#Concrete Flooring Ideas for Modern Homes
lifestyleblogeruk · 11 months
The Versatility of Concrete Flooring: From Industrial to Modern Interior Design
Concrete flooring has come a long way from its utilitarian roots and is now celebrated for its exceptional versatility and aesthetic appeal in both industrial and modern interior design. As a durable and cost-effective flooring option, concrete has emerged as a popular choice for homeowners and designers seeking to create stylish and functional spaces. Let's explore how concrete flooring seamlessly transitions from industrial to modern interior design, transforming spaces with its unique charm and adaptability.
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Industrial Charm:
In industrial interior design, concrete flooring is a hallmark feature that exudes a raw and rugged appeal. The exposed concrete surfaces, often with visible imperfections and patina, bring an authentic and industrial look to spaces. Whether it's a loft apartment, warehouse conversion, or commercial setting, the inherent strength and durability of concrete lend an unmistakable character to the overall design.
Minimalist Elegance:
In modern interior design, concrete flooring takes on a new identity as a minimalist canvas that complements clean lines and sleek aesthetics. The smooth and polished surfaces of concrete provide a sophisticated backdrop for contemporary furnishings and decor. Its neutral gray tones serve as an ideal foundation to enhance the visual impact of furniture, artwork, and accent pieces.
Stained and Decorative Finishes:
Concrete flooring's versatility shines through with stained and decorative finishes. In industrial settings, acid stains can create rich earthy tones, enhancing the concrete's natural texture. For modern interiors, decorative techniques like stenciling, engraving, or embedding aggregates offer opportunities for creative expression, adding subtle patterns or unique designs to the floor.
Seamless Transition between Indoors and Outdoors:
One of the remarkable aspects of concrete flooring is its ability to create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces. By extending concrete flooring from the interior to patios or outdoor living areas, homeowners can achieve a harmonious flow, blurring the boundaries between the two realms.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness:
In an era of increasing environmental consciousness, concrete flooring gains admiration for its sustainability. Concrete is often sourced locally, reducing the environmental impact of transportation. Additionally, its thermal mass properties can help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.
Low Maintenance and Longevity:
Another advantage of concrete flooring is its low maintenance and long-lasting qualities. Properly sealed and maintained, concrete floors can withstand heavy foot traffic and daily wear, making them an enduring investment for any space.
From the raw charm of industrial settings to the minimalist elegance of modern interiors, concrete flooring showcases its remarkable versatility as a design element. Its adaptability, sustainability, and longevity make it a popular choice for homeowners and designers seeking to create distinctive spaces that stand the test of time. Whether you embrace the industrial aesthetic or opt for a contemporary flair, concrete flooring provides the perfect foundation for transforming your interior spaces into stylish havens of creativity and comfort.
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We're loving these stunning exposed aggregate driveways created by Dulux Avista Accredited Applicators around Australia. The diverse stone and pebble combinations effortlessly enhance the look of plain concrete, lending it a more earthy texture that seamlessly integrates with landscaping.
Check out the sandy pebble driveway by @slh_concreting, the dark grey pebble mix on a semi-rural driveway by @inspeccoatings_painting, the mid-grey textured driveway by Dynamic Concrete Resurfacing, and the garage floor in standard concrete aggregate wash by Sydney Wide Concrete Coatings.
Feeling inspired? Discover how easy it is to achieve a broad range of on-trend looks by varying the size and volume of stones in the aggregate mix.
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demonwolfgoodies · 1 year
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Exterior (Sydney)
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Patio Roof Extensions
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Bedroom Wallpaper (Phoenix)
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Perth Galley
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Walk Out - Basement
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Infinity (Phoenix)
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Landscape Mulch (Portland)
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Living Room in Seattle
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recycleanimals · 1 year
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Enclosed - Craftsman Family Room
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
You deserve more
Ellie Williams x fem!reader (modern!au)
Summary: after you caught your boyfriend making out with another girl at a bar, you call Ellie for a ride home.
Content: cheating, slight angst, fluff fluff fluff and more fluff, gay panic, a bit of internalised homophobia, comfort, pining, confessions, kissing.❤️
My Masterlist
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God. This shit was not helping your mental state. Tears streaming down red cheeks, blood shot eyes and puffy lips as you walked down the road trying desperately to get away from that bar.
Ankles throbbing in pain as your heels fell into a rhythmic shuffle on the slippery pavement, dodging puddles occasionally due to the current downpour of rain. Sobs crept up your throat begging to be released but you swallowed them down. Men like him don't deserve your tears, men don't deserve tears at all, stuck up entitled dicks.
The image of your (now ex) boyfriend of 4 months sloppily making out with a beautiful, gorgeous girl infuriated you in so many ways. One of those being that you were jealous, not of her, but of him. The intrusive thought of kissing that beautiful blonde in a green dress creeping into your mind but leaving just as quickly as it came. Another is that it was Ingrained in your head as much as the blonde in the green dress was beautiful and perfect all from just the quick glance you saw of her, the thought of someone else sharing a kiss with you slipped into your mind.
Shaking your head to rid those unnecessary thoughts as cars flew past you on the road causing you to stumble slightly, your thin square toe heels giving up beneath you, your body collapsing on to the wet cold concrete. A whimper left your lips at the harsh impact as a stab of pain ran up your ankle into your legs.
You don't know why you did this to yourself, having come to the conclusion that heels were invented for sadists by masochists and were a torture device that slowly eliminated any ankle support you posses, years ago.
But here you are sitting on the dirty floor by the side of a road you couldn't name, unable to get up, drenched tangled hair, running makeup and snotty nose. Grabbing your phone you gazed at the screen.
A large crack split your screen in half, nervousness now increasing and your hands shake as you press the on button.
The light flickers on and a verbal sigh leaves your lips, a small smile grazes your lips at the photos of you and Ellie in a photo booth showing off cheesy grins and back to back, you swipe to your contacts and your fingers hover over the contact.
'Ells ❤️💪⭐🧟🚀🦕🦖👨‍🚀🔭'
The contact name remained the same from the day you first met, the coffee shop where she spilt her hot chocolate all over your new flowy white dress and patchwork jacket. One thing lead to another and she offered to pay for a new dress, which lead to a trip to the mall, and then the park and then a new Mexican resteraunt that opened downtown and the rest was history.
You have been best friends for three years, knowing eachother a little too much for comfort. Ellie always knew if something you did wouldn't work out or not, it was slightly unnerving but you tried not dwell on it too much.
Ellie always said that dating that 'ass hat' was a bad idea, and to be honest, I knew that too. But my feelings were getting too much and the adoration couldn't be applied to Ellie in a platonic way anymore, so I had to find someone else to love. The hurt of not feeling comfortable with any pretty girl let alone the hottest woman who had ever walked the earth (who just happened to be your best friend) fucking sucked.
Ellie was so perfect, her beautiful fucking smile, her soft eyes, her plush lips, her gorgeous hands, her laugh, her humour. She was your everything. She was so unapologetically herself, so open about her sexuality, her up bringing, you envied her.
You were the peak idea of femininity and you hated it, always dating the athletic boys, clad in pink and dresses, always wearing makeup, you were quiet, smart and pretty. You never liked the boys you dated, always analysing them and picking a half decent boy to date just so you wouldn't rouse suspision.
A loud van drove past music blasting as your head came back to your current situation, your fingers trembled as the cold of the wind had began getting you and you clicked on her name and keyboard smash of emojis.
"hey, what's up?" A gravely voice traveled out your phone speaker, sleep evident in her voice. "did I wake you I'm, uh, I'm sorry." You say trying to seem as normal as you could, although the hoarse voice and sniffs said otherwise.
"Oh what did that fucker do now, do you want me to beat him up? You know I will if you give me the word" she says seemingly more awake."I uh, don't want to talk about it right now Ells, can you come pick me up, I slipped and rolled my ankle. Can't get home. I don't know the road I'm on but it's opposite the salons parking lot." You sniff as you look around your surroundings trying to find a landmark so Ellie could come find you.
"Got it. I'll be there in ten, stay safe till I get there, yeah?" "yeah, see you in a bit Ells"
And as promised when the time finally went from 1:43 to 1:53, a red pickup truck pulled up and Ellie got out the driver's side picking you up from the floor clad in a grey hoodie and matching sweats, hair pulled up messily and concern etched upon her features. God, she was so beautiful.
She opened the passenger door, not yet saying a word and put you down on the seat, leaning over to buckle you up, seemingly forgetting it was just your leg you couldn't move not your arms. Hot air drifted out of the trucks dashboard and you closed your eyes letting the warmth consume your being, and eventually your shaking body slowly eased.
The rumble of the old trucks engine brought you back to reality, eyes zeroing onto Ellie's face, worry obvious on her face but you could tell she was holding back, trying not to impose.
"I found AssHat making out with this blonde chick at the bar on fourth street" you say bluntly and emotionlessly. Your ability to cry had now been used up and tears could no longer physically form.
"what the actual fuck, he was so lucky he even got a chance with you and he wasted it just like that! You're so hot, way to hot for him and he wasted that. Ungrateful shitbag... On a serious note though... You good? " She says looking into the rearview mirror at your expressionless face.
Shrugging "I don't know Ells. I'm so confused, I don't know what I feel, I'm sad but I'm not sad. I fucking hate it. Jus' wanna go home" she hummed in acknowledgement.
"you wanna stay over tonight, pretty girl?, got loads of junk food you can binge eat and theres a few films I've been meaning to watch with you, could make you feel a bit better." "I'd really like that Ells, thanks" you say, a smile gracing your face at the nickname making Ellie smile back at you.
"never a problem for you, gorgeous"
Thirty minutes into a shitty horror film about a haunted house and some creepy ass poltergeists that Ellie seemed far to enamoured with, a small smile graced your face when you looked at her, Ellie made everything better, just her presence made anything and everything clear for you.
Ellie felt your gaze burn into the side of her face, but she didn't move to look at you. She had been thinking about what to say to you. It was weird... You just got cheated on and yeah you seem a little down, but right now you seem quite contempt, bundled up under a cocoon of blankets on her cheap second hand leather couch and gazing at her. You were so beautiful, inside and out.
She couldn't understand men. Why would they let such a beautiful, stunning, funny, amazing girl like you down. Ellie always thought about your shitty ex boyfriends, scoffing as she recalled horror stories you told her about. She would treat you so much better, she'd show you off to everyone, be so affectionate, cheer you up when you're upset, cook you breakfast in the morning, buy you flowers unprompted.
Fuck it.
"Hey Y/N..." She whispers still looking at the TV screen, scared to meet your eyes... your mesmerising eyes. She received a soft hum in response, telling her to continue.
"we've been friends for years now and I can't imagine my life without you. I know I seem like I have my shit together, but without you I would be so hopeless, so lost. You're such a wonderful person and so so beautiful, and you deserve someone who values that just as much as I do. And whatever boy ends up being that for you, who wins your heart, is so so so fucking lucky."
She finally looks at you, your eyes wide and watering, a small meek smile painted on your lips, you were suddenly so close to her, you bite down on your lip softly preparing yourself for what you want to say.
"oh Ellie... I don't want a boy, he can't have my heart. I want you Ellie, in every way possible, I want you to brush your hands through my hair, I want to steal your hoodies, I want to kiss you and hug you and love you. Your all I've ever wanted" you said, you were both so close now, centimeters away from eachother.
Ellie tilted her head and softly attached her lips with yours her hand going towards the back of your head pulling you in closer, you could feel her smile through the kiss, her lips were so soft and you could taste the vanilla ice-cream that still lingered on her lips. The kiss was soft, gentle and every once in a while you would break apart, Ellie mumbled words like "pretty, baby, mine", whether it was mumbled when they left her mouth or became incoherent when they reached your hazy mine is unknown.
Her hands softly combed through your hair, detangling and plaiting, your hand rested on her cheek rubbing circles on her skin. A sudden laugh startled you as you looked up at the blushing brunette you were now straddling.
"God that was so fucking cheesy" she laughed, and you joined in.
"well at least we're self aware" you said back a stupid smile on your face.
Omg. My first fic ever and I don't think I like it 💀. But anything for Ellie(the love of my life). Anyways I hope you enjoyed the very basic fic you just read, constructive criticism and requests are appreciated.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Flower and Blood (Oneshot)
[modern! • Aemond Targaryen x female]
[warnings: kissing, menstruation and bleeding, fluff]
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[description: A small house party is organized in the Targaryen house, during which the siblings and their friends play board games. Helaena takes her friend who is having her first "women's days". At one point, she states with embarrassment, that she has bloodied her seat, and her in-game partner, Aemond, who has hardly spoken to her until now, tries to help her (Anon Request).]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
From the morning she felt that something bad was happening to her. She woke up all sore and without strength, she couldn't concentrate on anything during class, her stomach hurt.
It wasn't until she went to the toilet during a break and saw specks of blood on the panty liner that she realized she had gotten her period earlier than usual this month.
She sighed heavily when she saw this. Fortunately, she always carried a few sanitary napkins in her backpack, just in case, she or her friends often came in handy. Disheartened, she thought it was going to be a terrible day, and her friend Helaena invited her to her house. She said that her brother Aegon had the idea to do a game night, and since they both loved games like this she immediately agreed.
Now, without pills and with disaster looming, she didn't know what to do. When she told Helaena what was happening she looked at her understandingly, rummaged in her bag and took out a sheet of pills.
"Buy yourself a tea from the vending machine and swallow it. These are strong antispasmodics, you should feel better in a few minutes." She said gently. She wanted to kiss her hands for the help, her ovaries throbbing like crazy in pain.
Indeed, after an hour the pain in her lower abdomen had eased. She thought that aside from the constant, disgusting feeling of bleeding, she felt a little better. Their house was not far from her dormitory, so she decided that even if she felt worse during the party, she would just walk home.
When they entered their house, several people were already there. Aegon greeted them with a smile in the hallway, hugging her and his sister. The two had seen each other several times before.
She knew Aegon liked a good time, alcohol, and women. Sometimes too much. He seemed to know that neither of them were their type, and he didn't force himself on her. Instead, he brought three of his female friends, apparently from his year.
There were two other boys besides them - Criston, their longtime friend, and Aemond, the youngest of the siblings. She spoke to him the least, because he didn't speak much. She had seen how many times girls forced him to talk, and he looked away, desperate and bored.
She wasn't going to force herself on him. She liked him, because he was concrete and rather gentle in his manner, even though he communicated practically only in grunts.
She greeted everyone in turn. As she and Aemond embraced lightly, she smelled some nice male perfume that made her nose twitch. She looked at him with a smile at the thought. He released her, looking away, turning his attention to his sister.
After they determined that everyone was assembled, they entered the living room where boxes of games were spread on the floor and large, multi-colored, bright pillows on which they were apparently supposed to sit. She sat on one of them, right next to Helaena. Aegon's friend sat next to Aemond, Aegon, Criston and two other girls next to each other.
They started with Rummikub. The game was about arranging tiles with numbers, in a logical, mathematical sequence. They could be numbers in order, their multiples by multiplication, addition or subtraction as well as by colors.
She loved this game, it required a lot of cleverness and adapting to what others had already put together. She fought for the win with Criston, but finally fell.
Aegon announced that it's time for cartoon puns. He said that to make it easier to come up with something quickly they would pair up. He dropped two colored pawns for each team into the bag and shuffled them around, passing them to each of them.
She slid her hand inside, pausing there for a while, and pulled out a blue pawn. She looked around and saw that Aemond was spread out on his pillow, propped up on his elbow, staring at her intently, playing with a pawn of the same color between his fingers.
She smiled at him and got up from her seat, sitting cross-legged on the pillow next to him. After the draw, it turned out that two of Aegon's friends were in a group with each other, the third with Aegon himself, and Helaena and Criston were together. Aegon handed out all the small whiteboards and erasable markers as well as cards with slogans.
Aemond and she glanced at theirs and saw that "The Little Prince" was written on it. The password, of course, referred to the book of the same title. They looked at each other surprised.
"I know that book." She said quickly.
"Me too." He said low, rubbing his chin, she was surprised at how deep his voice was. "But I'm wondering how to present it so that they understand right away."
She twisted uneasily in place and jumped, pulling the cap off the marker. She began to draw a simple rose under a shade, with lots of smaller ones around it.
"Yeah, yeah, very good idea" He said suddenly, and she was amused to hear a note of excitement in his voice.
They had to wait their turn. First, Criston and Helaena showed their sign. A bouquet of flowers and a man with a palette were drawn on it.
"Vincent van Gogh?" She asked uncertainly aloud, and Helaena clapped her hands.
"Yes!" She said happily.
She smiled at Aemond and made a dash on the side of their slate to indicate that they had just scored one point. Then it was Aegon and his friend's turn. They turned the tablet over and for a moment everyone wondered what it represented.
"That thing next to this boy and girl is a dog?" Aemond asked uncertainly.
Aegon nodded. Seeing that no one came up with any idea, he drew something quickly for the boy in his drawing. Criston leaned closer, frowning.
"Why does he have such weird teeth? Isn't it about Twilight?" He asked, and Aegon jumped happily.
"Yes!!!" He said, erasing his drawing, he and his friend high fived each other.
It was her and Aemond's turn. She turned over their slate, and they all looked at her curiously.
"Beauty and the Beast?" Helaena asked, and she shook her head. She took the slate, quickly drawing a moon and a boy on it. She turned the board around to face them again.
"Dreamworks Studio?" Aegon asked. She and Aemond cursed under their breath, shaking their heads. They looked at each other, wondering what to do.
"Maybe draw Little Prince and a fox." Aemond suggested quietly.
She jumped in her seat, delighted with his idea, and nodded quickly, drawing a figure of Little Prince in his trademark cloak and fox. She turned the slate over and Helaena clapped her hands together, trying to remember something quickly.
"Wait, wait, what was the name of that book… The Little Prince!" She said finally.
"Yes, bravo!" She said cheerfully, proud of the fact that they managed to present such a non-obvious password and book. He and Aemond exchanged a satisfied look.
Now it was the turn of two of Aegon's friends. They showed their slate, but she couldn't concentrate, feeling something was wrong. She turned around, wondering what it was. She thought she felt an unpleasant wetness between her thighs, but that was normal during her period. She shifted slightly on her pillow and froze, looking down. She saw the blood.
She looked helplessly around the room and looked at Helaena, wanting to draw her gaze to herself. She was too busy guessing to see it. She felt her heart pounding, her cheeks flushed with shame. She felt like she was about to cry.
Helpless and unsure of what to do, she grabbed Aemond's sleeve. He looked at her surprised and seeing her expression raised his eyebrows.
"Everything's all right?" He asked softly and she shook her head. She pursed her lips.
"I think I just bled your pillow." She whispered in shame, her voice trembling slightly as she looked pleadingly at him. His pupils dilated and he looked down at her thighs.
"Fuck." He said quietly, glancing at everyone around, who was still trying to guess. He looked like he was thinking very hard right now.
"Get up as usual and go to the bathroom, I'll turn the pillow and then take care of it. Will you need something to change?" He asked quietly, and she nodded quickly, trying not to cry in front of him. Her expression caught Helaena's attention.
"Everything's all right?" She asked gently.
"Y-yes, thank you." She said, not wanting to draw more attention to herself than necessary.
She got up on shaky legs, wanting to move to the other room as quickly as possible, Aemond immediately grabbed a pillow. One of Aegon's friends, the one who had sat next to Aemond earlier, must have seen the bloodstain, because she said:
"Oh, someone here isn't pregnant. Let's drink to that!" She said cheerfully, holding up her beer.
She felt her face turn pale, humiliated, all eyes were suddenly turned her way. Criston and Aegon looked at her sympathetically, clearly understanding the complexity and unfortunateness of these women's affairs. Helaena stood up quickly, terrified.
"Poor thing! Come to the bathroom, quickly!" She said, grabbing her hand and leading her towards the toilet. Only when Helaena left to bring her a pair of clean underwear and pants did she cry quietly, hiding her face in her hands.
She thought everyone would be staring at her for the rest of the day, and she ruined their pillow. She thought it was disgusting and cursed herself for not going to change her sanitary napkin sooner. Helaena handed her clothes through the gap in the door and closed it behind her. She washed herself quickly with cold water, dried herself with paper, and put on clean underwear, a sanitary napkin, and pants.
She looked at herself in the reflection, all red and swollen with tears. She thought she looked terrible and wanted to go home. She flinched as she heard a soft knock on the door.
"I'll be right back, Helaena, thank you very much." She said in a slightly broken voice, wiping her runny nose.
"May I came in?" She heard the same low voice as before. A shudder of pain and embarrassment ran through her. She looked at the sink, sighing softly.
"Y-yes, of course." She said, trying to stay calm.
She smiled weakly at him as he stepped inside, his gaze soft and calm. He looked at her with a hint of what she might call concern and sympathy. She thought that was the last thing she needed. They stood in silence for a moment.
"Are you okay? This chick's comment was unnecessary." He added, looking away, frustration evident in his voice. She pursed her lips at his words, closing her eyes. Thinking about it made her want to cry again, so she decided not to say anything.
"I already put the pillowcase in the washing machine, the insert itself didn't get dirty, so it will be like new. Don't worry." He said softly, looking at her expectantly. She smiled gratefully at him, appreciating the way he was treating her.
"Thank you and I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm so ashamed." She said embarrassed, wrapping her arms around herself.
"No problem." He said, taking a step closer to her. She looked at him surprised. "I know I'm not a good conversationalist. Like a fox, I can't relate to anyone who doesn't tame me."
She stared at him in shock, wiping her nose again. She blinked, wondering what he meant. She smiled understandingly at him.
"To tame someone, you have to give them space." She said calmly. Aemond pursed his lips.
"Exactly." He said softly. She felt her heart beat faster at the way he said the word. "That's why you made it."
She swallowed hard, staring at him in surprise. She thought she had only exchanged a few full sentences with him in the course of her acquaintance with him. Never dragging him out, never forcing him, never getting any closer to him than he wanted. She flinched as he took a step closer. They stood in front of each other, their faces a few inches apart.
"So if I say don't worry, then do so." He said softly. She blinked, feeling her lips tremble, wanting to cry again, but this time for a different reason.
"I want you to tame me."
She saw him smile at her words. She had never seen such a warm expression on his face before. She didn't pull away as he touched her cheek, his large hand brushing over her warm, still wet skin. Her lips parted invitingly, and he inhaled softly.
"May I?" He asked quietly. She nodded, and in a moment his lips were pressed against hers, soft, moist and warm, caressing her sensitive skin. Their fleshy lips brushed and pressed together with the sticky, wet click of their saliva. They broke apart, staring at each other with hazy eyes.
"My Rose." He whispered.
A story at the request of one of the Anons Request, who mentioned that such a situation happened to her, unfortunately in less pleasant circumstances. 😓
It happened to me once at school too, but I figured it out quickly, no one noticed and I was wearing black jeans, so all I had to do was spray it with water and I somehow survived until the end of the day. 😵
Don't worry if this happens to you, it's normal!!! 💖💖💖
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn’t tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @avgdusterfan @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @random-ocity @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @snh96 @malfoytargaryens @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
glimpse of us (old concept) | jjk
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→pairing: drummer!jk x reader
→rating/genre: m/18+ | was gonna be ex2l, smut, angst, fluff
→word count: 1k
→warnings: cursing, implied infidelity, jk smokes ciggys </3
→summary: You shouldn't have gone to the bar tonight, but you couldn't resist the urge to see Jungkook one last time.
→notes: ok so lmao !!! this is an early early concept of this fic. i wrote this before i even started my blog. i've turned glimpse of us into something COMPLETELY different, so this portion would've never seen the light of day. i sort of broke my ideas for this fic into other fics and wips (which u can probs tell if u've read my masterlist lol). but i found it in my drafts and thought it would be fun to share! and who knows... if u guys really like the concept kiki might consider making this into it's own thing (with a new name obvi). sorry if there’s typos !! tis was just a draft 💗
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The static sound of muffled conversations was deafening. The low rumble of the blaring bass felt sharp against your spine as you leaned against the brick wall of the club. The cool night provided no relief to your burning skin. You inhale deeply, trying to calm the pounding in your chest.
What the fuck are you doing?
Shaky hands tug on the zipper of your shoulder bag, rummaging through the clutter until you find your phone.
11:45 p.m.
SAN still can’t believe u ditched me for shots w ur evil coworkers
SAN kidding lol have fun tonight babe
SAN call me when you get home so I know you’re safe
The sick feeling of guilt began bubbling in your stomach again. Especially when you unlocked your phone and were slapped in the face by your home screen. A picture of you and San at his cousin’s wedding last month.
The circumstances that led you to the bar tonight were questionable, to say the least. Sure, it was a decent place. The modern vibes lured in college students every weekend with the promise of live entertainment and a possible bathroom quicky afterward. You weren’t here for the ladder.
Friday nights were usually spent in the tub; soaking your sore body after a long week of catering to bridezillas and their overbearing mothers. Your boyfriend of three months, San, was currently at the campus library studying for finals. You should be too, however, you couldn’t resist the magnetic force that brought you here tonight. The pull personified as a post you stumbled upon while scrolling through your Instagram feed:
This was for closure. After tonight, you would purge your mind of the thing that held it captive for the past two years. You just needed to see the band one last time before you finally severed your connection to them, or more so, your connection with one specific member…
You shook your head, trying to erase your mind and focus on the task at hand; getting the fuck home. Your apartment wasn’t too far from your current location. Only about a ten-minute walk. But the heels you had been wearing all day fucking killed. Maybe that was your punishment.
You open the Uber app, but before you order yourself a ride, your screen stalls and fades to black.
“Fuck!” You whisper yell and stomp your black stiletto on the concrete. Very dramatic of you. In your defense, it had been a long, emotionally taxing, day. You wanted nothing more than to cry on your shower floor and send all your pent-up emotions down the drain. You pressed your palms into your eyes, head slumping down. The tears were already threatening to pour. This was a mistake.
You take another breath, trying to collect yourself. The oxygen gets caught in your throat when your momentary breakdown is interrupted by an all-too-familiar voice.
“Are you okay?”
As if the night couldn’t get any worse.
You turned your head to follow the sound, hoping the voice was a figment of your imagination. A cruel joke your mind was playing on you for coming here tonight.
It wasn’t.
Lifting your head and looking to the side, your eyes follow the sound.
He’s sitting on the ground, back against the wall behind him. No regard for the gorgeous red fabric of his pants and matching jacket that his newfound success allowed him to afford. His head was tilted downward. The clicks of his lighter cut through the silent night air as he struggled to light the cigarette between his pink lips.
Although you’d never admit it, you had been keeping up with his social media accounts since the breakup. An entire two years ago. But nothing could’ve prepared you for when he took his seat behind the maroon drum set on the right side of the stage.
His once choppy bangs were now long and wavy, parted in the middle. You hadn’t noticed the undercut from your spot in the back of the crowd, watching him drum his heart out on stage. It was clear now, the downward angle of his head giving you a glimpse as his hair splayed over his eyes.
His chest was peeking out of the animal print blouse he was wearing. The old Jungkook would have never worn something so flashy.
Your Jungkook…
He had grown since the last time you saw him. That much was apparent. The gym selfies he frequently posted let you know he had taken on a new hobby. It was paying off too. His arms had filled out, bulging against the material of his coat. Nothing like the noodles you used to tease him for when you would watch him practice combos in his parents’ basement.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook spoke louder this time. The end of his sentence was cut off by a cough as he exhaled a puff of smoke. He had never been one to mind his own business. Always had something to say. A blessing and a curse. Currently, that quality of him you found endearing felt like a hex as he flipped the black strands out of his face, lifting his head in search of a reaction from the person ignoring him.
You didn’t miss the way his defined brows scrunched up in the middle when his eyes met yours.
Big and round. Still warm and innocent despite his progression from a boy to a man. The passage of time did nothing to diminish their light. All that passion. All that fire. They were the same eyes that haunted your mind, making your own well up with tears at the memory of them. The same eyes that you pretended you saw when you looked into San’s, hoping to get a glimpse of what was.
You had no time to run. No time to craft an explanation as to why the fuck you were here. Frozen in place. You parted your glossed lips to speak, but nothing came out.
“__, what the fuck?” He didn’t sound angry. Didn’t look it either. Why would he be? Your break up was civil, a mutual decision. Your lives have become parallel. His band was taking off. You were busy with college. Your paths couldn’t intersect anymore.
He seemed more confused than anything.
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totowlff · 1 year
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chapter thirty-four — no more secrets
➝ sometimes the fear of losing someone to stupid ideas drives people to do stupid things.
➝ word count: 3,1k
➝ warnings: none
APRIL, 2017
An early spring breeze ruffled Elisabeth’s hair as she walked hand in hand with Toto, across the crosswalk that led to the Mercedes-Benz museum building. It was in front of the company’s headquarters, and was a massive complex with not only offices, a factory, a dealership, and the museum, but also the imposing Mercedes-Benz Arena, where the city’s Bundesliga football team played, though she couldn’t remember the name of it.
In reality, Elisabeth knew very little about football. She had learned the basics from Mathias, who never missed watching FC Barcelona games. He was a fervent supporter of the Catalan team, and had named several of the family’s pets after its players. Mathias’ passion for the sport had certainly not come from Niki, but from Tilman, their uncle, and Mathias was already working to turn his own children into lifelong Barça fans. They’d had Barça clothing from infancy, and both of them learned the team anthem almost as soon as they’d learned to talk.
As Toto and Elisabeth walked toward the large metal-clad building, the man with them made small talk about the club — VfB Stuttgart, apparently — and their difficult season. The man with them was Ola Källenius, a Swede, and part of the board of directors of the Mercedes-Benz group. Toto and Elisabeth had stopped in Stuttgart to meet with him on the way back home from the Bahrain Grand Prix.
— However, I didn’t want to just talk with you about Stuttgart's misfortunes this season, but something else — Ola said, as they approached the entrance to the building — Something of interest to you, or at least, of interest to Toto.
As they all entered the atrium, Elisabeth couldn't help but be impressed by the building’s architecture. It looked large from the outside, but it looked even larger on the inside with the triangular-shaped panes coming together to give the visual impression of the room looking bigger than it was. The elevators stood out against the concrete walls, making them look like silver capsules, waiting for their passengers.
“This place is a work of art”, she thought, as the executive greeted a man warmly.
— Toto, Elisabeth, this is Pádraic, one of the museum guides. He knows everything about everything in here, right?
— I like to think so, Ola — the man replied, his accent indicating he wasn't German — It's nice to meet you.
— The pleasure is ours, isn't it, Liesl?
Elisabeth limited herself to a nod as she shook the man's hand.
— Which route would you like to take?
— We'll have to skip the traditional tour today, Pádraic. Toto and Elisabeth have a flight scheduled for later and they don't have time to see everything. However, they’d like to see the racing car collection — Ola replied, making the guide smile.
— Very well, would you follow me? — he said, gesturing with one hand. Along the way, Pádraic gave a quick explanation of the museum's internal structure, which had been planned to resemble a double helix, like DNA, with the outer section devoted to thematic collections, and the inner section to the history of the brand.
After taking an elevator to the second floor, they headed to a section of the museum that resembled a banked curve. It was built as an homage to ancient European chariot racing tracks, he said, and the steepness of the curve made it more challenging. The banked track in the museum was made to display an array of silver cars, with one or another colored model, corresponding to the most modern cars.
— These are our racing cars. Since 1894 we have records of Mercedes taking part in motor racing for the purpose of proving the reliability of the brand's engines. It was the main form of advertising for cars that existed for motor vehicles. It was how the company built its brand until the birth of the Silver Arrows.
Glancing at Toto out of the corner of her eye, Elisabeth noticed that he looked delighted, like a child let loose in a toy store. There was an undeniable twinkle in his eye and goofy smile on his face. She nodded as the guide talked, listening intently.
— Here we have the four-cylinder, 120-horsepower Benz Grand Prix, which was the first car developed exclusively for racing. There, we have the 1914 version, also with four cylinders but with a 274 cubic inch engine and, in front of it, the W25, which was the car that gave us the nickname “The Silver Arrows”. The mechanics had to strip all of the paint from the body to make it lighter, leaving only exposed aluminum — Pádraic explained, pointing to each of the cars and giving them a brief explanation.
As they walked along the curve, Elisabeth couldn't help but notice something odd about the exhibit. Just ahead, there was a space between two cars that was clearly bigger than the others. It was as if something was missing there, one of the pieces of the museum.
— That one has a funny story. With the dominance of German cars in racing, the Italian motorsport federation decided to restrict racing to only cars with 1.5 liter engines, which were not made by any German manufacturer. So, Mercedes decided to develop a car with these specifications in just eight months. In the end, the W165 was born, which won the Tripoli Grand Prix, in 1939.
— I think you have a little more time than that to develop the car in Formula 1, right Toto? — the brand executive asked, smiling.
— It revolves around this time, Ola. Of course, everything has become easier than before, with technology and all. It doesn't detract from their achievement of making a car in such a short amount of time.
A few steps later, Elisabeth's curiosity won out.
— Why is there such a big space there? — she asked.
— Ah, yes, that is where the 300SL usually is. It was our first car to compete after the Second World War, and it won the Carrera Panamericana in Mexico. But it was pulled from the exhibition at Ola's request for a bit of a… revision.
— Revision? — she asked, raising an eyebrow.
— Yeah, it's going to Italy to participate in the Mille Miglia, in honor of the 65th anniversary of its victory in Mexico — Ola said, smiling — It will be the car that Aldo and Toto will use for the race.
She blinked. Elisabeth had no idea what the Mille Miglia was, or why Toto would be involved in it. However, swallowing the lump in her throat, she just forced a curious smile.
— Use? You mean, race?
— Exactly. We received an invitation from the race organizers, talking to Toto at the beginning of the year, he offered to drive it, along with Aldo.
— I'm really glad you got the car cleared for us — Toto said, looking genuinely pleased about that — It's going to be fantastic driving it around Italy.
— And when will that be? — Elisabeth asked, doing her best to hide her displeasure at only just now finding out that Toto would be driving in a race.
— In May, Liesl — Toto replied immediately, smiling — And I can't wait.
— I can imagine — Elisabeth said, letting go of his hand and putting it in the pocket of the tailored pants she was wearing, something churning in her stomach.
After saying goodbye to Pádraic and Ola, the two went to the car they had rented on arrival in the city and made their way back to the airport, where one of Laudamotion's private jets would take them back to England. During the entire drive to the airport, Elisabeth remained silent, completely immersed in her own thoughts. She only gave Toto monosyllabic responses.
She was trying to remember if he’d told her or not. She thought she would have remembered if Toto had told her that he was going to drive a car that was almost as old as her father, but absolutely couldn’t recall, which could only mean one thing.
Toto had hidden it from her.
After returning the car to the rental lot at the airport, the two of them walked to the private flight boarding terminal in virtual silence. Toto had tried to strike up a conversation with her, but Elisabeth was still so deep in her own thoughts that she practically ignored him.
“Why, Toto?”, she asked herself, as she climbed the stairs up to the jet.
Elisabeth settled into one of the armchairs on the plane and took off her shoes. Toto sat in the seat across from her. She took a few seconds to watch him settle into place, strapping himself in. She arranged the briefcase she’d brought on the seat next to her.
“Why did you hide this from me?”, she wondered.
Even when they reached cruising altitude, Elisabeth didn’t get up or move. She was too distracted by the unanswered questions inside her mind.
— Liesl?
Toto's voice snapped her back to the present. She felt something tightening in her chest.
— Yes?
— Are you okay?
— Yeah — she replied quietly. He looked at her with a skeptical expression on his face.
— It doesn’t look like it.
She blinked.
— What do you mean?
— You've been quiet since the museum visit. Quieter than usual.
— Any problem with my silence? — Elisabeth asked, in a slightly harsher tone than she ‘d intended. And she saw in his expression that she was too harsh.
— No, none… It's just… You're only quiet like that when you're upset.
She pressed her lips together, one hand moving up her arm to the crook of her elbow, pinching the skin there. It was an almost natural reaction of hers to situations that made her anxious or stressed, especially conflict. She could feel that conflict was coming.
— Well, since you asked, I am pretty upset, Toto — Elisabeth replied dryly.
— Upset about what?
— What do you think?
— I don't know, there's so much...
— If you need a tip, think about what you're going to do in Italy in May.
Toto blinked, finally connecting the dots.
— Are you upset about the Mille Miglia?
— No, Toto. I'm… Fuck…
— You are what?
— Sad. Disappointed. Deceived. Betrayed.
The last word made him straighten up suddenly.
— You know I would never betray you...
— Then why did you? — she cut him off.
— Elisabeth…
— Toto, you know my fears about racing, my misgivings. You know that as much as I like racing, competing, winning, above all that, I love you. And you know my biggest fear is losing you.
He continued to stare at her in silence.
— I was honest with you, I told you all about my fears surrounding motorsport and racing. We talked about the Nordschleife, about my fears and about your accident and my father's accident. And I remember exactly what you said to me that night, every word. You promised me that I wouldn't lose you to your stupid ideas.
— I know, Elisabeth...
— Then why did you decide to take part in this race? We agreed that we would talk about anything like this that came up. You promised me this, Toto!
He was silent for a few seconds.
— I forgot.
Elisabeth couldn't resist a sardonic laugh.
— You forgot?
— Yes, Liesl, I forgot and I apologize for…
— Toto, do you really think I'm going to believe that excuse? Do you really think I'm going to believe that you just forgot to tell me you were taking part in a fucking race?
— But that's what happened, I received Ola's invitation just now in...
—  He said you offered yourself at his last visit — she interrupted him — Ola was last at the factory in January, Toto. You've known this since January. You knew and you hid it from me till now. It’s April!
— I didn't hide it, Elisabeth!
— And I even know why — she continued — You did it because you thought I was going to say no, so you thought it was better to hide it from me.
— Fuck, give me a minute to explain — he exclaimed, slapping his legs with his hands. Elisabeth was not at all interested in granting that request.
— And what would be your excuse for spending a week away from home? What would you say to me so I wouldn’t discover your real intentions? — she snarled.
— I was going to tell you, but I...
— “Hey, Liesl, listen, I'm going to Italy to fuck some whore, I'll be back next week” — Elisabeth spoke in a deeper voice, in a crude attempt to imitate him.
That was the last straw for him.
— God damn it, Elisabeth! — Toto yelled, getting up from his seat — Shut the fuck up!
Elisabeth tried to answer, but his expression made her stop. He wasn't just upset with her. There was something else in his eyes than what was on his face.
It was pain. Heartache.
— You can say whatever you want about me, Elisabeth — Toto snarled, one finger raised — You can call me an idiot, an ass, a selfish person, an asshole, anything that crosses your fucking mind. But never, never call me dishonest!
She felt a lump tighten in her throat.
— I was wrong. I was wrong not to tell you about the race. Truthfully, I was a bit afraid that you wouldn't agree to it, but I didn’t hide it from you. I was going to tell you. I brought you here to tell you about the race, the car, everything. I was going to invite you to come with me but… Fuck!
— Toto...
— No. Listen to me, Elisabeth! — he spat — Did I fuck up? Yeah, I did. I've fucked up a lot in my life. Not just with you, but with Stephanie, with the kids, with my mom, with my sister, with a lot of people. But I’ve never been dishonest in anything I do, Elisabeth. Not once in my life. 
— I did not say…
— That I was dishonest? And saying that I'm going to Italy to fuck whores, to cheat on you? Cheating is dishonesty, isn’t it?
She didn't know how to respond.
— I never cheated on you. You're the only woman for me. Even when I was with someone else, all I could think about was you. Even when I was fucking someone else, all I could imagine was being with you. I would never cheat on you, Elisabeth, because that would be dishonest of me.
— Isn't lying a kind of dishonesty too, Toto? You lied to me.
— You've lied to me too, Elisabeth. You lied about your feelings for me on that phone call on Christmas Eve. And I kept believing in you, even though you broke my heart into thousands of pieces. I kept loving you even if you didn't love me back.
— That doesn't count…
— Doesn't it? You’ve hidden plenty of things from me. The fights with Mathias, the things my mother told you? Weren’t those lies by omission?
— Me hiding things so I don't upset you is different from you hiding things because they're stupid! — she argued.
— This race isn't stupid, Elisabeth.
— Is it not? Isn't being away from home for almost a week, stuffed in a tin can with four wheels stupid?
— It might be stupid, but I want to do it! I've always wanted to be in that race, drive that car, and stupid or not, I'm going to go. I'm not going to give up doing this just to satisfy your spoiled little girl ego and, honestly, I don't even know why I'm justifying myself. I don't owe you any satisfaction.
Something inside Elisabeth's chest ached.
— You know what? Go ahead. Go drive that fucking car in Italy. When you get in another accident and end up in the hospital again, you’ll call me. And if you think I'm going to drop everything to run to your side, you're sorely mistaken — she spat.
Toto’s nostrils flared, lips pressed into a thin line, his jaw clenching. After a few seconds, he settled back into his seat, his eyes fixed on the window beside him. 
It was then that Elisabeth realized that maybe she had gone too far.
The rest of the flight after the fight had been silent. After landing in Oxford, the two drove home in silence. After parking the black Mercedes C-Class in the garage, Elisabeth got out of the car and went to the trunk to get the luggage she had taken for the two weeks she had been away. The suitcase was heavy, but the last thing she wanted was to ask for Toto’s help with it.
She wasn't a spoiled little girl.
— Need help? — Toto murmured beside her.
— No — she said dryly, setting her suitcase on the ground and into the house. Pulling the handle, she dragged the luggage up to the second floor, pausing a few times along the way to catch her breath. She was dropping her suitcase in the closet when Toto arrived in their bedroom with a small bottle of water in his hand. As she caught sight of him in her peripheral vision, she felt something tighten in her chest.
— Are you going to shower now?
— You can go if you want — she murmured, as she went to one of the shelves to get something to wear — I'm going to shower in the other bathroom.
— Why?
— As far as I remember, Torger — Elisabeth turned her face to him, staring at him for a few seconds — We don't owe each other satisfaction.
She grabbed her panties and, in complete silence, left the room, heading for the bathroom in the upstairs hallway. After showering and changing into a pair of shorts and an old University of Vienna T-shirt that she liked to use as pajamas, Elisabeth went to the guest bedroom, a room they always left ready to receive a family member or their friends when visiting them in England.
Sitting up in bed, she allowed herself to take everything in. The decor of the room was cold and impersonal. The walls were light, everything was very neutral-looking, and said that it was not a space to be occupied permanently, only for short visits. Not even Benedict and Rosi slept there, but they had their own rooms in the house, arranged and decorated according to their tastes.
Elisabeth shouldn't be there. But at the same time, she needed to be. She couldn't bear to sleep in the same bed as Toto that night, smelling his cologne and feeling the warmth of his skin. Settling down on the mattress, she sighed, trying to shake the tightness she felt in her throat away. But with each breath, she felt the agony rise in her chest and tears fill her eyes.
Finally, she broke down into sobs.
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