#Do My Econometrics Assignment Help
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Unveiling the Expertise: A Conversation with an Economics Homework Guru
Good day, readers! Today, we have the privilege of diving into the world of economics assignments with a seasoned expert. Join me in welcoming our special guest, Mr. Alex Turner, the maestro of Economics Homework at www.economicshomeworkhelper.com. Alex, thank you for joining us today. If you've ever found yourself pondering, "Who can write my economics homework?"—you're in for a treat. Join me in welcoming Alex, the go-to expert for unraveling the intricacies of economic theory and problem-solving.
Alex Turner (EconMaestro): Thank you for having me! It's a pleasure to be here and share insights into the world of economics homework.
EconInsider: To start off, could you tell our readers a bit about yourself and how you became an Economics Homework Expert?
EconMaestro: Certainly! My journey into the realm of economics began during my college years. I found the subject fascinating, and while navigating through the complexities, I realized many students struggled with their homework. That realization motivated me to start www.economicshomeworkhelper.com, a platform dedicated to assisting students in mastering economics concepts through personalized homework help.
EconInsider: That's commendable! Speaking of students, what common challenges do they face when tackling economics assignments?
EconMaestro: One prevalent challenge is grasping the intricate theories and concepts. Economics can be quite abstract, making it difficult for students to connect the dots. Additionally, time management is a significant hurdle. Many students juggle multiple courses, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs, leaving them with limited time for assignments.
EconInsider: Time management is indeed crucial. How does your platform address these challenges?
EconMaestro: At EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com, we offer personalized assistance tailored to each student's needs. Our team of experts provides step-by-step guidance, helping students understand complex topics. We also prioritize timely delivery, ensuring that students have ample time to review and learn from the solutions provided.
EconInsider: That sounds incredibly helpful. Moving on, what advice do you have for students struggling with economics assignments?
EconMaestro: Firstly, don't hesitate to seek help. Whether it's from classmates, professors, or online platforms like ours, asking questions is crucial. Additionally, break down assignments into smaller tasks to make them more manageable. Finally, practice regularly. The more you engage with the material, the more confident you become.
EconInsider: Solid advice! In your experience, are there specific topics or concepts that students commonly find challenging?
EconMaestro: Absolutely. Topics like macroeconomics, game theory, and econometrics tend to be challenging for many students. These areas often involve abstract theories and complex mathematical models. However, with the right guidance, they become much more approachable.
EconInsider: And what resources do you recommend for students looking to deepen their understanding of these challenging topics?
EconMaestro: Apart from our platform, which provides personalized assistance, I recommend using reputable textbooks, online courses, and engaging with academic journals. Additionally, joining study groups or forums where students can discuss and share insights can be invaluable.
EconInsider: Fantastic recommendations! Before we wrap up, what do you see as the future of economics education, particularly in the context of online assistance?
EconMaestro: The future is undoubtedly digital. Online platforms will continue to play a crucial role in supplementing traditional education. The flexibility and accessibility they offer empower students to learn at their own pace, providing a more personalized learning experience.
EconInsider: Well said, Alex! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us today. It's been a pleasure having you.
EconMaestro: The pleasure is mine. Thank you for having me!
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sarahmathewsblog · 7 months
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Hey Tumblr Community!
Struggling with searching “do my econometrics assignments” everywhere? Feeling lost in the maze of statistical jargon? Fear not! 🌐 we are here to supercharge your understanding and help you sail through those assignments with ease.
📊 Why Choose Our Econometrics Solutions?
🌟 Expert Guidance: Our seasoned econometricians bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. We've navigated the complexities of econometrics in academia and real-world applications, and now we're here to guide you.
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⏱ Timely Delivery: Deadlines looming? No worries! We're committed to delivering high-quality solutions promptly. You can confidently submit your assignments without the stress of last-minute rushes.
🤝 Continuous Support: Learning is a journey, not a destination. We provide ongoing support to address your questions, ensuring you not only submit assignments but truly grasp the intricacies of econometrics.
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🖱 Visit EconometricsAssignmentHelp.com
🕵 Explore our range of services.
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📚 Receive expertly crafted solutions designed to boost your econometrics knowledge.
Embark on a journey to econometrics mastery with confidence! Let's turn challenges into opportunities for growth together.
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sukunasun · 2 years
sunny do NOT leave us after mentioning professor nanami. he will forever be on my mind. 😣
heres some stuff i fished out from the drafts:
nanami kento phd sets his alarm for precisely six in the morning everyday. this is important because he's already taken into account the morning rush crowd and the weather forecast has predicted sunny skies today, which is rather unlikely for ...england. so he's not buying it, there are only a few precious hours to make up for the time it takes to set up the slides and get the creaky projector to work—not surprising since the university is about eight hundred years old and has yet to figure out why students can’t find assignment posts on canvas—but out the door he goes, a loose sock falls down to his ankle like always, and he would relish in that little bit of familiarity and routine, but there isn't enough time to do so when it's already six thirty.
"attendance will be taken into account for your final grade, five minutes is the cut off point,” he announces every semester, with every new batch of students, and like clockwork, it’s followed by a chorus of groans. 
but none of them try to fight him on it, they think the old man has enough to deal with, given that he’s always got the moodiest face on, brooding and emotionless. he’s barely 30 but he receives senior citizen discounts at the cafe nearby. already looks the part with his brown sweater vests and thick rimmed buddy holly glasses, shoes clacking on pavement as he's rushing from one lecture hall to another. but the pants are nice, he’s thrifted them from his first time at a market in camden (sans spectacles and or orthopaedics. those had to be custom made.) 
his laptop is shoved into his worn out leather messenger bag clumsily, who cares, it's a PC, they’re sturdier and he’d rather settle for thinkpads than buying into that fruit company. the zipper's broken so he clasps it shut with his fingers, briskly side stepping slow walkers and mutters a "fucking hell," under his breath when he comes across couples making out in the open, sucking each other's faces off, he's cringing at how obscene it is, enough to turn his croissant bland. rammed into his open maw, he has no time for jams or butter, so a soggy, saliva-drenched mess will do.
about 200 people show up to his class and that's only because they started having a stricter application process, he remembers when there were more. still, the quantity doesn't phase him, because eventually students will drop out, people fail assignments. the numbers shall dwindle because he's over the hand holding. it used to be fine back when prerequisites were a jumbled up bunch of different majors, he'd help out with a little calculus here and some linear algebra worksheets, y'know, just the basic stuff. but it's about time he stopped the coddling. makes a mental note to remind himself just how much he takes this course seriously. econometrics isn't for everyone, but a bare-bones understanding of basic concepts in probability theory and statistical inference is all he asks for. "you will fail to grasp anything beyond the first week of this syllabus," he tells yuuji itadori who sits in the front row, an enthusiastic kid, eager to learn, but ultimately and unfortunately...foolish.
"what did you major in last semester?" nanami asks impassively, not at all curious really, but just to gauge where he's at. meanwhile another part of his brain is already planning and working out an alternative plan if itadori chooses to stay. maybe something simpler, he's heard accounting is all the rage, as long as he's done something relatively close to mathematics—
“sports marketing!” yuuji exclaims. so self assured, and nanami is about to rip his hair out, fisting at blonde clumps. he really shouldn’t do that, it would be such a shame to have him balding at such a young age. maybe he’ll do a silly side study on it, ‘progressive deterioration of the hair shaft over a two year period primarily caused by excessive weathering and self-inflicted damage.’ (quickly taps out a short intro in his notes app and emails it to geto and gojo with no subject and the one line; ‘thoughts?’) 
nanami breathes out a deep sigh, he's going to have a not so friendly chat with the admins after this. "and why have you chosen this course, as a challenge i presume? i should remind you this is a postgraduate program," which should have been his first clue to itadori's determination.
"i just thought it'll be fun to take your class, you're like, the smartest guy i know," to which nanami can't deny him when he's so earnest about it. if he were being realistic, the chances for yuuji to achieve much are slim, or at least where this course is concerned. but nanami has never been the kind to discourage, so he just hands itadori a list of pdf textbooks he can download for free off some random account, and schedules tutoring sessions on his thursday afternoons. ('thank you @ mr_overtime for providing free and accessible academic resources!' yuuji types before posting it to a message board.)
nanami’s moved to an old research lab the next day, the same group of students show up except there are a few who join him online in a teams channel he’s humorously named ‘ABSENT 7/3/22’ ...just to emphasise on the importance of face to face interactions. he thinks it’s funny. no one laughs. but he didn’t think they would. he’s mapped it out on a data visualizer programme he’s been working on and is proud at the very least that results were accurate. still, the conditions are less than ideal, the stone floors scuff the leather of his shoes, the heating unit is broken, and of course, no projector. “i guess we’ll do graphs today,” he says. 
a choir made up of sifting hands and rustling papers start singing alongside graphite and red cedar grinding under a blade, the quick push, push, pushes of a thumb on pen, cables thrown across one table to another—there are no outputs here. with swift vertical swipes, nanami thinks he’ll suffer the clown lung and the inevitable dry, dust-filled grooves of his fingertips for this, especially because it’s been awhile since he’s used the hagoromo chalk. there’s a pause, everyone waits for the maestro, and he conducts a tune of old, one that’s been unheard in years. when his perfectly straight lines come out thick and layered like snow on a forest floor, phthalo turning into golden-sheen moss green when the sun cuts a slant of light at the right time. his rosy fingers translucent like an orange, pressing, gripping, swishhh-es lines he’s seen again and again, equations he knows by heart, the tapping of rock reverberates, and everyone else follows after its echo.
a replica of ‘wanderer above the sea fog’ gets delivered to his office that afternoon. “still into romanticism?” gojo asks. doesn’t even try to point at the painting, already disinterested. with hands tucked into his favourite parka, he swivels his head around and bounce on his heels like a child, looking for whatever would grasp his interest, wide blue eyes taking in nanami’s office that’s untouched by renovation of any kind, it still smells a little damp and the curtains are yet again pulled shut, but gojo shines with curiosity enough to light up an entire room. 
he shrugs, “‘still into’ suggests fixation, i only observe it as what it is— a painting,” nanami defends, head tilting to the side, “they were going to get rid of it, what was i supposed to do?”
“you make it sound like it were a stray animal,” gojo teases, seeing that nanami doesn’t entertain the jab, he eases the tension by the only way he knows how, bringing attention to himself, “but what do i know, i’ve only just won a nobel,” he shoots nanami a grin that curls from ear to ear. yet again, the scowl is ever prominent. 
moving closer to inspect it, gojo forces himself not to pull a face. yeah no. nothing interesting here; man looking out towards a fog and endless sky. there’s no truth to it. only that the varnish is applied sloppily, and it’s cracking, nooks and crannies gathering dust, rivers splitting down the middle. is it a piece worth anything? worth saving? he doesn’t think so. an artist should just paint what’s in front of him.
nanami overachieves but never finds any meaning in all of it, who's turning into a doubter, a pessimist, "you’re always in a bad mood, must be the weight of that intellect you have," gojo likes to say. one who seeks for something beyond because he uncovers the mysteries of the world and what then? feels like a ghost, hollowed and waning. thou art a scholar horatio, speak to it. watching himself live a life he can't control, every passing moment slipping through his fingers. they're cold and slightly calloused, chalk-dusted. there's a detached way about then, a dismissive wave of his hand, brushing off excuses and late submissions and all the compliments that fall on deaf ears. 
“you see yourself in it,” suguru adds from his corner, nonchalantly. he’s lazing in an armchair with book in hand. when he looks up at the two of them, they stare at him like he were speaking in a foreign language. snapping his book shut, he stretches his limbs out like a cat, “it’s a piece depicting reflection; morality, feeling, something tells me you’re lost kento,” geto gives his hypothesis. and it lingers there. 
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How to do Economics Assignments
It's important to fully understand economic principles because they're employed every day. Economics assignments help you understand and apply economic principles.
Our economics homework help is designed to boost your confidence, interest, and grades. We address economic challenges and tasks step-by-step using graphs, tables, and explanations. We complete kindergarten to college tasks.
We cover microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, international, labor, health, industrial, development, engineering, political, and environmental economics.
College students learning economics must start with assignments and dissertations.
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Find an Expert To Get Econometrics Assignment Help in Australia
Are you stabbed with your econometrics tasks and looking for the best econometrics homework assistance? If yes, your search is over. My Essay Mate is here to help you out and solve all your assignment issues within no time. We have the best assignment writers who have an in-depth understanding of econometrics and are capable enough to deliver you well-versed content. They gather information from reliable sources and we can guarantee you that you will get a unique and error-free assignment paper on your hand if you choose us. 
Moreover, we never miss a deadline as we know how important it is to submit an assignment paper before the deadline. Students from the world's best educational institutions seek our assistance to compose their assignments. All our professionals have doctoral degrees. You may rest assured that your assignment will be written by following proper university guidelines as they know the rules and regulations of the university very well. You may reach out to our experts by phone, email, or through chat. You may leave all your econometrics homework concerns to us and rest assured that you will get high-quality content within your budget. 
What do you mean by Econometrics? 
Econometrics is a particular branch of economics that applies mathematics, computer science, and statistics to economic data. It is utilized to assess and quantify economic concepts to resolve economical issues. The primary goal of econometrics is to transform qualitative testimonies into quantitative testimonies. Econometric processes can be used in various fields of economics like Labour Economics, Macroeconomics, and Microeconomics. It helps to assess the business data. 
What topics are covered by us? 
You may get econometric assignment help in Australia from My Essay Mate for the following topics: 
The economic model and econometric model 
Ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation
Instrumental variable (IV) regression
Classical linear regression assumptions
Statistical inferences
Generalized least squares (GLS) estimation
Panel regression model
Dynamic Panel Regression
Regression Equation
Economics and Finance
Hypothesis Testing
Model in Matrix Notation
Time-series regression
Review of probability and statistics
Regression with panel data
Projection Matrices
Economic growth models 
Avail of Our Advanced Econometrics Homework Assistance 
Students who are finding it difficult to compose their assignments on econometrics may get advanced econometrics assignment help in Australia from us. Our experts are ready to stretch their hands to help you out. So, you may try us. 
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Easy Access: You can get access to our services very easily and we are available round the clock to solve your queries. 
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Moreover, we have a refund policy so that you can get your money back if you are not satisfied with our work. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your phone and contact us to solve all your econometrics assignment writing issues and get the best econometrics assignment help.
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Conquer Your Econometrics Assignments with Expert Help and Save Big!
As you navigate the rigorous world of econometrics, you'll encounter challenging assignments that can test your understanding and push your limits. But don't fret, for Economics Homework Helper is here to extend a helping hand and make your academic journey a breeze.
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Customized solutions tailored to your specific needs: We recognize that every student learns differently, so we'll tailor our approach to match your individual learning style and pace.
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Image: An image representing a student working on an econometrics assignment, with a relaxed expression and a confident demeanor.
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Remember, Economics Homework Helper is your one-stop solution for conquering econometrics assignments and achieving academic excellence.
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Say Goodbye To Academic Stress By Going For Finance Assignment Help!
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Finance is an exclusive subject recognized globally for making students learn about how one can manage funds. It teaches the students the difference between the value of a commodity and its price and whether the price goes hand-in-hand with its value. But Finance requires a sufficient amount of Mathematics, along with knowledge and skills, which cannot be obtained by itself. For this, one must get hold of some guidance which is always there to provide the necessary materials to ace in the performance of this subject. For this, Finance assignment help is sure to come in handy.
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Sometimes, the student may find it difficult to cope with their regular studies while also dealing with their long-due assignments. To ease this issue, our team offers A-grade services that are bound to help you out with your studies. We also provide plagiarism-free solutions with extensive reasoning long before the due date so that students can focus entirely on their studies. We tend to provide one-to-one online tutoring along with offline soft copy solutions so that you can now study effortlessly.
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Apart from providing tutoring services and accurate solutions to your Finance assignments, we also organize monthly tests, quizzes, discussion questions, and exams so that students build a strong base. We also provide a line of tremendous experts in solving finance case studies, econometric analysis, and financial analysis PPT presentations.
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valuechainplanning · 2 years
Demand Planning Training Workshops – What Is Out There? What Is Different About Us?
There are various queries on Linked-In about the best courses in Demand Planning and Sales Forecasting.  It is time to set the record straight on good Demand Planning Training workshops and why Demand Planning LLC is the best provider for Demand Planning and S&OP training workshops.
I have seen two types of offerings in the market place:
1. Extremely academic and Formula oriented workshops – Good for the academic researcher but of little practical value to the Demand Planner.  These courses focus heavily on the math and talk about serial negative auto-correlations, heteroscedasticity, Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, ARCH, GARCH etc.  Not that there is anything wrong with it, it may definitely be useful while getting a Ph.D. in Econometrics.
1. Concept oriented courses that cover best and worst practices – and more often worst practices – but these workshops limit themselves to concepts.  They do not actually help instructing people on how to do this better in their every day jobs.  I have heard more people say that some of these workshops all talk about what is not working all the time.  I have also seen really light-weight courses that use a lot of lingo and lot of citations of real stuff happening in the business world – but without much numerical examples or calculations or problem-solving.  Concepts are good but without no test of the theory in practice, they are not good enough.
The workshops offered by Demand Planning Net are unique in the sense we actually offer practical, hands-on workshops.  We assign pre-work to every attendee before the come to the workshop.  Every one needs to bring a laptop to work through individual and group exercises to create actual demand plans and solve demand analytic challenges.
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Many professionals who have attended our workshops, have reported back that they were able to use the concepts in their every day activity.  Many of our attendees are our loyal fans and have sent their colleagues and peers and successors to the workshops.
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Here are couple of video testimonials-
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We understand you have a choice in the market place on what courses to attend and how to judiciously spend your company’s training budget.  A little bit of research would go a long away along with questioning your objectives. What is important – theory, concepts, practice or a combination of things that actually help you be a better planner.
The entire mission of our firm Demand Planning Net is to make planning better and better the planners!
You can attend our Dallas Workshop in Feb 2013 or the Boston Workshop in May 2013.
Please call my office with questions!
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tandymole74 · 3 years
Cryptography Assignment Help and Homework Assistance
Cryptography Assignment Help and Homework Assistance – Know How to Solve
Tricks to Solve Coding-Puzzles with Cryptography Assignment Help
Cryptography is a very engaging subject. It can be immensely interesting if it’s learnt properly, in fact, it can be sort of addictive. But even though Cryptography is a fascinating subject, many students are scared of Online Cryptography Assignments. Now why is that? There are a number of causes. With modern education system, the focus has shifted from learning to earning grades. The competition is growing and students have turned into rats running in races. As such, one’s always very concerned with devouring the cheese (which are the good grades), and no one’s putting attention on really acquiring knowledge. That’s where the fear of Online Cryptography Assignment arises from. The student cannot quit thinking “what if fail to fetch an A?
What is cryptography?
Cryptology as a whole is a security system of computers and communications. The branch of cryptology is divided into two sub-divisions:
•Cryptography •Cryptanalysis
Where Online Cryptography Topics is the art of designing a cryptosystem through which information security is achieved. It manipulates the data in such a way that digital data gets secured by the hackers. It consists of the mathematical algorithms which can be used in various security application in different techniques. Students find difficulties while studying this topic due to its complex concepts and the programming algorithms to be written for accurate cryptography results. They need someone to help them at the right time in the studies of cryptography to perform well in the homework and the  Cryptography Assignments Help.
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Securities provided by Cryptography
There are four fundamental security services that are provided by cryptography for the security of digital data.
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delainelong34 · 3 years
Which reference style do you follow in Econometrics homework help?
Which reference style do you follow in Econometrics homework help?
https://www.allhomeworkassignments.com/ cover all kinds of referencing styles for your economics homework, such as APA, MLA, HARVARD, IEEE, OSCOLA, CHICAGO, and VANCOUVER as per the rubric shared by students. We can deliver your Econometrics homework as per your college/university homework instructions.
In how much time can I get my Econometrics homework done online?
We always try our best to deliver the homework as soon as possible, but the actual time depends upon the complexity and length of assignment, We can provide you the Econometrics Assignment Help within 24 hours.
Is All Homework Assignments a reliable Econometrics homework helper?
Yes, it is. All Homework Assignments has been helping the students with their homework for years. https://www.allhomeworkassignments.com/ have already provided econometrics homework help to 5000+ students around the world.
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Work Within Deadline,Lowest Price Guranteed, Plagiarism Free Guranteed,24 * 7 Availability, Native Experienced Experts, Free Revisions
Why Students Need Econometric Assignment Help?
Plenty of skills are evaluated when a student submits the Econometric Assignment Writing work to the professors. Some students cannot develop an interest in the Econometric.
Econometrics Assignment Help
The term econometrics was used for the first time in the year 1910 by Pawel Ciompa however in the sense that it is used today the term has been used was coined by Ragnar Frisch. Econometrics Assignment Helps as a branch of economics deals with the use of mathematics, statistics and computer science in explaining the concepts of economics. To put it simply the various concepts of mathematics and statistics that quantify the various economic fundamentals encompass the study of econometrics.. Best Econometric Methods are used by firms in decision making process. This is the reason at graduate and post graduat levels students are taught various econometrics methods, tools and softwares in order to analyse collected data to make sound business decisions. Students and scholars are assigned various econometrics tasks in their academic session to test their ability and learn. Students have to take aim at all those sections of the subject if they are to successfully complete their assignments in time. Due to complicated case studies and research problems, students face lot of trouble in dealing with econometrics due to lack of knowledge of various statistical software tools and their application. In such a situtation, we https://www.bestassignmentsupport.com/ assist students through our highly rated online econometrics assignment help service. Our service includes assistance with econometrics tasks involving the use of various statistical softwares like SPSS, STATA, Eviews, Minitab, R etc.
Econometrics Assignment Help involves carrying out statistical analysis using statistical theories, models and practices with the aim of finding a relationship between two more variables depending on how complex the problem is. Econometrics analyses the set of estimators that have desirable statistical functions. The unification of so many quantifiable disciplines was done for the first time by Trygve Haavelmothe nobel laureate from Norway. Haavelmothe used a probabilistic approach to the economic theory. It became rather popular because economics And Online Econometrics Topics deals with a number of vague concepts that depend on the premise called “Ceteris Peribus” which means other things remaining constant.
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hxppy-flowers · 3 years
Financial Econometrics Help
Are having trouble doing your financial econometrics assignments? Our experts will help you do all calculations. It doesn’t matter how complex your assignments are, our experts will handle it. You only need to request for financial econometrics help. We have helped hundreds of students to do financial econometrics assignments using major statistics tools.
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assignmenthelp-em · 4 years
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interlunium-opus · 3 years
No Place I’d Rather Be. [ Jay ]
[ Jay | fluff ]
Abstract: when you went to the library on the night when the Triennial Winter Ball was held, you expected to be all alone. But Jay, your best friend and the  campus heartthrob is somehow already there waiting for you.
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You stared out of the corridors of windows as you ascended up the staircase of the desolated library, your eyes fixated on the bustling crowd outside. It was the night the Triennial Winter Ball was held: basically the night everyone looked forward to the moment they started university. Unlike how dark, drab and quiet winter nights in campus usually are — tonight, the campus was alight with festive lights lining up the path leading up to the grand hall and students filtering in, decked in their “Sunday best”, filling the otherwise quiet night with cacophony of laughters, chatters, and whispers.
Standing in contrast with the crowd outside was you, all alone in the dimly-lit library, decked in monochrome with books in hand instead clinking glasses and waltzing with others in an elegant dress. You sighed as you thought to yourself, who am I kidding, my introverted soul wouldn’t last a minute in there.
“You’re late today.”
You jumped, startled, dropping some of the books you were carrying. Given the context of tonight, no one should have been in the library right now. Especially not the campus heartthrob and the social butterfly, Jay Park.
“Jay?” You called out, squinting your eyes to get a clearer view of the tall figure at the end of the aisle. The dim-lighting were of no help at all but the blonde locks and the deep voice were a massive giveaway, “wait..what are you doing here?!”
“You look petrified to see your own best friend, it’s almost heartbreaking,” Jay muttered sarcastically as he made his way towards you before reaching down to pick up the books you had dropped.
“Well, duh, no one should be here tonight especially not you,” you retorted as you walked towards your usual seat at the corner, the one with the large windows and dimmest lighting, “people are going to think that you got kidnapped or something and oh God, the amount of hearts you’re breaking tonight with your no-show.”
“Well, what’s your excuse?” Jay raised an eyebrow at you.
“Jay, we have been best friends for almost 2 years now, you know why I am not there — I would just combust,” you said as a matter-of-factly as you took a seat.
“But it’s our final year, you’ve got to make it count — socially I mean. And come on, it’s the Triennial Winter Ball not some frat party,” he grumbled as he sat on the armrest of the chair next to you with his body facing you and arms folded. Being a massive extrovert with a lifestyle that tends toward opulence — tonight’s extravagance was right up his alley and all month long he had been endlessly badgering you to attend it. Being the massive introvert you are though, the ball is basically the last thing you would want to attend.
That said, as incredulous as the friendship between the two of you are to many people, you two are polar opposites that complement one another in a way that two differently-shaped puzzle pieces can only fit one another. Being a social butterfly, your individualism, rationality and brilliant intellect really stood in stark contrast with the homogenous crowd and superficial conversations that he constantly surround himself with. With an equally subtle sarcastic dark humor to match, a tenacity like no others and a brilliant intellect that constantly challenge and stimulates his mind — you’re like an oasis in the desert.
Likewise, Jay, too, was like a breath of fresh air to you. You have had some initial reservations about him though. After all, he was more known for his lavish lifestyle and the parties he throw. But beyond those such fronts, Jay was highly knowledgable with strong passion for what he believes in — qualities of which really matched yours. Not to mention, being pragmatic and rational himself, he was one of the rare few people in your life that you don’t need to put up a social filter for as he is always able to objectively understand your views and opinions.
That is how you two end up going from being touted as the “cursed” pairing that was doomed to fail when you two were first paired for a project in “Modern Political Thought” module, to the Dream Team that ended up trouncing everyone else’s project, attaining the highest score out of everyone in class. In fact, you two just keep on surprising everyone by becoming almost inseparable even after the module ended.
“Who’s to say a couple of drinks isn’t going to turn a ball into a frat party?” You shot him an incredulous look before turning your attention to the books you were flipping, “… exam is around the corner anyway.”
“1.5 months away,” he emphasized as he lowered his head down to your level, peeking over your shoulders to take a closer look at your notes, “Seriously? you’re skipping tonight’s extravagance and festivities for Multivariate Functions and Lagrangian? I’d have let it slide if you were working on a prose instead.”
“Well what’s your excuse for being here then? I’m pretty sur-“ you stopped mid-sentence, caught off guard by how close his face actually was to yours when you looked up to face him. Jay’s face as usual was unperturbed, his blonde locks softly framed his chiseled face and his lips was pouty in concentration as his eyes travelled from one end of your notebook to the other before he turned his face slightly and met your gaze. You swore for a moment you felt your heart skip a beat but the moment one corner of his lips lifted into his signature lopsided grin, that thought immediately disappeared as you knew he was going to say something sarcastic or dramatic.
“How can I be so selfish and party away when my best friend is all sad and depressed alone in this library?”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, “Jay, as if-”
“Also,” he suddenly interjected, “the girl that I asked out for tonight rejected me so….”
“Wait, what?!” You gasped, “The Jay Park got rejected?”
“I know right. She rejected an offer that millions would have killed for,” he shrugged as he straightened back up.
“Exactly! who in their right mind would- anyway, at the risk of sounding insensitive, couldn’t you have substituted her with other girls? Like you said, millions would have killed to be your date — you can just pick and choose.”
“Wow, ____, you really have ice in your veins don’t you?” he smirked.
“Whatever, just being rational.”
“I know. I definitely could. I mean the head cheerleader asked me out too so I could have just accepted it,” he murmured, “but...” he paused, “as cringeworthy as this sounds, 80% of the reason why I really looked forward to the ball was because I was looking forward to spending it with the girl who rejected me. So without her in the picture, the whole vision just suddenly lost its spark. Like… I’d rather just spend time with her then whether it is at a ball or library or wherever.”
“Oh…” you managed, unsure how to react, “that’s kind of… deep I guess. Well yeah, I mean if you still don’t feel bitter over her rejecting you then sure, you do you, go after her. Unless of course she’s at the ball with someone else then maybe not…”
Instead of responding promptly as he usually does, Jay just heaved a huge sigh as if he was disappointed or something. His eyes glued onto yours as if trying to pry some information out of your mind, “You know you’re awfully dense. Have you ever thought that maybe you’re too studious that it’s beginning to cost you your social skills or something?”
Jay has always been blunt but tonight, it was just on a different level. It was almost like he was here to intentionally grate you as if someone was actually keeping score. You retorted, “Excuse me. Did you just come all the way here to push my buttons? Because yo-“
You stopped mid-sentence again when he suddenly leaned closer towards you, his hands on either side of you, one on the edge of your table and the other, gripping your headrest, “I am already with her right now.”
You furrowed your brows in confusion, your mind working on overdrive.
“Fine,” he uttered, ”let me spell it out for you — you’re the girl. You’re the one who rejected me. Twice.”
You opened your mouth to tell him to stop joking but his unperturbed facial expressions told you otherwise. Still in disbelief, you stammered, “No way — Me? When?! I mean we talked about the ball a couple of times but you’ve never… unless - wait… you were serious?”
You remembered it was a Saturday night, about 2 weeks ago at almost 4 AM when you and Jay was at the library burning the midnight oil. You were busy trying to finish up your Econometrics assignment while Jay, who had long given up with his Philosophy assignment, was engrossed in a movie marathon next to you.
“Ugh,” you groaned when your regression results turned ‘insignificant’. You turned your attention to the papers and books strewn across your desk, frantically flipping through the pages to see where the error could have been and how else can you rectify this.
“You need to sleep on it,” Jay murmured, casting worried glances at you, “You’ve been on it for hours.”
“I can’t,” you shook your head, your eyes scanning over your messy handwriting, “I’ll end up obsessing about it again at home so I definitely need to get to the bottom of this today, that’s the only way I can sleep.”
Jay sighed, pausing his movie and turning his attention fully towards you, “Fine. But you really need to reward yourself for working so hard this semester because otherwise, you’ll just burn out. Also, by reward, I did not mean hibernating.”
“Hmm,” you nodded absentmindedly when suddenly Jay snatched the pen you were using, “Hey ___ eyes on the person talking please. What did I just say?”
You rolled you eyes, relenting, “Something about rewarding myself and not hibernating — there, happy? Can I get my pen back?”
“Good,” Jay beamed, quickly pulling his hand away when you were about to snatch your pen back from his grasp, “The Triennial Winter Ball would be a good idea of a reward by the way.”
You scoffed, “Jay, that is probably your idea of a reward but it definitely won’t be mine. First, I’ve got to look all made up from top to bottom — that takes up too much resources for something an introvert like me possibly won’t even enjoy — that’s the equivalent of some floppy investment prospects right there.
“Secondly, I avoid crowds like the plague whenever I could help it and the ball has all the variables that could make me combust on spot: there are a lot people; a lot of emotions; a lot of expectations and — well, you get the picture.
“And finally, I would need to find someone to go with — again, too much trouble.“
“You have me, where’s the trouble in that?” he asserted, snatching your pencil case away this time when you were about to reach for it, “Just go with me then.”
“Yeah no that’s ridiculous,” you shook your head, stretching your hand out to him, beckoning him to give your stationaries back, “Stop playing, give me my stationaries back.”
Ignoring your demand, he pressed on, “Why is that so ridiculous?”
You sighed, “Because A) everyone wants a piece of you so B) I’d be burnt at stake if we do go together. And also C) You should spend that special night with a special someone, not your best friend — come on, Jay, you need to work on your prioritization skill.”
“Wait — that was meant to be it?” You shrieked as you recalled the memory, “I mean, it just rolls so casually in our conversation — I couldn’t have possibly picked it up as serious. Anyway, fine — when was the other time?”
“Just a few days ago when I was sending you home,” Jay replied as-a-matter-of-factly. Jay remembered skipping dance practice that night, earning an earful from the instructor the next day, just so that he can walk you home after your Students’ Union meeting with the president, Yang Jungwon.
“You’re really set on not going to the ball?” Jay asked for the umpteenth time and you nodded.
“What if I tell you that I know someone who is thinking of asking you out for the ball?” Jay prodded, stopping you in your tracks, “I’m serious.”
“Still no.”
“I have not even told you who he was,” Jay grumbled.
“Fine, entertain me,” you relented.
“Jay stop messing around.”
“I told you I’m serious, geez,” Jay said exasperatedly.
“But why — what is that kid thinking…”
“I don’t know — maybe you should stop having some night meetings with him alone before it grows into a full-blown crush or something,” Jay shrugged before you smack him lightly on the arm. “Ouch!” he whined, “Anyway so? Will that be a yes or a no?”
“Of course no, Jungwon’s a definite no.”
“Well, I saved him from a heartbreak then,” Jay mumbled.
“Huh?” You stared at him.
“Nothing,” Jay quipped, smiling sheepishly. The truth was, one of the reason why he insisted to walk you home tonight was because he overheard Jungwon telling Heeseung this morning that he definitely would ask you out to the ball after the meeting, perhaps right after, perhaps while walking you home. Knowing that someone as upright as Jungwon was going to ask you out, Jay thought he should have been elated for this might mean that you will actually come to the ball. But somehow, like a broken record, the conversation kept on playing in his mind all day during his classes, accompanied with the 1001 likely scenarios of how you’d likely respond to him. By the time night has set in, all he knew was that he was dead set on not letting Jungwon ask you out to the ball, by hook or by crook. He did not fully comprehend why, perhaps he just did not like Jungwon, he thought. Or maybe, he didn’t like you with Jungwon together — or perhaps, he actually didn’t like you with any other guys. Fortunately by the time he had reached the Student Centre of the Campus, completely out of breath that is, he can see that you and Jungwon were still discussing the union project. Once the meeting ended, as indicated by Jungwon switching the projector off, Jay just barged in, announcing that he’ll take you home much to your suprise and to Jungwon’s dismay.
“Why not though?” Jay suddenly asked, “I mean accepting Jungwon? He’s like the textbook example of an ideal guy: cute, smart, upright, overachiever and whatnot”
“Well, my good friend has a crush on him for the longest time so that’s one big reason,” you explained, “also, we don’t even know each other that well on a personal level for me to say yes to.”
“Then would you go with me instead?” Jay suddenly grabbed onto your hand, stopping you in your tracks, “I mean, if you’re worried about having a good time, wouldn’t I be ideal then?”
For a moment, silence engulfed the two of you as you two stared into one another’s eyes. You opened your mouth to say something but immediately closed it, remembering how just this morning you overheard that the head cheerleader had asked Jay out, “Jay, just go with someone else more fitting okay? You don’t have to pity invite me or something, I’m fine. I heard the head cheerleader asked you out — isn’t that perfect? two campus heartthrobs together? You guys would be the talk of campus and the envy of many.”
Despite the praises, he could feel his heart sank. While it was not an explicit rejection, your nonchalance, for the second time, pricked him. Not one to be emotional, he plastered a smile as he slowly let your hand go, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Oh no, crap, I’m sorry Jay,” you sank in your seat as you stared at him in disbelief. No wonder, he looked so taken aback that night, you thought, and how cold he was the next day. “You know what, yeah I’m definitely dense — I think I traded my social skills for good grades. You can tease me with that all you want, I won’t even try to defend myself anymore.”
“Well, on the bright side, flirtations from others can’t get through to you — you’re like a fortress or something,” Jay chuckled, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry though really,” you bit your lip, apologetic, “What can I do to make it up to you? Oh you know what — that Michelin-starred restaurant that just opened up in the corner? How about I’ll treat you there for tomorrow? It’ll break my wallet but if it will unbreak what I’ve done to you -- I’d gladly commit to the splurge.”
“Oh come on, I’m not that materialistic,” Jay scoffed, “Do you mean it though, that you’ll do anything?”
“Absolutely,” you nodded, “Within moral and ethical bounds, that is.”
Suddenly Jay extended his hand towards you, beckoning you to take it. 
“You’re not dragging me to the ball right now right?” you took his hand and he pulled you up to your feet, leading you towards a more spacious area, “We’re underdressed for it Jay. I mean look at me, I’m decked in monochrome -- I basically look like I’m mourning.”
He chuckled as he pulled out his AirPods case, taking out one and gently inserting it into your ear before inserting the other pair into his, “Don’t worry, there are no dress codes for our own private ball.”
Soft music started to play through the AirPods, it was “Best Part” by Daniel Caesar ft. H.E.R. “Just dance along with me alright? I don’t need to be splurged on,” Jay’s hand slowly snaked over your back, pulling you close to him as he carefully yet smoothly guide you to the melody of the music.
“Well, gotta warn you though,” you smiled sheepishly, “I’m bad at this so don’t sue me if I step on your Pradas.”
“Fine, exclusively for tonight, I’ll put my Pradas at risk,” he quipped, his eyes glued onto yours, “Say, if you had known that I was serious — would you have said ’yes’ to me?”
You looked up, meeting his warm gaze which somehow, perhaps due to the proximity, was making your heart skip a beat, “I think so? I mean, I hate crowds but you would usually make me forget that I was in one. Also, you’ve always said yes to all of my weird adventures so I always feel like I need to repay you back in-kind if the opportunity arises.”
Despite always trying to keep his composure in the face of any nerve-wrecking  moment, Jay failed this time as he feel his smile widened while his heart raced uncontrollably. He couldn’t exactly pinpointed why: was it your sudden heart-fluttering words; was it the proximity; was it the the warmth that he could feel on both hands; was it the atmosphere; was it the fireworks that was starting to set off outside; or was it just you?
Suddenly, he thought in retrospect, he was glad that you had said “no” to him. He wouldn’t have traded the moment tonight, just you and him away from all the external noises, for a waltz in a crowded and noisy ballroom, even with all the glitz and glamour that it offers. In fact, tonight best represented what you meant to him, like that of an oasis in a desert, your presence alone is enough for him even if he has to search through the highs and lows for you -- it is just you who he’ll gravitate to eventually. 
Author’s note: first imagine wheee! Hope you guys like this one :3
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eintsein · 3 years
hi hi! could you please share your study techniques and advice for economics majors? I survived lower division just fine but upper division courses :( .
Hii! First of all, I want to apologize for answering this quite late - I wanted to give you an answer that's thorough enough and helpful. Read on below for tips!
Disclaimer: these tips are from my own experience and the experience of my peers, most of whom are in US institutions. However, I do think these tips should apply to many economics major programs.
Strengthen your mathematics foundations
Upper-division economics courses are math at their core. Here's an example of the objectives of an intermediate microeconomics course (source)
understanding the concepts of Pareto and sum-of-surplus efficiency, being able to determine whether a preference relation is complete, transitive, monotonic, and convex, and being able to determine whether a production function exhibits increasing, decreasing, or constant returns to scale.
Preference relations are concepts from discrete math. Increasing, decreasing, and constant returns are concepts from calculus.
Many upper-division courses also require knowledge of probability and statistics (game theory courses especially). Research-based classes often recommend having taken econometrics. Theoretical classes like decision theory are, as the name suggests, theoretically rigorous, so being comfortable with proofs is necessary, and knowing math theory is a great help.
A lot of people (myself included) struggle with higher division economics courses because they were not mathematically prepared. While you can definitely learn as you go, it will make your life a whole lot easier having the preparation or at least the comfort to work with the required mathematical concepts and use certain mathematical skills.
An example from personal experience: I had taken econometrics (a theoretical version) the spring of my sophomore year without much knowledge of multivariable calculus and having taken calculus II over a year before taking this class, and honestly I felt I had to work so much harder than my peers who were math majors or minors.
So yeah, you should definitely brush up on your math skills if you find yourself struggling. This could mean doing extra practice, looking for tutoring, or even taking a course.
Strengthen your economics foundations
Upper-division economics courses really build on lower-division courses. As far as I know, the purpose of upper-division courses is to teach us to synthesize what we learned from lower-division courses, i.e. to use the tools and techniques we've learned, and apply them to new economic settings.
For example, last fall I took a course on public finance (also known as welfare economics) and one of the topics we studied was regulating pollution. Two of the regulation methods we focused on were 1) cap & trade, i.e. giving pollution permits that can be traded, and 2) emission fees, i.e. setting a fee if emission is above a certain amount. The graphs below illustrate the two methods for two cases: inelastic marginal social benefit of pollution reduction, and elastic MSB of pollution reduction. Marginal cost and marginal social benefit curves are usually taught in lower-division courses, as are concepts of elasticity and demand-supply models.
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Another example from the same class: evaluating Pareto efficiency of the allocation of public goods involves being comfortable with indifference curves, utility functions, and production possibility curves, as shown below. (Even if you don't understand what's going on, the general shapes should look familiar.)
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Use the course's learning objectives to guide you
My probability and statistics professor taught me that the first step in studying any subject is to look at the learning objectives. These are the things you are expected to get out of the course and so they are the things you will be expected to know on an exam, do in a project/assignment, etc., not just information but also skills and techniques.
Study and practice drawing graphs
Graphs can hold a lot of information given that you know how to interpret them. In many cases, I found that if I understand the graph, then I understand the concept. Studying graphs saves a lot of study time, too, since the material's been summarized really neatly, and chances are you'll need to know the graph, too.
For many of my economics classes, I create a study guide comprising only graphs. These aren't just the graphs that are explicitly taught in class, though. I try to include as many cases, including special cases, because it teaches me to be able to think through the concepts being used in the graphs, instead of just being like, okay this is what it looks like.
For example, when studying Edgeworth-Bowley boxes, I drew them with different types of indifference curves, and then for each of them, I drew their utility possibility frontiers. Or when studying anything involving demand-supply curves (e.g. different types of taxation), I draw a graph for each combination of demand and supply elasticities (e.g. inelastic demand with inelastic supply; inelastic demand with elastic supply; etc.).
Of course, I don't always get it right. If there's something I'm unsure about or don't understand, I go to office hours for help.
Learn from assignments and practice a lot
Your assignments point out the types of questions you'll be expected to analyze and work through and thus can guide your studying, whether it's mathematical problem sets or a series of essays.
In classes with problem sets, doing them seriously helps SO much. They train your mental muscles to be able to solve or analyze the problems you're expected to be able to solve and analyze after taking the course. Your professor created these problem sets to achieve the learning objectives. If you're having trouble with any part of the problem set, you probably don't understand a key concept, skill, or technique the course expects you to, and that's totally fine; just don't forget to work on it and ask for help.
In addition, problem sets also serve as great revision tools to help you actively recall and synthesize the material you've studied.
Go to office hours for conceptual help
I've mentioned a couple times to reach out for help if you need it and I cannot stress this enough. In most cases, professors and TAs (teaching assistants) are more than willing to help you succeed. I would suggest going to each instructor/staff member if there are multiple and seeing which one is the most helpful, i.e. the person who can fill in your knowledge gaps the easiest, who understands your misunderstandings. Sometimes it's the professor, other times the TA is a better fit. Sometimes the TA gives better help for problem sets but the professor gives better help for conceptual problems. Use the resources available to you!
I hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions :)
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