#Can I learn in a weekend?
loving-jack-kelly · 5 months
davey jacobs in the "pleasure to have in class" to college dropout pipeline. davey jacobs realizing three semester into his bachelors that actually he doesn't like school and being good at something isn't enough reason to keep on going through it when it makes him miserable. davey jacobs finding more purpose in doing a job to get through the day and going home to pursue his passions after work without worrying about what they will get him.
also davey jacobs in a leather jacket on a motorcycle because I say so.
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elialys · 4 months
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"He would make sense. I mean, he...he'd be discreet and...and private, and...his wife's a very powerful woman, so...he would be...a logical option."
THE NEWSREADER | 2.01 | Helen x Dale
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rickybaby · 3 months
“Tough weekend …. The only thing that’s keeping me a little optimistic now is we did find a few things. So that’s a positive. I’ve driven a long time so I know when things don’t feel quite right. On one hand, it’s nice to find a few things, on the other, it meant a pretty painful weekend. We got a week off now. So Melbourne will be better. I know we’ll fix it and have an equal playing field and strong showing.”
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icarrymany · 1 month
mutual has me daydreaming abt happy future jam now rrrghhgg
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tj-crochets · 10 days
Hey y'all! I have a question that (judging by how my mom reacted when I asked) is going to sound like a joke, but I am genuinely asking because I really don't know what's funny about it and I would like to So the other day at work a contractor called me, asked one question I could (and did) answer, and then spent 10 minutes complaining about his phone, insisting it was a problem on our company's end. The problem is his phone not dinging to alert him when he gets emails from us, and after I gently tried explaining a couple times that the issue is on his end, not mine, he just kept getting angrier and insisting that is was not on his end. I finally said "I'm sorry, I can't fix that. Is there anything else I can help you with?" He said, angrily "Well there's no need to be sassy about it" and hung up on me And like, I get that it's funny he hung up on me after calling me sassy of all things (far from the worst thing I've been called at work) but both my boss and my mom separately seem to think my response is funny??? I thought I was just being professional! Am I missing something?
#the person behind the yarn#tj talks about work#I have been in and around the industry I work in for like twenty years now#(I was around it as a kid I haven't worked in the industry for twenty years)#and I have very deliberately set out to learn the lingo and like the vernacular of the industry#and then deliberately set out to learn how to communicate professionally#and then blended the two so I can communicate with contractors in a way that they like but is still professional#and generally I think I do a pretty good job at it!#but occasionally (like this) there is a communication gap I evidently missed#and it feels like missing a stair going up a set of stairs. jarring#I mean to be fair I do sometimes jar the communication style on purpose a bit?#like one bit that absolutely never fails to make a contractor laugh is when they ask me my weekend plans#clearly (from context) wanting me to say something about 'letting loose' or whatever#I say 'oh I'm sewing a baby quilt for my neighbor's granddaughter'#and every single time they think it's hilarious#and every single time it deescalates them from whatever creepy thing they were gearing up to say#and then stops it dead! they never bring up the creepy thing they were gearing up to say they just make jokes about#like oh any big plans this weekend? going to go wild and go to a quilt shop??#which is both funnier than the creepy jokes they were going to make and doesn't bother me at all#so I do kinda break with the conversation style on purpose for that
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No witchy Wednesday this week. Life decided NO.
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deanmarywinchester · 2 months
been thinking a lot about communal living and communal parenting which means I’ve been reading the Supernuclear substack since I found it and I can’t stop thinking about this post about raising several babies in a small intentional community. Supernuclear is by these people who started the community, Radish, and talks about the nuts and bolts of starting and running Radish (rules, financials, community building) as well as featuring stories about what worked and didn’t work in other communities. im thinking through the class assumptions of Radish, and some of the other communities Supernuclear features sound frankly unpleasant (thinking of this expensive- and disorganized-sounding college-dorm-ass small weed farm)
BUT! as someone who wants babies but is really scared about how demanding it is with the State Of Everything, i LOVE this post. Radish has “baby happy hour” every day when the babies are picked up from daycare and they hang out in the communal area with other people in the community. parents can spontaneously ask to leave a baby monitor with other folks so they can go out without paying for a sitter after their kid is asleep. “Even with a newborn, we see friends 5-7 nights a week. We go out to dinners and parties on a whim. And we have a dozen friends who are invested in our kid, share in their milestones, and feel 100% comfortable watching them for a hour or even a weekend.” girl the dream…….
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stiffyck · 1 month
Godddd I need aroace scar fics I gotta do everything myself around here
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ra-vio · 6 months
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Its the end of the year
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badbuge · 2 years
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I would need to make adequate adjustments to the code to make this sprite work  but behold: a babygirl who is about to become so throwable
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calamitys-child · 9 months
Local knowledge will always beat advertising for actual useful outcomes my colleague recommended a cobbler that's a tiny wee place down an alley across town but by god if they won't fix my boots just as well as the big brand name shoe repair place in the town centre faster and for half the price
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newtness532 · 6 months
im so annoyed with everything today, i think i need some tasty food and a million hours of sleep and then I'll be back to normal
#the teacher at the first class today was so dibsjdhdhdhdhsgs 😫#like she was teaching us things that are like unrelated to the class that shes teaching so idek why she was teaching it#but also its things that we have been learning since the 1st semester and we've done them in at least 10 classes and she was acting like#this was the 1st time we were hearing about it#like oh yeah we're on the 7th semester of studying nutrition but no one bothered to tell us how many calories are in a gram of fat#and she gave us homework 'to see if we know this' like#oh yes i can make a meal plan for a child with crohns or cystic fibrosis or celiac disease or everything else we've done this semester and#all the other semesters but i guess i cant tell you what micronutrients are in this one breakfast meal#like fuck off and stick to what you're supposed to be teaching#anyway i know im getting more annoyed than i should but she was just even more annoying than usual today#like she interrupted the lesson every 5 minutes to yell at someome to be quiet i wasnt even aware there were people talking until she yelled#anyway#also my new earphones aren't working well idk why ive definitely not been mistreating them that much for them to break in less than a month#like i had my old pair for at least 4 years until the broke and i dont think the wire got cut in them like the sound was coming out weird#but there was sound coming out. in the new ones you need to hold them in a very specific angle for sound to come out#and like im careful with how i put them away so what is up with them?#my theory is that they make wired earphones shitty on purpose so that you will spend a lot of money and buy wireless#also we had said from Tuesday that we would hang out with my friends today but i guess they forgot or idk and they made other plans#(to go home and sleep) and during the weekend the one friend wont be here and next week my family will be here so we probably wont hang out#again until next year and we have exams almost immediately so we wont be hanging out much then either#also my period is supposed to come soon and i hope that it will either come today or it will wait until after Christmas#ideally it will never come ever again but we cant always get what we want#anyway im gonna go eat the rest of my μεσογειακό and go take a nap#jo says stuff#personal ramblings
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coffeebanana · 4 months
sorry not sorry my next fic update will be delayed because i have to knit a cute bag
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rohirric-hunter · 4 months
There comes a time in every young LotRO player's life when they have to ask themselves: "Do I want that cool horse at the end of the Reward Track on my main?" And sometimes the answer is yes and you should have learned your lesson about this last time, but you didn't and are once again setting out to master the Reward Track in less than two weeks.
And I know just how I'm gonna do it
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You should have made task items bind to character, SSG
(Actually that would be awful, please do not do that)
(It's not actually comparable to last time at all because I'm only trying from 61 to 100. Not. 5. to 100. Also I'm doing it on a server where I have a character with stats that make sense and a lot of characters with access to the RT who can support each other. So. Not even slightly the same thing. But yeah one part of the plan is to collect task items on Leonys Prime and then send them to characters who are at the level of the relevant tasks. It won't take out the RT by itself but it'll take a chunk out of it)
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imminent-danger-came · 8 months
I've made it no secret that I'm an ex-mormon, and I have to complain about President Nelson's (the current LDS Prophet) talk from last Sunday. It's so egregious.
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(Side note Joseph Smith went to Liberty Jail because he destroyed a printing press that was trying to publish a story about his polygamy lol)
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(Other side note, part of the mormon law of chasity includes not having gay sex)
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Oh my goddddddd. Oh myyyy GOODDDDDDDDDD. "Never take counsel from those who do not believe." Dude what the fuck are you saying.
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francesderwent · 1 year
EVIDENTLY my Lavender Haze/You’re Losing Me ex got married this weekend
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