#Bod's Answers
nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
For the Character Bingo Game!! Please feel free to mix and match and disregard as you please:
Milligan, Isaac the Messenger, Susan Pevensie, and Toph Beifong
Hope you are having an amazing day, and that the Tasks go smoothly :)
Done! Sorry the highlights on this look so terrible, I'm bad at filling these out. But I very much appreciate the ask! 🥰🥰🥰
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I don't know if Milligan and I would be friends irl (I suppose it depends if you're talking about my fic's version, canon, and whether he has memories or not), but assuming there's nothing crazy going on, then yeah, I could see us getting along. Not a big sports fan though. As you know from my fic, I have a lot of head canons, and rotating 24/7, and all MBS characters need therapy let's be real. They also all need more screen time, had wasted potential, and canon did them all dirty by cancelling the show, but I highlighted these for Milligan specifically because he never got closure and answers as to what Curtain did to him and why he was working there. As for my half filled in "my opinions are unpopular", that's mostly because of SOS: people either love it, or it's not for them. So I'm not sure what to call that. I relate to him (positive) because I head canon him as having ADHD (even though I have ADHD-I and I head canon him as having ADHD-HI, but close enough).
Isaac the Messenger:
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I feel like Isaac and I would be friends irl since I have a lot of friends doing STEM things. All MBS characters go to therapy, and I clicked canon did him dirty and wasted potential because... did he just wait in the woods forever? I feel like they could have done something with that. I wasn't sure whether to click "needed more screen time" because I feel like it wouldn't be a lot more screen time, just enough to give a little closure on that. I say my opinions are unpopular because I haven't seen any other fics with him as a main or even major side character (if they exist lmk) and I half filled in "so many head canons" because...I do expand on his character a bit in SOS, but I don't know if I'd say I have a ton of head canons for him.
Susan Pevensie:
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Ohhh....the problem of Susan. That's what all these highlights are based off of btw. I understand Lewis was using her to reflect his own issues, but why couldn't he have lived to write her story? The arrow over rotating is because when Narnia was my primary childhood hyperfixation, Susan's story was one I was really interested in. (Spoilers Ahead for The Last Battle). She has to live with all her friends and family dying, and figure out how to get back on the right path without them. I would have loved to read a story about Susan and her husband and kids where Susan tells them about her time in Narnia and her younger kids and her husband believe her, but other relatives think it's a manifestation of her grief, and even her older kids are like "mom, seriously?" but then either someone who used to live in Narnia but found a portal to our world or another world shows up, or Susan and her family get sucked through a portal to another world that still exists (not Narnia or Charn because those worlds were destroyed but maybe someplace else), and you could have them go on this whole new adventure and I would love to see that happen. However, I am worried about how people would handle the story, hence the half filled boxes for "the fandom is wrong" and "my opinions are unpopular", because I do see the occasional posts that are like "Lewis was just being sexist and hates Susan because she likes boys and lipstick" or "Lewis was 100% right about girls who like boys and lipstick being terrible" which...respectfully, no to both of these. If I remember correctly, Susan wasn't on the train and is still alive, she can have a redemption arc, and she was always described as pretty and liking stereotypical girly things, that itself was never the issue. The issue was her becoming materialistic and caring too much about what other's think of her and mocking her siblings for not acting otherwise. Look, I never related to Susan very much, and I'm not sure that I'd be friends with her irl, based on interests and personality, maybe not, but she's not a bad person just because she's stereotypically feminine and she's certainly not irredeemable. Would have loved to see a sequel where she goes on other adventures and shows off her awesome archery skills and we get to meet a bunch of new fun characters, but I'm so worried that someone who focuses on the wrong aspects of her character would try to make the message of her story about how Lewis was wrong about something he never said or about how Susan was terrible for something that was never a problem in the first place. Sorry to rant, but these are my thoughts.
Toph Beifong:
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She's not the ATLA character I rotate the most, but I do love her. She's insane, but I love her. For this, I kept it ATLA (I know some people would put "wasted potential" or "canon did them dirty" for stuff that happens in Korra, but I'm gonna put that on hold for now). I would love to adopt child her because I have a younger sibling like her and as for the irl we'd be friends, that would 100% depend on whether Toph decided she liked me, and I have no control over that. She needs therapy, but so do all those war surviving children and she has never done anything wrong ever (was using her earth bending to scam people).
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
Dad Bod Miguel DURING a pregnancy?? Oh I’m sat, babe.
Mans hands n eyes r NOT leaving ur body.
u would not lift even a finger omg.
u were the one praising him for his body before the pregnancy, now he’s the one doing all the worshipping cuz he haaaaates seein the mother of his child feel bad when her normal clothes don’t fit anymore oooooo lawd, the voicesssss………
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
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Thinking about dad bod Price who catches everyone’s eyes because he’s tall got a big buff frame and people can’t help but imagine what it would be like to be pinned under his weight 18+
But what they don’t know is that the very same man likes to be the one pinned under someone’s weight, specifically yours, his boyfriend’s weight, his big body bent in half, taking up most of the space on the bed, thick thighs obscenely spread while you plunge your cock into him
The bed is creaking under your shared weight, beadstead threatening to snap under his strong hands, his soft tummy and pecs jiggling with every thrust of your hips as grunts and groans escape his lips
Or how he absolutely loved to ride you despite the size differences, big strong hands clinging onto the bed frame to steady himself and to elevate some of the weight as sinks down on your dick,his thighs quivering, stomach clenching, huffs and pants escaping as he continues to take you inch by inch, eventually you bottom out and you almost feel engulfed by his big broad frame- caged under his weight, as he uses you however he pleases
Or having him sprawled out on the bed with you buried between his legs and eating him out, he’s got his thick thighs tightly locked around your head, almost robbing you off air, and he’s even got a strong palm at the back of your head, pushing you deeper into his cunt, from where you lay you can see the soft folds of his stomach, can see his his pecs spilling out to the sides, hair mused, face flushed, can see how absolutely beautiful he looks while you eat him out
Or having him bent over desks or pushed against the walls and having his strong frame shake the furnitures with your every thrust, he doesn’t even have to let out any noises for the neighbors to know what the two of you are doing
Or how many people will look at him and think a man like him is invincible and untouchable yet under those clothes, his big broad frame is covered up in your marks
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k-wame · 6 months
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Emerald Fennel Writer/Director of 'Saltburn' Breaks Down the Arrival Scene from 'Saltburn' for Vanity Fair Magazine via Youtube
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Papyrus and Professor Layton interacting!
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*smells like spaghetti*
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theflirtmeister · 6 months
tumblr user flirtmeister you can ask other saw ficcers for dad bod and tummy lawrence but where's your adam losing it over lawrence's tummy fic, huh? (blatant weak plea for more fic lol)
“I think I need to start going to the gym.”
Adam doesn’t look up from his veterinary textbook from where he’s studying on the bed, finger tracing the diagram of a dog’s brachial plexus. “The gym?”
“Yes,” Lawrence says. “What do you think?”
“I don’t have an opinion,” Adam says, mouthing the words subscapularis muscle. “But why do you want to go and hang out with a bunch of sweaty men? Am I not good enough?”
He looks up with a grin, hoping to catch Lawrence’s eye. Instead, he finds Lawrence looking at himself critically in the mirror, pulling his shirt tight around his waist. The fabric clings to his soft stomach, and Lawrence pulls tighter until his jaw sets hard. He doesn’t seem to notice Adam’s eyes on him.
“Hey.” Adam frowns. “What’s going on?”
He climbs off the bed, abandoning his textbook, and stands next to Lawrence. Lawrence stops playing with his shirt and sighs, running his hands through his hair instead, still slightly damp from the shower. Adam rubs his face against Lawrence’s side, smelling the fresh scent of aftershave and laundry detergent.
Everything is very new. The relationship, the moving in together, the veterinary degree that Adam has gone back to. Adam had expected to panic when everything became real, when he first saw Lawrence’s clothes in their shared wardrobe, but instead, he’d just been filled with anticipation. Fuck Jigsaw, for giving him a new lease of life. The asshole’s philosophy worked.
“I don’t know what you see in me,” Lawrence says, still looking at his reflection. “I’m just some washed-up doctor, with a broken body-”
“Shut up,” Adam says, nuzzling his head against Lawrence’s side. “You think I think like that? Your version of Adam sounds like a dick.”
“Writing’s on the wall,” Lawrence says, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Look at me.”
He places his hands over the swell of his stomach. “Christ. I should take more shifts. I never used to look like this when I was working sixteen-hour days-”
“You were stressed as hell,” Adam interrupts. “You were a barely functioning human being.”
“I wasn’t like this,” Lawrence says sharply. “I didn’t have this body.”
Adam moves quickly, because fuck this line of conversation. He swivels to face Lawrence and walks him backwards until the back of Lawrence’s thighs hit the bed. Lawrence looks a little surprised as Adam pushes him down, and straddles Lawrence’s lap.
“Are you trying to distract me?” Lawrence asks.
“Nope,” Adam says. “I want to take a good long look at you.”
He wriggles his hands underneath Lawrence’s shirt and spreads his hands over Lawrence’s stomach, rising quickly as he breathes. Lawrence is soft to the touch, and Adam squeezes a good handful of flesh, his own belly twinging with desire.
“You’re really fucking hot,” Adam says. “You know that, right?”
Lawrence quirks an eyebrow at him. “I bet you say that to all the middle-aged men.”
Adam gives Lawrence’s stomach another squeeze. He likes this new version of Lawrence, relaxed and middle-aged. It takes most of his self-control not to jump Lawrence’s bones every morning when he watches him prepare breakfast, pyjama pants sitting low on his hips. It’s a miracle Lawrence ever gets to work, when all Adam wants to do is drop to his knees in the kitchen and worship Lawrence’s body with his tongue.
“I mean it,” Adam says. “You’re driving me crazy.”
He grinds himself down slow against Lawrence’s cock, starting to get hard. Lawrence inhales sharply, hands grabbing hold of Adam’s hips, big hands spanning the width of his waist. Sometimes he’ll place his hand on Adam’s stomach when he’s fucking him, feeling the bulge of his cock through Adam’s skin. The first time he’d done it, reverential as he split Adam in half, Adam had cum all over himself like a teenager.
“You look so fucking good,” Adam says, continuing to roll his hips. “I want you more today than I ever did in the bathroom.”
“Adam, be serious.” Lawrence says, voice strained.
Lawrence in the bathroom was a rat in a trap, frightened, willing to do anything to save his family. Lawrence in Adam’s bed is bright-eyed and loving, sensible in the face of adversity. He’s kind to Adam, gentle when Adam needs help with his work. Adam wants him forever.
Adam presses his forehead against Lawrence’s. “I want you to fuck me,” He whispers. “I want you to force me down onto the mattress and fuck me until all I can do is scream your name.”
Lawrence swallows hard and squeezes Adam. “You’re really not kidding about this, are you?”
“I’m so into you,” Adam says. “I want you to fuck me stupid.”
Lawrence kisses him sloppily, tugging on Adam’s bottom lip with his teeth. Adam whimpers, giving another thrust of his hips, and Lawrence moans against his mouth, hands gripping Adam’s shirt. Adam’s jeans dig between his legs, sending sparks through his body and his face flushing.
“You’re going to kill me.” Lawrence groans. “God Adam.”
“Please just fuck me,” Adam says, and Lawrence manages to turn them over so that Adam is on his back on the bed. “Please, please-“
Lawrence above him looks like sunshine. His hair is blonde and floppy, eyes crinkling as he gazes at Adam, and his mouth is fond. Adam feels another thrill go through him as Lawrence presses the length of his body against Adam, the bulge of his cock rubbing a wet spot on both their trousers.
“Are you sure?” Lawrence says.
“Lawrence,” Adam says, slipping his hands underneath his shirt again to grope his love handles. “I’m not going to break.”
He didn’t break in the bathroom. He didn’t break when Lawrence left him. He’s not going to break when Lawrence bends him in half in their shared bed and fucks him until Adam is a drooling sweaty mess against the sheets.
“God,” Lawrence swears, and drops all his weight on top of Adam, pinning him down. Adam is so turned on he can’t breathe, a moan bubbling up out of his mouth. “I’ve got you.”
Adam kisses Lawrence hard, worming his hands up into Lawrence’s hair to grip him tightly. Lawrence sighs into the kiss and grinds their bodies together, so close that Adam can barely tell where he begins and Lawrence ends.
Yeah, they’re going to be fine.
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bringthekaos · 3 months
Because of the last ask, I can't help having the same scenario over and over in my head. About how Viktor must had seen Jayce shirtless before, in their university years. But after the banishment and reunion, Jayce has worked out more. So when he sees Jayce shirtless again, he just tenses up, having a little gay panic, is just like "Did they get FUCKING BIGGER???"
I actually really like the idea of them re-learning each other’s bodies… cuz yes, Viktor has changed dramatically, and there are so many new things to learn about him. But Jayce has changed too, albeit not as drastically, but… he’s a different man, all these years later. And GOD let me tell ya, the idea of dad bod Jayce… *drools all over my phone*
He’s still strong, of course he is. He still works out and he still looks great. But like… he’s older now, his metabolism isn’t what it used to be. He’s got a little tummy, and his things are quite a bit thicker.
And of course the fuckin tibbies. Viktor was always extremely attracted to Jayce’s body, but he finds that this thicker, softer Jayce… it drives him fucking wild. He was never much for lazing away the mornings in bed, it felt like a waste of time. But he’s taken to a new habit of wiling away the hours cozied up with his head on Jayce’s chest—just basking in the warmth and the softness. It should feel oxymoronic, especially with all the time he’s spent waxing poetic about the hard, indestructible, glorious superiority of metal. But this one time, this one man… he’ll make an exception.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
dreamt about muscly dadbod ghost and nghmm!! I can’t be the only one who thinks an alpha with a soft strong body is hotter than one who’s like arnold schwarzenegger right? right??
You are not alone in that anon!!
Love me some big dad bod men 😋
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imagine dagoth ur dose the same thing as kars, wearing a head scarf until they suddenly take it off and it expands to 20x its original volume
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You can go with either pillar men theme or dagothwave :D
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
1, 5, 32 and/or 71 for the ask game! Hope you’re doing well, don’t forget hydration and sleep!
At long last I am beginning to clean out the inbox. Thank you Katie for the hydration tip and for the asks!
(1) Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
This is a hard one to answer. One shots (I consider anything less than 20k words a one shot because I have a problem, and I don’t think I can write real one shots😔), are easier in that they don’t take as long, and I can get the idea out, show you all my story, and get feedback relatively quickly. However, once a one shot is written, it’s written, and then it’s back the drawing board to come up with new ideas. Whereas with really long multi chapter fics, the idea keeps going, there’s always something new to think about, another “one shot” or character moment or twist to weave into the story, and I love seeing your reactions and how invested different people get into different subplots and storylines. What is frustrating about multi chapter fics is that there’s a lot of delayed gratification involved for me and for you as the reader, because I have twists and ideas in SOS that I want to show you and talk about and I can’t yet, because we’re not there yet, whereas for something like the Martina Redemption fic, it’s technically a multi chapter fic, but they’re short chapters, and I wrote it all over a long weekend. Whereas I’ve been writing SOS since January and rotating the idea for it since before I even got a tumblr so… yeah that’s over a year now dang. So I’d say multi chapter fics, with the acknowledgment that there is probably a balance to be had somewhere in between the two extremes. SOS is a lot of fun to write, but I don’t think I could commit to writing another huge multi chapter fic at the same time, whereas it’s a lot easier to balance multiple wips when they’re one shots.
5. Do you like constructive criticism?
Interesting question. About my writing or in general? For my writing I’d say yes, but so far I haven’t gotten any. Which might be a good thing, although I did say when I first started writing fic, “hey I’ve never done much or any creative writing before, so if you have any feedback on things I can improve, please let me know”, but I haven’t gotten anything yet so I guess that means I’m doing okay? At least I hope. As for criticisms of myself or my blog in general, I’d accept constructive criticism on that too, as long as it’s worded nicely and doesn’t trigger my RSD.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Ah, fishing for compliments I see /j /lh. But please do not make me choose so many of you are so good! I want to tag every fic author in the fandom, and yet I’m so paranoid I’ll forget just one or two people and would never forgive myself. So besides you @myfairkatiecat (obviously), I’ll say the authors whose stuff I’ve read the most recently: @sophieswundergarten (for her amazing Sticky fic I seriously cannot hype that one up enough), @phtalogreenpoison (the Reynie is Curtain’s prodigy AU is incredible), and @heyitsthatonesmolgay because I am waiting on the edge of my seat for the greatest fear AU it sounds so good (check out snippets here and here)!
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, etc. ?
Very good question. For my longer stuff, I start with the scenes and moments I have pinned down in my head that inspired the fic, bullet point the scenes in chronological order, and then write in the details that go in between and ideas for how to get from bullet point A to bullet point B and how I can write in additional “one shots” or impactful and interesting character moments to make those transitions seem less like plot filler and more exciting and fun to read and have it add something to either the characters or the story. Then when I’ve already written part of my fic, I still try to keep track of unfinished plot threads, cliff hangers, or things I plan to explain later (e.g., What happened with Sticky’s parents? Where did Isaac and Lindsey go? What’s up with Miss. Perumal’s past?). As for the characters, I do try to take the time to flesh out minor characters, because you can do that a bit more in a novel vs. tv format, but I also try to make sure I keep the main characters interesting and don’t create an unbalanced plot. I’ve talked about this before, but an unbalanced plot happens in a lot of shows where a few characters have these big mysteries that the whole fandom is super involved in and then these other main characters either end up with filler or their character development gets backtracked and rerun because they don’t know what to do with their storylines (this was one of my season 3 worries when season 3 was gonna be a thing and you can click the link to read more if you’re curious). I try to make sure all the main characters get some focus, and I also do that by letting some characters establish themselves before I start writing about other ones. For example, in SOS, that started as mostly Curtain and his friends, I establish a sense for their dynamic, and then Nicholas and his friends came into the story, and I’m slowly bringing more focus on Rhonda and Number Two, and as I’m going into season 2 I plan to write a lot more with Number Two especially, because of all the time she spends with Curtain and Nicholas in the compound.
I hope this answered your questions and thank you so much for the amazing asks (and yes, I will be drinking water). I hope you have a wonderful day! 🥰🥰🥰
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
hihihihi i have a lot of thoughts of dad bod bc he is my wife and i love thinking about him so sorry for the spam but u asked for it girl
this one is just a general one lol BUT while i do see him drinking sum corona or modelo i definitely know that man is a big wine mom, expensive wine stored where gabi can’t reach (saying this bc i accidentally smashed an expensive wine bottle when i was little and it’s now miguel’s deepest fear). so expect wine nights with miguel, his robe untied with your head on his chest, his feet on the coffee table and cuddled up while you guys talk about whatever — he gets very talkative when wine drunk and will shit talk all the people in your life because i said so
another thought is after reassuring miguel that his body is still sexy in your eyes meow he starts to take advantage of that. normally he’d look like the guy who doesn’t care how people perceive him, positive or not, but knowing how much you love his new body he’d constantly wanted to be reminded of it. so any shirt he’d wear to cover his stomach and arms were now non existent at home just so he can hear a whistle from behind and smaller arms wrapping around him to hold onto his stomach, feeling up his body as you shamelessly mumble suggestive praises while leaning your body into his back .. he likes the validation and attention ok?!?!?! he is me i am him?!?!?!?!
he also likes getting woken up by you sitting on his face or sucking him awf i mean ok byeee !! 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
GIVE HIM TO MEEEEE this is all so gud bae omg
First off, the wine ?? (Also, I feel like Gabi would have her own stash of “wine” but rlly it’s just sparkling grape juice Miguel gave her so she can feel included n not tempted to snoop around the real stuff lmao) Yea, he likes em dry, will only drink ‘em if they’re the finest n oldest bc my man is boujee like that. n the untied robe?? Chest hair n stomach out??? Fresh out the shower n smellin like teakwood n sex??? Yeaaaaa ima need a min………
Secondly, I’ve made self conscious dad bod… but cocky dad bod Miguel ??
Alicia!!!! Girl!!! The ideas r ideaing rnnnn. That’s it, next Drabble is cocky dad bob Miguel. Yea ima make him an attention whore bc EYE said so.
Girl duh, thicc man likes to eat, ofc he a munch n I would gladly wake him up both of those ways every single day uGH GOD, THIS IS ALL I WANT, PLS IM NOT ASKING FOR A LOT.
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facebook-stabber · 2 months
hi :0
O_O alrighty, then:
Limb by limb and tooth by tooth
In the next World War
La Tierra gira, hoy, menos veloz
You call me up and treat me like a dog
Your body is so sweet now, baby.
What the hell.
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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I got it i got the green one and im so fucking happy i did not know this joy existed
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daddyn3xus · 3 months
Hun, I work at a bakery, I can and will help you work toward that dad bod if you're up for it
i've been thinking and I'm not sure my shell would like that very much. it's not exactly the malleable type.
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bratphilia · 6 months
the anons who comment abt william having a dad bod and the need to have matt shirtless reveal is so real like that one office scene?? HE LIT HAS HIS SLEEVES ROLLED UP OH MY GOD. i prolly read some scenarios where wills fixing his animatronics and hes all shirtless and sweaty and has oil on him hes so muscular too cus u gotta def have some muscles if u finna BE INSIDE and FIX THOSE DAMN ANIMATRONICS BUT HALLELUJA GOD hes my fav i wanna eat him 💕💕💕
HAHA it would be sooooo worth to have my corpse put inside an animatronic as long as he fucks me beforehand!! fuck it im sold!!
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boxheadpaint · 10 months
Laying down for an extended period of time and breathing slow has not made my body less jelly. neither has eating. usually im not complaining about this but im home alone and need to emanate misery. Stawp that
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