#Butt Monkey
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wrongweaponsdrawn · 5 months
“This guy is suffering, and he will suffer more.”
- the narrator about tippet
(Source: ghost narrator, Columbia Marionette Theater show at an adult only party at the mod’s local library)
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Life just sucks for these two, don’t it?
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It’s a good thing that the Seventh Inspector was good with diffusing time bombs,
because had Jeffrey got his hands on them, they most certainly would have exploded.
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irafook · 8 months
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Small painting to go with one of @heart-cores 's amazing fics ♡
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the-witchhunter · 11 months
DP x DC: No Time for Monkey Business
Danny’s family is gone. His parents, Jazz... 
Danny had come home to Fenton works only to find the place tossed and ransacked, the portal broken, and his family missing. Danny doesn’t know who to trust, but he needs to find his family and whoever took them. He can’t do it on his own though, He needs help. He needs a detective, and who better to help then the greatest detective in the world...
Bobo T. Chimpanzee aka Detective Chimp
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For those of you unfamiliar with Detective Chimp, he is canonically the best detective in the world, better than Batman who is merely the best human detective. His skills include being able to speak to any living creature, eternal youth, hyperintelligence, incredible deductive skills, occult knowledge, and alcoholism
okay, the alcoholism isn’t a skill bit it’s wild he’s an alcoholic in canon. His entire lore is frankly wild, including Rex the Wonder Dog and the fountain of youth plus a court case that examined the implications of him being an animal owning his own business and making contracts. The ape has been in a surprising amount of team ups, from Batman, to the Shadowpact, and is in the regular rotation of Justice League Dark
He owns a magic sword called the Sword of Night, and is sassy with a sort of dry humor. Honestly kind of similar to constantine in some ways.
And Danny should play the Watson to his Sherlock. 
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cncity · 22 days
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i got the. very expensive. CN blanket!!! literally a dream i love it...it was made as a gift for cn studios of all the shows that were currently being produced (thats y chowder is there!!) im gonna treasure this forever and ever
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noodlecatt467 · 9 months
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I could not get this interaction out of my head where the baboon would immediately assume Wukong and Macaque are a couple and them just being very confused when Wukong says that’s not the case
You know those two people that obviously love each other and everyone knows it but them,yeah that’s FFM with these guys, and they are over it
This scene is hypothetical and I have yet to decide whether it’s canon to the CelestialPrimatesAU comic
Also the grey monkey is the solder that rides with wukong on the cloud in the AU comic, I named him Wei,he has anxiety and I love him
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semisolidmind · 4 months
I read your reply to the Peng Anon question, and honestly, I can see the monkeys of FFM spreading word about the fight, especially the baby monkeys handing out hand-drawn advertisements to anyone that saw them.
extra extra read all about it
stupid bitch bird gets their feathery ass rightfully handed to them by the one demon they really shouldn't have messed with
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havockingboo · 8 months
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Little guys gotta stick together
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 8 months
Was talking with someone about how people like when their favorite characters suffer (or making them suffer) so I drew some Inkys
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lpsotd · 2 months
Do you have any least favorite figures of gen 1 or 2?
Or least favorites in general?
I'm very curious
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i have no least favorite gen 1 or 2 pet. my least favorite lps in general is baboon #2309 simply because i think he's butt dookie ugly.
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It’s truly unfortunate that Jeffrey can’t be brought back to join the 15th Inspector, given Rik Mayall’s passing.
At least we have the comfort of knowing that Jeffrey died doing what he did best, something incredibly stupid.
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A Bone to Pick (Chapter Preview)
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(Shadowpeach shippers I am serving crumbs on a silver platter, come and eat!)
“Macaque, what exactly are you—?” Before Wukong could finish the question, Macaque had dashed over to The Not-Mayor and, with the evilest grin possible, punched the still-downed man in the gut. The lapdog spat out some blood and what little breath he had in his lungs upon impact, before rocketing down the tunnel and out of the cave. 
“Holy whoa!” Bai He smiled. 
“Guess we’re doing this now, huh?” Mei asked with a lazy grin. 
Macaque sighed happily. “That felt nice… that felt real nice.” He then turned to the others with a casual grin. “Keep up guys,” and then he sank into the shadows. No doubt chasing after the man he just punched. 
“Y’know,” Pigsy crossed his arms, “I forgot fer a second he’s about as old as Monkey King and almost as strong.”
“Well, Team B is moving out!” Mei started jogging ahead, with Sandy and Pigsy right behind her. “You guys better go catch up with Mac-Attack. Don’t want him to accidentally flatten Zhongyu, you know?”
Tang spared one last glance to Team A. “Try not to get electrocuted.” Then, with one last odd glance at Monkey King, he was running to catch up with the others. 
MK exchanged a look with PB and Bai He. “You two ready?”
“You bet I am!” PB grinned eagerly. 
From her spot piggybacking on PB, Bai He gave a familiar-looking evil grin to MK. “I’ve been wanting to do this all day.”
“Great! Monkey King are you—Monkey King?” The trio turned to see the Great Sage standing with wide-eyed amazement, staring at the spot where Macaque had just disappeared. His tail was wagging slightly, his cheeks were a little pink, and his fur looked fluffier for some reason. 
MK reached over and shook the king’s shoulder. “Monkey King?”
“Nothing!” Monkey King shouted, looking panicked. 
“Huh? I didn’t say anything but your name.” MK raised a brow. 
“Oooh, fluffy.” PB reached over and patted Monkey King’s head like he was a kitten, marveling at his new fluffy fur texture. “How’d your fur get so fluffy, Mr. King?”
Face even redder, Monkey King swatted her hand away. “Let’s talk about something else, anything else really.”
“How come you look so nervous and sweaty right now?” Bai He asked. 
“… Anything else besides that.”
“Well we can either talk about kicking Zhongyu’s butt, or we could actually go kick it.” MK gestured towards the exit. “Which do you prefer?”
Monkey King sighed a bit, before smiling. “Actually kicking his but…”
“Great! Then le-go!” MK charged out of the cave, drawing his staff out. PB took off behind him, Bai He giggling in excitement. Monkey King hesitated a bit, waiting to make sure they were far enough away before he frantically started patting and combing his orange fur back into place. 
He decided, pointedly, to not examine what just happened to him until after The Not-Mayor was no longer a problem… but that didn’t mean the butterflies in his stomach were going away anytime soon.
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imjussaiyan · 5 months
You know what I never got..?
So ChiChi and Bulma chopped off their kid’s tails. Why the fuck did they dismember their children when Vegeta literally exists. Right there. In plain sight.
Why didn’t they wish his tail back so he could take the kids elsewhere to harness the Oozaru? I feel like this would’ve been helpful many times over (plus think of the agony Vegeta must be in at times, it’s like clipping a bird’s wings).
Also, if they don’t trust Vegeta to have his tail, why the fuck are they even considering themselves his friends?
I digress. I think it was a huge missed opportunity for the show. They made such a big deal about Saiyans and the Great Ape and we don’t see anything again after the Saiyan Saga and I feel robbed.
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