bonefall · 1 year
hey, can i ask what your doing with sandstorm ? she’s one of my favorites in canon.
i know in better bones she’s not romantic with fireheart (bc he’s aro and that’s awesome heck yea) but he honor sires and co-parents with her. Also she’s redtail and runningflights kid and longtails sister, but i’d like to know more about her?
A thing i actually like about her that most people don’t is her sudden turn to being nice to fireheart, i mean, part of it anyways. i don’t like that in canon fireheart is just like “oh she’s nice now. hot” and doesn’t talk to her about it at all. BUT i do like that she decides to be nice to fireheart. that it’s character progression she does on her own, that it surprises fireheart.
I love the idea that as she got older, she had a moment where she realized that her animosity towards fireheart wasn’t really warranted (since she gets annoyed with how bb!dustpelt acts towards him too, maybe that’s a turing point for her here), that she dealt with her issues through self reflection, without fireheart noticing. I like the idea that she worked out most of her issues without talking to him, through her own strength, and then talks to him, apologizing and explaining why she acted like she did. and i think the catalyst, aside from dustpelt, shouldn’t be some moment like “he saves her in battle” it should just be some small act that he doesn’t even remember, that sets it all off, like giving someone their favorite food after they’ve had a really bad day, something small like that
idk i just really like sandstorm being able to deal with her issues on her own strength, showing how she’s matured, sorry for the wall of text lol
I feel you totally, this is all stuff I like about her too
100% of my problems with canon Sandstorm come from her mateship with Firestar, and the way the Erins write downright insufferable romance. I can't even have the satisfaction of being harsh towards FireSand, because it's one of the best in the cesspool of canon warrior ships.
She's great in Fire and Ice though! Something I really like about that book is how Fireheart is struggling with the question of if Clan life is really worth it, between Graystripe's distancing, the murder plot thickening, and still not fully fitting in with ThunderClan. Sandstorm is an extension of the entire Clan warming up to him, as he finally finds his place.
And something else I love, and think the romance plot gets in the way of, is how Sandstorm has her own mind and opinions. She's actually quite "traditionalist," distrustful of outsiders and unwilling to defy Bluestar’s will to stop war with WindClan. I like this about her! I think it's interesting that she isn't just Fireheart's waifu!
And that's the role I want her to have in Better Bones. She ALWAYS thinks for herself. She's an introspective and serious cat, a lot like her dad Redtail. Losing him was devastating to her, but she eventually asked herself: why DO I act like this towards Fireheart? Does he actually deserve it?
Eventually, her and Firestar are deep friends. See, Longtail is Firestar's DEPUTY, he doesn't go to him when he has a weird dream, he doesn't go for a walk in the woods and pop some rowanberries with him, he doesn't tell him about that time he tried to date Onewhisker. That's what he does with Sandstorm.
And eventually she wanted kits, and felt like doing that with her best friend was the best option. He'd raise furballs if it wasn't for her balancing his influence out.
But that aside, I enjoy her as a reliable but not ambitious warrior. She's close with her brother Longtail, lifelong friends with Dustpelt after he comes around, and a great mentor to Sorreltail
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What I wouldn't give to play strip poker with the Cross Guild 😩😩😩
Oh dear gods how dare you put this in my head at this hour
I cannot handle it it's beautiful I
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I'm going to DIE
Like Buggy would be all for it, it was probably his idea in the first place. He does not care, first loss and his pants are already gone. He may have even worn breakaways and a leopard-print g-string specifically for the occasion. He's got the shittiest poker-face in known existence, but the Flashy Fool is not above using distraction as a tactic to bend the odds in his favor. It probably won't work considering who his opponents are, but the poor drama-bb gets an E for Effort.
Crocodile wouldn't have many objections. The man did own a casino, he knows cards. Still the most likely to cheat, which could result in violence at some point. Also the most likely to be cheeky when he does lose a hand, just remove one of his rings and drop it on the table, glare around like he's silently daring anyone to say anything about it.
Mihawk might take convincing, but if you assure him there will be wine and play on his superiority complex ("You're just afraid you'll lose") then he'll be at the table before anyone else. Definitely the best poker face of the three, being that his default facial expression is I'm bored and surrounded by idiots...though he may slip up with a smug smirk or two if he's on a winning streak.
Whatever the case, it's going to devolve into a fight between three half-naked (probably fully naked in Buggy's case) grown men while you get to sit off to the side and enjoy the show.
Actually Mihawk may be sitting off to the side as well, perhaps sans his coat and boots but otherwise not much worse for the wear, sipping wine and sighing in vague disinterest as Buggy dodges being sandblasted into oblivion because Crocodile caught him cheating.
Mihawk: *calling over* Do be careful not to kill the clown, he still holds value as a scapegoat.
Crocodile: Oh, I'm not going to kill him. I'm just going to make the idiot wish he was dead.
Buggy: *screaming, just a swirl of limbs in a miniature sandstorm* OH GOD MAKE IT STOP PLEASE THAT'S NOT A GOOD PLACE FOR SAND—
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Star Wars AU Masterlist: Time-Travel
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
Currently this list is separated into:
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs masterlist
Disaster Trio (one or more, exclusing Ahsoka solos or Vader solos)
Original Trilogy cast
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs or Big League posts:
* Fake Spontaneous Training Bond
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
* Sandstorm Verse
* Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies
* Rex and Anakin Raise a Family
Commander Buir: an excuse to let Cody be dad-shaped
* Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse
Fake Sith TCW Trio (7.5k words)
Ghost Vader Shows Up To Help
Time-Travel Bosoka AU
The King the Soldier and the Spy
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies
Fett and Fulcrum
Crack Ship Ahoy: Jango/Ahsoka
* Sugar, Spice, and a Heart to Entice (4.7k words)
Rex Cockblocks Jangosoka (it’s more depressing than it sounds)
Accidental Mand’alor Ahsoka
Jangosoka scarring Obi-Wan for life
Go away, Skyguy!
Something that’s... approaching analysis
The nature of time-travelers and Jango
Jango gets catapulted to “The Book of Boba Fett” and refuses to believe that Boba is Boba, so Ahsoka gets involved
Ezra and Fulcrum’s Wacky Adventure
Rex and Ahsoka are two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist
Breaking into Kamino
The Girl Who Died at Mortis
Ahsoka/Depa ft. jealous Bo-Katan and jealous Jango
Naming Conventions for time-traveler Ahsoka
Ahsoka’s Terracotta Army, which is honestly mostly @epicmusic42 and @graylinesspam - A wee addendum - New Mando Archaeologist
“On her way to fuck your dad” Ahsoka/Jaster, Jango staring in horror from the background
Ahsoka claims her mom is Daughter from Mortis
Disaster Trio (non Ahsoka-solos)
A Knight, a Padawan, a Captain... and Boba, tagged as “Boba and the Torrents”
Obi-Wan adopts Jango by accident - Obi-Wan even lectures Jaster
The Future Assistant Dooku Didn’t Ask For
Are you done talking yet? (now with ficlet by @nevertheless-moving​)
Obi-Wan and Anakin as twins
The Nature of Time-Travel Romance (absolutely sucks for you)
My Obi! AU - Addendum
Obitine + Baby Anakin
Inconvenient Crushes - Arguments with Adult Obi
Faustian AU: Anakin and Ahsoka go from TCW Mortis Ep. to TPM-era Kamino, and somehow become the AI that controls Tipoca city
Fulcrum and Old Ben
TCW Anakin ends up Dooku’s care between Qui-Gon and Komari since the Council can’t just give him Knighthood when there’s not a war
Physically time-traveled Anakin ‘kidnaps’ mentally time-traveled toddler Obi-Wan
Other Prequels/TCW Travelers
Time-Traveled Clones Give Anakin a Mental Breakdown
Time Travel to Release the Zillo Beast
Bo-Katan is here to ruin fix change everything
Conservation of souls retroactive clone eggs, Thumbelina/Momotaro/Kaguya style
Padme dies and wakes up fourteen again, goes for Sidious’s throat
12yo Shmi Skywalker, with memories of the next 35 years, hijacks a ship and finds Obi-Wan’s parents (one of whom is pregnant)
Cryo Kix wakes up, spends two weeks in the ST, and then falls backwards into TCW
Time-traveler Dooku (trying not to be evil, this time), mostly by @epicmusic42)
Dooku, who is older than Palpatine, travels back far enough that he can grab Young Palpatine for the Temple before Plagueis gets him
Dooku gets punted back to Galidraan. So does Jango.
Totally the Real Jango: some clones lie to bb!Jango’s face and claim to be him, from the future
Fox and Vader’s Excellent Incredibly Stupid and Homicidal Adventure
Future Emotions AU
Anon suggests Vader shows up in that short period between Amidala’s election as Queen and Palpatine’s election as Chancellor
Why we love Vader time travel fics
Vader and baby Anakin body swap through time
Vader time travels to be baby Anakin again, goes full vegetarian
Another Vader time travel (along with links to a misskirby au that is no longer available on her now-defunct blog)
DarthFett, possibly body swap
The one where Darth Vader travels back in time as a Kitten
Vader Swears Loyalty to a Clone Toddler - With fic on AO3 written by @delightedlymisinformed​
Vader lands on Rattatak
Baby Vader (Raised a Sith, mental time-travel) finds padawan Obi-Wan for Help (also Maul is there) - Maul is also an uncle for the Twins
Original Trilogy Cast
Time Travel ft. Leia and Vader
Han & Boba bumped to pre-TCW - Addendum - There’s more now - A bunch by @uh-oh-its-bird
Luke Collects Last Names
Luke brings a porg
Ghost Aunt Leia
Leia Antilles, Senator of Serenno - Addendum
Leia/Jango (Concord Dawn & Alderaan destruction comparison)
Time-traveled Boba, also this
Han shows up in pre-TPM, accidentally starts Being Dad at his pint-sized father-in-law
Fulcrum is how the twins know their pragmatism was justified even by pre-war standards
Somewhat Estranged ST-era HanLeia and pre-AotC Padme end up on Melida/Daan
De-aged Mandalorian cast (Din, Boba, Fennec, Luke) tossed into the months leading up to AotC
Leia when meeting AotC Anakin
Rey Gives No F*cks About the Grandfather Paradox - Palpatine Tries to Arrange a Marriage - Addendum
Maul: Motherfucker Unlimited
Artoo and Threepio cause problems
Rey ends up in the PT, then Qui-Gon’s new apprentice
Baze/Chirrut messing around with Jinn&Kenobi
Tarre Viszla is reincarnated as Bo-Katan's baby
Cal Kestis drops back to TCW, accidentally derails things because he didn’t know he was Obi-Wan’s bio kid
An ask I got about Obisoka and Anisoka
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artbyabyst · 2 months
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I'm starting a new art series: Firestar's family tree!
I'll try my best to draw every branch, and hopefully, also the closest relatives of the family's mates (i will draw bramblestar's closest family - tigerstar, goldenflorwer, tawnypelt, sasha and her kits, but not tawnypelt's kits - maybe one day tho?)
I'll also try to keep everyone's designs accurate to cat genetics (expect tortie sandstorm and leafpool soon) but trying to stay as close to canon designs as possible
Starting with PART 1: Crystal the angy momma cat :3
Ginger ticked tabby with >50% white
Bb OO Dd AA mcmc spsp Tata bmbm ii wbwb Cc WsWs kk ll acac sfsf JbJb pdpd
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elite-amarys · 6 months
Why do you (and the rest of the bb league) not have a full team of your preferred type (reuniclus, slowbro, sceptile, exeggutor, etc.)? It seems a little jarring, especially since I can't really see the logic of having a reuniclus on your team (unless you want to set up some sort of sandstorm combo with magic guard, which I have not seen in any of your battles). If you simply just like the pokemon, why not choose it to terastalize? That way, you can keep metagorss' psychic/steel advantage.
An excellent question. The rules of the BB League dictate that while each member of the Elite Four must have a type specialty, we are allowed one pokemon on our team from outside that specialty. Each of us became a member of the Elite Four either by becoming a champion that was later dethroned and thus "demoted" to Elite Four status (which is what happened with myself and Drayton), or by working our way up through the BB League and taking over the Elite Four spot in place of a graduating student.
As a champion and as a general member of the BB League you do not need to have a declared type specialty. The Elite Four does require a type specialty in order to accurately reflect the dynamic of regional Elite Four teams. As such, many of us own pokemon which are not within our declared type specialty. We decided to amend the rules and allow one (1) pokemon on each of our teams that do not fall into our chosen types because we were finding it emotionally difficult to leave these pokemon behind, and because there is a precedent for this within regional Elite Four teams.
I keep my Reuniclus (Rollo) on my team because she was my first partner, and leaving her behind felt dishonest to the work we have both put in. And beyond that, setting up Trick Room for Linux (my Metagross) has been incredibly useful on its own.
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Clan Politics
Bonefall comes up with such good names for things, you guys should also follow them if you aren't already. Seriously! Their Better Bones redo is so good! BB!Heartstar and BB!Brokenstar are my blorbos (actually I'm pretty sure they all are). This was a tad intimidating because a lot of my ideas either overlap or were inspired by Better Bones. Also, I haven't attended a political class in like 9 years.
What @bonefall calls Thistle Law would meet its WCR Equivalent, Tiger Law/Tiger's Law (because Tigerstar is an uncreative dickhead) OR more Eloquently Put by Leopardstar, The Law of Tigers. Started by Clear Sky, revived by Thistleclaw and expanded by Tigerclaw, this is the ideology that gets cats hurt. The unsustainable, ego driven law that drips with blood. This is fascism.
Not as far as Tiger Law, but not very free itself, is Codeism, or, Law of The Wild. The Warrior Code should be thought about in every situation no matter what, and cats outside the Clans* do not fall under that protection. This can be used for good and bad. Not every Codeist is a xenophobic bigot, as Rowanstar was one, and tried his best to both follow the Code, and be as helpful to others as possible. Ashfur used it to hurt others, and prined Hollyleaf to be almost the same way until she realized where that path could lead. It's complicated and messy, but hey, that's politics for you.
* aside from kits. Kittens are the future, not just for the Clans, but for Cats themselves. Many cats in Clan history have been found in the woods or given up by parents to the Clans. Some lost kits have been returned to parents as well.
The Third is Fire Law, the ideology that Firestar created, he wanted to call it The Law of Cleansing Fire but Sandstorm told him it was a mouthful, maybe keep that to an unofficial title. It is about freedom of choice, extending kindness towards others, challenging the Warrior Code if it does not help in a situation, and doing what is good for as many cats as possible. Forward thinking and long term thinking, doing things, not for yourself, but for those who will only know you from memories long after you are gone.
The other 2 are Skyclan exclusive, though as of River, some notions of Sky Law are starting to leak.
The Fourth is, of course, Sky Law! Made for Skyclan and expanded by Leafstar. It is welcoming of outsiders, allowing for Daylight Warriors, Medicine Cats to have mates, development of new roles and systems with an emphasis on creativity, justice, and coexistence. This does not mean rolling over and allowing others to take advantage of you, of course, but the goal is finding peace through making treaties and alliances.
The Fifth is... Sharp Law. Created by Sharpclaw in retaliation against Leafstar. Exclusionary, though NOT meant to be deadly. While this Law also allows for more "radical" things, like allowing Medicine Cats to have mates (because Firestar never bothered telling Skyclan that it was banned at all) it DOES NOT allow for Daylight Warriors. It demands full loyalty to Skyclan full time. It also pushes all cats (within reason) to have battle training, to expand through pure strength and muscle. It isn't full blown fascism, but... S'not great, captain.
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wildwoof · 5 months
Not that I'd ever expect it out of Hinata due to how much he looks out for Yuuta, but... do you ever just think about what might've happened had Hinata followed Yuuta to a tee & didn't give Kaoru back a desert coin? What might've happened if UNDEAD had been disqualified from the SS thanks to Yuuta's decision & actions? Like... Koga & Adonis had strong malicious intent toward Yuuta at the resort when Yuuta finally dropped the bomb on them at the final hours of the event. But everything "smoothed" over due to Hinata's unwillingness to allow Yuuta to be a complete enemy in that moment.
Like, Koga's trust in the twins could've been absolutely crushed completely in that very moment. I mean, maybe not so much toward Hinata but Yuuta specifically. Koga was SO excited to take part in the SS, but imagine if they had been crushed in the qualifying round. I mean, from a narrative standpoint as a unit playable in the game, that wouldn't have happened. But that very chance was right there. It COULD'VE happened. Of course nothing 100% went back to normal after Sandstorm, but Koga's able to set aside differences & believe what's placed in front of him. He has a strong intuition to see the edge, but considering the worst outcome hadn't come to pass, he's capable of setting aside that difference.
I mean, think about what it could've done to the Light Music Club & Band BB as well. But again, it's one of those moments of "well, that happened, let's move on from it & play nice like always". Koga still cares about the twins, but man... how different things could've been...
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general-kalani · 7 months
Tfw a sandstorm ruins your collection hunt for ostrich babies.
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Xandis my absolute beloved, I love them so much
that is certainly. A Choice.
"I can get you gold." "Fuck your gold." "Wait, but how much?" FCG is learning
Armand's relationship with Otohan was primarily because she was using him to pay people off, establish the Paragon's Call in Jrusar, and to make sure all the shipments went smoothly. He was expecting his name to be cleared and to rise in the ranks of his house in return. He was curious about Otohan's work, but knew that prying too far into it would be dangerous.
He had meetings with messengers and envoys in the Menagerie Coast, where he paid people to get certain cargo pieces onto House Treshi ships. This only happened a couple times over the years. From there, the shipments were distributed around Jrusar to obfuscate the movement of the shipments, and Jiana Hexum was one of Treshi's major contacts for this purpose.
Treshi is deeply afraid of Otohan and the people he's working with.
The Call seems to be "very death-obsessed." Which makes sense, I guess, given that their official deity seems to be the Duskmaven. But still. Weird wording on that.
"If I can be brought back, anybody can." Ashton??? what does that mean?
"Delilah Briarwood is dead... I didn't say she was gone."
This just in: Whäeeteystone
Sending to Keyleth: "Found the assassins. Found lead. But there are questions. One of ours... down. Strong ties to Whitestone. Please advise. Can you meet?"
Keyleth has business in Vasselheim, but "can meet shortly. Pick a tree."
....Chetney knows "plenty" of the Dawn Marshals of Vasselheim??
Sendings to Jiana Hexum: "Hey lady. FCG here. Ashton has a friend who died. We're proud that he has a friend. Can you help bring her back?" "Sweet little metal boy... what you ask is extremely difficult, and against the nature of fate. Maybe." "Creepy lady — what would it cost us, or what would you want in return? Ashton's very motivated, and I'm eager to please." "I certainly have a few ideas. Let's discuss, perhaps, over tea. What's the rush?"
We do not fucking leave people behind. Not you, not Laudna, not anybody. We're not fucking doing that, not anymore. "Ashton, are you going soft on us?" Yes, no, fuck— I need a drink. ashton.......bb.......
What the fuck is SHARED DREAM??? FCG??? This is 100% homebrew, it's not even a fucking reskin I don't think. Dream is a fifth level spell, so whatever this is has to be significantly less powerful than that (1st or 2nd level by the sounds of it).
"You hear a howl. A loud, arcing howl... and the howl is yours, beyond your control, an instinctual howl in that direction [of Ruidus]. You stop yourself mid-way and you see the fur pushing past the fingers, and then it's gone."
Airship combat! Airship combat!
Nope, nevermind, it's a sandstorm.
Airship skill challenge! Airship skill challenge!
FCG is..... somewhere.
And now Ashton is the only one left on the ship beside the crew.
Okay. That wasn't as bad as it could've been. The storm only lasts about 20 minutes, and they find each other easy enough.
Fuckin..... 28 AC? jesus christ.
oh Ashton is going to snap at Chetney soon. "Over here! They're dead, just leave them!" as Ashton is dangling from the bottom of a rope ladder attached to a speeding sky ship, reaching down to try and pull Fearne out of a collapsing sand dune. immediately after they gave a speech about not leaving anybody behind.
and to that point — something I felt like never really got touched on with the M9 was how sometimes jokes just are straight-up Not Okay To Make and I feel like the Hells are going to be a lot better about setting boundaries with each other
break time!
adksjdghflgf ANOTHER sand storm
okay, this one's behind them, they can outrun it this time using the cold front it's pushing forward
we're back in Jrusar!
Another skyship came in while they were docking— it was carrying passengers and cargo, and the name on it is the Herald's Breath.
I swear to god, if FCG's aversion to birds turns out to be because they were programmed to fight angels, I will be feral
"So many things are being learned, but I don't know by who" should be the Hells' tagline
"What you are asking for is an extremely rare and difficult ritual. The ability to bring someone back from the dead is a very lauded and sought-after technique, very few can perform this miracle, and those who do are very careful and meticulous with who they do it for. Otherwise, death would be merely an inconvenience."
Eshteross does have somebody who owes him a debt, and she would be able to transport the Hells somewhere faster than the Silver Sun could — Menaya Trei is someone who works with the people who oversee the infrastructure of Jrusar. If the Hells could find someone who would be able to bring Laudna back, he'd be able to call in the favor and get them there quickly.
With Treshi, the Hells could either take him to the city guard, which would deliver him anonymously, or directly to the Quorum, which would net them the bounty on Treshi's head but would also draw attention to them.
Sending to Keyleth: "We're still waiting. We still need your help. Is your business finished? I'm begging you. Orym is begging you." "I'm sorry. I believe I'm nearly finished here. I'll see what I can do. I don't fully understand what's being asked, but I'll try."
When Will and Derrig died, Keyleth tried to save them with revivify (or "pretty soon after"), but something went wrong and it didn't work. Something about the nature of what they did when they struck made it not work. Which is weird! Because Orym and Fearne were both also killed by Otohan but were revivified! so either this is a clever narrative explanation for the ritual failing, or it's an actual effect that the echoes have when they kill someone.
The first bit of fear they've seen from Eshteross is evoked when Orym mentions the Cerberus Assembly.
Otohan's title during the Apex War was "the Legend of the Peak."
Hexum's collection has been growing over the past few years, which is strange for someone "sitting on a stagnant fortune." This indicates that she's getting more than just the dunamis potions from the Assembly's shipments, or is keeping some of it for herself.
The Nightmare King was a "figure for hire" during the Apex War, playing both sides before aligning with the Stratos Throne and then going missing.
The "official position" of the Chandei Quorum is that the Cerberus Assembly is a "necessary evil in a world beset by all sorts of moral interests," but Sheshadri noted that the Quorum has no direct dealings with the Assembly, which is a claim that was not insight checked.
All said and done, with Treshi turned in, the Hells got 3.3k gold each (including Laudna and excluding FCG).
Ashton lore: Inside Ashton's head, Imogen fails a casting check and runs into a glass wall that looks like the speckled glass of their head wound. "Imogen. You stand before this glass, watching beyond, and as you watch this glass that divides the two of you, you watch as the speckled appearance begins to fill with this dull gray coloration, obscuring FCG on the opposite side. There, you glance into it, and you see stars. [Like, how far do they go? Does it look like I'm looking into space?] It looks like you're staring into the night sky, and as you focus, you push through the glass and feel like you're lost in an expanse of infinity. You see nebulas, you look down and you see Ashton just lying there, motionless. There's a shake and a shift of color and you see them standing, laughing. You see Ashton fully armored, clutching the bloodied body of someone as they crush it. You see Ashton destitute on the side of the street, hungry and starving, asking for help. Ashton on a ship in the distance pushing past a fog bank, Ashton wearing robes in a senate seat — you see so many different Ashtons, different, all held by a singular thread but none of them the one you know. You are lost in this chaotic moment, and it's beginning to shake more and more, and you feel a similar creeping fear of losing yourself like you did the first time you ran from the storm."
FCG is trapped in Ashton's mind.
Fearne can see Imogen and FCG inside the glass in Ashton's head because they're trapped inside their memories.
"I'm gonna just sort of... flex?" "It doesn't feel good. Everything hurts. Always." "There is strength, but there is pain. But to clarify — there is pain, but there is strength."
Okay they got out but holy fuck that was insane??? what is happening inside their head?? none of them the Ashton you know? like the first time you ran from the storm???
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Ashton." "Did you find anything? Please." "A lot. A lot of really weird fuckin' shit." "Thank you... thank you."
Of the Ashtons that Imogen saw, some had the fractures, some did not, and some had human skin. So whatever this did, it didn't just hijack his present and his future. It cascaded back through his past.
The shapes Fearne saw were "shapeless, yet familiar. It's strange."
So..... huh. Imogen getting pulled in to the expanse and seeing Ashton there (with an implied golden thread, since Matt described them as all connected by the same thread) is very similar to Caleb seeing the threads of fate in the beacon, but again, convoluted and twisted.
Sending to Delilah: "How do I bring her back? Tell me what to do. I'll do anything." The voice responds, fainter. Thin. Fading. "Whatever it takes. It won't be long now. I'm fading. And I'll take her with me."
Matt not calling it after that rest even though they were past 4 hours seems...... like he's trying to hit a particular story beat before the episode ends.
Orym succeeds his save against Kiki's scrying
Sending to Keyleth: "Are you in Vasselheim still? 'Cause you're about to have some company." "Uh, no, I'm — sorry, I'm trying to see where you are and was met with some interference. Where are you?" "We're in the Collective of Botan, in Jrusar, in Marquet. How much do you know?" "Okay, it's been a little while — got it."
"Well, come then. We need to speak with some... someone who can help you."
to..... Whitestone.
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tlksam · 1 year
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Altered Stars is a project of mine, aiming to rewrite the warriors series in order to fix plot holes, timeline issues and inconsistencies, as well as applying proper feline genetics to every cat. 
Designs for first arc characters, beta designs for future arcs!
Phenotype- Small, long pelted ginger molly with ticked striping, a white paw and locket, glowing green eyes, and a long bushy tail.
Genotype-  OO BB Dd AA McMc Spsp Tata ll Ss
Phenotype- Well muscled gray-and-white tabby molly with shredded ears, a short, scarred coat, and icy blue eyes.
Genotype-  oo BB dd Aa McMc Spsp Ll SS Ccs
Phenotype- Small downy molly with a long feathery coat, a white locket, and gentle green eyes.
Genotype- oo BB dd aa McMc? Spsp ll Ss Ccs
Phenotype- Plump, spotted brown-and-white molly dappled with ginger patches and warm amber eyes
Genotype-  Oo BB Dd Aa McMc Spsp Ll Ss Ee
Phenotype- Broad-shouldered, muscular, dark brown tabby tom with a scarred pelt, a torn ear, and piercing amber eyes.
Genotype-  o BB DD Aa McMc spsp ll ss Ee
Phenotype- Massive golden tabby tom with a long shaggy coat, a thick, lion-like mane of fur around his neck, a torn ear, and fiery amber eyes.
Genotype- O BB Dd aa McMc Spsp ll Ss ee
Phenotype- Sleek, long limbed black-and-ginger molly with a lengthy, smooth coat, and piercing green eyes.
Genotype-  oo BB Dd aa McMc Spsp ll ss Ee
Phenotype- Scrawny blue tabby tom with winding stripes and shining, sightless blue eyes.
Genotype-  o BB dd aa McMc Spsp LL ss
Phenotype- Handsome flame-coloured tom with striped limbs and shining green eyes.
Genotype- O BB DD AA McMc Spsp Tata Ll Ss Ee
Phenotype- Well muscled, sleek furred, pale cream molly with faint striping, dusty gray patches, and sharp, pale green eyes.
Genotype- Oo BB dd Aa McMc Spsp Ll ss
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rewritedesigns · 11 months
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A cream tabby she-cat with low white. (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, LyLy|XOXO, bb, dd, dmdm, aa, Mcmc, spsp, Tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, Wswg|acac, sfsf, JbJb, mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)
(More under the cut)
Clanmew Name:
Shef (Sand) + Fharrl (Storm)
Previous Name:
Sandkit, Sandpaw
Daughter of Runningwind and Redtail. Younger sister of Longtail. Grandchild of Halftail (Runningwind) and Rosetail (Redtail). Mother of Squirrelflight and Leafpool. Grandmother of Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze and TBN. 
Apprentice (Start of Into The Wilderness)
Oh boy
If anyone here knows how genetics work you know this isn’t possible 
I am going to avoid this but I kinda had to in this case
She’s Mrs.Warrior Cats
Look if you guys really want to you can pretend she has blue on her where you can’t see
Also pretend she has low white
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bonefall · 5 months
did you already start planning squirrelstar's leader ceremony and if so who's giving her the 9 lives?
I'm still a bit concerned that the writers will pull something with her 9 lives, but I've got so many good choices for BB!Squilf that it's not an issue to start considering who's gonna turn up for her.
Plus, honestly, NOT totally interested in abiding by canon if they commit the dumbshit we're suspecting they might. Pre-emptively biting and killing it.
Here's the list of candidates so far. Everyone with a * is a definite yes;
Goldenflower Her mentor in BB, replacing Dustpelt! After everything Squilf has gone through with Bramblestar, and after Golfy took her son's side after the big reveal, it feels good for her to show up with a life for Judgement. To decide when to listen to her heart, but also, when to realize when it is leading her astray.
Sandstorm Mother choice is a solid one, though I'm leaning towards giving this life to Ferncloud for variety. Squilf's got 5 immediate relatives here to give her a life.
Hollylark* Her grandkit, and Sparkpelt's mate who sacrificed xeir life to take her illness away. Xey'd give her a life for Interdependence, for all of the connections that bind a Clan together. Love, friendship, convenience, family. Squilf is familiar with sacrifice in service of it... but it's more than that. To love is to BE loved-- she must accept reciprocity. And... xey'd make some kind of loaded comment about Nightheart, knowing that neither one of them want to talk badly about him. I might end up changing xeir life to something like "letting go," as foreshadowing for how I'm absolutely planning for Nightheart to NOT return to ThunderClan after his road trip with Frostpaw. BUT I don't decide arcs until they're done so we'll have to seeeeee
Firestar* Basically required. Squirrelstar is his daughter, the successor of his ideology, and the follow-up to a leader that Firestar considers a mistake. His chats at these sorts of ceremonies often get wistful, so I feel like they'd talk about second chances, wanting people to be better than they are, how to fix things that are broken and when they aren't worth the effort. He says it explicitly, "You're just like me. A spark of my flames, burning bright, long after I've become starlight..." His life would be for Progress. To continue to evolve and grow, to never be so stuck in the past that she can't see the future, to know when things can be fixed and when they must be broken.
Rosepetal I want to save her on one hand, but on the other, having her go out in a blaze of glory at some point in ASC or TBC is a good reason why Squilf didn't make her deputy. Rose was her first apprentice and has always been a dedicated, passionate warrior who would deeply want that spot. If she's here for the 9 lives ceremony, she'd give Squilf a life for Ferocity. "Give them twice the Hell you always do, so that it's like I'm right there next to you."
Shrewface* (Shrewpaw in life.) Her guardian angel. He helped her hide the secret of Leafpool's pregnancy, and has always stood over her, providing help secretly. Now he can finally stand before her and give her a life. He would actually stumble and chuckle, because he's wanted to do it for so long he's blanking on the life he wants to give her. On one paw, Squilf is a little annoyed. It's a super serious leader ceremony, holy moment in her life, but on the other... Shrewface is so HAPPY! His joy is infectious. He's standing before her as the adult he would have been, but under that, she sees the funny teenage best friend that she lost so long ago. It feels almost like being a kid again. So she picks her own life by saying, "How about one for Joy?" And he says, "Hey that's a great idea!"
Rainwhisker A ThunderClan cat who died in the WindClan Civil War, and someone she remembers fondly. The life he gives is a life for Collateral. He has no shame in how he died, and he believes Firestar's call was the right one. But he needs to remind Squirrelflight that beliefs are backed with blood. Every time she brings her Clan into war, there is a chance that someone will die because of her choice. He restates that he believes his death was noble; but his life will remind her of the cost that someone else might pay.
Sootfur If it's not Rainwhisker, I'd like his brother Soot to be here. I think his death was haunting, with how Squilf couldn't save him, watching him tumble down a rockface because of his broken leg and being brutally murdered by what-is-now a boar. She's carried guilt from how she couldn't save him her whole life, so in contrast to Rainwhisker, his life is for Acceptance. To remember that not everything is her fault, and she could NEVER be so perfect as to avoid all of life's misfortunes. Even if others pin blame onto her for something she couldn't control; no leader is powerful enough to save everyone. Thinking about it though, I might really try to slot BOTH of these guys in. I think the contrast of the two back to back is powerful; that actions have consequences, but not every tragedy is a consequence.
Ferncloud She just died very recently, taking both Graystripe's super edition AND his sacrifice in the Dark Forest. Graystripe is still alive, living at the tribe with his son Stormfur. She confronted Ashfur for Squilf, so it feels right that she also comes to support her here. Ferncloud, for the first time in so many years, looks at peace. She isn't gray and grizzled anymore, but sleek and vibrant. Her family surrounds her, Dustpelt, Elderberry, Brindleface, her many lost kits. So, the life that she gives Squilf is for Faith. In StarClan that she will always have Clanmates in the skies to watch out for her, in her Clan that there will always be future angels fighting by her side.
Longtail Her uncle, and Jayfeather's mentor who trained him into the full angel-punching cat he became. During the big trial she has in Squirrelflight's Horror, Longtail was one of her loudest supporters, and eventually nudged her backwards so her son could grab her ankle and drag her back down to the mortal plane. He's always been her wonderful uncle, so, he might end up taking that life for Faith from Ferncloud. Just depending.
Feathertail* I want her to show up in the ceremonies of every patrol cat who achieves power, as a given. If we get Crowstar, I also want her to be there. I just think it's nice that if Crow, Bramble, and Squilf ever did end up able to chat about this together, in spite of the TANGIBLE awkwardness of the three of them being in the same room, they'd be able to make a joke about Feathertail Gives You A Life and it would land a little TOO hard, be a little TOO funny, because they were hoping that SOMETHING would lighten the air and it did. But anyway, this incredibly specific desire aside, Feathertail Gives You A doobie life for Tranquility. That the once-impulsive Squirrelstar will be able to slow down and consider every action, to take a deep breath in stressful times and think about what she's about to do. That as leader she will be under immense pressure, yeah, but also immense power. She can always afford to take a moment before making a big decision.
Leafpool* MANDATORY. There's NO reality where I do not end off this ceremony with Leafpool. When she steps up, they can't look at each other without crying. It overwhelms them, to the point where Squilf can't even choke out her sister's name. Leafpool, meanwhile, has gotten used to controlling her body while her heart breaks into billions of little pieces. She'd done it for her whole life, and now, she does it again in death. "this life is for love," she touches her night-cold nose to Squirrelstar's, and the new leader's vision begins to fade into black, "you know why." From the darkness, memories burst forth. Of them as kits, their silly games and dreams, how they planned to one day be the cleric and leader of ThunderClan together. The terrible loneliness of being separated while Squirrelpaw was on the Sundrown Patrol. The ache in Leafpool's heart whenever she saw her sister mistreated; how she gave up on relationships with Crowfeather and, to some extent, with Mothwing as well so she could serve her Clan and stay with her family. The three kits, the anxiety as Squirrelflight took them, the way it felt like Leafpool was being flayed to give them up. Parenting, loyalty, betrayal as Hollyleaf snapped and revealed the secret Squirrelflight desperately didn't want to keep, the guilt that Leafpool felt watching her suffer for helping her. The way they always felt like, on some level, it was them against the world.
And then she wakes up, back on the shore of the Moonpool, with her Clerics beside her. Leafpool is gone. StarClan is, once again, very far away, and she's left with nothing but the cold feeling on her nose and the looming specter of war ahead of her.
12 candidates in total, but only 9 can take the spot. So I'll trim it down once we get there!
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Inspired by a few asks over at @bonefall I’ve crafted a bit of a Blood!Rusty au! He takes the spot of Scourge in the last battle and TPB would be split across both groups, with Sandstorm as the opposite pov.
Long post once again
So Rusty is the fire still, going to save the clans in the end by taking out Tigerstar who is far more successful as no fiery guy is there to stop him.
Blood Band Rusty
Instead of Bluestar and Graypaw getting Rusty and scooping him into the clans someone else does, the current Head of the Blood Band. I like the idea of them being called Wolf or smth but that’s all aesthetic. Back into Rusty-
He is approached after Wolf notices something inside him. A Fire they can almost feel as they looked at the pet. Feeling this adventure he joins and is taken under their paw, learning the way of the Blood Band and how to fend for himself. While training he does cross a lot with the clans. Not only from talk but by himself. He meets them at the moonstone in the first book where Bluestar had gone to speak to Starclan and was almost chased off immediately by the cruel Tigerclaw though his leader held the warrior off. While there he does discuss and chat with Ravenpaw and Graypaw.
After this the three are friends, meeting occasionally just to have fun. This is where he learns of the divide and damage happening in TC. By the end of the first book Ravenpaw runs to him in fear and says Tigerclaw killed Redtail, and attacked him to try and get rid of the evidence. Being himself Rusty brought Ravenpaw back to the Blood Band where he was immediately accepted and changed to just Raven (as a side note this is also a ravenscourge au so he takes the spot in BB that Scourge/tiny would’ve)
Eventually Rusty would grow in rank, becoming a guard and then Claw (deputy role for BB) for Wolf. Raven is a guard beside him but more flighty still and spending a lot of time helping any cats who need it. Before the final battle Wolf is killed by Tigerstar who took over TC making Rusty rise to Head position. Seeing what the cruel cat has done when he came to the Blood Band for extra force he agreed but always planned to shred the cat open the moment he could. He does, fighting ensues and what stops the blood spill is him slashing the Tom open. But he cares still and sees the damage that’s been done so he gives up his position and collar to Raven who becomes head of Blood band. (Also Tiger killed Wolf bc he thought Rusty would be much easier to manipulate and then he’d take any useful cats from the Blood Band to help him keep himself in power)
He joins TC and that’s when he and Sandstorm become closer. Both working to save TC from its looming demise and put it back to its better path. When accepted he is named Firestrike (tho I’m open to better suggestions). Slowly he helps to rebuild the clan and rises in rank, becoming Firestar after Whitestar’s unfortunate death and him making Sandstorm his deputy.
Sandpaw’s part
Sandpaw is how the readers would connect to TC’s growing despair and feel it being ripped apart right from the heart. She is a RunningRed kit and is deeply hurt by Redtail’s death. She’s still the spitfire but worse on herself, she takes too much on herself, has too high of standards, and doesn’t let many really in to save her from herself.
She was a friend of Ravenpaw before his runaway but when he disappeared she too fell into the idea that he was conspiring with Shadowclan. As a pretty well looked upon cat she is very very heavily manipulated by both her older brother (Longtail tho I’d name him Dunetail) and Tigerclaw. She is far more aggressive to outsiders as time goes on but the big heart inside of her lets her change. She realizes through Graystripe and the sweet Princess that outsiders aren’t lesser then clan cats. I’m liking the idea of Princess actually joining the clans as a queen with Cloudkit and despite the clear aggressions against her keeps her name anyway.
Her mentor becomes deputy, she follows under him and is almost being primed for power. Until Graystripe finally pulls her aside and tells her the truth. Tigerstar killed both her parents, was the one really helping Shadowclan, attacked and made Raven run away, and was planning to take over all the clans no matter what blood was spilled over it. She switches sides in the end and when Tiger is killed, Whitestorm is made Whitestar, she helps beside Firestrike to bring back the clan to its glory. Over time they’d get closer as well but not become mates (Fire is aro in this) and She’d maybe fall for Princess bc I think their cute. Squilf and Leaf would be Fire’s nieces and look up to him a lot as well as to their awesome momma’s
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jordanshenessy · 2 years
@jeongtokkie here you go bb in sandstorm !!🥰
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Send me a palette and a character(s)
He’s not really a character but it’s an exception for you mwuah 💕
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scham-wcan · 1 year
New Elemental 4 Chapter bb
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asknarashikari · 28 days
The Decade Cast are assigned some Autobots and Decepticons that they have to share amongst all four of them. Get ready for a long list Kari-chan because there are so many of these guys.
Their assigned Autobots are the Aerialbots, comprised of the Silverbolt the acrophobic Concorde leader, Air Raid the impulsive and fearless F-15 Eagle, Fireflight the absent-minded F-4 Phantom, Skydive the gifted strategist F-16A Fighting Falcon, Slingshot the insecure loud-mouthed Sea Harrier, Alpha Bravo the insecure slowpoke helicopter, Powerglide the show off A-10 Warthog, Universe Airazor the small but fierce F-22 Raptor, Barrel Roll the mellowed Cybertronian jet, Ro-Tor the AH-64 Apache helicopter, and Storm Fire the Space Shuttle, who five to six of them can combine to form stagnant Superion, the Air Team, comprised of Storm Jet the rowdy Cybertronian SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, Sky Shadow the A-10 Thunderbolt II, Terradive the A-10 Thunderbolt II, Treadshot the ambitious F-22 Raptor, and Windrazor the veteran F-22 Raptor, who combine into Superion Maximus, the naive and cocky Cybertronian jet twin brothers of Skyfire and Skystorm, who combine into the powerful Safeguard, and Breakaway the skilled F-35 Lighting II.
Their assigned Decepticons are the Seekers, comprised of Starscream the formerly treacherous now humble and deadly Air Commander, Skywarp the chaotic but dumb and cowardly jet, Thundercracker the egotistical jet who can write movies, Dirge the mournful and greedy conehead jet, Ramjet the dumb and lying conehead jet, Thrust the loud-mouthed and envious conehead jet, Bitstream the genius jet, Hotlink the gadget geek jet, Nacelle the eager jet, Sunstorm the sycophant and narcissistic jet, Acid Storm the quiet green jet, Ion Storm the blue jet, Nova Storm the yellow jet, Cloudcover the radioactive conehead jet, Sandstorm the desert warfare jet, Blazewake the young and brash jet, Red Wing the brave but cautious jet, Slipstream the strategic female jet, Cybertron Thundercracker the jokester and goofball jet, Armada Thrust the master manipulator and tactician jet, Dreadwing the cool-minded jet, Skyquake the short-tempered jet, Blitzwing the loudmouthed triple-changer tank and jet jerk, the Combatrons, comprised of BW Starscream the narcissist and snobby fighter jet, BB the dumb brute stealth bomber, BW Dirge the comedian and gourmet chef fighter jet, and BW Thrust the comedian figther jet, Darkwing the gloomy Tornado GR1 fighter jet, Dreadwind the depressed F-16 Fighting Falcon jet, G2 Dreadwing the dumb pacifist stealth bomber, G2 Smokescreen the manipulative fighter jet, and Megaplex, the F-22 Raptor fighter jet clone of Megatron who is good instead of evil.
All of these Autobot and Decepticons jets reside nearby within the giant Decepticon city Metrotitan. Optimus has assigned Starscream to lead this group and he also serves as a leader for the Decade cast because of the chaos duo being well look at them.
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What are the Riders reaction to the Decade Cast's assigned Cybertronians being most of the flying ones and Starscream being assigned as the leader for both this group of Cybertronians, but also as the leader for the Decade cast due to the chaos duo being chaotic.
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I think they would question anyone assigning Tsukasa and Daiki robots they could possibly order around to do their chaotic bidding... but I guess they'll all count on Natsumi, Onodera and hopefully Starscream to keep them in line
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