#Easy dog language tips
yesitz-me · 2 years
Train your dog...
if you wanna Train your dog such that it reacts with in no time when you call it's name... Then check out this...
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teaboot · 2 months
Since I've now seen posts about your kitten tips twice, I'll add my two cents from an actual vet clinic. Tw medical language.
Please watch your male cat's weight, especially if they're neutered. Overweight male neutered cats are prone to urinary blockages, which can be very quickly fatal. If your male cat is crying in the litter box or has blood in their urine, make a vet appointment ASAP (as in the same or next day).
Cats don't show the same emergent signs as dogs. The main thing that I've seen people brush off a lot is open-mouth panting. Cats don't (usually) pant, if they've never done it before then call a vet.
Get your cats spayed/neutered. They can breed at or even before 6 months old. Call your local animal shelter, most of them have spay/neuter clinics that are much more affordable. Same goes for rabies and fvrcp/felv vaccines: usually there are affordable clinics at certain times.
Don't feed only wet food, not having something to chew on like hard food can lead to tarter build up and eventually tooth loss.
Like one ask said, get kittens comfortable with having their feet touched. I got mine comfortable with being held on their backs and now clipping nails is super easy.
I can't think of much else, but good luck with your kitties!!
Thank you!! ♡
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bloompompom · 7 months
♡ content: ~1k word count. eren jaeger x fem!reader, free use, established relationship, oops just filth, PIV sex, mentions of aftercare, explicit language, explicit sexual content. reader discretion advised. 18+ only
I don't know about you, but I find free use super hot, and I can't help but think Eren would agree
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Like, there’s just something about it, perhaps the devotion aspect—about you, his baby, his one and only, being available, willing, and happy to satisfy him, any time he wished.
Your agreement is meant for nights like this: a Friday evening after what you know was a long week for Eren. He’s been coming home late every night, practically working two jobs while his boss scrambled to fill the newly empty role at the company. For whatever reason, the responsibility fell on Eren, leaving him exhausted, tense. The kind of tense that naps and shoulder rubs can't relieve. 
And that’s where said agreement comes into play. Whenever you wear this pajama set, specifically this one—skimpy, sheer, short—it’s code for ‘anything goes.’ Anything he wants. That’s the only rule. 
Phrasing it like that makes it sound as though he’s the only one to get pleasure out of it, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth. It’s almost like foreplay, really. This little secret you can't wait to reveal. All day, anticipation bubbled low in your stomach from the moment the idea popped into your head. ‘What would really cheer him up?’ You can already see the look on his face, imagine how desperately he’d take you right then, like he couldn’t bear another second without being inside you, however he wanted. 
You’ve been thinking about your husband so much that the creak of the front door opening and closing makes your thighs clench, like you’re no better than one of Pavlov’s trained dogs. 
Assuming he’d be late again, you haven’t gotten any further than spreading some ingredients along the counter before you hear him announce himself. But tonight, he’s right on time. Even better. 
Eren finds you in the kitchen, already starting his usual ‘work sucked’ rant, when the sight of you has him shutting up. He stops dead in his tracks, just like you’d hoped. He’d undone the first button of his collared shirt, tie loosened around his neck, and he wore this look on his face like you were a welcomed—very, very welcomed—surprise. 
Rush hour was a bitch; Eren was too busy white-knuckling the steering wheel to consider this as a possibility for tonight. But then you greet him with that soft smile of yours, the one that would appear innocent to anyone else, and he almost wants to laugh like he should have known better. But you’re like a magnet; he’s only capable of drawing in closer. 
He comes to hug you from behind, his hands smoothing down your sides as he holds you close. He nestles his face into the crook of your neck, warming and tickling your skin in a mixture of kisses and faint breaths through his nose. 
You’re already spilling giggly moans when you say, “Hi to you, too.”
It’s met with a drunken ‘Hi,’ murmured against your skin between open-mouthed kisses. His hands never slow, enjoying their way over every inch of your body. They slide beneath your tank top and up your front to cup your breasts, squeezing and massaging, rolling your nipples in his fingers until he can pinch and pull flimsy whines from you. With each one, you can feel another of his needy ruts, his cock incredibly stiff against your ass even through his slacks. It only takes a few of those before you’re biting your lip at the metallic rustling of him removing his belt. 
Once that’s out of the way, his pants now pooled on the kitchen tile, the only barrier remaining is your sleep shorts. Hardly a barrier, if you ask him; they’re shamefully thin, after all. Perfectly made for pushing aside for easy-access fucking, and you were even considerate enough to forget your panties.
Eren slips a hand between your legs, trailing the tips of his fingers through you. It ignites a shiver through you, has your hips wiggling for more. But Eren isn’t any better. When he discovers how wet you are already, how you probably spent the afternoon fantasizing about being used, it absolutely wrecks him. 
Eren licks his hand before returning it to your pussy, rubbing tight circles against your clit. Then, without warning, his fingers only leave you to grab your ass, spreading you for him. His other angles his cock against you before thrusting inside. 
“Fuck, I missed you,” he says as he bottoms out. The end of it’s nothing more than a hedonistic hiss, lost in the feeling of you squeezing him, trying to accommodate the sudden intrusion. 
Your mouth gapes on a hitched breath, eyes screwing shut as your palms press into the counter in a vain attempt to keep yourself upright. But it only takes another thirty seconds of snapping hips, the head of his cock reaching that ‘don’t fucking stop’ spot deep inside you, before your arms start to stutter. 
He pins you to the cold granite with a hand flattened against the middle of your back. It’s soon replaced by him—the weight of his body, the heat of it—against yours as you’re smushed and bent over the counter. 
Eren’s hand bullies its way between you and the counter to play with your clit again. He likes it best when you come together, if he can manage it. 
And he does tonight. The moment he feels your body twitch beneath him, hears the intoxicating tune of your depraved cries, the steady pounding of his hips falters. As you teeter the peak of your high, your pussy fluttering oh-so nicely around his cock, he comes, hard. You swear you can feel the pulsing of his cock as he fills you, fucking it deeper as he eases himself down. 
You’re both trying to catch your breath when you feel him rest his forehead against the sticky back of your neck. He leaves you with a kiss on the same spot before turning your limp body to face him. You’re so tired he thinks it’s cute.
Eren scoops you into his arms. You know the drill, so you loop your arms around his neck and hook your legs around his waist.
Still a bit delirious, that fuzzy, warm feeling still burning in your chest, you say, “I need to make dinner.”
“No, you don’t,” he says, walking you through the house. “We’re ordering in tonight, after I draw us a bath.”
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afro-hispwriter · 6 months
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Season 11
Summary- it all started with the dress
Warnings- grinding, groping, semi-public sex, oral(f receiving, fingering, p in v sex, language, choking, squirting, missionary, side fucking, Daryl is OOC, implied breeding kink if you squint
A/n- I know I'm not one to describe the reader figure but for this story's sake reader has a curvy figure after having a baby:)
The Commonwealth seemed like a godsend of a place just like how Alexandria was. 
But it was too good. To good for it to have worked for so long. Everyone there lived like it was back in the old world. From what you could tell it was Poor vs Rich again. 
"I don't like this place." You say as you look out the window to the civilization, Daryl sighs
"Me neither but we gotta try, for Victoria, Judith, and RJ." He walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your figure. 
"I met Pamela, I think she likes me because she invited me as her special guest to the party tomorrow night." You turn around in his arms and he scoffs.
"Mercer goin make me work the party." He says and leans his forehead against yours. 
"Aww, now you won't get to see me in my new dress. Its tight, low in all the right places, and has easy access." You nibbled his exposed collarbone then trailed up to his earlobe and tugged at it. Daryl groaned and started pushing his body close to yours.
"Ya should put it on now." He whispers but you smirk.
"I can't, you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow, can't let you ruin the dress." You pat his chest and walk away but you feel a smack delivered to your backside. "Hey! Don't you have work?"
"Ya but who cares when ya got this at home." Says Daryl and he grabs your ass and pulls it back against him. He kissed your neck all around and nibbled your skin. 
"Daryl work, and don't forget to stop and get dinner after, because if not we are going to have 4 ravenous kids." You gently push him off and he huffs. 
"4?" He asks as he walks to the door and you follow him.
"Ya the Grimes' kids, our little one and Dog."
"Whatever, see ya later." Daryl kisses you softly.
You had to explore the rest of the Commonwealth. So you plopped your little girl, Victoria, in her stroller that was gifted to you and set off with Judith, RJ, and Dog. As you walked all the kids wanted to play with dog and he was happy to receive all the attention. 
"Y/n!" You hear a voice exclaim and you see Pamela approaching you. You turn the stroller around and smile at her. 
"Pamela hey." She smiled at you and looks down at Victoria who was fussing in the stroller. 
"She's adorable." Says Pamela and reaches down to pinch her cheeks softly making Victoria giggle immediately. You glared at her and tightened your jaw.
She's lucky I don't take her hand off.
"Thank you." 
"So did you like that dress I sent you?" She asks and you nod.
"I love it, definitely something I would not have been able to wear before all this." 
"Well you'll get used to it, I can tell you have something special, something that can help us be better, and that's what we need here." Pamela sounded like someone you knew, but you just couldn't place a name. 
"Maybe." That's all you said before she bid you goodbye and left. You tipped the cover for the crib up and smiled down at Victoria and she smiled up at you with her two teeth. "Oh, baby what did mommy get herself into."
Daryl was back from his shift and was carrying dinner platters all the way up the old stairs. He made his way inside the apartment to see you all on the floor clearly waiting for him.
"Did you get lost?" Asks Judith and Daryl shut the door.
"Nah long line." He says and you take the plates. "They had some baby food." He says and you smile.
"That's good." You say and set the jars to the side and give RJ and Judith their plates. 
"Daddy!" Victoria stumbled across the apartment to reach her father and show him her new toy. Daryl smiled widely and picked her up. "Look bird." 
"Ya, that's a pretty cool bird." Says Daryl and kisses her head. He sets her down opened up Dogs and his own but instead of eating his own food Dog began eating Daryls.
"Hey no." Daryl shoves Dog away and you giggle.
"Aunt Y/n, Uncle Daryl, can I have an allowance?" Asks Judith and you stop eating and look at Daryl.
"Uh, let me and Y/n get our jobs goin and we'll talk about it." He says and you nod in agreement. A small conversation picks up about Judith making friends and how Daryl's first team building excise went while also talking about the prick Sebastian. You alternated between feeding yourself and feeding little Victoria who keeps running away and only comes back when she wants more food. 
Dinner was over and it was time to send everyone to bed. When the last child fell asleep you slipped into your own room and laid down on the bed. The shower was going, so you assumed Daryl was actually taking a shower. He came out of the shower with the towel low around his waist, water droplets falling down his skin and dripping down through his v-line.
"Oh, that's a sight to see." You say and twist your body and prop your head on your arm. Daryl scoffs and grabs a shirt and pants to slide on. You slide off the bed and wrap your arms around his bare torso and bite his shoulder softly. "We should do a challenge, we should go to bed naked and see who can take it." Daryl looks over his shoulder and looks down at you and shakes his head.
"Yer crazy." 
"You're no fun." You playfully pout and sit on the bed. Daryl finished sliding on his clothes and turned around to see you staring at him. He walked towards the bed and laid down behind you with his arms under his head. You crawled over to him and swung your leg over his hip and rested yourself on his lap.
"You look so beautiful." Says Daryl and lifts himself up to capture your lips. You wrap your fingers into his hair and tug making him groan deeply. His hands trailed down your body as you continued making out. He kneaded your sides then trailed down to grope your ass. He slid his hands back up your body and grabbed your breasts. You began grinding your core against his making you both moan. 
Daryl scrunches up your shirt and revealed your braless breasts and moaned. He took a breast in his mouth and sucked softly. Your nipples hardened and you arched your back to him. You felt him push his hips up to you and you smirked and pushed him away. He flopped on the bed dramatically and expected you to take control but all you did was slide off of him and lay down.
"Tomorrow love." You kiss his cheek and he looks at you in shock.
"Ya can't just leave me like that." He mumbles, accepting he wasn't getting anything until tomorrow,  well he hopes he does. You chuckle as he stands up and grabs his crotch, he then slides back in the bathroom and turns on the faucet so you wouldn't hear him.
"When do you have to be there?" You ask Daryl and he looks at the clock on the wall.
"Bout half an hour." He says and looks at you as you get ready. 
"Pamela mentioned something about a whole red carpet and cameras, not sure how I feel about it." You sigh and look at yourself in the small mirror. There was makeup all over the table, its been years since you've ever thought of using any. 
"Ya gotta try, for the kids, and their future." 
"I know, I know you said. I just wish Pamela would stop seeing me as 'someone who can change this place for the better'." You bunny-eared the last part with your fingers and Daryl took your hands in his.
"You're gonna do great, I'll be there the whole time, we just gotta see what this place is plannin then go from there." You smiled at him puckered your lips up to him so would kiss you.
"I just realized, I remember when we first came to Alexandria, I was the one who had to convince you that Alexandria was a good place. Now look at you, 7-8 years later now it's you convincing me this is a good place." You pulled him down to your lips again. His hands went to your face and gently held you.
"We both gotta watch out for each other." He pecks your lips again and walks to the door. "Carol came to me and said she can take care of the kids, said she and Ezekiel need some happiness or sum shit." You nod in understanding, they've been through a lot. 
"Ya that's good, and it's really good because that means we'll be alone." You bite your finger and Daryl cocks an eyebrow.
"Not teasin me are ya?" 
"No my love, we're going to fuck all night long." Now you look at the clock. "You're going to be late." 
"Alrigh, I'll see ya."
"See you."
You've most likely have wiped your hands on your dress over a 100 times over the nerves. You saw the flashes of cameras and felt nausea fall over you. 
"You got this." You told yourself and straightened yourself out. The dress you had on was black, had a split in the middle that revealed your cleavage and it was tight enough to show off every curve of your body. The heels you were wearing made you stumble quite a bit.
You were getting closer to the building and you heard gasps so you looked up. The camera was now pointed at you and people started complimenting you.
'She's gorgeous
'I love that dress'
"So sexy'
"You go, girl!" You turned to see Princess cheering for you and your face heated up.
Then they started clapping and smiling at you, the anxiety was too much but you continued looking ahead, smiling. And when you saw him. 
Daryl was in complete aw. He drowned out all the noise and could only look at you. You slowly walked to him until you were in front of him.
"What do you think?" You ask him, and all he did was raise a hand to the back of your neck and pull you roughly towards him, pulling you into a kiss. The kiss lasted only a few seconds before he pulled away.
"So fucking sexy, shit." His hand slid down to your ass and gropes it roughly. You placed your hands on his chest and tugged his shirt.
"Hey, we can't do it here." You giggle and he lets you go. "I'll see you inside." You kissed him on the cheeks and slowly walked away. Daryl leaned against the door's entrance and his eyes trailed down your body, staring at your ass the whole way. And even leaning forward to try and continue looking once you were almost out of sight.
"You're eyeing her like a piece of meat." Says Rosita and Daryl turns back to look at her.
"How can I not when ma girl looks like that?"
The party was in full swing, there was food and drinks. You were currently on your third glass of champagne and your nerves were officially gone. Daryl was standing by the entrance, ever so often you would lock eyes. You then slowly made your way to him and leaned against the wall in front of him.
"How's your night been?" You ask and he shrugs and looks you up and down. 
"S'been good, better now." You smile at him and push yourself off the wall and made your way to lean on him.
"This party is so boring, and this dress is getting really scratchy."
"I can think of a way to make it better." Daryl slid his arm around your waist and slowly started dragging you away.
"Daryl we're in public." You giggled and look back to Rosita who was looking away, choosing not to acknowledge what's about to happen. Daryl turned the corner and pushed you right up the wall.
"Not my goddamn concern right now." He says and grabs the skirt of your dress and scrunched it up in his hands. "Fuck, not wearin any panties?" Daryl cupped your mound making you gasp. He stuck his middle finger out and swirled it along your folds. Your stomach tensed and you began grinding yourself on his fingers. He dipped his finger inside and curled it pushing against something spongy inside of you. You gasped and grabbed his hair.
Daryl then dropped to his knees and dipped a second finger inside of you. With his right hand, he grabbed your calf and slowly brought your leg up to his shoulder, making your knee hook over. Daryl kisses your thigh, then went up further up your leg until his breath hit your finger-filled cunt. Daryl was thrusting his two fingers slowly, curling them to hit that spot. He licked at your folds and took your clit in between his lips.
"Daryl fuck." You pushed your lower half closer to him as the intense feeling of an orgasm was brewing. You slapped the hand that wasn't in Daryl's hair against the wall. Daryl squeezed your thigh and caressed it. He shook his head in your folds making you gasp. His tongue swirled, licking up everything. He then pushed his face deeper in, making his nose brush against your clit. He curled his fingers deep inside of you once again and made sure to thrust them against the spongy spot.
"I'm cumming." You threw your head back against the wall and bucked against his mouth. Daryl moaned deeply when he tasted your cum. 
Daryl pulled his finger out and kissed all-around when you heard gasps. 
Your head shot to the noise and you saw two women with their hands up to their mouths. They saw you out of breath with a hand still in Daryl's hair while he still had your leg over his shoulder. Daryl glared at them and they immediately left. Daryl looked up at you and let go of your leg so he could stand up. 
"Sorry, nobody shoulda seen that." You raised a hand up to his face and pulled his down for a kiss.
"It's okay." As another kiss was about to happen when screams were heard clearly coming from the party. 
"Come on." Daryl holds his hand out to guide you. Once you both got there you saw in the distance a waiter holding up a knife to a woman you've seen, Stephanie. Mercer was trying to talk him down and you see Rosita and a few other guards trying to go around. Daryl let go of your hand and went to help just as the waiter threw Stephanie to the ground and ran away. Daryl immediately ran after the waiter and you went to go check on Stephanie when Pamela's little prick son started yelling at Mercer.
"You're just going to stand there. GO AFTER HIM!" He yelled, Mercer then huffed and left. 
Sebastian, came with the waiter, Tyler, with Daryl in tow. The people started cheering for Sebastian for catching him. They entered the closed of section where you stood with Pamela. Daryl looked at you and you could tell he was clearly annoyed by something. You pouted your lips at him and he shrugged.
"Resist the Commonwealth!" You turn your attention back to see Tyler being dragged off. Pamela whispers something to Lance and he answers back, then they leave. You stood at the entrance of the currants and looked at both Daryl and Rosita and sighed. You turn to Daryl and wrap your arms around his torso to bring him into a hug.
"Let's go home." You kiss his cheek and he nods. "The parties over." You nod at Rosita and give her a small smile. People were already starting to leave so you made a quick escape. 
As you walked down the road in hand with Daryl your feet started to hurt.
"Shit my feet are killing me." You stopped for a second and huffed. Daryl stopped as well and let you hold onto his shoulder so you could slip the heels off your feet. "Ok come on, let's go hone do you can tell me about what happened." Daryl scoffed and you gave him a side glance.
"We goin be doin anythin but talkin." He says and raises a hand behind you to deliver a smack on your ass. You yelped and brought your hands to cover your ass and looked at Daryl in shock at his boldness. 
"There are still people around." 
"Guess we better get home." 
Daryl pushed you up against the wall right beside the door to the shared apartment. Daryl was kissing you hard while he had his hands on your waist. He reached over and opened the door but didn't stop kissing you all over as you entered the small apartment. Daryl began kissing down your neck, to the shoulders, then moving around to face you so he could kiss around your chest. You threw
"Help me take the dress off." You say and Daryl reaches behind you to unzip the dress. You started to unbutton his shirt as the dress fell down. Daryl pulled his shirt off then helped the dress come off completely when it got stuck around your hips. Daryl then bent down and threw you over his shoulder. You giggled and hit Daryls back playfully. 
"Continuin what we started." Daryl tossed you on the bed and crawled over you. His hand trailed down your body to your pussy and felt. "Still wet are we?"
"All for you." Smirking up at him made his dick jump. He slid off the bed and took his boots off. Then unbuckled his pants and let them fall down his legs. He was completely naked now(he doesn't wear boxers), his cock was hard and sticking straight up. You licked your lips and moaned at the sight. There was pre- cum leaking down his cock, he wrapped his fist around it and started jacking himself off. He climbed back on the bed and climbed in between your legs.
"Gonna make you cum so hard," Daryl says and lets go of his cock to grab your legs and place them over his shoulders. He reached back down and grasped his cock and brought the tip to your entrance.  He slowly pushed in making you both gasp. 
"Fuck please." You choked out and Daryl leaned forward so he can take a breast into his mouth. Once he was pushed all the way in, he started to thrust into you. Your pussy was making squelching noises after each thrust. 
"Love that fucking sound." Daryl groans as he pulls away from your breasts and shakes his head to move the hair out of his face. You grab the sheets and arch your back as an orgasm was building up. You started to match Daryl's slow but hard thrusts by thrusting back against him. Daryl fell forward but caught himself on his arms, he then kissed you while continuing his thrusts. He lifted your legs off his shoulders and let them wrap around his waist. 
"Harder Daryl, please make me cum." You whimpered and gasped when his cock hot something devastating inside of you. Your face tightened when you felt as if you were going to pee. "Daryl wait im-." You felt a gush leave your body and you screamed Daryl's name. Daryl felt the wetness splatter everywhere and groaned as your pussy tightened around his cock. He slowed down and pulled back but didn't pull out.  
You were breathing heavily and when you saw Daryl looking at you in both shock and lust, embarrassment filled your body.
"Daryl." You whimpered.
"Hey, you ok?" He asks and leans down to kiss you softly. 
"That's never happened before." You say and take a deep breath. 
"We can stop." Says Daryl and moves to pull out but you wrap your kegs around his waist to keep him there. 
"No we don't, make me so it again." You smirk up at him and Daryl felt his heart race. He nodded and got down to his previous position. He slowly started thrusting again, making sure to pay attention when he finds the spot. 
And he found it almost instantly.
He hit that spot repeatedly harshly until you lifted your hips as you squirted again. The for e pushed Daryl's cock out and he immediately grabbed it and brushed it along your clit to make you jump.
"Fuck." Daryl looked down at you again. A little bit of makeup was running down your cheeks, you were out of breath and sweaty. "Daryl you need to come." You lifted yourself up on shaky arms and kissed his chest. 
"Ya need a break." He starts but you shake your head but get an idea.
"Let's go on our sides." You propose and Daryl smirks at the thought. Fucking on your sides was one of your favorite positions to have sex in while you were pregnant. It was the position you felt the closest to each other. 
Daryl immediately went onto his side and so did you. Your back was pressed against his chest and he grabbed your left leg and hooked it over his leg. You grabbed his cock lightly but Daryl still groaned at the touch. You guided him to the entrance and Daryl pushed his hips forward making him sink into you. Daryl grabbed your leg that was over his and held it up while the one by your head snaked around and grab your neck. 
He squeezed his hand and you already felt dizzy. You pushed your hips back to give Daryl a signal to move and he did. His balls started slapping against your pussy. Your boobs were bouncing wildly at each thrust. You then reached back to grab the back of Daryl's head and grabbed his hair to bring his head closer so you could pull him into a sloppy kiss
Daryl let go of your leg and grabbed your waist instead so he had more control. He lifted his leg and thrusted even harder than before. You pushed your back against his chest harder that you could hear his heart beating harshly. Daryl was groaning loudly in your ear and those sounds brought butterflies to your stomach.
"F-fuck such a good girl, s-squeezin ma cock." Daryl moaned and dug his head in your shoulder. All that was heard were your high moans, skin slapping, and Daryl's deep groans. The same feeling you felt a while ago was coming back. Your vision went blank, you screamed loud. The force pushed Daryl put and you collapsed out of breath in your stomach.
Daryl growled and pushed himself onto his knees and settled behind you. He grabbed your hips and pulled up so you were ass up. He slammed himself in and started using your body to find his high, you loved it. He was going insanely fast and you felt him even hit your cervix make you groan. Daryl gripped your hips harshly as his own hips stuttered as he came deep inside of you. 
"Fuck." His groan came out deeper than usual as he finished. He then grabbed your hair and tugged you back and kissed you harshly. He pulled away out of breath and pulled out of you, he leaned back on his calves and watched his cum start to drip out.  
"Ya ok?" He asks and tries to catch his breath. You nodded and dug your head in the pillow. Daryl felt the urge to push his cum back inside of you, so that's what he did. He scooped up his cum with his fingers and pushed back in. You let out a huff and your thighs shook at how sensitive you became. "Sorry just- didn't want it comin out." 
"It's ok, I'm just tired." You say and yawn. Daryl grabbed his boxers and slide them off and was handing you a shirt but you were out cold. Daryl smiled slightly and settled in beside you. He covered both of you with a blanket and Daryl pulled you in tightly. He felt you dig your face in his neck and throw a leg over his to keep him trapped. 
"I love you, you're the most amazing and beautiful woman I've ever seen and ever will." Daryl kissed you softly when he saw your lips were puffed up. "I'd follow you anywhere." 
A/n- I could not figure out a goddamn ending, everything was so cringy but i just couldn't think of anything else.
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chrissturniolosbitch · 3 months
a/n- i loveee linger by the cranberries! but this is nawt anything like that song...!
warnings- sub!matt, smut, language, thats ab it for all my fics😭
summary- matt has been rly clingy so you dom him🤰🏼
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all week matt has been extra clingy.
hanging his head in the crook of my neck while im cooking, holding my hand more than usual, kissing me more, spooning me more in bed, and things like that.
its not that i had a problem with it, but i knew what matt wanted after all this.
its the end of the week. Matt and i are laying on the couch watching a movie, "babyyy" matt says dragging the Y, "yes?" i said grabbing the remote to pause the movie, looking in his direction.
"i need you mama." He said lifting his head from my lap, "what do you mean?" i said knowing exactly what he wanted. He layed up, grabbed me by my waist, and made me straddle him.
He pulled me into a harsh kiss, i grabbed his neck pulling him closer than ever to deepen the kiss.
"please" he managed to squeak out, "please what baby, speak up" i said as i started slowly grinding onto his lap, "fuck.. please do something baby" he said gripping harder onto my hips.
my clothed clit was rubbing perfectly onto his clothed tip helping me reach my climax, "im gonna dry hump you matt, you cant cum without my permission okay?" i said panting as i stood up to pull down his pants, leaving his boxers covering his dick.
"yes ma'am" he said grabbing my hand helping me pull my shorts off leaving my laced panties on, "fuck." he muttered under his breath as i straddled back onto his lap. I started off by slowly grinding on his dick slight wimpers leaving both our mouths.
"You like this huh? you like when im on top of you dry humping you like a dog?" i said knowing how bad matt loves dirty talk.
"fuck. fuck. fuck. im so close baby" he said squeezing his eyes shut tightly, "not yet baby, im close to" i said as i started grinding faster onto his lap.
his thin boxers made it very easy for me to feel pleased, and pleasured.
I started hunping at a fast pace on a certain spot that made the knot in my stomach ready to snap, "fuck matt cum with me" i said wrapping my arms around his neck.
i felt his dick twitch under me signaling that he was close, "right there mama, fuck" he said his dick twitching once more when suddenly he busted a load in his boxers.
since both of our underwear were thin i could feel everything which made me cum right there.
i started to slowly stop causing matt to whimper at the feeling, "thank you ma" he said pulling me into another kiss.
i never know how to end these🫡
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neet-elite · 11 days
↳ EVENT 27. M!Whitney (Breeding & Yandere)
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Pairing: M!Whitney / F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 3,145 Warnings: breeding, creampie, yandere, noncon, degradation, stalking, rape, dacryphilia, victim blaming, sadism, spitting, name calling Prompt(s): 04 — breeding + 18 — yandere Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty . . .
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Whitney [1:38am]: let me in slut.
Whitney [1:39am]: quit fucking around already.
Whitney [1:39am]: cmon, let me the fuck in.
His fingers pause on the phone keyboard, red tips numb under the rude language he uses. Can you blame him for his upset? Puffing away at his cigarette like the chain smoker he is as he awaits your reply— but he ran out of the plentiful patience he holds for you a while ago. Which, in all honesty, was next to none anyway.
Whitney [1:42am]: fine, fucking have it your way slut.
Stupid fucking whore, leaving him out all alone to shiver by your window like a forgotten about dog, fuck, his fists clenched stiff around a stray stone in absent thought.
He could throw it against your window, hopeful to gain your attention that way... But he wouldn't want to bring too much heat to himself, huffing out in anger only to narrow in on how easy it is to see his hot breath wave in the air. "S'fuckin' cold..." He mumbles to himself, sniffling as he shakes his head from side to side with purpose. It's late enough that nobody should be hanging around the orphanage by now, but he can't be so sure, right? Double checking that the coast is clear before slowly inching closer to your curtain clad windows, stone remaining tight in his hand just in case.
It'd be a shame if he were to use it, honestly. His time with you regrettably cut short because you're too much of a fucking dumbass to account for his arrival. Which is obvious by now, is it not? He's made his intentions clear enough, he thinks.
Something else to punish you for, he muses to himself. Giddy at the thought of making you cry... Again.
As if your mere existence wasn't reason enough, walking into his life so obliviously one day to so easily uproot it with a simple glance. Heart pitter pattering in his chest the moment his eyes met yours in the school hallway like some sort of lovesick kid, God, even the memory of it is fucking embarrassing. Do you remember it as well as he does? How his touch felt electric, right? Something he'd never experienced before, an uncomfortable heat rising to his cheeks at the way you cowered from his harsh words— a front to deal with the sudden affection he felt towards you at your reaction, so cute— uncomfortable affections resting heavy in his chest for the foreseeable future. Push a man so far and—
And to begin with, he didn't know how to deal with the burgeoning feelings. New and confusing to his otherwise straight forward existence. Call him emotionally stupid, a fucking child, or whatever the case; all he understood was that he found himself wanting to see you more. Convinced that it was just because you cried so well (prettily), but he found himself soon referring to you as his favourite. In private, of course. Had no one to talk to about his growing adoration towards you, forced to seethe all by himself, barely content just to bully you; but what else is he to do?
The idea had come to him so suddenly. Terribly so, in fact. Like a jolt through his entire body one boring math class, system shocked at the epiphany upon looking at your pretty face. Of course, it seems so simple now in retrospect. Twiddling with his pen, zoning out to the teachers droning voice, he can't get the thought of you underneath him out of his mind. With his heart set on you, there can only be one natural conclusion, right?
Even if it comes by force.
He takes a final greedy inhale of his cigarette, lungs full of stinging smoke, holding it there for an unnecessary prolonged time before exhaling. Doup tossed haphazardly to the ground, stamping on it despite it being out already. He always smokes right to the end when he's nervous. Or is he just excited? It's hard to tell when you can't distinguish between love and obsession.
Whitney [1:44am]: last chance.
He only sends you a final text to be nice. Doing his best to play by the rules he assumes are in place before executing his hastily strung together plan, biting down on his nails in thought for a minute. A minute too long, he quickly decides when you don't respond immediately. He knows that you're probably fast asleep by now given the time, but he can't help but hope. And you make it too easy for him to indulge himself, rattling lightly on your window only to find out that it's unlocked— stone toss unneeded for the time being. Stupid fucking slut, you're fucking begging for it, aren't you? Holding his breath as he sneaks in without second thought, your apparent carelessness only strengthening his resolve to make you his tonight.
Though, the sight that greets him immediately upon breaking into your room has him stopping in his tracks. Chest tight as his heart hammers inside, cheeks heating up the same way they always do when he sees you. Cock twitching to life in his loose sweatpants picked specifically for tonight, fuck— you must know what you do to him, right? Even as you lay dormant, the hold you have over him is pathetic. Annoying, even. You know how easy he is for you, and that's why you left your window open, allowing him to stalk you all the way home just to wait for him, didn't you? God, he can't rightly walk away from you now, can he? Taking careful slow steps towards you, eyes used to the dark from how long you made him wait outside, he almost wants to light another cigarette out of sheer stress.
"Stupid..." He sighs to himself, unsure if he's calling you or himself as such, a smirk making its way to his lips regardless of the answer.
It's just that you look so pretty when left unaware, y'know? So soft and sweet, barely covered chest rising and falling so steadily under his watchful gaze, as if begging for disruption. And that's all he's ever known, really. Especially since you entered his life, big open paw lazily palming away at his rising erection the closer he gets to you.
And for a few moments he just stares at the foot of your bed. Watches you sleep, head cocked to the side in silent curiosity. It's the first time he's seen you be so docile, and his cock thinks it's the prettiest fucking sight in the world.
It's also the first time you'd have seen him look so lovingly down at you, if you were even awake for it. Blissfully unaware to his seedy attention, the way he pets at his cock in assumed privacy, like the filthy fucking stalker he is deep down. The pervert you've turned him into— yeah, this is all your own fucking fault. You should have come to expect this, from the way he pokes and prods at your entire existence, bullies you into submission because he fucking wants to. Because he sees the way your eyes wet so sweetly for him, coaxing him to fall deeper into you with each passing day of harassment. And if you didn't see him coming at you like this, cock squeezed under cloth, leaking precum to stain his light grey sweats dark, then you're only making it more fun for him. He enjoys the chase, didn't you know?
His intentions are set just from watching you snooze so serenely. So cute, and so innocent. It's only human nature to want to corrupt such pretty things, don't you think? Carefully creeping closer, huffing in your scent the nearer to you he gets— soooo intoxicating to him, better than any drug he's ever tried. And like an addict, he finds himself yearning for a better high, something new that he hasn't experienced yet, but that he's sure he'll enjoy.
But don't worry! He's prepared to fall deeper into depravity, too. Anything for you, slut. Even if in the pit of his stomach he acutely understands that when it comes to you, he'll never be able to get enough. There's no better time to start than tonight, at least.
And, realistically, he can only hold back for so long. Pulsing in his pants, exhaling heavily with every full length rub of his greedy hand up and down his visible bulge. He's waited long enough, he thinks. Humping his fist every night to the sole thought of you, harassing you every day and night just to add mental images to his spank bank. It's time for you to give him what he owes.
Giving in to impulse is what he does best, so it's no surprise that after exposing his lower half, underwear and bottoms hitting the ground with a light thud! he, without thinking too much, swiftly pounces on you. That slow and steady watching of you turned more primal in just the second it took to get his cock free, fraught with need as he places the same hand that was on his swelling bulge over your mouth, mounting your font in an effort to quell your cute frightened writhing.
His heart races, cock throbbing at the wide eyed stare you offer him; so fucking cute, makes more pre leak from his uncovered cock and onto your front. The way you wear fear so well under him— it's exactly as pretty as he'd imagine. Which is fucking annoying, how eagerly he wants you, how his knuckles turn white from the sheer strength he has to exert not only in pinning you in place, but also to hold himself back. He wants to toy with you a little before claiming ownership, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek in frustration from how hard your crying has got him.
Big fat tears rolling down your cheeks as he wrestles you into submission, his breath uneven and strained with the amount of effort it takes. That's his slut, so cute when you put up such a good fight.
He hushes you, only briefly, far too enamoured by the sight of your tear stained cheeks to keep his composure. His voice coming out hushed and laboured with: "Keep cryin', slut. Only makes my dick harder." thrusting his bare cock against your panties to prove his point. And he knows that his words will only make you bawl some more, but he's telling you the truth. Cock just aching above you, little hidden cunt providing him such good pleasure as he humps his tip against where he thinks your hole is.
And yet still you fight. Struggling under him, constrained movements encouraging him to tighten his grip on you. One hand over your mouth to muffle your screams, the other pinning your arms above your head, leaving you to squirm and try to kick your lower half, hoping to knock him off balance, but he's just so much stronger than you isn't he?
Instinctively, he grabs at you tighter. Rougher, enough to make you squeak under his hand gag. And the sound you let out is endearing enough to have him still rutting against you, unable to stop the excitement driving his hips forward, he taunts you. "C'mon, I really don't wanna hafta hurt'cha..." He lies, a teasing lilt to his voice that indicates just how much he years for exactly that. Sadistically pressing his weight on your hips down harder, making sure you're well and truly stuck under him so that he can leave your arms unattended to long enough to tug your panties to the side— there's no need to grant you the dignity of having them fully removed, he's far too crazed with lust to take into account how the fabric might rub against you unfairly, how it might sig into your cunt lips as he frees your hole just enough to rub his tip against it.
So fucking wet, aren't you? His mind filled with self indulgent thoughts; were you dreaming of him? Is that why you're to wet right now? Or are you just so into having no free will, no say in the matter of his cock slipping between your folds. His mouth running before he has a chance to screen his words, keeping his volume low so that no one else finds you crying so sweetly for him, a secret he'd like to keep to himself. "Bet you fuckin' like this, huh? Gettin' raped in the dark, God, pretty fuckin' cunts just begging for it, ain't she?" dark laughter follows, barked down at you before a choked moan escapes him, in awe at how nice it feels to just simply rut against you like this. That means that you're made for him, right? The gush of slick coming out to coat his cock all wet means that you're excited, surely, preparing him for entry like the good little slut he knows you are. His little slut, hands once again returning to keep your arms trapped above your head as he catches his tip to your hole a final time.
"If only you didn't take my abuse so well, yeah?" He teases harshly, instinctively pushing his tip into your well lubed hole; all thanks to the copious amounts of precum he drips for you. Moaning out for you when you whine at the burning stretch his fat cock offers your tiny little cunt, his breath growing increasingly staggered with every little hump inside— just teasing, for now. “I mean, I just push you around and you whine all pretty like that— what else am I supposed to think, huh? Other than you're askin' for it.” Bark and bite, deciding in the split second it takes you to whimper a babble behind his hand, the feeling of your lips trembling against his rough skin encouraging his more baser instincts to take over, and he's already thrusting completely inside. Unfair and brutally fast, disallowing you any space to grow used to his girth as a tense sob crawls up your throat for his cock to throb at. Like you're spurring him on, right? His head clouded by the tight squeeze of your cunt, making you feel every fat inch for only a few seconds before he settles into a frantic pace. Adding pressure to the points that he holds you at, throwing his whole weight behind every greedy thrust inside of your tight heat— ah, you're so perfect for him, aren't you?
Squishy insides made to fit him so well, squirming around his cock so nicely that he can't help but let his facade slip a little, mouth hanging open for rushed sighs and pained sounds of enjoyment to escape; "Quit squeezin' s'fuckin' tight, God—" He moans, but he barely means it. Enjoying taking your innocence away by force with every. Cruel. Fuck. Forward. Burying himself balls deep in your angel cunt, his eyes rolling back with his head at the way your body betrays you. Sluts like you always like it rough, right? Cock throbbing inside of your slicked up hole, tip kissing your cervix with every brutal hump. And oh how he wishes he could hear just how much you're enjoying his cock, how much fun you're having getting raped by him, but the way you claw and dig at hit wrist feels too go to let go. Hovering above you, drooling at the sight of your tears dripping over his knuckles, knowing that he caused them to fall. "Look so pretty with my cock in ya," He smiles down at you, a sick adoring tug at his lips to let you know just how much he loves bullying you. "Jus' need to mark what's mine, kay? So— fuck me—" Little cunt likes his words, huh? Hole gripping his cock so well, almost making it impossible for him to thrust, fuck, atta girl.
"So jus' sit tight an' let me do what I gotta, ok?" His words are slurred, prompted by how fucking loud your bed squeaks with his fervent thrusts, huffing above you like a dog in heat with only one thing on his mind.
It's not like you can go anywhere, given how securely he holds you. Hammering his hips into you at such a pace that his balls slap back against you, sticky with the slick that gushes out from your hole every time he fully sheaths. Lust pooling in his tummy when your back arches so prettily for him during his assault, fucking slut, you do enjoy getting raped, don't you?
In that case, he'll have to bully you some more. Collecting spit in his mouth to dribble onto your face, landing square on your forehead and dripping down the side given how fast he fucks. "My slut, ok?" He whines, nails digging into your soft skin to leave little moon marks, hoping to leave every inch of you covered in him somehow. Forehead drool, nail marked skin, and with a couple more strokes inside of your perfect little cunt; cum painted hole.
Fat load spilling as deep as possible, unable to quit humping into you even as sensitivity takes hold of his tip. Just drooling seed for you, marking up your insides with his hot cum, fucking it back into you over and over again to breed his pretty bitch full. It's what you deserve, he absent thinks, an uncharacteristic whine of your name whispered from his lips at how well your cunt takes his load. Insides still squirming around his cock as he offers you shallow humps, milking himself empty as a reward for being the perfect little rape slut for him tonight.
It's almost too good to be true, how good you make him feel. Better than anyone before, and certainly there'll be none after your show tonight. A shiver running through him as the last spurts of seed turn your cunt all sticky.
"Tell me," He struggles for air, cock buried balls deep to plug your cunt full of the cum he's just fed you. "Who owns you, huh?"
And though his hand still yet covers your sobbing mouth, he swears he can hear you muffle his name. Teary doe eyes blinking up at him in a mix of lust and terror, you've yet to cum, right?
Maybe if he makes you cum hard enough, you'll go home with him willingly. Though, after his display tonight, he's sure you wouldn't be surprised if he resorted to kidnapping you either. Gotta keep his slut leashed, at least until he's able to claim every inch of you. Hips stuttering inside of your hole with the amount of love he feels for you.
"Hows about a second round?" He smiles, warm and wide. It's how you should know not to trust him.
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disarm-you · 2 months
Can I Show You How Sorry I Am?
Pairing: Frank Castle x F! Bartender reader
Summary: You and Frank had been hooking up for several months and then he dropped off the face of the earth. Six months later, he walks back into your bar and has some explaining to do.
Word Count: 3,520
a/n: This is smut heavy but nothing crazy. It was intended to be a smutty porn with plot one shot but I really enjoyed writing this. In fact, I have some loose ideas on making this into a series. Diving into reader’s background and exploring what a relationship with The Punisher would look like. How a serious relationship for Frank would play out. If you’re interested in more, please let me know!
I’m going on vacation in a few weeks and then I will be cutting down my hours at work. I expect to get more stories out starting this summer! As always, a friendly reminder that reblogs are the best way to support writers on here. XOXO
Looking up from the bar, you see the door swing open just as your coworker yells out last call. Curiosity sparked- today had been abnormally easy. Or maybe it was a good day made better under the lense of a full night’s sleep. The weather had been beautiful all afternoon-clear skies, light wind and full sun. You were able to relax outside and soak up a few rays of sun before work, letting its heat warm up your tired bones.
Work was comfortably steady and a few regulars left you a larger than usual tip today. Life recently threw you a major curveball but you were set on enjoying the sunshine while it’s here, because the moon will always come around again. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the shock of seeing Frank step into the room. It had been, what, over six months since you last saw him? Your eyes were staring at him but you couldn’t seem to focus on one spot. They moved from his deep eyes, down to his black hoodie and the combat boots you loved. You noted that he looked a bit thinner than the last time you saw him and he had one hell of a black eye and split lip. Your back stiffened as you tried to process all your emotions. You were pleased to know he was alive but anger and sadness panged across your chest as you thought about the past year. 
You two had never made it official but you had been sleeping together frequently enough that his sharp absence from your life hurt. You and Frank met in the same bar that you were currently in. You were new to the city and Frank was a welcome respite from the coldness New York could offer. He would show up several times a week, somehow always on nights you worked. He would walk you home and you two would enjoy a night cap or three with the evening ending in him making you see God. All of the pleasure and none of the drama. But as time and nature would have it, you managed to catch feelings. You tried to keep them buried, telling yourself he didn’t feel the same. You were too afraid of scaring him off, so you never verbalized your feelings. 
However, he skipped a Monday night, which was unusual for him. Concern creeped in when he didn’t visit you three shifts in a row. And then weeks passed and you were consumed with worry about his safety and eventually you began to fear the absolute worst. 
Inhaling deeply, you manage to look up as Frank approaches you. “Hey Sweetheart” he says softly, while making eye contact with you. 
A flaming arrow shot a deadly blow to your heart as soon as you met his puppy dog eyes. The smell of his cologne hit your nostrils and lit a fire low in your belly. Rat fucking bastard.
Tears began to well in the corners of your eyes but you weren’t certain if they were from sadness, rage, or pent up sexual frustration with this big, dumb, beautiful man standing in front of you. 
Your coworker walked by, noticing the change in your body language. “Is everything ok over here?” He asks, looking between the two of you. 
“Yeah, it is. Um, actually, would it be ok if I took off a bit early tonight? I need to deal with something.” 
“Of course, but you owe me one! Text me if you need anything.” Winking at you before he walked back to his station. 
“Hey Frank. It’s nice to see you.” Deciding to err on the side of kindness. After all, he did show back up to see you.  You might as well hear him out, even if you did give him your customer service tone. 
“I know it’s been a while and that’s my fault. Can we go back to my place and talk?”
My place. The words echoed in your head. Previously, the two of you only ever hooked up at your apartment and even then he rarely bothered to stay the night. 
“Yeah, actually that would be nice. Let me go get my things and I will meet you outside.”
“So, this is your place, eh?” You ask, trying to keep your tone light as you surveyed the area. Noting the bare walls, sparse furniture and dumbbells stuffed in the corner, it was obvious a single man lived here. However, what you couldn’t tell is if this is a new place or if he dropped you for a different fling and was hiding out this past half year. 
“Yeah, it is. Want something to drink?”
”Mmmhmm, beer’s good if you got it.” 
You two sat on his futon, taking the first sip, 
“Why haven’t I seen your place before you?” You ask, nerves building up in your chest as you put off the real questions you wanted to ask him. 
Sighing deeply, Frank glances away until finally making eye contact.“When we first met, I knew I wasn’t going to be in town for much longer. I didn’t think that I would be back once I left.” 
Frank then sat down his beer, picking up your free hand and cradling it with his. “But I really enjoyed our nights together.  And I kept coming around your bar, while I put off the work I needed to do.”
Inhaling sharply you say, ”Listen, I understand that we never had the relationship ‘talk’ but Frank, we were fucking pretty regularly and then you just disappeared. Poof, gone in the blink of an eye. I feel like you at least owed me a see ya later before running off.” You say, taking a large swig of your beer, trying to calm the nerves that swirled in your chest. You hope he doesn’t notice the way your hand is shaking as you sit it back down. Or the tears welling in your eyes again. Thankfully, he couldn’t hear your heart thumping as you anxiously waited for him to respond. 
“You’re right Darlin’ and I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you.” He swallowed thickly and you could catch the slightest gruff in his voice. “I thought it would be less painful if I just disappeared. But when I was gone, I couldn’t get you out of my head. I missed your smile and your laugh. I missed the way your hand feels in mine. I missed… the feelings you brought up in me. When the job was over I decided to make my home here, maybe even with you.” 
Sighing roughly, you move to sit back, trying to process everything that’s happening. Frank adjusts so you can lean into his torso.You close your eyes and he moves his arm around your shoulder, which softened a bit of the emotions flooding you. 
“You know I waited around for weeks, hoping you would show up. And when you never did, I thought you had died. The worst part is that I didn’t have anyone to ask. You always come in alone and I didn’t even know your last name so I kept checking local obituaries-”
Frank noticed the panic in your voice and brought his free hand under your chin, tilting your face up and forcing you into eye contact. 
”…What?” You ask while your brain is trying to catch up. 
“My last name is Castle.” He whispers, bringing his thumb up to trace your lower lip. He pauses, looking at you questioningly. 
You had so many questions running through your mind but being back in his arms reminded you of all the nights you spent wrapped up in your bed. The smell of him being so close to you was intoxicating. Before you knew it the rush of hormones hit your brain as you involuntarily move your face towards him, locking lips ever so sweetly. 
Despite their injury, his lips are somehow softer than you remember and your heart rate picks up as he moves his hands up to cup your face. Frank is taking his time with you tonight, enjoying the brushing of your lips together as if it was the first time he’s kissed you. The moment is tender and softer than your previous encounters. 
All too quickly though he pulls away. Your breath hitches and you involuntarily grab at his sweater, trying to tug him close again. 
“Can I show you how sorry I am?” Frank pleaded as his lips hovered over yours. 
“Please.” You replied shakily as you clamber into Frank's lap, reveling in the groan it exudes from Frank. 
You shiver as he runs his warm hands up your sides and along your back. You kiss him deeply, one hand splayed across his chest while the other gripped his hair tightly, hoping that it was enough to keep him here in front of you. 
You slowly grind into his lap as you part your lips against Frank’s. He takes the opportunity to lick into your mouth while shoving your hips together. 
“Do you see what you fucking do to me?” He growled as he thrusted his hips up into yours, grinding his growing bulge against you. 
You whined in response as you pulled your shirt over your head. Without hesitating, Frank reached up and deftly unhooked your bra, tossing it to the side and gently cupped your beasts with both of his hands. 
Your head dizzying with want, you lean forward to kiss Frank, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth as his large hands fondled your breasts. 
Breaking away, he kisses down your neck until he reaches your chest. Moving his head to the side, he slips a nipple into his mouth teasing you until you issued your fist moan of the evening. 
Chuckling, Frank moves his focus to your other breast and you loudly moan as you feel the buzzing want for him run up and down your body. You so deeply missed the way you just melt into his touch. It had been a lonely six months since Frank’s disappearance, not for lack of desire though. 
You were often hit on by men at your job but most of them were a huge turnoff. Drunk and aggressively flirting with you until you declined their offer and getting angry when you wouldn’t give them your number. But you stayed at this job since the extra cash on hand greatly supplemented your primary job. 
You did briefly consider yourself spending the night with a gorgeous blonde woman who came into the bar. She had the most beautiful blue eyes that you could get lost in. Except you couldn’t tell if she was flirting with you or if she was just incredibly nice. You were too hesitant to make the first move. That didn’t stop you from thinking about her as you touched yourself that night. But that was last month and you haven’t seen her come back in. 
And right now all you were focusing on was Frank and how you don’t think you’ve fully relaxed since he left. You are unabashedly grinding in his lap, arching your back into his kisses as his hands worshiped your body. 
“Frank, please…” you rasped as he popped his mouth off your nipple and brought you in closer to him. 
“Please, what darlin.” He whispered as he pressed your foreheads together. 
“I just need you to touch me so badly.” You softly whimpered as you pulled at the collar of his shirt. 
“I got you girl.” 
You squeal with glee as he wraps his arms tightly around you and stands up. You revel in the safety of his arms, feeling his huge biceps press you up against his firm chest. His strength was one of your favorite physical qualities in Frank. You felt so secure tangled up in him. But despite his strength, he was gentle with his touches to you. He was far kinder to you then a few men in your past. In fact, Frank never used force on you, unless of course you asked him to.
Your mind briefly wandered back to an intense night where you were pinned to the bed with his leather belt in your mouth, hand pulling your hair taughtly, thrusting into you unforgivably….
Frank placing you down on the bed brought you back to reality. Shamelessly watching him as he took off his shirt. The clinking of his belt reminded you of its taste in your mouth and you hurriedly removed the rest of your clothes. 
You attempt to slide to the top of the bed but Frank grabs your legs. 
“Oh no.” He clicks his tongue while dragging you down to the edge of the bed. “Just where do you think you’re going Ma’am? I owe you an apology.” He cooed, while kneeling on the floor, kissing your inner knee up to your inner thighs 
Your skin prickles and your breath hitches as Frank sucked some of the tender skin on your inner thigh into his mouth. Enjoying the reaction from you, he takes his free hand and traces a finger up the seam of your pussy. 
You gasp sharply. “Frank, please.” You desperately begged. “You’re being so mean to me.” 
Everything about you was driving Frank wild. Your scent was lingering in his nose, leaving him heady with want, how tense the muscles in your thighs are while you were so willingly spread out for him and finally the desire in your eyes is what drove him to splay you open with his index and middle fingers before he starting flicking your clit with his tongue. 
Your moans had him groaning as he continued lapping you up. He moved the fingers that were spreading you open lower, teasing your entrance. He briefly enjoyed your gasps of pleasure before slipping two fingers into your wetness, which caused you to inhale sharply as you clenched around him. 
Frank slightly leans back and looks up at you. “Yeah, you like that?” He curls his fingers to hit that sweet spot inside you. “Be good and take it.” He husked before sucking on the inside of your thigh. 
His words sparked an anger in you- how dare this man come back and then act like this but oh my god did he know how to work you up. And that spark was like gasoline on a fire and you were already so close to coming. 
Frank could tell by how tightly you were gripping his fingers. Pulling off your thigh with a wet pop, he brings his mouth back to your clit and it was over. Trails of fire ran up and down your body before dissolving into pleasure. 
Frank slowed down to draw out your orgasm as much as he could, waiting until you were whimpering with overstimulation before gently removing his fingers from you. 
Still breathing deeply, you open your eyes to find Frank looking at you, while sucking your juices off his fingers. His eyes were a blaze with desire for you, which made your heart start pounding again. 
“Frank, I want you.” 
He barely heard you over the blood buzzing in his ears. Frank stood up and got on to the bed, encouraging you to move back further. He placed the sole pillow on his bed under your head, making sure you were comfortable before kissing you hard. 
You instinctively moved down to help remove his boxers. Once freed, you savored the weight of him in your hand. He was deliciously thick and you can’t help but to start firmly rubbing him. You bring a thumb to the head of his cock rubbing the pre cum down his shaft. Now it was your turn to relish in the noises he was making 
Frank was so sensitive that just a small amount of touching had him gently thrusting in your hand, lowly grunting with your firm touch. His enthusiasm reminded you how empty you were. You wordlessly guide him to you, teasing his head up and down your sopping folds until pausing at your entrance. He replaced your hand with his and you moved your hips to slot his. 
The pressure of him against your entrance was leaving you lightheaded. The gasps you were making had Frank teeming with desire but he was determined to take his time. Pressing ever so gently he pushed just the head of him inside you as he began to lean down towards you. You tried to buck your hips up into him but he stopped you. 
Fully leaning over you, he placed one of his forearms to your side, hooking it around the crown of your head. His other hand held your jaw firmly in place. Staring deeply into your eyes he says, “I’m so fucking sorry I left. I won’t leave you again unless you tell me to.” He pleaded as he buried himself in you. 
“Oh fuck yes’ Frank.” You cried out as he pressed your foreheads together. 
“I fucking missed you, sweetheart.” He roughly whispered. 
“I missed you too.” You choked out, trying to hold back the tears in your eyes. Frank lowered the hand that was on your chin to the other side of your head as he started rocking into you, setting a pleasurable pace for the both of you. He slowly moves his hips until your breath hitches. That’s when he knows he’s got the right angle. You cry out as he rocks into a little harder, causing you to grab on to his shoulders. 
Sweat was beginning to leave a light sheen on the both of you as more heat began to generate from where you two were connected. Frank was applying soft kisses on your neck and the little huffs he was breathing near your ear made you clench around him tighter. 
You noticed his chest flushing and you knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. Franks brings one hand down, and slips it between the two of you and circled your clit, while kissing you deeply. The pleasure of being surrounded by Frank- his weight on top of you, cock filling you, his scent surrounding you, his tongue flicking into your mouth- was overwhelming after all this time. 
You pull away, wanting to save the moment in fear of him slipping away from you again. 
“You’re really going to stay this time?” You quietly stuttered in between his thrusts. 
“Yes darlin. I’m always going to be here.” He grunted. He could feel you getting tighter again and your whines were music to his ears as he kept his current rhythm. Your fingers tighten against his shoulder, leaving little half moons in it’s wake and your back involuntarily arches as you splinter once more from reality. 
Your pussy is squeezing Frank so hard that he can’t hold himself back any longer. His body stiffens and he groans out as he fills you with his cum.
You can’t stop the tears from spilling out and streaming down the side of your face during your come down. All of the fear, anger and worry that had been pent up all came rushing out and it was simply too much. He didn’t try to silence you or make you stop. Frank simply held you and wiped away your tears. 
“I’m sorry I’m crying so much.” You sniffled, trying to slow yourself down.��
“It’s ok Angel, are you alright?” 
You nodded your head yes as Frank carefully removed himself from you. You winced from the loss of contact but he softly pulled you into him as he laid down onto his side. 
Your crying had slowed down and the weight of reality was setting back in. Your mind started racing with questions. Did he really mean what he said? What does this mean for the two of you? Were you ready for a commitment like this? So many thoughts racing in your head and you settle on one. 
“Frank?” You quietly ask, face still buried in his chest while his hands were rubbing soothing circles on your back. “Earlier you said that you were putting off a job. What did you have to go do?” 
Swallowing thickly, Frank closed his eyes. He knew that coming back meant coming clean and you might not be interested when you find out who he really is. And maybe that conversation should have come first but old habits have a way of dying hard. 
“I will answer all of your questions in the morning. Would you like to stay tonight?” 
“Can we take a shower?” You ask as you nod your head in agreement, attempting to ignore a new ball of anxiety beginning to form. What could this man be hiding from you? “Or do you only have one towel as well? You teasingly ask, partly as a way to distract you from your own mind. 
“You’re in luck because I have two and they are both clean. I’ll go start the water. Come and join me when you’re ready” Frank kisses the top of your head before getting out of bed and padding to the bathroom. 
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fxshigurosbae · 7 months
the military man . . .
୨୧⋆。˚ captain toji fushiguro x f!reader
✶ mature content | mdni ! size kink, military!au, barebacking, fingering, praising, pet names, overstimulation, breeding, creampie, multiple orgasms, squirting, unprotected sex, strong language.
taglist | masterlist
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it’s the second time you came tonight, just from his fingers.
toji’s wrist is curved as your head is thrown back, in a pillow princess position, legs widely spread, one held apart with his unoccupied hand as you hold his arm in vain. he’s pumping two fat digits in and out, curling at the right spot for the past few minutes, making you squirt so easily, and you’re being a good girl . . . for not wetting his military uniform, yet.
rolled up sleeves, rebel messy hair, smirk and licking the scarred lips. toji’s making sure the veins on his wrist don’t pop before you’re coming on his fingers again, and again. you even got preppy, so pretty to give him goodbye before he leaves for a month, and now you’re ruined — that’s probably why he’s going ravenous now, he just wanted to fuck you sweet and slow before going, but you didn’t make it easy for him dressed up like that.
“oh f-fuck toji, ‘s too much!” he doesn’t stop, his cock is twitching and begging to be freed, and he’s edging himself, gathering all this lust and all the cum in his balls, he’s got plans.
“imagine when i put my cock in ya then, dont’cha faint on me, baby.” he teases, chuckling with that deep voice, you take a quick glance at his face, with your doe eyes that he loves — watching his immense figure compared to your body, so hot in that uniform, while he’s preparing to break your hip bones in two — before rolling your eyes back again and spasming, squirting just once more, and it’s already enough for him to go nuts, he’s diving into your pussy to lick all of it , he even spits in your cunt after you’re done. “thanks for the meal.” he mutters under his breath, with a vicious smirk, slapping over the sensitive folds, bringing a whine from your closed mouth, just to lean back and give you a moment to breathe.
toji’s admiring the view of you all spread, pretty and ready for him — holding the pillow beside your face, sweating slightly and panting like a puppy, your thighs trembling — and he rubs his erection, grabbing on it like it’s doing any sort of relief, also huffing like a dog now, undoing his pants with exhaustion almost, this horniness is making him weak to his knees. “fuck, ya so pretty f’me, sweets.” his adam’s apple bobs as he gulps down hard, groaning gutturally, taking a picture of this moment in his head for later.
“toji, hurry p-please.” and you’re begging lowly for him, knit eyebrows and heavy chest, you’re clenching over air and what a fucking mirage, he thinks — he needs to leave soon.
“anything for ya, baby.” he replies tired, pulling his cock out his black boxers to tap the tip over your folds, teasing just a little more, he wants to take in this moment for just a little longer. he’s breathing heavy, smearing his pre-cum over your clit, hearing the moist noises from your little mess, propping his fat dark pink tip over your hole, pushing it just a little in and taking it out, as you wince in frustration, gripping tighter onto the pillow, arching your back and panting over and over.
“you’re being mean.” toji’s hypnotized, his eyes are relaxed, his lips are parted and he smirks once you state that, only his gaze moves to your pouting face, and you’re staring back with shaking pupils and a heavy chest.
“‘m just enjoying the moment, sorry f’ that, princess.” he chuckles, caressing one of your thighs, and toji pushes his tip inside, making you whine and bite your lip, before he holds both your legs and pushes them a little farther and beside your waist, making you flinch slightly at the stretch. then, he’s thrusting his hips, putting all the rest of his girthy cock in, gently rough at the same time. your mouth opens in a circular shape and he sighes as he’s striving on going balls deep, but his dick twitches once he’s feeling your warm gummy walls. “shit, ‘m gonna miss this.” he mutters, and you’re arching your back, humming and closing your eyes for a few seconds to adjust.
“so big.” you blabber inaudibly, but he makes it out and smirks wider, pushing your legs against your chest, in a position he absolutely loves. leaning a little forward, ready to start, and he almost pulls out, to pound once roughly enough to make your body jolt and you whine loudly in lust.
“gonna miss it?” he questiond all smugly, thrusting in and out harder each time, speeding up a little, mate pressing your vulnerable body. and your knuckles are turning white, the pillow’s getting mushed, and you’re staring into his eyes, blinking rapidly.
“y-yess, yeah, s’ much, toji!” you moan, rolling your eyes back into your skull, wrapping around him with your talkative walls.
“she be replying too, who’s gonna miss me more, huh?” he jokes, forcefully pushing his cock into your cervix, now getting balls deep like he wanted, and he’s laughing at your despair. “‘m gonna be the one to miss ya more tho.” he mutters, smirking and throwing his head back for an instant before looking down where you both connect, as he’s leaning closer over you. you’re getting dumber and dumber from his cock, his hips piston into you like nothing as he makes out with you somehow, kissing and biting your lower lip when you can’t keep moving your tongue, needing to take a breath when he gets even more aggressive. “fuck, y’er gonna make a mess ‘n my clothes like this, huh?” toji teases, looking back at you just to stop and watch the pout form in your pretty stupid drooling face again. before you could speak or complain like he knows you will, toji’s turning you over, in a low doggy, and he gets a good view of your already arched ass. “good girl.” he praises for your training, giving your cheek a little squeeze followed by a slap to see you jolt and wince. he puts it in like a wild animal, like he’s home again, and he’s getting needier, speeding his pace frenetically, like a humping dog.
“ah, fuck,” he grunts, holding onto your waist, hips and gripping onto the flesh like he’s deprived, like he’s already away. and your face is buried onto the sheets, messy hair, sweat, drool, moans and whines stumbling their way upon leaving your throat. “‘m gonna put a, a ring on yer finger,” he starts, pausing to pound harsher, his voice is getting weak. “be my little army wife,” he smirks proud at the thought. “then, ‘m gonna put a baby in ya, won’t have to leave ya.” and you’re processing his words with a slight delay, putting your hand over his v-line from the back, trying to make him slow down without saying a word, but he doesn’t, he speeds up, he goes harder and deeper, because he knows you get quieter and dumber after he meets your dirty spot, kissing your cervix once or twice when he slips in. getting sloppier, messier, he grabs your hair and messes with it lazily, engraving the feeling of your head on his hand, dominating you, and he’s memorizing every curve and every texture on your body, pushing your back down with one hand effortlessly, arching your ass even more, breaking your spine in half as he leans down, crotch rummaging skin against skin, it’s dirty, it’s impure. “wan’ that, sweetheart?” and you moan hums and whines at him. “good, gonna leave l-lots of ma cum in ya,” he groans, chuckling. “‘n come back with ya pregnant with our baby.” and you clench at the thought, he laughs at you, slopping the pace as he’s almost there, but you’re the first one to go.
“i’m gonna miss you, s-so much, toji.” you make it out effortfully, squirting onto his cock for the thousandth time as he keeps fucking you into the orgasm, a white ring forming on the base of his cock, he’s pressing against your cervix now and it’s dilated. toji leans over and breathes onto your ear, groaning as he’s listening to your heartbeat.
“i’ll be back, baby, gonna think of ya every day.” he whispers, holding your hair in his hands, out of your face, kissing your neck and pounding once or twice before he empties his cum inside of you, and it’s more than usual, it’s warm and it’s stuffing your belly out. toji moans once, and it’s more vulnerable, quite contradicting his army image, but it’s hot, and before he finishes unloading it, he leans back, staring at your body taking it like the good girl he trained. toji leaves one last groan before slowly taking his cock out and watching his white seed ooze out of your pussy, but he’s immediately pushing it in with his cock again, not even being able to enter inside again from how sensitive and tight you were. he pulls out again, and lets his fingers fuck the rest of the cum in you, waiting for it to go all the way into your womb, as you moan in relief, shaking your ass a little at him once he’s leaving you empty again. “we gonna have to do this again once ‘m back since y’er on those pills.”
“i’m not taking the pills, toji.”
. . .
well, at least his uniform didn’t get dirty.
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🔖 @reiners-milkbiddies @lilithlunas @poesexual @sacvh @xdxdyg @missyasma @DelicatelyCraftedBambi
fxshigurosbae © 2023 ! please do not upload my content on any platform that is not tumblr . . . { no plagiarism or translations }
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anika-ann · 8 months
Paperweight (S.R.)
Type: one-shot, prequel, canon-ish (see A/N)
Pairining: (pre) Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 4000
Summary: Falling in love with Steve Rogers is easy. Hiding it while your friendship blooms is considerably harder. Especially when he’s being absurdly loveable and perfectly hot during a training.
In which you stay behind after a work-out, bear witness to a training session led by Steve and are asked for assistance. How could you say no to the man?
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Warnings: FLUFF, mentions of canon-typical violence, language? Hopeless idiots in love.
A/N:  a slice-of-life standalone or a one-shot set about half a year before Love on the Brain series; reader is called “Agent Jones”; divider by firefly-graphics 😍
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If there was one thing you had known long before you joined the Avengers Initiative, it was that falling for a friend tended to be a complicated thing. It was even more complicated if one was worried it might not work out – which was practically always. The growing affection and attraction were not easy to hide, especially from perceptive people. People like Black Widow. Or worse, Steve Rogers himself.
The one thing making it easier was that everyone and their (grand)mother – in this case, the saying was way more accurate than in all other cases you were aware of – had a crush on Steve Rogers too. That meant that if someone caught you staring, lingering, or even gushing (usually meaning defending) Steve, it was hardly something unique to you. No one would think twice about it. Even as his friend, you were a person with well-working eyes and blood pumping your veins and it was indeed very hard to miss that Steve’s body was literally boosted to perfection to become the peak of man. That was fine.
However, the one thing making it insanely difficult was Steve. His irritating goodness of heart that was actually way more attractive that all typical bad boys from the movies made it seem. When he added the mischievous side to his persona, his wit, his warmth, both physical and in demeanour… and the numerous numerous occasions where he could show off not all his character qualities, but also his strength, it was impossible to stay within the lines of a simple crush.
Growing affection and attraction were never easy to hide, but god damn, in the case of Steven Grant Rogers, it was task fit for titans. And you were just a walking mass of bones, flesh, blood and hormones with a brain that might be rather well-developed, but could still short-circuit when Steve showed off the biceps that could probably bench press you without breaking a sweat – or flashed you an easy smile with the sweetest edge or a spark of being up to no good.
Now, it was given that Steve was a fan of mixed groups in training. Newbies with old dogs who needed to accept they needed to learn new tricks, men with women, different departments and teams mingling together and sharing tips. But Steve, for most part, was also a very reasonable man. He did see that there were advantages to training in groups divided according to sex as well. As someone who had spent the bigger part of his fully conscious life in a body more similar to those of women, he was aware that women needed to learn how to use their agility and how to turn the weight and strength advantage of their opponents against them for instance; men, on the other hand, needed times where they would not haveto hold back completely during training in fear of making the match unequal.
Apparently, Steve also believed that men needed to build their strength in a drool-worthy way.
You had lingered after the training session you had with your female colleagues led by the infamous Natasha Romanoff – or Nat, for you – feeling the need for extra stretches. Nat said it was fine and there was an area in the largest gym designated for stretching even as the main area could already be occupied by someone else. The someone else were men, led by Steve and Jack Rollins; you expected no issues.
You did not expect the training session to turn into a drool-fest so fast. But maybe you should have.
The architectonic genius designing the gym must have indeed been a genius, because even as the group of agents and recruits would have been out of your earshot due to the distance, you could hear Steve’s voice clear as day. You refused to believe it was because you were tuned to his gentle and yet commanding timbre he used whenever he switched to the role of a teacher, the role of the Captain.
You listened. You simply couldn’t help it: not only because it was Steve, but because of what he was saying was, in fact, intriguing.
Squats with weights, front lever. One thick iron pole, three people. As he described it, you admittedly couldn’t imagine how that would work.
And then he asked Rollins to help him demonstrate, picking an agent whose name you couldn’t recall to help by performing the front lever, which alone was a feat because of the strong core muscles and arms it required, along with incredible bodily awareness and coordination. At first, you were grateful Steve wasn’t the one showing that, because seeing him control his body so perfectly as he held onto the pole to basically levitate above the ground would send your mind to the gutter real fast.
Your mind ended up in the gutter anyway. Because the two remaining men – Steve and Rollins – were holding the pole on their shoulders while Agent Whatshisname performed his task. Steve already had to be slightly crouched because he was a good foot taller than Rollins, so it was truly difficult for you not to stare. But then… then they made a squat. Using the agent as a damn weight.
The pole rested on Steve’s wide shoulders with ease as it was nothing but a paperweight, the expanse of his back muscles dancing under his white tee. His sweats hugged his defined ass the way your hands itched to. Your stretches were forgotten.
It was just a brief moment, even if generous enough, and then he and Rollins rose to their (almost) full height. And then they repeated the motion just to show off and to test you. You were just a breathing walking mass of bones, flesh, blood and hormones indeed; you felt physically unable to avert your gaze. As for your brain, well. It circled straight to the thought of being stretched in a whole different way.
Being Steve's friend and only think about him as such was truly an impossible task.
“Easy for you, you could probably lift him on your own!” a voice called out from the crowd, clearly referring to Steve and you internally cursed and used all your willpower to snap your gaze away at last, hearing Steve’s chuckle and the murmur of agreement.
Gee, Mr. Mouthy, thanks for that mental image.
“True. But that is not the point,” Steve explained, thanking the agent for assistance in their demonstration. “This is not all about strength. If you're thinking why bother with this when you could simply lift weights...”
More murmurs of agreement followed and you asked yourself the same, for you could have lived without another image added to the collection haunting the better of your sleepless nights.
“This is not an exercise to build strength, not primarily. It's a group exercise. It’s about cooperation. It took us a hot minute too before we could show you. Come here, Agent Stalinski, please. If you didn’t mind, you’d help us demonstrate why.”
Once again, you did not find it in yourself to resist watching them; this time from genuine curiosity. At least this time, you made a point of laying your chest on your knees and only peeking at them for a few seconds, as Agent Stalinski, who seemed to regret his decision to speak up already, obediently walked to the pole. He could have refused, but he clearly didn’t want to look like a chicken – and didn’t want to disrespect Steve. It was never easy to decide and disrespect a kind man without looking like an idiot and feeling that part too. Giving a choice and respecting it was part of Steve’s charm and strength as a leader.
Without another word, Agent Stalinski performed the front lever as Rollins and Steve held the pole.
“If I use all my strength to show off, we'll fail... ready?” Steve said, waiting for Rollins to nod before they squatted.
And then Steve held back his bodily superiority considerably less than before and stood up with vigour.
It was an exhilarating sight; not only because poor Rollins nearly toppled over and even importantly, because Stalinski saved himself half a second before falling on his ass hard, but obviously also because Steve showing off his skills was a treat to watch. More so when he was proving a point; that was always fun.
And your heart could melt when Steve offered Agent Stalinski a hand to help him up, effectively shutting up the cackles that sounded among the other agents with one single glare; because humiliate the agent for mouthing off was not the point.
Goddamn Steve’s golden heart. He truly wasn’t making things any easier for you – and probably half the agency who was in love with him too.
You could hear a smile in his voice when he spoke up again, almost as if he knew.But you, in return, knew he was simply satisfied with proving his point and the agents understanding the task and the goal of the exercise. Understanding that bodily strength wasn’t everything and they needed to believe both in themselves and in each other; like Peggy Carter or Dr.Erskine once believed in him even if others didn’t.
“Like I said. It's about cooperation. One weak link – weak in working with others, not necessarily in bodily strength – and this isn’t going to work. So… let's group up and try."
As the group of agents begun to move around, you returned your full attention to your stretches, breathing in deeply, slowly releasing the air as you felt your muscles cry in both strain and relief. Remaining in position, you closed your eyes, breathing through the slight pull of pain further. You would sleep like a baby tonight; Natasha did not hold back on you, but that was part of the thrill. She pushed you all, but with enough kindness to make it worth it and a lot of more satisfaction when you could see and feel your progress.
You heard the steps as soon as you felt the floor vibrate under you, and your heart involuntarily fluttered. You should truly not be able to recognize Steve’s jog, because that bordered on creepy and obsessive, but you did go running with him quite often so you could blame it on that. At least that was how you reasoned with yourself. It had nothing to do with the fact that your mind tended to gravitate towards him too often, feel his presence, because it felt like first warm sunrays of the approaching summer.
Easing your position, you looked up as he approached you with a slightly bashful smile, a brief sparkle of mischief in his eye.
Before he could even open his mouth, you glanced behind him, noticing the issue and already guessing why he was here with you instead of the trainees.
One agent stayed alone. That meant that either both Steve and Rollins would be in a group with him, leaving the others without proper supervision and assistance or the one agent would be left out. Or you could join them for a bit. The choice of letting Steve use you – for the exercise, as a faceless agent only to even the numbers in an exercise – was a real no-brainer.
Once again, you reasoned that leaving the poor loner without a chance to train would leave you feeling evil when it was no problem for you to help; and it really would, if you were being honest with yourself. If you got to see Steve up close, either working out or directing other agents with his leadership skills, as a bonus, that was simply a nice coincidence, wasn’t it?
Raising your hand with a tired smile and gesturing for him to help you up, his grin widened, pulling you up without a second thought.
“Hey Sparkles,” he hummed gently, squeezing your hand before releasing you. “Could-“
“Sure, GG,” you interrupted him, rolling your shoulders and pretending your heart didn’t skip a beat when his eyebrows rose, one corner of his lips quirking.
“Well, now I’m tempted to ask anything.”
You gulped. It was nothing but a friendly teasing, you knew. But damn if it didn’t make your stomach somersault a bit, if you didn’t think you saw something flash in his eyes.
The thing was, he could ask you anything. And your little foolish heart would probably command you to do it. Especially when he smiled like that as he towered over you, eyes roaming over you with slight concern in his expression.
“Thank you. You don't even have to do the horizontal workout-“ he noted, a genuine worry in his voice as if he didn’t just said the words horizontal workout in a completely different context than you would like him to. He had to know about how you felt about him and was doing this on purpose, wasn’t he? “Just...”
“Be your paperweight?” you suggested cheekily, hopefully masking how the probably unintended innuendo made your face hot.
“I mean-“ You raised eyebrows when he looked as if he was about to deny it. Really? “Well, yes, basically. It’s an important role either way. And I know you could do it, but you already have one session behind you and you were already almost done with your stretches. I understand if you don’t want to undo all of that. So really, any way you’re willing to assist us, we’ll be grateful.”
It truly would have been easier if Steve was only attractive; or only kind, considerate or passionate. But the fact he was all of it was a deadly cocktail you had got addicted rather fast. He was like a magnet, calling out for every part of you and pulling you into his orbit with ease and inevitability. How could you say no to him?
“Sure, whatever. We'll see. But if I’m joining you, I might as well go for the full experience, right?”
Steve smiled at you, a proud edge to the soft curl of his lips, as he beckoned to the agents. The warmth spreading through your body was already well-worth the hard work you had ahead of you.
“Right. Let’s go.”
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People who even suspected that they were in love should be stripped of their lawful right to make decisions and be declared temporary insane for the time being. Or maybe that just applied to people in Steve Rogers’ vicinity. That was what you thought of as you wiped the sweat off, feeling your hands trembling minutely with exhaustion.
Of course you had gone for it. You went for the work-out with all you had and maybe even what you didn’t have, but how could you relent for even a second when you had Steve’s proud grin directed straight at you whenever you tried another rep and succeeded at least partially? Your abdomen muscles burned, but when something flashed in his eye, admiration and something you couldn’t quite decipher beyond the emotion being a good one, the pleasant warmth in your belly simply took over and you gritted your teeth once more.
Your body was utterly ruined, all thanks to Steve; and it might not be in all ways you sometimes dreamed about, but the satisfaction it brought you was still well worth it.
The shaking not so much.
The other agents went to run a few laps under Rollins’ command as Steve followed you back to the stretching area, smile all soft and playful even if a little concerned since you walked with a slight wobble. Your core muscles were so overworked that it even affected your ability to walk.
You’d be sore tomorrow; very sore. If there was a chance to prevent at least part of the pain awaiting you in the morning, it was only natural you would take it, right?
That was how you reasoned with yourself. That was how you justified that when Steve’s gentle giant hands carefully took yours with an unspoken question, thumbs pressing into your right forearm just right, you let out the words ‘yes please’ with as little moany quality in your voice as possible.
You must have succeeded, because Steve didn’t seem to notice. If he did, he was polite enough not to mention it. Needless to say that you were grateful you could blame the flush in your face on your previous work-out.
Working his way up your arm in a perfectly collected manner, Steve pressed against the tendons and muscles with precision and well-calculated amount of strength; he wasn’t rough at all, yet he made sure you felt it.
You would bet there were a lot of things which he could make you feel it, but you tried to steer your mind away from the gutter as much as possible. Once again, you blamed your momentary inability to do that more than usual on exhaustion, the lovely visuals you had been offered, and Steve’s more than pleasant touch.
“Thank you, Sparkles. You did amazing,” Steve spoke simply but sincerely, an easy smile on his lips as if his thumbs weren’t kneading the exact spot you needed, flooding your body with the relief you craved; your muscles. Your muscles craved.
The gush of wind created by the running agents helped you ground yourself in reality.
You weren’t alone. There was a purpose – a very platonic purpose – to what Steve was doing. He was thanking you for being a good colleague and teammate and it was time again for your brain to switch into that mode. Because there was no romantic mode in your relationship with Steve. There were two people needed for that and if all Steve was offering was his absolutely exquisite friendship, the best-friendship as it seemed to bloom lately, you’d grab it and never let go. Not for anything.
And you’d take a quick massage to your exhausted muscles too.
To sweeten the deal, it felt really good to be praised by Captain America himself. You would be lying if compliments from the Steve Rogers, the ultimate good man, were the only ones that mattered to you; the side to Steve which carried the mantle of the Captain and appreciated you wasn’t exactly something to sneer at, quite on the contrary.
“I didn't want him to feel out if I could help,” you shrugged, earning a slightly scolding look as you moved your shoulders, the arm under Steve’s touch tensing when it was supposed to be relaxed. You grinned apologetically. “And you know you're a good motivator- I mean--- motivational speaker... whatever.”
The gentle rumble of Steve’s chuckle was nothing short of warm even as his grin gained a teasing note.
“Why thank you. I'll consider a career change to a motivational speaker indeed.”
You chuckled too – and instantly regretted it as your belly spasmed minutely, trembling due to the way you overdid the work-out. Steve’s fingers ceased their movements, simply gripping your arm in support. Glancing up, you found his brows furrowed in worry.
Bless the sweet man. But if he was so concerned about your abdomen muscles, maybe he could massage them too- stop.
“Yeah, okay, maybe I pushed myself a bit too much,” you admitted with another chuckle, gritting your teeth to stop the hiss threatening to escape your lips. “Glad I could help. But you mister, are forbidden from making me laugh for the next 48 hours.”
He glanced at the finger you pointed at him with slight offence.
“But I like making you laugh?”
You glanced up on instinct. There was the faintest pout to his lips as your eyes met his and you found yourself on the receiving end of the warmest gaze. His hands were cradling your elbow now – giant and gentle still, thumb brushing over your bicep.
Yes. It was a true shame that Steve’s feelings towards you were merely platonic. Because at this moment, the blue pools of his irises seemed so inviting you’d follow him anywhere, to hell and back; and you knew he’d keep you safe, held your elbow tenderly but firmly when the need would arise and he’d protect your heart too, because Steve Rogers was as much of a fighter as a protector. You already knew as much. You wanted to know even more.
You wanted more. Selfishly and wistfully, you wanted more, especially in moments like this, moments that felt as easy as breathing with him even when your chest felt so full that breathing in seemed difficult – useless. Had he leaned forward, had he taken your lips, you wouldn’t care for oxygen, you’d- stop.
You had to stop and take a cold shower in the evening.
“Cap? What’s next?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin when Rollins’ howl reached your ears.
Whatever you were about to say died in your throat, whatever your hazed brain planned. You had to admit it was rather satisfactory to see Steve jump a little too, his hands practically dropping your arm and realizing last minute you had obediently left it completely limp and it might hurt. So he gingerly pressed into your bicep two more times, slowly manoeuvring your arm back down, wary of any rapid movements.
“Be right with you!” Steve called back, turning to you with another smile. You probably only imagined the hint of regret and yet; it was a nice feeling to see you’d be missed.
“Well, the crowds call your name, Mr. Motivational Speaker. Thanks for the quick massage, GG.”
“Thank you. Now go get some rest.”
“Yes, sir.”
You cackled at his unamused face when you addressed him as such, quickly replaced by a brief smirk at how you instantly regretted your actions, your belly protesting again. Serves you right, that smirk said, but quickly blended into the signature worried frown.
“Rest, Agent Jones,” he bit back good-naturedly, shooting you one last glance before he jogged back to other agents under his wing.
You watched him retreat, allowing yourself one last indulgence in the form of the glorious view of his back and ass, before you sighed and turned to walk away, the wobble in your step still present. You hoped a hot shower would ease the tension in your abdomen; however, you did not forget about the need for a cold shower either.
You supposed such was the price for being friends with Steven Grant Rogers.
You didn’t mind paying it, more so when you were gaining too.
It shouldn’t have surprised you, but it did: the evening found you with a knock on your door from your sweet neighbour and a sweet aroma of sugar, cinnamon and apples. Steve stood in your doorway with a slightly bashful but brilliant grin, holding a plate with at least a third of a freshly baked pie that might as well have been prepared by Martha Stewart herself, but was baked by her biggest competition in the baking department.
“Is this allowed or does it fall under don't make me laugh category?” Steve questioned innocently and this time, you remembered to lay your arm over your belly when you laughed a bit, smiling wide, something so painfully soft, gentle and just a little heavy humming in your chest.
“Well, I think this falls into making me smile category, so I'll allow it,” you said, not even pretending you needed to think too hard.
“Good. I like making you smile too.”
The acute feeling in your chest grew – warm, tender and bright – an echo of outrage in your ribcage that Steve could say the words so easily as if they couldn’t be a declaration of love as well as friendship.
“Yeah. I like it too. And same,” you hummed, stepping back to let him in. “Come in, neighbour.”
As you invited him into your apartment, you knew that you were – all over again – inviting him into your heart too.
Maybe that was a dangerous thing to do; but in your line of work, a little danger was an occupational hazard. Of all the risks you could take upon, carrying love for Steve Rogers was one you’d take upon gladly. You’d happily taken the burden; because the weight you’d carry couldn’t be heavier than a paperweight. And even if it was, if that was a weight you were allowed to carry, at least platonically, you’d do so with pride – and with your whole heart.
Because Steve Rogers deserved nothing less.
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Steve Rogers masterlist // Love on The Brain masterlist
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Saw a video of this specific work out and my mind couldn’t let go of it… and it’s no longer available, sorry 🤐
Re-reading this, I am genuinely shocked they lasted so long and that it took the Love on the Brain case to break them… well, put them together, whatever :)
I hope you enjoyed this little floofy blurb and that autumn is being kind to you 💕
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moodymisty · 2 months
May I request a scenario where the reader tells a space marine (of your choice) about how it feels to be an average mortal? I think that a space marine would at least somewhat enjoy hearing about the lives of the people he’s supposed to be protecting. And I also want to see a space marine’s reaction to stuff they haven’t really experienced before, like grocery stores, water parks, fashion trends, families that aren’t toxic, e.t.c
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author’s note: This is really cute. I chose Space Wolves for it since they’re a bit more of a willing chapter for that sort of thing. And I’m in a wolfy mood for…. Zero particular reason.
Relationships: None, just goofing around with big wolf boys
Warnings: Fem!reader, Space Wolves drinking but nothing else
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The hall is alight with booming voices as usual, and your inkwell shakes as the long table rocks. Your quickly grab it, the astartes next to you having slammed his fist into the table while arguing with the one across from him.
“What? I got it, it’s mine. Get up and get your own.”
They’re been arguing about this for a minute or two now, getting closer to longer than it would’ve taken to just get another mug themselves.
The one he's arguing attempts to reach and quickly snatch it, but the marine next to you whacks it away and in your direction. Your much smaller hands manage to grab the handle, saving all but a single drop.
“Ahh, good catch girl.” He slaps a hand on your shoulder and squeezes it, and you resist the urge to yelp in pain. “Almost wasted the entire reason for this stupid argument.”
He glares at the other Space Wolf, who drunkenly rolls his eyes.
“You could Rock Paper Scissors for it,”
You say, hoping to dissolve the tension before your shaken stack of parchment becomes victim to the next mug of tipped mjød. Perhaps bringing your work here wasn't the smartest idea.
Both men look at you confused, like you'd suddenly spoken another language.
“Can do what for it?” The one closer to you says. The one across the table just looks at you like you're stupid, but curious as he leans on his forearms.
Right; They probably have no idea about a simple children’s game, given their upbringing.
You turn a bit on the bench, and the marine beside you takes it as you going to show him. He throws a leg over to the outside, straddling the bench with hands on his thighs. It's a bit intimidating, having him suddenly stare at you so intently.
“It’s a kids game on Terra. You can use it to like, win things. Settle disputes.” You roughly explain the ‘game’ and its rules, before going on a trial run with him.
He throws out rock and you paper, and you slap your hand over his much larger one.
“I win. Simple.” The other marine looks across the table, having listened to this entire thing but now only speaks up once the lesson is concluded.
“I’d rather just cave your face in for it,” He says, completely deadpan. The marine beside you throws out his hand, waving him off.
“Fine just take it. So you’ll shut up.”
He quickly reaches for the mug, and chugs it down as the one you're talking to returns you to his center focus.
“What other games do you all have?” He speaks like mortals are a different species all together; You suppose you can understand why. You think for a moment for something easy to explain to someone like him.
“Plenty others. Heard of arm wrestling?”
That gets both men’s interest, heads peeking up like a dog that’s been whistled at. He circles his hand for you to get speaking like he's suddenly in a hurry.
“You grab your opponents opposite hand, and try to slam it to the table using nothing but your arm.” You pantomime in out to them, and the drunker space wolf across the table leans upright, and cracks his neck.
“Alright, this one I’ll do. Go girl and get us another mug to fight over.”
You take a few massive mugs and fill them up at the keg, some serfs giving you an odd look. They've probably been watching this whole stupid argument and wondering what in Terra's name you've been encouraging their drunken masters to do. You sit the mugs down on the table once you return, seeing both men locking opposite hands.
You count them down to three and they both begin putting their strength into it, and the drunker marine goes from disinterested in the whole ordeal to completely committed, as they wrestle. A few other marines watch on with growing interest about the whole thing.
You should've figured something as simple as a random feat of strength would be the thing to get their interest.
Locked in a stalemate for a considerable while eventually the drunker marine starts losing ground, and eventually gets his hand slammed into the table.
Said slam rocks the entire table, knocking one of the mugs over and spilling mjød all over your parchment, ruining them instantly. The ink starts to run, and the actual parchment is now wet like a swamp.
After cries of victory and defeat the closer marine realizes the mess when he's halfway done guzzling down another mug, and sees the look of shock on your face; He rustles the top of your head and you shake around vigorously because of it.
“My bad lass, but at least I won.”
You pick up your parchment and shake it, and the mortal killing mjød drips from the paper and makes it sag. He then quickly changes gears, wiping the foam off his upper lip with the back of his hand and looking down at you.
"But, you got any other games like that?"
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biscuitbox23 · 5 months
Dead weight.
summary: you run into the woods to get away from the group, you were reaching the end of your life as you suffer from aplastic anemia, only to get stopped by Rick.
A/n: I’m not a medical expert, i have no familiarity with the field of medicine I am just an idiot who is a sucker for terribly made sad stories. This may be a very long opening to the actual climax so im sorry for that :( please do DM me for advice on how i can make my fanfictions better!
Warnings: inaccurate depictions of the illness, non-established relationship (rick and reader), mentions of death, angst, cursing. (Not much due to me being a minor.) somewhat bad grammar since English isn’t my second language.
words: 1.3K
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It has been a while, well, a while since you had a good stock of medicine. You had been in an abandoned cabin a few months after the outbreak. During it, you got stuck in a pharmacy in Atlanta. The law was gone now, so you hoarded a ton of antibiotics, capsules, injections, and anything you could get your grubby hands on.
When Rick and Daryl saved you from a trio of men who were trying to take advantage of you, you joined them and did not stay inside forever, especially when blood stained the floors of your shelter. It was a mistake.
You wanted to stay with yourself, isolated from the horrors and sacrifices that the world has offered now. It was harder to find medication now that most stores were stripped clean. It was easier for you to catch minor fevers, and you tended to have more rest than the others in the group. The only reason you were there is because you knew how to survive.
In the woods, in the apocalypse, no problem. Whatever your dad knew your dad would teach you, he was an outdoor person and loved to forage different shrooms and plants. God knows what happened to him.
You grew closer to the group, helping them find food and clean water, scavenging what you can find in abandoned retail stores (even if it does not have much importance.)
Now you find yourself walking out of Alexandria by attempting to climb the steel borders to the outside of the wall, your head spinning as drowsiness has consumed you to your very core, yet you still have the urge to continue. Or else you are just dead weight. You had a few foot slips —you swear, Enid makes it look easy— but managed to get out. You can sense your muscles aching as if you did not even have the strength to pull yourself up despite climbing trees more than a million times when you were a teen. You needed to disappear 
from the people, the group. Rick.
Rick was a leader, for sure. He had all the correct morals and cunningness and looked up to him for it. You were no longer the person of any use to him and his group. You could not even defend yourself without stumbling down to the ground.
You were around when T-dog and Lori passed away. You 
remembered falling for Rick when you first saw him, only to discover he had a pregnant wife and a kid. It started like a rocky road. You were so used to the isolation that it took a lot of convincing to get you to come with them to the prison.
You took a liking to his daughter Judith. You loved babies. It was a surprise. You thought that you would never find a baby in this world again. Carl was the closest to you. You tell him stories about your life and would do the same, reminiscing about the world that used to be. He praised his father a lot and got a good idea of what Rick was like as a father. Hershel would check up on your health while Rick would stand beside the old sport as Hershel examines you.
Making your way into the woods, you stopped by a tree to take a breather. Your hands were on your knees as you stared down to the ground, crinkles of the leaves crushing on the bottom of your shoes. The night was cold and airy. The chill on the tip of your nose was evident as you took one more glance at the haven that shielded the real outside world from its inhabitants. The sour stench of rotting meat was not detectable and gave some fresh air — It is not like you cannot get fresh air in Alexandria. You want to be alone most of the time.
“thought I'd find you here." A voice called out, the voice echoing in your ears sounding familiar as the crunching of leaves has gotten closer and closer.
“fuck” you curse under your breath, “how did you find me?”
“Carl saw you tryin’ to climb the walls.”
“huh,” you playfully scoffed but was met with a chill and a cough, “thought I was being sneaky…”
“what're you doin’ out here?” Rick asks out of the blue, staring you up and down as you lean back into the tree.
“Rick," you sighed heavily, “go back.”
“I'm not goin’ back till you tell me what happened, y‘know that, don’t you?” Rick asked with a twinge of concern mixed with his southern drawl.
You paused.
“I'm leaving, Alexandria,” You rubbed your forehead as your stomach grumbled. Sliding down to sit as your back leaned onto the tree further.
“If this is about your illness we can make—“Before Rick could finish his sentence you interrupted.
“Make it work? Yeah, I don’t think so…” You retorted, “You don’t understand, Rick. I have a condition where my bone marrow doesn't produce enough blood cells, and I have no meds to help me, what are the chances of finding a pharmacy? A pharmacy where it has all the things I need to survive?” You spat, frustration filling your mind like hot liquid.
“Denise can help you, Y/n, you have seen her efforts in helping you,” You can sense Rick’s desperation to get you back to Alexandria’s infirmary. His voice remained gentle but firm.
“Why, Rick?” Your eyes stared into Rick's ocean blue orbs, frustration, and confusion, “I’m not strong, anymore. I can’t go on runs, anymore. I can’t protect anyone.”
“Because we still need you—“
“Maybe it’s you who still needs me, Rick…” You spat, leaning your head on the wood as you got the strength to finally stand up, with the support of the tree, of course.
“Y/n we can discuss this once we get back,” Rick sighed, coming closer to you as he held both your arms gently.
A rush of adrenaline painfully scours into your veins as you push him away with all the remaining strength you have.
Rick scoffed, “You're giving up now? After all that has happened? The prison, terminus… and you decide to end it all here? Where we’re finally safe?” His tone wasn’t as gentle but it was now harsher, deeper.
“if you think more treatments, will change anything, it won’t. I'm done and I won't let you guilt me into continuing this charade.”
“then what’re you gon’ tell Carl, hm? That you’re sick of bein’ alive so now you’re gonna leave?”
“This isn’t about Carl, Rick it’s about you keeping me to fill in the gap of what Lori gave you,” you glare with poison in your very eyes. “Leaving you to care for a child that was never yours.”
Rick went quiet, as you realized what you had said, “i-I’m sorry… Rick…” you pleaded, holding his hands.
Rick sighed, “Maybe you're right."
You nodded, your breath becoming shorter as your legs finally give in. You feel your body starting to shut down. Rick helped you sit down comfortably on the ground. You were paler and had many bruises on your arms and legs. You were heating up again.
“I'm sorry, Rick,” you breathed heavily, clutching the hand he gave you.
“It’s okay, Y/n,” Rick comforted you, kissing her knuckles as her legs trembled. Rick’s voice was shaky, almost labored.
“I don’t wanna turn, you can ask Daryl to keep my gun, you’ll need it,” You softly chuckled. Rick looked at you, taking his revolver from his holster.
“Get back to Alexandria, to Judith…” you smiled as you felt bile in your throat, blocking your airway and your heartbeat becoming more abnormal.
Rick gives you a final kiss on the head as an act of kindness and comfort on the edge of a quick and painless death.
a/n: Hello everyone! This is my very first Fanfic and I thought about it on the spot 😭 Reading it for me makes me kinda cringe but don’t we all? Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it (cuz I didn’t but I’m a sucker for tragic love)
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punkfloweranarchy · 1 year
Miles didn’t grow up around animals or small children so he just… isn’t comfortable around either. He doesn’t know how to handle them so he tries to keep his distance. Even the friendliest of dogs makes him kind of nervous and all cats love him but they literally have knives on their feet so he doesn’t touch them, thank you very much. One time a cat crawled onto his lap when he was taking a rest on patrol and he literally sat with his entire body clenched for the entire hour it took a nap on him for. (He had to admit the purring was really cute and he started leaving out some food for the local strays after that, but he never gets too close).
Hobie, on the other hand, grew up chasing down the neighborhood dogs and trying to befriend and take home all the stray cats. He also babysat a lot because he was nice and involved in his community and all the moms loved him. Even now, he helps out around with babysitting and taking care of the street animals whenever he can. Kids and animals are just easy to read and understand and they have no concept of what society wants for them, they’re just purely themselves and Hobie digs it.
When Hobie finds out about Miles’ aversion to kids and animals, he makes it his personal mission to change his mind. He offers to babysit Mayday any chance he gets and always ropes Miles into helping. He teaches him how to hold a child properly and the tips and tricks to help understand them and their needs. (“They’re just little people, Miles. Nothing too complicated about it, really.” “Hobie. They shit their pants and eat their boogers and cry for no reason and are so fragile they shouldn’t even be able to survive. Babies are complicated as hell.” “You saying you’re scared of a bit of boogers, love?” “Fuck you.”) He slowly gets better and more confident and Hobie melts every time he sees Miles relaxed and in his element, just holding Mayday and explaining what he’s doing when he’s cooking or cleaning or just walking around the house and holding her up to see all the places she can’t because he saw people doing it for their cats on the internet (“Hobie, she’s never seen above the fridge!” “Miles, love, she literally crawls on the ceiling, I think she’s seen it all.” “Yeah well, she’s never seen it right side up, so suck it.”)
Animals are a bit harder for Hobie to introduce Miles to but he says screw it and decides to adopt a stray cat that he names Miss Anarchy and carts her around with him wherever he goes. The first time Miles sees her perched on Hobie’s shoulder he practically flings himself across the room and refuses to get closer than 5 feet (“They can leap, Hobie! No way am I getting in the blood circle.” “Miles, Miss Anarchy is not going to leap at you claws out. She is a sweetheart and a pacifist.” “… You named your stray cat Anarchy? Why am I not surprised.” “Well, she’s not really a stray anymore, is she?” “You’re impossible.”) Hobie conveniently forgets to tell Miles that Anarchy was declawed until she finally catches the nervous boy off guard and lays directly on his chest and starts making biscuits (“Hobie. Hobie help. Your little monster is… wait. Where are her claws?” “She don’t have any.” Miles is outraged on her behalf. So maybe he’s been doing some research about cats in his spare time and came across an article about declawing. Sue him. “Hobie, we have to find her previous owners and avenge her.” “Now you’re speaking my language, love.”) Miles ends up befriending Miss Anarchy and slowly gets more comfortable with the idea of other animals.
Hobie is fucking proud.
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do you have any tips for subtly looking more masculine? I can’t fully transition now because I’m a minor in a confirmed to be transphobic household, and if you have any suggestions that would be amazing
Lee says:
You can try starting slowly incorporating more masculine-styled women's clothing into your wardrobe. This is usually a gradual process anyway since it can take time to save up enough money to purchase enough new shirts/pants/shoes etc. to fully replace your current wardrobe, especially if you're working part-time as a babysitter, dog-walker, etc.
Clothes that are more structured or straight-cut, like button-down shirts or straight-leg pants, can help create a more traditionally masculine silhouette. Layering with hoodies or jackets can also be effective. You can sometimes find these things styled as "boyfriend" clothes, and you can tell your parents that it's the current trend/style. You can see our post on finding masculine clothing in the women's section here.
Another easy change is dropping the accessories. That means not wearing feminine necklaces/earrings/bracelets/hairbands, not painting your nails, etc. It's easy to say you want to keep things basic and sporty and that's why you're going without the accessories. Wearing a neutral watch or a smart watch is another accessory to consider instead of a thin-strapped "women's watch" if you wear watches at all that is.
You can see our post on purse alternatives here since bags are often the biggest practical change in the accessory category. Not carrying a purse when you hang out with your friends in the mall, go out on a trip, etc is obviously a high-impact change to make.
If possible, choose a haircut that's more typically masculine. Shorter haircuts, or styles that are longer on the top and shorter on the sides, can subtly change your appearance. If you use a female reference for your photo when you show your parents what you want they may not suspect anything. You can see our post on convincing your parents to let you get a haircut without coming out here.
If a haircut isn’t possible, consider styles like pulling your hair back in a low bun or wearing hats. If you're Black, cornrows, box braids, and locs are styles that can be gender neutral depending on how you wear them. There's a few links on that here.
There are also things you can do to come across as subtly more masculine without buying anything at all.
Sometimes, adopting a more traditionally masculine posture and body language can make a difference. This doesn't usually have a big impact on passing, but it can help you feel better about yourself and boost your self-confidence and reduce dysphoria, and it's something that your family may not notice because it's easy to alter when you're with them. You can see a post about masculine body language here.
Similarly, you can try voice training and practice speaking in a slightly lower tone or in a more monotone style, which is often perceived as more masculine. Be careful not to strain your voice, though, and maybe avoid doing it while you're with your family. You can see a post about voice training here.
Engaging in exercises that build upper body strength can also help in achieving a more masculine physique. Focus on workouts that target the shoulders, back, and arms. You can often do body weight workouts at home in your room without needing a gym membership or specialized exercise equipment.
Find a support system, whether it's friends, online communities, or a counselor/therapist, who understand and support your gender identity. This can provide a safe space to express yourself and explore your identity. It can help to have other friends who are also masculine to feel like you're not isolated.
Observing and adopting some masculine behavioral cues, like how men typically occupy space or interact in social settings, can also be a subtle way to express masculinity, but you want to be careful that you're not imitating toxic masculinity / obnoxious guys. Similarly, engaging in hobbies or interests that are stereotypically masculine can be a subtle way to align with male peers, but always choose activities that genuinely interest you and you can probably find other guys out there who are also interested in the things you already care about to be friends.
The above suggestions are all things that you can do without your parents necessarily noticing. Binding is something that may not be subtle depending on your chest size, so while it is possible to sometimes bind in front of family without them noticing (saying it's a sports bra, for example) I would recommend keeping your binder in your backpack and only changing into it at school in the bathroom / at a friend's house / in a public bathroom when you're out with friends but not family, etc. unless you really are wearing only a single well-fitting sports bra. You can see more about buying a binder and that whole process in this post.
It's harder to be seen as masculine or male when you're pre-medical transition and not passing which means people often have to "overcompensate" by being more masculine than they would otherwise choose to be, but as always, I'd like to note that it can be possible to pass as male / be masculine while doing any of the things I recommended changing!
So while I might advise someone who wants to come off as more masculine "don't paint your nails" for example, that is a general rule and doesn't mean that you have to follow those guidelines if you're really passionate about painting your nails. You can always choose whatever gender expression you're comfortable with. There are plenty of guys who wear nail polish and otherwise come across as masculine or who are recognized as men. It's important to remember that masculinity is diverse and there's no one right way to be masculine.
Followers, any other tips on performing subtle masculinity that won't make transphobic parents suspicious?
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luminouslywriting · 8 days
Hii wanted to request a Bob headcannon, them with a French risistant
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Ahh this is a super fun idea! Admittedly, I don't know a ton about the French resistance, but I'll give it my best go! Reminder that my requests are open for BoB, MOTA, and the Pacific!
More under the cut, cut for length:
Dick Winters:
-Really impressed with your work and works with you well.
-The relationship is born from a mutual respect and friendship—combined with shared goals, it makes it easy for the two of you to connect and fall in love.
-You promise to take him to Paris one day and you are the one who accompanies him on his leave :)
-Admittedly, he does worry about you because your job puts you in the line of fire, but he trusts you and your ability to handle yourself above all else.
-Does his best to learn some French and it's very very American sounding still, but hey, he's trying haha
-Waits until the end of the war to make a move because he doesn't want to mess things up with you
Lewis Nixon:
-Enjoys getting to know you during intelligence reports and other espionage acts. Is very impressed by you. -Loves talking French culture and appreciated your music and art a ton….he’s an educated man, after all haha. -Thinks you need to let loose every now and then with a drink and definitely offers it more than once haha. -Comes to talk to you about the most random things; from strategy to drinking to his marriage problems to your life story. -Always expresses gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices you make to help Easy Co along. -Probably hooks up with you at least once and then admits he’s fallen for you shortly before the war ends lol
Ronald Speirs:
-Pretends not to listen to any of the stories about you and mostly succeeds. He just figures out the truth and has mad respect for you and your job. -Scary girlfriend with scary dog boyfriend privileges?? Sign me up. -Loves getting to work with you in any capacity and will swap tips and tricks for taking people down haha
-Please just have a hot spar session with him. It’s life changing, I promise. -Learns French quietly and on his own to better communicate with you. -Probably comes back to Europe after the war to sweep you off your feet and admit his love.
Buck Compton:
-In awe??? You’re very cool and he’s very aware of that haha. -Compliments you very sincerely and probably tries to get into whatever sports teams that you have in France. -Also a college boy who is considering doing college in Europe solely so he can see you after haha
-Learns all of your body language so he can better understand how you’re feeling about things without having to ask you plainly. -Is a great support system so please be a great support to him as well. -Invite him to come recover in France, he’ll love that!
Carwood Lipton:
-Painfully shy about being impressed by you and your skillset. But he’s also paying close attention and praising your work. -A great friend and ally to have wherever you travel. He’ll always have your back. -He’s quietly harboring a crush that he would be mortified if anyone found out. Easy Company does find out and ships you two quite a bit. -Is not going to make a move until Austria though because he knows that the war is a messy situation and relations between countries are already stressed. -Very sweet about supporting you and always checks in on your emotions and how your family is doing. He CARES okay??? -Everyone is convinced you two are going to be married one day haha.
Joe Liebgott:
-Love at first sight?? Like DAYUM he is impressed and starry eyed and immediately flirting with you the first chance he gets. -It does not go well and he needs a whole redemption friend arc where he proves himself to be a good friend first. -Has cute German pet names for you that he will never speak aloud lol. -Probably invites you to his foxhole for warmth (there’s only some slight innuendos in that instance)
-Makes a move shortly after Bastogne because that was sobering to realize mortality was so frail and it all just works out. -You are the only person he will share his chocolate with haha.
Donald Malarkey:
-Meets you on D-Day and is just ???? Shook??? Bc who are you and where did you come from and how are you so cool? -He’s super easy to talk to and connect with. He loves talking to you and hearing about your life. -Also just wants to introduce you to American food and sports haha. -Writes home to his family about you in passing and they are sus as hell about that haha
-Really gets to know you after his friends die and leave after Bastogne and relies on you a lot. You’re a great strength to him. -Probably asks you if you’d like to come home to the US with him :)
Eugene Roe:
-HE SPEAKS FRENCH, YOU SPEAK FRENCH, instant besties, if only because he understands exACTLY what you’re saying haha 🤣
-You two gravitate easily towards each other for this reason but also, it’s really nice to have someone with actual medical training on your side. -He loves hearing French folktales and legends and he’ll share some American and Cajun ones with you
-Always is the first to check on you after espionage missions or after you’ve been on the line. He wants to make sure you’re doing okay. -Honestly very devoted to you but knows that the timing isn’t right and you both have jobs to do. -But a hand hold here or there wouldn’t hurt…and neither would inviting him to France and to meet your family after the war haha
Bill Guarnere:
-An Italian American and his French S/O walk into a bar….truly the start to an iconic joke….except you two are great together?? -He falls for your devotion and the way in which you are so passionate about things. And he definitely lets you know that. -He starts planning things out pretty early on and if you don’t have any family left, he’d be happy to make an honest Italian American out of you lol. -Consistently had your back in battle and watches out for you. -Go home with him to the US after he gets injured and he’ll take care of him. You’ll get a home and a family and someone who will love you forever. -Honestly?? Too cute.
Joe Toye:
-Not about to admit that he thinks you’re badass but he certainly tells everyone else that haha
-Likes to see you relax and have fun with the guys and prioritizes making sure you feel included
-Is a great listener if you ever want to talk about how you’re feeling or what’s been going on lately
-Trains with you on shooting and hand to hand combat and is eager to learn from you as much as he wants to teach you too
-Definitely wrote back home to his family about you and admitted his feelings before Bastogne.
-Go home with him please :) he’ll love you forever
George Luz:
-This man probably has so many nicknames for you (a la Tony Stark style) and it’s a witty banter filled friendship. -He’s not afraid of telling you how he feels and is very good at watching your six in the field. -Is the type of guy to attempt horrible flirting in broken French. It’s painful for everyone haha. -Everyone is aware that you two like each other and they’re coming to with increasingly deranged ways to get you two together. -Loved hearing you talk about history and your culture and hobbies. It’s one of the few times he’s completely quiet and attentive. -Comes back to Europe in a romantic grand gesture after the war to sweep you off of your feet.
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vmures · 4 months
🔥 as salty/petty as you can get
Oof, I rarely let myself go off on anything. So here goes.
Not sure if this is truly a hot take, but it is salty. The ringleaders of character defense squads and many of their followers aren't actually interested in defending their favorite character. They're just bullies who want a target they can claim deserves their bullying and abuse. They use social justice terms as dog-whistles and those who think that it's really about defending a character probably need to revisit grade school or rewatch Mr. Roger's Neighborhood for tips on telling reality from fantasy.
And anyone who thinks it's okay to suicide bait or use violent language to "educate" someone about their choices is nothing more than a bully and an abuser getting off on feeling like they have power and authority. Those who feel the need to hide their abuse behind "protecting" fictional characters or "ridding fandom of the 'bad' apples" are again just using dog-whistles to find like-minded bullies and the poor, delusional souls who truly believe that fictional harm equates to real-world harms.
The defense squads and the abusers who run them also make it really difficult to talk about real issues in fandom spaces because they have overused certain words (pretty much any of the -ist terms) to make their abuses sound righteous that it becomes impossible to talk about actual racists, sexists, ableists, and homophobes. They boil these terms down to cartoonishly simple concepts and make it really hard to address the actual underlying issues in media and fandom spaces. They'll accuse people of horrific shit and when asked for proof or explanations, they'll just respond with "educate yourself" or "read their stuff and you'll see." The problem is, if you don't see what they're on about and agree with them, you're just a bigot too. Makes it really easy to make everyone who disagrees with you a monster, and very hard for any real change to take place.
No, it is not a minority group's responsibility to educate the majority on the issues of the minority's oppression. Still, if you call someone on their bigotry, it helps to point to what was bigoted. At least if you are concerned about change and not just beating up those you think deserve it. Because by calling them on it, you've started a conversation. If your response is just abuse and circular arguments, you may as well not have called them on it. And if you're so called activism ignores the voices of the minorities you are supposedly protecting...then you are honestly just an asshole.
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enigma-im · 11 months
Changes (Turn and Face the Stranger)
Rating: Mature Relationship: Orc X Female!Human Warning: Strong Language, Near death, Robin Hood rip-off
Word Count: 3,821
Captured by a very handsome Orc, Alice has to convince him of her cause before her day to hang. Can she swing this big oof to her side before it's too late?
"commander Irek Fells," he greets with the deepest voice I ever heard," Is this Alice Belmond?" I stare up at the large man, seeing him tower over everyone with his broad chest, thick arms, and great stature. His face seems to be stuck in a permeant scowl like he never smiled a day in his life. A deep scar splits the right side of his face over his eye down to his jaw. His tusks are banded with gold at the base. He is a terrifying man, and the effect he has on all the guards around is evident.
"Y-yes," the captain clears his throat," Yes. Alice Belmond the woman who has successfully robbed three of our deliveries to the capital. Each guarded with our toughest men but she bested 'em on every turn."
While the captain boasted my efforts I watch as the orc's jaw ticks as he grinds his teeth, his brow furrowed into his eyes. Even in a casual conversation such as this he looks pissed as hell. The others standing behind seemed to be rattling in their boots. Which is understandable, this behemoth of a man could take on all of them with his hands behind his back. Crush their skulls with just his thighs.
As I gawk at him he catches my eye. He sneers before crouching down to my level-which is a feat in itself- and gets into my face.
"You have committed crimes against the king and the capital, what do you say in your defense, human?"
I stare into his eyes with my own open wide and my mouth slightly parted. This close I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks. I can see the puckered scar over his eye. My heart beats wildly in my chest; my palms are sweaty, shoulders stiff, and butterflies in my stomach. I feel words escape me, falling off the tip of my tongue. I have to say something, so I spew out the first thing I can.
"fuck, you're hot."
Well, that was an awful thing to say.
Captured, thrown into the carriage like a dog. I guess big scary commander Fells doesn't like compliments. It's not my fault really, I have that rare condition called 'no filter from brain to mouth'. It's truly fatal, with no cure in sight. It's really his fault for being so damn sexy in front of me, with my condition I was doomed from the start.
I huff, blowing the hair out of my face. I wince as the carriage rocks a bit too hard on a rock, my hands tugging on the chains. They couldn't at least invest in some leather to wrap around these things? The person who made these never had to be in them I guess.
I sit up to look out the window, watching as we pass the gates into the castle. I roll my eyes at the grand façade that is the royal guards. A bunch of goody-goodies, never had to work more than lifting a sword in their life. Which is why it was so easy to rob them blind. Well, not this time I suppose, but I blame the commander. He isn't like the rest of them, first off being an orc. Sure there are a few amongst the soldiers that aren't afflicted with the human genome, but he is almost a whole different game altogether. For starters being so damn gorgeous. I snort before falling back on my ass to await the dribble that will be the next few hours.
"Where is the rest of your group," an angry human demands for the umpteenth time. I wiggle back and forth on my chair, checking out the rest of the room with way more interest than I give this conversation.
"Pass," I tease, rocking back on two legs of the chair. The man growls, like some sort of caveman. These guys can't even bother with a please or thank you. So rude.
"Do you even understand what kind of trouble you are in," the guy tries to bait," You are in the middle of being sentenced. The death penalty has been out on you for going on a year. You are just rat food waiting to happen, so just spill it and maybe we will make it quick."
I snort, "Fat chance."
He punches the table, storming off like a child. The door slams behind him and I'm left to my own devices once more. I'm not too worried about these losers. In a week, my group would have made a plan and be in the middle of busting me out of this 2-star hotel. I bounce on the two legs, glancing around without a care. There is nothing these guys can do to shake me.
The door is swung open again, I turn to greet the poor fool who is tasked with me.
"Alice Belmond," Commander Fells greets. I'm caught off guard for the second time today as I fall onto my back. The chair had slipped out from beneath me as I push against the table too hard. Irek huffs as I groan in pain.
"I swear I'm more graceful than this," I grumble as I try to wiggle myself forward.
"I'm sure," he answers as he grabs the back of my chair and lifts me up. I catch a whiff of his earthy scent, good god what this man could do to me.
I'm righted and only mildly embarrassed. Commander Fells sits across from me, his rough hands sitting clasped on top of the table. Those are working hands, not like the last guy who was here. Such prissy little mama's boy hands.
"Where is your group hiding," he cuts to the chase.
"Damn, no foreplay? I knew something had to be wrong with you," I tease. His jaw clenches minutely
"Where is your cargo kept," he asks.
"At your mom's house, I haven't seen her in a while. Does she miss me," I prod. He takes a breath before continuing,
"Who is giving you information on our routes," he doesn't move a tick this time. I want to copy his posture, all straight and no bullshit. If only my hands were free, perhaps a bargaining chip?
"Release my hands and I'll tell you," I offer with a playful grin.
"Alright," he answers as he stands. I'm startled, staring up at him skeptically. This is some sort of trick, I'm sure of it. Maybe some good cop, bad cop shenanigans. He pulls a set of keys from his belt, holding my chains to unlock them. The cuffs fall with a loud bang to the dirt floor. I slowly bring my arms forward, watching him closely as he sits across from me.
He cocks a brow, "Think you can fight me to the door?". I'm almost caught off guard by the joke, I can't even bother to fight back the smile. He won't even offer one in return though. He is back in his original position, all business and no bullshit.
"Dekon Woodsmith," I offer in good faith. I couldn't give a damn who they find to be the dirty rat of the kingdom, I have at least 5 more. The king isn't well-liked and most people are more than eager to join a cause that can help their families that are hurt most by it. Besides, Dekon has his own informants to help him in case of this exact situation. I just got to give him some extra sweets as an apology.
"Where is your team," he asks next. I huff at the lack of reaction to my answer. Just straight business.
I lean forward on my hands, "Are you always business, you ever had a vacation?"
"Where is your group hiding," he asks instead. I roll my eyes and lean back into my chair.
"A nice spa day would do you some good. I'm sure there is some big muscle lady who can work those knots out in no time," I tease.
"Why have you betrayed your kingdom," he asks next. I chuckle at such a ridiculous question. Who is this guy?
I cross my arms, "my kingdom? What a ridiculous thing! This isn't MY kingdom, he isn't my king. What a load of shit."
"Watch your tone," he threatens," you must be loyal to our king."
"Loyal, to him? What another crock of shit," I turn and spit," That man is but a rich child given the powers of a god. What has he done for me? For his people? I spent all last week helping HIS people and I don't get any respect. Perhaps if I sit around doing fuck all I too can get a line of men ready to do my dirty work. Get bent."
I can't even bother to look at him for such a dumb demand. Loyal to the king, what a fuckin tool. Ireks tries to get more but understands the conversation is over as I stonewall him. He leaves the room shortly, and another guard funnels in to chain me up and escort me out.
As I pass by the Commander I give a snide comment," Perhaps your loyalties blind you for only a fool would worship a selfish creature like him."
-- I toss a ball I found at the wall for the millionth time. Perhaps I should have made our check-in dates sooner than a week. I'm so bored here! I need some excitement, some drama. Maybe a little bit of that hunky commander. Just to see, I don't need him to speak. When he talks it's all ruined…well, almost.
The rubber ball hits the stone wall. Thunk, thunk, thunk. Dear god end this suffering!
The rusted-over door at the end of the hall screeched open. Good god, they need some maintenance in here. 1/10 stars for this abode. Steps echo down until it stops at my gate. I turn to the side to get a proper look at my guest.
"Commander Irek Fells," I forgo catching the ball for raising my arms in the air," Welcome to my humble home away from home!"
"I have questions for you," he grumbles, clearly not entertained by my antics. I sit up in my bed, resting my forearms on my knees.
"Only if I can ask you a few questions," I shoot back. He rolls his eyes, turning to pace the space in front of my prison.
With a wave of his hand, he answers, "As you wish."
"No shit," I asked genuinely surprised," Oh man, um… Do you have a girlfriend?"
He tosses a look at me, an interesting smirk just peaking at the ends of his lips. "Pass," he answers," Where are you from?"
I mope for a moment, resting my chin in my palm. "No fun, I didn't know we could just veto questions."
He shrugs, "You started it."
"alright wise guy, I'm Exeter. A little fishing town by Paddlefoot," I answer.
"I know of it, you're pretty far from home then."
"There is this amazing thing called 'carriages', they can take you from one place to another," I poke back.
He shakes his head, "What started you on this line of thievery if you are from a fishing town, not a family trade I hope?"
"Uh-uh, it's my turn, big guy," I wag my finger at him," What do you do for fun?"
"Whittling. My question is the same, what started you on this line of thievery?"
Whittling, how cute.
"I knew a guy who knew a guy who was screwed over by a king. What do you whittle?"
"Animals, fish mostly. How was the man 'screwed over'?"
"Good old fashion taxes and beatings," I give a solute in mock respect," Why did you join the royal guard?"
"Had to. What do you do with the stolen goods?"
I smirk at the question," Donations", I wait for his reply to that.
He is just as confused as I hoped he would be," Donations?"
" To the screwed-over friends I make," I cock my head to the side, eagerly awaiting his retort.
"People screwed over by the king," he asks, finally stopping his pacing.
He rolls his eyes," filthy little gutter rats. The king has nothing to do with your screwed-up little lives."
"says the orc living in wealth," I snort. His jaw ticks again, that wonderful bit of anger. "You are looking a little peeved there big guy. It does nothing good for your beautiful complexation. Try smiling a bit more."
He throws a snarl at me before walking out. I jump up to the bars, calling down to him as I reach an arm out, "Hey, it's my turn!"
The door slams with a wack and a screech. I drop my arm with a fake pout, " I guess not."
-- Today's the day I get out. There isn't much I can do with all this pent-up energy, just eager to get out of this stuffy place. The few times I've been thrown in here have been 'swell' but I can admit I will miss my little talks with Commander Sexy. Such a waste to have such a beautiful specimen wasted in this place. I was hoping to pick at his resolve and tie him to my cause but he is just damn stubborn. No matter, I'm sure our paths will cross again someday.
I bounce that damned ball against the wall again, waiting for my cue. Sunset becomes dark, and dark becomes way too late. I sit up in bed looking around. Maybe I'm too early? I stand up and look out the poor excuse of a window for any sign of my gang.
"Where are those idiots," I mumble to myself. My investigation is cut short by the damn squeaky door opening. I quickly lay back down, bouncing the ball as I await my favorite person. Even if it's a bad time, I'm always glad to catch those jeweled tusks.
I hear a group of people and the ringing of chains hitting the rocks on the ground. A cacophony of insults and cursing as a large group is tossed into a cage. I jump up, running for the bars to check what is going on. Before I can get a good look Commander Ireks blocks my view.
"Good evening," He greets with a triumphant grin. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened. For the first time since I've been here, I'm actually worried.
"You son of a bitch," I reach out to grab his shirt. He backs away with a chuckle.
"What? No handsome today," he teases. I don't like this look for him.
"I'm not finding you that appealing at the moment," I swing for another go at his shirt.
He laughs," Caught your escape plan, a bunch of bumbling idiots if you ask me."
"fuck you," I snarl," they are MY bumbling idiots!"
Irek's smile is so wide as he begins to walk away. I'm sure he feels like a million bucks right now, that won't do one bit.
"You know he is killing families," I shout," killing them on the streets like dogs!"
He pauses, glancing over his shoulder.
"He doesn't give a damn about his people if they can't fund his damn parties. How often do you hear noises from his room? A maid or two going missing, huh? Put it together you damn orc! He isn't worth this bloodshed," I nearly plead with him to pay attention. To actually get this through his head.
He grinds his teeth, glaring at me. I challenge him back, chin raised and ready for a fight. He doesn't give me the satisfaction, turning and walking away.
"That's right you run you coward," I bark out. My gang follows suit, yelling profanities and insults.
That son of a bitch
-- Today is the day. Not like before, today is the day I get sentenced. I can already feel the noose on my neck like an accursed necklace. When the guards come to grab me I can only put on a brave face. I'm paraded past my group still in their cell. They all try to reach out, shouting words of comfort to me.
The light is blinding as I'm in the summer heat. A group of wealthy aristocrats surround me as I'm marched to the platform ahead. Insults, curses, and even fruit are thrown at me. I just stand tall and walk ahead.
I slowly walk up the steps, meeting Commander Irek Fells with a stare that could kill a lesser man. He meets me with indifference. That bastard.
The hooded man guides me ahead, the noose hanging in front of me like death herself. I let out a shaky breath. It draped over my neck and I realize how utterly fucked I am. I have no tricks, no illusions, no one to save my hide. I look up at the king sitting up on his balcony like some sort of false god. I'm screwed.
Commander Ireks steps in front of me to give me my final words. I beat him to it with a snarl.
"Betray your people, to save your king. Little ass backward if you ask me," I spit. He says nothing as he steps beside me and turns to his king who begins to address his people.
The king rambles on about what a great job HE did, not his guards. The crowd eats it up like starving animals. I barely notice my hand being nudged as I try to block out these childish ramblings. I look down and see Ireks poking my hand with a wooden item. I grab it, him stepping a little ahead to block my hand. I start down at a weird angle to a whittled fish. It's cute, even painted like a salmon. Confused I look up to Commander Ireks who is still listening to the king, a small snarl trying to be hidden but his nose still curls.
Huh? Oh. OH!
A rush of hope and adrenaline fuels my blood. I dare say I'm giddy. That big lug, I definitely never doubted him. Nope, not one bit… ok maybe I tossed him aside in my mind like week-old fish. I mean, who could see this coming? Sure as hell not me. Don't get me wrong, I'm persuasive but he is stubborn.
I fight back the smile and admiration daring to cross my face. I sure hope he has a dynamite plan because I'm neck-deep in 'super fucked' right now. I have to look down as to not give anything away. I'm going to live! If it doesn't go well though, I will most certainly die. What a day to be alive.
The king finishes his speech with a roar of applause. I bite my cheek as tension consumes me. Handsome better be on my side or this fish is a cruel last moments gift. I hear the crowd go quiet as all attention is now on the gallows, the executioner making final adjustments. My heart is beating out my chest as I see him close the gap to the lever. Oh heaven, where art thou?
Ireks makes his way to the front of the gallows, ready to address the crowd. He unsheathes his sword and points it to the sky. The crowd murmurs with excitement. He lowers his sword to point at the king, a display the king meets with a confused distasteful look.
"A false god, a spoiled child," Ireks shouts to the king," You have shown your true colors behind your fancy doors"
The king stands," I don't find this charming, Ireks."
Ireks continues," You have lied to us all, flaunted your wealth as if you are untouchable."
The king points to the executioner," Begin the execution and guards, cease this Orc." I panic as the executioner lunges for the lever, it cracking slightly at the weight. He tries to pull it be it wedged just below the deck. The guards don't dare move.
"You may ask, what is a peasant to a king," Ireks says," but I say what's a king to a mob?"
The executioner clears the blockage and pulls the lever with a snarl toward me. My feet give way to the collapsing floor, weightless as I wait for the tight restriction of the rope. With a quick flourish, Ireks cuts the rope as my feet go past the wood support. I can barely scream as I fall past the floor and onto a less-than-comfy hay-covered carriage.
All hell breaks loose as I'm jerked around an open carriage being pulled by two horses. I can barely sit upright as we torpedo through town. I hear people shouting and screaming, clangs of metal as guards fight. I just get onto my belly as we pass out the gates. I look ahead to my saviors, a well-armored orc and one of my bumbling idiots.
"Trevor," I shout in glee. He turns and gives me a solute before focusing back on his task. I give a hearty laugh as I roll back onto my back.
The cart shakes as new weight is added to the back, I quickly look to my feet at the new guest. Ireks, pants as he settles into the back. His armor is in shambles, some parts missing and others greatly dented. He cradles his arm as he watches the kingdom get farther and farther away.
"You beautiful son of a bitch," I exclaim as I sit up. He turns to me with a tired grin.
"I've been called better things," he jokes. He slides over and helps remove the bindings and noose. I can't stop myself from jumping on him and kissing that big dumb face. He startles at the assault, wincing as I crush his wounded arm to his chest. Though he still finds the strength to hold me even closer and enjoy himself for what seems like the first time in his life.
"I believe you are the person I need to thank for saving my life," I rest my forehead against his. The eventful day takes its toll on us both as we finally take a breath.
"You have no idea how both difficult and easy it was to start a riot like that," He closes his eyes," I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. For right now, I earned a much-needed rest."
"That you did," I say as I guide him down to my lap. He rests his head on my thighs, being lulled by the rocking of the carriage. I lean against the wall and find myself just watching the sun over the field.
"I hope you know that there is no getting away from me now," I tease as I flick his ear. He grunts, cozying up to my stomach.
"so be it," He grumbles back. I smile and watch the passing landscape.
Hello! It's been a while. This story is for reaching 2k followers! that's amazing, especially since I haven't written anything since 2021. I'm not back, this is just a Thank You story. Sorry, I couldn't get an NSFW one. Work has been ongoing. Either way, hope you enjoyed it!
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