#Brigid Speaks
readingoals · 2 months
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I need to get something to hang on the wall above the chair but for the moment my new room set up is done!
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hapigairu · 7 months
Tbf, Petra probably drank the revanchist nationalism kool-aid and thought Faerghus (or Leichester) stole land from the Empire instead of y'know not thinking that maybe a territory wants to be independent and fought for said independence. But no, everything belongs to the Empire.
Hm... well, that's true, but I can't say I like this one bit. lol Petra was brought to the Empire at a pretty young age and was more or less treated like a circus animal, from what we've been told, that is. She tried to learn Fodlanese by herself and was met with mockery from the nobles in return:
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It sounds to me like she hadn't anyone to turn to in the Empire despite being a political hostage and, y'know, a princess and the heir to Brigid's throne. I don't know about you, but if I was in this situation, I wouldn't jump on the "Adrestia fuck yeah" train, but rather on the "Adrestia fuck you" one. But then, Edelgard ousts Thales and his circus from the Empire and Petra returns to Brigid during the timeskip, meaning Edelgard allowed her to do so. We can assume that it's during that time frame that Petra bought Edelgard's spiel and decided to murder people so that the Empire can do a big fat land grab fight for her Cause (tm). But... why would she? Because Edelgard wasn't a jerk to her that makes her war okay and legitimate in Petra's eyes? If she supported the Empire for the sake of Brigid, that would've been a different story. But here, she's willing to throw away her life for someone who's trying to annex two countries that were minding their own business and didn't do anything to Adrestia or Brigid??? Surely, there would have been a better way to justify Petra being a playable character. Then again, she's not the only smart and curious character to have lost a consequential number of brain cells in Hopes. But this is why Petra is way better in AG where she gets a much needed dose of reality.
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randomnameless · 11 months
I saw your post about dumb points people make so that Dimitri and the Kingdom come off as worse and to justify Edelgard invasion and I was wondering if you have heard the one about how people try to use Duscur amd Sreng as a excise?
Like they claim that the Kingdom bad treatment of both nations makes them morally evil and that they deserve to be wiped out and conquered in return or that Dimitri has no actual desire to free Duscur and is just using them.
But they always conveniently forgot that the Empire has done the same thing to Brigid and Dagda in the past or even the fact that Edelgard is openly using Brigid
Imo that also explains why Petra completely falls flat as a character, because we have the situation where she is Adrestia's hostage, and could really bring something to the table about imperialism, power (in)balance and...
We have Nopes, where, iirc, Pat tried to lolcalise the part where she wonders why Faerghus used to see Duscur as something else than a land to be conquered before the Tragedy, when Adrestia always set its sights on Brigid - but bar that?
In this situation - a character being a literal hostage of another - I would have expected more than 5 throw away lines and the insulting (Petra is a princess, not the daughter of a fisherman, you really want me to believe she never learnt the language of the juggernaut trying to invade every saturday? Apparently Brigid people know how to speak Fodlanese, if her paralogue is any indication!) trope of "doesn't know the language".
(and yet it speaks volumes about how Adrestia treated her, even if it's not realistic : the child under house Goneril's "good care" is more fluent than her even if he has difficulties to pronounce Mercie's name, whereas the commoner who was saved and cared for by the prince is perfectly fluent in both languages, and even taught him some Duscurian in return!)
But ranting about Petra will take another post altogether, especially how she is perceived in certain, hm, corners of the fandom.
Let's say people living in said corner of the fandom embraced their favourite png's rhetoric, and the famous "Adrestian double standard" even in their real life interactions (with other fans). And it when it doesn't apply, they just create it.
I remember early on after the first Nopes leaks how people tried to piece out (10k years of lore!!) how Sreng and Faerghus's borders came to be, and some "devoted fans" immediately jumped on the Faerghus BaD wagon.
But conveniently ignored Wilhelm the Sailor, writing how he utterly failed his campaign to invade Dagda, off handedly mentions how Brigid people are "savages" and prefers to die there than to face the Emperor of the time who's going to be very pissed that he didn't manage to invade Dagda.
It's more or less (10k years of lore I'm telling you!) explained Sreng and Faerghus/Gautier fight over ressources, but why the fuck Adrestia wants to "adrestianise" Brigid and Dagda? For ressources or just to spread the might and glory of Emperor Ionius III ?
Saying Dimitri doesn't want reparations for Duscur and to cleanse Duscur's name is like saying Rhea's ears are round - you have a better chance to win an argument against a potted plant than against some people who aren't even talking about the game.
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giverofempathy · 4 months
soooo eepy rn but i promised to make dinner tonight so now i have to cook a 3 course meal . at least i already baked the dessert scones 😭😭
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gigamuffinsofie · 1 year
this is sort of an interest check if anyone would come see me do an art stream? i made a pngtuber.......
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good afternoon girl, i am in the water
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A video bc WKD is just mental man
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threemadetwo · 1 year
when your heart knows no jealousy.
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 year
Anyways if you see All This you’re obligated (/j) to send me something or what have you to distract me or give me more of an excuse to hear myself talk
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wolffoxnation2 · 2 months
hey are you feeling ok? you seem pretty down in your posts
i know im a random stranger on the internet but if i can help lmk!
you seem like a pretty cool person
Not paticularly
I'm not sure what caused the breakdown that created the mcga poem
And today was because i felt sorry for myself for hating myself and wondering when i started hating my...everything
But eh, not the first time i've had these kind of thoughts this was just the worst because my eyes were lingering on the knife block for way too fucking long (and it had to be some fucking divine intervention that it was completely empty)
I'll be fine. I'd never do it really, i have too much shit to do and too much guilt.
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I only remember 5 of my IRL friends’ blogs!!!!
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bywandandsword · 5 months
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readingoals · 1 year
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Reorganising all my agatha christie novels so i can get to the ones i havent read more easily
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author-a-holmes · 6 months
It's December 3rd!
Am I sharing some gorgeous, thought provoking, Van Gogh Quotes this month?
Absolutely I am.
Am I also sharing a Question of the Day inspired by the daily quote, and then inviting you all to answer them with me?
I absolutely am doing that too!
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If you want to play the rules are simple. Answer the question, and then tag forward! I'm leaving all my posts this month as open tags so feel free to join at any time. <3
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Question of the Day!
Tell us about your protagonist's strangest dream...
My Answer:
Lizzy had a recurring dream as a very young child that she could make the flowers in her mothers garden bloom on command. For a long time she quietly thought that after her eighteen birthday she might manifest the same ability as the first fey queen, which was the ability to portal at will using connections between trees. But as she got older the dreams stopped, and she gradually forgot about them.
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kaaaaaaarf · 25 days
Saturday Snippit
So many people have tagged me in wonderful snippits lately! Thank you to @fruityindividual, @lynxindisguise, @quillkiller, @pupmotif, @messrsage,
@hiddenmoonbeam, @squintclover, @emjayeingray, @imsiriuslyreading, @sommerregenjuniluft and anyone else I may have missed!!!
To be honest I haven't really been writing much, but I've been working on my fic for the @marauderswithpalestineproject and I feel pretty good about it so far! My prompt was university, remus and sirius get paired for a project and obviously remus ends up doing the whole project but he doesn’t care bc he’s had a fat crush the whole semester:
Remus opens his notebook to grab a piece of paper for Sirius to write his number on, and immediately turns a shade of crimson never before seen by the human eye—at the top of the page in bright purple pen is MR REMUS BLACK. Panicking, he rips it out and shoves it in his mouth. Sirius watches the proceedings with a mix of shock and amusement—and something else Remus can’t place underneath. “Uh…What’s that you’ve got there, Remus?” “Nrthringk.” he mumbles. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Remus is either going to have to swallow the paper or spit it out. He isn’t sure which is more mortifying. He starts to chew. Sirius snorts, hiding a smile behind his hand as he reaches out to grab the notebook Remus wordlessly passes to him with the other. Remus watches him scribble what he presumes is his phone number, before closing it and handing it back. “Well, I can honestly say that this has been an absolute delight, but I’ve gotta go—I told James I’d help him with some French homework. I promise to never speak of this again if you promise to help me pass this class?” Remus nods vigorously, relieved, “Mhrmrm.”  Sirius smirks at him, waving as he turns to head out of the classroom, “Perfect. Night, Remus.”  As soon as he saunters into the hall, Remus runs over to the waste bin at the front of the room, gagging as he spits out the now pulped paper.  He takes a long pull from his Nalgene, swirling the water in his mouth in an attempt to rinse out the embarrassment along with the taste of ink. He’s about to finally leave when he thinks to open the notebook to check if The Sirius Black actually gave him his number. He thumbs through the pages and chokes when he sees it. Written in Sirius’ looping, elegant script is, 555-574-4741 MR SIRIUS LUPIN.
np tagging: @kaleidoscopexsighs, @moon-seas, @colgatebluemintygel, @brigid-faye and anyone else who wants to share!! Tag me if you do <3
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the-bi-library · 20 days
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Bisexual books out in May 🩷💜💙
Books listed:
A Swift and Sudden Exit by Nico Vincenty
It Ain't Over Til the Bisexual Speaks by Lois Shearing, Vaneet Mehta, etc
The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee
The Z Word by Lindsay King-Miller
Bisexuality: The Basics by Lewis Oakley
Til Death Do Us Bard by Rose Black (Hardcover edition)
Road to Ruin (Magebike Courier, #1) by Hana Lee
Blood Remains by Cathy Pegau
The Only Light Left Burning by Erik J. Brown Garner for Gold (Lustrous Divinity, #2) by Catherine Labadie
The Last to Pie (Pies Before Guys Mystery #3) by Misha Popp
The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe
Smoke and Steel (Scions and Shadows) by Dax Murray
Fake Dating a Witch (Bewitching Billionaires #1) by Brigid Hunt
A Girl Can Dream by Emily Barr
The Ride of Her Life by Jennifer Dugan
A Little Kissing Between Friends by Chencia C. Higgins
Meet Me in Berlin by Samantha L. Valentine
The Sins on Their Bones by Laura R. Samotin
We Were the Universe by Kimberly King Parsons
Evocation by S.T. Gibson
Adrift by Sam Ledel
Don't Be a Drag by Skye Quinlan
This is not an exhaustive list so please do let me know of the books I missed 💖
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artemis-potnia-theron · 9 months
How I perceive different deities' energies
(based on personal experiences)
Apollon ☀️: Light coming up from somewhere deep in the gut. An ache that almost burns. And it might if I stare too long. Swelling gold. A chorus of music too perfect to be written, words that could shatter my tongue if I tried to speak them.
Brigid 🔥: A lump at the back of my throat. Tears in my eyes while I smile. Joy and grief mixed together under my ribcage. Melodies sung through the ages, and through tears. Warmth at my back and a hand on my cheek. Baked bread. Garden herbs. Clear water from a well. An embrace that could last an age.
Nyx 🌌: The low, echoing hum of something eternal. Something too ancient to comprehend and too overwhelming to be perceived. Endless. Ethereal. Peace and chaos. Quiet and thunderous. Coffee. Red wine. Onyx.
The Morrigan 🐦‍⬛: A chant of words I can't understand, spoken in a language I never knew and never forgot. The cold steel of a blade's edge. Sharp, precise, and unwavering. Her language of secrets and ancient knowledge could swallow you whole if you let it.
Hekate 🗝: Whispers. Shadows against candlelight. A flickering flame that knows how to dance in the wind and never extinguish. The smell of old parchment and herbs. A ripple on the water. As intricate and mesmerizing as a spider's web. Silent and sharp like a viper. A bark and a growl heard from somewhere too far away for me to see.
Aine 🧚🏼‍♀️: Sunlight breaking over the surface of a river. Citrus. Wildflowers. Fresh grass. Wind sweeping over a meadow. Chimes. Fruit trees finally coming into bloom. The juice from an apple trickling down my neck. Laughter. So much laughter.
Aphrodite ❤️: Flower petals. Something sweet and soft like honey that trickles down the back of my throat and seeps into my belly. It spreads all through me like starlight trapped in my veins. Bells. Bliss. A want that could dissolve me. A yearning that would hurt if it didn't taste so lovely. The pain feels like a lifetime away.
Tiamat 🐉: Clusters of stars. Endless reflections of light on the water's surface. The deep song of a whale that echoes through the pulse of the sea. An eye that gazes down from the cosmos.
Caer Ibormeith 🦢: A lullaby that has been with me for longer than I know. A kiss pressed to my forehead. That place between sleeping and awake, between real and not. Cool air at twilight. Dew on the glass before sunrise. Clean fabric. A veil. Flying over the world as it sleeps.
Artemis 🦌: Freedom. Breath-taking, devastating freedom. A stag drinking fresh water from a spring. A doe and her fawn, sleeping as the songbirds chirp at dawn. A rush. An absolute rush like mountain air in my blood. Fireflies in an open field. Bones bleaching in the sun. The thrill of a wolf pack chasing its prey. The moon over the ocean at night. Teeth. Bird calls. Wildflowers. A great bear that walks in the stars. Hymns only beasts can sing. Jasmine and animal fur and the midnight air.
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