#Bakugo domestic moments
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Bakugo x Reader
☞︎ Imagine ☜︎
Curling into Bakugo’s side. Steadying your breathing… listening to his heartbeat. Sharing a quiet moment with him; just feeling the heat of his body meld with yours. Feeling his rough hands curling around your hip and caressing your sides as he turns to you. Watching as his maroon eyes stare down at you without scrutiny. Feeling his tender gaze on you as he stifles a yawn. Parting your fingers through the fibers of his hair, tracing your fingers down his tense jawline despite his obvious displeasure. Waking up with Bakugo Katsuki.
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
Lavender Haze (pro!bakugo katsuki x you)
summary: your relationship with dynamight had just gone public, and you need a little verbal affirmation that you two will make it out okay
word count: 1k
cw/tags: very mild angst/comfort, mostly just affectionate katsuki fluff, swearing/profanity wouldn't be a bakugo fic without it, suggestive if you squint, reader is also a pro hero, pet names (babe, stupid, dumbass)
note: i love writing stubborn katsuki banter with an equally stubborn reader who's just used to his antics. domestic katsuki just makes me adhfsjfdfjsgjk, yk? enjoy!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated!!
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You heard the key turn in the door down the hallway and finally put down your phone after scrolling through Twitter for hours. They’d been particularly ruthless today, ripping into your relationship and theorizing that he didn’t even love you. The room was dark and the thought of faking sleep crossed your mind, but you knew he’d sense you were still awake. So, you wait for him to slip off his gauntlets and tug off his boots and find you in your shared bedroom. 
“Here, Kats.” He lays down beside you, and you’re so mentally exhausted that you don’t even scold him for slipping into bed dirty from patrol. You let him pull you into his arms and inhale deeply against his chest.
“Why are you still awake?”
“Was waiting for you to come home.”
“Bullshit. You fall asleep hours before I’m off shift.”
“Maybe tonight’s just different, then.”
“Are you gonna tell me what’s different?” 
“Do I need to?”
“Yeah, you’re starting to worry me.” 
“I’m just… scared.” His body tenses around you, scarlet eyes searching your face with concern. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” 
“Nothing happened, not yet, at least. I’m just…”
He thinks for a moment, and you can’t help but stare in wonder at how beautiful he is when the gears in his brain turn. “They’re getting to you again.”
“How did you know?” Of course, he figured it out; he always seemed to be able to know exactly what you were thinking and verbalize it in a way that you couldn’t. 
“Because I love you, stupid, and I know your mind like it was my own.”
“They just, they think I’m using you, Kats, or that I don’t love you, or that this is all a PR stunt by my agency–” Your voice starts to shake on its own, and you push back against the frustration welling up in your eyes. 
“Your manager isn’t smart enough to do that.” A finger comes down to brush a stray hair from your face as you glare up at him. He’d been wanting you to hire a new manager for months or simply merge with his agency, but you wanted the social media firestorm to die down first before any big public moves. 
“Bakugo Katsuki.”
“What? You know I’m right.”
“Not the point.”
“You need to stop reading through Twitter, baby. You really trust some assholes on the Internet over the man of your dreams?” He smirks down at you and draws spirals on your shoulder with his fingers, leaving tingling sensations in their wake. He knew just how to make you feel better, and it was one of your favorite things about him. The way he balanced crude humor with reassurances that you needed and small acts of affection distracted your brain from spiraling any further.  
“Okay, man of my dreams, I get it. Could you just say it?” He brushes his thumb over your bottom lip absentmindedly. 
“Say what?”
“You know, the thing. Please.”
“Oh, right.” Understanding washed over his face, and you caught a little bit of underlying impatience that made you feel a little guilty for asking. 
“Did you forget?”
“Of course not. I just wish I didn’t have to keep telling you that I’m not going to leave you because of some fuckfaces on the Internet making up rumors. I trust you, you trust me, and no one else’s bullshit matters.” He shrugs a toned shoulder and returns to dragging his fingers over your body, running his hands in the creases and dips that he’s memorized on you. 
You roll your eyes. His encouragement was effective, but you couldn’t help but huff out a laugh at the expletives thrown into this round of verbal affirmation. “That’s more aggressive than last time, Kats.”
“It’s an upgrade,” he grins, gently squeezing the flesh around your hips. He got more handsy when he was deliriously satisfied, not that you were complaining. “Next time you get anxious that I’d do something stupid like break up with you, I’m gonna tell Shoto to buy Twitter and ban you from it.” 
“Bold of you to assume he would listen to anything you say.”
“Bold of you to assume I don’t know where he and his entire family lives,” he whispers innocently, pressing his lips to your forehead. His fingers brush up and down the sides of your neck and shoulders, sending chills running through your limbs. 
“I’m kidding…” He drawls and flashes a cruel grin. “Kinda.” 
“Okay, high school asshole Katsuki, get out of my bed and shower. You’re all sweaty and sticky and yuck.” You push against his chest to no avail. 
He pouts, grabbing hold of your wrists and having you pinned against your bed in one fluid motion. “I thought you loved it when I was sweaty and sticky and yuck.” Strands of blonde hair fall onto his forehead and brush against yours as he leans down to brush his lips against yours. He’d never looked so beautiful.
“Not when I’m trying to sleep.”
He pulls back abruptly, looking at you skeptically. “You weren’t trying to sleep shit, babe.” 
“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Neither does spiraling over idiots on a stupid fucking bird app.” Fortunately, your body’s awareness of Katsuki’s hands had put the hate tweets you read in the furthest corner of your mind.
“You made your point, like, three points ago.”
His head dips back down to kiss a trail down your collarbone. “Yeah, but sometimes your dumb ass doesn’t listen.”
“You can’t resist this dumb ass.”
He bites down gently where your shoulder meets your neck and you jump, his chuckle buzzing against your skin. “Nope. It’s a plague.” Any more of his body on yours was set to be a disaster, so you attempt to halt his advances before you’re further entangled with each other. 
“Take a shower, Kats.”
He leaves one more chaste kiss on your nose. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You sigh and wait for him to release your wrists, but he gives you a pointed look like you’d responded incorrectly. 
“I. Love. You.” God, he’s such a brat. 
You press a kiss up to his forehead and he closes his eyes in contentment. “I love you more.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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shiggybrainr0t · 6 months
i was going through @willowser writing tag and reading all their stuff, as one does, and found their response to how bakugo would react whenever you tell him about a creepy guy and it got me thinking….yall know that tiktok trend about the fake Dimitri voicemail 💀 this turned out to be 90% domestic katsuki and only 10% him responding to a creepy guy so I’m sorry 😞
divider made by @cafekitsune 🖤
warnings: one fake creepy guy, comment about abuse and anxiety (not from bakugo)
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Whenever you walk inside your shared apartment, you make sure to school your face into one of neutrality. You feel like you should know better than to do something like this, but Denki got this little prank into your mind and said he would give you 3,000 yen if you actually did it and well- who are you to turn that down.
Katsuki is sprawled shirtless on your couch, sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips as he snoozes with his arms behind his head. He makes the couch look hilariously tiny, with the way one leg is hanging off the edge and the other is bent just so his torso will fit. You can tell he has just taken a shower by the way his hair is a couple shades darker than normal and sticking about in odd ways. Seeing him there makes you forget about what you were set on doing, and you gaze at his golden form for a minute until you shifting has the floor creaking and one of his eyes opening lazily.
You know that he knew you were here the moment your keys jingled outside the door, but it was you not coming over and immediately plopping on top of him like usual that prompts him to make a grabby hand in your direction, a soft scowl on his face as you continue to stand there.
“Why’re you just standing there?”
His rumbling, sleepy voice breaks you out of your stupor and you continue on your journey towards your boyfriend. Unceremoniously, you drape yourself over his form, making him grunt at the impact even though he was expecting it. It’s muscle memory the way your legs tangle with his, and the way one strong arm wraps around you to grip at the squishy part of your side, all insecurities long lost in the safety of his arms.
His scent surrounds you, the smell of caramelized sugar and his body wash filling your senses, making you wiggle up to place your nose into the crook of his neck. You sniff loudly, giggling when he palms your face to push you away.
“Fuckin’ weirdo.”
After settling, you both bask in each other’s presence for a little while. You’re content to end the evening like this, until Denki’s stupid face flashes through your mind. Nonchalantly, you start to trace little patterns on Katsuki’s smooth chest, saying his name softly. At his responding hum, you start telling your tale.
“You know we have a new neighbor downstairs….” He doesn’t reply, only adjusting his grip on you slightly and raising one blonde eyebrow whenever you look up at him.
“Well, his name is Dimitri and he isn’t from here. He seemed a little lost, and he doesn’t really know anybody yet, so I gave him my number in case he needed help.”
“…..I don’t like where this is going.” Katsuki looks down at you, giving himself a double chin because of the angle. Annoyingly, he’s still gorgeous.
Put on, you sigh and trace “I love you” lightly into his skin. You know he got it, because he buries his nose into your hair and kisses your forehead in response.
“He started calling me a lot, even after I told him I had a boyfriend who could snap him in half-“
“Fuck yeah I could.”
“-and he left me this voicemail that was weird.”
You trail off, and at his raised eyebrows and slight shake of his head saying “well?” grab your phone and pull up the video Denki sent you, making sure the screen isn’t visible and press play.
The grainy sound of a voicemail fills the space, “Dimitri’s” voice starting up quickly.
“It’s Dimitri again. I left you a message a couple days ago. Now here’s the way I work: I don’t like leaving second messages.”
Your boyfriend’s jaw drops slightly at the sudden change of tone in Dimitri’s voice.
As “Dimitri” begins to tell you all his attributes, Katsuki’s face begins to screw up. The list of why “Dimitri” is an amazing guy and why he should be your boyfriend is a long one, and you can see Katsuki becoming more and more irritated as the voicemail continues.
“I’m giving you until 3 o’clock to return my call. I can understand if you’ve got some other issues…like maybe you were abused or you have an anxiety disorder and you’re on medicine for that-“
A warm and calloused hand engulfs yours to turn your phone off. Katsuki gently shoves you off of him, standing up and stretching lightly before turning to you.
“What apartment is he in again?” Your shocked face makes him turn around, quickly putting on some slippers and forgoing a shirt to step out of your apartment and into the hallway.
“I’ll find it.”
He’s already down the hall, bare back tense and cocking his head to the side as he jabs at the elevator buttons whenever you make it off the couch and out the door.
An apartment down, your neighbor perks up when she hears your voice, and goes to peek out her door. Where you are, your hunk of a boyfriend isn’t far behind.
“Kat-Katsuki it was a prank!”
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peachsukii · 27 days
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stitched muses ꒰ tangled hearts series - kiribaku x fem!reader ꒱ ⇢ bakugo's stumped on inspiration for his upcoming fashion line, the deadline fast approaching as he's working day and night to meet it. he's frustrated at his lack of ideas, stuck in his home office while you and kirishima are enjoying your weekly movie night. he's pacing the house, putting too much pressure on himself to excel. little did you know you'd be the solution to his temporary dead-end creativity.
꒰ content ꒱ bakugo's a grumpy goose, fluffy domestic goodness, bakugo has that little "eureka!" moment, kirishima is cute & cuddly, mitsuki asks reader to lunch cross posted to ao3 // wc; ~1.4k ✿ tangled hearts masterlist ✿
The rain pattered against the Bakugo-Kirishima household, echoing as the droplets bounced of the roof in an off beat rhythm. Spring has truly sprung, the rainy season coming in full force over the course of the week.
Bakugo’s frustration traveled from his office and through out the house, accompanied by the sound of his chair forcefully retreating from his desk. He despised the rain, the miserable storm only adding an unnecessary layer of irritation to his long work day. He trudged out of his office, shoulders slumped as he makes his way into the kitchen.
Kirishima and yourself are sitting on the living room couch, snuggled under a blanket and watching a romcom on tv for your weekly movie night. Bakugo was supposed to join you two, but he’s been shackled to his laptop all day long. He’d step away for a minute, thinking he could take a break, and then shuffle right back to his desk to pace like a caged animal.
“I’m gonna check on him,” you whisper to Kirishima, giving him a quick peck on the cheek as you peel the blanket from your lap.
Sauntering into the kitchen, you see Bakugo making himself tea, silently staring at the countertop and tapping his fingers against the laminate. His gaze shifts sluggishly from the tea kettle to you when you approach his side.
“Hey sweetheart,” he sighs, turning to pull you into his chest. “Sorry for workin’ late. I know you and Ei have been waitin’ for me.”
“It’s okay, Kats, we know you're working hard. Here,” You break away from his embrace and take his mug from the counter, using your hip to playfully bump him out of your way. “Let me finish this and make you something to eat.”
"S'fine, baby, I can—"
"Katsuki," you interrupt sternly, followed by a sweet smile to soften the bite in your tone. "I made dinner for all of us earlier, I'll get you a plate with your tea and bring it to you."
Bakugo grumbles under his breath, not having it in him to fight your stubbornness. He leans down and meets your lips for a brief kiss before moving to the living room, hovering behind the couch for a moment.
"Hey babe," Kirishima says, flashing his toothy grin backwards toward him. "Try and call it a night soon, yeah?"
Bakugo bends over the couch, cradling Kirishima’s jaw in his hands and presses a gentle kiss to his forehead. “M’tryin’. This deadline is killing me.”
“Mom hounding ya again?”
Hearing Kirishima call Mitsuki “mom” made your heart flutter from the kitchen, such a simple sentiment making you melt. Watching your boyfriend’s love for one another naturally flow will never get old, even though they’ve been married for years, it still was new to you to witness casually.
Bakugo rolls his eyes. “She’s been bitchin’ at me all week.”
“She loves ya and knows she can push your buttons to get you to succeed,” Kirishima assures, kissing the tip of Bakugo’s nose. “Anythin’ we can do to help?”
He releases Kirishima’s face from his grasp and steps back from the couch, shaking his head with a frown on his face. “Unless you suddenly have a knack for fabric and textiles, don’t think so.”
You round the corner of the island in the kitchen, a plate in one hand and cup of hot tea in the other, making your way to Bakugo’s office. Kirishima sighs contently as he watches your silhouette disappear down the hallway.
“That woman is a damn goddess,” he swoons, deflating back into the couch cushions. “Go eat and wrap up. We can start another movie when you're done.”
Bakugo nods his head and turns to head back to the office. He peers in the doorway to find you mesmerized by the designs scattered across his desk - multiple sketches of clothes, scribbled notes about fabric choices and design suggestions on every page. You glance toward the door, catching him staring.
"These all look great, love. What's got you stumped?" you ponder aloud while organizing the papers back into their proper piles.
Bakugo crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe. "It's too bland, shit's been done a thousand times. Need somethin' that'll be versatile."
"Maybe you're thinking too much into it."
He blankly stares at you for a moment - you can see the wheels turning in his head while he processes your statement.
"...Do y'know who you're talking to?"
You can't help but laugh, walking around his desk and to the doorway. "I do, hotshot. You're an incredible designer, but not everything needs to be fashion week quality. Most people would just walk around in a t-shirt if they had the option."
Something in his mind clicks the moment you mention 't-shirt,' immediately sending him bolting upstairs and to the bedroom without another word. Bakugo comes barreling back down the stairs with a few t-shirts in hand moments later, tossing all but one onto the back of his office chair.
"Strip," he demands, hands on his hips impatiently.
You quirk your eyebrow at him, but discard your sleep shirt and sweatpants as ordered. Once you do, he shoves the shirt he grabbed over your head, threading your arms through the sleeves and taking a step back to analyze it in full.
"...this is one of your shirts? What does that—"
"Gimmie a sec to think."
The t-shirt is worn out, heavily loved over the years with a faded band logo over the chest and spotted with bleach stains. It was slightly too big for you, cascading over your figure and ending around your mid-thigh area.
Bakugo clicks his tongue while pushing up his glasses back into place. "Turn around."
You obey, turning your back to him. He cinches the back of the shirt with one hand and pulls at the hem by your thigh with the other, as if he's fitting you into his imaginary garment.
"Think ya just solved my problem, sweets," Bakugo says with excitement, letting the t-shirt fall back into its natural state before scooting past you and sliding into his office chair. He turns to the screen, opening a new e-mail and begins furiously typing, paragraphs flowing from his fingers in the matter of minutes.
"Don't forget your dinner and tea," you remind him, turning on your heel to head back to the living room. "I'll leave you be."
"Don't let Ei finish the popcorn without me."
Returning to the couch, you plop down next to Kirishima and fold your head into his lap. He looks at the shirt your wearing, noticing it's definitely not the one you were in 15 minutes ago. And that you're not wearing pants.
"Ah, so he needed that kinda motivation," he snickers, ruffling a hand through your hair.
You chuckle and wiggle in his lap. "No babe, not this time. He should be done soon."
Half an hour later, Bakugo comes into the living room, sighing dramatically as he falls onto the couch, head landing on Kirishima's thighs.
"Made it with three days to spare," he rasps, putting up a victory fist with exhaustion. "Ma approved it, too. S'goin' to be expedited to production tomorrow."
"Way to go, superstar!" You exclaim, bending down to kiss his forehead. "Knew you could do it."
"Good work, Kats! What did you end up going with?" Kirishima asks, a hand massaging Bakugo's shoulder to help him relax.
"She was right, I was thinkin' too hard about it. You'll see it when it's released next month."
"Aw, you're not even gonna tell us after all that?!"
Bakugo snickers, turning to face the TV. "Nah, you two can wait like everyone else. S'nothin' out of this world, but I'm proud of it."
Later that night, your phone pings a few times with multiple messages while you're getting ready for bed back in your apartment - they're from Mitsuki.
How did she even get your number?
"Hey sweetie, it's Mitsuki. Thanks for being patient with my brat. Even at 30 he's still a pain in the ass sometimes! He's lucky to have one, let alone two, people tolerate him long enough to stick around." "Are you free for lunch sometime? I'd love to get to know you better. Katsuki and Eijiro talk about you a lot."
Mitsuki wants to meet for lunch? You've met her a handful of times, but she doesn't...know about you guys yet.
You respond with a simple "Sure, I'd love to!" and leave it at that.
You're not sure why, but there's a bundle of nerves knotting in your stomach over the thought of having to impress Katsuki's mother.
No, it's not like that...yet.
mitsuki's always been perceptive...you think she knows about you and the boys? and what'll happen when you celebrate katsuki's new fashion line with friends in a few weeks and you tag along? 😉 ⇢  wildflowers; @maddietries @smolbeanzzz @camila2201 @lik0 @pixel4ffecti0n @moonlight-dreamer04 @lumi-cent @pastelbakugou @hannahk @camryn-ciel67 @c4prisuna @perfectsukii @screechingpeachdelusion @lightsgore @cuntpiercedprincess @aphrodite-xoxo
↶ | previous entry (sweet like honey) ↷ | next entry (one-way ticket)
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abilouwrites · 2 months
K. Bakugo
Bcz @cashmoneyyysstuff did it again!!
And I didn’t wanna do my history essay
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I’ve never claimed I was a morning person, I hate mornings. I like them more because I don’t have to wake up super early to get to school. I’m very happily situated in the dormitory system. Getting past my boyfriend is a different story. All sleepy eyed and tired as he sets his arm around my hip and scoots me towards him.
“‘G’mornin” he says gruffly as I stir sugar into my coffee, sleepily yawning into the palm of my hand and rubbing the bags under my eyes, “you drink your coffee so sweet”
“Mmh, it’s good that way” I whisper against the quiet of the morning. I’m only a morning person for these domestic moments. When he isn’t shouting at Todoroki, or throwing a book at Denki. I love the moments which his arms are around me and his head is against my shoulder.
“Yeah, but it’s gross. You’re gonna get cavities” he murmurs into the nape of my neck, pressing soft kisses against my skin. Drinking in the smell of my shampoo.
“I’ll get cavities because I eat a diabetic amount of candy” I respond leaning against him, sipping my coffee, “momo enables me”
His hands stop moving around and twisting my shirt, but they steady across my stomach interlocking between eachother, “it’s creepy that you eat the candy she like makes”
“No. It’s absolutely normal. And before you say I’m abusing her power. I’ve already gotten that from Iida” I hear him sigh and feel him straighten up as footsteps and soft noises are heard from the elevators. He drops his grasp on me and we stand next to each other, his arm flushed against mine.
“It’s still weird” he grumbles, rolling his eyes as I sip my now cold coffee, “you want me to heat it up?” He offers, I shake my head and rid my face of my disgusted expression.
“Last time you did that. It didn’t end well” I mumble as he presses his lips against my cheek.
“Gross! It’s so early why are you making out!” I hear Denkis exasperated sigh from the shared table
“You wanna see Makin out?!” Katsuki sharpens his tone, directed at our classmates, his hand grabs into my waist and I push off him.
“I’m not gonna make out with you. It’s so early in the morning” I groan against Katsukis lips, slowly pushing him away.
“It’s bad that this is the like.. tenth time I’ve seen you two kissing” Kirishima groans, rubbing his eyes with his the heel of his palm.
Katsuki groans even louder and I take my coffee he was holding, “oh it’s warm now” I notice sipping on the hot coffee once again.
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vs-redemption · 1 year
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Soft Sunday: Waking Up On The Weekend
(with: Iwaizumi, Bakugo, Kenma, Tsukki)
⚠️warning⚠️: I did include suggestive content in this. It's not detailed or anything but I'm just letting anyone know who might feel uncomfortable.
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He didn't used to think much about what he wore to bed until he realized you liked having access to his bare chest and arms. After that he makes a point of going to bed shirtless with just his boxers on, or a pair of pajama pants if it's chilly.
His morning routine used to be a protein shake, work out, and maybe a jog. Now though, he can't help but linger in bed. He loves sleepy little chats in the morning as your hands roam over his skin.
If the mood hits, he's not opposed to getting spicy and indulging in you in the morning. He can count that as his work out and honestly he just likes starting his day off making you feel so loved and cared for.
He definitely wasn't a breakfast person before you, but now he has all your favorite breakfast foods and how you make your coffee memorized.
He enjoys having you in the kitchen with him as he cooks so he can talk and flirt with you, especially if you're just hanging out in one of his shirts or something.
As grouchy and stern as he comes off at first, he really does thrive in a domestic setting. He has such a nurturing personality and he loves being able to take care of the person he loves.
He knows you like his muscles but doesn't really get why. To him, they are a means to an end (being a strong hero). Lucky for you though he sleeps in a sleeveless t-shirt so you can enjoy his beefy arms as he holds you close.
Holding you close is nice physically, sure, but for him it's more about the need to keep you safe. He sleeps better when he knows you're safe in his arms.
Lazy mornings aren't really his thing. He gets fidgety and impatient if he's in bed too long. If you wake up before him though, you'll notice that he does pull you closer and linger for just a moment or two before kissing your head and rolling out of bed.
Cooking is one of his love languages, and it fills him with pride to get up and cook you the most mouth watering meals. He's happy to serve you breakfast in bed, but it's better if you can find the motivation to get up and follow him to the kitchen because watching him cook the food is half the fun. He has no idea how sexy he is in the morning, standing at the stove with his arms on display. Not to mention the sinful sweatpants he wears.
He is not a morning person at all. Even during the week he doesn't have to wake up for work too early, so he'd definitely rather sleep in on the weekends too.
He can be pretty clingy in the morning and will get a little grumpy if you try to make him get up before he's ready or if you accidentally wake him up when you get out of bed to use the bathroom or something.
Comfort is important to him, so he dresses according to the temperature, not what he thinks makes him look sexy. The good thing about this though is that he's always cozy and ready to cuddle.
Cooking is not his forte, so you will not catch him using his morning time making breakfast when he could be lounging in bed with you. He is good with a piece of toast or a bagel once he finds the energy to wake up.
Sometimes though, he doesn't mind waking up and having you for breakfast. It doesn't really take that much effort on his end and he knows you (both) deserve a treat too after a long week.
He isn't the most confident about his looks, so he also dresses more for comfort than anything else for bed. Usually he's in a tshirt and shorts or pajama bottoms.
In the morning he might be a little self-conscious about his messy hair, morning breath, or even how he looks without his glasses.
He does like to cuddle in the morning though. He likes being the big spoon so he can hide his face against your shoulder. He also likes being in a position to have his hands on your chest (whether you have boobs or not... he wants to touch your chest.)
Sexy stuff isn't usually on his mind in the morning, but if you instigate anything he is definitely on board.
Making breakfast isn't his favorite, but he will if that's what you want. He'd much rather take you out to breakfast though, either at a cafe or a diner. He likes getting the fresh air and the opportunity to just talk and spend time with you.
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tagging: @bisexualturtledove @honeybunny-sawamura @no1frogfan
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The test
bakugou x fem! reader, fluff, domestic, mentions of pregnancy
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You and Katsuki have a comfortable life. The nice spacious house you and katsuki moved into not long after you found out you were pregnant with your little boy, Tatsuo. This little guy was certainly a surprise a few years into your marriage. Katsuki was over the moon to be quite frank. He found it hard to keep the news hushed until you felt safe enough to share the news with friends and family. The media was kept out until Tatsuo was born. You announced the news with a simple tweet on Katsuki's account with a cute photo of Tatsuo's feet with the caption of his birth date and a blue heart. Yeah, twitter broke down for a week.
Now, why is this information important? well, you had this inner sense of something off-putting. Your period was a little late- could be due to stress- but the chances of your being pregnant again? the stakes are high.
"you gonna take the test yet?" Katsuki asks you as he changes Tatsuo into his pyjamas on the little rug in his room. As Tatsuo squirms and giggles as his fathers grasp. You look at the box in your hands and think about all the 'what if's?' what if you are pregnant? will you be able to care for another mini bakugou? will your body be able to handle it? will Tatsuo feel pushed aside with the thought of sharing his favourite people? will you be able to focus on your hero life as well? will you -
"take the damn test already" Katsuki grumbles as he holds Tatsuo up side down as he laughs and squirms at his dad playing with him
"The result won't change" katsuki gives you a small smile as you take a deep breath and make your way into the small bathroom beside Tatsuo's bedroom.
Three minutes. In just three minutes you will know if you will be a mother again.
The little white the stick on the sink counter top had the results you were nervous to check. This little white stick you've seen numerous times before trying to conceive Tatsuo. You take a deep breath before checking the results
You lift the pregnancy test up and turn it over to view the results
pregnant 4-5 weeks
oh my god, you're going to be a mother again! Tatsuo will be a big brother! You start to tear up as your heart starts to race at the newfound news of a baby bakugo that will soon be a part of your chaotic family
"did you have a nice piss? your takin a long ass time" Katsuki knocks on the door before opening it. Katsuki sees you crying, he assumes the worst. You've both been through this before. One to many negative tests have plagued your journey to becoming parents, but now?
"Katsuki your gonna be a Dad again!" you said through happy tears as Katsuki stumbled over and engulfs you in a hug. You both start to laugh at the moment. How this special moment is being shared once more in the home you built together, a home you built to raise your family through thick and thin.
"thank fuck, oh my god your pregnant" Katsuki trembles out as he hugs you tighter, being mindful of the little life growing in your tummy
Katsuki just hold you as you start to ramble about all the little signs you've had over the last few days. How you can't wait to tell his mom again after how she reacted to when you were pregnant with Tatsuo. Katuki smiles at the thought of you blessing him with another child. Another symbol of your love.
"If this little peanut craves weird things like Tatsuo I ain't making it again" Katsuki jokes as he remembers back when you craved and ate weird cravings that made Katsuki physically sick. Who knew porridge and mustard was edible?
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-> masterlist
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oliverrevengers · 4 months
officialising fever — katsuki bakugo/m.reader.
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it was about five in the morning when y/n got an unexpected call from his somewhat boyfriend. katsuki and him were always living in a ‘will-they-won’t-they’ kind of relationship, everyone knew they loved each other, they know they love each other, but there’s heavy fear of commitment coming from the both of them.
but their domestically obvious acts made everyone confused with why they don’t just make it official. times like these, where katsuki gets so extremely sick that he is barely capable of calling only one person unless he wants to pass out and he immediately calls y/n. it made y/n’s head hurt as he strides towards the other boy’s dorm. why are they tip toeing around the bush? for five years now?
y/n had the key for katsuki’s room, because.. of course, he does. the soft sunrise was the only source of light in the room, the bundle of blankets that was once the katsuki bakugo, now lay in a small ball and let out a small groan to let y/n know that he is aware of his presence.
y/n couldn’t help but chuckle and close the door lightly behind as to not awake any one up. he walked up to the bed and sat down on the edge. his hand slowly rubbing up and down on katsuki’s blanket-covered back. “you alive?” y/n asked. katsuki turned around to look at y/n with a beet red face, raspy and groggy voice, “doesn’t feel like i am.”
“you toke something?” y/n pushed the blonde hair sticking to his boy’s forehead, completely unbothered by the sweat and stickiness from the fever. katsuki grumbled which translated to ‘yes, i did.’.
they both sat quietly together for a few moments. just katsuki’s sick, heavy breathing and y/n’s cold hand that has found itself under katsuki’s shirt on his bare skin. it was a chaste act, just comforting and loving. y/n suddenly spoke, “you ever want us to be official?”
“huh?” katsuki opened his eyes, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, ‘the hell is this guy talking about so suddenly?’ katsuki thought himself. y/n sighed , glancing at the clock on the bedside table; only twenty minutes left until they both had to head to class. it was winter, the sun was barely out even though it was already morning.
“i don’t know.. i just.. i just want us to be together.”
“we are together. are we not together?” katsuki’s voice was gruff and anyone could easily tell that it was painful for him to speak. y/n knew it was selfish and mean to make him engage in this conversation when he was sick, but they had to have it at some point. y/n shrugged, “no, we are, but again we’re not?”
katsuki stared at the ceiling, “we do everything couples do.” he said. he could feel y/n’s hand leave his skin, “eh, not everything.” y/n chuckled, seemingly proud of his dumb joke. katsuki groaned, “i’m too sick for your horny.” they both laughed before falling into silence again.
katsuki’s mind started to wander. he knew why he wanted to prevent putting a label on him and y/n’s relationship. “i’m scared shit will hit the fan the moment we call each other boyfriend. all shit always hits the fan.”
y/n tilted his head to the side, looking at katsuki who continued to look up and not at him, “i’m not going anywhere, katsuki. the title won’t make it hurt less if something happens and we have to part ways, which, fyi, will never happen. i’ve been dealing and loving your ass for almost all our lives, it’s routine and peaceful, i’m staying for better and most importantly for all the worst.”
katsuki turned his head, finally looking at y/n, “you’re right.” he never did that with anyone. it was enormously hard for him to ever speak this freely, this calmly and openly, but that was always the case when he was with y/n.
he taught katsuki how to be. how to love and how he should be loved. how to take breaks and how to prioritise himself. how to deal with his anger. how to be good. katsuki knew that if it were not for this boy that he met when he was four years then he would be doomed.
y/n leaned down and placed a small kiss on katsuki’s lip. “i’ll get you sick.” the blonde mumbled, yet his hands cupped y/n’s face, keeping their lips close and noses touching.
y/n was late that day, and for all the next week that katsuki was sick.
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Ideal Types: MHA
not quite what I usually do, but I had a headcanon and figured why not, I'm totally up for doing a part two if people are interested!
Bakugo, Izuku, Kirishima, Denki, Shoto
Notes: These are some headcanons that have come out recently, as I'm rewatching MHA with a friend
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I honestly think despite the popular opinion, I honestly think he'd fall for someone who's more stoic. Someone who's firm in what they believe no matter what people say, and are not easily swayed in any direction. I personally see this as someone who doesn't come across as badass at first, but is unafraid to defend their beliefs or set boundaries. Bakugo might get frustrated, might think they're weak or a coward. I think deep down Bakugo needs that in his life. I think Bakugo would respect the heck out of them especially as a 2nd or 3rd year at UA, and they'd become an unstoppable power couple.
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I sorta see Izuku with someone who's passionate, someone who always has something they're running towards, and dragging him out of his thoughts as they pull him along. He wants to be the number one hero to save people, and I believe he would really connect on a personal level with someone who's running towards their own dreams. I also believe that though Izuku loves the domestic life, he'd experience a much fuller greater life with a partner who's constantly working on improvement, and finding joy in the action. before his quirk, Izuku sought out action and took notes, so i believe someone who's always on the front lines would really help him grow. I believe that it might also compliment his personality if they were at a higher confidence, which would encourage him to strive for it as well!
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Despite his desire to be a ladies man, I honestly think Denki would fall for someone accidently. He constantly worried about coming across as the cool guy, and I think that love would strike the moment he least expected it and goofed up. I believe that Denki would fall for someone who's got a great deal of empathy and attention to detail. someone who would mock or shame him for his lack of academic intelligence, and in some twisted way, encourage him to improve himself in the process. 
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Now, It might be controversial, but I honestly think that Kirishima would fall for a close friend. Being as outgoing as he is, and with his past of depression, I think he would really be able to connect with someone who didn't have the best upbringing. I believe that he really needs to be told that he's strong enough for them, just as they need to be told they are deserving of love. Kirishima, especially as a 3rd year, would probably have learned a great deal from fatgum, and grown as a person with Tamaki. I think that both of you would push towards healing together and it would honestly be a really wholesome relationship.
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I honestly headcanon that Todoroki would fall hard for someone assertive. though he really wouldn't notice at first, he would evaluate their plans as they presented them and admire the confidence that came with it. as he learned to better embrace his quirk and his past, I think he would need someone who could mentally pull him into the present. Someone who could be a comfort but would always have a theory on what to accomplish next, I think Todoroki would appreciate some direction, and words said in blunt honesty. As he got older, I think both of them would soften up a but, but while at UA, they would be a power couple.
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willowser · 5 months
Hi willow!!! Hope you’re having (or have had) a great holiday :) you definitely deserve the break!!
Omg was reading the thread of what fun things bakugo would do with his kids and you’re so right about him just being there, as much as he loves his kids when he thinks about what kids actually like, he’s stumped, BUT!! I have a few things on soke of the fun things he would do with them.
His kid(s) would probably have such a great interest in all the work he does, seeing him on billboards and all sorts of convenience store products because of his fame as a hero, so I imagine his lil kids climbing onto his lap when he’s a bit tired, begging for stories about “bad guys” he’s defeated. And he’d be a little awkward at the start, trying to kid-ify all the swearing and graphic violence in the story. But he gets better at it as the story progresses and looves to see their excited little face practically bouncing to hear what happens next.
OH AND!! I imagine there are sone nights where bed-time duty is a little difficult, or theres a few other things on your plate that you have to do, on those days where Katsuki has come home early from work or was already home its now his job, And I find it soooo cute for him to be pulling over a kiddy stool or chair next to his kids bed as they confidently hand him their favourite story book. It takes every ounce in him to not criticise the story with sarcasm, like what do you mean the dog went to the amusement park? Dogs can’t do that‼️‼️ but the story ends sweetly and it’s worth keeping his tongue when he sees his little bugger sound asleep.
Woshwkshwksh sorry i’ve got soo many ideas of the little moments that mean a lot for his kids. I’ll drop jusst one last one. Yk those kids with those mini wooden kitchen toy sets? With pots pans and all sorts of fake food, I imagine his kid trying to role-play as a little chef and giving bakugo all sorts of silly wooden vegetables on plastic plates asking him to “taste test” everything they “cooked” . And it would be sooo funny because they expect a proper reply, so he makes sounds while pretending to take a bite out of the supposed carrot cake it was just a wooden carrot, pretending to like it like “wow you made this?? Ya sure??” While his kid pridefully nods. Qlajalajksha can you tell I enjoy domestic fluff
omg these are all so cute and CORRECT HOW SWEET !!! 🥺✨️ i literally love each and every one of them for him, tysm for sharing these with us fjsjajaja they're so interested in hearing about all the bad guy butts he's kicked 😏😏😏 him doing story time 🥺 getting better at it as the kids grow 🥺 AND THE KIDDOS BEING PROUD 🥺 OF THEIR LITTLE WOODEN FOOD 🥺 omg so cute. how adorable. these are so so cute i'm obsessed with them !!!!
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
Summer's in the air... 
Spending summer with the MHA characters
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I spent a embarrasingly huge amount of time trying to pick the pictures💀
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Izuku Midoriya
Being the number one Pro Hero took quite a toll on his energy and time.
So when summer finally arrived and Izuku had the weekend off by a miracle, he was determined to spend these days with you
One of his favourite summer activities with you is definitely small picnics
The cool summer breeze, reading books with you on his lap under the shade of the tree he had oh so carefully chosen
Its absolute heaven to him. A break from his hectic hero life
The domesticity of preparing the food with you, getting in lost in the moment and swaying with you in the kitchen in a slow dance and just being there with you
It just gets to him
The feeling of calm and peacefullness washes over him as you feel a weight on your shoulder halfway throug the picnic
Looking aside, you see that he's fallen asleep, soft snores escaping with a peaceful look on his face
Just Pro Hero Izuku Midoriya in your arms, sleeping peacefully
Oh you're getting crushed by his weight? Doesn't matter, just run your hands through his green locks and enjoy the moment.
Shoto Todoroki
The concept of enjoying, having fun and relaxing during the summers was kinda foreign to him 'cause of his childhood. *cough* Endeavor *cough*
But of course he wasn't all clueless, in fact he was curious about the beach. It was intriguing, spending the day relaxing the day under the sun, going in the water. Sounds nice right?
Well when you arrived there, the excitement faltered from his face. The sand. He soon realized he was definitely not a big fan of it, it was utterly uncomfortable how it clinged to his skin.
After a whole 15 minutes of Shoto glaring at the sand, he finally managed to shift his attention to relaxing with you.
Loves to put sunscreen on your back and vice versa. Not in a sexual way, its just soothing for his touch starved heart.
Also you might wanna put some sunscreen on his scar so it doesn't burn further. I'm sorry
If ya'll decide to stay long enough, he loves walking along the beach with you enjoying the sunset.
All in all, its just a peaceful day at the beach with this clueless baby trailing behind you like a lost puppy
Katsuki Bakugo
Like listen, at first he'll be hesitant towards the idea cause it means staying up late and messing up his sleep schedule. But...he just can't say no to your face.
So now here you are, cruising down the road, in his bike, the summer wind in the air, and the blinking lights of the city.
Bakugo loves it when sink more into his back, hugging him tightly when he makes a turn.
Where are you going? Neither of you are sure, maybe you'll end up stargazing in the grass field you passed by that other day.
Maybe you'll end up in a random parking lot of a McDonalds, with Katsuki grumbling about how this is so unhealthy while you ignore his comments and chat with him about nothing in particular
Or maybe you'll end driving back home, slipping under the covers, Katsuki hiding his face in your neck, mumbling sleepy "love you" 's and falling into a peaceful slumber.
No matter wherever you end up after the night, Katsuki has to admit, losing some sleep like this was definitely worth it.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Hello Mango! After Bakugo and the twins, I wonder what it would be like if Yandere!Gojo and his twins had similar habits. For example, the twins and the reader make dessert together and surprise their father at school without him knowing.
♡ Dango Delivery ♡
(A/N: Ahhhhh so cute!! I definitely see Gojo as someone who would want a bunch of kids 😭😭😭 So good luck to his darling!!! I hope you like this I think it’s pretty cute 💘💘)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, domestic stuff, kids, just fluff
Summary: You and your sons decide to make some dessert for Gojo and bring it to him while he’s at work (Yandere!Gojo x GN!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Aoi and Daiki really loved their father. It was obvious they both idolized him and would do anything he asked. You think maybe it’s because they’re so alike. Your sons definitely got Satoru’s carefree personality, both of them being energetic and smiling no matter the situation.
You usually stayed at home with your sons, knowing how insanely worried Satrou got that you or your sons would end up getting hurt if you simply stepped foot outside the house. You understood that fear especially with his occupation, so you stayed home most of the time, only really talking with Satrou and your sons.
Today though you decided to surprise Satrou at work, you knew he has been a bit stressed lately, even if he tried to hide it. You knew your sons absolutely loved helping you so you had them help you make the dessert and deliver it. “Daiki, do you wanna carry this for daddy?” You ask, watching his eyes light up at the chance. You decided, with the help of you boys, to make him some dango!
Daiki takes the box holding the dessert out of your hands, having already put on his shoes and coat. It had been a bit rainy this morning so you had both of them wear their rain coats. You try not to squeal at the sight of them, Aoi wearing a blue raincoat (although a darker blue than his piercing blue eyes he inherited from his father) and Daiki wearing a pale yellow rain coat.
Both of your sons were pretty talkative on the way over to Jujutsu Tech. Daiki holding onto the container holding the dango tightly so he doesn’t accidentally drop it and holding your hand with his free hand. Aoi walks with you, holding your other hand and chatting absentmindedly as he walks.
The moment they see the building though, they take off, running as fast as they can to get to their father. Satrou often took them to work, no matter how many times the higher ups told him not too. He loved showing off his little family, even if he was a bit overprotective at times.
Aoi and Daiki don’t listen to you when you tell, them to slow down and be careful. Instead they just run to their fathers office with he sat at as he was currently on lunch break. Satoru sits up straight in his seat when he hears the door slam open, acting as if he wasn’t just online shopping for a little gift for you. He loves spoiling you after all.
“Daddy!” Both four year olds cheer out as they enter the room. “Ah! My babies!” Satoru says dramatically, picking up both boys in his arms as hey giggle. “Daddy, be careful. I don’t wanna drop the dango!” Daiki yells, trying to escape his fathers grip.
“Please don’t drop it, we worked way to hard on that” you chuckle, finally catching up. “Hi sweetie~” Satoru says, smiling. He leans in to give you a kiss, which of course you return. Even if he was only away from you for a few seconds, he felt the need to kiss you.
Satoru was so lucky to have a family like this. Although he would definitely be extending his lunch break to walk you all home. He has to protect you and show everyone else that you’re his.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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satcrnslovesbakugo · 2 years
morning, sunshine
katsuki bakugo x f!reader
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you’ve been with katsuki so long that his five a.m alarm doesn’t bother you anymore. in the beginning, you would groan and complain so much that bakugo could feel your grumpiness when he kissed you before leaving for his run. now, you smile at him half asleep and slur out a “have fun,” before giving him his good-bye kiss. 
your alarm goes off an hour later, katsuki should be back from his run and working on breakfast. he insists on making breakfast, making sure his meal is balanced and nutritious to fuel him on his work day and he makes you the same thing (he tells you it’s because he prefers to do the cooking, but you know that’s his way of showing you how much he loves you, so you don’t complain). 
you’re struggling to get up this morning, and when katsuki sees the clock hit 6:03 he’s immediately walking into the bedroom, a “wake up, dumbass” on his lips, but when he sees how cute you look trying to fight sleep and wake up the words fall away. he slowly moves closer to the bed. 
“g’morning katsuki,” you mumble, your words thick with sleep. 
“yeah, yeah - morning, sunshine,” he lets out a laugh, his voice deep and gravelly. it sends chills down your spine. “it’s time to wake up, start the day.” you try to throw a pillow at him, but since you’re moving slowly and he’s a literal pro-hero, he catches it. “don’t make me carry you out of bed.”
you raise an eyebrow at him, “don’t tempt me, katsu.” 
he rolls his eyes at this, but you can see a faint smile dance across his lips. suddenly, you feel calloused hands moving under your legs and your back and then your in the air, adrenaline rushing through you and sending your arms to grab on to him. well, that’s one way to wake up. “katsuki bakugo! i was joking!” you yell while he laughs at your panic. he walks you to the kitchen, like he promised, and put you down by the counter. 
“i hate you,” you huffed as you began to watch katsuki cook, his expert skills on display. watching him cook was fun, and sometimes he let you hug him from behind while he cooked which was even more fun. 
“yeah, hate you too, baby” he turned around to wink at you before turning his attention back to the eggs he was cracking. bakugo never imagined he would be the type to live a domestic life, to make two cups of coffee in the morning instead of one and do the things he once deemed trivial like buying you flowers simply because they remind him of you. he never thought his heart would race when he saw you in his old sweatshirts or when you beamed at him after buying dynamight merch. he also never knew that even just telling someone that you were his girlfriend would have the effect that it did, it made him feel like a lovesick idiot, but he didn’t care because he loved every second of it. you meant everything to katsuki, and moments like this were his absolute favorite.
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animeomegas · 1 year
Hello! Congratulations on your 4k milestone! Can I request Needle working together with Bakugou? Alpha reader and Bkg are good friends with each other because they're in the same high class circle. They both hinted to their parents that this is what they wanted. Reader is so used to Bkg being fierce whenever they meet but is surprised that bkg is actually very good with domestic stuff. Maybe things get heated in the end?👀
Hey! Thank you! This was such a cute one, thank you for requesting!
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You had expected your suggestion of spending the morning embroidering handkerchiefs to be dismissed, but Bakugou had surprised you by agreeing enthusiastically. Well, enthusiastic by Bakugou standards, which meant he said something along the lines of "fine, what are you waiting for then, dumbass?". That was as close as he got to enthusiastic, excluding his, admittedly attractive, bloodlust when he was sword fighting.
But here you were, sitting in an arm chair each in front of the fire, embroidering handkerchiefs and sharing the latest gossip.
"But the plot thickens," you shared, delighted. "Because Tenya Iida, you know, the second, super straight-laced Iida son? He was apparently found by the groundskeeper kissing a stable hand in the gardens during his brother's birthday birthday! How delightfully scandalous!"
Bakugou snorted.
"Maybe the stick in his ass will fall out if he has some fun," Bakugo said, taking a break from his embroidery to sip his tea. "Might do him some good."
There was a natural lull in the conversation as you both focused on the embroidery. Your handkerchief was still unfortunately bare because you'd been more focused on telling stories, but Bakugou's looked colourful and almost complete.
"Can I see your design?" you asked eagerly.
"Give me five minutes to finish it, then you can see it," he said, his tone leaving no room for bargaining. He was always too much of a perfectionist to let you see anything half-finished.
Time ticked by slowly. You decided to abandon your own work in favour of watching Bakugou put the final few stitches in. He always looked so intense when he was focused. You remembered people always asking you how you were friends with someone so volatile and angry, but to you it wasn't just anger, it was passion that Bakugou exuded from every part of himself.
"There," Bakugou said proudly, holding up his work. "I'm done."
Eagerly, you leant forward and took in the design. Rather than the flower or animal designs popular with omegas, Bakugou had embroidered a battlefield, with swords embedded in the dirt and bloodstained grass around the edges. It was a shocking design choice, but the craftsman ship was beautiful.
"That's amazing, Katsuki!" you said, and Bakugou subtly preened under your compliment. "I didn't know you could embroider like that!"
"Yeah, well, both my parents love this shit, my mother especially, so my father used to enforce mandatory embroidery night for family bonding, whatever that means."
"I love it," you said earnestly. "The design is unusual, but that just makes it better. You can only see so any flower designs before it becomes repetitive."
"Ugh, don't even get me started on flower designs," Bakugou grumbled, taking the handkerchief out of the hoop now that it was finished. "My father used to try and convince me to embroider those patterns for a few years before he gave up."
You just stared at him in awe for a moment. He kept surprising you, again and again, and you were honoured to have someone so strong, so proud and so fiery as you fiancé.
"What are you looking at?" he grumbled, raising an eyebrow.
"You're amazing, Katsuki," you replied honestly.
He stiffened, but after a moment he turned his head to the side, mumbling 'whatever' and pointedly ignoring the red on his cheeks.
"This is for you, by the way," he said in a faux casual voice, before throwing his completed handkerchief at you. "You can do what you want with it, I don't care."
You caught the fabric with ease and gently folded it.
"I love it! You're the best!"
"Of course I am," Bakugou replied. "Now let's call for lunch, I'm starving."
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anonymouse-is-here · 1 year
Pairing: Midoriya Izuku x Bakugo Katsuki x Todoroki Shoto x reader
Warnings: FLUFF
In the cozy common area of Class A's dorms, a sense of warmth and love fills the air. You find yourself seated on the couch, your legs stretched out as Shoto lays with his head resting on your lap. Your fingers glide through his dual-toned hair, eliciting contented sighs from him.
Beside you, Izuku and Bakugo are engaged in their own playful exchange. They sit close to each other, sharing a bowl of snacks. With a mischievous smile, Izuku picks up a piece of a snack, holding it in front of Bakugo's lips. Bakugo's eyebrow twitches, but he leans forward, biting into the snack with a smirk.
Laughing at their antics, you and Shoto join in the fun. You take a snack from the bowl, offering it to Shoto, who eagerly takes a bite. His eyes meet yours, and you exchange a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the love shared between all four of you.
Izuku, always the attentive one, notices the exchange and takes a snack from the bowl. With a soft smile, he reaches out, offering it to you. You lean forward, your lips brushing against the snack as Izuku feeds you, his touch gentle and full of affection.
Bakugo watches the interaction, a rare softness in his gaze. He picks up another snack and holds it up to your lips, a hint of a smile playing on his face. "Don't think you're getting away with just one, idiot," he teases, his voice laced with fondness.
You chuckle, taking the snack from Bakugo, savoring the taste as your eyes meet his. In that moment, you're overwhelmed by the depth of love you feel for these three remarkable individuals.
As the snacks continue to be shared, the room fills with laughter and a sense of ease. The common area, once a space for studying and training, has transformed into a sanctuary for love and connection.
With Shoto's head on your lap, you continue running your fingers through his hair, reveling in the intimate touch. Izuku and Bakugo lean against each other, their bodies pressed together in a display of shared affection.
In this domestic moment, you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the unique and beautiful bond you share with each of them. The love that intertwines the four of you is a rare and precious gift—one that fills your heart to the brim.
As the evening unfolds, the room is filled not only with love but also with plans and dreams for the future. You discuss training strategies, upcoming missions, and the ways in which you can support each other's growth.
But in this moment, right here and now, you allow yourselves to simply be. No expectations or demands, just the comfort of being in each other's presence, surrounded by love and acceptance.
And as the day fades into night, you find solace in the knowledge that you are part of something extraordinary—a relationship built on trust, understanding, and an unwavering commitment to each other's happiness.
With gentle touches and shared laughter, you bask in the beauty of your unique connection, cherishing the moments that shape your lives and create a foundation for a future filled with endless love and companionship.
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lovelyiida · 1 year
I know the first few milestones mean the most when starting off a blog 🌟 Can't wait for the rest to come !
May I have a fluff love letter to Bakugo? Take your time whilst writing,
writer's block is a pain, especially during an event, when stress hits just take a moment to yourself. Tumblr will always be here waiting for you when you're ready ❣️
Congratulations once again 🫶🏻
THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS recently finals have been putting me in a headlock, its hard for me to find free time to write at the moment, so I hope this request is to your liking :)
@little-fairy-forest requested: If you can write it about us being long-distance due to him being on a hero mission abroad and me being back in my home country?
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, major fluff, established relationship (marriage), domestic themes
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WHEN YOU AND BAKUGO ARE LONG DISTANCE things can be a little hard for the both of you. Whilst you are back in your hometown to introduce your children to the rest of your family, Bakugo is off on another week-long hero mission.
sometimes if Bakugo had the time, he would try and call you to check on how you and the kids were doing. this would consist of a lot of photos of you and your children around your town.
"are the kids giving you a hard time?" he says on the other end of the phone. you laugh "no they aren't I wish you were here, you've never seen my hometown..." you trail off.
"well maybe if some of the crime lays off, all of us can go there for vacation, how bout that?" he says, a smile present in his tone. Bakugo hears your children cheer at the thought of coming back to your hometown with their father.
when the both of you finally got back to your lengthy trips, the first thing that come out of your husband's mouth were complaints.
"I leave for a week and you forget to take the milk out and put it in the trash?" he says, a witty smirk planted on your face. you roll your eyes and walk over to him, your hands linking around his neck, leaning in your plant a soft kiss on your husband's lips that he gladly accepted.
"missed you," he mumbled against your lips.
"I know," you say back.
Bakugo lets out a growl, soon his arms wrap tight around your waist tightly pulling you in and peppering small kisses all over your face. Kissing every freckle and mark all over your beautiful face. You laugh out loud at his actions and try to push him away.
"let me go!" you laughed out loud.
"say it back!" he laughs, struggling more you decided to give in to his hold. wiggling your arms toward his face, you lean in and give him another kiss.
looking into his bright red eyes, you smile.
"missed you too honey."
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I know this was so short please forgive me :(
— lovelyiida ❤︎︎
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