#Reverse diabetes naturally
mreese601 · 3 months
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wellextol · 4 months
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Reversirol Supplement Review - Tailored for Type 2 Diabetics, Pre-Diabetics, and Weight Loss Enthusiasts
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Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
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Against popular belief, type 2 diabetes is not a lifelong disease. It is actually very easy to prevent, and also very easy to reverse type 2 diabetes. We have crafted an article that will give you in depth understanding of what type 2 diabetes is,and the symptoms. More importantly we show the scientifically proven methods to actually reverse diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is not a lifelong condition. With the right lifestyle choices , you can prevent, manage, and even reverse type 2 diabetes. With this knowledge, you can take control of your health and live a life free from the burden of type 2 diabetes. There is a better way that drug companies do not want you to know. Evidence proves that a plant based diet can effectively manage and even reverse Type 2 diabetes. The benefits of curing your type 2 diabetes are immense. Not only can you enjoy a life without medication, but you can also avoid the long-term complications that can come with the disease, such as heart disease, kidney damage, and blindness. Additionally, you can save a significant amount of money by eliminating the need for expensive medications and doctor visits.
Read our full article at Pernillas HealthyLiving
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willowsearth · 1 year
Insulin Resistance: What it is and How to Reverse it
Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas that plays a crucial role in regulating your blood sugar levels. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, which is then absorbed into your bloodstream. Insulin helps your cells take up glucose and use it for energy. However, if you eat too many carbohydrates or have a diet high in processed foods and sugars, your body may…
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lewis12lewi-blog · 2 months
Grandma's Bizarre 14-Day Diabetes Reversal Formula is Saving Lives and Leaving Doctors Speechless! After Being Diagnosed With Severe Diabetes, This 82-Year-Old Stumbled Upon a Weirdly Effective Natural Remedy That Reversed Her Condition in Just 2 Weeks. Click Here to Learn Her Secret!Here is the link 🤩🤩==>> https://bit.ly/49VQSnf
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capriteam · 10 months
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Do you want to discover the easiest and fastest way to reverse your memory loss? Click here: https://sites.google.com/view/memoryrestored/inicio
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drjspages · 1 year
People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing heart disease due to various factors, including high blood sugar levels, nerve damage, and lifestyle factors. For the best diet to lose weight, visit Dr Spages. 
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oliviasmith-18 · 2 years
Are you worried about your diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease for which no cure has yet been discovered. But there are some methods through which we can control diabetes naturally. We have discussed in this video how to lower blood sugar very easily. For Details Visit Our Website: https://blog.userdigests.com/
See This Free E-book: https://www.userdigests.com/blood_sugar_hack
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montgomeryheart123 · 2 years
What is Integrative Medicine | Montgomery Heart & Wellness
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Dr. Montgomery, a black cardiologist Houston helps individuals with Integrative Medicine Services as alternative and holistic way of therapy. Integrative Medicine is a clinical approach that combines Western Medicine with alternative therapies considered to be holistic in nature.  This approach has been found to be highly effective in individuals with complex medical problems requiring extensive medical and surgical intervention. https://montgomeryheart.com/what-is-integrative-medicine/
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mreese601 · 3 months
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wellextol · 4 months
Reversirol Review - Designed For Type 2 Diabetic, Pre-Diabetic and Who Want To Lose Weight
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
All dietary carbohydrates are digested into sugars called glucose. Glucose, in turn, can be metabolized (burned) for fuel using two different pathways. First, the glucose is metabolized into pyruvate. The pyruvate can then either enter the glycolysis pathway in the cytoplasm of the cell and produce lactate (this is an inefficient backup pathway), or it can be converted into acetyl-CoA and shuttled to the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which results in optimal energy production
The Warburg Effect refers to the observation that if your body has access to enough oxygen, it will preferentially burn (oxidize) glucose in your mitochondria by converting the pyruvate into acetyl-CoA
The state of mitochondrial physiology that Warburg accurately identified occurs when your body has enough oxygen and the mitochondria are not maxed out, yet still uses the backup glycolysis pathway. This is also called cancer metabolism. It gives the false impression that cancer is using glucose to supply its metabolic needs for energy, but it is merely an illusion
The primary reason glucose cannot be burned in your mitochondria is because the mitochondria are dysfunctional. This dysfunction is the result of the electron transport chain (ETC) being backed up with an excess of electrons that are unable to flow easily through the five complexes. This condition is known as reductive stress. In this situation, your body has no choice but to use the backup system, glycolysis
Contrary to natural fructose (found in ripe fruits and honey, for example), refined sugars and many starches are more likely to cause gut dysbiosis that leads to the production of endotoxin. This endotoxin is one of the factors that destroys mitochondrial function, resulting in cancer metabolism (the Warburg Effect) where glucose is burned through glycolysis
There’s a common misconception that all sugar, i.e., carbohydrates in general, will act as fuel for cancer, but nothing could be further from reality. When it comes to the "sugar fuels cancer" issue, it’s important to make a distinction between the sources of the carbs.
While it is technically accurate to call all carbs sugar, there is a radical difference in the source of the carbs — ripe whole fruits versus starches, for example, and whole fruits versus refined processed sugar (ex: table sugar and high fructose corn syrup).
Many studies have indeed found a strong and accurate link between refined sugar intake and cancer risk. For example, research1 published in 2014 found that Stage 3 colon cancer patients who drank two or more servings of sugar-sweetened beverages per day had a 67% higher risk of cancer recurrence and death compared to those who consumed less than two servings per month.
The key term here is "sugar-sweetened beverages." There are significant differences between liquid refined/processed sugar and unrefined sugars from fruits.
Refined sugars, as well as many starches, are a common cause of endotoxin production in your gut, which destroys mitochondrial function and results in cancer metabolism, whereas the fructose present in whole foods does not typically result in the production of endotoxin. This is one of the primary differences between refined sugar and fructose from ripe fruit and helps explain why refined sugars fuel cancer.
The Many Downstream Hazards of Glycolysis
The glycolysis pathway is great when you need quick fuel when you are activating your Type 2 muscle fibers. But if this is the primary way you burn glucose, then you are in a catastrophic metabolic state because you’re promoting insulin resistance and diabetes and creating loads of lactate as a waste product instead of healthy CO2 and metabolic water.
Lactate increases reductive stress, which causes reverse electron flow in the mitochondria and increases the ROS to 3% to 4%, which is 30 to 40 times more than when glucose is burned in the mitochondria. What’s more, glycolysis generates only two ATP for every molecule of glucose, which is 95% less energy than would be generated if the glucose were metabolized in your mitochondria.
You’re also promoting cancer, because cancer cells preferentially use glycolysis. But again, it’s not sugar that is driving the cancer process per se. It’s really rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction, and fatty acid oxidation (metabolism of fats instead of glucose) is part of what causes that dysfunction.
For a long time, I believed fats burned "cleaner" than carbs — that’s one of the "selling points" for keto — but I’ve since realized we had it backward. Glucose, when burned in the mitochondria, actually burns far cleaner than fat.
So, it’s important to get your macronutrient ratios right, because if the glucose you eat is constantly shuttled into glycolysis, you’re fueling cancer. At the same time, the fat you consume ends up in fat storage rather than being used up for fuel.
Ultimately, you want to burn glucose in your mitochondria. One exception is when you’re doing high-intensity exercise. When you're engaging your Type 2 fibers, it’s safe to use the glycolysis pathway, but that's the exception. When you're resting, you want to burn glucose in your mitochondria.
The only way to ensure that is to keep your dietary fat content below 35% of your total calories. If you’re insulin resistant, which means you’re metabolically inflexible, that threshold may be closer to 20% or even 10%. So, if you’re insulin resistant, you’ll want to significantly lower your fat intake until your insulin resistance is resolved. Then you can increase it to 30%. All of this is easily calculated by using a free online program called Cronometer.
The Warburg Effect
You’ve probably heard that the Warburg Effect is involved in cancer. The Warburg Effect refers to the observation that cancer cells produce lactate even in the presence of adequate oxygen (aerobic respiration). Lactate is a byproduct of glycolysis (nonaerobic respiration).
I realize the above explanation of the Warburg Effect is technical, but the key point here, and what Warburg identified, is that if your body has access to enough oxygen, it will preferentially burn (oxidize) glucose in your mitochondria by converting the pyruvate into acetyl-CoA.
If you find this concept confusing, please be kind to yourself. Even some highly knowledgeable physicians in natural medicine misconstrue this point and incorrectly assert that Warburg demonstrated cancer is fueled by sugar. I, too, held this belief before delving into biologist and bioenergetic medicine pioneer Ray Peat's work. However, it's evident that such a claim is a profoundly serious misinterpretation of Warburg's research.
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Glucose Metabolism 101
All dietary carbohydrates are digested into sugars called glucose. Glucose, in turn, can be metabolized (burned) for fuel using two different pathways, as illustrated below.
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First, the glucose is metabolized into pyruvate. The pyruvate can then either enter the glycolysis pathway in the cytoplasm of the cell and produce lactate, or it can be converted into acetyl-CoA and shuttled to the mitochondrial electron transport chain.
There are many factors involved in cancer formation. It’s most assuredly not as simple as "cancer thrives on sugar." Cancer cells can survive and thrive on protein and fats as well. Cancer cells simply use the glycolysis pathway — the same pathway glucose goes through when your glucose metabolism is impaired in the mitochondria.
This is the same pathway that your body uses when it reaches its limit to produce ATP in the mitochondria, which is the most efficient and least damaging way to produce energy. The downside is that this pathway is fine for normal activities, but when you engage in activities that exceed your mitochondria’s energy-producing capacity, like high intensity exercises, then glycolysis is the healthy and normal way your body produces energy.
Oxygen, Glucose and Cancer Metabolism Explained
In the case of vigorous exercise, your mitochondria are not really impaired, but merely maxed out, as they have reached their threshold to produce ATP when oxygen is present. They simply are unable to supply your body’s demand for energy. It is like driving a car with the gas pedal pushed to the floor and it simply is unable to go any faster, so the backup pathway must be activated.
The backup system is glycolysis, which creates energy very quickly but is highly inefficient and wastes loads of resources, does not produce CO2, and creates reductive stress by generating lactate. In this situation, this is not a problem, as it is a backup and you’re not going to be sprinting for very long and can easily recover from this relatively short-term abuse, which has many hermetic health benefits.
The state of mitochondrial physiology that Warburg accurately identified occurs when your body has enough oxygen and the mitochondria are not maxed out, yet still uses the backup glycolysis pathway. This, my friends, is also called cancer metabolism.
It gives the false impression that cancer is using glucose to supply its metabolic needs for energy, but it is merely an optical illusion. Even brilliant research scientists like Dr. Tom Seyfried, a leading expert on the theory of cancer as a metabolic disease, are confused about this. I would love to interview Tom about this, but he and most are so conformationally biased, they refuse to reconsider their position on this point.
What Causes Your Body to Switch to the Warburg Effect?
This is the crux of the problem that virtually no one in health understands. Why on earth would your body do such a foolish thing as to burn glucose in the inefficient and pathology-producing backup glycolysis pathway and not in your mitochondria? If you understand the answer to this question, you will know more about molecular biology than virtually every physician, including nearly all functional medicine doctors.
The primary reason it fails to burn glucose in your mitochondria is that the mitochondria are seriously damaged and have what is termed mitochondrial dysfunction. This is the result of the electron transport chain (ETC) being backed up with an excess of electrons that are unable to flow easily through the five complexes. This is a condition known as reductive stress, which refers to an excess of negative charges due to the electrons.
Your body has no choice but to use the backup system, glycolysis, when the mitochondria have maxed out their capacity to produce energy. If it fails to use the backup system, you will not create enough ATP and you will simply die because your body must have fuel to run its metabolism. It is the same thing that happens to a fire when it runs out of fuel.
This is the real Warburg Effect. Nearly everyone believes that cancer feeds on sugar, but that is simply inaccurate. The truth is the polar opposite. Cancer cells have such seriously damaged mitochondria they are simply incapable of burning sugar in the mitochondria and must rely on the backup system to survive.
This is why the most effective strategy is to not jump to low carb keto to avoid feeding the cancer, but rather to use metabolic therapies that fundamentally address why the cells are unable to oxidize sugar in the mitochondria.
Once you fix the mitochondria and allow the cancer cells to metabolize glucose in the mitochondria, the cancer regresses back to normal healthy cells because the mitochondria work again and they don’t require to use the emergency backup system.
Refined sugars and many starches are more likely to cause gut dysbiosis that leads to the production of endotoxin. This endotoxin is one of the factors that destroys mitochondrial function, resulting in cancer metabolism (the Warburg Effect), where glucose is burned through glycolysis.
What Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction?
There are many factors that contribute to this, but I can strongly assure you that a diet including a moderate amount of healthy ripe fruits is not one of them. The fruits are actually part of the cure for cancer. There are four primary contributors to mitochondrial dysfunction:
Excess linoleic acid (LA)
Estrogen dominance
These all play major roles, but excess LA and estrogen dominance are clearly the leading contributors resulting in the vast majority of cancers resulting from mitochondrial dysfunction. This is largely because LA and estrogen negatively impact your body in many similar ways. They both:
Increase free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage your mitochondria’s ability to produce energy.
Increase calcium intake inside the cell that causes an increase in nitric oxide and superoxide that increases peroxynitrite that also increases oxidative stress.
Cause an increase in intracellular water causing your body to retain water.
Slow down your metabolic rate and suppress your thyroid gland.
Nearly everyone in the developing world has 10 times the amount of LA in their tissues than their ancestors of 100 years ago had. This PUFA is very susceptible to oxidative damage and produces free radicals like reactive aldehydes in your body that destroy your mitochondria.
These toxic metabolites of LA create enormous amounts of reductive stress as a result of electrons building up in the ETC and blocking the forward movement of electrons to complex IV and V to create ATP.
And, because LA is embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane, it gets damaged and leaks protons that normally build up in the inner mitochondrial space. This proton gradient is responsible for driving the nano motor in complex V to create ATP. Both processes combine to shut down and ultimately prematurely destroy the mitochondria.
Finally, when you eat carbs like starches, they can end up feeding bacteria in the intestine, which creates endotoxin that is a potent mitochondrial poison.
Refined Sugars Versus Sugar From Whole Foods
Now, when it comes to sugar feeding cancer, this really only applies to refined sugars, as well as many starches, because they are a common cause of endotoxin production in your gut.
As mentioned, endotoxin destroys mitochondrial function and results in cancer metabolism, whereas natural fructose does not typically result in the production of endotoxin. This is one of the primary differences between refined sugar and fructose from ripe fruit and helps explain why refined sugars fuel cancer while natural sugars don’t.
If you have healthy mitochondria (which most people do NOT have) then refined and sugar from whole foods like ripe fruit would be burned in the mitochondria. The problem is, over time, the starch or refined sugar will increase endotoxin, which will prevent the mitochondria from burning any glucose well, whether from fruit or high fructose corn syrup.
The other point to consider is there is a wide variability in the human microbiome. Many people have seriously compromised microflora with an excessive preponderance of gram negative bacteria that contains the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in their cell membrane that converts to endotoxin once these bacteria die and their cell membranes are metabolized. This radically increases a person's ability to have an adverse reaction from undigested starches.
One of the ways a person can improve this scenario is to implement a microbiological principle known as competitive inhibition which involves supplementing with a probiotic like lactobacillus, or fermented foods, that are predominantly gram positive bacteria and do not contains LPS in their membranes. This will crowd out or displace the gram negatives over time, and increase an individual's tolerance to these undigested starches as they aren't fertilizing the growth of the LPS containing bacteria.
The Best Fuel for Mitochondria and the Role of Carbs in Your Body
In the end, the fundamental health truth is that glucose is the ideal fuel for your mitochondria and the one that will create the most energy with the least amount of "exhaust" in the form of free radicals causing oxidative stress that damages your mitochondria, cell membranes and proteins. It will also create the most carbon dioxide in your body which is highly beneficial for your health.
Many mistakenly believe, like I previously did, that fat is the ideal fuel in your mitochondria, but that would be a serious mistake. Fat is an important and crucial fuel that many cells, like your heart, rely on, but it never was designed to be your primary fuel. It is merely a backup fuel to keep you alive long enough until you can find some healthy carbs.
Carbs are so important that if you don’t eat any, your body will make between 150 to 250 grams a day because your brain requires sugar. Without sugar you will go into a hypoglycemic coma and die. So, to keep yourself alive if you aren’t consuming carbs, your body will release stress hormones like glucagon, adrenaline and cortisol that will shred the protein from your muscles and bones to send to your liver to make glucose.
This is really a mind-bending new way of viewing carbs, and it took me nearly a year to wrap my head around it. I have posted a podcast with osteopath Dr. Jay Feldman at the top of this page that I believe you will help you understand it better. More than likely, you will need to listen to it a few times. I listened to it five or six times and may review it a few more times, it’s so good. In closing then, the solutions, if you want to lower your risk of cancer, would be to:
Lower your LA intake as low as possible by avoiding processed foods, seed oils, chicken, pork, seeds and nuts
Making sure you’re eating healthy carbs such as ripe fruit
Supplement with a good probiotic or fermented foods to crowd out gram negative bacteria in your gut
Optimizing your mitochondrial function in general
Decreasing lactate production and increasing carbon dioxide, as they have opposing effects.2 You can learn more about this in "The Biology of Carbon Dioxide"
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nathanielaaron · 6 months
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🖲Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.
🖲NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.
🖲Glutathione — is the body's most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.
🖲Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis & protection from oxidative damage and infection.
🖲Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions. 
🖲Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.
🖲Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.
🖲Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.
🖲Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.
🖲Dandelion Root —  blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.
🖲Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.
🖲Fulvic Acid & Shilajit — have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.
🖲Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis - help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.
Activated Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Spirulina, Irish Sea Moss, C-60, Power Immunity, Infrared Sauna, Green Tea, Alkaline Water, Probiotics, Cinnamon & Raw Honey, Avocado, Garlic, Turmeric, Cilantro, Ginger, Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body.
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4grandpasonly · 9 months
The impact of physical activity in older age
Physical activity is essential for good health at any age, but it is especially important for older adults. As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle mass and strength, and our bones become more fragile. Regular physical activity can help to slow or even reverse these changes, and it can also help to improve our overall health and well-being.
Some of the benefits of physical activity in older age include:
Improved physical function: Physical activity can help to improve our strength, balance, and coordination, which can make it easier to perform everyday tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, and getting in and out of a chair.
Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Physical activity can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.
Improved mental health: Physical activity can help to improve our mood, reduce stress, and improve our sleep.
Increased life expectancy: Studies have shown that people who are physically active tend to live longer than those who are not.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that older adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. They also recommend doing muscle-strengthening activities that work all major muscle groups on two or more days a week.
Some examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activity include:
Walking briskly
Water aerobics
Some examples of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity include:
Cycling uphill
Swimming laps
Water aerobics with weights
Jumping rope
Some examples of muscle-strengthening activities include:
Lifting weights
Doing calisthenics
Using resistance bands
Doing yoga
Doing Pilates
If you are new to physical activity, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. You should also talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
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healthyandu1 · 4 days
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Chronic Inflammatory Diseases are the Number 1 cause of sickness and death in the world!  In fact, more than 50% of ALL deaths can be attributed to inflammation related diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, kidney and liver diseases, and more.   
Proudly formulated by one of the world's top immunologists, Dr. Heather Volpp, LiveGood’s Factor 4 is the first and only Inflammation Management supplement formulated with 4 of the world’s most powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients; Fish Oil, Turmeric, Coenzyme Q10, and Garlic, to help you CONTROL and even REVERSE inflammation!
"Too many doctors and health practitioners prescribe medication to address symptoms, but that doesn't fix the underlying root of those symptoms.  And instead of making the patients healthier, medication often creates new health challenges that didn't previously exist.  My primary goal is to help my patients with natural healing, rather than medication.  That starts with high quality supplements that help manage the cause of many of those issues - inflammation.  We developed Factor 4 because there was no product on the market that has what I feel are the 4 most powerful anti-inflammatory natural substances on earth.  Until now, I've been recommending 3 different supplements to my patients to do what they can now get just by using Factor 4.  I'm very proud of this product and make sure all my patients are taking it daily." - Dr. Heather Volpp
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molsons112000 · 7 days
They found this drug can melt away plaque in the circulatory system.
Artery drug 'feasible' in humans after mice tests
The drug Trodusquemine was given to mice on a high fat diet in 2017 and was shown to "melt away" the fat inside arteries that can cause heart attacks and strokes. Follow-up tests carried out this year on human white blood cells found the same success.Dec 21, 2023
https://www.bbc.com › news › articles
Artery drug "feasible" in humans after Aberdeen mice research - BBC
Here are some foods that will help with plaque in the body.
What drink opens up arteries?
Pomegranate juice also has nitrate, which can widen blood vessels and facilitate blood flow.
https://cfvein.com › blog › blood-ci...
What Are The Best Drinks For Blood Circulation? | CF Vein
How to reverse 20 years of arterial plaque naturally?
There is no fast way to unclog arteries once plaque has built up. The best evidence for stabilizing and regressing plaque is with a combination of cholesterol-lowering medications, such as statins along with healthy lifestyle habits.
https://www.healthline.com › health
Can You Unclog and Reduce Plaque in Arteries? - Healthline
What will dissolve plaque in arteries?
There is no easy way to unclog an artery once plaque has built up. However, dietary choices, exercise, and avoiding smoking can improve cardiovascular health and stop blockages from worsening. In some cases, medication or surgery may be necessary.
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
How to unclog arteries: Treatment and preventing blockages
Eating certain foods, like cayenne pepper, pomegranate, onions, cinnamon, garlic, fatty fish, beets, turmeric, leafy greens, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and berries, can help increase blood flow and circulation
Yes, improving circulation can help prevent plaque buildup in arteries. Normal blood flow protects against plaque development, while disturbed blood flow can promote it. Regular exercise, which can improve circulation, can also help reduce plaque buildup in other ways: Lowers bad cholesterol, Boosts good cholesterol, Increases nitric oxide production, and Strengthens the heart. 
How to unclog arteries: Treatment and preventing blockages
In addition to eating a healthful diet, regularly exercising or getting enough physical activity may help a person to maintain a moderate weight and reduce their risk of heart problems. Taking part in cardiovascular exercise, otherwise known as cardio, on a regular basis may also help strengthen the heart and reduce plaque. Simple cardio activities that raise the heart rate include: jogging. cycling. running. brisk walking. swimming. playing tennis. doing aerobics. It is best for a person to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of strength training per week.
Restoration of normal blood flow in atherosclerotic arteries ... - NCBI
Blood flow is a key regulator of atherosclerosis. Disturbed blood flow promotes atherosclerotic plaque development, whereas normal blood flow protects against plaque development. We hypothesized that normal blood flow is also therapeutic, if it were able to be restored within atherosclerotic arteries. Apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE−/−) mice were initially instrumented with a blood flow-modifying cuff to induce plaque development and then five weeks later the cuff was removed to allow restoration of normal blood flow.
NYU Langone Health
Lifestyle Changes for Lower Extremity Arterial Disease
Exercising Regularly. Regular exercise improves the health of your arteries in several ways. First, it lowers bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol, which can reduce plaque buildup in arteries. It also increases the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps dilate the arteries and improve blood pressure in the cells that line the arteries, enhancing circulation. Exercise helps control the symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, and even stress, which can worsen high blood pressure—one of the leading causes, along with plaque buildup, of lower extremity arterial disease.
Some other ways to improve circulation include:
Cardiovascular exercise
Activities like jogging, cycling, running, brisk walking, swimming, playing tennis, and aerobics can help raise your heart rate and improve circulation.
Stretching before and after exercise can help boost circulation.
Drinking enough water throughout the day can increase oxygen levels in your blood, which can lead to better circulation. Experts recommend drinking 8–12 glasses of water per day.
Eating certain foods, like cayenne pepper, pomegranate, onions, cinnamon, garlic, fatty fish, beets, turmeric, leafy greens, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and berries, can help increase blood flow and circulation.
Quitting smoking
Smoking can inhibit blood flow, damage blood vessel walls, and cause plaque to build up in veins. 
Henry Ford Health
https://www.henryford.com › blog
How To Boost Your Circulation (And Why It's Important!)
Oct 27, 2020 — Try any of the below: Increase cardiovascular exercise. Running, biking or walking can help boost circulation—and the same goes for stretching ...
Web results
https://www.smilehavendentalcenter.com › ...
General Blood Flow / Circulation - SmileHaven Dental Center
Exercise whenever you can to boost your circulation. · Stretch Make sure to get up every hour to stretch your body or exercise for 3-5 minutes. · Massage · Elevate ...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
Restoration of normal blood flow in atherosclerotic arteries ... - NCBI
by MA Schake · 2023 · Cited by 1 — Decuffing to restore normal blood flow promotes increased stability of plaques in the unstable (upstream) plaque region comparable to treatment with ...
Now also using massage to boost blood flow.
https://www.thegoodbody.com › ty...
19 Different Types of Massage: Which Is Best ...
Massage therapy is when a therapist manipulates your soft tissues and muscles, by rubbing and kneading, to evoke a healing or relaxation response. However the t
What type of massage is the strongest?
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage uses more pressure than Swedish massage. This is a good choice for people with chronic muscle problems such as soreness, injury or imbalance. Deep tissue massage helps relieve muscle tension, chronic muscle pain and anxiety.
https://www.vinmec.com › news › 1...
12 Types of Massage: Which is Right for You? - Vinmec
Indigo Spa
https://indigospa.co.za › Blog
20 Most Common Types of Massages and their Benefits ...
Nov 26, 2021 — The term refers to kneading, rubbing, soothing or working in and out. Lomi Lomi massage includes using the Palms Knuckles elbows, fingers, feet, ..
So the Swedish massage boosts blood flow and lumpatic flow most. This will help you deal with plaque in the body. Plus before the athletes do performance, they should have a massage.
A Swedish massage improves circulation of both blood and lymph flow. Friction created between skin and fingers encourages an improved in circulation. Improving circulation of blood and lymph flow promotes heathier, stronger muscles that are less likely to fatigue and weaken during any type of activity.
https://www.physio.co.uk › treatments
Improved Circulation - Benefits Of Massage - Physio.co.uk
So when giving the Swedish massage, they should use peppermint oil. The further enhanced improvement of circulation.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint: Minty and refreshing, Peppermint oil is known to improve circulation efficiently when topically applied with a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut oil.Feb 22, 2022
https://www.edensgarden.com › w...
Which Essential Oils Improve Circulation and Blood Flow?- AAA
Taking a combination of the below supplements before a massage can further stimulate circulation and help the massages defeat plaque buildup.
What is the best supplement to increase circulation?
1. B-complex. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are important for your blood flow because of how they manage homocysteine levels.Aug 16, 2023
https://www.takecareof.com › articles
Top 17 Vitamins and Supplements for Blood Flow | Care/of
Substances such as capsaicin, beetroot powder, and Omega-3 fatty acids may help dilate blood vessels and reduce inflammation.
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
Can vitamins help increase blood flow? - MedicalNewsToday
If you want a faster acting, take the liquid form.
What is the best supplement to increase circulation?
1. B-complex. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are important for your blood flow because of how they manage homocysteine levels.Aug 16, 2023
https://www.takecareof.com › articles
Top 17 Vitamins and Supplements for Blood Flow | Care/of
Substances such as capsaicin, beetroot powder, and Omega-3 fatty acids may help dilate blood vessels and reduce inflammation.
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
Can vitamins help increase blood flow? - MedicalNewsToday
So before massage, besides the supplements above you can drink this combination of teas mix the 3 of these 1/3 of each.
Green and black teas are packed with antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, which can lead to heart disease. Additionally, ginger tea has been found to improve blood flow as a natural vasodilator, widening blood vessels and enhancing blood flow.
https://cfvein.com › Blog
What Are The Best Drinks For Blood Circulation? | CF Vein
Dynamic stretching increases blood flow the most. They recommend the downward dogs.
Dynamic StretchingDynamic stretches improve circulation and flexibility using movement. These include exercises such as: Walking downward facing dog: To perform a walking downward facing dog, place palms on the floor and walk feet backward approximately two to three feet. Hips press up and chest presses toward legs.Jul 20, 2021
https://drmotionsocks.com › blogs
Stretches To Increase Circulation | Dr. Motion Blog
Here are the different forms of dynamic stretching.
There are a wide variety of dynamic stretches you can try, especially if you're looking to warm up for a run.
Leg pendulum (Swinging each leg back and forth 10 to 12 times. You can also do this swinging your leg side-to-side).
Walking lunges.
Walking lunges with a torso twist.
Small hip circles.
May 28, 2020
https://health.clevelandclinic.org › ...
Dynamic vs. Static Stretching - Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials
Taking a couple drops of a regular oil orally, each day helps with bacteria in the mouth. You could put it on a toothbrush and brush your teeth and tongue.
https://aestheticfamilydentistry.com › ...
Oregano oil benefits for oral health - Aesthetic Family Dentistry
Feb 16, 2018 — Used in a tiny dose a couple of times a day, oregano oil helps fight the bacteria in the mouth. Integrated into a daily oral health
Rejuvenation Health
https://www.rejuv-health.com › ho...
11 Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay Naturally
Jan 4, 2023 — Oregano Oil Oregano essential oil can help prevent infection from forming in a tooth cavity. It can also destroy harmful bacteria in your
Here are the best sexual positions for a Woman to do with a man who has a rectal dysfunction or needs to improve circulation. These work for men with heart issues. I wish Kelly would do this with me.
Traditionally, doctors concerned about blood flow during sexual intercourse have recommended a sex position with the woman on top.
https://www.everydayhealth.com › ...
Best Sexual Positions for ED Treatment - Everyday Health
Watching 2 and a 1/2 men as I put this together.
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