themisterhip · 2 years
Hope you're recovering alright from the recent chapter. Sorry I don't know if you take requests, don't sweat it if you don't. I was looking through your art and it occurred to me that with all that's going on in canon, it would just be really nice to see the Gay Chicken AU family just have a solemn but heartwarming group hug.
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I hope this meet your expectations!! And of course my request are always open <3 I felt the need to make this into a tiny comic, I just love them all so much QwQ
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Not in my AU she's not! For 2 reasons-
For 1, my AU is built from Mario games and media I personally know/am familiar with. I know a little bit about Mario sunshine and saw a comic where Delfino island was Daisy's vacation island. So I took that info and crafted it into my AU lore! My Daisy's kingdom is populated by Delfino's, and it sits along the coast nearby the Mushroom Kingdom.
The other reason is I only heard of what Sarasaland was like two days ago. I've never played any of the games its from and had no idea it existed. So I didn't add it to my AU and I definitely cant add it now-
But even if I did, I'd have the same problem. Why is Daisy the ruler of these little.. dancing.. skeleton.. guys..?? If she isn't one of them?
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD And yeah, that was Wendy and Roy! Though her exact reasoning for crying hasn't been fully thought out yet. I was thinking that she was having trouble putting on her make-up and ribbons.. maybe that was something the Koopalings mom would help her with before she.. well.. :( (Also, I do intend to finish/expand on that comic/idea very soon! :}} )
As for Iggy and Lemmy, they're not twins in my AU! Though they are close, they are very apart in age. I don't know what "older lore" you're talking about.. if you're referring to a game or a show, I have never seen it. :( All the Koopalings personalities and dynamics are just going to be made up/decided by me :)
As for their closeness, what brings them together is their eyes and their love for magic/Kamek.
I had this idea that Iggy was born blind, and Lemmy was born with a lazy eye/cross eyed. Kamek was able to use his magic to restore a fair bit of Iggy's sight and reposition Lemmy's eye. The result is their eyes and faces have unusual colors and patterns.. but they can see! And they are very thankful to Kamek for that.
Also that exposure to magic at such a young age has really drawn them into it.. they're both supposed to be really interested in magic and learning how to use it. Thus their closeness with each other and Kamek!
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@tallchest13-blog (Sent after this post I believe..?.. orr was it this one-- maybe this one??)
XDD Thank you so much!! I'm glad to see so many folks are interested in my interpretation of the Mario bros!! :DD And good luck with your discord RPG! :}
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Well since there are a ton of pirate/seafaring cookies in the game, I assume water isn't a problem. :0 Though it is for Louis becuase he cant swim- (His claw arm is very heavy so he sinks-)
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(Link in question)
Tbh that gets a bit of an eye roll form me. I miss the old days when Golden Freddy was just a terrifying Easter egg in the first game.. things were so simple back then.. 😭
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@jaybleu25 Ah no worries, I understand. Here, take a look at my 1:AM red scribblings XD
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And if its not clear, the last 4 images of that post are all Roy and Wendy :} Hope this helped!
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(Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD And yup yup! That's Wendy! :DDD
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(Link/video in ask)
Oooo :00 what a beautiful song! :DDDD
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(Post in question)
I can see the braid refusing to stay together and eventually unweaving itself. Its all flowy and free~~💫💫
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<XDD ?? Huh??
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I suppose in the actual games the treasure is like that. But I like to imagine my crew finds actual gold treasures 🤩✨✨
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The only version of Robin hood I'm familiar with is the Disney Fox version. I'm not sure what you mean by his "merry band".. 😅
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Hmm.. I don't think so. But maybe Tuna has..? Or maybe that's how Louis could have lost his original arm-
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Probably Seafoam's love.. 🥺💙
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(Link in question)
I feel like Coco would be the one to get pied trying to protect Red. And Tuna would have been the one to set up the trap XDD
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XDD All I could think is of how terrifying the brown creature in the second image is. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM!-
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@neo-metalscottic (Mario bros post in question) (Princess post in question)
AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :D I'm glad you like them! Though I wonder what about the old designs I would combine the new ones.. I fixed/altered all the flaws I saw with the old designs. I'm not sure what I'd keep-
As for Luigi and the Poltergust, he doesn't ever get that. Since Mario is never captured by the Boos, why would he need it? And I haven't decided what to do with E.Gadd yet, if anything at all..
As for Mario and Bowser.. I was thinking that Mario kind'a just said that in the heat of the moment. But he would be willing to take him down permamntly if he ever showed his face again.. but right now Bowser is definitely not causing any more problems for a while.
Mario and Luigi scared the daylights outa him. The hero's of Legend are real, and they're here. Bowser is probably scrambling for means of defense atm and wouldn't dare send anyone over there to cause trouble.
As for the Chain Chomp.. even if Bowser wanted to release it and wreak havoc on the bros/the mushroom kingdom.. I don't think he could. Kamek was unable to control Petey Piranha and rein him back in when he escaped. What make's him think they'll have any control over the Chain Chomp if they release it? It'll probably just turn around and eat Bowser's castle instead- and once its out, how will they trap it again?
And oh yeah, they could beat it. All they'd need is 1 super star and the Chain Chomp would be flattened in a matter of seconds. ⭐💪
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I know absolutely nothing about him or the game he's from. :( He's made of wood I think..?
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@astaherussy (Post in question)
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And don't worry! I don't intend to rush anything <XDD --I'm trying to take my time thinking the lore through and filling in plot holes-
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(Post in question)
<XD Well I don't wanna ramble about the lore until its a little more set and stone. I don't wanna say "this is my idea!" and then 15 minutes later go "well actuallyyyy...."
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Maybe so! XD I wonder if its like that in the games.. 🤔
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Ooooo I could see that! :00 That could be Urchins weapon maybe!
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(Post in question)
XD I guess great minds think alike? That, or Rosalina is just really cool-
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I'm sure they've faced all that and more! :00 Also thank you!! :))
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ghostedcas · 1 year
hello :3
i saw that you really loved fluff fics AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ASWELL! so i was wondering if you could write something for dad!simon riley x mom!reader and they have somewhat of a big family like two teen kids and two younger kids and all of them go on a much needed vacation together🥹 like it could be anywhere you want it to be maybe a road trip to the mountains, beach, or just going out of state!
i would love to see what you do with this :3 im a sucker for fluff
have an amazing day/night :DD
gods absolutely yes, dad!simon 💳💥💳💥💥💳🥺 
i'm the biggest sucker for  family fics y’all you don't understand!!
i apologize if this is a lil shitty, i'm stoned writing this lmao
simon "ghost" riley x reader
warnings: none, lots and lots of tooth rotting fluff. reader is afab and referred to as mrs. riley once mom, mother, and with other fem terms but no specific pronouns are used and identifying gender isn't specified :)
word count: 655
a/n: simon and reader have 4 kids, twin son and daughter (4), a nonbinary teen (15) and a son (17), none of them are referred to with actual names except for the nonbinary child whose name is 'bug' (there is lore behind this i came up with while writing this if anyone wants a little fic extending on how bug chose their name), simon and the reader have been together for 18 years. i actually have no idea how old ghost is even supposed to be, i just headcanon him in his mid 30's but for this specific au he'll be 40 on the dot, reader is meant to be 38-40.
"are we there yet?" you hear the whine of your four year old son come from his car seat behind you. it wasn't hard to tell the poor guy was getting restless and impatient,
"just 20 more minutes bud, keep watching bluey with your sister." your husband, simon responds to the squirrely child before you can speak up. you flash him a sweet smile and look over your shoulder to glimpse back at your children.
you were currently on a roadtrip up to scotland to visit one of simon's military friends and vacation at the beach with your family. you found it a little funny that on his break from work simon was so happy and eager about going to see one of his coworkers, but it warmed your heart to know he had such close friends especially in people he had to work with, people who he literally trusted with his life.
"how're you all holding up?" you ask the four with a sweet smile.
"good." your eldest son mumbles, not moving his attention from his phone, texting his friends.
"how about you my little bug?" you turn your attention to your 15 year old.
"i'm good mama, just playing a word search game." they replied, turning their phone to show you the progress of their game.
"nice, you're doing great. i didn't even realize that fritz was a real word."
it was just under another 20 minutes when you pulled into the driveway of simon's friend's, johnny, house. it was s beautiful, quaint thing, the ocean a few hundred feet away behind the home. as you unbuckled your seatbelt you saw the man appear from his home, holding his arms out with a loud chuckle for simon as your husband stepped out of the vehicle.
you smiled to yourself as you got out of the car, watching your husband embrace his friend gruffly as you removed your four year old daughter from her car seat. "hello darling, we're here now." you say gently to the child, who is just awakening from the nap she decided to take in the car.
bug removed your four your old son from his seat for you, holding the boy in their arms as you thank them and give their head a pat with your free hand.
you and the four children approach your husband and his friend, offering the scott a sweet smile. "it's good to see you again johnny."
"you to mrs. riley, kiddos."
"hi uncle johnny." the kids replied.
"why don't the four of you go and play on the beach? it's a private beach and there's not too many others out on it today." soap suggests to the kids with a smile, thumbing over his shoulder to point towards the beach.
it was a couple hours later, you were sat on a beach chair under an umbrella watching simon in the water with your daughter, hearing the four year old's loud and excited giggling made your heart swell. your eldest son and 15 year old playing water volleyball against johnny as your youngest son rested in your arms, tired of playing in the water and just wanting to be cuddled by his mother.
your heart felt full as you watched the scene in front of you, this vacation was well needed for everyone, your two older kids having worked incredibly hard on their schooling and grades, simon having worked hard at work as he always does. and being four is harder than it may seem, the twins needed this break just as much as everyone else.
and of course yourself, you had worked hard at home, taking care of the kids, the housework, and so much more. with and without simon, you worked hard and deserved the break too. it was nice to finally get the time to do something fun like this together as a family. you wouldn't trade it for the world.
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questioningwriter · 10 months
(This is one of those moments where I hate myself. It was supposed to be a freaking!!! One-Shot!!!!! One!! Freaking!!! Chapter!!!!!!! And now I have to do a part 3!!!!! How do do this to myself?)
(First post on the new blog. If I were smart, I would have tagged all of my old followers in this one, so they saw it.
… unfortunately, I'm not smart.)
Edit: Fixed the links!
Hostage Pt. 2
TW: Mentions of suicide, drugging, kidnapping
Part 1
"-burn in hell, you bastard." Supervillain said as the world went up in flames.
Supervillains last words played over and over again in Superhero's head. He couldn't erase it. He hadn't thought Supervillain would actually kill himself.
"Superhero?" Superhero turned to see one of the cleanup crew walking toward him. "I think you should see this."
Superhero followed the other man as he led the crime fighter into the destroyed building. "From your description of events, we were able to figure out where Supervillain was standing at the time of the explosion. And, well-" The worker gestured to a spot of completely untouched concrete. "He was right here."
There's no body. The words rang in Superhero's mind as he realized he implications. "Supervillain is still alive." He managed. "We need to assemble a team to find him and bring him to justice."
"Understood, sir." One of the other hero's raced over. "Where do we start?"
"In the most obvious place." Superhero stood. "His main base."
Hero was exhausted. He'd pulled the nightshift to watch over the hostage, and all he wanted to do was go home.
And then he walked into his office to see that, in his absence, Villain had gouged into his wrists in an attempt to get free.
"God fucking dammit." Hero muttered, walking over. "You fucking idiot."
Villain glared at him. "I bet you'd do worse to yourself to escape me."
Hero shrugged. Villain wasn't wrong. "Still." He grabbed the Villain's arm as he uncuffed one wrist. "I promised Superhero you'd be uninjured-"
A shift in the air behind them, then a knife was pressing to their throat. "Let him go, and put your hands in the air." Supervillain growled in Hero's ear.
Hero dd as he was told. Villain sat up, wincing as the cuff around his other wrist shifted, agitating the wound. "That hurts like a bitch." Villain growled. Grabbing the keys from where Hero had dropped them on the floor, he unlocked the other cuff around his wrist. The cuffs fell to the ground as Villain stood. "Thanks for coming to get me, baby." He teased.
"Of course, sweetheart." Supervillain purred. "Be a dear, and get those cuffs for me? I have a feeling we're going to need insurance."
Villain did as he was asked. "Can we take a vacation?" Villain asked, striding over to the desk. Judging by the angle of Supervillain's head in Hero's prereferral, he was checking out Villain's ass. "Given Superhero's renewed obsession with you, I think we deserve one."
"You're not wrong." Supervillain mused. "How about Cuba?"
"I want to go to Hawaii." Villain looked up from the note he was writing. "Which one do I put?"
Supervillain considered. "The one in the country. Manor house."
Villain wrote something down as Supervillain cuffed Hero's wrists behind him.
"We good to go?" Villain made to walk back over, but wobbled dangerously.
"Yeah." Supervillain fished around in his pocket for something. "Just give me a second."
A damp cloth was pressed to Hero's face, accompanied by the familiar sweet scent of chloroform. Hero thrashed against the criminal's hold, before forced to inhale, and passed out.
Superhero and the rest of the hero's were tearing through one of Supervillain's bases when they get the alert of a break-in at HQ. Racing back, they encountered a... bit of a problem.
"Hero's gone!" Other Hero cried, bursting into where Superhero stood in Hero's office. "We searched the whole building..." Other hero trailed off as their superior didn't react. "Is everything okay?"
Superhero didn't answer. He was too focused on the note in his hands.
Missing something? If no, ignore this. If yes, then meet us at the location below to collect what you lost by midnight tomorrow! See you there, super-douche! -Supervillain and Villain
On the paper was an string of numbers. Coordinates.
Superhero looked up at Other Hero. "Get everyone to meeting room 3." He snarled. "Supervillain kidnapped Hero."
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
hello, hope you're doing well and taking good care of yourself :) I just wanted you to know that I absolutely adore and worship the way you write Stepdad Erwin 🛐
And if you've got the time for this I have a request for Stepdad Erwin where the reader just had a terrible breakup, her and Erwin share a not so very innocent father and daughter bond which goes along the lines of passing flirtatious comments or stuff like that. And now that his sweet daughter is hurt and feels miserable Daddy Erwin decides to comfort her by fucking her real good ♡
If you're comfortable I'd love to see your approach towards this, thank you :)
Pairing: stepfather!Erwin x stepdaughter!reader
Genre: smutty smut, age gap (Erwin is 37, y/n is 20 lmao), stepdad x stepdaughter relationship TW: daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral f and m receiving, stepcest, dumbification dd/lg uh idk what else lol Taglist: @hopeless-daydream3r @syrma-sensei @nathalunalune @nighttimescribbles @dassmyname @slavanimesimp @shrekisshrimpthesimp @antoxsmith @killerbananas @macyomoiji @teri-yeager IT'S UNEDITED!!
"Honey, I'm going out with the girls, tonight, alright?"
Of course, there was never really a night when Erwin actually fell asleep with his wife beside him. She was always gone and it pissed him off at first, but lately, he had just stopped caring.
Erwin sighed and hung his coat by the coatstand. He had just gotten home after a long day at work and all he wanted to do was rest.
"Is y/n home yet?" Erwin asked. The only reason he hadn't divorced that woman was because of you. You had great potential and he had made sure you were studying in one of the best colleges in the country.
Having your mom marrying another man when you were just fifteen, you didn't really like it at first, but as the time passed, Erwin earned your respect, and eventually your affection. Now, you were twenty years old and you knew better than ever that the only reason you were studying in that college was because Erwin was there to provide for you.
If you were left with just your mom - hell you wouldn't be studying at all. Erwin supported you and when he was in a good mood - he spoiled you, funding your shopping sprees, your outings with your friends, your vacations. It wasn't such a big deal. His purse was always full since he owned a company and fuck you'd be a liar if you said you've never thought about him in the loneliest nights.
Maybe he had picked up on your sounds, coming from your room, late in the night, touching yourself to the very thought of him. He had watched you once. You little minx - you had left your door half-open so that he would see you.
The way you moaned his name when you came all over your fingers - he would never forget it. You slutty little thing.
Of course, his wife was clueless. She was never really home.
"Oh yes," She said. "Just came home from college. Her boyfriend broke up with her so she's a bit of a mess. Just leave her alone for a while." She pecked Erwin's lips before walking out the door. "Bye, honey!"
Erwin frowned. He'd known you had a boyfriend. It had pissed him off as well, but he couldn't really stop you. You'd both known that the awkward looks, the flirtatious conversations, the lusty nights - you both knew that this was wrong. You were his stepdaughter and he was your stepfather. You both had to get it together and never indulge in this.
So, you tried to run from it. You got a boyfriend and he focused on his job. But Erwin was angry anyway.
No man should be allowed to hurt his little girl.
Erwin ignored his wife's instructions, and he headed straight for your room. Your door was closed but he could hear silent little sobs coming from you.
You sniffled and wiped your cheeks. "Not now, daddy."
He sighed. His pretty baby was a mess. He walked in anyway and gently approached you. You were lying on your bed, your back facing the door. He walked around to sit by the edge of the bed, facing you. You buried your face in your pillow and a small sob escaped you again.
"Aw, my sweet baby." He caught your chin, urging you to pull your face from your pillow so that he could look at your teary eyes and damp cheeks. You were so fucking beautiful when you cried.
He wrapped his arms around you and he picked you up like you weighed nothing, settling you on his lap. Your knees pressed on the bed on his sides and you sniffled again, wiping the pretty tears off your cheeks with your palm while he tucked your hair behind your ear. Ruined mascara stained your cheeks and he licked his thumb, swiping it away.
"What's his name? Tell daddy and he'll take care of it."
"No! Daddy, it's alright, I'm..." you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, grasping onto his half-open white shirt. "...I'm alright... s' glad you're here..." you buried your face in his neck, drawing in his scent mixed with his expensive cologne. His fingers buried within your hair, petting your head as if you were some beautiful little pet.
"You poor thing. Your first heartbreak. Must be so devastated."
"I am, daddy."
"That's alright, little girl..." he pulled back to look at you, cupping your pretty face "...will you let daddy make you feel better?"
You nodded frantically before he leaned in caught your pretty lips in his own. You sighed contently in the kiss and parted your lips allowing entrance to your mouth. He kissed you soft and sweet letting him taste you and you buried your fingers in his hair. His arms were around you, sneaking beneath your tank top to touch your waist, your hips, your belly, your breasts.
He let go of your lips, pressing soft, wet, open-mouthed kisses on your neck, your chest, your shoulder. He pulled your tank top over your head, revealing your pretty body beneath. Your hips were already thrusting against his crotch. He grabbed your hips, keeping you in place.
"Not yet, baby girl." He planted a bite at the crook of your neck and you gasped, throwing your head back for him.
"Please... please, daddy, I need you... been wanting you for so long..."
"I know, sweetheart, I know..." he unclasped your bra, letting your pretty breasts loose, pulled a nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, watching your shake and shiver while you struggled to take off his shirt. "No." He caught your hands, and trapped them both behind you, at the small of your back with just one of his own. You tried to free them, but he was just too strong "the only one naked in here, will be you, baby girl."'
You whined. "That's unfair!"
He chuckled and finally pulled from her breasts to look up at that cute little pout that spread on your lips. "Do you think that it wasn't unfair of you to be a slutty little thing, touching herself in the nights, moaning my name so damn loud? It was intentional, wasn't it? Leaving your door open... pretty baby, all spread out for daddy to watch."
"No! Daddy, I- I didn't mean to-"
"Ssshh, it's alright, my pretty angel, just let daddy make you feel good, alright?"
You nodded sheepishly. He helped you take off your shorts and your panties, now completely naked, settling back down on your bed, parting your pretty legs for him and fuck your cunt looked fucking divine. Better than what he had imagined.
He stood up of the bed and grabbed your legs, dragging you to the edge of the bed. He knelt down and buried his face between your legs. He closed his lips around your clit, giving it a strong suck and making your head roll back to the mattress. Your hands balled into fists around the sheets of your bed while he eased a thick finger inside your warm, wet walls.
He licked a stripe from your slit to your clit, gathering your sweet arousal on his tongue. He curled his finger inside your cunt, searching for that sensitive spot that he'd use for the rest of the night to coax however many orgasms he wanted out of you.
You let a particularly high-pitched moan when he found it and he smiled devilishly. He pressed his tongue on your twitching clit while he looked up at you. How you had thrown your head back. Beautiful body arched and delicious breasts peaked in attention. And then there were those sounds - those delicious sounds that he had heard before but he had tried so hard to hold himself back.
It was so fucking wrong to do this with his stepdaughter. You were but a little girl in his eyes - a twenty year old inexperienced little princess that he was going to corrupt and turn into a mindless slut who was only made to provide holes for daddy.
"Shit..." Erwin growled sucking harder on your clit and gently easing another finger inside your spasming hole that was now dripping. The second finger came in without any resistance. His cock was forming a tent beneath his pants and if you didn't cum now, he'd skip the prep and just fuck you right then and there.
He licked your juices and he nudged your sweet spot with every rough thrust his fingers made inside you. The sounds were obsecene. Your wet cunt was almost as loud as your moans and whimpers and gasps that turned to tiny little screams as he brought you closer and closer.
"Right there, daddy! Right there, I'm gonna cum!"
He smacked your thigh, leaving an imprint of his hand there, hard enough to make you cry out from the sudden pain that travelled straight to your cunt.
"Cum, baby, be a good girl and cum on daddy's tongue."
You screamed. Your back made an unnatural arch and your legs shook around his head. He pressed a hand to your belly, to keep you pinned on the bed while he fucked his fingers into you, overstimulating you through your orgasm till you were scream and pretty tears were running down your cheeks.
"No! Daddy! S' too much, too much... too much- Ah!"
He slapped your clit roughly a couple of times knocking another orgasm out of you in a row. You could barely breathe. It was too much, you wept, but he let you ride it out, planting kisses on your thighs, while you twitched and trembled and you finally calmed down.
"What a good girl..." he planted a gentle bite on your thigh "...my good, pretty girl... you did so well for me."
He took off his belt and hovered on top of you, sinking his limbs all around you on the bed while he kissed away your tears and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your fingers in his hair. You caught his lips again, devouring his mouth, trying to get sly and unbutton his shirt while you kept him distracted with your lips.
He pulled back from the kiss and he wrapped your arms, tearing them away from his shirt and pinning them on the bed above your head. You giggled at that look of irritation on his face.
Maybe if you riled him up he'd fuck you hard. That's exactly what you wanted and he was going to give it to you.
"Don't be a bad girl, y/n." He warned. "You don't want to know what happens to bad girls."
"I want to touch you!"
He clicked his tongue. "Not today, babygirl." He caught his belt that he had set aside. "Hands up."
You pouted but still did as asked, letting him fasten his belt around your wrists and after he made sure you'd keep them there, he got up, and grabbed your bound wrists with one arm, dragging you off the bed and on your knees right in front of him.
Your parted your lips like a good girl, sticking your tongue out, waiting for him to stick his cock inside your awaiting mouth. Your mouth watered at the sight of it. Big and beautiful cock, long and girthy, one large vein protruding along the length. Fuck, this man was perfect.
He pressed the leaky tip to your tongue, letting you taste his salty precum before he caught your head and gently thrust his cock inside you mouth. He buried his fingers in your hair and he fucked your mouth. He grunted as the wet warmth of your mouth enveloped his cock. Spit ran down your chin and leaked on the floor, making a mess on his black shoes.
He brought you close enough, burying himself down your throat, making you gag and bury your nose in his underbelly. He grunted before finally releasing you and picking you up, literally throwing you on the bed as if you weighed nothing.
You wrapped your legs around his waist while he positioned himself on your entrance before he thrust in. Your mouth parted in a silent scream and your body arched. You threw your head back while he buried his face in your neck, beginning to lick and kiss and bite.
"Fuck... you're so big, daddy... s' deep..."
"You feel amazing, sweetheart." He caught your lips in his own, settling deep inside you all the way for a moment like he kissed you sweet before he pulled back and settled on his knees.
He settled your legs on his shoulders and he started thrusting.
With a few slow thrust and his thumb on your clit, those pretty moans started to slip from your lips. His cock nudged your spot and you cried out. He groaned as you clenched around him. Your wetness was making a mess on your bed.
But that was alright, daddy would just buy a new set.
His fat cock stretched you over and over, reaching the deepest parts. He groaned. "You're squeezing me so hard, sweetheart..." he leaned down, grabbing your tied hands and forcing them above your head while he pulled out and thrust back in harder this time, knocking you forward. A delicious cry escaping your pretty mouth "...no boy has fucked this cunt the way it deserves to be fucked, hmm?"
"Y- Yes! D- Daddy, please... s' good, fuck..." there was no way you could form a coherent sentence right now.
"It's alright, baby. You're mine now," he buried his face back in your neck, biting down harshly enough to leave a mark. You gasped. He picked up the pace, bullying your spot with his cock. His balls slapped against your ass, heavy and full. He groaned. "Are you going to be a good girl and cum around daddy's cock? Hmm?"
"Fuck, daddy, yes! Yes, please, please... m' so close, s' fuckin' close please..."
His hand snuck between your bodies, rubbing your clit in tense circles whilst he fucked you hard, hitting your cervix and you were a gone.
Your screamed, gushing all over his pumping cock. Your body arched and shook beneath him and he groaned because you squeezed him so fucking tight, he nearly came inside you. He pulled out, cumming all over your heaving stomach.
He let you both to take a moment to catch your breath. He cleaned you up before tucking you to sleep, kissing away your tear-stained cheeks and cupping your face.
"I don't want any other man laying hands on you. Is that understood?"
"Y- Yes, daddy!"
He pressed a kiss on your forehead. "Good girl."
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modelbus · 1 year
May I please request a MTommyinnit x M reader? (TOMMYINNIT; CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS; SOULMATES?)
Where Tommy distinctly remembers meeting a foreign Mreader as a child during one of his family's camping trip, but he can't really be too sure because he was so young and he doesn't have any pictures with said Mreader. Meanwhile, Mreader doesn't understand why he's so attached to the framed picture of him and a young blonde kid from a camping trip he went on years ago. Flashforward to now, they go back to the camping grounds from their childhood to maybe try to find each other again? Except when they arrive with their respective families, a goose literally attacks them (Tommy and Mreader) and chases them until they run into each other.
P.S yes the geese are soulmate geese who bother their person until they run into their soulmate lmao
PPS I love your works so much, I look forward to your updates all the time :')) Keep up the amazing work fr
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also, I find soulmate geese so funny, definitely one of the best soulmate AU’s
Pairing: CC!Tommy x Male!Reader
Childhood Friends to Lovers - Soulmate AU
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“Well, is it like you remembered?” Your mom asks, but you don’t respond.
You’re too busy looking around the campground, searching for a certain boy. The last time your family came here, years ago, you made an instant best friend with a boy named Tommy. Your mom must’ve taken a photo of you two because the framed photo has sat on your desk ever since.
But now you were here, ten years to the day, for another camping trip. You were absolutely determined to find this kid and figure out why kid you was so damn attached.
Obviously your plan had a few flaws. The biggest one? You have no fucking clue what he looks like. In the photo he was blond and tall, taller than you, but that was ten years ago. For all you know he could’ve dyed his hair and stopped growing!
“Why don’t you walk around? There’s a lake you could probably get some cool photos at for your friends or something.” Your mom suggests. She lowers her voice. “Your dad’s struggling with the tent, just give him a bit.”
You turn around to see the entire tent collapse on your dad. Anything is better than being roped into that mess, even trying to hunt down the mystery guy.
“Yeah, alright. Text me if you need me!” With that, you make your escape.
The campground is actually really full. It is prime vacation time though, so it makes sense. You aren't quite sure if that makes your job easier or harder. It meant a higher likelihood of the guy being here but made it harder to actually find him.
Somehow you instinctively make your way down near the water, where a few geese are scattered around. Cute, but you know they can and will bite you if you get any closer. Luckily you aren't seeing any goslings. You raise your phone, opening the camera app to take a photo. Who doesn't appreciate photos of geese?
Of course, the second your eyes are off the geese, one decides it fucking hates you. The goose charges at you, all fluffed up feathers and angry honking noises.
"Woah, hey!" You exclaim, backing away slowly.
It doesn't seem to be slowing down though, still advancing. You actually like not having to get a rabies shot--can geese get rabies? You don't want to find out--so you turn tail and run. Apparently that was also the wrong move, as it chases you.
There's just no winning with this stupid goose.
"I'm dead, I'm so fucking dead." You pant, racing through unfamiliar tents.
As you disrupt everyone's camping experience, they stop to stare at you. You must look like a madman, running from a goose like this. But they bite! And you have a will to live!
Risking a glance back, you stare at the goose. You'd think it looked almost majestic if it wasn't actively trying to kill you. Wings spread wide, it was showcasing its beauty. Unfortunately, it was still chasing you.
"Leave me alone, you fucker!" Someone shouts.
You turn your head away from the goose and to the noise, still running, only to crash into something. You barely see a flash of red before you land hard on your ass. The goose is definitely going to kill you.
"Oh God, I'm going to die to a fucking goose." You groan.
"My friends are never letting me live it down if I die to one of these fuckers."
Whipping your head around, you realize the thing you crashed into wasn't actually a "thing." It was a person. A blond boy was also sprawled out on the grass next to you, in a red shirt. He looks strangely familiar, but you don't really have time to think about that right now.
There're two geese now, both honking at you two. At least they seem to be getting some amusement out of your inevitable death.
"You were getting chased by one too?" The boy guesses.
"Yeah, thing just charged at me!"
"Me too!"
He grins at you, and for a second you forget about the geese. There was something so agonizingly familiar about that smile.
"I think they're not angry anymore?" He stands up, and you realize the geese stopped making noises. Now they're just staring at you two. If you didn't know better, you would've thought they seemed impatient.
He offers you a hand to help you up, and you take it.
"Now that we survived a goose attack together, I feel like we're practically best friends." You joke.
"Those who fight off savage geese together stay together, as I always say." He agrees, nodding. "I'm Tommy, by the way."
The name strikes something in you, and you suddenly realize why he seems so familiar. Blond hair, tall as fuck. You had completely forgotten the name Tommy, but hearing it now you remember. What were the chances a random goose actually chased you into meeting the kid you met ten years ago?
"Weird question, but you wouldn't have happened to come here ten years ago, would you?"
Tommy's face changes from amusement to shock, jaw dropping. The expression change tells you everything you need to know, the answer to your question.
"No fucking way." He gasps.
"Fucking way."
One of the geese lets out a honk, making you both jump and turn toward it. The geese waddle away, considerably calmer than when they were trying to attack you both.
"This is fucking crazy." Tommy laughs, running a hand through his hair.
"You're telling me! A goose chased me from the other side of the campground to here!" You exclaim. "It's like it knew what it was doing!"
"They were conspiring against us!"
You laugh at his words, and he almost seems to glow at it.
"Hey, could I get your number? So I don't have to go ten years wondering about you again." He asks, forming it into another joke.
"Of course." He hands you his phone, and you quickly put in your number and save your contact. "There. This time we can't disappear on each other."
"Hey! That was your fault!"
"How was it my fault?! You were the one who left!"
"You're the one who isn't English! Who the fuck isn't English?!"
As you joke with each other like no time has passed, something weird happens. It's like a piece of you has slotted into place, a piece you didn't even know was missing.
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elvenbeard · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
I've been tagged by @chevvy-yates tysm!! :DD
I'm mostly working on some VP edits at the moment, as well as writing, but I also have some art wips, but nothing shareable as of rn just yet XD
For VP, I did something a little experimental with light and water, which was mainly for testing an idea but which I ended up really liking:
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(I already used this one in a recent post, but there's more to come prooobably next male V monday :3)
I was playing around with pathtracing on and off in photomode because the last game update *finally* fixed the material bug that was often affecting Kerry's cyberware really badly, as well as some of Vince's especially sparkly outfits on my setup for some reason. So now I can do cute couple pics with them with pathtracing on :3 although I do genuinely like having it off, too, sometimes :o the pic above was done without pathtracing and created this really... idk how to describe it, oil-spill-like effect, while with pathtracing on the reflections in the water were more natural looking but also a lot less colorful. So yeh, I really had fun playing around with that and can use my knowledge for something else soon I hope!! :D
Also: them ;_____; in all their golden, path-traced glory at Dark Matter xD
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(Kerry's outfit is another small wip I guess XD I want to redo some of my custom outfits for him a little bit, also with custom recolors - alllll the recolors really. And @pinkyjulien's latex bodysuit is really nice as standalone but also goes REALLY nicely with Vince's regular wardrobe, just saying :333 wardrobe overhaul and separate post incoming for him as well xD)
Also in progress is a small summer/vacation-themed VP series again :D Kind of as a follow-up to the Road Trip series (once that's finished), but nothing edited to share there just yet... I am having a great time working on it though xD
As for writing, Chapter 6 of "Love is stored in the olive jar (working title)" is... basically done XD I keep coming back to it and rewriting/ adding stuff, but I think it's ready to post soon!! Tiny snippet again:
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As for tags, I'm tagging everyone who reads this and has something to share! And completely without pressure I'm tagging @humberg @pinkyjulien @kharonion @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @theviridianbunny @valrez @civilization-illstayrighthere and @swearingcactus if you have something you're working on rn that you'd like to share a wip of!
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manjushagep · 11 months
What outfits do you have planned so far for your project? ❤
Here are the wips I'm working on right now, so if anyone has any requests or suggestions for fits, names, or descriptions, do feel free to share! :DD
➽ Kaalimato (colourable) »»➽ Variants: MV pants, Turquoise Carpet ➽ The Slut Jacket ➽ Spiky Stuff ➽ Sparkly Black Loungewear ➽ Suits (colourable) »»➽ Variants: Peliä Suit, Fantastista Suit/Yellow K Suit ➽ Casual (Not sure if I'd put the vacation stuff here as variants, and which casual stuff I'll add so lmk any requests hehe) ➽ Mr. John »»➽ Variants: Cha Cha Cha suit (still thinking if I'll put this here or on the Suits set) ➽ That Black Shirt He Always Wore ➽ Yellow Corduroy Fit (Plus some accessories, like the Bulbasaur hat and stuff)
➽ Paidaton Kiehuja ➽ Housuton Riehuja (Kiehuja?) ➽ And a secret third (and possibly fourth) thing courtesy of the discord server teehee
I'm also looking for suggestions on 'consumables'! So far I've got Glöggi, Piña Colada, Champagne, (maybe the Cha Cha Cha drink?), (maybe the Cha Cha Cha icecream?), Käärijätorttu, (maybe that one Lithuanian snack he ate?), Hockey-branded liquorice, and of course Snus lmaoo
So feel free to throw any ideas my way! With all these sprites, we might even have enough to make some sort of dress-up game as a companion piece X)))
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Wow a recent hot search post appeared on my timeline here and I WISH I hand not gone to read the comments on Weibo. So much negativity, although I’m pretty new here and I’ve been warned that xfx is the most toxic fandom ever however, reading comments by mtjjs I’m speechless, they’re so mean. Xiao Zhan did not deserve such hate over something that had nothing to do with him, when he’s literally been so quiet as well. Was the person who made that post about why Wang Yibo deleted his photo (which blew up) a turtle?
Stop it, Anon.
If you want to fixate on this, I'm not going to help you. This entire issue has been a derailment of DD's wonderful vacation photos. The man never gives us personal photos, and this is exactly the kind of BS that I'm sure contributes to that.
Everyone from every fandom should just stop now, and just enjoy the great content he gave us. If people keep making it about everything except the fun he was having, it'll be another year before we get another personal photo from him.
Block and ignore. Anything else is only fueling the antis.
More on that here.
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yanteetle · 8 months
Anyways, how have you been babes! It’s been a while since I checked on you!
Is the school treating you good? I hope your not stressed out!
I hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!
I'm currently on vacation, so I'm taking the time to get more art and drawings done! Hopefully I can get my ass to finish my future Leo illustration before it ends, but as of now it's lookin a little bleak because I'm reconsidering redoing the lineart for the uh. 3rd time in a row (?)
Aside from busting my ass trying to draw Future Leo, I've been taking care of myself! (aside from sleeping near 6am every night LMAO) and I've been eating really well too :)) Thanks for checking up on me btw, I really appreciate it, even though I'm currently lacking the emotional capacity to be as responsive with asks! Hope you're doing okay, and I'm really glad you sent in your ask about Angwun's playlist! I use youtube music too, so it's surprisingly very convenient for me :DD
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kirchefuchs · 11 months
Ceres help me it is 3:58am and I have been tossing and turning in my bed for the past 30 minutes and I can't sleep
Now that I've watched a few episodes (read: 2 episodes) of Trigun (the og 1998 anime btw–), I can officially deduce that the Trigun mf (I have no idea what to call him help ☠️ do I just call him Vash–) is 100% silly
I CAN'T TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY DUDE AND I LOVE HIM FOR THAT. REALEST ENERGY RIGHT THERE ☝️ I WOULD HUG HIM and probably get berated by the short-haired lady (I suck at names 😭) but wHATEVER I'D STILL HUG HIM ANYWAY and also give him a box of those donuts he got
but now
i have to ask—does Vash go Super Serious Mode™ in an episode that doesn't include a woman like Marianne (I think that was her name 😭❓ RAHHH I SUCK AT NAMES I'M SO SORRY)
if he d o e s tho,
and I ask you this politely–
describe why in the weirdest, most nonsensical way possible
"local florida man simply decided to wear a dino suit one day and was promptly screwed by the local government" type of nonsensical
and then type the episode
so that once I get to that episode, I'll finally understand the context and what you were trying to say :D
(context for this very unusual request: I tend to do this with @ann-aha (< on a temporary no-wifi vacation) whenever I get into a series that she is conveniently obsessed with (she also does this with me towards The Stanley Parable lmao–) andd I decided to do this with you cuuuz idk, ur a friend in my book)
— 🅰️non, on the very ungodly time between 3:58am and 4:14 am || 18/07/2023 [decided to change it lol– it's now DD/MM/YYYY]
I love my silly little guy so much. He truly means the world to me. And don't worry about the names, I suck at names too but you'll get used to them eventually.
(You have no idea how honored I am to have you consider me a friend ♡)
I couldn't pick just one, and maybe not all of them fit the "Vash going serious mode™" but most of them do so I'm putting of of then here. I just love Trigun so much. It's so good. I'm so excited to watch as you get further into it.
Anyways, here's those descriptions you asked for and the episodes they're from
Local blonde man shoots Goliath's fist five times to save moms that tried to kill him earlier that day. Episode 5
Hungover man and his supposed boyfriend (also hungover) win local quick draw tournament with the power of love and incredible amounts of guns. Episode 10
Supposed amnesiac strips naked and barks like a dog to protect found family from bandits. Episode 18
Wandering priest slaps victim of multiple bullet wounds, with the pretense that the victim is "just pretending" and "he's actually fine". Episode 18
Local priest has to be reminded of the commandment "thou shalt not kill" by infamous gunman toting a sixty billion double-dollar bounty on his head. Episode 18
Local priest and infamous gunman clear town of bandits in the most homosexual way possible. Episode 18
First person declared a human natural disaster has breakdown over donuts as he realizes his feelings for man doomed by the narrative. Episode 24
(I realize I did 4 for episode 18, but to be fair, it is one of my favorites)
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ducklooney · 1 year
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My artworks during 2022.
I wish everyone a happy New Year and happy holidays!
Unfortunately, like last year, I didn't have the exact template with my drawings this year either, so I'll post through this. Unlike 2021, during 2022 I improved my drawing methods a bit, and also opened a new blog where I mostly post my drawings and you can see them here: https://www.tumblr.com/ducktoonsfanart
Yes, I mostly drew related to Donald Duck and the Duckverse, but especially in November I also drew other franchises, mostly from Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons. Yes, this year I managed in all 12 months to draw at least one drawing in one month. Yes, there were ups and downs for me, but overall, the results were solid. Yes, although I mostly draw Quack Pack, I've certainly drawn related to Donald Duck comics, Darkwing Duck and the Three Caballeros. I hope to focus more on not only the Donald Duck franchise this year, but the others as well. I'm hoping to get over 100 followers on my side blog and hit 500 followers on this one. All in all, thanks everyone. And now the results of my drawings, that is, an overview through the year 2022:
January 2022 - Happy New 2022 Year! Ducks, goose and parrots teenagers celebrate the New Year - 22 views (likes and reblogs)
Also - Duck Avenger (Paperinik-Pk) and Double Duck ( PK Timecrime DD ) - 24 views
February 2022 - Gyro Gearloose and his friends in timetub - 21 views
March 2022 - Donald Duck and his family-Donald's family (Tribute to Carl Barks) - My version - 27 views
April 2022 - Teenager Donald and teenager Daisy with teenagers Huey, Dewey and Louie and teenagers April, May and June Duck (Young Donald and Quack Pack) - 45 views
May 2022 - Donald and Goofy Movie (Goof Troop and Quack Pack crossover) - 37 views
June 2022 - The Three Caballeros Ride Again - 37 views
Also Donald's birthday and summer party! - Happy birthday Donald Duck! (Plus Happy birthday Della!) - 38 views
July 2022 - Huey, Dewey and Louie and April, May and June Duck on vacation at the seaside - Quack Pack summer - 22 views
August 2022 - Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck with baseball hats - 24 views
Also Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck - Quack Pack - 25 views
Septembar 2022 - Ducktales - Happy 35th Anniversary and Happy 75th Birthday Scrooge McDuck! - 31 views
Also Donald Duck as Duck Avenger and his family as superheroes - Duck comics (Duck Avenger, She-Venger and Q-Galaxy) - 33 views
October 2022 - Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck - Triplets Mania - 85th anniversary - Quack Pack Week - Triplets - Plus Phooey Duck - 28 views
November 2022 - Duckvember - Humble Duck (Ducks) - 30 views
December 2022 - Donald and Daisy Duck and their children (Huey, Dewey and Louie, April, May and June Duck) celebrate Christmas and New Year - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - 26 views
And finally my most viewed drawing is:
Double Duck (Donald Duck as secret agent) and his student (more precisely his nephew) in action - 234 views (I don't even know how that drawing managed to get so much)
Plus surprise at the end: Duckvember - Manic and Problematic Duck and Free Space - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays - Crossover Ducks - 23 views
True, there are things that didn't work out so well for me, but I'm trying as hard as I can to improve all of that. I hope that the year 2023 will be a better opportunity for my drawing and that it will be better than the previous year and the year before. I thank everyone for following me and keep following me and there will be more surprises. And it won't just be about Disney and Warner Bros.
Once again, happy holidays to everyone and a happy new year 2023!
If you have any impression of what you liked the most and what you didn't like about these drawings, feel free to say so.
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goldenpinof · 8 months
Not that this is like, a hot new take or anything, but I can imagine that they both might be going through a bit of a crisis. Like their careers have finally died down but like, what do they do. They haven't done much else but be YouTube personalities (which is more than just YouTube, obv) for like, nearly 15 years. They are probably afraid to venture into new territory, because at this point that will likely mean risking either their brand or their bank accounts (like how Dan had to risk money to do the tour / offer to put up his own money for Dinok). Not that that's a good excuse, but I can understand being afraid and Phil just trying to hang on to his usual content for the both of them (as he also figures out work/life balance). Dan only did DD for the tour and it definitely felt kinda forced. Just doing their old stuff but with their older/out-of-closet selves isn't going to be successful in a way it's safe, for now.
As someone with a lot of the same kind of mental health struggles Dan has, I imagine he might be beyond burnt out and doesn't really want the attention anymore because of the work it requires. And even though it's like, okay it's been months since the tour okay what's next... idk what we'll really get out of him for a while (maybe a few years even?) besides random contract work like the channel 4 thing. Like, projection time, but I just got through grad school with extreme ADHD/executive dysfunction/procrastination etc, and was so burnt out by the end idk how I did it. And I'm like, oh well it's been about 6 months I should probably have a job in my field by now (which I'm probably insane for thinking that anyways because the job market is in so wild). But like, I've been kinda burnt out since 2016 (when I was 16 and a junior in high school, at the end of my og dnp phase) and all I can muster the mental energy to do now is the same part-time / retail work I've been doing the past few years. Which like, I'm barely getting by and I do ultimately feel disappointed that I'm not trying harder to put my fancy new degree to work because I'm barely applying for anything. But I just can't get myself together enough to do that right now. I imagine Dan might be going through something similar, like, he could be doing something creative but he probably is just tired and wants to just live life without any expectations and go on vacations and rely on Phil to be the content creator. He's probably aware that it's not ideal. But he also seems done with compromising any creative vision either because he doesn't want to do sponsorships or anything that isn't a deeply personal piece of art. And he probably doesn't have many deep ideas now that WAD is done and Dinok is stalled and there isn't much he seems to want to do commentary on (because if he just sucked it up he would actually be a pretty good commentary YouTuber lol).
I think they also have a lot more stuff to work through mental health wise too before they are ever really able to not be cryptic about their relationship, since when ex-phannies or random people who remember them see their tiktoks or whatever it's what they all ask about. Like to some degree I don't know if they ever wanted to be out and famous but it got to the point where they couldn't keep denying it either. I'm so glad they came out because it's clearly so much healthier, but beyond the trauma of being closeted that they had to overcome they probably now have trauma from years and years of people being weird towards them about their relationship and it's like... now they have get through that in order to take the next step. do they really want to go through all that just to help open themselves up to a new era of content? Idk.
(this turned out to be wayyy longer than I anticipated woops. can't even remember if some of this was in response to what was on your blog or some of the other similar conversations I've seen about this today but yeah).
i'm almost crying. i hate us so much. this is exactly why the phandom needs meet ups irl or "bubbles" where we could have conversations. because trying to answer THAT without forgetting something is hard, and also i can't imagine how hard it is to write these mini-essays and get bullshit in response.
i appreciate it a lot. and i basically agree with your message. i see how it can be true. and i know that in case of burnout, Dan can let himself step back. the problem i have with him disappearing and coming back after 2018 is that he thinks that the audience will wait for him and accept everything he puts out with the same passion, participation, and amount of money as when he and Phil were making content without long pauses. but book sales, merch sales, tour ticket sales, views and god knows what else that we can't see show that we aren't willing to wait. and it started in 2019 i guess, so you would think that by 2022 Dan would understand what went wrong and just book smaller venues (or make a smaller stage for it to not be a problem). i'm using wad just as an example. you said Dan could not want attention anymore. but he repeatedly says that he loves attention. and it's not only words, you can see it irl. ofc after tours there is a period of time to rest. but before that, there was a clusterfuck of something that was barely content while the merch releases were consistent. either because it was pre-made or because Dan was still living in a rose-colored world thinking that we would buy stuff without content. i'm not sure what i'm arguing here anymore riuehdfsidxkl apologies, i guess it's related to Dan wanting to fuck off. and he CAN. i don't care, 2019 taught me a lesson. (doesn't mean i can't bitch about it <3)
anyway. i understand your struggles with work and degree. basically, i was in the same position after graduating, and now it's even more difficult but i get it. choosing to work part-time, in retail and similar "easy" jobs because you can't deal with the weight of expectations that come with a degree, that's... yeah. an adult reality that no one told us about. i wish you the best, and i hope everything works out well. whatever you decide to do, remember you don't have to use your degree if you don't want to or just don't feel like you can at this moment. you know, getting a fancy "serious" job is such a commitment, bruhh. and you can always walk out of retail :)
Dan would be a brilliant commentary youtuber, you're right! he just knows how to talk and make people listen.
their brand is already fucked, nothing to save here. i mean, Dan and Phil brand doesn't exist. Dan's youtube brand is all over the place. AmazingPhil is the only consistent thing. and yes, it feels like Phil is terrified of shifting in any direction. we're stuck with 2016 content, it's like a real-life time machine on youtube. and if it works for him, fine. i'm just sad that there is no "trying new things" anymore and that he can't even get old successful things back.
i'm not commenting on their relationship because it would be too long. fuck tiktok though. i think dnp jumped to this "new popular" platform with no actual regular content to present as a distraction and that bit them in the ass.
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pandoa · 11 months
i'll be closing them back again once i reach around 15-20 requests, so get them in if you'd like <3
please also remember to go check out the request rules before sending one! thank you!!
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scalamore · 10 months
Again, another chapter that wasn't super rushed, had a good pace. THANK YOU MANHWA TEAM
I appreciate how hayeonnim designed literally 4 rupert outfits in the span of 3 panels at the start
Lol Lari realizes how absolutely loaded Rupert is (good for him, she still has not touched a dime of his funds yet for herself)
I like the panel where she squints at the bright sunlight after being cooped up in a dark library for a few hours
I LIKE HOW THIS WAS ADAPTED: Lari's kinda off in her own thoughts thinking about Rupert's situation, how to help him out somewhat while Louis is warning her to stay away from the archives, letting her know that Akan I's child might still be alive (HINT HINT), but she kinda half-responds with "Rupert will still win", as she worries about if him using alchemy will reduce his lifespan... to which Louis tells her that being Emperor is inherently dangerous. Noticing she's distracted, he makes a small comment that he thought Rupert was the only sincere one (as in, unreciprocated feelings), but looks its not... and it's not until Lari takes a few extra steps after Louis drops her off at the entrance of the main palace that she notices he's gone and wonders what he last said
It's implied this is the usual - Rupert still looks for her often :3
BTW I find it amusing that Lari is wearing an off-the shoulder dress this time. In the novel, she didn't start wearing these dresses AFTER they become a couple + the cute detail that during the debutante, Rupert was VERY uncomfortable with her sleeveless dress because her shoulders and back were so bare (HE GOT NERVOUS BECAUSE OF ALL THE SKIN HAHA). He likes Lari in anything anyways, but still :DD
HAHA Rupert's serious face when he says "no. I hate it" (he doesn't like Lari going on long walks with Louis, because that's the excuse she gave for being late) hahahaha
They bicker so naturally, and she's ready to kick him out if there's nothing important hahaha
Basically Rupert tells Lari that he got a message that the Queen/Arnulf is starting to move - they'll have evidence of potential treason soon
Omg its so obvious here, but wow Lari has really grown up and matured. Rupert asks her for her opinion on what he should do: obviously he would rather strike first and kill them ASAP, but he is really considering what Lari wants him to do since she requested that he NOT do that last time (vacation arc). So she tells him to hold off for how, until he has concrete proof of rebellion, then he uses that against them + work on his public image and become a popular, beloved Emperor.
Really, Rupert's getting cuter and cuter, while Lari is getting even stronger.. the two are really changing over time, and they're adopting parts of each other's personalities for the better T_T
At first, there were worries that Lari wouldn't be a good Empress because the story kinda establishes early on she doesn't exactly have the training for it, is quiet, doesn't know politics... she just kinda lives in the palace and helps out Rupert, doesn't have much ability, but here we see she's grown and is able to formulate a reasonable long-term plan to help Rupert succeed in the future and to avoid become a tyrant. The days of ignorance and pure hatred are over ~~ she's looking to the unknown future now aaaa
Rupert finds her incredibly funny when she insulted the "stupid Arnulf" hehe
I love how the two of them are so close now that it's so natural for them to reach out and touch each other's cheeks how in a reassuring gesture. Novel Lari thinks of how she just felt like she had to kinda thing. No thoughts, just comforting ^^
I like how Rupert just accepts that friendly touch and closes his eyes and enjoys the moment. AAAAAA
aaand the chapter ends with a confident looking Rupert because that's how Lari sees him - shining brightly and confident and can overcome ANYTHINGGG I'm happy :D
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amazing-spiderling · 9 months
for the least favorite ask game: episode of DD? matt murdock fanon headcanon or joke? marvel movie or show? fic trope? book you had to read at school as a kid ? place you went to for fun (doesn't have to be a whole vacation destination)? meal you've had multiple times but cant say no to because its what was being served?
Least Favorite:
episode of DD?
Probably "Semper Fidelis" from season 2. I think this is one of those episodes that is just rife with all the things that made that season not work for me. The Punisher trial could have been so interesting and it gets kneecapped because Elektra is impatient. Matt makes bad decisions for no real reason and his and Elektra's stuff is treated like it's SO time sensitive, but it's really not, it's just there to throw a wrench in the works. It sticks out like a sore thumb, and I just hate when I'm watching a show and I'm yelling, "Get back to the GOOD part!"
matt murdock fanon headcanon or joke?
If I never have to hear the "What to Daredevil and Scarlet Witch have in common" joke again, that would be great. Thanks. I'll be minding my own beeswax on instagram and then a random Turkish comic meme blog will show up in my feed and I can't read the language but I *KNOW* what it says and it wasn't even that funny the first time, guys. Let it go.
marvel movie or show?
Eternals was pretty darn boring for all the people in it that I wanted to like. I got a kick out of the Bollywood bit and then... the rest just didn't hold up to even its own internal logic. It's pretty bad when the fanbase is *begging* for the movie to be quietly erased from canon.
fic trope?
Probably "Dark!" versions of characters. I realize this sounds counterintuitive, given my love of Murderdock, but I think when I've given these fics a chance, they just tend to be, "Hey if your blorbo killed 10 guys with a rock and then kissed his love interest would that be fucked up or what" and there's not a lot of... *there* there. Or else they tend to read like someone is trying to convince me how dark and edgy they are and it's just... too difficult for me to get emotionally invested. Sorry, gang. I'm a hypocrite.
book you had to read at school as a kid?
The Witch of Blackbird Pond. I was assigned this book two years in a row and was bored to tears both times. I still have no clue what it was about because I could not focus on anything, I just remember being annoyed by the protagonist. I just tried to look up a summary and my brain still rejected it. :/
place you went to for fun (doesn't have to be a whole vacation destination)?
I'm just really not a beach person. I've been to Miami and stuff and I'm like. Yep. There's water next to some sand. Can we go home now? (I prefer the atmosphere of rocky beaches. There is Alaska in my bones.)
meal you've had multiple times but cant say no to because its what was being served?
My dad was one of like 11 kids, which meant I had a lot of aunts and uncles and countless cousins and for *years* the Thanksgiving tradition was to drive two hours to my grandmother's house where dozens of people would collect for a potluck. Being a dorky sci-fi and comic book reading nerd in a family of football enthusiasts aside, this meant that Thanksgiving dinner tended to be giant aluminum pans of dry turkey, gravy with mysterious bits one person in the family liked and overdone brown-and-serve rolls. It was often the worst meal of the year for me. Eventually when I was in high school, my older sisters decided enough was enough and we had Thanksgiving at home and it turns out, I actually like turkey when it wasn't cooked 10 hours before I get to eat it.
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