#BBQ Creme Sauce
buffetlicious · 11 months
The McSpicy burger I have tried it quite a few times over the years. Frankly speaking, I found it a little too spicy for me though in recent time the heat seems to have been toned down or maybe I have grown more tolerant of the spices. When McDonald's Singapore released the new Sweet BBQ McSpicy and a new dessert, it is time to go try them out.
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At the self-serve kiosk, I chose the Sweet BBQ McSpicy Feast (S$10.40) which came with the mentioned burger, a medium-sized fries and a Cocoa-nut Pie. Paid S$0.85 to upgrade the cola to a small ice milo. It is still the same old McSpicy that I know but with a sweet and smoky twist and slices of crispy chicken bacon! The BBQ creme sauce adds flavours and toned down the spiciness so I don’t have to keep reaching for the cup of ice milo. Overall, a notch better than the OG McSpicy but for a limited time only.
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Now for the cocoa and coconut dessert, the warm Cocoa-nut Pie. The crispy cocoa shell hides the creamy coconut milk and nata de coco filling. It is not too sweet and the chewy pieces of coconut water jellies complements the crispy crust.
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Topmost image and video courtesy of McDonald's Singapore.
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discount-limeade · 1 year
Slipknot: A Review
Part 2
(See Slipknot Vs. Batman For Iowa Era)
Conrad's Ratings On How Well He Thinks The Knot Members can Cook (+ What their favorite Poptart Flavor is)
#0 Sid Wilson
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I actually REALLY fuck with Subliminal Versus hhh
No hair in the food. He's got a Tie on so he MUST know what he's doing. -1 for refuses to use the right noodles for the Dish. -1 Stares at you the Entire time you eat.
Poptart: Blueberry. He peels the Crust off.
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CANNOT COOK! -2 for does he LOOK like he owns a fucking pot OR a Pan. -1 Only has Ketchup and Half a Coke in the fridge. -1 he "Customizes" his Fast Food Orders. (BK BBQ Sauce on a Crunch Wrap Supreme ETC.) -2.5 for Asks you what you want then says no to every Option until you say what he wants. -.5 put salt in your Drink.
Poptart: Cherry or S'Mores.
#2 Paul Gray
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Classic "Spaghetti Date" kinda Guy.
Homemade Sauce. Garlic Bread and Salad as Sides. No Complaints, he just knows what he's doing.
In a Not Spaghetti Setting, he will Cut your food up for you.
Poptart: Cherry. Toasted with Butter.
#3 Chris Fehn
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Look at him Crackin MAD jokes in this Picture, love it.
-2 for "I love Cast Iron Pans Because you don't have to clean them". YES YOU DO. -1 Too much Salt. -1 can't make Eggs. Look at that picture, man looks like he FUCKS UP some Boiled eggs. But look again and Tell me He knows how to Fry one. Exactly.
Poptart: Berry Blast. Don't even know if that's a Real Flavor but it's his favorite FOR SURE.
#4 Jim Root
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This is a Situation where I think that James, THE MAN, is actually a fuckin Superb Chef. This picture however, not Gonna Cut it.
-1 everything is Spicy as FUCK. Like Run To the fuckin Faucet For water, Damn Near Inedible For some Dishes. -1 for ONCE AGAIN I REALLY don't think this man Washes his Hands. It keeps me up at Night. -1 you made a Comment on a piece of his House Decorations and He Spit in your Sauce. -2 doesn't own Actual Plates or Silverware. Styrofoam Babyyy.
Poptart: Banana. Again, don't know if it's Really, but he looks like he likes That Fake Banana Flavor.
#5 Craig Jones
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I think he'd be REALLY good at Grillin.
-1 for seasons Steak with Salt. Not exclusively but it's part of his Steak seasoning blend, it's just wrong. -1 Grill Brush Bristle in your Burger. -1 wears an Apron that has a print of some guys hairy Chest on it, that man is Wearing Speedos...
Poptart: None. Prefers Apple Toaster Strudels.
#6 Clown
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It's Not that he CAN'T cook, he just doesn't.
-1 for Dirty Dishes. -1 for inappropriate Dinner Conversation. He is telling you about the Process of which This Specific kind of meat is Harvested.
(Personally I'd be Mad interested but Some people can't handle all that YK).
-2 for didn't shower before you came over. Nothing and Everything to do with Cooking. -1 His edibles are Kinda Weak.
Poptart: Cookies N Creme. Cream or Creme?
#7 Mick Thomson
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Nah man, look at this fuckin, LOOK. Got me Gay As Hell.
-1 for the Opposite Cast Iron thing. He soaks it. Unforgivable Really. Now you have to season it EVERY TIME. -1 for He gave you a Mickey Mouse Spoon. -1 for he uses the Microwave A LOT. -1 butter butter butter, beer, butter butter. (This is how he keeps the Meat Moist.)
+2 for Dinner was Served on a Zoopals plate of your choosing.
Poptart: Cinnamon. The Superior Flavor.
#8 Corey Taylor
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This is coming Out of pure Hatred for A post someone made. It Inspired me to make this Whole review. In this post, it was a Picture of the most UNDERCOOKED, UNDER SEASONED, WHITE PEOPLE LOOKIN CHICKEN THAT EVER EXISTED. And it was Some like, thing Where Corey was like, 'Made Dinner'. It was BEYOND foul. I know these Ratings are Based on the picture Provided but fucking -3 for That Post.
There is a Method Of Jacking off Wear you put soup in a Ziploc bag, then put it in a sock to make a Fleshlight. -2 for he served you the Sock Soup.
(I have never Tried this, spare me Please.)
-1 for look how dirty his hands are. Motherfucker doesn't even OWN a Sink. -1 for he Keeps sticking his fingers in the food to Taste it.
Poptart: Fudge. Toasted.
The End.
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softmick · 11 months
barely on time tag game tuesday
thank you @mybrainismelted ans @transmickey for tagging me! i’m basically late again so i’m not tagging anyone specifically, but i’d be super happy if you just pretended that i did.
name: meagan
age: thirty-something
pronouns: she/her
your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): leo, infp, 6 the loyalist
how tall are you? 5'6 or 7
what color are your eyes? green
the last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): saturday. Barbie!
favorite dessert: key lime pie or creme brulee
outer space or the ocean? ocean! i wanna get certified to scuba!
you’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? chicken nuggets with bbq sauce or a quarter pounder with only ketchup
are you good with plants? big no
would your current self and high school self get along? i would want to protect little me. i don’t know if she’d be receptive. every year was different. depends on when we met i guess.  
a food you can’t stand: stinky cheese. i CANNOT
something you’d do if money were no object:  travel. allll over. get 1,000 degrees. have a support staff. cause i fucking need one.
the last app you opened on your phone (tumblr doesn’t count!): spotify
and finally, compliment yourself! (this feels impossible right now) iou.
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funnyfooddatabase · 1 year
AMC’s 2022 SDCC Walking Dead Fan Celebration Menu
Food AND Drink
Type of Funny Food: Event / Tie-In Product
Introduced: July 2022
Location: San Diego Comic-Con 2022
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In anticipation for the release of the final episodes of AMC's long-running The Walking Dead series, the entertainment company hosted a fan celebration at San Diego Comic-Con. The event featured props from the show, set pieces, a lottery, celebrity guests, life-size models of the characters, and even actors in "walker" makeup that wandered about during the festivities. Oh, and themed edible creations, of course.
For drinks, the offered imbibables were named after locations from the show, including The Woodbury (Sexton Single Malt Irish Whiskey with club soda and a lemon twist), The Sanctuary (also Sexton Single Malt Irish Whiskey, this time with mint syrup and lime juice), and The Alexandria Safe Zone (a non-alcoholic watermelon basil beverage).
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On the food side of things, the celebration offered edibles based around characters (and a popular pairing) instead of locations. They were:
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Daryl and Carol's BBQ Pork Turnovers, a braised, barbeque sauce-slathered smoked pork dish inside a shell of dough served with watermelon radish slaw and kale,
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Michonne and Carl's "Crazy Cheese", a goat cheese and cheddar offering with chives and ketchup on asiago crostini,
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And two chili offerings that came in fake tin cans- Richonne's Chili Mac and Cheese, a smoked gouda and short rib meal topped with creme fraiche, and Maggie's Vegan Survival Chili, a four bean chili covered in avocado vegan mayonnaise, tortilla strips, and micro cilantro.
So bummed to find there's not a lot of images of the food at this event, at least that I can find. If I locate any more, I'll be sure to update this, but I'm unfortunately not optimistic, which is a shame as this was so recent!
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survey--s · 10 months
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1) What was the weather like? Did it change your plans in any way? It was really nice actually - blue skies and sunshine. My plans would have been the same regardless though.
2) What did you do yesterday, anyway? Worked, did the food shop, sorted a bunch of housework, had a shower and then just chilled at home.
3) Did you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What did you have? Yeah - breakfast was toast with vegemite, lunch was...leftover chicken nuggets and dinner was fish cakes and potato dauphinoise. Hardly the healthiest day lol.
4) Did you do some form of exercise? What? Yeah, three hours of dog walks.
5) Who did you spend the most time with? Mike, Louise and Sarah.
6) What television shows or movies did you watch? Keeping up with the Kardashians lol.
7) What time did you get up and go to bed? I got up at half seven and went to bed at midnight.
8) What was the best bit about yesterday? The weather was amazing and work was actually really good - just nice easy dogs.
9) What about the worst? Uh, nothing bad really happened yesterday, I have to say.
10) Did you talk to anyone on the phone? Who? Why? Nope.
1) What time did you get up? Around eight.
2) What are your plans for today? Today is over - I spent the morning visiting my parents and doing some shopping, plus we went for brunch and I caught up with some of my old colleagues. Then it was back home and I took a bath and since then I've just been chilling out online and watching TV.
3) Have you eaten any meals yet? What did you have? I had pancakes with bacon, creme fraiche, maple syrup and berries for brunch, a few crackers with pate for a snack and then sweet potato fries with BBQ sauce for dinner, plus some chocolate coated raspberries.
4) Are you planning on seeing your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend? I spend most of my day with my husband.
5) Does your favorite television show air today? I never watch live TV.
6) Have you spoken to your parents yet? Just my mum.
7) How many texts have you received? A handful.
8) Are you planning on going to bed early? I'll go up to bed after this survey probably but that doesn't mean I'll be going to sleep lol.
9) Have you done anything remotely productive today? Sure - a morning out, some housework and some shopping.
10) How much money did you spend so far? Are you planning on spending more later? £20 and no. I didn't even intend to spend that lol.
1) What time do you have to get up tomorrow? Whenever I want to - probably around 8-9ish though, I don't really like sleeping in too late.
2) What do you hope the weather will be like? I don't really care as my plans are to do as little as possible lol.
3) Is there anything you’re dreading about tomorrow? Nope.
4) Is there anything important you need to do, or can you just relax? I plan on just having a chill/lazy day.
5) Do you have plans to see your friends? Nope.
6) What do you hope will happen tomorrow? I hope I get a decent nights' sleep, but otherwise I'm not really too fussed about what happens tomorrow.
7) Are you going to wake up at home, or somewhere else? Home.
8) If you don’t have any plans, what do you think you’ll end up doing? I'll be sleeping in and just relaxing at home.
9) Do you have to get a work out in at some point? No - Sundays are my day off from that kinda thing.
10) Will you be working or studying at all? Nopeeee.
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roseplendunce · 2 years
How the Muse Takes Their Pizza
There’s a lot of ways you can tell how a person eats (or is) by the way they make their pizza! Do they like it? How do they like it? In this meme, the concept is that all the muses have access to the same resources to make a craft pizza. The ingredients are of high quality! The only thing left is to construct the thing for baking. How will it turn out?
Bold the option that your muse puts on their pizza, italicize what they would put on it and strike out what they wouldn’t put on a pizza
Thin | Thick | Stuffed | Deep | No crust | Additional Dip: Cheese | Sour Cream | Dipping Oil | Garlic Sauce | Ranch Dressing | Honey Mustard | Bleu Cheese | Other
Pizza Sauce | BBQ | Pesto | Tomato | Creme Fraiche | Other
Amount (Sauce):
None | Thin layer | Medium amount | A little extra | THE ENTIRE BOWL
No Cheese | Mozzarella | Brie | Feta | Bocconcini | Cheddar | Parmesan | Creame | Other
Amount (Cheese):
None | Only a little | Medium amount | A little extra | TOO MUCH
Chicken | Ham | Bacon | Salami | Pepperoni | Chorizo | Prawns | Beef | Sausage | Anchovies | Other
Fruits and Vegetables:
Tomatoes | Olives | Onions | Mushrooms | Pineapples | Strawberries | Mangoes | Bananas | Pears | Figs | Other ‘Sweet’-Tasting Fruits | Bell peppers | Peppers | Basil | Spinach | Garlic | Oregano | Chilli flakes | Parsley | Chives | Other
Tagged By: I stole it Tagging: All the Saiyan muses (and anybody else that wants to do this)
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panning-gorl · 1 month
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recent pans and discards:
PAN😘: L'Oreal Glow Paradise Lipstick in Mulberry Bliss
PAN🤨: I ❤️ Revolution Pineapple Ice Plumping Lip Gloss
PAN😍: Covergirl Exhibitionist Lip Gloss in Ghosted
DISCARD🔫: J. Cat Scene Stealer Lipstick in Midnight Run (tastes baaad)
DISCARD🔫: Wet n' Wild Pump Detox It Mask (smells bad too)
DISCARD🔫: Nyx Candy Swirl Butter Gloss (bad color for me)
DISCARD🔫: Colourpop Fresh Kiss Lip Creme in Coal It Quits (also bad color)
DISCARD🔫: Nyx This is Juice Gloss in Kiwi (BBQ sauce scent 😑)
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sizzledad · 2 months
Pulled Lachs Burger mit zwei Saucen - Avocado-Creme oder Lemon-Mayonnaise - Rezept DADs BBQ/
Demnächst steht ein Event bei mir an und es soll unter anderen 2 Gerichte mit Fisch geben und ein Gang gibt es heute. Es wird Pulled Lachs Burger geben, besser gesagt Sliders. Wie ich den Lachs zubereite und welche Marinade ich verwende, steht schon fest, aber die Sauce für den Burger steht noch nicht fest. Was passt besser zu Pulled Lachs Sliders? Eine Avocado-Meerrettich-Creme oder eine Lemon-Mayonnaise?
Das Rezept zu den Pulled Lachs Burger findest Du hier: 
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heydaytravelcompany · 9 months
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blood-trip-god2 · 1 year
Went out on Friday with my buddies and may have spent too much but it was worth the price. They have the original budweiser from Czech Republic on tap and it was a decent lager.
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Started with some house dry rub smoked wings and Alabama white smoked wings and roast pork belly bao buns.
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Then we split the Beast Feast(Korean BBQ spare ribs, smoked brisket, Peruvian Roast Chicken and shreddesld Pernil) with 4 cheese Mac n cheese and kimchi and cornbread. For 3 guys in very active jobs, we couldn't finish it. We didn't touch the Green Goddess Ranch but we asked for more of the Seoul BBQ sauce, that was addictive.
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Polished off with Creme Brulee which wasnt really something to write home about.
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orientaltasty · 1 year
Egyptian Chicken Crepe - طريقة عمل الكريب المصري
How To Make Egyptian Chicken Crepe #EgyptianChickenCrepe #ChickenCrepe This Chicken Crepe Recipe is a fantastic spring recipe to serve for lunch or a fancy brunch. The best part about it is most of it can be made the day ahead, leaving just the bechamel sauce, assembly, and baking to the day of your party. This is probably not one of my most "traditional" French Recipes, but who can say no to a savory chicken crepe with bechamel sauce? This crepe recipe is really "Franglais Cooking" at best. Baked Chicken and Mushroom Crepe in a gratin dish on a wooden charger with side salad in a small olive wood bowl In Brittany, France where crepes originate from, you'll find sweet crepes made with white flour or savory crepes, or Galettes as they are called, made with buckwheat flour or "ble noir". But you don't really find a "mash-up" of savory crepes, in a white flour crepe, like this. Vertical image of a Baked crepe in a white gratin dish on a wooden charger with small side salad RECIPE PAIRINGS: For starters try my Goat Cheese Tarts with Carmelized Onions in Puff Pastry or my wonderful Tarte au Soleil with Pesto For French dessert try my lovely Honey Lavender Creme Brulee or my delicious Strawberry Pistachio Tart with Sable Breton Crust Cutting into a baked crepe with a knife and fork to reveal filling WATCH A VIDEO DEMO OF THIS RECIPE BELOW! SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR MORE RECIPE VIDEOS! STEP #1: ROAST THE CHICKEN For this recipe, I really like to use bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts. This will give you really moist, succulent chicken. I like to roast the chicken on a rack for even cooking and if you line your pan with foil, you'll have easy cleanup! Once the chicken is cooled you can shred the meat off the bone with two forks. Bone-in, skin on Roasted Chicken breasts on a roasting rack in a sheet pan lined with foil MAKE-AHEAD TIP: The chicken can be roasted and shredded the day before. Place the chicken in a bowl, covered it, and refrigerate it until ready to use. You can even roast double the chicken breast to have for other meals throughout the week, such as my BBQ Chicken Sliders or Enchiladas Suizas. Shredding Roasted Chicken with a fork VEGETARIAN OPTION: To make one or all crepes vegetarian, you can skip the chicken and add baby spinach instead. You don't even need to cook it since it will steam/wilt in the oven as the crepe bakes. Just add a handful on top of the mushroom mixture when assembling. This is an easy substitute if you need just one crepe to be a vegetarian crepe. STEP #2: MAKE THE CREPE BATTER The secret to making crepe batter is to make it as smooth as possible so that you don't create any lumps. You could use a blender, but who needs one more small appliance to drag out and clean? For this savory crepe recipe, I made a slight twist on my basic crepe recipe. Adding milk to flour in a glass bowl to form a crepe batter Instead, place your flour in a large bowl with the salt, whisk it together and then add the milk. This will assure a smooth, clump-free mixture from the start, a key attribute for any crepe recipe. adding beaten egg to crepe batter Then add beaten eggs to the flour mixture for continued "smoothness". You'll also add melted butter and for a finishing touch, I like to throw in some freshly minced dill. Adding minced Dill to crepe batter STEP #3: MAKING THE CREPES I've been making crepes for over 10 years now, just about every Saturday morning for my kids. طريقه تحضير الكريب: في وعاء مناسب نضيف الحليب والبيض والفانيليا والملح ونقلب جيدا بالمضرب اليدوي ثم نضيف الدقيق ونقلب جيدًا حتى يمتزج الخليط يجب تحضير طاسة غير لاصقة ونقوم بدهنها بقليل من الزيت ثم نضيف كمية صغيرة من الخليط بواسطة كوب معياري ونفرد الخليط ونتركه لمدة 30 ثانية ثم نقوم بتسويته على الوجه الآخر لمدة 30 ثانية أخرى. و بعد الانتهاء من الكمية نقوم بحشو الكريب بالبانيه المقلي  وشرائح الفلفل والقليل من المايونيز والكاتشب والجبنة الشيدر أو الموزاريلا. نغلق الكريب على شكل مثلث ونقوم بوضعه مرة أخرى في الطاسة أو الجريل لمدة دقيقة ليصبح مقرمش ولونه ذهبي وأيضًا من الممكن اختيار الحشو على حسب الرغبة أو المتاح. #crepes #cr #food #pes #crepe #foodporn #dessert #chocolate #nutella #pancakes #foodie #instafood #breakfast #icecream #waffles #yummy #coffee #foodphotography #delicious #sweet #foodstagram #creperie #foodblogger #foodlover #healthyfood #waffle #brunch #pancake #homemade #desserts #italianfood #food #foodporn #instafood #foodie #pasta #italy #foodblogger #foodphotography #pizza #foodlover #cucinaitaliana #italia #foodstagram #yummy #instagood #delicious #italian #dinner #homemade #cucina #restaurant #cibo #chef #love #pizzalover #lunch #ciboitaliano #cooking #pastalover #pe #love #instagood #cafe #sweets #creperia #delivery #glutenfree #vegan #restaurant #cake #a #yogurt #lunch #milkshake #tasty #bhfyp #strawberry #s #e #frozenyogurt #healthy #crepas #foodies #gelato #crepesnutella #crepelovers #crepecake #galettes #sweetcrepes
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petnews2day · 2 years
Full Guide to 2022 Holiday Food & Drinks at Disneyland Resort
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/full-guide-to-2022-holiday-food-drinks-at-disneyland-resort/
Full Guide to 2022 Holiday Food & Drinks at Disneyland Resort
Disneyland Resort has released the full guide of 2022 holiday food and beverages.
Disneyland Park 
Alien Pizza Planet (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Charcuterie Pizza Slice topped with pesto cream sauce, fig marmalade, prosciutto, capocollo, Spanish chorizo, caramelized onions, cornichons, cheese blend, and arugula (New) 
Holiday Green Alien Macaron filled with marshmallow creme and chocolate ganache
French Market Restaurant (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Haunted Mansion Cake: Purple sponge cake, raspberry mousse, raspberries, and cocoa nibs
Peppermint Hot Chocolate: Smooth, rich hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and crushed peppermint (New) 
Galactic Grill (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Cranberry BBQ Chicken Sandwich: A fried chicken sandwich with cranberry-flavored BBQ sauce, provolone, onion ring, arugula, and citrus bacon aïoli served on a toasted brioche bun (New) 
A Cup of Cheer: Orange cranberry cake with cream cheese icing topped with an orange cream-filled cream puff, dried cranberries, and holiday sprinkles (New) 
Christmas Punch: Pomegranate, cranberry, and orange juices with Sprite served over ice and garnished with fresh pomegranate seeds, cranberries, and a rosemary sprig (New) 
Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available) 
Peppermint Holiday Sundae: Two scoops of peppermint ice cream, whipped cream, crushed peppermint, and chocolate crème cookies (New) 
Cinnamon Brown Sugar Ice Cream (New) 
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich: Cinnamon brown sugar ice cream between oatmeal raisin cookies (New)
Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Thanks-mas Sandwich: Roasted turkey, stuffing, gravy, and cranberry sauce on rustic bread served with house-made chips
Turkey Pot Pie Soup
Sipping Chocolate with a Dipping Waffle: Thick and rich sipping chocolate with a sweet waffle for dipping 
Snowman Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake: Cinnamon roll-flavored cheesecake, cream cheese icing, milk chocolate nougatine arms, and snowman chocolate decoration (contains nuts) (New) 
Santa Hat Macaron: Almond macaron shells with white peppermint cream filling and rich chocolate ganache 
Christmas Brownie: Dark chocolate brownie with white chocolate mousse Santa hat, sprinkles, and chocolate ears (New) 
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Chimney Sweep Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee with hickory-smoked syrup, chocolate and caramel sauces, cream, and smoked salt-sugar sprinkle (New) 
Apple-Pecan Donut: Specialty donut with spiced icing, apple compote, candied pecans, and cream cheese frosting (New)
Peppermint Cookie Donut: Specialty donut with peppermint icing, crushed peppermint, chocolate crème-filled cookies, and whipped topping (New) 
Holiday Demitasse Ceramic Cup (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Market House (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Mint Julep Bar (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Maple Beignets rolled in maple-flavored sugar
Maple-bacon dipping sauce‌ (New)
Plaza Inn (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Gingerbread Bundt Cake: Gingerbread Bundt cake with apple cinnamon filling, vanilla glaze, and holiday sprinkles
Holiday Cake: Devil’s food cake with swirled white chocolate mousse filling, buttercream frosting, and holiday sprinkles
Vanilla Pear Honey Lemonade: Lemonade infused with honey and pear nectar (New) 
Pooh Corner and Candy Palace and Candy Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in white-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Rancho del Zocalo (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Caldo de Pollo: Savory soup with chicken, rice, and vegetables
Chile Verde: Slow-cooked pork with spicy tomatillo sauce served with Mexican rice and refried beans (New) 
Pan Dulce Ice Cream Sandwich: Colorful Mexican sweet bread with eggnog ice cream, hot buttered rum-flavored sauce, whipped topping, and chocolate skull (New) 
Hot Chocolate
Red Rose Taverne (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Holiday Flatbread: Pepperoni, sausage, and ham flatbread topped with arugula (New) 
Holiday Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee with eggnog flavor
Refreshment Corner (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Spicy Beef & Cheese Sandwich: Beef steak, cheese sauce, sautéed peppers and onions, and spicy pepper spread on artisan bread (New)
Caramel-Pecan Cream Cheese Pretzel: Cream cheese pretzel topped with caramel sauce and candied pecans (New)
Peppermint Cream Cheese Pretzel: Cream cheese pretzel topped with white chocolate and crushed candy canes (New)
Butterscotch Soda: Sparkling water with butterscotch syrup, caramel drizzle, and cream (New)
River Belle Terrace (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Pear Oat Cobbler: Spiced pears, oat streusel, and cranberry sorbet (New) (Plant-based)
Stage Door Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Peppermint Mocha Funnel Cake with cold brew sauce topped with chocolate sauce, peppermint dust, and whipped topping (New)
The Tropical Hideaway (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Holiday DOLE Whip Sundae: A swirl of DOLE Whip cherry and lime topped with festive decorations
Churro and Lemonade Cart in Critter Country (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Bride Churro: Elegantly dressed churro in a bouquet of vanilla and sugar
Churro Cart near “it’s a small world” Holiday (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Churro with holiday apple spice dipping sauce (New)
Churro Cart near Sleeping Beauty Castle (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Candy Cane Churro (New) 
Peppermint Bark Dipping Sauce: Chocolate fudge infused with peppermint and topped with crushed candy canes (New) 
Churro Cart in New Orleans Square (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Chocolate Cherry-Pistachio Churro: Classic churro rolled in chocolate cookie and pistachio dust, drizzled with cherry sauce, and topped with chopped pistachios (New)
Churro Cart in Town Square (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mint Chip Churro (New) 
Mint-Chocolate Dipping Sauce: Marshmallow creme infused with mint and topped with crushed chocolate cookies (New)
Pretzel Cart in Frontierland (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Holiday Cookie Pretzel: Ginger snap cookie-dusted pretzel with vanilla icing dipping sauce (New) 
Outdoor Vending Carts (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8) 
Christmas Cotton Candy: Apple flavor
Available at Various Locations throughout Disneyland Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last) 
Musical Rotating Popcorn Tin
Reindeer Parade Sipper
Disney California Adventure Park
Award Wieners (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Pastrami Reuben Dog: All-beef hot dog topped with thinly sliced pastrami, caramelized onions, pickled cabbage, Thousand Island dressing, spicy mustard, provolone, and pickle spears on a toasted baguette (New)
Bananas Foster Funnel Cake Fries topped with cinnamon-banana sugar, caramel sauce, whipped topping, and fried bananas (New)
Embolden Beer Co., Beyond Borders (New) 
Bing Bong’s Sweet Stuff and Trolley Treats (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white-colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Four-Meat Pizza: Tomato sauce with ham, Canadian bacon, sausage, and pepperoni topped with mozzarella 
Mexican Chocolate Cheesecake: Spiced chocolate cheesecake finished with white chocolate mousse and chocolate decoration (New)
Boudin Bread Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Snowman Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Candy Cane Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Christmas Tree Pull-Apart Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Clarabelle’s Hand-Scooped Ice Cream (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Chocolate-Peppermint Sundae: Chocolate and peppermint ice cream in a waffle cup topped with whipped cream and peppermint candy (New) 
Pomegranate Hard Float: Pomegranate hard cider with lemon sorbet topped with pomegranate arils (New)
Pomegranate Hard Cider (New)
Cocina Cucamonga (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Winter Margarita: Black cherry margarita (New)
Cozy Cone (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Luigi Chicken Pesto Cone: Creamy pesto alfredo pasta, marinated chicken, balsamic glaze, bruschetta tomatoes, and Romano cheese
Esquite Corn Fritters: Fried corn fritters tossed in chile-lime seasoning and topped with cilantro-lime dressing, cotija cheese, and pico de Gallo (New) 
Pumpkin Pie Churro: Churro rolled in pumpkin spice sugar with pumpkin pie dipping sauce (New) 
Christmas Tree Cone: Peppermint soft-serve decorated with holiday sprinkles
Stereo Tangerine Express IPA Michelada with chile-lime seasoning and lime (New) 
Stereo Tangerine Express IPA (New) 
Peanut Butter Whiskey Cocktail: Peanut butter whiskey, peanut butter syrup, vanilla ice cream, almond milk, and cinnamon sugar topped with whipped cream and peanut butter drizzle (New) 
For more information on booking your next trip with our official travel agent sponsor, the Vacationeer, visit wdwnt.travel.
Fairfax Market Fruit Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Seasonal Agua Fresca: Christmas punch (New)
Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Flo’s V-8 Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Gingerbread Shake with whipped topping and a gingerbread cake doughnut (New) 
New Motion, Blueberry Insight, Hard Sparkling Black Tea (New) 
Hollywood Lounge (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Churro Delight: Horchata garnished with mini churros (Non-alcoholic) (New)
Everything Spice: RumChata, horchata, spiced rum, and butterscotch liqueur garnished with mini churros and dusted with cinnamon (New)
Pineapple-Fresno Chile Michelada: Tomato-based michelada with pineapple-fresno chile lemonade and Modelo garnished with chile-lime seasoning and lime (New)
Gingerbread Mule: Cinnamon whiskey, ginger beer, lemon juice, and gingerbread syrup garnished with a maraschino cherry (New)
Harland Brewing Co., Winter IPA (New)
La Bodega Azteca Stout (New)
Calidad Hibiscus Watermelon Agua Fresca (New)
Smog City Brewing, From LA with Love (New)
Lamplight Lounge – Boardwalk Dining (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Braised Beef Poutine: Steak fries, braised beef, cheese curds, beef gravy, and tomatillo-serrano salsa garnished with Fresno chiles
Peppermint-Vanilla Vodka Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps and vanilla vodka topped with whipped cream and peppermint
Holiday Martini: A festive twist on a classic vanilla vodka paired with peppermint, chocolate liqueur, and Frangelico
Lamplight Lounge (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Braised Winter Beef: Slow braised beef with carrot risotto and pea tendrils (New) 
Peppermint Donuts: Hot cocoa-dusted donuts with toasted marshmallow crème and peppermint-chocolate dipping sauce
Peppermint-Vanilla Vodka Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps and vanilla vodka topped with whipped cream and peppermint
Holiday Martini: A festive twist on a classic vanilla vodka paired with peppermint, chocolate liqueur, and Frangelico
Pixar Ball Sipper (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Lucky Fortune Cookery (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Thai Iced Tea with sea salt cream and brown sugar boba
Mortimer’s Market (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Christmas Tree Pull-Apart Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Pacific Wharf Cappuccino Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Salted Caramel-Mocha Bundt Cake: Coffee Bundt cake filled with salted caramel, finished with ganache, sprinkles, and white chocolate mousse (New) 
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Pym Test Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Atomic Pretzel: Apple-Bacon Soft Pretzel with cinnamon-sugar salted pretzel with apple-bacon compote, cranberries, caramel sauce, cream cheese, and candied pepper bacon (New) 
Schmoozies! (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Dulce de Leche Mickey Mouse Shake topped with whipped topping, caramel sauce, and vanilla crème cookies (New) 
Chocolate-Cherry Yule Log Shake topped with a slice of hazelnut-chocolate yule log (New) 
Smokejumpers Grill (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Maple-Bacon Shake: Maple-flavored shake topped with whipped cream, bacon bits, and maple drizzle (New) 
Pineapple Limeade: Limeade, pineapple juice, and sour green apple syrup with a red sugar rim (New) 
Holiday Punch Cocktail: Vodka with cranberry and orange juices garnished with fresh cranberries (New) 
Karl Strauss Brewing Co., Tangible IPA (New)
Anchor Brewing, Christmas Ale (New) 
Honest Abe Hard Apple Pie Cider (New) 
Churro Cart on Buena Vista Street (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Caramel Apple Churro: Churro topped with spiced apples, caramel sauce, and whipped topping (New) 
Churro Cart near Goofy’s Sky School (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Abuelita Hot Chocolate Churro with condensed milk dipping sauce
Churro Cart near Grizzly Peak (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Peppermint Churro: Churro coated with crushed candy canes and drizzled with chocolate and vanilla sauce 
Churro Cart in Hollywood Land (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Chocolate Cherry-Pistachio Churro: Classic churro rolled in chocolate cookie and pistachio dust, drizzled with cherry sauce and topped with chopped pistachios (New) 
Outdoor Vending (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8) 
Available at Various Locations throughout Disney California Adventure Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Light Up Holiday Swizzle Stick
Light Up Toy Story Christmas Tree Bucket 
Available at Various Locations throughout Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Holiday Base Bucket
Holiday Travel Tumbler with lanyard
Holiday Stainless Steel Tumbler
Blue Mickey Mouse Jingle Bell Glow Cube
White Mickey Mouse Jingle Bell Glow Cube
Gingerbread Bottle Topper
Holiday Kermit Straw Clip
Wreath Mickey Mouse Ear Hat Bowl
Gingerbread Mickey Mouse Ear Hat Bowl
Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa
GCH Craftsman Grill 
Mickey Mouse Christmas Cookie
Holiday Minnie Mouse Donut
Holiday Mickey Mouse Donut
Snowman Donut (New)
Peppermint & Dark Chocolate Cupcake
GCH Holiday Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread
Poinsettia Cookie
Snowman Cookie 
Christmas Cookie 
Hanukkah Cookie 
Holiday Cookie Box
Assorted Macarons (New) 
Kwanzaa Sweet Potato Loaf (New) 
New Year’s Cookie (New) 
Crisped Rice Treat
Hot Chocolate 
Hot Apple Cider (Available with Bailey’s Irish Cream, Captain Morgan, Grand Marnier, or Rumchata)
Waffle Shot (Available with milk, low-fat milk, chocolate milk, or eggnog) 
Waffle Shot (Available with Bailey’s Irish Cream, Captain Morgan, Grand Marnier, Rumchata, Amaretto, Butterscotch Schnapps, Rumple Minze, Crown Royal Apple, Screwball Whiskey, Fireball Whiskey, Louis the 13th) 
Downtown Disney District
California Churro (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Gingerbread Churro: Churro coated in gingerbread sugar, drizzled with white chocolate sauce, and covered in red and green chocolate candy pieces (New) 
Catal Restaurant and Uva Bar & Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mistletoe Mule: Vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, ginger beer, and sugared cranberry garnish (New) 
Chilly Chata: Cream liqueur rum, cinnamon whiskey, house-made horchata, whipped cream, and cinnamon stick garnish 
Home for the Holidays: Whiskey, bitter Italian aperitif, lemon juice, simple syrup, and rosemary garnish
Santa and the Beach: Tequila, triple sec, coconut milk, cream of coconut, lime juice, simple syrup, and rosemary garnish
Kayla’s Cake (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Peppermint Ganache Macaron with peppermint dark chocolate ganache
Gingerbread Macaron with gingerbread buttercream 
Snowman Macaron: Milk chocolate ganache with custard vanilla cream 
Naples Ristorante e Bar (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Arancini Dolce: A traditional Sicilian savory snack reimagined as a sweet treat for the season (New) 
Marceline’s Confectionery (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white-colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Maple & Bacon Glazed Beignets served with butter pecan ice cream and a marshmallow drizzle
Salt & Straw (Available Nov. 25 through Dec. 25) 
Enjoy various limited-time holiday flavors! 
Sprinkles (Available Nov. 28 through Dec. 25)
Christmas Cookie Cupcake: Vanilla cake studded with sprinkles and lined with a green sugar cookie crust topped with vanilla buttercream frosting, red and green sprinkles, and a homemade sugar cookie coated in even more sprinkles 
Gingerbread: Spiced ginger cake topped with cream cheese frosting, dusted with cinnamon sugar, and topped with a gingerbread man 
Chocolate Peppermint: Belgian dark chocolate cake topped with bittersweet chocolate-peppermint frosting and sprinkled with crushed peppermint candies 
Snow Cute Vanilla: Vanilla cake topped with vanilla frosting and rolled in snow sprinkles
Santa Baby Red Velvet: Sprinkles iconic red velvet rolled in Santa sprinkles  
Tortilla Jo’s (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Candy Cane-Rita: Tequila, peppermint schnapps, and organic margarita mix with a splash of grenadine and garnished with rosemary and cranberries (New) 
Purple Mistletoe: Tequila rose, tequila blue, agave nectar, and organic margarita mix with a splash of lemonade and garnished with rosemary and cranberries
For more Disneyland Resort news and info, follow Disneyland News Today on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. For Disney Parks news worldwide, visit WDWNT.
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grandmarecipesblog · 2 years
Bbq Soaked Shrimp with Creme Fraiche Dressing
Bbq Soaked Shrimp with Creme Fraiche Dressing
Time execution: 1 hr Can be served for: 8 persons Ingredients 3 cups creme fraiche 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2/4 cup finely diced red onions 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2/4 cup finely chopped cilantro Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. 48 large shrimp, shelled and deveined 3 cups Mesa BBQ Sauce, or your favorite Salt and freshly ground pepper Directions Mix all…
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ask-eve-ministries · 2 years
What is the point in having gratitude?
In a journal every night before you go to sleep write down at least five things you are grateful for.
Practicing regular gratitude is a very powerful way to reprogram the mind for the positive. If you are looking to take risks. Invest in your dreams. Quit your job to pursue you passion. A positive mindset is very supportive. It’s so much easier for you to jump off that cliff feeling like, and knowing you are going to grow wings on the way down or you will have a learning opportunity and the next time you jump you will thrive.
The best way to reprogram the mind that will autopilot towards a positive outcome is to write things you are grateful every night before you go to bed. There are so many things to be grateful for.
If you are having a hard time thinking of things to be grateful for right now, I totally respect where you are at. I am here to give you some simple basic things you can be grateful for to get you started and you can launch from there.
First you sense of taste that allows you to enjoy all the amazing flavours there are in the world, around the world from a beautifully hand made pasta with a fresh tomato sauce, to creme brullee, creamy mashed potatoes, a roast that was in the sous vide for 72 hours and melts in your mouth. There is a reason so many of us have comfort foods. I for sure have comfort foods of my own. I love sweet potato fries and gyoza (not at the same time).
Your sense of smell that allows you to smell the sweet smell of jasmine flowers in full bloom, the bbq grilling steak, potatoes and sweet corn mmmmmm my mouth is watering.
Your sense of touch that allows you to feel the touch of a loved one. The feeling of a cashmere sweater wrapped around your body. The feeling of soft fluffy socks wrapped around your feet as you snuggle up on the couch under a weighted soft blanket reading a book.
You sight that allows you to enjoy the beauty of all the flowers blooming in the spring. The leaves changing all the beautiful colours on the trees in the fall. The curvy woman wearing a sexy dress that hugs her curves like a clove commanding your attention. A Bugatti Veyron that drives past you and captivates you with it’s sexy curves and the rumble of the engine.
There is so much to be grateful for. To make it even more simple your heart beats 24/7 so you can live. You lungs breath 24/7 and you don’t even have to think about it. You miracle of a body digests food and turns it into hair, nails, skin, organs and so on. You don’t even have to think about or know how it works. Your body is a miracle that endures so much abuse and mistreatment and doesn’t complain. It just keeps doing it’s thing so you can have this human experience.
Practice seeing all the simple basic things that are happening with no effort on your part that you should have gratitude for. From there you can allow the gratitude to flow and expand from there.
Try practicing gratitude every night before you go to bed for a month and see where your mind is at after 30 days.
All the Love,
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dawncloud · 2 years
weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well:
1. chipotle order?
large, whole wheat, no beans extra rice, ground beef, everything on it, no guac (bc $$), extra onions, extra sour cream, chipotle bbq sauce. sometimes ask for hot sauce but tbh i usually add sriracha every few bites lol
2. thoughts on veganism?
if you’re doing it for environment reasons it’s better to eat local. don’t like how it contributes to microplastics in the environment.
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
blue screen of death blue
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
don’t have one.
5. favorite form of potato?
pierogies (must be a little chewy) or truffle mashed potato. mcdonalds french fries
6. do you use a watch?
yes i have a black fitbit and a watch my mum gave me for my 21st birthday.
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
whalesharks if they have them. seahonses. the big aquarium where there’s everything.
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
yes bc outside is dusty and dirty and there’s probably sweat if i biked.
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
yes. u should have one if you don’t already (moisturiser and sunscreen). i’m lazy so it’s just 2-3 steps and then more stuff when i have the energy/remember.
morning: water, toner, moisturiser, sunscreen
night/post-shower: cleanser (in shower), [acids/niacinamide], toner, moisturiser, vaseline on lips
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
neither, i get tomato juice. learned it from my dad
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
physically? nothing. emotionally, i try not to. nothing bad happened i just get embarrassed
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
i have HG products but i would never trust a company 100% ever. my hair conditioner, nivea creme, some misc skincare.
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
hiding out with trusted friends until it’s over bc these people/system of gvt is insane.
14. do you think you’re dehydrated?
i drink 2L a day mininum now so no. used to be though.
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
freezing > drowning > burning (most to least preferred)
burning is the worst no question because you take the longest to die and it hurts like hell. freezing your body slowly shuts down and you stop feeling cold after a while. drowning hurts but is fast.
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
fave childhood flavour but moved away to more weird flavours. is my sister’s current favourite.
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
don’t have one
18. your boba/tea order?
a. brown sugar pearl milk tea with sea salt cream/cheese cream on top or b. roasted milk tea with pudding, grass jelly, tapioca
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
celery. can’t eat it unless it’s megacooked in soup and you can’t taste it.
20. favorite disney princess movie?
maybe mulan? haven’t watched disney in forever.
21. a number that weirds you out?
you guys have that?
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
just a regular water bottle....it’s a purple and white nalgene. no stickers bc they’ll wash off and tbh i feel it’s hard to keep 100% clean.
23. do you wear jewelry?
yes. earrings always, necklace and ring if i remember
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
british bc hong kong bc colonised.
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
absolutely not bc my taste in music doesn’t exist. i just listen to whatever
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
medium to high. i like the korean spicy noodles 2x and eat them regularly
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
dark blue high waisted jeans, nice black top (long sleeves), silver jewellery, black boots, two dutch braids.
28. last meal on earth? 
too hard bc i love so many types of food
29. preferred pasta noodle?
currently rotini
0 notes
punfit · 3 years
Breakfast - 1 banana, serving of fruit-filled biscuits, sweetened black coffee.
Lunch - 1 pink lady apple, serving of salted crackers and camembert cheese.
Dinner - serving of chicken fried rice with beef curry, lettuce and chilli paste.
Dessert - 6 meringue kisses, black tea.
Water - 2L, excellent.
Exercise - none.
I feel okay about not exercising, since I portioned my food better today.
Shark week started so I was acceptably incapacitated anyway xD
And those meringues were absolutely necessary. I had two different video calls with friends going until 2am.
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty sure my thighs and glutes are bigger, and although I know that some of it is me regaining a bit of fat, I believe walking at a steeper incline for a couple of weeks has given me a little more muscle too. 😁
Breakfast - 1 banana, serving of fruit-filled biscuits, sweetened black coffee.
Lunch - serving of yoghurt and granola.
Snack - 1 orange creme biscuit.
Dinner - 4 pieces mini BBQ chicken drumsticks, serving of steamed peas, 1 steamed dim sim, 1 corn on cob, 1.3 servings BBQ chicken pizza.
Snack - black tea.
Water - 2L, excellent.
Exercise - none.
Today's food was so well balanced! Could've eaten a little less at dinner, maybe one slice of pizza and three drumsticks, but hey it was yum.
Breakfast - 3 slices French toast with strawberries, blueberries, salted butter and maple syrup; sweetened black coffee.
Dinner - 2 servings roti with beef curry, 1 serving roti with strawberry jam, 1 banana.
Dessert - 3 pieces meringue kisses, black tea.
Water - 1.8L, good.
Exercise - none.
A little heavy on the bread products and concentrated sugars.
Breakfast - 1 avocado mashed with honey, 2 servings granola, sweetened black coffee.
Dinner - 0.6 serving of oven ready pizza, 1 kransky sausage with shredded cheese and sriracha, serving of instant chicken soup.
Snack - black tea.
Water - 2L, excellent.
Exercise - none.
Could have had a more balanced intake but I'm happy with that.
Breakfast - 1.5 servings camembert cheese with Ritz crackers, 6 strawberries, serving of fruit-filled biscuits, sweetened black coffee.
Lunch - serving of instant chicken and prawn noodles, 2 eggs, 2.5 servings plant based tuna, spicy sauce, serving of Ribena.
Dinner - serving of fried rice with devilled chicken.
Snack - black tea.
Water - 2L, excellent.
Exercise - none (classes).
I've been a bit stressed these last few days, and I think that combined with the cold has given me a bad Raynard's Syndrome attack. Some of my finger joints are super swollen and hard to move because of bad circulation or something.
Breakfast - serving of salted cashews and sultanas, 1 banana, sweetened black coffee.
Lunch - 3 slices French toast with strawberries, blueberries, salted butter and maple syrup, green tea.
Dinner - serving of fried rice with devilled chicken.
Dessert - 5 pieces meringue kisses, green tea.
Snacks - 1.3 servings buttered microwave popcorn, 4 servings sweet chilli chips, serving of Cola.
Water - 2L, excellent.
Exercise - none.
Heavy on the snacks again, but I was celebrating having completed a bunch of assignments on time by having a movie night.
27/8/21 Weight
SW: 80KG
CW: 63.6KG
GW: 60KG
0.1KG down from last week. The weeks are just flying by but I'm making very little progress. :c
Breakfast - serving of yoghurt and granola with 1 pink lady apple and sultanas, sweetened black coffee.
Lunch - 1 chicken and vegetable pie with barbeque sauce, black tea.
Dinner - chicken schnitzel with 1 white bread roll, butter, slice of cheese, spicy sauce, sweet potato fries, and coleslaw.
Dessert - 3 pieces meringue kisses, 2 assorted biscuits, black tea.
Water - 2L, excellent.
Exercise - none.
I think it's been a week since my last workout. While I have done better in terms of late night snacks, I'm still not 100% back on top of cravings.
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