fine" Jason smiled shaking his head, amused "but my food is so much better than some cheap candy"
"Sure, your fabulous five star food that none of us poor mortals are worthy of" Danny said dramatically, pretending to faint.
"You really enjoy my food, don't you?" Jason said happily. Something inside of him felt irrefutably glad that both Dick and Danny were enjoying everything he made, even if it was simple things "lunch could be better though, you need more than potatoes."
"I don't think so, I usually eat very little, I think that if you keep feeding me I won't be able to stand it" the halfa said sadly.
Since his food was usually combined with a lot of ectoplasm, he didn't need to eat that often. But since he wouldn't be taking his daily dose with Johnny it was unlikely his stomach would get used to so much food all at once.
Even if he loved Jason's cooking he couldn't handle more than small meals, the pancakes and potatoes were fine, even if they were heavy they were in small quantities, but he couldn't handle anything more than that. Perhaps dinner.
"What do you mean? Your friend makes sure you eat, right?" Jason asked worriedly, he knew very well how to adjust to an eating rhythm when you weren't used to it, but he thought it wasn't Danny's case.
"My friend has only been here a short time," Danny hastened to explain, a little embarrassed, "just like my…neighbor, she's the one who sends me food."
The halfa didn't know how to correctly explain her relationship with ghosts; they were technically friends, but they were enemies at one point, and some still feuded with him on a regular basis.
Even if they had explained to him that fighting was a way for the ghosts to unite, he was still a bit annoyed that no one had explained it to him in the first place, so yes, his relationship with them was quite complicated. Since they were from a nearby dimension, he guessed that neighbors was the correct term. Lunch could also be called a friend, but it felt a bit weird.
"What? I thought he cooked your meals, or you did" Jason said, growing increasingly worried by the endless number of new revelations.
"Neither of us knows how to cook" Danny denied "our mutual neighbor brings us some food from our hometown to get us through the week, my friend just makes sure I really eat it"
"Isn't that dangerous? What if she starts avoiding Gotham? This place isn't bees and flowers, it's normal for tourists to refuse to visit" Jason asked, stroking the halfa's hand to comfort himself.
"I don't think that's the case," Danny said after thinking about it for a moment. He doubted any of the ghosts were scared of Gotham. They were almost impossible to kill and the blood flowers had long since been extinct.
Unless Gotham has an excellent groundskeeper, they have nothing to fear here.
That just added to Jason's worries, Danny was confident that someone else would enter Gotham on a monthly basis to bring him some food.
"I'm going to teach you how to cook, there is no other alternative" the vigilante declared suddenly "but moving on to the next topic, how much do you eat a day?"
Jason needed to adjust his rations according to the response he gave him. He'd been cooking carelessly, having fun, that he'd forgotten that Danny might have some dietary need, or some special need.
"It's okay Jay" Danny assured him, tightening his grip on his hands "most of my allergies are covered, and I only eat small amounts but it's pretty normal, you shouldn't worry."
"I was speaking out loud, wasn't I?" Jason wailed when he noticed his mistake.
"Sure, but you were just worried" Danny comforted him "it's normal Jay, if it makes you feel better I'll tell you what I usually eat"
Jason wasn't thrilled to find out Danny just forgot to eat, but he drank his "green tea" daily, which apparently wasn't a tea he could get his hands on since it was originally from his hometown, which he deeply refused to talk about.
Given the amount of trouble Babs had been having getting into his city network, he could understand the caution a bit. Even if it was extremely rare.
Jason wondered if he should use the gas excuse to kidnap him for a couple of days. After all, the universities within Gotham had plenty of policies to make up fouls for Rogue attacks
Danny wouldn't mind staying at his house for a couple of days, would he?
Annd tag time, this update is a bit longer than normal but I love the number and needed to go for it, supposedly this is 7777 from Chapter 7 so welcome to the Jackptot! I hope you liked it!
I'll dig into the fangs later, but yeah, a part of Danny is very hungry and Jason is unconsciously feeding it, although it's kind of mutual since he's healing him so it's okay.
Johnny and Amorpho are going to get into a lot of trouble in the next chapter, and here comes the big brother! Danny is too distracted when he wants to lol
@skulld3mort-1fan@sorryiwonnoob@idfk-man10@avelnfear@criticaloverthinker@confusedandghostly @lunadoll36 @spidey29phangirl @suppengott @yjfk@apointlessbox@mimilikey@thegatorsgoose@jaggedheart11@dyinggirldied@pyramaniac@akikkobara@thedragonqueen1998@lostlightandfoundcrazy@xye-chan@saltyladynightmare @ashleysmshly @thewondersoflebanon@illusionwolfwriter24r8@littlefeather345@asphyxia778@amercurio@leftmiraclechaos @dixiwoods @satoshy12@lyra689@meira-3919@quietlyscared@plotwholls @kyrianclawraith @blacksea21090@basilf1res @flowers-n-fauna @8-29pm@phantom-dc@luer-mirin@taniaundertaleau@cloriform@readerkayden@oddlydrawnpuppets@basementloser@little-green-asparagus@echoednonny@yummy-yummy-mmmbones@confusionchaos@ectoplasm024@autumnwulf@666deaddash999@redhoneysugarorange@blue-avis@sailor-goddess@satanicrutialspecialist
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amischiefofmuses · 8 months
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Bill Cipher Starter Call
LIKE for a random starter or REPLY if you want me to jump into DMs to plot!
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kaaaaaaarf · 11 months
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Welsh Moony - a playlist
So from the first day I met them, @wdcmaxy has impressed upon me their Welsh Remus agenda. I decided to make a playlist to celebrate Welsh Moony in all his glory.
All songs are by Welsh artists (some of them in Welsh), and I tried to select songs that I thought fit Remus well where I could.
Full tracklist with lyrics underneath the cut!
1. Hello Sunshine // Super Furry Animals
I'm a minger You're a minger too So, come on, minger I want to ming with you In honesty It's been a while Since we had reason Left to smile Hello, Sunshine Come into my life
2. Peeled Apples // Manic Street Preachers
You know so little about me What if I turn into a werewolf or something?
3. Y Bluen Eira // The Joy Formidable
Be sy'n digwydd dywed be ddoth o'r cudd-le Pwy sy'n codi o'r geg Sy'n brathu nôl yn anheg Yn hollti y dymuniad
4. Don't Be Scared, I Love You // Bill Ryder-Jones
Those scars All those senseless scars My worst parts were when you're gone And the endless screaming dark ... Don't be scared, don't be scared I love you, I love you
5. Have A Nice Day // Stereophonics
It started straight off, "coming here is Hell" That's his first words, we asked what he meant He said, "Where you from?" we told him a lot We take a holiday, is this what you want? To have a nice day Have a nice day Have a nice day Have a nice day
6. Ysbeidiau Heulog // Super Furry Animals
Ond ar y cyfan roedd y camau yn weigion Y swigod coch yn llosgi fel gwreichion Um cam ymlaen am ddwy aneffeithlon Ysbeidiau heulog Heulog oedd ein oariad ni Heulog tan ddaeth glaw yn lliff
7. Romance Is Boring // Los Campesinos!
You're pouting in your sleep I'm waking still yawning We're proving to each other That romance is boring Still there are things I could do If I was half prepared to Prove to each other that romance is boring
8. Thank God I'm Not You // HIMALAYAS
I'm a coward, I'm a freak The scum of the Earth A liar and a cheat But I could be so much worse You could call me narcissistic You could say I'm of no worth You could call me the scorn of Satan But I could be so much worse I thank God that I'm not you
9. Fel i Fod // Adwaith
Sai'n siwr fel i fod Beth o ni moyn bod Yn y dyfodol Fy hun sidd ar top y list Pethau nai byth ffeindio Gobeithio bod pawb yn gwybod Sai'n siwr fel i fod Falle fi moyn mynd yn willt Falle fi moyn mynd i gysgu Âa-ŵŵ
10. Sexbomb // Tom Jones (ft. Mousse T)
Make me explode although you know The route to go to sex me slow And yes, I must react to claims of those Who say that you are not all that. Sexbomb Sexbomb you're a Sexbomb You can give it to me, when I need to come along Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb And baby you can turn me on
11. Suckers! // Super Furry Animals
Tell me you're a phoenix Rising far above All the Suckers in the mainstream Suckers in their slipstream Suckers in the underground Suckers on the benches Suckers in the trenches Suckers in the lost and found
12. Pure Pleasure // Drowners
It hurts like hell But I'd given myself into thinking You'd settle down Now I'm holding my eyes and blinking And I almost choked When you offered me a smoke on your cigarette Dry your eyes This is only the first death Well it took me by surprise When you held me to your chest and said I could love you in secret I could love you in secret I could love you in secret But no one can know
13. Are You Satisfied? // MARINA
High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me 'Cause it's my problem if I want to pack up and run away It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
14. Dim Bendith // Super Furry Animals
Arswyd mae dy ddyddiau mor faith Does wybod lle i sbio pan fod pawb mor ddauwynebog Cysgu di heno febyn annwyl dy fam Mae'n anodd treulio mil pan fo'r ddinas mor ddi hafant Paid dyfaru byth Na, dwi'm yn chwerthin ar dy ben di
15. Cave Song // Pretty Vicious
We are children of the streets Don't listen to a word about tomorrow 'Cause the world is at our feet It's mad, so try and just relax Smoke another fag and ease your sorrows 'Cause you lads are all I need Singing, drinking in the caves All night, yeah
16. Conversations With Myself // Drowners
Where you going and how long until you're back To forget what what I just lost track I go to places where we used to go The empty bedroom has been feeling cold You must be busy, I've not heard from you for a while Feeling lonely? No I'll be alright My one track mind isn't treating me Quite as kindly as I'd have liked But conversations with myself Conversations with myself When I find the words I wanna say The door is locked and I can't find a way out
17. Torra Fy Ngwallt Yn Hir // Super Furry Animals
Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir? Reit i lawr at fy nhin Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir? Reit i lawr at fy nhin Fydd neb yn eistedd wrth fy ymyl Pan dwi ar y bws Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir? A paid a geund dim ffys!
18. 9669 // The Joy Formidable
We don't ride, we don't ride to sunset We just ride off to our last breath This time it's over Unless I under miss my Nothing miss my number
19. 9669 (Welsh Language Version) // The Joy Formidable - Bonus Track
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stardancerluv · 4 months
The Past Follows Like Your Shadow
Part 3
Summary: The pain still lingers.
Notes/Warning: Implied dom!Gator, dated/sexist views of marriage…sex.
Bullying behavior, hitting someone…
Coming soon…Gator Tillman smut
❤️s, reblogs, feedback are all welcome! Wanna be tagged please ask!
You distantly saw something fall onto your friend’s plate before a scream ripped from him.
“Gator? What’s the…?“ Your voice trailed off as you watched him fall and scramble from the picnic bench you both shared.
Moving quickly he was getting up and dusting himself.
“Are you ok?” You whispered.
Nodding he dusted himself off. You quickly noticed him rub the tears that had flooded his eyes when he fell with the back of his hand, luckily before the three goons that always gave the two of you trouble ambled over. Inwardly, you groaned.
“You are such a wuss Gator, they seriously should have scaredy-cat;” The other two chuckled. “You are no gator if a frog scares you.” Said the one who always did the talking.
Gator stepped forward. “I am not wus.”
“You are and you know it.” The older practically brushed against him as he also stepped closer.
Gator you noticed didn’t move away.
You blinked and the taller kid’s yelp startled you. That’s when you realized Gator had punched him in the nose.
“Hey now what’s going on here?” The much larger figured cast a shadow over all of you. It was Roy, Gator’s father.
“Nothing.” You managed to get out.
“Oh really?” His eyes darted to you.
You nodded and swallowed, the man terrified you. You saw one of his hands formed a fist.
The bully spoke up. “Yes, we were just horsing around Mr. Tillman.”
His eyes narrowed on him as he took a hand away from his nose that had become bloodier. The boy looked as if he shrank.
Never had you been relieved that everyone feared Gator’s father.
Then he turned to his son. “Gator?”
Startled awake you fell off your sofa with a thud.
Blinking, you looked around confused. The lights were on. Even the ac gently blew. Seeing Gator, had derailed you. Coming home, you tore through the boxes. You organized things in a blur to distract yourself. Before you knew it, it had been too late to get on the phone to settle anything with your Great Aunt’s bill.
Tiring yourself out, you had thought a short nap would help. You felt like you were all over the place, you couldn’t ground yourself with one emotion. You had not expected seeing gator would do that.
There was another knock at the door. This one vaguely sounded more urgent. It was that, that had woke you up from your dream of the past. But who could it be. Her neighbor had already brought over far too much food.
You looked down at yourself and straightened your shorts and tank top. Mabel, would just have to deal with your attire. You swore these old women, your aunt included had an endless array of moomoos to wear. She most likely going to invite you over for dinner like she had last night.
It had grown stuffy while going through her belongings before you had decided to take a nap. You had not intended to take such a long one. It was now dark out.
Fixing your messy ponytail you reached for the knob on heavy door. It barely budged. Sighing, you ended up needing both hands, it finally creaked open.
You gasped. “Gator?” You looked around then him up and down. “What are you doing here?”
A slow smile spread across his face. “I had to make sure they put on your electricity. Are you going to let me in?”
You gestured around you. “You, you?”
He nodded. “Who else?”
“Well, I was going to get it taken care of but, got distracted.” Inwardly you sighed. Grimacing, you nodded. “Sure but the place is a mess but sure.”
You didn’t know what to say, as he walked past you. The whiff from his cologne was distinctly stronger, you wondered idly if he had applied more before dropping by.
“How did you know?”
He turned on his heel to face you with lopsided smile you’d never forget as much as you tried to forget him. “Had my suspicions, decided to follow my hunch.”
You glanced down before looking back at him. “Well, thank you.”
He nodded. “Like I said Tulip let me help you.”
“That was for my car.” Your tone had an edge.
You had not meant to be mean, well actually you don’t know how you felt. You still had not been prepared to see him. You had hoped to avoid him all together.
“Is there any heavy lifting that needs to be done?”
He broke the silence, shedding his sheriff’s jacket. You bit your bottom lip as you watched his trim body move under his thin t-shirt. It looked even better under the leather harness.
Turning, he ran a hand over the boxes. “What can I help you with first?”
“What about Mary Sue?”
All you could see was that little pixie, Mary Sue the good little girl at all the Sunday church picnics. Who everyone loved.
He shrugged. “She’s a good wifey. She knows I work hard.”
You don’t know why, you honestly thought you were strong enough for all this. But his words cut across you like a slap across your face.
Over the last six years bitterness replaced the pain since leaving all of this behind.
“Any kids?”
You didn’t want to get surprised if you ran into them at the market.
“She won’t take my seed.”
He coughed. You watched as the vape once again appeared from out of no where. He had always promised he would be different then his father. He would not be cold and cruel.
But right then, his father could have easily said the same sentence. If there was any liquor in the house you would have made yourself a drink.
“I mean we are having problems. Father, brings us to church to pray on it.” He chewed his bottom lip. “He refuses to let us adopt. We wants to see he if her sister can be of any help.”
“Ah, right. He would do that.”
You nodded, quickly replying. Nothing had changed, you pressed your lips together.
He stepped closer to you. His body heat came off him in waves. You shivered.
You barely caught him sliding his vape away into one of his several pockets but you did feel as one of his hands wrapped around your arm. His thumb idly caressed you. “Relax. Its just me.”
His touch scattered your thoughts. Then you remembered the pain. “I left to get away from you.” Fire grew in the pit of your stomach.
He squeezed your arm. “What happened wasn’t my choice. You never let me explain.”
“Would it have changed anything?”
“I don’t know. I was a kid. We both were.”
“Yeah, but I was the one humiliated. Painted as the town harlot trying to seduce the sheriff’s only son.”
“We both know the truth.”
“Nobody else did. Not even my family.”
He pulled you closer. You didn’t know why you let him. His cologne tickled your nose. Bringing more memories to the surface.
“I never stopped thinking of you.”
It was all you had ever wanted to hear. You melted momentarily at the words. But them it hurt.
He was married and had become the sheriff. While you, you only had your dead great aunt’s house and the childrens’ books you wrote and got published.
You wrenched your arm free.
“I doubt that.” You spat out. His face contorted before it smoothed once again. You couldn’t read his eyes. “Are you upset that she hasn’t been able to carry on the Tillman name by giving you a son?“
He reached out and wrapping an arm around your waist and brought you against him. You struggled.
“Let me go.”
“No, stop. I don’t want to tame you like I would a stallion.”
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gentil-minou · 9 months
sharing my wangxian phlebotomist!wwx/blood donor!lwj au from twitter here (a summary here if you wanna see)
The hardest part of the adoption process was supposed to be endless paperwork and screenings and the anxiety of not being good enough to meet high standards of the court.
It wasn't supposed to be A-Yuan's first doctors appointment.
His pitiful screams fill the small doctor's office. He's clinging to Lan Wangji's shoulders like there a lifeline, hiding and all LWJ wants to do is bundle up his son and carry him back to safety.
But these are mandatory vaccines he needs in order to attend pre-k. So he cant.
Nurse: Shots are never fun at this age, huh He would beg to differ; they're never fun at any age But see lwj isnt afraid of the shots themselves. Hes terrified of the sight of blood. His BFF loves horror movies & he watches them with her bravely by staring at the corner of the tv
When lwj gets his blood drawn, he looks closes his eyes and imagines being in a cold pond somewhere. But he's never been afraid of just the shot before.
He's helpless in the face of his son's distress. The nurse sighs, saying theyll have to try again another day.
A-Yuan sniffles into his baba's shirt, exhausted from the crying fit. His eyes are still watery and he looks around the room with such fear in his eyes, before withdrawing back into the safety of his baba's chest.
Lan Wangji has no idea what to do, only cradles him closer
Thankfully, LWJ has someone who can help. His best friend, Jiang Yanli is a child therapist and has been helping him prepare his home for A-Yuan.
If anyone knows what to do, it's Yanli-jie
JYL: Zhanzhan, have you tried showing him its not scary?
LWJ has not, bc he's terrified
JYL is the only one allowed to call him Zhanzhan. In Uni she was the one who mentored him his first week of school. Someone slipped him alcohol and he got deliriously drunk.
Yanli-jie was the one who found him and took him home. This is what they told the cohort but actually…
JYL: seeing his Baba get a shot and be okay might motivate him to be more brave
LWJ certainly doesn't feel brave. He's thinking of the blood flowing from his veins and then LEAVING them to go who knows where. It sounds barbaric
He has the distinct memory of learning what a period is in middle school and promptly passing out
He is not a fan of anything related to blood
But LWJ has learned that Yanli-jie knows what she's doing, so, despite the way he can swear he feels his blood pumping with fear, he agrees...but there's a problem.
LWJ: I am up to date on all my shots. How can I show him it is safe?
JYL: Hmm....I have an idea. My brother is a phlebotomist! He can help.
LWJ is confused. Last he heard, the younger Jiang is a prosecutor who makes a living viciously yelling in a courtroom.
JYL: Not him, Zhanzhan. My adoptive brother, A-Xian. I bet he would be happy to help you. He works at the blood bank at Yiling Clinic! The perfect exposure!
For who?, LWJ wonders. A blood bank sounds like a house of horrors to him. And a person who chooses to stick a needle in people and remove the very force that gives them life? He cannot imagine getting along with this person at all.
Yiling Clinic is a community clinic in a part of town Lan Wangji has never been to, especially since the Gusu Group has their own private hospital.
But this is where Yanli-jie's phlebotomist little brother works.
A-Yuan clings to the back of his legs as they approach the receptionist, a young man with amazing cat eye makeup named Mo Xuanyu
These two definitely do not fit the bill for their usual patients, with their designer clothing, so he asks with some skepticism: Um, can I help you?
LWJ has spent the last two hours siking himself up for the blood part, he isn't prepared at all for social interactions. He flounders like a fish.
LWJ: …I am…We are here for…
A shout comes from behind them: Ah! A-Yu, is that A-jie's friend? Zhanzhan?
LWJ flinches until he sees a man sprinting towards them. The 1st thing he notices is this man is wearing lilac scrubs with little white rabbits on them.
The 2nd thing he notices is this man has the most enchanting smile he's ever seen. Already, LWJ feels more relaxed.
The man winks at him: You like the scrubs? A-jie said A-Yuan liked bunnies, I figured this would help keep him calm.
LWJ does not blurt I like bunnies too. But only just.
Beside the man is a pediatric nurse named Wen Ning, no relation, who says he's here to help with A-Yuan
Yanli-jie's little brother, the phlebotomist, introduces himself: Ah! Sorry, Lan Zhan. Jiejie always calls you that so it just stuck. I'm Wei Wuxian. You can call me Wei Ying if you wanna make it even.
Strangely, LWJ feels no need to correct him: Lan Zhan is fine, Wei Ying.
WWX smiles so brightly, LWJ feels dizzy with it.
WWX: Now where's the little bunny himself?
A-Yuan has been clinging behind LWJ's pant leg, tilting around just enough to peek with one eye at this strange gege.
WWX: Maybe not a rabbit then, a radish who likes to hide away!
A-Yuan becomes offended: I don't like radishes!
WWX laughs: Me neither! But Qing-jie says they help us grow big and strong, so they can't be all that bad huh?
WWX is crouched in front of A-Yuan, draping both arms across his knees and resting his chin in one hand. He waits.
LWJ admires his patience. The longer WWX waits, crouched and rocking back and forth in front of A-Yuan, smile gently and welcoming, the more A-Yuan's natural curiosity gets the better of him.
Eventually, his son comes out from behind his leg to touch a black bunny on his sleeve
A-Yuan: I like this one. We only have a white bunny at home.
WWX: I like the black bunny too! What's your bunny's name?
A-Yuan: Banana, bc she tries to eat Baba's banana every morning, and you are what you eat.
He recites this with all the solemnity a 4 yo could possess
WWX's laughter echoes through the lobby: Well! You're very right, A-Yuan. Maybe you aren't a radish after all then. Tell me, what do little boys eat?
A-Yuan: I'm not little! I'm 4 and a half!
WWX: Right, right, I sincerely apologize for my mistake. What do big boys eat then?
A-Yuan purses his lips and taps his chin, pondering his question carefully: Hmm… jelly beans?
WWX looks like he wants to laugh more, but instead says: I see, I see. Thank you for your wisdom A-Yuan.
He looks up at LWJ, dark eyes dancing. LWJ's heart rabbits against his chest
WWX: If your baba is ready, we can head down to my cave if you'd like. I have a lot of cool machines I'd love to show you.
A-Yuan's eyes widen into saucers as he gasps: A cave? Wowww
They grin conspiratorially at each other, before turning bright eyes up at LWJ
LWJ feels warm and much more relaxed inside, so he nods: Mn. We may go.
A-Yuan cheers and holds WWX's hand as the head downstairs.
LWJ trails behind making small talk with WN, watching WWX and A-Yuan swing their hands and skip ahead, feeling something warm blossom in his chest.
The hallway to Wei Wuxian's lab isn't anything like Lan Wangji expects.
The rooms at Gusu are all perfectly pristine and sterile, painted white to promote serenity, rest, and healing.
For one thing, he'd raided a Halloween store at some point and hung up all sorts of decorations, mostly vampire themed. There's one that's says "I vant to suck your blood!" except suck is crossed out and replaced with "donate". Wwx and A-yuan giggle together at wwx's fake accent
It's definitely not up to Gusu General's strict standards. For one thing, there're beanbag chairs in the hall outside. Wwx says it's to feel more comfy while others wait, as he's the only phlebotomist on staff and it can take a while. A-Yuan personally tests each one.
His lab is…adequate if far too small. There's a desk that's overrun with stacks of papers and textbooks and a shelf that's filled with even more. The actual space where blood is drawn is, thankfully, sterile and clean. Though he's decorated with demons demanding blood for food
There's a temp controlled room where the blood is stored, with a red door and the words "Blood Pool" written in menacing barely legible font
Despite the…interesting decor, the room is homely and, surprisingly, welcoming. A-Yuan at least is having a very fun time getting a tour
Wwx patiently answers all of A-Yuan’s questions, even the endless why's, with utmost sincerity, even when his answers are purely nonsense.
Lwj can't stop the fond smile from lifting the corner of his lips. A-Yuan had never warmed up to a medical professional so fast.
He's pulled from his musings when A-Yuan grabs his sleeve: Baba! Blood-gege says this machine makes blood spin around!
Wwx burst out laughing: Blood-gege? I love it!
Lwj is enchanted, head repeating those last 3 words again and again as wwx fondly ruffles A-Yuan's fluffy hair
Wwx: alright, now that you're familiar with my beauty Chenqing (referring to his bloody spinny machine lwj does not want to think about), shall we get down to business?
He says this with his bright dark eyes glittering at LWJ. Right. The blood donating part.
Lwj gulps, nodding. A prisoner walking up to the gallows.
(If you're interested, I'm probably going to continue at least up to the end of the first part before i just make it into one long fic! You can follow it on my twitter!)
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thehylianidiot · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 9: Mistaken Identity Or: How Team Natsu Really Infiltrated Vistarion
Sneaking into Vistarion was surprisingly easy. 
No, it was not due to the effectiveness of their stealth mission, if one could even call it that. As usual when Fairy Tail was involved, they had left behind a trail of flaming destruction cutting a path to the heart of the Alvarez Empire with its military hot on their heels. If it wasn’t for the fact that said empire was definitely in the hostile-towards-Fairy-Tail category and therefore not on the friendliest terms with them, Lucy was certain they would have found Master Makarov already from the top of the palace’s many balconies wailing at all the future damage bills the ruckus would cause. 
In fact, they actually waltz right through an open front gate. 
Normally an open front gate screamed some sort of trap or underhanded scheme at play, or even some kind of peaceful talk to lure them in and never let them leave. 
However, it was hard to argue that notion against a hoard of scrambling guards and squealing staff members swarming Erza in a tornado of ecstatic greetings. 
Now, Lucy had seen Erza's inexplicable ability to unwittingly recruit all sorts to her cause. Between pirates and walking fart jokes, once they got past the initial shock towards Erza’s rather intimidating approaches to her problems, all sorts of background characters seem to flock to her. Either that, or the concussion received from Erza’s usual form of forehead-to-forehead greeting irreparably broke all the remaining brain cells in their skulls. 
However, never in Lucy’s wildest dreams did she think Erza’s blunt-force charisma would extend to within the palace of a whole other continent.
Nobody was sure how to respond to that. Whatever Natsu exclaimed was smothered out in the general cacophony. Gray was so still his shirt remained on his person for a miraculous five minutes. Wendy was glancing between everyone in the hopes that someone would know what to do with little success. And Lucy well…after two years she honestly shouldn’t be surprised how much her team kept finding ways to one-up themselves in terms of ridiculousness. 
Even Erza herself wasn’t sure how to handle the hoard of eager and unexpected fans surrounding her on all sides, and that was saying something for someone who tended to think waving a handcrafted claymore around in a public park as perfectly acceptable social etiquette. 
Maybe they should have reacted faster, because before they knew it they all got swept up in the crowd pushing them past the gates of Vistarion Palace. And then afterwards they had no choice but to follow the swarm of guards leading Erza—or “Lady Scarlet” as they called her—down the halls. 
“My lady, it is good to see you have returned. The emperor’s battle plans you requested are right here.” One servant flew past, shoving a piece of paper within Erza’s hands before she could even react. “Also, Emperor Spriggan has requested an immediate audience with all his generals at once.”
Erza continued staring at the paper as if she had been asked if to somehow unbake a cake. “I…see.” 
“Are these new prisoners?” A guard ran up to ask.
At that Erza stood alert. If there was one thing to get her focused, it was a threat on anyone in her guild. “No. These are my comrades.” 
Somehow, the infamous glare that could make atoms know fear didn’t tip off the guard that this might not be the right person they were talking to. “Ah, one of your divisions then. Forgive me at once, General Scarlet.”
Lucy glanced at the sheet in Erza’s hands. Much as she hated to admit it, she was probably the most experienced one in their group on such papers. Yet all those years memorizing endless terms of formality and political tidings didn’t help a single bit comprehending the chicken scratch of sideways mathematical formulas and illegible ink splotches that would make a psychiatrist jealous. 
“Erza, what are we going to do?” Gray whispered, having finally shook off his shock. Along with his shirt at some point. 
Wendy gave a swift thank you and a bow to a guard as they handed her Gray’s lost shirt. “I think you might be considered an important person here. But it does seem like we can at least speak with the emperor.” 
Natsu grinned, his fists catching fire. “Hell yeah, then we can make him tell us where Gramps is!”
Lucy promptly covered the dragon slayer’s mouth before he could rattle off equally incriminating threats against a nation’s ruler within blatant hearing range. 
Erza nodded. “I…suppose it does simplify our task at hand. We can ask about Master Makarov’s wearabouts this way.”
Accidentally impersonating a general was bad enough. Lucy seriously hoped Erza wasn’t intending on starting those talks by headbutting the emperor. 
The Fairy Tail Rescue Squad stared at the Alvarez War Room. 
The occupant of the throne in the Alvarez War Room stared back. 
“Well,” said Zeref. “This is the last time I call for a planning meeting.”
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