#Creeper one of us
aagiijxbls · 7 months
Has anyone heard the song ‘one of us’ by Creeper and thought… holy shit this is Steve thinking about Bucky? 
I'm changing pronouns in the song and swapped velvet for leather.
I'm about to analyze the shit out of this. (Well not really but it's my head cannon for this song)
So get ready for a ramble post with visual aids. If the artists (who have been credited) don't wish to have their art on this post please let me know! I will take them down.
Now, lets get into it.
-“Boy, when you showed up here there was no blood left to drain”- 
Steve's face when he sees Bucky on the bridge. 
When Bucky showed up Steve had already bled for all he had lost. Physically and emotionally. He had mourned for his past, for his best friend who was not standing in front of him and he froze. He completely dropped his fighting stance and stood up straight. He had already grieved and metaphorically bled for this man and now here Bucky was, standing in front of him and he didn't know what to do. 
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-“We were born for dying here like snow under the rain”-
Both of them ‘died’ during World War II. 
Bucky falling from the train, thought dead only to have been experimented on and tortured. His own self dying as Hydra took his memories and made him into something so far from himself that he was essentially reborn as someone else. 
Steve who selflessly ‘died’ by crashing a plane in order to save everyone else. Only to be woken 70 years in the future to a world he no longer knew. To a world that he thought he had saved, only to find out his sacrifice hadn't changed anything. 
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-“You know when they find us here, they'll kill us both the same”-
Steve, on the run from SHIELD (Hydra) trying to save his best friend. They were completely willing to kill Steve, and as Bucky started coming back to himself, they were completely willing to kill him too. 
Bucky's apartment in Bucharest. Need I elaborate? 
(As a side note/theory, this line also fits to them being together in the 40s. Being found out to be gay could very well have gotten them both killed.)
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-“So for the final time, put your hand in mine and I'll kiss away the pain”-
Pushing aside the trash writing of Endgame. Head cannon here is that they finally get to rest for a while, together. They finally reached the end of the line. Bucky coming to grips with his past, with the help of Steve. 
Steve taking Bucky's hand and leading him out of the darkness. 
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(art by @ekbe-vile and @queercatcryptid)
-“Born in the shadows, to die in the dust”-
Taking this line literally. Bucky being born in the shadows as the Winter Soldier, somewhat coming out of that pain only to be snapped by Thanos. Literally dying as dust. 
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-“Not like the others, you're one of us”-
Steve defending Bucky, standing by him through all of it. He's not what everything thinks he is (especially Sam at first). He's one of the good guys. He's one of the Avengers. He is one of them. He is One Of Us. 
-“No I don't sleep no more, when I did I dreamed of you”-
It would have been so amazing and heartwrenching to see Steve going through some form insomniac faze after he woke up. Being so torn apart from everything that happened to him, to dream only of seeing Bucky falling. His biggest failure and fear was not being able to grab his hand. 
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-“Now the devil's at your door and there's a darkness seeping through”-
This is Bucky coming to grips with his own mind. That line in CAWS where he says “I don't know if I'm worth all this Steve.”
The darkness of not feeling worthy of salvation. Of self hatred at what he did, even if he didn't have a choice. Because “I know, but I did it” 
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Look at that lip twitch... That's a man who doesn't believe what he's being told.
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(Art by @mohish-ko)
-“So pretty like a dying flower in your tight leather clothes”-
Relief that Bucky is alive. But it's not quite Bucky is it? Not yet. 
It's so Beautiful yet so tragic.
Bucky is alive. But - “he didn't even recognise me”
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-“So tragic in the final hour as the sun descends over fields of virgin snow”-
Steve willing to die at the hands of Bucky instead of fighting against him. 
Bucky's conflicted face as his mind races, searching to understand this man, this mission, beneath him who is beaten and bloody. 
But Bucky's body just won't move. 
An awareness is slowly rising in him, melting the ice from his memories. Although he can't make sense of why yet. 
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I just... omg this song kills me. If y'all haven't heard it I highly recommend checking it out. And if you have any insights or thoughts on this, please feel free to speak up in the comments! Let's discuss!
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You know when they find us here they'll kill us both the same, So for the final time put your hand in mine and I'll kiss away the pain.
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time-is-restored · 8 months
btw not to make everything about My Fucking Guy but i honestly think one of the things that seperates q!phil out from the other islanders is the approach he takes to dealing with the lack of agency + control all the islanders have over whatever the fuck the federation's doing.
it shows up most prominently whenever tubbo is excitedly telling him about the 'progress' he's made with cucurucho or various investigations (ie: trapping him into a corner with the 'do you have free will' questions), and phil always shoots it down w an immediate 'that doesn't mean anything. curucuho will say anything to mess with you. you can't take anything he says as true.'
and it's not that phil is... a paticularly pessimistic character? he's just EXTREMELY practical. like, he's yet to give up on anyone EVER finding ANY answers (he was the one who initially gave the federation that one week ultimatum w the cage for a cage stream), he just doesn't trust the idea that curucuho is ever going to voluntarily give them. they're uncontrollable + senseless - you might as well argue with the weather.
and like, if that's how he sees the one (1) and only point of contact the islanders HAD with the federation for months, it explains a lot abt his characters lifestyle! ofc he sits on the wall all day, talking to his kids, and keeping his head down. he believes that the federation wants nothing more than to drag the islanders into sick games + tasks just so they can fuck with their head (ie: curucuho revealing he was the one cellbit gathered all that information for). and while he can't totally PREVENT any of that from ever impacting him, he can make sure his kids are well fed, well protected, and as happy + comfortable as he can manage. this is objectively not a perfect situation, there is a guaranteed amount of suffering + fear that he can't mitigate, but he can at least account for it.
like, he REFUSES to engage. whenever curucho shows up, he treats them with total ambivalence. he's not going to get riled up by anything they do, he's not going to get super attached to the guy, he's just gonna laugh it off and irish goodbye it when things drag on. the ONLY time he's strayed from that general guiding principle has been since he's lost his eggs, and can no longer afford to let the federation's fuckery go: those are his fucking kids.
hence the completely unprecedented levels of outward rage and sadness and terror he shows throughout the birdcage streams - almost all directed directly to cucurucho. it's all a completely fair + proportional response to the horror the islanders are being subjected to, but it feels so different bc until now, q!phil has been so dedicated to not reacting, and not giving the federation any sign that they're actually getting to him.
#qsmp#q!phil#LIKE. does anyone else think this! i genuinely believe its like one of the major#traits of his character i feel like u can trace it through Everything.#the man lives with the constant knowledge that sometimes all it takes is a tempting ravine and a badly timed creeper to end a life#whether that life belongs to a stranger or someone you love more than anything else in the world#you COULD rage against that. you could scream and shout and tear your hair out and grieve for the futility of it all#but what does that change? the days march on. death waits either way#and that's not to say he's a laizesfair kind of guy. anyone who's seen him stress out abt chayanne's risk taking + freak out#whenever his kids don't have enough autofeed grist can see that he cares DEEPLY. which resolves into his very distinctive#defensive + protective playstyle. the goal is not to win the fight the goal is to *survive* the fight etc#but the only way that mindset doesn't spill out into unchecked paranoia + complete agoraphobia is with acceptance#'shit happens: the philza minecraft story'#i also think it even manifests in the nightmare sequence w his last words to chayanne? 'they didn't want us to live. we were never supposed#to survive' or whatever the exact wording was#he is FURIOUS and deeply hurt and sad abt the deaths he says so explicitly later#but at the time the first thing he reaches for is. exhausted acceptance. it wasn't their fault. it wasn't his fault. they did their best.#they could only do so much in the face of the federation's Overwhelming Hostility. y'know?#mine
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hyrules-warrior · 1 year
Someone needs to write some “Maria thinks Joel is not a good parent” or “Maria gets the wrong impression of Joel with Ellie” fics when they return to Jackson since she sees how traumatized Ellie is and misinterprets their codependency.
 But then she learns otherwise. 
Joel might be rusty after 20 years of not being a parent but it’s like riding a bike. Joel and Ellie are also just too feral after surviving for a year together outside and Jackson and it’s adjusted people are too soft to handle them. 
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steakrogers · 1 year
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1hr at work today after a jeepers creepers rewatch
where'd ya get those eyes//
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crazyw3irdo · 1 year
i just watched charlie's first qsmp vod and y'all weren't kidding that census thing is fucking terrifying
#qsmp#mcyt#crazwaz posted#like the whole scene where it appears just. wow.#idk what pronouns ppl have been using to refer to it im just gonna use it/its idk if thats the correct set ive just seen the one vod#idk how much sway i have given ive only seen the one perspective but god if you havent seen that any of the ppl there's povs its real good#its about 2 hours 35 minutes into his vod#just. wil charlie and quackity vibing and then jaiden running in yelling that theres 'a woman in the walls'#them all going to investigate and not hearing anything at first. talking over each other.#then charlie hears it too. and in the background you can see it slowly crouching and walking in but they dont see it#until quackity screams and then they all see it and theyre all screaming and they all realize theyve been cornered in#and they try to escape and block it in but then they realize its in creative mode and theyre freaking the fuck out#then they calm down when they realize its just trying to ask them questions#and while theyre typing in their books A CREEPER FUCKING EXPLODES BEHIND THEM#and as theyre freaking out and realizing theres like. 10 mobs behind them- including more creepers-#the census is cheerfully repeating 'yes! yes! yes!' and jumping up and down excitedly#like literally big fan of horror stuff here and that scene felt like it fit right in#very effective. loved it. like the bits with the duck being like 'you broke the one rule so you can never leave' felt very creepypasta#but the census guy felt like an actual horror short film or something. not to diss the duck or creepypasta yknow its just different flavors#the way it comes out of nowhere too is very effective. like charlie is doing his el backflippo bit when jaiden comes in#not even fully out of nowhere too! like the campier bits with the duck gives it precedence!#also yeah gay sex island charlie has already slept eith two guys and has flirted with many more#'are you.... cómo se dice en inglés.... circumcised?'#so funny tho thinking like. my number one favorite part of the vod is that scary census scene#number two is charlie singing about argentina#number three is charlie in the caves with roier mariana and fit and theyre talking about circumcision#10/10 love it. i was right tho it is fucking with my brain because im trying to learn japanese and my brain is now combining spanish with#japanese because my brain has sorted those two languages into one pile thats just 'a language i have very basic knowledge of'#so now every time i try to start a sentence in one of those languages the other one tries to creep in#i had that problem when i first started learning japanese and now it returns hasdfkjhasdkjfh
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unknown-art-room1 · 1 month
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That feeling of murderous intent you get when you see that rat Dan Drew.
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fr00tbatzzz · 8 months
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[rises from the dead to party for a few months outta the year 🎃✨]
i am irl carmella creeper i wasnt convinced until now
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surrender-souls · 10 months
thinking about my left behind 60s villain to the creeper proteus
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ducktracy · 2 years
pretty nuts to see this level of speed so early on in an era dominated by relatively glacial/pedestrian pacing
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illudens · 6 months
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the army. it grows.
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darckcarnival · 1 year
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"Listen, we may be a little unorthadox in methods, but when you put myself, Leon, and Ace in one party to get shit done? Boy do we get it done! Sorry Chris, we just work well."
This is saying nothing of the sheer collateral damage that may or may not ensue immediately during said team up. She will not be commenting on the destruction left beuind, was other peoples fault asking for a hand really!
Commands? Rules? Nonsense.
@braverybled @flambace @valour-bound
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wormchaser · 8 months
texted him because im evil
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steveuschrist · 2 years
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Where is the album
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i wanna make some of those shameless/gallavich + textposts memes soooo bad but instead of textposts i use messages my best friends and i have sent to each other. i already have an arsenal on messages, i just dont have the mental capacity to find good screenshots from the show
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made another one while the rainbow one dries <3
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