#Broken Ties
spockvarietyhour · 11 months
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Stargate Atlantis "Broken Ties"
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fostopia · 10 months
I'm sorry to ask but could you explain both the tethered au and the broken ties au to someone who is for the most part clueless? I've been scrolling trying to figure things out but I keep getting the two mixed up (despite one being a subsection) my brain is just struggling for whatever reason lol. but I'm super interested because the universe you created seems really cool and I'm not usually into tmc aus! ty
Nah don’t worry about asking anon! I don’t mind answering the questions. I get how they can be mixed up a good bit considering they’re relatively similar minus a few details. The introductory post for Tethered itself is here
I’m also gonna toss in the subsection au where the group ends up with alt!Cesar since I think it’s funny
Also— Alt!Cesar he/it user
The main AU and the one the alternate scenarios/subsections come from; Tethered Together (usually referred to as just Tethered) is an au in which those who die relating to alternates come back as spirits; their visible form varies (as seen with Mark, who has wings when no other one does) but it always shows how they have died. The general idea for Mark and Cesar is that Mark has a gunshot wound to the side of his head while Cesar’s throat is slit. Mark is infinitely bleeding from his would, and the blood flow gets worse the more upset he is. Sorry Mark fans, he has a bad time here ^^’
The two spirits ended up tied together and then to Cesar’s old house, but when Adam and Jonah came along for their ghost cat the spirits ended up stopping them from respectively leaving the house and going into the basement. The two alive teens end up stuck with the ghosts because the two accidentally ‘tethered’ to them, hence the au name.
Alt!Cesar is a prominent figure here! Long story short, he tries to kill Jonah. In this, Jonah survives.
A note about alt!Cesar— alternates shouldn’t be able to physically harm or touch anyone; however when he killed Cesar it took over their body and now he can physically touch people. Sucks for his victims
I feel it’s also important to note, in the overall au + it’s subsections Adam is not an alternate‼️ He’s just an apathetic guy lookin’ for his mom.
The first of the subsections, this follows the same timeline and all of the rules to the first one, but when Alt!Cesar attacks Jonah, he dies. Upsetting, unfortunate, it be like that sometimes. That’s basically the difference, he’s just a ghost now.
He can’t speak like the others and his bones glow through his skin. He doesn’t bleed like mark unless he’s reeeeally upset. I feel like the reason for the name doesn’t need to be explained
(name may be changed)
This is just the au where Jonah somehow befriends alt!Cesar and the entire group is stuck with him because whenever alt!Cesar tries to leave (trust me it’s ass does not wanna be with them) he blacks out and wakes up by one of the group again.
It’s basically just:
Jonah, stoned: you ever just,, wonder if you can say nuh uh to the guy telling you what to do
Alt!Cesar: ..CAN I?
They’re buddies. Jonah’s got a friendly/neutral dynamic with him since yknow. He tried to kill him and already did kill two of his friends; but Alt!Cesar’s basically like a really feral guard dog with Jonah. Mark tries to sick him onto Adam one day but Jonah stops that.
It’s called tangled ties cause somehow they managed to get a fucking alternate in the family dynamic
This looks coherent to me but if there’s anything you want clarified just ask!! I might leave out a few details since I do plan on doing the ask-the-characters stuff but yeah :]
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ralfmaximus · 6 months
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Wow. What a dumb episode.
You've got a recovering addict going through withdrawal, but he holds critical information you must know in order to save another team member. But the addict guy is screaming & writhing too much to be coherent.
The smart thing to do would be to get him high. Load him up with heroin or something then let him babble comfortably, then put him through detox & recovery. After you have the critical information.
But what does Shepherd do? Not that.
Also you'd think the doc Keller would be more compassionate about her patient. And the Emergency Medical Hologram Woolsey committing war crimes by withholding medical treatment, woooo.
Nah man, the writers totally beefed it here. They coulda had a hilarious B-plot where they have to 'smuggle' heroin into Atlantis.
Doc Keller: We could probably use an opiate like heroin as a substitute for Wraith withdrawal
Woolsey: Heroin?! That's illegal! Where are we going to get--
Shepherd: I know a guy. FBI drug task force. I'm sure he can get us what we need
cut to
FBI Agent, answering his phone: Shepherd! It's been too long! Yeah man, what's-- what? Heroin? Are you crazy? I mean sure, but--
cut to
Samantha Carter at SGC Command, receiving a backpack full of drugs: What's this?
General Hammond, inexplicably back because I'm the one writing this: Don't look inside, but it has to be in the Pegasus Galaxy asap
Stargate, spinning & chuffing: hoot hoot hoooooot
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Stargate-Atlantis S5: E3 Broken Ties
Sheppard retaining self-control when talking to Woolsey and asking for permission to go off world was great. The room not opening for Woolsey is his payback. Lol. Atlantis is toying with the man.
Another Sheppard/McKay mirroring. McKay comes into the mess hall and doesn't even feel like eating because he's worried about Ronon. He sees Sheppard who also isn't eating because he's worried about Ronon.
Sheppard does good when he refuses to let Teyla blame him for her indecision. He can't wait on missions every time to see if she does or doesn't want to go.
(Total personal note: while I'm glad they show Teyla hesitating to rejoin the team, I wish they'd actually had her not join, but take up a position that let her be with her son. I think it would have been her doing the more important work. There are other ways to serve other than combat. Think of the power if she had focused on raising a son to take over the leadership of her people, maybe Atlantis, and defend the Galaxy. What a gift that would have been.)
Sheppard: this is about a desperate guy willing to do anything to save his buddy?
Woolsey: how can you be so sure?
Sheppard: because I've been there.
Ronon takes Sheppard out with one blow. Poor Tyer knowing Ronon's "betrayal" is his fault. Rodney being Rodney and worrying over the whole situation. Sheppard being Sheppard and repeating that they're going to get Ronon back.
The team gathered and worried about Ronon is perfect. Ronon saying Sheppard's name first when he wakes sane and drug free. Rodney joyfully screaming, "he's back!"
Um, at the end, when they're debriefing with Woolsey, down at the side of the shot, John face is hysterical when he drinks some coffee. What even was that???
I love Woolsey "relaxed".
The ultimate beauty of this episode is the Wraith telling Tyre it's not too late to be forgiven. Tyre rejects Wraith's forgiveness to earn Ronon's forgiveness. Then Sheppard told Ronon Tyre was a real friend and gave him Tyre's sword. Just beautiful.
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Sneak peek of Chapter Two of Broken Ties.
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BROKEN TIES (Broken Series 2) by Nana Malone & M. Malone at The Reading Cafe:
‘The fast paced, character driven premise is dramatic and impassioned‘
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samipekoe · 2 months
Monday its time to return to my office in lacille inc
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Anatomy of Alastors demonic forms
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months
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Take this baby and away!, "Broken Ties"
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kelprot-old · 10 months
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love reading the homestuck commentary stuff bc it makes me feel like i could grab a fucking corkboard and spend hours and hours tying together 50,000,000 different plot threads and still come up short of everything in the text
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
The frustrating part about conversations like "should people with self-harm scars warn others before showing off their body?" and conversations like it is how nobody would tell me that my scars are obscene or should be hidden despite, literally, being self-harm scars. They just do not know because people literally do not know what self-harm scars are and what self-harm is.
Our bodies are not vulgar or gross. We deserve to live our lives, and if our scars make you uncomfortable, we can be compassionate about that, but that doesn't mean that our bodies are Bad and should be Locked Away. Treat us like we belong, because we do.
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indigostudies · 9 months
it’s interesting to me when people on tumblr who are learning chinese say you don’t need to learn radicals, because………i just don’t think that’s true? as someone who grew up speaking and learning it natively i may be biased, but there’s just…….so many situations when knowing at least basic radicals and meanings is very useful.
if you’re in an area that uses traditional or simplified and you’re used to the opposite set, then knowing radicals can be key to understanding the written language on signs in the area, menus, letters, etc. if you’re reading something and you know the meaning of the characters around a new character, but you don’t know what that character is because it’s unfamiliar to you, knowing radicals allows you to make a guess at the meaning of the character and possibly connect it to the spoken version of the character that you already know based on that context, as for example a radical often lends pronunciation clues to a character.
also, knowing radicals makes it much easier to remember how to write characters—it’s much easier to remember, say, 想 as wood-and-eye-over-heart (木目心) or 绿 as silk-record (silk radical 纟plus the word 录 as in 录音, audio recording) because those are patterns you already have than to remember the individual strokes necessary to write a character. and on the topic of writing—knowing radicals also tells you the order in which to write a character, which is absolutely key to writing legible, orderly characters in a minimal amount of time!
obviously the measure of how many radicals you “really” “have to” know is going to vary by the person you talk to, but i think it’s important to have at least a passable basis in radicals if you’re going to learn chinese, a language written with radicals as important components of words.
and, lest i be remiss—here’s some resources i managed to find with a quick search.
hackingchinese page on radicals with a number of links to .anki, .txt, and .pdf files of the 100 most common radicals
hskacademy list of 214 radicals
a fluentu page that includes 214 radicals and expounds upon the meaning of phonetic and semantic components and their difference from radicals
ltl-beijing page that includes links to a list of radicals, some history behind them, a quiz, printable pdf, and more
and finally, not a link, but a recommendation for an app: download TOFU learn and use the hsk level decks! this is a very easy way to get into the habit of writing and repeating characters daily, which is absolutely vital if you want to get anywhere with reading and writing. dot languages also has a written component to practices, but the app is multi-functional and not confined to writing, nor does it give information about component and radical meanings like TOFU learn does. additionally, i would recommend downloading pleco, which is a very thorough dictionary that has the option to view the radical/component breakdown of a given character (under the “chars” tab—for example it breaks down 音 as 立 and 日) i’ve also seen skritter recommended a lot, but i cannot vouch for that.
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cheerclaw · 3 months
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i hope God kills me tonight
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fuckthemforthis · 3 months
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Jurček the Balkan edition ❤
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swordmaid · 6 months
shri’iia mood board
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If I die young, it's going to be at the hands of my best friend after I've pointed to a black and red cloth and said that's so crowley-coded for the tenth time that day.
...they'll probably dye my hair red with my blood. You'll find the corpse next to a dumpster, red hair and covered in garbage, with a sign saying THIS IS SO CROWLEY-CODED.
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