#Elon musk being embarrassed AGAIN
oh my god
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britishciggy · 26 days
what is happening in gaza is genuinely revolting. i am angry. we are angry. you need to be angry.
i am not in america but i’ve seen the APPALLING shit that’s been happening over there, probably not even all of it. i’ve seen the horrendous things the uk have been doing, things MY FUCKING COUNTRY have been doing. i am embarrassed to stand on the same land as some of these people.
i saw a video earlier that really resonated with me, two statements especially.
“You are not listening. You should be disgusted. You should be furious. I am furious! That is my family! No, I’m not Palestinian. But those are human beings! We’re the same! I have more in common with these people than i do Elon Musk. I have more in common with these people than i do the priest at my church. These are human beings! And they’re dying, on my money, my tax dollars.”
“Because i see myself in those kids, because i see my sisters in those little girls, because i see my dad in those men, because i see my mother in the faces of those women.”
because i’ve seen the photos of that little girl hanging off that fucking building, limbs blown off, bloody and broken. i’ve heard the sobs of that poor girl stuck in that car as they shot at her. and you sit there, in your heated house. miles away, with your lattes and your fridge full of food, and you complain. and you blame those children. you blame those mothers. you blame those fathers. how dare you. how many children will you need to kill until you fulfil whatever sick, twisted fantasy you’ve got. of a promised land, gifted to you by god. you’re killing children, because of the words of some book? some god? i said it before, and i said it again. your so called ‘promised land’ is stained with the blood of the innocent, and tainted with the wrath of the wicked.
you aren’t hearing the prayers of these people, suffering and dying. using their last breath to beg whatever god they may believe in for mercy, forgiveness, simply for being born on the wrong side of a border. they pray to gods they probably don’t even believe in anymore, and can you blame them! can you blame them for questioning it? because what is a god when man controls the land, the seas, and the sky. and is he not just as cruel as man, for allowing that?
so for the sake of the palistinians, for the sake of the mothers, the fathers and the children, the grandparents, the uncles and aunties, the cousins and the babies, i hope that whatever higher power they trust enough to pray to every night, i hope that they are kinder than man. but i am not counting on it.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 8 months
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Republicans Are Soft on Fascism
(I try to put my head in the sand, but I suffocate.)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
Billionaire Elon Musk blames Jews for the failure of his social Media venture, “X” (formerly “Twitter). It has something to do with the ADL. I saw recent videos of neo-Nazis on a Florida bridge, waving their swastika flags left to right in view of the oncoming traffic. Hitler fan and podcaster, Nick Fuentes, tells the world he hates poor people. Anti-Semitism has come full circle, again, to being blatantly expressed in public. There used to be repercussions for talking shit about the Jews. I am watching this cadre of Jew haters unfold in front of my very eyes.  Lots of American Jews once thought that if they converted to Christianity and married a Gentile, they would be immune to being put in concentration camps or thrown into ovens. I can still hear my father pounding his fist on the dining room table, in a rage, yelling that the Jews are a religion not a race. “Why is he yelling at his family and not to real Jew haters?” I thought. That is a story for another time.
 But alas, you can’t convince a Nazi that Jews are white. They think and feel that Jews are a mogul race of mud people and should be destroyed. Once they find out that you are Jewish—bye, bye!
In 1935, Sinclair Lewis published a book, “It Can’t Happen Here.” It warned about the possibility of Fascism in America. I read that book in 1969. I told my parents and they thought I was crazy. America is the strongest country in the world, they said; it would never happen here!
It is now happening here. What about the owners of massive wealth and the military industrial complex? Do they care? First, the so-called deep state couldn’t give a damn about Jews at risk for death! Second, Nazis are pro-capitalism so long as White men control it. I’ve asked this question a million times: have you ever seen a Right winger protest a Nazi? Neither have I. Conservatives are soft on fascism. They get embarrassed by Nazis because they say the quiet rhetoric out loud. They say things like, “the East elites (Rich Jews) want to run our country” or “the globalists (Rich Jews) want to run the world!” They say, “the Jews will not replace us!” to which the conservative agrees, but thinks the Nazis are giving the game away.
But when it comes to Communism? Holy fuck burgers! Bomb them! Kill them all and let God sort them out! They know that Communists would take away their property and businesses and give it all to the poor. If you ask me, I’d rather live in Stalin’s Russia than in the 1950’s America, anti-communist hysteria. Fuck anti-Communism!!! Conservatives outlawed free speech in America in the 50’s. If you slightly inferred liberal tendencies in your speech, the FBI would tap your phone and follow you to work! You think I am exaggerating? Go through some time machine and find out. During the 50’s, if you were in America and, simultaneously, in the then Soviet Union, you wouldn’t know the difference! In Russia, The KGB would follow you around and, in the USA, the FBI would follow you around.
As an anarchist, I am not surprised. As a Jew, I am highly concerned. Oh, and your gentile spouse will not be spared. During the Nazi’s regime, many Aryans were put into camps for marrying non-Aryan husbands or wives. The price for race-mixing is death.
I sure miss the Jewish Defense League, even though they were Right wing, Zionist revisionists. They were pro-active. Whenever there were Nazi rallies, they were there with baseball bats. I am not pro-violence, but I am not pro-surrender, either. I’ll tell you one thing. I will not walk into a gas chamber peacefully. Never again, motherfuckers!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
I’m going to counter your anon who says AB isn’t getting karma.
I think she is. A Little bit already.
First, her “husband’s” fanbase despises her. Not all, but I’d say a loud minority that’s also out there ready to snatch her wig for anything she tries to do (lol).
Anytime she does something remotely embarrassing there’s a group of people waiting to out her - remember Liberia? 😂 and they have receipts and keep screenshots. She can’t hide unless she goes private but then she’ll never get more followers. 🤣
And if she thinks these people will stop if she has his baby? She can think again. That’s never happening. I think she burned all opportunity to make peace with his fan base and people want to see her gone. There are a ton of crazy fans that go way too far, yes, but unfortunately shes made enemies for life. Should have thought twice before having your soulmate mock and troll your fans on your behalf and then posting yourself showering to the world as an FU. Now when you try to claim you’re so shy your posts will be spammed with your own nudes.
The general public still does not notice or care about her. She’s so uninteresting and irrelevant her name is still getting spelled wrong. By people in her own country 🙈
Her movie backed by the largest US talent agency made no noise at all in any of the box offices and especially not in the United States of America. She was only only in it briefly and the reviews don’t even mention her. Not really going to help her future IT girl case because in comparison, like Jenna Ortega gained 10 million fans in like two weeks. I’m sure a bunch of them were bots too but let me tell you EVERYOne was watching Wednesday back in Nov-Dec 22. So her gaining that much really isn’t that far off the bat. Not to mention, AB’s big moment to shine was around the same time as Jenna and Jenna beat her and didn’t have to date anyone famous. 🙊
Even Chris back in 2019 - his peak popularity and then 2020 - he was trending at times daily, weekly. He was trending #1 on twitter for at least 24-48 hours during his oopsie weekend. His tweet after that telling people to go vote got millions of likes. He used to get crazy engagement just for breathing. I remember after endgame and then knives out people were talking about him like he had just popped up on the scene…this man had been in the industry at least 20 where at that point. lol
Chris came on IG and I’m pretty sure he gained a million followers in about 24 hours. Yes, there are celebs that did it faster than him but remember he’s always been more of an under the radar celebrity and he never really tried to be otherwise. So for the fact he was hitting 40 years old and joined IG ten years after everyone else and got 1 million the first day is impressive. So yes, he had star power. Jenna has it now.
And yes, CE has lost that star power and in part it’s due to him being with AB. So yes, he’s losing due to his decision to be linked with her, which could be called his karma…
But miss wannabe IT girl? Whew.
Try as she might, Her followers….basically capped at 840K and I will bet Elon musk’s entire net worth she was hoping to hit 1 million the night she went public with her now husband. People on tumblr even saw that she went and pinned her Mrs Harris movie post like the same day their pap pics came out. That’s how you know old girl was waiting and hoping to see her numbers go up.
Lastly, her “husband” is still more popular than her. Even though his fanbase has deteriorated she hasn’t gained more popularity’s I think this may really really grate her (don’t ask me why, I just have this feeling) because she’s the young and vibrant one. She wants to be adored and no matter what she tries to do, photoshopping herself in every picture she posts, she’s not outgaining him in terms of recognition. People will only know her if his name is added first.
So…yeah. Maybe you think she has it all and she’s not getting anything bad. But I would say karma works in mysterious ways. Sometimes it’s not as obvious as you think.
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God, this really made me feel so much better after reading all the shit Elijah posted on Medium. 🥹
Especially when you mentioned "Karma isn't as obvious as you think". It's something I made a realization recently. Because I truly believe in Karma, I just wanted Karma to be more obvious, but sometimes, it just isn't.
And honestly, that makes it better 😆
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Anyway, back to what you said about Albitch's Karma... Ohhhh, the number of laughs you gave me is PRICELESS!!!
I would seriously pay to see the screenshots of HER posts being filled with her own nudes 😆 Reap what you sow!
And I know it will not get any better for her. She's dragging Chris through the mud, and let's just say, that the fans that love Chris, definitely hate her. Beyond her "marrying" him.
Also, how Chris seems to contradict everything he used to say whenever he's with her. Hell, she doesn't even have THE ASS that Chris would be into 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so, that's a VERY BIG contradiction. And, regards to their marriage... PRIVACY, MY ASS!!!
That said, I love how clearly you can see everything, once you get a level head. That means... Karma is definitely real.
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Also, lemme just tag @blue-ice715 because it's her post that I reblogged, and she would definitely love to read this. 😊
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sexhaver · 2 years
it is so unbelievably fundamentally embarrassing to be sad about the queen dying to the point where i can't even put myself in that headspace as a thought experiment. there's the obvious flaw of being sad that such an evil and powerful person died instead of popping the BIGGEST bottles, but even if she was just some random celebrity, people mourning her as if she gave a fraction of a rat's ass about their wellbeing is exceedingly cringe. "she was such a sweet old lady, i felt a personal connection to her" she spent more money on protecting her pedo son and making it legal to not hire black workers at the royal palace than you will ever see in a dozen lifetimes and your response, instead of righteous fury, is to ask for more? br*tish "people" are officially never allowed to make fun of how americans idolize elon musk ever again
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
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As PinkNews notes, Twitter recently announced that it would stop enforcing its policy against misinformation about COVID-19, while allowing accounts that had previously been blocked for spreading misinformation to return to the site.
Musk, who acquired the social media platform on October 27, has personally posted misleading and false info on Twitter. Following the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband Paul Pelosi, Musk tweeted a news story promoting a baseless and homophobic conspiracy theory about the attack. Musk later deleted the tweet.
Over the weekend, however, he was at it again. On Saturday, he tweeted a brief excerpt from Twitter’s former head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth’s 300-page doctoral dissertation entitled “Gay Data” where he argued that Grindr should “focus on crafting safety strategies” for minors using their dating app since many will be using it anyway.
“Looks like Yoel is arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis,” Musk tweeted.
Roth has been critical of Musk’s approach to “free speech” on Twitter. As many on the platform were quick to note, the baseless implication left Roth, who is gay and Jewish, open to harassment and threats from far-right extremists pushing false claims about LGBTQ+ people “grooming” children for abuse.
This isn’t the first time Musk has used baseless accusations of pedophilia against people who publicly embarrass him. In 2018, 12 members of a soccer team got stuck in a cave in Thailand and Musk called one of the British rescuers, Vernon Unsworth, a “pedo guy” after he felt insulted by Unsworth. Musk reportedly spent $500,000 investigating Unsworth to back up the claim ahead of the ensuing defamation lawsuit, but he couldn’t find any evidence that Unsworth was actually a child abuser.
According to recent findings from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, the Anti-Defamation League, and other groups, Twitter has seen an uptick in hate speech since Musk took over. As the New York Times reported earlier this month, anti-gay slurs appeared on Twitter 2,506 times a day on average before Musk took over. Afterward, that figure rose to 3,964 times a day.
“Watching Elon launch a digital mob against his former head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth, an openly gay Jewish man, is one of the most vile and disgusting things I’ve ever seen,” tweeted Alejandra Caraballo. “He’s putting Yoel’s life in danger and he knows it. It’s sick, twisted, and sociopathic.”
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Hello! You have been ✨chosen✨ by ✨boredom✨ to name 5 fun/cool/interesting facts about your DR(s), then copy and paste this into 10 of your shifter mutuals’ askboxes. Have fun!
I love to see this ask ‘cause I got it on my main and didn’t know how to post it here 🩷
stating ahead that this will be long and probably hella embarrassing so buckle up 🫡
1. stranger things | this one is so random, but i scripted that there is a book series called ‘the originals’ which is about Mikaelson family from the series here. there multiple books, the first one going over their human lives and transition, then the rest is each from one of the sibling’s pov, going from the oldest to youngest. it follows their lives trough the centuries and ends by Bekah’s pov in late 1910’s. and as this one introduces Freya, there is additional one called ‘Long Lost Sister’ about her life-
it’s so dumb but jesus christ i’d kill for this kind of series so i’m making it real at least in some reality 💀
2. mcu dr | as i’m a basic bitch and Tony’s child, i’m basically a nepo baby and sort of IT girl 🤭 people be going crazy over the most random things i do & i have ton of followers on insta because i’m attention whore
3. fame dr | this is planned for future ‘cause i want easier start but i’ll have an HBO series which i’m writing, producing & starring in. me and sebastian <3 are the main couple and will probably sweep all the awards available
4. mcu dr | this one is even stupider than the rest istg but i’m being honest here <3 Elon Musk has a beef with me. now hear me out- he was in IM2 movie and so in my mcu dr he’s very much ‘Tony wannabe’ and later on tries to claim he’ll be the next Iornman or some shit, to which I’m coming to scene like “bitch you wish 💀” so eventually he’s just beefing over a title that’s already claimed with a girl in her early twenties
I hate the guy with burning passion here so I’m making him look like a clown there 🤭
5. the originals dr | oh boy- so i basically scripted that back in the day me & Kol ran away from Nik, under the threat of a dagger and became pirates (iykyk-). at that time i got a girlfriend who spend a ton of time with us (eventually we ended up in coffin again so idk where she ended up). then moving fast forward we’re in 21st century and historians found enough evidence to make me sort of historical sapphic icon and I’ll know that because Josh tells me-
lmao bye- hope you enjoyed cs now i kinda feel embarrassed 💀
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trendfag · 1 year
“how has elon musk not heard of the streisand effect” the answer is that he doesnt care. like lets be real he didnt change twitters logo to the meme that the cryptocurrency suing him to distract people from the fact hes being sued. how would that even work like no he did it because he thinks its funny. you people are so filled with shame you cant imagine someone not being driven by shame but elon has proven again and again to be shameless. does he get embarrassed? arguably. but i dont think hes ever displayed an ounce of shame for anything hes done. he thinks that dogecoin suing him is funny and what he wants most in this world is for people to laugh with him so he made a joke referencing it
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occupyswift · 14 days
Burning Red by occupyswift
"Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of SpaceX, is in a heated argument with Brazilian supreme court judge Alexandre de Moraes over free speech on X, the popular social media platform. De Moraes has recently asked the platform to ban some conspiracy theorists who were planning a coup in Brazil, which Musk believes goes against the principles of free speech. As the debate rages on, a young woman named Ella catches Musk's eye. Despite her initial disdain for him and his beliefs, the two begin a tumultuous love affair that ultimately forces Musk to confront his own beliefs and principles."
Rating: Explicit Content
Warning: Enemies to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, I Was Drunk When I Wrote This, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I'm Bad At Tagging, Long-Distance Relationship, Secret Relationship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Alternate Universe - Crack, Eventual Romance, Inspired by Twitter, Alternate Universe, Age Difference.
Category: F/M
Chapter 5: Oh my darlin', heard the warnings but I'm all in
As Ella walks out of the shower, wrapped in a fluffy towel, she checks her phone. There's a message from Elon waiting for her, asking if she's feeling better and if she can call him back when she gets a chance. A smile spreads across Ella's face as she calls his number and leans back against the wall.
"Hey," Ella says softly when Elon answers.
"Hey there," he replies with a warm voice. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm okay," she says, feeling a shiver run down her spine as she imagines the sound of his deep voice. "Just still a bit shaken up, I guess."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, princess," Elon says, his voice brimming with empathy. "I promise you that I'll make sure that he never bothers you again."
Ella feels her heart skip a beat as she listens to him speak. She never thought she would find herself attracted to a man like Elon, but something about the way he cares for her brings out a warmth in her that she's never experienced before.
"Thank you," she whispers, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Don't mention it," Elon replies, his voice gentle. "You're important to me, Ella. I want to make sure that you're always safe and happy."
The girl feels a surge of emotion well up inside her as she listens to him speak. She never thought that someone like Elon Musk would care for her in this way, but now that she knows, she can't help but feel drawn to him.
Ella finally mustered the courage to speak to Elon about her job situation. She was afraid that Max's inappropriate behavior might ruin her career prospects. "Elon," she started, her voice quivering, "I'm scared that I might lose my job opportunity because of that guy."
"Don't be," Musk says firmly. "You're a hard-working and dedicated woman. Anyone can see that you deserve to be where you are."
Escobar feels her heart skip a beat as she listens to him. She knows that numerous companies, including the ones he owns, would kill to have him on board, and his words mean the world to her.
"It was your smart meme that caught my attention, after all," Elon said, chuckling. "You know how to push my buttons, don't you?"
Ella rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. "Well, you make it too easy," she said. "I mean, you're Elon Musk, the king of controversies. It's not hard to make fun of you."
Elon laughed. "Touché," he said.
Then, she chuckles and hesitates but ends up thanking Elon for cheering her up and calming her down. "Thank you so much," she murmurs. "You really have this way of… cheering me up."
"It's the least I could do," Elon says earnestly, his voice softening. "I know it's too soon, but I want you to know that I'd never leave you alone in a situation like that. You're a very special girl, despite being so stubborn and grumpy all the time."
Ella feels her heart skip a beat at the sound of his words. Normally, she'd push back against such compliments, but coming from Elon, they feel different. "You think I'm special?" she asks softly, her tone filled with a mix of wonder and surprise.
"I do," Elon says simply. "You're smart, funny, and you have this way of cutting through all the bullshit and telling it like it is. I admire that about you."
She can't help but smile at his words. She's never thought of herself as special before, but the way he says it makes her feel like she really is. "Well, I guess you could say the same about yourself," she quips, trying to lighten the mood.
Musk chuckles. "I know I'm not perfect, but I try to do the best I can," he admits. "And I know I may not be your type, but I can't help the way I feel about you."
Ella's smile fades slightly at his last words. She knows that Elon's a billionaire, and that they come from completely different worlds. Plus, she's still not entirely sure how she feels about him, despite the attraction she can't seem to shake. "I don't know what to say, Elon," she says, feeling a twinge of unease.
Elon seems to sense her hesitation, and he quickly reassures her. "It's okay. I'm not going to push you into anything you're not comfortable with," he says softly. "Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."
She feels a sense of relief wash over her. She's not ready to think about anything beyond the present moment, but knowing that Elon's in her corner is a comfort.
"Thanks, Elon. That really means a lot to me," she says, feeling the warmth spreading through her chest.
Elon's response is almost immediate. "You mean a lot to me" he says, his voice quiet and intense. "I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I feel like I've known you forever."
Escobar feels her heart racing at his words. Is Elon really saying what she thinks he's saying?
Musk couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he spoke to Ella. He had never felt like this before, and it scared him. He was used to being in control, but with her, he felt vulnerable and exposed.
"So, are you saying you like me, Elon?" Ella asked teasingly.
"Yes, I guess I am," he replied with a grin. "I'm glad this is one of the rare moments when you're sweet to me."
Ella laughed. "You wouldn't survive a day dating a Latina, Musk."
"You think so? I never say no to a challenge." he teased back.
The young woman rolled her eyes.
Elon grinned. "I mean it," he said. "Now, let me ask you something. Do you fit into any stereotypes?"
Ella raised an eyebrow while holding the phone against her ear. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you know, like the 'fiery Latina' or 'cold, unapproachable woman'," Elon explained. "It's just that you're so different from anyone I've ever met, I can't help but wonder."
She laughed again. "I guess I could fit into a few stereotypes if I wanted to," she teased. "But I prefer to be my own person, rather than try to conform to anyone else's expectations."
Elon smiled, his heart fluttering at the sight of her laughing. He had never felt so alive, so free to be himself.
Whenever Ella laughed on the phone, Elon couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. He knew he was falling for her, and it scared him. He had never felt this way before, and he didn't know how to handle it.
"So, do you think I fit into any stereotype?" Ella asked, teasingly.
He chuckled. "Well, you're definitely not the typical girl I meet. You're smart, independent, and not afraid to speak your mind. You're a breath of fresh air."
Ella smiled. She liked hearing Elon compliment her, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. After all, he was a billionaire, and she was just a regular girl he met online.
"I still don't know how I feel about all of this," Ella admitted. "I mean, as you said, we just met a few days ago, and now you're telling me you like me. It's all happening so fast."
Elon sighed. He knew she was right, but he couldn't help how he felt. "I understand. I don't want to push you into anything you're not comfortable with. But I just can't help the way I feel about you."
Ella was silent for a moment, then she spoke. "You know, Elon, I've always been attracted to… A different type of person. But you do have a good side. You actually care about things like freedom of speech and helping people, I guess…"
Musk smiled while holding the phone. He liked hearing Ella's honesty, even if it wasn't all positive. "Well, I try to do the best I can. And to be honest, I'm not perfect. I've made mistakes in the past, but I'm trying to make up for them."
"I understand. And I appreciate your honesty." She paused for a moment, then added, "I guess we'll just have to see where things go from here."
Elon grinned. "I couldn't agree more. We'll take it one day at a time. Plus, as I said, I'm up for the challenge."
She chuckles as she doesn't believe him. "You're just saying that. You'd never be able to handle dating a Latina for 24 hours."
Elon laughed and said, "Wanna bet on that?"
Ella arched an amused eyebrow. "A bet?"
"A challenge, actually. I'll spend 24 hours acting like your boyfriend, and if I can't handle it, I'll donate $1 million to a charity of your choice. But if I can handle it, you have to go on a date with me."
She gasps on the other side of the call, "And what exactly do you mean by 'handling it'?"
Elon smirked. "I mean, I'll prove that I can handle anything you throw at me. Bring on the fiery temper, the gritty attitude, and the sassy comebacks. I'll take it all."
"Okay,” Ella laughed. “But you have to follow my rules."
"Your rules?" Elon repeated, intrigued.
"Yep," She said confidently. "For starters, I want you to avoid fights on X for the next 24 hours. Especially if it's related to Brazilian politics."
Elon's face fell. "But I stand for freedom of speech," he protested.
"I know you do. But can you stop playing hero for just one day? If you want me, you'll have to learn to compromise."
She heard Elon sighing, "Okay, I'll do it. But what are the other rules?"
Ella giggles, "That's the only rule for now," she says, warning him that it won't be easy.
"I can handle it," he says confidently. "I'll be on my best behavior."
She rolls her eyes playfully. "We'll see about that," she says with a smirk.
Elon squeezes the phone. "Don't worry. I can handle you easier than you think. Although, you seem petite and a lot smaller than me, so maybe you're the one who won't be able to handle me," he says with a wink.
Ella clears her throat on the phone and says, "I'm not small, Elon. I just happen to be vertically challenged."
He chuckles on the other end. "Oh really? How tall are you then?"
Ella hesitates for a moment. She knows that in comparison to Elon's statuesque build, her petite frame may make her seem inferior. But she decides to be honest nonetheless.
"I'm 5'2," she admits.
Elon's mind immediately sparks with desire. He can feel himself getting turned on at the thought of being with Ella. Something about their size difference makes him imagine her under his body, or even on top.
"Interesting," he says, trying to keep his composure. "I've always been attracted to shorter women, for some reason."
She rolls her eyes playfully. "Well, lucky for you then."
Elon grins on the other end. "I can't wait to win this challenge."
Her heart starts to race at the thought of being alone with Elon on a date, but she reminds herself that this is just a challenge. She can't let herself get too caught up in the fantasy.
"Remember," she says firmly. "No fights on X, especially not about Brazilian politics."
Elon sighs dramatically. "Fine, fine. I won't say a word."
She giggles on the other end. "I'm holding you to that."
Musk then smirks and teases Ella, "I bet I could lift you up easily with one arm." Ella blushes and groans at his comment, not sure whether to be flattered or annoyed.
He then continues, "You know, I'm 6'2. So I guess that makes you a lot shorter than me" Ella can hear the smirk in his voice and she rolls her eyes playfully.
"I know, I’ve seen your pictures," She admits with a hint of sarcasm. “But yep, that's me. Officially vertically challenged.”
"But that's part of why I like you. You're small and cute. It makes me feel like I can protect you," Elon says, his voice dropping slightly as he teases her.
Ella feels a tingling sensation between her thighs as she imagines being wrapped up in Elon's arms, feeling safe and protected. She clears her throat and tries to sound normal on the phone.
"Well, I can take care of myself," She says, trying to hide the fact that she's getting turned on by his words.
Elon chuckles on the other end, "I never said you couldn't take care of yourself. But it doesn't hurt to have someone looking out for you. Especially someone as capable as me."
She can't help but be charmed by Elon's confidence and she finds herself getting more and more attracted to him. She reminds herself that this is just a challenge and she can't let herself get too caught up in the fantasy.
"Okay. I'll see you later tonight on that video call. And don't forget, no fights on X," Ella says firmly.
"I won't forget. I'll see you soon, call me after you’re done with your things so we can watch something together on Discord like we always do," Elon says before hanging up.
Ella takes a deep breath and tries to shake off the desire she feels for Elon. She reminds herself that this is just a game and nothing more.
As Elon hangs up, she can't stop thinking about how it would feel to be in his arms. The idea of being dominated by a man so much bigger and older than her is turning her on.
She tries to shake off the feeling, but her thoughts keep going back to Elon. Ella wonders what it would be like to be in a relationship with him, to be his girl. The thought of being loved by him and being completely at his mercy is arousing her to no end. She pictures herself being lifted and carried by him, being spanked even.
The size difference between them has become a new kink for her. She never thought she would be attracted to someone so much taller and bigger than her, but now it's all she can think about. She wants Elon to ravish her, to dominate her completely and fulfill all her fantasies.
Her thoughts become even more explicit as she imagines the two of them being intimate. She pictures Elon holding her up against a wall, his bigger arms wrapped around her tiny frame as he thrusts into her. She moans at the thought of him taking her roughly, pushing her to her limits.
She groans again as she realizes that Elon has unleashed new kinks that she never knew she had. She can't wait to explore them with him and see how far he is willing to take whatever they have now. Despite feeling embarrassed by her own thoughts, she is excited by the idea of giving into her desires.
Ella also can't help but think about Elon's protection and how it makes her feel. The idea of him standing between her and any danger gives her a sense of security she has never felt before. But it's not just his physical strength that attracts her. It's his confidence, his intelligence, and his ambition. She admires his drive and his willingness to take risks.
As she sips her water later on, she thinks about the power dynamic in their relationship and how that could translate into the bedroom. She imagines herself submitting to him completely, allowing him to take control of her and show her what true pleasure is.
She knows these thoughts go against her principles, but she can't help the way she feels. It's like something inside her has been awakened, and there's no going back. She wants Elon, and she wants him with a passion she has never felt before.
Ella feels her phone vibrating in her pocket. She reaches for it and sees it's a message from Musk. She opens it and sees a silly selfie of him wearing his famous Occupy Mars black shirt. She can't help but giggle at the sight and feels a warm feeling in her chest. She looks at the picture for a few seconds before typing out a sassy reply.
"Nice shirt, Elon. It looks so comfy. Maybe I should wear it instead of you," she sends, attaching a silly selfie of herself wearing a bright pink t-shirt and denim shorts, making a funny face at the camera.
Elon takes a moment to reply, but when he does, his message makes Ella blush. "I would love to see you wearing nothing instead of my shirt. You'd look absolutely stunning," he sends.
Ella feels a familiar tingling sensation between her thighs and bites her own lip as she stares at the picture on her screen again. She can't believe how much she wants him, how much she craves his touch. She types out a reply quickly, not wanting to keep him waiting.
"Maybe someday. If you play your cards right," she sends, adding a wink emoji at the end.
Elon sends back a heart emoji, and Ella can't help but smile. She feels happy and excited, but also a little scared. She knows that this could all be a game, that Elon may not feel the same way she does. But she can't help but hope that this is real, that they could actually have something together.
Meanwhile, his mind was consumed with thoughts of Ella, and he couldn't shake them no matter how hard he tried. The way she looked in that bright t-shirt and denim shorts had left him breathless, and her sassy reply had only fueled his desire for her even more. He couldn't believe how much he had fallen for this girl, despite her grumpy and cold exterior.
As he looked at the silly selfie she had sent him, a sly grin spread across his face. He imagined her wearing his famous Occupy Mars black shirt, but with nothing else on, and his body reacted instantly to the thought. He could feel himself growing hard just thinking about her beautiful body pressed against his own.
He wanted her, he needed her, and he wasn't going to stop until she was his. His mind raced with all of the possibilities of what they could do together, the ways he could make her feel good, the ways he could make her scream his name.
Of course he knew that this was just a game to her, a challenge that she had placed before him. But he was determined to win her over, to show her that he could handle dating a latina and that he was the man of her dreams.
As Ella was relaxing at her desk in her room, her phone rang. It was someone from her agency.
"Hello?" she answered.
"Hi, Ella. This is Maria from the agency. I'm calling to let you know that your presentation has been rescheduled for next week. We had a bit of an emergency here, and one of our employees resigned suddenly. We need to take care of some things this week, but next week should be fine. Sorry for the inconvenience."
"Oh, okay. Thanks for letting me know," Ella replied. "Uh, who exactly resigned?"
Maria hesitated for a moment before answering, "It was Max. He seemed really agitated when he handed in his resignation letter and said he was leaving the country."
Ella's heart sank. She knew that Elon had something to do with this. He had promised to take care of Max, but she never thought he would go this far. She felt both grateful and scared. Grateful that Elon had her back, but scared of the power he wielded and what he was capable of.
She took a deep breath and tried to calm down after the call with Maria. She appreciated Elon's help, but she couldn't help feeling uneasy about the situation. She wondered how far he would go to protect her and what kind of power he really had.
Later that night, as Ella settles into her seat for her Discord call with Elon, her heart is racing with anticipation. She can't believe how much she's grown to like this man who she once despised.
As soon as Elon's face pops up on the screen, Ella greets him with a warm smile. Elon notices her reaction and smiles back, feeling a sense of satisfaction.
"You’re still working tomorrow?" Elon asks.
Ella takes a deep breath before answering. "Actually, it got rescheduled for next week. And, uh, Max resigned."
Elon's expression changes, and Ella can see it in his eyes. "Did he say anything before he left?" he asks.
"He was just really agitated. Said he was leaving the country."
He nods, lost in thought. "Well, I'm glad you're safe now," he says. "Should we continue with our King of Queens marathon?"
The girl can't help but chuckle. "Sure, let's do it."
As they continue watching the show, Ella can't help but wonder what he had done to that man. She tries not to ask, but she ends up giving in to her curiosity.
"What did you do, Elon?" she suddenly asks.
Elon hesitates for a moment before responding. "All I did was send him a warning," he admits. "I let him know that I had the power to destroy his life if he ever hurt you again."
Ella's heart sinks again. She's both grateful and scared of what he's capable of, and she can't help but wonder how far he would go to protect her. Despite her uneasiness, she still can't deny her attraction to him.
She hesitates before responding, unsure of what to say. "Thank you, Elon. I appreciate everything you've done for me," she finally says, her voice soft.
Elon smiles, relieved to see that she's okay. "Of course. I won't let anything bad happen to you. My team investigated that man, and we found out that he had a history of harassment anyway. You're safe with me, even from a distance."
Ella nods, feeling grateful for his protection but also a little bit afraid of how much power he has in case he ever gets bored of her. "I know you mean well, but sometimes it feels like you're controlling everything. How can I be sure that you won't cross any lines?"
Musk takes a deep breath, understanding her concerns. "I know I can be a bit intense sometimes, but I promise I won't do anything without your consent. I'm here to protect you, not to control you. And if you ever have any doubts or reservations, you can always tell me. I want you to feel safe and comfortable with me."
Ella smiles, oddly feeling reassured by his words, noticing him smirking on video. "What's so funny?" she asks curiously.
"I was just wondering if you checked out how I behaved on X so far.” he says, “Remember the challenge you gave me?"
She rolls her eyes, "I highly doubt you can control yourself for long but I haven't checked, why?"
Elon grins, "Well, as promised, I didn't fight with anyone. I've kept things civil and I thought you might appreciate that."
Her heart warms as she realizes just how considerate and understanding Elon truly is. Although she tries to act grumpy, she cannot resist the charming billionaire. She giggles and says, "Well, I'm impressed, Mr. Musk. You might not be so bad after all."
He winks, "I told you, I'm the right man for you, love."
Ella blushes on camera as Elon studies her during the video call. He can't help but admire her red painted lips, her cute round glasses, and the way her t-shirt hugs her figure. He's so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn't even realize he's staring until Ella clears her throat.
"What?" Elon asks, a little embarrassed.
She rolls her eyes. "You're such a goofball, Elon. You know, for a so-called-genius, you can be pretty clueless sometimes."
Elon grins. "So you're really only 5'2?"
"Yes, it's true.” Ella sighs. “Why is everyone so obsessed with my height?"
He smirks at the girl, his eyes flickering with desire as he tells her how sexy he finds it that she is shorter than him, and how easily he can carry her around. "I bet I could lift you up with one hand," he says, his voice low and seductive.
Ella's cheeks turn even redder as she tries to hide her face from the camera. "You are impossible," she says, but her eyes betray her true feelings.
Elon leans in closer to the screen, his gaze intense. "You feel it too, don't you?" he asks, his voice husky. "The sexual tension between us?"
She swallows, unable to meet his gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," she says, but her voice is unsteady.
Musk chuckles, a rakish grin spreading across his face. "I think you do," he says. "I think you want me as badly as I want you."
"You are ridiculous," she says, trying to play it cool.
Elon laughs, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I'm just telling the truth," he says. "I can't wait to win this challenge and your heart, Ella."
She feels a flutter in her chest at his words, but tries to remain composed. "You still have a few hours left," she says, trying to change the subject. "Are you sure you're up for the challenge?"
With that, he grins, his confidence shining through. "I was born ready," he says. "And I'm going to win your heart, no matter what it takes."
Ella rolls her eyes again, but can't help but feel a spark of attraction towards Elon. Even though she despises what he represents, she can't deny the chemistry between them. "We'll see about that," she says, challenging him.
He chuckles, his eyes locked on hers. "Oh, I have a feeling I'm going to win," he says. "And then you'll have to admit that you want me as badly as I want you."
Ella can feel her resolve weakening. She knows she shouldn't give in to Elon's charms, but she can't help but feel drawn to him. "We'll just have to wait and see," she says, trying to sound nonchalant.
Elon leans closer to the screen, his eyes intense. "I can't wait," he says, his voice husky with desire. "I can't wait to see what happens next."
She tries to keep her cool, but can feel her heart racing at Elon's words. She knows that this challenge is going to be tough, but she can't wait to see who comes out on top.
Elon watches her, unable to resist teasing her a bit more. "Hey, can you stand up for a second? I want to see what you're wearing," he said with a sly grin.
Ella widened her eyes in shock at his request. "Excuse me? No way. That's inappropriate," she replied sternly.
But Elon was relentless. "Oh, come on, it's just a harmless request," he insisted, his voice dripping with seduction.
She shook her head, feeling a mix of anger and attraction towards him despite everything. "No, I'm not going to do that. You're just trying to get a rise out of me," she said firmly.
Elon chuckled, clearly amused by her resistance. "Fair enough. I just wanted to check how short you are on camera.”
Once again, she rolls her eyes, but she can't deny that she's enjoying the attention. She and Elon continue watching the show together, teasing each other and flirting shamelessly. Ella knows it's wrong, but she can't help but feel a spark of something between them.
She can't help but wonder where this thing with Elon will lead. Could they really be more than just this? Only time would tell. But for now, she's content to let the flirtation continue and see where it takes them.
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debunkingtherightwing · 6 months
Knowles Knows Nothing; November 28, 2023
After doing that mammoth post on Elon Musk and the Daily Wires....interesting response I decided to look for a specific commentor to focus on. Candace Owens is gone for who knows how long so she is obviously out. Ben Shapiro has been in a rather boring mood, he is in full promotion mode for the Daily Wires new transphobic "comedy" movie Lady Ballers and is also regurgitating the same tired talking points about the Israel-Hamas War we have heard 5,000 times already.
I have already given Matt Walsh a blog post so I don't want to dive deep into him again without giving someone else at the Wire a chance, plus ever since we talked about his anti-trans violence video he hasn't done much of note outside of publishing a video on AI writers (which judging by the title is just him being an asshole about journalists) and interviewing Chaya Raichik of Libs Of TikTok fame. We probably will talk about the one on AI writers later because Matt Walsh's take on journalists being "expendable" is probably something that will lead to an interesting post and me getting pissed as hell which will be fun for you guys.
Andrew Klavan rarely has anything interesting to say and Brett Cooper is basically "Libs Of TikTok Live" which is something I could care less about.
So that leaves our favorite third banana Michael Knowles, which is fun because I know very little about the guy compared to the other two. So I opened up the Michael Knowles page on the Daily Wires website (which given his view counts is a sentence very few people ever utter) and my eyes were immediately drawn to this.
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I'm sure the guy who once said that Juneteenth was about "black nationalism" has great takes on blackface (Image via Michael Knowles at the Daily Wire)
Naturally I was intrigued by this. Hearing ANYONE at the Daily Wire talk about blackface is bound to be a disaster, but Michael Knowles is a guy who knows his relative lack of prominence compared to others at the Daily Wire allows him to get away with saying some real dumb shit. And that he does.
Also, brief trigger warning. Michael gets pretty racist in this episode and spends a good amount of it defending blackface. If your uncomfortable with racism and general stupidity, turn around now. I put my brain through this crap and if you guys don't want to put your brains through this crap as well I totally understand. Also, I think this goes without saying but I do not agree with anything Michael says in this episode. As a person of color myself I find what he says here infuriating. If you still want to read the post, skip to 8;06 where Michael drops his deranged blackface tirade and goes on to less racist bullshit that if anything reveals just how dumb this guy is. Now, without further ado; let's get into it shall we?
00;00: "The libs are trying to cancel a kid at a Kansas City Chiefs Game For Allegedly Wearing Blackface"
Alright, so Michael's avenue for talking about Blackface is this story about this kid wearing a native headdress and face paint. And you know what, Michael is half right in of that what Deadspin did was REALLY crappy reporting. They did indeed only post half of his face in an attempt to make him look like he was wearing blackface, he also turned out to be Native American further causing embarrassment to the magazine. This is remarkably bad journalistic practice and should be viewed for how ridiculous it is.
However, Michael take that "the libs" are trying to cancel this kid is royally ridiculous. The notion that one guys lousy reporting represents an entire group is absolutely absurd and almost every publication I found, both left wing and right wing, was pointing out how ridiculous the reporting from Deadspin was. The "libs" are fully on the side of this kid and his family but people like Chaya Raichik and Michael Knowles are pretending they give two shits about this kid to fuel their right wing culture war nonsense.
1;00: "But the conservatives are missing something too, because the conservative defense of this kid thus far has largely been confined to the observation that 'He wasn't actually wearing blackface'. That is weak sauce-
Oh no....don't tell me he is going to go the way I think he is going to go. Please don't say what I think you're going to say...
1;15: "Because the deeper error in the libs attack is that contrary to what the left selectively argues today, there is nothing inherently wrong about blackface"
He said it!
*Sigh*, I guess this is what I get for creating a blog about the Daily Wire. And I guess this is what I get for deciding to watch a video about blackface from Michael Freaking Knowles of all people. But man, I never thought I'd have to explain in writing why blackface is a bad thing. I assumed as a society we had all settled that debate in, I don't know, 1989 or so!
Alright, so let's talk about why blackface is absolutely a bad thing and why Michael Knowles is a complete fucking idiot at best and a massive racist at worst.
Blackface has traditionally been used by whites to mock and stereotype black people as stupid and unworthy of human rights. In doing these performances whites at the time were able to use these stereotypes to justify racist ideals of white supremacy. It initially started as a way for whites to mock enslaved African American's and portray them as lazy and stupid, as seen in "Jim Crow" performances in the American South at the time. In short, it was essentially a way to punch down at an already oppressed segment of the population while also reinforcing harmful stereotypes used to justify segregation and slavery.
While a part of me wonders if Michael is just doing this to be a troll and get attention, a part of me also thinks that he legitimately believes this. Given his previous racist remarks it would not surprise me. While it's frustrating as hell for me to have to explain why blackface is offensive, this is exactly the kind of crap that made me start this blog. Michael is going mask off with his racism here and it shows.
2;05: "I don't wanna move on too quickly from what is almost guaranteed to be my Media Matters highlight clip of the day, which is that there's nothing inherently wrong with blackface. And it's just a fact. And I think it's ridiculous that anyone even pretends to contradict this today."
Ok, the little Media Matters jab tells me this might be for attention. If that is the case I am not even triggered, I'm just sad. Yeah, saying there's nothing wrong with blackface is disgusting but is it any worse than the blatant homophobia and transphobia that Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, and yes Michael Knowles spew out every day on their shows? Not really, but that doesn't make it any less disgusting and quite frankly, stupid. But here's a fully grown man spouting out racist talking points from 1957 to a modern audience in part because he believes them and in part because he's a troll looking for attention and to "trigger the libs". It's kind of pathetic really.
2;23: "Here is proof that there is nothing inherently wrong with blackface care of, I don't know, the last however many decades of Hollywood.
The clips Michael plays are a series of Hollywood actors performing in blackface. Some are more overtly racist than others but all of them are clearly pretty racist. You know why? BECAUSE THE PERFORMANCES ARE DONE IN BLACKFACE!
Just because something used to be widespread doesn't make it good. Is Michael going to come out and defend slavery because "it's an American tradition"? At this point it would not surprise me.
3;54: "I actually don't see anything wrong with any of those performances"
If Michael doesn't see anything wrong with a white person dressing up in blackface and doing an offensive impression of a black person that's an indictment of his character.
4;11: "It's obviously ironic what she's doing. She's obviously making a commentary on it. It's totally fine.
Oh, so there is a line to be drawn in Michael's world when it comes to blackface. As long as your being "ironic" and "making a commentary on it" your A-OK! If Michael were in the room with me right now, after I got through shouting at him I would ask him where the line between a commentary and actual racism is. Michael then tries to draw that line...then promptly backtracks to say that the line he draws is actually OK as well.
4;18: "Now, people draw a distinction. They will say, well, there's a difference between doing an impression of an actual Black person and doing blackface in the old minstrel tradition. And I agree, and certainly Jimmy Fallon doing an impression of Chris Rock is much more easily defended than someone doing, you know, an old Al Jolson number, but I wouldn't even write off the Al Jolson numbers so quickly"
So Al Jolson numbers are racist...but they are actually not. Al Jolson numbers are clearly racist as was Jimmy Fallon's impression of Chris Rock. You know why? Because blackface is racist as hell. I'm gonna keep saying it because apparently it needs to be said.
4;43: "Most people who attack blackface (it should be noted that he says "Blackface" with air quotes, real classy) do so in a really convenient way to score some cheap political points.
That problem would be solved if people just stopped doing blackface. No racism, no controversy. You guys noticing a running them with my comments here? GOOD! Let's say it again; Blackface! Is! Racist!
4;51: "But how many people know the actual history of it?
I do! I just explained it. It is a very racist history. But just in case you need a refresher, blackface is a tradition that was designed to put people of color down and portray them as dumb and lazy.
5;12: "Billy Kersands was one of the most famous minstrel performers ever in American history, and he was a Black guy."
Billy Kersands is actually not that famous in the modern era, he was at the time but nowadays he really isn't. But yeah, Billy Kersands was a black minstrel performer. A good part of the issue that black entertainers like Kersands at the time faced was that the only way they could use their skills and talents as entertainers in minstrel shows because it was considered unacceptable to see black entertainers in any other context. They were essentially reduced to circus acts, as demonstrated by Kersands signature move in his shows which was stuffing things into his mouth.
So yeah, systemic racism is still racism.
5;45: "Should we cancel an entire major form of the American theatrical tradition"
If it is racist, yes! Once again, just because it is part of a "tradition" does not make it good. Slavery once was a part of America's tradition, that doesn't make it good. This argument is so stupid.
8;06: "Speaking of sports journalism, Sports Illustrated is in hot water because futurism, another outlet, has just done an investigation and accused sports illustrated of publishing articles generated by AI"
Alright, so we're done with the cringeworthy blackface arguments. Let's all breathe a sigh of relief that that's over. Anyway, we're onto the AI stuff I alluded to when I mentioned Matt Walsh. Sports Illustrated was caught writing articles using AI and attributing them to a made up writer named Drew Ortiz. I guess there are two themes in this post; racism and shitty journalistic ethics.
8;36: "I didn't read the whole thing, I don't see why I would"
If I could sum up the Daily Wire's approach to journalism in one sentence it would be this. I love how he's basically flexing that he is an awful journalist.
And before you say that I have skipped over segments in my coverage of the Daily Wire, I watched them and deemed them to be unimportant for whatever reason. If I was like Michael I would watch half the episode and then talk about the entire episode as if I watched the entire.
9;18: "Many so-called 'journalists' are just effectively inferior robots. What do they get? They get their talking points. They were indoctrinated in some lib school, and they know five things and they repeat the same tired cliches and they use whatever phrases are fashionable in the woke left and they ram it all in there in some stupid article"
I actually chortled at this because of the sheer lack of self awareness Michael has here. Gee, who do we know who comes in everyday and repeats the same five talking points (transgender issues, abortion, liberal politics, "woke" stuff found on the internet, and fearmongering about the left) mixed up to match the latest headlines to an audience living in an echo-chamber? Hint, he's a third banana at a known conservative website and his name rhymes with Rychel Coals.
9;56: "I almost maybe start to see a problem if we're talking about some great work of literature, even there I don't care"
Just to fully confirm what you read was correct, Michael just admitted to being fine with all literature being written by AI! This is a stupid position no matter which side you are on. To hell with human creativity and future great literary works, lets just have the computer do it! Then again, this is a "journalist" who admits to not reading the entirety of articles he is covering so I shouldn't be surprised that he doesn't care about literature.
Next segment is Michael nitpicking some speech Kevin McCarthy did. I don't care at all and nothing really interesting or important happened in this segment (plus, this post is getting long af). If you want to hear something a bit amusing, go to 13;13 where he lists of wars America has fought for land and he says "We fought our first war for land when we took this land from.....the Brits". Really wanted to say the indigenous in that pause didn't you Michael? Michael then announces that he's doing a speech at Vanderbilt where he's going to be "defending Colonialism", a part of me wants to go through that whole one hour speech at some point because if this is how Michael Knowles prepares for his own show, I can only imagine how much of an idiot he looks on stage. His next segment is him talking about the education secretary messing up a Reagan quote and acting as if it is a big gotcha. Again, who cares? Ad pivot for PragerU. Blah, blah, blah. Obsessing over Ronald Reagan, who cares? You can watch it if you do.
24;40: "There's a clip that just went viral of some lady in Ireland discussing the battle between good on the one hand and freedom on the other - The error that this woman is making is not in suggesting that we ought to recognize a common good and pursue it, the error that this woman is making is not recognizing that some limits on our choice ought to be placed by the government in service of the common good, the error that this woman is making is in believing that freedom and common good are in opposition to one another."
Freedom with restrictions on behavior, heck yeah! Wait....advertisers are pulling out of Twitter because Elon made an antisemitic comment? Gotta devote a minute of my show to rambling about how this is an attack on our liberty!
29;09: "Which is contingent upon educating ourselves and increasing our intellect as much as we can"
Are we really gonna let a guy who said ten minutes ago that he wouldn't care if all modern literature was written by AI talk to us about "educating ourselves"?
30;48: "It's amazing how sometimes a half truth can come out to a total wrong"
Didn't you just portray one guys sloppy reporting as completely representative of the entire political left? It really is amazing how a half truth can come out as a total wrong, the Daily Wire is a massive monument to this principle.
Next he talks more about Elon and Media Matters, still doesn't talk about HOW it was a hoax. If you want to hear a more elaborate take from me about the Daily Wire (including Michael Knowles) response to Elon's recent insanity, check out my most recent installment to "Daily Wire Responds To" where I go way more in depth about the arguments from the Daily Wire regarding Elon, I don't feel like retreading them here.
36;44: "Mitt Romney says that he would prefer to vote for a democrat than two republican presidential candidates."
I do not care at all who Mitt Romney votes for, it is entirely his business. I would have assumed that Michael "Freedom is my Middle Name" Knowles would have agreed with this.
Well folks, that was my first (sadly of many) full episode of the Michael Knowles Show. So what did I think? How does it compare to Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh?
Well, blackface aside, Michaels show feels WAY more disorganized than Matt Walshes or Ben Shapiros. We went from defending blackface, to AI written pieces being good actually, to being really nitpicky about multiple speeches. Also I now fully understand why this guy failed as an actor because he has the charisma of a rock. His delivery is painfully flat and bland which makes it seem like he doesn't give a shit about the stuff he is covering. He mostly seems to just comment on completely meaningless gaffs democrats made, never mind the many stupid things that Donald Trump says every time he takes the stage. Seems like he probably complained about Obama's tan suit back in the day. The flatness of his delivery makes his show PAINFULLY boring, if the host doesn't care how can I?
While all of the Daily Wire hosts have their own mannerisms that get on my nerves (Ben Shapiro has his obnoxious fast talking, Matt Walsh has his smugness, Brett Cooper has her loud delivery and attempts at "getting down with the kids", Michael's delivery is just pure...nothingness. So my initial assessment seems to be correct, Michael is just the Daily Wire third banana.
But we did learn that he is also one racist little banana so there's that.
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tartlette1968 · 10 months
I was going to make a long comment about something else.
But then this came up, again, this week.
I guess I'm not unique, I have an ambivalence towards "the Footy". But it's complicated. My Dad was an amazing man, and his whole life revolved around Aussie Rules Footy. The AFL was formed in the 90s, but the game has been in existence for... well frankly who knows exactly how long. Its roots lie in the Indigenous game, Marngrook. Some dispute this and that's only one of the problems.
My Dad would sit in front of the TV watching the game, and yell...
"Get in there, help him!!! You're playing like a girl... KICK IT!!!"
Well, you get the picture. His favourite phrase, however, was, "Weak as water."
He played the game, and knew as much about it as anyone would. He saw things on the screen that only someone who had good game instincts would see. He played the game for a long time, until he was 50, and then he became a boundary umpire. Because of this, I was always surrounded by footy players. They weren't overtly homophobic, but it wasn't an environment that screamed out a welcome to any player who was gay or bisexual. And this was a time when Footy was a "man's game".
When women started to do sports reporting, there was an atmosphere of resentment from the players. Constant attempts to embarrass the reporters out of the job with overt displays of naked genitals, aggressive incursions into personal space, exaggerated and incessant swearing, but it failed. Not least because most of the female reporters had grown up around football, and they were used to it.
Football players have always had a problem with homosexuality and bisexuality. Some of them were incredibly predatory, themselves, but what they feared was a fellow player preying on them. They feared being looked upon, feared being lusted after by one of their fellow players. In short, they feared that a team mate would treat them the way they treated the women they "fancied", or that a team mate would want to treat them that way.
But the sporting climate has changed rapidly since the turn of the century. Still, there have been less than a handful of players of any code who have publicly identified as gay in any of the male competitions, and no AFL players amongst them. It is also very likely that there are few same sex attracted players at all in the various AFL competitions around Australia, as the deeply entrenched homophobia likely drives people out of the game.
The most alarming thing is that there doesn't appear to be any intention to address this gross oversight.
There have been a number of AFL players who have taken a break from the game to work on their mental health. It is probable that some of these players have done so because of their sexuality, but it would be the absolute last thing they would admit.
The behaviour and attitudes of the spectators demands attention, too. Social Media posts about the AFL are peppered with racism and homophobia in their comments, in particular the platform formerly known as Twitter. Since Elon Musk has removed nearly every measure that was aimed at reducing abuse, it has worsened.
How long the AFL can maintain its popularity is difficult to say. If the issue is not addressed, the number of younger spectators, and players will decrease, as tolerance of homophobia, sexism, and racism is markedly lower in younger generations, and they will pass judgement with their feet.
Basically it's a case of shape up, or die.
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egyptsass · 1 year
I’m like okay, whatever floats his boat?
But Nick did mention that you can’t get to England in a rowboat.
So they gave me a little baby Kiwi dinghy no it’s a dinghy is it shut up I’m gonna ask if I said it wrong then that would be embarrassing no no I’ve Gotta pull up the Tasmanian Princess again I wanna say it’s there no no the V I don’t follow no I mean Eye I think that I could follow her to a point, but if I’m feeling this in my chest it’s like Anastasia what’s her name I don’t know her last name she has a girl a really really eastern accent. She’s an older woman makes the make up Anastasia, I guess so whatever I don’t know she’s Gotta always drinking too much or something I don’t know. Are you like a racist or anything like that cause you don’t need to be like seriously I don’t know I mean I’m not a poster child for like speaking on that subject, but my God, oh, my dreams are making me sick, not my fault again, I just keep having these nightmares I don’t I don’t know though like I think that miracles happen sometimes and you know like you can meet people when you’re little and I’m in Lidl, Lidl and Taylor Taylor like I just don’t understand some people really on one side of the world I could be communicating with somebody who is completely a piece of shit But if they don’t hang a baby in a tree they’re alright I don’t know there any that’s not the experience everywhere South Africa needs all kinds of prayer money. I don’t know Elon Musk why don’t you solve some problems instead of like just being rich and thank your head or whatever.
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saltypiss · 2 years
Jesus christ the comments people are leaving about Elon Musk, bastion of free speech, firing a worker he threw under the bus after lying about how they caused the problems for people in other countries (fired the team that'd stop that) having slower connections than usual.
First of all: No. He didn't embarrass Elon. Elon embarrassed himself and someone knowledgable pointed out it was, in fact, a deflective lie being told.
I'll trust the guy with nothing to lose versus the guy losing billions on his own platform.
The reason this whole situation happened is because Elon fired the workers who prevented the original scenario from happening. Now he has no clue of anything.
Elon embarrassed himself, the person who actually knows what he's saying, merely pointed out what was said was factually incorrect. Followed by a loser provoking him trying to embarrass the dude, while simultaneously embarrassing musk saying he's "still learning"
CEOs that come in and swing their dick around immedietely, have nothing but a history of failure. If he's still learning, he shouldn't have fucked around this much, because he's finding out. It's embarrassing.
On top of this, I have to stress this part, again, Elon embarrassed Elon. The knowledgable person pointing out what literally everyone else knowledgable was pointing out, didn't embarrass Elon.
If Elon shits himself on stage, pulls it out of his chocolate painted pants, rubs it on his face, and someone points out that's shit...you should use critical thinking from here. Scary, but try it.
If you seriously consider this worthy of firing, you're a god damn fool. A fool serving nobody's interests but the rich. Congrats. You're embarrassing. Everyone, is embarrassed for you.
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meztere · 2 years
I had a fucking dream last night that I sneaked, lied, cheated, and stole my way into Elon Musk's inner circle just so I could ask him what it's like being the most cringe and embarrassing person on earth in front of everyone he loved. He just stood there, mouth agape, with a "Why would you ask me that :(" kinda look on his face. I'd do it again irl.
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ragnarssons · 2 years
Girl ur so embarrassing. Johnny was proven guilty by a different court already. He dated Amber when she was 23 and he was 45+. He also dated Winona when he was in his late 20s and she was 17. His previous gf have past statements that he was violent. Winona said her first bf (Johnny) used to smash things all the time. There were reports he beat up Kate Moss. There r text messages proving that Johnny abuses Amber. Johnny has a history of violent behavior. Ur so embarrassing to believe the pro Johnny propaganda. Girl bye
Ok honey, let me make a donation for you - or maybe i'll just PLEDGE to doing it because you support AH so, pledging and donating are probably synonymous to you too? - I'm gonna give you some braincells to actually use that thing inside your head that has been dead for so long. "Johnny was proven guilty by a different court already." No he was not. You know what happens to a man or anyone who is found GUILTY of committing domestic abuse? There's this thing, called jail. Johnny Depp has no - read again: NO - criminal file, no condamnation, no nothing of anything about domestic violence. Or about ANY violence for that matter. Here is an excerpt of the COURT FILE attesting so:
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About the whole UK trial, since I'm too lazy to write a whole thing you won't read anyway, I'll just link this to you. You can use your brain and eyes to read, that's what happens when your brain activates to try and understand what is in front of you. TLDR; the UK trial was a case about DEFAMATION, nothing about domestic violence. Yes Johnny lost this trial, that does NOT make him an abuser, it just shows that the judge ruled that The Sun didn't purposely try to ruin Johnny's career and image with their dumb title making false allegations (we could argue on the actual brain functions of the judge himself buuut whatever). And it's FUNNY that you're bringing the UK trial up, since... Oh well, in VA court, RIGHT NOW Amber Heard is being exposed for all the perjury she committed during said trial where she was a witness (read: not a party, a WITNESS, hence, her proofs weren't checked out before being added to the file... weird how now that they have been checked out, most of them don't add up or a just hoaxes through and through). By the way, if needed, it's been outed that AH should kinda avoid going to the UK in the next few months as she MIGHT end up being investigated for perjury in the UK (yknow, on top of the Australia investigation, but... coincidences I guess? A world conspiracy?) "He dated Amber when she was 23 and he was 45+." Yes, and? She CHOSE to be in this relationship, she CHOSE to pursue a relationship with him, and the girl even yknow, cut his finger off to get him NOT to sign a pre-nup or a post-nup. Jee I wonder who was the most dangerous out of the both of them in this situation. Age of sexual consent in California is 18, Amber Heard was WAY ABOVE that age when she met Johnny Depp. (also pssst, Tasya Van Ree is 10 years older than AH, and Elon Musk is 50 soooo?) "He also dated Winona when he was in his late 20s and she was 17." Again, yes, and? He was not "in his late 20s" he was 25-26 years old. She was also above the age of sexual consent back in the 90s, and to this day, Winona Ryder had NOTHING BAD to say about her relationship to Johnny. Ever.
"His previous gf have past statements that he was violent." Lmfao, which one exactly???? Cuz it's not admitted to court, it's not anywhere in the testimonies, it's nowhere. Among Johnny Depp's past girlfriends (and more) we have: Winona Ryder, Kate Moss, Sherylin Fenn, Vanessa Paradis, Jennifer Grey, Lori Anne Allison, ALL OF THEM spoke up in support of Johnny Depp. The only one who spoke against him was Ellen Barkin, and these are the things that are to be said either about her as a person, or the things that she has to bring to court. Yknow... that one day during ONE argument with someone else, she saw him throw a bottle at a wall. She testified he NEVER hit her, NEVER even yelled at her, NEVER fought with her. The bottle didn't hit anyone, just hit a wall, end of story. Also by the way, Ellen Barkin is known a notoriously "short-tempered" person, and SHE herself has been found throwing things at people. "Winona said her first bf (Johnny) used to smash things all the time." She said she remembers "her first boyfriend" (you can't even KNOW it was Johnny Depp, because while we know Johnny Depp was her first real kiss, her first lover, NOTHING shows that up until she was 17 she actually did not date a guy at all) smashing things and being overly dramatic. Need I remind you that Johnny Depp comes from an abusive households, was a drug addict at the time? So? Again, we have a video of Johnny Depp smashing cabinets, it still does not show him being an abuser, hitting Amber Heard. Actually in the video, he was smashing doors and rambling ON HIS OWN before SHE came to him. And again, it still does not invalidate the stand Winona Ryder AS A GROWN ASS INDEPENDANT WOMAN chose to take, which is to defend Johnny Depp and say he NEVER abused her, and she keeps GOOD memories of him and his character. "There were reports he beat up Kate Moss." No there are none. I have nothing more to say, people will need to use google or whatever on that one. There. has. never. been. any. report. of. violence. between. JD. and. Kate. Moss. Actually she ALSO spoke up in favor of Johnny Depp when the whole ordeal started.
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"There r text messages proving that Johnny abuses Amber." No there are none. None. None. There are text messages of Johnny Depp apologizing to Amber Heard after every one of their fights, constantly being guilt-tripped into taking all the accountability in their fights. Yet NO MENTION ever of him hitting her/abusing her. And you know, if you know better than me, who has watched BOTH Uk and VA trials, who has read the entirety of the court documents, feel free to actually fact-check the things you say. "Johnny has a history of violent behavior." See above, no. He has no criminal record, no conviction, no nothing proving he has "a history of violent behavior". He trashed a hotel room with Kate Moss when they were in their 20s, he punched a paparazzi who was harrassing his then-pregnant partner. End of story. In 58 years of his lifetime, despite him being a alcohol and drug addict for decades, that's all there has been about him being "violent". Anyway, I hope you'll take your own word for it and won't venture back into my ask box to spread more crap, cuz that's annoying and tiring. As you said yourself: Girl bye.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
♡100 followers special♡
Guys, I would like to thank all of you for all the support since I started this blog, you are the best <3 Btw this is the fic Elon Musk doesn’t want you to see lol, jk jk 
Title: Humanity
Words: 3.6k 
Summary: When you get sold to an odd looking robot after the last failure of a rebellion, things go better than you had expected. Until they don’t. 
tw: robot/AI apocalypse au, dystopia au, slavery, slight non - sexual public nudity, discrimination, vulgar language, mention of death and child abuse (in the past), obsessive behavior, non - consensual touching, angst 
              AD 3061y., 14 September
 Your hometown was in ruins, shattered by the Forces and left without any source of food, clean water or reliable manpower. The rebellion had failed just like the first ten attempts and as much as you had wanted to believe this time would be different, your dreams stayed nothing more than a way to cope with the harsh reality. Any intelligent individual had either managed to flee before the prosecution or died in agony while trying. You could still hear their pained screams ringing in your ear, the desperate look in their pupils sealed forever in your mind along with the sound of heavy breathing slowly fading into the background like your own hopes for a better future.
 The ones who decided to play meek and close their eyes to the inhuman torture happening in the area were spared, but what awaited them could potentially be worse than death itself. You were part of the flock of pitiful weak humans who had surrendered to the heartless machines wanting nothing more than to see mankind squirm and kneel underneath their mechanic heel like a bug. And now you would face the hour of judgment – tired and exhausted, heavy rusty chains around your bruised ankles making every next step a little harder than the last one. But you were certain that the most painful humiliating event hadn’t taken place yet and the thought made your blood run cold. You could recall the countless stories you used to hear on the streets from your friends about androids stealing kids and selling them like cattle to the most powerful leaders of society. Back then you would laugh at them, finding the ideas ridiculous, better fit for a conspiracy theory or a legend rather than an actual threat. But during that time life was easier – the robots were still your friends, just your average citizens, equal to the humans in every manner. It wasn’t until ten years later that some of them realized just how much better, stronger and smarter than the people they really were. That’s how the apocalypse started and that’s how it was going to end. These days the mortals were becoming extinct with the population cut down to one million. You didn’t have names or rights to any possession. Your mere survival had one purpose only – to entertain the machines so they could feel human again. And right now you were being dragged to Soraq, also known as the biggest slave market in the country.
 It was just as terrifying as you had imagined it to be. The Capital was supposed to express wealth, luxury and maybe even happiness but your old human views were easily opposed when faced with the mud  covering what was left of the pavement and the pale exhausted bodies of the mortals wandering the streets searching for a hot meal and a little bit of kindness it was clear no one wanted to provide. You reached out to help a young girl sobbing all by herself on the ground but the Officer roughly yanked your shoulder back and ordered you to keep going – his cold hard touch was enough to bruise your skin.
 After a few long minutes of uncertainty your keeper finally stopped, pulling you up some black stairs leading to a small stage and if you weren’t too busy looking around for the others who were captured, you might have noticed the crowd gathered inches away from you. Soon enough you were forced to redirect your attention as you heard the approving screams and cheering below. There were hundreds of robots staring at you, smirking maliciously, pinning you with their cold calculating gazes. You finally realized that this wasn’t just a bad dream or a nightmare, something unreal you could easily run away from by opening your eyes. You were about to become property and the worst part was the way the cruel machines perfectly resembled people – they looked the same except for the dark red pupils each possessed which glowed when going into a fight mode. But unlike humans the androids had gotten rid of their most intimate emotions and fears, turning themselves into empty shells, shiny and murderous with no way to experience anything properly, be it pleasure or pain.
 “Ladies and gentlemen!” The Officers started off with a low chuckle, his heavy hand wrapped tightly around your arm. His voice should have been programmed to be monotone but now it had a playful edge to it. “Today our dear subjects have decided to be feisty yet again. They still haven’t learned their lesson it seems.” He grinned eerily, quickly followed by the mocking laugher of the crowd. Some even shouted slurs and insults but you tried to focus on controlling your feelings. You needed to stay calm if you wanted to survive. “We really can’t expect more from the mankind. They are primal after all, they just can’t learn from their mistakes.” The male robot paused for a second to fix his microphone. “It’s in their DNA code to be foolish and pathetic. That’s why we need to take better care of them.” He whispered the last line down your neck and despite knowing that the machines didn’t have actual lungs, you could swear you felt his cold breath on your sensitive skin.
 “The woman is in her early twenties. Her background is unknown, but she certainly looks like someone you would want in your collection.” The android continued talking as if you weren’t there, his hands all over your tinier frame. The mass was yelling, but you only made out the words „down”, „strip” and „human”. Your eyes watered involuntarily and you let the tears stream down your cheeks in spite of the weakness they showed. It didn’t matter – it couldn’t get any worse so you could at least let yourself experience such little bits of comfort. In the next moment the Officer ripped your old ragged t-shirt, exposing your breasts to the cold autumn air. The hot red humiliation washed over you as the degrading whistles pierced trough your heart. It was such a cruel unfair punishment and you couldn’t even keep your composure long enough to not break down ugly – crying right there.
 “The bidding starts at one thousand eros!” The robot’s evil voice echoed through the area, reaching the market borders. Suddenly all the attention was on your scared vulnerable half-naked self. More than ten androids raised their hands, making your stomach turn in terror. Most of them had unpleasant appearances, resembling old people, usually men. “Do we have two thousand eros?” The officer added quickly afterwards having seen the shown interest. This time there were only five bots willing to buy you for so much money – but the show was far from over. “Am I seeing three thousand eros?” Your keeper kept going, determined to drain your bidders off their wealth, but to his utmost surprise now there were only two robots with their hands in the air – one seemingly younger and the other looking all wrinkled and bitter at the world. You silently prayed that fate would work in your favor only this time and hand you over to the man who would treat you more like a living being and less like an object.
 “Ten thousand eros.” Suddenly the android with a kinder appearance declared out loud, his cold stern gaze fixed onto you. The other male hesitated for a moment, probably wondering whether or not you were worth so much money, but at the end he cursed under his breath and slowly put his hand down with a sour expression. “Sold to K-010 for ten thousand eros!” The automatic voice of the Officer was ringing in your ear like an alarm while the crowd was shouting and cussing, some going as far as to criticize your new owner for giving up his monthly salary for a “cheap human whore”. Next he was invited on the stage to sign off all the needed documents leading to your freedom being ripped away forever and you were injected with a tiny chip which would make your location visible to your buyer at any given time. The android looked at you soon after and in one swift move he managed to place his leather coat on your shoulders, muttering at you to cover up. You obeyed, embarrassed by the reminder that your upper half was still fully exposed to all the hungry prying immortals. When the chains were finally removed, the robot took you by the hand and led you to a small white flying car with a yellow lily drawn on top – the brand was popular among the most powerful members of the Forces.
 “Don’t even think about running away.” K-010 growled when he noticed the way your attention drifted to the nearby road before finally taking your seat. You knew it was pointless now that the tracking device was deep into your skin but deep down you still couldn’t kill the last bit of hope screaming at you to do something before you were too far away to find home again, wherever it was. “If you so much as look outside while we drive, I will use my lasers to turn you into ash. Okay?” You nodded meekly and sank into the soft comfortable seat, wishing that your body would stop shaking in fear but to no avail.
 The journey was long and silent but it made you remember the days when music was still allowed and you used to turn the radio all the way up in your mother’s car. You would sing loudly until your throat hurt and your friends would ask you to just shut up and focus on the road. Everything was so normal and happy back then. The stinging nostalgia threatened to overcome so you tried to focus on something else. You finally faced your owner in an attempt to study his appearance. He was probably in his late twenties, his hair white with some black locks here and there, a fashion trend you usually didn’t care much for. You couldn’t afford to bother with your hairstyle when you were constantly running for your life after all. The robotic male had sun-kissed brown skin, he was taller than most human men and his lips seemed softer than most robots’. But the biggest mystery laid in his deep dark eyes, they looked scarlet at first but the more you stared, the easier it was to realize the color was actually brown.
 “Are you a cyborg, K-010?” You asked in a small voice out of the blue, breaking the peace and quiet in the air. The android didn’t spare you much attention with his gaze fixed onto the open sky serving as a road, still he opened his mouth slightly to respond. “My name is Kyle, the numbers are just a formality.” He inhaled sharply as if he was reminiscing a bad memory. “And yes, I am biologically human – just with a few practical upgrades.” You had heard of such people before, the ones willing to become an experiment so they could join the high society oppressing their own neighbors, friends and relatives, setting the lands on fire and destroying the dying environment but you had never met one until today. Honestly, you felt betrayed. It was one thing to be some unfeeling machine’s plaything and entirely another to be owned by someone with a functioning heart even though they weren’t too keen on using it properly.
 “Why would you do that?” You couldn’t stop the question from leaving your lips in the next moment. “You should know what humans have to go through just to stay alive. Today hundreds of us were crushed and sold like some animals! Yet you changed yourself to appeal to their disgusting standards.” You raised your voice, the hot tears already spilling down your cheeks yet again, your fists clenched in pure anger at the foolish greedy man. He simply shook his head and leaned back. “I had my reasons, sweetheart. You don’t know anything.” With that the conversation had ended, you could try and argue or even blame him for being a selfish bastard but it wouldn’t have done you any good so you decided against it. It didn’t matter much anymore.
 A few months went by slowly even though time meant little to someone in your position. Living with Kyle wasn’t as terrible as you thought it would be – his mansion was big and spacious, luxurious even. You had your own room and you were allowed to explore the house in your free time. You didn’t have many duties to attend to, your work mostly revolved around cooking, cleaning and keeping company with your owner when he was too tired to keep the robotic mask on and just wanted something sweet, something weak, something more human around. He didn’t want much out of you so you tried to do your best and stay on his good side – there was always a warm meal waiting at the table at night, every window was carefully wiped from the previous dust and the glass was now shining brightly, and you would listen for hours on end to the cyborg’s ramblings no matter how dreadful it could be sometimes.
 But it couldn’t be denied that the man had some odd habits, even if you were to overlook him buying a living being instead of simply hiring a maid. For example, you knew how thin the walls actually were because you could hear him cry almost every night. The half-robot would hold you close any time the news were too loud or a bottle of beer had fallen and shattered on the ground. Still you weren’t allowed to leave his home so all the doors leading to the outside world were locked while he was away or at work. And there were these weird long cuts on his shoulders you had managed to take notice of the first time your master had asked you to bathe him. You hadn’t meant to prey upon his naked form, but the task had been so awkward you needed something to focus on to drive the unpleasant thoughts away. The injuries looked deep and the man would close his eyes any time the soap made contact with them. Finally one day you gathered the courage to ask him what had caused the raw scratches. You were messaging his scalp gently, applying jasmine in his roots, trying to soothe his nerves and get to the information.
 “ ’S not important. ” K-010 answered lazily while arching his back into your touch. More often than not the male would melt under your care and you couldn’t help but wonder just how lonely it was to be neither a human nor a machine. “She is dead now.” He whispered darkly, secretly hoping it wouldn’t reach your ear, yet it did. “Who is dead?” You questioned him after a while, stroking his wet locks until you heard him moan. You were getting better and better at provoking a reaction from the cyborg and despite knowing it was manipulative and a little devious, he was still the ruthless owner who held your one and only life in his palms. You needed to be sneaky if you wanted a safe, comfortable life.
 “My mother.” Kyle added quickly before looking at the blue ceiling, the glossy material copying both of your reflections. The mention of the woman made the sensitive skin of his nape crawl but he kept talking. “The crazy bitch used to beat me every. She even tried to kill me a couple of times.” A slight smile appeared on his full red lips. “It didn’t work out in the end, unfortunately.” So that’s where the cuts were from – he had been violated in his childhood by no other than the person supposed to look after him. You had always hated abusive parents taking advantage of their authority and even now your own imagination made your heart ache at the picture it painted. A small boy being hit over and over until there his whole body was bruised and bloodied. A child with no one to turn to. It didn’t excuse your master’s evil doing but it certainly explained a lot. “Don’t make such a sad face, darling.” He cooed at you, reaching out to pinch your cheek. “I will always be grateful to the Forces since they gave me the power I needed to finally free myself from her grasp. I even buried her myself after everything was said and done.” Kyle grinned from side to side like a little kid waiting to be praised for the picture they had drawn, except now the man was speaking of the way he had murdered his mother. You were at a total loss of words, suddenly too frightened to respond.
 “What’s so special about being a human anyways?” The cyborg grumbled, sounding almost offended of the words you still haven’t said but were definitely thinking deep down. You were staring forward unable to draw away from that one crack in the wall, his words flying above your head. Your confusion was interrupted by the man quickly raising to his knees and catching both of your hands with his strong robotized ones. The cold touch of the metal combined with the camouflage of a soft skin was enough to mess your mind even further into the maze that was his dark gaze. Next thing you knew the male had you pinned on the hard ground, spotlessly clean and reeking of abstergent. You tried to squirm away but the hold of your wrists was too tight and strong to even make your struggling worth the trouble. “Just look at how weak you humans are.” K-010 taunted you, smirking teasingly, cruelly, yet there was something desperate in his eyes, something hidden. “You are so fragile I could probably break you if I were to press harder on your flesh.” He whispered into your ear, breathing down your neck as he dug his icy fingers into your collarbone and made you whimper pathetically at the dull pain. “People are foolish creatures, illogical by nature. They try to fight authority yet the moment they are left with a free choice, they find a way to run from their responsibilities.” The cyborg chuckled maliciously while digging his nails further into your skin.
 “We might be doomed forever because of our emotions but there is something you fail to consider.” You finally spoke out despite your rapid heartbeat and fear so great it could defeat death herself. The predator already had you in his sharp claws and there was no pointing in playing coy anymore. The worst had come to worst. Your words caught the attention of the half-robot and he licked his lips in anticipation to hear what you had to say. “Unlike the androids we can still experience love. And at the end a life without love is a life wasted in the big picture. We might be mortal but you are the ones waiting to die instead of living.” You spat at the man fiercely, ready to face any punishment he would bestow upon your weak tired body for the sheer honesty. Instead he started laughed maniacally, the sound so loud it hit the ceiling and echoed through the house like a pained scream and so violent his shoulders shook to the sides. For the first time his eyes were glowing in a bright red color so saturated and vivid you couldn’t stand to look at them.
 “This is really funny, my little human.” Kyle pronounced carefully, having calmed down. He lowered his head so that his lips were ghosting over yours, just brushing against them. “I belong with neither humans nor robots so why does my chest ache every time I look at you? Tell me, darling, am I in love?” His voice was harsh, husky – as if he was purposely trying to sound evil but the tears in his eyes pointed at another feeling. A raw painful feeling.
 You couldn’t reply not only because you had no idea what to say after the confession but also because you couldn’t breathe properly with his pretty, wicked face so close to yours. Your silence only managed to stir the cyborg up further into his madness and he kissed you roughly, hungrily lapping and biting at your lips until they were sore and bruised, the robotic man more than happy to lick the small drops of blood off. For a moment you considered kicking or shouting for help but there wasn’t anyone willing to in the radius of kilometers. No one of significance cared much about the few remaining mortals. “I could never love you.” You uttered weakly, half – heartedly pushing the man away. You were all alone in this and there wasn’t really a point in fighting someone so much bigger and stronger, yet a sad little part of you hoped that Kyle would leave you alone if you made it clear enough just how much his actions were hurting you.
  “It’s fine if you don’t love me by choice.” Your master replied calmly in a cold piercing voice. His hands were wandering through your form stopping at your hips to draw them into his. The pretty dress you used to like so much was now crumpled and reeking of him, torn apart from your shivering body and thrown away. You wished you could cry but all the adrenaline had left you too uneasy to process the pain and fear. Kyle whispered in your ear while stroking your hair gently and it made you feel like a trembling sheep before a starved butcher. “I own you, little human.” He placed a small kiss on your hot sensitive neck. “And I have enough love for both of us.”
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