#DOL drabbles
yandere-daydreams · 3 months
tw - dub/con, afab!reader, cockwarming, medical malpractice, nonconsensual drug use, manipulation, unbalanced power dynamics, and obsessive behavior.
[commissioned piece. donate to palestinians in gaza here.]
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“It really is a shame to lose such a lovely patient.
His hand drifted from your thigh to your hip, rocking you back as you tried to squirm away from him. He was too deep, too big, and you’d been sitting on his cock for too long. Whenever you tried to shift your weight, though, the arm wrapped around your waist would tighten its hold and drag you back into place, leaving your ass slotted against his hips and your cunt struggling to clench around his base. You didn’t know how long he’d kept you like this, but it must’ve been longer than an hour, if not two, three, four. Despite your foggy senses, you could feel slick dripping down your thighs, an empty void in the pit of your stomach where pleasure should’ve been. You could remember hearing that Harper was a good doctor, but that couldn’t be right. Doctors weren’t supposed to make you feel so bad.
“I mean, I know it should be a doctor’s goal to see their patients off as happy and as healthy as can be, but—” He paused, sighed, and you could picture him rolling his eyes, feigning wistfulness as he let out an airy chuckle. “Good, obedient patients can be so rare, especially in a town like this. I’m allowed to mourn the loss of my best charge yet, aren’t I?”
You felt him twitch inside of you, and in search of a distraction, your gaze fell to the collection of papers fanned out over the desk in front of you. You knew you were supposed to be reading them, but the text seemed so impossibly small, and your last round of medication was still clouding your senses, making it hard to focus on much of anything beyond the throbbing in your core, the feeling of his cock stretching you open despite your body’s best attempts to force him out. You could recognize the phrases, signal out words like ‘unfit’ and ‘dependent’ mixed in with the rest of the benign text, but when you tried to put it all together, none of it made sense. It was all you could do to check the boxes Harper pointed to, sign your name on any dotted lines that hadn’t already been filled by his. You could only hope that, when you finished, he’d let you stand up, get off of him, go back to your cozy room with its nice, soft padded walls. You couldn’t imagine having to sleep in his office, again.
“And you’ve been so cooperative, too,” he went on, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder. You felt his lips against the shell of your ear, then your cheek. “Always taking your medication, always following your treatment plans, always coming to our little sessions with an open-mind – the pinnacle of an ideal patient. Honestly, sometimes I think I could tell you to stick your hand in a vat of boiling water, and you’d do it with a smile on your face. All for the sake of your recovery, of course.”
It was him moving, this time – shifting forward until your stomach was pressed against the blunt edge of his desk and he was all-but draped over you, his body pressed flush against yours. You let out a pitchy whine by way of protest, but Harper didn’t seem to notice, only humming as his hand found yours. “Almost done, little mouse. Just one more page.” He was practically cooing as he took you by the wrist, guiding your hand to the bottom of the final page. Two thick, cutting lines occupied most of the available space, his neat signature taking up the first. He brought you to the second, almost daunting in its vacancy, his index finger tapping against the back of your hand. “You remember your name, right? Can you write it for me?”
It was so hard to think, to stay awake, to try and remember a time where he hadn’t been planted so deeply inside of you. “If…” you started, only to trail off. You blinked once, then twice, and did your best to force your tongue to move. “If I do, can I go home?”
Usually, Harper hated it when you talked about the orphanage, about school, about home. You hadn’t meant to, you just wanted to go back to your room, and you moved to correct yourself, to promise that you didn’t want to be anywhere but this hospital, his hospital before he frowned and prescribed you another electrotherapy session, another dose of the small, white pills that left your thoughts blurred and your body hot. But, anything you might’ve been able to spit out died with a breathy laugh, a peck to the corner of your jaw. “Of course,” he purred, rocking his hips gently against yours. “Sign, and I’ll take you home tonight.”
For the first time in weeks, you felt yourself start to smile. Hastily, smudging the ink more than once, you scrawled your name across the brutal line, dropping the pen and going slack against Harper as soon as you were finished. There was another open-mouthed kiss to your throat, then the dip of your shoulder, and he dragged you back onto his lap with a playful squeeze to your thigh, a grin pressed into the crook of your neck. You squirmed unabashedly, now, your hands  graspingly weakly at the arms of his chair in hopes of pulling yourself to your feet, but Harper held you tight. “Where do you think you’re going, little mouse?”
“I need to— You said I could go—”
“Just give me another minute, darling.”
His cock pulsed against the walls of your cunt, and you felt something break open inside of you.
“I want to appreciate this moment before we get you to proper, brand-new home.”
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sashiavi · 3 months
you mentioned about wanting rambles so... im sharing this one with you because u will GET IT... !
breeding with bull Alex... being his cute lil cow girl, the sheer size difference potential ughh could you imagine? he could lift you up by your waist and fuck you doggy style while you still hover mid air </3 PULLING on his big bull horns for stability when he bullies you into a mating press, having his whole body completely encase yours as he bends awkwardly with every thrust; but you can hardly complain with a face full of his tits </3 having him pump ur pussy full every breeding season??? he'd be so affectionate n doting too i bet, parading around with you glued to his hip because he loves to show you off </3
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Ughhh you get me so well ♡♡
Cow! And Bull! Hybrids are genuinely one of my absolute favourite things </3 they honestly rival Puppy! Girls n boys so hArd it's so hard to choose between them sometimes.
And ughh being Alex's pretty Cow - it's everything I love, things like heats and cycles Lactation! ! !
It's such a guilty pleasure of mine you don't even know (or you do >v>)
Poor pretty tits aching so baddd, nipples so sensitive while he gently laps at them to soothe, he knows he shouldn't be so greedy, he feeds you sooo well and pampers you sweetly to ensure your milk is the best quality for him to sell on the farm- but how could he?? Not when you taste so good and look so pretty while he does it <//3
And the comforting aura he'd bring - so strong and dominant :(( getting you all comfy on his cock, cuddle fucking you while he gently suckles on your tits, swallowing down your sweet milks. He'll break away for a few moments just to praise and shush you, his hands always petting and caressing, even bumping the cute little buds on your head you call horns.
He can go absolutely crazy on your scent but also has such a grip on himself and knows when it's your special time :((
Something about him being sooo dominant over everything with you - breeding you up, fucking you deep but also when he's being so, so soft.
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propertyofkylar · 2 months
beach date with kylar but you wear the skimpiest bikini known to man so he has to forcibly shield you with his own body and stolen beach towels. once you get back to his manor you can roam freely though!!! please please please sit in his lap
"Kylar, I'm ready!"
You strolled out of the changing room after tying up your bikini top with a big smile on your face. Kylar was leaning against the wall waiting for you. But when he turned to you, his own smile quickly disappeared.
"Wh-what are you wearing?" His eyes were wide and his hands dropped to cover the front of his swim trunks.
You frowned. "A bikini...?"
Kylar gulped. "Yeah, but..." His eyes ran over your body as he searched for the right words. "It's so small!"
"My school swimsuit got torn and this was the only one I could afford," you said, lightly tugging at your waistband. "I think my tits have gotten bigger too..."
Kylar's face went red and he quickly stood in front of you, grabbing his towel to cover your back. "You can't let people see you like this!" He whispered. "They'll-they'll think lewd things about you!"
Honestly, you weren't sure why he was so worked up. "Kylar, it's a beach. I think most people here are dressed similarly."
He simply shook his head and moved closer to you. "You shouldn't let perverts see you. It's not safe," he mumbled. But when you felt his erection press against your thigh, it made you smile.
"Aw, are you jealous?" You teased, and he blushed harder.
"W-well...i-it's just that...people are terrible!" He said. "They'll get the wrong idea about you a-and...you don't know what they might try to do to you!"
"But you'll protect me, right?" You leaned in and whispered into his ear. You heard him swallow and subconsciously grind his hips forward.
"O-of course," he whimpered. "I would do anything to keep you safe, m-my love!"
You grinned, and pressed a kiss to his jaw. "Why don't we skip the beach and go back to your place? That way, only you'll get to see me like this..."
Kylar almost tripped with how quickly he tried to leave, but looked back in confusion when you didn't move.
"We still need to grab our clothes, you know..." you pointed out. He flushed again.
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flaneur001 · 2 months
Random DoL drabble because I’m bored… I just imagined what if Jordan was a LI with the same corruption stat as Sydney. So here it is lol~
CW- Religious themes, it’s sfw but mildly suggestive
Jordan The Priest X GN PC
You are in the Temple. Your hands are loaded with gardening tools as you move in and out of the garden. Your habit is covered in patches of dirt, stray leaves stick to your head and other places. You can feel sweat on your body with the amount of exercise you are getting |++strength +fatigue
As you enter the temple, your shoulder roughly collides with someone making you fall flat on your butt. You feel a sharp twinge of pain, as everything in your grasp is scattered around you |+stress +pain
You look up to see a familiar face loom over you. “I am so sorry, my child” Jordan mutters softly as he bends down and helps you up, lifting you by your arms. “I wasn’t watching where I was going” His long golden hair, slips from the sides of his cowl and tickles your nose. He frantically moves about gathering your scattered items as you dust yourself off.
Jordan smiles at you apologetically as he hands over the items to you, “I apologize again. I see you’re hard at work.” He gives you the items. Your fingers brush slightly. You smirk a little and hold his hand yanking him close to your face. His eyes widen as he stares at you, your faces inches apart, “Thank You” you mutter huskily making his breath hitch |+Arousal +Jordan’s Corruption
“Do-don’t mention it” a flush rises to his face, he stutters as he hastily picks up his book from the ground and walks quickly towards the pews without glancing back.
Its evening. You are at the orphanage at Domus street. You are wrapped in a towel as you move about your room, looking for your journal. After an hour long of futile search, your eyes land on a book with a brown leather binding.
It’s similar to yours, but when you flip it open, the name, “Jordan” rests on the page in neat and elegant cursive handwriting.
A curiosity fills you, and you sit on your bed and begin reading through the pages. Most of it is just mundane stuff, their schedule for everyday, some bookkeeping of temple allowances, and even regular musings. You mindlessly flip the pages, almost in a bored fashion when your eyes land on a very recent entry.
“I don’t understand what is happening these days. I find myself facing a deep precipice. This is wrong. So very wrong. In vain have I tried to cleanse myself of these thoughts. These vice like feelings are eating away at my mind. I can sense it. This darkness is slowly sweeping me in its corrupt hands, and I am willingly walking into its embrace.
I had to know you were trouble the moment I saw you drag Sydney into the depths of depravity. Yet I crave for you. I want you to look at me the way you look at them. I want to feel those emotions that feel so foreign to me. I feel alive in so very long a time. I have begun to look forward to the time you sneak up on me when you think I’m not looking. Those fleeting moments have ignited a flame of sorts. So Lord forgive me for I think I have sinned. Because I want to be loved by the sin incarnate”
Your mind swims with possibilities. This is a surprise. You never expected Jordan to reciprocate those feelings. Your heart thuds wildly as you realize something with a start. If you have Jordan’s journal right now, it means that your journal is currently in Jordan’s possession. And it has much more graphic and detailed entries inside it. Your own personal confessional of sorts that always begin with, “Forgive me Jordan, for I have sinned”
It holds several anecdotes about your little crush on the priest. Long paragraphs about the things you’d like to do with him |++ Arousal ++Jordan’s corruption
A lewd warmth fills you, as you think about running into Jordan tomorrow. You feel excited about the situation but it’s too tame to remove the cloud over your mind |-stress
[Silly bonus lols]- You are in the temple garden watering the flowers. You hear some footsteps approaching. It’s Jordan. He doesn’t look you in the eye, as he silently hands you over your journal. You can see his hands trembling a little. A wild tinge of red dusting his cheeks. When you think he’ll leave, he reaches inside his robe and pulls out a bottle. He uncorks it and just like that pours the entire contents all over your head. It seeps through your clothes making you shudder slightly as your habit clings to your body.
“It’s holy water” he mumbles, “You need it”. He leaves you alone in the garden, shivering as he walks back inside |++ Jordan’s corruption
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digenerate-trash · 3 months
HE/HIM Sirris | GN PC It's 4 when Sirris lays his eyes on them for the first time. His nose is pressed to the window of his parents' car while they drive around the block. Sirris is looking at the tall temple building scaling every inch of it with his eyes until he sees them.
A regular child with dirt in their hair and scrapes on their elbows and knees. Dressed all in white as a Munk leads them around by the ear.
Sirris isn't a religious kid. He knows nothing about the temple or its practices but he swears he's seen an angel.
He's 8 when he sees them again. At a table at a community picnic, they're playing a game with a few other children and when you laugh it's like a chime. He goes over to the table immediately to try and make them laugh again.
They are a little loud for the shy boy but they include him in every game. They teach him rules and smile when he gets something right. By the end of the day, they are best friends lounging under a shady tree in the park
12 is the age he is when he runs into them in the hall. They're starting secondary together- it's the first time he goes to class with them. They chat in the halls and show off the book bags slung around their shoulders. Sirris can't stop looking at them. 
The whole day is spent with the two at each other's sides. Sirris doesn't know why but when he asks to hold their hand they say yes- it causes his face to blush bright red and he ends up chickening out.
16 is the year that Sirris decides to marry them. No matter how much their family will protest and how much potential his parents think he has. It's complicated sure. But he's sure he loves them. The only problem is their parents don't approve. Sirris isn't part of the church. He never attends he only comes over to pick up their child and distract them. 
But Sirris knows he can't let that stop him. He doesn't need to convince their parents to like him. He only has to convince his love that they're meant to be together. And as he pokes holes in every one of his condoms he has a feeling convincing them that they were meant to be together won't be too hard.
18. Their little Sydney is a year and a bit. Sirris teaches him to walk and smile. He teaches Syd how to speak and say "dada" but it doesn't make up for the giant hole left behind by his angel.
But at least Sirris still has a piece of them.
But Sydney is 18 now. He's soft-spoken and sweet. He attends the church and strives to make Sirris proud. 
And what does Sirris get as a reward? Well, one day Sydney walks into the library dragging you with him.
Now sirris isnt a religious man. 
He knows Little about the temple and its practices. 
but he swears he's seen an angel.
heavily inspired by this analisis by @comedi-anne
i am frothing at the mouth. sirris is the most fucked up.
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cyrassol · 11 months
Sometimes Eden thinks things he shouldn't think. Feels things he shouldn't feel. He doesn't ever share them, though, because that's just not who Eden is.
Sometimes he remembers the beginning, the very first time he met you. He remembers you trying to resist the inevitable, doing your best to punch and scratch and kick and bite, and he remembers that your best wasn't good enough. He remembers subduing you was easy, and he remembers that he wasn't gentle. You had to learn, and pain is the best teacher of all.
"These woods are dangerous. You could have gotten hurt," he'd said afterwards.
I did get hurt, is what your vacant eyes and tear-stricken face had said when your mouth didn't.
But not as bad as you could have been. I'm protecting you, he'd wanted to reply, but right then his mouth hadn't moved either.
You agree with him now. But sometimes, late at night with you sprawled across his chest, he wonders if he agrees with himself.
He wonders if you would have loved him if he hadn't made you. Sometimes the question keeps him awake long after you've fallen asleep. The question distracts him just as he's about to pull the trigger on a target, the question sours the sweet moments when you look at him with nothing but softness in your eyes.
Sometimes, you wake up in a cold sweat and look at him with the same eyes as in the beginning, and the question returns again.
"Please, Eden," you always pant as he rams into you while your climax approaches and sometimes, for a moment, his mind flashes back to when you'd said those words while begging him to stop.
Sometimes Eden thinks things he shouldn't think. Feels things he shouldn't feel.
He doesn't ever share them, though. Because he can't risk those thoughts becoming yours too.
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sxturnss · 2 months
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Corrupting Jordan ♡ ─── by Saturn ( minors DNI )
content warnings : lewdity, mentions of penetration, fingering, defilement
a/n : AHGHAGHA Jordan is so cute ♡ shame there isn't a lot of content for him, but oh well i'll make my own content
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Jordan, the infamous priest you caught your eyes on, you were captivated by him
Perhaps it was the way his long, soft golden hair swayed while he went down the isles of the church, or the way his soft blue eyes met yours
That's when you made the declaration you would make him "yours"
You started attending mass (which you never went to) to catch a glimpse of him. but that wasn't enough..
You had to defile him completely.
That is when you joined joined the church and painted an image of a devote follower dedicated to God
But that did not last long...
─── "Hey Jordan!" You hummed with a bright smile, strutting up to the figure.
"Huh... (pc) you aren't supposed to-" He's cut off when you close the distance putting a hushed finger to his lips as you lean in close.
Jordan looks confused, you can discern that from his furrowed eyebrows and slightly parted lips.
After all....you snuck into his quarters, and you were daring enough to do it in pure daytime.
"This is a breach of conduct...this isn't like you. Did something happen?" He gives a concerned look at you, but you just smirk in return.
You inch closer putting your leg in between is, he lets out a surprised yelp, his eyes widening as he realizes.
He hastily pushes you off.
"What- (PC)...." His face was flushed, but he said no more as he pushed you out to finish changing.
"Sigh....ill get him eventually." You pouted
It was at that time you changed to openly teasing him in hopes of a reaction
Jordan was stunned by your behavior...he usually would be stern with anybody like this but is conflicted because just a few days ago you were a pure, devoted follower, someone he admired
You weren't doing anything too bad...just some light teasing you would get over it eventually
Most times he would just push you away with a blush creeping on his face
But after a week of this happening he came to a relevation
─── While Jordan was praying you sat down next to him, he glanced your way shortly, before getting flushed and going back to praying.
You scoot closer slowly but surely, your hot breath tickling his ear.
"Jordan ♡"
His breath hitches
"You look really cute today." You tease purposely blowing air into his ear, he immediately jumps up, his arm covering his red face.
"I- I need to go..." He rushes back to his quarters still recovering from the emotional damage.
That was when he realized...
There was an aching down there...he looks down in horror.....he's... hard?
Nononono....this is just a challenge he must overcome, he won't let desire take over...yet your driving him insane.
He couldn't deny it. He harbored abnormal affection towards you.
He started to break slowly but surely....the teasing was getting too much as tension was building up down there that he couldn't relieve
He felt dirty...a month into it he started jacking off...he couldn't help it...your touch...your smell...your everything
─── "haaah..." He pumps his shaft quickly, rhythmically thrusting into his soiled hand.
His face was lifted as tears welled up in the corner of his eye...he was close, really close.
At that moment thick long strings of cum squirted out, onto his lap. He huffed after reaching his high, not breaking a sweat though due to his high endurance.
He couldn't take it much longer
Props to Jordan, he held out for an exceptionally long time, a few months at least
It was hard to break him
But on a normal Tuesday like no other, you stroked his leg under the pew, he shattered
Ended up dragging you off somewhere
─── You were pinned against the wall, your face laced with surprise...Jordans face hardened at the sight having a battle of willpower.
"I can't..." His eyes are filled with tears as he burrows his face into your shoulder inhaling.
"I really can't anymore.." HIs body is shaking and you can feel his dick pressing up against you, you grin and grind against it.
"Hngh!!" He drools on your shoulder cumming from just that little contact...that's when you knew how frustrated he was
You did it in the alley, you managed to finally do it!!
Kind of...you did many lewd acts like fingering and his dick thrusting right outside your cunt, into your thighs
But he had to keep his virginity so no inserting, (if your male he still wouldn't let you penetrate him due to you breaking the oath)
He miiiiight allow it with a strap on (but that's a topic for another day)
He felt both soiled from the encounter but also happy
He was like a golden retriever
Whenever your at the temple he likes to do acts of service of just spend time with him, he loves interlocking his fingers and leaning his head on you
He almost forgets the sins he has committed
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cclumsyart · 8 months
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The Necromancer of Dol Gudur
For Scribbles & Drabbles 2023 - @fall-for-tolkien
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rootedshrew · 23 days
this isn't cannon at all so only one tag per person but I wanted to share my brainrot for my story with them when this is their characters backstory that I don't think is ever actually gonna be mentioned if I ever do anything with it as it's in the past.
...this set is the longest of the 'quick' relationship (any type) list is as doing for my friend. it's a discord server with him and me where I place info abt the Lord and story so I can get back to it and they like to read my rambles too.
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this is ofc drabbles so lots of mistakes and not proof read, i often write these with only very gauge ideas and make it up/fill it in as I go. so revisions would happen.
I literally am making a key for him and myself for easier viewing pfff
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
tw - stalking, unhealthy relationships, mentions of masturbation, obsessive behavior, and medical malpractice galore.
Harper is the kind of man who can't help but study what he loves.
It's a bad habit - an unfortunate combination of natural curiosity and burning academic passion that always seems to end with a mess and a few broken toys. A childhood fascination with insects might lead to shoeboxes full of tattered wings and twitching bodies. A passing interest in hemogobular coagulation would be poured into a university internship that gave him access to more pints of blood than he knew what to do with, despite his best attempts to put it all to good use. A lasting fondness for hypnosis could, theoretically, earn him a small collection of pocket watches, a soothing timbre that often played underneath his passive speaking voice, and a few asylum patients too far gone to ever truly recover.
His research wasn't always destructive, but it could be. His love tended to veer towards obsession; the kind of burning infatuations that could leave more than a little devastation in its wake, if he wasn't careful. A measured amount of collateral damage was acceptable, compared to the alternative.
He studies you, too. Idly, at first - nothing more than an intrusive thought allowed to fester during your all-too-infrequent appointments, a quick jolt of excitement when he noticed your name on his schedule - then more consciously, in the form of an extra question asked at the very end of his time with you, a note tacked onto your file that doesn't strictly have to do with your health. His chances for observation are limited. You rarely make it to your therapy sessions, no matter how often he insists you should see him, and you're sturdier than he'd like, too used to being thrown around and mistreated to come running to him every time you scrape your knees. That's something he decides he doesn't like about you fairly early on. Part of a case study is deciding which parts of your subject will need to be adapted, and even you aren't beyond correction.
He records your reactions to his mis-prescribed medication with a religious sort of zealousness, reviews your symptoms and lab results while fucking his fist in-time with your pulse. He makes sure to visit your bedside personally whenever you find your way into his emergency room, and you're rewarded for your newfound attentiveness with a healthy supply of shots that leave you too removed from reality to remember your time on his examination table. Harper's always preferred the written word, but he find himself with a budding appreciation for film during his nightly evaluation of your records. His memory is keen enough, but there's nothing quite like being able to study your body detail by detail whenever he isn't fortunate enough to have access to the real thing.
He thinks, as he watches a pair of his nurses drag you through the asylum doors, that it might be time to start the next leg of his study. Studying is useful, but you've always benefited from more proactive measures, more personal attention. It'd be a discredit to his occupation if he was too preoccupied with his own little pleasures to see to the needs of his favorite patient.
It's far past time he moved on to more hands-on research methods, when it comes to you.
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sinfulforrest · 2 years
It do be a Kylar brainrot night for me once again, so oop here's some weird noncon hypno breeding thoughts about monster!Kylar with a gender neutral afab reader!
He made his nest in an abandoned manor and tended to roam the sewers during the day and the town during the night, taking any opportunity that he could take to try and watch you as you went about your day.
As he learnt your routine more, he became totally enamoured with you and the way you carried yourself. He wanted you, and he was going to get you.
His small hunched stature hid his great strength from you, which you found out the hard way when a thin, bony clawed hand burst out from the shadows and gripped onto your skin when you cut down into an alley. No matter how much you screamed and tried to pry yourself away from him, his grip just seemed to tighten as he effortlessly ripped a manhole cover off with an inky coloured tentacle and dragged you down with him and led you to his lair.
Since being abducted by the beast, on his "good" days he often just stared at you, unblinking, unmoving. The only sound in the musty room was his heavy breathing. The sight of his many yellowy green eyes were burnt into your retinas by now, meaning that even when you shut your eyes, you swore you see faint luminous green orbs staring back.
Every now and again you'd wake up to find him scratching the floorboards or walls with his claws, and when you would walk over to observe what he was doing, you realised that he was drawing crude little pictures of the two of you together as weird little stick figures. Further examination of the room led you to find that the walls and floors were absolutely covered in those crude etchings of the two of you and it made you feel ill.
He would often slink away, leaving you alone in the locked up room as he went out and hunted for the two of you. By "hunting", you later found out that it actually meant scavenging in dumpsters for food and scraps, sometimes you could see him through gaps in the boarded up windows digging away in dumpsters and bins. He'd give you the food that was in better condition and only slightly expired, and would ravenously eat the rest of what he had found. You'd often stare in horror as his mouth contorted like how a snake would to take bigger bites with his needle-like teeth.
Sometimes his hunts would lead him to bringing back scraps of fabric, clothes, even blankets and pillows on occasion, and he'd add them to the nest that he forced you to sleep in. He adored making you curl around him, forcing you to nestle your nose against his long greasy hair, making sure you purposely wrapped an arm around him so the two of you could remain close together. You had to be careful about his horns though, lest you wanted to lose an eye.
However, today was one of his "bad" days, and that was when you truly feared the beast. Instead of staring at you, he'd prowl around your exhausted form, eyeing you up and down, clearly wanting to claim you.
You hated it.
He'd step closer, and closer, and closer, until he was mere centimetres from you. He'd press his nose against your skin, inhaling deeply as he let out a pathetic whine, trembling at it all. You tried shutting your eyes once before but he'd gotten really angry with you and you didn't want that happening again. So you took it, you took it all as he smelt and licked your dirty skin, groping your body here and there as he explored you once again.
When you felt a tentacle wrap around your waist you felt immediate dread. You knew what was going to happen next. He tugged at you, grumbling as he forcefully led you over to his nest. He waited for you to get into position before he pounced on you, eager to begin breeding you once again.
His inky tentacles split and multiply, ripping what little clothes you have on away from your body. Almost immediately he grabs one of your breasts and licks it with his long tongue, making your nipple perk up against the chilly air of the room. He ruts against your leg and begins suckling away as you shakily let out a sob, looking up at the ceiling and trying to think about anything else other than this.
With that, he growls and bites into your sensitive chest which in turn makes you cry out and grasp him tighter. He stops suckling to look at you as you return your attention to him, but something feels off.
You can't look away.
His eyes...you focus in on his eyes...you feel drowsy, and to your horror, you find yourself tenderly touching his damp, slimy skin with a small smile beginning to form on your face as you pet him.
He chirps and purrs against your hand, and you can't do anything, you can't even think straight. A tentacle wriggles its' way to your unguarded pussy, and to your horror you moan as it easily violates you, aided by how terrifyingly slick you had gotten seemingly out of nowhere. You scream at yourself internally as you let out more whines and lewd groans against your will as he prepares you for the main event.
You can feel it coming out, you can feel his cock weeping against your leg as it emerges from its slit and your body trembles. He continues staring at you with an ever-growing grin, watching with great focus at how your pussy milks and clenches around his tentacle. Eventually he can't take it anymore- he needs to breed you again. Needs to try to knock you up. Needs to claim you.
He scrambles up, spreading your legs as he desperately tries to align his cock with your pussy. It stood flush and proud- unlike the rest of him. His cock was thick, long and had incredible girth when he was ready to knot. And again, to your horror, you just simply spread your legs wider for him, smiling at him as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
With a rough thrust he enters you once again, that familiar burning sensation completely flooding your core. You claw at his back, and in turn his tentacles wrap around you and hold you in place.
His thrusts start off erratically causing him to growl angrily at himself, but he slowly starts to set a pace for him as he abuses your pussy once more. He bites down at your shoulders, adding to the countless claims and bites he'd made there over your time here, and you wince and hiss as he peppers shallower bites here and there.
You begin to feel his knot swell and take a deep breath, tears pricking at your eyes as you helplessly smile up at the beast. You didn't want to do this, you didn't know why, but you couldn't stop smiling and moaning at this violation.
With a whine, the beast forces his knot into you as the two of you are now locked in place for God knows how long. As you twitch around him and pant, you feel his seed filling you up as he gently grinds against you, licking at your tears and bite wounds.
Your stomach swells slightly thanks to his cock and cum filling you up, but you find yourself hazily staring at it whilst the beast rubs one of his cold hands over it with a circular motion in an almost loving way. You're not sure how to feel about this, you don't even know if you can feel right now.
The beast simply purrs, settling down on top of you and basking in your unity, overjoyed that you were able to be bred so well this time...
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yaelibex · 10 months
GN! Kylar the Loner/GN! Reader
Warnings: Stalking, Obsessive/Possessive behaviors, Heavily Implied Kidnapping, Implied Non-Con, Unhealthy dynamics + basically just a drabble with the things that happen in their route (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Note: I haven't written in a long time so I'm sorry if this is bad....
Mind dimmed, eyes glinted green with jealousy; they felt their feet going one over the other, faster and, faster and, faster…the former falsely serene atmosphere of the darkness breaks, as they finally caught you, knocking you out.
They walked, and walked, and walked in the dead of the night—lamp posts slightly lighting in Danube Street as they breathed in the cold air, almost shakily as they continued to follow their love interest, or rather, just you…their special one in the dead of the night.
What were you doing in the dead of the night? They thought to themself, as they followed you. Taking in the sight of your back, as they continued on, noticing the way you were wary.
Finally, they have you in their arms, and they wouldn't wish to let go. As a passing thought went into their brain—is this what love is?
Their shaking yet sweating hands held your unconscious face again, a giddy smile seen on theirs as opposed to your relaxed ones. As if memorizing every feature you have, every pores, hair, eyelashes, as if they hadn't yet. It can't compare, their hands and skills can only do much, not being able to reflect the very sight of you close onto his paper.
Kylar thinks it is, this is what it probably is. They'd keep you safe.
Kylar couldn't get enough, what was even enough? Does enough even exist?
Not when they're enjoying themself; feeding onto you, instilling themself onto you, no matter how hard it is whenever you'd resist them. For what? They are yours, and you are theirs. Why can't you get it?
A horrifying thought crossing into their brain, what if this wasn't love—and it was just pure obsession? But when they look into your grace as they continue to hold you captive…they just couldn't help it.
Feeding into you, and holding you close.
Acting as if you were a substance, they are addicted and dependent on.
Until their body couldn't handle it anymore.
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hakusins · 18 days
uwehh im being fed so well with fics it makes me want to write !!!!!
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sp4rrowdoll · 1 year
A Birdsong Lullabye
he/him pronouns for robin; gn!Reader
You know you aren’t the only one with eyes on him. This town loves innocence, loves eating it whole and spitting out the pips—skulls and bones and the bits of tough gristle that make for excellent reinforcement of the vileness of this place. Robin is the perfect innocent. You don’t know how he’s made it this far, untouched and bright and hopeful, but you won’t allow the town to take his light away. It wouldn’t be right.
So you watch and you wait, and you maybe make yourself a bit more of a target than is reasonable—but when their eyes cling to the edge of your short school skirt, and you spend half-an-hour every night cleaning the stains off your skin, you’re just thankful it wasn’t him. Because then you can go home and change into a t-shirt so long it covers the bruises on your knees and thighs, and step into Robin’s room, and his smile is always the same.
“Hey there! I was just about to get started—I’m glad you’re here!”
And Robin will grin at you, and offer you the matching controller, and the two of you can escape the town for an afternoon. If you’re lucky, you fall asleep with your head pillowed on his thighs, and the nightmares stop for a while.
Fatigue - - / Stress - -
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sallysavestheday · 11 months
@lotrladiessource here’s the last one for today. All caught up with Day 4: 100 words of women of the south (Finduilas of Dol Amroth, in case I haven’t broken your heart enough today).
If she closes her eyes, the wash of the river against Osgiliath’s bridges might almost be the sound of the tides changing in the estuary. The crows’ calls might, with enough imagination, echo the gulls. But there is no substitute for the salt air, the shifting light over the water, the endless open expanse of the sea-facing sky. There is Elvish blood in Dol Amroth, the old tales say. Finduilas knows it in her bones. The longing has its claws in her, bleeding her dry. No matter her intention, her feet lead her West, and her heart follows, crying goodbye.
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likesunsetorange · 4 months
She would think he’s mocking her for her sweet tooth <\3 until he asks if they can share!
cowgirl x model au drabble # 1
omg yes LOL this is so cute i’m just imagining eren trying to take this as his opportunity to make a peace offering lol
since i did a drabble for the cowboy au it’s only fair i do one for the cowgirl au!!! so this is for the cowgirl au enthusiasts
Eren had to admit it wasn’t his best course of action—he certainly could have come up with better.
There were certainly better ways to attempt to make conversation with Mikasa, other than waiting around downstairs until he heard the screen door open, followed by the familiar sound of her footsteps, and strolling into the kitchen coincidentally at the same time she did, like she did, every night.
Once again, it was considerably not the best plan. But Eren wanted to bury the hatchet, and this was basically the only opportunity where she couldn’t run away from him, or scrunch her face into a scowl where he was sure her head was harboring a million insults directed towards him. It was a neutral zone, and he was sure that her being half asleep would offset any desire to put up a fight. So Eren took it as his one and only opportunity.
Eren waited around the living room, and as expected, at around 2 AM, the familiar sound of the screen door screeched ever so slightly through the kitchen, and the faintest sound of foot steps could be heard if you were quiet enough. He took this is as his opening, waltzing towards the kitchen, under the guise of needing a glass of water.
As soon as he turned the corner, he saw her—propped up at the kitchen island with a bowl (way too) full of strawberry ice cream in front of her. Eren was sure Mikasa couldn’t see him from where he stood, so he took the second to take her in: her hair was a bit messy from sleeping, her bangs covering most of her eyes, a sweatshirt that was swallowing her whole, cute pajama shorts with little animals Eren couldn’t quite make out in the dark, and the faintest hint of sleep in her face. She was cute.
Before he would miss out on his window of opportunity by being any more of a creep than he was sure he’d already been, he walked past her into the kitchen, straight towards the cabinets to retrieve a glass.
Out the corner of his eye, he saw her almost shiver in fear, his presence shocking her, “Fuck, you scared me,” she whispered.
He turned around to face her, walking towards the fridge to fill up his glass, attempting to maintain his nonchalance. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to—” he motioned to the fridge, “just wanted to get some water.”
“I can see that now,” she grumbled, stuffing another bite of ice cream into her mouth.
Eren took his glass of water, and leaned against the counter in front of her, Mikasa eyeing him suspiciously. She didn’t seem bothered by his presence, but she wasn’t necessarily putting her guard down either. He could sense she was a little tense, her shoulders stiff, and her hand wrapped tightly around her spoon.
“Someone’s got a sweet tooth,” Eren said, motioning his towards her bowl before taking another sip of his water.
The sound of the spoon falling against the marble countertop rang through the kitchen, Mikasa’s eyes darting up to meet Eren’s. Her face scrunched into a scowl, looking anything but pleased, “What are you trying to get at here, Eren?”
“Maybe I just wanted some ice cream?” His voice hesitant, not trying to exacerbate her mood.
Mikasa released a sigh, picking up her spoon and wiping up the ice cream that had melted on the counter. “Didn’t know models were allowed to enjoy indulgences like ice cream.”
“Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, so I’m here to make peace, okay? Over a nice bowl of—“
“Strawberry cheesecake,” she interrupted.
“I thought it was just strawberry—whatever. But yes, over a bowl of ice cream, nonetheless. I’m sorry about… all of that stuff that happened, genuinely… So… Truce?”
Mikasa stared at him for a few seconds, almost as if she was weighing her options on whether or not she wanted to be amicable with him or not. Finally, she rolled her eyes and her shoulders finally relaxed, before she released a final sigh.
“Fine. But don’t get all the cheesecake bits, that’s my favorite part,” her voice stern, similar to the way it was when she was giving instructions to the other ranch hands—meaning she was serious.
“Oh aren’t you just adorable?” He said earnestly, earning a blush from Mikasa in response.
Eren saw her whip her head in the other direction, trying to avoid his gaze while he retrieved his own bowl of ice cream, before he took the seat beside her at the island.
“So… What’s your favorite flavor?” She asked awkwardly in attempts at making conversation. Eren took that as a small feat, considering she wouldn’t even look at him prior to today.
“Mint chocolate chip.”
“Suddenly all the weird shit you’ve done makes sense—only freaks like mint chocolate chip,” she said without skipping a beat.
“The first actual conversation we have and you insult me? Feel like you’ve been holding this in for a while now,” Eren replied, laughing.
Mikasa simply shrugged, shoving another bite into her mouth rather than address his statement. But he couldn’t be all that mad, it was a small victory, one he could allow himself to indulge in. Especially when 2 AM suddenly turned to 3 AM, the two none the wiser, too caught up in conversation to care.
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