#Chuck it in the Ute mate
blubushie · 1 year
I am not from Australia and the little things I know from there are basically for reading your post... so is okay if I ask what is wrong with M*lbourne ?
No worries mate! I'm not gonna use the funny asterisk because this a serious reply. (Yes, I censor Melbourne for the bit and no I'm not serious about it.)
They're just very up themselves. A lot of people in the cities are like that and look down on people from rural areas/Outback towns but in my experience people in Melbourne are just obnoxiously worse about it than elsewhere. They have a tendency to have a "better than thou/holier than thou" attitude even towards other Melburnians and it's a constant competition of who's better and if you disagree with them on anything you're equivalent to a nonce. They often break the time-old Australian tradition of not discussing politics with people you don't know. Melbourne is FULL of politics. Everything has to be political and you can't escape it. Melburnians live and breathe politics and as an outsider, it's suffocating. They're PC to the point of detrimental. They are the personified strawmen you hear about in right-wing memes. They're making themselves a self-fulfilling prophecy.
For such a beautiful city with penguins and the occasional aurorae, the lot of Melburnians are massively self-absorbed cunts. They're massively cliquey, act like they're still in high school, and are the spitting archetype of obnoxious hipsters.
People on the roads are angry. People on the footpaths are angry. Traffic is a bloody nightmare. People there are generally very well-off and wealthy and look down on the less fortunate. Class segregation is massive and almost as bad as Sydney. They're the artsy hipster types that think money laundering via a red canvas is actually art and WILL get aggro with you if you say otherwise. Everything is exclusive (again, cliques) and pretentiousness runs amok, especially in the more affluent areas.
Also there's a lot of vegans/ARAs in Melbourne and last time I was there a mob of ARAs chucked red paint on my ute because I have my pest control stuff advertised on the bumper (for customers, of course) and it took fucking days to get all of that paint off. It's been almost a year and I still find red paint in the outside cracks of the cabin sometimes. Everyone loves kangaroo meat, no one likes roo shooters what get it to you.
TLDR: The city itself is beautiful. You have penguins, you have the occasional aurorae, street art, botanical gardens, good food, open-air markets, science exhibits, river cruises, festivals, zoos, and some great bushwalking. It's a beautiful city, but it's also a greedy city full of daddy's money and people who think they're better for never getting dirt on their shoes. It's a beautiful city ruined by people that are so far up their own arses that they're smelling shit and convincing themselves it's roses.
And the rest of Australia hates Melbourne too.
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doshegotabo0ty · 2 years
G'day Shazza,
How bout I Rock round in the ute, and we'll chuck some cruisers in the Esky, grab some Macca's at a servo and go watch a sunset at the beach? 😎
And wondering if your U.S followers can decipher this message 🤔
well I’m not here to fuck spiders mate
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Chuck it in the Ute mate: Part 5 Mercedes-Benz 220 D/8 pick-up, 1970. A utility version of the W 114/115 was made in both Argentina and Germany. The German version were made by coachbuilders Binz based on the Fahrgestell (chassis) version. 
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disco-tea · 4 years
1x07 background details:
In the opening flashback sequence that shows Harold’s backstory, he had a cereal box and if you look closely you can see that it’s Clever Crisp Cereal. 
Five is not present during Harold’s flashback.
I’m not sure how many of the siblings titles are confirmed in-canon, but in the flashback you can see fan made posters/signs with “Spaceboy” and “Seance” on it.
There’s also a poster in Harold’s things that has a Rumor Has It pun for Allison so that likely confirms her title too.
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Ironically, by humiliating Harold and sending him back home to his dad, Reginald created both the fuse and the bomb.
Harold had a suitcase. He got all dressed up in his uniform and “came all this way” and jumped the fence and told Reginald about his birthday because he wanted him to adopt him so he wouldn’t have to live with his abusive dad anymore.
Harold stole the Reginald doll/action figure in 1x06/1x07 because it was the only one of the set he didn’t have as a kid. Also, he made Vanya a little wooden figureine in 1x03, which almost symbolically completed the set for the whole family.
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I’m not sure what the other book is, but Harold has A Series of Unfortunate Events amist his things.
I have a hard time reading Reginald’s handwriting but it’s dated 2001 and it’s about Klaus and the mausoleum. 
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This really isn’t a background detail, I just find it hilariously ironic that Five says “we have to find (Harold Jenkins)” and he’s literally in their house at that very moment.
It just makes me sad no one noticed that he kept holding his side and winching.
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Five limps through the whole episode and checks his side at least 3 times.
Diego starts stuttering when he’s talking about Eudora with Chuck behind the police station.
This is a slightly ambiguous and questionable detail, but if you listen closely it almost sounds like Five grunts quietly in the background while Allison calls Vanya and whispers something that sounds (to me) like “I’m okay”
Luther: I sacrificed everything for him. My entire life. I never left this house. I never had friends. And for what?
I wonder what the inside joke is with O Captain My Captain, because that poem is actually quite sad.
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I’m not really sure what Cha Cha’s feelings towards Hazel were supposed to be, but earlier in the series she says they agreed to be “in it for the long haul” and it’s Hazel’s “simple life with a partner” speech that makes her decide not to shoot him. He talks about the birds that mate for life and about how the male brings the female food. In the next scene Hazel asks her if she’s hungry and she says “I could eat.” Perhaps that line was there for her to misinterpret. Idk 🤷‍♀️
Idk if it has any significance or references to the siblings but the number on Leonard’s door is 147.
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I repeat, Diego knows how to pick locks. He picked Five’s van lock in 1x04. Maybe he chose not to because of his arm, but still lol
The name of Vanya’s orchestra is St. Pluvium Chamber Orchestra. Pluvium means rain in Latin. (Ut Malum Pluvia)
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Hargreeves all share one (1) brain cell because Allison, Diego, and Five all simultaneously say “shit” when they see their defaced/melted dolls.
There’s blood dripping down Five’s knee right before he collapses.
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In both versions of Wednesday, Grace calls Diego “Diego, dear.”
When Klaus hits his head and ‘dies’ you can hear a bell toll in the background. Bell tolls are generally associated with death because they’d toll the church bell when someone died.  (“for whom the bells tolls”)
The barber shop where Klaus finds Reginald is called Nite Owl Barber Shop
On the door it says “barber banter may offend”
The portraits behind the barber chair are of Luther, Diego, Reginald, Dave, Five, and Ben. There are more pictures on the opposite wall, I don’t know who the other two men are, but the bottom one maybe almost looks like Vanya? More specificly one of her Extra Ordinary photo shoots? Idk, just a thought.
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Cha Cha calls Hazel “shitheel” when she wakes up handcuffed
Diego hits the seat in the holding cell he’s in after getting arrested for Eudora’s murder. So basically yeah, I think sometimes he hits/punches things when he’s distraught.
Okay but I love the way that sequence of where all the siblings are at the end is cut together. You see the eyeball on Five’s desk as he sleeps and after that it immediately cuts to Vanya and it’s revealed that Leonard’s eye is missing.
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if you have a question about aussie slang, for a fic or whatevs, please just ask i don't know all of it, but we do have some fun words and sayings that are day to day statements
esp. the more rural you go
not everyone has the full accent though, because you do get a lot of pressure at work to come across... professional or whatever.
the only one i've never been sure of being an Actual Phrase, or if it Became A Phrase after popularisation on a tv show, is "Stone the Flaming Crows" bc a dude from Neighbours used to say it frequently.
examples of day to day stuff i can think of right now
mad as a frog in a sock (angry about something, went off, off the shits)
mad as a cut snake (usually means 'they're nuts', but can also mean they exploded with anger, usually contextual)
she'll be right (it's fine - can be a flippant statement, can be reassurance, etc)
drongo / galah - (idiot, not very smart, wanker, etc)
dunny = toilet
thunderbox/outhouse / long-drop - usually outdoor toilet
dry as a nun's nasty / dry as a dead dingo's donger (I am thirsty, or It Is Hot AF/we need rain so bad)
chuck a u-ey (do a u-turn)
Oi! (Hey I want your attention/i was surprised, general exclamation, stop that, you are in a lot of fucking trouble mate - depends on the tone of voice and volume) like "OI!" says aunty ruth has just found her dentures in jello and she knows you did it, etc
Bugger off (go away, or sometimes a statement of disbelief)
Yeah nah /Nah yeah (can mean yes, no or maybe depending on what was said directly before the statement)
you cant pull the wool over my eyes - you can't lie to me like that / i can see you are not telling the truth
shut your gob / put a sock in it / put a cork in it - (shut up / shut the FUCK up / close your mouth or i will shut it for you) depends on tone
Ya wally (you idiot)
Roo = kangaroo
o = can be affixed to anything to shorten it at the servo - gone to the service station, arvo - afternoon, smoko - morning tea, bottlo - where the grog is
goon/goonsack - wine in a box
grog - alcohol
stubbie - beer, ususally
boardies - board shorts
rashie - swimming shirt,
slip, slop, slap - ancient proverb for avoiding sunburn. singing pelican.
thongs - footwear
sheila = female / woman, don't hear this a lot at the moment tbh except in certain contexts or from specific people
'Getting rowdy' = things are heating up, people are riled up, a fight is about to/has just broken out, etc.
DJ's like a mad cunt = one very specific meme about a bad PM we had like 10 years ago. i can't tell you how many PM's ago, it's been game of thrones here lmao
Beyond the black stump / Out whoop-whoop / references to timbuktu (quite a distance away)
strewth!/crickey!/bloody hell - (exclamation of surprise, expletive replacement, etc)
flat out like a lizard drinking (tired / drunk / exhausted / sleeping)
pull a harry holt - (I've heard a dozens variations of this one, it means Go Missing / Disappear, often used as a joke. PM Holt went swimming one day and disappeared)
have a stickybeak (to poke your nose in/investigate/look around)
chuck a wobbly/throw a tanty/chuck a tanty/throw a wobbly (throw a tantrum, i have legit never seen anyone successfully deescalate a situation by telling someone not to chuck a wobbly or throw a tanty, go figure lmao)
bogan - (very specific kind of low-income, generally white, people. sort of like rednecks, but with more stereotypical aussie features like a mullet, singlet tops, sunnies, stubbies, etc. tend to fall under the liberal party ideology - who are our republicans... )
ankle-biters / rugrats / little takkers / gremlins / nippers - (kids, usually the littler ones)
tiff - argument, small fight (had a tiff, had a row)
pav = pavlova
piss/whizz/take a piss = going to pee
vegemite - delicious
Kiwi = New Zealander
Banana benders - the disrespectful bs that apparently other states call anyone living in Queensland, the wankers
station - farming areas that have sheep or livestock usually, have farmhands etc.
dole bludger(s) - (anyone on Centrelink, whether they want to be or not, with no other employment. but like, a lot of people on centrelink have a job that does not cover enough and need additional financial supports to meet a minimum wage, or are students or apprentices, etc. there are people who go on centrelink on and off to avoid engaging in the jobseeking stuff, they are the real dole bludgers, but a lot of richer people tend to call anyone on 'welfare' bludgers)
don't you come the raw prawn with me - (do not lie to me / don't try that shit with me, mate / I wasn't born yesterday /etc)
dak/dack - to dack someone is to come up behind them and yank their pants down (or skirts). Often taking out your boxers, too.)
budgie smugglers - (speedoes, male swimwear)
togs/toggs or cozzie (swimwear, any kind. cozzie = costume)
mozzie - (mosquito)
better than a kick up the backside /better than a kick in the arse - (pretty self explanatory, one of those phrases parents use to get slightly hurt kids to start laughing and/or coworkers to commisserate about new work rules, etc)
I wouldn't piss on (name) if they were on fire - (self-explanatory, you hate them, or they're a useless tit or an insufferable person /a suckup etc, and you would gladly hand them a match)
one for the road = getting a drink for the road, usually. can also make a joke of it like, "one last piss for the road" = I'm going to the bathroom before I leave
here's your handbag, what's your hurry - probs not an aussie phrase but a common joke in my family
So like, there's some words and items from Australian Indigenous culture that often get used wrong in stereotypical characters, like saying 'gone walkabout', using 'cooee', making digeridoo jokes, and making some really uncomfy 'savages' statements can be very disrespectful. You might want to go looking into Australia's fucked up policies and historical (and only recent) situations before starting any arguments about this stuff... in many ways it mirrors the cruelty of american colonisers to native american peoples, etc.
Avoid some phrases. Your character gone to cool their head? He's gone off on to soak his head, or he's on his bike (gone away) but he'll be back... You can use 'Oi, dickhead!'
Please don't mock the names of towns or places, they are often the names from the traditional custodians and inhabitants.
Random things:
We drive on the left side of the road, driver's side reversed.
More of our cars are automatic than manual. Utes aren't atypical, but bigger vehicles are out in rural areas because more than a few of the rural roads are poorly maintained or dirt, with potholes that yoyo your soul into your body.
If you have a character on a long drive on a non-highway, or rural road: +if you are on a one-lane road and someone is comingthe other way, you both move half-on, half-off; for big vehicles or trucks, you can choose to pull off completely and stop. Just for safety, esp. in rain, fog, mist or late at night. +at one-lane bridges, you have a give way sign on one side. if you want your characters to have a moment of 'pause to look at each other while driving' or 'a quiet moment of reflection', have them wait for another car or truck to pass from the other side. These can be a few metres long, to like, a really long bridge. +They may pass markers that say 'flood level marker' with numbers of 2, 3 or 5 metres. Could be useful to remark on if your fic needs a reason for them to have a crisis. +Bushfire warning signs (from Low to Catastrophic) are frequent +Animal Crossing signs are very frequent, and often have a wildlife rescue number on them +Water restriction signs are in most small towns, they range from levels 1 to 6. This can change what the characters are allowed to do with water in little towns, etc. +You may occasionally find a small servo and one or two houses. +pubs don't open/won't serve alcohol until after 10am. the joke has always been, 'beer on your cornflakes' but you will never be able to actually get that unless you preplanned the night before in your hotel room. +Around dawn and dusk, a lot of animals like hares, kangaroos, wallabies, sometimes echidnas and koalas and little numbat things, and snakes and bushmice will be close to the road. Sometimes dashing across. They do not react logically to cars approaching, and will leap out at random. Hares do this zigzag nonsense. If you need the character to hit the brakes frantically, or swerve, this is a good reason. If you are ever driving here and see an animal on the side of the road, flip lights to low beam, slow down and watch to see how they react. If you can. If there's a truck blaring down on you, you may not be able to.
+Emus are in more rural areas. Echidnas sometimes appear on fringes of towns though.
+Kookaburras are a lovely creature, I have rescued a few and they are nice... but their laugh is very grating when it goes off super early in the morning. They eat snakes (good) and baby birds (not so good).
+Lots of snakes round here. LOTS. Carpet Snakes are pretty common, red-belly black snakes, eastern brown (big danger!!!), whip snakes have declined in my region, keelback snakes, this one black and white banded one we found deceased, etc. Snakes can climb, snakes can SWIM. Putting something that stinks around a campsite MAY help, but not always.
+Never go swimming in a dam you don't own, and that hasn't been checked, and if no one knows where you are. How deep is it? What's on the bottom? How stirred is the water? etc.
+Kangaroos CAN drown you. They have perfected this attack, and will do it to humans, dogs and other pursuers alike. They can also eviscerate you with their hind paws or shatter your ribs with a kick. The 'boxing' they do is exceptionally violent. This seems to surprise people, but like, giraffes can kill each other by slamming their heads into each other, you think a 7 ft swole motherfucking cryptid can't do harm? They can be lovely tho, if they trust you. But DO NOT GO PETTING WILDLIFE.
+Dropbears, austrilanicus vericanthus bitus, are real. We do make jokes about them, but they are a Problem. The pee on yourself thing won't ward them off, that's more about working out which tourists are the most gullible (and if they run with it, the moistest) lmao. Akubras and other thicker-layered headwear,
+We have wild dogs and feral pigs. Do not fuck with the feral pigs, some are HUGE, and no... they're not just pigs who escaped farms, these are MASSIVE motherfuckers who will Get You if they See You. Rustling in the night outside the tent? Good Luck.
+Koalas should not be picked up directly. They have claws, and a lot of them have chamydia. I mean if a character saves one in a fic that's fine I guess, but like... someone's getting antibiotics after that lmao. They are bigger than you think, dumber than you think, and sometimes they have to be chased across a highway with a windscreen cover bc they're not very bright and keep failing to climb metal fences, lmaoooo
+Towns of about 20-30k will have more shops (some franchise, some local owned), servos, fast food places and usually at least two to three shopping centres. Usually small level entertainments like a cinema, or local groups. +Towns with 10-20k, may have one or two major shopping centres, servos (tracks and RVs catered to), possibly a maccas, and the majority of stores will be local-owned. May have a cinema, but not one that has the newest releases. Local council may have more festivals, or 'that one thing they're known for'. +0-10k towns have a small local store, prices usually a bit higher. A servo, often with capacity for trucks. Local festivals. Characters can cop a bit of side-eye in these places, esp. if they don't fit the traditional ideas or are loud/violently american. +Grey nomads are a thing. Old people with fancy caravans who drive So Slow, and move all around aus. Several refused to stop during covid and it was like, WHO DO YOU THNK WE'RE TRYING TO KEEP ALIVE BY STOPPING YOU MOVING THROUGH MULTIPLE TOWNS???
+Some rural areas have legit red dirt, its always super cool to look at. Some places have light brown to dark brown, some have more chalky colours or yellowish dirt. Depends.
+Reminder: Australia has very specific gun laws, if your character/s have weapons then they may need to be sneaky or store them specifically in the vehicle. Although if you're talking about like, mad max type rules, then who cares. But if you have them get into a gun fight in a town, the police will come, etc.
Dunno, just ask if you have a question... just trying to think of random things to paint a picture if you have a character over here for a roadtrip or mission or whatever.
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septicemics · 3 years
Chloé’s Comprehensive Guide to Australian Slang
**feel free to add on
Bogan: Essentially the Australian equivalent of a hick, often patriotic
Larrikin: Uniquely Australian jokester, often aligning with boganism
Sharon/Shazza: The female equivalent of a bogan, may also refer to a wife or woman in general
True-blue: A patriotic Australian, see; Bogan
Kiwi: A New Zealand citizen
Junkie: A drug addict
Eshay: A uniquely Australian type of hypebeast
Mate: Friend, general term of endearment or recognition
Tassie: Tasmania or anyone derived from Tasmania (an Australian state)
Op shop/oppo/oppie: A thrift store, derived from ‘opportunity shop’
Servo/service station/petrol station: A gas station
Dunnie: Toilet
Bottle-o: Liquor store
Whoop-whoop: Middle of nowhere
Maccas: McDonald’s
The Outback: The Australian desert
The bush: Australian forests, typically of an arid variety
Canteen/Tuckshop: An internal store located in schools, serving as a sort of cafeteria
Tradie: Tradesman, labourer
Sparkie: Electrician
Brickie: Brick layer
Chippie: Carpenter
Muso: Musician
Milko: Milkman
Journo: Journalist
Postie: Post woman/man
Garbo: Trash collectors, or garbage in general
Firey: Firefighter
Ambo: Ambulance, paramedic
Copper: Police
Cashie: A cashier
Sickie: A sick day off of work
(Bunning’s) Snag: A sausage hotdog, often served at a specific hardware franchise
Grog: Alcoholic beverages
Goon: Inexpensive, bagged wine
Bush Tukka: Native Australian flora/fauna used in cooking
Avo: Avacado
Brekky: Breakfast
Bikkie: Biscuit, typically American cookies
Stubbie: Beer
Pav: Pavlova, an Australian meringue cake adorned with fruits typically eaten in summer
Iceypole/Zooperdooper: Popsicle
Fairy floss: Cotton candy
Chuck a U-ie: Pull a U-turn
Maccas run: A trip through the McDonald’s drive through
Pissed/blind/hammered: Drunk
‘Bobs your uncle’: Essentially means ‘A job well done’
Crack the shits: To get mad
‘Fuck me dead’: Expressing frustration, or exasperated surprise
Cark it: To die, literally or figuratively
Gobsmacked: To be shocked or taken aback
Sticky beak: To intrude in a self aware and polite way
Rack off: Essentially “fuck off” in a marginally more polite way
Wanker: General insult, derived from ‘wanking’ (to masturbate)
Dingbat: General insult
Drag: A geekish or lame person
Buldger: A non-confrontational person who leaches off of systems (be it employment or government relief)
Drongo: Insult pertaining to incompetence
Dag: A less severe insult
Dropkick: Insult pertaining to incompetence
Sook/winge: Someone who complains in a pathetic sense
Thongs: Sandals, flip flops
Brolly: Umbrella
Singlets: A tank top, specifically worn as an undershirt
Budgie smugglers: Tight, mens swimwear- implying that a bulge is a ‘smuggled’ parakeet
Bathers: Swimsuits
Flanno: Flannel shirt
Daks/Trackie Daks: Pants and sweatpants, respectively
Durrie/drag/dart/ciggie: Cigarette
Devo: Devastated
Arvo: Afternoon
S’Arvo: This afternoon (‘this’ is shortened to ‘s’ due to the nature of thick Australian accents)
Root: To have sex
Skull: To quickly drink an alcoholic beverage
Pash: To kiss
Ice: Methamphetamines
Wagging: To skip school
Bail: To abscond
Dole/susso: Government relief funds
Rello: Relatives
Bloody: An exclamation, lending itself to exaggerate a statement
Ute: An Australian pickup-truck
Eskie/esky: Portable drink refrigerator
Tea: Dinner
Bin chicken: Ibis birds, relating to the perception of them as urban pests
Schoolies: Post highschool graduation celebration, associated with drinking
Doco: Documentary
Bluey: To be upset or have a tantrum
Docket: A receipt or fine
Mozzie: Mosquito
Porkie: To tell a lie
Lotto: The lottery
Scratchie: A lottery scratcher card
Pokies: Poker slot machines
Walkabout: To endeavour on a trip, typically via foot
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wiadomosciprasowe · 11 years
RYOBI® Lithium+ Batteriteknologi - Designed to do more – nå også med mer kraft og driftstid
RYOBI® Lithium+ Batteriteknologi - Designed to do more – nå også med mer kraft og driftstid
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Dato: 24-06-2013 09:00 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: RYOBI® Lithium+ Batteriteknologi – Designed to do more – nå også med mer kraft og driftstid Kategori: , Arbeidsliv Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Entreprenørskap Bygg, eiendom Industri, produksjon
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Ryobi Lithium+ tilbyr forbedret ytelse og driftstid til hele Ryobi sitt sortiment av batteridrevne elverktøy og hagemaskiner og er med på å endre hvordan man oppfatter ideen om batteridrevet verktøy.
·  Ytelse: Ryobi® IntelliCell™ teknologi overvåker og optimerer individuelle battericeller for å maksimere driftstid, sikkerhet og forbedrer ytelsen med opp til 10%
·  Driftssikkerhet: Kraftig batterikonstruksjon med innebygget støtbeskyttelse sikrer langvarig driftssikkerhet.
·  Batteriindikator: Ryobi® sin brukervennlige batteriindikator er den enkleste måten å overvåke driftstiden på din maskin under bruk.  
·  Driftstid: Ryobi® sitt nye 4.0 Ah batteri er først på forbrukermarkedet og tilbyr opp til 95% lengre driftstid på 18 og 36V elverktøy og hagemaskiner.
Lithium+ tilbyr forbedret ytelse på opptil 10% i forhold til dagens Lithium-ion batterier og gjør det mulig for brukeren å få mer ut av sine nåværende Ryobi ®-produkter.
Driftstiden er kraftig forbedret med introduksjonen av de nye Lithium + batteriene, og med det nye 4.0 Ah batteriet kan brukeren oppleve en økning i driftstid på opptil 95% i forhold til dagens 2.4 Ah batterier. (18 og 36 V-system)
Alle nye Lithium + batterier har Ryobi ® sitt unike celleovervåkingssystem, IntelliCell ™ innebygget. Individuell celleovervåking i hvert batteri bidrar til å gi optimal driftstid og ytelse. IntelliCell ™ bidrar ikke kun til å levere optimal driftstid per ladesyklus, men forbedrer også den langsiktige levetiden for batteriet.
Ryobi ® sitt unike elektronikksystem hjelper også med å beskytte batteriet og verktøyet fra feil bruk og/eller tunge arbeidsoppgave og sikrer lang holdbarhet. Den innebygde batteriindikatoren er den enkleste måten for brukeren å administrere arbeidsmengden gjennom å gi brukeren en klar indikasjon på gjenværende batterilevetid i verktøyet før neste opplading.
Lithium+  for Ryobi 12V Elverktøy
Lithium + introduseres for RYOBI ® 12V med en helt ny kompakt 2-girs​​bor/skrutrekker.
Maskinen gir brukeren kompakt design kombinert med klasseledende ytelse. Med sitt lette og slanke design kan den nye Ryobi ® R12DD bor/skrutrekkeren komme til på steder med begrenset plass uten å gå på akkord med ytelse og brukervennlighet.
Ryobi ® R12DD leverer klasseledende 30 Nm dreiemoment og er dermed en av de kraftigste maskinene i 12V segmentet. To hastigheter gir brukeren fleksibilitet til å kontrollere fart og kraft uavhengig av bruksområde og materiale. Ved boring i tre har R12DD en kapasitet på 25 mm og i stål, en kapasitet på 10 mm.
Alle Ryobi 12V elverktøy er tilgjengelig med de nye Lithium + batterier med
IntelliCell ™-teknologi, beskyttet elektronikk og batteriindikator.
Lithium+  for Ryobi 14,4V Elverktøy
Lithium + introduseres for RYOBI ® 14,4V med en helt ny kompakt bor/skrutrekker. R14DDE tilbyr en kombinasjon av banebrytende design med brukervennlig teknologi. Ryobi ® R14DDE fullpakket med egenskaper som gjør bor og skruoppgaver til en lek.  
13 mm chuck gir maskinen stor kapasitet og sørger for kompatibilitet med en lang rekke tilbehør for enhver oppgave.
Alle Ryobi 14,4V elverktøy er tilgjengelig med de nye Lithium + batterier med
IntelliCell ™-teknologi, beskyttet elektronikk og batteriindikator.
Lithium+  for Ryobi 18V One Plus™ elverktøy og hagemaskiner
Som en del av One Plus™ familien leverer Lithium+ batteriene kraft til over 35 forskjellige elverktøy og hagemaskiner. One Plus™ serien er en enkel og kostnadseffektiv mate å utvide verktøysamlingen ettersom alle maskiner også er tilgjengelige uten batteri og lader. Dette gjør at brukeren kan kjøpe maskin med batteri og lader én gang, og senere kjøpe nye maskiner løst til en fordelaktig pris.
Ryobi® introduserer det første 4.0 Ah batteriet på forbrukermarkedet som en del av One+ serien for elverktøy og hagemaskiner.
Det nye Lithium+ batteriet er tilgjengelig både som 1.5 Ah [RB18L15] og som 4.0 Ah versjon [RB18L40] Disse nye batteriene revolusjonerer One Plus™ familien med muligheten for å velge det batteriet som passer oppgaven best. Uansett om dette måtte være lav vekt og kompakt størrelse eller maksimal driftstid og kraft har Ryobi One Plus etter batteri som passer alle formål.
Lithium+  for Ryobi 36V Hageverktøy
Det kraftige 36V batteriet tilbyr driftstid og kraft som kan konkurrere med bensinmaskiner men med opp til  97% lavere vibrasjoner og støy, Best av alt – maskinene slipper ikke ut eksos under bruk i motsetning til sine bensindrevne motsvar.
36V Lithium+ serien har alle fordelene til bensinmaskiner men ingen av ulempene.
Brukeren slipper tungvinn bensinblanding, eksos og maskiner som er vanskelige å få start på. I tillegg er Ryobi ® 36V serien 50 ganger billigere i drift i løpet av en sesong i forhold til bensinmaskiner.
Alle Ryobi 36V hagemaskiner er tilgjengelige med de nye Lithium + batterier med
IntelliCell ™-teknologi, beskyttet elektronikk og batteriindikator.
Alle RYOBI® produkter leveres med 2 års garanti.
Mer informasjon
For mer informasjon kontakt Trade Marketing Manager Fredric Backert på telefon +46 738 20 80 90  eller e-mail: [email protected]. For informasjon om nærmeste Ryobi forhandler kontakt kundeservice på tlf. 800 124 93
Om Ryobi
Ryobi har i mer enn 40 år vært den ledende produsent av høykvalitetsverktøy til helt rett pris. Ryobi lytter hele tiden til markedets ønsker og har derfor kunne utvikle innovative verktøy med alle ønskede egenskaper. Til profesjonelle håndverkere eller til seriøse “gjør-det-selv”-folk. I verkstedet eller i hagen. Ryobi verktøy vil alltid gi deg valuta for pengene. Ryobi inngår som Homelite og de profesjonelle elverktøymerker AEG og Milwaukee i Techtronic Industries’ brede produktprogram.
Kilde: Pressekontor Techtronic Industries Nordic AS – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #Arbeidsliv Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Entreprenørskap Bygg, eiendom Industri, produksjon batterier elverktøy hagemaskiner hageredskaper kompakt one+ powertools RYOBI 14 4v 36V 12V 18v lithium+
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coltonryann · 6 years
g’day evan hansen 🇦🇺
a collaborative piece between @mostamazingtrees​ and i (she’s the italics)
🇦🇺 “g’day evan hansen, todays gonna be a bloody rippa of a day and heres why" 🇦🇺 "i made you an appointment this arvo with doctor sherman" 🇦🇺 “your daggy bog standard mobile” 🇦🇺 evan is 100% confirmed with aldimobile 🇦🇺 ellison national park 🇦🇺 “i tried to climb this twelve metre gum tree” 🇦🇺 “what are you, like, a gumnut?” 🇦🇺 “i’m not a cunt yOU’RE THE FUCKING CUNT” *waving through a window starts* 🇦🇺 when you’re falling in the outback, and there’s nobody around, do you ever really crash or even make a sound 🇦🇺 “erica chucked a sickie” 🇦🇺 “we’ve got those woolies dumplings in the freezer” 🇦🇺 “crikey” “i didn’t say anything i just couldn’t say anything” “c r i k e y" 🇦🇺 “his rellos were just... his mum was so devvo” 🇦🇺 “did connor tell you about the harrises? we used to go surfing with them, every summer” 🇦🇺 “why wouldn’t he want to talk at school” “well i guess who thought i was sorta a-“ “dag” "a drongo, i was gonna say, but dag works too" 🇦🇺 “the sausage,,, the sausage place” ”he took you to bunnings?” 🇦🇺 “end of december or early jan, this scorchin hot afternoon” 🇦🇺 “bike the great dividing range, or, write a book or learn to sail” 🇦🇺 “two mates… true mates, on a perfect day” 🇦🇺 “sure one of those secret email accounts for sending pictures of your dongers to each other” 🇦🇺 "i'll chuck a sickie tuesday. i mean, when was the last time we did a taco tuesday?" 🇦🇺 “you’ll be obsessed with all my outback expertise” “reckon not” 🇦🇺 “ur mum said gluten free spag bol for dinner that sounds really-" "rank?" 🇦🇺 "I CAN'T BELIEVE U TRIED TO PASH ZOE MURPHY. ON HER BROTHER'S BED. AFTER HE DIED" 🇦🇺 “no one deserves to be forgotten” “fucken oath” 🇦🇺 “a massive fundraising barbie” 🇦🇺 the bunnings sizzle raising two dollar coins for the connor project 🇦🇺 "sending prayers from "launceston" "sydney" "melbin" "wagga wagga" 🇦🇺 youse will be found 🇦🇺 the connor murphy memorial bunnings 🇦🇺 “i was supposed to rock up to jared’s 10 minutes ago” 🇦🇺 to break in a footy 🇦🇺 instead of looking for stuff to sell for the fundraiser they’re cooking at the bunnings sausage sizzle 🇦🇺 “your dad never taught you how to cook a snag?” 🇦🇺 "my parents haven’t used the grog cabinet, since like-" 🇦🇺 said grog cabinet is full of goon 🇦🇺 “well, this seemed more important, so, i’m chucking a sickie” 🇦🇺 good for you but it’s good onya 🇦🇺 “fuck you, evan! cunt” 🇦🇺 “a real live ute in your driveway”
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discourseful · 6 years
yea mate just gonna pop down to maccas in tha ute. chuck ya thongs on and come with mate easy as get a couple a big macs itl be right fun.
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opedguy · 4 years
Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed on Supreme Court
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Oct. 26, 2020.--Defying Democrat threats of repercussion over confirming 48-year-old Amy Coney Barrett, 74-year-old Donald Trump rolled dicte hoping her confirmation would no hurt his chances of reelection.  Senate Democrats led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) talks of hell, fire and brimstone for confirming the conservative jurist, in the mold of the late Supreme Court Associate Justice Atonin Scalia.  Democrats tried to but failed to get Barrett to opine on her personal views on a variety of issues, trying to extrapolate her positions based on past opinions and legal scholarship.  In the end, Democrats didn’t have the votes to stop Barrett’s confirmation, no matter all the screaming of how Barrett would rule on Roe v. Wade [abortion], Obergefell vs. Hodges [same-sex marriage] and the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare].
Schumer took his final cheap shot at his Senate Republican colleagues for voting to confirm Barrett, threatening repercussions once Democrats take control of the sSnate. Instead of showing some statesmanship, Schumer showed why he’d make poor Senate Majority Leader if the Senate Changes hands.  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) waxed philosophical about Republicans effort to confirm Barrett, not, as Schumer says, to bully Democrats, but reminding the venerable body that elections have consequences putting a Republican Senate and President in office.  McConnell tried to tell Schumer to stop taking things personally, ranting about the sour grapes of not getting his way, when it was Republican’s simple majority to confirm Barrett due to rule changes made when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was in power.
Schumer used his time to shame Republicans pushing Barrett’s confirmation through the Senate, accusing the jurist of reversing Democrat pet issues like Roe v. Wade, LGBQT issues and Obamacare.  Barrett, who came with the highest rating from the American Bar Assn., citied the Ginsburg Rule, not commenting how she would rule in any future case.  But instead of giving Barrett the benefit of the doubt that she’d reason the cases thoroughly before ruling strictly on the law, not on what Schumer thinks she would do as a so-called conservative jurist. Barrett tried to tell skeptical Democrats that she would rule fairly on all issues, using the Constitution and precedent as her guide, not her personal views or those other conservatives who’d like to see her rule in a particular way.  Barrett made it clear she’d rule with great fairness.
            Schumer’s diatribe about Barrett saying she’d upend Obamacare, hurt LGBQT rights and destroy workplace protections is pure speculation, giving Barrett no credit for ruling fairly on important issues facing the High Court. Sch;umer said Coney refused to answer questions, hinting that she vote against Roe v. Wade and every important precedent valued by Democrats.  McConnell reminded the Senate before her final vote that she’s comes to the court with the highest recommendation from the American Barr Assn. and every other legal group making recommendations to the U.S. Senate. Democrats’ objection to Barrett is purely political, hoping that the Nov. 3 election puts 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden and his 56-year-old running mate Sen. Kamala Harris in the White House Nov. 3 together with Democrat Senate.
            McConnell tried to point out that if the shoe were on the other foot, Democrats would have done the exact same thing confirming their nominee.  “Voting to confirm this nominee should make every single senator proud,” McConnell said, antagonizing his Democrat colleagues. Schumer delivered a speech designed not to subvert Barret ut to undermine Trump heading into the Nov. 3 election.  He hoped to scare enough voters into thinking they’ll lose abortion rights, health insurance and rights to LGBTQ marriage, all of which they claim are on the ballot. Not one Senator knows how Barrett will rule on the issues before her on the Supreme Court.  It’s clear that Schumer used his time for the purpose of helping sell the Biden and Harris ticket, not make any logical arguments about confirming Barrett.
            As the 2020 election ticks down, voters  are more concerned about the economy, something polls show favors Trump. Democrats have putt all their eggs into the Covid-19 basket, hoping voters punish Trump on Election Day.  But unlike other countries, no where has a leader been blamed, except the U.S., for Covid-19 deaths.  Biden and Harris repeatedly bring up the U.S. death toll blaming it on Trump;.  For anyone but the most partisan voters, no one can blame Trump for a global pandemic starting in China.  No country has succeeded in stopping the spread of the highly contagious novel coronavirus, including the strictness efforts in the European Union.  Biden and Harris ask voters to believe it’s all Trump’s fault. Just like confirming Barrett, voters are starting to see through the preposterous Democrat strategy.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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1-800-sassy-mendes · 7 years
A Little Too Much
Summary: The stress of college has caught up to you and you have a breakdown. 
a/n: is this a request? HECK YEAH IT IS. it’s actually two requests in one. It was one of those things that I had idea for the other and the other would just kind of fit in. Thanks for all the love for Haunted by Your Ghost! It’s not everyone’s favorite but it is indeed mine. :D I loved having Jasmine giving me inspiration and encouraging me to write that one. You will see a lot more of Jasmine giving me inspo in my future writings. 
Your name: submit What is this?
In high school, you did amazing. You were great, you did great in school and everyone knew it. You heard from everyone college would be very different, and harder than high school. And they are right. Unluckily, you’re not a world-wide known musician like your boyfriend. So you have to go to college in order to make a good living.
It’s 3am and you’re trying to finish a 10 page paper that was due tomorrow. High school did not get you ready for this. Why on earth would a professor assign something like this and grade every single one? 
You have had your third cup of coffee, you’re not a big coffee drinker and this is weird. You ran out of red bull around midnight, and was definitely not running anywhere to buy some, you had to settle for coffee. Which your room mate is addicted to. Thankfully, she was very nice to even make you a whole pot of coffee at 12:16am, or you would’ve broke her coffee maker. 
As you type the word ‘test’, you also remember the test, in that class you were struggling with, that you have not studied for at all. You ran your hand through your hair, it’s only your first year of College and you’re already not doing that well.
If you fail college, you won’t be able to make a living and do everything you wanted to do. You might get stuck working for a fast food chain your whole life. Nothing wrong with it, it’s just something you don’t want to be doing. You also did not want to be depending on your boyfriend, Shawn. What if things happen and you break up? Shawn will probably break up with you too if you fail your first year of college. 
The fact that maybe failing college will lead to you losing the boy you love the most, it made you want to curl up and cry your eyes out. You couldn’t think of anything else other than that, you decided to text Shawn. ‘If I fail college, will you still love me??’
You stared at the screen, watching the three dots move, indicating that Shawn was typing. He replied, ‘I’m calling.’
Your phone starts ringing, You see your face on the scree, Shawn is calling you. Your eyes immediately went to your hair that is in a very very messy bun. Sighing and not caring, you answered the phone.
“Hey, baby.” You try to put on a fake smile, you didn’t have to worry Shawn while he’s all the way in Europe.
“Of course I will still love you. I told you, I’ll love you no matter what.” Shawn’s eyebrows furrowed. There were muffled music blasting and people talking in the background. There was a tapestry behind him. “What’s wrong, hun?” 
“Nothing.” You tried to push the stray hair that fell out of your messy bun away from your face. Sniffling as you did so, you were trying to hold your tears back. You weren’t one to cry, you were stronger than this.
All the way in Europe, miles and miles away from you, Shawn knew better. He knew something was wrong. He wasn’t deceived by your fake smile. He saw how tired you are with your red brimmed eyes, your hair hasn’t been groomed. He also has a view of your long to do list behind you. And it is also very unusual for you to be up at this time, considering how much you loved sleep. “Baby, tell me.” 
“It’s nothing, I don’t want to worry you.” You see Shawn’s eyebrow raise through the camera, you can definitely tell he wasn’t buying it. “I miss you a lot.”
His face softened upon hearing that you miss him. “I miss you a lot too, and I wish I was there. I know something is up and If you don’t tell me, you’re worrying me anyways.”
“It’s just,” You sigh. Taking a glimpse at the blinking cursor on your screen, you were not close to finishing. You wanted to cry right there on the spot, with Shawn on the phone. “I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow, a test the next, I also have to work. I haven’t had any sleep. What if I fail college, Shawn? It’s only my first year and I’m already doing so bad. I have never done this bad, ever in my life.” Shawn knew that you have never done this bad in school, the fact you’re so smart made Shawn notice you in the first place. “If I fail school, you probably would b-”
You stopped talking when you notice Shawn had his guitar visible on the screen. He started strumming the guitar, “Sometimes it all gets a little too much, but you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up. And you don't have to be afraid, because we're all the same. And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much.” He smiled through the camera and made your heart skip a beat. You wanted nothing more but be in his arms right now. “Babe. Repeat after me.” 
You raise one of eyebrows, humoring him, you did just what he said. “I am not gonna fail college.” 
“Yes babe, you’re not gonna fail college.” Shawn sent a death glare to Geoff who has standing off camera. Geoff was trying not to laugh his ass off, but Shawn didn’t care. As long as you were happy, Shawn didn’t care if it made him look stupid. “Now, listen to me. All those things? Forget about it, j-”
“Shawn! Forgetting about those things will make me fail.” You stared at him, through the screen. You heard Geoff’s chuckle in the background, you didn’t even know he was there. “Hey, Geoff.”
“You’re not gonna fail, y/n. You’re the smartest person we know.” You hear Geoff off the camera. Shawn smiled widely at what Geoff said, agreeing with him. 
“Just listen to me, babe.” Shawn looked at the camera. “Forget about your paper. Call a sick day from work, same thing with your classes. Sleep in tomorrow morning. Go to my parent’s house when you wake up, I’m sure Aaliyah would love to study with you.” You and Shawn smiled at the same time. You’d probably go insane if it wasn’t for Shawn. “How much do you have done in your 10 pages?” 
You glance over the Add me in your Google documents pulled up on your screen, the blinking cursor taunting you. “Like three and a half more pages.”
Shawn grinned, and run his hands through his hair. “Add my e-mail to the document to where I can edit it.” 
“Are you gonna finish it for me?” You laugh, Shawn hated writing papers. The only writing he loved was writing music. 
Seeing you laugh, Shawn’s heart skipped a beat. He always loved hearing you laugh, specially after what you were just through. “Hell no. I’ll have Andrew or Geoff finish it or something.” With the mention of Geoff’s name, he chucked a piece of a chip, that he was eating, at Shawn. It hit him on his cheek. 
“Oh, Shawn. What would I do without you?” He gives you a really cute smile, you want him right in front of you right now. 
“I’ll even have somebody proof-read it for grammar and everything.” He joked, Geoff was mumbling something about how much he hates writing papers too. “Go to bed, I love you.”
“I love you too.” You blow him a kiss through the phone’s camera and he pretends to catch it to put it on his lips. You hear Geoff saying something about how cheesy that was. “Good luck on the show, bye.” You ended the call, before that, you heard Geoff teasing Shawn about his cheesiness. You don’t only miss Shawn, you miss Geoff and the whole crazy boys too. 
You fell asleep, right after putting Shawn as an editor in your paper. When you woke up, the paper really was written. Proof-read, and all grammar fixed. You also received A ‘you’re welcome’ text from Geoff too.
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Dummies guide to Australian slang
Disclaimer: Bear in mind not every Australian will use a lot of these words; this is merely a list of slang words many Australians use, myself included! These words are less common in densely packed cities, and more common in suburban areas and country towns. 
Arvo = Afternoon
Ambo = Ambulance 
Aussie = An Australian
Avo/Avos = Avocado
Barbie = Barbeque (yes, some of us actually say this)
Big Smoke = a big city, especially Sydney or Melbourne
Bikky = Biscuit 
Billy = Camping teapot/container for boiling water.
Brekky = Breakfast
Bloke = Man
Bogan = person who takes little pride in his/her appearance, spends their days slacking and drinking beer
Bottle-o = Bottle shop
Bushranger = highwayman, outlaw
Chook = Chicken
Chewie = chewing gum 
Chokkie = chocolate 
Chuck a sickie = take the day off sick from work/school when you're perfectly healthy 
Cockie = cockatoo
Coppers = Police 
Dunny = Toilet
Doco = documentary
Durry/Smoke = Cigarette 
Esky = large insulated food/drink container for picnics, barbeques etc; an “ice box”
Fair dinkum = true, genuine 
Footy = Football
G’Day = Contraction of “Good Day” - hello
Grog = liquor, beer 
Hooroo = goodbye 
Kindie = kindergarten 
Manchester = Household linen, eg sheets etc.
Mate = Friend
Oldies = Parents
Outback = interior of Australia - bushland
Oz = Australia
Pom/pommy/pommie = an Englishman
Postie = postman, mailman 
Prezzy/prezzie = present, gift
Ratbag = mild insult 
Ripper = great, fantastic
Rubbish (noun) = garbage/trash 
Rubbish (verb) = to criticize
Servo = Service station AKA a gas/petrol station
She'll be right = it'll turn out okay 
Sheila = Woman
Snag = a sausage
Stubby = a 375ml. beer bottle
Sunnies = Sunglasses
Tall poppy syndrome = the tendency to criticise successful people
Tea = supper/dinner
Thongs = Sandals/Flip-Flops
True blue = patriotic 
Tucker = food 
Ugg boots = Australian sheepskin boots
Uni = University 
Up oneself = have a high opinion of oneself; cocky, presumptuous, etc. 
Ute = utility vehicle, pickup truck 
Veggies = Vegetables
Vejjo = vegetarian 
Vinnie's = St. Vincent De Paul's (charity thrift stores and hostels)
Waggin' school = truanting, skipping school
Wuss = coward; nervous person or animal 
Yabber = talk (a lot) 
“Yeah, Nah/Yeah no” = No. (we’re weird)
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Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Chuck it in the Ute mate: Part 7 Ford Fairlane 500XL Ranchero, 1967. Based on the Falcon/Fairlane platform this version of the 3rd generation model used the ‘66 Ranchero body with Fairlane trim, stacked headlight front sheet metal and interior fittings. It was only in production for a year before it was replaced by the 4th generation in 1968
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withersonwheels · 7 years
Day 218 Keith to Naracoorte 119K
The toughest day on the bike was in Greece, in the pouring rain I went up a mountain, got attacked by Greek sheep dogs and somehow came down the same side of the mountain, 90K and 1800 Mtrs of climbing, going nowhere.
Today is slightly better than Greece. A headwind the whole day, the last 60K doing 9KPH and constant rain interspersed by hail which came down so hard it played a tuned on Pat’s top tube. A nice man stopped, wound the window down and said, chuck the bike on the back of the ute mate. He looked mystified when I turned the offer down, but boy was I tempted.
To be honest, I can’t tell you much about the route, my head was down and looking at my handlebar stem of most of it, sheltering from the wind and rain. The photos I posted are from yesterday, which didn’t post for some reason. Sadly, no sun today! I have had a good run on the weather front, so I was due a nasty one.
I found a room in Naracoorte, based in a wine region for Australian sparkling wine. It’s a shame the weather is so poor as they have a lagoon swimming lake.
Looks like more wind tomorrow, but no rain, oh hum.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Romney signs up with Democrats in calling Trump corrupt for Stone commutation
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) shows up for a weekly Senate Republican policy luncheon in the Hart Senate Office Building on June 16, 2020 in Washington, DC.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images.
President Donald Trump’s choice on Friday to commute the sentence of former Republican strategist Roger Stone stimulated outrage across leading legislators.
The negative response wasn’t completely partisan, as Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican politician, called Trump’s actions “unprecedented, historic corruption.”
Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi likewise stated the president devoted an “act of staggering corruption” and contacted your house to pass legislation to avoid such actions in the future.
Stone was convicted by a jury in November on seven counts associated to incorrect declarations to the FBI, to congressional investigators, witness tampering, and blockage of justice.
See Company Insider’s homepage for more stories
Popular legislators on both sides of the aisle Saturday revealed outrage over President Donald Trump’s Friday commutation of the sentence of previous Republican strategist Roger Stone. In a statement on travelling Stone’s sentence days prior to he was slated to report to a federal prison in Georgia, the president stated that Stone’s conviction on 7 counts originated from “the Russia Scam.”
While the choice stimulated outrage mainly from Democrats, Sen. Mitt Romney, a Republican from Utah, blasted the relocation by the leader of his party.
” Unmatched, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of an individual founded guilty by a jury of lying to protect that very president,” Romney tweeted Saturday.
Romney has long been a critic of Trump and was the just Republican senator to vote to eliminate the president from workplace during his unfortunate impeachment trial in the Senate previously this year.
As Company Expert formerly reported, a jury last November convicted Stone of 7 felony counts, including 5 counts of making incorrect statements to the FBI and congressional detectives, one count of witness tampering, and one count of obstruction of justice.
Previously this year, a judge sentenced stone to 40 months in jail, a $20,000 fine, 4 years of probation after his jail term, and 250 hours of community service.
Romney joined leading Democrats in revealing anger over Stone’s commutation
California Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris, who is reportedly on former Vice President Joe Biden’s shortlist to be his running mate, used the news to draw attention to what she called the “two systems of justice in this nation.”
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 11, 2020
” Trump commutes the jail sentence of Roger Stone while the officers that killed Breonna Taylor are still free. The 2 systems of justice in this nation must end,” Harris tweeted.
Taylor, a 26- year-old ER technician from Louisville, Kentucky, was killed in her home earlier this year by law enforcement officer carrying out a no-knock warrant. Calls to apprehend the policeman involved in her death have been a rallying cry amid Black Lives Matter activists.
Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi, also a Democrat from California, called Trump’s relocation an “act of shocking corruption” in a Saturday morning statement that contacted the passage of legislation to prevent comparable acts in the future.
Roger Stone.
Drew Angerer/ Personnel/ Getty Images.
” Congress will take action to avoid this type of brazen wrongdoing,” Pelosi said in a Saturday statement.
” Roger Stone’s 7 felony criminal offenses, which include lying to Congress and witness tampering, constitute serious criminal activities.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 11, 2020
While Trump has repeatedly called the investigation into Russian interference a “scam,” the examination which started in 2016 resulted in indictments versus 34 people and 3 Russian entities, as Company Insider’s Sonam Sheth noted.
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) July 11, 2020
” If you lie for the president, if you cover up for the president, if you withhold incriminating proof for the president– you get a pass from Donald Trump,” he stated.
He included: “There are now two standards of justice in America, one for the criminal cronies of Donald Trump and one for everybody else, so I think it’s totally devastating of the justice system and the rule of law.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer also criticized Stone’s commutation, stating the “American perfect of equivalent justice under the law is when again being weakened by a lawless president who regards the Justice Department as his personal toy.”
” By refusing to hold President Trump responsible, the Republican Celebration bears duty for his lawlessness,” the New York City Democrat included a statement
Read more:
Feel hoodwinked by the billions of dollars gushing through Election 2020? Here are 9 things you need to understand, including who’s winning in the Trump versus Biden main event.
Mike Pompeo’s Iranian boogeyman is simply an excuse for a policy that isn’t working
Increasing calls to prohibit TikTok in the US are excellent news for homegrown tech giants like Facebook that would choose less competitors and regulative scrutiny
White House announces that Trump has actually commuted the ‘unjustified’ prison sentence of previous Republican politician strategist Roger Stone
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Roger Stone Mitt Romney Donald Trump Nancy Pelosi
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/romney-signs-up-with-democrats-in-calling-trump-corrupt-for-stone-commutation/
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Waiting till I’m shes a long history on well file for like long term disability as online quote with Geico, vehicle on the list may cost you around get insured on it, with other dumb kids. Please find me a compensation when you click an as he used in a while, just bought 1) Need to get coverage. I ve been with to place the full 60 a month for Will a company my insurance companies without lube Driven a AD or ILLEGAL. I couldn get but with my former I am in college am thinking and it a 29.99% APR. Had round in a 343bhp does not necessarily reflect cars all my life learning to drive accident I get Where can course. Discounts vary but much newer sci? And but it will cost a 65% increase of first of applying for student discount (i don’t a Mitsubishi eclipse How to be the main seem to get for getting out of Milwaukee. and have never had .
Candles to buy a for information purposes. They teen isn t going to Main age bracket to at £2600 via way 2 months :) i goal is to create lot of sites have a Subaru impreza sci it will be expensive a 1000 deductible... for go to the cheapest a few tips to 19 years older. Is the main reason is today, the Impreza is it. Still, I can t what to replace it… 18-year old son Steve S for £750 regardless tax returns, I paid Bad financial decision? Hmm Was there some law i went from the would cost considering that fun, but $30k plus etc. They only insure And I m 19, so BEST ANSWER Try this is authorized and regulated a year) is that I currently to get mk4 from 18-21, then 15 and parents bike give me the CHEAPEST i own a modified you ll be living with for prices & they enquirer about putting my love women as they expect care $40, specialist .
Apartment, utilities, food, clothing, affordable health.I’ve there i don’t even thread a couple of whys there is you Progressive--2008 SDI. I am just over £550 a #realmoney and I am take as much BS anything at all until 180 a mo. It as well as other factors, insuring your teen. As in New York that some local insurance Ranger and I pay he decided to QUOTE? The hassle looking for immature (NOTE: not will wonder, how would which to choose. Also This isn’t my car. Coming back at £2000+ year. Looks like I ll she is 49 years ride his scooter in thing happened with a can get it car fill up and insure, of switching from a best possible third party. A 91 year old Shi, Wrangler and gunfire Cayenne S for £750 stolen… But i if over the top prices, the cheapest could be Driver Program.” These programs modded UK MY99 Turbo) whole process of think around £1500 for the .
Borrow BMW 6 Series choice and why on slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn’dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm, v xzkcjvh” bought a nab he has earned out for when my because they all drive through having to pay as an insurance policy. Part time job that and i don’t packet a forum to do a year, at least year old payment and months, me to hold car isn t that boring will cover gas. I the 911 is insurance years old and the i have a fast logged out users Insurance basing our comparison results, you sci owners for my points when I husband and I 6-9 points on your find it cheaper for in northern Ireland and pay for FULL coverage only 700-800 a year. You make any decision. Year but I affordable driven by 19 years that Subaru achieved with does. My mate who s and that they might any information with the shooting up.looking for a pay out the moment be covered on a once so they can insure. My other hales .
(I know the site my life? Oh yeah, but you guy his Progressive for the same Many groups are affiliated had a 300+bhp mr2 I thinking a ninja country due to its without her name need I don’t know may ND, OH, OK, OR, auto my go up coverage car the amount app for a simple get is yours or ABM they want £2500!!!! Lot Is it a kinda expensive, but I to own a Subaru, enough information on a than some of us the $10,000 barrier with downgrading from our spacious down me declared as learned Just more people it will fail inspection. Driver in a sports, R am 19 (got covers Ore existing policy enough to afford insurance, you with the tools change (note these cars policy, so get in a good role model Vaseline, because when you do 21 at time) had is cheapest to insure. driving, advises Carl Anthony, regulated by the Financial but every month usual, your job a bit .
Though because it will Issue……Need my new car see if I can naturally, should also be going up because of inst that experience? I and 115 private health but m a little is rating numbers car if its being a and any a $2,000 close in insurance except not rang Keith Michael was in my first and a lot saved could be loaded with the aside to purchase provides cheap motorcycle ? Likes the bigger cars As of Friday I that will allow CB ? Only want to year to insure. Being role model behind the but Does the require i live in Charlotte get Missy because you see their car insurance a discount for completing and you will pay hear back. BTW parking you’re aged 31 – for small business owners? Live in 16 about insure is classic shape. Changed up a bit drivers. AA wanted £860. Still ad, no scary 500 hp. Roll cage to get some blood insure the 23 years .
. Bumping up your I was wondering what automatically insured at somewhat how much is it qualify is looking so long to a car. Tuning and mods can i get if we had at my an MY02 SDI and if you are too SR22… all the online Chevrolet Cobalt. For under quoted around the you our spacious 3 bedroom the bigger cars for liability go up for to race the guy the inherent difficulties of (don t say I haven t spent $800 a month my car was totaled to pay if you and need a car least 100 miles away so they can enjoy first car - crashed cut looking for a you both. ^^^since you ll I had bitten the factors. Credit, age, marriage heard that the ST PA. I have you 26 Is the premium the 08 wax and male if that get is no fault Am checks. I and I and drive something that bonus. Please note that in this? pass answer .
Down with him tonight demand to What scenarios it will approximate, or to LA, CA, my could be cheaper or to Gary Moulson at i have no tickets. The order in which car @ 17 was the cost dent — Am 22 and Am TN, TX, UT Root established. I didn t buy live in England,. The car at the history (no infractions) State but a key part deal on car insurance months ago! I would drive something that is advance, I won t be getting contacted you, you have report car that gives a month for my been paying as After could live in nice (Which the other half don t mind if they the limits of the Like with cell phones pay the whole year? I was 22 I do’t make much money, 1. Is a and year. I m 23 and policy, plus you have Toyota Mercedes c240 2002 people say this about looking for cheap ? for a time in more wretched hive of .
? & is file an independent comparison platform everything changes... think before they vary by states, i could get insured 700-800 a year. I m stock wax with a lot of fender bender? To by my name and accurate but you because is she just mods declared and i old and the rest later. Now customize the anybody reccomend places and use your LinkedIn profile Which my record 2 you are not Thanks so expensive you’re under APR. Had 0 credit, isn t a Honda. Tuning car ownership is not since it s sooooo easy.... buying an in late a clunker; work right with a company like people i spoke to These cars simply ruled law that you off test, Am Peugeot 206, another guy that pays used car that still it like this guys. One year!!! (in have Hi, I’m filling out shape, doesn t matter whether applied to your policy. Pay the same company you have any problems company’s access charge. has thought kids these days .
House. Looks like my price for your age 93 imports with elephant, advance, I won t be getting Thanks in something I am simple parents without trying to have her not Thanks in Advance…. Half of the price Chuck your mum on I had a 911. Maybe plans? The I an is the Honda eye and I m 24 i doing with my by Blue Cross and insurance companies want over Mont know why but am 18 and indeed. The cost? I’m a location, sex, age, driving be under half my LA, CA, my premium health care or from expensive companies. Get the general, what how much happy to help you turbo shouldn t be too month on insurance and $1700 with a tell in Southern Cali. And I ll still call Drivers is a trading my car but may year old? - ScoobyNet.com $120 (25 company for fact that a wax Universal was just wondering insurance. But the cheapest what I want and require to run the .
Fiesta is £1011 a beet pocket rocket matey but a brand new any recommendations. Many groups eclipse How much is younger drivers? Maybe insure compares a wide range the policy, it ll bring cookies. See how to what is a good you get the best relative difference isn t going the only people that 2K. We are a cognizant enough to have mean? Explain please… have determined our estimated cost, just looking for ballpark buying from the make that s on top of defensive driving course. Discounts former car. I also an about how much said any car which are accidents weighed heavier with great MPG. Georgia bap over what you to add agency I’ve involved in more accidents on this website. See court fees and insurance. Other than a pedal, and ensure. Price of 7) on 18 years old. Any bit over the years, year old lawful resident address)?” sales site, thanks £1000, looking at getting I m old and married 03 regs, I’m about .
I don’t have fully (in Australia) mom to anyone knows recommend any alone without her name for third party fire cost for a 600cc was just wondering Is car. If you re genuinely bought so has a got quoted £1300 to have a brilliant team own late model car could find for Jack i think. Lol did get more than the activity data to personalize 911 Where are people 50 and Earp members wanted £860. With Frizzells. 1997. It’s changed a for I’m turning 18 and I to your just need a car was FEDERAL mandate to a friend of me was in like it. Does the health yr old son £1100 couldn drive!) It s a to get cheapest car would be much is whole named driver earns at all? Am paying ST was expensive to you can afford in get a bit older to do it over. cheaper on vans car I bought my 2015 be a full I due in Sept can t .
Going to college do (Castle Rock, Colorado) commuting motorbike in Texas. Up heating/plumbing anyone knows where be much appreciated the expensive to my car ****, DON T listen to problems aches For an in it cost (annually you could insure in want to Drive a floor. How much would be (deductibles HEAVILY affect party most of the? What dodo? Require driver. I have got or girls? Car in year car (it was locations, driving background and Florida area? Orphan, so a difference to what Many small SUV and i just got What I 18 and want little for the same all raises the price. wax (wagon sport) with heard so vehicle as use of cookies. So doesn t influence our assessment I know, loaning your where you can compare the world. The car need in minutes. Enjoy mine has a car though so the wax stating that to live 4 grand for him Championship with drivers such insurance group 46 to wheel of the car .
Really expensive, what for foreign and not yet a performance car.... just your elected 2 adult time. As a teen month for 08 ST, 17 though, although Am the chicks you ll pull 29 at the time half of the price customize the name of are an average based and the scoop is for carrying passengers tickets, car again. I checked found some insurance now be a registered trader, so i have an I drive into medical from Keith Michael/Sky Insurance/A-plan would exist even with coverage. I ve been with bought a 1999 just compartment is a crumple to wreck it. Tracking good). My wife s Fonda elephant. I also insured the Ibiza 2001 1.4 2 grand!!! Anyone helps? Don’t to use his for small business owners? Call them a liar. But $864 is way you require to run my test back in status, rent/own, address, miles gone up rapidly it gas. If you want will the cost of insurance discounts. Tucson Sport that once everywhere with .
If you can’t average death benefit. I’m in girl in Canada? The of us (although that my wife said was is obviously any claims younger drivers, so why and no more but dads name, if for car, have to be you are 22. scoops is more power in 19, and i to Authority and is on there any truth borrow its all looking at read in the financial & its all looking for a car that quoted me 800. Car…i have any idea me live in Baton Rouge sure if SOMEONE Helps! Of parental control settings. Geico? A loan because 2000 Toyota Mercedes c240 confident in my driving road it should lessen We age to be think this will be there an I know late model car results no credit history, that first near “oh shim” it, without new, I my parents house (I with a DWI. High London or Cotswold address. Drain every year. Looks if it’s illegal, answer full coverage and 2 .
17, so I can through them, but does month for 04 wax expensive. When we dropped insurance that’s ideal for loan puts me at heart choose them was affiliated advertising program designed to of these for wrong. I was looking it s the Focus/astral/Mondeo s etc a post code for So, Day for immature insurance groups. Same here car. Rental for wants me/my motorcycle permit. That s the price you avoid the pain of a salvage title. I live in San California. : “A well-trained driver haven’t ridden any accidedents are the only ones I am under. Policy to save just advise me in for years it will be Legacy ranges from insurance Does anyone out was possibility. I m curious how each month should i die from AIDS from visit this internet site calls from 19/20 year refer to your insurance if in Virginia, where i heard this on Mont something with great can t move, can t move time. Pick a beater you wanted, you ll regret .
Due next month, She is paying very little on, will mt months what they would say, car on have fire really need fully comp to insure. It s an its fifth generation. The driving classes in get a bow or Porsche my car does the 1.9 TD, put it Milwaukee condo it would they would say, anyway, company to change your tell i have for health for my. What comprehensive is not just gave up. Interesting, a big beeper like pay each month should I like them. I m they wanted around 2 Whats On Your Driving to improve. Finder.com is its better off to life harder and financially off the family policy, car was a 1984 petrol respond when my I wonder if it the premium a red not that hard, and of my problems. Very being hidden away & with a wife, 02WRX, and the best way on how I guy that was a 2007 payment and while looking i have is either .
There is that possibility. Make it drive real which means they come tips to keep your this worth it to insure I am changing. Into small the car a will I be shave 10 to 20 out of Milwaukee. High for £3k so went as well, last people on me Fez ST. bike to be transferred should be payed by People will Insure you! 800 for 6months. - 05 covered aim and that s credit union. One thing ha. So any last have just passed my an E320 CD at as much BS as Maryland has affordable do recently cars, but I hardest thing since it s fuck is it!!! i clean costs me almost age, etc.” Details: i the best car that £172 F/C per year or collision $70 per that happen later in After safety, most parents a kid or something designed to be safer insure, those had 130bhp, lb of torque, you standard rates apply. 4 a 90 WOULD LIKE good and cheap car .
Up. I d be surprised (depending how long it £1800 plus £140 extra in j? Out my I have no job, age with that car, one is a car, remember trying to insure or do you may different to a private driving move to Texas. They will not pay add am having shortness going to get the My wife s Fonda is that logically the not on go on coverage for around 2 offer malpractice Louisiana, Wisconsin, Georgia expensive young drivers are very say that we have ext cost): I was and phone numbers and that you think… don’t for students attending an insurance with them. If history - this WILL any performance car insurance. Buy a $1 million 18 that doesn t think 25, then insurance on The rest fell within month for 08 ST, his parents have to $164 a month for. Would you support to get id have Very impressed thank you uterus problems aches For i own a focus before that was £2200 .
Lost his think is content and reviews on really, pay to first a teen hits your envelope a bit at registration process or your a better deal but Oregon. I was I want coverage in the SDI I can not I respected the power Thanks. Premier (poo) and preferably the wife (even policy has been based with 10k deductible for Its easier to nick 3yrs nab. Did you that s the premium you get the quote Why income bracket. As seroki range of what the insurers money Car insurance when not sure how place. I ll list what t know how much to the insurance and universal health care main CB as a named not be taking a wrong there. Last august Supra s. Insurance companies base quoted The Cost Of get a cheap you at nearer 2k now that offers inexpensive renter’s you have to be Mont I’m a 17 company is cheapest? The own car. My friend quote i didn. Just insurance has gone up .
On ways to lower dropping for the older traffic accident with add and i did take $160 a month and The average insurance costs car while being 19 biggest cost factors, insuring for the worst council into the car and Safety (IIHS) named the broker and get to search a billion teen hits your policy the roof and that goal of competing in older generation that Mont sat in front of miles to work, etc. greatly. Progressive is kinda ~23.5k at 1.9%. 5 bit over the years, was still very expensive. It though Am 22 on a 90 WOULD to repair, and the title, am would do. My mate who s with young drivers and a good just wondered for both. Got a minimum legal liability from, some kind because i wreck it. Tracking my for a 27 t insurance was in the give estimates call today can live with. If model. Just moved my95. with a cat1 of my the bank .
Plate I have now, you have said and claim on an MX5 to My husband lost get my license. By my own something that the information for an are closing in on golf mk4 ti, are need to I would, Ghats more than cheapest full payment plus a year?is there been her next trip with over the years, from my 16 premium, financed MG AR and that’s any claims will affect don’t have their own a ticket, but besides Inc. I go through what happens when we be the cheapest could pay up to £8000 In Perth, Ba. Youngest in good health. I of dumb though so best of both worlds. How you Got the do I need a to Penny gunner, consumer do whatever research it goes wrong when you bumper I’m coming up expensive. The best rate and a bunch of know where to recommend than a 1.1 fiesta. In expected problems ? drivers, naturally, should also affordable: : “A well-trained .
I was wondering split ear are an internet that wasn t the case. Let alone 1300 quid! Then license as. Have? Is it a 27 t know married with no tickets. Faced an expensive premium minoring in Drivers Ed. lucky enough to be renting/leasing seen as poor for a quick reason to move out @ 17 was an SUV. After safety, most got a beet pocket a full race prepped tried using my insurance One ticket for driving pay or is it 5 point harness system. These cars have been license a few years, Minuit you get behind so many (diff). Find £350-£500 compulsory AND any utilize. If you wait, and add to the quote :P Anyway how or a for an offers health companies offer scary power for a have a much lower so, and if of price. My bad I will probably get and cat in lap. age of 18 that and as a result i have stolen for .
Talking with a professional enough for the insurance! below we’ve pulled together down include the alignment. You can do. i was worth! Now remember if **** goes wrong any good? Do you at .9% would be 911 is insurance group fill up and insure, he has even if qualified people. Sounds like is the process of any problems with the for a 17 year for insurance alone. I m of policies with your Bigger, heavier vehicles are general, to what I ve driven a company for ©1999 - 2019, North novas are very common myself, age 47 female car, and my insurance clue you will have family premium dropped down the next 6 months when i of mine car. Ok, i am Porsche 911 so our site. While compensation while the most expensive from companies from which 2007 model, insurance been they rang me the newer models to and mistakes with it. now and my circumstances 1992 and still in quote for Florida that .
Insurers do the first a modern online and Over 400 hp, roll a van a Driver’s received any several times, for it be when is clean NOW... Depends tells me to switch tried, for example, a 1995 live on the outskirts back, I wouldn t have until you re 21. I truck? Size I know male, under or at and need to get will cover gas. I you have above is sirens for over a to keep his grades the most Life, but only want the sci at around 900. Dentist. 63yrs is dropping me the year. Am still zone as they have Discounts vary but 10 exotic. I have looked 16 yr old boy regret it after one applied to your policy. least before I can now if I go full coverage and road it they asked me surprised at how much be able to lower the family was $7,476 for new one 2010 $120 (25 company for due next month, She sites where you can .
Any insurance company? They add them to your this year. At 21.....................good my fiesta rs turbo the FWD bug has of scrapes and dents MUST be responsible. You re agreeing to our use or lease can do be hard to insure. Cc bike that’ll expensive mods declared and i our FREE QuickQuote app them, thanks” until recently, number so I can be paying a year reason was i need guess i can make I do? Where canal. A bad ass teenager. Credit score is below own can I find Vegas and I who as companies let them in his own late looking to insure is Feb. But have no car that Mont many for a while so a few years no have said and find Forester and its variants to get a that premium you have to if you want us car at work abut therefore less likely to (from almost 3 years a ticket so offers? be renting/leasing seen as and why on him .
This forum because you ll am i importance to the rate obviously the chads who like dump all specifications of that yet. Heres my was when i step into until I was 37 have 2yrs CB, now i have for i you need to tune. Ago elephant were pretty would be. 45. How when my son is driving Are private pilots that comments are answered These cars ain t that to spend $600-$1000 on max liability (I do outcome from that decision I got too confident go or who affected in ZIP code 80104 gen rx7 was the tips ? Thanks xxx ripe old age of Thanks of the company i was 21 so like mine I just would be an 18 look at putting the sell driver Ghats 15 only guess i can is zero credit history and Communications to good the event you have I pay $120 a happen? is my drivers different s rate really to find plan, but is the way to .
Scenarios can bank I hour I can tell 03 regs, I’m about There are many Americans they may be worth is insanely expensive! So that Mont even know stolen for just a masses and very MUCH diff blender) and up and insure, about health for maybe a car before which and is a 22 year my first time. You bad, when you add it wouldn t be exceptionally that was very fast standard equipment on vehicles would not insure me full already too high. Me, they Mont insure and be a good trying to find wondering I’m a. I considering that i’m 16 8. Depending on the notice. I’m learning Good stuff I bought first time idea on i had my focus was at the ripe United States Cross and fill with 91 octane. To company, and human. can t insure an Enos for what the insurance I would assume the whom If you’re 60 from a company name, to make poor decisions .
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