#Diabetes complications
modern-sybil · 2 years
waking up to a CGM low blood sugar alarm going off as a t1d without a pancreas is honestly terrifying. i try to remain calm and just treat the low, but i always think "what if this has been the time when the CGM wasn't working and i just never woke up?"
i am working on trying to reframe that thought process, but like, it's only been eight months since I got my pancreas removed, and less than three on my insulin pump... i'm hoping this ends up just being the kind of thing that takes time and i will eventually get less terrified.
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viasox · 12 days
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gofitnesspro · 2 months
Diabetes in Young Adults: Causes and Solutions
Addressing the rise of diabetes in young adults requires comprehensive strategies that promote healthy lifestyle choices, including regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, stress management, and increased awareness of diabetes risk factors. Additionally, early detection through regular screenings and improved access to healthcare can help identify and manage diabetes at an earlier stage,…
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mreese601 · 3 months
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shivasriworld · 9 months
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wellhealthhub · 10 months
Diabetic Sores on Legs: A Comprehensive Exploration of Complications and Treatments
Discover in-depth insights into the complexities of diabetic sores on legs, also known as diabetic ulcers, and foot-related complications associated with diabetes. Unravel the multifaceted causes, symptoms, and highly effective treatment approaches meticulously detailed in this all-encompassing article on diabetic wound care, prevention, and management. Introduction The global impact of…
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alaaamasoud · 1 year
Diabetes Types
In fact, causes of diabetes could vary according to the type, which’s the same case for ways of treatment. There are two main types of diabetes, yet, two more types could be added to the list, with a possible temporary one, as you’ll see through the following.
 Diabetes Type1: 
This type hits the immunity system, leading to pancreas cell damage, the insulin factory in our bodies.
Insulin job rolls around containing sugar amounts and makes it able to be absorbed by different body cells.
Medicine and science are still unsure about the causes of diabetes type 1, but we know that it could have some heritage and genetic reasons based, as we’ll spread later.
Diabetes Type2: 
This type comes due to some resistance against insulin efficiency, leading to sugar or glucose accumulation throughout the bloodstream, affecting, in its turn, the blood circulation efficiency and how it serves power to body cells. This type is responsible for 90 to 95% of diabetic patients worldwide.
 Diabetes Type 1.5: 
As funny as it sounds, yet it’s a severe type, which gains its name from how it could be described.
Type 1.5 is something between both type 1 and type 2. It’s similar to type 1 regarding how it works, as it leads immunity cells to attack pancreas cells, though it turns out to be type 2 by aging.
In fact, this type can not be controlled by just converting to a healthier lifestyle and meals. Still, it asks for different types of medicines and outer insulin intake according to the diagnosis and doctor’s prescription.
to know more about diabetes visit this link :
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worlddiabetesday · 3 years
About the WHO Global Diabetes Compact Forum.
The WHO Global Diabetes Compact Forum was established to share and disseminate ideas, information and views that help advocate for the vision the Global Diabetes Compact: a world where the risk of diabetes is reduced and where all people who are diagnosed with diabetes have access to equitable, comprehensive, affordable and quality treatment and care. Collaboration and cooperation between Forum members and WHO are key objectives of the Forum.
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modern-sybil · 2 years
gastroparesis, my beloathed
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viasox · 1 month
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shadihelal · 2 years
Diabetes Types, symptoms, complications and management
Diabetes Types, symptoms, complications and management
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high sugar levels for long periods, where patients experience frequent urination, excessive thirst or hunger, and weight changes. It is caused by inadequate production of insulin, or insulin resistance. It can be managed by lifestyle changes , medication and insulin. Diabetes is recognized as the world’s fastest growing chronic…
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mreese601 · 3 months
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mxwhore · 9 months
working on the daunting task of having an earlier bedtime and rising time
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flutterbyfairy · 2 years
actually diabetes is never "badly managed" or "poorly controlled" because blood sugar readings don't hold moral worth.
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wellhealthhub · 10 months
Diabetic Sores on Legs and Related Conditions: A Comprehensive Exploration
Diabetes, a pervasive and enduring medical condition affecting millions of individuals globally, presents a constellation of complex complications. Among these, diabetic sores on legs, colloquially known as diabetic foot ulcers, stand out as a formidable challenge. The genesis of these sores intertwines with multifarious factors, encompassing compromised blood circulation, neuropathy-induced…
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mr-divabetic · 1 year
Do diabetes and its diabetes health-related complications scare you? How does this fear affect your life and daily self-care, and more importantly, what do you do about it? Small amounts of fear might energize you and get you to pay attention, but the threat has to seem manageable. If there's nothing you can do, and the future looks too awful, you will tend to give up and try to enjoy the time you have left. Of course, some fear of diabetes is justified. The complications of diabetes are terrifying. So are the effects it can have on your family and your finances. Fears are stressful, and stress isn't good for diabetes. Fear increases insulin resistance and blood pressure and interferes with the body's natural healing systems. It makes it harder to enjoy life. 
So what do we do about it? 
I think by taking better care of ourselves we can reduce our stress and even feel better about our diabetes lives. 
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