#Cairo sweet x fem reader
woewriting · 2 months
amae (ii)
pairing: cairo sweet | reader summary: cairo's actions continue to frustrate you, but when unspoken words are finally said out loud, you understand her. word count: 4619 warnings: mdni, +18 only! jumpscare: mr. miller, sexual tension, a bit of angst, jealous cairo, small reader x winnie situation, scisorring, face riding (reader receiving), language, smut in general, brief softness.
part 1 . part 2 | masterlist
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Apparently, college parties were a bit different in Tennessee, which was a sweet surprise to you. Different from the ones you were used to back in your hometown, this one was hosted at the English professor’s house  — you noticed as soon as you opened the front door, a picture of him with his wife near the entrance.
You raised your eyebrows when you bumped into your professor, an apologetic smile on his face.
“I didn't see you there, I'm sorry.” He touched your arm in a weak squeeze before placing his hand back in his pocket, the other holding a red mug.
“It's okay, Mr. Miller. I didn't know you would be here.” 
“I always host this reading before the actual party. My wife and I will go on a weekend trip and Winnie asked if she could host a ‘small’ gathering; apparently, the house they usually go to for the party is unavailable. Beatrice left after noon. Smart decision of hers.” You laughed at his expression, knowing damn well it would be anything but small. You could tell by the faces around you that you never saw in any of his classes or readings before. They didn’t exactly fit the ‘tortured-poet’ profile “Are you joining us for the reading? It started a few minutes ago, I just came to the kitchen to get some more coffee. Cairo should start at any moment.”
At the mention of her name, you felt a bitter taste in your mouth and you took a deep breath. 
A week had passed since the girl sat on your lap, kissed you, allowed you to touch her and then started acting as if nothing happened. During classes, you could feel her eyes on you, that uncomfortable feeling of being watched taking over your senses every five minutes, as if she was waiting for you to turn around and smile at her.
But you didn't. You avoided her like the plague. As soon as the class ended, you gathered your materials, plugged in your earphones and left without looking back. 
Winnie complained a few times about your sudden avoidance of her and Cairo, asking non stop what had happened, if she did something that got you upset, but all you could do was apologize and say you had a lot on your mind with finals and assignments with a short deadline. It wasn't a full lie, but the girl could see the change in your expressions.
And now, all that hard work to avoid the brunette would go downhill as she was waiting a couple steps away from where you were standing, waiting for Mr. Miller's returnal so she could read what she had prepared for tonight.
“Cairo and I aren't in the best place right now, if I'm being honest. I didn't know she would be here.” 
“Oh…” The man scratched his chin. “I didn't know that, I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate in asking. I know Cairo, she can be… stubborn.”
You bit the inside of your cheeks at the statement. During your first days in Mr. Miller's class, Winnie kept you updated on the strange relationship Cairo had with your now professor; on how starstruck the young writer was at being close to someone she admires and looks up to. It was uncomfortable seeing how close he would be to her, making your stomach twist inside you with anxiety, yet there was nothing you could do as she seemed happy to be noticed by him. 
When you asked about this whole situation to Cairo, trying to disguise your reactions, she told you: “he is someone I admire and I know he can help me with my writing. I look forward to our meetings as I have his attention all to myself.” You gave her a small smile that nearly made your eyes shake. Just like now.
You blinked a few times, pursing your lips together. 
“We'll be fine.” You decided to answer, not truly believing in that. “But I appreciate the offering, Mr. Miller.”
“Does your wife know that soon her house will have drunk people stumbling against the walls?” You asked in an attempt to ease the sudden awkward silence.
“God, no.” He laughed.
“I’ll try to keep the glass decoration in one piece.” Once again his hand rested on your arm for a few seconds in a silent ‘thank you’ before he checked the silvery watch on his wrist. 
“The reading is almost finished. Walk with me?”
Unable to deny the request, you simply nodded, walking in front of the professor as he motioned to you. 
The second you arrived in the living room, your eyes landed on her like a magnet. It might be because she was standing in the improvised stage by the window, or because of the deadly stare she locked on you when you walked in with Mr. Miller by your side. If she had a laser in her eyes, you'd be a sieve by now with thick blood covering the dark wood floor. 
A hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you to the corner. Winnie smiled at you, saying she saved you a seat by her side on the couch even though she wasn’t sure you'd be here for the reading. The childish side of yours screamed for you to answer her with: “if I knew she would be here, I wouldn't have come” in a very annoying voice, but you only smiled at her, squirming in the leather couch. 
The room was in complete silence, waiting for the girl staring at you to start her reading. Cairo took a deep breath, licking her dry lips to start. The sun was starting to descend on the window behind her, transforming that whole scene into a beautiful portrait that your mind would keep for as long as you could remember.
“And as I witness her most intense intentions through dark eyes, with hands marking mine own peachy skin in a bruising grasp, I fall asunder above her. My body; weak, begging, pleading for her merciless touch as I watch her slam the door shut. The smell of something burning fills the walls, yet it's not the smoke that leaves my lungs, it's the fog that fills as I turn, fated to fall and fated to fail, and wish for her gaze, my resolute resistance scrawled in sand, tumbling through her open hands just as through the neck of our hourglass.
From the high, the grayness takes form; thick, lascivious, dangerous. The unsureness of faith buries words that one day I aim to say. Miserable thing, watching with tearful eyes as she leaves. The tree branches knock on the window, witnessing the whole pitiful scene engraved in my memory.”
You paid attention to every word she enunciated with a strong, determined voice, it felt like she was trying to open your skull and carve each one onto your brain matter. You felt dizzy at them, heart beating fast against your ribcage. While everyone applauded the young writer, you clenched your jaw, swallowing nothing that would help your sudden dry mouth. 
Cairo smiled, the type of smile that would make anyone drop to their knees and pray for her. Winnie was excited by your side, the subtle scent of alcohol you smelled on her made you laugh. The girl was loud and, at the moment, when all eyes turned to you two, you regretted sitting by her side. From across the living room, your eyes met hers again, now sat beside Mr. Miller while he whispered something in her ear to which she smiled wide, turning to him. 
As another student took over the stage, you couldn’t absorb any words that were said, disappearing into thin air. All you could focus on was Cairo’s hand occasionally touching his forearm when she leaned to say something in his ear, earning a quiet laugh from the professor, the urge to stand up and drag her away from that bothering situation, instead you walked to the kitchen in hopes to find a single drop of alcohol that would make that tension vanish from your body. Soon, Winnie joined you. 
“This is so boring, my God!” She whined, sitting up on the kitchen island while eyeing you up and down in the bright light for the first time. “You’re  overdressed as usual, I see.”
“Your underwear as usual, I see.” Winnie spread her legs as long as the short leather skirt allowed her to, giving you the high quality view of a lacy underwear as she takes the vodka bottle from your hands, taking a long sip, feeling the burning spreading over her chest with a satisfied hum.
“You like?”
You let out a huff, looking away. “You wish.”
“I will kiss you one day.” She said more to herself than to you, like a secret promise that escaped due to the lack of inhibition — not that she had any, even in her sober moments that word didn't exist in her vocabulary.
Shaking your head at her statement, you pulled the sleeves of your sweater, taking the half empty bottle from her hands and getting ready to prepare yourself a drink that didn’t taste like a slow death. 
The reading kept on until the sun was completely set in the horizon, turning the living room into a dark scenario, lit only by the yellowish color from the table lamps. Slowly, the students started leaving while others arrived, walking in the house with bottles and bottles of alcohol, storing them in the kitchen’s fridge.
While you paid attention to the cup in your hands, wondering how long it would take for you to detach from the reality that was drowning you, you felt a bump on your shoulder.
“What is it?” 
Winnie signalized with her head, making you look over your shoulder, witnessing Cairo and Mr. Miller talking near the stairwell that would lead to the second floor of the house. 
“I think he wants to take her upstairs.”
“She can do whatever she wants, Winnie.” You mumbled, trying not to squeeze the cup in your hand when taking a sip. The bitterness making you frown. “Cairo is a big girl.”
“Are you sure about that?” 
“What do you mean?” Turning back to her, your eyebrows sewn together in confusion.
“Because she won’t stop looking at us.” You shrugged, finishing your drink in one long sip. You felt your stomach complain at the big wave of alcohol. 
“She can disappear with him for all I care.”
Winnie tilted her head, still looking at the two of them with narrowed eyes. “Oh, so I shouldn’t say they’re going upstairs and she seems pretty excited about it?”
“Yup, not a single thought about it is on my mind right now.” Grabbing the bottle again from her hands, less subtle and emptier than the first time, you poured yourself a very generous sip on your cup, drowsy smiling to Winnie when you handed over the, now completely empty, bottle. 
As the minutes went by and the alcohol went in, your control over your senses were slowly losing its grip and you started to worry about Cairo against your will. Controlling the impulse to run upstairs as you weren’t drunk enough to blame on the booze, you shook your head, leaning your body against Winnie’s while the girl talked excitedly to a random boy from the football team, your mind too caught up analyzing the things the young writer said earlier to pay attention to any conversation around you. 
The music wasn't loud enough as the professor still hadn't left, but you could feel every beat of it synchronized with the beat of your heart. 
Your fingers found the skin of Winnie's thigh, starting to draw random lines out of boredom. Other than the girl, and Cairo, you weren't familiar with the faces that kept on surging from the front door every five minutes.
“If you keep doing that, I'll drag you upstairs too.” Black whispered, making you tilt your chin up at her.
“Maybe you should.” 
Winnie was beautiful, you couldn't deny that. From the hazel eyes to the plump lips that looked so attractive at that moment, getting closer and closer, making a tingling feeling crawl over your legs like a spider. You wanted to kiss her, and you would have, if it weren't for the footsteps coming from behind you, making Black pull away. You knew it was Mr. Miller, the strong perfume making your nose burn. 
The older man stood in front of you, looking at Winnie who was still seated on the marble island, an innocent glow in her eyes that almost made you laugh, but a hand wrapping around your wrist pulled you away from that situation. All you could hear as you were being dragged to the — now empty — living room was Mr. Miller asking the girl to behave and to not destroy his house or he would fail her. You laughed to yourself.
“Did you seriously allowed Mr. Miller to take me upstairs?” Cairo asked, pulling at the sleeves of your sweater like a spoiled kid when you refused to look at her, waving at the professor when he turned around to leave, leaving the house and a bunch of teenagers and new-adults unsupervised.
Your eyes were dark and your body a little soft when you stared at her, yet you still were in control of your actions, the drinks just diminished the worry of doing or saying something wrong. At that point, you didn't care about what left your mouth. You wanted to curse the young writer.
“He's our English teacher, not a serial killer.”
“He could've forced me to do something!”
“You seemed pretty excited to go with him. Now, excuse me, I'm gonna find Winnie so we can finish what we were about to start.” Before you could walk past a furious Cairo, her hand, once again, glued to your chest.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You blew me off, Cairo. What did you expect? That I would run after you and beg for your attention?"
You let out a breathy sigh, the corner of your lips up in disbelief. "You really are so self-centered, you don't care about anyone other than yourself. You're a fucking bitch!"
"And you're dying to fuck this self-centered bitch."
"Not after Mr. Miller, thank you." You scolf sarcastically.
"He didn't fuck me, you idiot.” The hand in your chest grabbed the fabric of your sweater, pulling you down to her so she could whisper with lips nearly pressing on yours. “He wasn't you." 
Her eyes softened as well as the fist that held you in place, moving it to the back of your head. 
Staring at her eyes, you didn't know what to find. You didn't even know what you wanted to find. Maybe a sincere answer.
“Cairo…” You started, sighing against her lips, closing your eyes for a brief moment, trying to gather cohesive words to form a sentence. You blamed the alcohol for this pathetic lack of senses. “What do you want from me?”
“I want you to care. I want you to show how desperate you are to have me, how you crave my body in your hands.” You swallowed hard, carefully listening to the whispery confession, the soft motion of her lips grabbing your attention. Once again, you wanted to steal that small freckle from her upper lip. “I want you to burn my skin with your fingers and bruise me with your mouth. And if you really wanted me to be yours, you would've turned around, thrown me on that fucking bed and taken me.” The strong pronunciation of that last part got your body heating up, the urge in your chest spreading in your veins and mixing with the existing alcohol. 
“You’re not very clear in your intentions, Cairo. You’re good at saying everything and nothing.”
Taking your hand, the writer pressed it against her chest. She took a deep breath, goosebumps covering her body at the warm feeling of having your hand touching her again.
“Can you feel that?” You nodded, letting your forehead gently fall against hers. “Do you understand now or do I have to draw it for you?”
Suddenly, your brain became fogged and you were getting lost again. You saw dark brown eyes. You felt a strong bumping in your hands. You smelled woody cologne and cinnamon. Yet, you didn't know where to go. 
“I want you to draw for me.” You said, desperately trying to find the right path.
Cairo nodded her head, pulling you with her once again, but this time, with her fingers intertwined on yours and more gentle than the first time. You trailed behind, careful to not trip on the stairs as she led the both of you somewhere you didn't know, the lights were off on the second floor, making impossible for you to see anything that wasn't right in front of you.
You heard the sound of a door opening and being locked once closed. The moonlight was invading the room through the open curtains. Blinking a few times to adjust the blurred vision, you felt your body being pushed against a soft mattress and a lightweight on top of you.
“I'll draw it for you.” Cairo whispered, pressing her lips on yours in a chaste kiss. “Do you have any idea of what you do to me?” She asked while kissing down your neck, your hands squeezing her waist over the cotton fabric. You shook your head, licking your dry lips, still tasting her lip balm on them. “Here, let me show it to you.” 
Cairo sat on your hips, guiding one of your hands under the white dress, in between her legs. Flashbacks returned and your heart stopped beating for a second while she moved herself on your fingertips, eyes locked on yours, a smirk surging in the darkness. When you moaned at the warmth that embraced your fingers, she did the same.
You breathed out the air that was stuck in your lungs, affected by the scene that unwrapped in front of your eyes. It was a erotic, alluring view, slowly burning itself into your brain like a polaroid. A flash of smile drew on Cairo’s face, satisfied with the reactions coming from you, with the way your eyes stared at her with a dark, flame of desire, lips parted as you struggled to breath.
The cold touch of her rings sent shivers down your spine when her hand wrapped itself around your neck, pressing the sides of it, feeling the pulsating vein under her fingertips. A sob escaping her throat when your fingers easily slipped into her, burying themselves in the warmth of her velvety walls, clenching around you, while the heel of your hand pressed against her swollen clit.
A vile glow shining in the dark brown eyes when she leaned down, squeezing the sides of neck harder as she felt the knot inside her getting tighter. That feeling of desperation growing impatient in her chest.
“Have I lost myself, or have I gained you?” You asked in a soft voice, following a steady pace with your fingers as she moved herself on you. Even when you were the one carrying her in your hands, it was hers that controlled the air in your lungs. 
You’ve always seen Cairo as a spoiled girl that grew up in a big house, having all her wishes wrapped in a pretty paper waiting for her on her bed when she came home from school. But now, as she falls apart in your hands, saying your name like a sacred mantra, you saw beyond words and actions, you saw the urge to be held and cared for, like a little girl that didn’t get a hug after they wake up.  
Staring at her in awe, you felt tears coming to the brim of your eyes, the squeeze cutting every small space for the air to bring you life, but you didn't care, not when you saw the vision of what heaven must be like; the curly brown hair falling over her right shoulder, the soft strands tickling the skin of your neck as she fell over you, hiding on your chest.
Coming down from her high, Cairo carried a sly smile when she looked at you. Her kiss tasted like ashes, bitter, against your tongue. 
“You taste sweet.” The writer whispered in between kisses, sucking your tongue into her mouth over and over, sighing in pleasure at the fingers that slid off of her. Carefully bringing your coated fingers to your mouth, you wrapped your lips around them, being watched with full blown eyes every movement of yours.
“And you taste divine.” 
It only took a millisecond for her lips to meet yours once again, the softness of the act long forgotten as she bit your lower lip, tasting the iron in her tongue with a sadistic smile at the painful cry you let out, squeezing her ass in your hands; burning the peachy skin with your fingertips. The words of her writing echoing inside your brain, spreading it on your blood flow. 
“I like this sweater, you look charming in dark blue.” Her hand found the collar of it, tip of her fingers tracing the skin underneath, making the fabric itch around your neck. “Take it off.” Despite the sweet tone in her voice, you obeyed the breathy order, pulling it over your head and tossing it somewhere in the unknown bedroom. Cairo stood up, removing the brown leather boots and her own dress, the white lacey set that remained on her body making you gulp. 
The writer stood in between your legs, her hands on your hair while yours held her by her waist, goosebumps all over her body as you kissed the toned abs, softly biting the skin.
Cairo looked down at you with curious eyes, the tip of her tongue trapped between her teeth, admiring the small galaxies your mouth left all over her like she was an empty canvas that needed some color. And you were doing the perfect job, painting an universe on her skin as you knelt down, bringing her underwear along with it. The writer kicked the useless cloth, putting her leg over your shoulder and hooking it behind your head; you salivated at the view of her cunt glistening in front of you. 
One of her hands caressed your face with gentleness, her thumb sliding over your bottom lip before she made you open your mouth, pushing her hips closer to your lips. She was dripping on your tongue, the taste of her filling your mouth as you hummed in pleasure, licking what escaped your agape mouth. 
The big brown eyes stared at you in flames, burning your skin into a bright scarlet crimson. You nudge your nose closer to her, inhaling the intoxicating smell; everything about Cairo was sweet, from her last name, to her voice that could recite the most beautiful poem by core, to the honey flavor slick that dripped from her aching hole, running down her thighs at the view of you ready to worship her, and when your tongue slid in between her folds in a long, slow lick, her head fell back and a shiver went down her spine. 
Pressing your tongue flat over her hardened nub, you closed your eyes, the grip on your hair pulling you impossibly closer. You circled her clit with the tip of your tongue, drawing random patterns with precision on the sensitive nerve, earning yourself a praise that came with a smile when she looked down on you. 
Moving your hands up her thigh, you squeezed the muscle, making her ride on your tongue, aggressively and delicious. The sounds escaping your open mouth reverberated all over her sensitive flesh. 
Cairo was an exhibitionist, she adored having eyes on her all the time, paying attention to every admirable detail that was attached to her. And having you on your knees praying against her cunt was filthy, enticing and agonizing, that heat wave scorching her insides and melting on your tongue, and you made sure to swallow it with a gratifying smile.
You could suffocate in between her legs and it would be a heavenly death. 
Kissing your way up, you brought her body closer, circling her waist as she hooked both legs around you, sliding her tongue over your shiny lips before you dropped her on the bed. Cairo was about to complain at the lack of care, but she soon shut her mouth, watching you kick your converse to the side and unbuttoning the tailored pants that hugged your curves in the right places.
Taking a deep breath, you slid the fabric down, taking your underwear with you, the shyness taking over you once you were free from any cloth covering your body; all this being watched with lustful eyes. 
The young writer’s eyes pierced your soul, engraving in her brain every mole you had around your shoulders, silently choosing her favorite one to add to the list of small details of your body she loved and kept fresh in her memories, always making sure to add ‘em in her writing. It amazes her how you never noticed the importance you had in her work, you were her muse. 
“Come to me.”
She didn’t have to ask twice, at the sound of her sweet voice your feet led your body closer to hers, moving according to her words, your knees sinking in the mattress only to find balance on top of her.  Her hands on your back brought you closer and you fell, once again, into that piquant feeling where it felt like you were about to drown, but her lips on your neck got you breathing in fervor. 
It was easy for the brunette to take control, reversing positions and sitting atop your abdomen, gripping one of your legs and casting one of hers in between them, fitting herself against you. 
“Fuck, Cairo.” You mewl, closing your eyes at the aggressive way she pressed herself down, easily gliding on you. One of your hands found her thigh, squeezing the flesh until it blemished under your fingertips, moving your hips according to the pace she set. It was cruel, desperate, the dark brown eyes fluttering closed. 
The bed slammed against the wall, the old wood-frame fated to snap at any moment; you didn’t care, it was impossible to focus on anything that wasn’t the girl in between your legs, rubbing herself on you with an inner desire to split you in half. You dazed at her, the angelical aura surrounding her like an armor, preventing the sins from escaping the walls of the still unknown bedroom like the squelching noises were, the lewd sounds from the both of you echoing around the hallway for anyone that dared to come closer and press their ears against the locked door. 
When the impetuous climax hit you like a jolt of electricity spreading in your veins, Cairo fell on top of you, exhaustion taking over her senses as well as the tired muscles complaining from all the spasms. 
The writer looked at you, tearful eyes as you soothed her bare back with an equally pleasured expression. Your bodies were weak, relying on each other at such a delicate and overwhelming moment, marked in black and blue by your hands and mouth, a greedy memory that will last. And if it ever vanishes, like the galaxies made out of bruises, all you needed to do is knock on her window.
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itskattkm · 5 months
The air in my lungs
Chapter 1
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Cairo Sweet x Fem Reader
Summary: A stroke of fate changes you and leads you into the arms of Cairo Sweet. Will she be your downfall or save you?
Warnings: 18+, Grief, Injuries, Smoking, Trauma, anxiety, sexual content, student x teacher mentioned, harm, blackmailing, bad grammar
A/N: Based and inspired by Millers Girl. Mr. Miller himself isn’t really present but will be mentioned. Hope you guys enjoy. Also I’m not sure if I should make it a fem g!p reader. Let me now if so :)
Master list | Next chapter
It was almost the end of the current school year. Soon would be a long and warm summer in Texas maybe the last summer for Cairo here, before she would leave it for Stanford in California. As always she was one of the students that were pretty early, since this was a private school, she had pretty many ways to get in here and just do her thing. That’s why Cairo was working on a new idea for her book, holding a cigarette in her other hand. Not caring at all that she was smoking in the empty classroom. Well almost empty classroom. She had noticed you were sitting near her and gave you a frown. Why did you even sit so near. Like the class wasn’t already empty enough, couldn’t you sit somewhere else? Cairo was a bit pissed, she didn’t liked it when other students could see her work or maybe even interrupt her while working.
“I’m writing. I’d appreciate if you respected that” Cairo mutters, without even looking your way. She takes another drag of her cigarette afterwards. Her gaze fixed on the screen of her laptop.
You turned around “So what? I’m not allowed to sit near you?” You asked with a cold tone but a dirty smile on your lips making Cairo look up and straight into your eyes, with pretty zeros emotions.
“No.” Cairo replied, trying to go back to her writing without laughing. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, since Cairo was now laughing at your reaction. She put down her pencil, which had the cigarette dangling in her mouth still. Cairo turned and smirked at you. “You do realize you’re just asking to get teased, don’t you?”
You fully turned around now and walked towards her. In the way you walked Cairo could tell you were somehow… pissed? Angry? There was something frightening and exciting in the way you walked over her and suddenly stole her cigarette from her mouth, while taking a deep hint on it. Cairo was totally overwhelmed and watched you with fixated eyes. The cigarette left your lips and in the next moment you destroyed the cigarette by pressing it down on her desk.
The next move really caught her off guard. She felt like a frozen statue. Her brain wasn’t able to see that coming but still… it happened and she couldn’t do anything. You reached for her jaw with your hand and held it tight while pulling in and kissing her hard before releasing the smoke of the cigarette in her mouth.
Slowly your grip loosened and you took a step back while looking at her with the coldest eyes she’s ever seen. “Next time don’t smoke around me. I prefer fresh air” that’s what you said with your quiet but low voice before turning around and leaving the class room, making a departure like the newest villain in town.
Cairo was stunned. “D-Did that just happen?” She muttered, still reeling from the shock and adrenaline. She put her hand on her lips and bit them, trying to resist smiling. She turned to her desk once more, pretending to work, but couldn’t help glancing at the door every so often. She wanted to see if you would comeback, but she didn’t want her to get her hopes up. She took the pack of cigarettes from her purse and took another one. “Hmm.. fresh air?” She mumbled to her self.
The next morning was quite the opposite. Cairo was the first of all students like always. Sitting in class and working on her drafts till the teacher would arrive and do their thing. You weren’t there and Cairo could help but wondered why. Wondered why she never noticed you before. It was like you were some sort of a ghost. She knew her classmates. She knew you but still… she never really saw you. Then Y/N entered the classroom as the last one while everyone was already there. She sat down on her table in the last row and began to unpack her laptop, also waiting for the teacher to arrive now.
When Y/N raiser her gaze to look to the front of the class she saw Cairo sitting in the middle of the first row like always. She was holding a book in her hands that looked a bit older and seemed like she was Reading.
Like if Cairo had felt some sort of bigger power or more of a shiver down her shoulders she turned her head and glanced over to you, only to look away immediately, slightly blushing. She didn’t like the fact that you were making her blush already… but something deep down inside of her couldn’t help it. She still could feel your lips on hers. How surprisingly soft they felt and the way you stole her air while letting the smoke of the cigarette in her mouth. Like you were sucking out her soul or something. She could feel your eyes on her, and she didn’t wanted to think any longer about yesterday. So Cairo focused on the book she had been reading and turned to a chapter, ignoring your glances at her.
You couldn’t help but liked the fact that Cairo was turning around just to check if you were there. I small smile creeped up on your lips and you found yourself blushing. Feeling somehow proud and confident. But still, it was something you didn’t wanted others to see so you tried to get that fucking smile out of your face.
There was that invisible power, the urge to look back at you it was like fighting against the need, no the urge to look back at you and get lost in the moment. So Cairo looked over her shoulder with a blush on her face. She put the book down and cleared her throat. “Whatcha looking at?” She tried to say monotone to not show how excited she was. After that she put on her headphones and resumed reading as if nothing had ever happened. You continued to stare, so she shifted in her seat, getting irritated at the lack of privacy during a quiet time. Why couldn’t you just leave her alone?
You didn’t respond to her question. Instead you stayed quiet and kept watching at the back of her long and dark hair. It was quite interesting for you how her hair looked almost black but on days where the sunshine fell on them you could see they were quite the opposite. A hidden chocolate brown making your mouth somehow watering at the thought of chocolate itself, how stupid you thought.
When finally the teacher attended the class Cairo tried to focus once more on something else than you, but kept glancing at you every so often, only to catch you staring at her. Even if you didn’t say anything, it definitely made Cairo feel uneasy.
“Don’t break your neck while keep turning around to look at me” I texted her and the message popped up on her laptop, you could see from your view.
Cairo’s eyes widened at the message. It was from you. She read it again, making sure it wasn’t a mistake. She turned around towards you and typed, “Well, you keep looking at me, so…”
“Because the teacher is in front of you. If I were you I wouldn’t have choose the seat in the first row and in the middle of the class” the text popped up on Cairos screen.
“And so? I can sit wherever I want.” Cairo rolled her eyes but couldn’t contain her racing heart when she send the message.
“Then stop wondering or thinking that I look at you. I’m trying to pay attention to our teacher” you texted back fast. Cairo wanted to believe her, but wasn’t sure if her words were true. Cairo looked at you again, who was focused on the teacher now “You really don’t look at me? Not even by accident?” She texted back curious.
Another message popped up from you saying “Your in the middle of my sight it’s hard to ignore”. Cairo looked to the side and muttered, “Oh..” She looked at you for a couple of more seconds, only to give up and focus on the class again. The class was a bit boring since the teacher went on for quite a while about a topic that seemed uninteresting to Cairo. She continued looking at you, and finally decided to text her again. “So.. Can I ask you something?”
As soon as Cairo send the message she heard her own heart pounding so hard that it made her feel like dying, dying to know what you would say and how you would react.
“Wow is our A+ student getting bored of class? oh my god it’s a miracle!” You answered and hoped she would get the sarcastic hint. Cairo turned to you, rolling her eyes. She wrote, “Shut up, please. And yeah, I’m bored.” She added an eye roll emoji.
You held back a chuckle and tried to focus on the class again. Cairo turned back to the class, then a few words of the teacher’s caught her attention. It was the first time during the class Cairo was actually listening again. The topic of discussion was writing, and she was listening to the lesson. Writing about the perspective of someone who was fighting with being good or bad. There was a moment of silence after the teacher had finished the lesson, which caused Cairo to look at you with a mischievous smile. It lasted only a second, though. She looked down at her notebook, which had a couple of doodles on the margins.
“So? What was your question?” Popped the curious question by you at Cairos laptop up. She wanted to ask you something before you just ignored it and started discussing about who was starring at who and where.
Cairo wrote, “Do you actually like me or are you just flirting with me to be funny?” She pressed the send button without looking at you.
You held back a grin and answered “you think I like you?”.
Cairo’s jaw dropped slightly. She read the message and looked at you directly, now confused. She turned back around and huffed, “So you don’t?”.
“Depends” you send and hoped to tease her. Cairo looked at you as if expecting her to elaborate on that. When you didn’t, she texted again, “Depends on what?”. You couldn’t help but chuckled quite by yourself feeling how you were getting on the nerves of Cairo.
“It’s so funny when you turn around. Your reactions are really amusing me” you texted her and smiled wide in a cute but cheeky way to annoy her even more while waiting for her to turn around again. Cairo rolled her eyes but couldn’t help looking at you. She could’ve sworn she saw your dirty smirk, but she might’ve seen wrong. Cairo rolled her eyes again and looked back at the notebook she was now doodling in. The bell finally rang out, signaling that the class was over. Cairo put away her notebook and turned in her seat again, finding you already staring at her. “Do you… need something?” She asked slightly annoyed since you didn’t moved and kept staring at her.
“Oh yeah” you said calm and your eyes softened while looking at her expensive green leather backpack
“Do you have a cigarette for me?”.
A smirk appeared on Cairo’s face. She looked away, but her smile never went away. “Do you think I like sharing my cigarettes with every person I’m flirting with? I could be flirting with every person on this campus if that was the case.” She had a smug look on her face as she said that, knowing that your response would be interesting. Her smirk stayed on while she waited for you to react. Dreamy. That was the first word that came into Cairos mind when she saw you smiled and looking at her with tilted head “So your flirting with me?” You asked, your voice giving Cairo and weird feeling down her spine… a good feeling.
“Mhm..” Cairo said, still looking away, but smirking at you. She took a cigarette from her pocket, pretending to put it in her mouth. She glanced over at you. “You might wanna get closer for it..” she said in a teasing tone of voice. “I will… trust me” you whispered with a low voice and got up from your desk, walking closer towards her. Cairo turned, and smirked at your approach. “I wouldn’t trust anyone that easily, love.” She said, a smirk still on her face. She took the cigarette out of her mouth, and put it in Y/N for her to take if you desired.
“That’s good” you said in such a calm way it made Cairo feel goosebumps. The way you took it slowly between your fingers made it look like she was watching some sexual commercial or a thirst trap but then you destroyed it right beside her on the desk while smiling cheeky. “What did that cigarette ever do to you, huh?” Cairo asked in a joking tone. She smirked, but was now slightly startled. She looked over to you with a raised brow.
“Stop smoking my dear. It’s not good for you “ you whispered and left the classroom. Cairo watched you leave, a smirk still on her face. “I think I’m getting somewhere…” she muttered, and followed you.
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bobbin-buckley · 4 months
Like Rain Meets Oil
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Cairo Sweet x Artist!Fem!Reader
Summary: You find Cairo alone in the dark, as you fight over your darkest secrets in the night sky
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of suicide, Mr. Miller mentioned, teacher x student mentions,
Somewhat angst…and some fluff at the end
(Please do not read if these affect you)^^
Enjoy ^_^
y/e/c: Your eye color
One of your favorite time of days, is when it rains..especially when it’s dark
Taking a stroll down a wet path, the sidewalk had puddles of water on it. The street lights glimmered in the reflection of the puddles. Avoiding the puddles as to not get your shoes wet, even if you were a bit drenched already.
It wasn’t typical for you to stroll in the middle of the night as it rained, (not that the rain was spouting down hard) you rather enjoyed rain indoors..as you did whatever thing you enjoy at this time.
Strolling down by the gates of your school. Yes, gates at a school, this wasn’t just any high school in particular..this school was quite fancy…just for some high school in Tennessee.
The schools gates were tall, could keep intruders out..but in this case someone had either broken in or…was here for a reason.
The gate was slightly opened
Now, were you an adventurous person?
Did you like sneaking into places?
In this case it was curiosity of who would be sneaking around in the school at this time.
Maybe some dirty teenagers or some..homeless person..? Who knows, but you were persistent to find out anyways.
You whipped right past the gate, making sure no one was looking and approached the school. It looked rather strange in the dark, as-well as rain covering it. You noticed how the entrance to the library had a light shinning over it, did the janitor forget to turn off the light?
Odd. Getting closer to the door you opened it with ease, someone had definitely broken in..or.gotten in at least..because who breaks into a school?
Warmer air hit you once entering the building, you were on the backside of the library. The back rooms.
Shutting the door behind you and walking further in and out of the backrooms. It was warm oddly..and pretty much dark. You strolled through the dark isles of books..not being able to tell what the book covers said because of how dark it was
Your eyes caught something over by the library’s large window, the moonlight was gleaming inside the library..so there was some light..but that wasn’t what caught your eye..
Someone else was here, for sure.
Someone was sitting in the lounge area, holding a cigarette in hand..they were facing forward so you couldn’t tell who it was…but they obviously weren’t exactly a thief…hopefully
“I know you’re there, you can stop hiding…”
They spoke.
You recognized their voice, you more than likely knew who it was. And it wasn’t a surprise why they were here.
“Walking around here at night is dangerous, especially for someone like you..”
They spoke again. Walking in their direction you walked further enough to see who it was.
Cairo Sweet
“What is it about me that makes it dangerous for me to wander here?” You asked, not facing her direction since you knew it was her.
She chuckled
“You are weak, naive and impulsive. You wouldn’t notice if someone was stalking you, maybe kidnap you..”
You couldn’t tell if she was being serious or not, but she takes another puff of her cigarette..which was another thing lighting in the library other than the moonlight.
“Hm..those are gonna kill you ya know.” You ignore her comments about you and referred to her cigarette. “Also, what makes you think I’m weak?”
“It’s just the truth…face it,” she rolls her eyes. “And I don’t care, I can smoke if I want.”
She obviously didn’t like your company
“I’m just warning ya…and I didn’t ask whether it was a true or false statement…I wanna know why you think I’m weak.” You snide, turning to face her now..you could see her features now..as yours was being shown half of light and dark..
“You’re attitude says enough, you can be too nice for anyone to take you seriously…you’re just too impulsive that anyone with a strong personality could make up a lie and you’d believe it.” She inhaled once more. “And for your kindness you think being nice to them you’ll expect it back? Pretty low from you..”
You could tell she hated that you followed her, how you talked back without hesitation.
“I don’t like making verbal or physical fights.”
“Right, you’re just too afraid of fighting and making confrontation. And it’s not like you can anyway…all a strong person needs to do is raise their voice and you’ll…cower or something..” Cairo snickers.
“I’m not afraid. I’m just trying to be a better person from who I used to be. You can either end up on the streets selling weed or…dead.”
It’s true, you used to be selfish..a no good person. Attempted multiple things…like selling drugs..you almost attempted suicide.. and some assholes in the world end up in those places…jail even
“Well, that just lets me know how you think. The fact you basically said you only see two bad pathways in life, as if there isn’t more..to be scum of the earth..or a naive child..it’s just pathetic. No wonder you are delusional and nice, you don’t consider other possibilities. You only focus on the extreme and completely oblivious anything other..”
Damn, she hand a point..the fact you looked down only two pathways..one’s you could more than likely live off on
Cairo finishes her cigarette, and crushes the rest of it on the tip of her shoe
“What makes you think you have the upper hand over me? Because..I think I remember someone coming in here without permission…
Oh right, Cairo Sweet, getting into trouble again. I mean hey, I’m not the one breaking into places and smoking weed on school grounds.”
“Are you threatening me? Telling on me? That has to be the worst comeback I’ve heard today. What are you? A child?
Oh wait…you are because you’re so naive you don’t even know all the bad things..I should be impressed you know the word ‘weed’….” Cairo laughs, laying her leg on the other.
“I’m not a child, and..it seems like I’ve hit a weak spot because..you are jumping to conclusions now..I didn’t say I’d tell on ya..”
You were now looking straight at her, arms crossed and eyebrows lowered
She scoffs, “I can read read between the lines to figure you out, you can’t hide the obvious. Why would you bring up something about me smoking weed in a school if not to threaten me? Because you were concerned, please, as if you care.” She was also staring right back at you, those brown eyes glaring right into your y/e/c.
“You said it yourself, I’m nice. But you are lucky I’m not letting anyone know about your…weed.
But also..I remember two years ago you were the one seducing Jonathan Miller our professor…wasn’t he like..fifty two? Yet you only seduced him to then get him in trouble because he was trying to fuck you all because you were mad he rejected your writing. Which was literal porn you had written!”
Cairo was in shock. She wasn’t expecting for you to spill her life. And she as a bit pissed too
“H-how do you know about that?”
“Oh please, I have bigger eyes and bigger brain than you think Miss Sweet.”
Her face grows back to arrogance and confidence again
“So you think you’ve got the upper hand now because you know my secrets, but that doesn’t mean you know anything about me.”
“Maybe I don’t know much about you. But how you cut your words towards me, and what you did two years ago. Tells me a lot.”
You were smiling now, you had her
“Oh, and I’m sure your ex best friend hates you now, that you practically used her during that time. Winnie did talk to me.”
Winnie and you became friends not long ago. Yeah she’s odd and sex positive or whatever…but she seemed so upset about what Cairo did to her
She freezes, for a moment..losing her vanity..she just froze at your words..
“Winnie…you talked to Winnie?” She looks at you in disbelief.
“Yes, I did.” You stood there proud, crossed arms and hiding back a smile.
“How’d you talk to Winnie? She left mid semester last year, and blocked me on everything..what did she tell you?”
Cairo was furious..but also in complete disregard as well
“I’m not going to tell you what she said, but she managed to get my number somehow and then we met up to chat.”
Winnie called you on a random Sunday, saying she’d meet you at a coffee shop in town. You weren’t sure why, but obliged anyways..
“She called you?” “Yeah.” “What did she say about me?…I wanna know..because when she left, she made it clear she didn’t want me in her life anymore.”
Winnie did talk a lot about Cairo, she cried about how mean she was and what she did to Miller that Winnie told her not to do…
“I’m not saying anything, she told me not to tell you.”
Cairo’s eyebrows furred, she wasn’t liking the fact you weren’t giving her a direct answer
“You can’t tell me one thing? She may not be in my life anymore but why can’t you tell me? I just…want to know…please.” She pleaded, she was sitting more stiff on the lounge chair.
“Begging now huh? Seems like I do have the upper hand..” you smirk
Her face turns red in both anger and embarrassment. But she ignores your comment
“Just tell me one thing..just one..” you could hear the irritation in her voice.
Cairo takes a deep breath, her hands clenching so hard the veins in her hands were pulsing…
“Why? Why can’t you tell me at least one thing….?”
“Because I’m respecting her boundaries..unlike you.”
Her body felt numb..it was like as if you paralyzed her. Her face dropped to guilt and…sadness..she started to feel worse about herself. She had all this confidence but now it was…gone..
“What? Did I say too much? Did I break your cold heart? That’s too bad…because mines been broken too many times…and you don’t even realize you’ve broken Winnie’s too.”
Her silence spoke volumes, as she looked down at her feet
“I…I…I may have done wrong things…but that doesn’t make her any better than me. She’s done bad things too…”
“I’m aware, she was like the..schools ‘slut’ or whatever but..at least she didn’t go apeshit over a writing rejection. She did mention how she tried to stop you from getting Mr. Miller fired.”
Cairo bit her lip, “she’s who should have kept her mouth shut..” she murmured.
“You said you wanted to know one thing, well, there you go.”
Cairo fell silent again, her heart was racing at your words..she was thinking hard..
You sighed, walking over to her and sitting in a chair across from her.
“You can have a change of heart.
If I did, you can..”
Her eyes were directed back at her shoes, the cigarette bud left a mound on her shoe..
“So, you’re actually being..decent now..why?”
“Like you said..I’m weak..it’s because I’m too nice for my own good..you just haven’t seen the other side of me…”
She looks at you again, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern…
“How scary…” she says sarcastically
You sighed, “no kidding..you are and ass..”
Cairo smirked, “I’ve been told so..and I don’t disagree. I put it at my charming personality…which makes people think I am…don’t you think?” She mocks.
You looked into her eyes, trying to find some kind of hope in her…
“Not really, there is a good version of you in there…you’ve just forgotten her..Winnie told me so..”
Cairo’s eyes water a bit..concerned and confusion..
“Sh-she said that?”
“Yeah..Cairo, she misses you..”
The dark brunettes eyes tear up more, a tear slipped down her cheek…emotions were pealing through..her gaze didn’t move away from yours
“The good you.”
You stood up from the seat, walking past Cairo..walking towards the exit of the library..
Cairo was still processing this…she didn’t even notice you get up and leave..
“W-wait!” She stood up from her seat and walked in your direction before stopping..
You stopped in your tracks and turned to face her
“She…misses me?”
“Yeah..she does..”
“But…why? Why would she miss me? After everything I did to her..”
You pursed your lips, looking down for a moment before back into her eyes
“You think about that for a moment. You think about who you are now..compared to before Miller..think of the differences on why she wants you back.”
You turn around and walk to the library doors
“I’ll be in the art room when your ready to talk.”
Cairo was left in shock. She couldn’t help but let the tears flow down her face.
She was so angry at herself, not realizing how much it affected her old best friend. Winnie deserved the world, Winnie must’ve really actually liked Cairo..but she didn’t truly see that and went off to ruin someone’s life instead
You told her right. Told her how she was in the wrong, even if you weren’t apart of it..she still respected that you were right.
Cairo sighed, taking a big breath before strolling down to the art room, she was all of a sudden afraid…nervous..
She found herself in front of the art room, opening the door as it was a bit brighter inside. Her eyes caught you sitting in a small chair in the corner of the room, waiting patiently
Cairo nodded, walking over in your direction
“Good, have a seat.” You sat up from the chair, telling her to sit in it
She sits down in it, looking at you as you walked over to an easel that had a painting which had a sheet draped over it
“So, will Winnie..ever forgive me? Would she be willing to have me back in her life?”
“I didn’t say anything about her forgiving you.”
More tears dripped from Cairo’s face, “she hates me still?”
You sighed, starting to feel bad
“I hate to say it but uhm..yeah…she does..”
“Did…did I really push her away..that much she’d be willing to talk to someone about me? I mean, I didn’t think she’d actually hate me this much…and you probably hate me too.”
You ripped the sheet off the painting, it revealed two people (genders not specified) holding each other. The painting showed from their waist to their heads as different colors of red painted the large canvas.
Cairo was confused, she looked at the painting…amazed but..unsatisfied at what you were trying to point out
“It resembles love and hate.”
Cairo looked at you, “so..you hate me?”
“I didn’t say that.”
She was still puzzled…
“Then..what do you feel?”
“Absolutely nothing…”
She looked back at the painting..then the floor, “so- but how come you are still here and talking to me? Yet you feel nothing….”
She was right..that didn’t make sense for you to care about her so much..you’d talk to her..about her past and acting like you felt bad..
“Because feeling both love and hate for someone, makes you feel numb.”
You loved her? And hated her?
Cairo’s eyes widen, her jaw dropped. A million thoughts were running through her head..she felt numb too, she didn’t say anything..just silence..
“That is what the painting resembles..there isn’t any emotion or much interaction between these people…” you pointed at the painting. “Are they in love? Do they hate on another? Do they feel both? Yes.”
She looked at you when you said yes
“This is the exact situation between you and Winnie
She hates you, but she can’t help but love you”
Cairo understood now. Winnie still cared for her, she just couldn’t see her because she’s afraid…Cairo hated that she let her writing take a hold of her and make her do a bad thing…
“So..she’s numb because of me?”
“Exactly, and you wanna know who else you’ve made numb?”
She looks up at you when you stand in front of her
A tear. One tear falls at that word…you…she let all her emotions plow through before even putting the people who care for her first..
“Am I really that terrible? That I pushed Winnie and you away…”
“I like you Cairo, I really like you. It’s, just the things you’ve said and done made me hate you…but when I know there’s still good in you…I can’t stop loving you..”
It all hits her like a bullet. She didn’t know everything she did affected you, and Winnie.
She was so guilt tripped…she didn’t even think about you at the time. You two knew each other during the Miller thing…she didn’t notice how much you liked her and how Winnie cared for Cairo..trying to help her undo the bad
She felt numb..she hated you the moment you walked in the library..the moment she saw you again..since she saw your beautiful face in the moonlight she fell in love..
“I’m sorry..”
Cairo was crying, she’s never felt this emotional since she last spoke with Winnie…
You knelt down in front of her, looking in her broken eyes. She really needed a hug…something…
You patted your lap as you sat down on the cold floor
Hell broke through and she fell into your arms, crying her heart out. Saying she was sorry over and over again…
“Shhh..shhh..it’s okay..it’s okay..” you muttered into her hair, she was latched onto you like a leech..sucking your heart into hers…she needed love..all she wanted was to be loved..
“I know I said some things too…I’m sorry..I know you’re hurting..I know you need love..”
You were crying, she didn’t understand why and why were you apologizing?
“Just know I need it too, I’ve been so nice to you…and..you broke my heart..by rejecting my offer of help..and you just threw yourself to the wolves…when I needed you…and you needed me…”
Cairo held your hand, putting it against her cheek. “No, I should be apologizing…I hurt you..I hurt Winnie..I didn’t even know it either but I was hurting myself…”
“I love you too Y/n, so much…”
A/n: low key balling rn…
I didn’t even mean to make it this emotional at the end 😭
I did really like it though I enjoyed writing it..i maybe spent like a few hours..even if it seems short..I think? Lol..I’m writing this before editing
I might write another one of her because I love Cairo sm..maybe I’ll do a Cairo x Winnie or Cairo x Winnie x Fem if y’all are down? 😏
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jybyls · 3 months
Information: Titles with these '*' means it's a smut chapter.
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Cairo Sweet:
All wrong (soon)
- Incorrect quotes -
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wesstars · 1 month
cairo sweet x fem!reader (no pronouns used)
summary: when cairo goes home, what comes to mind are thoughts of you. wc: 2.3k tags: explicit, minors DNI!! all characters 18+. university au. masturbation, smoking, non-linear narrative. reader is cairo’s teaching assistant, reader described as masc presenting. a/n: let me know what y’all think :) for the vibes
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“Is Professor Miller not coming?” Winnie had just dropped into her unassigned assigned seat next to Cairo, two minutes before Greco-Roman Literary Theory started. The flipping of pages punctuated the chatter of other students waiting, a comfortable sound.
“He said he’d be gone today,” Cairo replied absently. “There’s a ‘guest lecturer,’ our teaching assistant.”
“Oh, right. Who’s that?”
Cairo shrugged. “Who knows.” 
As if on cue, the door swung open. Cairo didn’t even look up—Miller mentioned that he kept a handful of research assistants that would be there to help with the advanced reading. But honestly, Cairo wasn’t sure what they could tell her that she didn’t already know. A melodic hum fell through the air for just a moment, a chorus. 
“Good morning.” At your lilting voice, rough with the edge of 10am, Cairo started. She watched you set your messenger bag on the desk. Your white shirt pulled over your shoulders; there was a glint at your collar, a necklace peeking through. A thin watch adorned your wrist. Winnie, along with some of the class, echoed your greeting, and Cairo blinked.
Late spring afternoon draped across the furniture in Cairo’s room, the quickly waning light giving easy way to a blue hour. Dropping her bag at the door, she tore off her shirt and skirt with the confidence of one standing before a crowd. Running a hand up from her sternum to her neck, she stretched languidly, sinking down onto her bed. After so many uneventful days—when she applied to Yale, she didn’t think that there would be any uneventful days—she finally had a story to turn over in her mind. 
You. You were a mystery. Even as you had started the class with an introduction, telling Cairo you’d graduated from a middle-of-nowhere college in California and sought a writing career in Vermont before delving into research, she longed to lay out the details and pull them out from under the rug. Where did you learn to teach? Did you like to drive, or be driven? Mountains, or the sea? Where did you grow up? Was there coffee or tea in your cupboard? Cairo’s stomach burned to know. Her dark eyes burned the ceiling with smoke signals, searching for you even though you were god knows where in that seaside state.
Arching her back, Cairo let her hand travel down, palm flat against her stomach, to trace the seam of her upper thigh. As the class had progressed, your keenly observant nature did not elude Cairo. Maybe listening was something that your pedagogy instilled in you, but the way you held each student’s question in the cant of your head, an answer in your crinkling eyes, listening seemed to be in your nature. It was meticulous, the way you picked apart the class text, weaving in references and tying it all in. In that two hour lecture, Cairo learned that you watched the same way you listened. 
Balmy as it was, the humidity made her dark waves cling to her skin, and she shivered as she brushed them back, thinking of a different pair of slim hands. Your scrutiny of each student had an intention that she couldn’t quite place; a determination that thrilled her. Cairo imagined that you’d observe her the same way, that she would be the one you were most fond of. It was only natural that her own attention would draw yours onto her. Holding the weight of your envisioned gaze made Cairo’s core twist, a pleased little flush that she prayed you could see. Your affected impartiality didn’t bother Cairo—in fact, it pulled her into your shadow. In her bed, she rolled onto her stomach then her knees, shaking her hair out. 
Her hands were steady as she reached for her bedside table, thumb rolling on the wheel of her zippo as she held the cigarette to her lips. Cairo took a drag, blowing out neat smoke rings as she settled back on her heels. The skin of her own fingers was cool against her lips, and when she took the smoke away, she studied the pattern of her lipstick on the white paper as she had so many times before.
She’d watched, unabashedly and unafraid of being caught, as you drummed your fingers on the chalk tray. Would your fingertip be soft or work hardened if it pressed down her tongue? Would your skin carry the stain of her red lip as deeply, as obediently, as the malleable wrapping paper?
“Alright, class,” you cleared your throat, turning slowly around the room to make eye contact with each student. “As you know, Jonathan’s away on a conference today. I’ll start with a bit of role, just so I can learn your names. Not many of you come to my office hours, I know.” You smiled easily. It was so guileless, Cairo mused, nearly childlike. You had the class go around the rooms with names and majors, a circuit that Cairo gave no attention to other than your lilting rhythm of hums, the tapping of your foot on the floor, the way you flicked the corner of the role sheet with your thumb. Your gaze was soon on hers, waiting expectantly. She looked right back with a blink.
“Cairo Sweet. English major.”
“Cairo.” Her name rolled off your innocent little grin, making her cock her head. “Wonderful.” Fascinating. Would you whisper midnight black desires in her ear, so deep and dark they might be murmured into the ink of your own empty room?
You continued, circling back to the front and easily transitioning to the lesson plan. You had an awfully effortless way of grasping the class’ attention, holding gently and never forcing. It wasn’t like Professor Miller, who always seemed to hasten through the lecture so he could return to his research. She could tell you liked the woods of the text, to fall down into the depths of each word, feeling its weight in you and letting it rock. Just like Cairo. 
She sighed into the warm air prickling up her skin, the curl of your voice around her name making her nipples harden in her bralette, even in retrospect. Exhaling around her cigarette, Cairo brought her hands up to palm her breasts, feeling the drag of her rubied nubs on her palms. Was it the high of the nicotine, the blur of smoke ridden air that made her float straight up into the lofty space you’d created in her mind? Though the feel of her own fingers scraping the lace against her skin was familiar, she found herself keen to think of your soft or callused hands. She was wet already, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten wet so fast.
The weight she imagined of your touch on her flushed skin was completely, deliciously foreign. Unbidden but intimately welcome, Cairo wished that your caress would find the map of her chest as familiar as a classic, something you had searched a million times over yet always managed to find something new. Shamelessly, Cairo trailed her fingers down her stomach, nails catching on every rib as she arched her back in the spilled moonlight. The mystery in the crossing of your long legs as you’d leaned back on the desk climbed up her belly, curling in the thump, thump, thump, of her heart. The uneven roll of your sleeves clung to the corners of her eyes, eidetic and oh, so, tempting. She had watched you so ardently—did you like to watch? Would you watch? 
The space between her thighs was achingly empty, craving the set of your narrow hips. She was comfortable there, and she remembered the taut stretch of wool as you dropped into your chair and set one ankle over your knee. There was something endearing about the way your trousers had pulled up to reveal slouchy black socks, and darker her mind went as the material pulling creases around your lap made her shudder and—she reached behind to pull one of her fluffy pillows under her, smoke billowing into the air. 
Cairo gave her hips an experimental roll, imagining it was the soft fabric of your slacks against her aching cunt, and grinned around her cigarette. Unlike the pillow, you would be ever so solid under her, grabbing for her thighs like a dog yearns to please. Were you more likely to bruise her skin, yanking her into you without care for blood—or would you guide her gently, make a home in her innocence and hold her more dearly than life ever could? Either way, your desire for Cairo would be so apparent that you couldn’t help yourself.
The dip of your tongue in her navel, the little smirk you’d undoubtedly wear as you went down further—would you go for her throbbing clit first, or would your lips press so warm—she didn’t know. She didn’t have to, content with all those different versions of you unfurling before her. In her bedroom, each time she moved her hips, it became easier to imagine you guiding her actions, the bump of your nose on her folds, damned if not addicting.
Cairo grinned as she fell onto her forearms, hips pushing into the soft pillow without abandon. The slide of her panties soaked with slick against her sensitive clit felt like the delicate press of your splayed hand on her desk as you’d passed, eyes occupied by the text you were holding. It had only been a split second, but it was enough for her to memorize every crease, every vein. Cairo let out a whine, a demanding little sound, as her movements grew erratic. Looking up into the heaven where you must be, she imagined that you’d murmur to her, “I’m here, I’m here, how could I be anywhere else but here?” as you traced the dip in her back. Her arousal took her down every sullied path she’d ever dreamed of, but her mind stuck on one gesture that made her mouth go dry. 
She remembered the way your shirt got just a bit untucked when you stretched during the class break. You’d instinctively tucked it back in, quick as you surveyed the class. Cairo thought that you’d dress yourself back up the same way after you bent her over the desk after class, pushing her skirt up and shoving your fingers into her, painting bruises onto her hip bones with how tight you held her.
The two of you would share a mutual understanding that she wanted this, wanted it bad enough for you to take it whenever you saw fit. Cairo decided that today, this time, you’d be as rough as you pleased, a cup of pens clattering to the ground as you pushed her down, forearm across her shoulder blades. Your necklace would be cold on her warm skin, would it be cold on her tongue? You’d put two, three fingers inside, humming in that absentminded way you did. She thought you’d nuzzle into her ear, all lips and sharp teeth, asking if she’d sprayed your favorite hair mist of hers because she hoped you’d notice—she did—and take her, break her, whatever you wanted. 
You’d send her plummeting down towards a deeper hell (or was it higher, up to your majestic heaven?), already knowing everything that her body needed. Cairo imagined herself coming so helplessly around the stretch of your fingers, so high strung from nights of trying to mimic the press of your touch on her clit, unable to reach the same heights you sent her to. As she held back tears, eyes on the ceiling in reverence, feeling herself drip to the floor, you’d sigh as your mind wandered to other things already, carelessly running a hand down her back. 
Cairo gasped, dropping her nearly finished cigarette in favor of gripping the bed sheets. The white fabric wrinkled around her fingers, reminiscent of your shirt creasing as you’d rolled your sleeves up. This was something new you could show her, just how fast she could come and just how wet it made her. It was a marvel, feeling the fabric cling to her cunt, almost as good as how you’d feel. Resting her forehead in the crook of her elbow, she murmured your name over and over again, a little susurrus of a litany, so similar to your preoccupied hum. Panting, Cairo giggled in her bliss, soft and bright as Californian oranges clinging to rich leaves. You were dark enough to be tucked into the wrinkles in the soft pillow, dark enough for Cairo to love, as a journal loves a secret.
Sated, Cairo grabbed her phone and typed your name in. The results spilled out, and she scrolled, looking for all of the details in the background of your social media posts, curiously drunk on the year’s gap in your CV. Cairo noticed the perfect little circle where the cigarette had burned when she dropped it, and she brushed away the remnants. The gesture smeared the ash on the sheets.
Walking into your office with barely a knock, Cairo took in the familiar room of an academic, but with your unfamiliar knick knacks around the place. A lighter, a leather wallet, glasses and wired headphones. You didn’t look surprised as you glanced up from your laptop. Instead, you smiled. 
“Cairo, isn’t it?” 
A flush of pleasure shot straight into her—you remembered. She nodded. Your shelves were covered in books and stacks of reviews, the morning’s leftover cup of coffee sitting on one of the ledges. Did you smoke before, or after your coffee? The terrible, terrible want to replace the taste of smoke on your tongue with the taste of her gave Cairo just the confidence she needed. 
“What can I do for you?”
Cairo leaned over your desk, watching the way your eyes dropped to her burgundy lipstick. “Would you be able to help me on the Aristophanes reading?” She pushed her copy of The Clouds towards you. “I can’t seem to grasp it.” Your eyes met hers. “Of course.”
a/n cont'd: can you read my mind, i’ve been watching you… there’s just something about you, baby… ♪ / hope you enjoyed @woewriting :)
please do not repost, reproduce, copy, translate, or take from my work in any way. thank you!
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classypauli · 2 months
Part 2
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x fem!Reader
Summary: After so long Tara finally meets you again... only this time a little drunk.
Word count: 3k
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It has now been a couple of weeks since visiting the hospital. People would think that Tara has already forgotten about what happened but the opposite is true. In those weeks there wasn´t a day she would not think about you. Her mind was repeating what happened and everytime a smile grew on her face. Mindy and Chad started to make fun of her, saying she looked like a kid first time having a crush. She doesn´t care.
Tara wanted to see you, so badly. She started thinking about how to get to see you again, like she would play another attack and go to the hospital, which to be honest was too cruel, or she would just go there and act like she had some examination and suddenly she saw you start to talk with you, then you would ask her to go on a date with her, you would start dating and-
God, she needs to stop. Young Carpenter sighed and put her head on the table. The voice of her professor was muted in her ears, today she felt like sleeping, just laying in her bed all day doing nothing. It was friday and she promised to go to some party. Mindy has been talking about it forever.
„Mindy I´m not in a mood right now.“ The girl turned her forehead against the table.
„I didn´t even say anything!“ Mindy scanned the shorter girl, looking for any signs of sickness. „You don´t feel good?“ she asked now with a normal tone. Tara shook her head.
„Well then we should probably call some doctor, who knows, maybe they will help you.“ Tara punched the girl beside her, making an angry noise from being teased on.
„Who does he think he is?!“ Tara was angry. They were currently at the party Mindy talked about. Everything was fine at first, everyone was minding their business, and they danced and drank, talked and joked around. It was so much fun.
But that fun soon disturbed that idiot Frankie. He was being himself of course and was trying to get with every girl there, including Tara. But the girl wasn´t in the mood for his stupid games. At first, she ignored him but as soon as he was touchy and started grabbing her to go upstairs, she became furious.
She yelled at him so hard the boy even flinched, wasn´t expecting this behavior from a sweet girl like Tara. Yeah, like she was some easy prey. He then became angry and embarrassed but knowing a lot of people were around him he couldn´t do anything.
„He is a prick Tara forget about him.“ Mindy was standing beside her watching as her friend was getting more alcohol into her cup. Tara wasn´t really drunk, yet at least. And after this incident, she just wanted to get alcohol into her system to forget about his ugly ass face.
„Like...“ the short girl let out and furious sigh out of her lips. „he is such a fucking idiot I´m surprised no girl has punched him yet.“ Tara shook her head at the bitter taste as the alcohol touched her tongue. Maybe she will be first.
„Oh! And on top of that-“
„Tara.“ Mindy said from her side but she only continued, she didn´t even notice the hand of her on her right shoulder.
„-he even-„
„Tara.“ Mindy said a little louder through the loud music that was playing in the house.
„Fuck Mindy what!“ Tara looked at her friend, raising her voice a little. She wasn´t angry at her, of course not and Mindy also knew that, but Tara had a short temper.
„Apollo at 9 o´clock.“
Tara turned pale. Her eyes widen and her body becomes stiff. She felt like she had forgotten how to breathe. What did she say? No, that can´t be. The only person they were calling Apollo was...
„Tara fucking turn around.“ Mindy said between her clenched teeth as she kept looking at the way she told her to look at.
Tara took a big breath trying to calm her beating heart and shot her eyes to the left. There was a group of friends chatting and laughing, they had beers and cups in their hands as they were standing by the side of the room so as not to disturb anybody.
She scanned the group and suddenly saw the familiar figure she had been so desperate to find these past weeks. You were standing there in your civil clothes and cup in your hand. Your bright smile could be seen from every spot of the room, smiling at your friends as you were talking about something, sipping on your drink.
„Tell me I´m not crazy.“ Tara´s eyes kept looking at you as if she was afraid you would disappear again. Her chest kept rising and falling at a fast speed.
„No Tara, you´re definitely not.“ Mindy may only see you from a photo but this was definitely you. You looked far better in a person than in a photo, she must tell.
The young Carpenter turned to Mindy with wide eyes and eyebrows raised. „Oh my God! Oh my God! What do I do?!“ she quickly looked at her clothes if they looked fine. „Do I look good? I don´t have anything between my teeth?“ she smiled widely showing her teeth Mindy to check.
„Stop Tara! Calm down.“ Mindy took her shoulders to make her look at her. „Okay okay stop right now. No, you don´t have anything between your teeth. You´re fine.“
Deep and slow breaths were the next thing she needed to do or she would have another attack and that would be pretty embarrassing. It was just you. Yeah, just the cute doctor who took care of her at the hospital. Yes, only you, as if you were someone special-
Of course, you were special! To her! She wanted to impress you so badly. The girl was always thinking about the ways she would meet you again, what would she say to you, what would she be wearing, and how she would impress you... She looked like a garbage at the moment.
Today Tara didn´t give a fuck about what would her clothes be or how she would style her hair. She just wanted to have a little fun from studying and enjoy the night with her friends.
She looked at your way one more time and your eyes met. You squint your eyes at the girl as if you were trying to remember something. She quickly turned her head to Mindy, a scared look swimming in her eyes.
„Mindy. She saw me.“
„And now she´s making her way here.“
„No, that can´t be real.“
„Oh yes, it is.“
„No no no no.“ Tara shook her head to left and right trying to put herself together. She wasn´t ready to face you. This is not how she imagined your second meeting.
„Hi.“ Mindy looked at you and greeted you back. She took Tara again by her shoulders and turned her to you.
„Hi.“ The short girl said as she was now looking at your pretty eyes. You were smiling at her like you were the first time you saw each other.
„I´m sorry I didn´t wanna disturb but... I think I know you.“ You now lowered your eyebrows a bit and kept scanning Tara´s face.
What? Do you know her? Oh my God, you remember! The girl´s heart started beating in her chest as she now realized that. You wouldn´t remember if she didn´t catch your attention, right? Right?!
„Uhm... I-“
„Oh! I know! You were in a hospital! I knew you were familiar.“ You smiled widely at her, you looked happy that you could remember after all a lot of people came through your hands every day.
Tara breathed out as she looked down. „Yeah,“ she laughed „you got me.“
„Oh, you okay now? You had any complications after?“ You kept asking her as you scanned her face and body, not in a disgusting way. But let´s be honest, Tara wouldn´t mind that either.
The shorter girl smiled softly, playing with her hands as she was softly swaying her body to the sides like a small child. „No no, everything has been fine since then.“ She smiled shyly at you. „Thanks again.“. You just shook your head like she had nothing to thank for. You were just too sweet.
Mindy offered you and your group to be with them and after the introduction, some went to drink more in the kitchen or went to the dance floor. The three of you along with some of your friends were sitting on a couch in a living room with drinks in your hands, talking and laughing at others' dancing skills.
You were so friendly and your friends too, Tara was looking at you the whole time, listening carefully every time you started speaking so none of the words could slip her. The Carpenter didn´t even notice how much alcohol she drank, guess it was because of the stress from your presence but as soon as she stood up, she could feel everything.
Oh no. Her mind was now spinning, „I´m going to the toilet.“ Mindy offered to go with her as she saw her friend's face. She was drunk.
„Oh my God, Mindy.“ These were the first words that left her mouth as she saw herself in a mirror. Her eyes were down and her face was all sweaty from the hot room and alcohol. Tara touched her cheek at the state and turned around to her friend. „I can´t go back looking like this.“ Her mind was spinning and she barely could control her legs. „I´m so fucked up.“
Mindy was behind her smirking, leaning against the bathroom door, clearly dunk as well. „Tomorrow morning will be fun.“ She laughed to herself, eyes closed from the sharp light of the bathroom.
„Hey! Are you even listening to me?“ Tara went to her but stumbled a little. Mindy laughed at her clumsy friend. She wasn´t as drunk as Tara, she could still walk normally. The only thing she was more giggling than usual.
„Come on, it´s fine. Or do you wanna leave Y/N?“ Mindy asked Tara. „Did you forget about how you were these couple of weeks?“.
Right. She can´t do that. She needs to get your number, at least that. They went to the group again but with each step they took the alcohol in their system could be felt more and more. Tara was now so drunk that she laughed at everything she saw. The girl sat beside you again but this time a little more closer than she was before, you turned to her and smiled at her. She giggled at you as she tilted her head a little.
You could see her cheeks were red and her eyes had fallen a little. Every time she was speaking her voice was really loud and her hands were everywhere around the place, even almost smacked you but you were quick to dodge it. Yep, she was drunk.
Tara´s mobile kept vibrating a couple of times but she only ignored that. It was Sam, she was worried about her because they agreed that Tara would inform her every now and then that everything was fine. The first time you caught the notification you wanted to warn Tara about it but then you saw it.
On her wallpaper was your photo from the hospital, the one with all of your colleagues. The photo was zoomed on your smiling figure, it was so cute you wanted to laugh but you couldn´t. You didn´t want to embarrass her so you played like you didn´t see that.
„So...“ Tara hiccuped as she leaned her hand on the back of the couch behind your head. You raised your eyebrows at her as you were trying to hide the smile from how drunk and cute at the same time she was. „How old are you?“ she kept looking into your eyes as if she was trying to seduce you but was cut by a hiccup again.
Laughing at her now you answered her question. „How old do I look?“
„I don´t know, you look really young to be a doctor. You are a doctor? Or you are a student? How old are you?“ Tara squints her eyes at you. You let out a laugh as you threw your head back at her words, closing your eyes in the process.
Tara was drunk smiling at you, showing her dimples. She didn´t know why you were laughing but it was because of her so she didn´t mind. In her head it meant victory. You wiped your unexisting tears and shook your head. „You are so drunk.“
„No, I´m not! Look I can drink more!“ she went to grab a cup that was on the table in front of the couch but you were quick to take it from her hand.
„Absolutely not, you had too much already.“ Tara wanted to argue with you about it but her thoughts were cut by your touch.
„You have really pretty hands. They are much bigger than mine, look!“ she compared your hands and yes, hers were really small.
„And your fingers are so long... I wonder how it would feel inside of-“
Mindy covered her friend's mouth from beside her. She kept listening to your conversation the whole time, making sure Tara wouldn´t say or do something she would be embarrassed about the next day. Something like this.
„Okay, I think we should head home.“ Mindy wanted to pull Tara on her legs but she didn´t want to stand up and leave you. She kept pouting as she sat a little more closer to you almost sitting at your tights.
„Come on, I will go with you.“ You stood up and gently took her hands to help her on her legs. She smiled like a kid and immediately did what you wanted her to do.
 You and Mindy were taking Tara to her home. Sam was now calling Mindy asking about her sister. She had the right to be mad, she let her go to a party under the condition of her texting her if she was alright.
As you were close to the apartment door Mindy left you two so you could be alone. Tara won´t remember it but Mindy for sure will and she will make sure her friend will pay back for this.
„We are already here.“ Tara whined and turned around to look at you as you now stood in front of her door. „I don´t wanna leave you, I wanna be with you.“ The girl hugged your neck as she put her head on your chest to stare into your eyes.
You laughed at her. „Don´t worry, I´m sure we will see each other again.“
„Do you wanna come inside?“ she smirked and dragged her finger around your shoulder, tilting her head to the side softly. The young Carpenter had clearly enough for today.
„You know I can´t Tara.“ You breathe out with a kind smile on your lips.
„I love it when you call my name, it sounds so different, and also your smile and your eyes and-“
The door from her home suddenly opened and there stood Sam. The three of you kept looking at each other shocked written on your faces, waiting till someone made the first move.
„Uhm... hey I´m Y/N, I don´t know if you remember me.“ You smiled kindly at Tara´s sister. She kept studying you a little, then it hit her. Yeah, you were the one from the hospital. You helped Tara and that was all she needed to know.
„Yeah, I remember.“ She then looked at her sister, slowly shaking her head. Tara´s arms were still around you, not caring that her sister could see everything. „Come on Tara.“
The short girl let out a whine not wanting to let you go. She tightened her grip on you and was now looking at you to save her from her angry sister. „You need to let go of me.“ Your voice was so soft, it was only convincing her to stay but your words said otherwise and she needed to listen to you.
Slowly pulling away from and with a point on her lips, eyes big as if you were saying that you will never see her again. You didn´t even leave and she missed you already. The girl just wanted to stay with you.
„Will I see you again?“ Tara asked as she was almost at her apartment looking for your answer. You nodded your head at her, shooting her one of your smiles with a wink.
„Okay... Goodnight.“ She said with a low voice, putting her head down and leaving you in a hallway. Sam turned to you and gave you a tight-lipped smile.
„Thanks for bringing her here.“
„It´s fine, she´s amazing.“ You looked from the way she disappeared to Sam. „I guess I will head home also. Goodnight.“ You waved at her and started to walk away.
The next morning couldn´t be worse. Tara woke up with a terrible headache and the urge to throw up, Sam was giving her silent treatment, Mindy kept teasing her about yesterday and she had no way of contacting you. Like she would do that, the girl was so embarrassed that she just wanted to bury herself deep into the ground.
Afternoon Mindy and Chad came, and they kept making fun of Tara and her flirting skills. Suddenly her phone rang signaling a new message.
Y/N:) :Heyy, hope you feel better
What? How did you get her number? It was really you?
„Mindy? How did you get Y/N´s contact into my phone?“ Her friend looked at her with a confused face. „Did you give her my number?“ Mindy shook her head, still looking muddled.
„Maybe she did it herself.“ She shrugged her shoulders. „At least you have her number finally!“
Yeah, at least something but when did you make it? Oh yeah, she probably left her phone on the couch when she went to the bathroom. But if you got your phone number into her phone that must mean...
„Oh God... please no.“ She put her head into her hands, covering her red face from embarrassment.
You saw that fucking wallpaper.
Taglist: @jensortega813 @isawxxp 🤍
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folkvangr-seidr · 4 months
You're a bad idea.
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Pairing: Cairo Sweet x Dom!Fem!Reader
Summary: Cairo is mesmerized by the new, mysterious student sharing a class with her.
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: cursing, steamy scene (no smut however) I think that's all?
a/n: i'm sorry if it feels a little rushed? i changed the ending almost four times. hope you enjoy!
You hated how everything was changing but still, you felt numb.
You moved to another state, you decided to focus on your writting and suddenly you became a mystery.
Or at least that's how Cairo saw you. And she loved a good mystery more than anything.
More so if the mystery was the new and gorgeous student sharing a class with her.
Yeah, maybe she was getting a little obsessed over someone she had only exchanged a few words with.
She knew very little about you. Your name. The amazing writer you were. The body she only saw once, when you crossed paths in the locker room, you having finished your training with the soccer team, she getting ready for her swimming lessons.
The way you seemed to try to blend in so no one would be able to notice you. But she did. How could she not?
So she found herself, once again, writting about you. The possibilities were endless.
Who were you? Why did you get here halfway through the course?
God, she needed some sleep.
You were late to your first class but you couldn't care less. The creative writting lecturer was really annoying.
You didn't bother knocking on the door and just walked in, getting a few stares from other students AND, obviously, your professor.
"So you decided to finally show up? What an honor" he said.
You chose to ignore him, it was really early in the morning and you didn't have time for coffee before you left home so yes, you felt like shit.
You scanned the room looking for an empty seat somewhere you could just lay low until your eyes landed on Cairo Sweet.
Well, on the spot near her. You walked there and without another word you sat next to her and opened your laptop on your desk, ready to start writting while blocking out your teacher's voice.
You opened your most recent work, knowing full well you didn't have the energy nor the time to finish it right then but you thought you might as well give it a try.
You could feel the burning stare on the side of your head but you decided to ignore it and started typing instead, focusing on your work.
The minutes passed excruciatingly slow and you could feel yourself getting more and more annoyed at the fact that you were unable to focus on the poem you were writing.
"Trouble in paradise?" Cairo asked with a smirk, leaning closer so only you could hear.
You stared at her with no sign of emotion on your face and she felt like you could see clearly every thought she ever had.
"Mind your own bussiness" you retorted.
You saw dissapointment flash across her features before she returned her attention to the stupid lecture and for some reason all you could think about was her smirk, the small dimples on her cheeks and all those freckles.
Fuck, her face was like a sky full of stars.
You tried to focus on your work with little success when Cairo's face haunted your mind.
Class ended and you were the first one to leave, almost as if you were in a rush so when Cairo saw you smoking against a wall near the parking lot she was pleasantly surprised and without thinking it twice, she approached you and snatched the cigarrete from your hand, allowing herself a long drag before looking up at you with that same smirk from before.
You looked at her. Really looked at her. She was gorgeous. Her tiny frame held herself with shameless wonder. You felt like some force was pulling you to her.
"What do you want from me?" you asked.
She laughed and you swear your heart skipped a few beats in that moment.
"That's a great question" she said mischievously "I'm still figuring that out"
Then she stepped closer to you and she placed the cigarrete back in your lips.
"Then find me when you do, Cairo" you said smirking back before turning around and leaving.
She felt confused, she thought she was getting somewhere but she felt like you were always running.
Cairo watched as you started your bike and drove away from the building.
You really needed that coffee now if you wanted to make it to practice later that day.
You were distracted, which earned you a talk from the coach. You scoffed and left the field to sit on the bleachers, as he instructed you.
"Sit back there and cool down, don't want that temper on my team, kid" were his exact words.
You couldn't help it. You either felt numb or mad, there was no in-between.
You watched as the rest of the team finished some drifts and exercises and you joined them, the only answer to your move being a slightly nod from the coach.
Practice finished without further inconvinience but you always decided to run around the field while everybody went home.
You liked the solitude of it.
So you found yourself entering the locker room really late that day. You took off your shirt first thing and then looked around to find no other than Cairo Sweet, her wet hair falling around her shoulders. And she was definitely checking you out.
"Enjoying the view?" you asked raising one eyebrow at her.
"Mhmm" she muttered not looking away from your abs.
You stepped closer to her and that seemed to put her out of her trance and look straight to your face. She was blushing and biting her lower lip.
"I will ask again, Cairo. What do you want?" you took another step closer.
Her eyes darted back and forth between your eyes and you lips as she licked hers.
"I want you, Y/N" she said breathless.
And she sounded so sure of it.
Your eyes darkened as she leaned closer to you so she could trace her hand against your jaw.
"So pretty…" she said.
Something inside of you switched and in a swift movement you grabbed her hand above her head and guided her backwards until her back made contact with the locker behind her.
"Fuck" she whimpered.
You leaned so close that she could feel your breath against her mouth.
"That's what you want, Cairo? You want me to fuck you?" you demanded.
"Y-yes" she was breathing hard and you were enjoying every bit.
You released her hand and she placed it on your shoulder, tugging for you to get even closer, while your hand made its way to her collarbone, you traced it slowly and then you placed it on her throat, with just enough force to keep her head in place as you finally closed the gap and smashed your lips agains hers, kissing her hard.
You shivered when you felt her hand tracing down your torso, taking her time around your top to finally rest on your abs.
She moaned when your tongue traced her lower lip, asking for permission which she happily complied.
The sound of a door closing took you both out of your steamy make out session and you felt your body tense when you pulled apart.
"I have to go" you said "Didn't mean to start a fire" you added smirking at her.
And with that you grabbed your things and left her there, speechless and aching for you.
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sheluvslani · 3 months
Request: Cairo sweet x fem!reader smut fic, maybe something with guided masturbation that escalates ‘til her and reader fuck 👀
Pairing: Cairo Sweet x fem!reader
Summary: Cairo’s new story makes r drive to her house and reenact what Cairo wrote
Warning: smut, guided masturbation, fingering, cunnilingus, finger-sucking 😵‍💫, bottom!Cairo, top!reader
A/n: kind of a long one, sorry for the wait (some text is from the Miller’s Girl Screenplay, it might be slightly edited to fit the story and to avoid copyright??) 
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It was a typical rainy Sunday morning, you were stuck inside doing homework for your English class. That was until you got a notification from your email. It was from Cairo, all it had was a picture of her new book she was writing. As you opened the picture, it had highlighted section and you began reading, your face immediately turned red.
You knew Cairo wrote erotica, but this wasn’t just like any other book. 
She wrote this about you. And your name was plastered there on the very page.
And holy fucking shit, this was good. You quickly shut your laptop and grabbed your car keys. 
You quickly drove to her house, opening the door to find Cairo smoking a cigarette on the leather couch in her living room.
A whisper of smoke drifted from her mouth with practiced effort — something she’d picked up in some obscure noir she’d watched with her mother.
She threw it to the ground and stub it out with the heel of her shoe with slow, calculated movements.
She planned this.
You grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the bedroom.
Cairo opened her mouth to say something, but the words fell away as you hungrily pressed your lips to hers. You pulled away with a sultry whisper,
“I want you to read it to me-” You ran your thumb over her lower lip,
“-Read it to me the way you read it to yourself.”
As you pulled away, Cairo took her tattered notebook off the bedside table and spread it open in the comforter of her bed. You stood behind her as she leaned over the bed.
“Page thirteen”, you whispered as of your hands slid up the front of Cairo’s short cotton dress, as the other pointed to a sentence on the page. “Begin here.”
Cairo’s began to recite what she wrote in a shaky voice: “It’s not because she’s a child, it’s because she’s a child with no innocence.” 
Her breath hitched as you placed your hand over hers. You slowly guided it to the mound at her center, pressing her fingers into the dark fold there — just behind the damp fabric of her panties.
She cleared her throat before scanning over the page again, searching for where she left off: “Look into her eyes and you see the monster of knowledge, the shadow of wisdom—“
She paused as she felt you pulling her panties over her hips, coaxing her thumb to circle her pleading clit, her other hand tightly gripped the comforter.
The pleasure Cairo was feeling was too intense for her to concentrate on the reading, the best she could do was mumble the words.
So you took the book from her and continued reading, watching her face closely as it contorted to one of pure ecstasy as she fingered herself.
“-Maybe in a bathroom stall at school, her own fingers knuckle deep-“
You gently persuaded her fingers in and out of her dripping cunt, helping her thrust them as she moaned into the sheets of her bed. 
“-trying to rub out that itch. The ache inside.”
You closed the notebook and set it back down on the bedside table. You finally looked down at Cairo, her eyes clenched shut and her breathing labored, your hand still assuring her movements. 
You could tell she was close by the way she grabbed your hand and placed it over her perky breast. You complied and gently rolled her covered nipple between your fingers as she thrusted faster.
Cairo came on her fingers with a loud moan, falling on the bed and flipping over onto her back to catch her breath.
You grabbed her wrist and brought up her fingers to your mouth, placing them gently on your tongue. You slowly sucked off her arousal, groaning at the salty-sweet taste. 
You pulled her fingers out of your mouth with a wet ‘pop’ and she quickly pulled your lips to hers, moaning at the taste of her lingering in your mouth.
You pulled away, kissing down her chest and stomach as she arched her body into your touch. You slowly kissed her inner thigh as she thread her fingers into your hair, pulling you towards her aching core.
You licked a slow stripe from the bottom of her folds to the tip of her clit, she whined from your unrelenting teasing. 
You slipped a finger into her wet heat, pumping it in and out and curling it into her g-spot every other thrust. She gripped your hair tighter as you started to suck on her clit.
When you slipped in another finger, she moaned at the stretch. 
“Please… ‘m so close, baby…”
You were sure she could feel your smirk but her mind was clouded with pleasure. You sped up your movements and a gush of wetness escaped her swollen pussy. Kissing her thigh, you continued to pump your fingers in and out as she rode her wave of arousal. You slowly lapped up her cum as she whimpered from the overstimulation.
You took your time pulling away, a string of saliva unraveling itself from your lips and her throbbing clit. You gently rested your head on her chest and she stroked your hair. After a while, she started giggling to herself. 
You looked up at her with an eyebrow raised, “what’s so funny?”
“I should write about you more often.”
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poisonlove · 3 months
Study Session | c.s
Tumblr media
pairing: Cairo Sweet X fem reader
Summary: Y/n is terrible in literature and needs a hand
Words: 11.58 k
"Miss Y/S, could you come here for a moment, please?" Mr. Miller asks kindly.
I blink in surprise and walk towards the lectern, my feet almost stumbling on the wooden floorboards. I blush with embarrassment, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Cairo looking towards us with seriousness, organizing her belongings.
I swallow nervously and bite my lower lip, my eyes first glancing at Cairo and then at Professor Miller.
Now is not the time to think about your one-sided crush, y/n I mentally scold myself.
I force a smile and look at the professor with genuine curiosity. "Do you need something, sir?" I say, smiling happily, trying to hide my nervousness.
"I'm not sure how to put this..." Professor Miller sighs and takes off his glasses, looking up to meet our eyes. My smile falters seeing the concern and distress behind his eyes. Professor Miller sighs and takes the assignment I had done last week in his hands.
"It's... It's a mediocre work," he says hesitantly, almost embarrassed.
"To be honest... If you don't do something that impresses me, Miss, you'll fail my class," he says with a tone of voice almost guilty.
My palms sweat, and I try to remain calm. I knew I was really bad at literature, but I didn't expect to fail the year altogether. But what can I say? No matter how hard I try, I can't adequately transcribe what I think onto paper.
"I'm sorry," I whisper reluctantly, deeply ashamed of myself.
Professor Miller gives me a gentle smile, tilting his head slightly as he places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"You have great potential," he states with conviction, trying to instill confidence in me. "But you simply have a few more difficulties," he concludes with a compassionate tone, seeking my gaze empathetically.
I stare into his eyes, noticing the intention of conveying moral support.
"Miss Sweet," Professor Miller calls Cairo's attention, making her focus on him.
"Yes, Professor Miller?" she responds with a radiant smile, her eyes shining for... some strange reason.
"Could you help Y/N?" the professor asks, looking at me sideways.
His request makes me feel slightly offended for not having a say, but at the same time, it puts me in a state of anxiety because I would have to work with the girl I've always liked.
Cairo's eyes focus on my figure with curiosity, making me feel nervous and embarrassed by her enchanting beauty. A small smile spreads across her lips before she looks at the literature professor.
Brown eyes looking at Mr. Miller.
"Alright," Cairo responds with a shy smile, which also makes the professor smile.
I raise an eyebrow in confusion, observing this strange scene with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.
Cairo's smile is kind but enigmatic, as if hiding something behind that seemingly calm façade. I wonder what it could be, but I decide not to delve too deeply into it at that moment.
Professor Miller seems pleased with her acceptance and nods with a pleased expression. "Great! I'm sure you'll make an exceptional team," he comments enthusiastically, encouraging us to work together towards our common goal.
"Cairo," says the professor, maintaining a dazzling smile, "if you succeed in the task, you'll earn an extra credit," he announces proudly, turning his gaze towards his student with a mixture of hope and trust.
Cairo smiles weakly, visibly embarrassed by the attention she's received.
"Well then," I intervene timidly, trying to dissipate the strange tension that has arisen, "shall we?" I add, looking at the girl I've always had a secret crush on with flushed cheeks.
Despite my shyness and the nervousness that overwhelms me, I strive to maintain a calm and decisive tone, hoping to convey confidence both to myself and to Cairo as we prepare to face this new challenge together.
"So... What do you think?" I say nervously, my hands fidgeting with the threads of my jeans.
I roll a thread around my finger and pull it, tossing it into the grass.
Cairo's eyes fixate on my paper attentively, her pupils moving along my essay with seriousness. The brunette lowers the sheet and looks at me carefully.
"Well?" I say, feeling my stomach tied up with nerves. "Hmm..." She starts hesitantly, tilting her head and leaning against the tree behind her.
The day was perfect, and we had mutually agreed to spend it outdoors doing literature. The rays filtering through the branches highlight Cairo's face, making her eyes appear light brown
She was... Beautiful.
"Is it okay?" She says timidly.
Cairo hands me back the paper, and I sigh in frustration. I could sense that something was missing.
"Come on... Tell me the truth," I say, looking at Cairo curiously. The brunette bites her lower lip and adjusts her posture.
"So... It's not bad, but..." she starts and bites her lower lip, thoughtful. "It lacks emotion... I don't see the passion... I don't perceive anything," she confesses, and I pout.
Darn it... I wanted the truth, but it was entirely heavy
"I knew I shouldn't have spoken," she quickly says, quickly moving her hand, noticing my frown on her lips. "It's perfect," she smiles broadly, and my eyes soften seeing how sweet and cute she was with that expression on her face.
The dimple was adorable, and her eyes sparkled when she talked about something related to writing.
"No... I asked you to be honest, and you were," I say quickly, smiling.
Her eyes look at me with curiosity, and I try to maintain eye contact as much as possible. "Okay..." Cairo murmurs before giving in to this staring contest, taking her notebook.
"I... " I start hesitantly, "have an old piece that I'd like you to read," I say timidly.
I was aware of the risk that she would realize it was about her, but despite that, I thought it was my best work. After all, I wrote it with all the love I feel for her.
"Oh... I'd be happy to," she says sincerely, her pearly whites showing her beautiful smile. Cairo's eyes light up at the mention of reading something, and she quickly reaches her hand towards me.
Shyly, I grab my backpack and search for my work, immediately noticing that it was sandwiched between two notebooks. My cheeks were red from embarrassment for having something so special to me crumpled and carelessly thrown in my backpack.
Cairo takes it without making any comment on its sorry state and begins to read it.
"In the twilight of our intertwined destinies..." The brunette had a focused expression, her voice soft and enveloping.
I wait with trepidation, observing every nuance of her expressions
"she emerges like an elusive shadow, a siren of my lost dreams, with chestnut locks like the earth." Cairo sighs "Her eyes, deep as the abyss of the soul, reflect falling stars and unfathomable secrets, like dark water on a moonless night, where the lost traveler wanders." Cairo suddenly stops, lips still suspended on the sentence.
Her gaze drifts amidst the words as a wave of emotion envelops her voice.
I remain silent, captivated by her interpretation.
The brunette continues, her voice now softer, almost whispered. "Her smile, a fleeting glimpse of light, a glimmer of hope in the darkness, yet also an echo of sadness in the relentless passage of time, a memory of what could have been."
Cairo voice resonates with the melody of the words, conveying every nuance of emotion contained within the text.
I was completely captivated by her facial expressions.
"Yet, amid the folds of uncertain destiny, remains a lost innocence and an unspoken love, an incomplete harmony, an unexpressed desire, like a melody interrupted in the night wind."
"In her breath dance promises of another life, where perhaps our hearts will meet, in the stillness of a world without end, where time is not the master of our destinies."
Cairo tightens the grip on the paper.
"But for now we part ways, like the waves leaving the shore, destined to wander alone in the depths of time. Yet, in the deepest recesses of my being, her essence remains engraved like an ancient melody."
As she reads those words, Cairo's tone of voice becomes soft and melancholic, conveying a sense of nostalgia and sadness. Her words are filled with emotion, with a slight tremor in her voice reflecting the depth of her feelings. Cairo seems to be carried away by the intensity of the text, and her reading is infused with an aura of melancholy and reflection.
"And so I venture into the night, with her memory as my guide, suspended between the pain of loss and the hope of return. In the silence of my soul, I continue to dream, hoping that one day our destinies will intertwine again."
After finishing the reading, Cairo remains silent for a moment, her gaze lost in deeper thoughts. I can sense her mind in turmoil, her eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and admiration. Then, slowly, she lifts her gaze towards me, a spark of interest shining in her coffee-colored eyes.
"Who is the muse behind this extraordinary piece?" she asks, her voice warm and full of curiosity, while her expression reflects a sincere desire to understand the hidden meaning behind the words.
I knew perfectly well that I couldn't say it was her, so I just shrugged nonchalantly. "No one in particular," I add calmly, even though my heart was beating rapidly inside me.
"Yet it seems so specific," Cairo observes, glancing at the paper.
Her words make me uncomfortable, but I try to maintain composure. "It's just a product of my imagination," I say with a forced smile, hoping to divert attention away from myself.
"The only certainty is that she's a brown-haired girl with brown eyes," Cairo asserts with a mischievous smile, and a shiver runs down my spine. "The classic always attracts, it seems," she adds, chuckling softly.
Her observation makes me feel like butterflies are doing acrobatics in my stomach.
"Don't be stubborn now," I blurt out in embarrassment, trying to deflect attention from the imminent truth that Cairo is about to uncover with her acute intelligence.
Cairo bursts into laughter, a sound so genuine and contagious that it makes me feel special. Her laughter fills the air around us, wiping away any traces of embarrassment and fear, and I find myself laughing along with her, feeling light and free.
Cairo stops laughing and smiles, a look of sincerity painted on her face.
"It seems you were good at freelancing after all," she observes with a light and friendly tone.
Her comment makes me feel appreciated and recognized for my abilities, and I smile in response. "Thank you," I reply with gratitude, feeling encouraged by her approval.
"I think Professor Miller will like it," Cairo continues, biting her lower lip, lost in her thoughts.
A strange sparkle lights up her eyes, and at that moment, I decide to ask her a question that has tormented me for too long.
"Cairo do you have a crush on Professor Miller?" I ask timidly, curious but also intimidated by the possible answer.
Cairo blushes deeply. "What on earth are you asking?" she responds sharply, clearly embarrassed.
"From the way you react to his mention..." I say with curiosity, "and also you're completely red," I add with a timid smile.
Cairo shakes her head firmly. "No, no," she responds promptly, "I admire Professor Miller, but I don't have a crush on him. He's old, and, above all, he's married." Her tone is decisive.
"Well, gray hair isn't very attractive, right?" I ask with a smile on my lips, while I observe Cairo nodding slightly, smiling broadly and showing her dimples.
Freckles surround her face as her hair falls gracefully around her shoulders.
Cairo looks up at the sky, which is turning orange at sunset, a sign that the day is coming to an end. "I think it's time to go," she says timidly, almost regretfully.
"Is the study session over already?" I say in surprise, pouting.
Cairo nods and smiles. "So, do you like literature now?" she winks, teasing me.
"Not exactly, but the lesson goes better with you," I reply, aware of what I'm saying and noticing the slight blush on Cairo's cheeks.
I realize what I've said afterward and feel terribly embarrassed. A wave of nervousness overwhelms me as I notice a hint of pink on Cairo's cheeks.
Oh darn, I want to die, I think dramatically.
Cairo looks away. "Well, see you tomorrow.""Ah, yes, of course! See you tomorrow," I reply, trying to hide my embarrassment behind a smile. I feel the heat rising in my face as the embarrassment grows inside me. "Thank you for today, it was... interesting," I quickly add, hoping to alleviate the strange tension that had arisen.
"Thanks to you," she says softly, her gaze warm and comforting.
With a smile on my lips, I watch Cairo walk away. Despite the day starting off badly, it ended in the best possible way.
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writerswall26 · 4 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 1)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, other than that, none that I know of (but feel free to correct me)
Words: 3.1k
Masterlist | Next Part
A/N: This is the first time I'm posting here, I hope you enjoy it. Happy Reading
Final year of high school was somewhat a bliss for a student athlete like Y/N. Everything should be perfect from then on. Grades, soccer games, even soccer practice needs to be perfect. If she wants to go to her dream university in California, she needs to do everything by the book. Be a model student, win games as a Captain of the soccer team, be everything. Being strained in a small town in Tennessee after moving a couple years ago, she did not expect to be where she is in life right now. It's too early to tell but she knows what she wants and she will get there however means necessary.
She was not rich by all means but their family got by. Her mom inherited a huge house in Tennessee from her father, then an incident happened and next thing she knows, she's flying from Australia to a place she's never heard of.
"Great job, guys! That's all for today, now go wash up and go to your class." Coach Boris Fillmore dismissed them.
Y/N was the first to the locker rooms. She has literature with Mr. Miller and she's somewhat excited when it comes to that class so she did not want to be late. Unfortunately for her, she's a few minutes late.
"Good Morning, Mr. Miller. I'm sorry I'm late." She said, panting while she sat beside her classmate Winnie Black, a girl from last semester.
Their teacher, Jonathan Miller turned to her with a smile.
"I was just starting, Ms. Y/L/N." He said, and he started the class.
"You smell nice." Y/N heard Winnie whisper beside her. This girl has always been a flirt, especially with their coach.
She turned to Winnie with a smile before flicking a paper in her face. "Stop hitting on me, you creep." She joked, hearing the girl giggle before their attention went to the front to focus on whatever Mr. Miller was teaching them.
"That's all for today's class, I expect your reviews on my desk first thing in the morning before our next class." Mr. Miller dismissed them, clapping his hands together to remove the remnants of the chalk that were stuck in them.
After Y/N finished putting her things inside her bag, she stood up and went to the front to speak with their teacher.
"Hey, Mr. Miller?" Y/N called out, making their teacher turn to her with a smile, he was always smiling.
"Here's an excuse letter for all the soccer team. Game's on the night before passing. I can pass the assignment earlier." Y/N said, handing out a paper to Mr. Miller who scanned it.
The older teacher nodded as he raised his head to look at her. "I'll be here. You can pass it before or after you win us that game. Good luck."
"Thanks, Mr. Miller. Have a great day." Y/N said before she started to walk back when she bumped into someone, making their things fall to the ground.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry." She apologized but immediately stopped when she saw who she bumped into.
Short girl, tanned skin, freckles on her face, brunette hair, and her captivating brown eyes. Cairo Sweet.
"I'm sorry." Y/N said once again before she stooped down to grab all the books down the floor.
She heard a small giggle before Cairo stooped down to help her pick up the books that fell. "Better watch where you're going next time, superstar." Cairo said, smiling as Y/N handed her the books.
Y/N couldn't help but smile. She's had the biggest crush on Cairo since she's first seen the girl walking to school. Their houses are just a few blocks away. Since then, she would always ride her bike to school, hoping to catch a glimpse of Cairo before she got to practice. And without fail, she would pass by Cairo on the road and that would make her entire day.
"We have a game on saturday night. Do you think you could come and watch?" Y/N asked, getting all shy.
Cairo smiled. "I'll check in on my schedule."
Y/N nodded before she walked back, still smiling as she stared at the brunette girl and ended up bumping into someone again. Y/N immediately apologized before turning to Cairo who was already giggling.
"See you saturday night, Cairo." She reminded before she ran off to save herself from further humiliation.
"You're all smiles and shit." Jasmine, a friend from her soccer team said as she sat down in their physics class, taught by their coach Mr. Fillmore.
"I finally talked to her." She informed her friend, her smile not leaving her face.
"With who?"
"Cairo Sweet."
Jasmine howlered before slapping her hard on the arm which made her groan as she rubbed the soar place. "You finally did it!"
"I finally did, huh?" She said, grinning like a crazy love sick girl.
"Y/L/N, Smith, eyes up front!" Coach Fillmore called which made them straighten themselves up, but their knowing looks were there.
Before saturday, Y/N is back in Mr. Miller's classroom to pass her essay. She wanted to be a good student and not take advantage of being a star athlete. Her father always told her to focus more on being a student than being an athlete and she kept that in mind until now.
"You're early." Mr. Miller greeted her as soon as she stepped inside his classroom.
"Good morning, sir. I'm gonna pass my essay since Coach would excuse us the entire day for training. It's semis and it's a huge deal." She said, handing the teacher her polished essay.
Mr. Miller nodded. "Make sure you win us that championship or I'd fail you and tell Coach Boris to do the same in your physics class."
She chuckled. "No, you won't."
"Yes, I will."
"No, you will not."
"Yes, I will."
"Nah, you don't have the balls to do it, sir." She jokes which got her a howler from the incoming Coach, with coffee and biscuits in hands, and a laugh from their literature teacher.
"Training starts in ten, what are you doing here Y/L/N?" Coach Fillmore asked, handing Mr. Miller his coffee and laying down a biscuit on the front table.
"Mr. Miller here is threatening to fail me if we lose the championship, he's dragging your ass out to do so."
Coach Fillmore gave his friend a look before laughing. "That's not gonna happen."
"That's what I'm saying. Because I'm gonna make sure we win that championship and wave that cup in Mr. Miller's face together with my MVP cup." She said confidently and jokingly, making the two older men laugh.
"You're a cocky one, get your ass out here." Coach Fillmore said to which Y/N nodded. "And get a biscuit on the way out, you're gonna need that."
Y/N did get a biscuit and smiled at her two favourite teachers. "Later, Mr. Miller. Be ready to be humiliated when we get that championship."
"She's still not done?" She heard Coach Fillmore say.
"I'll be waiting here in my classroom." Mr. Miller followed.
By Saturday night, Y/N's nerves are on the roof. Their opponent is one of the strongest in the high school league and they're legacy. They've won 4 back to back championships and they were hard on Y/N since she came.
"I'm gonna go get some air before we start." Y/N told Jasmine who nodded.
While she was out praying and pacing, she felt a small tap on her shoulder. And what greeted her made her forget the nerves, only her smile and the presence of the person mattered from here on.
"You came... and you dragged Winnie with yah." Y/N said, glancing at Winne who had a teasing smile as she waved her fingers.
"Actually, Winne dragged me here with her, I did not intend to come."
"Why are you here?" Y/N asked Winnie who rolled her eyes.
"She wanted to watch Coach Fillmore in action." Cairo was the one who answered.
Y/N turned to Cairo with furrowed brows. "Coach Fillmore's not playing."
"But he will be out there frustrated and hot." Winnie finally spoke, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"Lay off him, will you? He's happy, contented."
"He hasn't had me yet." Winnie said with a flirtatious grin, her brows wriggling.
"That's disgusting. How about I hook you up with some of my jock friends? That's more appropriate."
"Mm-mm." She heard Cairo, making her turn to the brunette. "She doesn't like smelly cocky jocks."
"They're all rough and sweaty. I want something delicate and gentle."
Y/N made a face of disgust. "That's incredibly disturbing. And you're public enemy number 1 for me."
Winnie snorted. "You're just saying that because you don't want Cairo to have the same thinking as me."
Y/N kept quiet about that statement. But Winnie just laughed. "Oh boohoo, everyone in this school knows you're whipped for Cairo. Since sophomore years."
"Hence the reason you're public enemy number 1." Y/N said, not caring if Cairo's staring at her with this new found information. The shyness and shame is far out of her body at this point.
"Whatever you say, superstar. Go back in there, I can see my man looking for you." Winnie said, staring at a distance.
Sure enough, Coach Fillmore is out there seemingly looking for her.
"I gotta go. You two look for seats. Thanks for coming, Cairo." Y/N finally said, starting to jog back to the dugout.
"You're whipped!" She heard Winnie shout.
"And you're on my hit list!" She shouted with a smile.
"Good luck!" She heard Cairo saying which made her giddy inside.
"Where the hell have you been?" Coach Fillmore said as soon as she got to him. "Get your ass inside."
The two of them walked back to the dugout for a motivational speech from the coach. When Coach Fillmore was done, she got her stage.
"One thing, I got a girl I really really want to impress seated in one of those stands. And if we lose, I will make you all regret it." She threatened, which got her a whistling and howling from her teammates.
"That's not our problem, Cap." One of her mates said, chuckling.
"Oh, but it will be. If we lose this game, you're gonna get it from me." Coach Fillmore said, making everyone groan. "Now, get your ass out there and get us that win."
"How come you have coach on your side?!" Jasmine whined as they got out to start their game.
Y/N just shrugged as they focused. The announcer called both teams to the field and even without going out, they could hear the loud cheering and stumping. They all lined up side by side with the opponent team to have the anthem before the game started.
The first 30 minutes was a play of getting the ball and staying on the field for sheer amusement. It was boring for most people but for some, they can feel the heat starting to as the halftime comes.
"Y/N!" Jasmine shouted and passed the ball towards her. It's a free goal, she got the ball, ran her ass out and kicked it for the goal.
"And that's the first goal of the night from the Ravens' team captain Y/N Y/L/N!" The commentator shouted as the stands erupt in cheers.
She slid her way and did her celebratory dance with her teams, the cheering getting louder.
"Come on, come on!" They heard Coach Fillmore shouting as well.
The rest of the first half was them defending their post until halftime.
"That's was a great job, guys!" Coach told everyone as they cheered on the locker room for their ten minute halftime.
"They're seething. I saw them glaring at us before we went back." Y/N told their coach who nodded.
"That is why you're gonna be subbed out." He said.
There was a series of complaints but the Coach blew his whistle and they all shut up.
"Coach, you can't let her sit this second half down, they're gonna chew our asses out! We barely managed to defend them!" Jasmine said, as a matter of fact.
"Do you trust me?" Coach asked them, looking at them one by one.
There was a series of humming and yesses.
"Then you have to let me do what I do best. That is to coach you." He assured them.
"We're gonna get our asses handed to us in the second half." Y/N told their coach who walked to her.
"Do you trust me?" Coach Fillmore asked one more time but Y/N turned her head away from the older man. "Do you trust me, Y/N?"
The Captain looked at this coach, reading him. Then she nodded. "Yes, sir." Her Aussie accent coming out.
Coach Fillmore nodded as he tapped her shoulder. "Now, this is going to be the longest 40 minutes of your lives. They're gonna play whatever play they can to win and get back that point. And I want you all to give it your best shot to defend that goal post and that point you all so painfully got."
They did their team hands before they went back to the fields where Y/N sat her pretty ass down, or not. She was standing beside Coach Fillmore, watching her teammates struggle to defend the ball.
"And that is a goal for the Sharks! Great play from their team captain Trish Hudson!" The announcer exclaimed which Y/N groaned in annoyance. It was an easy goal.
The team was right, they did get their ass handed to them not less than 20 minutes in the game. Y/N was pleading to their coach but it fell on deaf ears.
"And that's another goal for the Sharks!" The commentator said.
Y/N was about to go all Lucifer on it when she noticed something from the other team's captain.
"She's limping." She said, making Coach Fillmore turn to her.
"What?" He asked curiously.
"Their star scorer, she's limping. Look." She said, nodding at the other team's captain and sure enough, she was celebrating but she was limping on her right leg.
"You're right. Why is that?" Coach asked, turning to her with furrowed brows.
"Someone rough housed her."
"One of our own? Why do you think so?" He was sceptical
"I know so. They're kinda holding out on a thread out there. An accident maybe?" She said, shrugging her shoulders.
"What did I tell yah?" He said, smiling widely at her.
"Call for the time out, then." She said with a smile and he did call for a time out.
"Alright! We're subbing Y/N back in." He informed their team with a smile.
"Finally!" Jasmine cheered as she let her head fall back.
"What made you change your mind, coach?" One of the teammates asked.
"She's limping." Y/N answered.
"What? Who?" Someone asked.
"Hudson, she's limping. Who rough housed her?" Y/N asked, looking at them one by one. "Come on, no one's blaming yah, she's a machine."
"How would we know? They're boxing us out, if we happened to kick their sheen, it would be an accident." Jasmine reasoned.
"Point taken. Now, go get us that win!" Coach said after the time out and in goes Y/N again.
She was defending the other team's captain and when the ball got to her foot, she immediately ran to the post, was about to kick the ball when she felt a sting on her left leg, making her fall. It was a bad slam.
She immediately stood up but it was still stinging from the cleats. The player got a yellow and a free ball was given.
"You got this Y/N/N!" She heard her team shouting as she closed her eyes, focused on the post, AND GOAL!
"What a wonderful hat trick from the Raven's captain Y/N Y/L/N! This seemed like an overtime coming up!" The commentator said as they celebrated.
"Let's go!" She shouted despite the aching on her left sheen but she did not mind that one bit.
Then the game continued, with 3 minutes remaining on the clock and everyone was doing their hardest to keep the ball alive, no one scoring and the defence was tight.
It was in the Ravens' possession and they were trying hard to get to the post but they were being boxed out. So when Y/N found a hole, she got the ball from her teammate and ran it like there's no tomorrow. She was being chased by 2 players but she mind nothing. The next thing she knows, her left leg was being slammed on, her face was bleeding and the ball was in Jasmine's possession...
"And goal! Right before the clock! The Ravens' take the win for the semi finals! What a goal from Jasmine Smith!" The stands erupted as everyone cheered.
Cairo has been holding her breath since the last five minutes, she's seen how the other team was playing dirty and they're aiming at Y/N. Her heart almost stopped when Y/N fell to the ground right before Jasmine scored. Even with the loud cheering and all, her eyes never left Y/N who pushed herself up and limped to her teammates, her face bleeding.
"That seemed like a bad cut." Winnie said worriedly, but Cairo still never left her gaze on Y/N who got body slammed by her teammates.
When everything was calmed, Cairo pulled Winnie with her to the lockers to check on Y/N and sure enough, she was just done getting patched up.
"That looked like a bad fall." Cairo said, walking towards Y/N who had an ice bag on her left leg and a few butterfly band aid on her right eyebrow.
Y/N's face immediately lit up as soon as she saw Cairo standing in front of her.
"Hey. Did you like the game?" She asked, fixing herself.
"It was boring." Cairo answered with a shrug.
"She was holding her breath the entire time you were out on the field." Winnie chimed in, making Cairo glare at her.
"You were?" Y/N asked, her smile widened at the thought.
"Don't be all cocky, now." Cairo rolled her eyes.
Winnie let out a playful gagging sound before she walked out. "I'll leave you two lovebirds in here while I go find Coach Boris."
"Lay off him!" Y/N shouted again but it fell on deaf ears.
Y/N shook her head before she turned to Cairo who was watching her with a small smile.
"So this is what you do huh?" Cairo said, walking towards her until she was in front of Y/N who was looking up. Despite her sitting down, she's still almost as tall as Cairo. What an adorable sight.
"Since I could remember, yeah."
With hesitation, Cairo held a hand on Y/N's cut, caressing it gently. The taller girl leaned in to the touch, her body relaxing despite her heart pounding in her chest, she thought it was gonna jump out of her body any time soon.
"Is it bad?" Cairo asked softly, making her open her eyes to look at the lovely brown eyes staring at her.
"Nothing I can take." She whispered.
Cairo smiled sweetly before she let her hand fall on her side as she stepped back. Y/N was disappointed and aching to bring that warmth back but she stayed quiet.
"Congratulations on the win. You did great out there." Cairo said with a smile, her cute dimples showing leaned down to give her a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Y/N watched as the brunette turned around and started walking. "Will you be watching the finals? I could use a little energizer."
Cairo turned her head to her with a smile. "I'll think about it." She said and she was out the door in a blink of an eye.
"You're gonna be the death of me, Cairo Sweet."
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woewriting · 1 month
pairing: cairo sweet | reader summary: even the most honest, kind-hearted can be corrupted by evil — especially if it has brown eyes, freckles and a breathtaking smile. word count: 1180 warnings: mdni, +18 only! implied sex, very brief smut at the end, blasphemy (?), nonlinear narrative. every line in italic is a quote by frederick nietzsche. 
this one is for you, @wesstars | masterlist
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As Nietzsche once said: “if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.” 
That's how it felt to stare into your eyes for Cairo — she could see all your demons, fighting the urge to escape from the depths of your mind and release their chaos into the unknown world. It was fascinating, daring even, to unveil each creature that gazed back at her when your eyes met for a hot second in the middle of the crowded classroom. And when you quoted the first sentence of said quote, with dark eyes craved on hers, a grin drew on her lips.
“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.” Your voice was low, matching the sound of your high heels stomping on the wooden tiles, following a pace that, somehow, was synchronized with the beat of your heart. 
Everything about you seemed well-placed, from the glasses that always slipped to the tip of your nose, forcing you to push the dark frame up every five minutes, to the white blouse that never carried a single wrinkle in the soft fabric; Cairo wanted to run her hands up and down your biceps when you brushed slightly against her as you returned to the front of the class. Even the chalk writing on the board behind you was perfect, rounded, and easy to understand. 
Hell! It didn't even look like you had troubles in your life, almost as if you were friends with all the demons screaming inside your head. 
There was only one that threatened to take over your muscles and move your body by itself, making you walk to the young writer that always sat at the first row, paying attention to every single movement of your body with curious eyes, staring at the window of your soul. The alluring brownish of her long hair created a delicate aura around her as the noon sun cracked through the big windows.
She was angelical, with freckles sprinkled all over her skin like the stars painted by Van Gogh, a dimple that came followed by an astounding smile. Yet, she was the devil. Forcing you to sin as you dropped to your knees to adore her; it was forceful, corrupt, making you ache as your mouth ran up and down her tasty body, thirsty, desperate. 
Cairo Sweet felt like heaven, but had a soul that was grabbed from hell and thrown into the body of a girl that craved the world, to be known, to take everything she could from everyone she touched. 
And you weren't different. At first, her greediness was subtle, well hidden under the facade of a lovely girl. You thought she was a “teacher's pet” — as your professor told you in one of his “preparation class” before you replaced him for the month as a graduation test, but the young writer was more than that, she was eager to please you, be it with her aggressive writing or with fingers deep inside you. 
Sometimes it felt like she was the test, and you would only succeed if you survive the storm that was Cairo Sweet.
When you fell on her bed for the first time, it felt like Lucifer descending from heaven, and Cairo was your personal hell. She smoldered against your fingertips, with gray smoke leaving her mouth at every word of euphoria, sliding her tongue against your lips with a carnal desire that consumed her more and more at every sob that left your mouth. 
The second time was excruciating. It melted your skin in a way that made you feel like it was written on your forehead all of your dirtiest sins, with the same perfection of your calligraphy and in every language so that all eyes on you were because of that. 
Cairo was charming, with her knowledge and way with words, leaving you in awe every time she asked your opinion or answered one of your questions, effortlessly expressing her vision of the world — there's not a single poet, writer, or philosopher that's not been read by her brilliant mind. 
Her favorite at the moment was Friedrich Nietzsche. For her, his view of the world was admiring, appalling. It's like he knew about the demons everyone constantly fought against, burying them deeper inside our core to prevent them from leashing them out in the open. 
Little did you know, it was because of you. Because of the way your eyes lit up at the mention of his name. 
While Cairo was a demon with an angel-like face, you were the opposite; with your dark clothes fitting perfectly on your curves and rough voice that always dropped one octave when you whispered her name like a prayer every morning for the past month. When you smiled, she could see the gentleness dripping like water from you, the patient you had with the students had her dumbstruck, looking at you with her chin resting on her hands, the cloth of her blouse itching her skin when you leaned forward to help a stupid classmate that only wanted to smell your perfume, leaning closer to your body as you calmly explained the most obvious subject, and that stupid smile on your face made it even harder for her to not clench her jaw over and over until you returned to your desk to finish today's reading. 
When you fell the third time, it left a stain that wouldn't disappear from the cotton sheets — the white wings of a fallen angel, burned in black soot, fully corrupted and taken. This time it was brutal, lewd, and enticing with a small portion of a euphoric hunger. She savored you on her tongue with a devilishly smile tugging the corner of her lips, crawling up your body like the scarabs that loved Cairo, following her like a deity. 
“Is man one of God’s blunders, or is God one of man’s blunders?” She asked, pressing her lips on your neck while her warm hands found your chest. 
“I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.” Your answer came in between a catch of breath, eyes closed and head thrown back against the soft pillow, nails digging deeper into her back, bruising the skin with long, red lines that stung.
“If I was a God, would you praise me?” 
“I would adore you with every ruthlessly beautiful word known by mankind.” 
With your hands firm on her waist, you pushed her to the side, fitting yourself in between her legs. Taking a deep breath turned your eyes darker than they already were; what a bewitching view it was to have you worshiping her, with lips glistening and a firm hand on her lower abdomen as you traced the stretch marks on her inner thighs with the tip of your tongue before running it up and down her slit, trying to keep her body from smearing the soot of your wings as a remain of the innocence the devil stole from you in the most graceful way possible.
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ajortga · 3 months
the warmth of your hand
pairing: cairo sweet x fem reader
summary: tender kisses with the crisp cold of a sunset winter night, you and cairo go ice skating, another sweet memory being made.
word count: 1.9k+
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Where the long lasting snow falls from the sky ever so gently,
The hushed whispers of words of the wind that blows in your hair when I brush it through my fingers.
Forever winter,
The cold that answers my prayers and tints your cheeks pink,
So I that you can ask for my warmth and comfort,
While I envelope you in a love that’ll keep you so safe, pressing my lips against your snow-fallen cheeks..
“Cairo!” you call out, your voice a soft melody as it rings through the coldness of the snow, and to the small creek that leads to the window of her room. Cairo’s ears perk as she places down her pen and swipes her thin hands over her journal filled with poetic beauty, the ink slightly smearing and leaving its mark.
She closes her notes filled with poetry of you, using the clip of her pen to grasp onto the book’s handle and wraps it in the band that keeps it together. 
“I’m coming love!” Cairo says, her voice growing a bit louder so you can hear her from outside. She didn’t want you to wait outside for long as she rolls out of bed and opens her closet, grabbing a pair of mittens, earmuffs, and wrapping a scarf around the nape of her neck. She flings her bedroom door open and swings down the hallway, opening the door to be greeted by your figure. 
You had your headphones hung around your neck, earmuffs in and your hair curled beautifully down. It took your girlfriend's breath away as she smiled at you. Your soft eyes met hers and she squealed, making you giggle. Your breath warmed up the cold air around you, a breath trying to warm it up, a sigh that is visible to one who sees it, your breath fogging in the cold winter air as it travels and dissipates. 
It’s like her writing when it comes to life. Of course it would come to life, all her writings are about you, your love, your beauty, you. Where the cold answers her prayers and tints your cheeks pink. It makes Cairo’s lips curve into a warm smile to see the way you look adorable, with your scarf covering your chin and you waddle up to her like a penguin. 
“G’morning..” you say, a small sniffle following in suit. 
“Hi baby,” Cairo whispers, ruffling your hair and scratching your scalp gently. She nuzzles your nose, having to bend down to press her nose to yours and giving your lips a kiss. Her lips are warm, soft, your lips are pouty, sweet. 
Before you can pull away and feel the eternal warmth of her lips again, her arms wrap around you and slide down to your waist. You feel her lift you up as a cheeky grin forms on your face, spinning around in her arms and making a small childish squeal like it’s Christmas day. Cairo grins, feeling your nimble hands brush the invading bangs away from her forehead.
“I missed you. And it’s cold,” you murmur, your hot breath purposely blowing against her face, causing a contagious laugh to sound from her. 
She feels the way your legs lift to wrap around her waist as she carries you, her nose pressed into your shoulder as your face buries into her neck.
“You are cold,” she states, “But that’s okay, we have plenty of time to cuddle and warm up before we go on our date in the evening, cmon.” 
She opens the door to her house and shuts it with her foot, you two kissing and making out along the way, lovely mumbles being made between each.
“I missed you.”
“I love you,” 
Seal that promise with another kiss.
You nestle your nose to the home of her neck as she carries you to her bed that is invaded by the sweet vanilla smell of her. You squeak as she pulls away from your lips, you press another greedy kiss to her lips again before she swings you back and forth.
“Here comes the airplane!”
“Cairo.. Cairo! CairOoOOOOOO!” you shriek as she throws you on her bed and comes right after, jumping on you and hugging you. You giggle from her funniness before feeling her fingertips wiggle against your stomach, tickling you.
“No! Stop!” You belly laugh, your body squirming under her as she tickles and tickles.
“Tell me you love meee.”
You can’t breathe from all the laughing as you snort and giggle, squeaking in between.
Your giggle is so cute, she thinks.
“Noo!! Okay yes I love you!” you squeal as you surrender your hands to say that you give up.
“I know,” she says softly, letting you scoot into her embrace. “I just wanted to find a way to warm you up a little.” 
It worked a little. You tell that to her, giving her another reason to let you rest against her body, like a puppy wanting their mothers warmth. You kiss her neck, nuzzling it with your nose as she kisses your forehead with a loving remark.
You spend the rest of the morning cuddling while resting in Cairo’s arms. She puts you to sleep by whispering her poems about you into your ear. The warmth of her breath against the shell of your ear makes you fall asleep faster. She notices the way your eyes flutter and twitches that you're fast asleep. You don’t know how she does it, you already got enough sleep but she always finds a way to make you sleepy again, even with the most amount of caffeine you may have had. From 9 to 11 you’re in a deep sleep with her sweet gentle whispers.
From 12-3 you and Cairo spend time cooking together. Boiling water and pouring some noodles in. After making your alfredo with garlic bread, anybody would die to look through the window and live your love life, your eyes looking into each other as you feed each other. Your fork reaches her mouth as she captures it with her lips and eats, she feeds you and wipes some of the sauce off your smooth chin.
From 4-5 you two get ready for ice skating, it was going to snow tonight. It’s like a rom-com movie and you would die to live in that with Cairo, sharing kisses near the campfire. Maybe more. Holding hands while you sleep and curl to each other. You cling on and your legs wrapped around her body as others look at you in pure awe.
You slip on a puffy white jacket above your top and put on some flared jeans, topping it off with some earmuffs that you may or may not have stolen when Cairo was changing. 
“I saw that.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Give me those back.”
“Do you not love me?” You say, looking like you were about to cry. You loved when you could fake cry. Guess acting classes really did benefit you besides doing theater. 
She sees your trembling lips and teary eyes and immediately she gives up. Coming to hug you and pressing her lips to your forehead. 
“Okay shh. You can wear them. Or keep them because I love you, okay?” She coos, voice coaxing you as a childish giggle erupts from your chest.
You hug her and she lifts you up, kissing you softly, “Come on princess,” your legs wrap around her as she grabs her key and unlocks the door, walking to the ice skating rink not too far from her house.
After a few minutes of walking and giving gentle, loving kisses, she places you down on the floor, caressing your cheek.
“Okay love bug, let’s go ice skating, okay?” 
You nuzzle her neck, intertwining your hand with hers as you swing them up and down, giggling along the way. You sit next to her, snuggled up while you put on your ice skates. 
“Your nose is all red honey.”
You sniffle, letting her touch her nose with yours, feeling her scarf wrap around her neck when she lifts you up
Yours and Cairo’s feet were going to touch the rink as she examines the glossy ice, “It looks a little slippery, be careful, I can guide you-”
Before she could finish you giggled and skated on the ice, doing a small spin.
“Be careful!” she squeals, letting you drag her hand onto the rink as she clings onto you for support. She screams as her legs shake, begging you to start on the edge. Cairo was gripping onto the edge for dear life as you assured her, kissing her neck with love.
The sun was setting, you two were skating while holding hands. It was beautiful as you were cuddled up to her while she wobbled. She got the hang of it as you guys skated faster among all the other sweet couples.
“I think we look the cutest,” you whisper, looking up at her and playing with the twist of her hair.
“Oh really? I know we look the best baby. You’re making everyone jealous of me to be with a girl like you.”
A blush creeps up on your cheek as you smack her playfully, “That’s not true.”
“Well everyone else probably would kill to have a girl like you.”
“But I only have eyes for you. You are the prettiest, sweetest, kindest, most lovingest girl I’ve ever known.”
Now it’s Cairo’s turn to blush, it caught her so off guard that she lost balance and slipped, taking you down with her as you two yelped. You landed on top of Cairo as you laughed.
“See, you know it’s trueeee.”
“Maybe they’re just jealous of us, they want what we have because we never fight unless it’s to prove the other person’s personality Cairo.”
The curled hair brunette lifts you up and you two continue skating.
After a few hours of skating and tenderness, the sun greeted the moon as its sweet warmth faded. The twinkling lights above the rink glistened against the ice.
“That was fun, huh baby?”
“I loved it more because it was with you.” 
Cairo giggles, your smile never fading as you two leave the ice rink. She helps untie your skates and gives your hand a little kiss before taking hers off.
You spend the rest of the night getting street food and sharing it with each other. Your hands never tear away from each other as you hug her while walking around the bustling city.
When you drop her off it’s like a scene from a romance movie that makes you kick your legs.
“Thank you for tonight,” you whisper, your hands holding on hers as she looks down from you, one stair up to her house.
“We should do that again.”
“And again,” you say, your cheeks scrunching in a small smile as she nods.
There’s a comforting silence, a soft cool breeze blowing through your hair as she looks down at you from her step.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
“Goodnight Cairo,” you whisper, before leaning on your tippy toes to reach her lips. You kiss her softly before pulling away.
"Call me when you're safe cariño."
You keep kissing her, until you turn to leave. You were a few feet away from her after taking small steps as she watched you walk to your car on her driveway before turning around.
“Actually.. Can I stay the night here and cuddle?” you whisper, looking like a precious puppy with those eyes.
Cairo knew she couldn���t say no, she would do anything to spend time with you as she smiles widely, nodding. 
You waddle up to her in happiness before jumping in her arms and kissing her again, making a small squeal as she giggles and carries you back into the comfort of her home.
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be-missed · 4 months
Smut with Cairo Sweet x Dom!femReader?
Option 1.
The plot would be like Cairo is making someone else jealous with R, (maybe Winnie) and she doesn't know R has feelings for her.
Option 2.
Cairo is just teasing R cause she knows R has feelings for her.
It's makes R hurt/upset + angry. But how Cairo treating her also makes R hot and frustrated (like Cairo teasing R in the classroom or smt)
And the ending would be good? Like they are gonna be a couple. Yeah.
- I know it's a shitty idea, I just wanted to help you.. lmao<3 Thank you for writing, I always enjoy reading your works! Sorry for the long ass request! <33
Untitled 2 (MDNI)
Cairo Sweet X Dom!Fem Reader
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(Picture not mine)
Summary: Cairo tries to make you jealous using Winnie and you got angry. SMUT
Warning/s: explicit scene, explicit language, voyeurism, exhibitionism, strap, curse words. MDNI!
A/N: probably my most explicit story. I don't know if this is how a dom works, I apologise.
You followed Cairo in to the bathroom, and as you open the door, there she was standing in front of the mirror fixing her hair. "What the fuck was that?" You yelled at her as you stormed in.
Cairo ignored you as she tried to reapply her red lipstick that she used to mark Winnie's cheek. You get frustrated at this act so you went towards her and yanked her arm "I'm asking you a question, Cairo. What the fuck was that?" Cairo stared into your eyes with a devilish smirk, acting stupid she asked "What was what Y/N?"
You know that Cairo was acting stupidly so that she can push your buttons more. "You know what I fucking meant" You said as your eyes widen trying to warn Cairo. The other girl shaked her head no and said "I don't know what you're talking Y/N" and chuckled.
This infuriated you, "Oh, you want to play this game? Okay, fine" you then smirked as Cairo raised her eyebrow, waiting for your next move. You pushed her into the sink, you trapped her body as you leaned in to her ear and whispered "As much as I want you dumb, I need you to explain the things that you do with that girl."
"What girl Y/N?" Cairo said as she starts to caress your forearm that's holding her in her place between you and the sink, "Oh, you mean Winnie?" She said with a smirk and you answered "I don't care about her damn name, tell me what're you doing with her?"
Cairo lets out a chuckle and said "Oh is that jealousy I smell?" trying to tease you. You smirked at her "I can't be jealous over a nerd who thinks she can pull you" which Cairo then laughed at. "Oh, she don't need to pull me if I'm the one who's pushing myself into her, hmm?" Cairo said with a raised eyebrow.
This made you angry as she admitted how she is trying to push herself at Winnie. "So you're replacing me with someone who I bet can't even make you cum?" You said chuckling. You then leave slow wet kisses on her neck as your other hand caress the inside of her thigh, playing with the hem of her short.
You can feel Cairo's breathing gets shallow. "Can she make your sweet little pussy drip, hmm?" Cairo bit her lip as she tries to suppress a moan as you unbuttoned her short. You were waiting for a response from Cairo, but as you slightly pulled away from kissing her neck, you can see her eyes are closed, with her biting her lips, breathing getting shallow, as she gripped the the end of the sink. This is where you want her, desperate, in need, and dripping.
You smirked at Cairo's state and you insert your hand inside her underwear, your pointer and middle finger started to work on slow circles on her clit. This action earned you a breathy moan from the other girl. "Look at me Cairo" you demanded as you started to tease her dripping hole.
Cairo whimpered as she looked at you, "Can that girl make you feel like this?" You asked taunting her, but Cairo is much more of a teaser than you are, she thinks "Winnie, her name is Winnie" she said with a smirk.
"I don't fucking care about her name. I'm asking you a question. Can she touch you like this, hmm?" You asked Cairo as you dipped a finger inside her clenching hole and it made her whine even more. "Answer me, Cairo" you said as you only push the tip of your finger teasing her. "Just put it in" Cairo said trying to grind on your hand.
"Answer the question, can she make you feel good?" You asked as Cairo shaked her head no and said "No, just ngh... please" Cairo sounded desperate as she tries so hard to grind on your hand. "See, it's not that hard to fucking answer my question, right?" You then insert your pointer finger inside her making her roll her head back as she closed her eyes.
Cairo grinded into your hand while you started to kiss her neck again, now leaving tiny marks. You heard the door open, but you ignored it, but Cairo frozen up. You heard a voice that called Cairo's name and you whispered into her ear "You better answer that" and you put another finger inside her. Cairo bit her lip to stop herself from moaning. You moved her fingers inside her, massaging her velvet walls.
"Cairo are you in here? I saw you enter the bathroom earli—" Winnie was cut off when she saw what's happening in the sink. Cairo's mouth shaped like an O, with her breathy moans, with her heavy breathing. Your back was facing her, your face deep in Cairo's neck leaving wet kisses.
You know who it was, but you still continue to push your finger inside of Cairo. "What... do you... need?" Cairo said to Winnie as she starts to feel your hands getting faster. Winnie on the other hand was stunned with what she's seeing. She don't need any explanation on what you're doing to Cairo.
"I..." Winnie was speechless, but before she gets out of the bathroom, you looked at her through the mirror and you smirked. "Can you make her feel this good?" You asked as you started to fasten your phase into Cairo's dripping hole that earned a moan from the other girl, "Come on, I'm asking you..." you then kissed the side of Cairo's face as she was grinding into your hand and gripping your back.
Cairo lets out a loud moan as you started to massage her clit with your thumb. Winnie was watching the scene in awe as she shaked her head no. You smirked at her and said "Good. Now, do you know who she belongs to?" You said as you sucked a big mark on Cairo's neck, still looking at Winnie through the mirror, while Cairo moans loudly with the pain and pleasure she felt from the kiss.
"Yo..you" Winnie said stammering and she gulped with how Cairo looked so hot. "Good, now you know your limits. I better not see you near her again, understood?" You said to Winnie as she nodded, understanding what you said. "Now scramble, I don't want to see you near her again" That was the last words that Winnie heard before she ran outside the bathroom.
You whispered to Cairo who's now fighting for her life as she grinds herself into your hand, "Heard what she said? She can't make you feel this good. Only me, do you understand?" You said as you add another finger into Cairo's core, which earned a loud moan and a nod. You can now see a tear falling down into Cairo's face as you feel her hole getting tighter and wetter.
"Do you know what happens when a good girl has three knuckles deep into her cunt?" You asked Cairo as she say weakly "cum..." You teased her and asked her again "What sweetheart? I didn't hear you" through gritted teeth, Cairo said "Good girls... cum"
And you nodded, approving what she said "That's right, good girls get to cum" after you said that, you fasten your phase and giving it to Cairo harder. You can feel her clenching getting more often as you hear her whisper that she's close.
But before she gets to her release, you pulled away. "UGH, FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" You hear Cairo cursed, looking like a mess, with her unbuttoned shorts, wet underwear, her neck full of your marks. "You said it yourself, good girls get to cum. But you aren't a good girl sweetheart." You said with a smirk and put your three fingers inside your mouth, trying to suck Cairo's juices.
Cairo looked at you angrily trying to button up her shorts "What the fuck are you into?" You smirked at Cairo and said "Tonigh, your house, your bed, and you on your dress" you walked closer to Cairo and kissed her cheek "See you later" and you walked out for the bathroom.
Cairo was so angry at you, but she knows she needs to follow your order for her to get her release. Cairo was fixing herself and when she looked at the mirror, she saw her neck, full of your marks which only means that it's either she wear a scarf, cover it with makeup, or just go home.
You bent Cairo down in her own matress, both arms are crossed on her back with you holding to it, while your other hand starts to caress her ass. Cairo struggled to move as you pin her down. "Stop moving, we both know you can't do shit in this position." You said as you trail your fingers through the inside if her thigh, until you reached her soaked core.
You dance your fingers through her wet slit, teasing clit and her drenched hole. "Aren't you a little excited?" You teased as you grab the end of the strap that you're wearing and nudged the tip of it to Cairo's aching clit. Cairo whimpered with the action and tried to grind down, but to no avail, you just pinned her even more that made her grunt.
"Now now, be a good girl Cairo" you said as you leaned down to her and kissed her exposed shoulders. Cairo bits her lips and said "I don't think it'll fit", she was worried knowing that this is the first time that you'll use your new bought strap. Your kisses travels to her shoulder, through the side of her neck and to her ear which you bit her lobe and said "Don't worry darling, I'll make it fit."
You straighten your body as you squirt a fair amount of lube to your strap, even if Cairo is wet, a little bit of help wouldn't hurt, after all, you didn't want to hurt Cairo. Because even though you don't admit it to her, you know for yourself that this set up that you two have does not only end as a fuck body, but as every time you spent with her, you fall for her charm and her as a person. So you wanted to give Cairo the best experience she'll ever have.
"Y/N please..." you hear Cairo pleaded with a needy voice and you answered "Of course baby, I'm just preparing you, I don't want to hurt you" and you leaned down kissing Cairo's spine that leaves goosebumps on her skin.
As you teased her drenching cunt with the tip of your strap, Cairo grinded down. You slowly insert the tip of your strap as you play with her clit, Cairo moaned with the intrusion and tries to push her hips to meet you.
"Is this okay?" You asked, making sure that Cairo don't feel any pain which she answered with a laboured breath "S'big..." which is followed by a whimper as you still push half of the length. "You're doing good, just a little bit more" You said as you let go of her hands and you massaged her lower back, trying to give her comfort.
By the time that the strap was fully inside of Cairo, you looked down at where your hips meet and you cursed to yourself, looking at how Cairo's cunt is stretched, with her juices leaking down, wetting her thighs and yours.
"Y/N move, please..." Cairo plead as she gripped the bed sheets crumpling it. You started with a slow motion, only leaving the half of the strap inside and pushing it back with a little pressure. In each thrust you give, Cairo lets out little throaty moans that turns you on more.
"Let go... I need you... rough" Cairo said after a few minutes for getting used with the length and girth of the strap. With that request, you fasten your phase, as you grip her hair forming a pony tail for more leverage. Cairo moaned at the sudden pull of her hair and the sudden thrust you gave her.
"You like this, huh? You like being my little fuck toy?" You said as you thrusting into Cairo hard enough to hear skin slapping. Cairo tried to nod while she can't control herself from moaning out and strings of curse words can be heard.
"Are you dumb enough to not know how so speak?" You teased Cairo as you pulled her up, holding her through her chin as her back is now pressed to your front. This position hits another level of deep into Cairo's cunt, this earned you a loud moan as she clings to your arm for support. You know fasten your phase as your other hand snaked through Cairo's front to play with her clit, drawing tight circles into it.
You csn hear Cairo panting and chanting your name as you know you're fucking her dumb. Cairo's cunt gets a little tighter and release more of her juices, signs of Cairo getting close to her release. You leaned in to deposit wet kisses to her neck as you whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
"I'm.. close" Cairo let's out as she puts her hand on top of yours that was massging her clit. You knew that this means that she needs your hand ok a different place like her nipples. Which you obliged, you put your fingers into your mouth and wet it with your saliva, after wetting it, you toyed Cairo's right nipple that was protruding and asking for attention. As Cairo replaced your hand with her own fingers that was massaging her clit.
All of these actions was now pushing Cairo for her release, "Please baby... want to... cum" Cairo said with gritted teeth and closed ayes as she chases her release. With you fastening your phase and giving it to Cairo harder, you counted on your mind.
Three... Cairo was now gripping your arm marking it with her nails...
Two... She arched her back getting ready for the outburst that she'll experience...
One... Cairo shouted your name as she grinded down to your strap and reached her high...
Cairo cummed, soaking your strap with her juices, some even dripped om her thighs and yours, also wetting the bed sheet that was under her. You can feel Cairo's laboured breathing. You gently put her down to bed with her laying on her stomach as you continue to move your strap slowly to help her ride out her high.
You know at this stage, Cairo will be unresponsive as she is currently bathing in her post-cum self. You stroke her hair to the side as you murmured how good of a girl she was for cumming and soaking your strap. You followed it with lines of kisses through her back.
Pulling away from Cairo, you looked at her now swollen cunt pulsating and still clenching. You lightly massage her lower back to help her relax and to help her regain her consciousness.
After a minute or so, you feel a light breathing from the other girl, knowing that she fell asleep, you slowly pulled the strap out of her that made her whine, as you put her under the sheets and you lay down beside her. Even in her sleep, she wants to be close to you so she cuddled into you.
Stroking her hair, watching her sleep, gives you peace as you whispered "I love you" hoping she can't hear it in her sleeping state. As you closed the lamp from your side and get comfortable, Cairo shifted a little anyone heard her whisper "About time you say you love me"
This comment made you freeze, because you thought Cairo was asleep. "I thought you're sleeping?" You said nervously which Cairo chuckled and replied "No, I wasn't, I was resting." This earned you a confused face and told her "Aren't those the same?" And Cairo answered you with "I don't think so, I just closed my eyes, but you moved me so I let you"
Even in the dark you can feel Cairo smirking. "But I thought you're tired" you said and Cairo answered you "I was... the strap was big, but you made it fit. I can feel my pussy pulsing because its swollen" which you then smirked but you quickly said "I'm sorry, I..." but Cairo cut you off "Don't be, I like it. Every time I walk or sit down it reminds me of you fucking me"
This comment made you blush as you quickly dismissed Cairo "Stop with the teasing..."
A few minutes of silence has gone by, until Cairo broke the silence and asked "Is it true? Do you love me?" The moon light was now brithher than it was as your eye adjust to the darkness. You looked at Cairo who is now staring at you as you said " Yes, I'm afraid so... I love you... I'm falling for you. I think that was the reason why I hate it when you flirt wth other people and to that Minnie girl"
Cairo chuckled at your response and said "Don't be scared, because I ove you too. And if making you jealous would be the reason to make you admit your feelings then I should've done it earlier."
The both of you chuckled at the comment as you pulled Cairo closer and she nuzzled her face into your neck.
A/N: Any thoughts?
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bobbin-buckley · 2 months
Broken Glass
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Cairo x SoccerPlayer!Fem!Reader
Summary: Your troublemaker girlfriend breaks up with you
Warnings: Break up, mentions of lung cancer
Cairo was always difficult to deal with. Always exploding over the small things you say that come out as a insult to her, or the bold assumptions she makes. Cairo was a girl who never cared about anyone other than herself, but in this case she cared for you..
Today was her girlfriends ball party, you are Cairo’s girlfriend. You held this party because of your congrats on winning your soccer game. And ball dances happened to be your favorite, so you held one.
She was currently dancing with you slowly, it was a slow dance..her hands around your neck as you kept your hand placement on her waist. She was wearing a white gown, that hugged her hips nice..
She seemed quiet and relaxed as she danced with you, but really her mind was running a hundred miles per hour. Her hands left your neck, pulling away before speaking.
“Can we step outside? I need to talk to you.” She said, looking pretty tense now.
The big smile you had on your face was now gone, but nodded to follow her anyways. She takes your hand and brings you out the garden terrace. She turns to you, letting go of your hand and leaning against the railing. Her brown hair shinning in the moonlight.
“Can I ask you something?” Cairo was looking at you, tears brimming in the corners of her eyes. “Yeah, always.” You replied with, leaning against the rail with her.
She glanced down at her heels for a moment, gathering herself for what she was going to say. She seemed really nervous, she isn’t good about expressing her feelings, so she gets straight to the point.
“…do you really love me? Do I mean..anything to you?” Cairo asks, her voice broke a bit.
You furred your eyebrows, caught off guard by the question a bit..but it didn’t really surprise you. She seemed to always ask questions like these when she felt insecure, which you always replied with the same certain response. “Of course I do. Cairo you’re my girlfriend, I love you.”
“You do?” Her voice trembles. She seems confused, which confused you. It’s like she’s digesting the response. Her own love life has been so complex.. she still doesn’t even fully understand herself, but she wants to believe what you’ve said.
“Are you sure?” You notice the tears in her eyes swell up more, she’s holding back tears. “Yes of course I am,” you respond. “What’s going on my love?”
“I-it’s..” Cairo’s having a hard time finding the words, as she’s on the verge of a breakdown. She glanced around the terrace, looking at the small water fountain in the middle..seeing the moonlights reflection in it.
She held a hand up to her mouth to cover up sobs. “My…my mom…” she squeaks out. You tilt your head a bit, “what about your mom?”
“She has lung cancer..” your eyes widen at her words. She breaks, tears streaming down her face. She hadn’t told anyone..or muster up the courage to say something about the situation..maybe only her close friends…but how come not you?
“A-and I’ve been so distracted because of it. I haven’t been able to focus on anything, my grades are going down..” she couldn’t finish her sentence..her breathing becoming harsh..sobbing a lot.
“Hey..hey shhh..” you wrapped your arms around her small form, trying to comprehend the situation. “I’m so sorry baby..”
Cairo leans her head on your chest, letting out some more sobs. She’s been a loss of support..but of your presence there she’s slightly relieved. Less weight on her shoulders when you embrace her.
“I-i didn’t know how to tell you..” she whispers through a few more cries. “Hey..shhh, it’s okay.” You rub her back.
Cairo takes a deep breath as her sobs subside a bit. She pulls away from your embrace, which only increases your worries. She clears her throat, “thank you.”
You nod, happy to calm her down a bit..but not convinced enough she’s done. “Always. I’m glad you told me though..how is she right now?” You weren’t close with Cairo’s parents, I mean they were pretty much gone all the time since they’re lawyers ..but hearing that her mother had lung cancer, was shocking.
You rubbed her cheek and she smiles a bit at the gesture, relieved to tell you about the situation, albeit with a lot of difficulty. “She isn’t doing very well..” she took a deep breath, finding it hard to keep her tears at bay.
“I’m sorry, you don’t have to continue..it’s okay..”
She had something else to say, and you knew it. But you aren’t prepared. “But, there’s something else.”
There it is
“What is it love?” Now were you worried.
Now she doesn’t want to say it, but she’s already put herself in the situation. She knows if she says never-mind you’ll keep asking her. But despite her shyness, she speaks again.
“I..I don’t think I can be your girlfriend anymore..”
Your eyes widen, feeling your heart drop in your stomach. “Wh-what?”
Cairo nods her head slowly as she looks down. She seems scared to have said those words, apprehensive to your next response. Her voice trembles as she speaks again, “I..I don’t think I’m cut out for a relationship right now..”
Those words hit you like a bus. You can’t believe the situation right now, even at Cairo’s confession. You both have been together for five months now, things were going fine…you loved each other. But now she wanted to end things now? At your celebration? You get the fact her mom has lung cancer, but it isn’t like she’s dead….yet.
“It’s- its because of your mom..? Isn’t it.” You finally spoke up. “Yeah..” she confirms, her throat is dry. More tears flow, sobs continuing. She turns away from you, afraid to look at you.
“O-okay..” you step back, voice trembling too. As your own tears flood down.
“Please, I don’t want you to think it’s your fault.” She turns around to face you again, she scans your hurt face. She knows she messed up, your posture and facial expressions says it all. She’s aware of your sensitivity, she knows how you blame yourself when she is upset.
“N-no it’s fine..I mean yeah- I get it.” You let out a shaky breath, your own thoughts forming.
Maybe she hates you, she doesn’t love you, you aren’t good enough, it’s all your fault, you messed up
“You do?” She looks up at you in shock. Cairo wasn’t expecting such an easy response, she assumed maybe you’d have questions. But she also didn’t want to push the issue further, honestly, she wanted to agree what she was saying. Because outside of her family issues, she’s having a hard time understanding her feelings for you, and to her this was the only way to deal with the situation. Push you away like you’ve never met before, breaking your fragile heart and her own.
You shrug, “I don’t..know what else to say.” Cairo shakes her head, she didn’t expect you to say much. But she did expect a response of begging for her to not leave you..
“I’m sorry,” “it’s not your fault.” You quickly respond.
More weight lifted off her shoulders, but not enough. “You aren’t..gonna convince me to stay?” She was still shocked, wondering why you wouldn’t beg for her back…beg desperately for mercy.
“No..” boy do you wish you hadn’t responded like that, but you were hurt and shocked still. More than likely stuck like that forever if she doesn’t fix the situation.
Cairo’s eyes widen, lips parted. “R-really? You aren’t even gonna…try?”
“I’ve done this before,” “you have?”
You have indeed. Your last break up happened similar, they said you weren’t good enough..made up an excuse to break up and you tried begging for them back. But they didn’t give you any reason and without word, left you.
“Yes, my first relationship. The break up ended the same way, and I tried begging for them back…but they left without a word.”
She blinks, guilt rising up in her. She should’ve known this had happened to you, and why did she not know? She doesn’t know.
“I-I’m sorry.” “Stop saying sorry…”
Because you aren’t, is what you wanted to end the sentence with.
Cairo frowns. She didn’t even realize she was responding with a ‘sorry’ every time she spoke. She sighs, “I’m just..I feel awful about this, I should’ve handled things better.”
“It’s fine. If you think without me is better…it’s fine.”
It isn’t fine
She’s hurt, hurt you aren’t trying for her back. She’s sighs and shakes her head,
“you’re too …..good for me.” “That’s what everybody says.”
Cairo seems even more surprised at your response. She didn't know that people had told you that, but she feels like it's true and it stings her a little. She clears her throat. "I- really?" she asks in a shaky voice.
You nod. Cairo nods, as she looks down again. The truth is that she thinks it's true, too. She knows she's not ready for a relationship, especially with someone like you. It was better for her to let you go, especially if she thinks you… can do better. She sighs as she feels the guilt of her decision rise up again.
“Well, they aren’t wrong.”
Well ouch.
Cairo freezes, as she looks straight back at you, her eyes full of tears. That... yeah, that hurt you. That response didn't help her with her guilt at all. She feels like the ground opens up under her feet at the unexpected words.
“Ouch?” She asks.
You sighed, not wanting to explain why it hurt. “Just go.”
Cairo is taken aback by how harsh you are, and her face quickly turns into a frown. She feels like the wind has been knocked out of her, and her breath catches in her throat.
Just... just go? She can't believe this... after all this time they spent together, this is all it took for her to say that so harshly...Even if she was pushing you away first, she doesn’t feel wanted anymore.
“If you think you’re better without me, then just go.” You didn’t want to push her away, but you were.
“Who said I’m better without you?” “You did! You said you’d be better without being in a relationship..and that we weren’t cut out,”
You cried, defending yourself. She grits her teeth, “and…and you took that as I think I’m better without you?”
“Then what?” You crossed your arms, fed up.
Cairo sighs deeply as she looks away. She doesn't know what to say. She doesn't want to make her think that was what she meant. But she feels angry and hurt by her reaction to her words.
“…I said I think I am not ready to be with someone, I never said that I think I can do better without you...”
You sigh. “Then what do you want?”
She doesn’t think before she says, “maybe I would be better without you!”
You shake your head, crying more than before. “Just go..go.”
Cairo swallows deeply as she sees the harshness in her face. She sighs, as she looks down, finally accepting that there is no point in staying. There was no point in fighting back.
“…right.” she says after a few moments, and takes a deep breath. She turns around, starting to take steps away from you, her chest feeling heavy as she does so.
It started raining after, and you watched her leave the garden terrace. Leave you.
Now, all there was..is broken glass
Your fragile heart, shattered
Y’all want a part two?
And I’m working on a continuation of ‘Lonely in her Mansion’ I just suck at smut so bare with me 😭
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reaper2187 · 1 month
Cairo sweet x female reader
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As the school bell rings, a cacophony of chatter fills the hallways, mingling with the light scent of morning coffee and the faint hum of fluorescent lights. Amidst this teeming sea of students, you find yourself drawn to a solitary figure perched on a windowsill near the library.
Her name is Cairo Sweet, and your gaze lingers on her with a curious mix of fascination and trepidation. Her face, framed by a cascade of raven hair, is a canvas of exquisite features: piercing brown eyes that seem to hold a depth beyond her years, a delicate nose, and a mouth that curves into a mysterious smile.
As your eyes connect, you feel an unexpected surge of kinship. She is an enigma, an outsider, like you
 You have always felt like a square peg in a round hole, never quite fitting in with the preppy girls who gossip and giggle in the cafeteria. But in Cairo's gaze, you sense a glimmer of understanding.
With a hesitant step, you approach her. 'Excuse me,' you say softly. 'I'm new here. I couldn't help but overhear that you're Cairo Sweet. My name's [Your Name].'
A faint smile crosses her lips. 'Nice to meet you, [Your Name].'
You sit down beside her, your notebooks open in front of you. The silence between you is comfortable, almost inviting. As the minutes turn into hours, you share stolen glances, whispered secrets, and dreams that have long been buried within.
Cairo tells you about her life before Miller's Creek, her nomadic childhood, and her passion for writing. You, in turn, confide in her about your own struggles and aspirations. For the first time, you feel truly seen and understood.
As the day draws to a close, you and Cairo walk together to your lockers. Your fingers brush against hers, and a spark ignites within you. It is a spark of connection, a desire to be near her, to explore the forbidden realms that lie beyond friendship.
But your burgeoning feelings are met with trepidation. This is high school, after all, and societal norms dictate that girls should only date boys. You fear the repercussions of breaking these unspoken rules.
Undeterred, Cairo leans in and whispers, 'I think you're amazing, [Your Name]. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.'
Her words embolden you. You take her hand and lead her to an empty classroom. The soft glow of the setting sun filters through the windows, casting a warm and intimate light upon the two of you.
With trembling lips, you confess your feelings. To your surprise, Cairo reciprocates. Her kiss is gentle, tentative, and yet filled with an undeniable longing.
In that stolen moment, time stands still. The world outside fades away, leaving only you and Cairo, two hearts entwined in a secret dance of love.
As you reluctantly pull away, Cairo whispers, 'This is against the rules, but it feels so right.'
You smile. 'Maybe we're destined to be rebels.'
Your secret rendezvous becomes a solace amidst the turmoil of high school. You carve out hidden corners in the library, linger in the shadows of the hallways, and steal precious moments together on deserted benches. Your love grows stronger with each stolen kiss, each whispered promise.
But the walls of silence cannot hold indefinitely. Rumors spread like wildfire, and soon you find yourselves at the center of a storm of gossip and condemnation. Some students whisper words of support, but many more cast judgment upon your forbidden love.
As the pressure mounts, you and Cairo face an impossible choice. You could deny your feelings and conform to societal expectations, or you could embrace your love and risk the consequences.
Together, you choose the latter. Hand in hand, you walk through the hallways, ignoring the disapproving stares and hurtful comments. Your love is a beacon of defiance, a testament to the power of the human heart.
In the end, your resilience and unwavering bond silence the critics. Cairo and [Your Name] become a symbol of hope and acceptance for all who dare to love beyond the confines of societal norms.
And as the years go by, your love story becomes a legend whispered among the students of Miller's Creek, a tale of two girls who dared to defy the odds and find happiness in the most unexpected of places.
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classypauli · 11 days
chapter 1
pairing: tara carpenter x fem!Reader
summary: Your and Tara’s “friendship” keeps going and unexpected pairing in school project gets you more closer than you both need.
tags: enemies to lovers, slow burn, alcohol, party, curse words, mistakes
word count: 2.5k
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You don’t like a lot of things, like early mornings, school, tomato soup, and slow people on stairs. But the thing you hate the most is the alarm clock. You are sure that you already have PTSD from it because everytime you hear it, your body wants to shut down. Like right now.
You whined as your ears were met with the most annoying sound on earth. After turning it off you turned your face deep into the pillow. For a couple of minutes, it stopped but you knew it would soon come back.
With a groan, your legs fell onto the cold floor. You don´t have many lessons today, just one but you still couldn´t convince your body to wake up.
Slowly doing your morning routine, grabbing things you need for your lesson and you left. As you were locking your apartment´s door you saw Tara by the elevator. Quickly putting your keys into the pocket of your jeans you started to make your way to her direction.
Every morning you and her were practically overruning to the elevator, making the other one behind to wait.
Your flats are high and the elevator is unfortunately just one. The only way to go down would be to go down the endless stairs or to swallow your dislike towards the Carpenter and go with her. And that´s exactly what you were going to do.
Sadly Tara saw you, and as you were halfway toward her the elevator door suddenly opened. This was her chance, her chance to pay back you from yesterday.
The next thing you saw was Tara quickly going to the elevator and sending you her most annoying grin you have ever seen through the elevator doors that were slowly closing right between your face.
You ran as fast as you could but your body was met with the tough metal doors. And the next thing you could hear was Tara´s echoing laugh.
„That little-“You let out a groan as you punched the closed elevator door.
Forget about the things that were said in the beginning, the thing you most hated was Tara Carpenter.
„Hey Y/N! Why so late?“
Chad asked you with a curious face. Everyone was now sitting by the cafeteria in your university. Every morning you would meet there and start your day together, then split up for lessons if you didn´t have them together.
Your eyes shot to the Carpenter who was sitting by the end of the table, far from you. She was smirking to herself, trying to hide her laugh. You knew and she knew too.
„Nothing serious Chad, just some morning issues.“ You let out as you sat opposite Chad. His twin sister looked trying to figure out the cause of it but as soon as your eyes met Tara´s she understood.
It bothers Mindy, she wants all of her close ones to get along. How come you can´t just bury the war axe and at least accept the presence of one another? If not for you then for your friends.
Mindy can´t imagine the situation of having to choose between the two of you. She doesn´t even want to think about it, the thought of splitting your group into two camps.
You have all been friends since the first years of school. You would share all your classes and after school, you came to each other's houses and played till your parents called. As you got older your hobbies and behavior changed but your friendship stayed the same. Only there was a little problem, you two.
The thing is, despite you both hate each other you are almost the same. Tara has a short temper and you have anger issues. Just a small tinke from you or her and the volcanic eruption is born.
So Mindy took the role of the mother of her two stubborn kids.
Days went by and everything was the same. You were feeling like a mummy this past week because of the schoolwork. You were working your ass off because of the finals and wanting to do as great as you could you needed to pay with your sleep.
Right now you are in civics class. You don´t hate it but you don´t like it either. It is somewhere in the middle. You took this class partly because your friends were there but also because it wasn´t so hard. Yeah you are an idiot. But hand on your heart, who has never done that?
Unfortunately one of the things the students needed to do to pass the class besides the final exam was a group project.
You didn´t like this kind of stuff, especially with someone you barely know but thank God this won’t be your case.
Sitting in a chair one hand was supporting your head and the other was playing with a pen in your hand, spinning it around. You were sitting alone in the back of the class. Mindy diagonally to your left with Chad beside her. Tara was diagonally on your right sitting also alone.
„And for the upcoming project, you will be making groups of two people. Each group will have a different topic and it will be up to you how you will elaborate on it and how you will split your work. The next thing-“
You moved your eyes to Mindy but her back was towards you. The girl was talking to her brother who was nodding at something she was saying. She wouldn´t do this to you, right? Mindy was your partner, your friend, and your only hope for this class.
The class bell rang and with that, you stood up and made your way to her. „Will you pair with me on this project?“ you asked, almost sure that she would say yes.
„Sorry Y/N I´m already with Chad.“ You kept looking at her with open eyes. Did your best friend just betray you? „But you can be with Tara.“
The both of you turned to the spot that was occupied by the brunette and your gazes met.
No no no no no.
Looking up at your roof with a softball in your hand, not paying attention to what going on but also praying it will end as soon as possible. You were currently lying on your back in your bed while throwing the ball against the ceiling.
Your teacher gave you not much time on your project despite how large it needs to be. Unfortunately, there was no other way other than to do it fast. For the sake of both.
„Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that all individuals are entitled to regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, or other factors. They are inherent to all human beings and-“ Tara stopped. „I won´t do this all just by myself.“ She said without turning her head toward you.
Since she came to your apartment you were just quiet, keeping yourself on a leash. Tara was sitting on the ground of your room with the books and notebook around her. You refused to let her use your game computer or your chair, not trusting her with it which she called you crazy.
„You know if you keep doing this it will take much longer.“
You sighed and sat up. You were pretty calm today, Tara was almost enjoying it, only almost. You took one of her books and started to look for something useful to put into your project.
Tara shook her head at your behavior and continued. „An individual rights end where the other individual rights begin-“
„Something you infringed a long time ago.“ You muttered under your breath, reacting to her words. The short girl took a deep breath in and out.
„It can be affected in a way of violence or abuse, meaning of physical, emotional, psychological abuse-“
„Damn, they should lock you up.“ Again you let out softly barely noticeable.
„Can you shut up?!“
„You wanted me to help!“
„But not with being an absolute ass!“
You stood up from your bed and pointed your finger at her. „Listen here, little lady.“
„Oh yeah? Come on tell me.“ She stood up from the ground and made her way toward you. Your angry faces were just centimeters from one another and your hands were formed into fists. Her big brown eyes were staring right into yours with rage. How badly you just wanted to-
You were cut off by the doorbell of your apartment. Both of your faces turned from the way the sound came to each other again with a confused look. Tara pushed you by your shoulders.
„Go! It´s your house!“ she whispered yelling at you.
As you opened the door you were met with the faces of your friends. They wanted to laugh at how weird and at the same time cute it looked, how Tara was right behind you, trying to see who the new intruder was.
„What are you guys doing here?“ you asked inquisitive. Not like you didn´t want them here but it was unexpected.
„Ha! Look at them! They don´t even want us here!“ Chad laughed. „Were you two in the middle of something?“ he asked as he kept raising his eyebrows up and down.
You and Tara looked horrified at the thought of something similar. „What?!“ „No!“
„I didn´t even say what I meant!“
Mindy shook her head and punched her brother in the back of his head before coming into your apartment with the rest of the group. She had a feeling that your meeting about the school project wouldn´t end up like she wanted it to. That’s why she called Chad and Anika to your flat to hang out.
A couple of days now passed by and your focus on study was growing every day. It was not like you were good at it, you didn´t like studying but also you enjoyed learning about new topics that were interesting to you.
Your father called you, asking how you were. You plan to see him in some close time. You missed him. Since started university, he was left almost alone in your hometown. It was not like he was complaining about it, or at least he didn´t say anything about it, but you knew him.
The thought of visiting him unexpectedly made you excited and at least that was something that made you look for something. Not thinking about school only.
Your friendship with Tara was also changing, without your notice. You didn´t argue like you used to. Yeah, still there are times when you two jump into each other's hair, like every day, but not so often.
It´s like an unspoken task that has to be fulfilled. The day wouldn´t be complete if you didn´t fight at least once a day.
The only people that noticed the little changes were your friends. It was really fun for them. When Mindy told everyone about you they couldn´t believe it. So they started to observe and yeah, she was right.
There was still some bickering between you two but it just has to be there. That wouldn´t be you.
Right now you were standing at someone´s party. Your back towards the wall, cup in your hand just looking around the people in the room. You weren’t that much drunk, almost sober. Your friends were somewhere scattered around.
You came together but as the alcohol was coming down the throat more and more they went everyone on their own. You didn´t feel like babysitting your friends today.
The house also wasn´t that big, there were people from your university and they were adults so it wasn´t like something would happen to them.
You were talking with one of your friends from the class, Ethan. He was a good guy, he grew close to your heart.
Then you catch Chad lying on the couch with his drink in hand and something across his face. You squinted your eyes at him and started to come a little closer and as soon as you were beside him you broke into a fit of laughter.
„Oh my God Chad.“ You laughed at your friend who had barely opened their eyes. He saw you and smiled wide at you.
„Y/N! I´m so glad I see you.“
He had some signs drawn with markers across his face. He had big circles around his eyes like glasses and mustache. On his forehead was written, “Even a little wizard can do big magic“.
„How do you feel buddy?“ you tapped his shoulder as you were looking at him with a smile across your face. He was hilarious.
„I feel super great Y/N, will you drink with me?“ he asked as he sat up on a couch and was now trying to get some bottle of alcohol from the table.
„Nah I don´t think-“ You wanted to decline his offer but he cut you off.
„Please, just one.“ He gave you big puppy eyes and you sighed. Chad was one of the guys that when they were drunk they weren´t aggressive but affectionate. How could you say no to him?
After your shot with Chad, you saw Mindy coming to her brother to take him home. She didn´t forget to laugh at his face as she saw him.
In a moment you also saw Tara chatting with some guy. She was smiling up at him as he was flirting with her. You suddenly felt goosebumps running down your spine, you shook your body at the disgusting sigh.
You didn´t care about who was Tara with, it was her life and her body. She could do whatever she wanted. It just made you disgusted in some way. Maybe because she was in your friend group? You didn´t know.
You threw your cup into the trash can and left the party.
Tara was walking to her home. When she didn´t see anywhere her friends and was starting to get bored she also started to make her way home. The girl saw what state Chad was and she knew he wouldn´t be able to go home by himself. So that was minus Chad and Mindy with Anika. You were also there but she barely saw you so she figured you went also home.
As she was getting close to her apartment she was trying to find the key.
No. Please no.
She doesn´t have them. The brunette must forget them inside. When Tara was leaving her house Sam was still home getting ready for work, she closed the door behind her.
Tara breathed out the air from the lungs and slid down the door. Sam will surely kill her when she finds out. But what now? She can´t just sleep in a hallway. Maybe she could try to go in by the window-
Of course not, she isn´t in a movie and their apartment is high. That would be dangerous.
Her eyes fell on the apartment´s door beside her. She hated the idea, it would crush her ego and everything inside of her. Tara was already really embarrassed by the situation she put herself into. It couldn´t be worse, right?
With heavy steps and heart, she was making her way toward your door. She knocked a couple of times, it was late so it was a big possibility you were sleeping already.
Just when she wanted to go back to her door you opened it. Your hair was a bit messy and you were wearing a big white shirt with some pants. Big sleepy eyes of yours were staring at her, processing what was happening.
Tara´s words were stuck in her throat. Like she was caught doing something that was forbidden.
„Hey- I forgot my keys and- I just wanted to ask-“
The girl sighed, she didn´t know what to say. She already regretted her decision to knock on your door. This was so embarrassing.
„If you could sleep over.“ You ended her sentence with crossed arms across your chest.
Despite how you and Tara act towards each other you would never let her sleep somewhere. Maybe also because you appreciate Sam and you know how Sam loves and adores her little sister.
„Come in.“ You opened your door wider for her to come. Tara couldn´t believe you. Really? Just like that without any comebacks and mocking words? Maybe you were too sleepy for that.
You made your way to your room brought a pillow and blanked with some of your clothes that are already small on you. You threw it on a couch and gave the clothes to Tara. „Here, you can change into this.“ Was this even you?
„And you will sleep on a couch. Don’t bother me.“
Yes, it was you.
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