#Digimon crossover
puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 83
Danny… might have done an oopsie. It wasn’t a big oopsie, probably! He had panicked, it wasn’t his fault! It was their first time in Gotham seeing as his parents were banned for some reason or other, and he was on two hours of sleep after the plane ride! 
It’s not his fault the three of them and this tiny child in traffic-light colors are now stuck in this uh, what did you call it again, digital world? It’s not his fault they’re stuck in this digital world with digital monsters! What was that reapmon? Oh, digimon, not digital monsters? Alright cool. 
Of course Sam has already befriended the giant goth plant, that’s… not surprising actually. Tucker, you can be in heaven later, what is he supposed to do with this, how old are you? What is he supposed to do with this human ten year old whose adult-vigilante (wow did he wish he had one of those) is probably going to be freaking out?
No he can not just open up a portal back home, infinite realms, remember?! He has to figure out where they are and calculate how to get home! 
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dcawritings · 6 months
Love the DCA fandom because me and friends will go from 'haha man wouldn't a digimon crossover be neat? Sun and Moon already kinda look like champion level' to 'okay here's the fucking plot, here's how shit happened, the mc is the only one of their generation of digidestined left because the others were killed in the digital world by glitchtrap who ALSO converted Vanessa to do his dark digimon bidding so the digital world is a mess and ALSO moon got corrupted while he and sun waited for the mc to find them and ALSO AGAIN-'
Absolutely adore it, please look forward to the multichapter adventure to come from this
@solar-synapse @armoondrop @phoenixdaneko
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madasthyhatter · 1 year
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Old Kingdom Hearts x Digimon Crossover Request! Inprnt | Twitter | DeviantArt
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 5 months
[Spark-doll au/digimon crossover: After the digital world and the human world got fused by a reality bending virus, the violent event is causing both unstable realities to slowly close in on themselves and collapse.]
R/n, with her partner Kudamon napping in her lap: How can we stop it?
Datamon (Tregear's partner): There is one possibility. To halt the process.
Tregear: ...We would need to create an Einstein-Rosen bridge to drain off the infecting anti-fusion matter.
Growlmon (Taro's Partner): Huh?
Taro: Create a what to do what?
R/n: Make a wormhole to suck away the bad stuff.
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teenageoaffireknight · 3 months
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Yugioh X Digimon
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mel0deon · 10 months
i have the audience of one @firedragon1321 so here's my thoughts on reki and tai
so this is assuming sk8 the infinity takes place in the time of its release of 2021.
my bois can relate to so much stuff and this is why i kin them
1 ) being older brothers
these bois love their younger sister(s) and would want them to be in their life for the longest time but dont know how to say it
2) but wait... that happened to you too? hahaaaaaa so ep 48 and all that Hospital Trauma... its not like it happened to reki with in a similar degree, right? wrong. its awkward but they're only telling that to people they Really Trust. (koushiro and langa) they dont know that until reki talks about the Root Cause
3) being overwhelmed by Emotion and being too reactive or unable to act
in 02, we see tai be a really good mentor to the new batch of digidestined. literally Dad Friend Mode. Now that he would be older, he would try to be a good mentor to the areas in Japan that may not have a strong digidestined force.
reki is just Stressed. with S and being a Chosen Child (and oh man thats a big deal) being secrets he keeps to himself, he doesnt know how to juggle it.
tai says its not easy, obviously, but as long as you keep your inner child then you'll be with your partners as long as you live.
"i want to skate infintely with you!"
jump skip to when that happens and then reki tells the secret that hes a digidestined to langa. reki's d3 glows and oh hey look langa has a digimon now. and then to the S crew, bc if he's keeping his inner child and being himself in the long run, its gotta stay with them.
he contacts tai and he's proud. but also asks if its ok to visit S for a night. to make sure hes safe.
tai sees adam and makes a flat 'what.'
one, he looks like the digimon kaiser. which is what an 11 year old dressed himself with. and also. thats his coworker. he worked with him.
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pika-girl1 · 11 months
I’ve seen Saiki K. Pokémon AUs…
But what abt Saiki K. Digimon AU?
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graciellasamma · 1 year
Digimon Partner: Basil Hawkins
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Basil Hawkins:
Digimon Partner: Zurumon => Pagumon => Ghostmon => Wizardmon => Mistymon => Dynasmon
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lovetheangelshadow · 11 months
Timelapse video of the Digimon X Ninjago crossover arts.
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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{DigiFes 2022 Merchandise promotion art} for Digimon Adventure 02 x Digimon Frontier anniversary!
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[Note: Commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!]
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
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[ID: Two screenshots from the Digimon Xros Wars eyecatch. Taiki and Shoutmon are sitting side by side in the background, and Taiki inserted a card into his xros loader. In the top right corner, are Agumon, Garurumon, Guilmon, and Veemon. They're smiling in the first image and giggling in the second. End ID]
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Thinkin of my Batman/Digimon Au. Just rotating Bruce curling up in his parents' partners' arms and crying. Rotating them helping raise him and him disappearing to the digital world with Alfred sometimes and getting his own digimon partner. And him also sharing that with his kids when they arrive.
Anyway, have some pictures of Thomas', Martha's, Alfred's & Bruce's partners.
Kudamon is a rookie level digimon, and was Martha's digimon partner. There's two variations and idk which version she'd have
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Angemon is a champion level digimon and was Thomas' digimon partner, though may de-digivolve into patamon if he uses too much energy.
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Digimon when dragged through a computer to the human realm for the firs time are reverted to training forms, which is pretty much baby forms. However as Alfred is still alive his partner can continue to digivolve, though not stay above champion form for extended periods. So skipping the end mega form, his partner is as follows: Gurimon, Gammamon, Tuskmon, & Triceramon
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Similar to Alfred, Bruce is in fact alive, meaning his digimon evolves and can de-digivolve or revert to an egg if too much damage is taken. In order from training to rookie to champion to ultimate his partner is: Tokomon, Tsukaimon, Devidramon & Cyberdramon
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If you want to know more about digimon in general, I recommend either watching the series (should be available on YT, used to be on Netflix but who knows if it still is) or reading a wiki or whatever works best for you.
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portalcartoon · 2 years
Hiiii! anyone wants to discuss Madoka Digimon crossover with me?
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Datanauts dragging me back in so here's some ideas I had for a "post Datanauts 2" adventure
So, post Datanauts 2, Dion is revealed to be the real partner that summoned Orcamon. He doesn't want to work with Orcamon, but Raz feels betrayed that Orcamon never told him the truth despite the fact that Orcamon knew.
For a time, Orcamon has no partner willing to work with it and it is discussed for it to leave back to the digital world. Raz takes it back there and while leaving comes across Gesomon that offers "friendship."
Orcamon, still programmed with Dion's orders of "protect Razputin" tries to tell Raz to not to, but is easily defeated by Gesomon working with Raz. Gesomon and Raz stay in the Digital World for longer until Orcamon can make it back to the Datanauts Portal system.
During that time, Gesomon becomes Marin Devimon and it and Razputin have gotten much stronger and ruthless. Months can go by in the Digital world and it's been mere hours in the real world.
Dion has to team up with Orcamon and other Datanauts to find his corrupted little brother.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
[Y/n goes missing in the subway tunnels during a blackout, Emmet and Ingo find her in an old part of the tunnel system with a strange Pokémon sleeping in her arms.]
Ingo: Why did you run off like that? it’s not safe to be uncoupled during a blackout.
Y/n: Sorry, I was just making sure he didn’t wander off.
{Ingo was about to say something but Emmet interrupted him.]
Emmet: Oh, and what’s this little Pokémon?
Y/n:...He’s Tokomon but...but he’s not a Poké-
Emmet: Tokomon Eh? Well it’s nice to meet you little-- (goes to pet Tokomon)
Tokomon:*yawns showing off his jagged teeth.*
(Emmet retracts his hand and Ingo stumbles back a bit as they stare at Tokomon disturbed.]
Emmet: *choked-up* ...g-Guy?
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teenageoaffireknight · 10 months
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Kari as sakura
T.K. as li
Gatomon as kero
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