#Butt Monkey (trope)
junk-jester · 7 months
Don't let the stunning visuals and depressing plot fool you.
While highly unintentional, Breath of The Wild and Tears of The Kingdom are both 100% Nintendo's take on a Wile E. Coyote Simulator, and Link is the Butt Monkey of the game's physics engine.
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 8 months
Was talking with someone about how people like when their favorite characters suffer (or making them suffer) so I drew some Inkys
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yardsards · 2 years
me when i see the "they constantly bicker and tease each other but really do genuinely love each other" trope in romantic couples: ew. cringe. boring. they should break up tbh
me seeing almost the exact same trope between friends: hahaha, classic.
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It’s a good thing that the Seventh Inspector was good with diffusing time bombs,
because had Jeffrey got his hands on them, they most certainly would have exploded.
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doodlebat33 · 9 months
Hey can you do a netflix monkey king x reader? like where it’s the idea that opposites attract? Like since monkey king is very hesitant to show his feelings or express them. The reader expresses their feelings a lot and likes to sort things out by talking to each other and solving the problem. just feel like Monkey king didn’t like it at first it. But then he does later on as he gets to know us. I loved your fic about Netflix monkey king x reader. That made me twirl my hair and kick my feet❤️❤️❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 thank you for feeding my hyperfixation whatever it’s called🙏🏼🙏🏼
Absolutely yes and thank you!
I think I've got a pretty good scenario depicting this in short or really how it would begin
Going to be writing this and any Y/n interactions in a more modern au/sort of Isekai take (Monkey King wakes up from mediation in a completely new cave and y/n finds him there and takes him home) Mainly because I am a sucker for the fish-out-of-water trope, that's the good stuff!
Y/n is sitting on large bean bag in their room, watching some videos on their phone. Monkey King walks in he looks to them
"Whatcha doin?"
Y/n looks up at him and says they're just watching some stuff and he's welcome to watch with them if he'd like. He shrugs
"Nah I'll pass."
Monkey King sits on the very very edge of the bean bag, tending to stick and giving it a few twirls. He looks over to Y/n's phone out of curiosity. Y/n looks over to him, and they ask him why he is sitting so far away from them. Monkey King rolls his eyes,
"I'm just getting some buffs outta stick. Don't wanna intrude on, whatever it is you're doing."
Y/n says that they don't bite and he can sit closer if he wants to. Monkey King huffs a bit and reluctantly sits a little bit closer. As time goes on, he puts Stick down and inches closer and closer in order to see what y/n is watching. Soon enough, and he hardly even notices it, he gets so close to the point that his head is practically resting on y/n's shoulder. Y/n chuckles a bit and playfully nuzzles his face. Monkey King recoils and gives y/n a rather perturbed expression.
"OK then! Like I said, didn't wanna get in your space."
Y/n looks back at him and apologizes, they just thought it was funny how close he was and jokingly say that he's so close that he's practically snuggling up to them. Monkey King immediately retracts and starts to huff and puff with a sarcastic tone,
"Well, I'm sure if I knew what that meant I would be super offended!"
Y/n's happy expression swiftly turns to confusion and asks if he knows what snuggling is. Monkey King shakes his head, Y/n asks about cuddling, and Monkey King shakes his head, they ask about Nuzzling? Monkey King thinks for a second, kind of shrugs but still shakes his head. Y/n is of course completely baffled by this new information.
They put their phone down, turn to him, and start to explain it. After the explanations, Monkey King simply raises an eyebrow and retracts his head back. He doesn't know how to feel about this, part of him is very intrigued by it but the other part of him, the whole "this monkey hero's alone", pushes the feeling away. He stifles a laugh and just kind of shrugs it off,
"Pfft, sound's pretty sappy! I don't think that's happening anytime soon, definitely not what I was going for, sorry to get your hopes up haha!"
Y/n shrugs it off and picks their phone back up continuing to watch the video they were watching. After a bit of time, y/n remembers that they could hear Monkey King stirring a lot in his sleep, sometimes even growling or snapping his teeth. They ask him if he's been having nightmares. Monkey King sort of tenses up but quickly rolls the feeling off his shoulders.
"Nah! Just dreaming about kicking demon butt! Nothing can shake me up, need I remind you I took on a dragon king and heaven all in the same day? You think a little nightmare can rile me up? Hah! think again." He turns away from y/n and picks Stick back up. His confidence fades from his face.
Y/n suggests that, if he ever were to have nightmares he is more than welcome to tell them. Y/n says whenever they have nightmares, they tend to snuggle either their stuffed animals or pillows that they have and that tends to help a lot. Monkey King shakes his head, still avoiding eye contact, his voice a bit defensive
"I can take care of myself. I've done it for this long, not gonna stop now."
Later on, in the dead of the night, Monkey King wakes up from another nightmare. He sits up on the large bean bag and tries to keep his labored breathing to himself so as not to wake up Y/n. He manages to somewhat calm down but, he's still on edge. He remembers what y/n had mentioned earlier that day. But, he didn't want to feel weak, to feel like he needed to depend on someone. He's taken care of himself for so long, he should be able to manage this himself. He looks at of y/n's stuffed animals and thinks to himself,
"Well… I mean, they're asleep, They'll never know."
Reluctantly, he plucks up one of y/n's stuffed animals and grips it tightly. But of course, to no avail this is help at all, it only makes his desperation stronger. He tosses the stuffed animal to the side and looks at y/n, still fast asleep with their arm wrapped around a large pillow. He quietly walks over to Y/n's bed, a quiet grumble in his throat. He sticks his tongue out and softly bites it as he tries to think. How can he get close without them waking up? He gets an idea and puts it into action. He grabs the pillow y/n is holding and tries to slowly take it from them.
Y/n adjusts themselves in their sleep and Monkey acts faster. He snatches the pillow from them, crawls under their arm, and lays down with his back turned to them. His ear flicks to see if y/n has woken up from any of that. They sigh in their sleep and wrap their arms around Monkey King, holding him close. Monkey's whole body stiffens up as his fur bristles to their soft touch. Is this, are they snuggling? His mind starts to race with a never-ending barrage of worries:
"Does this make me a wuss? They'll never let me live this down if they find out! What am I doing?! This was a horrible idea!"
Just before his worries his their peak, he gains clarity again by y/n softly nuzzling his back. His muscles start to relax as he faintly sighs, maybe, just for tonight. One night. His eyes start to feel more heavy and he quickly drifts off to sleep.
Monkey king x reader Masterpost
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hyperray · 7 months
TV Tropes mentions something called the Eight Deadly Words, which is an expressions that tells that the characters and overall story are so disengaging that they can make the audience say this: "I don't care what happens to these people." And it got me thinking that Helluva Boss is reaching that tropes. At the beginning of the show I was genuinely interested where their original assassin family plot would go, but things have become so uninteresting and messy that now I want some of the main characters to die or be cast away. Blitz is such a horrible person, he kills children and constantly makes sex jokes, but the show tries to make him sympathetic and "uwu love me" UGGH! I kinda want him to die now. Moxxie is always getting build up and back down, sometimes the episode want to make him develop into someone more brave and confident, but in the end he is always the butt-monkey, it's like reality/the writers make him suffer in a personal Hell that makes even us tired of it. What do you think?
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Confessions #34
"I know some Boimler stans like to complain that their fave is the Butt Monkey of the show, but the real Butt Monkey trope character of the show is Steve Stevens. At least Boimler didn't get fused with a beluga whale and has a group of admiring fangirls back home in Modesto."
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t4tails · 5 months
smth thats irked me recently in watching ttg is how like. often robin gets played off as a joke? by like everyone? i think theres one scene where starfire, beastboy, and cyborg “prank” him into thinking this parents are still alive? and its funny???
yeah robin in teen titans go is like, the picture boy of the butt monkey trope to me. which gets annoying because i actually think the show uses him best when hes comically serious, and right. ie as the straight man to the others zany comedy. and yeah some later plots with him just end up outright cruel but theres an episode in season 1 where they all literally die so i cant be too mad
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themightyhumanbroom · 4 months
The Butt Monkey is a bad character trope I think is often overlooked. This trope is defined here by TV tropes:
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I am of the opinion that this trope is just a poisonous as if not more than the one where everything goes right for a character. I'm not saying don't hand your characters L's but it is a bell curve. If you never give them any wins or even dignity, you didn't write a character, you wrote a one dimensional gag. Also it just comes off as lazy and I can't help be a little creeped out by the casual cruelty.
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slushrottweiler · 10 months
Hold on tight
My little contribution to the @wayhavenficexchange for this year. My lovely giftee was @doulyeah, with a request for Mason and F!detective, including funny twilight references and banter. I hope you like what I've come up with. Your detective sounds so fun!
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Mason was halfway out the window when he heard her heartbeat.
Well - honestly, he had been hearing it more and more recently. It was like a little part of his mind was always honed in on the steady thump thump thump of the detective’s pulse, his ears straining for the sound no matter the distance. He heard it so often that it had become a gentle background noise; a calming beat that seemed to blend into the jumble of sounds that Wayhaven had to offer.
Tonight, with the heavy sounds of wind through the forest trees and the mile wide circle of nocturnal wildlife cavorting around, her heartbeat was still a gentle echo that grew louder the closer to the roof he got. Mason cursed under his breath and considered whether he should just slip back into the building and find somewhere else to dull the pounding in his head. When had his rooftop perch become their meeting place? Now where the fuck was he supposed to go?
“Mason? Why are you hanging off the gutter like a spider monkey?”
“Spider what?” Mason snapped back, head popping over the roof edge to shoot the detective an indignant look.
Fuck, she looked good in the moon light.
All that soft beige skin; skin he knew shivered when he stood too close, or blushed russet when he murmured in her ear; it looked bronzed in the silver light. Far too much of it was visible for such cool weather, and goosebumps were clearly visible all the way from the sleeves of her tank top down her arms. Her legs swung down over the edge, bare feet kicking in the empty air. That heartbeat of hers picked up slightly as she met his gaze, and for a moment he forgot to be annoyed. But only for a moment.
“Is that another of your sparkle vamp tropes Sweetheart?” he asked, dropping down to sit shoulder to shoulder with her. When had he crossed the roof? He didn’t even remember choosing to sit down.
But the moment his shoulder brushed hers, a little of his headache faded. He supposed it was easier to focus on her, than on the racket of his senses. She took up a good amount of space, as far as distractions went.
The laugh she sent up into the sky held his attention far better than any of the forest noises. The flash of her grin seemed to defuse the bright moonlight, and his clothes didn’t feel so damn scratchy when he could feel the heat of her through it.
“Ah HA! You do remember!” She pointed her finger at him, and Mason caught her wrist on instinct.
“How could I not,” he grumbled, “those damn films are akin to torture. I cannot believe you convinced Felix that they were fun.”
“Because they are!”
“Nothing about watching a couple of blue tinted morons angst at each other could possibly be fun.”
“Admit it, you’re team Jacob and you’re just mad he didn’t get the girl.”
“I ain’t on the dog’s side!”
Again, her laughter bubbled out of her. Mason wasn’t used to making someone laugh this much. That must be why it made his chest tight. He had to acclimate to it. Yeah, that’s it.
Mason did not pout. But he did change the topic. “How did you know I was there?”
She shook her head at him with a smirk. “I could see the smoke.”
A faint orange glow reflected back at him from her dark eyes, and Mason remembered he had a lit cigarette between his lips. The burn of the nicotine, the acrid smell; he’d barely noticed it since he saw her. Without questioning it, Mason reached up and stubbed out the smoke beside him, flicking the butt off into the woods as he watched the shadows soften on the detective’s face now that only the moonlight lit her.
“Well aren’t you observant?”
“Yeah, not like that’s my job or anything.”
He shook his head. “Or maybe you just know this is my spot. “
“I mean, was I wrong?”
It was Mason’s turn to tease. “Aww,” he crooned, “did you miss me? Have a bad dream?”
He expected a glib comeback. Something sarcastic to get him all worked up. Instead, the detective snapped away from him, spine ramrod straight. She tore her gaze from his, and it stung behind his own eyes. A stiff breeze picked up, catching her dark curls and whipping them around her face. Pushing the scent of her toward him.
The salty tang of fear mixed with her usual scent and Mason froze. She sighed, shoving her hair back with a shaky hand.
Without the sharper shadows from his cigarette, he could clearly see the tired circles under the detective’s eyes. What he had thought were only goosebumps were actually a mild tremor. Holding her wrist, he could feel the warped texture of her scar, raised and tight. He stroked his thumb over it, and felt her pulse skitter under his touch. Maybe her heartbeat hadn’t picked up when he’d appeared. Maybe it had already been pounding. Maybe there was a reason she was out here in the freezing night air, still in her sleep clothes, alert to anything as small as a tendril of smoke.
“Hey” Mason started, but she cut him off.
“Wait Sweetheart-” But she was already pulling away, and the world was rushing back in. His clothes felt like sandpaper, the wind stung as it whipped at his face. Animals skitters, birds hollered. Somewhere downstairs, Nate and Adam were talking quietly in the study. His own heart was beating a tattoo behind his eyes. It matched her own.
“You’re right. I should go. This is your spot, I shouldn’t have come…”
Don’t go.
She froze and he yanked. The grip he had on her wrist tightened just enough to pull her closer, she fell more securely against him. Shoulders, hips, thighs, all aligned now. The world receded away as she whirled to look at him, shocked eyes wide. But she didn’t try to get up again.
Slowly, like he was trying not to startle her, Mason lifted her scarred wrist to his own lips and, whilst still holding her gaze, he pressed a soft kiss to the raised skin. He felt her tremble. Her heartbeat was the only thing he could hear, fluttering and erratic for a different reason now.
He should do something. Say something. Apologise.
Fuck it.
Mason curled his other arm around her and pulled her in tight. He felt it as her tensed muscles slowly relaxed, until she melted down. Her head dropped onto his shoulder and her other hand reached up to grip his shirt, tightly at first, then looser as she took in deep breaths. Normally, it was her who initiated their hugs. She, who wrapped him up in her arms.
He could hold on tight. Just for tonight.
“Just for tonight.” he murmured into the top of her head. A weak chuckle puffed out of her.
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faintingheroine · 4 months
I truly do believe that Yılmaz Şahin modeled Nigar’s arc on the tragic heroines who die because of adultery. Not on any one particular one, but on the general trope.
But it fails because tragedy requires some grandeur for the character beforehand so that it will work. Not necessarily class position, but something, some dignity.
Nigar on the other hand starts out being a Kalfa who is beaten and abused by everyone and ends as pretty much that except she is not even a Kalfa anymore, and her love for Ibrahim always has the element of “cringe” to it, even while Meral Okay was writing it. Something doesn’t work. She is more the Butt Monkey than the tragic heroine. This is why I want her love to have been returned in some capacity because otherwise hers is such a pointless story.
She is also lacking in main-character-energy as I have said in the first post.
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intrepidacious · 8 months
✩ upcoming wips
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i haven't been posting a lot lately because i'm a slow writer and life has been kicking my butt but i've wanted to let you take a peek at what i've been cooking up in the background!!
what little attention i have at the moment has been going into time after time but there's a lot of ideas constantly swirling around in my head and i've wanted a place to put some of them. shockingly, these aren't even all of my wips. yeah, i know.
this is just a snapshot of the most prominent fic ideas i've been working on at the moment which means that plots and especially titles might still get changed. also i'm not committing to any sort of schedule with these so keep that in mind :')
please feel free to ask questions about any and all of these and i'll do my best to answer <3
✩ one shots
a smile that cold - ransom drysdale x f!reader - au inspired by daphne du maurier's rebecca - (well, mostly by its musical adaptation, which is great) - i'm going full gothic/seasonally spooky vibes in this one - tropes: widower remarries, mystery, dark-ish (well, there's murder), perhaps a hint of spice - status: mostly done, but still missing a chunk in the middle
to home afar - bucky barnes x freader - the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society au - (oh yes we're going there) - i love this book and this au so much but i just haven't had the time to focus on it - tropes: 40s!bucky, dad!bucky, writer!reader, one (1) broken engagement, fitzsimmons appearance, hints of epistolary storytelling, pen pals to friends to lovers - status: about halfway done, still missing some connective tissue
all that's been (and all that won't) - bucky barnes x f!reader - buffy the vampire slayer au - tropes: slayer!reader, vampire hunter!bucky, friends to lovers, inspired by me rereading all the vampire knight manga so if you know those you'll see the twist coming, canon-typical violence - status: conception phase, some scenes written
stay here forever - 40s!bucky barnes x f!reader - a continuation of first date, last night - this was a plan ever since i posted that story and yet - tropes: friends to lovers, mutual pining resolved, tfa!bucky, kinda angsty, will probably get another part … - status: mostly written, missing connective tissue
just for spite - bucky barnes x witch!reader - originally inspired by a moodboard by @treatbuckywkisses - this has been sitting in my drafts for an embarrassingly long time - might end up being a collection of loosely connected one shots - tropes: post tfatws!bucky, practical magic vibes, there's a cat, slow burn? maybe? - status: first part done, some more scenes written
death becomes him - steve rogers x grim reaper!reader - inspired by a mix of meet joe black, elisabeth (the musical, not the movie), the fairy tale godfather death, and the show dead like me - this is such a weird idea and i need to write it so bad - tropes: canon-compliant-ish, slow burn, artist!steve, will probably include time jumps, dark-ish for obvious reasons - status: random scenes written
tomorrow - steve rogers x reader - inspired by the river song storyline in doctor who - (yes you read that right) - i love using my most random au ideas for steve, i think this works so well and i'm so excited about it - tropes: opposing timelines, kind of slow burn kind of established relationship, goes through steve's entire mcu timeline - status: scenes written, writing time shenanigans is tiring if that's all you do though :')
ghost light - lighthouse keeper!steve rogers x reader - (yeah) - this one is so random but i cannot stop thinking about it - tropes: retired!steve, maybe a little angsty but it's fine really, either writer!reader or barista!reader - status: vibes and like two paragraphs
mirror's image - endings, beginnings!frank x reader - fic based on "why'd you only call me when you're high" by the arctic monkeys - tropes: fwb, drug consumption, angst and spice, idk if this will have a happy ending or not - status: about one third done
✩ series / AUs
dear heart, it's me - anthology based on the amazing devil's album "the horror and the wild" - listen for vibes 😌 - will probably posted for a milestone celebration - pairings include: stucky, bucky barnes x reader, natasha romanoff x reader, wanda maximoff x reader, jefferson x reader, steve harrington x reader (more tbd) - status: one fic stuck in revision, three more started, real excited for one additional one atm
nothing else will do - continuation/expansion of my rewritten drabble - think medieval-ish fantasy vibes, once upon a time with some princess bride thrown in there - pairings include: outlaw/pirate!steve rogers x reader, knight!bucky barnes x reader - status: lots of daydreaming and some random scenes put onto paper
occupy my brain - continuing these two drabbles - ransom drysdale x reader - there will be at least two more chapters but i am aiming to keep this one short and sweet - status: it’s more or less planned out, if only someone would finish writing it down that’d be great
come fly with me - introducing my pilot!bucky au!! - i’m not sure where it came from either but i’m having fun and it grew out of my control fast - series of connected one shots within the same universe - (i also have plans for sam and steve with this one!!) - status: not a priority rn, but i have a couple of ideas floating around my brain
read you like a book - library au!! - you’ve already been introduced to this universe’s bucky and steve and i love them dearly - status: again, not a priority at the moment but they’re coming
something bout you - beloved - ngl returning to this one is probably gonna hurt but i still want it to exist - college au steve rogers x reader - this is my childhood friends fake dating au that i made up for ren - status: hopefully i will return to this one day after tat is done
i feel awkward tagging people in this but do feel free to reblog this and do tell me about your favourites lmao okay have a nice weekend 🫶🏼
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Okay so, context: Cinder Fall is a deconstruction of the "Femme Fatale" trope.
She's introduced as the Decoy Big Bad and serves as the primary antagonist of RWBY's Beacon Arc. As she only possesses HALF of the Fall Maiden Powers (due to only consuming HALF of the previous Fall Maiden's soul with a Grimm symbiote she fused with before Qrow interrupted her), she has to use subterfuge and stealth to accomplish her goals, only directly fighting Ruby twice (both times concealing her identity in some way), and instead using Roman Torchwick and the White Fang as proxies.
After she receives the other half of the Maiden Powers, the power gets to her head and she abandons her typical tactics in favor of trying to brute force everything, believing herself to be completely untouchable now that she has "real" power, only for the Grimm she fused with to leave her vulnerable to the Silver Eyes, meaning Ruby basically MELTS her without even meaning to when the shock of watching Pyrrha die at Cinder's hand triggers her powers for the first time.
Cinder survives, but loses an arm and an eye as a result of the destruction of the Grimm she fused with, and has to spend all of Volume 4 physically recovering. She is also consumed with a desire for revenge against Ruby, convinced that all she needs is a little MORE power to be truly untouchable.
It takes until Volume 8's finale (and multiple near death experiences) for Cinder to stop relying on brute force and use actual strategy again, but in the mean time she serves as a "Karmic Butt Monkey" due to her belief that she only needs a higher power level to kill everyone she hates (which is anyone who happens to be happier than her).
oh dear
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Double Agent Droid"
Don't mess with Hera's droid, y'all.
Zeb and Ezra fistbumping in solidarity and relief that they're not the ones doing this mission.
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I still cannot believe they sampled "Anything You Can Do" from Annie Get Your Gun, the audacity and wackiness of that choice.
Wedge regretting all of his life choices now lol.
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Right so the Stormtroopers don't make Chopper... wait at all? While the scanner is thinking? They just let him through the doors while it's still deciding if he's legit or not?
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I'm sorry, these guys are just... so bizarre. The one dude with glasses that looks uncannily like Pablo Hidalgo just takes me RIGHT of the immersion.
*whispers* What do they even do?
Also why does the Controller sound way more human than the others????
I have so many questions and even AP and Chopper's bickering can't distract me from them.
Bond Villain Stupidity in not alerting the station.
Though... does anyone actually... work here? We see the other AP droid and no one else inside the facility at all.
The Controller is thinking to capture the base coordinates from Chopper. Not a bad plan but fortunately Hera wipes his memory banks between every mission, because as much as she loves her droid she can't risk compromising the safety of the Rebellion's operations and therefore takes reasonable precautions in case Chopper gets lost, stolen, or captured, Anakin.
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Who are you, weird glasses man?
I'm not sure why the Alliance needs the orbital clearance codes for Lothal. They're not exactly planning to sneak in through the blockcade when they make their attack. Unless they planned on using the Quasar carrier or something to get behind the blockade and then release a whole bunch of fighters while in atmosphere?
Like, this wouldn't be an issue if the episode had not established, specifically, "We need these codes for the eventual attack on Lothal." If they had just needed updated codes to get in and out through the blockade since they'd been changed or cycled out that would be one thing but as it is....
Yooooooouuu are gonna need to run those numbers again my man, there's no way you had close to any kind of 80% chance of getting near the Rebel base.
Chopper being nice is immediately suspicious.
Controller dude is doing a terrible job impersonating Chopper, which is why this was a dumb plan to begin with.
"We must appease him [AP-5]." Literally the opposite of what Chopper would do, you need to actually study your targets before trying to impersonate them, why are y'all so bad at this?
This is one of those tropes that annoys me, when the impersonator is doing such a bad job of playing the target that it should ping people's suspicions or at least make them ask what the hell is up with them.
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Poor Wedge is such a butt monkey in this episode but it is hilarious.
Rebels said don't be so quick to discount conspiracy theories, send note.
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To AP-5's credit, Ezra and Hera do ping Chopper's behavior as weird.
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Ezra honey, please sit on the furniture like a normal person lol.
All right, some props in that we figure things are funky much quicker than most characters in this type of scenario.
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Who's... who's room is that?
*mental map of the ship*
Gotta be Hera's, right? Closest to the cockpit, correct side... Except it doesn't look like the props and assets from Hera's room so I dunno.
*rubs temples* Why do they need a data spike to decode the navicomputer? Chopper never needed to do anything put plug in to access the navicomputer before, this is only to add a ticking clock device isn't it?
Some people questioned why Ezra didn't use his lightsaber, which could have been a plot hole except for one I'm sure Hera would severely disapprove of her ship being chopped up and two... he doesn't have his lightsaber, it's not clipped to his belt anywhere.
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Ezra managing to hang on to Zeb here is kind of impressive, actually.
You can tell Chopper's compromised and trying to find the base from the hold computer? Really?
"We don't have spacesuits." YOU GET 'EM LATER THOUGH, LOLOL.
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I'm sorry I cannot take you seriously dude, lol.
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Ooooh Hera mad.
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See, Ezra knows.
That's... not even remotely how that works, Hera, but okay,
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This genuinely sad moment deserved such a better episode.
The unhinged insanity that is AP-5 almost breaking into a musical number.
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Wedge getting caught in the crossfire lol.
This episode is... I don't even know. Nothing about it makes sense, it has moments of genuine hilarity but they're mismatched pieces in a weird patchwork of tropes and plot elements that are disjointed and slapdash and I just--*rubs face over hands*--it's so BIZARRE and it's funny in a way but I can't I just... can't.
Not even trying to superficially tie this into Thrawn's search for the base gives this enough plot relevance, I would... I would not keep this episode. Like, either fold some of this into "Warhead" to make that stronger or axe this entirely and wholecloth replace it with something else. (Maybe another episode of Ezra struggling with his holocron addiction since people were apparently so pressed that that arc was short.)
I think even the show was embarrassed about this one, I remember we would usually get an episode preview in the Rebels Recon and a TV spot before each new episode and with this one they just kind of... skipped ahead to talking about "Twin Suns", ha ha.
Final verdict I guess? I would save the funny bits and try to put them in a different episode but otherwise this episode is kind of a skip.
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It’s truly unfortunate that Jeffrey can’t be brought back to join the 15th Inspector, given Rik Mayall’s passing.
At least we have the comfort of knowing that Jeffrey died doing what he did best, something incredibly stupid.
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goldnhalos · 8 months
hello everyone ! my name's fox, (she/they, 25, brt.) and i'm so excited to be here ! i haven't joined a group in... i want to say like a year and a half ? maybe two ? so pls be patient with me while i get my grind back lmao. this is santi, he's a mix and match of some old characters i have, i hope u all enjoy him ! i'll be posting a plotting call on the discord server soon but if you wanna hmu there and start plotting already, my handle is aslutforpainandsuffering
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* ◟ : 〔 pedro pascal, cis man + he/him 〕 santiago flores , some say you’re a forty-five year old lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both gentle and guarded, one can’t help but think of riders on the storm by the doors when you walk by. are you still an active assassin for red eye, even with your reputation as the arcane? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and bruised knuckles. a pile of unread letters thrown across the floor. a broken whiskey bottle, although we can’t help but think of oliver marks ( if we were villains ) + matthew prior ( gallant ) + jackson healy ( the nice guys ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
tw: violence ; torture ; suicide ; drug / alcohol abuse ;
. * basics !
full name: santiago flores.
known as: santi ; mr. flores.
age + birthday: forty-five ; july 10th.
birthplace: unknown.
gender + pronouns: cis male ; he/him.
sexuality: bisexual.
occupation: assassin.
fc: pedro pascal.
spoken languages: english ; spanish.
tropes: bad liar, trauma conga line, unconscientious objector, butt-monkey.
phisical atributes: 5 ft 11" (1.80m); lean built ; no tattos ; several scars ; scraggily beard.
. * early days !
the only memory santiago has of his family is os his siblings running through a green pasture; he can remember the soft feeling of his mother's lap underneath his cheek, and the way her fingers ran through his hair. the sound of little children laughing haunts his dreams, but there's not a single face in sight. the people in his memory are nothing but blurred sillouettes, ghosts of people he once knew, of the child he once was. the orphanage, though, of that his memories are crystal clear: the beating, the fear, the hope that somebody would come and rescue him, and then the subsequently disapointment once he grew old enough to understand that nobody would. and then, nanuvut. the cold was somehow worse than the beatings, worse than the physical training that took and took and took from him until santi was nothing but a shell of the smiley kid he'd once been. killing is all that he knows, but santiago has never been at peace with it. he's familiar with death, has given it his entire life and soul, but it has never been something he enjoyed, something he got used to it. despite all the training, his handlers have never been able to supress his kind soul and gentle ways— nature vs. nurture, santiago being the living proof that there are some things nothing can ever truly change. all he wants is some peace and quiet, a life away from all of the decay and violence; a herb garden far away from the city, a sunlit kitchen and a big library to ruffle through. his dreams of tranquility have yet to come: when all you know is the underbelly of chaos, the rotten people and monsters, no other place feels like home.
. * recent years !
santiago tried leaving; at twenty-three, he tried to hang up his guns and become a regular, law-abiding citizen. and he didsurprisingly well. santiago went as far as graduating college, a major in psychology, and those were the best four years of his life. he partied, and he fell in love, and for the first time since he could remember, santi felt truly free. like he could finally be himself, like the blood on his hands had finally washed away. he settled down, and married a nice girl. his dreams of a suburbia life iwth white picket fences and a big slobbering dog were so close to become a reality he could barely believe it. a month after his marriage, another operative showed up. the operative -- probably a mercenary, santiago figured -- destroyed his home, tied his doe-eyed wife to a chair and ripped every single one of her nail before he got home from work. the message was clear: he was to return willingly to the red eye and fufill his purpose, or they would force his hand and the punishments for it would be devastating. his wife survived, but the trauma was too much. it ruined their marriage faster than anything else ever could, and santiago saw no other option but to return to his handlers with his tail between his legs. the corporeal punishments and risky missions were nothing compared to the feeling of falure, and santiago found solace in drowning himself in liquor, white lines and all sorts of chemicals that he could get his hands on. it started to affect his job, and santiago got slippery. more than once, the organization had to step in to prevent him from going to jail. considering his large death toll, santiago was giving a single chance: if he didn't get his act cleaned up, he could be terminated. as it turned out, santiago's destructive behavior was meant as self-sabotage, not as suicidal tendencies, and his self-preservation instincts took over. after a hellish period of going in and out of rehab, santiago has been somewhat clean; he hasn't exactly dropped the alcohol, though his black outs have stopped getting in the way of his work, and he's gone cold turkey on any narcotics. a functioning alcoholic, a friend called him once. it was good enough for the red eye, in the end.
. * wanted connections !
a best friend ; the only person in the world that santi trusts. he's not one to give himself lighty, but this person has proven time and time again that they're his ride or die. ( 0 / 1 )
an old friend ; someone that was in the orphanage with him. maybe they get along, maybe they hate each other, this dynamic can be played in any sort of way. ( 0 / ?? )
friends of all kinds ; santiago can be kind of closed off, but as it turns out he can be quite friendly once you push through that, so he probably gets along with this person pretty well. ( 0 / ?? )
an ex ; ever since his marriage, santi has big issues with commitment. in his life of work, he knows having a partner is a weaklink, something people can use against you. they cared for each other deeply, but once things got started to get serious, santiago jumped ship, probably in the worst way possible. ( 0 / 1 )
a protegé ; there's something about this person that just makes santiago's instincts bubble up. it's someone he'd kill and die to protect, and has been working on teaching them as many of his own skills as he possibly can. bonus points if this is someone that can handle their own better than he ever could, but he insists that they need help anyways. ( 0 / 1 )
the enemy ; santiago has made many enemies along the way ; he's quite blunt, and despite not enjoying violence, he does resort to it whenever needed. they've probably come blow to blow at some point before, and it doesn't get better. ( 0 / 1 )
the bad influence ; santiago's a very strict, logical person. he doesn't do things on whims, and certainly doesn't partake in reckless behavior very often. this is someone with whom santi's first instinct is to be “well, what the hell!” and he’ll do things he normally wouldn’t, be that go to a rave late at night, do the hard drugs he's supposedly given up years ago or just eat that greasy bacon cheeseburger that might give him a heart attack. ( 0 / 1 )
the protective friend ; there’s nothing santiago doest best than taking care of people. in return, no one really takes care of him. except for this person, who’s there for him when he breaks down, who would go head first into a bar fight to watch his six and just doesn’t fuck around when it comes to calling santiago out on his bullshit. ( 0 / 1 )
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