#Curse removal spells
yon2017 · 2 years
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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As it turns out you can just remove-curse Curse of the Sired but I felt like we needed a little ~flavor~
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
For me and my own personal purposes, I want to maybe clarify that the very specific interpretation of Junko etc. that I'm using for the Thin Line Trilogy is unique to that trilogy.
This will make sense in context.
That said, Junko as an outgrowth of Ryoko is very likely the standard interpretation of how I will write her.
My Junko will probably always also be Ryoko, in some way, shape, or form.
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blorbologist · 1 year
just want you to know that reblog tags that devolve into a treatise on medieval birth control methods qualifies you for some kind of nobel prize
LOOK, pregnancy is a Big Fuckin Deal in a feudal society!! And given it Seems like these two knuckleheads are eloping before Vex and Percy can jump that gun (hah!) I wouldn't put it past them to get knocked up first too! And a princess with a baby out of wedlock is Way Way Way worse than a captain of the guard with the same.
Fun fact did you know there's an ancient plant, likely a cousin of fennel, that was apparently such a useful form of birth control that it was driven to extinction? But other plants can enduce early abortion too and I'd HOPE the Ashari, being very nature-focused, would know of them. (Though Keyleth might not, given her mom wasn't around long enough to teach her :c)
Anyways does anyone wanna debate with me what spells could be birth control in D&D owo
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aroaessidhe · 7 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
A Crown So Cursed
conclusion to the Nightmare-verse trilogy, a YA urban portal fantasy
follows a Black girl trained to fight nightmare-monsters in Wonderland, to protect the people of both worlds
but the nightmares start coming for her in the real world - at a convention, and even her own home, and the crew have to prepare to fight a greater evil tied to Wonderland’s past
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mewkwota · 2 years
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For those who have sat through this wild thing, I swear we were going to round back to the source of all this evil (Dracula aside). And so ends the story of the flippin’ Richter Doll. Don’t worry, it’s in very good hands-- as we had learned from the previous part.
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antixabound · 1 year
I wish magic was real so I could curse the shit out of people. like just absolutely fuck up some people’s shit. it’d be so fucking worth it, don’t really care about the hypothetical consequences of morally dubious actions. if I must get fucking annihilated for doing a little magic fuckery, then so be it.
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stars-of-radiance · 1 year
Reminder from the Office of the Rules Public Defender that lycanthropy is classified as a curse and therefore can be removed by remove curse (a third level spell that is available to clerics). In other words, if FRIDA doesn't want to be a werewolf, Deanna or FCG can remove lycanthropy no later than first thing in the morning.
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ghaik · 9 months
coming from dos2 as my first crpg and also my first larian game im always like :0 when bless doesn't remove curse in bg3
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i may have nearly tpked my players, but my sister’s players thought they didn’t have an armor class because they didn’t have armor on, so really,
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Mantra to Reverse Black Magic Spells | Protection from Black Magic | Remove Evil Eye | Black Magic - Insider Meditation Mantra 
For long hours, beautiful relaxation music, meditation piano music, stress reliever piano music, check out our YouTube playlist. 
Thanks for tuning in to our relaxing sleep music! Introduce yourself to the Insider Meditation Mantra community in the comments section and let us know where in the world you’re listening from. Enjoy! Love. 
Lyrics in Sanskrit :- 
देव दानव सिद्धौग पूजिता परमेश्वरि || 
पुराणु रूपा परमा परतंत्र विनाशिनी ||
Lyrics in English :- 
“ Dev Danav Siddhaugh Pujita Parmeshwari || 
Puranu Rupa Parma, Partantra Vinashini || Om ”
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explorerspack · 2 years
pov you do your usual thing of speaking for the party and agree to serve the rat king on behalf of all of you and then the rat king immediately casts geas on your party member, which was NOT supposed to be part of the deal, and you kind of want to apologize to your party member but also you did get the desired result, technically, so you just go “that was...not what i intended” and respond to his “we do what we must” with “we certainly do”
#also your whole deal is being paranoid about the reality of what’s around you and now you might still be stuck in a nightmare illusion zone.#c:megadungeon#cha:arcis#wuh oh! dnd no longer about coworkers.#i think we should roleplay more in this roleplaying game i think arcis and elio's dynamic can really be SOMETHING#'we do what we must' 'we certainly do'!!!!!!!! they GET each other despite also really *not* getting each other#i'm very happy i got to cast remove curse :) abjuration :)#almost like healing rlly if u think about it--#i'm still sorting through how much of all the emotional reaction there was just me or if any of it was really arcis#but honestly i think it WAS her! she really does have this prideful protectiveness about the party#cause she IS proud! she's mostly given up her nobility in favor of her Grand Quest but at the same time#who the fuck is fyodr to be asking for loyalty? to be acting like a king?#to be casting spells that interfere with the autonomy of someone who's MY party member?#somehow made WORSE because fyodr is also from krutske#I'M the one who's the ice wizard here get your fucking unwanted curse out of here--#it's similar to how furious she was when max got killed except there we got our revenge right away and it was also tempered#with the 'we failed' frustration#and i think that also arcis has enough paranoia and enough of a Thing about altered memories and unreliable minds#that enchantment spells in particular really get under her skin#but again it's in a. she's upset on elio's behalf but she's also taking it as a Personal Insult. because she's a Nightmare.#she didn't apologize to him! but her 'are you alright' did come from a place of genuine concern. she does Care about elio#cares about him but also held off on remove curse for sooooooo long. she had it under control y'know--#god she's really insufferable i really like her...
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iamwinklebottom · 2 years
Removing Curses & Hexes | Your Candles Can Tell You Who Your Enemies Are
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drabiukiblackmagic7 · 2 years
+2349013415187 REAL QUICKEST DEATH SPELL / REVENGE SPELL CASTER IN AUSTRALIA, NORWAY ,ZAMBIA, Canada USA UK , KOSOVO, Netherlands. Norway Austria, Philippines Real
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orion-sage · 8 months
Unveiling the Dark Corners of a Curse
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Are you cursed? Discover it HERE for free!
Having a curse could lead you to a lot of different issues:
1. Intestinal Issues and Digestive Distress:
The weight of a believed curse often manifests physically, particularly in the realm of digestive health. Anxiety stemming from the curse belief can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, affecting digestion, leading to symptoms such as nausea, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. This physical toll further perpetuates the conviction of being cursed, creating a cycle of distress and digestive issues.
2. Anxiety: The Unseen Tormentor:
At the core of a cursed belief lies the relentless companion of anxiety. This overwhelming fear of negative events caused by the curse can result in chronic anxiety, disrupting daily life. The mind becomes a battleground of anxious thoughts, eroding mental peace and stability. The constant anxiety not only feeds the belief in the curse but also impairs one's ability to find solace and tranquility.
3. Insomnia: Sleep Eludes the Cursed:
The anxiety and fear associated with a curse can cast a dark shadow over sleep. Insomnia, a common companion of anxiety, creeps in, robbing the mind of rest. Sleepless nights amplify anxiety, deepening the belief in the curse. This vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and anxious thoughts further exacerbates the negative effects of the perceived curse on mental and physical well-being.
4. Headaches: The Curse's Physical Echo:
Headaches, often stress-induced, can become a physical manifestation of the mental anguish caused by a belief in a curse. Persistent worry and fear can result in chronic tension headaches or migraines, further burdening the individual. The pain becomes a tangible reminder of the perceived curse, reinforcing the conviction of being under a malevolent influence.
5. Sexual Issues: A Curse on Intimacy:
Intimacy, a source of joy and connection, can be profoundly affected by the belief in a curse. Anxiety stemming from the curse can lead to sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, or performance anxiety. The fear of the curse infiltrates this intimate aspect of life, eroding confidence and joy, leaving one feeling broken and isolated.
Contact me for a FREE ENERGY CHECK to discover if you have a curse!
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violets4rosesss · 2 years
Curse removal ritual
Black salt.
Stinging Nettles, mint and common sage.
Optionaly, white oak ash.
Target puppet.
Pin needles blessed with moonwater.
Purpose: Transfer of a curse into the puppet with neutralizing ingredients.
Cast a circle while saying these words:
Dia tek-nohn eh-mon too-tohn tohn koo-klohn ka-thee-eh-roh.
Translation: By my arts, i consecrate this circle.
Then call upon the elements,
I call upon the air-Ana-kalo ahy-rah.
I call upon the fire-Ana-kalo pyur.
I call upon the water- Ana-kalo hyoo-dawr.
I call upon the earth- Ana-kalo geyn.
Since you have cast and made a circle using antient Greek, place the puppet in the center of circle. Next to the puppet place something of the person that is cursed and draw two circles for those two objects to fit and to be parallel to each other, than connect them with a line by drawing the line from person's object to the puppet linking the person to the puppet.
While doing so you will recite these words:
Tu idem (name of inflicted person).
Then inhale and say:
Spiritus (then name of your deity), maledictionem ab (name) ad puppam transfer. X3
When pronouncing these words envision dark hue traveling from the persons object to the puppet and the curse leaving the person.
Take the knife and energetically sewer the connection between two circles setting the curse trapped.
Then use the needles to bind the curse in the puppet
Pin six needles in the puppet while saying these words to bind the curse in the puppet where it will stay neutralized and after some time, fade away.
Tu ligatus es, vinctus es, hic abis ab (person's name).
Say this every time you pin a needle.
After finishing take the puppet and burry it away from person's home.
Close the circle before that and thank the elements and the God/Goddess or Spirit that assisted you.
Bless the person with moonwater.
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