#Elriel thoughts
pinkrasberryfish · 3 months
Imagine being alone for five centuries and then you meet this girl who is so self-assured and sweet and she wants to bake for you and listen to you and she needs your help carrying heavy bags of soil and likes to share her ideas for her gardens with you until 2 in the morning. She seems to be the only one who notices when you're late to dinner and has a secret wit that no one else has even tried to know. She's the opposite of war and dungeons and torture and everything you've been forced to acclimate to and unlike your other flirtations, she seems to reciprocate your feelings.
And then imagine that you're told to stay away from her.
How mad would you be? lmaooooo 💀💀💀
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viridianevergarden · 3 months
The fleeting thought of Azriel, for some reason, breaking down in front of Elain in private. Pulling him into her embrace and holding his face in her hands. Her giving him constant affirmations of her wanting him and only him. That she deserves him just as he deserves her. That he is nothing short of beautiful and perfect in her eyes regardless of his scarred hands and the blood that taints them. That she doesn’t care about what he does because he’s always been so soft and gentle with her. And that he holds nothing more than the love he has for his found family. That all the good he does for those he cares for outweighs the bad that he commits in the name of sheer unyielding loyalty and love. That he is entitled to feeling his emotions fully with her and to be loved.
Imagine she says things like:
“I choose you.”
“No one but you.”
“You’re the one I want.”
“It’ll always be you.”
“You’re perfect for me.”
“Your scars don’t define you.”
“You’re so beautiful.”
“Allow me to love you as much as I do.”
And they take things to the next level (Elain initiating), especially so she can further show him that she truly does love him for him. And even as time passes, she continues to tell him those things to make sure he knows. To convince him to the best of her ability even if he still would never believe it.
Soft Elain and Az has me wanting to sob.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Elriel - Who Pulls the Strings?
Soft steps padded from under the stair archway, and there she was. 
The faelights gilded Elain's unbound hair, making her glow like the sun at dawn. She halted, her breath catching in her throat.
...her breathing quickened as she again paused, now a scant foot away.
...He didn't need his shadows to read her tone, the slight tightening of her face.
Elain's large brown eyes flickered, well aware of all that. Just as he knew she was well aware of why Azriel so rarely came to family dinners these days. 
I think it’s worth noting how SJM decided to subtly emphasize how Azriel views and acts with Elain and in fact, how deeply their feelings actually run. 
Firstly he certainly sees her as something beautiful and desirable. We are in his head for the very first time, and when she approaches, he hears her, before he sees her and becomes poetic (again). Upon seeing her, he immediately notices her reactions to him (bobbing throat) and her quickening pulse. Both, of course, indicate interest and nervousness--we are, in fact, ‘told’ by SJM that Elain is attracted to Azriel before we even know that he desires her as well. 
But let’s examine this further. 
Even though we are in his head, she is the one who is driving the interaction. She is the one who came downstairs, she is the one who spoke first. She is the one who brought his present and the one who handed it to him first. She is the one who told him to put the necklace on her. The one who pivoted into his touch, and the one who gave him offer and permission.
This also aligns with her buying him a gift last Solstice, and even prior--her taking his hand, her standing up silently and going with him to the garden. Back then, he might have offered, but she was the one who took the action.
There is a sense of equality throughout the entire scene. And even though he becomes aroused, we know that she does too. 
I think it hints at an interesting dynamic between the two of them--he is perceived as very dominant and harsh at times, and she is viewed as soft and passive, but their interactions would actually imply something else. It seems like she might actually be pulling the strings in that relationship. For the lack of a better term--Azriel is a simp.
Secondly, in only a paragraph or two, we find out one very important thing--they can understand each other without words. Both are so acutely aware of the other’s emotions and ‘tells’ that the normally unreadable Azriel is an open book for Elain. What’s more--he knows it, and he doesn’t try to hide it. Both of his brothers, whom he’s known for over half a millennia, repeatedly point out how he is impossible to read and how his ‘mask’ covers all his inner thoughts and emotions. Here, we have Elain, who’s known him for less than two years and she’s been able to break through the shields just like that. 
This again hints at the depth of their attraction to each other, but also Azriel’s inability to keep her out. That, to me at least, is indicative of Elain’s powerful presence and actually somewhat dominant nature, which has always been hidden and underestimated. She’s been able to barrel through his barriers, without trying very hard, or at all. 
I am very curious how this dynamic will play out in the future. 
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cassianfanclub · 10 days
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Death’s Fanged Beast @elriel-month
I love that we continue to get hints throughout the books that there’s more to Elain than meets the eye. From Feyre noting that she showed some teeth, to Rhys observing that Elain’s people pleasing doesn’t allow her true self to emerge, to being the one to step out of a shadow to stab Hybern through the throat. Elain has teeth, and claws, and I cannot wait to see her use them in the next ACOTAR book.
A massive thank you to @/honeyypears on IG for bringing my vision to life for this piece. I wanted Elain to step into her powers, to embrace the dark elements of herself, and to have Az supporting her, as if to say “that’s my girl.”
We’ve only gotten glimpses of the fanged beast that resides in Elain, and I cannot wait to explore her character in her book!
You can find this piece on IG and Twitter
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lyssasdrafts · 2 months
🕯️🕯️sjm will announce the next acotar book 🕯️🕯️
🕯️🕯️sjm will announce the next acotar book 🕯️🕯️
🕯️🕯️sjm will announce the next acotar book 🕯️🕯️
🕯️🕯️sjm will announce the next acotar book 🕯️🕯️
🕯️🕯️sjm will announce the next acotar book 🕯️🕯️
🕯️🕯️sjm will announce the next acotar book 🕯️🕯️
rb to manifest 🕯️🕯️
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valentiinexo · 28 days
the take that elain shies away from lucien because he “understands her too well and it scares her” is bad for a lot of reasons, but namely becuase it’s contradicted in the text by elain herself. straight out of her mouth.
in acofas, when feyre tries convincing elain that lucien cares for her, elain word for word says “He doesn’t know me”
i am literally begging people to start listening to elain
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acourtoflight · 3 months
Elriel is FUN. They actually have stakes. They are both part of the IC. They’re both the prettiest. Shadowsinger and Seer. Dark and light. Relevant to the overarching plot. Romantic tension. Sexual tension. Friends to lovers. Stolen glances. Shy touches. Everything.
Why would I ship anyone else? Because Elriel is too cliché? Bet. This is a fantasy romance series, if you don’t like cliché go read contemporary or lit fic.
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hereforelriel · 3 months
I just reread ACOSF, and Elain being kidnapped by Hybern was mentioned 14 times.
14 Times!
Miss Sarah wanted us to KNOW it is important.
Chile please. It’s so obvious.
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ramoneida · 3 months
A lot of people seem to be unaware that these two statements can very peacefully coexist:
A) Elain and Azriel share a romantic and sexual attraction and the people who ship them want them to CHOOSE each other regardless of a mating bond. That will be the crux of their story, choice over fate.
B) There are canon moments that could be interpreted as Azriel feeling something similar to "mate instincts" in regards to Elain, and combined with the fact that the elucien bond is kinda sus atm, it is NOT UNLIKELY that Elain and Azriel might discover/manifest a bond between them by the end of their story.
They are not mutually exclusive.
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hexsstuff · 4 months
Azriel humming a tune while looking on his papers and enjoying some sun. Elain listening to it while gardening next to him.
Him stretching his wings and providing some shade to her after some time. Her enjoying it while also feeling some wind to refresh her.
Gimme' cozy moments please.
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pinkrasberryfish · 3 months
The dynamics of ships… why is Elriel a good fit for the ACOTAR series? Why is it just as intriguing and beautiful as Feysand or Nessian? I’ve written hours and hours of Elriel fan fiction, exploring dynamics and tropes, and I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of their potential.
It’s established that our High Lady is a fighter. Feyre can physically fight for herself. She beat the Weaver which showed her mate that she was worth of the engagement ring and fought the Wyrm while her mate watched. She defended the Rainbow. She even won the war with Hybern through fighting. There are countless times where Rhys has sat back and let his girl go out swinging.
Then we have Nesta. Nesta is feisty and learns to fight for herself. She wields the mask, becomes a Valkyrie, and even goes through the Blood Rite. Cassian didn’t swoop in and save her… he let her fight.
Now Elain. Our girl needed rescuing. She did not fight her way out of the Hybern camp through cunning and brute strength. Azriel swooped in and saved her. And you best believe if she had been plunked into the Rite, Azriel would have come and saved her immediately. She is never incited on physical fighting missions like the Battle of Adriata and the closest she has gotten to blood was stepping out of shadow to stab the King of Hybern.
Does that make you uncomfortable? Does Elain needing help make you think less of her? Is she weak because she’s not like her sisters? Is that why everyone is wanting another story with a Valkyrie falling in love with a bat boy?? Because our other heroine is too weak and needs to be shipped off to a controlling high lord in spring ??????
This is what frustrates me.
Physical protection and physical fighting is not the only way to show strength.
Nesta was WRECKED after the Cauldron. She was self-destructive and cruel. Elain seemed to struggle but eventually healed through her hobbies and natural processing of everything. Even the loss of her fiancé, she recovered from. She is mentally strong.
Feyre too, has had moments of weakness. She could have physically run out of that wedding, but her mental bondage kept her walking down the aisle. Rhys had to intervene and save her in her moment of desperation. Elain could be walking down an aisle to Lucien right now, but she’s not. She’s choosing her own path and showing mental strength.
The fact that Azriel has rescued Elain physically and the fact that she cannot fight does not make her a less powerful or valuable female. Measuring women by their ability to perform historically-masculine acts is misogyny. She does not need to conform to the masculine power standard of 90’s feminism to be worthy of her own bat boy.
The beautiful thing about Elriel is that they have both been cast aside, despite being loyal to their core, Azriel to Mor for centuries and Elain to a gross human loser who broke her heart. They love even when it hurts. Even when it’s not reciprocated.
This dynamic feeds into their bond beautifully because in each other, they find what they’ve always needed—someone who wants them and sees them and chooses them above everything else.
Azriel will always physically protect Elain and champion her mental and emotional needs, but I believe Elain has the power to save Azriel too; to open up a side of life for him where he is desired and love— where he is protected and listened to and nurtured. A place where someone chooses him above everything else.
This is why Elriel is just as beautiful as Feysand or Nessian. It’s not unequal and Azriel doesn’t need a Valkyrie to “match his strength.” Elain is already strong.
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merymoonbeam · 4 months
Im rereading the series rn and Im in acowar and something stood out to me.
But there she was. His mate. She was nothing like Jesminda. Jesminda had been all laughter and mischief, too wild and free to be contained by the country life that she’d been born into. She had teased him, taunted him—seduced him so thoroughly that he hadn’t wanted anything but her. She’d seen him not as a High Lord’s seventh son, but as a male. Had loved him without question, without hesitation. She had chosen him. Elain had been … thrown at him.
Jesminda had chosen him
Elain was nothing like jesminda. Elain had been...thrown at him.
I rest my case.
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bright-side20 · 4 months
The Truth-Teller/Hofas Spoilers
It seems like people are hung up on Enalius possessing the TT in order to serve the Illyrian plot for Azriel, but in fact, that's selective reading. Let's see what is written in the books.
My sword blazed with light. That dagger shone with darkness. Both of them are crafted of the same black metal. Iridium, right?" She jerked her chin to Azriel, to the dagger at his side. "Ore from a fallen meteorite?" Azriel's silence was confirmation enough.
=Both blades are made from the same material of a fallen meteorite.
My father had never shown himself to be giving-long had he kept Gwydion and never once offered it to my mother. The dagger that had belonged to his dear friend, slain during the war, hung at his side, unused. But not for long.
Theia extended her hands toward the water, the offered blades. And on phantom wings, sword and dagger soared for her. Sum- moned to her hands. Starlight flared from Theia as she snatched the sword and knife out of the air, the blades glowing with their own starlight.
My mother returned that day with only Pelias and my father's blades. As she had helped Make them, they answered to the call in her blood. To her very power.
Conclusion: The Starsword and the Truth-Teller were both created in the same manner, crafted by Fionn and Theia. Fionn likely gifted the Truth-Teller to his best friend Enalius during the great war when Illyrians fought against the daglan to prevent them from reaching the Cauldron atop Ramiel. After Enalius's death, Fionn simply took his blade back.
_Azriel's secret lineage:
My mother eventually trusted only Helena and myself to seek the truth. She knew we could be of great use to her, because we bore the shadows as well as starlight.
=The blades simply represent both powers of the Dusk Court people: light and shadows.
We spent a month hidden in the enemy's stronghold, no more than shadows ourselves.
Doesn't that remind you of this :
“Like the daemati,” Rhys said to me, “shadowsingers are rare—coveted by courts and territories across the world for their stealth and predisposition to hear and feel things others can’t.”
=Daemati (mind reading) and Shadowsinger abilities are simply the powers of the Dusk Court/Avallen people, which is why they are rare, especially in Prythian.
_Foreshadowing from HOFAS :
Azriel, without Rhysand to translate, watched in silence. Bryce could have sworn shadows wreathed him, like Ruhn's, yet... wilder. The way Cormac's had been.
The male now held the Starsword at the ready, Truth-Teller gripped in his other hand.He must have had some sort of Starborn blood in him, then-a distant ancestor, maybe. Or maybe his possession of the knife somehow allowed him to also bear the Starsword.
That's a very obvious foreshadowing. It would explain why Azriel is so different from other Illyrians, why he can winnow, why Illyrians couldn't understand the origin of his Shadowsinger gift, and why it was merely assumed that he learned the language of shadows during his imprisonment.
_Az confirming that his shadows are magical:
His brows rose.... The shadows are made of magic, just very condensed.
_Where did Azriel find the Truth-Teller:
No one knows what became of Theia and General Pelias," I told countless generations. "They betrayed King Fionn, and Gwydion was for- ever lost, his dagger with it." I lied with every breath.
Silene made people believe that the dagger was also lost.
I made sure he knew that the buried weapon he'd need against the Asteri was down here.
While she told her son that the dagger is buried in the prison, therefore, Azriel found the Truth-Teller in the prison.
Azriel :"I'll go. The Prison sentries know me-what I am." 👀
So, tell me, what is more interesting: learning about Azriel's obvious Illyrian side, given that his father is an Illyrian, or discovering his secret lineage? Keep in mind that we know nothing about his mother. How did he manage to find the Truth-Teller? Why was he extremely possessive of it, yet decided to give it to Elain? This includes the famous scene that antis spent years trying to downplay, the scene in the coloring book, and on the ACOWAR cover.
_Can Azriel get access to the Truth-Teller's magic :
Can your dagger kill the unkillable, too?" "It's called Truth-Teller," he said in that soft voice, like shadows given sound. "And no, it cannot."Bryce arched a brow. "So does it tell the truth?" A hint of a smile, more chilling than the frigid air around them. "It gets people to do so."
This shows that he probably doesn't know the full potential of the dagger and that he used it for torturing people.
Vesperus took another step, steadier now, and smiled past Bryce. At Azriel, at Truth-Teller. "You don't know how to use it,do you?" Azriel pointed the dagger toward the advancing Asteri. "Pretty sure this end's the one that'll go through your gut." Vesperus chuckled, her dark hair swaying with each inching step closer. "Typical of your kind. You want to play with our weap- ons, but have no concept of their true abilities."
I think that Azriel is like Ruhn; he can wield the Starsword and the Truth-Teller. However, he cannot get access to their full power.
_Bryce using the Starsword and the Truth-Teller to kill Vesperus :
Bryce threw her power into the Starsword, light ripping through the black blade, willing it to tear this fucking monster apart- She willed it into Truth-Teller, and shadows flowed.
Elain :
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
=The shadows were the Truth-Teller's magic; it had answered to Elain's will and magic, killing the King of Hybern. Y'all Keep in mind that Elain is the first female to wield and use the Truth-Teller since Silene.
I want to add
_If there is someone who would be a descendant of Enalius, it's Cassian, and it's already foreshadowed:
Nesta listened to the low-level Illyrian soldiers whispering about how Cassian had thrown that spear, how he’d cut down soldiers like stalks of wheat, how he’d fought like Enalius—their most ancient warrior-god and the first of the Illyrians. It had been a while, it seemed, since they had seen Cassian in open battle. Since they’d realized that he’d been young in the War, and now … the looks they gave Cassian as he passed … they were the same as those the High Lords had given Rhys upon seeing his power. Like them, and yet Other.
At twenty-one, he’d still been drinking and brawling and fucking, unconcerned with anything and anybody except his ambition to be the most skilled of Illyrian warriors since Enalius himself.
Enalius being the Illyrians leader and Fionn's bestie / Cassian is the Illyrians general and Rhys's bestie. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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cassianfanclub · 5 months
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“Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate- the most pure.
This one left them all behind.” - The Princess Bride
I’m so excited to share this absolutely stunning piece of Azriel and Elain as Wesley and Princess Buttercup from one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride
I had the absolute pleasure of working with @/lamanyo (IG) and they did such an amazing job bringing this artwork to life! I can feel the passion, love, and tenderness in every inch of the piece💕
Princess Buttercup and Wesley represent true love, sacrifice, loyalty, and overcoming the odds to be with the person you love- all things I expect to see in Elriel’s book!
I hope you all love this as much as I do 💕
You can also find in on IG here
Please do not repost
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notnotpluto · 1 day
gwynriels keep yapping about how their favourite "elriel" moment is azriel yearning for mor so logically I guess their fave "gwynriel" moment was when azriel was so down bad that he wanted to be on his knees begging for a chance to taste elain's pussy🤷‍♀️
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8bitrosethorn · 2 days
I know the plot of the next ACOTAR book
Your girl’s back with a new theory and this time, it’s more receipts from ACOFAS. Continuing with my theory (link) that the next two novels in the ACOTAR series will be about Elain and Mor (in that order), I went back to look at the structure of ACOFAS and for any more clues on Elain’s book 🧐
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Last night, something hit me on my latest reread. I wanted to look at how Cassian’s introductory chapters unfolded through a lens of what we now know of his and Nesta’s story in ACOSF, and use those parallels to look closer at Azriel and Elain’s chapters (as narrated by Feysand).
So let’s dive deeper…
Exhibit 1
In Chapter 2, we start with Rhysand’s POV. Here are the first 3 sentences.
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🔻 Cassian was already pissed — the start of ACOSF has Cassian and Nesta both frustrated and at their lowest/feeling like failures (Cassian with the Illyrian problem, Nesta with herself/her sisters/her father's death).
🔻 the Illyrian Mountains — training and the climax of ACOSF all surround them and Ramiel (which is also featured in Chapter 3 when Cassian flies by it).
🔻 the gray peaks — characters in ACOTAR are continuously referenced with repeating colors, and Nesta’s most notably is gray (sometimes referred to as steel, which is a fun double entendre with weaponry).
And in Chapter 3, we have Cassian’s POV. Here are the first 3 paragraphs:
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🔻 Devlon and his warriors — the Illyrian warriors are antagonists against Nesta in the Blood Rite
🔻 the murmurings of discontent — the motivation for that growing threat that Nesta faces in the Blood Rite and the patriarchal legacies that the Valkyries are upending
🔻 hell of a weapon against enemies in battle — Nesta’s new trove of weapons she Made: the greatsword, sword, and dagger.
In both of these chapters, there are other recurring themes and imagery, including The Blood Rite, Ramiel, fire/campfires/embers, and more interestingly, Cassian visiting his mother’s unmarked grave, something that Nesta literally does when she visits her father’s grave at the very end of ACOSF.
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Every major plot that Nesta and Cassian faced as a couple was explored in the first two chapters reintroducing Cassian for the spinoff series.
Using this evidence, we can deduce that the next chapters exploring Azriel will feature the same sort of foreshadowing, setup, and potential payoff in the upcoming novel (which I predict will be Elain’s book).
Exhibit 2
In Chapter 7, we start again with Rhysand’s POV. Here are the first 3 paragraphs:
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🔹 You really do know how to give Solstice presents, Az — We all know about the necklace for Elain at this point. But also interestingly, Elain gives Azriel two significant Solstice gifts, one of which he keeps by his nightstand to longingly look at every night, the other a pair of earplugs (which we can deduce will have their use in the upcoming book).
🔹 wall of windows — something I’ve noticed (and want to dive deeper on later) is that both Azriel and Elain are often associated with windows.
Azriel: grew up in a lightless, windowless room; stares out the window of the townhouse to the garden during ACOFAS, presumably to watch a gardener at work; in the HOW lounge area, his unofficial chair is nearest to the window.  Elain: during her time after becoming Fae, she sat near the bay windows in the HOW; during ACOFAS Solstice, she watches the snow fall outside the windows before Azriel joins her there; her smile was described by Nesta as being as bright as the setting sun beyond the windows.
Windows can symbolize freedom, desire to explore, and pathways to the outside world. They also focus on providing sight, something very important to a Seer who can look beyond the world in front of them to something more, but I digress!
🔹 private — Azriel is described as the most private, secretive of the Bat Boys (with both his emotions and his lovers), so I thought it was worth noting.
🔹 awash in the hues of the early morning — only one character is consistently described as glowing like the sun at dawn (even by Azriel himself, no less).
🔹 might as well have been stone — there is a wealth of repeating imagery of Elain associated with stone: sitting on a stone bench with her father surrounded by blue and pink flowers (haha, I see you SJM), Elain washed onto the stone floor by the Cauldron after becoming Fae, Elain hearing a heartbeat through stone, etc.
🔹 just after dawn — I see you again, SJM 😏
🔹 that sleep had been futile — although this is about Rhysand being tired, there is a wealth of sleep imagery surrounding both Azriel and Elain. Most notably Azriel’s inability to get a goodnight’s rest the past year as he’s been thinking of Elain at night. And Elain, who says she feels like “she’s always dreaming these days” in regards to her Seer powers.
I also want to dive into the sleep imagery surrounding these two and their potential Sleeping Beauty ties. But alas, a post for another day.
🔹 Tamlin and his borders — Conflict with the Human Lands, similar to Cassian’s with the Illyrians and the growing discontent, which then ties into the next part of the chapter.
Rhysand and Azriel move on to the next conflict at hand: Vassa, the Human Lands, and the sorcerer-lord’s curse, which they discuss after deeming Cassian to handle the growing Illyrian conflict, leaving Azriel to “continue to watch [the human queens]” and the “strange gathering” happening in the human lands. We also learn that the curse on Vassa by the sorcerer-lord might be woven into [Vassa’s] very blood (put a pin in this).
Finally, Rhysand and Azriel turn their attention to how they might get a handle on the situation to the south:
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🔹 As our human emissary — While Lucien may have been considered the human emissary to the Night Court during ACOFAS, per Mor in ACOSF, Lucien can no longer be trusted as he is now living with Vassa and Jurian in the human lands. Does this perhaps leave an opening to a new human emissary of the Night Court? Maybe even Elain, who could convince anyone with a few smiles.
🔹 the tenseness — interesting of Rhysand to point out considering Azriel is usually impossible to read. Something is stressing him about this situation causing some sort of internal conflict
🔹 shadows veiling half of himself from the sunlight — an interesting parallel to the iconic carved, wooden rose scene in ACOSF when Nesta places the rose the exact same way, half-hidden in shadows.
🔹 elegant and cold as the legendary dagger at his side — elegant and cold are repeating descriptors for Azriel and Truth-Teller’s significance after HOFAS has only grown. 🗡
🔹 “He is Elain’s mate.” — one of our next conflicts: Elain’s mating bond (which is also supported by Azriel’s BC).
🔹 “invasion of her privacy” — interesting to me that privacy is brought up again… perhaps alluding to something secret or forbidden?
Towards the end of their discussion, Rhys and Azriel move on to Cassian's favorite subject, Bryaxis:
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🔹 “No word on Byraxis, I take it.” / “Do you want me to hunt it down?” — Like hunting for the troves in ACOSF, I believe Azriel will hunt Bryaxis down in the next book. Given how he’s an ancient, shadowy monster, I’d be curious how Bryaxis could perhaps provide incite into Koschei 👀 Also, what does Bryaxis want installed in the library? A goddamn window.
🔹 beneath this mountain — perhaps we’ll see underneath another mountain explored, given Eris’s parting words to Cassian and Nesta at the end of ACOSF 🏔
🔹 My brother had a sly, wicked sense of humor — this also aligns with Elain, whose Solstice presents to Az have both been cheeky and made him laugh.
From this chapter alone, we can see the major plot points building: Azriel spying on the human lands, Vassa’s curse and Koschei’s control over her, Bryaxis still on the run, Truth-Teller’s significance, and Elain’s mating bond.
Which finally leads us to Feyre’s chapter where Elain is front and center.
Exhibit 3
In Chapter 15, Feyre and Elain visit the weaver’s shop while looking for Solstice presents for their family, where a very interesting conversation goes down:
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🌸 the weaver paused the loom — similar to the the curse woven into Vassa’s very blood, weaver imagery surrounds the conflicts of both Vassa's curse and Elain’s mating bond, especially as mating bonds are described as threads, particularly as one tied to a rib by Elain. This also aligns with the multitude of Sleeping Beauty imagery surrounding Elain.
🌸 my sister’s gaze — lol, I mean, I love when SJM does this over and over. We know Elain’s gaze is special as a Seer.
🌸 “I call it Hope.” — Elain, who is constantly described as hope and having a different sort of strength, which aligns with Azriel, who Rhys declares taught him how to hope. Perhaps Elain and Azriel are connected by an iridescent, living silver thread that is bright despite the darkness?
🌸 “I made it after I mastered Void.” — Elain’s Seer abilities are often described as the murky realm, a void that she needed to be freed from when Azriel recognized her powers. She declares in ACOSF she can start reacquainting herself with her powers to help the Inner Circle. Since Nesta stepped in, we haven’t seen her truly do this yet. Also… the weaver Made it 😜
From this small conversation, we can see SJM is playing with classic Sleeping Beauty fairytale imagery and how it connects to Elain as not just a Seer, but as a light in the darkness. I believe for Elain’s book where she finds her voice, we will see her master the Void, aka her Seer powers, and perhaps weave something made from Hope, like a mating bond and healing Vassa’s curse.
SJM clearly laid out the stories to be explored in the next books with ACOFAS, a plan she said she’s had for years. This does not mean that we won’t see more from our other favorite characters (looking at you, Nesta and the Valkyries).
But based on the evidence I shared last time that Elain’s book is unequivocally next, here we can see that the storylines set up in ACOFAS were paid off for Cassian and Nesta in their book.
So, I can without a doubt say we know what’s coming:
Elain’s book, where she will explore the main conflicts of the growing threat in the human lands as possible human emissary, her mating bond with Lucien, her feelings for Azriel, mastering her Seer powers, Hope vs the Void, and breaking Vassa’s curse.
I can’t wait for the book announcement in the months to come for our favorite flower girl 🌸
Next time, I’ll explore Mor’s first chapters in the Hewn City and why I believe her story will be paired with the defeat of Koschei (There was no light in this place and eternal darkness dwelled in the Hewn City, anyone?).
Thanks for reading 💖
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