longliveblackness · 1 year
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At its height in the 1840s, the West African kingdom of Dahomey boasted an army so fierce that its enemies spoke of its “prodigious bravery.” This strong force, known as the Agojie, raided villages under cover of darkness, took captives and slashed off resisters’ heads to return to their king as trophies of war. Through these actions, the Agojie established Dahomey’s preeminence over neighboring kingdoms and became known by European visitors as “Amazons” due to their similarities to the warrior women of Greek myth. They were also called Mino, or Minon, "our mothers".
During their membership, they were not allowed to have children or be part of married life (though they were legally married to the king). Many of them were virgins.
The Mino trained with intense physical exercise. They learned survival skills and indifference to pain and death, storming acacia-thorn defenses in military exercises and executing prisoners. Discipline was emphasized. Serving in the Mino offered women the opportunity to "rise to positions of command and influence" in an environment structured for individual empowerment. The Mino were also wealthy and held high status.
The women's army consisted of many regiments: huntresses, riflewomen, reapers, archers, and gunners. Each regiment had different uniforms, weapons, and commanders. In a later period, the Dahomean female warriors were armed with Winchester rifles, clubs, and knives. Units were under female command.
In 1890 King Béhanzin started fighting French forces during the First Franco-Dahomean War. European observers noted that the women "handled admirably" in hand-to-hand combat. The Amazons participated in one major battle: Cotonou, where thousands of Dahomey (including many Amazons) charged the French lines and engaged the defenders in hand-to-hand combat. Despite the compliments given to them by the Europeans, the Amazons were decisively crushed, with several hundred Dahomey troops being gunned down.
By the end of the Second Franco-Dahomean War, special units of the Amazons were being assigned specifically to target French officers. After several battles, the French prevailed and ended the independent Dahomean kingdom. French soldiers, particularly of the French Foreign Legion, were impressed by the boldness of the Amazons and later wrote about their "incredible courage and audacity" in combat.
The troops were disbanded when the kingdom became a French protectorate. Oral tradition states that some surviving amazons secretly remained in Abomey afterward, where they quietly assassinated some French officers. Other stories say the women pledged their services to protect Agoli-Agbo, the brother of Béhanzin, disguising themselves as his wives to guard him. Some of the women married and had children, while others remained single.
The last survivor of the Dahomey Amazons is thought to have been a woman named Nawi. In a 1978 interview in the village of Kinta, a Beninese historian met Nawi, who claimed to have fought the French in 1892. Nawi died in November 1979, aged well over 100.
Estando en su mejor momento en los 1840, el reino Dahomey ubicado en África occidental, presumía de un ejército tan feroz que hasta sus enemigos hablaban acerca de su “prodigiosa valentía”. Estas fuerzas poderosas eran conocidas como las Agojie, atacaban pueblos mientras que iban cubiertas por la oscuridad de la noche, tomaban cautivos y cortaban cabezas para llevárselas como trofeo de guerra a su rey. A través de estas acciones, las Agojie establecieron preeminencia sobre los reinos vecinos y fueron conocidas por los visitantes europeos como "Las Amazonas" debido a sus similitudes con las mujeres guerreras del mito griego. También fueron llamadas Mino, o Minon, "nuestras madres".
Mientras que fueran miembros de las fuerzas, no se les permitía tener hijos o ser parte de la vida matrimonial (aunque estaban legalmente casadas con el rey). Muchos de ellas eran vírgenes.
Las Mino se entraban con ejercicios físicos intensos. Aprendieron habilidades de supervivencia e indiferencia al dolor y la muerte, asaltaban defensas en ejercicios militares y ejecutaban prisioneros. Se enfocaron en la disciplina. Servir como Minons, le ofreció a las mujeres la oportunidad de "ascender a puestos de mando e influencia" en un entorno estructurado para el empoderamiento individual. Las Mino también eran ricas y tenían un alto estatus.
Este ejército de mujeres consistían de varios regimientos: cazadoras, fusileras, segadoras, arqueras y artilleras. Cada regimiento tenía diferentes uniformes, armas y comandantes. En un período posterior, las guerreras de Dahomey estuvieron armadas con rifles Winchester, garrotes y cuchillos. Las unidades estaban bajo mando femenino.
En el año 1890, el rey Béhanzin comenzó a luchar contra las fuerzas francesas durante la Primera Guerra Franco-Dahomeana. Los observadores europeos notaron que las mujeres "se manejaron admirablemente" en el combate mano a mano. Las amazonas participaron en una gran batalla: Cotonou, donde miles de Dahomey (incluidas muchas de las amazonas) atacaron las líneas francesas y se enfrentaron a los defensores en un combate mano a mano. A pesar de los cumplidos que les dieron los europeos, las amazonas fueron aplastadas de manera decisiva, y cientos de soldados Dahomey fueron asesinados a tiros.
Al final de la Segunda Guerra Franco-Dahomeana, se asignaron unidades especiales de las Amazonas específicamente para atacar a los oficiales franceses. Después de varias batallas, los franceses prevalecieron y terminaron con el reino independiente de Dahomey. Los soldados franceses, específicamente los de la Legión Extranjera Francesa, quedaron impresionados por la audacia de las amazonas y luego escribieron acerca del "increíble coraje y audacia" que mostraron en combate.
Las tropas se disolvieron cuando el reino se convirtió en un protectorado francés. La tradición oral dice que algunas amazonas sobrevivientes permanecieron en secreto en Abomey, donde asesinaron en silencio a algunos oficiales franceses. Otras historias dicen que las mujeres prometieron servir y proteger a Agoli-Agbo, el hermano de Béhanzin, muchas disfrazándose como esposas para protegerlo. Algunas de las mujeres se casaron y tuvieron hijos, mientras que otras permanecieron solteras.
Se cree que la última sobreviviente de las amazonas de Dahomey fue una mujer llamada Nawi. En una entrevista de 1978 en el pueblo de Kinta, un historiador beninés conoció a Nawi, quien afirmó haber luchado contra los franceses en 1892. Nawi murió en noviembre de 1979, con más de 100 años.
Source | Fuente: African American Registry
Spanish translation by Long Live Blackness
Traducción al español por Long Live Blackness
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Ausar is one of the most important figures in the history of world civilization. According to ancient knowledge, Ausar (Osirus) contributed to the creation of Khemitic (Egyptian) civilization through a series of new programs that began long before the Great Flood. The prehistoric civilization of Ta-Seti was more advanced than Egypt and existed before Egyptian civilization by three thousand years (TIME MAGAZINE, 1999).
Ausar also travelled to the East and established settlements in India including a City called Nysa after the Nysa of Egypt (read "African Presence in Early Asia," edt. by Runoko Rashidi and Ivan Van Sertima, Transaction Publications. Also read "Susu Economics," pub. by 1stbooks Library, www.1stbooks.com
Ausar is credited for the inventiontion and improvement of forms of arts, sciences, literature, culture and many other arts and sciences.
Khekpere Senusret known as "Cecrops" by the Greeks is said to have founded the City of Athens and contributed to the creation of Greek civilization before the Greek tribes migrated from Central Europe among a number of Europeans who migrated Southerward between 1700 B.C. and afterwards.
Senusret was also a warrior who established a colony on the Black Sea and maintained thousands of African troops from Egypt in the region. The Greek writer Herodotus describes these Africans as Colchians and compares them to the original Negro Egyptian people.
As recently as the 1940's, there were still remnants of African people living in the region of Armenia and the Black Sea region.
Ahmose 1 liberated Egypt from the Semitic Hyksos invaders after about two hundred years of brutal and oppressive rule. The Hyksos, who were pastoralist Semites from the Southwest Asia region invaded Egypt. After proper planning and military skill, Ahmose drove out the Hyksos armies. Yet, more Semites and others including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Libyans, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Europeans entered into Egypt as the centuries went by, changing the very gene pool of Egypt from Negroid African to being today more mixed in the North and purer Black Egyptian in the Southern part.
Tarharka Nubian Pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty, about 650's B.C.
The God has come from the lands upriver to liberate and rule downriver, the God so blessed by Re the Sun, tall and well built, hue as the night so strong, all the userpers fled out west, these petty kings were not our guests, for centuries invaders ruled in Khem, ravaged our motherland, all them.
Tarharka mighty God and King, Swept from the South with lightening sting, his armies destroyed all the invaders, from lands beyond the sand and of mauraders, who placed themselves on our throne, claimed our history and claimed our homes, but we the sons and daughters of Nubia-Cush, no one shall make us slaves, not us.
And so he looked out to the Khuru Sea, the barbarians assembled in the Polynese and so his men they came from East, and said be ready for the Nenivese, The Sons of Asshur plan to attack, and its our duty to push them back, and keep Nubia-Cush safe from all of them, and spread our power beyond Khem.
Year thirty-five thirty-nine after Solar Calendar, we heard the thundering of the invader their horses swept through the Sea of Sand came across the Sinai one million, but we Nubian-Cushites of the Gods, used our minds and defeated the hordes. and let our descendants know as well in or lands no Shemites shall dwell.
Tarharka and the Nubians ruled Egypt during the 25th Dynasty. Tarharka was one of the most important Pharaohs in Egyptian history because he and those in his Dynasty restored Egyptian culture and greatness back to Egypt after Egypt had been dominated by a numnber of foreign rulers and the pure Egyptian culture and religions were being lost. Tarharka was a powerful Pharaoh who was controlled the Mediterranean region. He also established a Nubian presence in Spain and the Nubians maintained trade into the Atlantic during the 25 Dynasty. See more on the Nubian Dynasty at http://community.webtv.net/nubianem
Narmer was one of the early Egyptian Pharaohs and played a major role in uniting the Delta region with the rest of Egypt as early as 3500 B.C.
Tiny tots with minds to know, saying Daddy, Daddy, is it so, is war for real, is war, is real? now Daddy, Daddy what's the deal? and what's a Dad to tell his own, so many suffer, so many have gone,
Tiny tots with minds of their own, why do the tv (media) treat the people less grown, asking Daddy, Daddy is war for all? so to save the oppressed and heed the call? Sudan, Mauritania and West Papua, destroying, enslaving those who are other, religious expanders on the go, seeing a religious empire, but some say no.
And so today the braves they fight, no one will enslave them, its their right, Dinkas, Nubas, Papuans, Mandinkas fighting against the northern invaders, and do we wonder if its just, those who want freedom from this thrust? Nubia-Cushites (South Sudan) driven down to the dust Shall rise again with our help they must.
Talk-show mouth porn is bad drinking corn is bad smoking gives lunng cancer males just stay lowcount under ork give you worms dorks they have yearns some women have it all Black men must rise against the fall, welfare destroys all families childcare no, men work for their babies men with good ways get the ladies loud-mouthed women stay single Sadies, disarm, that arm and can't harm his marm, says homework for school marm, read "Susu Economics," and "A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming," both from 1stbooks.com and barnesandnoble.com, great works on Aframericanism and freedom war here, war there fifty years of terror in Sudan, for there, for where, no one wants to be dragged to the ground, justice, just them invading our lands and ravaging our women, iterracial rape, taking African women to the North to be bread, biracial children calling them "Semites" when they are Africans instead, Dinkas, Nubas and Nubians say enough of this evil and this dread, talk shows, flock follows, hosts on cupcakes and jewel addiction, walk those, mock those, their Tokyo Rose-type outtakes is cruel repitition, pornography, warmorphology, tricknology, armageddon, religion, promoted by, photography, phallisology, accused of being warmongers promoting armageddon to bring holocausity. ....but its happening in Sudan, Mauritania, West Papua and Latin America. ethnic clensing and genocide is when they destroy or confine all the males, elevate the females and then ravage her, make her believe she has made it and have no need for the Black men who saved her from Ahmose to Toussaint to Nat Turner fighting and defeating all the barbarians who crossed to invade our sisters.
more poems at http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire
A number of Nubian-Cushite queens called Ka'andakes (Candaces) ruled Nubia-Cush just before the birth of Christ. This queen and her son along with the Nubian-Cushite Army kept the Romans out of Nubia-Cush. In this scene, they are witnessing the burning of the Roman Garrison in Aswan. The Roman army were defeated in Nubia and never attempted to invade that nation again.
Today however, the Nubian-Cushites (South Sudanese) are dealing with a similar situation of foreign cultural and religious control and domination of their lands from a culture and people who also now dominate Egypt. Nubia-Cush was also the first nation on earth to be the victims of Semitic terrorism through the use of constant attacks on their territory, enslavement, destruction of their cities and persistant warfare. Emperor Kalydosos of Nubia-Cush defeated the Arab armies during the 600's A.D., yet later on the Semites were able to infiltrate Nubia-Cush in trickles and in waves and established themselves in the North and using the scheme of taking African women, while declaring the children part of the Semitic culture. This policy is totally against the African idea that no foreign race or group can claim a child or children born to African women on African soil as part of the invaders ethnic or racial group.
Today, the Nubian-Cushites continue to fight for their lands and to maintain their religions and cultures.
West Africa was and still is one of the core areas of prehistoric civilization on planet earth. The prehistoric Zingh Empire of the Southwestern Sahara was located in the region of Mauritania, Mali, Burkino Faso, Senegal and the vincinity. The Zingh Empire was the first regional empire to use the red, black and green standard. According to sources, the Zingh Empire existed about 15,000 years ago and included a region from West Africa to Turkey. This empire existed at a time when the Sahara was still covered with lakes, had plant and animal life, vegetation and teamed with human cultures. (Read about the Zingh Empire in the book, "Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, " pub. by www.1stBooks.com
more: http://community-2.webtv.net/Nubianem2/BLACKWARRIORSKINGS/page2.html
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mememediocritymaven · 2 months
it's your turn
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wekny · 3 months
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ktony11 · 4 months
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realjaysumlin · 7 months
When Black men and women embraces our true history, we can do anything together.
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hilarioushitshq · 2 months
Study Buddy
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t-aqsa · 2 months
Perfect shot 👌
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aubryjoi · 1 month
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No talk him 🔪🩸
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nrmnas · 8 months
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love,love,love (cr.Annie Stegg Gerard)
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murdermitties · 4 months
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miss aroace with every pronoun under the sun
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horror + movies posters II
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Squirrelflight and Leafpool
"Leafpool's Wish"
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