#Ask DriftingGlass
driftingglass · 6 years
You: I want to protect Deku from all the harm in the world!! / Also you: *ships him with the very person who caused him suffering for 10 years*... huh, okay
I actually kind of want to thank you for being cordial about this instead of just… insulting me anonymously like others. 
Granted, I just ignore them/delete them, but still. It’s appreciated.
Since you honestly seem a little bit curious and confused, I want to answer this with a more specific response! So thank you for being reasonable about it. 
There are some things I want to clear up first.
You’re completely entitled to your opinion on a ship, my anonymous friend, and I also respect and understand why people hate the ship and even Bakugou as a character. 
Do I share the same feelings? No, not at all, but I definitely understand it. 
It would be dreadfully boring if every human who experienced the same artistic medium had the same exact opinions and points of views on a character/ship, no? 
At least, I would think so. I love the variety in opinion and watching different people fall in love with anime/books/movies, whatever, in totally different ways and coming out of them with multiple conclusions is wonderful to witness. 
It… almost feels similar to getting angry with someone for picking green as their favorite color, and because it’s not your favorite color you argue about how the different shades don’t make sense and shouldn’t be acknowledged as a favorite.
(Not you, specifically, Anon, but more of a general “you,” if that makes sense.)
Alright. So.
What draws me to the the Bakugou Katsuki / Izuku Midoriya ship, and the two characters individually (as well as their canon dynamic) is based on the concept of healing, forgiveness, growth, redemption, understanding, mutual respect, and genuine deep-rooted pain and realistic acknowledgement of the gratuitous and toxic elements of their relationship. 
And this only scratches the surface, believe it or not.
Yes, Bakugou Katsuki treated Izuku horribly while growing up (hell, he’s still an egotistical asshole). The infamous line in the manga/anime with Katsuki suggesting Izuku “find a Quirk in the next life” is inexcusable, and he should be held accountable for this. 
We’ve been allowed glimpses of their dismantled friendship at Katsuki’s doing, and Izuku’s equally flawed and dangerous perspective in placing Katsuki on a pedestal for his admiration. 
Before I go further with this, I want to touch on things about how I view Izuku as a character, since something in your anonymous message struck me, with the quote you had written: 
“You: I want to protect Deku from all the harm in the world!!”
The thing is, when it comes to characters, and Izuku in particular… I don’t think I’ve ever adopted the mindset of “must protect the precious baby,” because I personally view Izuku as a very relatable and human character. 
I know that this doesn’t cancel one idea out from the other, since many wonderful authors/readers/viewers/consumers, whatever, who like BNHA have this same viewpoint. Clearing this up so that nothing is miscommunicated.
This may seem strange, and a bit… actually yeah this is a little weird, but as a viewer, I see him as someone who strives for an incredible goal, is very determined, much stronger than he appears (and believes) both emotionally and physically, and it’s slowly becoming a surprise to both himself and everyone around him. 
But I see him as not just a character, per say, but a definite reflection of the other side to his dynamic to Bakugou Katsuki. 
(Will touch more on this later.)
He’s been acknowledged as a beloved presence, and I actually don’t like viewing Izuku as a “precious cinnamon roll,” because he’s so much more than that. 
QUICK NOTE HERE: I do not think it’s wrong to think of him this way. This is how I personally think, and how I want to hopefully portray the character in fics I write, or just in a general acknowledgement of him. 
He’s a character that thrives on a complex personality and series of motivations that make sense for a character his age, with his history, and with his flaws and strengths as a protagonist. 
Izuku being “adorable” falls to the very bottom of my list of reasons why I love and relate to him as a character, and when he engages in horrible situations that challenge him, I live for those moments. 
(I know I’m not alone in this. Bear with me.)
I love seeing characters like this suffer and get thrashed and struggle in the face of their darkest times. It shows depth, and a sense of darkness that defies the overly comfortable image that comes across in an anime that is, quite objectively, a bit less of a risk-taker in the earlier arcs in comparison to others.
So, with that in mind… it makes sense why people can’t stand Bakugou Katsuki as a character for treating Izuku like he does, and it also makes sense why Izuku is shipped with just about anyone who can grant him that feeling of “must protect.” 
Again, there is nothing wrong with this. 
In fact, I want to point out, for the sake of people who can’t stand BakuDeku and enjoy other ships, that I see, respect, and completely understand why you feel the way you feel. 
There’s even a strong sense of admiration for it, because you wonderful people are coming from a place that wants Izuku Midoriya to have a stable dynamic. 
This is an incredible, awesome, respectful thing, and shows so much love for Izuku as a character. 
So at this point, it may seem that I’m arguing against myself. That I’m shoving my own argument into the ground for why BakuDeku is my Number Two OTP, and how I’m arguing for its validity.
But, this is where I want to put some light onto the perspective that I have for this ship, and I don’t think I’ve ever gone this deep before on Tumblr.
I mentioned a little bit earlier that part of what makes Izuku shine as a character is how he affects other people. He brings out elements of characters that they won’t even realize themselves. (Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, and All Might are both huge, and popular, examples of this, even though they’re not the only ones). 
His drive and his motivations are directed towards an incredible goal that is founded in the roots of his passion. And this aspect of Izuku? This passion, this drive, this embodiment of equal strengths and flaws balancing and cancelling each other out as he grows and learns? 
They are reflected in none other than Bakugou Katsuki.
I’m in love with the depth to this dynamic, with the potential that’s built on what they could accomplish together. 
Izuku cares deeply for Katsuki, and admires him and respects him, but even with that in mind he knows that Katsuki is an asshole. It’s important to acknowledge this, that Izuku will not let Katsuki take advantage of him in any way. 
And Katsuki, quite evidently, hasn’t attempted to take advantage of Izuku at all; in fact, he’s been only focused on what he wants to accomplish, and is overly obsessed with Izuku potentially surpassing him and “looking down on him” (as confirmed in the story.)
Katsuki is dreadfully immature in a lot of ways, but the fact that they contain so many similar ambitions, balanced on top of a quite impressive tower of flaws that parallel each other perfectly… this, is what draws me to them. 
Izuku and Katsuki are both incredibly ambitious and determined. They both work exceptionally hard. 
I wrote a list awhile back that needs to be updated again anyway, so…
Here are some general contrasts/parallels to them:
Izuku is humble, while Katsuki is egotistical.  
Katsuki is prodigiously talented, while Izuku had to go the extra mile, despite them both being hard workers.
Izuku lacks self-preservation, and Katsuki looks out for himself, first and foremost, and how he will accomplish his goal.
Katsuki exhibits elements of both an intense superiority/inferiority complex, while Izuku… doesn’t. 
Katsuki is more instinctive with his actions, while Izuku is analytical and a definite planner. 
Izuku’s Quirk is more focused on the all-embodying element, like a supercharged mechanism that can both protect and damage in spurts. Katsuki’s Quirk is designed as more of a shield for himself only, and can release constant bursts of power. The more they develop, the more similar their Quirks can become in terms of balance.
Katsuki is exaggeratedly egotistical and lacking humility, pushing others away and immediately accepting himself as the greatest priority. Izuku is the exact opposite, but with a quality just as exaggerated and vast: his anxious hesitation and lack of confidence in himself and only believing that he can succeed with others. 
Izuku’s struggles in confidence is mostly internal and how he thinks of himself. Katsuki’s confidence is both too bloated for him to handle and in the exact same plane as Izuku’s.
Izuku admires All-Might for being the ultimate protector and savior of lives with a smile on his face. Katsuki is focused on the idea of winning, and how heroes always prevail in the end. 
I could go on and on with this… but yeah.
Something I noticed, as well, while writing this, is that Katsuki and Izuku’s contrasts, while very prevalent, are often rooted in similar, if not the same, bedrock of emotions that affect them differently because of their personalities. 
Sometimes their points of views and emotions are so balanced and imbalanced at the same time that it takes awhile to look back and think through all of those individual moments.
And so, before this gets too unbearably wrong, I’m going to bring this home with emphasizing the main point of why I love writing this ship: it’s a challenge. 
A huge. Fucking. Challenge.
It begs the question: how can you make this ship work? How can you make their potential dynamic come together and brush through those layers of misunderstandings and reckless emotions? 
How can Bakugou Katsuki pull his head out of his ass and realistically come into his own while learning to appreciate the person who’s respected and admired him for so long? 
How can Izuku Midoriya learn to stick up for himself when it comes to Katsuki and allow them both to be on equal ground, rather than Izuku always chasing the other? 
How can they get over their differences, and develop something beautiful and, dare I say it, healthy, after a possible length of years and years of mending?
For me, this ship demonstrates the gray areas of relationships, and the possibility of redemption for even the vilest people. 
For me, this ship revels in the depths of Izuku’s character as well as Katsuki’s, and how their dynamic can develop into something founded on equal respect, grounding, and healing. 
For me, this ship focuses on the damaged elements to both characters and embraces the toxicity to their current circumstance, as well as the awful and wonderful elements of their relationship down the line. 
For me, BakuDeku | KatsuDeku focuses on drama, realism, emotion, and the ultimate idea behind rebuilding, protecting, forgiving, and learning to pick up the pieces from one person to another.
There are no excuses for the damage done between these two. 
But there is something really beautiful, and tragic, about the potential in the horizon. 
So those are my thoughts. 
Thank you for inboxing, Anon.
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fireolin · 7 years
Tagged by… @driftingglass​ Thank you so much for this!  I loved reading yours <3
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers who you would like to get to know better! ( 20 is a lot! ) Name:  Fiona Nickname:  Fi and Fifi  Zodiac Sign:  Aries or Piscaries  (I’m on the cusp) Height: 5’3” Nationality:  Australian Fav Fruit:  oranges and imperial mandarines Fav Season: Autumn Fav Flower: frangipanis, also magnolias when they cover a whole tree, cherry  blossoms, like I had outside my bedroom window when I was a kid Fav Scent:  a cake baking, something roasting, jasmine and gardenias in summer Fav Colour:  I’m drawn to reds,  oranges, golds, but I also love blue and green shades – for me it really depends on the combinations Fav Animal: I don’t know! But a soft and cute and affectionate one would be nice.  Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Coffee. Average Hours of Sleep: around seven  Fav Fictional Character: Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Fitz and the Fool from the first Farseer books, Bast in Name of the Wind (want to see more of him)  Number of Blankets you sleep with: One folded in half so i can adjust it bc my partner and i like totally diff temperatures Dream Trip: Back to Europe, again. Would love to write for a few months in the UK where i could visit some of the museums and buildings or ruins  for inspiration. Blog Created:  Late 2015 Tagging:  not tagging bc  I’ve tagged a few people with this one a while back!
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cyberflamingo · 3 years
heLLO YOU’RE ONE HELL OF AN AUTHOR AND I LOVE YOUR KILLUGON WORKS SM. can’t wait to see more of Double-Edged Crown! also, is it okay to ask: do you have some killugon fics that you would recommend? like what are your fav killugon fics, if you’ve ever read some? (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
HELLO!!!! I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond, my butt is getting kicked by real-life work lmao.
First off, thank you SO MUCH asodijfoasjdfojdo I really feel like I'm quite a young addition to the HxH fandom so thank you for welcoming me with open arms! So happy to hear you're enjoying Double-Edged Crown <3
Secondly, fave fics...gosh there are so many! I'll link some of them below, though you may have read some of them already! :3
The Predatory Wasp by silvercistern
Match Point by DecemberCamie
The Heart of Stars by DecemberCamie
as long as it lasts by DecemberCamie
Frost in Sunlight by DecemberCamie
starlight and star-crossed by Quintessence
good reasons to freeze to death by Quintessence
Wayward Souls by DriftingGlass
When the Sun Falls by DriftingGlass
The Afterschool Library Chronicle series by DriftingGlass
A Myriad of Color by benitato (not complete)
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tonerukun · 7 years
HOLY FUCK. Your art is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so glad that I chose to go through your blog because, oh my word, I love pretty much everything I've seen so far! Your older renditions of the BNHA characters are so clean and sharp, like portraits! I wish I could be more eloquent, but, damn. They're fantastic! :D
aaaaaa thank you! I’m really grateful!I’m honestly not sure of what anything else to say (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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mrs-apocalypse · 4 years
God I love ur writing style so I trust ur taste: any fic recs? (doesn’t have to be BKDK, but u know
Before I start, I want you to know that I tried to tag all the big bad warnings, but PLEASE CHECK TAGS on the fic itself before reading in case I’ve missed anything! Now, my favorite bkdk fics vary a lot. There are, of course, the ones a lot of people know:
Before Midnight by @driftingglass~[Explicit] (28/28) (211K words)
Warnings: -Graphic Depiction of Violence, Underage-
Izuku Midoriya takes the same train to and from school Monday through Friday, morning and night. His only company during these lonesome hours comes in the form of another boy his age—a teen with scarred hands and blood gem eyes, a stranger with ash-blond hair who walks in a shroud of danger and mystery. "Would you stop with that fucking muttering, idiot?"And before Izuku can find his footing, his life becomes a full-blown collision course thanks to walking cannonball Katsuki Bakugou. (And along the way he may have found the missing fuel to his fire).
Bluebird by EtherealBing ~ [Explicit] (7/7) (53K words)
Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact.However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Don’t Set Your Drink Down by @crandberrycrush ~ [Explicit] (21/21) (88K words)
With sudden clarity Izuku realized he had broken the first rule of going out. Never leave your drink unattended.
And then there are the lesser known, but insanely good ones I LOVE:
Twenty-Four by SharkbaitSekki ~ [Teen] (1/1) (15K words)
Warnings: -Graphic Depictions of Violence-
Izuku gets himself kidnapped, and Katsuki is dragged into it with him as they face villains with particularly terrifying illusion Quirks. It ends up being a living nightmare, but Katsuki can't bring himself to regret following Izuku into it all. Because between the pain and the terror, between the lies and the illusions, between life and death, at least they can always hang onto one another. Even if everything else is fake, they know that they will always be real.
Two Guys and Lots of Fries by hottamale ~ [Explicit] (1/1) (3K words)
“Ten Guys! I wanna go to Ten Guys; they have the best french fries,” he smiled while looking at Katsuki expectantly.Katsuki frowned. “We just passed it though.”“So turn around.”“And waste my gas? Shits expensive Deku.”Izuku breathed in, held his breath for a moment, and let it back out. He put a hand on Katsuki’s bicep and blinked up at him, bottom lip jutting out into a pout. “Please? I’ll make it up to you.”
And the classics like:
Indestructible (Emotionally Speaking, That Is) by iknewaman ~ [Explicit] (1/1) (8.8K words)
“Alright, buddy,” Katsuki says, swatting at the weeping guy with the broom. “Time to clear out.”--AU where Bakugou works at the cinema and Izuku is the cinema-goer who keeps coming in to cry at sad movies
~And then there are the non-BNHA fics I ADORE~ 
First, for Mob Psycho:
Butterfly Effect by Frecklefrog ~ [Teen] (17/17) (69K Words)
“Go, Mob, melt it!” screeches Reigen, and Mob extends his hand, already coated with the swirling blue discs of his aura. Only-Only he can’t exorcise the spirit, because there isn’t one, and the boy is staring at him with wide blue eyes. His hand is glowing the same yellow as the basket.(in which Teruki meets Mob much, much earlier.)
Then there’s Drarry:
Who We Are In The Shadows by Quicksilvermaid ~ [Explicit] (12/12) (99.7K words)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost. But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself. What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
The Masks of Real Heroes by Aelys_Althea ~ [Explicit] (30/30) (272K words)
Warnings: Rape/Noncon, Child Abuse, Underage
One desperate decision has unimaginable consequences. When Harry received his letter at eleven, he turned down the offer to attend Hogwarts. He had to; it was his only chance to escape. Five years later and, in the brief moments he recalls his decision, he feels nothing but regret. Until an incident causes the opportunity to arise once more, and he is finally given the chance to escape that which has smothered him for so long.
Zukka (Zuko/Sokka from ATLA):
Transference by The_Quartermaster ~ [Mature] (39/39) (146K words)
Warnings: Untagged Rape and Abuse
In a modern AU, Zuko has to deal with settling in a new school after expulsion, dealing with an angry ex and an abusive father. Maybe his new found friendships and growing closeness with Sokka will help him make it through.
Jeanmarco (Jean Kirschtein x Marco Bodt) from Attack on Titan:
Sweet as Cinnamon by SimplyTsundere ~ [Explicit] (46/46) (226K Words)
Wrightvale, Georgia - Sergeant Marco Bodt receives a call about a noise complaint in his own apartment building while on duty. Surprisingly, the call was for the new neighbor that moved in the night before. The door opens to a very intoxicated Jean Kirschtein who mistakes the good officer for the male stripper his friends had hired for his welcome party. Hilarious antics ensue in a tale about how two broken people learn to put the pieces together with one another after life has dealt them a rather unfortunate hand of cards that may or may not come back to haunt."Qui craint de souffrir, il souffre déjà de ce qu’il craint." ~ "He who fears suffering is already suffering that which he fears." Jean de La Fontaine
And lastly, TianShan (Mo Guan Shan x He Tian) from 19 Days:
Always Will by Mestizo ~ [General Audience] (1/1) (777 words)
There are days when he wakes up from another time and then starts to ask him about school, homework, part time jobs. And Mo GuanShan responds as if only a day has passed since their teenage years ended.
Sticking Around by @agapaic ~ [Mature] (2/2) (14K words)
‘You’re awfully bold lately.’I know, Guan Shan thinks. Love is making me stupid and brave.‘D’you mind?’ he asks. He knows his gestures of affection are hard to win—harder to receive of their own accord. Something—this morning’s epiphany—has made him want to give them more freely. But he was right, earlier: He Tian likes the challenge. Fear stabs at him, precise. Maybe He Tian won’t want him anymore.‘Not in the slightest,’ He Tian replies.
nothing’s gonna hurt you, baby by @agapaic ~ [Mature] (7/7) (50K Words)
Warning: Graphic Depiction of Violence
Guan Shan's father leaves his family for work in New York at the beginning of the First World War — and is never heard from again. In the autumn of 1928, thirteen years later, Guan Shan makes his own way to lower Manhattan's Little China to find him, with only the name of the man who signed his father's contract.When he finds himself falling into the world of America's Roaring Twenties and Tong Wars, and everyone he meets is not quite as they seem, finding his father turns out to be much more complicated than he’d thought.
Hush by @agapaic ~ [Explicit] (6/6) (26K words)
Warning: Rape/NonCon, Underage
He Tian sees something he shouldn’t, and something he almost wishes he hasn’t. He’s never been a very good knight in shining armour.
Honestly, if you’re into 19 Days and TianShan I recommend everything by Agapaic! They’re my favorite writer on AO3~ 
I hope this gives you an idea of what I read and maybe you find one of your favorites too! Enjoy!
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fall-lightning · 4 years
Killugon Fic Rec pt. 2
(I tried to link them but for some reason it wasn’t reading. I didn’t do very much proof-reading for these recommendations/reviews, so there might be typos or grammar errors, so I apologize for that.)
one hour by orphan_account
This fanfiction is a college au, which I have always been obsessed with. This is a pretty short one shot, but the writing is amazing and the characterization is spot-on for an aged up Killugon in a modern setting.
Graffiti by DecemberCamie
Last list I just put DecemberCamie in general and told people to just read all of her fics, and that remains true, but this one specifically I think every person who ships Killugon should read. This is a mafia/gang au, which is so cool! Pairing the interesting au with DecemberCamie’s always amazing writing makes for a memorable fic. Make sure if you start this it’s on a weekend or something because you probably won’t want to stop reading it and it’s pretty long.
hundreds of ways to wish a happy birthday by jeonggukscheeks
This is a Hogwarts au with mutual pining Killugon. Do I even need to continue?
Seeking Petrichor by AvtorSola
Seeking Petrichor is a fantasy au AND a royalty au and what more could you really ask for? Not only that, but AvtorSola is an AMAZING writer. I’ve read some of their other fanfictions on ao3, and this is the longest (I think) but because they’re such an amazing writer just... read all of their fanfictions. This one specifically though!! The world-building and characters and writing in general is just so <3
dream when there’s nothing to feast on by Quintessence
This almost made me cry but that’s what a good angst fic does, right? This story starts out with the fluff and quickly puts you on edge and then by the end you’re crying, so prepare for a rollercoaster. I’m not normally a big fan of angst, something I’ve mentioned before, and yet? This gets an exception because Quintessence really brought her A-game.
The Afterschool Library Chronicle series by DriftingGlass
Yet ANOTHER school au. I’m a SUCKER. This is a whole series because the parts are all broken up into multiple shorter pieces. Everything DriftingGlass writes is really just splendid. I mentioned this on my last fic rec but I’ve used their writing to convince my parents that fanfiction can be as good as published books and they actually believed me, despite being super judgmental. I love the dynamic between Killua and Gon in this series so much!
supercell x season by darth_fluffy
I did a separate fic rec for this but I’ve noticed the longer ones tend to do better, so I’m adding this again because it deserves HYPE. This fanfiction is another kind of fantasy au but it’s also set in modern times. It really captures the innocence of first love amazingly, and it’s so adorable.
Give me time by emulikule
This didn’t make me almost cry in school :) Not at all :) I keep saying I’m not a fan of angst and then I go and read angst anyway and make myself sad. This is an interesting twist on something that could’ve happened alternatively instead of Nanika just straight-up saving Gon. I recommend. Don’t read it in public unless you’re much stronger than me. (Which actually isn’t very hard)
Cracked Stones by espeones
This is based off of a prompt I’ve seen go around and I’ve always loved the prompt but I haven’t seen it for ANY fandom I’ve like... ever been in. So this is a soulmate au, and the prompt is so cool! And the way espeones wrote the story makes it very fun to read!
You’re a Wizard, Killua by olivemeister
Yet another Harry Potter au. It ain’t my fault I’m in love with Hogwarts. This one is significantly longer than the first one and very well-written. Suuuper slow burn, but the best kind of story has some good old-fashioned mutual-pining. After reading this I checked out some of olivemeister’s other fanfictions and actually all of their fanfics are amazing. I suggest reading this and then checking out some of olivemeisters other works.
Waiting for You by snoflakesun
Y’all know that animated movie about the girl who finds a spirit in the woods and befriends him and they hang out over the years? Yeah, this is an au for THAT. That’s so cool! This story is so cool! I sound like a seven-year-old right now! A good fanfiction just does that.
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 years
2, 3, 23 and 29 for writer ask meme!
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
i can’t think of any that i really strongly want to tbh. when i plan stories tropes are not the first thing on my mind. i mean stellar date is an exception to that, because i was so out of ideas i specifically looked for a trope to write anything. but normally my ideas are more nebulous and prompted by some random stuff.
i guess maybe the ‘going to prom’ teen romance trope in my high school au, because i can dress them in cute outfits.   
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
oh plenty. for example enemies to lovers, or most types of opposites attract, i just don’t really enjoy this dynamic most of the time, even if it’s done well it’s not my favourite thing. anything to do with vampires and werewolves, the dynamics there also turn me off. i’m sure there is plenty more that just doesn’t come to mind rn.
 23.  If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
All of them, literally. I’ve revised and rewritten parts of “Fairy tale kingdom, nightmare castle” several times already. I probably won’t do that again with this particular fic but it’s not because i don’t think it needs revisions.
when i read “Why am I like this?” i cringe and how bad the language is in that. every sentence has “was/were” as the verb… it’s so ugly and crude and amateurish. and it has some continuity problems and like wtf problems when it comes to passage of time and setting. i mean what the climate is there anyway. what time of year… it’s a mess.
“Indigo lace” is like i had an idea, sort of, but really it makes little sense. and the typos and the language in that is just horrible. this goes to all of my pwp one shots for that au… they are all children of severe writers block and it shows
“Levels” this one is just… god it really doesn’t know what i wants to be. in the beginning i tried so hard to make the language richer, less “was/were” in every sentence but half way through i just gave up i think. the second half feels rushed, but i ran out of ideas and didn’t want to repeat their adventures. i really wanted it to have a certain direction from normal to wtf, but it  just doesn’t happen. and the “horror elements” are really weak, but i just can’t horror. 
“Stellar date” is so dry for a fluff and trope fest it is. i mean i couldn’t even go all out writing something this cheese. i just can’t do the fluff and feels correctly. also typos
they all are typos central
i’ll stop because god i hate them all with a passion
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
i’d only write these because i don’t think the authors have plans write them.
a sequel Wayward Souls by DriftingGlass, because there are so many open plot lines in there, the stuff with Ging and the rebellion, and the story with Alluka and Nanika. I just want to know what’s up with all that, so if the author told me the answers then i’d try to write it. granted the style would be different and far less interesting sigh, but i could at least be at peace knowing how those plots resolve XD
Come & See Me [2 A.M. Again] for this one i’d just want to finish it, i roughly know why it wasn’t finished and so on, but i like this story a lot, so i’d like it to be written in full if i knew more about the author’s plans for it. same goes i guess for In x The x Dark, and Language of Loneliness.
I’m just nosy ok, i just want to know stuff, how it ends and all. XD
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers
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bakudekuficlibrary · 5 years
BakuDeku: No Quirks AU Part I
Click here for Part II, Part III, and Part IV!
63 Works.
Strawberry Clouds by Catopawtra  ( G | 38,898+ | 16/? )
On a beautiful day in late summer, Izuku Midoriya accidentally collides with a certain ash blonde skateboarder named Katsuki Bakugou and breaks the prized skateboard. Between juggling his part time job, school and the ill health of his mother, Izuku promises to get Katsuki a new board before the month is out.
A cute fluffy, dorky love between Katsuki and Izuku~ Milkshakes, coffee, skateboards and more~ Enjoy!
[Abandoned] a railcar named desire by Ramabear (RyMagnatar)  ( E | 9,069 | 4/? )
Sometimes, on the train, Katsuki encounters a stranger who has the power to make his day incredible, just by the touch of his skin.
Every meeting, he feels drawn to the stranger, drawn to touch him, to hold him, to speak to him. And though it physically pains him to pull away, time and again, he always does.
Katsuki can't help himself and he doesn't want to ruin a good thing by trying to continue it off the train. Those moments they share are enough for him.
Izuku tells himself, over and over, that what happens on the train stays on the train and if it happens only on the train then it isn't a problem at all.
It turns out, they're both very, very wrong.
The Boy Made From Ash by theabridgedkuriboh  ( T | 8,751+ | 7/? )
Legend tells of a single boy, a child who was born with a curse. His body was tainted, dark incantations cover every inch of his skin. A proactive curse said to cause the skin of the wearer’s body to feel like fire to others.
[Abandoned] Falling Into Place by myraj  ( G | 2,752 | 2/? )
Things that fall: petals, teardrops, snowflakes, rain, leaves, the sun, and I, for you.
[Abandoned] Fucking Nerd by PlotPancake  ( Not Rated | 6,990 | 2/? )
Izuku isn't the luckiest person and god he knows it! So is it just another way of the universe raining on Izuku's parade, when his new study partner turns out to be his old childhood friend Katsuki or is it a chance for their old friendship to blossom once again?
(Honestly i'm not very good at coming up with summaries that captures the readers, but i hope this description is enough to at least peek someones interest) (≧◡≦)
{ Curator’s Note: Summary suggests that this fic is mainly about BakuDeku. However, it has the Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto relationship tag as well and the endgame is not explicitly stated in the tags, description, or notes. }
[Abandoned] King Of The Forest by Wildkitten312  ( T | 6,865 | 4/? )
Katsuki Bakugou had lived in the woods for a few years, growing accustomed to living in the wild. Outlawed in the last village, he's called a "beast" and a "traitor." One day, he spots a green haired boy in his old home village and becomes interested.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Watered By The Rain by demonglass  ( T | 4,209 | 1/1 )
Midoriya isn't thrilled about the typhoon raging outside the school. He's even less thrilled about the person it's trapping him inside with.
fulfilled by howitzerimpact  ( G | 836 | 1/1 )
bakugou katsuki has always felt empty, disconnected almost. he barely has any direction in life - what he wants to do, where he wants to go.
however, one summer day, he encounters someone who shakes his world.
the baking prodigy in the all-might pajamas by lucyheartfilia  ( T | 59,682+ | 19/25 )
College AU in where angry art major Bakugou Katsuki kind of, sort of falls in love with a cute, green-haired nerd that likes to bake in his all-might pjs at questionable hours of the night.
someday, at this place by howitzerimpact  ( G | 553 | 1/1 )
growth is pain, emotions are weird.
what is a crush anyway?
bakugou katsuki learns through the years what tears can mean.
Flirt by kitty_ray  ( T | 1,015 | 1/1 )
Deku can't handle being flirted with, Bakugou is Hella Tired™, and Ochako never loses a bet.
(Bakudeku week day four: Retail AU)
Series Part 4 of I love every bit of you (Bakudeku week 2017)
It's Better Than Drinking Alone by osakakitty  ( E | 7,116 | 1/1 )
On the fourteenth of July, Izuku Midoriya's girlfriend called him to her place, and dumped him. And now, on the morning of the fifteenth of July, he woke up with a gruesome hangover and no one to celebrate the day with.
Or not.
Modern-day AU where Midoriya and Bakugo are strangers who meet in a bar, and then have wild and crazy sex later that night. The morning after, it's Midoriya's birthday, but he can't quite remember everything that happened. Bakugo is still willing to give him a present.
[Dubious Consent]
[Abandoned] Alexithymia by DriftingGlass  ( M | 61,246 | 10/11 )
It’s as if he’s inhaling a breath of snow and ashes—a shock and choke in his throat, strangely reminiscent of the day he realized that the birthmark blooming on his shoulder was identical to the drawings on his childhood friend’s desk.
Now, twelve years later, it only confirms Izuku’s impending doubts that, yes, he is now legally claimed by Katsuki Bakugou.
[Implied/Referenced Underage Sex]
[Abandoned] Flower Fields by pixelkitt  ( T | 6,016 | 3/? )
"Flowers are pretty, but not when they have my bloodstains on them."
[Abandoned] Survive. by bakugovs  ( M | 8,211 | 4/? )
It's been more than half a decade since it all happened. No one saw it coming, so no one stopped it. Midoriya Izuku had lost so much since that faithful day it all started. Family, friends, stability, shelter, love, his childhood, unmade memories, his happiness. But he kept going, in search of something, anything, that's probably not even there. When he gets himself in a bit of a situation, his life flashs before his eyes. On the verge of ending it all, he finds the one person he never thought he'd see again. A certain fiery blonde, that he knows he shouldn't be too overjoyed to come face to face with again, but in the end can't help himself.
Bakugou Katsuki.
-------OR------- Izuku is stuck in the middle of an apocalypse alone with nowhere to go. He visits the city he grew up in, to pick up a few things, when he gets himself in a bad situation and almost dies. He ends up meeting his childhood friend/bully Bakugou Katsuki, resurfacing a lot of memories and forming new ones.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence (Blood and Gore) | Major Character Death | Suicide]
[On Hiatus] Welcome Home by Viciedy  ( Not Rated | 22,600+ | 7/? )
Midoriya Izuku is a civilian in Japan who accepted the reality of his state being quirkless, resulting him in being unable to be a pro-hero.
But he doesn't want to give up that easily from trying to cheer people up, make someone's day, or help others.
So what better way to sweeten up someone's day with sweets?
[Abandoned] This Time by TheSorcererOfWinter  ( T | 2,248 | 1/? )
Katsuki stared up the sky, wondering if this was the punishment for all the sins he had done. He knew nothing can change the past, but he had changed for the better. It is forgiveness he sought when he came back to Japan, hoping to get the chance to atone for his mistakes. This time, he wanted to make things right. But how was he supposed to ask for forgiveness after Izuku's revelation?
{ Curator’s Note: This work also tagged with the Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto relationship tag as well as the Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi relationship tag. However, in the beginning notes, the author said: “This is basically my first story in BNHA for KatsuIzu Fic...” }
[On Hiatus] I Swear I'm Not Only Here For The Dog by Manateequeem  ( M | 37,185+ | 29/? )
Bakugou Katsuki was never a real fan of dogs, but when Midoriya Izuku reappears in his life, he steals his friend's dog as his own.
Otherwise known as the quirkless au where Katsuki pretends that Kirishima's dog is his to get closer to Izuku who may or may not have a crush on Todoroki.
[Abandoned] the lies and the truth by electraheathens  ( T | 3,598 | 6/? )
Katsuku Bakugou is rich.
Izuku Midoriya is not.
They live in completely different worlds, and this is the story of how those worlds collided.
[On Hiatus] Kacchan's secret by LikaNightmare  ( E | 6,873+ | 4/? )
Of all the things that Midoriya Izuku might have expected to see – which covered a fairly good range of weird situations he had seen in the past involving Katsuki – in no scenario on his mind would he find himself watching his friend jerking off. And to pile up to that shocking image, he was calling out Izuku's name.
Home by Excommunicate  ( T | 2,416 | 1/1 )
If Bakugou Katsuki needed to find a reason to visit Izuku's dormitory just to see him, he would.
He chose the wrong day to get snowed in with a green-haired freckled college student and a load of unrefined and volatile emotions. Maybe even on both ends.
Prólogo by MoniHitachiin  ( T | 468 | 1/1 )
AU - Sin poderes pero con Netflix n' Chill porque hay muchas películas de superhéroes.
Series Part 1 of Netflix n' Chill
We are in This Together by MaiaMizuhara  ( T | 1,425 | 1/1 )
Izuku reached down to curl his fingers around Katsuki's and softly squeezed them.
“Don’t worry, it’s a move reserved just for you.”
Katsudeku week Day 1 - Teamwork.
Series Part 1 of September KatsuDeku week 2017
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Field trip by Gladiolus  ( G | 2,369 | 1/1 )
Izuku’s slumped shoulders went up in a resigned shrug before falling back to their previous position.
Six years old Bakugou Katsuki is a fearless knight in shining amour (except, not really, and I mean NOT REALLY. He just stops at nothing to see the object of his affections).
Series Part 3 of Time waits for none
The Space Between by Kanae_vR  ( M | 94,875+ | 16/23 )
Holding his expensive camera tightly between his hands, Midoriya Izuku looked up at the once-white letters displayed on the black storefront banner. “The Hard Luck Bar,” he murmured to himself, unsure if he was getting ready to enter or flee.
Amateur photographer Midoriya Izuku is stuck in a rut and desperate for a change of pace. Deep in his city's grimy underbelly, he finds exactly what he's looking for in the form of an underground punk sensation on the verge of their big break, fronted by a foul-mouthed firework of a human being.
Loud, brash and passionate, Izuku may have just found the creative spark he needed, as well as something new to set his soul ablaze.
[Abandoned] Angry Kids by MrJokerBoy  ( T | 9,251 | 12/? )
Just a collection of katsudeku/bakudeku one shots, fluff, smut etc.
Updated whenever and requests and/or suggestions are cool
[Abandoned] gotta do what you gotta do, i guess by inkwell (kkuro)  ( M | 1,579 | 1/? )
it seems that working in retail isn't the only way to get money
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Sour Silk by BrightEyesEren  ( E | 6,116 | 1/1 )
Midoriya Izuku starts to receive random gifts at his door. Chaos ensues when he realises he has a sugar daddy.
Lattes and Love by fliick  ( G | 9,563+ | 5/? )
Izuku saw him every week, on Fridays. He didn’t even like coffee that much; if anything, he was more of a tea person. But after walking into the coffee shop one day after a long day of college work and seeing his childhood friend - or rather, childhood bully - working as a barista, he was intrigued.
Yell It From The Top Of Your Lungs by estupidaval  ( T | 2,897 | 1/1 )
Being seen as weak by many is frustrating. Even so when it's almost everyone who looks at you.
At this, Izuku sheepishly lowered his gaze, and said “Strong people cry…”
At this, Aizawa smiled again, “And what are you doing right now, Izuku?”
“Crying,” He replied as he picked at his finger nails.
Aizawa decided to keep pushing, as Izuku knew what he was implying, but wouldn't budge.
He raised an eyebrow and spoke up once more, “So, you are…”
And ‘Ah, there it is.’ Aizawa thought to himself as a smile crept it's way onto the boy’s mouth. Izuku lifted his gaze once more and looked back into Aizawa's eyes,
Homemade Happiness by issawip  ( M | 47,889+ | 8/12 )
There was probably a bigger chance for Izuku to win the lottery then for this to happen, unfortunately instead of getting filthy rich overnight, Izuku had managed to choose the worst fucking person in the world to be his sperm donor.
a love story about an IUI, an extreme coincidence and two people seriously destined to be together no matter what
Невинное хобби by Explodocat  ( T | 1,199 | 1/1 )
О неожиданном умении и странных увлечениях.
Entering the World of Music by hibahime  ( G | 1,236 | 1/1 )
(music au that i've been working on. currently still world building because i want to keep expanding this au.)
Five-year-olds Katsuki and Izuku are taking piano lessons together. It takes them more than a few tries, but join them as they take their first steps into the world of music!
Series Part 1 of Learning to Play As One
[Abandoned] A Noble Pursuit by MaiaMizuhara  ( T | 4,589 | 1/? )
Are people defined by a prescripted fate, or rather by the choices they make?
Izuku awakens one day void of memories in a foreign place; the only recollection he seemed to have was a lucid dream and a name – Katsuki. He is later found by the prince of a country involved in a vengeful war and becomes the head tactician of his arm, where everyone’s lives are given for him to use as he pleases. He can’t afford to make a single mistake, because one wrong move could be the end for all of them.
And now – as he has to deal with his quick growing feelings for said prince –, his past is catching up to him. Events are revealed and stories are rediscovered, stocking up all for one last grand finale.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Colours of Life by karrxma  ( T | 11,885+ | 2/? )
Piano prodigy Katsuki views life in monochrome after the passing of his mother.
After two years of not touching the piano, a male violinist called Izuku came into his life and showed him the colours of life for the first time. They performed and made many memories together but everything will eventually come to an end.
"You exist inside a spring that can't be replaced."
❦ Your Lie in April AU ❦
A Life Between Worlds by Lrchild  ( Not Rated | 55,019+ | 29/? )
Midoriya Izuku had suspicions that he wasn't the only werewolf, but he never really meet any others. He grew up with a semi-normal childhood, but always had a certain lonely feeling that followed him around. His only friend, Kacchan could never truly understand the life Izuku had been forced into. Izuku only ever thought of his wolf blood as a curse. But when he accidentally runs into more of his kind, he's forced to make a choice. To leave the human world and be a wolf, or never transform into one again. Or of corse he could try franticly to live in both worlds and never disappoint anyone. (but he is going to have to make a choice... sometime...)
*summary might be changed later*
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death]
{ Curator’s Note: This work also has the Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto relationship tag, and the endgame has not been stated in the tags, summary, nor notes. }
[Abandoned] You're Worth Remembering by Manateequeem  ( T | 1,004 | 1/? )
Bakugou remembers nothing and Izuku wants to help him remember again
[Implied/Referenced Self-Harm | Suicide Attempt]
As usual by shinxtea  ( T | 538 | 1/1 )
Izuku likes it when Kacchan comes to the cafe. Eijiro, on the other hand, is just lonely.
[Abandoned] Taste of your own medicine by MrJokerBoy  ( T | 5,605 | 5/? )
In which one day Katsuki's and Izuku's roles have been switched.
[Abandoned] A wedding to remember by Miki_Tamiko13  ( E | 536 | 1/18 )
It a beautiful day for love, unfortunately for the west shironita fang tribe it just another day.
For our young king and his warrior might be the most desirable Alpha's , it don't mean their pulling the Omega or betas left and right.
King Katsuki is a hot head with zero people skills.
Kirishima is an idiot
Shouto is emotionless
Jirou only loves music
Iida too uptight
Mineta is... well mineta( not hating and not bashing I actually like him)
Yes our fine Alpha's are 16 and old enough to marry, but no beta in the tribe seems to be wooed by their charm, until the day they visit the dragon birthing ground to choice their dragon that they will claim.
They find more then a dragon , but not 1or 2 but 6 beautiful omegas from the north hota tribe.
Series Part 1 of Inspired by life
no feelings were involved in the making by yunnings (ladylolli)  ( T | 7,998 | 1/1 )
Of course Deku is the same as he’d always been - slow, shitty, unable to move to the beat on cue and shoulders hunched in terribly until everyone can see his prominent collarbones in his imitation of a retreating turtle. It doesn’t make Bakugou want to bite down on the smooth junction between Deku’s neck and shoulder. Nope.
Choreo!AU where Bakugou and Midoriya are partnered together on a project for MightTV at U.A. Dance Studio. They work together reluctantly. Bakugou gets angry when it doesn't work out. Midoriya gets prep-talks from Todoroki. Kirishima gets unsung best bro award 2k17.
for katy / bakudeku secret santa 2017
One Thing Straight by celestialdescendant  ( T | 9,899 | 5/5 )
They totally aren't.
Hints of their relationship is found in all of their friends’ social media accounts, but majority of their fans still think that Katsuki and Izuku are in relationships with anybody but each other.
It was amusing up until it became sad.
The Rarity by bittybitt39  ( E | 38,660 | 10/? )
Midoriya Izuku had been promised at the age of four to his once dear friend, Bakugou Katsuki. Their mothers thought it smart to betroth the two in the hopes that Izuku would be protected and taught in the safety of the guards Mitsuki could provide until the day he was old enough to come to the south kingdom. After all, it was not everyday that the rarity of a male omega was born within these times.
Izuku grows up knowing he is promised, and has vague memories of his alpha from his younger days. He is also gifted, in more ways than one when his teacher Toshinori confronts his mother with Izuku being named as his successor. But a war breaks out between the kingdoms of the north and east, and the betrothed are separated far longer than the royal family would have hoped. But the war raging keeps them separated besides a few letters that are received from those that were brave enough to run through the war lands.
When the World Is Falling Apart, I'll Focus On You. by estupidaval  ( T | 787 | 1/1 )
"The sound of splitting wood downstairs made Izuku jolt, and Katsuki held him tighter, making Izuku focus on him again. Izuku began to cry. He didn't want to die, he was terrified, god, he was terrified. He wanted to stay with Katsuki forever. They planned their future before humanity broke into millions of pieces. When they were stress free, when they could hold each other with no fears."
[Major Character Death]
I think my neighbor, my super cute...baby faced...neighbor might be fucking insane! by TatoBugTheDestroyer (orphan_account)  ( G | 4,433 | 1/1 )
------ Katsuki remembered one time when he came out in the evening. The sun was setting at the time, and the man’s head was completely level with the flaming ball of gas. Katsuki almost missed the opportunity to snap a picture, he was in too much awe to move. His cannon only made the scene a thousand times more elegant. The camera didn’t quite blur out the background but made the top layers features more sharp, making Deku’s tussled hair stand out in front of the pinkish-orange sky behind him. It caught the sunbeams that shone through his curls, beautifully so. ----
They're both a little crazy.
[On Hiatus] One Click Away by ALonelyGod  ( T | 21,235+ | 2/4 )
Gaming AU!
Katsuki "GroundZero" Bakugou is a game streamer on Twitch, he plays anything that catches his fancy. One day he's wrecking noobs in CS:GO and the next you'll see him mindlessly farming on Stardew Valley.
After watching the Overwatch World Cup, this salty AF player got inspired and started streaming his comp matches. Together with his squad, they aspire to reach the top. But no matter how good they are at killing nobody wanted to take up the support role, and that's when Katsuki got obsessed with this mysterious support player named "Deku".
For Katsuki it was love at frst healing orb.
[On Hiatus] Sober Up by teapotscandal  ( E | 6,607+ | 2/10 )
Izuku Midoriya is an Omegan paramedic burnt out by the stress of his job. Katsuki Bakugo is an Alphan bartender who blatantly refuses to acknowledge Izuku as his childhood friend. After Izuku stumbles upon the bar that Katsuki works at, he begins showing up after every shift, drinking himself stupid and bothering the shit out of Katsuki who isn’t as indifferent as he tries to act. How long can Katsuki stand back and ignore Izuku’s downward spiral into alcohol abuse without stepping in and admitting to what happened in their past.
[PTSD | Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism]
Handkerchief Dude by zubateatscakes  ( M | 10,631 1/1 )
Mr. Anger Issues might be an alien, Izuku thought. He couldn’t explain his apparently unlimited voice volume otherwise. “What have you just called me?” The guy cracked his knuckles and, face twisted in an evil smirk, stepped forwards into his personal space. Izuku became very pale and then turned as red as a tomato. He flinched and moved backwards, but the man kept approaching. “Did I say it aloud?” “You fucking did.” “Oh crap. Sorry?” “Take your fucking lame excuse for an apology and stick it up your ass,” Mr. Anger Issues spat out, nails digging into his palms.
Ghost hunter Izuku travels between the world of the dead and that of the living. Katsuki is troublesome and likes to brawl. One day, Izuku finds Katsuki in a dark alley, and their lives entangle together.
Bring It On by theskywalkerkid  ( M | 9,484+ | 6/? )
“That’s great dude, watching you guys perform takes my breath away. Seeing you do all those flips and being flexible, I could only dream of it. Like when you did those backflips and landed into the splits, I was totally taken by surprise. I bet Katsuki likes that you’re flexible.” Izuku stopped walking and his mind tried to process what he just said. “W-what?”, his voice cracked. Denki paused giving him a curious look, “are you two not…like you know…you guys have done it right?” Izuku feels his face turn bright red, he can’t believe that he was just asked that.
A High School AU that needed to be written.
{ Curator’s Note: This work also has the Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto tag, and the endgame is not explicitly stated in the tags, summary, or notes. }
Lost Omega by GreyDayMoon  ( E | 45,575 | 15/15 )
Izuku was just trying to take care of himself and his mother but a single slip up sends him into unfamiliar territory where he encounters an aggressive alpha who drags him into tribe life.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage]
The Sound Of Your Voice by melkara  ( M | 2,989+ | 1/? )
Katsuki Bakugou is without a job and struggling with no real future in sight, until he gets hit over the head with a bucket from a future who has a really really nice voice and an over protective best friend who just wont leave him alone. --- Or bascially that one story where Izuku is deaf, Katsuki is oblivious, and Todordoki is just trying to keep the floors clean and Midoriya happy.
[Past Abuse]
Matchmakers by Trashreciptical  ( T | 7,935 | 4/4 )
When Katsuki agreed to be Jirou's wingman at a school dance for his students he expected to be bored out of his mind, he expected to laugh at his students suffering trying to communicate with the opposite sex, and he expected being subjected to shitty pop music all night.
What he wasn't expecting was the gorgeous teacher from the other school with forests in his eyes and stars on his cheeks....fuck he has it bad.
In which Katsuki is a chemistry teacher that is one explosion away from being fired and Izuku is the adorable english teacher from a different school, who sweeps Katsuki off of his feet and he doesn't know what to do.
haven't we been here before? by yunnings (ladylolli)  ( T | 4,018 | 1/1 )
Aeryong, from Mother Birth, a bell that chimes when you meet your fated one—
A bell from his memory; it’s ringing, once, twice. (That means you’re close.) Amidst the crowded Chinatown street, Bakugou pauses and looks.
Midoriya’s figure stands, unyielding and pliant as willows on a brook as the masses flow around him unhindered, water towards an open ocean.
Huh, Bakugou doesn’t feel as surprised as he should have. “It’s you-”
Bakugou got his hands on a love bell. Midoriya mistakenly thinks it's a death bell. Bakugou clears the issue up brusquely and they kiss and make up. [winky emoji]
And this too shall pass by Stars1Are1Metaphors  ( M | 5,658 | 1/1 )
Japan is plagued by a horrific, contagious and deadly disease that holds prisoners, although... not for long. In the richest mansion of its capital city, the only child of the great engineer Midoriya Hisashi is struck. Unfortunately, in the time this child has been born in lies no cure. To quell his loneliness, Hisashi creates the first ever robot and calls it Katsuki. And so, in a disease stricken town a tender bond forms between a kind-hearted boy and an unusual, one of a kind creation.
[Major Character Death]
a calm surrender by ficklish  ( T | 4,841 | 1/1 )
They meet purely by chance, and Katsuki isn't sentimental enough to deem their reunion fate, but it’s definitely a nice change, to be able to talk and have someone answer.
“Keep up,” he snaps, “or I’ll leave your ass behind.”
"Okay Kacchan," Deku says, and has the nerve to beam at him like a very annoying sun.
Katsuki looks quickly away so he doesn’t blind himself.
Katsuki falls in love with Deku against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Ephemeral by bakudeku  ( G | 821 | 1/1 )
Dreams become reality on that short summer evening, when knees were often scraped, while cicadas whistled the sweet melodies of summer, Izuku shared his first kiss with Katsuki. It was a simple peck on the lips. A small gesture to express the mutual fondness they felt for each other. The kiss did more than serve its purpose, it formed an even deeper relationship between the two.
Spring BakuDeku Week 2018 by gaytodoroki  ( G | 2,752 | 7/7 )
What the title says.
(Short drabbles for the wonder duo’s week!)
Closer, You And I by TheSorcererOfWinter  ( T | 1,714+ | 1/? )
Nothing came out interesting with the boy to Katsuki’s eyes. His entire existence screamed he's a fucking loser and there's no amount of entertainment he could get from the other to ease out his boredom.
Well, that's what he thought.
Who knew an embroidery on a piece of an old handkerchief will open a door to his forgotten past.
Katsuki is determined to know the truth, even if it means getting closer to a nerdy transfer student. He will.
(A combination of Nekoumyu's Prompt 2 and Prompt 3)
stones at the starlight by shousanki  ( T | 2,972 | 1/1 )
Katsuki and Izuku struggle to survive in an adult world not kind to (not-quite) childhood sweethearts as they search for the small and good things amidst petty indignities.
Series Part 6 of 青春ノンストップ ーSpring Bakudeku Week 2018ー
Love That's Left Behind by ploThief  ( T | 1,439 | 1/1 )
The trio flinch when they hear the tale-tell guttural moan of hungry zombies. Two new zombies have heard the commotion. One looks savage, face twisted forever in an angry scowl. The other is plainer, moving with a slight limp. The two are bloodied and dirty, but in much better condition than most zombies they cross. Newly turned, Ochaco’s mind supplies. It leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
[Major Character Death]
to you, on the other side of the screen by stars_go_dim  ( T | 21,554+ | 7/? )
Bakugou is a popular YouTuber when he suddenly stumbles upon Midoriya’s makeup channel. But why is he so interested in some random kid he found on YouTube?
or alternatively
that YouTube au nobody asked for
5 Times Izuku Came Home And Almost Had An Heart-Attack And 1 Time He Came Home And His Heart Melted by elizabeth_16  ( T | 4,829 | 1/1 )
Five times Izuku Midoriya came home and almost had an heart-attack thanks to hs husband and one time his heart melted (thanks to his husband).
Or: These idiots being married and in love; fluff fluff fluff
[On Hiatus] Till Death Do Us Part  ( M | 1,990+ | 1/? )
Izuku Midoriya finds himself on quite the situation. Having been sent on a supply run for medicine, him and his two companions Kirishima and Shinsou are all separated by a horde.
All alone, a reanimated hand pulling his shoulder towards a rotting jaw, Izuku says his last regards to his loved ones and waits for the inevitable ripping of his own flesh.
But it never comes.
Ikuzu/Hitoshi is only really referenced a few times. Katsuki/Izuku is the main ship.
Rated mature for scenes of violence and gore.
[Major Character Death]
109 notes · View notes
boredknightprincess · 5 years
I.. I have been tagged
Answer 21, Tag 21 people you would like to know better!
I don't usually do anything on here except for fangirl about everything quietly, so I feel kind of honoured although its probably random. But thank you @findmeinthevoid
1. Nickname(s): simsim, Jazmin, tree.
2. Zodiac Sign: Leo.
3. Height: 5'8.
4. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!
5. The Last Thing You Googled: mal, bay scallops, seafood pasta creamy and how to make chicken noodle soup.
If I'm not googling anime I'm looking up recipes and food.
6. Favourite Musicians: Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, Red Velvet and EXO.
7. Song Stuck in Your Head: right now it's Perfect 10 by Red Velvet.
8. Following Now: 61, I thought I followed more people.
9. Followers: 83! Wtf?! There is no way all of them are real people, at least have of them are bots!
10. Do I Get Asks: Nope, I almost never interact with anyone on tumblr. Which is why I am baffled by the number of followers I have!
11. Amount of Sleep: it's kinda messy since I finished my finals (whoop!) and its Ramadan, maybe 5-7 hours?
12. Lucky Number: 8, 9, 13, 89.
13. What I'm wearing: blue striped t-shirt and ripped Jean's.
14. Dream Job: I would love to work as an official translator and maybe something related to anime too.
15. Dream Trip: Japan, France, Korea, Tunisia and Italy.
16. Favourite Food: PIZZA, nachos, ice cream and fried chicken tenders.
17. Instrument(s): I kind of know how to play the piano (mom forced me to learn for 2 whole months). Oh, I like to sing but I'm not sure if I'm good enough to say my vocals are my instruments.
18. Language(s): Arabic, English, I took French as a college elective so yeah I can speak a little French and I can speak and understand some Japanese.
19. Favourite Song(s): this is impossible to choose.
Random Fact: I know how to ice skate and swim so that means I can survive in and on water.
21. Aesthetic: Ghibli, that's my aesthetic since I was a kid. I love nostalgic, messy over packed surfaces or whatever. I just live for that shit. It makes me feel contempt with life.
Okay, I have to tag people here and I don't know any so I'll try tagging some of my "followers" and see how many of them are real people. The rest is gonna be random.
@baconmacandcheese @natureandbeauty @swiftsmiles @wildestdreamsforswift @whyisntketchupasmoothie @hawknight @kinnme @normal-horoscopes @teylors @songwritingswift @driftingglass @fuckingchatnoir @kinnme @kanaevr @lesbians-love-taylor @monica-geller @wildest-dreams-ts13 @reputationprecedesmeee @lineith @l1nkachan @dennys
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driftingglass · 7 years
List of fav fanfics in bnha and hxh?
Oh my gosh, I have an excuse to point out the faves. So excited. 
I’ll be forming a link for each fic I post and of course, tag the authors and link them to their page on AO3 as well. It’s muy importante. 
I’m leaving it to my top five picks because… it’s really hard to pick from the massive pool of talent-driven works I’ve read… honestly there are sooo many that I hold so close to my heart, but I can’t list them all here because I need to trust my ultimate favorites and, yeah.  
Also I’m only posting one favorite per author, because there are always multiple favorites with each writer but it helps narrow it all down if I do it this way. 
Oh, and these works that I have finished reading. So, if I haven’t finished the fic or haven’t read all of the chapters posted up to that point, then it’s not fair for me to call it a “complete favorite.” So stay tuned until the very end to see those other wonderful recommendations! (And I swear that I will finish them!)
Report x Card by @olivemeister 
Okay. So. I think this is… probably my favorite oneshot work from the Hunter x Hunter fanfiction archive. This is just, absolutely phenomenal and heartbreaking and filled with angst and threads of hope and Killua and Gon are so interesting to observe through the eyes of multiple characters as tension and difficulties come into light. Oh, speaking of that, the level of suspense and buildup is just… ah. This is great, from beginning to end and I’ve read it dozens of times. 
Words That Water Flowers by @decembercamiecherries
I’ve definitely sung praises for this fic before, but it’s seriously, without a doubt, one of the most tightly written, creative Alternate Universe Killua/Gon stories. Killua and Gon’s relationship feels so raw and real, and the Hanahaki Disease is difficult to capture well in most settings, but I’m so glad that the concept behind this was taken in such an intriguing direction, and it allowed us into a very canon-like appreciation of Gon and Killua’s friendship/relationship. 
Lawfully Unwedded by @xyliane
I love this work mostly because of how believable it feels each time I read it. It’s mostly very sweet, but there’s a certain… candor, to it, that feels so refreshing when regarding the question on whether or not Killua and Gon would actually get married if they had the chance. I love the pacing, how the topic is handled, and I’m afraid if I say anything else it’ll spoil it. Please read it and leave lovely words behind for this talented writer.
Motor Scooters and Gelato by @fireolin
I never get tired of reading this story. I was honestly very torn between either posting this as my favorite from this author or Fireworks on Whale Island, which also displays this writer’s very sensible talents. The writing style is emotive, sensitive, and allows plenty of room to breathe, if that makes sense. You really feel every moment with Killua and Gon in this sweet, beautifully constructed piece. Honestly, reading this will make you just shine from the inside.
pro tempore by perennials
So. Um. There are many, and I mean many, works by this writer that are just jaw-dropping in the Hunter x Hunter fandom. I can’t even express how lovely everything they write is. But, I can only pick one per author… so, this one it is. Honestly, this story resonates with growing up, the angst and pain that radiates through Killua and Gon’s friendship, and so many more aspects of their relationship that come into light as they reunite as adults. The writing is marvelous and poetic and beautiful. I can’t recommend this enough. 
DNA by @killushawn
AH. I’M A HORRIBLE PERSON FOR NOT FINISHING THIS. I’ve listened to this heart-racing and solemn and wonderfully voice-acted piece almost to the very end, and that’s not a testament to Shawn’s talent because he’s brilliant. Now, this is the first audio fic I’ve ever listened to and if you haven’t listened to that many (or any) and are skeptical like I was, please give it a chance. The characterization of Killua in this is intriguing and different, and very refreshing. There’s so much passion and love put into this and you can feel it through each chapter/audio. 
one hundred by wartransmission
Okay, I love how this is written. I honestly do. I’ve read up to… chapter nine, or so, dozens of different times and kept trying to push through to the finish and just fell off for no other reason aside from my forgetfulness. This fic, though, I think, is honestly one of the best in the Hunter x Hunter archive. The characterization is interesting, especially with Gon, and I love how smooth the pacing and writing is and the take on each prompt is creative and fresh.
First Times by @murderxbaby
THIS. FIC. Is so… heavy. The pacing and the tension and the buildup are all brilliantly woven together, and I do realize that this story was actually recently completed. I’m planning on going through from the very beginning and reading it to the very end because it’s enthralling and wonderful, and I believe I stopped around the eighth chapter. Please, read this. It’s incredible.
WOO. Alright. Now it’s time for Boku no Hero Academia. Damn. 
Alright. Here we go.
Like the Moon by @osakakitty
Okay, so, um, it was really difficult to choose between this story and the equally masterful and wonderful character-driven piece, Make Every Moment Last. Both works are wonderful, but there’s something very raw and open about how she portrays the relationship between Katsuki and Izuku in her works, and… ah. Osakakitty has a fantastic, insightful view on these beloved characters and I adore how she writes Katsuki Bakugou especially. I can’t honestly praise this fic enough. Please read.
Falling by @soulestring
I think… nearly every person who likes BakuDeku/KatsuDeku knows about this story. This is, in my opinion, the BakuDeku fics of all BakuDeku fics, especially for first-time readers curious about the ship. It’s set in the canon universe and closely (with creative liberties taken of course) follows the main storyline of the manga/anime with a very intriguing look into the dynamic and “unrequited love” aspect of the Katsuki/Izuku relationship.
Incandescent Snow by Chicory
Okay, so, where do I even start with this? I love, and I mean, love, the concept behind this. This AU is so refreshing and unique and I love how in-character and tragic and angsty this story is, with outstanding imagery and themes that definitely border on the line of ambiguity and social construct. I love the questions raised in this story about relationships, family, and brotherhood. I personally consider it to be phenomenal and criminally underrated. Please read this.
For Want of Izuku’s Toe Joint by Talavin
This story is… for one, the amount of effort taken into capturing the elements of the original story and broadening the horizons within them in each chapter is worth mentioning on its own. I love the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki and their dynamic with the rest of their class, on top of how well the canon events are handled with a few twists thrown in there. Also, Izuku’s characterized very, very well in this, and I love that he stands equally with Katsuki. That’s honestly quite a rarity to find in fanfiction, and it’s something to behold.
How to Mend a Broken Soul by youwishyouwerethiscool
This is my favorite interpretation of the Soulmate AU that I’ve seen in the BNHA archive so far, especially with BakuDeku. I’m sure there are many exceptional ones under other ships, but… this is my list. Heh. Anyway, this is a wonderful fic with a great eye for characterization and detail, and it’s mostly from Katsuki’s perspective, which is great. I always love seeing different interpretations of his character and how he would handle being Izuku’s soulmate. This fic is wonderful.
On The Run by Justaperson1718
I LOVE THIS STORY AND I WANT TO CATCH UP. It’s not even completed yet but I really love the dynamic between Katsuki and Izuku in this. This author has also written many other oneshots that I love and wanted to recommend but they would be out of my top five. Still, read Fascinating and Manage Me, and then go read THIS because it’s wonderful and action-packed and angsty and dramatic. All the good things. 
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ceruleanspice · 5 years
Do you have any good KilluGon fanfic recommendations?
hDJJFKD sorry i’ve put this off for a while because i.....i dont have any good ones to rec that are probably what lots of other people have read already.....if anything i’m usually the one asking for recs cause i dont frequent ao3 very much--
But here’s some gems I’ve really liked (not all of them are nsfw but they are good and i couldn’t put them down once i started):
Not Selling Any Alibis, Ruin Our Friendship, and Dreams Like Water, Like Wind by xyliane (just,,, her work is really good okay)
Wayward Souls (and a drop of rosewater which is a really good smut sequel), and In This Eternal Reverie by DriftingGlass
Graffiti by DecemberCamie (i remember just binge reading this all in one night over the summer, it’s good slow burn)
The Language of Loneliness and You are the night sky by Gee_Writes (which are very old but I love the way they write a LOT)
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akogarezine-blog · 6 years
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Thank you for your patience and support thus far! We’re finally ready to announce the contributors for AKOGARE, a KatsuDeku zine! Please reblog to help spread the word!! ☆ Links are under the cut:
driftingglass ★ aryll ★ mirarasol ★ maeves ★ bunsie ★ orangelemonart ★ snowlattes ★ miyabau ★ heikkydes
shousanki ★ claysws ★ shin ★ knife ★ viridiana ★  yaisoan ★ perth ★ ftsartblog ★ curry 
umbrage ★ soulstring ★ mitsouparker ★ sirblueseas ★ lxtrrs★ offblaster ★ selpeda ★ minibuddy ★ wy ★ frites
dalyeau ★ ruche ★ crestomancer-art ★ chalaite ★ theatricalplacenta ★ sonreiv ★ vangwen ★ qouii ★ kron ★ singto_u
Please continue to lend us your support as we enter the first phase of creation :) Plus Ultra!
About ☆ Ask ☆ FAQ 
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killugonficlibrary · 4 years
Killugon: Slow Burn
“A burn so slow you ain’t even getting a tan.” -dodici
1 series. 21 works.
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Closing the Space (Between Us) by Senket ( E | 144,974 | 49/49 )
It's been years, so many years since they separated ways at the World Tree. And no, Killua never stopped missing Gon, but that doesn't mean he ever got over the other things. The things that happened before he left. He can't make them unhappen. And neither can Gon. But maybe they can work through them. Eventually. Maybe they can build something better than before.
(Maybe Alluka and Nanika can help)
Series Part 1 of Closing Space
[Major Character Death]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wayward Souls by DriftingGlass ( T | 87,703 | 15/15 )
Gon Freecss has been ordered to transport a notorious and bloodthirsty criminal thousands of miles to the execution block in the kingdom's Imperial Capitol.
Enter Killua Zaoldyk, his prisoner and rather unwilling "travel-buddy."
Of course, Gon does not expect to be just as drawn to the dark warlock as the other is to him. Not all is what they seem; wires get crossed, stories are shared, and what they find in each other may shake the very worlds they come from, and the paths they have laid out for them.
Series Part 1 of The Courier and the Mage
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[Deleted Series] The Afterschool Library Chronicle by DriftingGlass ( T | 49,641 | 5 works )
A high school AU mostly focusing on Gon, Killua, and the angst, drama and coming-of-age struggles of their lives. It all starts with Killua tutoring Gon, and the rest is told here.
1. Pedagogy [ 2/2 chapters total ] 2. Beleaguerment [ 2/2 chapters total ] 3. Punctilious [ 3/3 chapters total ] 4. Espial [ 3/3 chapters total ] 5. Safeguard [ 3/3 chapters total ]
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
[Gabs: this has become a deleted work, however the author gave everyone a chance to download it prior to deletion. If you missed the message/deadline, you can reach out in my DMs.]
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Oh My God, They Were Roommates by korns ( T | 125,170 | 27/27 )
After a terrible first semester, Gon transfers to a university in San Francisco where he gets a stellar deal on a one-bedroom apartment.
At least, it was a stellar deal until he moves in and realizes that he inadvertently signed a lease with a complete stranger as a roommate. Not only that, but his accidental roommate is the single hottest guy in his major, Killua Zoldyck, and everyone and their mother is trying to get with him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Brohemian Rhapsody by korns ( T | 63,624 | 28/? )
When Alluka moves in with Miss Mito and her rag-tag family of three (four, if you count the neighbor kid Zushi), Killua gets ahold of Gon's number for emergency purposes. They end up talking far more frequently than expected.
A cute little slice-of-life summer suburbia texting fic feat. Delinquent Gon, Preppy Killua, and their ridiculous friends.
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Tease by geewillikers ( E | 132,115 | 22/22 )
No fucking way, Killua thought. There’s no way Gon is a porn star.
He clicked onto the account’s profile page. There, in perfect clarity, was a picture of Gon Freecss’ face.
- - -
Killua thought it was weird that his lecture hall buddy, Gon, “didn’t have social media”. He didn’t look into it—at least, not at first. But when the nude model in his figure drawing class turns out to be a porn star, Killua really didn’t expect her to be a dominatrix, much less one that collaborated with Gon Freecss.
Killua’s semester is about to get a whole lot more interesting.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You’re Breaking My Guard by peachiinari ( M | 147,565 | 30/30 )
He misses it. Fighting.
Ballet took off the nervous edge from not being as active as he used to, but it didn’t quite replace the feeling or tension he felt during a good sparring. He misses the feeling of his heart at his throat, pounding, as he swings fist and foot, technique after technique, to knock his opponent out.
So he doesn’t protest when Bisky takes him to the industrial zone in YorkNew City, to some underground ring she supposedly sponsors. He watches as his world tilts on his axis, and he gets thrown into a world he didn’t know existed.
He watches as Gon Freecss comes stumbling into his life, and turns it completely upside with one swift punch to the gut.
((or: Killua does ballet but wishes for a little more in his life, and Gon participates in a fight club as the undefeated fighter. Their paths cross, and there grows a little something more.))
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
one hundred by wartransmission ( T | 107,496 | 13/20 )
Everything is still the same but not, and Killua wonders how long this happiness will last. He can’t help it; it’s ingrained into him, this cautiousness that has saved his life countless times before.
Gon, on the other hand, is set on proving to him that this happiness can last. And if Gon was one thing, it was stubborn to the point of obstinacy.
Series Part 1 of one hundred
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Fatal Rose by glittercracker ( M | 99,947 | 26/26 )
It's Killua Zoldyck's 18th birthday: the day he will take over from his father, the current Lord Zoldyck, to rule their family and their fiefdom. However, his brother, Illumi, a powerful magician, challenges him for his inheritance. When Killua refuses to give it up, Illumi curses him to live for hundreds of years with no human companionship, while dying slowly and painfully of a disfiguring disease. True love's kiss will break the curse, but Killua doesn't hold out much hope that anyone will even find him, let alone fall in love with him, before the disease consumes him.
Of course, he has yet to meet Gon Freecss.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Graffiti by DecemberCamie ( T | 105,822 | 18/18 )
It’s been years since Killua managed to escape the clutches of his mafia family with Alluka, and since then he’s built up something close to a normal life for both of them. It hasn’t been easy, but they are alive and together, and Killua is grateful for that if nothing else.
But their peace is shattered the moment Gon Freecss crashes into their lives. Gon, a gang member who is as dangerous as he is charming; Gon, who has a single-minded determination to finish the mission he came into town for; Gon, who could unravel Killua and Alluka’s secrets as easily as he smiles—
Gon, who wants Killua for reasons beyond Killua’s understanding, but who might just end up destroying him anyway.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bells and Whistles by TwilaStar ( T | 363,097 | 24/? )
The elite World Star Zoldyck family are alumni at Musica Academy, an exclusive private singing school for only the best of the best. The Zoldycks are highly praised for their superior music skills and technique, but their youngest son won’t sing. Sophomore year starts and a wildcard, Gon Freecs, is thrown into the mix. Killua tries to steer clear but it’s difficult when this guy is turning the whole school’s foundation on it’s head.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sip in the Dark by vitrifica ( T | 29,449 | 13/14 )
Six years after he left Gon at the World Tree, Killua has been gravitating towards the family business more than he'd like to admit. But that's all about to change on his next mission.
Or: The coffee shop AU Killua never asked for. With a side of murder.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
First Times by MurderBaby ( E | 60,002 | 11/11 )
Gon and Killua don't have a "first time." Instead, there are many, many firsts.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
See You Upside Down by Twelve (Dodici) ( T | 58,169 | 11/11 )
At the ripe old age of fifteen, Killua and his usual brand of existential crisis are still on a quest to figure out siblinghood, friendship and Gon Freecs.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Freecs Adventure Travel Co. by sub_divided ( G | 7,920 | 2/2 )
It started with an email to Gon’s work inbox. Next to the others from young businessmen, old businessmen wanting to stay young, and couples on holiday, this one somehow stood out. It asked for Gon’s expertise in planning a trip for two people in their mid-teens, a girl and a guy whose relationship was described only as “not romantic”. In the "Experience with extreme physical activities?” field, the girl’s level was listed as "Beginner, but willing to try anything :)" while the guy’s said, simply, "Don't worry about it."
Gon grinned - that probably meant the guy was an expert but too modest to say so. That, or he was trying to accommodate his traveling buddy. Gon scrolled down to the bottom of the email and paused, staring, for a long moment.
* * *
Three years after Gon, Killua and Alluka parted ways at the World Tree, Gon is running an adventure travel company, planning elaborate custom trips for his mostly bored and wealthy clientele who want to experience something dangerous (but not too dangerous). One day, he receives an email in his work inbox that's slightly different from all the others...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Want Something (Just Like This) by cheritsundere ( T | 35,823 | 4/4 )
"Look, Brother! They have a new action figure of you-R FAVORITE HUNTER," Alluka said, correcting her word choice when she remembered that they were out in public.
He looked into the store shop window. Situated among some of the most popular hunters was a tiny version of himself, striking a dynamic pose - his jacket flowing dramatically and little blue sparks decorating the base. It wasn't bad. Definitely an improvement over his 1st merch.
He heard a gasp to his left. "SilverShock is your favorite too?!"
With a quick turn, Killua was met with the biggest brown eyes he thought could exist and a smile even bigger. The kid couldn't be much older than him yet he had a feeling that Mr. Sunshine probably acted closer to a Kindergartner. He took a few steps closer to his sister to put some distance between them before answering. "He's more my sis's fave than mine, but yeah I think he's cool," Killua answered, internally patting himself on the back for his modesty. He was probably the best newcomer in the country if his stats were anything to go by, but still...
Mr. Sunshine was a fan of his?
(A Superhero AU where Gon and Killua work together often but don't know the other's secret identity.)
Series Part 3 of Say You’ll See Me Again
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An Adventure’s Tale by Usermore ( T | 9,063 | 4/? )
Gon’s life had been close to ordinary, but that had all changed on one regular sunny day, when he received a letter from his distant father, Ging Freecs.
Along the way, Gon meets Killua, the prince of Kukuroo Mountain, with the longing for adventure and purpose; a man with the dream to be a doctor and help people, Leorio, and a sorcerer with a dark past named Kurapika.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Seeking Petrichor by avtorSola ( E | 28,869 | 8/? )
AU. Gon Freecs is a young blacksmith from Whaleisle Town, a peaceful town in the far southern country of Saherta. But for years, his dream has been to leave and search for his Druid father, the enigmatic and absent Ging Freecs who abandoned him just after his birth. And then he finds an injured stranger collapsed in the mountains outside his valley, and his life takes an unexpected turn.
Killua Zoldyck isn't just any stranger - he's the deposed heir of Padokea, the northern, warlike nation that borders the Black Mountains and the Wastes inhabited only by Trolls, Imps, and the mysterious Necromancer. And he's in trouble. Not only was he overthrown by his eldest brother, but he carries a powerful magical artifact stolen from the Necromancer himself, and the Necromancer is hunting him.
But Killua knows Ging, so Gon knows that the exiled heir to the throne of the Zoldyck assassin-kings is his best chance - his only chance - at finding his father.
And so the journey begins.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Abandoned] A Myriad of Color by benitato ( E | 34,808 | 11/17 )
Everything is monochromatic in Gon’s world until he meets Killua, who doesn’t seem to realize how starved he is of a life with color. This only makes Gon more determined to show him how much there is to see besides gray— if only Killua would stop refusing to touch him.
Killua doesn’t mind a world of shadows; it’s terribly convenient. He’s not about to let one happy-go-lucky heathen of a soulmate change that, fate be damned. And no, he doesn’t particularly care that said soulmate is a bit on the attractive side, or that he keeps nudging closer and offers Killua chocolate.
Nope. Not at all.
(”AU where everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate.”)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Abandoned] Hooked on you by khohnsu ( E | 50,309 | 15/? )
Killua’s job at the club wasn’t always easy.
Especially not when people are constantly hitting on him, their bouncer tends to beat up their customers, and a certain handsome stranger keeps visiting him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Abandoned] Crossfire by Arivael ( M | 43,689 | 11/18 )
When Gon and Killua had first taken the job, it had seemed simple enough: sneak, steal, deliver—easy. They hadn’t expected for things to escalate so quickly, much less for them to get personal in the most painful way possible.
After all, they were criminals. They weren’t fit for playing ‘heroes'—it just wasn’t their thing. And falling in love? That had never been a part of the equation.
Love was a dangerous thing to be in when people wanted nothing more than to make you suffer.
Also known as: The Pining!Killugon Thief AU that nobody asked for.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Abandoned] In Light of Things We Cannot See by teasdays ( T | 27,488 | 3/? )
Killua’s shoulder prickles as the presence there seems to shift. He breathes out.
“Gon is exactly who I think he is. And he’s disappeared at the same time as-” Killua’s eyes dart from Illumi to the window, and he nearly glances to his desk, where the gold box rests. “At the same time as I released a jinni. I think you’re drawing the wrong conclusions.”
“Never trust the occult,” Illumi tells him. Killua knows he's right; his sister’s headstone is reminder enough.
But Killua has grown up with a sixth sense – the unusual ability to feel magic around him, traces of it on magic users, or the concentrated crackle of spirits made up of magic itself. And so Killua knows that the boy he met at boarding school is a far cry from the jinni that wears Gon’s face. But Gon is missing, and it’s Killua’s fault – he’s the one, after all, who released the jinni in the first place.
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capncapnk · 6 years
heya! hope you’re having a good day today. i’ve got some questions for the fanfiction writer asks! 8, 21, 25, 26 with What Love Is (I Think) (which is my absolute favorite work of yours heheh), and 40 ٩( ᐛ )و
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Mmm most of the fics I write have /some/ kind of thing from my life, be it a conversation, or even the theme, or generally feelings regarding something. So, I guess....a lot of my own experiences, but wanting to spin it?Generally wanting to explore a character, or dynamic? Mmmmmmmmsure yeah, let’s go with that answer
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?Hmm. I really admire Nin’s (@ninannarambling​) writing, but like, this is nothing new lol. The way Nin conveys emotions is so palatable and real and such a joy (or pain lol) to read. And not only are the food descriptions amazing, but the careful thought and consideration into the dish to use, even the research that goes into it to make sure everything is accurate is so amazing?? The way Nin builds tension is so good and pushes and pulls at you in a way that’s so frustrating but so, so worth it when it pays off. They also create intimacy in a way that’s so sweet and that’s not always in a romantic or sexual sense and that is sooo refreshing??I also really admire DriftingGlass’s (@driftingglass) writing because of their world building. Like, I never cared for AU’s until I read their work, and it definitely painted it in a different light for me because I really like the world in bnha, and for me I didn’t really see the point in reading AUs because of that but!! I was a fool!! Their world building is so unbelievably top notch and they create worlds that are so vivid and easy to see in your mind’s eye. Also, another good author at building tension :,) There’s a lot of care put into the interactions between Bakugou and Deku, which for me?? I’m super picky about and I like the way they do it.Mmmm I have more but I don’t have time right now to be as thorough LOL so I’m just gonna stop here ahhhh
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?lol no. I’m usually stony faced and very logistical in my thinking with writing ajdhjasdjsa Yeah, sure, I’ve written emotional things but my face usually looks like >:| trying to figure out if what I’ve written makes any damn sense lmao
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?OH MY GOD that’s very flattering because the reception on that fic was like, fine compared to other things I’ve written :,) I mean, I kinda get why: there’s no smut, there’s no overt fluff, it’s not particularly tropey or trendy, and fuck they barely even get together LOL but idk?? I really liked it??I think the hardest part was realizing how long it was getting and tying things together in a way that a) made sense and b) didn’t drag on forever. It was initially supposed to be a funny ‘5x + 1′ format fic but it uhhh kinda grew into a 20k beast
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?In real life? Only my partner really knows. I’ve mentioned it once to a writer friend, but didn’t discuss the details.It’s not really a thing I want to be known about me irl LOL. My like, ‘social media’ life coincides closely with what I do for a living, so I’d rather not have potential clients or co-workers know about it. I write fanfiction for myself, for fun, as a hobby and the last thing I want is someone fucking that up for me.
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Forgive me if you've already been asked this, but top 10 favorite killugon writers and/or fics? You are my personal favorite, your fics are so soft and warm like a hot cup of tea on a cold winter day. ♥ I'm just curious as to who your inspirations are, if you have any. Oh and Words That Water Flowers is my favorite fic of yours! ^-^ Keep being great!
Ooooooooooooo if you’re asking who my top ten fav killugon writers are for inspiration purposes…….
xyliane (@xyliane) 
DriftingGlass (@driftingglass)
emthimofnight (@emthimofnight)
MurderBaby (@murderxbaby)
luftballons99 (@luftballons99)
atlas (songs)
Okay I think this list sums it up nicely? This list isn’t in any particular order by the way ^^; 
I also wanted to say thank you so much for saying that I’m a favorite of yours that’s so??? amazing??? I’m so honored thank you so so so so much ^///////////^ Words That Water Flowers was one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written so I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear that you enjoyed it so much
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kacchansass · 6 years
1, 9, and 28 for the fic asks? :)
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Something very smutty or something very angsty. Those are the two levels I operate on lmao
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
I would have to say Kintsugi because of the overall tone of the fic, as well as all the world building that’s gone into the AU
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
1. @inkspillsnotebook: an amazing writer that can bring forth any emotion they so desire of the reader
2. @greyliliy: story pacing is beautiful; the only person to date that’s written a Villain Deku AU that’s kept me enthralled
3. @driftingglass: a literal god that can turn out multiple insanely detailed AUs with really good characterization
send me numbers!
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