the-village-dunce · 5 months
so uh. crescendo
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status 85% complete unpacking
Ok I've unpacked everything I can without a closet hanger rod, a whole ass wall shelf not yet installed, missing shelf pegs that are currently in my dad's wallet, and no tower PC to speak of (I am not unpacking a single gotdamn cable if I cant plug it into anything that's nuts)
New problem: how do I display an entire bouquet of decorative daggers
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I am allowed to put small nails into the wall but only some of these have chains set up
any suggestions? @hellenhighwater I think this is in your wheelhouse??
lemme know in the replies n stuff folks, pls know that my new roommate HAS a 3D printer
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devildomwriter · 5 months
A Door to the Future | Mammon x Reader
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.7K words | GN! Reader | CW: children
“Shit, which door did Barbatos say it was again…” Mammon walked down a corridor of doors in Barbatos’s room. He wasn’t even sure if he’d gone down the right hallway.
“Red door, red door…I think,” he mumbled as he strolled. His eyes lit up when he saw the door near the end of the hallway. “Bingo!”
He laughed to himself and sprinted to the door. He opened it up exited and waltzed right in when something collided with his leg.
“Hey!” He snapped instinctively before seeing the object was in fact a small boy.
“Oh shit, you alright kid…” Mammon asked and awkwardly crouched down to check on the boy. The boy looked up at him with bright blue eyes and Mammon raised one brow curiously.
“Hey, you kinda look like—“
“Papa!” The boy exclaimed and clung to Mammon’s leg. “I thought I didn’t get to say goodbye.” He sobbed and Mammon froze awkwardly.
“Yeah…um…here I…am?” Mammon was beyond confused and his instincts were telling him this definitely wasn’t the right door.
“Mammon, is that you?” Mammon froze when he heard your voice. Suddenly you appeared before him, older and more graceful than before but just as beautiful.
Mammon’s cheeks flushed when he saw you. “Oh, uh—“
You hugged him excitedly. “Good, I was worried Matty missed you.” You sighed in relief and Mammon looked around the room anxiously.
What was happening? Where did this door lead?
“Why don’t you have some coffee before you go, you can’t run off to work like that without breakfast,” you told him and he nodded wordlessly.
Wasn’t this the house of Lamentation? Something felt different about it. Mammon saw toys scattered across the floor and when he waltzed into the dining room behind you he saw six chairs instead of eight.
This made Mammon uneasy. Was everyone okay?
“Six…” you heard Mammon mumble worriedly.
“Did you forget? Leviathan and Asmodeus are visiting later so I brought the extra chairs out.”
Mammon noticeably relaxed when he felt Matty cling to his leg again. Mammon wasn’t sure what to do and kept walking, dragging the other leg behind him as the boy laughed excitedly.
“Daddy?” Mammon gasped and looked behind him where he saw a young girl, the spitting image of himself.
She wore a backpack and her hair was in a sloppy ponytail. She looked confused and possibly annoyed?
“Why aren’t you at work? Are ya skipping again?” She glared teasingly.
You laughed and Mammon shook his head, “I ain’t skippin’!”
“Ava, don’t tease your father so much,” you scolded and Mammon audibly gulped.
He was cut off when he heard Barbatos’s voice in his head.
“Mammon, return. Now.”
Mammon gently pried the boy from his leg and gave you an anxious look.
“Hey, listen…Umm. I gotta—“
You smiled and nodded. “I know.” Of course, you knew. Mammon wouldn’t stop talking about the future he saw with you when he returned to his own timeline. You’d wondered when you’d finally meet the Mammon of the past again. Alas, you couldn’t get him to stay any longer than he originally had.
You and Mammon shared a knowing smile. “See ya soon…yeah?” Mammon asked and you nodded. You waved and beckoned Ava and Matty to your side.
“Kids, say goodbye to dad.”
Ava grinned and Matty waved, “Bye papa!” They chimed in unison and Mammon, looking back until the last second shuffled out the door he came through.
Barbatos dragged him into the hallway and glared down at him.
“Wh…what was that…” Mammon gasped, holding his chest.
Barbatos rolled his eyes. “That was what you weren’t meant to see.”
“Wh-huh…d-does that really happen!? Are ___ and I gonna? Y-you know!”
Barbatos rolled his eyes again and sighed. “It’s a possibility.”
Mammon turned red and his heartbeat faster. “Hell no! It’s not a possibility, that’s happening! Definitely!”
“If you say so,” Barbatos clucked and started walking away towards the correct door.
“Hey don’t leave me!” Mammon yelled and ran after him, mind racing.
Could he make it happen? Of course, he could right!? Anything to see those little kids again, and you…every day for the rest of his life.
“Ava and Matty, huh…” Mammon grinned to himself. He couldn’t wait to tell you all about it. “___ is definitely gonna be with me, not even Lucifer can change that.”
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lakesbian · 1 year
this would literally never happen but imagine if when the bay is getting its shit back together aisha gets a new caseworker (last one got turned into silly string by leviathan) and brian is like Ok. It will make the new apartment go over better if you're there when the caseworker comes so they see you feel comfortable there. and aisha is like Okay But Only If Alec Can Come So It's Not Totally Boring. and brian is like Absolutely Not. Ten thousand dollars? and aisha is like One Million. and brian is like i am not paying you One Million Dollars to spend an evening at the house where you are going to live. so aisha is like ok. i guess i'm not coming then. and then brian pinches his nose for one million years and goes Fine. and then brian proceeds to have the worst night ever
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ventiswampwater · 9 months
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What do you want from me? What have I done? I'm just a word processor, for Christ sake!
Griffin Dunne as Paul Hackett AFTER HOURS (1985) dir. Martin Scorsese
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saffitaffi · 13 days
So I was thinking about Jesus and came up with a torture device - someone else has probably already thought of something like this but I haven’t seen it yet so I figured I’d post it anyways. I call it the ‘Hanging Dagger’ or ‘Chain Dagger’
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Feel free to use if you want to :)
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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‘Is there a point to any of this or do you just want to see how much more I can take?’ snaps Crassus. ‘Oh, I knew there was still some bite left in you,’ says Cethegus, thrilled. Cethegus teaches Crassus the art of politics and the ways of business. Sulla is not a fan.
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Sulla: the Last Republican, Arthur Keaveney
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Crassus, Catilina, and the Vestal Virgins, Ronald Syme
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Sulla: the Last Republican, Arthur Keaveney
#WAHOO i had a lot of fun writing the comic arc for these three#absolute nightmare dynamic from hell#cethegus has a line trying to figure out what crassus likes before realizing that it's less a matter of preference and more that sulla#got to him first. and you never forget. uh. the guy who unmakes you and leaves you rendered raw or something#like everything after is this weird intersection of love and hate and revisiting old wounds because they're familiar and feel like home#AU cethegus chokes crassus with a rosary because sulla choked him with a chain necklace that had his patron saint on it#same thing. you can never go back home but you can press on the bruise and the satisfaction is the same#tldr; crassus is just so fucking weird about sulla it is in the marrow of his bones. odi et amo. outliving someone is the ultimate payback#build on top of their bones like they built on top of you.#hang on. what is it. lucullus calling pompey a vulture. same with sulla and crassus only crassus won't say it#he'll kick out pompey's legs from under him for doing the same thing tho. only one person gets to treat you like that and so forth#komiks tag#drawing tag#roman republic tag#publius cornelius cethegus#lucius cornelius sulla felix#marcus licinius crassus#that other guy with crassus is cassius' father probably. or some guy. there are so many guys#OH cethegus is kind of driving a knife into the sulla shaped hole in crassus' ribcage by greeting him while he's out with sulla#he's doing that on purpose. it's like. it's fine. he's also doing it to annoy sulla.#what are sulla's feelings on the matter? well. he's responsible for the eyebrow scar crassus has. so.#hi to everyone who read these tags. crassus is a psychosexual mess. please clap for sulla.
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wikitpowers · 1 month
the whispering room herondaisy scene lives in my mind rent free i can’t lie [squeels hysterically]
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art: @cassandrajean
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greekceltic · 7 months
On why my discord servers are 21+
I put this on bluesky a little while ago, I thought I'd put it here too, because I do often get asked. So, on why my discord servers are 21 and older only - Honestly I would love to have everyone (I really would) but after a couple of years of observation it was clear that most of mod time was being spent on the 18 - 20 age range. It's better to wait a minute than have folks getting booted for things they'd grow out of. It was also a mental drain on me personally. I don't run any of my servers solo, but it's tough to have uncomfortable back to back conversations about server rules. In particular if it's someone who came from my social media accounts and may not be expecting that kind of interaction.
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moodyvoid · 11 months
Everyone in the league on a smoke break, sharing cigarettes and intentionally passing them over Toga because they’ll take her on dangerous, life threatening missions, but they will not let her touch a cigarette.
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
Does Wild have a better connection with gods / deity ?
Cause I mean- Gods aren't technically "normal" Living being... Or maybe I'm just overthinking all of this...
And another question qith the same ask just with Dragons, is Wild comfortable with dragons ? I mean to me they looked very linked to the elements and all so...
Yes, 100%, Wild is very connected to Gods and Spirits of all kinds. I’ve talked about this before haha! Wild can communicate telepathically with spirits and spiritual beings (and that includes Gods!) even if he can’t communicate verbally. He, Wars, and Time, have a bit of a telepathy circle haha! It’s part of why they thought Time was a spirit at first!
As for his relationships with dragons, I talk a bit about it in this post.
I hope this answers your question?
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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I can keep you warm, right here 🖤
Treat me ~ Tip me
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banicraft · 7 months
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Blocks that are also items
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
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27 more images beneath the cut:
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Part one of their date:  A mid-afternoon lunch with varying levels of awkwardness.
Master List
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th3b33skn33s · 22 days
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"Take it from an older woman- we're all doomed to repeat our mistakes. So why even worry about it?"
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jakeperalta · 7 months
lucy gray telling snow "the show's not over until the mockingjay sings" and him initially not understanding it and then 65 years later katniss singing the meadow song for rue leading to the first sparks of the rebellion that culminate in the show finally being over for snow........ delicious
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