#how are theh supposed to know the difference???
spooky-bunnys · 4 months
Title: Upset Bunny
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers
Pairing: Sakamaki Brothers x Bunny Hybrid M.R
Warnings: swearing
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After the last 'grooming' incident, Reji had a stern talking to (Name) about him trying to groom himself. Which made (Name) upset. He was just trying to look good for them! Why was he getting in trouble for that?!
(Name) flopped onto the bed. His long bunny ears were droppy. Singaling his depressed mood. His little tail was dropping as well. Which meant (Name) was deaply upset. Something that was rare since he came to the Sakamaki Mansion.
Normally (Name) was the happy shy bunny they know and love. But right now? He was an upset Bunny that had 'banned' the others from his room for the time being. He couldn't really ban them, since theh could literally teleport into his room. But a few have already tried and was promptly kicked out.
Even Shuu who only wanted to sleep on the bed by him was kicked out. None of the brothers knew what was going on. So they tried asking Yui who only gave them a straight face. Then proceeded to ask them why she'd know anything. So they tried winning over the depressed bunny. By giving him gifts. But the gifts were thrown back at them. Along with a huff the door was slammed in their faces.
Though (Name) didn't slam the door in Subaru's face. (Name) had politely thanked the youngest brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Which absolutely infuriated the other brothers. Especially Ayato, who demanded to know why his gift was throw in his face along with the door being slammed. (Name)'s expression didn't change as he slammed the door in the oldest triplets face.
Ayato turned towards the smug youngest brother. "Oi! What makes you so special?! Why did you get a thanks and a kiss on the cheek, while were had our gifts and door slammed in our faces!?" Subaru shrugged. "Don't know. All I know is, (Name) is upset with you. Not me. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and get my lovely flower some more flowers."
With that he disappeared. Leaving the other brothers confused or angery. Reji sighed and pushed up his glasses. "Maybe the human can get the answer out of him. Without upsetting him more." The others grumbled and made their way to Yui's room. Where the girl was studying for a test she was gonna be having next time she went to school.
Yui sighed when she heard rough knocking on her door. Only one person in the house knocked like that. She turned around and was met with five or the six Sakamaki brothers. Who all had different expressions on their faces. "Yes Reji-san. How can I help you?" Before Reji could answer Kanato interrupted. Shoving his annoyed face into Yui's personal space.
"Why is (Name) so angry with us?!" Yui slightly flinched at the raising of his voice. Having grown mostly used to it by now. Yui groaned internally. She thought she had already told them she didn't know. "I already told you guys. I don't and wouldn't know why he's upset with you all." Apparently Kanato didn't like the answer.
"Who else would know then?! (Name) won't speak to us! So how are we supposed to fix the problem?!" Yui could already feel a headache coming. "Have you guys tried talking to him, or did you just shove gifts into his face?" Nobody said anything. Kanato was silent and carefully backed away and hugged his bear tightly.
Yui ran a hand down her face and sighed. "You guys are just. Look. (Name) is probably upset over what happened a few nights ago." The brothers stopped and tried remembering what would've happened in the past few days. Yui could scream right now with how oblivious these vampires could be.
"He tried dressing up. He even tied grooming himself for you guys?" The brothers made humming sounds. But of course they didn't know what the problem was. "Then why is he upset with us?" Yui face-palmed. "He got the brush stuck. Remember? You and Ayato pulled on the brush and Subaru had to help him groom. Then after that Reji lectured him. For trying to look good for you guys."
The brothers were silent. "If I was (Name) I'd be upset about that honestly." Multiple brothers nodded and teleported away leaving Yui to study. She prayed that she was correct or at least somewhat right about why (Name) was in the mood he was currently in. If not Yui truly wouldn't know.
Back in (Name)'s room, (Name) was just trying to nap now. He'd eaten the resh carrots Subaru had given him and he'd fallen asleep. Belly full and under the warm blankets of his comfy bed. That was until he heard knocking on his bedroom door. Now all the brothers knocked on his door. Well, except Laito. He would just teleport no matter the reason.
But each brother had a way of knocking, and the way the knocking sound, (Name) figured it'd be either Shuu or a tired Reji. (Name) groans and turns away from the door. He grabbed the extra pillow and threw it at the door. He didn't hear hear the pillow hit the door or floor and groaned again.
"Please leave. I want to be alone." (Name) felt the bed dip and an arm wrapping around him. "Shuu. Please. Leave me alone." Shuu said nothing but pulled him closer. (Name) huffed and tried to move away, but ultimately failed since he was weaker then the other. Although there was one thing he could do.
(Name) used his ear to smack the other. Making Shuu chuckle. "Naughty bun bun. Are you trying to get punished?" (Name) huffed again and tried to smack the male again, but with the other ear. Which sadly didn't work. Since Shuu had grabbed the ear and gave it a kiss. Making (Name) extremely flustered.
(Name) stopped moving and pouted. Shuu stared for a moment before sighing. "Now will you tell me why you're so upset with us?" (Name) huffed and tried getting away again. Making Shuu sigh again and turn (Name) towards him. Gently grabbing the hybrid's chin, Shuu looked directly into the others eyes.
(Name) silently stared into Shuu's dark blue eyes. They were (Name)'s favorite feature about the eldest Brother. (Name) swears he could stare into those deep blue ocean eyes for the rest of his life. The brothers eyes have always mesmerized him.
"(Name) you can stare into my eyes later. Now tell me whats wrong?" (Name) sighed and started playing with his ears. "Its stupid, but I'm upset about how you guys got upset with me last time. I just wanted to look good for you guys." Shuu deadpanned. "Are you serious?"
(Name) groaned and hid his face in Shuu's chest. "Stupid I know! But seriously! Everytime I try and do something myself I get lectured." Shuu went to retaliate but (Name) continued. "I try to groom myself? Lectured. I try to make my own food? Lectured. I try and do laundry? Lectured. I'm not helpless!"
Shuu flinched. (Name) wasn't exactly lying. His brothers didn't like (Name) doing stuff. They wanted to treat (Name) like a prince, but (Name) liked being independent. He didn't like people doihg stuff for him. He was dependent on himself and the most stubborn person they've ever known.
Shuu sighed. "I'll talk to them. Just rest right now okay?" Shuu ran his fingers through (Name)'s hair. Massaging his ears lightly. It didn't take long for (Name) to fall asleep. A few minutes later more footsteps sounded in the room. Shuu carefully looked over his shoulder. Seeing his other brothers.
Kanato stepped forward and carefully brushed (Name)'s hair from his face. "So he's upset with us, because he thinks we're too controlling basically." Shuu didn't answer them only hugging (Name) closer and closed his eyes. The brothers roll their eyes. "Hey deadbeat." Shuu didn't react. "Thanks for talking to (Name) I guess."
Reji teleported away first. The others slowly following. Shuu opened an eye and huffed. "Whatever Butler-chan." Shuu smirked and played his mp3. Removing a ear bud so (Name) could hear the music too. He kissed (Name)'s forehead and sighed softly.
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c0untb00z · 4 years
I would just like to clear, I don't hate the BBC Dracula 2020 Show. In fact, I actually like the idea of Dracula being set in modern times like in the show, but I would like it a lot better if it wasn't written like a fucking reader insert fanfiction.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some reader inserts every once in a while but they're meant to be on Wattpad. Sometimes, you can find really fucking good fanfictions that could genuinly be movies, but this really just feels like someone wrote an erotic fanfiction for Dracula. It almost reminds me of a worse version of 50 Shades of Grey with less kinky sex.
First and foremost Agatha Van Hesling. I actually kinda liked her personality, how driven she was and determined to never give up, but she was literally created for a love interest. In Dracula by Bram Stocker, Sister Agatha is a nun that nurses Jonathan back to health, claiming he was 'sick in the head' as he ranted of what he had seen and warning others of Dracula. She doesn't even have a last name.
However there is a Dr. Van Hesling in the book, hes dutch(???) Professor that mentors and taught(????) Jack Seward who was in love with Lucy, who was fed off of and eventually killed and eventually undead by the means of the one and only Dracula. Dr Van Hesling plays a large role in the plot of the book. He has an open mind and was able to draw connections between things that some others couldn't, as he had access to more sources and could speak to most off the charecters involved. He's the first person to present the idea of a vampire, and Lucy turning into one. Thanks to Jonathan he was able to identify the vampire feeding on Lucy as Dracula and finds out how to kill the vampires.
So basically Agatha was literally fabricataed for the sole perpose of being there, to fall in love with Dracula or something.
I know we all are horny for Dracula. I'm horny for Dracula. Vampires are fucking hot but the sexiest part of vampires is that they ya know. Kill you and are mercily and heartless. The show does show that in a lot of parts and even decapiates a nun and yeets it into a gaggle of nuns which i fucking died at. But it also, humanizes him way to much, hes literally a monster. The scene in the boat with lord whats his name really portrayed that. It was really,,,, weird cause me being a kinky fucker I don't find the particular phrases of "you're going to need to be quiet now," and " youre doing so well" that creepy and if anything a little hot but looking at the circumstance and the look on that kids face, it was like r e a l y fucked up. Which is why i liked that scene. It showed just how fucked up Dracula is.
To be fair i did like Cleas Bangs acting and casting as Dracula. He had a certain charm that was ever so s l i g h t l y off. I heard people say he just 'made up an accent' but fuck you guys its a fucking danish accent you incolent twats anyways. He could be really funny at times and i actually apprecited it.
However the casting AND acting of the modern parts is absolute shit. Ep.3 is where i kinda gave up on the show and finsihed it for the sake of torturing myself. FIRST OF FUCKING ALL LUCY i cannot fathom how P I S S E D i am about Lucy. Why did they have to make her a phone obsessed basic asshole with no regards to anyones emotions besides her own and the extent of her personality is 'getting likes on socail media is all i care about because it makes me feel validated so im gonna wallo in self pity because i was obiously written by white man in his 50s that would have made me white if he wasnt forved to throw in diversity points" like shut the fuck up steven king.
Also lucy and mina never meet??? Theyre in different fucking time lines??? Theyre friendship and love for eachother was fucking golden how dare you rob that form me and give me a garbage bag full of shit with a shiny little bow on top in its place jesus f u ck.
The cemetary scene was o k ay i gues?? I liked the little nod to the book with the bloofer lady and the concept of random sprits being undead because of unfinished buisness. But this really just felt like it was slapped in the show for the sake of going on a date with Dracula in cemetary. I actually kinda apperacted it but it just felt awkward.
Also who the f u ck is Lucy's friend? The gay one??? Like,,,, is that supposed to Arthur???? His chatecter was so fu king weird and offset he just didnt feel like he should be in there. Hes literally just there for a-50-year-old-man's-interpretation-of-young-women-now-a-days verson of Lucy to have a gay best ffriend.
Ok i not even sure if i want to talk about Quincy. It just hurts. It physically hurts me to think about how d i r t y they did my baby. His charecter is the defination of american chivalry, just as great as regular chivarly but with a little extra cowboy vibe. Quincy is jist the biggest,,,, sweet haert,, like he asked lucy to marry him in his cool american cowboy voice cause he knew lucy loved it and it always made her laugh. And even when she turned him down becayse her heart belonged to arthur, he stayed. All he wanted was for lucy to be happy and all he requested was that they stay frirnds. Hes also invovled with taking fkwn dracula although hes not a main charecter percice ly as he doesnt have any entires in the book he still has an amaizing precence and sometimes while reading the book ill be readying one of dr sewards passanges and think "huh i wonder what quncys doin. I hope hes dooin good. Cowboy vibes n stuffs" amd boy dles he do that. Everh dracula film adaptataion robs us. R O B S U S of quincy morris best scene. In the middle of dr van helsing ranting about vampires( thats basically what half of the book is. I could write a 4p minute mono louge of his rambling jesus how does sweard take note of all this) quincy litterally just walks out. And nobodg really pays any notice beside glancing ag his leave and shrugging at one anouther and going back tl listneing tl van helsing explaining his vampire fan theories quincy moris , the quincy morris from texathe untited states of the amerkca the land and the free and also cowboys.stands outside of the bouilding and pints his gun up at. Dracula whos in the shape of a fucking bat eves ddopping outside the window and just fucking,,shoots it. Now he doesnt hit it cause thatt wouldnt be as fun as brutally stabbing the fucker witja wooden stake. But S T I L L. And the fucking bullet hits the window that everybodys in anprobably causes arthur to shit himself the ppoor boy. Can you belive that theh didnt fucking flim thatfor any dracul? Now i i under stands why not put in this adaptation because quincy is only mentionsed like three god damned times. And when theh DK mention him jesusnshit they literally jsut made him some popular jock from amwrica just to conter jacks white twinky ass and then they had him propose to lucy in the middle of a fucking night club and she says yes???? Lile ok jut throw Arthur out a window then cause cause fu c k him i guess. And then after lucy dies he jjsy fucking moves ?? The only thing thta makes this version of qincy quinccy is the fu king name and fact hes from america
Ok now jack fucking seward. He reminds me of when ylu forget you had a pb&j in your back pack so in the bos after school you pull it out cause yoyr hungry and yoyr mom put WAY to much jelly on it so now its like. All obsorbed into the bread and joggy and squished. Just sad and really white. They even had some kid call him whate bread and they werent fucking wrong. His obly personality traits were ' omg i love lucy but shes a hoe ;,,,((' and being connected to Zoe.
Now last and definately least the god forbaden ending. Just thinking about it gives me a fucking head ache. So , jesus, zoe, who is agathas great niece or someshit, a d looks exactly like her (its literally the same fucking actress) is a detective lile scitist reasearching dracula. So dracula is illedatly attracted to her becasue he thinks shes like agathas reincarnation or soenshit. So he tries tk drink her blood at one point and spits it all out and pukes and sjit cause her blood is poisonous bevaise she has fucking c an c e r. So later we find out that draculas weaknesses ( the sun crucifix) arnt actually real hes just afraid of dying so he has like irration fears or some shit so for some fucking reason. They deside. Its a good iea to end the show with this:
Dracula fucking drinks all of zoes blood killing her and himself because her blood poisonus. And ghe fucking emd scene is them like,,, in the sun???? Or soemt hi ng??? And theyre naked and like presumably fucked and dracula says some shit like " its doesnt have to hurt" and i almost tore my wrist open wiith my teeth because of how shitty this ending is.
Not lnly is it disrespectful to zoe but agatha, agathas whole thing was K I L I N G. dracula she wanted him fucking D E A D she woULDNT FUCK HKM
anyway if anyone actually goes through the effort of reafing my god damn eS S A Y about Dracula that i finkshed typing (im not gonna bother editing tbh) at 4 fucking am. Then thank you and please get a life
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stefyjonas1 · 4 years
Watching TVD for the first time in forever
I just finished book 2 and decided to start the show... for notes on my reactions to the book, visit my goodreads :)
Overall: very different than the books. I remember pieces of this show but I haven’t watched it in years. Also they said a slur and it was not ok, so content warning for transphobia for anyone who needs it. Also how old were the actors when this show was made?? Believe me, I love Ian and Paul, but they do not look like college/high school students... (I just looked it up, Ian was 30, paul was 27). Have I complained on here before about the lack of actual teenagers on tv? because it annoys me. Anyways, I’m gonna keep watching and then watch the originals and then rewatch legacies :)
Detailed notes:
the books are elenas pov why is he talking
i remember this
i love nina dobrev
the family is so different
id be interested to hear why they made the changes they did
bonnie’s from salem now? she was all about the druids in the books
im sorry did they just say tr*nny?!?!
they turned sweet four year old margaret into a drug dealer
how old was paul when theh filmed this? is he supposed to pass for a high schooler?
this is moving a lot faster than the books so far
wait, HE has her diary?
vickie is an actual character?
caroline is their friend still? and no meredith?
throwback to this song (thinking of you)
i feel like they took some of the characters and the basic structure and made slmething completely different
that picture looks too clear for 1864
they kept how horrible mr tanner was
"he has that romance novel stare"
im choosing to see this as something completely separate from the books
ive always wanted a smoke machine so i could make stuff like this
aww matttttt
he just turned caroline down hard
i remember Damon being a bad boy but he was evil in the book
people like caroline who look at life as competition make me sad
im sorry, does Vickie know it was a vampire
all this throwback music reminds me that this show is like 11 years old
also how old was ian in this? i know in the books hes pretending to be in college, but still
she invited him in awww
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one-true-houselight · 5 years
I watched Spiderverse again
So y’all get a short (ish) ficlet with NOIRHAM because I love it.
Noir fiddled with the Rubit’s cube (he thinks that Ham said this was called) at his desk, mixing up the colored squares. He stopped for a moment and studied it, trying to remember what they were all called. The colors were so bright and different, they seemed to fill the room and burn a hole through his gloved hand. He checked his watch before going back to mixing it up; only a few more minutes. Those passed, and he placed the unorganized cube on his desk just as the clock hit 6:17. As it did, amourphous black shapes started materializing and swirling in front of him. He absentmindedly straightened his already-straight hat, then wondered why he did it. Before he could pursue that line of thought, the phenomenon in front of him gave way to a shimmering ring, about 4 foot in diameter, through which he could see Ham at his dining room table, seemingly flipping through some printed out pictures.
“Ham.” Ham looked up at his name, and Noir could see that his webbed mask was pushed up over his eyes. Ham smiled, stood on his chair, and gave an exaggerated bow.
“Noir! What a surprise!” Ham materialized a top hat to tip at Noir, then vanished it into the ether.
“We planned to see each other, Ham.” They both laughed; this conversation has happened the first time they had met this way (though that time Noir had been serious), and it had become their standard greeting these past…how ever many times they had talked.
“How the hell have you been, Noir?”
“I got those bastards that were threatening the corner store. I’ve been practicing the Rubit’s cube,” he said as he picked it up.
“Rubik’s cube, Noir. And let’s see!” Ham smiled as Noir slowly turned the rows, lining up colors. At one point, the monochromatic man paused to pull his mask up over his own eyes, clumsily moving his glasses.
“I suppose it’s silly to keep the mask on with you.”
Ham fake gasped. “YOU’RE SPIDERNOIR????” Noir laughed as he went back to the cube. Ham started sorting out pictures he wanted to show Noir. A few minutes later of clicking and idle chit chat, Noir held up a completed cube.
“Well look at you, you puzzle solving champion!” Noir tossed the cube up and down with a grin. “Now, can you tell me the colors?
Noir looked at the cube. “Fuck.” Ham chuckled. “I think this one’s white?”
“Well, you have that one, silly.”
“Yeah yeah. Um…is this…” He hesitates as he points to a side. “…Purple?”
“Nope. This is purple,” Ham said as he pulled a bunch of grapes out of the air. Noir studied and nodded, which made Ham throw the whole bunch into his mouth. He chewed a bit and swallowed. “Delightful.”
“Thanks for sharing, Ham.”
“Well, you didn’t ask!” Ham pulled out another bunch and made to toss it through the portal.
“I was kidding!”
“Be that as it may, now that I have them, when was the last time you ate a fruit?” As Noir opened his mouth, Ham rolled his eyes and said, “Wine does not count.” Noir closed his mouth and didn’t answer. “That’s what I thought. Anyways, what’s that color?”
Noir caught the grapes and slowly started eating them, contemplating the cube. “Blue?”
“Nope, that’s this part of my suit,” Ham said, pointing to his chest. Noir nodded.
“And the rest of it is red. It’s my favorite color.” Noir felt his face heat up a bit. “Um, anyways, this color. Wait, this is green, isn’t it?”
Ham reached into his pocket and pulled out a noisemaker and blew into it. The brightly colored party favor stretched out through the portal and bopped Noir lightly on the nose. “Good job, buddy. And hey,” he said as he put the noisemaker away, “you know I’m proud of you, right? I can’t imagine learning what colors are in a world without them, you know? I don’t want my jokes to get you down, I would never intentionally like, shame you or anything, ok?”
Noir had never seen his friend look so nervous. “Of course, Ham. Don’t worry about it, I love seeing you. And I’m glad you’re teaching me.” Ham smiled at him.
“Alright, good. I was getting worried, sometimes I say stupid shit, and I don’t want to make you...” Ham trailed off. “Sorry, I can overthink things.” He shuffled through the pictures in front of him. “Well, whatever. It’s fine. Wanna see something I’ve been working on?”
“Of course, Ham. Your photos are lovely.” Noir saw Ham’s cheeks go a little red. “Are you ok?”
“Your cheeks turned a different color.” Ham chuckled.
“I suppose you wouldn’t know about blushing in color.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize…” Theh both trailed off, staring at each other. “Forget about it, Ham. So, these pictures?”
“PICTURES!” Ham quickly looked down, and found the pictures he was looking for. “I went down to the forest and took these. I think they might look familiar.” Ham walked around the table and handed them through the portal. Noir took them, looked at the first one, and gave a small gasp.
Ham has gone and taken various shots of trees, plants, and some dilapidated structures in the forest. What struck Noir, however, was the fact that they were all in black and white. The photos used a lot of light and shadow, and the effect was striking.
“Ham, these are wonderful. The composition in this one is amazing.” Ham smiled. “What made you do them…like this?”
Ham looked at Noir for a long moment. Then, quietly, he said, “It reminded me of you.”
“Hey, Noir?”
“Yes Ham?”
“Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?”
“I’d love that.”
“Does right now work?”
Noir smiled. “I think it will.”
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telling-our-stories · 5 years
Coming out stories
A heads-up. These are the original stories, however, they are anonymous. This wasn't intentional, I just screwed up and didn't tag. These stories, aren't mine, so if I've posted yours and you want it taken down. Please, just ask me.
I am tired of people who are against the LGBTQ+ community. Its alright to have an opinion. It is not alright to put people down for being themselves. The first pride was a riot, a fight for what they believe in. I'm trying to do the same. I'm trying to gather the stories of the fallen, the ones who are still standing, the people who are willing to fight for everything they are. And I am fully willing to take a stand and fight to prove we exist. To prove that we're here, and we aren't backing down.
Hello, my name is Dustyn. I'm here today to collect stories from the LGBTQ+ community. There's a lot of people who are against us, which is exactly why we need to stand our ground. I'm not asking for a fight, I'm asking for your stories. My story is not yet finished, though I'm a bisexual trans male. Our stories are important, because they show who we are and how far we've come. I've struggled a lot in my life, but I've made it. So have others. Here are some of those stories. We'll start with mine. I've gone through many identities, mostly trying to figure myself out. I'm still doing that. My family doesn't accept me for me, but I have many friends who do. There are so many accepting people in life, and I appreciate all of you who are proud to be who you are. Whether closeted or not, you are all valid and amazing.
"Hello my name is Melissa and i am bisexual. My family didn't really have a harsh reaction to it other than the fact that they didn't understand it at first. That was most of my trouble was people saying that bisexual wasnt valid. Im sorry mine is so short but i think the moral is that you are valid. No matter what you identify as on any spectrum in the LGBTQ+ community. Also even if your outside of the LGBTQ+ community and your just an ally. We love you and you are all valid.”
"Salutations everyone. My name is Talan. I am non binary, panromantic and i am currently between asexual and demisexual. I was raised in a very christian household where my mother and father had very strict beliefs. They believed that being anything but straight and to me being anything other than my assigned gender was a sin, and many people still say that to me. When I came out to my dad he flipped, he took me out of school for a year and put me in online school. During this time in my life I had reached a dark time where i thought that it was never going to get better but trust me it does. I am still living with my dad who does not accept me and at this point we don't talk that much, but it does get better. We have gotten to the point where we can have a civil conversation with each other and im back in school. I have an amazing girlfriend and multiple qpps who i love very much. Everybody at school is very loving and supporting. Remember that family is not chosen for you, you make your own family. If you ever feel down than just know that there are so many amazing and kind people in the world who love you for who you are, no matter what that may be. You are loved."
“I'm glad you reached out to me, anything to help people understand more about the LGBTQ+ community. I am 19 now and I came out to my family at the age of 14. My parents were the typical ones who said it was just a phase and it would not last but here I am five years later and I made it through. There was a point where I had no one to turn to but then i met my amazing boyfriend. He helped me through the good and the bad and showed me that there were things to stay for. I am now in college and pursuing a career in photography at the University of Arizona. I hope that could help a bit!”
"Okay. Well. My coming out experience was definitely not expected in the slightest. I was in the 5th grade. Realizing that I liked both boys and girls was quite the revelation. I had a lesbian friend who was the first ever gay person I met or knew. I remember being backstage of a show I was in and just crying through the words, "I know I'm supposed to love guys, but I love girls too". After that. I didn't tell anyone else, until 6th grade. I was a track meet and a group of people I sat with was talking to my lesbian friend about kissing. I forget the exact conversation, but I spoke up and said I would kiss her. A Christian girl in my class was nearby and heard. She was disgusted. Therfore by the end of the week, I was completely outed to my entire school. It was ugly, but it got better over time I guess. I'm a junior in high school now. I have yet to come out to my parents, but at least I know that I am finally comfortable in my my sexual orientation and gender identify (demigirl, which I didn't figure out until a few short months ago)."
"Hey, I haven't actually come out to everyone yet but I have told a few people and all of their reactions were positive "oh you're bi? cool" and that was it. No "so do you like me?" or anything which was super great. So I was "straight" and when I heard about the LGBT community I was "straight" for about another five days. I did some thinking and realised I'd actually liked girls before, and shortly after came out as bi to a few of my close friends at the time. They were all supportive, bar one who said "you're just looking for attention lmao".Coincidentally, she had also come out as pan and had received the usual "you're attracted to pans?". I go to a Christian school, so it would be pretty disastrous if the news leaked out, but naturally it did. Not everyone knows, maybe about 10% of my grade. I suspect some teachers found out about how some people were LGBT (not many though, there's about 5 of us), because our dean of year gave the "you're too young to know that" talk. Mostly at school we get sheltered from all LGBT news and details at all, and my parents hadn't told me much about it either, even though they are supportive and would be okay if I came out as bi."
"I'm bisexual. I first came out to my elementary friends over the phone 3 years after we went to different middle schools. They were mostly all so accepting and I was so overwhelmed I hung up on them. I spent a few minutes laying on the ground clutching that phone to my chest, I'd never felt so loved. I cried and cried and cried because these people atleast the ones who accepted me see me different now but are okay with it. Two years later, now, I still haven't come out to my parents. I still need a few years but I'm a little bit more open at school now most of my friends accept me. Others were cut off, I can't do that with my family so they still don't know. Not as if they would take me seriously either way. I want to get past college get a place a stable life then maybe I'll be ready, just maybe. Thank you for listening to my story."
"I was surrounded by my Uncle and his husband for years. I always knew that gay people existed. When I was younger I never thought anything different of myself; I thought I was one of the boys.
 It never really clicked that I was the only one who saw it that way.
When I was 7, my mother and sister suggested I take dance I shot them down saying "that's for girls."
They didn't get it.
I wasn't entirely sure what came over me in that moment either but I know it felt right.
As myself and the people I knew grew up I realised I wasn't happy with the way I looked. I tossed it up as your typical dislike.
~every girl went through that at my age didn't they~
All the girls I knew were so happy that they were becoming women and I just sat in the back wondering why I didn't feel the same way.
I still didn't get it.
Once my depressed state got worse I decided to read into ways to love yourself and your body.
I started taking selfies, dressing up, wearing heels and makeup, forcing myself to sing even though I hated the way I looked and sounded.
It got worse.
I broke down when nobody was looking and acted like it was fine; like I wasn't praying that whatever I was feeling would go away for even a second.
And one day I looked in the mirror and I thought "this isnt right. This isn't me. This isn't what I want. Who in the hell is that person staring back at me?"
And I accepted it. That I would never be who I should be. That I would never be happy. Because nobody would love me. Nobody would want me. And nobody would accept me. Because if I was happy then that meant my family wouldn't have had the little girl theh thought they had gotten.
And up until recently no one knew that I broke down every night, that my thoughts got so bad I wanted to drown in my own tears so that maybe it would all be over. Because to me coming out to them was worse than death.
And here I am years later. My family knows but they don't care. They don't try to comprehend that this repression it kills me all the time. So I gathered my money got myself exactly what they told me they would never let me have and I lie. I go behind their backs and I live like the man I really am online. I bind my chest and I hide from their sight and when they ask I say it's just their eyes.
Because if they knew - if my mother knew - they would rather me suffer day after day than be who I am."
"heyo, i read your post and id like to put something to it.
i am a part of the community, havent came out to my parents yet, because i know for a fact id be sent to a psichologist or thrown out. but i am me online
an old friend of mine is a trans guy and found me a few weeks ago. he said he saw that i support LGBT+ and it was so comforting for him. a friend who i haven't talked with for 9 years!after he told me that he lost half of his family for being himself, his dad ignores him since, but he has a boyfriend and got his life together
and that i could be a little comfort for him is really nice. even the people who are closeted can be helpful in the community."
"Well, my mom took it well. I had gotten stuck in my closet and then she got me unstuck and I told her I was queer.
My brother, we were sitting in the car and he told me he always knew, but I had to keep it a secret from my dad or else bad things would happen.
My friends hugged me and started to use my name and pronounsSo coming out to my dad and stepmom, it wasn't even a coming out but a forced outage.
They took my phone away the night of a Panic attack that I still have nightmares over and searched it. They read all my messages.... everything.
I wanted to scream for it to stop, but I knew it wouldn't. They told me that they loved me, but I had to stop being me and I have to go back to being a girl who was cishet
But once you have a taste of freedom of who you really are, you can never go back ...I couldn't hide again. I just had to wait till I could spread my wings and be free somewhere else."
"Ok so for the thing you tagged me in, I don’t exactly have a coming out story yet, and I’m not sure of my identity entirely. I’ve tried out tons of labels and am sticking with queer at the moment just cuz it takes the stress off of picking an extremely definite word to describe me. I came out as queer last year, but I don’t consider it a coming out story because 1) I only told my friends and not my family, and 2) queer doesn’t completely define me. In real life, I’m doing my best to go back in the closet, but I think my “friends” may have told other people who spread rumors around my school, so it’s been difficult. A bunch of people make random references to me liking boys (I’m amab) and it made me uncomfortable enough that I started telling them I’m straight. I’m planning on staying as far in the closet as possible until people get more accepting and I understand myself fully."
"It's not a coming out story (mostly) but it's a realization of sorts.
Yesterday our Social Studies teached asked us to form groups and discuss a contemporary issue that we would present at the front in a few minutes. Long story short I suggested LGBT+ community and rights, which my group mates accepted. I live in a really conservative country (with at least 81% of the entire population identifying as Christians) and that's an extremely taboo topic. It ended up leading the teacher asking us to raise our hands if we believed the lgbt community should be allowed Civil Union, not considering religion an all. I was so afraid to raise my hand, but it was what I believed in and I couldn't live with it if I didn't show it, so I raised my hand. I didn't really do this as a member of the community, I wasn't thinking of myself. I was thinking of a world where this is accepted in my country, where I can go outside and be open and love whoever I wanted to, and I guess the idea of standing up for what I believed in was what pushed me to do that. A big majority of the class was against, and I was just so afraid even though some small logical part of me knew they would not do anything.Today, our Civics teacher had us grouped again to make a live news report and once again, my group (international news) got assigned lgbt+ community because of our listed problems yesterday. I suggested interviewing a member of the community and basically came out to two people I knew were trustworthy (nearly all three other members in that group but thank God I think the third one did not hear) and we agreed that I could be used if I only had my voice recorded and edited to not sound like me. Just a few hours ago I found out that one of my classmates, who I thought was a nice sweet boy, turned out to be a big homophobe. "Sodom and Gomora and Liberals are teaching unnatural things" kind of guy.I guess that broke something in me, because another thing I was really passionate about for when I grew up was this certain job, though no one supported me. I used to want to do that so much the idea of anything else repelled me, sometimes the idea of the other more "acceptable" jobs brought me to tears. Somehow this one admission that I thought everyone should have the right to at least a civil union and finding out my classmates didn't believe in that crushed something in me hard enough that I lost the passion to do that job I wanted. It makes no sense how this connected with that apart from the fact that neither are things I have been or would be supported on, but I guess seeing that this world isn't really safe made me lose hope.I felt scared to raise my hand, almost like I was actually coming out (which I now realize I'm absolutely never doing to many of those people) and the realization that some place I thought was a safe space for me, because all of those people in that class, I thought I could trust them. I've been with them since before I could spell "friend" correctly, they're family to me, I believed I would be safe and accepted, and then came to find out that wasn't quite the case...But well, basically I was terrified then crushed to find out that I could have outted myself to a group of people who would not take my news lightly
Found out some people I thought were friends thought people like me were broken
Found out some people I used to have the biggest crushes on didn't even believe in letting people have a civil union."
"I’m very excited to see brave people like you ready to start a revolution, so I thought I’d share my, sorta, coming out experience.
So I have divorced parents meaning I’d have to come out to four parents. This happened mainly last year. I was pretty sure I was bi, (tho I now identify panromantic demigirl) I knew my dad and stepmom would be great with it, and they were. But when it came to my mother, well, she wasn’t really homophobic, but she had different ideas about how a gay person should behave. She outed me to her after overhearing a convo with my friends. She then told me I was too young, and gave the “its a phase” talk. She knew I was fairly open about it because I lived by a motto to “be so myself that other people feel brave enough to be themselves too” But she believed a gay person should keep it a secret. Nowadays I don’t believe in the process of “coming out” I am open about my sexuality and gender but I don’t do formal coming outs. I always believed that if straights don’t have to, neither should I just because I “don’t fit a default” My mother wants me to come out to my stepfather even tho he already knows. I thought sharing a coming out story that also showed you should never feel obligated to come out. My mother guilt trips me about it, but I remain rooted in my beliefs that I shouldn’t have to come out, which I think is valid.
Hope my story can help anyone and just wanna say you are so so valid, amazing and powerful and should never feel pressured to be open if you don’t want to. Long live the revolution!!!🏳️‍🌈."
"Hello! I read your post about collecting LGTBQA+ stories and I thought Id share my brief experiences as a bi girl from Germany ^^
Tbh I never made a big deal about coming out, as I personally feel it goes to show that we're revealing a wierd secret, and Id like my sexualtiy to be something normal, not a main identifying characteristic. And everyone of my friends or classmates that I mention it to appear to have no problem with that whatsoever, and as far as I know Im not percieved as predatory either.
My family, however, is a whole different matter. While Im sure that my mums side of the family would be perfectly fine and my parents know already, when youve heard your fathers parents talk about eastern europeans and other immigrants using only slurwords and your uncles parents have expressed their absolute disgust about seeing a gay couple enjoy a nice picnic at the park, you get very cautious about who you tell. Especially since I dont want to put the supportive family in the position of having to consider whom they can talk to about this.
Another thing that Ive noticed after my exchange year in Sweden and seeing my first pride, though not having the time to attend, on my way there in Copenhagen, is how little support my country gives to this community from a social perspective. At my swedish school, all the teachers had a rainbow keyband from a *seminar about LGBTQA+ people*, something Im sure Germany would never do, and all of them kept it. There was no question whether you support us or not, it was an acceped part of social life and no big deal; we even did a private introduction round for pronouns!
And then I came back here. During pride month, there were no rainbow decorations, the most I saw of a parade was two discarded paper flags on the ground afterwards. When I vented about this to my ally friend, she only said that "some people and companies just like to stay neutral". Try all of them in Germany, but sure.
I know our community has come far, but I can also see that it isnt fsr enough, and that is the fight I am still fighting.
Hope this helps ^^."
"Alright. Mine isnt that interesting but I'll do my best :)
I came out as bisexual when i was in the sixth grade. It wasnt a huge deal to my mom. She said okay and we went on with our lives. Around the end of that year, i told her i thought i was trans and she said i wasnt. I came out to her again six months later and she said the same thing. There was a lot of yelling. Mind you, she isnt transphobic at all. The third time... she was so done with me. She yelled and so did i. It took four different times for her to accept me, and even then, i had to do the last time over text because i was scared of her reaction."
"So, my name is Ell. I identify as queer and demigender. I don't know what to say here really early than it's important to find others like you when you're not as close to your family as you used to be. Because of your identity. My family is more accepting than most, but still. The community online is so so important to me, and this project makes me really happy. So thank you. "
"I was at sea world and my mom was in the car I was talking about how my dad was super homophobic. My mom says that my dad acts like it’s a disease I said will if it is then I have got it, My mom is understanding and says that she will love me no matter what."
"So, I’m non-binary and bisexual. That’s a big no-no in a latino family like mine, it’s always grow up, get married with the opposite sex, and have kids. I don’t know why I felt that I could just say anything to my mom one day and she immediately objected. “Are you sure you’re not a lesbian or just confused? You can’t like more than one gender. Also, what’s this about a non gender? You’re either a boy or a girl, that’s it.”
Thankfully after a lecture and me apologizing (though I did nothing but tell her more about me) she let the subject go. I’ve never told my dad because I know mom just will get in the way and say I’m lying again, but at least my friends are understanding and almost completely LGBTQ+."
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Chapter 2 is here!
Chapter 2: I guess I’m here, if you want to talk
“Alright McCabe, spit it out.” Park walks through the kitchen door.
“What?” RJ looks up at him.
“You’ve been acting really weird around me for the past few days. Is there something you want to say?” RJ didn’t think they’d been acting that weird. They were just avoiding Park at all costs so they wouldn’t have to think about whether or not to talk to him.
Now that they thought about it, they’d been really obvious. But they didn’t know if they wanted to talk to Park yet. Or at all.
“Do you have any idea what Forky is?” RJ asks instead of talking about their feelings.
Park takes a sip of the coffee he’s holding.
“From what I’ve gathered Forky is a fork.”
“That’s it?”
“Pretty much. I could tell you more, but I suspect there's a better reason to explain how weird you’ve been acting.” Park takes a seat at the table across from RJ.
RJ looks away from him. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. RJ was supposed to be able to do this on their own time. They were supposed to be able to give this at least a few more days.
“McCabe.” RJ looks up at him. It’s still unsettling to look at his face and only see one eye.
“Why is your leg shaking so much?”
“Oh,” RJ says, as they quickly stop shaking. “I’m sorry it just happens when I get really anxious,” they say quickly, back to not making eye contact with Park.
“Umm...I guess I’m here, if you want to talk,” Park says, clearly a little uncomfortable.
RJ’s not sure how to feel about Park’s uncomfortability. On the one hand, this is weird for him too, on the other, RJ wants to talk to someone who knows how to say the right thing to make them feel better and Parks doesn't seem like he's in the best place to do that right now.
Before RJ can respond, Krejjh and Jeeter walk in, mid-conversation.
“No, it’s really cool. He made up multiple languages for the books, one of which you can be almost fluent in and has like, complex grammar and stuff.” Jeeter says passionately.
“Bud, I’m sure it’s a great read, but it’s just so long,” Krejjh groans.
“But dude, it's so cool! Tolkien created two different dialects of Elvish and one like, evolved from the other-” Jeeter suddenly seems to realize he and Krejjh aren’t alone. “Oh hey Lenny, hey RJ.”
“Hey,” Park says.
“Are we interrupting something?” Krejjh asks.
“No, it’s fine.”
“You sure, ‘cuz you both look really uncomfortable.”
“Krejjh, let’s just go back to our bunk and you can start read-”
“Crewman Jeeter,” Krejjh interrupts. “Theh-shlow-lay, but I am not reading your thousand-page nerd book.”
“Tolkien actually wrote like 20 books relating to the land of Arda,” Brian said, sounding defeated. Krejjh laughs.
“You’re so cute.”
“Maybe we could watch the movies?” Brian asks hopefully.
“Fine. But then we have to get caught up on Sh’th Hremreh.”
“Alright, deal.” Brian pauses. “What were we doing in the kitchen?” Krejjh ponders the question for a few seconds.
“I have no idea.”
“Well then, let’s go binge all nine hours of The Lord of the Rings,” Brian says, bounding out of the kitchen.
“Nine hours?!” Krejjh runs out after him.
“Well,” Park says after a few seconds of awkward silence. He takes another sip of coffee. “I guess I’ll just go back to my bunk,” he says, starting to stand up.
“Wait.” RJ didn't plan on saying anything; it just happened. And now they can't take it back.
“Yes, McCabe?” Park sits back down.
“Nothing, I didn’t...just...I...you can go.”
“McCabe, what is it?”
“I just,” oh god, they’re really going to do this. They’re really about to start talking about feelings with Park.
“It’s just," they pause. "I don't know what I've gotten myself into. I betrayed the IGR; you betrayed the IGR, we’re on the run from the IGR! I just don’t feel totally okay with any of that. I trusted you, I trusted the IGR, but then you betrayed the IGR and my trust, but I also betrayed the IGR and their trust, and I-”
“McCabe. Calm down, take a deep breath. Stop shaking so much.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“But I did.” RJ’s crying now. They wipe a few tears out of their eyes. “I betrayed the IGR; I sided with a bunch of smugglers! But the IGR wanted us to kill a dwarnian ...but maybe they had a good reason? But that would have started a war...but maybe I should have killed Krejjh; then I wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place!” RJ buries their head in their hands.
Park stands up and walks around the table to sit next to McCabe.
“RJ, listen to me. None of this is your fault. Trust me; things would be worse if you had killed Krejjh. And sooner or later, you would start to listen to all the treasonous thoughts swirling around in the back of your brain. It’s better this way.”
“Violet said I wouldn’t be scared of my brain anymore,” RJ says quietly. “But that’s not true. I’m still scared of my brain.”
Park abruptly stands up. “I’ll be right back,” he says and walks out of the room. RJ watches him leave, very confused. As they turn back to the table in front of them, they spot what seems to be a fork, bent almost completely into a circle, lying under the table.
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tweetie-voice · 3 years
#5 - 10 Minutes Early Morning News - June 25, 2021
All right, let's do one twenty boys, the online social media vocalizer. It is june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. The independent best online sex toy stores for shameless shopping at home take things up in a bedroom with a discreet package from one of these online boutiques inde, one hundred com press, one for more info pres to for next tweet, kelsey, chapman inde, one hundred june twenty third, as the late musical genius next per provoco to or george michael once, crew and sex natural sex is good. Not everybody does it, but everybody should we couldn't agree more. Sometimes you need a little help and get in there, though, and so we are, and so we saw it out some incredible online sex toy boutiques that offer the best ashes and toys close accessories furniture and whatever else you may need to get the job done. Maybe you're looking for something as simple as a wan vibrator or something as complex is a lattis ball gown for your next bdsha, either way, you'll find what you needed. One of these online stores keep reading to find you new faber way to shop for everything. Sex and let the fun begin, spat rum, boutique best, educationally queer friendly spectrum boutique describes itself as a sex, positive toy store that has a no nonsense, approach of sexuality and sexual education. We first became aware of the store via owner and dil. Do dutch is zoe le gones raucus instar several years ago, a place where she posted stream hilarious entertaining moving, and i was informative content frequently related to sexual health and the questions about him. An you are afraid to ask based in detroit, spectrum has been around to two thousand and fifteen and caters to all identities with equal enthusiasm, toys and tools are separated into gender categories, thus making it a queer friendly store where you can feel free to experiment with which, whatever catches, your fancy. All products are: a hundred percent body safe and carefully selected bazil, we erself so you're, always getting an educated stamp of approval on your purchase bone is shipping in the? U s is free on orders over ninety nine as adam and eve best budget toys and launch right at him, and he as i go to for many and one that's heavily gendered in a bit. More old fashioned by today's standards is still a great place to find a deal in basics like bud, plugs and lacy laundry found in in thousand nine hundred and seventy one making it fifty years old, adam and eve have always dane to provide a clear, far and supporter service, even excepting one hundred percent. No questions ask and return tom is with don know when they don't work out for the buyer. The category was easy to browse and offer hundreds of a product opinions, and it's generally easy to find. Only some sort of discount on a single product is in cose release her email news letters and sponsored influences so you're rarely pay full price for something you're buying just for the fun of it a great product for any first time or is it adam and eve magic, massage de logs? It's not quite as powerful there's a much beloved named brand magic one, but against the job done a far at last, as she price sack perfite just start in to experiment, there's also babe land love, honey, purple, passion forward, slash d v, eight good vives over king goop, any one hundred com, nartist dating with masks, is well different. Singles dress up as creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts dash nartist net flix is new reality dating program. Sexy beasts, a remake of a british show, has singles dressed up in heavy prosthetics for blind dates. Nordica press one to read more press to for next weed all right s. Media reports, depending on where you live. Your market may be increasingly challenging for home buyers due to low housing inventory in high demand, risks. Medico television strangles singles, dressed up bass creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts. Given the popularity of the mass singer, we can ascertain that dowers enjoy watching people dressed up in strange costumes and given the general state of reality television over the past two decades. We can also conclude that people enjoy watching people go on bizarre dates. Netlik has endeavored to combine these two irrefutable tenants and one convenient package. Thus we have sexy beasts in which elaborate prosthetic laden singles meet for a night of non judge, mental romance at least that's how they're touting it take a look at the trailer which features dolphins, demons, cannon, scarecrows in six bow vines and handful on categorization trailer. Now on net flix to this trella's credit, it inspires a bevy of different thoughts and feelings. First, despite understandable inclinations, it's not exactly accurate to refer to this as a furry dating show. This thing was in question: aren't dressing up as such, based on a sexual proclivity toward customary at least not so far as the show's premise would have is to believe. Instead, the idea is that people dressed up and extremely ornate disguises would only be able to judge one another on personality. Of course, sexty beasts trailer only advertise contestants with body topes that highly wood traditionally priorities. All people we see are thin and when shown out of the heavy prosthetics traditionally attractive. So, are we really to believe that sexy beasts is subverting the traditional superficiality, or is it just both literally and figuratively dressing it up as something else granted? This isn't necessarily to deny the entertainment value in the central concept. Perhaps it will be fun to watch a space, alien trade nervous, small talk over cosmos with the ground hog, though the idea may be new to some viewers. Sexy beasts is based on a light named british series. The reality dating show ran for just over six months in two thousand and fourteen on bbc three a year later, the american network and you need lawrence a likewise short live. The rebot, however, net flix's take seems to have up the production value, which is half the fun sexy beasts from base to babe season. One episode two on ae sexy beast will hit the streaming service in july, twenty one, it's six, forty four pm june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one c nb reports. Big tech is under fire. Six anti trust bills hit the house floor to day, follow the lake to listen to c n b, c's fast money, podcast, listen to the at c nc fast monty podcast, here c, that cx fer sh threw three nine qid associated press like apodes, good toity, a customer who ordered a couple of chili dogs fried pickled ships and drinks at a new hampshire restaurant left a big tip, sixteen tousand dollars. I want you to have it. You guys were card. The customer said giz moto, amazon, trashes millions of products a year at just one warehouse reports, say press on to read more press to. For next week, one former employee of the dumb from mine warehouse told it v, there's no romor reason to what gets destroyed. I commerce, tin amazon, destroys millions of items a year, e commerce, sin amazon, destroys millions of items a year at just one of his fulfillment centers in the united kingdom. According to an i tv report, published on monday footage take it inside the company's warehouse in dumb for line. Scotland shows boxes mark destroyed, filled with everything from smart tv laptops, strongs, hair dryers top of the range headphones computer, jazz books, glore thousands of seal face mass account lest other products i tivy reported. The items consists of those that have damaged packaging were never so har where we turned by a buyers and virtually any of it could have been donated to a chaville organization or another useful purpose. I tv track trucks camera in the good schedule for the struction and found that, while some of them headed towards recycling facilities, other products were traced, the land fills which amazon denies and the ultimate destination for the goods destruction to be tail. Goods is a phenomenon by no means limited to amazon according to don't cha. Well, there are no european joining wide estimates of goods burn trash recycled, otherwise the supposed to be cheer. The estimates that do not exist vary widely, as companies and generally not required to discloses how much is wasted. The french government estimated that some six hundred and eighty nine million in goods were destroyed in two thousand and fourteen wow, the german government estimated the toil at abound. Fay point two: four billion in two thon ten. Those figures are generally considered to be wild on the rest, o its don't show well reported that return products comprise an overly tiny amount of destroyed merchandise in the you and other reasons they are wasted, include damager, blemish packaging over production, mis, labeling up selenes coin desk peter the back crypto ic change. Bullish is reportedly in talk to do public vis back merger. The peter thiel back, think changes. Bullish is reportedly discussing the possibility of going public via aspect merger condeca, the daily based forbes colba band medical marijuana use, even in states where it is legal trip, dot. A l, foward sst upper g, lower v, h, theh, bs news. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up should poly mexican grill recently hipe menu costs as much as four percent nationwide to cover higher wages. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up c bs, newsom massanello. It is exactly the same mechanism of easy money for march two thousand and twenty that caused both dash big point and houses to rise, but housen can fall approximately twenty five, a d, forty percent after the glut, but hash sank, b, tc fellow at michael un, the score sailor hat the logical apparatus of of the messin carinto inject the will low crade cognac. If you have a bread credit score, a may feel like a red mark. Follows you wherever you go working to prove your credit is a worthwhile go because the better you credit, the better, the rates you receiving all the lone like mortgages, allalone's and credit cards, but how long have to wait to ye change? That's not an exact answer to that. As each person, finance situation is unique and complex in general, depending where you're, starting from how you manai finance, as it could take anywhere for a month to as much as ten years. Here's what they consider when it comes to. How long am i take a scene improvement in your score? Starting out, it may be easier to improve your credit score by doing things like opening a credit card and paying it off responsibly. Mark gets insider reports. Big coin is worth the zero and there is no evidence that block chain is useful technology. Black swan author, not seen tale, says isabel lee june twenty third, two thousand and twenty one black swan author, nosin talem double down on his criticism against a big coin. This time saying the cryptic currency is worth exactly zero and that there is no evidence that block chain is a useful technology. In a recent six page, drap paper, titled bit coin curvin season, bubbled talula, that for key arguments against the cryptic currency which he promoted to is seven hundred forty two thousand twitter followers. First, the author said that, in spite of the hype, big coin failed to satisfy the notion of currency without government. In fact he said big coin prove to not even be a currency at all. The total failure of big coin i becoming a currency has been masked by the inflation of the currency value, generating paper profits for large enough. A number of people to enter the discourse well ahead of its utility, he said, and to am second criticism, said big coin can neither be your short nor long term store of value. He used the famous chucks the position of gold versus bid coin, which he said was poor comparison to illustrate his point. Gold and other precious metals are largely maintenance, free, do not the great over historical horizon and do not require maintenance to refresh their physical properties. Over time he said, cryptic currencies require a sustained the amount of interest in them. His final two points argue that big coin is not a reliable inflation. Hedge contribute some analyst views and it's not a safe haven for investments where they meant to protect against government, tiran or other catastrophes, not even remotely. He said siding the march two thousand and twenty market panic when big coin sank lower than the stock market, as well as the recent ransom payments follow in the colonial pipeline suber attack, which authorities were able to track government structures and computational power will remain stronger than those of distributed operators who, while this trusting one another, can fall prey to simple hopes. He added taleb has been a vocal critic of big coin, but the paper also slam the underlying tecknadel big coin for lines. On the author pointed to what it sees as a lack of utility of block chain technology, there is no evidence that we are getting a great technology unless great technology doesn't mean useful. He continued and we have done at the time of writing. In spite of all the fan, fair, still close to nothing with the blonde chain. In april talamo c, n b c, that big coin is an open pansy scheme in a failed currency reported by markets insider june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. Six. Fifty nine p m depictions of the roman emperor, nero as notorious are based on a partisan source narrative. A curator, the british museum said anything you think you know what, but nero is based on manipulation in lives and a two thousand years old. How nasty was nero really a show at the british mersem portrays him as the victim of a roman smear campaign, heart dat, new york com press, one to continue further press to to go to next sweet continue further, the new yorker reports, how nasty was nero, really c n reports patrol she roti scotto stepping down according to a sit familiar with the decision mark in the ladies, changing the border agencies, leadership structure, mataba by an announce as erotylus policy that would give no lewis to gun dealers who fail to comply with federal law. Their license to cell would be revoked in a first offense of fence offence, but an anti crime effort takes on law breaking gun dealers. President joe budden is announcing you effen syston zing president joe bines, announcing new epic system, a rising national tide president joe bin. As an noting new efforts, summarizing national tide of iling crimes, administration officials, ap usom, leela miller staff, rider los angeles times, com june. Twenty third, two thousand and twenty one chaos you rotten tuesday, night and b news reports and at least one person was arrested after school board, share brede shevardino ed. The public comment portion of the meeting following numerous disruptions, pronoun polishes debate, at least the chaos said virginia school board meeting. One person was arrested at the tuesday's meeting, the loudon county sheriff so i've said another was issue to trespassing summons and be com. The associated press reports, a bipartisan group of us senators meeting privately as reach a tentative framework on an infrastructure deal. According to a person familiar with the negotiations, president jo biden has invited the senator to the white house on thursday, the biggest factor in parent child estrangement reports. The economist is the rise of individualism in america. How many american children have cut contact with their parents? A young feel of riser suggested a surprisingly common economist c b s news, puerto rico's governor calls lack of state o geographic discrimination. The hill cows run loose through los angeles suburbo, their escaping slaughter house good for them. The new york talyor, the white house had wednesday that the us would send three million doses of johnson and johnson's vaccine thursday to brazil. The shipman is part er, president biden, a pledge to deliver eight, a million doses overseas by the end of june forge reports. This bill gates back, starts new partnership to ames to prevent prenames for s reports this bill gates back start us new partnership and to prevent pandemic in food crops tribe. The al forward, slash capital y l e one, six f, three, the documents are shameless and her rising and you reek of desperation. At page eighty eight rights, the insanity of trumps campaign to overturn the election recently released emails really help the skeltthe pressure campaign on the justice department, the atlantic in time. It's a dangerous world out there for your devices. Apis is your. I phone is facing an excentral threat from congress. The company makes its case against sidelong, as congress considers forcing the issue incom. This was twitter voice, signing off eleven thirteen pmta
0 notes
scenarioconcepts · 4 years
A book about the next Grimm reaper. Opens with a girl (maybe a boy haven’t decided gender of main character, maybe androgynous) in school, like maybe college age, maybe high school age (deffinietly a YA novel) doing normal stuff. Like a normal day but a hectic day, they go to bed but can’t sleep tossing and turning and finally pass out. Has a super weird dream about like the after life and stuff and wakes up in a sweat. It’s 3am. They go to get a drink of water and then back to bed. The dream continues, this time they are lucid. It’s still really weird afterlife stuff and the Grimm Reaper says to them “it’s your turn” and theh wake up again. We follow them though the rest of their week which is normal-ish but kind of off. They feel weird and groggy and like everything is off and fake. Finally they run into a dark figure person (haven’t decided how this happens) but it turn out that the dark figure is the current Grimm Reaper and now it’s our main characters turn, the Grimm Reaper gives them a brief run down of what to do and sends them off. They wake up in a strange place, note in pocket of the name of the person they have been sent to collect. The way Reapers collect is different than we imagine, they don’t just show up at the time of death, they show up weeks, even months early and watch the life of the person about to die. Our main character goes off to find this poor soul accepting of their fate. They watch the person from afar for a few days and then accidentally run into them and interact. Our main character falls in love with the person they are supposed to take eventually. They hang out start dating, this person doesn’t know that our main character has been sent here to take their souls when they pass. Eventually the time comes and the love interest dies, our main character is forced to reap their soul, and the Grimm Reaper comes back and appoints them a new case. Our main character is thrust into a new life, they wake up and notice it’s the same day it was when they started the first case. Time moves differently for a reaper. It’s months prior to the death of the love interest but they have a new name in their pocket.
0 notes
tweetie-voice · 3 years
Episode #3 - 20 Minute Breaking Evening News - Twitter Tantrum - June 23, 2021
All right, let's do one twenty boys, the online social media vocalizer. It is june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. The independent best online sex toy stores for shameless shopping at home take things up in a bedroom with a discreet package from one of these online boutiques inde, one hundred com press, one for more info pres to for next tweet, kelsey, chapman inde, one hundred june twenty third, as the late musical genius next per provoco to or george michael once, crew and sex natural sex is good. Not everybody does it, but everybody should we couldn't agree more. Sometimes you need a little help and get in there, though, and so we are, and so we saw it out some incredible online sex toy boutiques that offer the best ashes and toys close accessories furniture and whatever else you may need to get the job done. Maybe you're looking for something as simple as a wan vibrator or something as complex is a lattis ball gown for your next bdsha, either way, you'll find what you needed. One of these online stores keep reading to find you new faber way to shop for everything. Sex and let the fun begin, spat rum, boutique best, educationally queer friendly spectrum boutique describes itself as a sex, positive toy store that has a no nonsense, approach of sexuality and sexual education. We first became aware of the store via owner and dil. Do dutch is zoe le gones raucus instar several years ago, a place where she posted stream hilarious entertaining moving, and i was informative content frequently related to sexual health and the questions about him. An you are afraid to ask based in detroit, spectrum has been around to two thousand and fifteen and caters to all identities with equal enthusiasm, toys and tools are separated into gender categories, thus making it a queer friendly store where you can feel free to experiment with which, whatever catches, your fancy. All products are: a hundred percent body safe and carefully selected bazil, we erself so you're, always getting an educated stamp of approval on your purchase bone is shipping in the? U s is free on orders over ninety nine as adam and eve best budget toys and launch right at him, and he as i go to for many and one that's heavily gendered in a bit. More old fashioned by today's standards is still a great place to find a deal in basics like bud, plugs and lacy laundry found in in thousand nine hundred and seventy one making it fifty years old, adam and eve have always dane to provide a clear, far and supporter service, even excepting one hundred percent. No questions ask and return tom is with don know when they don't work out for the buyer. The category was easy to browse and offer hundreds of a product opinions, and it's generally easy to find. Only some sort of discount on a single product is in cose release her email news letters and sponsored influences so you're rarely pay full price for something you're buying just for the fun of it a great product for any first time or is it adam and eve magic, massage de logs? It's not quite as powerful there's a much beloved named brand magic one, but against the job done a far at last, as she price sack perfite just start in to experiment, there's also babe land love, honey, purple, passion forward, slash d v, eight good vives over king goop, any one hundred com, nartist dating with masks, is well different. Singles dress up as creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts dash nartist net flix is new reality dating program. Sexy beasts, a remake of a british show, has singles dressed up in heavy prosthetics for blind dates. Nordica press one to read more press to for next weed all right s. Media reports, depending on where you live. Your market may be increasingly challenging for home buyers due to low housing inventory in high demand, risks. Medico television strangles singles, dressed up bass creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts. Given the popularity of the mass singer, we can ascertain that dowers enjoy watching people dressed up in strange costumes and given the general state of reality television over the past two decades. We can also conclude that people enjoy watching people go on bizarre dates. Netlik has endeavored to combine these two irrefutable tenants and one convenient package. Thus we have sexy beasts in which elaborate prosthetic laden singles meet for a night of non judge, mental romance at least that's how they're touting it take a look at the trailer which features dolphins, demons, cannon, scarecrows in six bow vines and handful on categorization trailer. Now on net flix to this trella's credit, it inspires a bevy of different thoughts and feelings. First, despite understandable inclinations, it's not exactly accurate to refer to this as a furry dating show. This thing was in question: aren't dressing up as such, based on a sexual proclivity toward customary at least not so far as the show's premise would have is to believe. Instead, the idea is that people dressed up and extremely ornate disguises would only be able to judge one another on personality. Of course, sexty beasts trailer only advertise contestants with body topes that highly wood traditionally priorities. All people we see are thin and when shown out of the heavy prosthetics traditionally attractive. So, are we really to believe that sexy beasts is subverting the traditional superficiality, or is it just both literally and figuratively dressing it up as something else granted? This isn't necessarily to deny the entertainment value in the central concept. Perhaps it will be fun to watch a space, alien trade nervous, small talk over cosmos with the ground hog, though the idea may be new to some viewers. Sexy beasts is based on a light named british series. The reality dating show ran for just over six months in two thousand and fourteen on bbc three a year later, the american network and you need lawrence a likewise short live. The rebot, however, net flix's take seems to have up the production value, which is half the fun sexy beasts from base to babe season. One episode two on ae sexy beast will hit the streaming service in july, twenty one, it's six, forty four pm june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one c nb reports. Big tech is under fire. Six anti trust bills hit the house floor to day, follow the lake to listen to c n b, c's fast money, podcast, listen to the at c nc fast monty podcast, here c, that cx fer sh threw three nine qid associated press like apodes, good toity, a customer who ordered a couple of chili dogs fried pickled ships and drinks at a new hampshire restaurant left a big tip, sixteen tousand dollars. I want you to have it. You guys were card. The customer said giz moto, amazon, trashes millions of products a year at just one warehouse reports, say press on to read more press to. For next week, one former employee of the dumb from mine warehouse told it v, there's no romor reason to what gets destroyed. I commerce, tin amazon, destroys millions of items a year, e commerce, sin amazon, destroys millions of items a year at just one of his fulfillment centers in the united kingdom. According to an i tv report, published on monday footage take it inside the company's warehouse in dumb for line. Scotland shows boxes mark destroyed, filled with everything from smart tv laptops, strongs, hair dryers top of the range headphones computer, jazz books, glore thousands of seal face mass account lest other products i tivy reported. The items consists of those that have damaged packaging were never so har where we turned by a buyers and virtually any of it could have been donated to a chaville organization or another useful purpose. I tv track trucks camera in the good schedule for the struction and found that, while some of them headed towards recycling facilities, other products were traced, the land fills which amazon denies and the ultimate destination for the goods destruction to be tail. Goods is a phenomenon by no means limited to amazon according to don't cha. Well, there are no european joining wide estimates of goods burn trash recycled, otherwise the supposed to be cheer. The estimates that do not exist vary widely, as companies and generally not required to discloses how much is wasted. The french government estimated that some six hundred and eighty nine million in goods were destroyed in two thousand and fourteen wow, the german government estimated the toil at abound. Fay point two: four billion in two thon ten. Those figures are generally considered to be wild on the rest, o its don't show well reported that return products comprise an overly tiny amount of destroyed merchandise in the you and other reasons they are wasted, include damager, blemish packaging over production, mis, labeling up selenes coin desk peter the back crypto ic change. Bullish is reportedly in talk to do public vis back merger. The peter thiel back, think changes. Bullish is reportedly discussing the possibility of going public via aspect merger condeca, the daily based forbes colba band medical marijuana use, even in states where it is legal trip, dot. A l, foward sst upper g, lower v, h, theh, bs news. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up should poly mexican grill recently hipe menu costs as much as four percent nationwide to cover higher wages. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up c bs, newsom massanello. It is exactly the same mechanism of easy money for march two thousand and twenty that caused both dash big point and houses to rise, but housen can fall approximately twenty five, a d, forty percent after the glut, but hash sank, b, tc fellow at michael un, the score sailor hat the logical apparatus of of the messin carinto inject the will low crade cognac. If you have a bread credit score, a may feel like a red mark. Follows you wherever you go working to prove your credit is a worthwhile go because the better you credit, the better, the rates you receiving all the lone like mortgages, allalone's and credit cards, but how long have to wait to ye change? That's not an exact answer to that. As each person, finance situation is unique and complex in general, depending where you're, starting from how you manai finance, as it could take anywhere for a month to as much as ten years. Here's what they consider when it comes to. How long am i take a scene improvement in your score? Starting out, it may be easier to improve your credit score by doing things like opening a credit card and paying it off responsibly. Mark gets insider reports. Big coin is worth the zero and there is no evidence that block chain is useful technology. Black swan author, not seen tale, says isabel lee june twenty third, two thousand and twenty one black swan author, nosin talem double down on his criticism against a big coin. This time saying the cryptic currency is worth exactly zero and that there is no evidence that block chain is a useful technology. In a recent six page, drap paper, titled bit coin curvin season, bubbled talula, that for key arguments against the cryptic currency which he promoted to is seven hundred forty two thousand twitter followers. First, the author said that, in spite of the hype, big coin failed to satisfy the notion of currency without government. In fact he said big coin prove to not even be a currency at all. The total failure of big coin i becoming a currency has been masked by the inflation of the currency value, generating paper profits for large enough. A number of people to enter the discourse well ahead of its utility, he said, and to am second criticism, said big coin can neither be your short nor long term store of value. He used the famous chucks the position of gold versus bid coin, which he said was poor comparison to illustrate his point. Gold and other precious metals are largely maintenance, free, do not the great over historical horizon and do not require maintenance to refresh their physical properties. Over time he said, cryptic currencies require a sustained the amount of interest in them. His final two points argue that big coin is not a reliable inflation. Hedge contribute some analyst views and it's not a safe haven for investments where they meant to protect against government, tiran or other catastrophes, not even remotely. He said siding the march two thousand and twenty market panic when big coin sank lower than the stock market, as well as the recent ransom payments follow in the colonial pipeline suber attack, which authorities were able to track government structures and computational power will remain stronger than those of distributed operators who, while this trusting one another, can fall prey to simple hopes. He added taleb has been a vocal critic of big coin, but the paper also slam the underlying tecknadel big coin for lines. On the author pointed to what it sees as a lack of utility of block chain technology, there is no evidence that we are getting a great technology unless great technology doesn't mean useful. He continued and we have done at the time of writing. In spite of all the fan, fair, still close to nothing with the blonde chain. In april talamo c, n b c, that big coin is an open pansy scheme in a failed currency reported by markets insider june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. Six. Fifty nine p m depictions of the roman emperor, nero as notorious are based on a partisan source narrative. A curator, the british museum said anything you think you know what, but nero is based on manipulation in lives and a two thousand years old. How nasty was nero really a show at the british mersem portrays him as the victim of a roman smear campaign, heart dat, new york com press, one to continue further press to to go to next sweet continue further, the new yorker reports, how nasty was nero, really c n reports patrol she roti scotto stepping down according to a sit familiar with the decision mark in the ladies, changing the border agencies, leadership structure, mataba by an announce as erotylus policy that would give no lewis to gun dealers who fail to comply with federal law. Their license to cell would be revoked in a first offense of fence offence, but an anti crime effort takes on law breaking gun dealers. President joe budden is announcing you effen syston zing president joe bines, announcing new epic system, a rising national tide president joe bin. As an noting new efforts, summarizing national tide of iling crimes, administration officials, ap usom, leela miller staff, rider los angeles times, com june. Twenty third, two thousand and twenty one chaos you rotten tuesday, night and b news reports and at least one person was arrested after school board, share brede shevardino ed. The public comment portion of the meeting following numerous disruptions, pronoun polishes debate, at least the chaos said virginia school board meeting. One person was arrested at the tuesday's meeting, the loudon county sheriff so i've said another was issue to trespassing summons and be com. The associated press reports, a bipartisan group of us senators meeting privately as reach a tentative framework on an infrastructure deal. According to a person familiar with the negotiations, president jo biden has invited the senator to the white house on thursday, the biggest factor in parent child estrangement reports. The economist is the rise of individualism in america. How many american children have cut contact with their parents? A young feel of riser suggested a surprisingly common economist c b s news, puerto rico's governor calls lack of state o geographic discrimination. The hill cows run loose through los angeles suburbo, their escaping slaughter house good for them. The new york talyor, the white house had wednesday that the us would send three million doses of johnson and johnson's vaccine thursday to brazil. The shipman is part er, president biden, a pledge to deliver eight, a million doses overseas by the end of june forge reports. This bill gates back, starts new partnership to ames to prevent prenames for s reports this bill gates back start us new partnership and to prevent pandemic in food crops tribe. The al forward, slash capital y l e one, six f, three, the documents are shameless and her rising and you reek of desperation. At page eighty eight rights, the insanity of trumps campaign to overturn the election recently released emails really help the skeltthe pressure campaign on the justice department, the atlantic in time. It's a dangerous world out there for your devices. Apis is your. I phone is facing an excentral threat from congress. The company makes its case against sidelong, as congress considers forcing the issue incom. This was twitter voice, signing off eleven thirteen pmta
0 notes
tweetie-voice · 3 years
Episode #2 - 15 Minute Breaking Nightly News - Sex Toy Stores - Netflix Sexy Beasts - July 23, 2021
All right, let's do one twenty boys, the online social media vocalizer. It is june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. The independent best online sex toy stores for shameless shopping at home take things up in a bedroom with a discreet package from one of these online boutiques inde, one hundred com press, one for more info pres to for next tweet, kelsey, chapman inde, one hundred june twenty third, as the late musical genius next per provoco to or george michael once, crew and sex natural sex is good. Not everybody does it, but everybody should we couldn't agree more. Sometimes you need a little help and get in there, though, and so we are, and so we saw it out some incredible online sex toy boutiques that offer the best ashes and toys close accessories furniture and whatever else you may need to get the job done. Maybe you're looking for something as simple as a wan vibrator or something as complex is a lattis ball gown for your next bdsha, either way, you'll find what you needed. One of these online stores keep reading to find you new faber way to shop for everything. Sex and let the fun begin, spat rum, boutique best, educationally queer friendly spectrum boutique describes itself as a sex, positive toy store that has a no nonsense, approach of sexuality and sexual education. We first became aware of the store via owner and dil. Do dutch is zoe le gones raucus instar several years ago, a place where she posted stream hilarious entertaining moving, and i was informative content frequently related to sexual health and the questions about him. An you are afraid to ask based in detroit, spectrum has been around to two thousand and fifteen and caters to all identities with equal enthusiasm, toys and tools are separated into gender categories, thus making it a queer friendly store where you can feel free to experiment with which, whatever catches, your fancy. All products are: a hundred percent body safe and carefully selected bazil, we erself so you're, always getting an educated stamp of approval on your purchase bone is shipping in the? U s is free on orders over ninety nine as adam and eve best budget toys and launch right at him, and he as i go to for many and one that's heavily gendered in a bit. More old fashioned by today's standards is still a great place to find a deal in basics like bud, plugs and lacy laundry found in in thousand nine hundred and seventy one making it fifty years old, adam and eve have always dane to provide a clear, far and supporter service, even excepting one hundred percent. No questions ask and return tom is with don know when they don't work out for the buyer. The category was easy to browse and offer hundreds of a product opinions, and it's generally easy to find. Only some sort of discount on a single product is in cose release her email news letters and sponsored influences so you're rarely pay full price for something you're buying just for the fun of it a great product for any first time or is it adam and eve magic, massage de logs? It's not quite as powerful there's a much beloved named brand magic one, but against the job done a far at last, as she price sack perfite just start in to experiment, there's also babe land love, honey, purple, passion forward, slash d v, eight good vives over king goop, any one hundred com, nartist dating with masks, is well different. Singles dress up as creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts dash nartist net flix is new reality dating program. Sexy beasts, a remake of a british show, has singles dressed up in heavy prosthetics for blind dates. Nordica press one to read more press to for next weed all right s. Media reports, depending on where you live. Your market may be increasingly challenging for home buyers due to low housing inventory in high demand, risks. Medico television strangles singles, dressed up bass creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts. Given the popularity of the mass singer, we can ascertain that dowers enjoy watching people dressed up in strange costumes and given the general state of reality television over the past two decades. We can also conclude that people enjoy watching people go on bizarre dates. Netlik has endeavored to combine these two irrefutable tenants and one convenient package. Thus we have sexy beasts in which elaborate prosthetic laden singles meet for a night of non judge, mental romance at least that's how they're touting it take a look at the trailer which features dolphins, demons, cannon, scarecrows in six bow vines and handful on categorization trailer. Now on net flix to this trella's credit, it inspires a bevy of different thoughts and feelings. First, despite understandable inclinations, it's not exactly accurate to refer to this as a furry dating show. This thing was in question: aren't dressing up as such, based on a sexual proclivity toward customary at least not so far as the show's premise would have is to believe. Instead, the idea is that people dressed up and extremely ornate disguises would only be able to judge one another on personality. Of course, sexty beasts trailer only advertise contestants with body topes that highly wood traditionally priorities. All people we see are thin and when shown out of the heavy prosthetics traditionally attractive. So, are we really to believe that sexy beasts is subverting the traditional superficiality, or is it just both literally and figuratively dressing it up as something else granted? This isn't necessarily to deny the entertainment value in the central concept. Perhaps it will be fun to watch a space, alien trade nervous, small talk over cosmos with the ground hog, though the idea may be new to some viewers. Sexy beasts is based on a light named british series. The reality dating show ran for just over six months in two thousand and fourteen on bbc three a year later, the american network and you need lawrence a likewise short live. The rebot, however, net flix's take seems to have up the production value, which is half the fun sexy beasts from base to babe season. One episode two on ae sexy beast will hit the streaming service in july, twenty one, it's six, forty four pm june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one c nb reports. Big tech is under fire. Six anti trust bills hit the house floor to day, follow the lake to listen to c n b, c's fast money, podcast, listen to the at c nc fast monty podcast, here c, that cx fer sh threw three nine qid associated press like apodes, good toity, a customer who ordered a couple of chili dogs fried pickled ships and drinks at a new hampshire restaurant left a big tip, sixteen tousand dollars. I want you to have it. You guys were card. The customer said giz moto, amazon, trashes millions of products a year at just one warehouse reports, say press on to read more press to. For next week, one former employee of the dumb from mine warehouse told it v, there's no romor reason to what gets destroyed. I commerce, tin amazon, destroys millions of items a year, e commerce, sin amazon, destroys millions of items a year at just one of his fulfillment centers in the united kingdom. According to an i tv report, published on monday footage take it inside the company's warehouse in dumb for line. Scotland shows boxes mark destroyed, filled with everything from smart tv laptops, strongs, hair dryers top of the range headphones computer, jazz books, glore thousands of seal face mass account lest other products i tivy reported. The items consists of those that have damaged packaging were never so har where we turned by a buyers and virtually any of it could have been donated to a chaville organization or another useful purpose. I tv track trucks camera in the good schedule for the struction and found that, while some of them headed towards recycling facilities, other products were traced, the land fills which amazon denies and the ultimate destination for the goods destruction to be tail. Goods is a phenomenon by no means limited to amazon according to don't cha. Well, there are no european joining wide estimates of goods burn trash recycled, otherwise the supposed to be cheer. The estimates that do not exist vary widely, as companies and generally not required to discloses how much is wasted. The french government estimated that some six hundred and eighty nine million in goods were destroyed in two thousand and fourteen wow, the german government estimated the toil at abound. Fay point two: four billion in two thon ten. Those figures are generally considered to be wild on the rest, o its don't show well reported that return products comprise an overly tiny amount of destroyed merchandise in the you and other reasons they are wasted, include damager, blemish packaging over production, mis, labeling up selenes coin desk peter the back crypto ic change. Bullish is reportedly in talk to do public vis back merger. The peter thiel back, think changes. Bullish is reportedly discussing the possibility of going public via aspect merger condeca, the daily based forbes colba band medical marijuana use, even in states where it is legal trip, dot. A l, foward sst upper g, lower v, h, theh, bs news. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up should poly mexican grill recently hipe menu costs as much as four percent nationwide to cover higher wages. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up c bs, newsom massanello. It is exactly the same mechanism of easy money for march two thousand and twenty that caused both dash big point and houses to rise, but housen can fall approximately twenty five, a d, forty percent after the glut, but hash sank, b, tc fellow at michael un, the score sailor hat the logical apparatus of of the messin carinto inject the will low crade cognac. If you have a bread credit score, a may feel like a red mark. Follows you wherever you go working to prove your credit is a worthwhile go because the better you credit, the better, the rates you receiving all the lone like mortgages, allalone's and credit cards, but how long have to wait to ye change? That's not an exact answer to that. As each person, finance situation is unique and complex in general, depending where you're, starting from how you manai finance, as it could take anywhere for a month to as much as ten years. Here's what they consider when it comes to. How long am i take a scene improvement in your score? Starting out, it may be easier to improve your credit score by doing things like opening a credit card and paying it off responsibly. Mark gets insider reports. Big coin is worth the zero and there is no evidence that block chain is useful technology. Black swan author, not seen tale, says isabel lee june twenty third, two thousand and twenty one black swan author, nosin talem double down on his criticism against a big coin. This time saying the cryptic currency is worth exactly zero and that there is no evidence that block chain is a useful technology. In a recent six page, drap paper, titled bit coin curvin season, bubbled talula, that for key arguments against the cryptic currency which he promoted to is seven hundred forty two thousand twitter followers. First, the author said that, in spite of the hype, big coin failed to satisfy the notion of currency without government. In fact he said big coin prove to not even be a currency at all. The total failure of big coin i becoming a currency has been masked by the inflation of the currency value, generating paper profits for large enough. A number of people to enter the discourse well ahead of its utility, he said, and to am second criticism, said big coin can neither be your short nor long term store of value. He used the famous chucks the position of gold versus bid coin, which he said was poor comparison to illustrate his point. Gold and other precious metals are largely maintenance, free, do not the great over historical horizon and do not require maintenance to refresh their physical properties. Over time he said, cryptic currencies require a sustained the amount of interest in them. His final two points argue that big coin is not a reliable inflation. Hedge contribute some analyst views and it's not a safe haven for investments where they meant to protect against government, tiran or other catastrophes, not even remotely. He said siding the march two thousand and twenty market panic when big coin sank lower than the stock market, as well as the recent ransom payments follow in the colonial pipeline suber attack, which authorities were able to track government structures and computational power will remain stronger than those of distributed operators who, while this trusting one another, can fall prey to simple hopes. He added taleb has been a vocal critic of big coin, but the paper also slam the underlying tecknadel big coin for lines. On the author pointed to what it sees as a lack of utility of block chain technology, there is no evidence that we are getting a great technology unless great technology doesn't mean useful. He continued and we have done at the time of writing. In spite of all the fan, fair, still close to nothing with the blonde chain. In april talamo c, n b c, that big coin is an open pansy scheme in a failed currency reported by markets insider june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. Six. Fifty nine p m depictions of the roman emperor, nero as notorious are based on a partisan source narrative. A curator, the british museum said anything you think you know what, but nero is based on manipulation in lives and a two thousand years old. How nasty was nero really a show at the british mersem portrays him as the victim of a roman smear campaign, heart dat, new york com press, one to continue further press to to go to next sweet continue further, the new yorker reports, how nasty was nero, really c n reports patrol she roti scotto stepping down according to a sit familiar with the decision mark in the ladies, changing the border agencies, leadership structure, mataba by an announce as erotylus policy that would give no lewis to gun dealers who fail to comply with federal law. Their license to cell would be revoked in a first offense of fence offence, but an anti crime effort takes on law breaking gun dealers. President joe budden is announcing you effen syston zing president joe bines, announcing new epic system, a rising national tide president joe bin. As an noting new efforts, summarizing national tide of iling crimes, administration officials, ap usom, leela miller staff, rider los angeles times, com june. Twenty third, two thousand and twenty one chaos you rotten tuesday, night and b news reports and at least one person was arrested after school board, share brede shevardino ed. The public comment portion of the meeting following numerous disruptions, pronoun polishes debate, at least the chaos said virginia school board meeting. One person was arrested at the tuesday's meeting, the loudon county sheriff so i've said another was issue to trespassing summons and be com. The associated press reports, a bipartisan group of us senators meeting privately as reach a tentative framework on an infrastructure deal. According to a person familiar with the negotiations, president jo biden has invited the senator to the white house on thursday, the biggest factor in parent child estrangement reports. The economist is the rise of individualism in america. How many american children have cut contact with their parents? A young feel of riser suggested a surprisingly common economist c b s news, puerto rico's governor calls lack of state o geographic discrimination. The hill cows run loose through los angeles suburbo, their escaping slaughter house good for them. The new york talyor, the white house had wednesday that the us would send three million doses of johnson and johnson's vaccine thursday to brazil. The shipman is part er, president biden, a pledge to deliver eight, a million doses overseas by the end of june forge reports. This bill gates back, starts new partnership to ames to prevent prenames for s reports this bill gates back start us new partnership and to prevent pandemic in food crops tribe. The al forward, slash capital y l e one, six f, three, the documents are shameless and her rising and you reek of desperation. At page eighty eight rights, the insanity of trumps campaign to overturn the election recently released emails really help the skeltthe pressure campaign on the justice department, the atlantic in time. It's a dangerous world out there for your devices. Apis is your. I phone is facing an excentral threat from congress. The company makes its case against sidelong, as congress considers forcing the issue incom. This was twitter voice, signing off eleven thirteen pmta
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