#Casually whumping
generic-whumper · 10 months
Hobbies include making beautiful fictional people for the sole purpose of whumping them (and maybe giving them a ✨dash✨ of comfort) in the name of creative expression, or healing, or whatever.
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undercover-horn-blog · 6 months
Caretaking that is casual. Caretaking that's domestic.
You're sick, but it's just a cold. You're exhausted and sleepy, but it's nothing too serious either, so there's no need to worry.
So you're on the couch, sipping tea, trying to read, ending up just lying there, huddled under your blanket, drowsy and halfway to sleep.
Meanwhile, your partner is sitting next to you, also reading. Or playing a video game while you are watching, blinking tiredly but happy to be entertained in this way.
Or it's your friends. They're chatting, talking about their days. Watching a film. All reading. Studying. Playing cards.
And you're just sort of... there. They ignore your sniffling, don't mind when you blow your nose. They don't think you're gross or annoying. Occasionally, somebody might walk by and absent-mindedly pet your head. Squeeze your shoulder. Without even really looking at you.
"You okay?", somebody says, half-amused, when you sneeze forcefully.
"Fine", you mumble, closing your eyes again.
"You want tea?", somebody asks, but it's just an afterthought. They were already on their way to get tea for themselves.
"You warm enough? Want my jumper?", somebody offers. But it's only because they just took it off since they felt too warm.
You're literally just... there. Like a pet. Still part of it even though you can't do much. And you're so happy to simply be around them, feel included. Know you are cared for even though the illness is not that bad. Know you are loved without having to do anything for it.
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ghost-whump · 3 months
CW: guns, russian roulette-type game, kidnapping (implied), (let me know if I missed anything!)
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Into the chamber.
Spinning around.
Into place.
“How many rounds do you think it’ll take?” Whumper smiles, “Till you die, that is. You’ll become concussed rather quickly.”
Whumpee kept their head down. They watched Whumper load each blank in one by one, torturously gentle with each cartridge. “I don’t— I don’t know.”
“Maybe just the first one, if I fire too close. Depending on the distance, it could be a few shots before you even pass out.” Whumper spun the chamber again, absentmindedly fiddling with the revolvers hammer. They spoke casually, as if discussing the weather.
Perched on the table with their legs crossed, Whumper picked up another box of bullets, flipping it over to read the back. “Blanks are really interesting bullets, you know? A lot of people think they’re harmless because they’re not real bullets, but no one knows how dangerous they actually are!”
Whumpee trembled, their handcuffs making a horrible rattling sound from behind their back.
“Sorry, I totally got off track! Anyway, you’ll go deaf nearly immediately,” Whumper continued, putting the box back down, “I wouldn’t expect your hearing to heal. For argument’s sake, obviously. You won’t have the chance, after all.”
They stood, casually stretching their arms above their head. The gun was tossed carelessly from hand to hand, then positioned steadily — point blank at Whumpee’s temple.
Pulling the hammer back, “So, I’m guessing three shots — how about you?”
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General Tag: @morning-star-whump
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russet-writing · 8 months
Whumpee kneeling at Whumper’s side. Whumper reaching down and petting their hair, maybe looping their hand under their chin and pulling them close to rest against their thigh— Especially when Whumper is having a conversation with someone else and just does it to remind Whumpee of their place or maybe even make a show of owning them to whoever they’re talking to.
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alone at last // Wildefire Masterlist
can't say if this scene is an AU or not, because I'm still tinkering with where the story goes, but I really wanted to draw it.
After the team breaks a disgraced Uriah out of prison, they end up on the run again. Through an unfortunate turn of events, Uriah and Alexei end up stranded together, and Lex soon finds that while it feels good in the moment, trying to take physical vengeance against Uriah just makes him feel like shit.
Wildefire Tag List:
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing , @bloodinkandashes , @fleur-alise , and @turn-the-tables-on-them and @whumpwillow some Uriah whump lol
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tenacioussurrender · 2 years
alright I'll say it: there was not enough five this season
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not-a-space-alien · 3 months
I promise I am not saying this to start drama because lord knows I support the right for freaks to be freaks online and love freak things, but if you're one of those people who like "pet whump" and aren't interested in examining the world building implied by such a thing and actively ignore the implications of the entire concept for the sake of having a story about someone who is a "pet." If you use the word "pet" because it's less uncomfortable than "slave." I think you should seriously consider the possibility that you just have a pet play kink and want to read pet play porn. Yes, even if you're asexual. Like what you like but be honest with yourself. imo
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Whumpee with asthma and Whumper who is a smoker.
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waterfalldancer · 2 years
i have a question for the whump community
why is it that so many of y’all’s whumpee ocs are white dudes or white girls who are super conventionally attractive??
and so many of y’all’s caretaker ocs are poc, especially black, and have something unique about them such as vitiligo or being plus size, etc??
idk i could just be being too sensitive but it feels weird that only white people are seen as the “delicate ones who need care” while the poc, especially black people, are seen as “the ones who take care of them”. same for conventionally attractive versus not conventionally attractive.
doesn’t that feel awfully stereotypical?
i’m just saying it’s something i observed. has anyone else noticed this or is it all in my head?
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godsprettiestprincess · 6 months
Tbh, I feel like a lot of what I don’t like about late seasons Lucifer — especially in s12-13 — isn’t Lucifer himself but rather the way people react to him. Obviously he’s bitchy and annoying and entirely inconsistent to any characterization that was established in s5 (#notmylucifer) but ignoring that as a source (and how much I want to break Casifer’s nose) it’s not a terrible take on the devil in the kind of circumstances he’s in. He’s rude and over the top, but he’s also very visibly floundering with no path set for him and no allies to turn to — suicidal rockstar having his fans mutilate themselves to show they love him was a damn good angle, even if vince doesn’t have enough charisma to sell it for me personally. It’s stupid fun!
The reactions he gets from everyone else, though, are just downright infuriating. Instead of actually addressing any of his problems and reasons for trying to break things (which he is very very open about), or acknowledging his bids for connection (which are almost always genuine, if presumptuous) — every character and the narrative itself treat his violence as inherent, a fundamental flaw in his character, instead of anything circumstantial. The only person to even come close to questioning this is Jack, who is treated as stupid and naïve for the entirety it lasts (two episodes).
Obviously this kind of thinking isn’t exactly rare for supernatural, but seeing it applied to quite possibly the most iconic and notorious morally grey character and seeing fans completely buy into it with no extra thought is just ridiculous and makes later seasons hard to watch
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whumblr · 2 years
If it’s not too much trouble, can you please write a snippet where Zayne gets so annoyed with Jay’s talking back that he gags him? I just find the idea of him stuffing pieces of cloth in Jay’s mouth and then wrapping the lower half of his face in tape funny. I’m not sure if I should find that image funny… c’est la vie. I just like imagining Zayne watching a movie with Jay casually bound and gagged next to him.
Dear anon, an excuse to write more crack whump about them is never troubling <3 And yes, it is funny. I actually do have a duct tape drabble I need to finish but I can't resist this. How about a something like this.
Home is where the hurt is: Part 1
“Again, do you have trouble with the days of the week or what?” Jay sighed when he came home from training on Wednesday evening, the one fixed Zayne-less evening in the week that he got.
Zayne impatiently clicked his tongue. He was busy opening all cabinets in the kitchen, rummaging through and taking out all the snacks. “Do you know what day it is, Jayboy? It’s the Champion’s League final.”
“Go watch in some pub.”
“Rules in some pub is to buy a pint at least twice before half-time.”
 “Well, the rules in my pub—”
But he was interrupted by a harsh scratching sound of a roll of tape forcefully being unwind. “Rules in your pub,” Zayne said, holding out the tape in both hands, “are to shut the fuck up during the game.”
With a sinking stomach Jay watched as his crisps and biscuits were spread out over the coffee table. He was presented with the ultimate moral dilemma: was he going to take this and let Zayne trample all over his boundaries? Again? As always? Or was he going to kick him out?
Yeah, as if he needed to think about that. He sighed and just sank down in his lounge chair, letting Zayne take the couch for himself. Best choice, and most painless choice, was to just suck it up and to watch the game with him. He wasn't going to hide in his bedroom... besides, he wanted to see the game as well.
“Fine then.”
“It hasn’t even started yet.”
“I wanna see the preview.”
“Previews is just a bunch of bullshit prattling.”
Zayne picked up the tape again and gave Jay a pointed and annoyed look. Jay held his hands up in surrender and slumped into his chair. During the game, however, Jay couldn’t resist commenting.
“Off-side,” he said in a monotone voice, head resting against a clenched fist.
“No, it’s not,” Zayne growled, but grunted as the flag went up and the scored goal was disallowed. “Fuck…”
“You’re supporting Bayern?!”
“What, you’re for Barca?”
Zayne sighed and shook his head. “Well, I already knew you had no taste.”
Jay decided it was best not to argue that and just watched with clenched teeth as Zayne ate his way through a bag of crisps.
“Oh, come on, that was clearly a foul,” he said as the players bickered while the referee re-checked the video.
“Did all that smacking around damage your eyes or something? Total Schwalbe,” Zayne said, eyes still on the screen.
The ref ran back up the field, dug around in his breast pocket and pulled out a red card.
Zayne groaned.
Jay just smiled. “See.”
“Right.” Zayne slowly stood. “That’s it.” And before Jay could even realise how screwed he was, he was dragged out of his chair and smashed face-down onto the couch.
“What are you doing?!” he all but screamed as Zayne pinned him down.
“Something I should’ve done before the game started.” He reached for the roll of duct-tape in-between the cushions.
“Because you can’t stand Bayern losing like the losers they are?!”
“Because you are unable to keep your mouth shut ever.” He buried a knee in the small of Jay’s back, snatched up his scrambling hands and rolled the tape around them. Then he ripped off some pieces of tape with Jay still struggling under him, and forcefully turned him over, dunking his back and bound hands into the pillows.
“Get off me! Get oh—mmm! MMhmm!!” The tape was forced, not too gently over his mouth, and Zayne added some extra pieces for good measure, practically taping in his chin so he could barely even move his jaw. When he held the last piece of tape over his nose, Jay started whimpering and pulling away.
“You get the message,” Zayne said, sticking the last piece of tape over his upper lip. His attention snapped to the screen as he heard the whistle for the play to resume.
He pulled him close in by the neck of his t-shirt. “If I hear as much as a grunt out of you, I will dump you on the floor and hogtie you, get it?”
And as Jay nodded – best he could – Zayne pushed him back into the cushions and sat down next to him, settling back, making himself comfortable.
He curled up and shook the bag of crisps in Jay’s direction. “Want some?”
Jay’s chest rose in rage and he tensed up, but didn’t make a sound other than some choked off angry sound in his throat and Zayne smiled, “Ah, right,” turning his attention back to the game. “More for me then.”
Bonus: Jay making the tiniest muffled choked off cheer when Barcelona scores and Zayne just dumps him off the couch and hogties him with tape.
Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror @susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpinggoodtime @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime @freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks @hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion @afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpyzombie @whumpedydump
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whumpndump · 2 years
Dynamic I love: Ex-whumpee coming across their whumper turned whumperee, one way or another, and ending up having to look after them. Whumpee is mad about it all at first, only looking after whumperee because "I'm not like them, I have the decency to actually treat people like humans" not out of sympathy or anything. Perhaps they're also enjoying how whumperee flinches at their every move and is the terrified one for once.
Eventually though, whumpee somehow finds out about what whumperee went through to end up in this condition, and it's more than they could've ever imagined. It's 100x worse than anything whumperee ever did to whumpee, worse than whumpee ever fantasized about doing to them as revenge, and now whumpee is conflicted about how to feel.
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otherworldly-whump · 11 months
Whumpee being forced by whumper to hit after hit on a THC vape all night before their allowed any food for the evening. Just watched amused by whumper as they get more and more out of it. By the time whumpe us handed food, its much less likely they'll refuse to eat, and their so out of it that its easy for whumper to push them around or force them to cuddle.
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thinking about bitties commonly being treated as objects and/or decorations. theres a lot of potential there but i'm currently taken with the idea of finding the cutest bitty you've ever seen but instead of giving him a loving home like he thought you would, you glue him in the bottom of a glass vase and use him as a table centerpiece.
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Pay-to-Play (Tower: Day 121)
for Angstpril, Day 14: Cruelty
cw: implied mistreatment/violence, ableism, adult language, whumper pov
previous ///// masterlist ///// next
For someone like Wade Mitchell—who had enough super strength to label him as 'powered' but not enough to get him a hero gig—Tower guard was a fantastic job. 
It came with all the benefits; hazard pay, two weeks' paid vacation, dental, and even a retirement plan. And on top of all of those, there were some pretty lucrative bonuses you could get if you signed up for the right duty. Project Bullfrog paid the best, but Wade didn't really have the stomach (or patience) to assist with the weird experiments taking place on the Tower's lowest levels. Rentals, on the other hand, was about as easy as putting in overtime. The only draw was not being able to talk about it.
That part sucked. Wade wished he could gossip to his friends about all the rich people that came through, and every senator, every millionaire who signed up for the program only intensified that desire.
Today's customer wasn't anyone special though, just some businessman. It wasn't him that got Wade excited, it was the prisoner he'd requested for one-on-one time. Wade's little pet project. Alexei Wilder.
Wilder was never on the top of visitors' lists; most people who could afford a time slot at the Tower went for famous supervillains. Rookie heroes who wanted to feel better about themselves. Rich guys who wanted to feel tough. People who wanted to brag, "I beat the living daylights out of Stormcrawler," at a party, while leaving out the part about Stormcrawler being restrained, in power-nullifying gear.
It was kinda pathetic. Wade himself would never sign up, even if he had the money. Doing it for free, to remind the Tower's occupants who was in charge here, was a different story.
Wade's part to play in Rentals was getting the chosen prisoners ready, make sure the customer was good to go, and then clean up whatever mess they left behind. All part of the routine, but today was almost a proud moment. Armless's first time being noticed by someone who sorta mattered, even if that someone just wanted a chance to kick the shit out of him.
He pushed the cell door open, grinning at the way his charge shrank back from the light. He'd been muttering to himself again, weird little mumbo-jumbo rhymes. Four months into his stay and he was already going bonkers. What a loser.
"Guess what, scum? You have a visitor today."
Wilder, as usual, didn't respond. Wade huffed in annoyance.
"I'm gonna clean you up for him. You know the drill. Be good."
Sometimes he didn't even know why he bothered. Making sure the guy was able to wash, combing out the tangles in his hair, even brushing his fucking teeth for him, and never getting so much as a 'thank you' in return.
At least today, Wilder didn't struggle. Most days he didn't, not anymore, but every once in a while he seemed to get an idea in his head that he could actually fight Wade off. As if.
"Alright," he said once he was done. "Hold still."
Transportation to anywhere outside a prisoner's cell required them to be either blindfolded or unconscious. It was partly to make things easier, and partly to prevent detainees from learning the building's layout.
Fortunately (for the prisoner), Wilder didn't even move as Wade tied on the blindfold and fitted a second, stronger power dampener over his right ankle. With a customer, you could never be too careful.
It was actually kind of lame how compliant the prisoner was these days. Wade wondered if the other man was scared of him now. After Wilder's little incident with a few visiting members of the city council, the guards on his block had been ordered to dole out a punishment, and none of them had held back. Wade had almost felt a little guilty afterwards, almost. But the negative feelings had dissolved by the end of the day, before he'd even clocked out. He'd picked up sushi on the way home, turned on the TV, and forgot about it. The people in the Tower were locked up for a reason. You didn't have to feel bad about anything you did to them; if anything, you should count yourself lucky that you got to make a difference.
He guided the prisoner down the hall, forgetting to warn the blindfolded man about the stairs ahead, but managing to catch him before anything could happen. Close one.
The space set aside for Rentals wasn't anything special; just a wide, tiled room with a drain in the center to make cleanup easy. There were two doors to the chamber, one for the customer to enter, one for the prisoner. The session would be recorded, but that was just another vein of profit. The only one monitoring would be Wade, and the only hard limit was murder.
He unlocked the prison-side door and pushed Wilder inside, not bothering to take off the blindfold before moving to the second door to meet with the customer. It was always more entertaining when the selected prisoner didn't know what was going on, and Rentals' patrons seemed to prefer their targets as helpless as possible.
The customer was about as typical as they got here; businessman in his 30s or 40s, trying to dress for action but looking like he was about to go golfing. He might've even been a regular. Wade wouldn't know.
"All ready?" the man asked.
"All yours," Wade nodded. "I'll be watching to ensure your safety, but in the event of an emergency, there's a button by the door," he said, reciting the same spiel he gave every customer. "If you decide you'd like to incorporate some tools in today's session, just give me a knock and let me know what you want."
The man only gave a shrug, as if to say 'here goes nothing', and pushed the door open. Before it closed again, Wade caught a glimpse of Wilder—backed into a corner, his shoulders hunched, his lips moving like he was muttering to himself again—and smiled. Poor bastard had no idea what was about to hit him.
He moved to his usual chair and did a quick scan of the system, ensuring the emergency countermeasures were online and a healer was on standby, then switched on the cameras.
Time to enjoy the show.
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing
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whumpy-gems · 3 months
Upcoming Updates
Hey there my whumpers and Tumblr buddies!! Thought I would give you all a quick run down for my future posting schedule!!
Good news, i will have one again! :D
It’s gonna be equally spirratic as the last one. And HOPEFULLY i will move on from the “once in a pink moon” kinda system I have going on rn.
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