#Architecture Dissertation Help
sophiewalker · 3 days
Expert Guidance and Top Picks for Your Architecture Dissertation Topic
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Explore interesting topics in architecture dissertation topics that will help you pursue your research and excel academically. Visit our blog for a comprehensive roadmap to academic excellence in architecture. 
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freyaandersson · 14 days
Architecture dissertation topics
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Finding the right topic for your architecture dissertation topics can be exciting but challenging. Learning how to find a dissertation topic that matches your interests and meets academic requirements is crucial. These suggestions will help you create a strong foundation for your research and write a compelling dissertation
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emilywatson-01 · 14 days
Discover Architecture Dissertation Topics
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Explore Exciting Architecture Dissertation Topics to Inspire Your Research Journey. Dive into a wide range of interesting subjects such as sustainable design, urban planning, historical preservation, innovative materials, and more. Uncover opportunities to tackle real-world challenges and create meaningful solutions. With numerous options available, find the perfect topic that matches your interests and career aspirations. 
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hnrythomas1 · 1 year
online Marketing dissertation writing help
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abz-j-harding · 25 days
Heya, a couple of us are having a lot of fun discussing your art and reading your comics together and we've become increasingly curious to see what your bookshelf might look like. It would be fascinating to see what kind of media you enjoy and which of those might have had an influence on your art :)
I didn't know folks would actively be discussing my work like this. It makes me feel a little emotional ah.
To try and answer your question.
I gather a lot of history, cultural mythology of all kinds, fashion, a whole book about cats, planes, game/film art, architecture , archeology and stories, art, sculpture, art masters and oddities, some really old books I have picked up in York or were passed down to me through the family. There's the odd dissertation of particular films genres and some classics. Poetry and ballads.
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Anything to help inspire me.
But the only thing I know is that my book collection will only get bigger over time.
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awxcoffeexno · 11 months
bf!joel x reader
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fic masterlist summary: joel has work. and you miss him.
warnings: angst, so much angst!!!, plenty of pining, both characters are stubborn, there is 0 communication, if only they would just talk to each other!!, but obviously not, why would they do that?, also reader is pregnant (no use of y/n, no outbreak, mild age gap (reader is 23, joel is 28))
word count: just under 1.2k
a/n: this is my first fic on here and idek why i've written this but i'm pining so,, T.T
it's fifteen minutes past 8 and joel is still tapping away on his keyboard, brows furrowed, lower lip between his teeth.
you've only peeked into the room to see if he's finally done, but he isn't. so you walk back out to the living room and pick up the new copy of notes from underground that you bought at the old book shop yesterday.
you'd wanted him to come with you, even told him it would be lovely to have him. but whilst the whole country took the day off for a holiday you don't particularly celebrate, joel was still in your room, still tapping away at his keyboard. with a soft sigh, you had pressed a kiss to his forehead and he'd given you a sheepish smile. I'm sure you'll love it, baby. send me loads of pictures.
so alone you'd gone, sifting through the piles and piles of unsorted books, hoping to find something nice. you'd picked up a small, tattered book about duties of couples in marriage. a wedding present signed off by a distant uncle. giggled at the silly pictures and then put it aside. more unsorted books, several copies of jane eyre, pride and prejudice, a tale of two cities (🤢 you couldn't imagine ever picking that up again, what a terrible piece of prose).
until finally, a copy of notes from underground. fyodor dostoyevsky. you'd always wanted to read dostoyevsky but you'd never considered yourself having enough time or patience for him. deep breath. no better time than the present.
so here you are, curled up in the little nook next to the fire place where only you would think to sit. it's a tight spot but you like it. it's warm and comforting and since you don't have joel's arms, the brick wall will have to do. besides you’ve got olives and vanilla ice cream to keep your cravings at bay so at least there’s that.
you'd spent your day finally getting back to the painting you'd forgotten in the back of the attic last month, followed by work on your dissertation, glancing at your phone every now and then. no messages from joel. so you'd given him a missed call like you always did to catch his attention. 
hi, baby, need a sec. brb.
and you'd given him a second. ten minutes. twenty. you knew you were being needy but before this god forsaken job you'd spent every day together, curled up in each other. you'd help each other with your assignments, him pressing absent-minded kisses to your shoulders as he flipped through his architecture textbook.
nearly an hour later he'd texted you back. 
hi. sorry. got carried away.
no, it's okay. how are you?
and he'd gone on a rant about work. and you'd listened. and then he was gone again.
even when he came back home, all you'd gotten was a squeeze on the arm, a kiss on the forehead and a meeting, baby. 
you'd wanted to scream. but how selfish would that be? he was working. besides your dissertation was waiting for you, the cursor blinking, jeering at you for leaving it mid word.
and now it is nearly two hours later. you've both eaten dinner in separate rooms and you're reading dostoyevsky.
the clock is mocking you. tick, tock. 
tick, tock.
tick, tock, you pathetic little bitch. he is working.
tick, tock, look at you! my god. he is working!
tick, tock.
"I'm bored."
he lets out a soft tired chuckle that makes your heart warm. "want me to come dance for you?"
idiot. you tell him as much. 
you get up and tip toe to your room again. "hi."
"hi, sweetheart." his hair is soft and fluffy. you push your fingers through it, watching his eyes flutter shut.
you press a soft kiss to his lips. he smiles.
"do you have any time today?" you ask him, leaning back on your hands.
you really are pathetic. but you miss it. you miss having him all to yourself every night. you miss pressing soft kisses into his jaw without having to worry about his brows furrowing and him apologising because work was demanding his attention. you miss how he'd rub the anxiety away from your chest. didn't matter what the anxiety was about, he'd always take it away from you. and now he can't, because he's always anxious himself. about work. about you. about the baby you had on the way - the baby he was working so hard for.
and you want to be selfish. you want to tell him where it hurts. sometimes you do and you see his guilty little eyes as he looks over at you and tries to take it away. but it doesn't go away anymore. and he feels so fucking guilty about it. and you only add to his stress, and then you're feeling guilty too and it's not good for either of you.
"I'll be free in a bit, sugar. I'll be off at 10. I hope."
but that's not what you want. because once he's off at 10, he'll be tired. and he should rest.
but you're selfish. 
so. "no, like. do you have any time today for me?" you rephrase and watch as his shoulders slack and his eyes darken.
look how sad you've made him. 
"yeah. after 10." he's blunt. cold.
and that's because you know he wants to rest. and he knows he wants to rest. and you've just been selfish again and fuck, he's getting so tired. tired of constantly being pushed to show up. to be there. for work. for you. 
you’d celebrated this job with him, hadn’t you?! made him a little cake and blown up balloons. it was a good job. hard work but it paid so fucking well. the two of you had planned this baby for so long. he’d taken up a diploma so that he wouldn’t have to support you on the wages of a contractor whilst you worked on your masters. but hindsight is 20/20 and you’d much rather have a small house and a tight budget and still have joel than sit in the living room alone, day after day as he worked his ass off trying to do what’s right what any man with self-respect would do.
tears sting your eyes. you miss him. and you're so fucking pathetic, making all of this about you. he notices but doesn't comment because he's done. he's done consoling you about something he is going through too.
but you're selfish. so you stand up and walk out and he's left staring at the ghost of your perfume wondering when something will finally let up. when something will give. when you'll just understand and let him be.
until then he knows that this cycle will repeat every day. because you're selfish. 
not that he'd ever think that. because he's joel and fuck he loves you. 
but you know it. and your clock knows it.
you're selfish. 
if you're reading this, thank youu xx maybe I'll write some more. idk, but I hoped you liked it. <3
just migrated from reddit back to tumblr and I didn't realise how much I missed tumblr aaaaaaa
love, d 🖤
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smallfrenchstudyblr · 1 month
do you have any advice for someone going into writing their bachelor's thesis? I'm having trouble pinning down a topic that seems manageable.
This will be highly field dependent, so my advice will be most relevant for social sciences and humanities - anyone from STEM, fell free to chip in as well!
Let's see, if a student came in at office hours and asked me this, I would probably break it down like this :
Get familiar with the expectations
A thesis the first big, semi-independent work you will have to conduct, so it's uncharted territory. Get rid of the anxiety by looking again, and again, and again, at any guidelines set by your course director, school, college. How long is it supposed to be ? Is there a set structure ? Is there a first draft due before the final draft ?
Look at dissertation from previous years! Ideally, find at least 3 so you can have an idea of how diverse the work can be.
2. Talk to your supervisor
And don't bullshit your way into impressing them. If you are absolutely lost - tell them. If you already have an idea - tell them. If you hesitate before three topics - tell them. That first meeting is where you lay down all the ground work. In all likelihood your supervisor barely knows you, so give them something to work with !They want you to do well!
3. Start broad, then narrow it down, narrow it down, narrow it down
"Pinning down a topic" is an iterative process, but the good part is that it's also an introspective one, in my opinion. It's the art of peeling back layers to figure out what, EXACTLY, is it that you want to know.
For example: let's say you want to broadly talk about accessibility in higher education. Ok, great ! But what exactly, is it that makes it interesting to you ? Have a sit down with yourself. Are you wondering how higher education defines disability ? Or is it about how disability impacts entrance into higher education ? Or specifically access to teaching resources ? It could be about the architecture and physical design of campus spaces, or it could be about the lived experience of disabled students ?
Some of these you will not be that interested in, some of them you are interested in but not in an "academic" sense, ... so you can start to narrow it down. Some you may already have a vague answer in your mind, so then you play the three year old toddler with your self, by asking "but why", "but why" until you feel like you have reached the real crux of the issue.
Throughout this process, you can 1) take peaks are the relevant literature to help you move the thought process along and 2) talk with your supervisor so they can steer you in a productive direction.
4. You are looking for a Good Bachelors Dissertation Now (TM).
Broadly this is what you want to keep in mind :
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A good bachelors dissertation for you, with this supervisor is not a good PhD dissertation, not a dissertation that would be great with another supervisor, not a dissertation that doesn't fit your degree... It is good in its context, and that context is :
you + your supervisor + now
Don't feel disappointed or frustrated if you are steered in a slightly different direction - it may be one where your supervisor can actually help you better. Or if you are asked to downscale or scope down: better a narrower dissertation where all is properly covered than a too ambitious one that you will not able to carry out properly give the limits of the format.
Hope that helps!
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Don’t blame the Holocaust on the Jews. This past May, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked how his country could credibly claim to be “denazifying” Ukraine when the latter is led by an elected Jewish president. “I believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood,” he replied, later adding, “Some of the worst anti-Semites are Jews.” While these claims may sound bizarre, they are far from isolated.
As I wrote at the time, ever since World War II, people have attempted to pin the Holocaust on the Jews. A 1938 Gallup poll found that 54 percent of Americans believed that “the persecution of Jews in Europe has been partly their own fault.” Another 11 percent said it was “entirely” their fault. In other words, as Hitler rose to power and implemented his anti-Semitic architecture, a large majority of Americans blamed European Jews for their own oppression.
This victim-blaming has persisted to the present day. David Icke, one of our era’s most prolific conspiracy theorists, has claimed that wealthy Jews bankrolled the Holocaust, asserting, “The Warburgs, part of the Rothschild empire, helped finance Adolf Hitler.” (Icke has also said that “Hitler was a Rothschild.”) The anti-Semitic book in which this passage appeared was later enthusiastically promoted by the author Alice Walker in The New York Times.
Along similar lines, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, devoted his entire doctoral dissertation to the conspiracy theory that “Zionist” Jews had collaborated with the Third Reich in order to spur Jewish immigration to Palestine. (The dissertation also claims that no Jews were murdered in the Nazi gas chambers, and that the overall number of Jewish victims was exaggerated by several million.)
Others do not go so far as to blame Europe’s Jews for their own genocide, but instead try to use their murders to attack their descendants, insinuating that this or that group of Jews “failed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust.” But Auschwitz wasn’t a philosophy seminar with some unfortunate fatalities. And the Holocaust was not some moral test that the Jewish world failed, but a moral atrocity committed against it.
In all of these cases, those who weaponize a people’s greatest trauma to bludgeon them once more inadvertently reveal the very inhumanity that made such brutality possible in the first place.
  —  How Not to Talk About the Holocaust
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Still the most comprehensive study of Willem Dudok’s life and work is Herman van Bergeijk’s monograph „Willem Marinus Dudok: Architekt-Stadtplaner 1884-1974“, published by Wiese Verlag in 1995. Between 1915 and 1954 Willem Dudok was the city architect of Hilversum, the Netherlands, and over the course of these roughly 40 years had a lasting impact on Hilversum’s architectural appearance. But while his Town Hall is a globally received example of Dutch modern architecture the majority of Dudok’s work is way lesser known (even to me). But as van Bergeijk shows in his dissertation there is quite a lot to discover: before becoming City Architect of Hilversum Dudok spent a considerable number of years in the Dutch military where he also received his training in engineering and architecture and closely followed the example of H.P. Berlage’s architecture. Van Bergeijk in a chronological fashion takes the reader through the architect’s major building tasks and different career levels and carves out the undogmatic modernism of Dudok: while his works through the 1930s are characterized by an interesting amalgamation of expressive and streamlined modern architecture his later works lean towards the latter. It is especially these later phases that have received little attention and which Van Bergeijk presents as equally relevant. With the help of the very comprehensive work catalogue (that takes up roughly two thirds of the book) one can really appreciate the entirety of Dudok’s work that goes well beyond the borders of Hilversum. The only downside of the book is its somewhat bumpy translation (probably should have gotten the Dutch original) that at times clouds the reading pleasure. If you’re interested in Dudok but don’t want to buy the book I highly recommend visiting dudok.org, a website presenting both the architect and the human being Willem Marinus Dudok as well as his influence on architecture in general.
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astralsi · 8 months
hello, elli! how are you doing? i'm always very impressed by your builds, you seem to craft them very carefully and you definitely have an amazing eye for detail. there's lots of small touches that make them feel alive/realistic and they have a warm atmosphere that really appeals to me. because of that, i'd like to ask you if you have any tips when it comes to building and finding inspiration. oh, i almost forgot, i'd love to have your last builds and its residents when you reach the milestone!
Hiya!! this is such a sweet ask and the ideas are brewing in my head so you get a dissertation under the cut :D (ps ily you made my day HEHE)
ALRIGHT! so first of all a little context, i've been building since i got the sims 3 alll the way back in 2011. i think. i was 7, couldn't speak or even understand english yet and my game was stuck in it so for a very long time i was just doing whatever and most of the time it.... sucked! I got the sims 4 back in 2014 with the mac release, and back in the day the build mode was revolutionary so i spent a lot of my time in there. For me building is fun, i know a lot of people who see it as frustrating and timeconsuming and while it can be- it can also be very enjoyable in the right setting.
first of all, style changes a lot and my builds look different every year! the style i've been building in now only really started in 2021/2022 with this build:
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now for some tips:
there's a lot of ways to get inspiration, but my favourite and most useful is pinterest! i have a board full of exterior and interior designs, some i use for vibes and others i follow very closely, i find using references (just like you might for sims) helps a ton when trying to build something realistic. Also think magazines like architectural digest, design blogs on tumblr, youtube home viewings, other video games, tv shows etc. When i'm building for DFM i like to keep Stranger Things, Gone Home and Bones And All in mind as inspiration, and when i build the house in this post for @literalite's Dgwicf i referenced the house from Bosch.
Along with that comes inspo from other builders on Simblr. Go and look at your fav builds, what makes them stand out to you? how can you incorporate that into your own builds? what do you need to be able to do that? One thing i did a lot while learning was watching speed builds; and i mean the REAL kind not the stop motion ones despite them being weirdly satisfying lmao. Ones with a good voiceover help too. Seeing someone actually build makes it a lot easier to figure out more complicated building styles.
One thing i like to do is to build through storytelling. I personally mostly build for sets, so then i like to consider what the viewer needs to see to be able to understand a character without having to know them, where you are/live says a lot about you! But for gameplay it works similarly. Ask yourself questions; who lives here, what is this lot used for, how much money do they have, where is this set, does this match the rest of the neighbourhood/town. If building many lots for something like a story or save file, i like to make a pinterest board for the town vibes too.
Technically, i think there's two main tips for making a build look nice in this specific style. Landscaping and Clutter! i actually think landscaping is the most important part of building as it ties the entire thing together; even if its just three trees in a planter pot. Don't forget about terrain painting either! this one's hard to learn if you never do it but i'd say start out with the softest but largest brush option and kind of airbrush some dirt/gravel around the lot and add a little extra dirt underneath houses and roads. Last tip; if you struggle with roofing there's lots of tutorials on youtube, or you could just choose builds that have less roofs.
i have no idea how to explain how to clutter but you could walk around your house to look for stuff you'd normally clean up if someone would come over. add that into your build :) think trash, laundry, study materials, craft projects, little random nicknacks, cooking supplies, etc. sometimes i go through my clutter folders and just put everything i want to use in one room and distribute it later once the furniture is in!
so uhmmm,,, i hope this was helpful lemme know!! have fun building and don't forget to take snack breaks... sugar helps hehe
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totallyhussein-blog · 1 month
Lawrence of Arabia. The man, the myth and the facts
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Few British soldiers have a greater legend attached to them than Colonel TE Lawrence - better known as Lawrence of Arabia. His military and diplomatic efforts have drawn some distinction.
But it is Lawrence’s immense cultural impact in the century since his First World War exploits that has attracted the most attention.
Thomas Edward Lawrence was born in Tremadog, Wales on 16th August 1888. From a young age he exhibited an active interest in architecture, monuments and antiquities.
Between 1907 and 1910, Lawrence studied History at Jesus College, Oxford. During this time, he toured France by bicycle, collecting photographs, drawings and measurements of medieval castles.
This would form the basis of his dissertation. In 1909, he completed a remarkable solo 1,000-mile trek through Ottoman Syria visiting Crusader castles.
Following his studies, Lawrence became an archaeologist. He worked in Egypt, Palestine and Syria, at that time all part of the Ottoman Empire.
This first-hand knowledge and experience earned him a posting to Cairo after he enlisted in the British Army in October 1914. He served in the intelligence staff of the British Middle East Command in the First World War campaign against the Turks.
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Seven Pillars of Wisdom is a biographical account of T.E. Lawrence's experiences during the Arab Revolt of 1916–18, when he was based in Wadi Rum (now a part of Jordan) as a member of the British Forces.
With the support of Emir Faisal and his tribesmen, he helped organize and carry out attacks on the Ottoman forces from Aqaba in the south to Damascus in the north. You can also listen to Seven Pillars of Wisdom on Audible.
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dallasdoesntexist · 3 months
hii there! you may have moved away, but as someone who really wants to study at the uni of edinburgh, i’m wondering — what’s it like there, did you enjoy it? i’m also a tumblr user, and want to study eng/hist, so your blog has been so interesting to look at:D
hiya! i still live here (and will be living in edinburgh indefinitely :) )
life at the university is kind of wild right now, I won't lie lmao. There's a lot going on politically within the uni at the moment, with gender liberation (especially trans rights, which sucks for me as a trans person), cost of living, a housing crisis and calls for the president of the university to step down due to raising tuition costs/underpaying staff/overcrowding courses and classrooms while simultaneously making about £43,000 more than he made last year (A HELL OF A LOT AND ALSO WAY TOO MUCH) while everyone else suffers. There is also a major class divide, but there's a society founded to combat that and a lot of resources for people from lower incomes (like myself) which are helpful. Timetabling and assessment feedback also suck but honestly the previously mentioned stuff is far worse.
But on more positive notes:
The social aspect of university is amazing. Even if you don't find clubbing to be your thing, there's plenty to do with societies and you'll meet people on your course quickly in your tutorials and if they're decent people you'll likely become quick friends. Memberships for societies range from £3-£10 for most, but some do exceed (if they expectedly need more money to run (ie. sports societies), and most host at least 1 activity a week (usually at 4 or 6-ish PM).
During freshers' there's a ton of things to do both in and out of the uni as well. Societies will host multiple events a week; taster sessions, tryouts, tours, etc. If you're into clubbing, then clubs also have student special events for the week. St James Shopping Centre also hosted a student-only shopping night which was....... an event.
As for classes, as I mentioned timetabling is often quite shit (I have 6hrs straight of classes on a friday...), but the classes themselves are pretty much everything you would expect from a university level class. People sit and type away (which will gradually decrease over the semesters....) and no one talks to each other (which will also change). I'm assuming you want to do English Literature and not English Language? It is called Literary Studies in first year, and I am doing it as an elective right now. I 2nd year you can choose to do English or Scottish Literature (or both). In the first semester, you will write 2 essays: one on a poem and another on a scene from a piece of drama. Most likely you will pick from these plays:
A Doll's House
It's True, It's True, It's True
Content warnings are given by the lecturers before a lecture is to be held, and accommodations are given if need be.
In semester 2 the focus is on prose, so novels, short stories, etc. We are studying:
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of A Justified Sinner (my fav <3)
Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi
Gun Island by Amitav Ghosh
Silas Marner by George Eliott
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Again, content warnings are given and accommodations made if needed. There's still 2 essays, but one is on an except and another is a short dissertation comparing 2 of the novels.
As for the city itself, it is fucking gorgeous. It is so easily walkable, and even if you don't want to/can't walk far, the busses are fantastic and can get you anywhere in about 20 minutes max. Holyrood park is gorgeous, especially at the summit of Arthur's seat. The majority of the architecture is Victorian and older (dating back as far as the 13th century, I believe? Idk im not a historian) which gives the whole city, especially Old Town, a certain charm. There's plenty of "aesthetic" spots, coffee shops, photo ops, etc. Plenty of crows abound for that extra gothic factor. If you want to see a lot of greenery other than Holyrood park then I'm afraid you will have to move quite far out -- it is a very compact city. There's a lot of museums and artsy places, too. Something for everyone! My only complaint is the amount of construction going on at the minute, but I understand it is completely necessary to maintain the old and fragile architecture. I would like to be able to see over North Bridge and walk down George IV Bridge undisturbed tho :/
Other random bits of info:
If you want a job, apply in November (December latest)
Flat searching is far too stressful, but start doing it early.
(Or you could apply to the Student Housing Co-op.... but you didn't hear that from me... (im gatekeeping))
Pollock Halls is very culty. Just learn how to cook and go to literally anywhere else
Except Kincaid's if you don't like clubbing
Baristo's coffee is the cheapest of all the on-campus cafes
Most of your classes will be in either 50 or 40 George Square. They like to trick you into thinking they're 2 separate buildings but they are actually connected by a downstairs study space/cafe
You will not find a seat in the Library past 11AM. Best find somewhere else to go early on in the year
Get Lidl plus on your phone
There will often be times you wished you had a camera on you. Learn to be in the moment and appreciate it there and then instead
So far though, I am enjoying myself. However, I am procrastinating 2 essays and should have been studying these past 3 hours but it's so fine :):):)
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Architecture refers to the study of designing as well as building. It serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends. Although these ends are distinct, they fail to separate, so the weight delivered can vary widely. Architecture Assignment Help Service provided by Writer provides academic help to students in architecture in all areas. From helping you develop your research topic to helping formulate your research proposal, our team of experts helps you perfect your dissertation.
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Computer Science Dissertation Help
Ask assignmenter.net for assistance with your manuscript, lab report, and thesis in computer science. assignmenter.net has the expertise and knowledge to help with any computer science project related to advanced interfaces, such as ambient intelligence, markerless 3D hand tracking, or advanced processor technologies, such as big data, dynamic FPGA, graph theory, HPC interconnects, mesh networks, network layer routing protocols, wireless, voice over IP, or bio-health informatics, such as clinical text mining, DNA sequencing, or formal methods, such as automated reasoning, linear and nonlinear constraints, imaging science, information management, machine learning and optimization, nanoengineering, software systems, or text mining. Assignmenter.net Dissimilarity in Dissertation in Computer Science Although the term "computer science" has many different meanings, it generally refers to the systematic study of algorithms and computers, covering theory, analysis, design, efficiency, implementation, and application. In contrast to mathematics, physics, and other comparable traditional sciences, computer science (CS) has its roots in a wide range of disciplines, such as information systems, software engineering, and computer engineering. Moreover, it necessitated the application of ideas from numerous disciplines and integrated theory, practice, general abstraction, and design-specific principles. Discrete structures, programming fundamentals, complex algorithms, programming languages, architectures and organizations, operating systems, net-centric computing, human-computer interaction, graphical and visual computing, intelligent systems, information management, software engineering, social and professional issues, computational science, and numerical methods are some of the sub-areas of computing. assignmenter.net Any type of computer science The dissertation is handled with expertise. Theoretical computer science (conceptualization, modeling, analysis, data models, levels of abstractions, objects, and operations—iteration, recursion, and induction), building or designing software systems, programming languages, testing, process methodologies (design or construction of software systems and evaluation of human-computer interaction and understanding cognitive processes), experimental computer science (theory testing and exploration), and computer simulation (investigation beyond current experimental capabilities) are among the methodologies that computer science writers are skilled in handling. While drafting the research paper or dissertation, our staff will address six key questions: what is the problem (new or known), what has been done by others to address it, what is lacking, what has been planned, and what is the anticipated result. We put a lot of effort into creating your paper, but we also make sure you can successfully defend it. You can quickly regain concentration and make substantial progress on your computer science master's or doctoral thesis with the assistance of assignmenter.net. Over 5,000 Ph.D. thesis reports have been produced to date, and we have also provided help for publishing. Our team of pros includes Ph.D. and Master's holders in computer science who can help you write your Ph.D. paper successfully step-by-step. We put a lot of effort into creating your paper, but we also make sure you can successfully defend it. Our Ph.D. professionals in computer science, who are research advisors and post-doctoral fellows with rich research experience, will guide you through every step of the process, from choosing a topic for your computer science dissertation to writing and comprehending it. They will help you successfully complete and defend your master's and doctoral dissertations in computer science.
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