#But its been tricky figuring out the style I want to use for it!
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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If I was in a lucid dream with a ghost, I would simply impress them with my blunt rolling skills
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dragonchris · 1 year
Game Review: Crosscode
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Imagine if you were playing an Augmented Reality Multiplayer Online RPG but instead of actually playing an Augmented Reality Multiplayer Online RPG you played as a character who was playing an Augmented Reality Mulitplayer Online RPG? Welcome to Crosscode, an absolute BANGER of a RPG and the single game I’ve been obsessed with for the last two months or so.
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Meet Lea, an amnesiac playing through the Augmented Reality game of Crossworlds to relearn her memories. Through the story, you meet incredibly fun characters and explore a gorgeous futuristic world, uncovering the secrets of your past and figuring out who you are in the present. This game’s got some twists and turns that kept me gripped the whole way through. I wanted to squeeze every dialogue option out of all the characters I met to learn everything about them that I could. Man this game has a story that’s so rich and plentiful I feel like I’m wallowing in a five-star course. I love a good lore-filled game.
Gameplay and Controls:
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As Lea, you travel through a 2D RPG, exploring new places, solving puzzles, and fighting monsters to level up! The world is vast and well-designed, the puzzles are immaculate, but one of the most fleshed out parts of this game is its combat system. I’m usually more a puzzle gameplay person than a combat one but man the combat just feels good. The enemies are interesting and varied, you’ve got an extensive amount of control over how to build the character that you want to play, and its super satisfying to go back to earlier levels that you’ve toiled through and just fucking disintegrate every enemy in your path. And there’s accessibility options too, for both the combat aspect of the game and the puzzle aspect!
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The music is a treat and is very intuitive to the mood of the story and the environment, But also, past that, just the sounds in general are great too. I didn’t realize what a treat it was for certain attacks to sound so nice until I was using them. There are places in the game where the waterfall effects are a bit too loud, but other than that, the game is just really nice to listen to.
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Crosscode’s got a nice pixel style which lends a special charm to the game, almost calling back to older games with its style while making a story about a futuristic gaming environment. The only gripe I have with this style is that, due to its 2D nature, it can be hard to gauge perspective sometimes which can make platforming a bit tricky.
Playable, Replayable, or Unplayable?
God, there is so much in this game to do. It’s worth playing it, it’s worth going back and replaying it. For an indie game, it’s so richly made and there’s so much love put into it that I can’t recommend it enough. If you’re looking into this game, I’d HIGHLY recommend also yoinking the “A New Home” DLC, which offers a whole-ass epilogue chapter. And if you’re not sure if it’s the right game for you, try the free demo out! Man, I love this game. 10/10.
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eirian · 4 months
so im thinking up a few options for myself:
local art market. it happens every second saturday downtown which is a great frequency i think. however i dont know the type of people attending so i dont know if my merch will sell well or at all, and i dont know if they even allow the type of stuff i sell. so this is an iffy one
finding book authors who need illustrations done. i can def do a childrens book illustration if i needed to but id like to find something within my current art style if possible. i'll have to look around and try and find places where ppl are looking for my type of work
sell at conventions. this one's a little tricky bc 1) i have to invest in my stock which is at LEAST $300 for everything i need, 2) im not guaranteed to get on the list of vendors, and 3) these happen very infrequently and i dont know if i can rely on this for steady income
self publish comics. i had thought of this before and i dont think im Currently fit for doing it bc i tend to burn out soooo easily (thats likely a problem with my workflow honestly. its fixable surely) but im hopefully about to get adderall prescribed to me so maybe it'll work out after all lol. unfortunately this isnt an overnight project either though, and i do need to make money Right Now
get into making either live2d vtuber models or 3d models for both vrchat and/or vtubers. i know i know, i cant charge 8k for my first models, but i can at least make a few hundred on a single model. this would be a new skill to learn but its totally possible. theres tutorials and i also vaguely know how to use blender so i can at least try this. i do have fun doing this stuff anyway. im just a lil worried about the level of detail that goes into live2d models, im not super used to detailed designs just yet but its something ive been wanting to put more time and work into, so..
bite the bullet and start putting more work into social media presence and advertising my commissions. i complain about how rough commission work is all the time yes. but genuinely i do enjoy doing commissions for a living. the ONLY reason i complain is because of the inconsistent/low income, and the only reason for That is because i dont have a huge following to the point of where my slots sell out regularly. im no sakimichan. but if i just put in a little more time and work into building a social media presence im sure things will look up in that regard. i just have to fuckin..do it
so ya. these all have pros and cons and im weighing them desperately LOL. if im being honest? im leaning towards three in particular: the vtuber models, building a better social media presence to up my commission demand, and selling at conventions. i can definitely do all three of course, but i have to figure out how to balance everything while learning to do the new things and get good at them. i have no idea how to wrangle social media. ive tried so many things and i keep falling out of it so so easily, its very hard. but fuck dude if 15 year olds on youtube can have 100k subscribers then what the hell am i doing LOL yknow?
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elevatorladylady · 1 year
Critical Reread - ACOFAS Chapter 4
Join me for a critical reread of A Court of Frost and Starlight
Chapter 4 - F/eyre
“a faerie with skin like glittering onyx and eyes like swirling clusters of stars”
More “lesser” fae please. The high fae seem like supermodel humans with pointy ears.
“Inside the gallery, no fewer than five people were doing their best not to gawk at me”
“I offered a tight smile before continuing on.”
“No matter that I wanted to go in.”
F/eyre makes a big deal in ACOMAF about how no one seems to care when R/hysand walks around Velaris. Wonder why it’s different for her.
“though I truly loved to fly, the thought of exposing sensitive wings to the cold made me shiver.”
It’s not just that F/eyre has the luxury of flying with Illyrian wings when many woman don’t, but that she has the added privilege of deciding whether or not to have her wings at all, much less exposed to the cold.
“Few people recognized me while I strode by”
“A small mercy, though I certainly didn’t mind being approached.”
I’m confused now on how people actually respond to her in public, and how she feels about it.
“As High Lady, I hosted weekly open audiences with R/hys at the House of Wind. The requests ranged from the small—a faelight lamppost was broken”
Again we have some humble leader kind of stuff, but really not a great use of resources for the high lord and lady to be dealing with a broken lamppost.
“It had taken me a few sessions to get the hang of it—the questions he used, the way he listened. He hadn’t pushed me to step in unless necessary, had granted me the space to figure out the rhythm and style of these audiences and begin asking questions of my own.”
It’s so sad that nearly everything F/eyre knows how to do in the faerie realm is something R/hysand has shown her how to do. Has she shown him how to do anything?
“How he’d lasted so long without a team of secretaries assisting him, I had no idea.”
I have no idea either. Seems like a bad set up.
“When I’d asked R/hys about them, about why they had not been improved, he merely said that he had tried. But displacing people while their homes were torn down and rebuilt … Tricky.”
Pretty silly explanation as if places can’t be painted and repaired while people live in them, but we need Nesta to live in a trash pile in Velaris somehow.
“I’d begun donating a portion of my monthly salary—the idea of receiving such a thing was still utterly ludicrous—to rebuilding the Rainbow”
Again, this is something their deep coffers should be able to take care of.
“They’re living at a relative’s farm in the lowlands now.” She waved a hand toward the distant sea, to the flat expanse of land between Velaris and the shore.”
I have more questions about Velaris and the rest of the Night Court. They must know it exists and what of the lands bordering Velaris? Do they get similar protections or left to fend for themselves? A hidden city is quite a thing to write around.
“Oh—oh, I wasn’t asking after it for that reason.” It hadn’t even entered my mind. “Why not?”
Of course this random person would be thinking about F/eyre’s personal interests rather than thinking about her role as a leader of the city.
“I knew. I’d seen the lists of assets. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the enormity of R/hys’s wealth. My wealth. It didn’t feel real, those numbers and figures. Like it was children’s play money. I only bought what I needed.”
Redistribute! The! Wealth! 
“Tradition. Around Solstice, we make a little visit to the Court of Nightmares to wish them well.” “Really?”
Seems normal to visit different parts of your territory during its biggest holiday, unless I guess you hate most of your territory.
/// are used to observe anti- etiquette. If you’re wondering why I’m reading something I’m critical of, it’s because I like being critical. Plus a ACOSF rewrite.
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #12: THE ATTRACTION BETWEEN TWO BODIES!
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September, 1986
Oh ho, ah ha! I see we’re still doing random super goons for the West Coast Avengers to fight.
I won’t lie, I kinda like it.
Considering the meta plot is ‘Tigra needs to kill Master Pandemonium so the cat king will make her less horny,’ this string of random tricky goobers for the team to fight is entertaining. The wheels sure are spinning on the meta plot but we’ve got some good, dumb fights. It feels like a throwback to the simpler storytelling of the silver age Avengers.
Meanwhile, Stern’s Avengers is killing it on the more serialized style.
I know Zzzax as ‘when an electricity guy is needed but Electro is busy’ but the other two are new to me. Although Quantum looks like he should fight Captain Mar-Vell. He has the look of the kind of guy Mar-Vell would punch.
Halflife is clearly a bride of Frankenstein.
So let’s get into it.
Last times in West Coast Avengers: The Thing almost joined the team but then didn’t. The team fought Griffin and Headlok. Then, Mockingbird and co went to visit Nick Fury so she could give her sympathies for the poor, maligned intelligence community which was even then being compromised as hell. Then the team fought Shockwave, Zaran the Weapons Master, and Razorfist. And now, this:
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I take back every nice thing I’ve ever said about Simon Williams.
That costume is an abomination.
The fact that the rest of the team repeatedly reassure him that it’s a great change proves that the West Coast Avengers have no taste whatsoever.
Shame on all of you.
This isn’t a situation where I’m going to go ‘lol jk’ under the fold.
That costume bad.
Apparently one of the designers (costume designers? Set designers?) for Bladerunner (legally distinct from Blade Runner?) designed this outfit for Simon.
Bladerunner is probably a shit movie if this is what unnamed designer came up with.
I do like that Simon is just flaunting his Hollywood connections though. He wanted a new costume, he just went up to a guy who worked in movies and told him to design him one.
I hope you paid the man for his eyesore, Simon.
There’s some other bits that go in this discussion of his new costume.
Simon was letting his hair gray without much complaint. Now he’s dyeing it black again. He claims that his hair is prematurely gray because of that time he spent dead and anyway, he’s in movies now. Its an industry of vanity.
He also ditched the goggles or glasses because he’s not going to hide his eyes anymore.
Wonder Man: “I’m not Cyclops of the X-Men! The ionic energy in me isn’t dangerous! And once I decided to make that change, I figured -- why shouldn’t I look my age?”
... What IS your age though? You were the CEO of your own company before you drove it into the ground by being less good than Tony Stark and also embezzlement.
How old are you, Simon? How old are ANY of you??
Actually, my favorite part in this parade of bad taste is Tigra asking if moving the jets up to his shoulders will toast his buns.
Tigra: “But won’t the jet-flames shoot down your back and burn your, uh ---”
Wonder Man: “Not if your ‘uh’ is invulnerable!”
Fair point, fair point ipreferredthebeltjetspersonally but fair point.
Is the ass of your pants fire-proof?
I guess we’ll find out one way or another soon.
Mockingbird tells everyone to hold that thought and runs off.
Because Simon isn’t the only one that has a new costume to show off.
God. I don’t like, love, or tolerate Wonder Man’s new costume but I kinda love all these idiots just proudly showing off their fashion disasters to each other.
Anyway, Hawkeye points out that he and Mockingbird have been using the costumes they wore in New York but whoops New York climate is not L.A. climate.
So Hawkeye removed the sleeves from his costume to rock the sun’s out, guns out look.
Wonder Man: “Yes, and we’re glad you stopped there!”
Iron Man: “Just as we’re glad Tigra didn’t!”
Iron Man, please. If you make the West Coast Avengers need an HR department, you know its just going to be Hank Pym and that’s going to be awkward for everyone.
Also, I can’t prove it but I’m like 52% sure that somehow Wonder Man found out about that time Hawkeye’s costume had no pants and he’s been waiting to bust his chops about it.
Speaking of no pants,
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Mockingbird’s new costume doesn’t have any pants.
Her fighting style requires the long, wide sleeves, I think. So, yeah, off go the pants.
Also, she’s letting her hair grow out a little. The never ending drama of her haircut continues.
Iron Man refuses to change his armor because this is his new iconic armor dammit. This isn’t the modern age where he can just slap on a new suit every time there’s a new run. The Silver Centurion has to last a while!
Speaking of looks, Iron Man says changing the subject, Tigra has a magical amulet that lets her look like her old human self that she never uses.
Why is that?
Tigra, looking confused at the question: “Huh!”
It’s something she hasn’t thought about lately! She’s just super comfortable in her Tigra skin.
Wonder Man asks if she’s changing her mind on which of her two souls she’s going to keep.
Tigra: “Me? Don’t be silly! But with all this glorious sun, I can’t stop with uncovering just one part of my glorious bod! Might as well be comfortable, right? Changing my mind -- ? No... I’ve made my decision...”
Good for you, Tigra?
It might be an empowering affirmation but this book is gonna be a creep about it.
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Also, this creep is gonna be a creep about it.
Using mysterious superpowers to bend reflected light so you can creep from a distance is sure putting a lot of effort into being a creep, mysterious creep.
Mysterious creep is so horny that he decides “I can wait no longer! I must have her, and I must have her now! The plan begins at once!”
So, that’s going somewhere.
Back at the West Coast Avengers Compound, Mockingbird asks to speak to Tigra who agrees “just so long as we stay outdoors!”
Mockingbird reminds that Tigra asked her to help with her two-soul problem however long ago but recently she seems pretty contented sooooo....
Tigra yells at Mockingbird to get off her back about it.
Which is an interesting reaction considering Mockingbird hadn’t even gotten around to asking her question yet.
Tigra: “Everything’s okay with me, Mockingbird! The cat-people promised they’d cure me, no strings attached!”
And then she storms off.
Leaving Mockingbird suspicious that Tigra mentioned strings unprompted. Using her keen intelligence work training, she now suspects that Tigra isn’t telling them everything!
Very insightful, Bobbi.
But Tigra is sure that the Avengers may suspect that there is a string attached but they’ll never guess that she has to do a murder on Master Pandemonium.
Tigra: Not that killing a crook like Master Pandemonium is anything to be ashamed of -- he’s tried to kill us twice -- but they might not understand! They don’t share my sense of the hunt -- for prey, or for passion!
So Tigra goes to try to make out with Wonder Man.
Tigra: “Long time no petting, big man!”
Pretty forward!
But Wonder Man tells her that though he really enjoyed making out with her on the beach, there can be no more casual petting between them.
He thinks that he might have a chance with Christy, from the movie set. Since they’ve been working pretty closely.
And Wonder Man was under the impression that Tigra was with Hank...?
Tigra: “What about me and Hank? We’re not an item, if that’s what you mean!”
Wonder Man: “He thinks you are -- !”
Tigra: “Pfui on what he thinks! NOBODY OWNS ME!”
And she storms off again, yelling that women with glasses aren’t attractive.
It’s a matter of opinion, really.
So, Tigra finds Iron Man instead.
He wanted to relax in the sun as much as everyone else but the most he could muster is... just taking the helmet off.
I don’t remember whether Tony has a secret identity here or not. I know that Tigra knows who he is. And he was walking around with Hawkeye and Mockingbird out of costume so they could visit Fury.
Okay, so probably the team knows.
Don’t know why he’s only taking off his helmet. Because he says he wanted to duck into his personal bungalow so he could take off his helmet. Like he’s hiding his identity.
Anyway, Tigra tries to hit on him too.
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But despite all of Tony’s light inappropriate comments during his time on this team with Tigra, he was just being friendly.
Apparently Tony is one of those people who is just always flirty.
But he still feels too guilty over dating Jan after she divorced Hank. He could never do anything with Tigra while she’s with Hank or while Hank thinks she is (because of her making out with him). Especially when Hank is still messed up over losing his robot son.
Since Tony tried to soften the blow by saying he’d be all over Tigra if Hank weren’t involved, Tigra storms off to break up with Hank.
She finds Hank inside the main compound building talking to Joachin, apparently the manager of the grounds crew.
Huh! The West Coast Avengers have a support staff!
Anyway, Tigra basically yells ‘beat it nerd!’ and Joachin excuses himself.
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Tigra doesn’t get the chance to give Hank a piece of her mind because Hank “aware of what women are thinking” Pym sees her mad face, assumes that it’s because he hasn’t been paying enough attention to her, and asks if she wants to kiss.
And she does.
Tigra: “Sure! Who could turn down a kiss...?”
Tigra, this is just kicking the problem down the road...
Anyway, IN SPACE
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That Quantum dude from the cover who looks like he should fight Captain Mar-Vell pops out of the Sun and heads for Earth.
In fairness, the Earth shot first.
He’s not the only introduction.
At Horesham Nuclear Plant, alarms suddenly go off, signaling a meltdown or maybe a meltout.
Does that make any sense? No? Too bad.
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The bride of Frankenstein like lady melts out of the reactor and kills the nuclear technicians with a touch as she strolls out of the plant.
As she’s on her way out, the high-voltage lines leading from the plant snap, revealing Zzzax, the man-shaped electromagnetic energy field. He was introduced in the Hulk book and has apparently died at the end of his every appearance.
Doesn’t seem to have slowed him down.
Anyway, he joins bride of Frankenstein (Halflife) and the two hike south towards Los Angeles.
Huh. Weird.
Seems like some kind of gathering of some kind of group.
But whyyyy?
Also, according to marvel wiki, this group is sometimes called Trouble, as on the cover, and that’s a stupendously stupid name.
Back at the West Coast Avengers Compound, Hank Pym briefs Hawkeye on his findings on the deed book that was mysteriously burned.
Annnd he doesn’t have a lot to report. There were heavy sulfur compounds and evidence of extremely high heat which didn’t singe the adjacent pages. So its obviously magic nonsense.
Hawkeye: “Sounds like Master Pandabear, all right!”
But Hank has some other ideas.
Since Master Pandemonium was a movie star, Wonder Man could ask around the studios to see if anyone knows anything. And Hank can pick up where Firebird left off and check with any local occult bookstores.
Business out of the way, Hawkeye asks how Hank and Tigra are doing.
Hank, a poor dolt, thinks things are going just great!
Unaware that elsewhere, Tigra is kicking herself “why do I melt any time any man wants me?”
Cat soul, probably.
Maybe you should see about having that looked at?
But she suddenly decides that she doesn’t care about self-control (which is saying no, self-control is saying that’s enough) and that when she kills Master P and gets one of her souls yanked out, she’s going to stick with being Tigra and just Tigra. Goodbye human worries and inhibitions.
And then while jumping around the trees, she comes up short and painfully bellyflops to the ground.
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Tigra, if you’re still alive, I want to ask what good is a cat soul if you can’t even reliably land on your feet?
... I’m pretty sure she’s still alive.
She has so many more degrading plot points to be part of.
Anyway, Quantum appears above the city yelling in an alien language and blasting out heat.
The goofy bystanders guess that what he’s yelling is probably a challenge and probably for the (West Coast) Avengers since they’re the only superhero team “this so-called town’s got!”
Oh, and Zzzax and Halflife show up too.
Unlike Quantum, they can speak.
Zzzax apparently wants to eat the electrical energy in people! That’s distressing!
The LAPD calls the (West Coast) Avengers (and gets Hank since he answers the phones) because “this is what you’re supposed to be for!” and Hank summons the (West Coast) Avengers.
Tigra doesn’t show up, due to her probably non-fatal bellyflop but Hank says there’s no time to wait for her.
Hank Pym, non-superhero: “There are three major menaces on Sunset Boulevard!”
Iron Man: “Sounds like a set-up for a punchline -- but I still don’t know L.A. well enough to know what it is!”
... Hah.
Anyway, the West Coast Avengers minus Tigra pile into the Quinjet and about seven minutes later, Iron Man and Wonder Man are jumping out of the Quinjet over Sunset Boulevard.
Wonder Man: “Every time I go into action, I get to be a real, live Wonder Man! What could be better than that?”
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He punches Quantum and whoops now there’s lots of Quantum.
Wonder Man assumes that lots of Quantum won’t be strong but whoops, he made an ass out of him and him.
Iron Man: “I think that was the set-up to a punch line, Wondy!”
Wonder Man: “I know! I know!”
With Iron Man and Wonder Man dealing with excessive Quantums, Mockingbird squares up against Halflife (designated girl fight?) and Hawkeye against Zzzax.
In fairness to that last one, Hawkeye has fought and beat Zzzax before. He’s pretty sure he can beat him in no time flat just by shooting an arrow with a wire through him into a water source.
Except... Hawkeye doesn’t know where to find water in Los Angeles.
I think there’s an ocean somewhere westward. Does that help, Hawkeye?
Mockingbird similarly thinks she’ll be done with her opponent “this refugee from Frederick’s of Hollywood” pretty quickly and then she’ll come help Hawkeye find water.
Halflife: “Quiet, woman! Your raucous bravado disturbs the tranquility of -- Halflife!”
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Huh, so that’s what she do.
That answers one question about this bridge of Frankenstein. But her statement here raises more questions.
Why is she getting involved in superhero fights if she doesn’t like raucous bravado and would prefer the tranquility of living in a nuclear reactor? Also, why was she living in a nuclear reactor??
(For the tranquility, probably)
Anyway. She makes people age. Probably halves their life, if I had to guess.
A Quantum knocks Wonder Man to the road and Hawkeye asks if he’ll find (and break) a water main while he’s at it.
Wonder Man rips up a water main and sprays the water all over. Hawkeye shoots a wired arrow and shorts out Zzzax just like he said he would.
Wow, Zzzax lasted no time and got to do zero things.
That’s why when villains with a super easy way to beat them come back, they’ve usually made some personal changes so that super easy way doesn’t work anymore.
Otherwise you wind up like Zzzax here.
With Zzzax there taken care of, Hawkeye runs to help Mockingbird who has aged terribly but Iron Man lands between Halflife and Mockingbird and Hawkeye, figuring he’s better suited to take her on.
Halflife: “And you think Halflife cannot speed the process of decay within you, metal man? My touch takes you halfway to your death  -- and each subsequent touch takes you half the remaining distance!”
That makes me curious whether she can age Iron Man’s armor or not but probably not but it doesn’t matter, even touching Iron Man’s armor is aging the man inside.
Iron Man still has a point that he’s better suited to fight Halflife though because he can up the power of his armor to compensate as the man inside ages.
But he’s not actually... doing anything with keeping his power up. He’s not fighting back because he’s spending all his effort adjusting the armor’s power.
So now three Avengers are tied up with Halflife which is fairly non-ideal when the other villain in the fight is a lot of guys.
Wonder Man actually realizes this. That Quantum is strong and numerous but that Halflife is taking Avengers out of the fight.
So he just swoops down and whisks her away from his three teammates.
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She threatens that she’ll just age him the same she did his teammates but whoops. Can’t age energy.
Wonder Man: “I’m not flesh and blood! I’m ionic energy -- I don’t ever have to age or die -- and you can’t take me halfway to nowhere!”
And then he knocks her out in one punch. I guess she doesn’t have a lot going for her other than that aging trick.
Wonder Man: All those years of fearing death -- and all the time, I was essentially immortal!
Anyway, there’s no ontological inertia here. As soon as Halflife was knocked out, the aging effects vanished from Mockingbird and Iron Man.
Speaking of easy victories once you figure out their deal...
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Hawkeye just pulls a theory out his butt that Quantum is solar-powered and uses a smokescreen arrow to make him take a beddy-bye.
I seriously have no idea how he came to this conclusion but I guess I shouldn’t discount the archer.
Remember, he’s the scientific genius who invented anti-gravity just for fun.
With all three Troubles down for the count, Hawkey congratulates the team for good teamwork.
They did a less obvious CHANGE PLACES “and fought what would have seemed the other guys’ enemies!”
I mean. Kinda.
Wonder Man fought the girl who had been designated for the girl fight. And Hawkeye fought the flying brick enemy. But Hawkeye also took out the electrical guy which was his opponent at the start. Mockingbird got olded and then didn’t get to do anything. And Iron Man didn’t do much at all except buy time.
Geez, I keep getting the feeling that Iron Man doesn’t do a lot in this book.
Hawkeye: “We really are what I’ve always wanted us to be -- a team!”
He says as Tigra is missing.
‘Wow, we’re really clicking today for some reason!’
I joke. But its a weird thing to pat yourself on the back for when the team isn’t all there, isn’t it?
With all the back patting accomplished, Iron Man realizes something is poking his brain about the specific guys that they just fought. Poking his SCIENCE brain.
And as waves of gravity bring the team to their knees and then flat on their asses, Iron Man realizes too late what the group theme was.
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Graviton, you giant nerd.
... And he was the one creeping on Tigra and now has her on a leash. Graviton, you consistent creep.
Now, I’m not a very science person, unlike Tony Science-Brain Stark.
But the four fundamental forces are gravity, the weak atomic force, the strong nuclear force, and electromagnetism.
I don’t think Zzzax was very magnetic but was very electric. But he’s dispersed so this group never got to be all four forces together.
Do Halflife and Quantum represent the weak and strong forces?
The weak force is responsible for particle decay and Halflife talked about decay a lot but it was more aging decay so... did Graviton just go ‘wtfe close enough’?
And the strong force is what holds an atom’s nucleus together. Does it make sense that the guy that represents it splits like an RPG slime if hit?
Science side of my audience, let me know.
The important thing though is that Graviton is back even though the last time he tangled with the West Coast Avengers, they drugged his drink and then kicked his ass.
Can’t wait for them to kick his ass again and I hope Tigra doesn’t make out with him.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because. Like and reblog too. Going minimalist this time.
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adaru32 · 1 year
The Red Devil’s Chronicles: Sept to Nov 2022 DMC News Updates - Merch, Collabs, Etc.
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Hey there, how's it going? Apologies for being silent for awhile. Got really distracted and busy. Here are all the Devil May Cry-related news updates I've conjured up from September to November:  1. Devil May Cry returns in Last Cloudia. 2. Someone by the name of PresssLee on Twitter is making a fan game based on Dante's and Vergil's childhood. 3. Prime1 Studio releasing a DT version of V. b) And more merch. c) Plus DMC3 Dante and Vergil, coming soon. 4. The English version of the DMCV art book is coming. 5. New Devil May Cry apparel at the CapCom store. 6. The Devil May Cry: Peak/Pinnacle of Combat mobile game gets more updates soon, which includes switching characters in real time, unlockable playable Nero, special move cutscenes, and more. 7. Devil May Cry V now reaches over 6 million copies sold. b) Not to mention it's currently one of CapCom's top selling games.  c) And Itsuno talks about his development adventures, with DMCV included in the discussion. d) And Itsuno also discusses his struggles with the PS3 and Xbox360 era. 8. Dante’s DMCV face model, Adam Cowie, dressed up as Dante for Halloween. 9. The creator of Fable admits to using some ideas from the Devil May Cry games. 10. Big decision I’ve made on my part. I used to run a DMC4-Screenshotz Photobucket page to store all of these screenshots I’ve taken of Devil May Cry 4 for the purpose of linking it onto my long, forgotten website. Due to drastic, unlikeable changes made on Photobucket’s part, and losing interest in maintaining the site due to its limitations in the free version, I’ve decided to completely remove that Photobucket account, and all of its screenshots with it. 
My Thoughts On These Updates:
1. Not a mobile game fan, but nice to see that some collab projects are making returns. 2. That’s awesome that we get a fan game. I remember when me and a few friends wanted to make our own when the reboot got announced back in the day due to us being unhappy about the direction CapCom was going in. But we had to scrap the idea due to being too busy. 3. Those DMC3 figures are looking pretty great so far. I understand they’re just computer generated, so they might not be the official final look. You never know. I do see some hints of Naru Omori’s style being implemented into these figures. And I love how Dante finally gets a slice of pizza as part of a collectible item. 4. I’d see Japanese fans help translate some of the stuff from the art book, but of course things end up being vague since they’re just concept images and nothing more. Plus certain kanji can be a bit hard to translate. 5. Those clothes are looking SSStylish. 6. I remember hearing rumours of Nero becoming an unlockable character, so it looks like it might actually be a thing. That’s cool how you can change characters in real time as well. And from what I’ve seen in the latest gameplay vids, it once again has gone through a lot of changes with the visuals and characters’ faces. Wonder what new updates there will be after these ones. 7. So happy for CapCom that Devil May Cry V is doing so great. Gives us fans hope about their future of game development and release choices. Fans are still discussing to this day on what DMC6 will offer.  I agree and imagine the PS3 and Xbox360 era being a bit of a difficult era to work with. Microtransactions, DLC, and all that tricky marketing stuff are what got introduced and changed the gaming business from then on. Even working with different equipment for better visuals and all of that. Devil May Cry 4 in my opinion wasn’t really up to its hype. Yes, it introduced some new and interesting things, and the cutscenes were very enjoyable to watch, and of course those that enjoyed the mechanics got a kick out of the whole Bloody Palace and SSStylish tournament-related stuff. But the way the game played out just got so boring, and definitely would’ve been as great as DMCV and/or DMC3 if they delayed the game further and implemented what they wanted to from the start. I feel they released DMC4 at a pretty bad time. 8. I was wondering when we were gonna see Adam dressed up as Dante again. 9. Of course, many struggling companies or businesses would want some “inspiration” from good titles. Fable was pretty good and amusing. Never thought they’d take ideas from Devil May Cry. I’m even still trying to wrap my head around where the elements of Devil May Cry are in it. 10.  It’s no biggie that I decided to remove my Photobucket account and all of its contents...I can always show my love of Devil May Cry another way.  11. There is one other thing I was gonna mention here which was about that drama involving Platinum Games and Bayo’s original voice actress Hellena Taylor. I’ve decided not to bring that up ‘cause it’s more about Bayonetta than Devil May Cry. In other words, a different topic. Yes, Bayo does have some very minor ties with DMC, and Hideki Kamiya from Platinum was the original director of DMC, but I’d rather keep it just exclusively Devil May Cry-related. If you want my thoughts on it, though, I don’t really have anything since I’m not much of a Bayonetta fan. At first, I heard that Kamiya left Twitter for good, but it turned out that he didn’t leave after all. And Hellena’s one sneaky, greedy, and pompous individual. Yes, I’ve heard of voice actors/actresses getting treated poorly, and yes we do see Kamiya act unprofessional and insane at times. But in Hellena’s case, she’s just seeking for attention to cause a stir, and mislead fans for her own gain. That’s all I’ve gotta say.
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queenangst · 2 years
I'm so sorry for such a random q and u don't have to answer this but do u have any tips for writing college essays? Ive been putting it off for a while now bc all of the prompts r so vague 😭 (how am I supposed to have a defining moment I'm SEVENTEEN 😢)
hey nonnie! happy to try and help
disclaimers first tho. 1) it's been a while, and topics wise our prompts are probably pretty different 2) the school i ended up going to, i was very confident admission was almost guaranteed (though, it was not the only school i write an essay for)
my common app essay (i think) prompt basically asked how my environment shaped me as a person. i think generally you should approach writing a college essay the same way you should build any academic paper.
break down the prompt
college essay prompts can be vague bc they're just.. really open for you to write about things. but take a bit of time, sit down and look at the different aspects of the prompt - what is it asking, what topics does the prompt cover, and what is the main question they are asking?
generally, imo, college app essays are a way for admissions to understand who you are as a person, outside of other admission requirements like test scores or academic standing. so ultimately you want to consider what the prompt is and how you can use it to describe yourself. i know this is vague and tricky, but do your best at this part.
2. figure out what you want to say, and outline it
i swear by essay outlines. even 5 minutes of organizing thoughts will make a stronger, more coherent essay. and boy did i used to write a lot of essays. starting broad and then honing in might be helpful. it's also cool if you just generate lots of ideas, more than you need - you can always cut things down later.
since this is a little easier for me to talk about, one of the essays i wrote was about an artist that "changed my life." i picked my artist, then worked my way thru why him and his work were important to me - his style, and his background as a person/artist were the two main points that i wanted to focus on. from there, further - describing his work, what it was and what it did, how it impacted me, how it influenced my work, etc etc.
for the record, for this essay my outline looked like this: (not the full outline)
why tyrus wong is the bippity boppity besthell yeah his art!!!
prettiest fucking thing ever
watercolor - expressive and emotive. all his pieces have this ethereal quality - our guy walt disney was intrigued by what he called its “mysterious quality”
WHAT he’s so talented watercolor? painting? animation yo what about some fucking KITES he can do it all
i can't say i recommend writing college essay outlines like this, BUT your outline is important in that: it makes sense to you and it serves its function as a structure for you to build an essay on.
also, outline is where you do the brunt of the work. ok the above one isn't a great example, but by the time you organize the thoughts and points you want to bring up, it should be detailed enough that it's easy .. you just take your outline and transform it into actual sentences.
the environment essay is a bit too personal, but ill share an edited version of it that gets the point across
family relationships (how it shaped me)
a. my parents values, high expectations
i. explanation
b. how my relationship with my parents changed over time
i. explanation
3. write da essay
personally i start drafting sentences in the outline, or figuring out specific wordage, so it's easier transitioning btwn outline and essay. keywords, specific points, all of it goes in. write first, edit later.
ultimately, i think the essay should have some sort of "story" progression - some sort of change, or a cause and effect. from the beginning of the essay to the end, u should feel like uve expressed urself in a way that i think, shows what u value and how u have grown, and ur capacity for growth. or something.
get feedback. even from one person have em read it, tell u what they think - specific feedback is better, so ask specific questions depending on what u think u need
read other people's essays, but don't get too caught up in it. i don't think every college essay has to be particularly Deep or a big metaphor. if there's an experience for you to write about that you at the bare minimum give one fuck about, do that.
if ur reading other people's essays i would look for essays that ppl have written for the school(s) you're applying to, and if you know anyone personally > papers that are for a big shot school or for programs that aren't as relevant to you (i.e. focusing an ivy league paper if you're not applying to one, or whatever) - not to say don't read them at all, but the closer the better you have an idea of the standards and successes for the school YOU want to get into
what you write about doesn't have to be a "big" thing, it just has to be somewhat personal.
idk don't worry about it too much. put effort in, try, but don't spend more time on it than u feel is necessary. remember, it doesn't have to be the best essay someone in admissions has read (though great if it is!) you're looking for enough that they're like "yea, u seem cool, put em in college"
college essays are kind of gross and it's always weird to write abt urself and feel like ur saying things u never would. it's ok. sit down, put something on paper, work your way from there.
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purplesnowpixie · 2 months
Don't know if I mentioned, but my next cosplay is Ruby from Rwby. I have learned many things so far.
Dresses are hard, if you are making a dress for the first time make sure you do a simpler dress (not visually, just because it visually looks simple doesnt mean the construction and structure is simple) and use a forgiving fabric, one that has some stretch. I did not. I do not have a pattern, improv is doing wonders in the teaching department. I've got it more or less figured out and now have a functional pattern out of it, but still.
Grandma is unhelpful in the most sincere and trying to be as helpful as possible type of way.
Hoods are both easy and hard. Easy in the sense it's basically 2 quarter circles slapped together. Hard in the sense that it's a bit more complicated than that and making a few mock ups to make sure its both as full as you want it and has no weird points and adding pleats or darts and things can be tricky.
Math doesn't always like to math right. Specifically when neck holes are involved... for some reason? I've yet to figure out why precisely, but I'll get there. Maybe. At the very least I now know to er on the side of caution.
Take your time. You are the only one who's waiting on it. It's not a race. And take breaks. If it's frustrating you or not working like it should or you've been staring at it a while, leave it. Put it away come back later when you've thought it over and are ready to pick it up.
Bed sheets are cheap, fabric is not. Buy old bed sheets and cut them up to make mock ups. It helps soo much. Your fabric will sit and fall differently but it's still helps to have a visual. And keep doing till you are happy with it. If the end result doesn't make you proud or happy then adjust. It doesn't need to be perfect and it can just be a learning opportunity but you should at least be content when you say that.
But in better news, the hood for the cape is almost done, my wig came in ready for me to cut and style. And I have discovered that I still do my best creative work either early in the morning or at night, reminds me of high school.
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Made from curtains my aunt gave me.
Ps. I made 3 bed sheet mock ups before I was happy and ready to cut my good fabric, and I went to bed and slept before I went ahead and did, and that's okay.
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The Next Big Thing in replica bags designer
The duplicate bag craze is almost nothing new.​ I recall Once i was a young teen planning to search her finest, I assumed possessing a reproduction bag was the final word trend statement.​ I bought my very to start with designer replica bag from a neighborhood store.​ It was a basic Gucci tote that I believed was so chic and complex.​ I try to remember clutching tightly on the handles and strutting down the road.​ I felt similar to the belle from the ball!
I've considering that understood the Idea of owning a duplicate bag is a bit controversial.​ In fact, the first designer normally places their blood, sweat and tears into each style, and knocks-off organizations just take the credit as their particular.​ Though I bought my replica bag a few years back, I nevertheless replicate fondly on all the great times I had with that bag.​
Simultaneously, I know how vital it is actually to safeguard the exertions and commitment of designers, so for that rationale I do not buy reproduction baggage any more.​ Continue to, it's tricky to ignore the price tag of an primary style and design, and over and over its just further than our monetary arrive at.​
For that reason, I do think reproduction baggage have their spot in The style field.​ It is really true there are disadvantages to proudly owning a reproduction like very poor excellent and material, but when worn respectfully they can be equipment that help us produce special and amazing appears to be.​ What's more, I feel It can be achievable to find a Center floor - 1 could continue to recognize the first models with no getting knock-offs.​
Although I don't Individually have replica luggage anymore, I am aware Lots of individuals who do, also to use an idiom, ‘it all depends upon the person’.​ For many, the only real distinction between an authentic and duplicate bag is the value tag.​ They do not treatment about recognition or quality, they just want to avoid wasting a couple of bucks what ever way they might.​
I'm able to fully empathize using this type of standpoint.​ In fact, I have been there myself, wishing to feel gorgeous and stylish in my duplicate Gucci bag.​ But I also understand the vital role of a designer and the necessity of protecting their rights as well as their labor.​
I recall The very first time I saw a phony bag.​ I was purchasing in my area shopping mall and stumbled throughout this amazing designer handbag.​ I was so mesmerised by its beauty that I promptly assumed it was legitimate.​ Little did I are aware that it was really a counterfeit! I can however recall the depth with the disappointment Once i identified the reality.​
Initially, I thought to myself, how can someone get away with building copies of reliable designer bags? Then I realised that the desire for designer items has developed exponentially, and counterfeiters are Making the most of this.​ Pretend luggage are everywhere now, and It truly is really unhappy to think about.​
I'm absolutely sure many of us have acquired a phony designer bag without the need of realising it.​ In spite of everything, the counterfeiters have their professional touch.​ It's challenging to tell the distinction between a real along with a faux bag.​ Even expert customers is usually fooled.​
Then again, there are a few notify-tale signs like the price tag, and the caliber of the leather-based applied, which can help determine a faux.​ For anyone who is scared of getting duped, do your analysis and Ensure that the bag you might be shopping for is the real offer.​
I truly feel guilty figuring out that there's an field that will take benefit of individuals.​ But the truth is, quite a bit of customers have their very own explanations for buying phony luggage.​ Some people are unable to afford originals, while others are searching for a good deal.​
Plenty of individuals have been ripped off and duped by obtaining fake bags.​ It is best to steer clear of counterfeits completely.​ Correct, They could seem seemingly reliable and truly feel lavish, but that's only about to very last for thus lengthy.​ Lower-high-quality supplies and weak craftsmanship indicate your phony bag will not likely stand the take a look at of time.​
What is actually worse is, buying a phony bag would not only benefit the vendor but supports a much bigger, felony underworld.​ In addition to that, selling bogus products can stop you up in jail if you can get caught, so It is really often greatest to remain away from fakes.​
So, in case you are ever considering buying a designer bag, I might urge you to acquire only from authorised sellers.​ That way, it is possible to make sure It can be authentic and safe.​ Plus, with all the money you preserve from obtaining fakes, you'll have more than enough to get a quality first.​ So It is generally ideal being cautious in generating purchases.​
I suppose I’m trapped in the middle, owning found both sides of your coin.​ I may not carry a designer tote anymore, but I'm able to appreciate the value, craft and top quality that went into it.​ And when I do see a person carrying a gorgeous authentic fake bags piece, I'm able to’t help but admire the effort and creativeness powering it.​
So, With regards to duplicate bags, what genuinely defines them? Can it be the craftsmanship, the originality, or the bit of thoughts that goes coupled with it? Or could it be merely about the cost tag?
In the long run, I think reproduction luggage should be thought of as manner statements that ought to be revered and appreciated, much like the initial pieces.​ All things considered, they assist us spend less with no compromising our design in any way, and for that they should be regarded as a valuable addition to any individual’s selection of baggage.​
Getting a further look at the make a difference of duplicate luggage, there’s considerably more to them than simply knock-offs of originals.​ Some knock-off brands are getting to be really Inventive, Operating difficult to produce handbags with spectacular craftsmanship and cocktails of resources that wouldn't Ordinarily be located on a conventional designer piece.​ They draw inspiration from the first and come up with styles which are really stylish - showcasing their very own unique magnificence rather than just copying a style from somewhere else.​
Increasingly more, The style marketplace is observing a development of replicated patterns gaining traction, as more and more shoppers glance to add a novel touch to their wardrobe without the need of breaking the bank.​ Of course, the knock-off market place carries its share of very low top quality luggage, but even reproduction baggage occur in different grades now.​
It really is true that designer originals will normally continue to be originals, but the marketplace for knock-offs has grown substantially over the years, featuring the consumer bit of head though nonetheless having the ability to Specific their own personal design and style at a fraction of the fee.​ Individually, I feel there’s a specific appeal to the knock-off industry which can’t be denied.​ Every person would like to shave several hundred of the fee of buying a designer bag, so it’s Protected to claim that reproduction baggage are going to be all around for quite some time.​
As well as, There are tons of different opinions on the issue.​ A lot of people may well argue that buying knock-offs supports the unethical practices of price reduction shops, while others may possibly propose that it encourages creativeness and helps to deliver up the normal of vogue items.​ Some may very well be entirely indifferent for the issue, but No matter, it’s one thing well worth discussing and mulling over.​
At the end of the working day, All people has their unique impression on reproduction baggage, And that i’m no exception.​ Just as much as I’d want to avoid the knock-off industry, I’ll admit that there are occasions when I uncover myself waving for any taxi which has a duplicate bag by my side.​ Little question it’s a personal determination that every of us should make for ourselves, and I’m sure it’s a subject that will carry on to become the source of numerous debates.​
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regard-luxury · 1 year
How Much Do I Have To Spend To Get A Luxury Watch?
Tudor’s original objective was to supply affordable luxury watches with bracelets and instances made by Rolex and off-the-shelf calibers. The brand later transitioned to producing software watches for the US and French Navy. Whether you want to kickstart your watch collection, or just desire a high-quality luxury watch that won’t break the financial institution, carry on studying.
We have featured a variation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso in many of our watch guides, including the Duoface in our current Best Rectangle Watches guide. The case is 20mm extensive and forty.1mm lengthy and is set with 26 diamonds throughout the top and backside of the case. Perhaps the star of the watch, and one thing that offers it a female luxury watch brands for men touch, is the sunray guilloche dial end. This ending provides a sophistication to the Reverso that makes it the right look forward to that special occasion. We at Wrist Enthusiast are huge fans of the racing-inspired Mille Miglia and the newer Alpine Eagle (which is certainly one of our favorite metal sport watches).
With her expertise, she hopes to share every little thing she has realized concerning the art of shopping for, selling and buying and selling watches with others. There is one thing surprisingly attractive in this watch, made in simply 88 items. Possibly it’s the mysterious mechanism, a set of concentric circles with out palms which mark the hours on the skin of the dial, simply in the event that they had been levitating.
Established in 1881 in Tokyo, the company creates watches for each women and men however is best generally identified as a producer of dive watches, delivering a variety of the greatest diving timepieces obtainable right now. If you’re looking for a luxury watch brand with its eye firmly on the lengthy run, you need to turn to Ulysse Nardin. This watch manufacturer is at all times the first to embrace new technology and pioneer new techniques to transform the finest way we track time at present. For a state-of-the-art luxury watch—one highly coveted by those in the know—it’s positively value your time shopping Chopard’s collections. A Chopard watch presents wearers a function-packed watch—that additionally occurs to be an impeccably refined accessory.
Perhaps the most well-liked model they have bought, the Maverick is a singular diver’s watch that you can put on nearly anywhere. It has some great features together with an inside 24 hour time marker ring, a date window at 6 o’clock and a battery life indicator, which is a lifesaver I find. MVMT is a digitally native brand that sells minimalist, top quality affordable luxury watch brands watches at some of the lowest prices within the business. It was started in 2013 on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo where it turned one of the funded style brands on the location ever. Guys don’t have many options when it comes to dressy accessories — save for the dress watch.
This Swatch Group alumnus is pretty much the benchmark in relation to both selection and bang on your buck. When it involves the luxury class, “cheap” is a tricky word to throw round. The timepieces that belong on this echelon are often of superior high quality and popularity, and sometimes have value tags to match. And by that hurried definition, “cheap” within seiko astron gps solar the luxury class hovers right around the low 4 figures if you’re doing it proper. Simply put, it’s one of the most interesting waterproof timepieces you’ll find for the money. It’s packed with thoughtful options like a skinny, unobtrusive case and bigger arms for max visibility.
With a mesh metal bracelet and a quartz motion, it’s not your typical gown watch, but its sleek type is simply too good to overlook. The watch measures 40 millimeters throughout and 10.sixty six millimeters in thickness, making it appropriate underneath a costume shirt. However, you can easily rock this one with denims and a T-shirt as nicely.
If price is your major consideration, Casio could additionally be the greatest choice. They have issues for as little as $10 on the lowest finish of the spectrum. That buy won’t be of the best seiko astron quality, but the value is outstanding. This is due to Seiko’s unwavering dedication to offering exceptional value in all of its products.
Seiko watches famously offer a strong mixture of both type and quality, with out the massive price tag that often accompanies comparable Swiss watches. But some of the best possible watch brands cost some fairly exorbitant costs, putting them out of attain for the vast majority of budding watch collectors. The Oris purple rotor, seen through the crystal case back luxury watch brands, symbolizes the natural power that fuels all Oris timepieces. The brand makes no secret of its love for racing and automotive have inspired a quantity of designs, together with the Meister Driver Automatic, with its racing green or brown leather strap. The premium watch brand proclaims that its purpose is to restore status to American watchmaking. By all estimations, Weiss is doing a very good job, especially with their timeless field watches collection.
The quartz chronograph movement inside additionally helps keep it mild and fairly thin. For a bit greater than the cost of a meal for 2 at Chipotle, you will get into some of the enjoyable, most charming digital watches on the market. Typically obtainable at round $280, the fundamental Promaster Diver from Citizen is probably certainly one of the finest ISO-compliant diver’s watches in the marketplace and is provided with a proven Eco-Drive quartz caliber.
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jaredonlinestore · 1 year
How Do I Buy Engagement Ring Online?
If you want to buy an engagement ring online in Diamond District Block, you should keep in mind some important points before buying a diamond engagement ring.
How Do I Buy Engagement Ring Online?
You can buy engagement ring online. In fact, you can buy an engagement ring in Diamond District Block and other countries as well.
You can also buy engagement rings in USA, UK, Australia, Canada and other countries.
Steps To Buy A Engagement Rings Online
To buy an engagement ring online, you need to:
Choose the right store and platform. If you want to buy your engagement ring from one of the most popular and trusted online stores, then it’s best to go with them. Some of these companies include Amazon and Overstock.com. These sites have their own policies when it comes to buying items like rings or watches so make sure that you read through all of their policies before making your final decision on which company will be able to provide you with what exactly what kind of service they offer when buying an engagement ring online!
Decide on how much money should be spent on this purchase (if any). After deciding which website would be best suited for purchasing said product; next step would be figuring out how much money should be spent on buying such item? There are many different factors involved when deciding whether or not something is worth spending time/money on - including quality versus price point etcetera... In order for us humans beings here today who live under capitalism system where everything must always go up against something else in order
Choose Your Setting
Now that you know the kind of ring you want, it's time to find the setting. There are many different kinds of settings on the market and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here's where things get tricky: choosing a setting can be an incredibly personal decision. If your fiancé has always dreamed of having a round diamond set in a halo, then this may not be the right choice for them—but if they love classic solitaires but want something different from what most people think is beautiful enough for someone like them (like me), then this would be perfect!
So how do you go about finding just the right setting for your precious stone? It all comes down to consideration for size and shape as well as style so that both parties involved feel like they're getting exactly what they want out of their purchase experience."
Pick Your Diamond
When you're shopping for an engagement ring online, it's important to choose your diamond carefully. The first step is to determine the cut of your diamond: round or princess, fancy or standard? Next, consider color and clarity. These factors can affect its value and sparkle as well as its durability and appearance—and they all play into what kind of setting will work best with each particular piece. Finally, consider price—a budget-friendly option might be cheaper than one that's more expensive overall but doesn't necessarily provide better value in terms of quality or craftsmanship (the latter being something you'll want to keep in mind when purchasing other things).
Review Your Design
When you are looking at the designs, make sure that they are what you want. If it is important to you that the ring be the correct size and color, then make sure that everything fits your needs. If the design has a lot of diamonds on it and is very large in size, then this might not be good for someone who wants something small and simple.
A good way to ensure that your purchase will be what you want is by checking out their reviews on other sites like Amazon or eBay (or even Google). These reviews should give an idea about how well customers have been treated when buying from this particular store; if people aren't happy with their experience there may be some reason why!
Order Your Ring
Now that you have determined the style and size of your engagement ring, it's time to order it. If you're ordering a custom-made ring, make sure that the jeweler is reputable and has been in business for at least three years. This will ensure that they know what they are doing when it comes to making high quality jewelry.
Once your purchase has been confirmed by their store manager or owner, they will send out an email confirming this information so that all parties involved can be sure everything is taken care of properly before shipping out any items ordered online via mail service or courier services such as FedEx or UPS (United Parcel Service).
How Do I Buy An Engagement Ring In Diamond District Block Online?
There are a few things you should know before buying an engagement ring online. If you want your fiancé to get a beautiful ring, then it is very important that you choose the right one for him or her. You need to make sure that the diamond has been certified by an independent laboratory and that there are no diamonds included in this certification which do not belong to it. It is also important that when purchasing any type of jewelry as well as watches, etc., there should be at least two years warranty on them because otherwise if something goes wrong with these products then only yourself can deal with it after spending so much money on them but not someone else who may have purchased these things from somewhere else other than where they are supposed to come from!
So how do I buy engagement rings online? Well firstly ensure that you choose reputable jewellers who offer excellent services so they will be able  to provide best quality products without any hesitation whatsoever due their reputation alone
Explore the engagement ring styles
There are many different styles of engagement rings. You can choose from a wide variety of styles, including traditional and modern designs, princess cut diamonds or round brilliant diamonds. There are also many different types of engagement rings available, including solitaire diamond rings or center stone suspended in gold. You may even want to get customized with your own engraving or design on the band itself!
The important thing to remember is that you should always shop around for the best deal—but don't be afraid to take risks either! Researching what types of jewelry stores carry certain styles could help save money in the long run by making sure that you're getting exactly what you want without paying more than necessary for premium items such as platinum settings or high-quality materials used throughout construction details such as metal thicknesses per inch (mm).
Choose the shape of your diamond center stone
When buying an engagement ring online, you should consider the shape of your diamond. In general, there are two main shapes: round and marquise. The former is more common but less expensive than the latter. If you have small hands and prefer a more feminine look—or if your fiancée has smaller hands than you—then choosing a round stone may be best suited to both parties’ tastes.
If your budget is not as restrictive as others', then going with something bigger will probably cost more money in total but might save some trouble down the road when it comes time for resizing or getting appraised by an expert jeweler later on down the line (if ever).
Select a setting for your engagement ring.
Diamonds are the most popular gemstone in engagement rings.
They're also the hardest natural material on earth and a symbol of love, commitment, and loyalty.
So it's no surprise that diamonds are often associated with girls' best friend—the one who will always be there for you when you need her most! Diamonds are also April's birthstone (April is a month after March), so if you're planning to get married in springtime this year, look out for an engagement ring featuring diamonds as its centerpiece.
Select a metal for your engagement ring setting.
You can select a metal for your engagement ring setting by choosing between gold, platinum, silver and palladium. Gold is a soft metal that can be bent easily; however it's also prone to scratches and other damage. Platinum is an extremely hard metal that's very durable—it won't scratch easily or wear down over time like other metals do. Silver is another soft metal but it does scratch more easily than gold or platinum do (depending on how you treat your jewelry). Palladium is even harder than either of these options: it doesn't tarnish as quickly as silver does over time either!
Decide whether or not to purchase an independent diamond certificate.
If you are looking for an engagement ring, then it is important to know that there are a few things that will help determine the quality of your diamond. These include:
A certified GIA certificate. This is a way of verifying the quality of your diamond and ensuring that it meets certain standards. Diamonds can be certified by several different parties, but most reputable dealers will offer this option as well. You should always ask if they provide their own certificates or if they have them on file at all times because this information may vary depending on which store you go into.
A third party certification process like EGL’s certified-diamond program (see below). This allows consumers who do not want any involvement with their purchase process through online retailers such as Amazon Prime Day 2019 Deals 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2022 2021 2022 2022 2022 2022 2021 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2030 2032 2033 2048 2050 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2902 3000 3013 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028
How Do I Buy Diamond Engagement Ring Online?
If you are looking to buy an engagement ring online, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, make sure your chosen diamond has been certified by GIA or EGLs. These organizations will ensure that the diamond meets their standards of quality and will also provide several recommendations for setting stones with your chosen metal. Second, choose a setting that complements the shape of your center stone while still maintaining its integrity as well as durability through wear over time. Thirdly, select between gold and platinum depending on what type of style best matches with other wedding bands or other accessories being purchased by both parties involved in this exciting occasion! Finally fourthly fifthly sixthly seventh...
If you want to buy an engagement ring online in Diamond District Block , you should keep in mind some important points before buying a diamond engagement ring.
Before you buy an engagement ring online, it is important to know your budget and the size of the ring. You should also decide on a style that suits you. The metal type can be gold or platinum, while stones like rubies or sapphires are common choices among couples who want to purchase rings online in Diamond District Block . This will help ensure that you get exactly what you want without having to compromise on anything else!
I hope this article has helped you understand how to buy a diamond engagement ring online. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below. Until next time!
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gallegospham9 · 2 years
Luxurious Bags And Designer Handbags For Ladies
Often referred as to the Slimane’s variant of the Classic Box Bag, the Celine Triomphe Bag features a modern, boxy silhouette with a long shoulder strap. Offered in a quantity of different sizes and supplies, this bag is a timeless classic that may by no means go out of fashion. Now boasting full collections of ready-to-wear apparel, footwear and accessories, Céline has quickly become a favourite with type professionals and A-list celebrities alike. Toted around on the arms of celebrities and influencers, Celine baggage are often synonymous with good style. Only skilled, professional sellers who have utilized and been thoroughly vetted by our group of experts can sell celine leather handbags and other high quality objects on our web site. Usually characterized by simplicity and sporting a traditional and beloved silhouette, vintage and designer top-handle bags can easily find a place among your wardrobe staples. Being a girl, a designer is mandatory, whether it's expensive or not. There are numerous designer purses on the earth. Most of the famous brands are Versace, Chanel, Celine, Prada, Burberry, and a lot of extra.... https://phoenet.tw/celine-bag-replica.html It’s also throughout Philo’s tenure that Celine released many of its iconic purse designs, which at the moment are in high-demand both as carryover designs or as second-hand finds. On 1stDibs, you can find classic top-handle baggage from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and more. It can be certainly one of their extra inexpensive luggage, with prices beginning at $1,a hundred USD. If you're already knowledgeable in regards to the bags, then you have higher luck figuring out a pretend. If not, listed beneath are some of the greatest sellers and those most likely to be replicated and bought on Canal St. in NYC. The supplies the brand use are quality leather-based. The next step is to give it a sniff –you might want to do that discreetly. wikipedia handbags At that time, the brand appointed Hedi Slimane as Artistic, Creative, and Image Director. Philo's tenure at Céline started in October 2008, and she or he presented her first ready-to-wear collection for Spring/Summer 2010 at Paris Fashion Week. Celine solely makes use of the best high quality materials in their baggage. Celine luggage made from leather-based are high quality leather with minimal to no imperfections. Part of what makes a Celine such a basic bag is the fact that the supplies used are carefully crafted, hand selected, and constructed to last. Famously easy, Céline specializes in capturing the temper of the season with understated class for contemporary girls. I do love the nano bag because it’s small and comes with a strap allowing you to wear it as a crossbody. I even added this bag to my funding worthy purse article I wrote a number of months ago. The Celine Nano Luggage Bag might be my most coveted handbag in my entire assortment. The Nano Luggage is a crossbody style bag that can be carried by the highest handles, worn as a shoulder bag with the lengthy strap, or worn crossbody. Determining if an merchandise is “worth” the value – particularly when it comes to a designer bag – is at all times tricky.
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thiesen94shannon · 2 years
Luxurious Luggage And Designer Purses For Girls
Often referred as to the Slimane’s variant of the Classic Box Bag, the Celine Triomphe Bag features a modern, boxy silhouette with an extended shoulder strap. Offered in a quantity of totally different sizes and supplies, this bag is a timeless basic that may by no means go out of fashion. Now boasting full collections of ready-to-wear attire, footwear and accessories, Céline has quickly become a favourite with type professionals and A-list celebrities alike. Toted around on the arms of celebrities and influencers, Celine luggage are sometimes synonymous with good style. Only experienced, professional sellers who have applied and been totally vetted by our staff of specialists can promote celine leather-based purses and other quality gadgets on our web site. Usually characterized by simplicity and sporting a classic and beloved silhouette, classic and designer top-handle baggage can simply find a place amongst your wardrobe staples. celine replica Being a lady, a designer is obligatory, whether or not it is expensive or not. There are numerous designer handbags on the earth. wikipedia handbags Most of the famous manufacturers are Versace, Chanel, Celine, Prada, Burberry, and a lot of more.... It’s also throughout Philo’s tenure that Celine launched many of its iconic purse designs, which at the moment are in high-demand either as carryover designs or as second-hand finds. On 1stDibs, you'll find classic top-handle baggage from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and more. It can additionally be certainly one of their extra inexpensive baggage, with prices beginning at $1,100 USD. If you might be already educated about the bags, then you've better luck figuring out a fake. If not, here are a number of the finest sellers and those most likely to be replicated and bought on Canal St. in NYC. The supplies the brand use are high quality leather. The subsequent step is to give it a sniff –you may want to do this discreetly. At that time, the model appointed Hedi Slimane as Artistic, Creative, and Image Director. Philo's tenure at Céline began in October 2008, and she or he offered her first ready-to-wear collection for Spring/Summer 2010 at Paris Fashion Week. Celine only uses the highest quality materials in their bags. Celine luggage made from leather-based are high quality leather with minimal to no imperfections. Part of what makes a Celine such a traditional bag is the fact that the materials used are rigorously crafted, hand chosen, and built to last. Famously simple, Céline focuses on capturing the temper of the season with understated elegance for contemporary ladies. I do love the nano bag because it’s small and comes with a strap permitting you to wear it as a crossbody. I even added this bag to my funding worthy purse article I wrote a few months ago. The Celine Nano Luggage Bag might be my most coveted handbag in my complete collection. The Nano Luggage is a crossbody style bag that can be carried by the highest handles, worn as a shoulder bag with the lengthy strap, or worn crossbody. Determining if an item is “worth” the price – especially when it comes to a designer bag – is at all times tricky.
0 notes
mypoisonedvine · 3 years
the martyrdom of st. valentine (and other romantic stories) || dark!Bucky & dark!(stepbrother?)Steve x reader
summary: you wanted to surprise your boyfriend on valentine's day, but he and your foster brother have a surprise of their own.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: smut (heavy dubcon to the point of pretty much noncon), kinda stepcest (as per summary, steve is the reader's foster brother), bondage, a lil touch of degradation
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2/14 to-do list
get waxed
get Steve out of the apartment
pick up chocolate-covered strawberries from bakery on 6th
blindfold and handcuff myself to the bed
be waiting for Bucky naked when he gets here
You sighed as you looked down at the paper, crossing the first and third items off the list. The second was going to be a bit harder, unfortunately; your foster brother had a habit of hanging around and cramping your style as much as he could manage. He felt like a real brother in that way… okay, maybe he felt like a real brother in most ways, a consequence of knowing him for most of your life, but he was definitely not your real brother. You remembered that each time you caught yourself staring too long when he was shirtless, or returning from the gym all veiny and glistening with sweat.
But you also remembered that he was still the closest thing to a real brother you'd ever had, and you scolded yourself internally for ever acting differently.
It didn’t matter now— you had Bucky, and he was the most amazing guy you’d ever met.  No, Steve was definitely not happy that introducing his best friend to his sister led to a relationship forming, but he couldn’t stop either of you in spite of his efforts to keep you apart.
Bucky had once expressed his suspicions that it was at least in part due to jealousy, if subliminal.  But you denied it unilaterally— he’s basically my brother, you told him, though it was more of a reminder to yourself than anything.
Perverted concerns about Steve’s motivations aside, Bucky was a great guy.  A bit of a sweet-talker for sure, and not exactly known for his ability to keep a long-term, serious relationship, but he was adamant that you had changed that and for once you were beginning to believe him.  You’d said from the beginning that you didn’t need this to be the proverbial ‘it’ for either of you but that you didn’t do hook-ups— especially with your brother’s friends, and extra especially with your brother’s closest and longest friend.  It only took a brief speech and two shots to convince you, now six months later and you were still going strong.
Days like this made you so happy you’d given in to his advances.  But they also made you regret giving in to Steve’s idea to be roommates in college.
“Stevie!” you yelped as he walked in, stuffing the to-do list into your backpocket.  “Just the man I wanted to see.”
“I doubt that,” he scoffed.  “It’s Valentine’s Day, I bet you want to see Bucky.  He’s coming over, right?  And you want me to fuck off so my best friend can go to town on my sister?”
You frowned, crossing your arms.  “I wanted to see you because I have a gift for you.”
“... you do?”  His eyebrow raised and you hoped your smirk looked just as smug as it felt.
“So do you want your gift or do you want to be an asshole?”
“Do I have to pick just one?” he joked.
“Just come over here,” you instructed, waving him closer.  He seemed hesitant, but eventually did as you’d asked.  From your other back pocket you pulled out two tickets.
“Rangers, center ice,” you beamed.  “For you and a date.”
“And this isn’t just an excuse to get me out of the house?”
“No, it’s a thank you for being such a great brother.”
“So, if I wanted to take Bucky…” he trailed off, already calling your bluff as you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, that’s just sad.  There’s no reason you can’t find a girl to take— god knows Bucky hasn’t spent a Valentine’s Day alone since the fucking eighth grade.  And you’re just as cute as he is!”
“Well, if you could alert the rest of the female population to that, that would be great,” he scoffed, “but until then I’ll take the tickets,” he decided as he took them from your hand.  “A Rangers game might be the only thing distracting enough to keep me from thinking about what you and Buck are gonna do while I’m gone.”
You were hoping for a little more enthusiasm considering how much the tickets had cost you, but at least he was going to go and give you the apartment to yourself for the evening.  “You’re welcome, by the way.”
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After stripping and sprinkling rose petals on the comforter, you'd actually found a YouTube tutorial on how to blindfold and handcuff oneself, and it was a little odd that enough people had this problem to merit its existence but it was still very helpful: turns out the secret is to blindfold yourself first but keep it folded up with one eye able to see until you do the handcuffs, then use your arm to slide the blindfold down into place.
It was tricky, and a little bit extra awkward while naked, but you figured it out and smiled proudly to yourself as you completed your last task on your to-do list.
Now, for likely the most difficult task of all: waiting in darkness and silence for Bucky to arrive.
Apparently it is, in fact, possible to be slightly bored yet titillated.  The thought of what Bucky would do to you when he got here was exciting, but it only made you crave his presence more which enhanced your quiet loneliness.  It wasn't like you could read a book or listen to music to kill the time, so you settled for humming to yourself as you waited.
Don't go changing, to try and please me, something something before, hmmm
I just want someone that I can talk to, I want you just the way you are...
But that grew tiresome quickly and you resorted instead to planning exacty how angry you would be if Bucky was late when you were waiting for him in such a compromising and inconvenient state.  For a moment you imagined he'd really gone to the Rangers game with Steve and became briefly livid over a hypothetical situation.
The crackling roar of Bucky's motorcycle outside was distant but undeniable, making you smile in anticipation.  You worried for a moment that you might have locked the top lock of the front door by instinct, but thankfully Bucky and to make it inside alright since next thing you knew, your bedroom door was opening.
The rattle of the doorknob made your breath catch; you opened your legs slowly in time with the quiet creak of the hinges.  “I’ve been waiting for you…” you purred.
“Hi there, babydoll,” Bucky’s voice answered back huskily.
The heavy steps of his boots made it clear he hadn't taken his shoes off at the door, a habit that had driven you crazy since he was your annoying brother's also-annoying best friend.  Was this the real reason he'd chained you up, so he could freely irritate you?  What next, was he gonna put a cold drink on your nightstand without a coaster?
"You really went all out for me, sweetheart," he noticed, his voice closer than you'd expected; it was fun to not know exactly where he would be, it made you squirm under the gaze you couldn't see but could somehow feel.
How weight joining yours on the bed was a good sign to his location though, along with his hands sliding up your legs.
“Look at this pretty pussy,” he cooed pridefully as he dove in suddenly and licked a thick stripe through your folds.
“Fuck,” you shivered, tugging on your handcuffs unintentionally.
“Feel good, babygirl?” he pressed, chuckling when you nodded.  “You want more?”
“Please,” you whimpered.
He didn’t get back to it right away, the weight on the bed shifting slightly, and it made you fear that he planned to make you beg more before eating you out— but finally his lips returned to you as his tongue explored your sex.
“Oh god,” you moaned, your back arching of its own volition.  It was a little different than he normally did this— less confident and measured, more cautious yet hungry.  Typically he teased you a lot more, knowing exactly the spots that drove you wild and intentionally leaving them understimulated until you begged him to let you come, but now as soon as he found them he was targeting them— perhaps a rare show of mercy from the guy who was normally happy to leave you on edge for hours.
You could feel his moans vibrating into you when he slid his tongue inside and against your channel; it instantly made your back arch as the handcuffs quietly clinked above your head.
He stopped just a little too soon, pulling your hips up until the back of your legs were resting on the front of his.  Being manhandled by him turned you on enough to make you bite your lip.
"Fuck, put your cock in me, wanna feel you," you moaned your plea as you heard the rustling of clothes; your mouth watered when you imagined Bucky stripping, with that insane body of his.
His thick head glided over your entrance and you were preparing to beg some more when he suddenly pushed in, giving you what you wanted so much faster than normal.  Not that you were complaining!
He was also much quieter than normal, which you were actually willing to complain about but didn't.
"Oh god," you groaned at the feeling of him stretching you open, gasping when his cock brushed right over your spot— it made your body jolt each time he pulled back and hit it again.
"Feels good, huh?" Bucky asked and you nodded happily.
"So good," you whimpered.
"I wasn't asking you."
Before you could question it, Bucky’s calloused fingers pulled up your blindfold— but it was Steve’s face above you, Steve’s body on top of yours… and, much to your horror, Steve’s cock inside you.
“What the fuck?!” you yelped, trying to squirm away as you tugged at the cuffs but failing completely.
“Fuck,” Steve winced, “you get really tight when you struggle like that.”
“Don’t act so surprised, babygirl,” Bucky cooed playfully as you turned to stare at his devilish grin.  “You wanted this… you just didn’t want to admit it to yourself.  And Stevie here always wanted this, too, and aren’t you so glad he told me?”
You shuddered as Steve continued thrusting, pushing his cock so deep it made you feel a little nauseous.  "Steve, you've gotta stop," you begged.   "If you love me, you'll stop."
"That's the thing: I love you too much to stop."
He moved faster, paying no mind to your confused whimpers, holding your hips tight as his head fell back slightly which brandished his thick neck and bobbing Adam's apple.
"There's no point in pretending," Bucky reminded you coldly, watching the whole thing with crossed arms and an expression that almost looked… bemused?  "You already showed us how much you love it, so don't waste your time acting so disgusted now."
You regretted more than anything saying that it felt good, literally asking him to fuck you before you really understood what you were asking for: you thought it was Bucky, yes, but that didn't mean it was an act.  It did feel good, and that must've been obvious to everyone since you were so wet already.  You could hear it each time he pushed all the way in, that telltale squelching noise that was somehow disgusting and hot all at once.
Steve wasn't so quiet now that he didn't have to be.  "God, you feel so good," he whispered, grabbing the backs of your knees and pushing your legs up.  It forced his cock even deeper and you choked on your own suppressed moan.
You heard Bucky opening his belt, and turned your head to see him pull out and stroke his cock while he watched Steve fuck you.  It was hard to imagine what he was getting out of this; he never seemed like the sharing type, if anything he sometimes became too possessive.  But clearly there was a lot about him and Steve that you didn't understand.
"Play with her tits," Bucky instructed, voice a bit deeper as he pleasured himself, "makes her come so fast."
Steve dropped your legs to rest on his shoulders so his hands were free to grope your chest, thick fingers twisting and tugging your nipples.  Annoyingly, Bucky knew his way around your body well by now, and so it was difficult to pretend that Steve's touches weren't sending shocks of pleasure right down your spine and to your core.
You had been biting on your lip so hard to stay quiet that you feared you would break the skin, until Bucky leaned down and gave you a little slap on the cheek— not very hard, but enough to make you gasp which in turn released the moan you'd been holding back.
"There it is, honey, don't be quiet for my benefit," Bucky encouraged.  "It's okay to like it, I'm not gonna be jealous."
As if that was your concern; angering your boyfriend by enjoying being fucked by your foster brother.  
"You really overestimate my interest in your— fuck— in your feelings," you panted as you glared up at Bucky where he was grinning down at you with a look that almost indicated pride.
"You're gonna come, aren't you?" he asked, ignoring your resistance entirely.  Whatever chance you had at pretending he was wrong was lost when, just for a moment, your eyes widened at his question.  "Yeah, thought so.  I can tell by that dumb look on your face.  I'm close too, babydoll, betcha wanna taste it…"
His free hand roughly held your jaw open as he stroked himself desperately, his weak groan coinciding with the moment you felt his hot seed spray into your open mouth, his taste familiar despite the entirely surreal circumstances.
It was purely coincidence that you came in that moment, your walls bearing down on Steve while you tried to stay silent so you wouldn't choke on Bucky's spend.
"Fuck, that's it, gonna fill this pretty mouth— god yes, you'd better swallow it all," he sighed as come painted your tongue and the inside of your cheek.  Maybe it was more than normal or maybe it was just that he was tightening his hand around the head of his cock to get every drop in your mouth, but either way it was enough to give you quite a mouthful to swallow, which you did without much question due to force of habit.
"M’close too," Steve warned as Bucky stepped back, "I'm gonna come."
“No, Steve, not inside,” you whimpered, hearing the way your voice had weakened after your orgasm, “you can’t…”
“I can,” he disagreed, “Bucky said so.”
Once again, Bucky's will was more important than your own, and your desperate pulling at the handcuffs was only another reminder of the way you'd guided yourself into his trap.
"Don't," you stammered one more time, but it was hard to focus when he was filling you exactly how you needed, when his thick hands gripping your waist felt just as perfect as you'd secretly imagined so many times… 
Denial is a powerful drug, but so is two orgasms in a row.
"Fuck!" you yelped as you felt a gush of warmth drip from your entrance, even further wetness spurring on Steve's fast and brutal thrusts into you.
"Knew you'd love it," Steve mumbled, growling slightly as he slammed into you.  "Knew you'd take it so well, make a pretty mess all over my cock— fuck I can't wait anymore, gotta fill you up, oh my god... gotta give you my load, honey, you want it?"
"Yes," you sobbed, "Steve, yes, come in me…"
He didn't need much more encouragement than that, groaning loudly as you felt his cock flex and pulse against your walls, his release overwhelmingly hot inside you.
You sighed in time with Steve as he finally stilled, and it was hard to know where to look when Steve and Bucky were both staring down at you.  “What happens now?” you found yourself asking, not so much a literal question about the next task but more about what the three of you were going to do with all the unfortunate truths that had come to light in less than half an hour.
“What happens now is I take my turn,” Bucky informed you sternly, pushing Steve aside.  “Did you really think I wasn’t gonna fuck my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?”
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
Locked Out - Chapter 3
A Danny Phantom / My Hero Academia Crossover, set mid season 2 and pre-canon respectively. 
[Chapter 1]  |  [Chapter 2]  |  [On AO3] | [Chapter 4]
There was an hand that slapped his arm, jerking him awake. “Hey kid, wake up we’re almost there.” 
It was still sort of surreal - the whole situation. It was slowly sinking in the more he saw of this alternate Japan, that he was actually here. The more odd looking people he saw walking around in public the more that he was realised that it wasn’t a fever dream. Even the most normal looking of people had quirks (not the superpowered kind) to them, considering Kirika told him that a lot of bright coloured hair was naturally occurring now (weird). 
Danny stretched in his seat as the train approached a station. Without much hassle, Kirika directed him out of the station and towards her spare apartment. “This one is smaller so I don’t generally tend to use it a lot, but it does have two bedrooms. I’ll have to rent another storage lot and clear out the spare room, so that’ll be yours for now. I go by Kamiya here, Kamiya Kirika. We’re gonna make a quick stop for groceries though.”
And so they went to a grocery store. It was…another genre of weird that Danny couldn’t quite get used to. There were aspects that were similar than back home, but he recognised none of the products, some had characters on them that Kirika told him were famous heroes. 
They didn’t get much, but Kirika got a few groceries that would let her cook western style meals, which Danny was grateful for. It wouldn’t be the same but it might make getting used to being here easier while they figured out a plan. 
When they got to Kirika’s apartment, he was surprised by how small it was. He’d vaguely known that Japanese homes were usually rather small, but he hadn’t expected it still. The whole of this apartment would fit at least five times into the FentonWorks. Kirika hadn’t been kidding about emptying the second bedroom because you could barely open the door. 
“Okay, what was that thing you mentioned back at the other place. You have an idea of getting us out of here?” Kirika asked as they sat on the couch, she pulled up her sleeve and redressed her wounded arm. It hadn’t been hurt that bad, a deep muscle bruise she had determined, apparently she had some good bruise cream from another universe that would help heal it in no time. 
“So you did your homework on me - I’ll want an explanation of how you got it later - and found my powers are intangibility; flight; invisibility; ectoblasts; and duplication. You’re right I can do all of those and a few other things, make ectoplasmic constructs to make a shield or weapon; use telekinesis to move stuff and let out an unearthly ghostly wail that can decimate almost anything in its path, plus a few other things I either haven’t got the hang of, or discovered yet.” 
Kirika just stared at him with wide eyes. 
“Oh and I can also take over someone’s body, possess them and control their actions.” 
She was silent for a second before she took a breath and looked at the floor. “Wow. No wonder he wanted to know how to get your powers.” 
“Yup. Which is why you can see I am very protective of the knowledge of how I got these powers in the first place. I am not unaware that someone with my powers could take down worlds.” 
Danny fought off a shudder. No. He wouldn’t. He knew what Dan was and he knew he wasn’t going to make the same mistake, no matter what, he wasn’t going to turn into him. But if he gave someone the ability to become what Dan was? No, that would be just as bad. 
“Wait, possession.” Kirika blinked. “You can control people?” 
“Okay this is where I say that it _might _work. Locksley couldn’t disable my powers because they weren’t a quirk, when I overshadow a ghost, I can sometimes use their powers but it’s tricky. Because I haven’t overshadowed humans with powers or quirks, I have no idea if I can use them. If I can use someone’s quirk, then it could be as easy as me overshadowing him and getting him to release your quirk. But if it turns out that I can’t, then it’d be a dead end.”
Kirika hummed, “So we’re going to need to test your limits basically. Is it painful?”
“Nope, they usually don’t remember it or feel any pain during it. They’ll be slightly confused, like blanking out for a second, but they’ll generally go back to whatever they were doing before.”
“Then in that case, test it on me. When I try to use my quirk, that lock mark whatever glows slightly, but it doesn’t when I don’t. If you overshadow me, and try it then we’ll know if you can use other people’s quirks. We could probably try it on other people if you want to make sure.” 
Danny stood up, prompting Kirika to stand up too. “You sure? I will be controlling your body against your will.” 
Kirika stood up too and shot him a look. “Kid, consider it pay back for kidnapping you. Just don’t do it to me without permission and you’ll be fine. You do this,” she started moving her hand in the familiar way, “and concentrate hard on the universe you want to go to.”  
“Okay.” Danny shrugged, transforming before zipping into Kirika before he could psyche himself out of it. She stumbled slightly as he got used to controlling the body. 
It always felt _weird _overshadowing someone. It felt like wearing a three layers of thick clothing, or having a dissociative episode. The body never really felt real, but he was also aware of the sensations it was picking up, like the mild ache in Kirika’s arm, or the sound of the city from the window, the smell of an unused living area. 
“Okay.” Kirika’s voice sounded, as Danny flexed her uninjured arm and repeated the motion she used. He looked down at the mark and tried again. With a deep sigh, he slipped out of Kirika. 
He saw her blink, shake her head and look at where Danny had dropped back on the couch with a dejected expression. “Didn’t work?”
“Nope. Not sure if it was because the lock, or because of the limitation of overshadowing. I think it might be the limitation though, it might be easier to test it out with other quirks though. What was it you said? The different quirk types?”
“Emitter, transformation and mutant. My quirk is an emitter type, I can emit things, and it has minimal effect on my body. Transformation is where the quirk temporarily transforms the user, either by will or an outside trigger. Mutant type is where the quirk gives the holder permanent changes to their body, like an extra tail or the appearance of a dog.” 
“Right, because overshadowing is all to do with controlling the body I usually can’t control people to do things that I can’t do myself. Like for example, I can’t play the guitar, even if I overshadow someone who can, I don’t have that knowledge to make them do that. I think it’s the same for emitter type quirks, it might be the same with transformation too. Mutant types are likely the type I might be able to use but I’m not all that sure about that.” 
Kirika sighed. “And that means that even if you can control quirks, you wouldn’t be able to use emitter quirks, which means you wouldn’t be able to use Locksley’s quirk in the first place.”
“Exactly.” Danny sighed. “Which means we can’t use my powers to force him to release your quirk. I might be the exception of his quirk, but he’s also the exception of my powers. We’ll have to find another way to force him to reverse it.” 
Kirika sighed and laid back. 
“I know I said this before, but I really am sorry, ki— Danny. Not just because I lost my quirk. I’m so used to not being pinned down, I forget that consequences for people are usually an actual thing. Morals are more like guidelines to me.”
Danny looked at her, seeing the remorse on her face. At this point, he’d mostly forgiven her, sure he was a little bit bitter still, but that was primarily directed at Locksley. Yes, it was scary that he was trapped here and he didn’t even know if anyone back home knew he was gone, or if they were going out their minds with worry. It was scary that he wasn’t familiar with anything around here, he was going to have to adapt until they force Locksley to give Kirika’s quirk back. 
But Danny could adapt. He was good at it! Sort of. After all, he’d adapted to turning into a halfa, using his powers felt so natural to him now. And if he was here for a while, he could use his powers freely! Without having to worry about possibly being dissected, which would be nice. 
“I forgive you.” He said. “I’m going to be here for a while aren’t I?” 
“Yeah.” Kirika winced. “Oh god, I’m going to have to get a job, aren’t I?” 
Danny laughed. 
After a long day of transporting boxes of Kirika’s stuff to a closer storage lot (without stealing transportation), they managed to empty out and clean the room that would be Danny’s temporarily. It was tiny. It was probably smaller than the bathroom in Danny’s house, maybe eight or nine square metres. There was a bed and a set of drawers, but other than that there wasn’t any other furniture. 
“I have enough money to get you a few things while you’re here, a new phone, a bunch of clothes and maybe a piece of furniture, but I can’t spend too much. If you see something I have, ask me if you can borrow it and I’ll tell you if you can. I’ll set up another user on my laptop, so you can use that when I’m not.” She’d said before retreating to her room to start up the job searching. 
Thankfully, she left him alone with the TV and a notebook so he could at the very least try and make more sense of the world outside of just what Kirika told him. He wrote out a cheat sheet of some of the things she told him that he remembered. Things like quirks, how the society went, some of the laws she’d idly mentioned that she never followed. 
Danny spent most of the day going from watching the news and getting the basic gist of local and famous heroes, he watched a few documentaries, and even a movie. It was weird how…focused this universe was on their heroes. They were almost a replacement of celebrities, from what Danny could grasp there weren’t many celebrities that weren’t also heroes. Heroes tended to do a multitude of jobs, such as Present Mic being a radio host, Uwabami being a model, and a number of other heroes being teachers. 
He supposed that if the hero profession was so saturated with heroes, then they’d be better off getting side jobs to fill their time, but it was still weird how fixated the world was on Heroes vs Villains. It left somewhat of a bad taste in his mouth when he noticed that the villains seemed to be some of the more abnormal looking people, the underprivileged or mentally ill. 
Danny knew that there were similar problems back in his universe, he wasn’t as ignorant to ignore his privilege there. But there was something sour about it when it was glorified as such. 
By the time that he was starting to get hungry, Kirika emerged from her room looking like death. Danny fought the urge to say ‘mood’. “I wanna die, job searching is so soul sucking.”
“Oh I already did that, not fun.” He joked. 
She snorted. “Alright food time, can you cook?” 
“Define ‘cook’.” 
“Is the food you make edible?” 
“I can make a sandwich? If it involves heating something up other than boiling it or throwing it in the microwave, then no.” 
“Okay, I’m gonna teach you to cook while you’re here then. If you’re staying with me, I’m not going to cook all our meals, deal?” 
Danny groaned. “Okay.” 
She went to the kitchen and started to pull out ingredients for spaghetti carbonara, while they talked for their plan for the next day. They would go shopping for some things for Danny, while Kirika would apply for some more jobs in person. Danny somewhat had the feeling that he’d have to keep an eye on what they were buying, because he got the vibe that Kirika probably would likely steal some of the things they were going to get. 
(He was still bewildered by the fact that he rode in a stolen van.)
(Wait did that mean he assisted in a crime?)
When he laid down in his new bed for the night, it took him a while to fall asleep. There were so many thing he wasn’t used to, the feel of the sheets that weren’t softened by use, how Kirika’s spare t-shirt and pajama bottoms felt on him, the sound of the city outside. He wanted to brainstorm until he had a solution, but he _knew _that he’d just work himself up into a frenzy. 
Instead, his mind drifted back to his family and friends. He wondered what they would think about this world, the mechanics of it and the possibilities. Jazz would no doubt be fascinated by the psychology of quirks, Sam would likely be against the turning of heroism into something from which capitalism could benefit from, and Tucker would probably straight up stab someone to get a hold of technology from two hundred years in the future. 
He missed them, but he couldn’t keep musing on what they were doing or feeling right now. Danny rolled over and went to sleep, finally without any pressure of waking up for any reason in particular.
That morning, Danny woke up and realised that it was now his third (technically second) day in this universe. He faintly heard rock music playing from elsewhere, presumably something that Kirika was playing. After he spent a few minutes absorbing the atmosphere, he kicked the sheets off and padded out to the kitchen.
Kirika was there at the table typing at her laptop, looking like she’d rather be doing anything than whatever she was doing. Danny snorted, she was probably still doing the job searching. She’d told him that she’d only ever gotten jobs when she was in her teens but hadn’t needed to since she could just sell things from other universes. 
“Please tell me you’re ready to leave soon, I can’t take another minute of this.” She whined pushing the laptop away and laying her face on the table. 
Danny rolled his eyes as he went about getting a bowl of cereal - the All Mighty-Os was supposedly very popular he hoped it tasted as sugary as it looked - as he replied to her. “I mean, let me eat, shower and change then we can go.”
It turned out that Danny had been right to keep an eye on the stuff they were getting because he caught Kirika slipping things in her bag that they hadn’t paid for more than a few times. He managed to put them back before anyone noticed, not without a glare to the girl which got one in return. At some points, she left Danny to browse while she went to talk to people about jobs, she said she had a few in the area that would give her an interview that day but she wasn’t all that excited to be doing them. 
They got Danny a phone that allowed him to download apps and use the internet if he had wifi, with a limited amount of roaming. It wasn’t a very expensive model, but it would do. They had even managed to find a phone charger that would work with his old phone, it wouldn’t be able to do anything but function as it would on aeroplane mode, but at least it would let him play his own music, take photos and reread old texts. 
By the time that they got back to the apartment, Danny had a sizeable amount of things to his name. But there had been one thing that had occurred to him as they were out. 
“We need a cover story.” 
“Huh?” She asked as they were putting Danny’s new clothes on in the wash, and he was double checking their haul to make sure Kirika hadn’t stolen more things when his back was turned. 
“Y’know, what we tell other people? I don’t exactly look related to you, and my name says I’m not from around here. We don’t want to broadcast where I’m really from and how I got here, do we?”
“Hm,” she considered. “Point. Well my cover story here is that I have a weak quirk that means I’m more adaptable to temperature, and my surname is Kamiya. I don’t really talk to anyone, but my landlord, he thinks I work from home.” 
“Yeah what _is _your real name, because at your old place you said it was Watanabe.” 
“Watanabe is my real name, but I have a bunch of different names I use depending on the location. I am an actual criminal remember? But you’re right, we need to figure out a cover story for you. I’d say we stick to the whole you’re from America thing, but you should definitely be related to me in some way.”
“A cousin maybe?”
“Yeah that’s pretty reasonable, you can just say that you learned Japanese from me growing up, and you’re staying here because…” 
Danny shrugged. “My parents are ghosthunters, I can’t think of a reasonable excuse for them to ship me off abroad without making them sound bad, which I don’t want to do, and I’d like to stick as close to the truth as possible with them.” 
“Fair enough. We’ll think about it, but for now just be evasive about why you’re here instead of America. _But _that will also lead to another question.”
“Why aren’t you in school?”
“Oh. Yeah, I’m pretty obviously a teenager. Homeschooling wouldn’t work as an excuse would it?” 
“Not really, besides you need something to do all day if I’m going to be at work. I can get you some fake papers and enrol you in the middle school round here.” 
“Wait middle school, but I’m in high school?”
“Different school system kid, in Japan, high school is the last three years only, and I’m pretty sure that you’re in your first year, right?” 
“That’s going to be a blast. Middle school was so much fun!” He said sarcastically as he found a pocket in Kirika’s bag that he hadn’t known was there, that was filled with things that were stolen. “Aw, c’mon seriously?” He glared at her while pointing to the secret pocket. 
She smirked at him and made her way over to her laptop before typing. “Don’t see you stepping up and buying them for me. Besides, about the school thing, if we’re lucky we can figure it out before you’re there for that long. It’s December now, so we’ve got a few months before you’re expected to go to high school. I didn’t tell Locksley your surname because I didn’t bother learning it, so you should be fine using that. You’ll get called it by default though, Japanese culture thing.” 
“Oh yeah, that. I did wonder at that. My name’s Fenton, my alias is a play on it. Danny Fenton. Danny Phantom.” Danny shrugged. 
“Wow that is so ridiculous, I love it. Cool, well I guess the fake documents we’ll need for you are a US passport, and a visa. Other than that, I just need to register that you’re staying with me, then I can sort out your enrollment. Good job I also stole you some school supplies while we were out.”
Danny sputtered. “Just where did you hide them?!” 
Kirika looked Danny dead in the eye and started to empty the pockets of her cargo pants. By the time she’d finished, there was a relatively pile of stationary and other miscellaneous school supplies on the table (including some A4 sized books and a calculator big enough to hurt if you hit someone with it). Danny was starting to be intimidated by her slight of hand. 
“And that, my friend, is why you put function above fashion every time you go out. Plus I pull off these pants, as well as some people pull off a tight dress.”
The same day that Kirika managed to land a job, was the same day she enrolled Danny in school. She came home and groaned collapsing onto the couch and almost hitting him. She’d picked up both their uniforms, and told him that he’d be starting school next week, on Monday, she on the other hand would be starting tomorrow, on Friday as a waitress. 
“The hours are so bad!” She groaned, “I’m going to be in customer service! I hate interacting with people.” 
“What am I, a rock?” Danny snarked, kicking at legs. 
“Teenagers are different, I’m usually good with teenagers, I get them, it’s other people I can’t handle it. There’s a big difference between people and people in public. Customer service is another type of hell, that I curse you to have to work in at least once in your life.”
“Well I rebuke that curse to lay one on you that you can _only _work in customer service for the rest of your life.”
“Damn you really got me, laying nonexistent curses on me. Oh how will I go on?” She replied in a dry voice. Which Danny snorted at. “Anyways, what’ve you been doing today, kid, while I’ve been busting my ass?” 
Danny rolled his eyes and shrugged. “I’ve just been trying to learn more about this universe? I don’t want to feel or seem like an actual alien unfamiliar with the humans’ ways. I’ve mostly just been lurking on what looks like the equivalent of twitter, and chat forums which I thought were pretty much dead, but in this universe surprisingly alive.” 
He’d been mostly bored if he was honest, it was nice to start to finally have a grasp on how the society functions to the point where he’d wandered out to the shop and got a snack without feeling significantly out of place. He’d even got tripped by a guy with some kind of lemur tail quirk by accident, and it’d been like someone accidentally stepping on the back of his shoe in a crowd, easy to brush off. 
Danny wasn’t quite sure how he’d managed it, but he was actually looking forwards to finally going to school just to break up the monotony of the day. Maybe he was just going stir crazy talking only to Kirika. Or just stir crazy in general. 
They’d agreed that it would probably be best for him not to abuse his ghost powers. Kirika had said that it was slightly weird while trying to pass off his powers as a quirk, for him to use his powers in both forms, so she’d told him to either only use them while transformed or to not transform. Danny really did not like the idea of being able to only use them while transformed, so he would be working on strengthening the powers without being transformed.
His powers when in his human form were always just a tad bit harder to pull off, more tiring and required more concentration unless he’d practised at it. The only powers he’d perfected in using in human form was flying and telekinesis. When he wasn’t moving places though, the flying was really more like floating and generally felt like the most natural way to be. He’d often just float in his room when he knew his parents were busy or out, and his telekinesis was practised because it usually was the easy way to do things. 
In a way, the restriction might help him pass his powers off as a quirk, they generally seemed a lot more limited than Danny would have thought they’d be, but considering they were something people were born with it made sense. Nature wasn’t exactly be kind to those that had to evolve, what with the survival of the fittest and what not. 
“There isn’t a chance that you’ve made a breakthrough in the ‘Force Locksley to Give Me My Quirk Back’ plan?” 
Danny slumped. “No,” he grumbled. “I don’t have the same information network you have access to, and I’ve never done something like this before. All my enemies knew where I slept, and if they wanted to catch me, I’d punch them, capture them and have maybe a day of peace. I’ve never gone after them, so plotting coercion, believe it or not, is probably out of my range of abilities. At this point, I kind of want to talk to the heroes about our encounter just to give them some kind of lead and deal with him for us.” 
“But that would lead to my arrest and without my quirk I wouldn’t be able to get out, and who knows what’d happen to you, I don’t know if you’ve read up about it yet but the Hero Commission has done some shady stuff, if they found out you’re from another universe, I have no idea what they’ll want to do.”
Danny considered it. He’d read a few things about the Hero Public Safety Commission, he’d naturally distrusted it. He’d always gotten bad vibes from politicians, they usually acted more in their own interests than the publics’, and it apparently translated over to this world too. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility that the government would deem him something to investigate or treat as a prisoner. He wasn’t even all that sure if he had any legal rights, considering he wasn’t technically a citizen of any country in this universe.
They were in an impossible situation. They likely only had one shot to be able to easily get to Locksley, the moment he realised what their goal would be, all his defences would be up and make it significantly harder. At the moment, they thought that they were just on the run, fleeing because they knew that getting the quirk back would be impossible. 
Danny did not half-survive death itself just to protect his friends, for him to wind up trapped in an alternate universe with no way home and resign himself to living out the rest of his days here. Even if it took him ten years, he would find his way back to them, that he would make sure of. 
“We’ll figure it out.” He said with confidence. “And Locksley won’t know what hit him.”
[Chapter 4]
[oc vibe board]
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Hey I read this somewhere idk a fic or something maybe idk if its canon, that like brucie Wayne is Bruce's public, tabloid persona, dicks is Richie grayson and only people who knew him, family or friends call him dick
hmmmm. see, here’s where it gets a bit tricky babe.
so, it’s very clear that bruce has 3 different personalities: “brucie wayne,” the over-the-top borderline alcoholic playboy who throws money around like it’s nothing and over the years, has become (not canonically, but accepted by the fandom as) a kind of dull but doting father. then there’s batman, the gruff professional legend that actually acts as more of a legend than a human and drives everything for the sake of the mission. and then there’s just bruce, who is a little more relaxed and caring version of batman that’s only let out around his family and a few close friends.
but dick,,,,doesn’t really have that?
now as far as i’ve seen and read, dick grayson is,,,,dick grayson. the public calls him “dick,” (or probably, as i headcanon, “dickie grayson”). he’s seen as a cute little kid that bruce took in during the early years. i’m stopping myself from screaming and saying a bunch of words because jesus christ is high society racist. then later on when he grew up, people started treating dick as a mini-bruce: a fun, flirty playboy. 
the thing is, there isn’t,,,,that stark of a difference between dickie and dick. with bruce, you get whiplash, but for dick, it’s almost as if a couple pieces fall into place? they’re both cheerful, exuberant, funny people who are freely affectionate and loving. 
(and part of that playboy persona is actually dick’s.
there’s an absolutely disgusting trend in comics that i’m sure almost all of you have noticed of dick being objectified, catcalled, and sexually assaulted by a lot of people in the dc universe, mostly women. and dick’s shown to be very uncomfortable with all this unwanted attention from people he doesn’t know or doesn’t know well. we all as readers are also uncomfortable with this.
but it’s also shown that when he’s with his friends, he does act playful, fun, and flirty. this is because there’s already a foundation of mutual trust and respect, along with a relationship built on years of friendship. once dick knows, is familiar with, and comfortable with someone, his naturally fun and flirty side comes out, and it’s usually mutual bantering on both sides. and dick’s okay with it. he enjoys it because it’s a way of him relaxing and playing with his friends, and it isn’t at all affected by his appearance or anything because he’s known these people for years, because knows that the mutual appreciation of each other comes from friendship.)
so there’s that: the fact that dickie grayson and dick grayson’s personalities aren’t all that different.
but then there’s the fact that dick grayson is a performer. and he has a lot of masks. it’s almost like there are minute personality changes every time dick’s company and position in the team or duo changes. this is partially due to evolving times, character changes, and of course different writers. but this is something i’ve seen happen with the same author, and if i’m wayyyy off-base, then this can just be a hc of mine that explains the way dick’s core personality changes from writer to writer (ignoring the few writers that just completely obliterated him.)
when dick’s with the titans, he steps up as a leader. he’s commands respect and gives respect in return, issues out orders, sometimes has some control issues but he works through those and learns to listen to his team. when dick’s with the original fab five, or kori, or babs, he lightens up a bit. he’s more easygoing, relaxed, and goofy. he’s still committed to his job and has a strong work ethic, but you can tell he allows himself to chill a little bit in the presence of people that he knows has his back. 
when dick’s with the batfam, he acts as sort of an authority figure. this came after jason, once dick started assuming responsibility for tim, but it continued on with each addition. bruce has obviously been the figurehead and sort-of patriarch of the batfam since the beginning, and alfred and babs are people the bats love and respect and give credit where credit is due. and trust me, it’s a lot of credit. but dick’s become their emotional anchor, someone they know they can rely on, someone they fall back on when they need it. he’s their safety net. (although i have to say. recently jason has been turning into the batfam team mom. idk what that’s about but i am thoroughly amused and kinda enjoying it.)
when dick’s with bruce, he becomes,,,,,,,i don’t want to say more childlike because dick’s gone to great lengths to make sure bruce respects him and treats him as an adult. and bruce does, for the most part. but there’s years and years of history between the two of them, and you can’t just wipe away the years of bruce raising dick as his own kid. too much has happened for them to go back to the easy dynamic they used to have, but too much happened in the past for them to ever pretend like they don’t mean as much as they do to each other. so,,,yea dick takes on a little more of a childlike role and bruce acts a tad more paternal than he normally does in the suit.
and when dick’s allied up with people to defeat either a greater or common enemy, his demeanor changes once again. allied, or fighting against people he has history with. this includes shrike, deathstroke, and tiger. when he’s with them, the nightwing mask drips into his entire personality. he’s chatty and witty, but each word is carefully calculated and has a purpose. he makes barbed jokes, fights with 110% of what he’s got, and pushes himself to his limits without ever letting anyone else know.
this is probably how the public never figures out he’s nightwing. (,,,,,,,most of the time.) dickie grayson is probably just different enough from nightwing that no one puts it together. going back to my point of dick being a performer, he probably holds himself differently, moves his body differently, styles his hair differently, has a different resting face, etc. these subtle changes are what people absorb easily, and are what throw people off. dick also probably uses this in the other masks i mentioned above, depending on how approachable, easy, or cunning he needs to appear. 
there are constantly thousands of masks that dick’s putting on and taking off. so to sum up my own, person opinion and very long, very wordy, very rambly answer to your quick question: no, dick doesn’t have different drastic personalities like brucie wayne and batman. but dick does have a bunch of masks, and he slightly shifts his personality depending on his company. 
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