#But you know what? With the power of writing I CAN MAKE THAT POSSIBLE. I just need to kick writer's block in the butt and somehow get AO3
aajxs · 19 hours
🏐 : ̗̀➛ hajime iwaizumi doesn't expect much when it comes to girls, but he thinks he might've finally found one thats out of his best friends reach.
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CONTENTS // fluff / light angst / jealous iwa / i switch between iwa, hajime, and iwaizumi a lot so i hope that doesn't bother anybody / some cursing?? idk this is mostly fluff // 1.3k
PAIRINGS // hajime iwaizumi x fem!reader
A/N // I watched the haikyuu movie yesterday and it was so good icl... I wanna write for kuroo now he's so sexy. i tried out a different header theme for this one and I honestly like it more than the other one idrk. anyways enjoy this little drabble 🩷.
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HAJIME IWAIZUMI has always been the less noticeable friend.
It's not like he doesn't get attention. He gets plenty of that. But when it comes to girls, or anything in the dating category at all, most of them flock to Tooru.
He doesn't resent his best friend for his popularity, Hajime just wishes girls didn't come up to him to get closer to his friend.
Him and Tooru are grabbing fast food after practice and a girl approaches him as he sits at the table he chose for him and his teammate. Tooru is in line, probably flirting with the girl across the counter as he orders for him and his best friend.
Iwaizumi feels a little pathetic for hoping that she's going to ask about him. That maybe, just maybe, he might be getting a chance for once. He gets his hopes up, only to be completely shut down when she asks for Tooru's number. He thinks she might notice the light in his face dim, but she doesn't acknowledge it.
"You'll have to ask him. Not sure if he wants me giving out his number to randoms." He says as he turns his attention away from her, a lousy attempt to hide his annoyance.
She nods understandingly, "W-well, thanks anyway." She stammers a bit, her voice small and nervous.
He stops assuming so much when girls approach him after that, always prepared to slide his friends socials and move on with his day.
So, when you approach him, obviously a bit hesitant as you clutch your sides and stare at him nervously, he doesn't even let you speak before he starts spouting his friends socials.
"Huh?" You ask a bit cluelessly, and Iwaizumi looks over at you.
"You're here to ask about Oikawa, right?" He says, staring down at you. He's obviously confused, a thick brow raised as he eyes you.
"N-no..? I wanted to talk to you." You reluctantly say, and he tenses up. You don't even spare a glance at Oikawa, who's entertaining a few girls a few meters away.
"Me..?" He asks, surprised.
"You." You respond, dead serious.
The puny sparks of your attempt at conversation light a wildfire in Hajime's weak heart. The small talk you try to make forms into real, genuine talking.
Although, even when you ask for his number, he can't help but think you might be trying to get close to him just to get with Tooru as he types in his number.
He doesn't tell you that he thinks you're playing him. And even if you were, you would've already had him beat because it's barely been two weeks of talking and he's already wrapped around your finger.
Hajimes lack of need for attention wasn't something you acknowledged at first. You thought it was natural because not only was this his first time talking to a girl, but it's your first time being the one approaching. You don't know what guys like unless they tell you, so you just do what you think is right.
And then you came to the subtle realization that maybe he's not desperate because he doesn't expect much from you. Is he toying with you? Was the first question you asked yourself.
On the other hand, Hajime doesn't expect much because he thinks he knows how this goes (he doesn't).
Hajime respects Tooru. And usually, he wouldn't add a but to that, but... he is willing to go to any lengths possible to keep you as far away from him as he physically can.
He knows how his friend gets with crushes. He'll either do everything in his power to completely embarrass Hajime, or he'll flirt with the girl and make her realize that maybe she doesn't like him as much as she thought.
That's his version of a loyalty test. Take the girl he likes around his best friend and observe her reactions to everything he does. So, that's exactly what he does with you.
Hajime had no idea that you've already met Tooru many times before. You light up when you see him, and Iwa can already feel his heart shattering into a thousand pieces. And then, to put the cherry on top, you go in for a hug. You're even on first name basis, no honorifics or anything. He might aswell lay in his coffin early, because watching you hug Oikawa is the closest to dying he's ever been.
You look over at Iwaizumi to see him glaring daggers at the two of you, a green eyed monster taking over his body as he scowls. Your smile drops, and you wonder what he looks so mad for.
"Are you alright, Iwa?" You ask obliviously, tilting your head and taking a step towards him. His eyes land on you, and they soften ever so slightly.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me." He responds, blinking softly.
And for the rest of the day, all you do is worry about him. The pain on his face and the damp look in his eyes whenever he looks at you interacting with Tooru.
When the two of you go back to his place that afternoon, he asks to talk.
Iwa starts, "Is there something wrong with me?" He asks. You're taken aback, but you can tell he's serious by the look in his eyes. He looks hurt.
"Why would there be something wrong with you?" You ask, reaching over to grab the hand at his side.
"I just-" His voice cracks, and you want to fall to your knees right then and there. Hajime is about to cry and you don't know what to do.
The lump in his throat grows bigger the longer he stares at you. "Why didn't you tell me you already knew Oikawa?" He asks, blinking back the tears that threaten to spill like water from a faucet. He didn't exactly mean to ask that, but he thinks it's much better than 'I thought that maybe for once someone might like me, but as always they go to Tooru.'
"What do you mean? I thought you knew?" You ask, oblivious to the thoughts running rampant through his mind. Your grip on his hand tightens when a tear breaks past the defenses he's put up. You want to ask what you did wrong. You want to ask why he's crying. But the lump in your throat from watching his sadness grow and grow is unbearable, keeping you from asking for some much needed clarification.
"Knew what?" He asks, unable to think of anything rational or any kind of explanation for this other than you're interested in Oikawa.
"Me and Tooru grew up together- He's my cousin." You say, eyeing him confusedly and sadly.
Iwaizumi pauses. A wave of embarrassment washes over him. He was getting jealous over your cousin this entire time?
The night you met Hajime, Tooru invited you, his cousin, to get drinks. He must've forgotten to clear this information with Hajime because now he's standing in front of you, his deep eyes wide and filled with tears of anger.
"What? Did I do something? Are you okay?" You begin asking questions profusely, and Hajime just stares at you.
And then he begins laughing.
You're confused at his sudden change in emotion, the humorous chuckles leaving his mouth catching you completely off guard. "Hajime, what's going on?" You ask as he brings you into a relieved hug.
"For a second there I really thought you and Oikawa had something going on." He responds as he places his head on top of yours comfortably.
You audibly gag. "Are you serious?! This entire time I thought you knew I was his cousin!" You say into his chest. He tightens the hug, a deep laugh leaving his lips.
"Man, this is so fuckin' embarrassing." He laughs, and you can't help but join in.
"Like I'd ever choose his annoying ass over you anyways."
And suddenly, the unnoticeable Hajime Iwaizumi feels seen for the first time in forever.
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zedecksiew · 3 days
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David Blandy + Daniel Locke's post-apocalyptic hopepunk TTRPG ECO MOFOS is back from the printers. Meaning it will soon be in our hands.
Am fairly hyped for it, because I wrote an adventure!
To Put Away A Sword is about the woes of building a home on poisoned earth. The terrible powers that hurtled us to the end of the world continue to bear bitter fruit in your garden.
You are villagers living under the shadow of a fallen giant mecha. Its reactors and warheads leak into your groundwater, poison your goats. What will you do about it? What can you do?
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Mechanically it is a pointcrawl around your local valley. Not super complex, design-wise; but I was pleased with my gimmick solution for mapping both the adventure's dungeons:
Grab a mecha figure, pose it, place it on the game table; each part of the figure corresponds to a location in the dungeon key. Solves for stuff like relative orientation.
To Put Away A Sword is me making a mecha adventure.
Disclaimer: I am not a mecha nerd. I am unfamiliar with most of the genre. Anything I know about Gundam I've absorbed by osmosis.
I was mainly into giant robots in childhood. Receiving a Macross figure for my birthday. Pouring over the manual for The Crescent Hawks' Revenge, which my brother left behind:
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While I was not much a fan of mecha, I was very much a fan of Evangelion. I spent my middle teens obsessed with it. The biomechanical, pseudo-mystical stuff; the teen angst. I wanted to be Shinji. I thought trauma was so cool.
So cringe. Anyway:
One of the inspirations for To Put Away A Sword is the survivors-rebuilding-a-town-and-planting-rice sequence in Thrice Upon A Time; probably my favourite part of the whole franchise, now.
The joy and difficulties of trying to build your paradise in the weird ruins of the old world:
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Yeah, the adventure has a lot of Evangelion in it. There's a Nerv HQ analogue to explore. There's a content warning for child soldiers.
The other inspiration for To Put Away A Sword is this piece of box art, an accessory set for Macross's iconic Stonewell Bellcom VF-1 Variable Fighter:
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I don't know what this kind of arrange-your-missiles-in-front-of-your-fighter-jet photo is technically called. Hardware porn parade?
You see it often enough. Here's a real-life photo of the Lockheed Martin F35 Joint Strike Fighter:
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Fairly or not, in my head I associate mecha with seeing copies of Jane's Defence in airport magazine racks. The genre feels like such a natural way to riff on the hyper-charged corpo-military-industrial complex.
After the brush war ends, and the natural resources extracted, and the ethnic cleansing concluded, and the profits announced, who gets to clean up after a Raytheon missile?
In To Put Away A Sword---you do.
Ultimately, as always, I am writing and designing from my lived experiences.
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See that? The gas flare from the Hengyuan Refining Company? It is about 200 metres from my living room.
That gas flare surfaces constantly in the stuff I make. As I write this post I am breathing its acrid chemical smell. My nose itches. I was asthmatic as a child; I seriously worry about cancer, nowadays.
At night it lights up the sky like Barad-dur.
The plant obviously and continuously flaunts regulations. We've tried lodging complaints: with its corporate management; with the Department of Environment. Nothing has worked so far.
"A home on poisoned earth" is a visceral fact of my life.
To Put Away A Sword is wish-fulfilment, I guess? In the world of the adventure, at least, the forces that are poisoning your home are post-peak oil.
It is nice to imagine a reality where a kind of survival and flourishing is still possible. My partner Sharon and I talk a lot about imagining hope.
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Last month she bought this small mecha-looking thing. A wireless camera! She built a little hut for it on our garden wall. It is trained, 24-7, at the gas flare.
Environmental activists we've met say video evidence of emissions is important. We'll see. We imagine it helping.
Anyway. David just sent me this photo of my adventure, in print:
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Looking good. I hope folks play it and enjoy it.
Preorder ECO MOFOS and its adventure bundle >>>HERE<<<
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will80sbyers · 13 hours
STurn (around look at what you see!)
or, the post where I speculate about Finn's playlist STurn being a series of hints for Mike's arc in season 5 and how this brings us to Byler endgame in the finale!! This is all speculation for fun, I don't know if it was intended to be a playlist about byler but there are so many things that make me think so and we have too much free time before season 5 so why not talk about it....
WARNING: It's gonna be long lol
Reasons why I think this playlist is about st5:
The name, obviously with ST in it but it also can be used as a play of words with '' turn around look at what you see '' or ST urn which is pretty clever if it's intentional, and I think Finn writes songs pretty often so he would play with words like this IMO
The third song is called '' After the Earthquake '' and the s4 earthquake was pretty important - I also have a theory that there are going to be other earthquakes in season 5 because the two worlds are merging with each other
It seems Finn has a habit of making playlists for the characters he plays and leaving them public
The songs were added 2 weeks ago and this means he was actively filming when he decided to make that
Reasons why I think this playlist is related to Will specifically:
Many of the songs and their meanings make more sense for a queer storyline, and Mike can only have that with Will
The cover of the Beatles song has them all with the same haircut as Will that everybody makes fun of online and I think he may have put it because of that also, I would tbh
The possible ''Turn around and look at what you see'' was sung before the scene in season 3 where Mike and Will are sharing a sweet moment about d&d and there were already plenty of speculations in the byler fandom about how that song was choosen for them... - Rhymes that keep their secrets / Will unfold behind the clouds / And there upon a rainbow / Is the answer to a neverending story
The last song is the same last song in the playlist that was made for Will by the writers during season 2 ... so many ''coincidences''
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Now let's start to see what I can theorize from the lyrics of some of these songs...
I already made posts about some of the songs, and it's pretty clear that some of the songs have an obvious queer meaning like the song number 7 :
"Don't ask me to explain" by Of Montreal was written by a bisexual person and has clear hints about sexuality and I quote from that site
« The lyrics of "Don't Ask Me to Explain" by of Montreal present a complex and multilayered exploration of identity, sexuality, and social norms. The singer of the song struggles to connect with others and feel authentic in their own skin. They question whether it's possible to truly know someone else and love them when they are hiding parts of themselves. The line "Who are you hiding you from, across the table with a penny in each eye?" suggests that the person they are speaking to is not being truthful or open with them, and they are struggling to understand why. The singer also shares their own desires and fears, confessing that they would like to marry all of their close friends and live in a big house by the sea. This unconventional desire goes against societal norms and expectations, which is reinforced by the line "I'd really like to, but I'm just too shy". The singer is torn between their desires and the fear of social rejection and judgment. The line "Who will be watching my body when I sleep? Who will I believe in?" indicates a sense of vulnerability and a lack of trust towards others. The chorus repeats throughout the song, serving as a refrain and emphasizing the singer's refusal to explain or justify themselves to others. They feel that they should not be forced to explain or apologize for their desires, beliefs, or identity. Overall, "Don't Ask Me to Explain" is a powerful and introspective song that invites the listener to reflect on their own struggles with authenticity, identity, and societal expectations. »
I think this song fits perfectly for my interpretation of Mike as he doesn't yet know that Will is not being honest with him, and he doesn't get why Will is lying, he can't fully fall for him before he knows the secrets Will is hiding, he's also afraid of going against social norms, but the song to me seems to talk about someone that fights against it and overcomes these fears and wants to be authentic to themselves and that's why they are asking the other person to do the same, I think it conveys a longing feeling like the person wants to let themselves fall for this other person, but the other person is hiding themselves, and they want both of them to be honest about their feelings. In my opinion this song is about Mike wanting to love Will but waiting for him to be honest before that can happen, because he can't fall in love consciously if he doesn't even know it's a possibility- that's why he needs to discover the lie about the painting, but most of all Will must confess his feelings!!!
Here's the line to line meaning, and I'll add byler context lol obviously you have to adapt to the situation, there is not a literal correspondence like I said for the other analysis of the playlists, it's just the general meaning because the songs were not made for byler but in another context, so the details can't be perfect - you just adapt the general meaning with what fits when you choose songs for it:
How will I ever know you enough to love you
If you're hiding who you are?
Don't ask me to explain.
Who are you hiding you from,
Across the table with a penny in each eye?
Don't ask me to explain.
Will must be honest with Mike about who he is and his feelings so that byler can happen, the line about someone hiding from them when they are sitting across the table from them so they can look at them face to face makes me think about the fact that Will in the van lied to Mike to his face directly.
I'd like to marry all of my close friends,
And live in a big house together by an angry sea
in the context of byler this can be interpreted as in Mike's desire to live with Will that's one of his closest friends and live together even if outside the sea of ''normal'' people are angry at them, they are sheltered in the house
Am I the devil's marbles, don't move on without me
Who will be watching my body when I sleep? Who will I believe in? How am I supposed to let it show when I don't even know?
I think in this part the singer is showing that even if they want this person and love them, they are disrupting the peace with their request to be honest and even if they don't want them to move on they are saying that they can't show their love when they don't even know how they feel themselves, could be applied to both Mike & Will
Besides, I don't want to be the one whose coming out first,
I'd really like to, but I'm just too shy
Don't ask me to explain
The singer is asking the other person to ''come out first'' because they are too shy/scared to do it first, obviously it's about asking the other person to come out with their real feelings, but it's clearly a queer phrasing about the ''coming out'' because the song is talking about a queer relationship... and since the person that wrote it is bi I think we can say that with 97% of probability lol
It's so easy to lie to myself
And pretend that I could love you, but I can't
I think this part is about how the singer wants in part to just love them and let go of the need to make the other person be honest, but they can't be truly themselves and be in real love unless both of them are honest, so ''they can't'' just let go of this need, and they keep asking the other person to take that step with them!
But let's go back, the first song in the playlist is Ballad of a Texas King by Cut Worms and this song fits Mike's fear of the unknown and the changes he will go through in season 5 - his personal arc even not counting Will in the equation, Mike is scared of things changing around him... (this song also briefly mentions California)
As the writer of the song said in his personal site:
On “Ballad of a Texas King” Clarke sings, “Hey kid come along… something is wrong… I believe you know… All this to say, only one way that this can go…” It’s as if he’s reaching out to his younger self, letting him know the changes are inevitable. How do we hang on to a dream? How do we not lose ourselves in a world that is lost? The only way out of a nightmare is to keep going.
The second song is the one with the cover that reminds us of Will lmao - '' What you're doing to me'' by the Beatles
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This song is in the same context as the others about asking your lover to stop lying so you can be with them - Mike asking Will in this context, Mike is his true love
I've been waiting here for you
Wondering what you're gonna do
And should you need a love that's true - It's me
Please stop your lying
You got me crying, girl
Why should it be so much to ask of you
What you're doing to me?
Song number 3 is "After the earthquake" by Alvvays and I found this online that it's interesting not only for the references to someone in a coma and the earthquake but metaphorically it could be applied to Mike finding out about the painting lie and his world being turned upside down, maybe by a fight with Will that doesn't get resolved because something happens before it can be...
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Song number 4 is Promises I've Made by Emitt Rhodes and I think this could be Mike still pining after Will even after they have their fight, if the fight happens before the time jump maybe he spends one year with Will trying to distance himself/or just not trying anything because he thinks there's no point and Mike trying to repress all his feelings for Will, or alternatively we can say he already started this process after season 3, and he's trying to just repress it but can't
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Song number 5 is '' Angst in my pants'' by Sparks
But when you think
But when you think you've made it disappear
You're sure you made it disappear
And you've still got angst in your pants
I hope it doesn't show
It'll go away (go away)
It's just a passin' phase
It'll go away (go away)
I hope it doesn't show
It'll go away (go away)
Give it a hundred years
It won't go away
pretty self explanatory, Mike is trying to repress his sexual feelings for Will and trying to convince himself ''it's just a phase'' and he's not queer... personally I feel like the song IS about queerness because it's from 1982 and there's a literal man dressed as a woman, like.... pls
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Song number 6 is ''The Better side'' by Audiotree and The Slaps and I couldn't find the text online so I have transcribed it myself but if there's some lyric wrong let me know because I wasn't sure for some words:
You're never gonna see the sun
you're never gonna see me run
and I say oh baby don't make me stay out too late
imma go into sleep I know you'd cry
and I'm trying to keep you by my warmth
You're never gonna see my eyes
You're coloring other skies you want to
and I say Oh baby don't make me do the falling when I'm drinking of you
you're on the better side
you're always the better one for me
I'm trying staying alive, keep my head on the better side when you're far away and you're horny as hell
and you're all that I need
I'm not gonna miss you anymore
I interpret this as Mike pining for Will again and how Will is the better choice for him and the one that he truly needs
Song number 8 is ''What do you want me to do?'' by Pointed Sticks
This song makes me think about Mike & El and I think it could be sort of a break up song between them although I don't think it's literal but more ''angry after a break up scene - vibes''
Another song that I think is about Mike x El is ''Substitute'' by The Who, song number 9 :
I interpret this song as a guy that tried to change himself for the girl he likes but he's never enough for her even changing everything about himself - so not a real relationship based on knowing each other deeply and he's tired of pretending to be someone else
Song number 10 is ''The Rebel Kind'' by Modernettes
I think this song is about someone embracing ''being different'' and wanting to stick with the ''rebel'' kind, the people that rebel to society's standards and expectations, Mike wants to be part of that no matter what happens
Song number 11 '' Block Rockin' Beats'' by The Chemical brothers... is almost without words but it's funny to me how you could put duffers instead of chemical there lol anyway it could be just a vibe song to prepare for the finale, maybe something action packed happens and this song is good for a fight scene...
right before the ending that as we said before is the same song that Will's playlist had at the end... song number 12 is a love song, a winning the love of your life song!!!
''Just what I needed'' by The Cars has the vibe of a song you would hear at the end of the movie right after the main couple finally gets together and they are happy!
'Cause when you're standin' oh so near
I kinda lose my mind, yeah
oh so you mean...
you'll go crazy (together) ?
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dreinstein777 · 6 hours
How will you meet your Flynn Rider? PAC!
Entertainment purposes only
Even though this seems like a very gendered reading, everyone of any identity are welcomed c: In this Case I will be using your future Lover, Future spouse, as your Flynn Rider!
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Pile 1
YOU choose who you want. I see a very powerful manifester here trying to get who they want but you’re LAZY? Cmone man how is people gonna come to you. The moment you start to make an effort they come closure into your life. There may be a period where it was you fighting against a world of millions of people until you got the fat confidence and energy. Some sort of ego appears and suddenly you KNOW and FEEl you can have anyone you want. I think the man (some people a man) you want is like🧎‍♂️‍➡️🧎‍♂️‍➡️🧎‍♂️‍➡️🧎‍♂️‍➡️ GAWD DAMN. I am seeing a man who’s messy and views you as someone who KNOWS what they want, and they’re here trying so hard to be like that too. They want your attention, they WANT you to believe that you can rely on him and he can PROVIDE. He wants to be the one that makes YOU drop down to your knees in vulnerability for him, he wants to so badly have you like that. Bro is like, obsessed ngl, like. Nervous shy kind of man. Bro has thought of you, moved on, then comes back like hold on, they’re cuter than the last I saw him. Strong school setting here, college vibes, student teacher, bro looks nice in uniform, wears glasses. You’re probably in your own WORLD when you first meet. He’s an acquaintance. Maybe you flirt and then leave and never come back. Maybe you’re busy doing your own thing and he can’t help but to glance at you when you’re around. What might resonates is his car, delivery man, mail man (LOL) wears a hat for work, maybe a mechanic, sometimes his job got him on his knees downs dirty, for a very small amount of you, this person will not have a messy job, it’s giving lil office man, a manager, nights at the office, bro wears a lanyard for work. I think some of you are older and is a teacher and is getting a crush on another teacher(omgggg?)
But what I can tell you for sure is this man is CLEAN and GROOMED, ready to meet and approach you.
Pile 2
Something about a grandma? Maybe in your family arrange marriages is fairly common, I feel you do everything to satisfy your family, learn the language and other dialects, write and read the language, your work may be involved with your culture as well. You have a lot of respect and love for your culture. Some how this makes you un touchable. Unreachable. Maybe you already have a daughter, possibly a baby boy. I think your grandma dead or alive, has a wish for you to forfill. To fall in love with the opposite sex, with someone of your culture. But when you were so perfect in your family you feared you couldn’t complete this. You may be a lesbian, don’t identify with your assigned gender, kind gentle energy. You will meet your Flynn rider when you are the most beautiful, whatever being beautiful means to you, to be free, to be loved and feel loved. I see this Flynn rider is kind and gentle. Strong composer. Always loved and defends you regardless of social standards. I try to see a setting of when this will take place. I see a city, maybe like New York and you’re in college and you meet this person. If you like girls I see a blonde girl with big blue eyes looking at you, keeping contact. This person is extremely attracted to you and loves you so much. Know that it is okay to be selfish sometimes. This person is willing to do so much for you. If it is needed to convert for you then she would do anything for you with respect. This person won’t let you forget them so easily.
Pile 3
This person picks on you for your attention, it’s giving coworker.
Bro teases and bullies you. Bro likes you without knowing it. Bro acts all strong and masculine but is actually sensitive af. They might not realize they have a crush on you until some time later. This might be GAY. Like bro is feeling extra emotions for you and is like. Oh they’re my FRIEND, until they realize oh, not so friend… some of you might be trans. So maybe how you first present is your assigned gender until they learn about you. So because of this you give them a crisis about their sexuality. So they’re like oh shit. But emotions are going FAAAASSSTT. Like oh I like you Plesse date me like right now. It’s like, kiss me right here right now. Which is CRAZY because if it’s your coworker bros trying to kiss you at work. Hellooooo don’t get caught. I think they miss you, like, once again not recognizing their feelings, they’re like wow, where’s so and so. BRINGS you up in every conversation to other coworkers. Like yknow so and so likes this. Or, so and so is my favorite. Definitely a coworker, having a hard time picking up any other ideas for where this would happen, very little of you might be friends of friends with this person and it takes them a long time to approach you.bro might CONFESS without realizing what just happened. Would ask out on a DATE and start to think about it after like, did I just do that? Might run on impulse
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rorywritesjunk · 1 day
If my velocity starts to make you sweat Then just don't let go
Buggy asks to try something new and you're onboard with it.
Rating: NC-17, MDNI! Warning: Pegging, praise, dirty talk, aftercare, strap, Buggy gets a little unsure. No misuse of Devil Fruit powers! Use of baby, sweet heart, and good boy for Buggy. He wonders where you learned such vulgarity. Word Count: 1,898 A/N: Okay I was writing this just to get words out and then it turned into this and I decided hey, I meant to write something back in like, March or April for 400 followers and I put it to a vote which was author's choice and smut with Buggy, so it's pegging Buggy. And it can be read as either OPLA or anime. I also read a lot of smutty snippets lately so... yea.
Title comes from "Planetary (Go!)" by My Chemical Romance.
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Buggy wanted to try something new with you but honestly, he wasn't sure how to ask because what if you thought something was wrong with him? What if you laughed at him and made him feel bad because of it? Maybe you'd leave him because of it.
If asked, Buggy's side of the story is that he casually asked you, just brought it up to see how you felt about it while you two held hands and looked at each other with romance in your eyes, but your side of the story was him slamming his hands down on the table in the middle of dinner, thankfully just the two of you were there, while he nervously blurted out, "Willyoufuckme?"
And you, too confused by what he said, squinted at him for a moment, trying to replay the sentence in your head, before you were able to break apart the mushed sentence of four words.
"Oh!" Your face heated up just a bit while Buggy looked like he would rather the floor open up and swallow him whole instead of hear your answer.
"I was just-"
"We can try that, Buggy."
"I mean- wait, really?!" His voice changed key asking that. He wasn't expecting you to agree to it but there you were, smiling coyly at him across the table. "I mean, of course, why not? I suggested something new to try, of course, and I always have good ideas!"
You sat back in your seat, grinning at him. "When do you want this to happen?"
"Oh, you know, whenever." He shrugged, though internally he wanted it as soon as possible. He wanted you to get him on all fours in the bedroom, fucking the life out of him, scraping his knees on the floor while he begged for more. "Uh, we can schedule it-"
"After dinner?"
He didn't expect it so soon but he was nodding along in agreement to this.
Naked, kissing, the clothes discarded beside the bed as Buggy was on his back while you tended to him, fingers running through his hair as you two pressed your bodies together. Your hand moved between his legs, touching him, telling him to relax and that he was being so good for you. He was nervous but he knew you'd take care of him.
The harness you wore with the blue cock attached to it made him curious of when you even bought that thing. He asked when you were putting it on, loosening the fit to feel comfortable on your body.
"Oh, I picked it up a few weeks ago." You giggled. "Um, it was a set. Sometimes I use the dildo when you're busy and I get lonely."
Buggy frowned at that. Why did you have it when you could just ask him? Did you think he wasn't good enough? Did his feel weird or-
"Buggy, I've only used it twice." You told him. "Now, relax."
Now he was on his back as you pulled away from kissing him, eyes scanning his body as you started to grin. He swallowed nervously, wondering what you were thinking about, as your hand brushed over his stomach before reaching for the bottle of lube beside him.
"I think I want you riding me, Buggy." You said casually as you unscrewed the cap. "Hm? How does that sound? You can fuck yourself on my cock while I watch you. You'll look so pretty."
That sounded amazing to him.
You took your time prepping him, praising him, letting him know how good he was for you while taking just your fingers. It felt weird to him at first but he relaxed. While one hand worked to get him ready your other hand was touching his body, fingertips grazing his skin, brushing over his stomach, chest, back down to his cock you were purposefully neglecting at first. He let out a pitiful whine when you did that, hips bucking up towards you before you pushed them back gently.
"Easy, Buggy." You murmured as you pressed a second finger in with more lube, watching his face for any sign that you needed to stop. After a few pumps, you added a third, admiring how he looked on his back, hair spread out along the blankets while his legs were spread for you, panting softly as you gave his cock a few strokes.
"Please-" He whimpered. "Need you."
"I know." You murmured as you pulled your hand back from him. "Do you want to be on top?"
Buggy shook his head. He wasn't sure he would be able to. You nodded as you added a generous amount of lube to your cock, keeping an eye on him as you positioned yourself between his legs. His face was flushed, a little sweaty, and he was watching you through half closed eyes as you pressed the tip to him.
You were slow, noticing the resistance at first, but you spoke to him still, praising him, watching him as you pressed your hips forward, allowing yourself to sink into him slowly. Buggy didn't know what to make of this new sensation other than there was a fullness he'd never felt before. He wanted to ask you something he suddenly felt your body close to his and you were grinning down at him in triumph, your thighs touching him now.
"Look at how well you took my cock, baby." You murmured lovingly to him as you reached up to brush his hair out of his face. "Does it feel good?"
He didn't know what to make of the words coming out of your mouth. Was this something you had also been wanting? Have him on his back with his legs spread wide for you like he had done to you so many times before? You pulled your hips back just a bit before pushing forward again. He let out a grunt and shut his eyes at the sensation, thinking maybe he could get used to this.
"I'm going to have you screaming for me, Buggy." You murmured, repeating the motions, making sure he was comfortable as you moved. He could only nod, words escaping him, as his body moved with yours. "I want you cumming on my cock like the good boy you are. You're always good for me."
"Oh fuck." He whimpered at your words. You were still grinning at him, a feral expression as you gradually picked up the pace of thrusts, how far you pulled out before pushing back into him. Your eyes looked down, yourself letting out a moan at the sight of his body taking your cock so well.
"You're so beautiful." You told him, your attention on your cock now as you started to fuck him. "You won't be able to walk for a while after I'm done with you, Buggy."
Where did you learn to talk like that? He never spoke to you in such a filthy, controlling way. You managed to push his knees towards his chest, his moans and whimpers like music to your ears, and when your cock brushed over that sweet spot inside him, he was crying out for more.
"You're so good for me, baby, look how you're taking it." You moaned for him as he looked up at you with wide, watery eyes. The sensation was almost too much for him. "You feel so good on my cock, squeezing me like that."
His brain was to jumbled to even think of a response, all he could do was moan and whine, the blue cock brushing against that sweet spot with every thrust. You were hunched over him, trying to keep his knees to his chest, the height and size difference making it a little difficult. You reached for him, caressing his cheek, your thumb brushing against his bottom lip. He looked at you with hazy eyes, letting out the occasional whimper.
"You're so beautiful, Buggy, look at you." You sighed, smiling down at him as you angled your thrusts, abusing that sweet spot now with each thrust, hearing his cries and pleas for more. "Does my cock feel good for you, sweetheart? Should I cum in you, fill you up, let everyone know you're mine?"
He nodded, he liked the sound of that, his brain was fuzzy from the pleasure, he wondered if he was going to cum without you even touching his cock. At this point Buggy didn't care what you'd say to him, he just wanted you to keep fucking him.
Your hand brushed over his cock teasingly, grinning at his pathetic whimper at the neglect. You didn't want to be too mean to him, you did care for him after all, and he was being so good for you so you took pity, taking hold of him and starting to stroke him as you thrusted your hips. He wouldn't last long, he was starting to pant just a bit, his hips jerking as he tried to fuck your hand.
"Such a good boy for me." You praised, feeling his cock twitch in your hand. "I'll keep fucking you until you're a screaming mess, baby, until you can't walk. You'll be feelin' this for days." You kept stroking him, grinning at him, squeezing his cock carefully. "Cum for me, baby, let me know how good you feel."
How could he disobey you after you'd been so good for him? It only took a few more strokes on his cock, your own hitting that spot inside him that had him suddenly seeing stars as he came, letting out a strangled and surprised cry of pleasure as he made a mess on himself.
You waited a moment as he came down before pulling out. He hated that feeling of being done, what if you decided once was enough and you didn't want to do it again? What if you were disgusted by his request and left him? His post-orgasm haze had him feeling weird and he looked up at you with uncertainty.
"Oh, you did so good, Buggy." You told him as you removed the harness and tossed it aside on the bed. "So good for me." You helped him lower his legs, stretching them out on the bed before laying beside him and pulling him into his arms. "You took my cock so well, I'm so happy, baby." You peppered kisses over his face, murmuring the praise over and over again. "I need to get you cleaned up when you're ready, okay, and you're unavailable for the crew for the rest of the night so you can rest."
It was a little worrisome how little he was talking to you, but you figured his brain was still foggy. This was new for him and you, it was something he needed a moment to process. You kissed his temple as he turned in your arms to wrap his arms around you, wanting the closeness, as he tucked his face against your neck.
Much like at dinner, it took you a moment to take in what he said. You chuckled softly and hugged him close, kissing his forehead before trying to wrestle the blankets out from under you to wrap around him.
"We can do that, yea." You assured him. "Only if you're a good boy for me, of course."
Oh, Buggy could be a good boy for you. He'd make sure of it.
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on-leatheredwings · 11 hours
Secret Admirer
Yandere! Dick Grayson / Yandere! Green Lantern! Gender Neutral Reader
> romantic > tw/cw: yandere behaviors. Kissing. Heavy petting. > rated M > summary: You should stop playing with fire. Because when you do, you make him want to be crazy. Crazier. And Dick’s worked really, really hard to wrap those habits up. > a/n: wow nothing truly despicable in this one i’m so vanilla now <3 the reader is male to me but feel free to imagine what you want. I rlly like writing pre-yandere + pre-relationship stuff, it’s so fun . may write more for actual smut possibilities > word count: 1472
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Newly-acquired powers or not, you are really poking the bear here. 
Dick has known you've been following him since yesterday. He allowed it because who was he if not a performer? He thrived on attention, and especially yours. But today, you had gotten too close to a fight. Sure, you had stayed an appropriate distance away, but the fact it had happened at all was worrying. It made him distracted. Distracted enough that he wasn’t pulling his punches on criminals like usual. 
“Now that it’s getting quite late–” he begins, to which you audibly gasp. An adorable sound. “–how about you finally come out and let me help you?”
He turns around to a swath of darkness that paints the rooftop’s entry door in black shadow.
Behind the corner, you curse. Damn it, he caught you. … Well, you could’ve told yourself this would happen. Dick, the fine friend he was, surely said it would. No one really ‘sneaks up’ on one of the Bats. And definitely not Nightwing, the most tenured of them all aside Batman himself.
You got caught, and lord knows what Nightwing will do to you. You bite your lips, mind running wild. Who knows what Nightwing will do to you, indeed? You feel a pang of arousal at the thought. 
You step out of the shadows, trying to act natural. Nightwing’s eyes lock onto your humble form, and you find yourself warming over every inch of your body. You want him bad.
His body stiffens, for reasons you can’t discern. It doesn’t seem like hostility… you think?
You adjust your domino mask, cursing silently that the adhesive is finally starting to give after a long night of following him around. Stealth isn’t really a natural gift for a Green Lantern, either. Turning down your glow while using your powers to maintain soundless stalking was hard. Harder than expected. 
“What are you doing here?”
You smile, hoping your giddy expression is hidden by the hoodie you’ve chosen to wear on your escapade. 
It certainly is not, which makes Dick pleased.
Now that you've made contact with him, his first thought is that he ought to tell Batman about this. And the rest of the team, while he’s at it. Dick Grayson knows that Nightwing is your 'celebrity' crush, and that you're enamored with the rest of the Bat Family. What if you confronted them someday as well?
On the Batcomputer is a file on John Stewart, complete a footnote that is you. Said footnote has graduated to its own page, now that you have your own hero exploits to document. They'd be less welcoming and more wary of a hero on their turf. He has to protect you.
“I… I…” you croak, tongue heavy with anxiety. You can’t help but be nervous. 
“Sometime tonight?” he teases. 
“You’re beautiful,” you blurt.
He is taken aback, before he recollects his wits. 
“I really like you,” you say again, stepping forward. He lifts his hand in warning. Stay back. You get chills, but don’t stop treading forward. You can tell his eyes are narrowed beneath his mask.
When he’s finally in arms’ reach, you are pushed against the wall. And not roughly at all, you notice. You smile with delight, your hands immediately landing on his shoulders. Nightwing’s glare doesn’t feel hostile at all. Suspicious, maybe. But not hostile.
“... What do you mean by, you “really” like me?” You suspected that he probably wouldn’t believe you.
“Well,” you fluster, “I mean that I really like you.” Dick’s heart jolts. “And I want you.” It nearly flatlines.
Oh, don’t say that, don’t say that, Dick thinks, despite the elation that begins to tighten his throat. You? Want him? If he had known all he needed to do to grab your attention was put on the suit, he would’ve done that ages ago. He felt nearly invisible to you during the day, all his flirtation falling on deaf ears and blind eyes.
At Nightwing’s silence, you lick your lips. An action that makes his eyes dilate behind his mask. 
“I-I’m serious!”
Nightwing leans in closer, as if inspecting the truth in your expression, raking over every atom. 
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” he breathes.
“It’s not a game at all to me,” you say, feeling lightheaded from the small distance between you two. This doesn't feel real.
To love and be loved is all you’ve ever wanted. You’d think that would give you the violet ring of Love. Instead, the ring that had appeared in your hand one fateful night was acid green, sparkling and mesmerizing. Apparently, instead of embodying love, you simply were driven enough to seek it at any costs. Driven enough to never be alone ever again.
You have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps, it said. You had taken it without hesitation.
“Kiss me,” you say, hands rising to cup his jaw. As if he’s not already leaning in.
Your lips meet in an unabashed frenzy. You’re nearly blown away by the pure amount of feeling in his kiss – that's quite a lot of emotion for a stranger. Not that you aren’t equally impassioned. You feel so raw and naked, kissing him. You hope he can't feel all your insanity, your obsession, your infatuation.
However, Dick certainly does, so much that he moans openly, the sound making both your lips buzz.
You make him want to be crazy. Crazier. And he’s worked really, really hard to wrap those habits up. 
You shudder, feeling the pressure of his cup press in between your thighs. God, you wished you could feel the real thing. Your hand slips in between you two, tracing the lines of his abs. Dick shivers. He peels off your domino mask, but you don’t even flinch. You don’t care if he knows who you are. You want him to know everything. Inside and out.
Your eyes flutter open as you gyrate against his hips, sinful and frustrating. You peer up at him, cheeks blazing. You want him.
He looks into your eyes, and it's as if he can read your mind. He wants to swallow you whole. He wants to map every inch of your body. His cock is painfully straining against his suit. You are not a want, but a need.
But Dick is trying to be good, he really is. The night’s not over. He’s still on patrol, technically. You may want Nightwing, but do you want Dick Grayson? If he fucked you on this rooftop, throwing restraint into the wind, would that be taking advantage of you? Do you just hero worship him? All the questions fly through his mind at rapid speed, and he wants them to quiet, before the Angry Orphan inside him decides to just stop caring completely. 
But he… he’s strong. We don't have to be, his mind interjects, screaming at him. But he quiets it. He whimpers at the tightness against his groin, a sound that makes you look at him curiously. You are completely blissfully ignorant to his inner strife. Completely innocent.
Dick narrows his eyes, channeling his best Batman impression.
“You should go home.”
You balk almost comically. “W-wait.” Nightwing retreats, but not before you can grab his wrist. “At least– at least, can we go on a date? Or even hang out? Or–” His thumb traces the curve of your lips, silencing you with a shiver.  
“Go home.” Firmly said, yet gentle.
You frown, though it’s more like a pout. Man, you’re cute, he thinks. “When can I see you again?”
Dick certainly isn’t strong enough to be responsible and say “You can’t.” 
So Nightwing just stares at you, looking… hesitant. The pieces click in your mind. Ah, so he liked it. Your lips curl, like a cat with cream. You take that as a victory.
“... I-I’ll come back tomorrow night,” you state boldly, stealing a chaste kiss before he could argue. Dick has to basically pull himself away, despite his desire to keep your bodies flush and perfectly fitted against one another.
You slip your ring onto your finger, and your entire body glows, rampant with Lantern light. You begin to float.
“Tomorrow!” you blurt, already wanting him again. You zip away, flying home. All the while, you slap at your warm cheeks, trying to see if this is a dream, laughing with glee, mind going haywire with heated fantasies. You kissed Nightwing. You basically groped him. And he didn’t stop you. Oh god, wait until you tell Dick. 
The confrontation went better than expected. At worst, you figured Nightwing would shoo you away, reject you. Despite the abrupt ending, he at least seemed… interested? You try not to dwell on it too much. It doesn’t matter.
You’re a Green Lantern. You’re powerful. Willful. He will be yours, someday.
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itslouisan · 2 days
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((@leticiachaos on twitter))
Time for Q!Tallulah headcannons!!
Fair warning: this post has mentions of depression, abandonment issues, trust issues, poor living conditions; all of the mentions of Wilbur are ONLY mentions to his character not the real person.
• Due to her abandonment and trust issues, Tallulah created a tough and cold exterior not opening herself to anything new, but, if you manage to break the shell, she's sweet, caring, loyal, nice, creative, the loveliest egg possible
• She likes Richas, but has jealousy, after all he came AFTER her and still has most of the island around him and ADOPTING HIM??? While SHE had to ground herself to an empty promise of a returning loving father and feeling alone most of the time "without" a "real" family to comfort her.
• Due to her time in the attic Tallulah developed anemia due to not having for a long time the necessary nutrients and surviving off of dirt.
• She hates the smell of moss, dirt and related things despite loving botany due to her time in the attic
Black: depression, extreme anger, sorrow or loneliness, it's her way of expressing she's REALLY not feeling okay
• When she finally accepted Wilbur would never come back or be the father she wished and dreamt of, she cut her hair that was long since "hair holds memories", painted her hair black since Missa is Philza's partner and is more of a father to her than Wilbur could ever be and she was tired of holding herself to a small memory instead of accepting change and happiness
• Can't really vent not because her family wouldn't listen, but because of her trust issues and before having to be the "cute innocent girl who's there for everyone" she didn't have the space to vent and put her emotions first
• She was tired of her original red beanie matching Wilbur, it was too dirty and old, deciding to pick a purple one who matched her and a few mushroom hats to express her emotions
• Each color of mushroom represent an emotion (in canon I think she only had black and purple, but I expanded it considering there's a lot more patterns and colors of mushrooms, especially in a sort of magic island)
purple: neutral, calm, it's the regular she wears all the time
Pink: love, happiness, she's feeling creative or excited over something, possibly wanting or doing stims
Blue: shows more of "little" sadness, not strong enough to be depression or despair, but just enough to show it, also can mean fear.
Red: anger, hate.
• Due to her autism, she carries a pair of headphones ALL the time as well as stim toys, comfort objects or plushies, a sketchbook she writes and draws what she's feeling to better communicate it.
• She can play maracas, flute, piano, guitar (acoustic), kalimba.
• Big fan of musicals and history, in late nights she likes to listen to Philza's stories of the old times and Chay loves his battle stories, so they share this cozy moment
• In the beginning she could only see ghosts, but with time she could see the deities. She can see and feel their emotions but can't talk with them much, she mainly can see Mumza and Rose, Rose in the sanctuary where her power is centered and stronger, Mumza all around her dad (Phil >:) ) and every time she's with the crows.
• Knows flower language to write better letters to everyone, adding a deeper meaning, sometimes saying secret stuff through the flowers and as an extra giving pretty flowers
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• Tallulah sometimes paints her nails with Phil and Chayanne, every week with a different design
• When Missa is home back from his journeys, Tallulah sees how exhausted her dad is, so she speaks in spanish (their native languages) and makes him some food or brings fruit
• Before she officially forgot Wilbur whenever she would come with other residents and her siblings, Tallulah sometimes felt weak, abandoned, left behind, after all, ALL the others had their parents, had close connections, she hated it but couldn't help but feel jealous, in these situations Phil and Chayanne always reassured her the best they could that they would never leave her and that she wouldn't go back to the attic.
• Makes bracelets for her close family, always wearing one with PxTxC on her left hand (Philza, Chayanne and Tallulah), in the right one she has a TxCxR (Tallulah, Richas, Chayanne) or it could be TxCxP (Tallulah, Chayanne, Pomme) after all she doesn't hate Richas, she hates that he's immature and acts "entitled" and dramatic over his issues, but still tries her best to be a good sister to him, also loves pomme a lot!! Considering Pomme her bestie
Reminder: Tallulah is just a child in rp, children don't know how to control their emotions and in situations of abandonment, neglect and lack of a trusting bond with a caretaker, children can struggle even more with emotions, care, jealousy, trust, self-esteem etc, so don't call Tallulah "selfish" or "spoiled" she has every right to be that way after what she's been through
• Due to her depression,sometimes Tallulah can't take care of herself, spending days or weeks in bed or just not feeling like going out, or when she does she doesn't show much interest, in these cases Phil and Chayanne always cooked some nice food and drinks, went to the nests, and chatted and comforted her
• She became a great fighter after the events of pre-purgatory and purgatory, she NEEDED a tough exterior since she was without Chayanne, and that time worsened her depression severely
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crazyk-imagine · 3 days
Hi there, hope you're doing well. I would love to request a fic where the reader is Sirius Black's wife who reunites with him after he escapes from Azkaban, takes care of him e.g. feeding him and grooming him, and helping him get better. Cheers!
Part II: Coming Home to You
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Wife!reader
Characters: Wife!reader, Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Longbottom, Dorcas Meadowes, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans nee Potter, James Potter, Remus Lupin
Warnings: Angst, fluff, lots of stuff going on, I needed some background into, the reader is super traumatized bc of her powers, Sirius has missed his girl for too damn long, sad but good reuniting, this series is getting away from me, there's a lot going on the more you read, writing the deaths or the memories really hurts guys, but I'm doing it for you all even though no one asked
Word Count: 3,880
*Soooo, this became part of a short series, enjoy :)
A/N: Don't forget to ask if y'all want to be apart of the tag list, I love it when y'all ask :) <33
You close the door, securing the cottage with a few simple shield spells; a reoccurring task since Halloween night all those years ago.
The small stack of paper on your counter reminds you of why you left to get supplies in the first place.
You place the basket on the counter and reach for the papers, the gnawing feeling returns to your stomach.
You knew going to Hogwarts after the night Harry lost his parents and lost... family would never be an easy task.
Trying to ask McGonagall to write letters to inform you of everything going on wasn’t the safest option but you felt there was no other way for you to check in on things… and make sure Harry’s okay.
It’s been too long for him to remember you and you’re sure he’ll feel like you abandoned him.
You sigh, resting your hands on the countertop, overthinking about the endless possibilities again.
The pain in your heart worsens whenever you think about the sweet innocent child who's had to endure the weight of the cruel and evil world on his own in ways you hoped never would happen to him.
You wipe away the fallen tears, remembering when Dumbledore stopped you before you left Hogwarts, informing you that he felt it was safer if you weren’t in contact with the child.
You regret not leaving something for him to know you’re out there, to let him know he has a safe place or just- someone to talk to and know there's someone who will take care of him.
You sigh and open the letter, only to find no letter at all. “Oh, Merlin.” Sirius’ wanted poster, you’ve seen it before but this- this was new. “You escaped? Oh, for Merlin’s sake.”
You lift the paper closer to you, wondering if this is somehow a trick. You shake your head, "Sirius what are you trying to do?"
He never knew what happened to you once he entered his cell. Although he never gave up the thought of seeing you again.
That's what kept him going, the thought of his little bird waiting for him, fighting to get him out.
It was all he needed and the reason he paws at your door.
Scratches on your door startle you, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. "Oh, Merlin!" You take a deep breath, placing your hand over your heart to calm you. ‘What the-’
An idea pops into your head, "is that you Kit?" As you make your way to the door, a shadow catches your eye. "Kit-" You blink as your jaw drops while staring at the dark-haired dog. "S- so it's true."
You gulp down the saliva that's built up in your throat. "You did it. You escaped." You shake your head, ordering him to get inside so you can close the door before anyone knows where you are. “Hurry up.”
He trails inside, standing beside the door, watching as you franticly spell the place. He lowers his head, not used to seeing you be so frantic and paranoid before.
You spin around and stare at him with a face of pain. "Change back," you order him, tears trickling down your cheeks. “Please change back. I need,” you take a deep breath. “I need to see you.”
He trails into the kitchen, not wanting you to see his disheveled, dirty, and scrawny body.
“Sirius?” You step closer to the kitchen entrance. “Don’t leave.”
How could he leave when he's just found you?
He steps out, stopping in front of you.
“Is this real?”
“I should be the one asking you that,” he responds with a scratchy voice as if he hasn’t talked in a… while.
You can’t hold back anymore and wrap your arms around him, crying into him, burrowing your head deeper into his neck. "I've missed you so much."
His arms shake as he raises them, wanting to hug you back but feeling as though he is unworthy to do so.
Your arms tighten around him, "you can hug me, hug me as tight as you can and don't let go."
His fingers dig into the fabric of your shirt.
You pull back, letting him continue to keep his grasp on you. "How are you?"
He stares at you.
"What's wrong?"
He doesn't realize it until he's hunched over, gripping your shirt tightly in his grasp.
You hold the man as he breaks down, whispering comforting words into his ear. giving him the comfort and safety, he hasn't had in over a decade.
Eventually you get him to let go and the two of you sit down at the kitchen table. "Why are you here, Sirius?"
"A man can't come by to see his wife."
You purse your lips. "A man can but you're not just any man, you forget I've known you since we were children."
He zones out, keeping his gaze on the table.
You wander towards your cabinets, fixing something for him to drink. You place it down in front of him. "Drink it."
His eyes lazily glance over it before turning to you. "What's in it?"
"Do you trust me?"
He pauses, raising a brow. Do you know? "Have you given me a reason not to?"
You shrug, "you tell me."
He's never known you to be so harsh, even if you're not acting like it. "Would you poison the only person who cares enough to find you?"
"Or maybe you knew where I was."
"Are you waiting for me to- to do something?"
“Would you?”
“Do you even know what I went through? I-”
You slam your hands on the table and push yourself up, “no, Sirius.” You angrily point your finger in his face. “You don’t know what I went through when you- when you walked out of here, leaving me on my own.”
“You were safer here.”
“I was left to fight the traitor of our friend group.”
He pauses, turning towards you; if he had animalistic features, his ears would be tucked down along with his tail being stuck between his legs. “What are you talking about?”
Were the rumors true?
Had you been left to deal with Peter once he left?
His gaze moves onto the floor, feeling shame because he couldn’t protect his friend, nay his brother and his wife but to find out he put you in danger… Merlin, that hurts.
He’s been hurt before, his heart broke worse than it did when he thought he was in love with his first girlfriend (granted he was in his third year) but this is a different kind of pain; he’s genuinely hurt. It feels as if his heart is close to breaking.
"I do understand, Sirius and-” You throw yourself onto him, hugging him tightly against you, kissing the top of his head before pulling back to stare into his glossy eyes, wiping away the stray tears that trickle down his cheeks. “When you went to Azkaban. You- I thought I lost you.”
“You didn’t,” he huffs. “Now you have a cowardly husband.”
“Who says he is cowardly?” You sniffle. “Who? Tell me so I can handle them.”
“I am. You honestly can’t tell me otherwise, can you?”
You nod, staring at him with those loving eyes he’s only been told have been directed at him more than a dozen times by… them.
To see them for himself when he’s at his lowest, Merlin, you know how to make a man’s heart race.
“I can because no other man, other than yourself, would put himself in the most dangerous situation he could the way you did.”
“I left before I could protect you properly.”
“No, no. If you had been here, it would have been bad. We wouldn’t have been able to focus, you know, because we’d be worried about the other. Besides, I knew how to handle, Pettigrew.”
His head has never moved this fast (other than the time when Lily gossiped to Marlene, Alice, and Dorcas about you liking the man). “It was the rat.”
“Sirius now is not the time to get upset,” you say, wanting him to calm down.
“Calm down? Calm down! That damned rat is the reason we lost James and Lily, why Harry lost his parents, and we lost the only other people we could call family! And you want me to calm down!”
You cross your arms and raise your brow.
He takes a deep breath, sitting down once more. “Fine, I’m calm.”
“Did you, do it?”
“Do what?” He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, staring up at you with the same expression he did when you two started dating: eyes full of love, a smile full of mischief.
“Were you able to get revenge on him?”
“Nope much like an actual rat, he escaped.”
“He’ll be back again.”
“Yeah,” his face turns sour.
“Come,” you grab his hand, pulling him with you.
You don’t have to turn around to wiggle his brows.
“You’re taking a bath.” You stand in front of the door with your arms crossed.
His eyes widen.
“Just because your animungus is a dog, doesn’t mean you get to act like a big cat.”
“I, on behalf of my animungus, is highly offended.”
“Yes, well, I don’t care.” You turn around to open the door and leave, wanting to give him the privacy he needs (and deserves).
His hand wraps around your arm, keeping you in place. Against all his judgment he does the one thing he didn’t want to. “Don’t leave.”
You close your eyes, never imagining hearing him sound so small. “Okay,” you spin around.
“I’ll stay.” You don't need to hear him say thank you, him coming home to you is enough. You tell him to stay where he is while you use a spell to fill the bathtub with water. You gesture for him to go get in.
“You're going to watch me?”
You nod, remembering when you were younger, and Remus took you guys to the muggle pool, and he said the same phrase.
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Remus had opened the door and guided you all into the area. "Alright, everyone find a chair."
Sirius takes a seat beside you, not a surprise to anyone.
You take the sunscreen from Lily, watching over her and James, making sure they don't slip as they run and jump into the pool.
"You need help getting your back?"
You glance over your shoulder and raise a brow. "Really?"
He raises his hands, letting out a long, "what? I'm offering my service, helping a fellow marauder out."
"As if."
He offers a mischievous smile before standing up.
Your eyes follow his movements.
"You're going to watch me?" He asks, reaching for the bottom of his shirt.
"I need-"
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“I need to make sure you don't fall in.”
He nods, knowing what you were referring to.
“I can turn around while you-”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “It's fine. I'm- it's fine.” He worries you won't want him anymore with how he looks now, nothing like his old self, he knows. He unties the makeshift tie he made and lets his pants fall.
You hold your breath, not wanting to cough as the dust and dirt flies up into the air around you.
He slowly undoes the buttons, wanting to prolong his unveiling as much as he can.
You huff and stand in front of him, shaking his hands off you as you do so. “Sirius,” one button done. “Orion,” another. “Black,” you release the front of his shirt, letting it rest against his chest. You cup his cheeks, “you have nothing to be ashamed of, do you hear me? I married you, not because of your looks, although it is a plus.”
The corner of his lips curve upwards, you know you've got him.
“I don't care if you are not as you were all those years ago because if you weren’t you wouldn't have come back to me. I am going to give you all the love and praise you deserve because you do, and I will help you. We will do this together because we are better together, remember?”
“You only said that so I wouldn't miss the game for that girl.”
“And we still won.”
“I won that game.”
“Did you now?” You remove his shirt, letting it fall to the floor with his pants, guiding him towards the bath.
“We both know I did.”
“I don't know,” you say coyly. “Tell me again, how you won the game?”
“I’ve never been one to brag-”
You scoff, helping him into the tub. “That’s all I knew you did, even before we became friends. James had to do a lot of persuading.”
“He did?”
You nod, grabbing the off your bathroom sink. “Oh yeah. It took him a while too. He knew I wasn’t going to budge but seeing the way you were with him and Moons, it may have helped with Prongs’ persuading.”
“I never knew that.”
You smile at the man, scooping a cup full of water, holding it up for him to get the hint.
He scoots forward.
“I told him not to tell you. Ever, or else I’d have him be my tester for new spells and… other things.”
He closes his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the water and your fingers running through his hair. “When was that?”
“When he realized I liked you.”
“How long before we actually became friends?”
You don’t answer.
“Little bird?”
A wistful sigh escapes you, thinking back to your younger years. “Not long.”
“So, you’re admitting I could have asked you out sooner.”
“No, definitely not. We met when we were supposed to.”
“Is that what you told him?”
“That’s what I believe.”
He opens his eyes and stares at you. “How did I get so lucky to find you?”
“James found you and took you in.”
“More stray jokes,” he mutters. “Very nice.”
“You always knew you were special, don’t act like you aren’t.” You grab the cup, “close your eyes and tilt your head back.” You forgot to put up the mental block, being this close to someone after so long; images of him being taken and left in that cell flash through your mind along with his laughter.
You gulp and finish taking care of him.
He sits on your perfectly made bed and stares at the floor.
You lean against the doorframe, taking him in. “Why did you come back?”
His head tilts up, tired eyes staring at you. “Huh?”
“Why did you come back?”
“Are you saying I’m not welcomed by my wife?”
“I’ve said no such thing since you’ve arrived,” you snarl at him. “I’m only asking because I know you and if you know who did anything to you, you’d get revenge like the time James took your hair products resulting in the Black frizz of 74’ and you turned his hair green for a month. So, I ask again, why are you here?”
He brushes his freshly cleaned hair out of his face. “I found him.”
“Found who?”
He slams his hands down on the bed sheets. “I found that rat!” His face scrunches in pain.
“What- are you okay?” You rush towards him.
“I’m- I’m fine,” he tries to reassure you.
“You are not fine.” You grab your wand, waving it around him. “Is that better?”
“What’d you do?”
You shrug, “something to ease your pain until we get to the kitchen.”
“You trying to seduce me, little bird?”
You pull him with you, keeping him behind you. “I don't need to do much to seduce you if I needed to.”
“Is that a fact?”
“It is, because I know you inside and out no matter how much you deny it.” 
You gesture for him to sit down at the kitchen table while you riffle through your cabinets. “The others would say all I ever needed to do was so much as breathe in your direction.”
You turn, eyes widening upon the sight of your husband standing there, beside you. “Really?”
You nod before telling him to sit down. “I- I need space to prepare this for you.”
An amused smile dances across his lips. “Is that all you need me to do little bird?”
“It is, if you would just, please-”
“They told me the same thing.”
“About what?”
You move around him.
“They told me all I needed to do was look at you and you'd be at my feet, willing to do whatever I asked.”
You scoff, avoiding making eye contact with him, not wanting him to see the faint flush in your cheeks. “As if.” 
"If that's the case," he places his arms on either side of you, caging you in against the counter, leaning closer to your ear. "Why are you so red?"
You huff and elbow him, "go sit."
He holds his abdomen and smiles at you, even though you aren't looking.
You shake your head and continue working on the potion, a sense of deja vu flooding through you, thinking back to the times when you'd help him make potions for Moons after you found out about his condition.
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You and Remus share eye contact.
"You know?"
You hesitate to nod.
"And you're not scared?"
"I know you, I've seen the scars. You hurt yourself more to protect everyone." You place the bottle in his hands, "this is the least I could do to try and help you. I know it's not much but-"
"This means more than you could know."
You fight the urge to let out a wide smile, knowing what the others are planning. "I wouldn't say that just yet."
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You shake your head and finish with the potion and start preparing the meal you were going to make before... the re-arrival of your husband.
“Drink this,” you place the potion beside his hand, followed by the plate of food. “Eat this after or else you’ll get nauseous. Eat what you can and don’t force it down.”
He nods, listening to your words with all he can until he notices there’s only one plate for him. “Where’s your plate?”
“Oh, I’m- uh- I’m not hungry.”
“Liar, I hear your stomach growling. Sit with me.”
“I have too much to do, I- you need your energy more than I need it. Please just, eat some and then I’ll sit with you once I’m done.”
“No,” he shakes his head, fighting you. “I have been locked away for twelve years,” he holds onto your arm, preventing you from walking away. “I barely got to speak to our godson, I- I need you.”
“No, please just- just eat with me and if things are too different, I’ll- I’ll leave.”
You place your hand on his, squeezing his hand once seeing the fear in his eyes. “I won’t, just let,” you take a breath, “let me make something for us to share for old time sakes, okay?”
He slowly nods his head.
You let go of his hand and wander back into the kitchen, riffling through the cabinets and your basket, only to find ingredients for your favorite bread you two would share all the time during your shared time at Hogwarts.
‘Guess I knew beforehand yet again.’
Once it’s done you pull it out of the oven and place it on the counter. “I made it the same way the elves did.”
“You got their recipe?”
You shrug, not wanting to admit the truth. “I cannot confirm nor deny your statement.”
“Never been one to say yes but I know, I know the truth, little bird.”
“That’s why we work so well together.” You place the bread in front of him. You stare at him, curious as to what is going on inside his head.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?”
“What is?”
“This is the first time we’ve been together since we lost them.”
“Yeah… I know.”
“Have you seen him?”
You quiet down, “no.”
“He knows about you, about us.”
“He does?”
He nods, “and Moons condition.”
“Oh my- it was a full moon yesterday, wasn’t it? No wonder you’re in so much pain. Why didn’t you tell me?” You push yourself out of your chair, holding his head in your hands; you gulp at the sight of him running with Harry and then nothing. “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, concerned about Moons... and you.”
You hold in a groan as you release him, offering a small smile. “You don’t need to worry about me, I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
“Just because you can,” he explains while holding your hand, “doesn’t mean you have to.”
“I know,” you tell him, trying not to get into a vaguely familiar talk with him. “And I’m not just saying that.”
“We should go see him tomorrow.”
You narrow your eyes at the man. “Do you not remember the fact that you escaped from prison and are now a wanted man because I’m sure that everyone within a fifteen-mile radius knows and will bring you right back to that cell.”
“They don’t know my animungus.”
“That doesn’t help your situation.” 
“Who would know?”
“Other than you.”
“Harry? Moons?”
“One, the boy doesn’t know and two, Moony is a solid mate.” He explains, knowing you guys were always there, supporting him to no end.
“It’s dangerous.”
“When has it ever been safe?”
You scoff through your nose. “Are we seriously arguing over your life right now? You say you came back for me, but you keep throwing yourself into danger. How am I supposed to close my eyes and pretend like everything is okay when I don’t even know if you’ll be here the next day.”
“It’s to protect those I love.”
You clench your jaw, holding in your sobs. “What about-”
A tap on the door interrupts you. You can sense it’s Kit and open the door, letting the cat hop into your arms.
“Who’s that?”
“Why do you have a cat?”
“I found him.”
He narrows his eyes at the feline. “Why is it here?”
“He’s been the only company I’ve had for the last few years.”
“He doesn’t seem to like me much,” he notes, due to the way the cat seems to glare at him.
“He senses your different but,” you lean down and whisper into the little cats' ears.
The furry creature seems to have calmed down a bit and stares at the man with wonder.
“It’s a boy and I merely told him you mean no harm.” You return to your place in front of him and continue to eat your meal.
He doesn’t plan on staying the night, not wanting to endanger you.
“I don’t know where you're going but please don’t leave me alone again.”
He smiles in return. “I’ll be back, I’ve never broken my promise, have I?”
You shake your head. “I don’t want to lose you again.”
“You won’t. I’m a man now.”
A mix of a sniffle, chuckle, and a cough escape you. “You’re barely a man.”
“I knew you’d remember.”
You tilt your head, “how can I forget? All of the memories we made were the only thing helping me through the loneliness.”
Previously: Part I // Continue to: Part III
Tag list
@kmc1989 @imthebadguyyy @twinkletwinklenotastar @abaker74
@callsignwidow @dreamingofmarauders @comboboo
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piko-power · 1 month
Don't mind me, just making a collection of Sonic and Knuckles being together because I want more of their sibling dynamic and I love them
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If anybody is wondering, I took these pictures from YouTube, NOT Paramount+. The first full episode is out for free if you wanna check it out.
Please do not tag as ship.
EDIT: Okay so apparently I can't find the full episode on YouTube anymore lol. Just wanted to put that out there in case anyone didn't know.
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alchemiclee · 8 months
been looking in tags for a few days now to see if anyone else found the whole high cloud quintet and related story to be a bit.....poorly written, nonsensical, contradictory, full of plot holes and loose ends, etc. apparently i'm not the only one. (and i'm not even talking about shipping stuff, because any time I saw someone mad about bad writing, someone always replies to be homophobic and laugh about failed ships. weirdos.) it could have been so good but was thrown into the garbage for the most part (IF you noticed all the plot holes and contradiction. if not, then it's a fine enough story tbh. I expect most people to see it on surface level and not read all the little hidden lore bits and try to piece it together like my autistic brain did. which is ok! enjoy it if you liked it and ignore me 😆)
#apparently one of the writers did it on purpose. wont explain here. you can find it elsewhere. but it makes sense now#that's why it fell apart and didnt make sense in the end#ive seem people say anyone mad about it is a shipper and thats why. they use it as an excuse to be homophobes#youre gross get out of thos fandom. im here as someone upset about the story who was very skeptical about any ship theories and focused#more on plot theories and overall friendship and stuff so its not even about shipping you het weirdos!!!#the contradictions and plot holes are bd regrdless of who you ship lmao stop reducing it to that#aure its fine if you ignlre those plot holes. but it happened to be the little plot holes that interested me the most so its obvious to me😅#cant wait until a talented writer in the fandom rewrites the whole story a lot better and fills in the holes and ties up the end better#please someone do this 😭#lee text#hsr#i just wanted a close found family who met a tragic end#my idea for a better way to write it is dan feng wanted free from the high elder cycle and yingxing helped him create a new elder#but it went wrong and failed because the preceptors fed him wrong info hopong it woukd destroy dan feng since they hated him#instead it was yingxing that died and dan feng selfishly brought him back somehow and thats why hes immortal and hates dan heng now#they created a monster in the process that made a mess and baiheng died trying to kill it maybe but hit its weak spot#so it was weaked enough for jingliu to slay it#maybe for a plot twist jing yuan somehow knew the preceptors were up to something and didnt stop the two because#they were too stubborn and he knew it would do nothing#we know the dragon heart disappeared so either it ended becoming bailu in the end#or it could be inaide blade bow. another fun possible plot twist. they never explained where it went so it coukd be a n y w h e r e#i had other ideas but i forget now. bht baiheng deserves better as well. just being a plot mechanism to make two dudes be stupid#is kinda bland and boring and wasted her character. she deserves better too!!!!#id write this if i had the time and brain power but ill hope someone else does it instead#OH yeah i forgot a big idea. dan feng and yingxing perhaps try to also kill the arbor and end the abundance and long life/reincarnation#and maybe that was one part that led to it all going wrong or something. since yingxing wanted revenge on the abundance for destroying#his home and family???? and dan feng wanted to escape the cycle? similar wants that worked together snd failed#these are all ideas from past theories i read and my own ideas i came up with all of which are better than what that bad writer did!#these are very incomplete ideas that im sure someone else can write better#lee rambles
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sanhaoche · 9 months
i am generally a piano ballad hater but olivia rodrigo is such an ACTOR that i tear up basically every time i listen to the grudge and this morning i actually CRIED while my girlfriend played it on her shitty phone speaker................ what did she put into that song!!!!!!!!
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
I find it funny how BNHA is one of the most popular anime/manga and yet people seem to forget almost everything that happens. like how.
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mrfoox · 2 years
Actually I love accents. Like no matter how good you become at languages you still have some sounds/letters you pronounce in a specific way, that's actually very cute
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kangseluigi · 8 days
There was that scene in Kim's Convenience where the daughter is in her photography class and her lecturer is looking up her website, realises the first page isn't hers, the second is also not hers, she has to go to page 2 of google and at that point just throws down her hands and says at that point, as a potential customer, she already loses interest and gives up cause it's not worth the effort
and lately I just feel like the whole fucking internet feels like that
I want to look up how to use cricut stuff and what that even really is, what can I do with what but when I put their name in i get taken to the fucking shop with no explanations far and wide, then next link is also the shop, next link is ALSO the shop but different, and by the time I finally find a page that has any kind of explanation, i'm so annoyed that the hoops is makes me jump through THEN—e.g. selecting which topic I want to learn more about—I'm no longer interested in doing this shit
the other day I wanted to look up what Nokia is up to in terms of phones these days but they no longer have 1 coherent website. In general, many places seem to not want any coherence in their websites, or sub-menus that you can easily navigate
Like, I come from myspace. I know how to navigate the internet. I played WoW in days of dial-up internet. And yet, everything is so goddamn convoluted and incoherent, there is NO structure or logic to anything and on top of that, google, and with it most other search engines, are fucking fried! A few years ago, if a website was really badly designed, you could just navigate back, google the website + search term you needed and get there somehow, but now that is also useless more often than not!
At this point I am genuinely over the internet. We had a good 15 years with it, let's pack it up.
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pastadoughie · 4 months
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many people were confused about some of my previous posts, so for the sake of clarity i am condensing everything! tumblr has extremely transphobic moderation practices, often flagging completely innocent posts as explicit, solely for containing trans women in them or mentioning transgenderism. while letting untagged porn in sfw tags (ive literally seen porn tagged as "sfw agere") and blatent hatespeech, especially twards trans people (just look at the "gender critical" tag) go completely unchecked recently the CEO of tumblr had a big public hissyfit about people (rightfully) calling him transmysogenistic, going into random trans womens dms to harrass them, and saying that predstrogen saying she "hopes he explodes with hammers and then explodes again and hammers fly everywhere" is a death threat and saying he is calling the FBI on her (repeatedly misgendering her and calling her "it") and many bloggers, apon speaking out about it or even making harmless jokes (one trans woman posted a picture of a car and a hammer with the caption "reblog to scare matt" and got nuked for it) and many are very very angry (rightfully) about this whole affair and tumblr in general. if you would like to look into it i reccomend scrolling the "predstrogen" tag as she is the case most people are talking about at the moment. So, what can we do? this is clearly an ongoing issue, and, dispite having lost a lawsuit about their transphobic moderation in the past (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement) its clearly not gonna stop with just user complaints, as staff members are perfectly content to just go scorched earth on users who even so much as lightly poke fun at them well if you want to help you should contact the human rights commision (i will give clear details further down) ! you dont have to be in the US, nor be an adult to file, and it only takes a few minutes. this is the best and most effective method to fix this, because it hits tumblr where it hurts. human rights acencies have a lot of legal and financial power and tumblr CAN NOT just ignore them, and given that this will be the seccond time this is happening, the commisions shouldnt be playing nice anymore eaither. its really important that AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FILE, and with different examples! while maybe your case might not be enough to prop up a lawsuit on its own, we need to prove a general trend. so every little bit counts! to respond to another question abt this ive gotten, as for what exactly to report, you should a) write about an act of discrimination youve recieved on tumblr that was eaither administered by a staff member OR that staff refused to give adequate moderation action in for example : a terf posted some blatent hatespeech targeted twards you, and you reported them, and staff looked at the issue and refused to persecute it. example 2 : you were unfairly flagged, deleted, or otherwise punished by a staff member and you are queer ( AND the post they banned you for has some kind of tie to your gender, ex : a sfw transition progress photo ) OR b) if you have not personally recieved something like that, please look for other peoples stories (THEY SHOULDNT BE HARD TO FIND, within the last couple of hours trans people have been being banned LEFT AND RIGHT for trying to speak on this. i would reccomend checking some of the tags related to what happened with predstrogen) and you should describe that incident as best as possible (be sure to disclose that you are speaking for someone else, ideally you should tell the story of someone you know, if possible.) you can also mention any reports you have made twards people posting blatent hatespeech that, opon reveiwing tumblr refused to prosecute dispite it being very obviously against terms of service. just so nobody gets confused about the filing process, im laying it out in more plain languadge!!
first you should email the SF HRC (san francisco human rights commision), at [email protected] and say something along these lines :
Hello, I am [full name] from [country or state] and I am filing a complaint against Tumblr, witch is owned by the parent company Automattic Inc. located at 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Tumblr has had previous issues with the NYC DHR for their moderation being unfairly biased against trans women (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement).
Despite a legally binding agreement with the NYC DHR, staff members still regularly harrass users based on their gender or sexual orientations. For example : on [date of most recent infraction] [describe incident] (if you are describing an incident that did not happen to you specifically, say something like) This incident involves the user [username] who I am not affiliated with (or/) who I am filing on behalf of.
I can be reached for further inquiries about this incident at [email you want to talk over] or [phone number you want to talk over]. (if you would like to be anonymous) However, In the event of legal prosecution against Automattic I would refer to be kept anonymous, where possible, in court proceedings. alternatively, you can also call the SF HRC at : 415-252-2500, you can use the above text as a starting point for this as well, next you want to fill out the form for the NYC DHR (new york city department of human rights) here : https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page for company you wanna put : Automattic and/or Tumblr for address you wanna put : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 for phone number you wanna put : (646) 513-4321 and for category of discrimination you can put : Discriminatory harassment and basis of discrimination you can put : Gender; Gender identity you can then use a similar script on the written section of the form. when describing a specific incident, you should attach as many screenshots and links as possible! (for links, include both a live link and an archival link, so take a capture with the internet archive and have that as an alternative, incase a staff member gets petty.) this should only take a few minutes at most, and it helps alot! you can fill this out if you are a minor, and you dont have to be a us resident, please please take the time!!! and, just to clarify because there are many posts going around that are confused about this tumblr moved offices to san francisco recently, so their main HQ is at : 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 they DO still have an office in new york city, and thats where their PREVIOUS HQ was, the address is : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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feluka · 1 month
"How many of you have ever been to Jerusalem? Raise your hand if you have ever been to Jerusalem. We have 60 students here, and we have one... two, probably three... That's that's very few of you! I've never been to Jerusalem. We're Palestinians; we live in Gaza; we can't go to Jerusalem because of the Israeli occupation.
But we love Jerusalem, right? [A chorus of students saying "yes".] We love Jerusalem because of what it means to us. We've never been there, but believe me, when you go there you will feel that you've been there hundreds of times. Because you read about Jerusalem in literature, in stories. Of course it doesn't mean that that's it, that we should take the Jerusalem that's in the stories and that's it, no.
But in literature, Jerusalem comes back to us. It's true that there is suffering; there is pain; there is occupation, and that's why Tamim Al-Barghouti, as a young Palestinian poet, I think is doing a great service to the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian struggle.
When you listen to him reciting his poem from Al-Quds, or other poems, he takes you to Jerusalem. You live in Jerusalem. He takes you back to it. You liberate it for just a little bit of time.
And if there is hope; if you can imagine a free Palestine, a free Jerusalem, probably you will work towards that, and the same thing applies to occupied Palestine. We've never been to other parts of Palestine because of the Israeli occupation, but we've been told so many times by our parents and our grandparents, especially our mothers, they've been telling us stories about Palestine in the past, the good old days, when Palestine was all beautiful, unoccupied, unraped.
Therefore, I say in in this case how our homeland turns into a story. In reality, we can't have it; we don't have it, but it can turn into poems, into literature, into stories, so our homeland turns into a story. We love our homeland because of the story. We love our homeland because of the story, and we love the story because it's about our homeland, and this connection is significant.
Israel wants to sever this relationship, for example between Palestinians and the land; Palestinians and Jerusalem, and other places and cities, and literature attaches us back - connects us strongly to Palestine, so in my thinking, this is a very significant thing that literature contributes to. Creating realities; making the impossible sound possible.
In real life, again because we are here in Palestine and Gaza, I'll be giving you examples from Palestinian and Arab literature so we can compare and make things clearer. We all know Fadwa Tuqan, the Palestinian poet - and please do not introduce her as Ibrahim Tuqan's sister, let's talk about her as Fadwa Tuqan and then somewhere else mention that, "by the way, Ibrahim Tuqan was her brother". Let's not throw her under the shadow of a man, even if it's her brother, who was a great poet, we can't deny that.
So this is Fadwa Tuqan, a Palestinian poet, 40 years ago or 50 years ago, writing poetry... Of course, we always fall into this trap of saying "she was arrested for just writing poetry!" We do this, even us believers in literature, "Why would Israel arrest somebody or put somebody under house arrest if she only wrote a poem?!"
So we contradict ourselves sometimes. We believe in the power of literature, changing life as a means of resistance, a means of fighting back and in the end we say, "She just wrote a poem!" We shouldn't be saying that.
Moshe Daya, an Israeli general, said that the poems of Fadwa Tuqan were like facing 20 enemy fighters. Wow.
She didn't throw stones; she didn't shoot at the invading Israeli military jeeps. She just wrote poetry. And I'm falling for that again, I'm saying "she just wrote poetry".
So this is what how Israel's dealing with Palestinian poets, and the same thing happened to Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour. She wrote poetry celebrating Palestinian struggle; encouraging Palestinians to resist, not to give up, to fight back. She was put under house arrest. She was sent to prison for years.
And therefore I end here with a very significant point. Don't forget that Palestine was first and foremost occupied in Zionist literature and Zionist poetry.
Palestine was presented as these things, I'll be mentioning some of them, but there's a contradiction here, there's a paradox always. "Palestine is a land without a people to our people without a land", "Palestine flows with milk and honey", "there's no one there, so let's go". We'll see how later on, how many even Jewish people were disappointed when they came to Palestine. Number one, there was no milk and honey, because "flowing with milk and honey" sounds like you're just going to be groping around, and milk and honey will be thrown at you - and there were people! There have always been people in Palestine.
The fact that Israel worked hard to ethnically cleanse Palestine, to kick Palestinians out, first and foremost in literature - yes, in politics and everything - shows how significant poetry is.
To sum up, Palestine was occupied metaphorically in the poem long before it was physically and militarily occupied in your life, so let's do the same. Let's fight back; let's restore Palestine in in our writings; in our poetry; in our stories."
-Professor Refaat Alareer explaining to his students the power of poetry as a means of resistance, and why the occupation targets poets, during one of his lectures at IUG.
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