#Boundary Commission
stairnaheireann · 6 months
#OTD in 1922 – The Parliament of the occupied six counties of Northern Ireland opt out of the Free State.
The parliament of Northern Ireland exercises its option to opt out of the Irish Free State and petitions King George V: “MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN, We, your Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Senators and Commons of Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled, having learnt of the passing of the Irish Free State Constitution Act, 1922, being the Act of Parliament for the ratification of…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Prince George Route Favored for B.C.-Alaska Road,” Vancouver Sun. November 13, 1941. Page 14. ----- Commission's Report Tabled; Cost Set at $25,000,000 ---- By Canadian Press --- OTTAWA, Nov. 13. - Prime Minister Mackenzie King tabled in the House of Commons today the report of the British Columbia-Yukon-Alaska Highway Commission which said two routes considered, known as "A" and "B" are feasible, but the "B" route will best fulfill the purpose of the highway.
The "B" route would run from Prince .George, B. C, north through what is known as the Rocky mountain Trench to the Liard River and down the valley of the Pelly River to the Yukon and from there to Dawson and the Alaskan Boundary.
The "A" route considered by the Commission runs roughly from the vicinity of Fort St. James in northern British Columbia and by way of Atlin, near the British Columbia-Yukon border to Whitehorse and from there to the Alaskan, boundary.
"In its consideration of the proposed highway the commission has assumed that the existing roads of British Columbia from. the international boundary north to Prince George and Fort St. James would form part of the highway whatever route might be adopted, and confines its consideration of these existing roads to an estimate of the cost of bringing them up to the suggested standards of the highway," said the department's statement. 
The Commission found the "B" route would mean a highway of about 1700 miles and about 1900 miles under the "A" route. 
Cost of a highway, completed to the required standard, but exclusive of paving, was estimated at from $25,000,000 to $30,000,000. 
The report tabled by Mr. King formed a bulky bundle of documents. 
The Commission was required only to report on suitable routes, leaving decision as to which may be chosen to the government. 
The report contained detailed studies of snowfall and other conditions. 
The Commission was headed by Hon. Charles Stewart. 
A similar commission was appointed by the. United States which held meetings with the Canadian Commission and, it was understood, concurred in the findings of the Canadian commissioners. 
The U.S. commissioners were instructed to investigate the extension of the road to Fairbanks, Alaska, beyond the boundary with Canada.
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itssovaa · 1 month
theoretically, if i started advertising my commissions here, would anyone be interested
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rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months
Hmm. Just out of curiosity, would people be interested if I offered 10 slots of B&W sketch drawings / 1-2k short fics in exchange of proofs of donations to PCRF/WFP/E-sims for Gaza?
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capeta · 9 months
Question! Me and a few friends are running around lmk tumblr seeing if anyone can draw/write about @cryptidwithaninternetconnection ‘s OC Dark who is an adopted sibling along with their friends OC RDC, would you check them out and draw them if you want? We saw in a post that one of their mutuals drew Cryptids OC who in term screamed in ext form so we think it would be funny to give them a wave of scream-worthy art-writing! Thanks if you consider! :DD
-Chaotic Anon
Howdy! not too sure what you wanted but i assume this will be fine
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i have to learn to limit myself from drawing anything bigger than this as I do want to do commissions;;
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nuagederose · 7 days
”you should try cara” “go to bluesky” “what about-“
how about we start making do with what we’ve got and stop treating artists like complete shit
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lemonmancer · 2 years
Made a post about it on twitter but I’m gonna put it out here too that you shouldn’t call strangers and artists you hire rather intimate pet names. Friendliness and lack of formality is one thing when discussing commissions, but don’t continuously refer to someone as ‘my precious’, ‘baby’ or ‘sexy’—it’s overstepping quite a bit.
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b0rtney · 9 months
My toxic trait is I see a rly small artist on TikTok. I’m talking like. 9 followers. And their art is cute and their commissions are open. And I just wanna. Purchase commissions. Every time. The WORST part is these ppl r ALWAYS undervaluing their art so I can almost AFFORD it so the temptation is STRONGER.
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stairnaheireann · 8 months
#OTD in 1922 – Dáil Éireann approves the Constitution of the Irish Free State.
The Irish Free State constitution was adopted by an act of Dáil Éireann and given royal approval in December. It established many of the articles that had been set out in the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921. Northern Ireland (Unionists) opted out of the Irish Free State, and under the terms of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, this triggered the need for a Boundary Commission to determine the borders of the…
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ink-mind · 8 months
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A commission for a nonprofit organization called Outside The Frame for their upcoming Gala! Yes!
A little about OTF: a non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating the creativity of homeless youth via filmmaking, outreach events, job opportunities and more. I’ve been in touch with them since last November and through that I’ve made a lot of new connections that resulted in some awesome collabs and friends. If you’re curious, you can read more at otfpdx.org
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little-b1rdy · 1 year
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~ Updated Commission info ~
♡ Feel free to message me on here if you have any questions!!!
♡ My art tag is #soft art ♡ if you want more diverse examples of what I offer!!
♡ Reblogs are heavily appreciated if you can't commission
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I didn't think I'd have to do this, but given that this has been happening over the last two days, I have to say something.
Guys, as much as I appreciate the offers, please DO NOT come into my DMs asking if I am interested in commissions or telling me you have commissions open.
For one thing, it's considered rude and pushy to just go from person to person asking if they would like to purchase a commission. My DMs are not an automatic invitation to ask me this, my DMs are a place to simply chat with me casually or to gush about fandoms. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
I get it. The holidays are coming up and people are buying gifts and the like or need money to afford things. I totally get it! But directly going to someone's DMs like a door-to-door salesman/woman/person and trying to convince them to buy your wares is not a good line of business, makes you look and sound desperate, and it is more likely than not to get people to not want to deal with or do business with you.
You guys are on tumblr: if you want to promote your commissions, do it on your blog and let people reblog and get interested in what you have to offer rather than trying to make them feel obligated or guilt-tripped into purchasing something after they tell you "no". Keep drawing more examples to increase your skills and show people what you can do! People will want your work, you just have to keep posting consistently and keep striving to improve and try new things!
If I get another DM from someone asking if I am interested in a commission when I am not actively looking for one, I will block you and you will not get a second chance.
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emoticonheart · 7 months
Have you thought about opening commissions for your writing, or would you prefer to keep doing it as a hobby?
i haven't really thought about it for the following reasons:
1. no one would want to pay money to have me write things for them
2. i'm kinda particular about what i'm comfortable writing, so there's a good chance people won't be able to get what they want
3. i also am really bad at saying no, so finding that balance of setting boundaries and pleasing others would be hard for me
4. as you can see, i don't have it in me to wrote consistently and/or on a schedule, so i'd feel really bad if i had to make someone wait a super long time for something, especially if they're paying me
5. i'm afraid i'd disappoint people
so yeah, it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to take commissions, at least for now. but hey, the fact that you even thought to ask is immensely flattering, so thank you so much!!
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British Columbia's Electoral Boundaries Commission is recommending the creation of six more electoral districts in the province, raising the number of ridings to 93 from the current 87. The commission has submitted its final report and elected members of the legislature must decide whether to accept all, some or none of its recommendations. In addition to the call for six new districts that reflect areas of rapid population growth, the commission is also seeking adjustments to the boundaries of 72 other districts and changes to the names of 41 ridings.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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r95irth · 10 months
Wait!!! You didn't actually use tracing for a comission!?????????
No i didnt’t trace, i did get inspiration from the same idea and there’s no 30 different angles available & efficient to show the problem of having a big fluffy tail in bed. I did get inspiration from them tho, (still differently than the way AI folks say their machine do) hence why i put the link to their work so they could get as much visibility as i would have with my work. not to say i never trace, tracing can be a good way to learn and experiment as an artist. (For example as i child i traced pokemon, or screenshot of anime i liked. As student i traced Horikoshi’s pages to learn how to ink better and do toning and i did progress a lot after those. recently I also traced one image from teen titan show, i think i shared on twitter. The one with Ling wen almost eating two gods who wanted to borrow god!MY for work as it was exactly this image i had in mind and people who can’t draw can only send the gif to say mood but i can draw it and say mood). In my opinion, tracing is not problematic as long as you dont sell the result and make profit out of this? HOWEVER It’s important to give a link or quote who you traced if you post your work as you share it.
And it wasn’t a commission so i certainly didn’t get money from this. It was a gift, I don’t do commissions bc i have a job and a work contract that doesn’t allow me a second job without my boss permission ^^• it was just fun i had with friends during a conversation, i drew it and then bc i post my drawings here, no matter how silly or unfinished they are.
Now i could have shared the drawing on their twitter’post so they would know i exist and made something inspired from the same idea. I hesitated to do that but then i did not bc the result i did was about a ship from another fandom that i didnt know if they liked or even shipped. As an artist i asked myself « would i mind people taking inspiration from my idea and do an illustration of their own with it? » maybe i would be a little bothered but if they put a link for my work and say the idea started from me i wouldn?t mind. However to have them barge into my thread showing of their work and get the attention of my followers without my permission with their art? Yeah i would be a little pissed, add to that i realized myself that if i knew they did something for a ship i don’t like i would be more bothered (silly, right? The human mind is a bit weird) but i wouldn’t feel legitimate to say « yeah you can take inspiration from my work but not to do something promoting ships i dont like » (people wouldnt listen to that one condition anyways) so i asked myself what i would prefer and my answer was « i would rather not know this art exist » it’s personal and maybe it’s not the right answer but that was my thoughts process (if you follow my blog you might have stumbled with my opinion of what an author can do with fan works)
that’s why i posted on my blog, to get the attention only from my followers and not their, so i would not to steal any fame and put a link to their work so they can gain from me and not the other way around.
And again the drawing is not traced i looked at it said HEY FOXYAO, tried to draft a pose to show the same idea (the first one on the drawing) realized that like they did, the profile view and the bird’s eyes view worked better to convey the problem of having fluffy tail, then finished the work by adding the xiyao solution to it with two other poses of my own.
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mari-beau · 1 year
Dear customer,
I am your seamstress and not your friend
Don't call me "sweety" in correspondence or text me outside of work-related subjects or ask me to go to dinner with you. I know you don't mean it in that way, but I don't want to even be your friend.
Thank you,
A Socially-Drained, Anxiety-Riddled, Introvert Seamstress
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