#Cleo keeps her ability to feel and love
silksinging · 1 year
I was cautiously optimistic but kinda eh on Francleo before
Kinda felt like they hadn’t interacted enough to have a DynamicTM
But Pyramid Schemes changed my mind I am ALL IN
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hmshermitcraft · 8 months
Etho died on Chocolate Island.
He did well, fought well against the struggles of early creation but he, like the other ancient peoples, couldn't keep up with the rapid updating the universe was going through. those who did survive are a bit fucked up, example being one docm77 who can't seem to keep a stable form for more than a few months. Others just disappeared years after everything calmed down.
Etho died, and he has yet to tell anyone. See, he was gods specialist little boy and the void wouldn't let him quit, so he's a ghost. He doesn't exactly lie about his state of living, but he also doesn't deny any assumptions that he's alive.
Recently Cleo asked him out, "asked" as in arrived at his base and took him out with no prior warning and little explanation. Since then she's done this more and more often until he started to return the favor and she started to properly court him. Now, when two people are in a relationship, they do things. Things like holding hands, and smooching, and such.
Etho cannot do any of these things, as much as he'd like to. Because he's a ghost, he's not the most corporeal person. 95% of him is none but void. It keeps the shape of a person and it has substance but it doesn't feel very nice. It's a bit cold and horribly dark, so dark it stains, so dark that it drapes over any light in the room. He wears a mask and long clothes so that he's not bothered by it.
Cleo really wants to kiss him, really wants to hold his hand and curl up together to sleep. They don't force him to do anything he doesn't want to, they can't hide the longing in their eyes when he pulls away.
She invited him over for a movie and dinner, which Etho ate next to Cleo, with his back facing her. She doesn't seem to mind too badly. The movie is good, he's enjoying himself but it's been a while since he last slept, decked out taking priority, and the room is comfortably warm. He presses himself against Cleo, her hand had been up over the back of the couch giving him the ability to rest his head on her chest.
He grabs their hand and pulls it over himself, taking off his mask in the same motion. If he's going to do this, he's going to do it all at once. He takes off his gloves and vest, throws his headband in the pile for good measure. Toes off his shoes so he can lay on the couch, landing his head on their lap.
The movie pauses, he glances up to meet her eyes.
"sorry I lied..about uhm. About being alive."
"you know I'm a zombie, right?"
Now he feels like an idiot!! Of course Cleo won't mind him being a ghost, she's dead too! Duh!
"will you kiss me now?" She asks
"any time you want,"
She leans in, he stops her, "as long as you don't tease me for this...for too long"
"fat chance"
Zombie lips are ragged, the void can fill any gaps.
Cleo kind of assumed Etho knew she knew. Dead recognises dead. It's hard to mistake that omnipresent chill that follows Etho around. She didn't realise it was supposed to be a secret, she just thought Etho didn't like touch! It hurt a little, but she loves Etho. She wasn't going to push his boundaries.
Turns out the idiot thought he was doing a good job at pretending to be alive. She doesn't want to burst his bubble by telling him. Not when she's overjoyed to finally get Etho in this way. Getting to touch, and hold. Cuddle and kiss.
The downside of Etho being more comfortable around her is that she keeps losing him in dark rooms. He just disappears, blending in with the blackness around him.
She's going to attach reflective strips to him. It's the only solution.
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duskwoodraven · 1 month
The Myers Briggs personality types of the main Duskwood cast according to me, myself, and I. This is purely my opinion on what fits them best, I also took little quotations from the 16personality website that struck me as good representations of their character, I hope it’s a nice read for you guys.💚💚💚
Jake - INTJ (Architect)
“Logical and quick-witted, INTJs pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. Because their minds are never at rest, these personalities may sometimes struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them. But when they do find like-minded individuals who appreciate their intensity and depth of thought, INTJs form profound and intellectually stimulating relationships that they deeply treasure.”
I’ve seen some theorize Jake as an INTP, but to me I feel INTP seem to be more chaotic, jumping from one thought to the next and overthinking. To me, Jake rings as more straightforward in pursuing his goal and doesn’t get distracted by every possibility or lost in his thoughts.
“They believe that, through willpower and intelligence, they can achieve even the most challenging goals. They are firm believers that taking the easy way out in any given situation prevents people from achieving greatness.���
Lilly - ENTJ (Commander)
I feel ENTJ fits Lilly best, I also like the idea that her personality is similar to her brother’s, just more extroverted. I don’t think I have any screenshots to show this but I have been struck by how she tends to talk similarly to Jake and processes information in a cool manner. She’s intelligent, resourceful, and strong willed. We can see this when she went to work on the #iamjake movement.
“If there’s anything that people with this personality type love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that, given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. This quality makes ENTJs brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders.”
Also she has a tendency to want to get her way, as seen during the vote and after the video upload.
“ “It’s my way or the highway” – People with the ENTJ personality type are notoriously unsupportive of ideas that distract from their primary goals and even more so of ideas based on emotional considerations. They won’t hesitate to make that fact clear to those around them.”
Cleo - ESTJ (Executive)
Cleo to me has a very determined attitude, even when she was threatened multiple times she didn’t let anything deter her from finding Hannah, it’s very respectable.
“People with the ESTJ personality type (Executives) are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong, and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty and dedication, ESTJs are valued for their mentorship mindset and their ability to create and follow through on plans in a diligent and efficient manner. They will happily lead the way on difficult paths, and they won’t give up when things become stressful.”
Phil - ESTP (Entrepreneur)
It was a little tricky to pick one for Phil since we didn’t have time to chat with him much compared to the others. But I think what we do know about him fits in here.
“ESTPs’ perceptiveness isn’t used for mind games, they prefer to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. What you see is what you get with this personality type.”
Phil always struck me as the open type, doesn’t hide what he thinks, which is was can eventually get him into trouble (the arrest…) Also ESTPs are apparently considered to be flirts which fits Phil perfectly.
“In the early stages of a relationship, individuals with the ESTP personality type embody a sense of spontaneity and excitement. They are bold in their courting attempts, rarely hesitating to flirt openly even when others are present.”
Jessy - ENFP (Campaigner)
Jessy was easy to pick, she embodies the ENFP perfectly in my opinion. She’s just a really sweet person in the game and cares about her friends very much 💚
“ENFPs may live for deep, meaningful conversations, but they can also be spontaneous and lighthearted. These personalities know how to find fun and joy in the present moment – and few things give them more pleasure than sharing their joy with others. All of these strengths come together to form a person who is warmhearted and approachable, with an altruistic spirit and a friendly disposition. ENFPs strive to get along with pretty much everyone, and their circles of acquaintances and friends often stretch far and wide.”
Dan - ISTP (Virtuoso)
I wasn’t sure about Dan until I read this excerpt,
“One of the biggest issues that they are likely to face is that, because they often act out of haste, they might rub people the wrong way sometimes. ISTPs are not the type to sugarcoat their opinions or feelings. They tend to have a very straightforward communication style that is often misinterpreted as bluntness or a lack of sensitivity, but it is simply the way these genuine souls operate. ISTP personalities have no time for people-pleasing or unnecessary social niceties. With them, there is little need to question their motives.”
Dan is one of the most blunt characters in Duskwood, willing to call out the obvious when no one else will. You can’t be a hypocrite or avoid owning up to your own actions around him.
Richy - ESFJ (Consul)
I was curious which personality would be the backbone of a strange character like Richy, but I think ESFJ fits the bill. In the group, Richy loved to be the middleman, making sure to not make anyone upset with him. He cares about being liked and cares what people think of him which may be why he tried so hard to keep everything a secret.
“People with the ESFJ personality type are altruists. They take seriously their responsibility to give back, serve others, and do the right thing. And they believe that there is a clear right thing to do in nearly every situation. While some personality types adopt a more lenient, live-and-let-live attitude, ESFJs may find it difficult to not judge when someone takes a path that strikes them as misguided. As a result, they often struggle to accept it when someone – particularly someone they care about – disagrees with them or chooses to walk a path that they do not understand.”
Hannah “disagreed with him” and Richy couldn’t accept that.
“For many people with the ESFJ personality type, one of life’s greatest challenges is accepting that they can’t control anyone else’s thoughts or behavior – not even those who are nearest and dearest to them.”
Thomas - INFP (Mediator)
This was a weird observation for me since I am also an INFP… but I think nothing else fits Thomas better, he’s a sensitive guy and a bit self isolating, but he’ll still do what he can to help those he cares about.
“Idealistic and empathetic, people with the INFP personality type long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. Due to the fast-paced and competitive nature of our society, they may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique. Yet it is precisely because INFPs brim with such rich sensitivity and profound creativity that they possess the unique potential to connect deeply and initiate positive change.”
So with all that being said, what do you guys think? What are your personality types? Do you match with any of these? I’d love to hear about it 🤗
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ahautism · 1 year
If there’s one thing Cleo is rich in, it’s time. Well, she’s rich in many things, since she is insanely powerful. But time is their bread and butter, her area of study, the ability that comes the most innately to them, though they do also excel in explosions. But even witches aren’t made to know so much at once.
She can be in the present, as well as last Tuesday, and all of 1995, all at once, but other timelines are where things get tricky. Too much to keep track of with just one mind, and things get a bit mixed up along the way. So, as much as she knows about this thread in the universe’s ornate weaving, the most they get from other timelines are… notions, perhaps. Feelings, deja vu, a vague “this is right” or “this is wrong”. No certain facts, just… Scott would probably call them vibes. She’s not sure why they can hear that in his voice, despite not having heard him say it - her exact point.
So, as Cleo sits in her too-familiar castle - no, castle isn’t quite right. As she sits in Kairos, she knows something is missing. It can’t be a lack of books. They’ve already tried filling the feeling of Missing with books everywhere. Nothing. As much as the not-quite-castle feels like home, like somewhere she has been safe, loved even, there is something that isn’t there. The more time she spends here, the more sure they become that it's a ‘someone’ rather than a ‘something’ missing. She did think it might be Scott at first, but when they invited him round, it still didn’t quite feel right. He is someone she has loved before, they can tell that much.
(She tries to ignore the feeling that she never got enough time with him, before. A lack of time is not a feeling they are accustomed to, and they don’t like it.)
The universe likes patterns, the universe loves a recurring motif, but more than anything else, the universe craves acts of love. The universe loves its players because they are love, and the universe weaves their expressions of adoration into its tapestry like strands of gold. Cleo is acutely aware of this. Even if she didn’t have a sense for the bigger picture, she sees it.
She sees the flowers Scott collects, the mindless zombies he continues to fruitlessly raise, the traces of his lover in the design of his own home, and the more literal pieces of him stashed under the floorboards. She feels the ties to her coven, the willingness to fight for them, the wish to improve together, even when it doesn’t directly benefit her.
Even in this one world, even in a competition, even when she hates half her fellow witches, there is so much love. They can feel the universe drinking it in, thriving off it. They’ve always had a knack for finding beauty in the grotesque, and she thinks the universe is the same way.
Cleo floats up to the crenellations, chuckling to herself at a joke they don’t even understand. She leans against the wall. It is a powerful thing, to create a declaration of love so powerful it transcends time and space. A desire to protect so strong it follows every version of a person. Time you enjoy spending. A home built for two.
She told Scott they were looking for someone too. Maybe when she becomes Supreme Witch, she will be powerful enough to know who that is. To know who loved her so deeply it followed her where neither of them could remember it. She’d like to thank them. For the time well spent with them, and all the time well spent they could never have known about. They’d like to bring them to the castle. A castle made of love everlasting. Fit for a Time King. For the first time in a long time, that feels right.
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emily-ispirata · 5 months
Help I'm having thoughts about mermaid powers and Charlotte's redemption
I love the idea of a five mermaid season three where we get to see everyone working together, but does the power imbalance bug anyone else? Like, I GET why Charlotte got all three mermaid powers in canon- she was always just going to lose them anyway, and it fits nicely into her SuperMermaid(tm) villain arc, but if you make them all friends, it feels a little... unfair for one member of the group to be as powerful as three other members of the group combined, right?
I'm considering how I'd fix this (for a s3 fic maybe??), but I'm also just kinda curious what everyone's thoughts are. This is what I've come up with:
Charlotte keeps all three basic powers, but loses the more advanced weather-based powers that Emma, Cleo and Rikki have.
Pros: Not as difficult to explain, I don't have to think of some exciting new mermaid power
Cons: Charlotte doesn't get a unique ability like everyone else
Charlotte loses Emma, Cleo, and Rikki's abilities and gets the ability to do... something else, not quite sure what, but completely different from any of the other girls' powers.
Pros: Feels the most balanced, everyone has a unique ability, Charlotte gets something that fits her personality
Cons: I have to explain how the hell that happens lol
Charlotte keeps all of her abilities, and all of the mermaids learn that while they each had a natural pull towards one power or another, every mermaid has the ability to do every power a la Mako Mermaids. Charlotte is just the only one with enough audacity to assume she can do everything, lol.
Pros: The idea of Charlotte saying "Have you tried, though?" to Rikki asking why she's got all the powers and then being RIGHT? And it's been a year and none of the og three have even tried using the others' powers = hysterical, easiest to explain, narrative potential in them all helping each other work on improving their powers
Cons: Outside of the comedic potential? Boring.
Anyway. I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts on how the show handles the show's power balance vs. how it SHOULD have handled it. I kind of wish she'd had her own power- if she hadn't Emma, Cleo, and Rikki's powers, they probably would have had an easier time accepting her into the group. Rikki even says that there are three powers = there can only be three mermaids, so I wonder how the addition of a fourth completely different power would have changed the dynamic.
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liauditore · 9 months
cleo/martyn for shipping bingo?
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when i say criminally underrated i mean CRIMINALLY underrated ok. unhinged rambling under the cut
like every fictional character and real person in the world is marina and the diamonds oh no coded but these two are literally this song so much im gonna throw up
One track mind, one track heart If I fail, I'll fall apart Maybe it is all a test 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best
they mirror each other so perfectly. they're both deeply insecure people who desperately want to be strong for themselves and those around them, but they dig their own graves doing that by refusing to be vulnerable and only pushing people close to them away.
in my mind they both see the worst parts of themselves in the other person because they're so similar internally, despite having wildly different personalities.
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, oh!
they both have an ego and a malice that gets them antagonized by the rest of the server which is 100% their fault, and they both pretend they don't care when really both of them yearn for someone, Anyone to see how much they're hurting (but they'd never admit to it).
You type out your bias on me it’s all nitpicks and paying no mind to be so sadistic They pin on the thorns make her maleficent In bloom the rose made a perfect fit He drowns out the crowd that throws a burdened fit They blow up the sound regardless to admit They’re stabbing a knife and quote without a wit “Bet it’s no strife, no it’s just the tip”
(^telecaster b-boy lyrics cus that song changed my life but also it reminds me of them)
Just.. that one clip of Cleo admitting she's a rubbish fighter and saying that she would only drag Martyn down to which Martyn immediately responds that he doesn't care and thinks she's great company. Or any number of the times Martyn offers some dumb surface-level act of servitude towards Cleo because he doesn't know how to just be vulnerable and admit he wants some form of acknowledgement.
They keep testing the waters with eachother but one always backs out when it starts getting too real. They both just want love but their egos won't let them admit it.
Cleo has this magical ability to divorce men she's never dated and I love her for it.
OFC all this aside they're also just both so losercore and dumb and divorced and martyn being The Most Pathetic Man Ever with trying to court cleo is hilarious to watch and also bdubs ships them and I agree with everything bdubs says.
also uh i think ren should join them in the middle idk
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cyberbeez · 9 months
Today I keep making hermits into rain world characters and going wildly off-canon, with Joe and Cleo this time! Clear text from the art is in the image description.
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A story of theirs is below the cut.
An ancient known as Carried Longing, Eight Odes to Animocity has met an unfortunate fate long before the last being of their race delved into the Depths to ascend. They've been striken with infection which slowly ate at them from the inside, with no cure in sight. They fought it for a long, long while, until their body eventually gave out.
Before Carried Longing have lost their ability to wake up again in the next cycle due to the festering chronic disease (think of Hunter's demise for an example of such a fate), however, fellow ancients have transported their body to a near medical facility, where they have been put in a state akin to a medically induced coma with all biological processes slowed to a near halt, until the cure arrives and they can ascend.
This facility is located within an iterator can. The one operating it is known as Words Of Echoed Hills, or just Hills for short, an iterator designed and trained to work in a medical field who possesses an impressive amount of information on the topic and means to implement it. They keep ancients and their pets in check, helping the former stay healthy enough to be able to move on from a mortal realm, and are no strangers to seeing beings in dire situations like Longing's.
Hills is tasked with keeping Carried Longing stable, looking for a cure, and she carries out this duty till the last ancient of the city on top of her can leaves to find the Depths, and even then some. It takes a while, it gets boring at times, but Hills find solace and meaning in music, literature and art of their deceased creators while they tirelessly work. They make heartfelt songs, they engrave poems onto the data pearls in their chamber, and they gain newfound appreciation for life and the living of the world around them through art.
Soon enough, WOEH starts to carefully experiment with local flora and fauna to pick apart their genetics and maybe, possibly find something to help the ancient in his care. They succeed! The solution is viable, yet unorthdox in application, but no one is here to stop the iterator. Hills gets to work quickly, clearing Longing's internal organs of hostile bacteria, stitching loose skin and replacing borderline rotten tissues with new material, genetically enchanced by local fauna. This process is long and tedious, but ultimately results in Carried Longing's full reanimation.
At first she doesn't remember much besides her name and is barely able to move due to severe muscular atrophy, but with Hills' helpful guidance they re-learn how to live, breathe and walk again. Their skin is rough and patchy in places, akin to that of a lizard. They keep the stitches on. Their memory is still blurry at times. Finding out she might be THE last one of her kind and not feeling much of a connection to her past self, she shortens her own name to Cleo, from first 4 words of the previous title, somewhat out of spite for her peers who, as far as she's concerned, left her to rot in place. Perhaps, this newfound spite becomes a reason for Cleo to choose to live instead of following other ancients' path. She's grateful for a second chance given to her by Hills.
An ancient and an iterator bond over their love for arts and overwhelming loneliness of their slowly dying world. Hills keeps Cleo's health in check as a dutiful medical operator and fills her in on all the things she's missed in her coma, and Cleo tends to his superstructure to the best of her abilities. They thrive, together, despite all. And later, they meet others.
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sillyprettyfairy · 1 year
The phenomenon of enjoying something as a kid and then getting older with more complex emotions and thoughts and a more life experience and revisiting the thing you loved when you were a child and having a strong emotional response to it?
It's one of the reasons I love Monster High so much.
I remember, as a kid, loving how edgy and cool and unique everything about MH was. Draculaura was my favorite character. I loved watching the movies when they aired on Nick and eventually got a 13 Wishes DVD. I only had one MH doll and it was Ghouls Rule Cleo and she looked so different compared to all my other toys.
I loved Barbie too. I loved lots of other things. But as I got older, I always seemed to return to Monster High for some reason. I kept getting drawn back in as a tween and as a teen because it just felt so different. MH always felt so different.
I decided about maybe 2 or so years ago to rewatch the entire catalog of MH movies and webisodes. And I cried. And I still cry when I watch a lot of the movies.
For the little kid who felt so misunderstood and alone and was constantly branded as loud and annoying and extra Monster High was a place where those things would not have mattered and could have even just been seen as a part of who I am. For the kid who never got to express themselves through their fashion they wanted to. For the kid that felt like they wanted so very badly to be anyone other than themself. Monster High was really the only school that has ever accepted me.
And as an "adult" who has reflected a lot on those things and why I am the way I am now and who I'll be in the future, I cry and will probably continue to cry when I watch the hybrids support each other and the fused ghouls or watch Frankie sacrifice herself to save all of her friends. All of the friends she has found family in. I'll keep crying when I watch WDGFIL and see the spell placed on Draculaura be broken by just a box of shit that reminds her of all the time she's spent with Clawd.
This emotional reaction that feels a little funny when I think about how the whole franchise at that point was mostly meant for like 12-year-old little girls just makes sense on further inspection.
When you live in a world where everything that makes you stand out or look or sound or feel different than everyone else is seen as bad and wrong and worth suppressing and despising, the world of Monster High just feels so safe and wonderful.
When Frankie's limbs flying off can be inconvenient but also useful and normal and fine. When Clawdeen helps Draculaura put on her makeup because she can't use mirrors. When Abbey is misunderstood by everyone and then given the space to cry actually be understood and appreciated.
When you see how all of these different kinds of monsters have "freaky flaws" and drastic parts of their appearance or abilities and interests that are treated so regularly or even celebrated and accepted or accommodated and they are reinforcing that they are fine as is. They are enough
You may begin to feel that, maybe, you might be enough too.
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mildlylesbian · 2 years
Hermitcraft Headcannons
Since I’m apperantly writing a fanfic now I figured I might as well list my headcannons for the hermitcraft members personas + Timmy. 
I have not had the time, energy, or attetion span to watch all of the hermits so quite a few of these are based solely off of other fan interpertations I have seen. There’s also some hermits I do not know what to do with who are excluded from this list.
This list starts out very Grian focused due to the fact he introduced me to the hermits as well as the fanfic I’m planning being centered around him and Timmy.
Timmy - Caridinal hybrid, was a listener but after Grians escape was taken to replace his brother. Related by blood to Grian, non-blood related to Pearl
Grian - Was born human before being taken in by the watchers and being forced to become one, after escaping he dyed/coded his wings to look like a parrots and claims to be a parrot hybrid. Related by blood to Timmy, non-blood related to Pearl.
Pearl - Moth hybrid, escaped evo alongside the others and spent a few years searching for her brothers before finding Grian in Hermitcraft and joining him, spends season 9 researching the watchers in hopes of getting Jimmy back. Adopted sister of Grian and Timmy.
Mumbo - Born a human, turned into a vampire at the beginning of season 8 and spent that season not killing in an attempt to deny his new hybrid-status. Is the person who orginally found Grian and brought him to hermitcraft.
Scar - Vex hybrid who likes to pretend they’re an elf, has unspecificed medical issues (I am not going to try and diagnose scar) that affects his walking abilities, often uses a cane or wheelchair to get around. Jellie is his emotional support animal.
Cub - Vex hybrid, big brother energy. He’s the second oldest hermit, however thanks to a de-aging experiment he’s physically one of the youngest. 
Iskall - Dwarf, lost an eye while doing redstone. Is often mistaken as Impulse’s brother.
Impulse - Dwarf, had difficultlies growing a beard so he’s super upset whenever it gets cut. Often mistaken as Iskall’s brother.
Gem - Deer-fey hybrid, has a deep connection to nature, hence her tendency to build naturey things, is able to manipulate plants. 
Bdubs - Everyone thinks he’s a fey, is actually just some random dude. Scared of the dark, hence the very strict sleep schedule, and wears moss because it’s very comfortable. Also for some reason everyone keeps letting him put people into positions of power.
Doc - Born a creeper hybrid, was experimented on causing him to be a spliced creeper-goat-cyborg hybrid. Wears a lab coat because it makes him feel in control of what happened to him, and despite apperance is the sweetest person you will ever meet.
Ren - Wolf hybrid, has a very large family made up of different characters he has played (renbob, the red king, etc), due to his wolf hybrid status he has seperation anxiety
Etho - Enderman hybrid, has always hid his face due to his anxiety (same) but after recieving a scar that covers 2/3 of his face he’s even less willing to remove his mask.
False - Eagle hybrid, is super sweet but will nto hesitate to fight you if you so much as look at a hermit the wrong way. 
Stress - Flower fey, resident healer and grower of plants, is terrible at taking care of herself. 
Cleo - Born human, became a zombie hybrid after a funky respawn that healed her bit failed to revive her. Is sensitive to the sun, though is able to stand in it for short periods of time, survives off of raw meat, is the go to for new clothes and surgerys thanks to her mastery of stitching.
Joe - Human, no one is convinced. Isn’t great at being social, but loves hanging out with cleo because he feels as though she gets him.
Jevin - Slime hybrid, is naturally green but uses dye to make himself blue in an attempt to differ himself from the hostile mob. Without the human skeleton that resides within him he is unable to maintain his shape.
Keralis - Resident eldritch horror, sweetest man alive, will trap anyone who hurts his friends in the void.
X - Voidwalker, needs his armor to breath the overworld air, really good at over working himself, does not have a shadow.
Ex - Shadow-voidwalker, used to be X’s shadow, isn’t nesscerily evil but has people issues due to be cast out by the person he used to be bound to. 
Zed - Sheep hybrid, always wants to know more about the world around him
Tango - Blaze hybrid, cannot get wet, cannot withstand cold weather, cannot be burnt, his hair is made out of fire and grows or dwindles based on his current emotions, a terrible liar
Not included in list; XB, Wels, Beef, and Hypno. Tfc also isn’t included, as I’m unsure how I feel about alluding to him in fanfics following his passing, so out of respect I won’t pretend he doesn’t exist but I also won’t be including him in headcannons or fanfics. May he rest in peace. 
Based on this list alone guess which hermits I have and haven’t watched. If this gains any traction I’ll follow up with my headcannons on hermitcraft as a server, as well as the fanfic idea I have at the moment - it is in the very early stages of development, but I live off of validation and feedback so I’ll probably post ideas for it regardless.
If you have questions about headcannons or wanna share some of your own, please do! I’m always excited to see what other people think about these funky lil block people.
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lunarthing159 · 1 year
"Cover Your Ears Witches; For It's About To Get LOUD!"
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Here's A Witchcraft SMP OC I Made Around The Time The SMP Came Out (But Forgot To Post Here Lol)! Below Is What I Think Her Power Stages & Relationships Would Be Like If She Was In The Tournament (Although Created Her As A Bystander Of The Games Who Just Happens To Live In The Same Forest Eloise Set Up In)
Musical Witch |
[Groovy] - You Are Slightly Quicker On Foot Than Others
[Quarter Rest] - You Can Spawn A Cloud Of Regeneration & Slowness Around You
Musical Witch ||
[Volume] - You Have More Knockback Than Usual
Musical Witch |||
[Shriek] - Every So Often You Can Yell At The Top Of Your Lungs To Make All Nearby Mobs Run Away From You
[Glyphs & Notes] - You Roll Better Enchantments At An Enchanting Table
Musical Witch |V
[Final Chorus] - Whenever You Get Down To 2 Hearts Of Health, You'll Gain Strength & 2 Absorption Hearts
I Don't Necessarily Think She'd Be Enemies With Pris, I Just Don't Think They'd Get Along Well. Pris's Tendency To Yell & Have A Tiny Bit Of Main-Character Syndrome Would Most Certainly Cause Lunar To Keep Her Distance From The Water Witch.
Prismarina - The Water Witch
Lunar (As Shown Above) Doesn't Actually Have Any Attack Based Magic. It's Almost All Smaller Effects Like Being Quicker Than Others Or Having More Knockback. Cleo On The Other Hand Has Multiple Magical Abilities & Artifacts Which Can Help Her In Offence, Defence, And Practical Senarios. I Don't Necessarily Think They'd Be Friends But I Do Think Lunar Would Look Up To Cleo, Thinking Of The Time Witch Like A Role Model Of Some Sort.
Cleo - The Time Witch
I Think Lunar Would Be Pretty Neutral With Scott. They'd Probably Do A Trade With Spellbooks Every Now And Again If They Could, But They'd Both Generally Keep Their Distance When It Comes To The Idea Of Friendship. Their Powers Don't Help Eachother In Any Kind Of Way, They Have Quite Different Personalities (With Scott Being All For Mischief & Lunar Generally Not Wanting To Spark Trouble), And They Generally Don't Need To Be Friends To Have A Stable Trading Arrangement.
Scott - The Necromantic Witch
Cupquake - The Nature Witch
This Might Be A Bit Unexpected, But I Don't Think She'd Get Along Well With The Nature Witch. Cupquake Seems To Represent All That Is Natural, Flora & Fauna. Meanwhile Lunar Is More About Things That Are Created By Humanity Like Instruments Or Cooking. It Wouldn't Be Anything Personal I Think, It'd Just Be Them Being Narrative Foils For Eachother.
Lauren - The Sand Witch
Same Thing As Prismarina, Not Enemies But They'd Certainly Keep Their Distance From Eachother. Lunar Would Be A Bit To Serious For Lauren To Get Along With Meanwhile Lunar Wouldn't Quite Be Able To Understand The Sand Witch & Her Thought Process.
Eloise - The Illusionary Witch
As Neighbors Living Within The Same Forest (Possibly Within Eyesight Of Eachother), I Think They'd Both Silently Realize It's Easier For Everyone If They Don't Become Enemies With One Another. This I Think Would Eventually Blossom Into An Actual Friendship With The Illusionary Witch.
Shelby - The Storm Witch
I'm Actually Quite Unsure Of What Their Relationship Would Be. On One Hand, They Both Seem Like They'd Say "I Like Your Outfit!!" "Oh My Gosh I Love Yours Too!!". Buuuuut- I Can Also See Them Starting Off On An Awkward Foot If Shelby Decides To Make It Start Raining (Lunar's Hat Isn't Very Thick). I'll Leave Her Relationship With The Storm Witch Vague.
Joey - The FireFrost Witch
Enemies. By Their First Sentence Said To One Another It Was Rivalry At First Sight. With Joey Being Confident Yet Certainly Too Prideful For Lunar & Lunar's Rather Clear No Shenanigans Policy Would Quickly Tick Off Joey. This Would Probably Only Get Worse As They Both Start Meeting More Of The Other Witches. I Can Say Without A Doubt In My Mind That Lunar Would 100% Be Enemies With The FireFrost Witch.
So Yeah! That's My Witchcraft SMP OC! Feel Free To Ask Any Other Questions & I'll Try To Answer Them If I Can Think Of Something ^v^
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
For theme!
Prim, proper, well mannered that is all the things a future queen needs to be for the grimmlands…something gem absolutely appalls she’s not fit to rule a country heck half the time she just wants to stay in bed for a whole day reading manga or watching cartoons! But nooooo the Royal advisors aka the biggest pricks she’s known since childhood continue to try and turn her into the one thing she isn’t until one day it just breaks her. Now that wouldn’t be an issue normally but when your a wither hybrid who’s mainly ability is to cause death and decay around you at every corner by spreading wither rose bushes and vines you end up having the very messy situation of now there are a lot of injured people around her because said pricks pushed her over the edge.
She ran for weeks and weeks until she collapsed into the hermitcraft server where she was found by Pearl and Tango who took her to Pearls shack where gem woke up to being covered by Tilly and her many many puppies almost not going into panic attack until Tango calmed her down and asked for her name. And after some explaining to Xisuma why there’s a wither hybrid currently sleeping again Pearl’s dire wolf Tilly he made her a hermit because he’s dealt with idiots like that in the past and he knows they aren’t gonna let Gem go that easily so he asked Grian and False to get in contact with Joel and Scott to let them know if somebody from the grimmlands try and come to hermitcraft
For the past few months Gem felt…safe which was a weird feeling since she never really had a proper chance to relax to begin with back home since one slip up meant she could kill a city’s worth of people with her roses but no! Turns out those royal advisors lord to her about the lethality of her roses! She felt so angry and tired and scared that she just wanted to curl into a ball and be left alone forever. Luckily Pearl sat down with her and told her whole Scarlet Pearl fiasco and how she got over it. Granted it involved a lot of murder but still! And Tango told her how he got over feeling betrayed by his family from banishing him from the nether.
Gem felt comforted in a way knowing she wasn’t the only one who was hurt in the past eventually she learned she wasn’t even the most dangerous person on the server. What in hell do you mean Cleo petrified an entire kingdom with a single state?! Wait Grian can do what with his wings?! Safe to say a lot of her fears were gone well…until the Royal advisors came to try and “catch the monster”…well unfortunately for them they now had a very angry Xisuma to deal with.
(Ps love the blog!)
She does feel for her kingdom and her people, but she could never be the queen they wanted of her. Adventure is in her heart, and without the opportunity for that, she escapes through stories instead. She doesn't understand how anyone is supposed to always put on a strong façade. Day in, day out... If she thought too much about it she'd cry.
So, was it any surprise when she finally shattered under the stress and pressure of her role? The cracks had been appearing for a while. The hermits are always happy to remind her of this as well. She was always told to suppress her abilities instead of how to control and manage them, and that's not her fault.
Gem doesn't even hear about the hunt for her until it's already over. She's a little upset - she would've liked to give them a piece of her mind - but she knows Xisuma's right. It wouldn't help, it wouldn't give her the closure she's looking for. All it would do is make her angry. Prove the advisors right.
Pearl and Cleo spend the day with her once she's told, Tilly keeping them company. They braid flowers into each other's hair and they let Gem talk about her favourite books. It's not easy, but the twisted black vines are slowly crawling back down the walls, and Gem breathes a little lighter.
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cameraflowers · 2 years
Hello Double Life spoilers, Finale edition because I’m scrolling through the tag and have many many thoughts still
I fully had anticipated that the final pairs were going to be Grian and Scar, and Scott and Pearl.
The last green lives this game, the duo that agreed the first game ended in a double victory no matter how that cactus ringed fight ended. The two who worked in sync so effortlessly, many thought there was major communication issues because they just did things without constant consultation.
Then one of the last to turn Red. The pair that stuck to each other throughout nearly the entirety of Last Life until it was too dangerous too. Who worked so well together in the past, people were excited to learn they were bound to each other, only to realize that they didn’t feel the same way
Pearl who did so much to antagonize Scott. The constant powdered snow, the cacti, all to make him anxious and panicked. But Pearl who never wanted to die. Who never wanted to really take a life from Scott. Pearl who tried to give the chest plate back when she realized Joel and Etho were about to actually kill her over it, but spoke up too late. Pearl who created a hound army, for a variety of reasons but there’s no doubt protection was among them. That many wolves, the only mobs that will actively fight in your defense. Keeping her safe as she went after the others, keeping Scott safe as the wolves took the brunt of the hits and dealt the extra damage needed.
Scar, who is all charisma, luck, and skill hidden so smoothly under the first two traits that it’ll leave others genuinely speechless. Scar who has constantly been underestimated due to his accident prone habits, who has been known to lose lives and drop to red quickly. Scar who has always managed to talk his way in circles so smoothly and easily, without hesitation he’s able to waltz himself (and very often his allies) out of so many certain death situations. Scar with the uncanny ability to hold that last life with an iron grip, escaping near impossible situations repeatedly much to the surprise of others
Their partners who swore up and down that they would be their downfall. That carelessness would be what takes them out in the end.
Grian, who sought the alliance of a secret soulmate because he felt stuck with his soulbond. Who seemed to forget Scar’s capabilities whenever he took damage. Grian who we heard sigh and complain multiple times over his fated partner. Who banned Scar from the Ancient City after Grian had experienced the Warden himself.
But all because he panic’s easily compared to his soulmate’s seeming nonchalant-ness. Grian who tries to seem logical, but acts on emotions more often than not. Grian’s able to talk, and give a good run around, but we’ve seen how easy it is for him to fall back and let Scar handle that while Grian snoops around instead.
Scott, who pushed Pearl away the moment they saw each other. Who chose his own soulmate with Cleo to defy the rules of the Game once again. Scott who made a secondary Ranch to “test” the love and bonds of the other pairs, only for it to be set up to sow the seeds of doubt and distrust among the others. Who got so used to Pearl’s antics he didn’t even think twice about setting his spawn in Bdubs and Impulse’s house for when she inevitably got him killed. Who didn’t really team up with his given soulmate until it was just the four of them on Yellow.
Grian, who let his stubbornness get the better of him again. Who tried to send the warden up on his own when it didn’t work the first time. Who seemed dead set on getting a warden to the surface. Grian who didn’t just follow his soulmate out of the ancient city. Grian who lost their last life, at the end of the day, all alone in those crudely dug out tunnels. Screaming apologies to a Scar who couldn’t hear him, who died alone and confused in the woods looking for Grian so they could go out together in a fighting blaze of glory. But Scar ended up just falling off of his horse, staring at the full moon instead.
I can’t help but wonder if my prediction could have been right had Grian just let the Warden be. If he had given up on that trap idea and gone to Rendezvous with Scar instead. Would it have been the Desert vs the Stars? Or was it always destined to be the dysfunctional divorcée’s, with the probability that they would have turned on Scar and Grian before each other.
This series was so much fun to watch, and I hope they had fun filming it. I am sad my prediction wasn’t entirely correct, but I’m not surprised that it came down to Scott and Pearl, despite the games being completely unscripted, they always manage to be poetic that way
(Common disclaimer of this is just how I’ve viewed things, and at the end of the day I am well aware it is just a bunch of good friends playing block game and being dramatic about it. I swear this is all done with a very light heart lol)
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third-hermit · 1 year
MCYT fanfics
( more specifically empires, hermitcraft and life series )
Learn to love - pastel_sprout
By royal decree, it is declared and agreed upon by both Kings and Queen of Oceana and the Royal Council of Rivendell, that their youngest sons shall be wed under the eyes of Aeor and The sea after both their 18th name day. In this union, both princes bring together two empires in a permanent bond. Oceana is to lend support to Rivendell with food and construction. Rivendell is to lend its magic abilities to Oceana to help keep the sea sane. -or- due to the crisis on both ends of the continent, Rivendell and Oceana set up a marriage between their princes. It does not start well.
Learn To Love - Pastel_Sprout - Empires SMP [Archive of Our Own]
The ocean at your door - series - by Shinygaycomputer
you looked so good in green - scott has to solve martyn’s murder, while trying to heal from and forget why he believes he caused it.
i love a good place to hide in plain sight - bdubs solves martyn’s murder, and cleo and etho try to solve their relationship
i try to worry for soul but i forget to - jimmy’s perspective of you looked so good in green
i’ll figure out a way to get us out of here - lizzie loves her little brother a whole lot.
i’ll find a new place to be from - scar knows his partner loves his secrets, but he didn’t know grian would kill to keep them
you could hear the ocean in a seashell - martyn meets mumbo, who freaks out about literally everything that happens next
the ocean at your door - shinygaycomputer (medieval_bread) - 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series, Empires SMP [Archive of Our Own]
Of giving and receiving love - series - by CrazyFoxLady
flower husbands / rancher duo empires fic
part 1
Scott, prince of Rivendell, trys to court the Codfather. The blonde, on the other hand, is oblivious. He doesn't get it, to Scott's endless frustration. Then the emperor of the swamp meets the Grimland's newest alchemist, a guy that suddenly showed up and quickly worked his way up to the position of count fWhip's trusted adviser. Suddenly the Codfather has many excuses to visit the former enemy's empire.
Part 2
Jimmy and Tango sort out how they will be moving forward. But it seems like even the Codfather was not aware of all the customs. So he get's overwhelmed quickly after his sister lays down what their people expect of him now.
At Rivendell, the prince goes through a crisis. He trys not to drown in those deafening feelings that threaten to pull him under. Will he find the strengh to move on?
Of giving and reciving love - CrazyFoxLady - Empires SMP, Hermitcraft SMP [Archive of Our Own]
Where the ocean meets the sky - series - iceraptoress
Flower husbands / empires s1 fic
Part 1
Seven-year old Prince Scott of Rivendell is looking forward to attending House Blossom's Decade Flower Festival, where he hopes to meet Merfolk for the first time. He is disappointed that no other Elves seem to share that excitement, and his older brother Xornoth tries to discourage his interest. When he does finally meet the Merfolk, he discovers that they are not what he was told to expect.
Part 2
The young Prince of the Ocean Empire had a difficult and traumatic start to life, and survived only to be resented by his people and neglected by his mother. Determined to prove himself, Jimmy struggles to fit into a world where he doesn't seem to entirely belong.
Part 3
As they grow and the years pass, Prince Scott of Rivendell and Prince Jimmy of the Ocean Empire lead very different lives. Well loved, Scott begins the life of study and exploration he has always wanted, while Jimmy continues to struggle for acceptance.
( I haven’t finished it yet but it’s so fucking good im dying)( i will post fanart )
I will add more
please tell me your favorites and come with suggestions!
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kraekat29 · 1 year
Maroon- Chapter Six
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Ruby hissed in pain as she slipped the extra shirt off- her arm was covered in blood, making her feel sick.
She cringed as Sarah pressed John B's bandanna on the wound, " stop- JB stop" Ruby said, reaching for her brother, " no, I have to get you help" He said and Ruby shook her head no.
" you have the gold.. make it count.." She said and he finally looked at her, " I could care less about the gold right now" He said and drove up into a field.
She felt blood dripping from in between her fingers as the future dawned on her- she wasn't going to survive this, she'd never see JJ again..
Tears filled her eyes as she accepted her fate, but it was for a good reason, everyone else would have a chance at a better life now. 
She grit her teeth to keep from screaming in pain as John B called Terrance- his voice sounded far away even though he was right beside her.
She coughed once, looking at her hand in horror as it was splattered in blood, her brother looked like he was going to be sick at the sight.
Eventually Terrance and Cleo arrived, but Ruby knew deep down that it was already too late for her- she couldn't breathe from the pain.
But John B drove like hell to that doctors house while Sarah tried to maintain the pressure- Ruby's eyes fluttered shut, she just wanted this to be over. 
Of course her brother wouldn't let that happen, picking her up and carrying her up the steps while Sarah trailed behind.
Her ears were ringing, she could barely even see as she took labored breaths- she silently wondered if JJ would ever forgive her for giving up this easily.
But the pain was too much, her ability to fight was gone as John B laid her on the table, she couldn't bring herself to grab her brothers hand- she felt too guilty.
Hours passed but it felt like days, the monitor was beeping as John B stared at his twin, his leg bouncing as nausea formed. 
His eyes flickered to her monitor then to her and back again, he couldn't lose his twin, not now when they were so close to the end.
He paused as the monitor made a weird noise, " hey- hey no no no..." he mumbled as her heart rate went down.
But the sickening sound of the flatline rang out in the room, he could barely even register it at first before he ran over to the table.
John B looked at Ruby, a lump forming in his throat as he stared at her- how could he make this decision? How could he decide to save his twin or just let her go?
He took a deep breath and nodded before starting CPR, the more the flatline sounded the harder he tried, tears blinding his vision as he desperately tried to get her to wake up.
"Wake up.. Ruby wake up!" He sobbed, pushing down harder on her chest, but she didn't, she just remained motionless on the table.
"please.." he whispered, laying his head on her stomach and crying, "I love you Rubes.. I'm sorry.." he cried.
He closed his eyes, sniffing as he hugged his sisters body tighter, refusing to let go of her.
He faintly felt a twitch next to him, not registering it until it happened again- he opened his eyes, more tears slipping as he realized it was Ruby, her fingers were twitching.
He watched as her monitor started again, sighing in relief as he hugged her, wiping his tears away and taking a few deep breaths.
She was alive.
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larebiscornue · 3 months
AYO??? Heavy season 4 spoilers discussion under the cut
Sooo that blogpost about eva's past mentioning her living as a kid with her mother, father and Cleophée, and then getting sent to train as a sadida bodyguard, with no indications of her and cleo not necessarily having a tough family life.. (and unrelated I think the dad? rode a dragodinde. Sorry I had no clue where to write this vital fact)
Are now effectively obsolete.
I wonder if the rest of blog stories (such as that about az having a lil adventure before even hatching, or getting the closest to a kind of a rough estimate of armand's age (afaik) as he was a teen when amalia was a young kid (also their mother's spirit watched over them thanks to the tree of life I think?. That was so sweet :'( ) are obsolete too.. I don't think they necessarily need to be.
I'm watching the toross episode, and while I am obviously sad the cra sisters had this sad background, part of me is kinda glad cause while happy, the little blog perfect family was a bit underwhelming when compared to.. everybody else's family quirks
It seems all guilde des murmurs members were family but not all were cras (or at least they were rare not bow using cras which would be neat) which does make sense worldbuilding-wise.
HOOO THE SADIDA KING BEING ONE OF THEIR MOST LOYAL CLIENTS THOUGH OGHHHH GASP. I thought he was fully "good" but this adds a new depth and moral greyness to the king, as many krosmoz esp royals do in the franchise which is an exciting addition! Now I'm not saying he's like. Secretly evil, but instead of an always good-presented king, it's heavily implied he hired assassins against his enemies. VERY frequently at that. We don't know if his enemies were truly evil but still this is quite a surprise and layer! IF AMALIA N ARMAND LEARN ABOUT THIS I WILL LOSE IT... Dunno if the queen was a part of this, she was more laissez-faire on royalty stuff. Not that means she was a BAD queen, as far as we know for now she was good and loved, but much as her daughter, she loved to sneak and go on adventures. Maybe the king stopped his merc-hiring thing time ago and repented about it, he changed his ways, but, yeah this adds more depth and a twist.
Did the king always plan having eva as a bodyguard for amalia since he might have guessed she had a great potential as per her kin does? I don't necessarily think so, again, not going on the EEEVIL KING REAL tirade. For now we have no proof. Eva seemed to regard the sheram sharm family well. I wanna think the reason why madagaskane chose the king wasn't fully out of his loyal client or king status, but because he supposed he could be caring.
Of course if you wanna go gritty you can imagine eva getting picked as a bodyguard was deliberate, that the slightly older, talented with the bow kid was a good helping hand for the king's youngest child. Armand probably had his own bodyguard(s). And this could help build loyalty to the princess but... Too cynical for me, really.
Wonder if, going by this though, cleo not getting picked was cause of her less standing talent compared to eva or her being more childish n clashing w amalia. Idk. That's my last addendum.
Also I'm sooo glad they explained why eva and cleo have always had this extraordinary bow talent even for a cra. Don't get me wrong I'm the biggest hater of "oh there was not any hard job only magical talent" situations, but, aside from talent not being equal amongst the sisters, I feel it's a question of hard work. We can see it imo in Evas training ethic with Flopin. She has always tried to teach him hardwork.
So, I believe Eva is quite talented, perhaps even quite talented for a regular guilde des murmurs relative's standards, but she for sure has and keeps quite working on her abilities too
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masteryoftheseas · 9 months
@asoulunbound asked:  i’m not trying to change your mind . (Meno for Cleo)
Readjusting from lovers to friends was an awkward and difficult path. Neither of them had experience with it before and other brief lovers Cleora had after Menoetius were soon forgotten and never acknowledged. They didn't stay in her heart and mind like Menoetius did. Trying to find a distraction, perhaps a way to get over and heal from the first real heartbreak she suffered was failing constantly.
Sure the titaness had her fun and gathered new experiences but she ultimately grew bored or disinterested. Those relationships didn't feel long lasting but the conclusion she reached as she felt the end emerging was that none of them were on the level of her first love, Menoetius. They weren't him and even their positive qualities couldn't outshine her first boyfriend. She fought so hard for them to be accepted by their parents and she often professed her love for him. She didn't miss her other lovers like how she missed the rash titan.
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"You say that but how has it been since we've tried reconnecting as just friends? Can you honestly say this had been a smooth transition?" Cleora challenged him firmly. Menoetius had his training and domains to keep him busy but he must have missed her like she missed him. They were inseparable and spent day and night together. They were so intertwined in each other's lives it was unfathomable to think they could ever be apart for too long or even no longer lovers. They believed it was the best route for them after the curse was lifted but the longer she spent without him as her boyfriend, she more she felt out of place and unlike herself. He helped her grow out of her strict and prude shell despite her father claiming he was making her rash and thoughtless. She never lost her common sense as he thought but developed another sense of self. An ability to be free and open without harsh judgement or prejudice.
"Are you happy with this arrangement?" Cleora asked him as she looked at him closely. Her eyes softened, hoping she would hear him say yes and desire a relationship with her again. She had yet to tell him she ended her recent relationship a few weeks ago but perhaps it was finally time. She was single but she wanted him back. Only him.
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