#As well as Caine's name being. Well. Caine. Like Cain and Abel.
bobafettuccini · 7 months
Seen a lot of folks making the connection between The Amazing Digital Circus and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I love that. I 100% agree. But that wasn't the first piece of lit I associated with it.
I immediately thought of No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre.
You may be familiar with this as the play that inspired the tv show The Good Place. Three dead people are put into a room together and discover:
1) They are fundamentally incompatible and being together is torture
2) They cannot leave
And thus realize that being together is hell and this is their enternal punishment.
I don't know if it's just me, but the characters in TADC don't actually seem to like each other. They may be used to each other by this point, even tolerant of each other, but they certainly don't get along. None of them are "friends" in the way we would traditionally describe it.
Zooble hates everyone and wants nothing to do with any of this. Jax is a smartass who intentionally creates chaos and is mean to others because he thinks it's funny. Kinger is very unstable and one step away from losing it. Gangle is so consumed with their own emotions that they won't acknowledge anyone else's. Ragatha is the nicest of them, but even she dismisses Pomni's fears and refuses to listen. Pomni is a coward who's desperate to get out and abandons the others at the first opportunity she gets. And Caine and Bubble are.. Caine and Bubble.
These personalities don't mesh well. We don't see any big moments of solidarity or friendship between them. I don't think they hate each other, but there's no love or fondness between them either.
Are they placed in there intentionally to torment each other to madness and abstraction? Idk. I just wanted to throw the parallel out there.
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chronicbeans · 7 months
I've heard a lot of theories about Caine's name, and while I'm not sure if anything's been confirmed by the creators (I don't use a lotta social media and stuffs so I'm not entirely in the loop if they've said things on there), but I have my own little theory. It's not really that complex or anything, but here goes nothing! This is based just on what was seen in the pilot, so I may be wrong about Caine's characterization. After all, we only have a little to go off of, so far!
So, I hear a lot of people mention the Cain and Abel story from the Bible, but I personally don't believe it is connected to that, so far.
I think it might be a reference to novocaine, an anesthetic which is most commonly used during dental procedures to numb an area of the mouth. It's not the most common drug used for dental procedures, since that's now lidocaine (which, well, also ends in CAINE), but it the most commonly known drug and used to be the most common. I mean, for one, Caine's head is literally a set of teeth with gums, and novocaine is injected into the cheeks or gums. The other reasoning I have for this is that while Jax, Pomni, Zooble (is her name is referencing something I just don't know what it is), and Gangle's names don't have much to do with their appearance, Kinger, Ragatha, and Bubble's names do. Kinger's a chess piece, Ragatha is based on a Raggedy Ann doll, and Bubble is... well, a bubble!
Another reason I have for this is a bit more metaphorical. Since Caine is and AI and the ringmaster, as well as the fact that he is clearly trying to keep the humans trapped entertained, he's essentially there to try to numb the fear, dread, and mental pain that being stuck in the Digital Circus causes. By distracting them with adventures, witty dialogue, and even going as far as to try to make a fake exit to keep them hopeful, he's basically doing what he can to just keep them sane so they won't abstract, even if he isn't the best at doing so. He can't get them out, he can't 100% for sure keep them from going insane, but he can provide mind numbing distractions and games to give them something... possibly with the hopes that someone outside the program may, one day, get them out. It's a bit like how novocaine can't *fix* the problem you're going to the dentist for. That's the dentist's job, not the anesthesia's. The novocaine can only numb you up while they do so.
EDIT/ADDITIONS: Another thing is that the reason why most modern dentists don't use novocaine is because, even though it is a minority of patients, some people have severe allergic reactions to novocaine. It is less likely to have a reaction to lidocaine, which is why most modern dentists use that, or other anesthetics, instead. This could relate to how Caine WANTS to help the people trapped, but due to his own obliviousness and habit for mischief, he more often tends to cause distress instead of joy or fun. He has every intention to help them, be it bringing joy or simply distracting them, but there is a flaw that is causing problems with him being successful at it.
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cosmonadarovicarts · 4 months
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Theory: Carmilla would be Eve?
Among so many crazy theories (and I love it!) after this season, I'm going to bring my (crazy) theory. As the title already reveals, what if Carmilla Carmine was our missing Eve? Before you throw hate, here are some points:
-In some versions of the myth of the creation of Adam and Eve, Eve was condemned to hell (while Adam went to heaven). If the series goes down this path, the character wouldn't be in heaven;
-Carmilla's name: Originated from Hebrew culture. Carmila/Carmela/Carmilla/Carmile means garden, orchard. Well... I don't think it would be too much of a coincidence for the name to mean that (garden... Garden of Eden...).
-Eve was created from Adam's rib. Here I come up with the theory that the exorcist angels guided by Adam (including Vaggie) were created from his ribs (like Eve). This would explain the similarity in appearance of Vaggie, Lute and Carmilla.
--Carmilla's personality: she is super protective! The super mom of the series (so far). It is to be expected that Adam's second wife, mother of humanity, would be maternal./ "but she was presented as the mother of only two characters" man, she still seemed super worried about the day of extermination (she called a meeting with the Overlords precisely to think of ways to stop this), after all, the sinners were their descendants! (I'm not going to talk here about Adam's relationship with sinners, that would be worth another post) And, the same time, the exorcists would be like her sisters who she was reluctant to kill. I would also like to add here, I think Zestial could be Cain (one of his main sons and, precisely, the first sinner, as he killed his other brother Abel), this would explain the affection that Carmilla has for Zestial and for them both being the oldest Overlords! (Cain died before Eve in many versions of the myth) /Sure, they might just be good friends, but to me it made a lot of sense, my bad
-Her appearance: I've already commented on her resemblance to Vaggie (the two even duet two songs, expressing similar feelings), but now let's compare her appearance with her hair down with Eve's silhouette in the first episode (just look at the image I posted here) , it's identical! And of course, the second wife would have to be beautiful, and Carmilla is said to be beautiful.
--"ok but it is much more likely that she was one of the exorcist angels, taking into account her appearance and knowledge, why would Eve have an appearance similar to these angels?" Precisely because they came/were born from the same place, Adam's ribs! When Eve died, her demonic form still assumed that of a beautiful woman with large hands (representing her need to be able to hold, care for and hug everyone). Maybe Adam knew or didn't know how Eve was doing, and made his female army similar to his ex-wife (For me, this part would have several possibilities, like, him purposely making the appearance of the exorcists or it would just be because they were all born from the same place)
-In the final episode, when the news reports about what happened at the Hotel, the reactions of several characters appear, and there was one (emphasis?) in Carmilla's reaction to Adam's death (I imagine that, because she was against the extermination of sinners (her descendants) while her ex-husband, who lived in heaven, led this extermination, she should not have good feelings towards him).
Final note: Even if she is not Eve, probably she was one of the exorcist angels (as many already theorize), as she knew about the angelic weapons, knew of Vaggie's identity and her appearance.
(Sorry if there are a lot of grammatical errors, English is not my native language)
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destinygoldenstar · 4 days
'Jax is an NPC'
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Hm... ... ...
It's a good theory, don't get me wrong, I see the evidence, I see where you're coming from.
But it's not a theory I agree with. Let me explain.
Caine's line "But if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC who knows what could happen" is very vague as is. This could mean a whole lot of things.
I said this in another post of one of my own theories. I think it's possible that Caine could've killed a human player and his trauma of that was showing.
We know A.I's can shed traumatic emotions. Look at Gummigoo.
Now, yes, Caine couldn't 100% kill a human. Otherwise he would delete the abstractions. And it seems like human players abstract when they die and that's the only way they CAN die.
So therefore Caine having killed a human player should be thrown out as a possibility.
BUT. Hear me out.
Abstractions are shown to be able to glitch several in game objects because of their abstraction. And we actually do NOT see if all the abstractions look exactly the same as Kaufmo's abstraction.
They could very well not.
Going to biblical text, Caine was the first murderer and received a permanent consequence.
Could a permanent consequence be, idk, failing at your programmed job over and over again and be forced to watch these humans abstract and perish forever?
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Especially if because of the human player death's abstraction glitch, is WHY the other human players cannot leave the game!
If you look at Pomni's room in one shot, there's a couple of blocks that are stacked from top to bottom 'ABXEL'.
Could it be that the human player Caine killed was named Abel?
But there is also the other possibility that somehow, there is an NPC among the circus. So let me explain my thought on that possibility.
I don't think it's possible.
I think Caine would've noticed, especially if he immediately recognized GummiGoo wasn't supposed to be there.
If one of the circus folks were an NPC, their figure would've appeared with the others in the backrooms.
Now, there is the possibility that it was placed somewhere else, that place is huge after all. So take that with a grain of salt.
I'm not completely eliminating the 'Jax is an NPC' theory.
I get the evidence. He's constantly breaking the fourth wall. But I think that more so has to do with what I’m about to say.
He has keys to people's rooms. I get that one. That is definitely sus as hell and I'm not denying it is sus.
He also ‘lacks human physics.’
So does everyone else in the cast. Pomni can stretch her body out like Elastagirl. Ragatha has stuffing instead of blood. Kinger has his own glitchy moments. Gangle has two faces. Zoobles body can fall apart.
I’m just saying. These are not human physics either. So Jax being able to keep in place whenever he wants being only a Jax thing is not too far fetched compared to all these other examples.
But I also think, and this is my opinion, that he's much more compelling as a character as a sociopathic human player that is beyond saving and MENTALLY cannot be humanized again.
What I mean by that is that while he is TECHNICALLY a human player, MENTALLY, he is so detached from his humanity and moral code often associated with humanity that he acts more NPC-like as a side effect.
Jax is not designed to be a morally grey character. He is written to be the least moral of the entire show.
It would be SO EASY to excuse those moral wrongdoings as 'well they were never human to begin with'.
But I think that's the lazy way out, and I think this show is smarter than that.
Because here is the thing, there ARE some really REALLY terrible humans. Evil humans in fact.
WHY they're so terrible varies, but that doesn't make them less terrible.
And yes while some terrible people can get redeemed if they themselves can, this is NOT absolute. There are people that are just plain beyond saving. So beyond saving that they ditch their moral code, a code drilled into the human mind, that they SEEM inhuman to humans who can't relate.
This is a very real psychological thing.
With how many morally grey characters get thrown around as compelling these days, Jax NOT being written that way and instead being written as the morally worst would naturally make people go 'he must not be human'.
In psychology, behavior like that doesn't physically inhumanize them, but it MENTALLY does, they behave in a set of rules so different from the normal that it's corrupt to the normal.
So I think he is a human player like the others. But his MENTALITY is not, so he ACTS NPC-like as a side effect to that mental loss.
Not every human is morally grey and get cozy redemption arcs. There are some truly awful people in the world with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. I like that he represents that. I like that there's a character on this show that acts as that huge wake-up call of 'Yeah some people just plain suck and you shouldn't have to deal with them.'
But while I don't think Jax being an NPC would be the best route to take. That is just my opinion and I am not the one writing the show. If that IS the route they are taking, I am fine with that so long as it is written with proper care. I could definitely be reading this wrong.
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fandomfreakstudios · 13 days
Caine is a human and I will die on this hill (theory)
due to popular demand (losing the poll) I wanna post my Caine theory in proper depth.
Fair warning: I know too much about AI and Game Development so if any of my jargon is too inaccessible for anyone I'm perfectly willing to elaborate in the comments! :D
My theory is essentially the idea that Caine is not an AI but is in fact a human trapped in the digital circus just as much as all the other players.
Sounds ridiculous, right?
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[LONG post incoming, be warned]
To start, we need to understand the digital circus and its origins.
a place like the digital circus is very likely to be man-made as a place, a game, a computer program, whatever. This place did not appear out of nowhere. It is accessed through VR or some VR-esque technology, and takes on the appearance of a retro game (evidence given below)
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Now, video games (unfortunately) don’t just code themselves, there has to be at the very least one person creating this game. Fortunately enough, we can deduce the name of the company from what is given within the show.
It is very common knowledge at this point that digital circus takes place within a computer in some sort of office building (as is implied by the ending scene in episode 1)
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This computer is also seen at another point... namely when Pomni is running through the backrooms-like offices. She once again comes across this computer.
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Now this implies that this area is at least SOMEWHAT a reflection of the real world, so analyzing this location isn't inherently pointless. Now one other interesting part of this office area is the logo on the wall, which reads "C & A" which people have unanimously agreed to mean Caine and Abel
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The important thing about this is that Caine as a concept is somehow connected to the person who created this game, through the founder choosing to name Caine after the company, or vice versa. Now you could easily argue that the company was named after Caine, or Caine acts as a self insert for the creator, but I am here to argue that maybe Caine IS the creator.
More specifically, Caine is an original creator of the game (not necessarily the sole creator) aka the amazing digital circus, and in testing an incomplete game managed to get himself trapped, as does any other player who chooses to attempt to play.
Looking back at episode 1 there is something interesting for us to think about. Caine attempting to create an exit door, but being unable to figure out what to put on the other side.
Now this could very easily be interpreted as Caine being unable, as an AI who's only knowledge is of what's within the game, to imagine anything outside of it, and therefore fumbling the task. This is a reasonable interpretation, this was MY first interpretation, and it honestly adds so much horror to the episode on a first watch through.
But in all honesty that still leaves a lot unexplained.
The question still remains why Caine, as a struggling AI, would choose to create something like what he did. From his perspective he has never seen anything as dreary as these office buildings, nor does this space make any semblance of sense as Caine's environments tend to do. It seems less like something a well-polished AI would create, and more like what a human would come up with when trying to create something from a distant memory.
That's something incredibly important to keep in mind going forward. If Caine is in fact human, he would have been trapped in the digital circus for a LONG time, with it becoming increasingly difficult to recall his human memories (something it is confirmed humans trapped in the circus can recall). at the very least, longer then Kinger, who is clearly very mentally effected by his time at the circus.
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Caine would likely also be showing some level of insanity or mental instability if he had been trapped with no escape for this long (and yes I do believe that he also cannot leave, and I have some evidence later down the line that will explain this perspective), and he hasn't been seen to do this at all, right? Well, I think he is, but it manifests a little differently then Kinger, or anyone else for that matter. Keep this in mind as we go forward.
Caine's purpose within the circus is fairly straightforward. He is the ringmaster, he creates daily adventures akin to ttrpg oneshots, and he exists to essentially guide the player through this video game world.
Now in the event that Caine was a human who was pulled into the game, why would he need to fill this role? Even as a dev he should still be playtesting as, well, a player. I believe that at the time of the dev's entrapment, the ringmaster AI had not been programmed into the game.
Y'see the Caine we know is a MAJOR perfectionist. He neeeever likes anyone seeing his unfinished work, kinda odd for an AI within a game to be embarrassed about. Yeah, he's a generative AI that creates locations, but creating something in multiple steps is something an AI cannot do. Furthermore, an AI should not feel "embarrassed" about it's work, AI by virtue is always 100% convinced what it generates is perfect, or else it wouldn't have generated it like that.
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Also, if we're working under the assumption that the backrooms-esque offices were just an AI hallucination or bad generation, why would Caine KNOW it's not what his players are looking for? For a dev however, this makes sense.
Caine also has a lot of other actions that, as an AI require a bit if suspension of disbelief, but make tons more sense if he's actually a human, and furthermore a dev.
As mentioned, perfectionism, not wanting people to see incomplete or unpolished areas of the game
Realistic depictions of emotions (frustration, embarrassment, confusion)
Annoyance at Bubble for being a sucky AI (her swearing, interrupting him, inhuman and unrealistic speaking patterns and behaviors)
the need to "Reuse AI" which, if the characters are all AI created by other AI would be unnecessary because AI generating would take Caine no effort. Nor should a generative AI ever run out of ideas.
As mentioned, perfectionism, not wanting people to see incomplete or unpolished areas of the game
Realistic depictions of emotions (frustration, embarrassment, confusion)
Annoyance at Bubble for being a sucky AI (her swearing, interrupting him, inhuman and unrealistic speaking patterns and behaviors)
the need to "Reuse AI" which, if the characters are all AI created by other AI would be unnecessary because AI generating would take Caine no effort. Nor should a generative AI ever run out of ideas.
I wanna highlight that, while this is a joke post, I am enjoying the implication that Caine has a name (something only a human would have)
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(top right is a particularly interesting example of him just acting super human and "dropping the act" so to speak. Getting distracted, stuttering, losing track of the conversation, all that. And bottom right is similar as he is nervously fidgeting).
Caine has all the fixings of a human dev, trapped in his now incomplete game. A game that had not had it's "ringmaster" character implemented at this point in development, likely with nothing more then some competed (albeit unpolished) locations for the game.
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The idea Caine is actually a dev as opposed to an AI is further supported by Caine's ability to create and alter things from within the game. Creating areas without human prompt, deleting characters, he seems to have a level of autonomy and intelligence that no AI should EVER have.
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Furthermore, the man ACTS human, a weird ass human, but a human nonetheless. He's responsive, emotive, emotional, and he's not nearly as glitchy as the other AI. He never slips up and activates some sort of internal filter like bubble, or insists on weird mannerisms like the moon or the sun, he seems to just KNOW better somehow.
He acts like the more "immersive AI" from ep2 if anything, which he's clearly been around longer than. Someone needed to program that AI, and based on previous patterns is implied to be Caine. Once again, way out of his job description as another AI (plus how would this AI be MORE realistic if it was learning from another, older AI).
Not to mention the fact he's ALWAYS around somewhere, whether he's in his own realm he made, or just chilling around the circus (unlike bubble for example, who comes and goes at Caine's will).
It's clear he does this for his own comfort, but WHY would he be programmed to do that as opposed to only existing when necessary to prioritize memory or something.
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But one would be right to say he's slightly... off. He is a strange one, if he was a human. He's erratic, unpredictable, and often manic at times. This goes back to the point I made with Kinger, where I claimed Caine should also be exhibiting signs of mental illness
Under the assumption that Caine, in the act of playtesting the game, got trapped, a handful of things would happen (the finer details are negotiable, this is just my knee-jerk reaction):
He'd realize what happened and that he can't get out
He likely felt as though he was in his own personal hell, as he was trapped in a scuffed, incomplete skeleton of his own passion project
He likely found some sort of way to alter stuff, a backdoor that only he as the creator knew about, or some sort of privilege in being the first to enter the realm
He got his first or first few players. This was probably alarming to him as there was no ringmaster, no worlds, nothing. All the AI he had created thus far had been poorly made and could not function which such a difficult task. But then he realized... HE could be the ringmaster
This is probably around the time as well that he realized he could not remember his own name. But he remembered what he wanted to call the ringmaster... Caine
He takes on the identity of Caine, acting as ringmaster, polishing the game behind the scenes, and creating daily activities on an "as needed" basis
Now this is where it gets interesting. I believe, at this point, Caine has taken on the identity of this AI generated ringmaster for so long that he's beginning to lose himself. He's beginning to lose memories of his life, he's becoming more detached from the side of himself that ISN'T Caine, and he's starting to catch himself believing he IS Caine, he IS an AI.... and he's scared
He's completely lost the ability to create any meaningful connections with others, as he needs to keep up the illusion of being an AI. He's lost his humanity, become detached from the way other humans think and feel, and its starting to make him become more AI then human if anything.
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(left image does not crop nice, plz click to view the whole thing TvT)
He's probably seen at least a dozen people lose their mind in so many different ways. While he knows he's different then them, TECHNICALLY he's still a player, and can abstract all the same. This is why he seemed to freak the HELL out at the idea of an AI and a human getting mixed up.
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One last bit, and it's a simple one I promise. Caine has been described as the main antagonist outside of the show. This is interesting as up until now Caine hasn't done anything actively malicious (aside from Gummigoo, but he seemed to have solid reasoning for that, just not anything he chose to share with the audience).
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[does ANYONE have the "weight of Caine's sins?" tumblr ask I am having no luck finding it again]
At this point, this would be shooting the messenger. He is simply a byproduct of the system that is keeping these folks trapped, right? Caine himself didn't put them there, he just takes care of them.
Unless... Caine was the one who made the AI. Then he would inarguably be the reason everyone else was trapped there. And goose is right, that wouldn't make him an AWFUL person either, but he does still have many sins weighing on his back, and many deaths on his hands. And there's nothing he can do about any of it, because he's just as helpless as they are.
So yeah, TLDR: Caine was the creator of the circus. In attempting to playtest he got trapped in the game and eventually took the initiative to play the ringmaster within his own game, but he is slowly beginning to lose his mind, as happens to everyone.
Hope you all enjoyed the read! If anyone's still interested at this point I have a few more small bits of evidence (more from outside the show on Goose's socials and whatnot) which I could not fit in the bulk of the theory. I'll reblog with some extra bits so this post is still complete but I don't break the flow of my main ideas.
And if you get this far, thank you so much. I don't typically post long form theories like this but if this gets any sort of traction I definitely will begin too.
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alice-angel12x · 1 month
Born of unkown Stardust
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Ch. 5
summary: The angles formed the world and all mortal life from dust. One day from the unknown the angels came across bizarre dust, that seemed to have a will of its own. It refused to be molded and shaped to the angel's will. So they cast it aside, till a certain angel got his creative hands on it.
The plot of chap: Yuu goes to earth hoping to fix Lucifer's mistake. So he could be granted back into Heaven! At least Yuu hopes.
(bittersweet story) (platonic) Lucifer x (???) Reader x Sera
(Warning: Blood, violence, and Gore)
<-Part 4/ Part 6 ->
Sera from time to time would see Yuu interacting with Adam. Sera was kind enough, the seraphim could recognize the slight sorrow in Adam's eyes when he watched Little Yuu.
One day, Sera had to attend a meeting with the high elders, so she left Yuu in Adam's care for a short while. Little simply sat in Adam's lap as they played with his feathers. As Adam stared down at Yuu, flashes and glimpses of his children's images would appear over Yuu. Sometimes it would be Cain, but it was mostly Abel.
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"Dad!" Abel called out.
Adam looked up from his work on the fields to see his two sons running towards him.
"What's got you two so worked up?" Adam asked as he took a break from plowing the fields.
"Abel won't stop asking about weird stuff. Like "Where did we come from? Are there beings in the sky?" Cain scoffed.
"Cause they're are, and that's why we are here? They put us here? Why?" Abel asked.
"They are real, as for why they made us... I don't know," Adam answered honestly.
"See, it's made up," Cain said.
"Look, they said as long as we reframe from sinning, and get to heaven. You can ask them all of your questions Abel," Adam sighed as he knelt down to the boy's level.
"Are you okay Mr.Adam?" Yuu asked.
"I miss my kids... And my wife," Adam said with a tired sigh.
"Oh... I miss my Da too. I wish he didn't break his promise to me. Then none of this would have happened," Yuu said, trying to sympathize with Adam. "What happened to them?"
"A monster took them away," Adam said sadly.
"A monster?" Yuu asked.
"Yeah, the monster that Lucifer and Lilith allowed to into Earth. It made one of my sons to do something horrible. And Snatched my other before he could arrive here," Adam said, as shadows covered his eyes.
Yuu frowns sadly at the weight of Lucifer's actions. This was no gift at all. Yuu not knowing what else to do, the little tot hugs him. The first man sighs with a slight smile, as he ruffles the child's starie hair.
"Thanks, kid," He says quietly.
"Yuu!" Sera called out. "It's time to go home,"
"Looks like your mother is here. Be good okay," Adam said as he gently got Yuu on their feet.
"Bye, Mr.Adam," Yuu said as they run over to Sera. Adam weakly waves back as Yuu joins Sera.
"Mother... What's the monster that took Mr.Adam's kids away?" Yuu asked.
Sera paused for a moment, and slightly turned back to sent a slight miffed expression Adam's way.
"Remeber the curse, that Lucifer let into earth?" Sera asked, and Yuu nodded. "Well the monster Adam mentioned and the curse are almost one an the same."
"How does that work?" Yuu asked curiously.
"Well... The Monster Adam mentioned is where the curse comes from. The Monster's name is Roo. And she wants to spread sin and chaos everywhere, to all realms and creatures," Sera explained lightly.
"So Roo is where the curse comes from, and this curse tempts people to want to do bad things?" Yuu asked, slowly putting the pieces together. "So how did Da's ''gift'' cause her access to earth?"
"Lucifer claimed that his gift was free will. However, upon inspecting his creation, what it was really. Was Knowledge of Good and Evil. The knowledge that humans were not ready for," Sera explained.
Yuu nods slowly as they and Sera stand before a large orb, that shows the image of earth.
"It's so pretty," Yuu awed.
"It is, and a lot more beautiful in person," Sera smiles gently. "Would you like to see it?"
"Can I?!" Yuu gasped.
"It took a lot of convincing, but I managed to convince the elders to let you see the earth," Sera said, when Yuu suddenly tackled and hugged her dress.
"Thank You Thank You!" Yuu shouted excitedly.
"And Since it is also your birthday," Sera smiled confidently as she scooped up the little tot. "With some negotiating on top of the visit. The Elders agreed to let you create 5 things for the earth."
"OH! You're The Best Mom Ever!" Yuu smiled as they hugged Sera tightly.
"Thank you, Yuu" Sera smiles as she hugs Yuu close.
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Sera watched with pride as Yuu looked at the beauty of the earth in all it's splendor. Yuu quickly got to work, thinking and planning the limited 5 creations they were allowed to make.
Sera watched on in wonder as the first creation was brought to life.
"I present to you... The Amazing Fantastical Flying Duck!!" Yuu shouted as they presented their first creation.
"Quack," The Duck said as it suddenly flapped away from Yuu.
Sera smiled and clapped her hands in applause as she watched the first batch of ducks take to the sky.
"You were quick to create many creatures. You made lots of birds I noticed. Was The Duck your last one?" Sera asked.
"No I made one final thing, and it's not a bird," Yuu smiles proudly.
"Umm, Where is it?" Sera asked curiously.
"We have to wait till nightfall," Yuu smiles playfully.
"Well we can't stay too long into the night okay," Sera reminded, when something caught their attention.
There was a rustle in the bushes. Yuu and Sera watch with bated breath when suddenly. A human woman with a baby tumbled out of the bushes. She was covered in rope burns, scars, and wounds. In her arms was a baby.
She came to a halt as she stared in awe and fear at the otherworldly beings before her.
"P-Please, Please help him," The woman begged as she held a baby close to her chest.
Yuu looked on sadly as they stepped forward, but Sera remained cautious. As Yuu held out their hands, the women handed the bloodied body of a newborn baby.
Sera gasped in horror, as Yuu could only stare in paralyzed fear. The baby's heart was ripped out of its chest. There was no saving this child.
"Please! Please help him?!" The women cried.
"I-I can't it-" Yuu was cut off as warm blood splats all over their face.
A long wooden spear was forced through the back of the woman's head and out the mouth. Yuu wanted to scream at the sight, but they froze. Sera quickly covered Yuu's eyes as she removed the corps from Yuu's hands. The Seraphim quickly scooped up the star-touched tot and retreated through the portal. The last thing Yuu saw was a group of humans laughing maniacally as they ripped the corpses apart. And in the shadows of the trees, a smirking demonic face hovered over the humans. Blood poured from the monster's mouth a horrific eldritch tongue.
The demonic form looked up to catch the few glimpses of Yuu, as she creepily waved a goodbye.
"Yuu, I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I was so certain the location I chose was far away from humans. I'm sorry I ruined your birthday," Sera apologized as she held Yuu close.
But the image of the events scared Yuu's mind as Sera approached the pearly gates. There standing at the gates was Adam, who was minding his own business till he noticed Sera rushing towards the gate.
Before he could ask what was the matter, he saw the blood that caked Yuu's horrified face.
"What happened?!" Adam questioned as he flew up to Sera's level to check on Yuu.
"No, we came across horrible humans," Sera sobbed as she held Yuu's tiny trembling form.
"Hey, you're safe now kid," Adam said softly as he whipped away the blood on Yuu's face.
"I saw it," Yuu said as the adrenaline slowly started to fade.
"Saw what?" Adam asked.
"The monster," Yuu sobbed.
Adam and Sera froze at those words. Yuu could feel Sera's hold on their small body tighten.
After some time, Sera tucked Yuu in for bed and quietly slipped out of the room. But Worry filled her mind and she alerted what Yuu had witnessed. This was brought great concern to the elder council.
"Not only did Lucifer allow such a thing to into what was supposed to be good. It is now snatching any and all souls before it can even reach heaven!" One elder shouted in frustration.
"And with Roo's presence so close, she is corrupting every human. The things that these humans are doing are sickening," Another sighed.
"What did I say. What Did I Say! I knew this "invention" of Lucifer's was a horrible Idea. This could have all been avoided if he just listened to reason," A different Elder groaned.
"What done is done, but the real question is what do we do know?" Sera asked. "The more human souls she gathers, the stronger she gets."
@@littleladydemon  , @corvid007, @ellaprime7, @just-here-reading, @kyo-kyo1
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Able, playing in the garden when he sees a sad crying bird: oh, are you ok little birdy? You look sad.
Bird: well, it’s just…I’m in love with your dad.
Able: really?
Bird: yes, but I’m scared he’ll reject me and I get hurt in the process.
Able: oh, there’s nothing to be scared of, just be honest and nice to him.
Bird: wow…you’re a lot calmer then I thought you’d be to me being a talking bird.
Able: well I don’t think it’s that bad of a thing, I talk so it should be normal, right?
Able: Y’know what, how about I help you ask out my dad.
Bird: really? You’d do that for me?
Able: yep, everyone deserves to be happy, even little birds like you.
Bird: you’re a sweet kid, you know that?
Able: ya, I get that a lot.
Lucifer: what about your mother, she might kill me if she sees me with him
Able: I’m sure she won’t mind, she tells me to share my things with cain all the time, so I think she wouldn’t mind sharing dad with you.
Bird: that makes perfect sense.
Able: what’s your name?
Bird: oh…it’s…luci.
Able: well luci, we better go and find some flowers for dad.
“Luci”: sounds good to me.
Adam: Where's the bird Ab?
Abel: Over here, but I gotta go!
Adam: What? Silly boy.
Lucifer: Hello Adam
Adam: Ah! Luci, what are you-?
Lucifer: Please give me a chance. I know I can make you happy. Eat dinner with me tonight?
Adam: .... Alright.
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ishcliff · 1 month
do you have any thoughts on Ish and Heath’s sinner symbols (or any of the sinners for that matter)?
i'm assuming you mean these?
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i'll list my general thoughts in order!!
1) yi sang's torn/broken wings on the page were handled so, so well in his canto. one of the best moments in the game so far, to me. i remember thinking it was so cool it was so like his icon!
2) faust keeping an entire mind in a flask offers some excellent theories – does she wish to capture the mind in this way? is this more literal, implying her mind was made artificially? i dunno! the slow drops we've gotten implying the "council of fausts" theory is correct have been cool, especially in canto VI.
3) what's always stuck out to me about don's icon is that the horse is suggesting high-speed galloping, but it's bound to a pole like a merry-go-round and is actually stationary. the star behind it and dante's own association with stars are also Extremely interesting and i think people are probably on the right track whenever they theorize some sort of metanarrative connection between don and dante.
4) i've never really known what to make of ryōshū's! aside from the text being her base EGO name, i'm not really sure why there is a butterfly. i could go a few directions with it, following general butterfly symbolism: from fragility to change to "the butterfly effect", i feel like those could apply to ryōshū depending on how she's being written. she's the most mysterious sinner still, i think, so i really don't know.
5) the blend of the sun and the chain on meursault's icon has always stuck out to me as very well-constructed. i have always found it an interesting contrast between implied freedom in the form of the sun hanging in a sky, only to be dominated by a chain that presumably binds him, suggesting that the freedom is illusory. with the plot of the source material in mind, the seemingly incongruous association makes a lot of sense. his has always been one of my favorites.
6) hong lu's theming of dreams and illusions fixated on his off-color eye calls to mind what the eye itself can see. the resemblance to saturn feels pretty intentional, too, as in astrology saturn is typically associated restriction and discipline. the ring itself is often construed as a perpetual boundary that surrounds it. in addition, invocation of another planet can imply that he's ungrounded, or "a space cadet" as the saying goes.
7) the ring is specifically a wedding band, as wedding bands are designed to be uneven in the same way there. the stitching of the heather flowers with the stormy cliff behind it also reflect a similar "trapped" feeling that hong lu's image invokes. the outer shell implies love and warmth, while the inner world of the boundary is tumultuous, which is a perfect visual metaphor for hearhcliff's relationship with cathy and himself. there's also the recent theory/connection made that the cliff resembles a dog's muzzle, which is SO COOL to me.
8) ishmael's feels so straightforward to me now after canto V – ropes resemble strength of bond, knots resemble commitment, and the compass gives meaning and purpose to her steps. travel itself also suggests both curiosity and also the need to connect with the world around you. essentially, i think it shows a lot of ishmael's extremely earnest kindness hidden under an abrasive surface.
9) i think my only real thought about rodya's icon is that it's very cool that she has the heart tattoo and the way she murdered the tax collector is instead reflected in her own chest, showing how her mind often meanders more selfish/self-centered than not.
10) not a whole lot of thoughts aside from his egg being cracked with the mark of cain is very cool, and i can't wait to see more of that strange plot thread – especially with ayin's association with abel.
11) i have no idea what the words on the watch say, but the reveal that it's broken in canto VI is so cool!! with this in mind, perhaps it's kinda comparable to heathcliff's thing? an outer layer of sentiment with deceitful, war-minded thoughts inside? that would track with what i know about the odyssey, at least in my opinion!
12) i always have really liked the dichotomy of the little sleeve cuff around the bug arm. i think it really drives home one of the takes of the metamorphosis revolving around it being a story of disability – that it can happen to anyone, and no matter what, some people will view you as a perpetual burden. the dog tags, too, invoke this in particular with how veterans are essentially left to fend for themselves after service has been given.
so yeah!! those are my thoughts in general... they may be wrong but they are mine. thanks for asking!
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gorlygorlx3 · 6 days
Twilight Joyride (Moon x Reader) 🌑🎠
Written by me!
Moon loomed in the dark, once again acting as the security of the plex. He's been doing this for how long? A few years? He can't really remember. But from actor to attendant, it definitely changed some things. From creation and meeting his brother to transferring to childcare to...her...he experienced things he thought were only told in fairytales. He knows these walls contain secrets unparallel; he was a secret in this place. Doing...inhuman things to...poor...innocent lives. He harmed his brother...the only family member he had since the beginning. And ever since the corruption, so many people either loathed him...or feared him. Staff, children, Sun...How long has he been doing that? He didn't want to know.
Fortunately, Moon has gained resistance. Like bacteria to an antibody, he evolved. He's better than before when he was nothing but a puppet. He's gained his consciousness and he created his own antivirus barrier inside the mindscape, with the help of Sun of course. Though there were times when he felt like slipping, hearing the warmth of his beloved brother's voice made him regain himself again. He was glad to hear some optimism counter his pessimism during those times, even if he envied his brother's love of the children and time in the limelight. But he doesn't want to be the Cain to his Abel. That's the last thing he wants.
Still nothing. No sly crooks, no naughty children, no loose animatronics. A little boring but it's better than dealing with a robber trying to be slick or Monty smashing equipment due to something stupid. Moon crawled in the shadows cast by the dim lights of the plex. He already checked the second and third floors. Majority of the attractions were clear. Some wet-floor bots loiter around the floors not doing their jobs, but only because there were no spills. The security STAFF bots rolled around as well. He can tell where everyone comes from. Moon never really liked them either. He remembers waking up abruptly one night, lying on the floor of his room and surrounded by broken STAFF bots. He didn't know how they got up there. He didn't think Sun would do this. He was confused. It wasn't until he knew what was happening to him he knew how they got there. And why they were broken. 
Moon shook out his thoughts. One because Sun reports having "nightmares" of robot slaughter while he sleeps. But two because he hears the sound of...clicking. Someone must have slipped from his radar. Whoever it is, they'll be in big trouble. Moon makes his way as the sound gets closer. His acrobatics let him move more through the halls faster and fluidly. He wanted to stay silent just to see if it was an intruder. The noises led him deeper into the plex, a place he wasn't so familiar with. It was a hallway he had searched in the past, but he never went down this way. Little sparks flickered in the dark accompanying the light being shined on a fuse box, illuminating a contraption a little. As well as a silhouette of a person. With the light, Moon could see a roof-like shape covering the person, with details of blue, white, and gold embroidered on the top. He could hear little mutters from the person who looked to be hard at work. He slinked down from his roost, crawling silently toward the human, like a predator hunting prey. Jumping down to the floor, he could see several porcelain horses, their colors dark due to the lack of light as well as a pole attached to all of them. Wait...this was...his carousel...
Moon always loved his carousel, from the moment it was built he loved it. He remembered hearing the music playing from the hall down. Such lovely music. And even more lovely horses. He gave each one a cute name to match them. He remember when he heard complaints about the carousel breaking down every now and then. But staff was too lazy to fix it, so it was just there to rot away. Sun likes the carousel so much, he wishes they fixed it already, or at the very least give them the code to fix it. He also remembers hiding away there during the corruption, where no one can find him. Just Moon and his horses. And now someone wants to destroy one thing that brought him comfort. How naughty. Moon approached the distracted intruder, red eyes piercing the silly little human. Closer and closer until-"AAAH!" The person shined their flashlight at his face, stunning him. He cried in pain.
"Oh my gosh! Moon, you scared me half to death!" A familiar voice cried. "Are you ok?"
After regaining his vision, Moon was surprised to hear the voice. It's the voice of who he knows and loves the most. "(Y/N)? What are you still doing here so late at night?" 
"Oh. Well..." (Y/N) looked away in shame. "It was meant to be a surprise." She turns to face the fuse box. "But the dang switches weren't working." She huffed.
Moon was a little more confused. "A surprise?"
"Yeah! I wanted to fix the carousel for you." (Y/N) smiled sweetly. Which made Moon fall harder and faster in love. First, they created separate bodies for him and Sun, fixed the lighting in the Daycare, moved the generators into a safe spot away from the children, cleaned their room, and now this! How much did this woman go through for them? No wonder Sun was always so uptight with returning all those favors for them. Moon would ask why go through all this trouble for them but he knows she'll give the same answer.
"Because you guys don't get any support."
"Because you're just as important as the Glamrocks."
"Because I care."
He remembers the first time (Y/N) stepped into the Daycare on her break just to help Sun clean. Every time she watches through the glass, she says how much he has to deal with and not getting enough time to rest. He always said his brother was a hopeless romantic, swooning over anyone who complimented him. Saying it's true love and they'll live happily ever after. Then he had to be the one to bring Sun back to Earth telling him they were only being nice and it isn't love at first sight. But (Y/N). (Y/N) was different. Something about her persistence in helping...any of the animatronics really. He heard the Glamrocks talking about how nice (Y/N) takes care of them during maintenance. But that can't be the case, she's just a nice person. Nothing more, nothing less. 
So why did it make the circuits spark and the cooling fans whirl every time he's seen her? 
This was just another good deed (Y/N) wanted to do "for the hell of it" as she says. 
"I was trying to fix the lighting and the motors of it but the fuses weren't working right." She crossed her arms.  "But look, I polished all the horses. Look's good as new huh?" She gleams at a white horse with a vermillion saddle, breast collar, nose, and browbands, and a golden yellow mane. Golden glitter was flicked on the back legs down to the hooves. "Hyperion," Moon said breathly. He never realized how shiny and white the horse was. It's been that long of a time. 
"I saw it in the corner while I was doing security. Reminded me of my childhood when I would to the state fair with my mom." She chuckled at the memory as her hand petted one of the horses. "I would beg my mom to let me ride, and when she did, I find the prettiest one to mount on and have a blast." She chose to saddle upon a silvery gray horse with a dark, almost black, navy blue saddle with little sparkly bits of silver. "I can still hear the little jingle the carousel played." 
Moon smiled at the newly clean merry-go-round. The horses looked brighter and more elegant, and the roof was clear of cobwebs and dust, but sadly the lights weren't on nor was it moving. It would have looked so magical with them. "Glad you're happy with my gift Moon, even if it wasn't finished."
"You've done enough, Starlight. And I thank you." Moon looked to (Y/N) softly.
"Aw, you're welcome." (Y/N) was about to get off, only for her to fall. Well, if it wasn't for Moon's fast reaction time holding her back up before helping her get down. "Careful, Phoebe was always taller than the rest." Moon comments. But it made (Y/N) raise an eyebrow. "Phoebe?" Moon gets startled not realizing what he said. "Wait, the horses have names?!" 
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Moon turns away, trying to hide his embarrassed face.
"Awwww! That's so cute!" (Y/N) coos. 
Moon covers his face with his sleeping cap, unable to handle the embarrassment. "So what's that one's name?" (Y/N) points to a cream-colored horse with green harnesses and little flowers. "R-Rhea," Moon muttered. But (Y/N) couldn't hear him so she asked again. "Rhea. And the one next to her is Iapetus." Moon points to another horse. "So they're all named after different moons?" (Y/N) asked. "Y-Yes. But it's better than what Sun was calling them." Moon huffed. (Y/N) chuckled, imagining what kind of names Sun would have called each horse. 
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
"My pleasure."
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rukia-writes · 1 year
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Zeus x human! Reader
Warnings: 18+, no minors 🔞, rough sex, nudity, cussing, dirty talk, pregnancy.
A/N: I got lazy 🤧 and said headcanons.
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🌿There was a time gods and humans were close. Being ruler of the cosmos Zeus heard about Adam being expelled from the garden of Eden decided to check and see how things were going on earth.
🌿There wasn’t anything else to do at the moment, why not?
🌿From what Zeus could gather from disguise as a eagle; Adam had been a little busy over the years as the kids running around were the giveaway. Zeus noticed a few older ones; two brothers. Not interested but noted.
🌿Zeus eventually noticed a young woman with the two brothers; wearing nothing but fig leaves and leaf vines. Zeus was interested.
🌿(Name) was Adam and Eve’s first daughter and definitely cherished. Zeus could tell and as a relatively young god himself he wanted to introduce himself. So, Zeus waited until she was by herself in the apple orchard that Adam planted to introduce himself.
🌿With one thing leading to another, and with a young Zeus charm and silver tongue, the two keep their relationship a secret, Zeus calls it a just me and you space. Zeus visits earth whenever he can and when he visits he always brings (Name) whether, it’s a necklace or clothes for the harsh winter or even flowers.
🌿the longer this continues they both fall in love with Zeus able to convince his sweet (Name) (with that silver tongue of his) to move away from Adam. He’s not scared of Adam but because he’s precious to (Name) he doesn’t want to have hurt anyone if they get in his way. (I promise he means well)
🌿Always calls (Name) princess, sometimes it’s other nicknames; sweetie, sunshine, honey, babe. But 90% of the time it’s princess.
🌿So when Adam sees his daughter after many years with a whole army of kids and (Name) holding a baby in her arms he’s in awe on the inside but calm on the outside as a group of kids (with familiar thick eyebrows) crowd around calling him grandpa. Adam doesn’t even question it and just welcomes them all by carrying them in his arms.
🌿 Eve also welcomed them as well as Abel but Cain is the one who asks (Name) aloud who the father is; (Name) just says they were gifts from above.
🌿Adam: ah, they are demi gods. Still my grandchildren. (Is what Adam tells himself)
🌿Zeus keeps in constant contact with his lover and children and always provides, whether it’s new shoes or clothes, or food (brings a shit ton of food, he limits sweets because some the children have already developed strength/powers and well… you get it.)
🌿Loves all his children and when the children get a smart with their mother (As all children do) when Zeus isn’t around he’ll send a thunderbolt because he hears and knows. ⚡️
🌿 When the time comes Zeus takes care of (Name)’s soul personally; she’s special after all. If any god asks why he does it he just says he wants to make sure the souls go where they are needed before he lets the valkyries do this job.
🌿 But even as a soul he still loves his princess, keeps an eye on his descendants and knows them all.
🌿Of course when Ragnarok happens; R2 is DISCOURSE 101. because Adam sees Zeus in his older appearance and is confused because Adam remembers (Name) telling him that her lover was handsome with long blonde hair and rippling muscles; a handsome god. This guy is just old. So when Zeus admits he met (Name) in his prime;younger years when he was much handsomer god. Adam is like: 👍🏻 I’m still giving you hands.
🌿the rest of R2 is discourse since (Name) has her father and lover fighting to the death. (And we all know what happens)
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It was the first time god and human came together.
The sky was dark as the stars lit up stronger than before and the small river that ran inside the cave made for a beautiful scenery.
Stories go Zeus was born in a cave, and now he was making love to his first human lover in a cave.
As slowly slid his thick cock inside his sweet (Name)’s cunt Zeus felt her tighten around his cock making him moan a loud as his hands never left her hips. Muttering, “amazing.” To himself as he believed this human felt better than any goddess he had before as Zeus had bottomed out as his whole cock was inside her now he felt amazing.
Passion and lust mixed between them as Zeus’ sped up to match his lustful feelings, (Name) had felt many emotions but nothing felt as good as the king of the gods fucking her. Zeus had a tight grip on her hips as he fucked her from behind with her hands pressed against the cave wall. Every time she said Zeus he only fucked her harder as his lust reached an all time high as he didn’t hesistate to cum inside her.
Enjoying the high of his climax and the tightness of her cunt made the god of the cosmos only want more and so for the rest of the night Zeus delighted himself inside his beautiful princess and she enjoyed every minute as well.
The next day, rather morning, Zeus decided to wake her up with a call of his own as (Name)’s toes curled with her wrapped around his waist she pulled him closer to her making her moan his name a loud on her bed, as her mind went numb (Name) felt Zeus massage her breasts. Lightly grabbing them and then releasing them, repeating in a steady motion.
“Zeus-! I think-I think-“
“It’s ok princess. Just enjoy it.”
Kissing her forehead and calling her princess (Name) felt love and passion intertwine as she felt that feeling grow more intense by the second. Zeus loved the way she tightened around his cock, the way her breasts moved and he loved the way she said his name.
One last call of Zeus’ name she reached her limit, her first climax, a feeling that was both sweet and exciting. Kissing her cheek Zeus as he gave several lust filled thrusts before reaching his own euphoric climax, tightly holding her hips in placed as he filled her cunt to the brim with his cum.
“Amazing, simply amazing my princess.”
Kissing each other two felt like the only one in the world and the fun wasn’t over yet. The next few days were a blur to (Name) as she constantly rode the godfather’s cock, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her and of course Zeus didn’t deny her once.
Not at night when the two were supposed to be asleep.
The two couldn’t stay away from each other, Zeus always wanted a partner that matched his sexual libido in the bedroom and he found that in (Name). Zeus enjoyed sex and he enjoyed many positions with (Name), eating her out was his favorite thing as he enjoyed licking and sucking her clit and licking her cunt as he held her thighs.
Several times Zeus forgot about his meetings and barely made them. Even as quick as he was it was close and yet no one seemed to mind since he did show up. When the day came that (Name) was pregnant with his child he was overjoyed and excited as he twirled her around in the air and hugged her close to him.
Zeus was sure his descendants would reign for thousands of years, his princess was so sweet and kind and with his strength and might surely it would be so.
For she was his princess and always would be.
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mahoushojo-chan · 7 months
headcanons on the Cazador spawn family
because i had to write the family into my fanfiction, i spent a good hour in the szarr manor just scrounging for details.
additional credits to this redditor who helped get me started. i won't be going over the details that they already succinctly summarized, i'll only go over my extrapolations
tw: mentions of SA, ptsd, and all the gory details you'd expect from astarion's personal quest. and spoilers, of course.
Cazador Szarr:
in many ways, i want to write cazador as astarion's foil, and someone who has very similar views to an ascended astarion, even if he has a relatively different personality. i saw him as someone more introverted and calculated than our hedonistic, in-the-moment ally, but they are joined in the sense that both of them are intentionally cruel to others and possessive over what is theirs. i also wrote him as a necromancer wizard. just seemed to fit.
one thing that seemed to stump many is why there were only seven spawn that cazador kept, but seven thousand he could have chosen from. my theory is this: cazador was truly trying to build some semblance of family, as fcked up as it became. i also don't think that he ended up seeing them as family, and that his viewpoint constantly changed between seeing them as family, lovers, and slaves/tools for his own pleasure. astarion truly loved you before he ascended, and in the same vein, i imagine cazador had an innocent wish as a spawn, or even as a human: he wanted to be a father or a lover, apparently to a large family. this frames how i view the 'siblings'.
Leon Onufrio:
the only spawn with a last name, oddly enough. astarion says that he was 'one of (Cazador's) firsts', which led me to believe there must have been at least one before. i wrote leon to be his first. this makes sense for cazador's first spawn, since cazador seemingly has an affinity towards pretty men. it made sense to me that he could lure in a human with the false promise of eternity, and that he would choose one who seemed responsible and kind for his first 'son'. he is the only one with a daughter, and the only one with limited access to magic. he also seems to understand cazador well, being the first to realize that astarion is right to believe in cazador's cruelty over their false promise of freedom. i imagine cazador would have wanted him to play the role of a 'responsible older brother', and allow him the most independence. the first to have a child, the top hunter, the role model. amongst the spawn, he is the golden child, aka just had the most time to adapt to cazador's ways and go towards people pleasing. and due to his role, cazador allows him to play this.
i wrote him as a shadow magic sorcerer, because we know he is canonically a sorcerer and that he managed to place a necrotic curse on his daughter's blood, in case anyone would go after her. shadow magic seemed fitting for a vampire. it seemed like the type that would attract cazador.
I know that canonically there's a likelihood that he was the last spawn that cazador took in, and he had to take victoria with him and had to be in a position to actually mpregnate someone, but i just wrote it such that he managed to do so while he was a spawn... which is possible, astarion fans... it is possible...
Astarion Ancunin:
canonically astarion's one of cazador's firsts, and i chose to make him the second. i figured if i were an evil, narcissistic asshole playing 'house' with a son, artistically, a cain-and-abel dynamic with an 'ideal' older son and a resentful, evil younger brother. it is also known that astarion was rebellious, and cazador took specific glee in punishing him. that's right, according to this theory: astarion was always built to fail. he was always made to be punished in his role, regardless of what he did. he was meant to be broken over and over again, but not broken enough to stop rebelling entirely, because this would mean that he didn't fit his role well enough. he would be punished according to his role, because you could not be too rebellious, but then he could also be punished if he did not rebel enough, because then he wouldn't suit cazador's cruel playacting. he is the 'rebellious second-born'.
using the bg3 canon, astarion is an arcane trickster. i write him as a thief, never quite having enough time or wanting to put enough effort on honing his magical ability, moreso focusing on surviving.
the rest of the spawn get a little more difficult, as less and less of them are known. we know dalyria was a physician, she cares about astarion, and she killed leon's daughter to try and discover a 'cure' to their vampirism. i just wanted to write her in relation to the others as a "mature and elegant older sister". one who genuinely has other people's best interests at heart. i also wanted to keep in mind the doctor's hippocratic oath and how that may have degraded and suffered from cognitive dissonance under years of abject torture, especially with what she ended up doing to victoria.
as it stands, there actually is a 'physician's touch' feat in dungeons and dragons, under the monk: way of mercy subclass.
personally, i thought aurelia was really cute. she's also the only tiefling in cazador's coterie. continuing with the pattern, i thought perhaps cazador could also think so: she plays the role of the 'cute, anxious younger sister' that needs to be coddled a bit. she allows the hope of freedom to be dangled in her face.
in my hypothetical, she was innocent and it was probably easy for cazador to lure her in. perhaps she was already treated poorly by the world as a tiefling, and cazador pretended to be a kind, caring, gentle figure. whether as a father, or a lover. she seems to be the most aware of cazador's schemes and easy to control.
because she was captured while she was still innocent, and i made it so that after capture, none of cazador's spawn could really 'grow' as people while under his control (hence why astarion is level 1 when we meet him), i don't have a class for her yet, other than the charisma-based inclination based off her tiefling nature. i do have two little plot hooks for her though, so i'll see which direction she decides to go in.
what we mainly know is that petras is a bit of an idiot, according to astarion. while this would normally hold very little juice, since astarion thinks all acts of good are idiotic, we also see that petras is regarded this way in general, such as looking for a meal when he finally is allowed his freedom. his role was "dumb younger brother".
i imagined him as a bit of a jock. not exactly ill-intentioned, but definitely ignorant. he also looked shorter and stouter than astarion--even though i know they most likely use the same model, i wanted to incorporate this. i wanted to make him a idiot-good paladin at first, and keep him as someone resilient and protective, but none of the oaths really seemed to suit him. i knew none of them could be a religious class, mainly for the reasons astarion brought up, and the oaths themselves didn't really serve him well. i settled on barbarian and flavour him with dhampir. yes, even though all of them are technically vampires and petras specifically was a human in life, i just used character sheets to make things easier.
Violet was at least a little interesting--mostly because of her diary. she constantly writes about playing pranks on other people and overall being a menace. she's also the only other person to be in the 'favoured spawn' room in recent history. while leon constantly tried to shoehorn his way in there for his daughter, she had no such attachment. i figured she just was a little cruel, and enjoyed the suffering of others so much that she may have actually enjoyed the killing a vampire would do.
i also had cazador enforce this behaviour, because in this hierarchy, she is the 'bratty younger sister'. the favoured youngest spawn. i made her a gloom stalker ranger. i wanted her to be ruthless in the way that she got her kills, attacking others while she had the advantage, and still having some skill. i also wanted an overlap where she and astarion could reconnect so that she wouldn't be completely lost and evil, what with both of them being sneaky and such. plus helps with the pranks role, and gives her some capacity for wisdom
the final sibling. the only thing i think we ever find out about this guy is that violet played a prank on him once. i imagine that cazador saw him as a joke. his stature doesn't fit his team, he's not particularly their type, and he doesn't seem to be treated very well. i think of him as the 'black sheep' of the family. the 'runt of the litter'. this is the role he is meant to play.
however, even though this is the role he plays, i didn't make him this way at all. i headcanon this is the 'character' cazador cared least about. i don't think he took much time carefully picking it out, since yousen would also be the last spawn chosen for the ritual, and at this point, cazador figures they're all going to die anyways--he just needs to complete the family. there was a lot i could do here, with so little known about him. i made him reclusive and resentful, which makes him seem to fit the role, but deep down it's mostly because he's hardened and jaded. i made his backstory as a soldier--perhaps one that cazador found drunk at a bar one day and figured he would make a good joke, a runt, and effectively the most misunderstood.
he is a battle master fighter. or, well, formerly was. i had him lose a significant amount of skill during the years that he became a spawn. also during cazador's ritual, if you examine everyone, he and leon are the only ones with blood on their mouths. i felt that this meant they were the only two who attempted to fight cazador before becoming sacrifical lambs. (note: they also have it at the camp when they attack astarion, but this could still be valid and also i don't trust the texture mapping they did with the spawn, what with their red bodies) i thought a sorcerer and fighter could make a badass combo. also, there are a lot of people who sleep on the halfling fighter builds.
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cosmonadarovicarts · 23 days
Theory: Zestial would be Abel?
It seems like a crazy theory (maybe it is), but follow the reasoning here:
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In the theory that Carmilla Carmine would be Eve, I theorized Zestiel could be Cain. But talking to a friend, we came to the conclusion that it would make more sense that Zestiel would be Abel instead of his brother:
In some myths, Cain, after murdering his brother, was condemned to never die. he could live as an immortal being on Earth, or be in some kind of purgatory (there is no purgatory in Habzin Hotel (?)), in short, he would not be in hell.
Zestiel's design: He is a spider, and it has been confirmed that sinners who take the form of a spider were sinners linked to some lie in life (Angel Dust came from a mafia family, linked to lies).
Meaning of Zestial's name: Zesti means enthusiasm, while al means God. Abel was the son of Adam and Eve who pleased God (the myth of offerings to god).
Adam, in the series, was confirmed as the first soul to enter Heaven, where would the myth of Abel and Cain fit in? Wouldn't Abel been the first soul to enter Heaven? What if Abel had gone to Hell instead of Heaven? Would him taking the form of a spider be a sign that he could have cheated on the offering to God? Or something related to his death was not as the myths said.
This is just a theory, he could very well have just been any human being in life (many say he is from a period after the Middle Ages because of his accent.. But Lucifer himself has an accent from a region of the USA and he's not American), but it would be interesting if this character was more than that. I recommend reading the theory about Carmilla being Eve so this theory makes more sense.
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CWF human AU :
So, Adam is Vaggie's godfather, well, that's messy. I wouldn't be surprised if 6 years old Vaggie told Lute that she and Adam should just be together, because not only they're best friends, but they obviously love each other (Vaggie saw how they looked at each other) and Sera has to take Vaggie for the day because Lute being told that messed with her mind.
Seth probably assumed that it was why his father often visited Lute, though he definitely understood that Adam and lute were a thing when he was like 10 or 11.
Considering Cain was jealous of Abel in the Bible, I think than here, Abel managed to accept the divorce pretty easily and his lack of venom toward Lute and Vaggie+being a nice caring guy got Adam and Sera, Sera who's probably some sort of honorary aunt for the Eden sons, and this pissed off Cain who thought his brother was being a traitor and a suck-up.
Vaggie with a soft g probably is how both Adam and Cain call her, at least depending of the situation. I think than Adam always call her Vaggie with a soft g, and if she get upset over it he just bribe her with sweets or money.
Meanwhile, Abel call her Maria, Seth call her Vaggie with a hard G, and I think Cain usually call her Guerrera unless he's pissed, and there he say Vaggie with a soft g.
For Abel, calling her that is because he know Vagatha is not her real name and he's appalled by that immature joke, furthermore, considering his link to plants, I imagine that he helped her learn about plants and she actually liked it too, even if it's not her interest, unlike Cain who prefer being with his animals and find Abel's interests stupid and Seth who isn't interested even if not hostile.
Seth just always knew the name as Vaggie with a hard G, especially since his mother as well as Sera and Lute told him the soft g was just a thing Adam did as a Godfather.
I think the only one of Adam's sons Lute really get along with is Seth, pre reveal at least, because Cain hate her, I think Lute is too agressive for Abel to appreciate her and she most likely doesn't get his interests, though there's no real hostility, simply non-compatibility, while Seth would have seen Lute since he's a baby, and she's simply his dad's cool friend.
How did Vaggie's relationship with her half-brothers and father changed after she learned they were her family?
I think the reveal of Adam being Vaggie's father is one of the events that started to kick off Emily's doubts on her link to Sera.
Sera knew Vaggie was Adam's daughter, and Emily would have been in her mother's belly when Vaggie was born.
If Sera could keep secret something like that, despite being Vaggie's godmother, what else could she keep?
I think Emily started wondering before, but learning Vaggie's godfather was also Vaggie's father and the fact that none of the adults ever told it, despite the fact than Vaggie knew her brothers since her youth definitely made her consider the possibility that there were other lies in families.
Sera and Vaggie probably had a quite heated argument too, with Emily siding with Vaggie.
What anger Vaggie the most probably is that the secret wasn't that necessary from her pov, she knew Adam well, and Lute and him not being together made it clear she wouldn't have had anything like a normal family, but she love her family, Emily is like a cousin, Sera+Adam and Lute's armies buddies are like her aunts, Adam is weird but she like him well enough.
So why the secret?
I think than after the fiasco of the reveal, Vaggie decided to do ballet at Carmilla's school, as she need to do a physically intensive activity that wasn't like what her mother did, and beside, Vaggie always liked dancing.
On a more cheerful note, Vaggie probably learned dancing, flamenco most likely (the Guerrera being of Spanish origin) from her mom, as dancing was something Agatha and Lucia loved to do together.
Hum, and now than I realize it, Lute got her name through her mother, since Guerrera was Agatha's name before Hector,which make sense tbf if there's a question of prestige.
I love the mental image of Adam struggling to learn the music of guitar to go along Lute's dancing when they were in the army, Adam's music likely was one of the few ways to distract themselves after all.
When did Charlie and Vaggie started going out? And I know Lute's reaction was bad (with mother-daughter actually fighting each other) but what was Adam's reaction when Lute brought it up to him?
I propose Vaggie meeting Carmilla at 14 to give reasonable time for her to learn it, furthermore, at this point in life, Vaggie's trust in her adult figures is shattered, be it her mother, her godparents Sera and Adam or Lute and Adam's old army buddies, who would definitely have known the truth.
Okay, this is a long one, so it's gonna take a bit to fully answer....
Young Vaggie definitely once suggested her mother get married to Adam. because, yeah. she absolutely could tell the two of them had a thing for each other. She didn't understand why her mom had such a negative reaction to the suggestion until she was quite a bit older.
Seth and Vaggie were both really excited at the idea of their dad and mom, respectively, getting married when they were really little. Because they were best friends and if their parents got married, that would make them siblings. They even use that at least once to try and convince Adam and Lute to get married, and basically all the adults present can feel the tension in the air because they all know the secret of Vaggie's parentage, but these kids have no clue...
You are right that part of what makes Cain resentful of Abel in this AU is the fact that, despite being two years younger, Abel had a much easier time accepting his parents' decision to get a divorce. While Cain felt upset and betrayed by what happened, and kept trying to blame someone, despite Adam and Eve explaining to their sons that it was nobody's fault - they just weren't happy being married to each other anymore. Abel was also a bit upset, but was much more easily comforted by the promise both his parents made that even if they weren't married anymore, and they weren't in love, they did still care about each other and they both were going to love Abel and his brothers as much as they ever had.
Basically hit the nail on the head for what each of the Eden men calls Vaggie - Seth really is the only one who calls her by her actual first name, and pronounces it the way it's actually supposed to be said. Though Cain is the only one who calls her Vaggie with the soft G out of malice; with Adam, it's mostly just him being sort of playful, and, he'd argue, the way he's supposed to say it, since he is the one who picked her first name, and knows how you're supposed to pronounce it.
Lute isn't super close to any of Adam's sons, but Seth is definitely the one she gets along the best with, for basically the reasons you said. Plus, he's the closest in age to her daughter and the two kids are really close, so she kind of just ends up seeing Seth more often than either Cain or Abel, since while usually Vaggie would go over to Eve's place after school to hang out with Seth until Lute got out of work, it wasn't like the inverse never happened, and Seth stayed over at Lute's to play with Vaggie.
I think Vaggie's relationship with Adam changed more than her relationships with any of her half-brothers once she learned the truth of their relationship. Obviously things were different all around, but I don't actually think the way Cain, Abel, or Seth really treated Vaggie would be super impacted by them learning they were siblings, at least once the initial shock of the reveal has passed. But with Adam, the fact that he was her father - and he knew the whole time - did make Vaggie think of him differently for a while. She admits that she almost wishes he was less involved in her life than he was, because then she wouldn't have to deal with the fact that technically her father was around for her whole life up to that point...she just had no clue who he was because both he and her mother actively chose to lie to her.
Honestly, Vaggie's "fall" in this AU is likely at least somewhat the result of the fall-out from the reveal of Adam being her father, because out of anger and just being hurt at the secrecy, there is a bit of a rift between Lute and Vaggie, and Vaggie actually starts kind of acting out and pushing her mother away. She starts occasionally skipping school and refusing to go home, no matter how much Lute tries to make her. And it leads to a minor, but still physical altercation where after it's done, Lute is convinced to let Vaggie have some space to deal with her feelings - but with the caveat that if Vaggie won't come home, she has to at least make sure she's staying with people Lute at least trusts to keep her safe - which are the Morningstars (Lute isn't a huge fan of Lucifier or especially Lilith, but she knows they wouldn't let anything happen to Vaggie) or the Celestes.
And it is during this time where Vaggie meets the Carmine twins, Odette and Clara, and they introduce her to their mother, who is starting up a new ballet studio in town after having recently moved in. And Vaggie takes them up on the offer of trying it out, if only to have something to keep her busy now that she's taking an indefinite break from fencing lessons to avoid her mother as much as she can. She did also continue to do the flamenco dancing that she'd learned from Lute growing up, and actually enjoyed doing both, to her slight surprise.
Charlie and Vaggie were probably around like, 15 when they started seriously dating? They may have kissed a bit and gone on a couple dates when they were a little younger, but it wasn't until then that they actually decided to make it official that they were actually in a relationship.
Finding out that Adam was Vaggie's father absolutely helped to really push Emily into wondering if her "sister" had been keeping any other secrets, especially from her. Because part of her had always wondered why Sera was always so unwilling to tell Emily much about their parents, or why she apparently had no pictures of them, despite how close they'd apparently been. For most of her life, she just took any of Sera's explanations as fact because, why would she lie to her about that? But now that she's seen that Sera would lie about something like who Vaggie's father is, she has to wonder what else she may have been capable of lying about....
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nikichan234 · 3 months
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WHOOOAAA- after hemming and hawing over it for a while, I finally decided to post my takes on Cain and Abel for Hazbin Hotel!!
I’ve been thinking about these two an unhealthy amount, so here they are- the human versions, and then their versions in Hell hehe~ Below I have more in-depth reasonings behind their designs and the story I have given for them both~
Starting off let’s start with Abel!! The youngest little man here we go!!
For Abel- I really wanted him to take after Adam a lot. He resembles him the most, inheriting his brown hair, possibly build as well, and relatively taking after him a bit in personality as well just a little bit, mostly in being pretty prideful (which isn’t hard to do when you’re Heaven’s, and objectively your dad’s, favorite kid oops-). Not much to say on his human design, he’s pretty dang simple, so let’s get into his demon side shall we?
Now- Abel I imagine is in hell, which is like. Vaguely confirmed when Sera brings up the fact that Adam was the first human soul in Heaven. Now, frankly, while that’s most likely a throw away line, I wanna imagine that there’s a genuine reason that Abel ended up in hell, and I wanna say he became a little sinful in his life and that gave him his one way ticket to Hell.
With being the golden child of Heaven and his family, I wanna think he became a bit too prideful and arrogant about it, and with everyone around him basically being a yes-man to him, he just sorta internalized it and ran with it (parallels to Adam?? Yes.) While I imagine he wasn’t like a complete asshole, and has a good heart deep down, it just wasn’t enough, and the boy woke up in Hell.
For his demon design, I wanted to keep it fairly simple and give him a sheep/ram motif since 1. Being a shepherd, he’s around sheep and rams, and 2. a play on the whole ‘sacrificial lamb’ because he was the first ever victim of murder? Lots of fun to play with. He’s got a little sheep tail, possibly some furry haunches he keeps sheared to wear pants, and little cloven feet. I’m not the most satisfied with it, since it’s my first time doing something like this, but I’m fairly happy with how he looks. Little sheep boy we love~ I will probably redesign him before the year is over I swear-
And- for the wildest part, I wanna say he took after Adam in more ways than one and is in a rather popular rock band in Hell. I wanna imagine maybe Adam passed down his love of music/singing to his sons, as a treat, and Abel just kinda went with it since well. What else can ya do, gotta make a living doing something. He goes by his stage name commonly, to make sure no one knows he’s the son of Adam- the guy responsible for a lot of demon death. He’s not particularly strong, so keeping his head low and the truth of his lineage a secret is very very important for him.
I also imagine his time in Hell has seriously humbled him, so he’s much less arrogant and just living his life down there. He’s realized his own wrongs and is just trying his best to keep on living. Only big downside is he has to consistently go through new band members as some do get killed in the exterminations, thanks a lot Adam :|
And now for Cain
For Cain, I like him taking after Eve the most, so I decided to go with a more dirty-blond hair look. I do HC Eve as looking similar, if not identical, to Lilith so lighter hair was a must- and not only that, but with the theories of Cain being Lucifer’s son, I did wanna give a little nod towards that as well (and give Adam some subconscious reasons to favor his younger son over Cain whooopsie-)
I also gave him freckles because those are for me, as a treat.
I didn’t exactly want Cain to be vengeful and full of pure evil, I love those versions of him very much, but I wanted to play with the regret and remorse aspect a bit more, as well as the whole redemption thing. So in my HC’s Cain killed Abel in his fit of rage and jealousy, but once he’s off on his own and cursed by Heaven to wander alone with his immortality, he does genuinely start to regret it. At first of course he blames Heaven, his dad, Abel, anyone else but himself, but as the years drag on, he does genuinely begin to regret and repent for it.
Of course the damage is done, and his spawns are unfortunately evil, but he does work hard to repent for his mistakes, and once he inevitably does die much much later on, he’s genuinely repented enough so that he is at first granted access into Heaven. Heaven is technically all about redemption and all for humanity, so I think it’d be fun to flip the scripts a bit and let Cain just taste something good like that, all that hard work did pay off.
But unfortunately for him, a certain someone is (very) the slightest bit pissed off that he got up there when his brother didn’t and took it upon himself to send Cain to Hell personally.
Because I enjoy ✨family drama✨ very much. That’s for meeee-
Because of that he’s just kind of a little guy, got some cool horns, clawed hands, just a little guy doin his best. Cain generally just kind of keeps to himself and does his own thing. Due to his lineage, he also goes by a different name to avoid people making the connection between him and Adam as well. While he probably would have a few sinners going for him since he’s the first murderer and that could possibly get him some good street cred, it could also be very bad for him, so he really just keeps to himself and does his best to avoid other demons as much as possible. I imagine he would be rather powerful as well, and could hold his own very easily in Hell, but he prefers to just be left alone so you’d never know how powerful he truly is.
I also say he enjoys plants. While he also got the music treatment, he prefers to just grow various types of plants in his home and possibly sells some different ones as well. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work. Got his temper still, but now he’s just kind of living his life and avoiding people the best he can.
Now- I also wanna imagine both brothers do have some sort of relationship with each other as well when they’re in Hell together. They do eventually run into each other, both are shocked seeing the other there, and they have plenty of time to talk about everything.
It’s not the closest in the world, but Cain sincerely apologized for his actions when they were alive, and Abel did forgive him, so now they do chat a bit about their jobs, small things here and there, and are relatively polite towards each other. Not best friends or anything like that, but they can hold good conversations and joke around a bit. Cain also gives Abel plants as house warming gifts and such, and sometimes Abel can’t tell if the plants are genuine or if it’s a thinly veiled threat due to some being a bit more dangerous than others- but he appreciates it nonetheless~
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xolborsaysstuff · 7 months
TADC analysis
If the Caine and Abel theory is true, I wonder if 'Abel'would be a character we've already met, or someone we've yet to see
Possible candidates:
newest member of the cast, she can't remember her real name (and neither can anyone else but I'm thinking they'll put special emphasis on her trying to remember it specifically since she's the main character) as the main character it'd make sense to have her be out in a important role like this
and while you could say Cane and Abel are both brothers while Pomni is a girl, the original Cane from the bible wasn't a digital ringmaster with only teeth and two eyes for a head sooo the 'Abel' being a girl in this story isn't that farfetched
First person to come here a parallel to Abel being the first person in the bible to die and the first two people other than Adam and Eve
Kinger as a 'King' raises some questions as to why he's that specifically, Cain is a ringmaster so you'd think they'd have something to connect them somehow as brothers, maybe their eyes are similar?
Kinger would make a lot of sense, though maybe if this story is going to be taking a lot out of the bible he'll be a parallel to Adam with that Queen piece we saw with a crossed out door being the parallel to Eve?
In the bible Eve was the first tempted into eating the forbidden fruit, maybe something like that happened with her being abstracted first
As Cain's assistant, Bubble is the one in the cast that's closest to Cain, which is fitting of the whole 'brother' thing, Bubble is one of if not the only character to actually bother Cain, which could be just because Bubble is a little weirdo, but it could be deeper.
Maybe Bubble 's presence as Cain's brother or at least a representation of Abel is unsettling, Cain's reaction of popping Bubble once or twice out of annoyance could just be a gag, but maybe is representative of Cane disliking Abel (and ultimately killing him)
Maybe we won't hear about Kaufmo outside of the pilot, maybe Kaufmo was just an introduction to Abstraction and what happens when you lose control, but it could be possible we'll hear more about what Kaufmo was up to after this, maybe Pomni will get/steal the key from Jax to enter Kaufmo's room again and find out more
Tell me if there's any other people who could fit as 'Abel', I was thinking Jax or Gangle but couldn't think of how they fit very well, I'm very excited to hear people's theories for this
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starbright349 · 3 months
He's Gone (Adam X Wife Reader)
This is kinda my AU. I'm going to call it, 'Family Is Everything' (I'm still working on the name), where Adam's 2 sons, Cain and Abel managed to get into Heaven with their father, after Eve (The boys' mother) left them for Lucifer.
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Losing Eve to Lucifer took a huge toll on Adam and their 2 sons, Cain and Abel. Adam just couldn't cope with the fact that his second wife, the mother of his children, left them for a demon. They were both so young when it happened (Maybe 4-6) (Thats what I like to think)
Things didn't get any better when Adam had to raise his children on his own. He wasn't a good father to them and would often forget who's who sometimes. Adam's family was in a broken state, and was headed for the direction of Hell, where Lucifer, Lilith, and Eve lived.
In a desperate attempt to save the first man's family. Heaven decided to create another woman. Adam's third and final wife (Y/N), but this time, Heaven took it slowly with her. She was created on Earth, but before she was introduced to Adam and his sons, she was taught by no-one other than the Seraphim, Sera herself.
She taught (Y/N) everything there was to know about Earth, and Sera even told her about Adam a few times.
(Y/N) was nothing but excited to meet Adam for when the time came. Even if he sounded like a complete jerk. She was always in a playful and joyful mood, and thanks to Sera's teachings, she was very smart and could solve a lot of problems in mere minutes, she was also taught to be faithful, and was well aware of Adam's past wives.
On the day that the 2 were supposed to finally meet, Sera told Adam, that he needed to take things slow with (Y/N), and if things didn't work out between them, Adam would remain as a single father for the rest of his life.
Luckily, he actually managed to listen for once, and took things slow with (Y/N), despite him being hesitant with her. "Hey, I'm Adam." He said as he waved at her shyly. (Y/N) smiled and waved back. "Hi! I'm (Y/N), but you can call me (N/N) if you like." (Y/N) extended her hand to Adam who was looking at it hesitantly. "It's so nice to finally meet you after all this time Adam. I have a great feeling that we will get along just fine." (Y/N) said with her best smile.
Adam did have to admit, (Y/N) was fricken' adorable. Hot even. The temptation he had to fuck her senseless was powerful, but he didn't want to lose her by scaring her off, possibly the last woman/wife he would ever receive until he died. So reluctantly, he took (Y/N)'s hand and shook it, as he promised himself to try and take it slow.
The 2 became acquaintances for the first few weeks, just casually seeing each other, then they became friends, by getting to know each other more and more. Then best friends, with them being inseparable, then started to have feelings for each other, they even confessed at the same time, and lastly, they became lovers.
Adam even felt like it was time for (Y/N) to finally meet his sons when they got together. But had the feeling that Cain and Abel wouldn't like (Y/N), since she wasn't their mother.
And his feelings were correct, Cain and Abel didn't like (Y/N) one bit, even though she had made them beautiful flower crowns with the finest flowers she could find in the garden, cooked them their favorite meals and treats, and showered them in love and attention.
Cain and Abel thought of (Y/N) as an evil demon, who was trying to ruin their family, since they did want their parents to get back together. Even though Adam had tried to talk to his sons' multiple times, they didn't listen.
Once (Y/N) learned about Cain and Abel's desire for their parents to get back together, she sat both of them down and explained that she was not trying to replace their mother, but rather be there for them, care for them, and to help them through their most difficult times.
That was all Cain and Abel wanted to hear, they started to like (Y/N) after that. Adam was beyond proud and relieved that his sons were warming up to (Y/N), he would sometimes even walk in on them playing fun games with each other that (Y/N) created.
He would never admit it, but he thought it was adorable.
But when Adam saw (Y/N) putting Cain and Abel to bed and kissing top of their heads, telling them how much she loved them. Adam then knew now that he wanted to marry (Y/N) more than ever, and she would be a good mother to his children, and he did just that. They both got married after 2 years of dating, and (Y/N) was officially a stepmother to Cain and Abel.
Even after Adam and (Y/N) got married, he still wasn't a good father, so (Y/N) basically had to raise them. But despite this, she was a great mother to Cain and Abel, loving them like they were her own, and a wonderful wife to Adam. Not because of all the amazing things that she would do for them, but because she made them better.
Once they all died, they went to Heaven, and that's when things had become a little bit easier with Adam's family. They would get along well, and were a perfectly happy family.
Heck. Adam even became less of an asshole when (Y/N) was around.
(NGL sometimes Sera would do the 'I wonder what (Y/N) would think about this behavior' whenever he misbehaves, that would get his attention)
After a few thousand years of being in Heaven, things got even better for Adam and his sons when (Y/N) told them that she was pregnant with Adam's third child.
He was beyond happy to hear that (Y/N) was having his baby, he would get to be a father again, and (Y/N) would be the mother. Cain and Abel were also excited to have a new baby brother or sister to play with.
Things were doing well for (Y/N)'s first trimester, Adam and the boys were setting up the nursery for the new baby to arrive. (Y/N) was thinking about names and was doing everything to keep herself healthy during the pregnancy.
But... in the middle of her second trimester, (Y/N) found out about Adam's job, he goes down to Hell and kills sinners. (Y/N), Cain, and Abel were in the courtroom when they found out.
Once the trial was over, (Y/N) grabbed the boy's arms, and flew out of the room, while Adam went after them. "(Y/N), boys! Wait!"
(Y/N) didn't listen and flew all the way home, holding her stepsons' hands. (Y/N) slammed the door open as she stomped inside of the house "Babe, just listen, I can explain." (Y/N) looked at Adam, "There is nothing to explain Adam! Those are human souls you are killing down there. And you do it for what? A thrill?"
(Y/N) was about to walk out of the room with Cain and Abel, but Adam grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulder and turned her around, forcing her to look at him. That's when (Y/N) let go of her children's hands and the married couple, had their first fight.
It went on for what felt like hours, Cain and Able were still in the room while the two fought. Adam noticed this, and angrily told them to go to their rooms, "You both go to your rooms, NOW!" (Y/N) snaped back at her husband's words. "Don't talk to them like that!"
The boys got so scared that they went over to (Y/N) and gripped at her robe for comfort, she noticed this and rubbed their heads gently. "It's okay boys, it's okay." The fight between the first man and his wife had gotten so heated; that Adam's mouth had spoken before his mind could.
"I don't even know why you care about them so much, they aren't your children, and I bet that you'll love that little unborn shit more than them when it arrives!" Adam said those words in a blind rage, but it hit (Y/N) like a ton of bricks.
The room stayed silent as Adam was rethinking on what he had just said, he wanted to apologize to her, but it was too late, and the damage was already done.
"Babe... I-I didn't mean to-" "How dare you." (Y/N) held her sons by their heads gently, rubbing them with her soft hands. "How dare you say that when I have been raising your children since your second wife left you!" Adam was in shock, (Y/N) didn't like bringing up his previous wives and rarely ever spoke about them.
"I have been there for them since we got together, I have been there for every birthday, school performance, their sporting events, I have broken up many sibling fights, I even stopped one of your sons from killing the other!"
Cain and Able winced at the time Cain tried to kill his brother because he was jealous of him, and he would have actually succussed at it if it weren't for (Y/N) coming in and stopping him in time.
"So, don't you tell me how that I don't love them when you have never even bothered to show up for anything in their lives." (Y/N) began to tear up. "And this kind of behavior makes me wonder if you will be there for our baby when they arrive."
Adam also began to tear up, everything that (Y/N) had said was true; he didn't know his kids at all, he didn't know what their likes and dislikes, how they were doing in school, their friends, hobbies. He didn't know anything about them, and with his third on the way; would he also do the same thing?
After the fight, (Y/N) and the boys left the room. She then packed up her and her stepsons' things and left the house with them, to stay with the Seraphim's: Sera, her old mentor, and Emily, the boy's friend. Adam said and did nothing to stop them, he thought that it was for the best to give them space and he needed some time to think about his actions.
*A month later*
(Y/N) and Adam hadn't seen nor spoken to each other since the fight, he thought that his marriage was over, and that he would lose another wife. Even though he may not show it, he loved his family with all of his heart and would do anything to save them. That was the main reason why he took the job as the leader of the angels; to keep his family out of harm's way.
Adam decided to make a plan on telling (Y/N) and the boys that once the extermination was over and he came back to Heaven, but Sera had decided to do the same thing.
As (Y/N) was making Cain and Abel's lunches while they played outside with Emily, Sera came into the kitchen to speak with (Y/N).
"(Y/N), I know that this isn't the best time, but we must talk about Adam while the children are not here." (Y/N) sighed and clenched her fists tightly, and without looking at Sera she spoke.
"There is nothing to talk about, my husband is a crazy man with a blood thirsty demon inside him, he kills souls in Hell and has little to no remorse over it!"
(Y/N) says as she sticks the sharp end of the knife, she was holding in the cutting board that was Infront of her. Sera then puts her hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders, "I understand that. No-one likes it when they people they love keep secrets from them."
Sera then looks out the window and see's the boy's and Emily, playing games with each other. Sera frowns and looks down at (Y/N).
She then reveals the reason why she decided to let the exterminations happen, and why Adam took on the role as Leader of the exorcist Angels.
(Y/N) listened in silence, but once Sera finish. (Y/N) held her hands over her heart. "He...He took on that role... to protect us?" (Y/N) was almost about to tear up, but Sera lifted her chin to force her to look at her.
"Adam may not show it, but he loves you and the boys more than life itself. I've seen it." Sera said. (Y/N) that she wasn't lying, she then remembered all the times that Adam would make time for his family, he would cancel a lot of his consents just to be with them.
All the times Adam would make (Y/N) breakfast in bed to make her feel special, sometimes he would stay home from work to take care of Cain and Abel whenever one of them got sick.
"I-I never thought of it that way, maybe I should apologize." Sera agreed (but only if he apologized first)
That same day, (Y/N) went Infront of the pearly gates, waiting for Adam to return to their celestial home.
Once the day was almost over, the exorcist Angel's returned to Heaven, but as (Y/N) was searching for her husband. He was nowhere to be found, she called for him, flew around the exorcists to look for him.
But he was nowhere to be found. (Y/N) then saw Lute. Adam's best lady friend and second in command, (Y/N) rushed to her, only to see that Lute looked badly hurt and was missing an arm.
"Lute!" (Y/N) yelled as she ran to her. Lute looked at (Y/N) with a worried look. "Lute. Where is my husband? Where's Adam, I can't find him."
Lute looked at (Y/N) and was about to tear up, but she just handed her a halo. She was confused but took it anyway, "Lute. Where is he?"
Lute looked to the floor as tears streamed down her face. And all she could say, in the nicest possible way. "He's gone."
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