#But they'll come out soon
oh !! my !! i’m the first requester ?? that’s crazy !!
be expecting more platonic yandere asks :3
Mayhaps .. Platonic Yan ! Riddle Rosehearts & Younger brother / sibling ! MC ?
Except they are really anxious n paranoid .. about EVERYTHING !!
“Riddle, How does this school system work ?”
“Riddle, why is there furries here ? — oh they’re a beastmen?!”
“Riddle, why is everyone talking to me ?”
“Riddle, why are the teachers so scary ?!”
“Riddle, why did mother send me here ? I wanna go home ….”
and the list goes on !!
please n thank uu !
—Call Me ; Yàng Anon ! Or Anon Yàng ? Or Maybe ☀️ Anon ? whatever fits you !
Ooh, okay! Well first of all, hello Yàng-Anon. Second thank you for the asks! So long as asks are open (and you aren't spamming my inbox) you're free to send in as many asks as you like...only one at time tho. I can't do two at once lol. Anyway thanks for the love and support! <3
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Platonic Yandere Riddle
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Riddle as a sibling would be a little controlling in general.
Partly due to his own perfectionism, something he can't quite shake even after his overblot.
However as a yandere? It gets waaaay fucking worse.
He views the object of his "affections" less like a person and more like some kind of ragdoll that he pose and dress however he wants.
He thinks he's helping but in reality it actually worsens their mental state until they are exactly like the doll Riddle wants them to be.
But in the context of ask I think it play out a little differently.
Riddle would develop his yandere tendencies as a young child, given that you were the only person Riddle was allowed to even speak to (aside from his parents)
So it's no wonder why he quickly fell in love with your sweet and nice nature.
He couldn't help but want to shield you from all the hurt he experienced as a child. Given that you were probably the only good thing allowed to stay in his life.
You grew up babied by him, with him constantly holding your hand and helping carry you every step of the way.
Even if sometimes he was a little invasive about it.
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"You're doing it wrong. Here give me the pencil. Let me show you how to do it. Can't have you getting a bad grade on such an easy assignment now can I?"
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When it came time for his first year at NRC he was absolutely pissed that you couldn't come with him.
He knew that eventually Mother would try to tear you two apart, but it doesn't make him happy either way.
God bless everyone in Heartslabyul during his first year because without you around he's fucking merciless.
When he comes back home for the breaks he spends as much time as possible with you, from teaching you different spells and potions as well as all the history he was taught at NRC.
When it comes time for his second year, you finally get a visit from the Ebony Carriage. And he's absolutely overjoyed.
He doesn't have to spend most of the year alone again.
He finds a joy in your innocence and naivety.
Like when you cling to his robe at the ceremony, scared and afraid of the things happening around you or during the first unbirthday party when you tug at his sleeves and beg him to take it easy on those poor freshman.
Oh how cute his little sibling is. His cute, naive, and utterly helpless little sibling.
Don't worry, so long as you stay in line and keep being your adorable-self your head will stay attached.
The same can't be said for those troublemakers that tried to concert you into one of their own...
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"Those unabashed fools! Trying to make you into one of their own..Idiots the lot of them! Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you dear. Don't worry about me, so long as you're with me everything will be alright. Just smile and nod, alright dear?"
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feralnumberfive · 7 months
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We are getting TUA news this Thursday
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hellcatsandcars · 7 months
i love how every time a band ends their tour people start saying "oh they're gonna disband" like. girl. give em time to at least get over the jet lag before you start your nonsense.
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theheadlessgroom · 2 months
Fortunately, neither of them had to wait long-June and Wilhelm, unable to sleep on account of their son's absence, had been sitting up wide awake in the living room, and were thus able to run to the door when they heard Emily's call. June threw open the door, and Randall, in an effort to stand on his own two feet, moved to collapse against her, mumbling, "Ma...Emily...saved me..."
"She didn't...hurt me..." he continued, voice strained as he spoke-even through the haze of pain hanging over him, he wanted to make it as clear as possible that Emily saved his life. "Got mugged...she saved me..."
"Shh, shh, don't speak," she soothed, her expression uncertain as she looked between her badly battered son and the vampire standing on the front porch. She wasn't sure what to say, but for now, she settled for bringing Randall inside, asking Wilhelm to bring her the first aid kit, something he rushed to do, sparing an equally uncertain look towards Emily as he hurried upstairs.
Once he'd had a chance to lie down and recover, letting his mother tend to his wounds, Randall was able to explain the full story of what had transpired that evening-how Emily had coming seemingly out of nowhere to rescue him, opting not to drain his attackers, but instead give them a good scare before rushing him home.
"And she didn't...bite you...?" Wilhelm asked, keeping his voice low as Randall took a deep drink from his water glass, saying, "No, Pa, she didn't." She had every opportunity to do so, but she didn't. He hoped that would be enough to change their minds about her, as he ventured to ask:
"Can you...can you please bring her in?"
At this request, his parents exchanged a nervous look-should they? Would she turn vengeful as soon as she crossed that threshold? The look in their son's eyes said no... ...but that was a painful concept in itself, as it meant that they had been wrong about her all this time...
Swallowing back their worries, June gave her husband a curt little nod, and so, with some hesitance, some lingering uncertainty, Wilhelm slowly opened the front door, letting Emily into their home once more.
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gxlden-angels · 10 months
I need Americans that were never Christian™️ to realize that the average conservative cult christian's thoughts are basically that one episode of Spongebob where he gets elected Hall Monitor and gives a speech with "Crime and Punishment. Punishment and Crime"
#christians see themselves as the hall monitors of the earth essentially#and everyone needs to be punished and have their good noodle stars taken else they'll commit arson#they genuinely believe that as soon as you stop policing people they'll delve into their deepest darkest fantasies and start committing sins#that even Jesus Christ himself didn't think of#they come from the idea that they are the only group capable of keeping things steady until Sky Papa can make his way down and fuck shit up#So when you do something bad it's because you fell into the pull of destruction#But when they do it's the equivalent of stepping on your dog's foot because they almost tripped you#I still think it's funny a bunch of christians are creationist tho lmao skill issue#My grandparents are but my dad isn't#he believes evolution essentially occurred over the same time the earth was being created#and the story of adam being made from dust was a metaphor and literal#he was made from dust made from decomposing animals and plants which he used to create us as a more perfect being#so now we continue to evolve because we're connected to the dust and can continue to try to improve#so my dad believes in evolution and went to college for biology and chemistry at the biggest HBCU in the US#That evolution/creationist tangent was completely unrelated but all twitter is for me rn is ppl freaking out about our rights being taken#I avoid twitter most of the time but like to look at my friends' and fav artists' tweets#and recently I think little joel made a video about the evolution video that was trending so yea#n e ways have a nice day y'all <3#I've been wanting to make more hehe hahas but everything in my brain rn is Undergraduate Thesis level shit#so I haven't really been reading or writing things I can talk about on Tumblr.Com ya know?#most of it is sociological textbooks memoirs and similar stuff that Id feel talking about on my casual blog#maybe Ill make a blog. like Blog blog for my essays one day#ex christian#religious trauma
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soupsandstars · 1 year
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Going home sketches
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britishchick09 · 4 months
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a new pic of senpai from facebook! ;D
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philemonsdarling · 1 month
in the last book i finished there's a couple that met on tumblr and i just think that's wild
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cuideag · 2 months
deeply annoyed at the grip dragon's dogma 2 has on me. is this what i have been missing this whole time. how are there so many goblins everywhere. where are the kissable men.
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softhairedhotch · 8 months
do you guys ever send your unfinished fics to friends or want them to read the finished version before you post and they SAY THEY WILL and they just. fucking don't? like, i know they don't have to, i can't force them, but it really sucks literally ASKING for feedback/constructive criticism and for them to say they'll let you know and then it's been days, eventually turning to weeks, and they never read it 😐
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takethebodymarc · 1 year
i feel like we could all get over it fast/handle it well if the eggs die lol. I mean we have to remember its a minecraft game💀 yes we and the cc are very attached but at the end of the day things have to come to end:p (and also i feel like everybody's already coming to terms with that) also the loreeeeee guys
i just hope they give baby pomme and her parents some time to adjust before the horrors come for them lmao
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
sitting in a blooming garden would fix me
#flowers WHEN#i have one teeny snowdrop just starting to form a flower 🥲#worried its going to get killed by the cold front coming in tho#its an early blooming fancy one that honestly probably won't live idk what i was thinking when i bought it#literally nothing else is close to flowering tho#i just get so anxious for spring flowers in january i start blowing money pre ordering stuff tho#i ordered a bunch of snowdrops and some bare root hydrangeas and roses#idek how im gonna plant them the ground is probably frozen and we're about to get a foot of snow#what is wrong with me#the hydrangeas tho were a gift from my mom#i've wanted the white kind for a really long time and i told her one of my friends might get married at our house in the next few years#so she ordered them so they'll have time to establish and we'll have big beautiful white flowers for her wedding#which was really nice of her#anyway my friend was so excited and touched when i offered :')#she's not officially engaged but she's halfway thru her degree and she and her bf are planning to get married soon after they both graduate#so in two or three years the hydrangeas should be pretty well established and nice for a wedding#anyway im off track but im excited for all the stuff i ordered to be beautiful and blooming this summer#less excited to figure out how to plant them 🤔#the roses are shipping at ideal planting time in april but the hydrangeas are coming this week for some reason#i cant plant those??? in january???#i will have to try ig#i probably can we'll see#this has been a shitpost
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Aw, hi friend!! Thank you for the gift :D I hope you're doing well out there. I've been struggling to survive the holiday end-of-year rush, the stress of upcoming January appointments, waiting on mysterious blood test explanations while my doctor is on vacation 'for weeks'...and completely switching my sleep routine.
It's for the best of all possible causes, my dedication to our outdoor cats--we have five beloved trusting regulars now, plus another handful who come by when they feel like it--and the need to balance that with keeping my housing situation secure. But it's still been a difficult adjustment, though I do think I'm (slowly) adjusting to often being awake in the morning.
The 11-year-old's regular weekend here just ended, and in two days @actuallyrorygilmore will arrive. I don't know how long she'll be with us, but it's possible the kiddo will return for the first week of January and that'll mean we have back-to-back extra family like we did last month. Totally normal for the holidays, but I still have to brace my disordered brain to withstand the upheaval to my routine (which is already under upheaval).
All that considered, I'm doing alright I think. I have pictures I want to post from my birthday--I got a guitar!--and other occasions. I really need to queue posts here and dive into asks I didn't realize until just now that I had, and for a long time I've wanted to post a general health update for all my people who've been witness to my years of venting about things, and deserve to know that Things Have Happened. (I also owe friends messages and emails and I have unfinished projects weighing on my soul.)
But see above for the reasons why instead, I'm just trying to keep my head above water and make it through a day at a time. Happy crabs are always appreciated. <3
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Big Gregory art coming....
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demonsfate · 7 months
NO TRAILER?! when....... when does the weekly trailers start????
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piplupod · 7 months
the choice of "do i pretend to be Juno and keep up their usual tasks or do I take this opportunity to be my own person for once but also let all their usual tasks and socializing slide to the wayside"
mainly: I cannot play accordion for the life of me and lately they've been posting a little snippet of their accordion practice daily on their instagram story and I don't know what to fucking do about that LMFAO hopefully they show up later today I guess but otherwise I ain't gonna attempt to fumble with that beast
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