#How to train your dog
I work in a vet clinic. I’m also an animal trainer. It’s physically painful for me to watch some of y’all with your pets.
Reminder that physically striking your animal as a means of of gaining compliance (no matter how gently) is ineffective and decreases trust between you and your animal.
turn the tables: imagine that a trainer did not speak your language. would you prefer to be trained to behave appropriately by positive reinforcement and encouragement, or scolding and being swatted at and having to guess what you did wrong? would you perhaps resent the person who was harsh towards you? even if you liked the affection and sustenance they gave you, would it erase your fear of being swatted or yelled at for stepping over arbitrary lines that you can’t see and don’t make sense to you?
build trust. be consistent and reliable. do not punish. do not correct with anger. be patient. expect mistakes and handle them gracefully. this works with both animals and humans.
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oddlydrawnscissors · 2 years
rotg/httyd fandoms i have a favor to ask.
i have this “tradition” of writing meaningful quotes/references on my favorite pair of converse shoes and i want to add one from Of the Northmost Winds and Skies but i’m struggling to Find let alone PICK one, so if u could, drop your favorite (preferably short) quotes in the notes pls, or fave chapters and i’ll sift through those.
very much appreciate it, ty guys<3
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berettaentertainment · 2 months
"The ABCs of Puppy Obedience: Commands Every Pup Should Know"
Picture this: You're strolling through the park, the gentle spring breeze rustling the leaves as you bask in the golden afternoon sun. Your fluffy companion trots happily beside you, a picture of perfect canine contentment. Suddenly, a flash of brown streaks across the path – a squirrel! Chaos erupts as your excited pup lunges forward, leash taut, completely ignoring your frantic calls to "come back!" Leashes tangle, frustration mounts, and the idyllic park walk takes a nosedive into the territory of uncontrolled mayhem.
Now, you might be thinking, "My puppy will never listen like those well-trained dogs I see!" But fret not, fellow dog lover! Even the most rambunctious, tail-wagging ball of fur can blossom into a model of obedience with the right guidance and a whole lot of patience.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll crack the code on teaching your furry friend the essential commands that every well-mannered pup should know. But before we delve into the nitty-gritty of command training, let's address the common hurdles that often leave pet parents feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.
Many puppy owners face an uphill battle when it comes to instilling obedience. From ignoring recall commands to pulling on the leash during walks, these early days can be a whirlwind of chewed shoes and potty accidents. Without proper training, these unwanted behaviors can become deeply ingrained, leading to frustration for both you and your four-legged friend. Imagine walks that are actually enjoyable, a living room free from chewed furniture, and a pup who responds readily to your commands – sounds pretty idyllic, doesn't it?
Get ready to embark on a transformative journey to puppy obedience mastery! Throughout this article, we'll delve into the fundamental commands that will transform your pup into a polite and attentive companion. Whether you're teaching "sit," "stay," or "heel," we've got you covered with expert tips and tricks to make training a breeze. Say goodbye to disobedience and hello to harmony in your household!
Here's what we'll cover:
The Golden Rules of Puppy Training: We'll establish the foundational principles of positive reinforcement training, setting you and your pup up for success.
Command HQ: Essential Commands Every Pup Should Know: We'll explore the core commands that are the building blocks of a well-behaved canine citizen.
Beyond Commands: Addressing Common Puppy Misbehaviors: We'll tackle some of the most common puppy woes, like potty training, chewing, and leash pulling, equipping you with practical strategies to curb these unwanted behaviors.
Training Essentials: Tools & Techniques for Success:
 We'll explore the must-have tools and techniques that will make your training sessions efficient and enjoyable.
The Power of Play: Making Training Fun & Engaging: We'll show you how to incorporate play and positive reinforcement into your training regimen, keeping your pup motivated and excited to learn.
So, grab your dog's favorite treats, find a quiet, distraction-free space, and let's begin the journey to a happy, well-behaved pup! Learn more how to train your puppy.
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okatwa · 3 months
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1. Start with Basic Commands: Teach your dog basic commands like "sit," "stay," and "come" in English. Use consistent words and gestures to reinforce understanding.
2. Use Treats and Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats and praise when they respond correctly to English commands. Positive reinforcement encourages them to associate the English words with desired actions.
3. Be Patient and Consistent: Dogs learn at their own pace, so be patient and consistent in your training efforts. Practice regularly and use the same words for each command to avoid confusion.
4. Associate Words with Actions: Pair English words with specific actions or behaviors. For example, say "fetch" when throwing a ball, or "sit" when guiding your dog into a sitting position.
5. Use Repetition and Practice: Repeat commands frequently and practice them in different situations and environments. This helps reinforce your dog's understanding of English commands in various contexts.
6. Use Hand Signals: Incorporate hand signals along with verbal commands to enhance communication with your dog. This provides visual cues that can help reinforce the meaning of the English words.
7. Seek Professional Training Assistance if Needed: If you're having difficulty training your dog to understand English commands, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer. They can provide guidance and personalized techniques to support your training efforts.
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smartindent · 3 months
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Giving your dog something they really like - such as food, toys or praise - when they show a particular behaviour means that they're more likely to do it again. 
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flourish9867 · 3 months
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10 tips on how puppies can understand English:
Consistent Commands: Use consistent commands for basic actions like sit, stay, come, and heel. Puppies learn through repetition, so using the same words consistently helps them associate the command with the action.
Positive Reinforcement: Reward desired behaviors with treats, praise, or affection. This positive reinforcement creates a positive association with the English commands, making the puppy more likely to repeat the action.
Short and Clear Phrases: Keep your commands short and clear. Puppies may get confused with long sentences, so using concise phrases like "sit," "down," or "fetch" makes it easier for them to understand.
Use Hand Signals: Accompany verbal commands with corresponding hand signals. This reinforces the meaning and helps puppies understand the command even when spoken words may be unclear or inaudible.
Regular Training Sessions: Consistency is key. Regular short training sessions are more effective than sporadic, lengthy ones. This helps puppies to remember and understand the commands over time.
Patience and Calmness: Maintain a calm and patient demeanor during training. Puppies may not grasp commands immediately, and getting frustrated can hinder their learning process. Positive energy fosters a better understanding.
Associate Commands with Actions: Use commands in conjunction with specific actions. For instance, say "sit" when the puppy is about to sit naturally. This helps them associate the command with the action they are performing.
Environmental Context: Practice commands in different environments to help the puppy generalize their understanding. Start in a quiet space and gradually introduce distractions, so they learn to follow commands regardless of the surroundings.
Routine and Schedule: Create a routine for feeding, walks, and training sessions. Puppies thrive on predictability, and associating commands with specific times or activities helps them understand the context better.
Socialization: Expose your puppy to different people, places, and other animals. This not only helps in their overall socialization but also reinforces their understanding of commands in diverse situations.
In a matter of weeks, I was able to comprehend my dog's responses thanks to this book, and a month later, my puppy began to grasp English, The book is available HERE.
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kalen125 · 4 months
learn more abaut puppy training
lIn this guide, you'll discover:
🔹 Essential obedience commands to teach your puppy from sit to stay, ensuring a well-behaved companion.
🔹 Tried-and-tested techniques for housebreaking, so accidents become a thing of the past.
🔹 Fun and engaging games to stimulate your pup's mind and encourage healthy socialization.
🔹 Tips for handling common puppy behavior issues like chewing and jumping.
🔹 Nutritional guidance for maintaining your pup's health and vitality. 🔹 Strategies for building a strong bond with your puppy based on trust and positive reinforcement.
learn more abaut puppy training
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enasmag · 11 months
12 Useful Tips for Dog Training
Training your dog is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner. Effective preparation methods can make all the difference when introducing a new furry friend into your home or working to improve the behavior of a current one. To help you build a strong bond with your new canine friend and raise a well-behaved and happy pet, this post will give you 12 really helpful and crucial puppy dogs…
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yesitz-me · 2 years
Train your dog...
if you wanna Train your dog such that it reacts with in no time when you call it's name... Then check out this...
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petslover122 · 2 years
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konigsblog · 4 months
pup!reader w/ an oral fixation - soap mactavish
cw: pup!reader, pup play, collars, ownership, slight power dynamic, praise, oral fixation, hybrids.
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you're such an obedient dog; following all orders so well and pleasuring your owner eagerly. you're his perfect dog, gazing down at you with lustful eyes, drooling all over yourself because you want something stuffed deep down your throat, desperate for something thick stuffed into your slick mouth, to have your soft lips wrapped around something.
perhaps it's an oral fixation – i mean, you're constantly chewing at your dog toys and his gloved hand, it wouldn't surprise johnny if you had an oral fixation. in fact, johnny takes advantage of it, instead. he'll push his fingers down your puppy mouth, watching you drool and suck at his thick, gloved fingers, panting and heaving while he pumps them down your throat, preparing you to take something longer and thicker than his fingers.
johnny keeps a firm grip on your collar, holding it tightly while he eases his fat, hard cock down your tight throat. naive, you didn't think about how your throat would be aching, strained and painful. poor puppy, just keep sucking owner johnny's cock gently and don't think about a thing, drooling all around him while he plays with your doggy ears, your eyes obediently and eagerly looking up into his, excited and ready to take him even deeper. :(
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yaz1234 · 2 years
Hey guys I found this article which is answering a good question which is  How To Stop a Dog From Biting
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mgktheekshana · 2 years
How to train your dog
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how to train your puppy
Are you prepared to begin teaching your puppy or dog? Among your dog’s basic needs are socialization and proper training. Start teaching your dog to sit, stay, come, go to their crate, and go potty outdoors as soon as you can. And, believe it or not, even a newbie can do it themselves.
When you initially start training your dog, especially if it’s your first dog, it can feel very daunting. It’s a huge undertaking, but training your dog really is. The task will seem far less intimidating if you approach it piecemeal. Listed below are some details to get you going:
Before beginning a dog obedience course, learn how to lay a solid foundation.
how to train your puppy
Every dog needs to become accustomed to leash walking. In addition to the fact that the majority of places have leash restrictions, there may be occasions when having your dog on a leash is necessary for his protection. Learn how to correctly introduce your dog or puppy to the leash, and then show him how to walk next to you while riding a bike. A stroll on a loose leash teaches your dog not to pull or lunge while wearing the leash, which improves the enjoyment of the walk for both you and your dog.
How to socialize puppies and dogs
By exposing your puppy or adult dog to different people, animals, and environments, you may teach him to accept them. This process is known as socialization. Dogs that have been socialized are often more well-liked by people and are less prone to exhibit behavioral issues. Additionally, socialization can aid in preventing the emergence of phobias and fears.
In the end, socializing your dog or puppy will result in a more contented, well-mannered canine.
Canine Clicker Training
A popular form of positive reinforcement called clicker training is a quick and efficient way to train dogs. Even though it’s still acceptable to train your dog without using a clicker, many people believe it to be beneficial. Using a clicker, you may quickly and efficiently teach your dog a variety of fundamental
how to train your puppy
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dogtrainingprosblog · 2 years
Did you know you can teach a dog to play basketball. Here is a simple step by step guide on how to teach your dog to dunk a ball in 40 seconds
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notweirdjustrandom · 1 year
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They never like it when we lick them back :p
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neytui · 25 days
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Cuz I haven't posted anything, some messy sketches I did a while ago on the Peter Pan au
Kinda screen redraw?
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