#April (daddy's girl learned fast)
hvbris · 8 months
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@thenightmareofyourdrems . 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 . April's gravity falls verse
The boy, Nick, had annoyed April at first. Whenever she went somewhere, he always seemed to appear out of thin air, as if driven by the desire to irritate her. But now she was used to him. Besides, it was useful to have someone around to help her investigate the strange occurrences of Gravity Falls.
Soon enough she had brushed off the slight feeling of unease she had around him, or the way his eyes never looked quite right. It was actually pretty ironic.
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"Would you hold the torch properly?" she scolded him, examining strange markings in a tree trunk. It was dark out, and the woods were engulfed in shadows. "I can't see anything!"
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Daddy, I Love Him, He's The One 💌🫶
Fic based on "But Daddy I love him" by Taylor Swift.
Bits of angst, gossip and judgy neighbours and friends, fluff, minors shoo!
Hawkins learned of the relationship between you and Eddie one sunny morning in April. Graduation was fast approaching and you and Eddie had been together for six months, six months in secret but that was soon to change.
Gossip flew through the halls quicker than you could blink and the minute Stacy Willows clocked you and Eddie holding hands and kissing while exiting his truck, the whole school knew you were an item.
Exactly like how you and Eddie wanted and like the two of you predicted, the sight of the two of you was followed by whispers and pointed stares, stunned disbelief for some students.
The good girl, the straight a student and Hawkins princess with Eddie "the freak" Munson? It was a scandal of epic proportions and everyone had something to say about it.
I'll tell you something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down
Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning.I'll tell you something about my good name, It's mine alone to disgrace.
I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empaths clothing.
"What the hell are you doing wasting your time with someone like him?" April shrieks to you and you bristle at her tone.
"Someone like him?" your voice is low but dangerously so and April appears not to notice.
"You know, a loser. He's a freak and Jason says he's in that weird satanic cult" you roll your eyes and stop listening.
"Jason is an idiot and quite frankly I don't give a fuck about your opinion April" She gawks at you and Jessica who is beside her snorts, flips her hair over her shoulder and gives you a scornful look.
"Well if you want to ruin your reputation for that freak then that's up to you. It will sully you being with him" fuck. Did they ever get tired of being such judgemental bitches?
"We just want the best for you" April says kindly but you see the harshness in her eyes. How she didn't want the best for you, she wanted you to be a good girl and date the nice, boring guy and conform to her standards.
God saved the most judgmental creeps, who say they want what's best for me, Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see.
"It's my rep to ruin, not yours. And you know what? He's worth it". You walk away from them and feel the anger pulsing through your veins.
Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me and counteract the chemistry and undo the destiny.
No one except the people closest to Eddie saw the sweet heart that he had. Didn't look past his status as Hawkins freak to see the amazing guy he was.
He was loyal, a gentleman, protective of who he loved and you loved him with all your heart.
When you got to know him properly starting six months ago, the ease you felt with him was instant. So many people said Eddie was unapproachable and weird but they were wrong.
From the minute the two of you properly started hanging out, Eddie was nothing like you were made to believe. A protective outer layer, a sharp tongue and hyped up, don't fuck with me demeanor was hiding a soft heart underneath it all.
Within weeks the two of you grew closer, the princess and Eddie the Brave, that's what Eddie nicknamed the two of you. He'd weave amazing stories, entertain you for hours with different voices and characters. His creative energy knew no bounds.
When you kissed for the first time it was flawless, perfection and the two of you had been falling for each other ever since. Sneaking around, stolen moments together until it wasn't enough.
From the first I love you, the two of you decided to go public and weather whatever storm came your way. Now that you had it was a relief, you never wanted to hide Eddie and Eddie didn't want to hide you.
"I'd shout from the rooftops that you're my girl, princess" he tells you and you know he's serious about it too.
You ain't gotta pray for me, Me and my wild boy, and all this wild joy. If all you want is grey for me, then it's just white noise, then it's just my choice
By the evening of you and Eddie's relationship going public your parents had heard everything from their friends, their friends who like April and Jessica expressed concern about you dating Eddie.
Your father sat you down and told you in no uncertain terms that you were to stop seeing Eddie.
The thought of not seeing Eddie, of his beautiful brown eyes filling with love and adoration when he saw you, not hearing his laugh and his jokes and rants about things he was passionate about. It was too much. You loved Eddie and wanted to be with him.
There was no way you were going to just stop being with him because your parents cared what their shitty friends and nosy neighbours thought.
"But Daddy I love him" the words burst from your mouth and your mother looks like she might faint. Your dad has this steely look in his eyes and shakes his head furiously.
"That boy will not set foot in this house and I won't have my only daughter sully her reputation with someone like that"
Hearing enough you stand up and meet his gaze.
"Everyone in this town judges but they don't look past their own assumptions to see the truth. Eddie is amazing and I'm not going to stop seeing him. I love him and I'm not throwing that away".
With that said you storm upstairs and pack a bag, then you head outside to find Eddie already waiting for you.
"I knew you would need the support princess. How did things go?" You burst into tears and he pulls you into his arms, presses a kiss to your forehead and whispers in your ear, "Everything will be okay sweetheart, you'll see"
For the next few weeks you lived with Eddie and his Uncle Wayne in their trailer. You've been here so many times that it already feels like home, comforting and like a warm hug after a really bad day.
There's still glances from people in town when you and Eddie venture out on a date to the cinema or to dinner but you really don't care.
Classmates, your parents friends were given your biggest, fake smile if they stopped you in the streets, you could tell that they were just looking for gossip so they could indulge in whispering about you behind closed doors.
If people thought that the looks and being one of the things this small town discussed with feverish interest would split you and Eddie then they were wrong.
In fact it brought you closer, Eddie figured none of the gossipers had anything better to do with their time and you're sure he's right.
There's a lotta people in town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles Scandal does funny things to pride, but brings lovers closer.
Not everyone is fake or nosy about you and Eddie though, Dustin's mother is lovely as is Joyce who is Jonathan and Will's mom. Hopper doesn't seem to partake in any gossip either and seemed to have a soft spot for Eddie.
The kids tease you for being so "lovey dovey" and make kissy faces when you're around but they are sweet and obviously worship Eddie and the safe haven he's created for them with Hellfire Club.
We came back when the heat died down, went to my parents and they came around. All the wine moms are still holding out, but fuck ‘em, it's over
Despite their reservations about you and Eddie, you did miss your parents and Eddie went to them when he noticed how down you were one night and then next thing you knew your parents had invited you and Eddie for dinner.
It was a week after graduation and your mother went all out for dinner. Catching you in a tight hug and holding you close.
"We'll work something out baby, I promise" she assures you and you relax knowing that things would get better. Bit by bit.
Now I'm dancing in my dress in the Sun and even my daddy just loves him. I'm his lady and, oh, my God, you should see your faces.
Your daddy came round to Eddie first. Well after a long chat with a beer and grilling Eddie about his intentions with you, and threatening to cut off a certain appendage if he ever hurt you.
This carried on for a few weeks until he was satisfied that Eddie was genuine.
Eddie had proved his love to you throughout the chats your dad said and he knew that Eddie would never hurt you.
"Darling, that boy looks at you like you hung the moon, and he is pretty good on the guitar. Do you think he might give me a lesson or two?" You grin happily, kiss your dad on the cheek.
Your mother took a little longer but when she did come around it was shown in little gestures. She would bake extra cookies for Eddie and Wayne, invited Eddie and Wayne to Sunday dinner and that was special in itself because those invites didn't come often.
But when your mother accepted it then that was it, she wouldn't hear a bad word against you and Eddie, her viper friends and their bitchiness were soon left in the dust.
Time, doesn't it give some perspective? And no, you can't come to the wedding. I know it's crazy, but he's the one I love.
Time passed, season by season. Eddie proposed just before Christmas the following year and your mother was excitedly planning the wedding. The rest of Hellfire and your friends were happy to help and just as excited as your parents about the upcoming nuptials.
I'll tell you something right now. You ain't gotta pray for me. Me and my wild boy, and all of this wild joy
(It was chaos, it was revelry)
If all you want is gray for me. Then it's just white noise, it's my choice.
Of course there were more fake words and expressing worry that it was too soon and there must be some big reason why you and Eddie were getting married after just a year and a half.
Screamin': But, daddy, I love him!
I'm having his baby. No, I'm not but you should see your faces and, oh, my God, you should see your faces.
"She must be pregnant" you heard someone whisper at the grocery store as you and Eddie passed them. Eddie rolled his eyes and squeezed your hand.
"Yeah that's it. I'm having his baby" the gossiping duo look stunned.
"No I'm not but look at your faces, maybe worry about your own life instead of mine" you tell them and they walk away looking scandalised.
God forbid that two people got married because they were in love.
It was chaos, it was revelry.
To all the ones who said that you and Eddie wouldn't last, well you and Eddie proved them wrong with that and continued doing so for the rest of your lives.
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abiiors · 8 months
leaves fallen sparse 🍂 // ross macdonald x reader
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promptober '23 - day 13
a/n: another dad!ross fic <33 cw: none, just fluff wc: 900
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when april first learns to walk, it’s the beginning of summer. she’s a fast learner; crawling one day and then pulling herself up the next before walking towards an extremely astonished ross and throwing herself in his arms. 
he catches her, of course—teary-eyed and ecstatic and looking at you with the biggest smile ever which you’re sure you mirror. by the time autumn rolls around, april has mastered the art. and you’ve mastered the art of keeping her out of trouble.
every morning, she toddles to the backyard, finding the perfectly crunchy leaves to step on and giggling when they make a loud noise. ross points out new leaves to her while you join them with a steaming mug of coffee. today, however, the ground is littered with significantly more leaves than usual. 
“ross!” you call out, ruffling your daughte’s hair subconsciously. “the yard needs some raking, i think. d’you have time?”
he walks out minutes later, looking effortlesslely handsome in a hoodie and jeans. ross bends down, placing a kiss on your head before placing one on april’s head; mother and daughter rewarding him with matching smiles. “i’ll do it,” he says and goes to the shed in search of a rake.
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fifteen minutes later, april is on a little blanket in one corner of your backyard. it’s a crisp autumn day—not too cold and not too warm—and you have decided to make a little picnic out of her breakfast. she hums to herself—something that sounds suspiciously like the theme to cocomelon—while happily munching on her apple and curiously following ross’ every move. 
“daddy clean?” she asks, pointing at the rake in his hands. her eyes are wide, your excited little baby who has a million questions about every single thing. you’re sure she wants to ask about the rake, she just doesn’t have the words for it yet. 
“he’s removing the leaves, baby,” you tell her, wiping apple crumbs off of her hands when she’s done. then an idea strikes. “you wanna help him?”
“help?” she perks up and nods vigorously, tiny pigtails bouncing up and down. 
instantly, she’s on her feet, not even waiting for you to tell her how she can help. but you decide to let her figure it out. 
april watches ross; watches him gather a bunch of leaves before tossing it onto the sizeable pile he has got going on not too far away from her. then she looks around, and toddles to a stray leaf as soon as she spots it. 
“i help!” she announces it proudly and tosses the leaf onto the pile. both you and ross watch in awe. 
“oh, my darling,” ross coos, tossing the tool aside and swinging her up into his arms. “so clever, bub.”
april giggles when ross blows a raspberry on her stomach, her matching set of dimples on full display and you melt in place—misty eyed and perhaps the happiest you have ever been. he just looks so completely in love with her, content and full of joy like you’ve never seen him before. 
“leaf!” she yells loudly, pointing at another one by your foot and you quickly blink the sentimental tears away. you pick up the leaf under april’s watchful gaze, tossing it onto the pile just like she had. it’s a sizeable pile now, definitely more than you’ve got in the last few days. definitely big enough to entertain a toddler…
“ross, set her down,” you tell him excitedly, calling her over when he does so. his face brightens a second later as he realises what you’re doing. 
“c’mere baby,” you tell her, “hold my hands. both of them, good girl!” 
april waits with baited breath right next to the pile. ross walks up behind her, poised and ready for your cue. you can already feel the excitement in your stomach, the anticipation of how she would react. 
“now,” you giggle and hold her hands as ross lifts her a few inches above the ground and helps her jump on the pile. 
a loud crunch rips through the stillness of the morning. for a second april stands in the pile, stunned and utterly still and panic shoots through you. 
shit shit shit. what if the loud noise scared her? what if she wasn’t ready for the small jump? what if—
april laughs so loudly that you startle a little. panic quickly melts into utter adoration as she claps her hands together, laughing giddily. 
“more, daddy, more!” she turns to him again, arms raised for uppies so he can help her jump again. ross obliges happily. 
the crunch is not as loud this time, but it doesn’t matter to april. as soon as the she’s done giggling and clapping her hands a second time, she’s back to raising her arms. 
“oh you love it, don’t you bub?” ross kisses her tiny head, picking her up once again. april is too busy jumping to answer him but he’s too busy doting on her to care. 
judging by her face, you know this will now be a part of her daily morning routine. but you and ross are happy to give her whatever she wants when you get rewarded with blissful moments like these and april’s little giggles. 
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies@sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved @fck-off
add yourself to the taglist
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
Happy April 1st, I have no new joke but here's a really good old one.
Buckle up.
Alright. Can't remember if I posted much about this before, but at my old job I produced this videogame. It was pretty cool!! It was set in the future, you're a super soldier who piloted remote robot drones called Espire.
(Violent little robot Sooty, my beloved. The shotgun pump in the trailer is still my favorite bit.)
I had my fingers in just about every pie that made up this game, and it was extremely cool getting to work with the team. April fools rolled around, game hadn't released just yet, we were finalising into the certification phase.
Every friday we had something called 'demo friday' where the team would show off something they worked on that week and we'd celebrate. It was charming to let everyone have a chance to show off their contributions, from every department in the company. I never really showed off anything because the spreadsheets I worked with, everyone already saw cause I would run around showing people every day as part of my job.
So on this fatefull, April 1st Friday, I asked to show the team something special. I pulled up a powerpoint presentation and add-libbed a new game concept pitch.
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I pitched Espire to Love, a robot dating simulator, to a room full of 25 odd videogame developers.
Now as you may or may not have noticed, I don't often dabble in romance as a genre. I've barely touched dating sims and I'd never mentioned them before at work.
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"From Dreamy daddies to anime girls, KFC's the colonel and even dinosaurs, there's an incredible range of options in the dating sim genre" I said with a straight face infront of a room full of people who were crying with laughter. I was barely holding myself together.
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No one was prepared for the fake screenshots.
Still remember how hard some of them laughed when I pulled these slides up. I packed a lot of in-jokes into these that I won't explain - I wanted this to hit hard and hit home for the people I'd spent two + years working with.
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People loved it, I made my friends laugh, it was good. And then upon being told "Hey you should send this to the publisher!"
That's exactly what I did.
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The response from our assigned reps at Tripwire (YES, THAT TRIPWIRE) said they loved it, and they too were asking themselves the question "why not!" the whole way through.
But this story doesn't end there, oh no.
Fast forward a year. The game is released, we're hectic busy working on post release content, I'm cooking up the next stage of the joke.
Unfortunately, it never came to fruition due to time and stress. But here's what it was going to be:
We'd had our community clammoring for merch - so I wanted to pitch something bold, new and exciting, and the kind of thing that'd make us stand out.
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Body pillows.
Would have been incredible. Might've made someone faint.
The robots were called Bean and Sooty during development so yes. I was going to deadass say "The bean bag and the sooty sack" (I mean what I say)
Unfortunately I didn't make it in time, and then double unfortunately, I lost my job when the studio had to significantly downsize.
But that never stops me from posting a good bit. You all know I'm a committed freak.
Fast forward a bit more and I'm trying to learn how to make my own games! So I download RenPy since it's a good starting point. It's designed more for VN's, so to find my feet I figured I should make as VN right?
I didn't want to make to make new assets, as the point was me learning to code. What to do..... what to do....
Full circle babeeeeyyyyy
And that's where we're at today! Long post I know, but I'm real proud of this joke. I love a good laugh that hits you at home, that's just honest fun. Huge shoutout to my old co-workers for listening to my original presentation, their laughter filled my heart and I was fucking terrified at the time, it was worth the joke.
It became a running gag in the office - we were playing Jackbox for a work party and it was one of those question and submitted answer games, and without any input from me the team had made the question "What would the for the sequel to Espire to Love be?"
and the options were "Espire to Live" and "Espire to death"
Anyway, I hope you only have charming and well considered April fools jokes today - designed for you to laugh at as much as the person making the joke. That's the best joke. Peace out.
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slaasherslut · 2 years
Avana Walker: A Tragedy in Black
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Summary: A bit of a look behind the curtain into the life of my oc Avana Walker.
Warnings: depression, suicide, death, drunk intercourse, cheating, cursing
2.3k words
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Avana Walker was born to a normal middle class family. At least it was fairly normal. She had a mother who would welcome her home with snacks every day after school and a father who thought the world of his baby girl. Back then Ava would hate to say she had a favourite but she definitely got along better with her father. Maybe it was that she was almost a carbon copy of him in almost every way, everyone always made sure to mention that upon seeing her with her father. From their looks down to their music tastes, they were so alike. Growing up, she idolized him. As a young adult he was a pretty big local musician. Playing gigs all around the surrounding cities and having crowds attend their shows. He was always showing her old tapes of his bands songs and old camcorder footage of the performances. She was mystified by the energy he had on stage and how happy he looked with a guitar in his hands. Whenever Ava asked why he wasn't making music anymore, he always told her "Well I've got something bigger I've gotta do now, and that's be the best daddy I can be for you and mommy."
At the time he seemed like a happy man whenever he reminisced. Ava was too young to see the sadness in his eyes when talking about the good old days. But what she didn't know was that a silent killer was in the midst of tearing her family apart. Her father never shared the dark depression he was harbouring inside of him.
One April afternoon when Ava was 12, she had come home from school at her usual time, a little after 3 o'clock. She was planning on dropping off her book bag in its usual spot in the laundry room before heading out to the local quarry with some neighbourhood kids. The laundry room was just inside the garage so she figured she would pop in through the garage that way she wouldn't need to unlock and lock the front door again. If you asked her about that day now she would tell you that she doesn't remember most of it. The only thing she remembered clearly was throwing open the garage door and ducking inside. She almost ran into his legs as he hung from the rafters. After that she barely remembered screaming and crying for her daddy until one of the older neighbourhood boys came running at the sounds of her screams and called the police.
A few weeks prior he finally finished his 3 year long passion project since making music, restoring a beautiful cherry red 1966 Plymouth Barracuda. After which his depression took a nosedive and things went bad fast. He felt like his life wasn't right. That the only good things he did was make music and love his beautiful daughter. He had lost his battle, and Ava lost the man she loved most. Her mother had to sell that old car to get rid of the memories of him, which was something Ava never agreed with.
After her father's death, her mother became bitter and withdrawn. Like she always had sour words on her tongue but she kept them bottled up inside. She didn't have to hear the words to know that she hated her, like she blamed Ava for her father killing himself. The fact that she could read her mom's resentment mixed with not knowing why absolutely destroyed her. Ava couldn't stand being at home anymore knowing she was no longer wanted.
Once Ava's teens rolled around she decided to follow in her fathers footsteps and learn how to play guitar. She dreamed of one day being in a band and being as loved and respected as he was. On a particularly bad night of missing her father, she wanted to be surrounded by his things. She snuck up into the attic to look through the boxes of his belongings that were thrown up there by her mother and forgotten. In the back of the room, encapsulated by moonlight coming in through a window as if it was a sign from her father himself, sat a beautiful black guitar. She remembered how much her father loved this guitar. He played it all the time and it was one of his prized possessions. It was a Dean Dave Mustaine VMNTX guitar in a beautiful shade of black. She remembered the kind of guitar it was because they both loved Metallica, and Dave Mustaine was their lead guitarist before he formed another band they both liked, Megadeth. She delicately ran her finger tips over the strings and plucked them gently. Her fathers voice, clear as day, echoed through her mind.
“Ava, if you ever wanna play music, this baby right here is yours. All I ask in return is that treat it with respect and think of me whenever you play it.” She spent the rest of the night on that attic floor as she cried and played random chords. She wished her father was still alive to teach her. She didn't want to start her journey alone. She woke up the next morning on that same attic floor, covered in dried tears and an even stronger will to be something her father would be proud of.
At 14 she got a job selling records at the local mall to save up enough money for a car and put most of the rest in a bank account. She used her job and her first band, “Augur of Agonies” as a way to stay out of her mom's way. The less time she spent around her mother the better.
Ava was 16 when she bought herself her own truck and she made a big life decision. She didn't want to go to college like everyone expected her to. She wanted to pursue a career in music, just like her father had. While her peers were applying to college and university, Ava was doodling song lyrics and future band names.
She was 18 when Augur of Agonies parted ways due to members branching life paths and she formed “Aetherborn” with a few guys from the local trade college. She was weeks away from graduating when she told her mom her plans. She expected some sort of emotion from her mother when bringing up her father, but what she didn't expect was pure rage.
"Your father never loved me like he loved you! For fucks sake he was only with me cause I got pregnant with you! Blamed me for his failing music career! Even restoring that stupid old car for you!" Ava's heart felt like it was going to drop out of her chest, stopping for a moment before beating way too fast.
"Wait, what are you talking about? The car you fucking sold!? That was supposed to be mine!? AND YOU SOLD IT!" The tears were freely flowing. "YOU WONT LET ME HAVE ANYTHING OF DADS AND THE ONE THING THAT WAS MEANT TO BE MINE YOU FUCKING SOLD!"
"You want something of his? Fine!" Her mom's voice got softer and filled with malice. She charged upstairs, leaving Ava in a state of confusion. She heard the aggressive sound of a drawer opening and closing before she stomped back down.
"I was supposed to wait two more years to give this to you but if you're going to be such a bitch about it you can have it now.” Her mother thrusted an envelope into her hands and charged out the door with her car keys. Ava waited a moment to hear her mother pull out of the driveway before examining the envelope in her hands. Her name was printed large in her fathers handwriting. She tore it open with shaking hands and pulled out a sheet of paper. It was a final letter from her father. The whole thing was a jumbled up mess of barely coherent thoughts in shaky handwriting.
“My dearest Ava,
By the time you are reading this I will be long gone. I know that my decision is a selfish one but I am truly in a better place, my suffering has ended. My depression was too much to handle and your mother made my life a living hell. You were truly the only good thing in my life. The fact that you're my kid sends me over the moon, I love you more than anything else in this world. I love you so much that I wanted to leave you with my car, I know you’ll take good care of it. I hope that car is treating you well. I told your mother to give it to you on your 16th birthday. She might need a little bit of maintenance but I know she’ll treat you right. You were always on my mind while restoring it and I knew I wanted you to have it.
I told her to give you this letter when you turned 20. As of right now for me you are my devious little girl who loves climbing trees and playing guitar with daddy. I just want you to know that I am so proud of the woman you have become. None of this is your fault. I will always be with you.
I love you baby,
- Daddy”
Ava collapsed to the floor and sobbed for hours, crying herself to sleep on the linoleum floor. She woke up the next morning to her mother still not yet home. Which was probably for the best. Ava was so angry with her mother. For all of her teenage years she made her feel like her fathers suicide was all her fault and tortured her for it. Her mother came home a few days later with a new boyfriend and Ava never spoke to her again.
After that huge blow up with her mother and reading her fathers note, Ava fell into a deep depression. So much so that it was starting to affect her work ethic in the band. During a band meeting without Ava present, a few of the guys discussed the idea of finding a new lead guitarist. Only one of them was against the idea, the bassist Wyatt Davis. The older boy had taken quite a liking to Ava. He had developed a sort of crush on the girl after one of their shows and they held an after party at their drummer's house. Ava and Wyatt got drunk and bonded over their shitty home lives. They ended up having drunk sex in their drummers parents bedroom and Wyatt had felt himself falling for her since then. The band decided that Ava was to be kicked out and that if Wyatt didn't like it then he could leave too, which he did. He visited Ava that night and took her out for a drive in his beat up Pontiac Sunfire while breaking the news to her. She broke down sobbing in the passenger seat as he stopped the car and pulled her into his lap, whispering encouraging words and cooing in her ear. He proposed the idea of starting a new band together and asked her to be his girlfriend. Ava said yes to both and they drove back to his apartment where they had sex all night long and discussed their future band.
“Village Rites” was born roughly one year later and Ava served as both the band's lead guitarist and singer. Village Rites also served as her longest running band at 5 years. During that time she had moved in with Wyatt and they released 3 EP’s as a group. They played tons of gigs in bars and clubs all around the state. It was with this band she felt like she was doing her father proud. Some shows she imagined looking out into the crowd and seeing her fathers proud face smiling up at her. She was finally living her dream and she couldn't be happier, the sky was the limit for her. She was kicking ass every time she walked out onto a stage.
By the time she turned 25, she was happy with her life. Working at the same record store that she got a job at as a teenager during the week and making music on the weekends. That all came tumbling down when she got let off work early one day and couldn't wait to get home and watch some movies with Wyatt. She got home and her heart shattered into a million pieces. Wyatt had another woman bouncing in his lap on their couch. She bolted out the door and held herself up in a motel room until the next morning. She made quick work of an ebay listing for a small trailer and threw it on the back of her truck. She didn't speak to Wyatt as she packed up her things and left him. He didn't make an attempt to speak to her either, just sat on the couch with his head in his hands. She had no plans when she hopped in the truck and drove off, eventually crossing state lines. She hoped that the open road would inspire her to figure out her next step. Sure as hell it did. Ava was going to Louisiana.
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☾ notes: im aware this isnt my greatest work but i feel like im getting all my points across. also free dick sucking to anyone who understands what all her bands names are references to lol
☾ tag list: @rottent33th@cries-in-latino@vincent-sinclair-deserved-better@the-pinstriped-hood@allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons
message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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 THESE DIRTY DADDIES ARE IN BLOOM!  The Dirty Daddies 2023 Spring Anthology is now live!!! Universal: https://geni.us/DirtyDaddies23BLURB:This is no April Fool’s Day joke! Some of your favorite Dirty Daddy authors are teaming up to bring you a spring fling of steamy hot and light-hearted Dirty Daddies stories.
Scrub Daddy by Kara Kelley - If Mr. Clean was helping naughty little girls shine up their act. 1-800-Dial-A-Daddy by Lizzie Day - Dial 1-800-Daddy to make a connection. Seismic Daddy by EJ Frost - A Daddy who knows just how to make his little quake. Goose Daddy by Kessily Lewel - That’s one mean Daddy =P Demon Daddy by J.D. Amore - A Daddy so bad he’ll make you feel like you’re in heaven. Appliance Daddy by Raisa Greywood - He’ll make sure you’re cooking with gas. Tentacle Daddy by M.A. Innes - This Daddy Dom is a sucker for his baby boy. Belt Daddy by Shane Starrett - He’s going to take his angel in hand until she learns to watch her mouth stop using puns (sadly for him, that will never happen). Cheese Daddy by Golden Angel - It’s not easy being this cheesy. Virgin Daddy by Stella Moore - No Daddy can possibly be ready for this princess’ demands. Demolition Daddy by Kelly Dawson - He’s going to break down the walls of her emotions and renovate her heart. Hover Daddy by Layne Daniels - It’s not a leash, it’s a safety tether! Plumber Daddy by Ellie Rose - Let Daddy clean your pipes. WereBear Daddy by S. Cinders - Fast, furious, and furry. Prepper Daddy by Sue Lyndon - What happens in Daddy’s bunker, stays in Daddy’s bunker. Lumber Daddy by Chloe Kent - That’s not wood in his pocket … or is it? Curling Daddy by Stella Shelton - Looking for the perfect little girl to warm his ice cold heart. Cotton Candy Daddy by Aster Rae - This Daddy is so sweet, he’ll give you cavities. Accountant Daddy by Rogue London - You can count on him. Sparkle Daddy by Maren Smith - The only person he’ll sparkle for is his baby girl. Chess Daddy by Emily Tilton - This Daddy is going to use a gambit to checkmate his Queen. #releaseblast #releaseblitz #releaseday #bookbirthday #booklaunch #newrelease #availablenow #nowlive #newbooks #dirtydaddies #daddyromance #ageplayromance #eroticromance #romancenovels #romancebooks #romancecollections #romanceanthologies #bookbuzz #bookish #books #reading #booklovers #readers
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lovesgonnabe · 3 years
Love Is Worth It Episode V - We Got The Pandemic Blues Under a New York City Skyline
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Characters: Chris Evans x Maya Alonso-Evans (Black OFC)
Warnings: straight fluff, cursing, implied smut.
Word Count: 3485
Summary: What happens in NYC stays in NYC!
AN: The NYC Skyline prompt is by @iguessweallcrazyithinktho thank you so much for letting me use your theme I hope I did it justice. If you haven't read any of her stuff what are you doing get on it!
Disclaimer: There’s only slight edits so there may be errors. Also if you haven’t noticed this series will have many time jumps and things referenced here may make more sense later on in the series when new episodes come out so please bear with me.
Taglist: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss, @canadian-girl87, @i-just-like-fanfics, @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful​ if you would like to join the taglist message me.
Please leave a note and tell me what you think!
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June 13th, 2020
Being with Chris had its many perks but not working was definitely one Maya never wanted to take advantage of.
When Chris first brought it up when they got engaged she looked at him like he had two heads and said “I worked to hard put myself through school to get these expensive ass letters behind my name to just stay my ass at home” and that was the last time they had that conversation.
But fast forward to 2020 If you told Maya that she would have to close both of her dermatology offices in the middle of award season a few months ago she would have laughed at you.
She just couldn’t see herself not working because she loved what she does, but with both New York and Boston putting in place stay at home orders there’s nothing she could do.
It didn't help that it was only Maya in Boston dealing with work and all that entails, Delilah's up in the air school situation, and a whole hoax of things while Chris was in L A being as supportive of a husband and father as he could be on the other side of the country.
At least Dodger was being pretty normal.
Thanks to Chris's family for being so helpful where they could because for a minute Maya felt like she was beginning to drown.
This saga starts with the beginning of the pandemic.
January was chill there were whispers that there was a deadly pandemic on the horizon but no one took it seriously.
February Chris had left at the beginning of the month to LA to promote his new show Defending Jacob and it wasn't like anything out of the ordinary the couple worked, and called each other daily.
Chris told her he'd have to be there through March but would be home in time for Maya's birthday in April.
Her lawsuit against Boston PD was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount that was donated to charity and trust me that lawsuit cost them a pretty penny because Chris was threatening to go to the press and Boston PD did not need anymore negative press.
After finding out that the older officer already had many reports against him for abuse of power he was "let go" by Boston PD and the other officer was demoted to desk duty and sent Maya an apology letter for his actions
She thinks he only did it because her husband is Chris Evans but she tries not to be a cynic.
In mid March with her offices were forced to close and the lives of her twenty employees were in her hands, but sin there was no money coming in she had to regrettably furlough all of them until she could open back up.
This news could come at a worse time because Lilah's school was trying to transition them to online learning for the rest of the year.
So Maya now had to also be her home school teacher for the last 2 months before summer vacation .
Maya does feel blessed because she was still able to teach some derm online classes through NYU, and her family was healthy but Chris still wasn't home.
Because of travel restrictions in LA on April 1st Maya found out that the earliest Chris could be home was in possibly July or Mid June if they are lucky because he need to start filming for Grey Man that was set in Boston.
Then rumors started to swirl that Chris could be cheating on Maya but
She doesn't play that and isn't a dummy
Chris isn't stupid and
He's been in their home in LA quarenting with his brother Scott the whole time so if some foul shit did happen she would be the first one to know and on the first jet smoking to beat some ass.
But hey when it rains it pours.
In interviews Chris would say he was "quartining with his family at home in Boston."
They would try to make the spaces look just like Chris and Maya's homebase in Boston even going as far as strategically moving photos of them in the background to make it look like his office at home.
And it actually work most people thought Chris was in Boston anyways and it was all gossip the others thought he went back home to clean up this mess.
But nope Chris was not in Boston he was 2,764 miles away and this time it all just felt different and he hated not being able to be there with them during this crazy uncertain time and Maya just needed a vacation.
In April Maya and Delilah just had dinner at the house for her birthday they facetimed Chris and once Liliah had gone to bed Chris and Maya had sexytime over the phone.
The rest of the month Maya just went with the flow and did the same through June.
Now we are all caught up and in the present day.
It's Chris's 39th birthday but he was still in LA.
Maya stayed up to call him at midnight in LA because that was their tradition but now it was about 12pm and Chris has not picked up any of her phone calls Maya was annoyed.
Maya and Delilah sat in the Den as Maya was detangling Delilah's freshly washed hair getting ready to put her curly hair into braids as Mulan played on the tv in front of them.
"Mommy can I call dad it's his birthday and I haven't got to talk to him today. Lilah says playing with Maya's phone.
"Go ahead sweetheart maybe you'll have better luck them me." said Maya as she sectioned Lilah's hair.
As the facetime ringtone went Dodger who was laying in his dog bed next to Lilah began to bark and then he ran for the front door Maya looked that way but didn't see anything since the alarm didn't go off either which she found strange.
She shrugged it off only for a second until she heard a bag hit the ground as she quickly stood up the only thought in her head was to protect Delilah helping her to hide under the couch.
As the person entered their den Dodger continued to bark and she grabbed a pair hair scissors about to attack the intruder until she saw his face and exhaled the breath she didn't even know she was holding.
"CHRIS you scared the shit out of me" she said before he could say anything.
He laughed "Baby I didn't mean to scare you" Chris said
Lilah screamed and crawled from under the couch.
"daddy, daddy, daddy I missed you and Happy Birthday." Lilah said running into Chris's arm.
"I missed you to babycakes you been taking care of mommy for me" Chris said holding Lilah and walking towards a still shocked Maya.
He kissed Maya's forehead trying to pull her into a hug but she rolled her eyes and pushed his hand away.
"Chris i thought you weren't coming home till July" Maya asked
Chris shrugged "plans change now are you gonna come and give daddy a kiss you what"
He said flopping on the couch with Lilah on his lap.
Mays sucked her teeth peeked his lips and told Lilah to come so she could finish her hair.
Her saltiness cause Chris to laugh as Lilah moved over to her mom.
They were sitting on the same couch so Chris bent over and began to whisper in her ear. "Stop acting like that baby I wanted to surprise you"
Maya gave minimal response and Chris didn't like that so then he brought heat.
When he walked Maya had on a beige short set the top was fairly tin and the shorts barely covered her ass, he could see her nipples stand at attention on her delicious breast when walked.
It's been 3 months since he's had sex with his wife and boy can he feel it. He gave her tigh a firm squeeze now pecking her spot behind her ear forcing Maya to stop mid greasing Lilah's scalp to take a deep breath.
"if you stop acting up tonight I'll do that thing with my tongue that you like if not daddy won't be letting you cum at all tonight.
Chris said moving his body back to his original position smirking at his shooken up wife whose attitude did a 180 quick, fast and in a hurry.
Chris was no home and with his girls and he couldn’t be any happier.
After braiding Delilah's hair Maya went and they dropped her off at Chris’s moms which was a fight in itself because she wanted to stay with her daddy but Maya had other plans.
The original plan was to take Chris out of the country for his birthday but plans change.
Before Chris showed up today Maya had nothing planned for Chris's birthday because he was not suppose to be home they were just going to the same thing they did for her birthday.
On there way back home my had an idea with there hands intertwined Maya began to speak.
“So birthday boy what do you want to do for your birthday” Maya asked
“You know I don’t care as long as I’m with you my love” Chris said kissing her hand.
Maya giggled “Well we’ve dropped Dede at your moms and Scott said he could take Dodger”
She states looking at the puppy through the rear view mirror as Chris began to rub is thumb over her knuckles.
“It seems you already have a plan for us babe” he smirks
“I know you are just getting home but how about we drop Dodger off and I was thinking maybe drive to New York, I need to get out of Boston and have a bit of a staycation”. She said.
Chris chuckled and looked at Maya as the stopped at the red light.
“Wherever you lead I’ll follow. He said
“You are so corny old man” Maya laughed as she leaned over and peek his sweet lips.
They continued their drive to Scotts and talked enjoying eachothers company for the first time in a while, they were so wrapped up in each other that Dodger had to bark to remind Chris he was about to pass Scoots house .
Maya laughed at the puppy then pet him telling him how good of a dog he is.
“Alright birthday boy Scott has Dodger now let's switch its my turn to drive you around” She said.
They headed home to pick up a few things and then The Evans were off and headed for there trip.
After the 3 and 1/2 hour drive they got to New York and the barren streets shocked them.
They are staying in there penthouse apartment on the upper east side that over looks Central Park and New York's famous skyline.
Before settling in Maya decided to get groceries once she got back Jazz played softly in her ears as the punchy aroma of the candle Slow Burn hit her nose.
“Hey Chris I'm back” she called out to him.
She was met without a response just the smooth stylings of Frank Sinatra.
Maya put the groceries in the kitchen and headed to their master bedroom.
Kicking her shoes off and following the rose petals into the bathroom that revealed Chris who sat in all his glory in the pink tinted bathtub.
Apparently he did not hear her as his eyes stayed closed and his arms outstretched.
And all Maya could do was admire the greek god that was her husband.
His long wingspan encompassed the entire back of the tub as his strong biceps would flex ever deep breath he took. And don't to get Maya started on those baby blues which were one of the only things Lilah did not get from Chris. Those same blue eyes were now looking straight at her.
“I was hoping you’d be back soon” he said
Raising his head to look at his goddess of a wife smirking at him.
“So I’m guessing you would like me to join you?” She asked
Maya teased him as she began to slowly remove her clothes.
“Hey aren’t I the birthday boy that shouldn’t even be a question Maya so you better bring your sexy ass in here” Chris said to her as his arms still laid on the back of the tub looking like a king”
Maya stepped in with Chris’s help the warm water encapsulating her body as she sinks down.
She sighs in satisfaction when her body is finally completely in the water as she lays into Chris’s embrace.
They just sit there and enjoy each other company, washing the dirt off of each other from the day, and stealing kisses from one another.
Maya and Chris were that couple you loved to hate they didn’t show off their love that much with Chris’s anxiety and Maya’s destain for public scrutiny because she’s black woman with a man of Chris stature, PDA was mostly off the table. However behind closed doors they are the cutest most intimate couple you’d ever meet.
Once she was clean from her road dirt Maya left the water first placing a kiss on Chris’s lips as she headed to start dinner and Chris laid back and continued to relax.
Once Chris finally got out the bath he found Maya in the kitchen halfway finished with dinner.
“Jesus babe it smells fantastic in here and I see you changed the music” Chris said
He was now fully dressed in a blue t-shit in matching joggers, his hair damp from the bath as Lauryn Hill's rendition of Can't Take My Eyes off of You played in the background.
She chuckled “only the best for you my king”
"Mhm I like the sound of that" He said as he went in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of white wine and poured them both a glass.
She was at the counter cutting up veggies.
“Ok so how long do I have wait before I can devour all this?” he asked placing the glass in front of Maya.
They took their first cheers of the night tapping the glasses together.
Maya took a sip and moan at the taste of the wine.
“Soon Chris don’t stress it babe you will be fed very soon” she said.
Her hips began to sway to the music as she hummed along.
At long last, love has arrived, and I thank God I'm alive
Chris walked up behind her wrapping her arms around waist swaying with her body and catching the rhythm.
You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you
Moving her hair to her left shoulder Chris begins to kiss her neck.
"Remember when we first bought this place." Chris asked
"Yes you didn't want to you said my place in Brooklyn was enough for us" Maya said putting the knife down and melted into Chris's strong arms.
"Mmm but you did an excellent job at convincing me why we need this place, 3 bedrooms right in the Heart of the city just for times likes these when want to get away." Chris said with his arms still wrapped around her.
She laughed "I thought it was because you fucked me against the balcony on our terrace is why you said yes"
He smirked at the memory "well that to"
Chris sucked on her neck and moved his down her satin dress but the timer on the pot decided to be a cock block and go off before he could make a move.
He groaned and Maya laughed directed him to get ready to eat.
Just as the food was finishing up Chris set the dining table for two, taking the rest of the flowers from his bath laying them out between the kitchen and there Terrence where they were having dinner overlooking the city.
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It was a beautiful night. There was a soft breeze and the city was a glow quieter that usual but still a sight to behold.
Maya brought out the food as Chris poured them another glass, they both sat prayed then rose their glasses to cheers again.
During dinner Chris made some corny jokes that always seemed to put Maya in a better mood as Maya would slyly rub her foot up Chris’s pant leg.
Next came dessert still out on the terrace they shared a slice of cake (more like Maya fed Chris cake) which is how she ended up in his lap enjoying the very expensive yet immaculate view they had from their home.
He rubbed her thigh as he kisses her shoulder just thinking of the fastest way to get Maya out of her dress.
"god you are beautiful" Chris said
His hand now playing with the trim of her panties under her strappy white satin dress.
"Oh no birthday boy you not fucking me out here tonight you gotta come inside for your last present" Maya said.
Chris groaned Maya got up seductively waking back inside her curves just begging him to follow her
“This woman Is going to be the death of me” Chris thought as he came back inside and closed the door that lead to the terrace.
Maya handed Chris his third and final glass of wine of the night.
He raised an eyebrow "Are you trying to get me drunk Mrs. Evans so you can have your way with me?" he asked.
Taking a sip from his glass he smacked Maya the ass and watched it move as she walked towards their living room.
She laughed "I wouldn't have to get you drunk to have my way with you Mr. Evans"
Their living room had floor to ceiling windows that overlook Chris's second favorite city, and that's where Maya stood wine glass in hand looking all the people that looked like ants. But all Chris could think about was how this woman fell for him.
She watched the scenery and he watched her but when that signature trumpet blew he remembered that the music was still playing and so did she.
Maya turned around to see Chris was watching her one hand in his pocket and the other still holding his wine, she made a face at him.
"What are you looking at me like that Chris, you ok?” she asked hand on her hip taking another drink from her glass.
The moon shined off her skin like she was in the sun, her white dress reminding him of their wedding day the way it hugged her figure.
Still speechless Chris walked up to her placing both of their glasses on the coffee table, he brushed her hair behind her ear and she moans nuzzling her head in his touch.
"Baby I am absolutely perfect because I am here with you" he says.
Chris softly pulls her by the waist bringing her flush against her body as raspy voice of Louis Armstrong in Le Vie En Rose brought butterfly’s to Maya’s stomach because this was their song.
His hands lay softly on her waist as her arms lay around his shoulder as they dancer slowly around there living room.
Hold me close and hold me fast, The magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose.
His cologne sent waves of pleasure and warmth through her body, when Maya laid her head on his chest not wanting to let him go. As their heartbeat became in sync the moonlight casted their sillones on the ground.
They were two lovers who were lost in eachother hoping to never get out and wanting to hide from the world it felt new but familiar.
Once the song ended Chris kissed her so deep and and passionately Maya thought she was gonna cum then and there.
Chris's hands moved from their previously respectable position making circle on her hips to the bottom of her ass telling Maya to jump causing Maya wrap her chocolate legs around his waist.
As Chris walked he kept repeating how much he missed Maya so much while he was in LA.
They couldn’t even make it back to their bedroom for their first round of many.
And Maya was a goner as Chris made love to her all night in every corner of their apartment as the city watched as the couple were engulfed with each other.
But there was a little voice in the back of Maya's head "Well damn how are we going to top 40 next year" it asked.
The preoccupied side of her brain shooed hat thought away so she could just enjoy being with her man at this moment.
Thanking god there was no more space between them like the miles before.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch48: The Terrible Twos Part 1: More? 
Intro: In the fourth year since the snap, Jamie enters the terrible twos.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N:  So this chapter is kind of a little different to the others here really, as it’s almost like a collection of long drabbles detailing their life over 2022. And just a little reminded, Phobias, Steve admits to Katie he has a fear of clowns…keep that in mind! Also linked to this chapter is a smutty little One Shot- Got You By The Chain- Guest writer @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 47
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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April 2022
By the fourth anniversary of the Snap, it finally looked like society was moving on. There was still a lot to do, but most schools and Universities were fully functioning, TV shows and Movies were back in production, restaurants and shops seemed to have gotten back to some level of ‘normality’. Whilst places weren’t as buzzing as they had been, it seemed like people were finally taking those baby steps forward, which was the mantra Steve continued to preach at his support groups.
If only it was that easy to follow your own advice. 
Steve, and the rest of those of them who had fought Thanos and been spared, would be lying if they said their failure wasn’t still at the back of their minds. But nothing short of a time machine was going to bring any of those stones back. They had to learn to live with it, and for the most they did, their lives had moved on. Tony, Pepper, Steve and Katie had become parents, so they had something to focus on. Natasha, however, was all over the place, focussing even more with Rhodey on trying to track down Clint, the archer having given his vigilante alter-ego a name- Ronin-the word taken to be an idiomatic expression for “vagrant” or “wandering man”, someone who is without a home- or so Katie’s research told them.
‘Ronin’, was still leaving trails of death and destruction all over the place and both Steve and Katie had tried to coax Natasha out of pursuing him too much. As usual, she completely ignored them and had also point blank refused to attend any of the support groups. In the end Steve had stopped asking.
He and Katie found most of their time taken up dealing with Jamie who had entered what the parents now knew why everyone dubbed the terrible twos. He was a nightmare, not necessarily due to bad behaviour but he was so boisterous and such a rough and tumble little boy thanks to the half of him that held the super serum and he was ridiculously clever too. He was constantly up to mischief, which was why now, one Thursday morning Steve was stood in the kitchen, an equal mixture of exasperation and fear flooding his system as he gazed up at his son who was once again sat on top of their large stainless steel fridge freezer, about a foot out of his dad’s reach. This was his favourite activity at the moment and neither Steve nor Katie had no idea how he kept getting up there.
The soldier was currently torn between grabbing a chair to climb up to get him down and being rooted to the spot, not wanting to move in case the tot threw himself off which he was prone to doing.
“Jamie, please come on.” Steve sighed.
“No.” “I’ll give you a cookie if you get down.” Steve pleaded, cursing inwardly at the fact he was resorting to bribery. Jamie cocked his head to one side, clearly weighing up his options and then his face split into a grin.
“Nom!” He grinned and then in a flash launched himself forward.
“Fuck.” Steve cursed, forgetting his language as he stepped back, catching the toddler in his arms, heart in his mouth. Jamie giggled as his dad’s strong arms caught him.
“Don’t do that!” Steve sighed. “Please.” He added weakly.
“Fuck.” Jamie repeated with a laugh and Steve groaned.
“No, we don’t say that.” “Why?”
“It’s a bad word.” Steve explained setting him on the counter in front of him. “Only momma and daddy can say that. And even then we shouldn’t.”  He reached for the kitchen cupboard, undoing the child lock before he grabbed the jar and held out a cookie for Jamie.
“Fankoo, Daddy”
“You’re welcome, but that doesn’t mean every time you climb something you get one.” Steve looked at him sternly.
Jamie stared back at him, his mouth full and Steve knew they boy didn’t care one iota about the utter horror he had just put him through. A fact further emphasised when the tot raised his right hand and held his forefinger and middle finger to his eyes, moving them towards his dad.
“Yeah, I am watching you, pal.” Steve arched an eyebrow at him, mentally cursing Tony once again for teaching his son ridiculous habits. “You done?”
Jamie nodded. “More?” “Not a chance.” Steve snorted, lifting him down off the counter and herding him into the living room where he distracted his boy successfully for an hour and a half or so watching Frozen, his current favourite Disney film whilst he checked over his notes for the support groups he was holding later on that afternoon. Then he gave Jamie his lunch, meals being the most painless part of his routine as the kid ate anything you put in front of him, and they set off to meet Katie at the tower. 
“Hi Mr Rogers, Hi Jamie!” Soraya, Katie’s PA, greeted them holding up her hand. Jamie leant over the desk in his father’s arms and gave her a hi-five.
“Hi, Sowaya!” He beamed and she smiled back before she turned to Steve. “She’s in the office but you might wanna wait a few seconds before you go in.” Steve was about to ask why, when he heard his wife’s angry voice through the closed door and he grimaced. Someone was getting an absolute earful and he didn’t envy them one bit.
That someone, was Jack Thompson, Katie’s Finance Manager. As part of Stark Industries programme to help orphaned older teenagers post the snap, Katie had given the go head for each major department to recruit interns to give them a spring start and a means to fund themselves. Only for the third day in a row now she had caught Jack ordering his intern to make coffees for the entire office. Not that it wasn’t part of an intern’s initiation, she understood that, but when she had drilled the girl a little more, it seems that was all she was doing, along with photocopying.
“That is not what the programme is about!” She blazed as she leant forward over her desk, Jack lounging in the chair at the other side. He raised an eyebrow at her and that made her bristle even more. “Sorry, I’m not sure what is amusing you about this situation.”
“Nothing, Mrs Rogers.” He shrugged back. “I just think you’re overacting slightly.” “Oh do you?” She asked, her voice raising further. “Well here’s an overreaction for you, you get that girl some proper jobs and activities to work on or you’ll be out of here faster than my two year old can scale the fridge.” Jack frowned
“Which is fast” Katie clarified, realising that there were all sorts of things wrong with that analogy.
“Things were a lot different with your brother at the helm.” Jack looked at her. Katie crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him.
“Well I’m not my brother. If you don’t like it, feel free to leave your resignation letter on my desk.”
Jack eyeballed her for a moment before he nodded. “Understood, loud and clear.” “Good.” She stood up whilst he did the same and she smoothed down her white A-lined high wasted skirt and white blouse. Her black stilettoes clicked on the wooden flooring of her office and she opened the door, nodding out of it. Jack left, not even glancing around until a small voice rang out across the room.
“Momma shouted!” Jamie giggled gleefully. Jack stopped, looked at the boy, then to Steve who simply smiled at the man before he stalked away.
“Jerk.” Katie mumbled under her breath before she beamed at her boys. “Hi!”
“HI Momma!” Jamie grinned, wriggling until Steve popped him down and he ran to his mom to give her a hug. Steve had a split second to perve on his wife, because damned she looked good in that office outfit, before Jamie was in her arms, his mom not caring if his shoes or hands were going to dirty her clothes. She placed a kiss to his cheek as Steve walked towards her dropping one of his own onto her lips.
“Yuk!” Jamie pulled a face.
“So what had he done to earn himself the full wrath of my baby momma?” Steve jerked his head towards the door and Katie groaned.
“Just being awkward when it comes to the interns. I don’t think he’s going to last much longer.” “Good.” Soraya shot. “He’s a creep.”
Katie grinned. “So you tell me.”
Soraya shrugged. “I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
“Hmm.” Katie pondered, before she shrugged. “What’s my diary like for the rest of the day?”
“You’re clear now until four and then you have a conference call with a couple of potential authors for SIP.”
“Why don’t you do it from home?” Steve looked at her. “You were here at seven this morning.” Katie pondered before nodding. Placing Jamie on the floor she headed back into her office and grabbed her jacket and her bag, before linking her hand round her son’s.
“If anyone needs me, can you tell them to email or call my mobile, please?”
Soraya nodded “See you tomorrow, Mrs Rogers. Bye Captain, bye Jamie!”
“Bye bye!” Jamie waved as Katie led him to the elevator, Steve holding his other hand.
“You had lunch?” Steve looked over at her and she shook her head.
“It’s been manic.”
“Good, because neither have I. Thought we could grab something before I head off to the group.”
Katie grinned and leaned up to give him a kiss. “Perfect.” “Lunch?” Jamie piped up and Steve looked down at him.
“Buddy, you ate an entire bowl of spaghetti at home.” “But, I’m hungry.” He pouted and Katie looked at Steve.
“He gets that off you.” She smirked and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Who does he get climbing the fridge off?” He asked.
“Yeah, had to bribe him down with a cookie.”
Katie snorted. “Well I don’t know about the climbing bit but he definitely gets the negotiation skills from me”
“It wasn’t a negotiation.” Steve scoffed, as the doors opened on the ground floor “It was out and out extortion.”
Katie laughed as they stepped out into the reception, heading to the front doors which opened automatically.
“Let’s go to the deli round the corner.” She suggested and Steve nodded, positioning himself on the outside of the sidewalk as always, Jamie on the inside of his two parents as they slowed their pace to allow their son to walk the block or so round the corner.
“Momma?” He asked tugging on hand. “Yes baby?” “I haff tuna?”
“If you want tuna, yeah.”
At that point Steve, who had been watching the two of them, turned and almost walked straight into another pedestrian.
“Oh, sorry Ma’am.” He nodded to her at the same time Jamie uttered.
“Fuck.” Katie stopped dead and turned to look down at him, her voice growing stern. “James Anthony Samuel Rogers, what did you just say?”
He blinked up at her as Steve groaned, crouching down in front of his son. “I told you that was a bad word.” He softly chastised the two year old.
“Sowee Momma,Sowee daddy.” Jamie’s eyes looking down at his feet as he toed the sidewalk slightly with his little sneakers.
“Thank you for apologising.” Steve ruffled his hair as he stood up. “Don’t say it again.” “Okay.” “Where did he hear that?” Katie looked accusingly at Steve and he hesitated for a moment.
“Tony?” He shrugged, a sheepish smile crossing his face as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
Katie narrowed her eyes. “You’re still a terrible liar.” 
June 2022
“Now don’t go mad Spangles.” Tony immediately greeted Steve as he shut the car door and headed across the lawn area to the side of the lake house. Instantly Steve narrowed his eyes.
“What have you done?” He asked, following Tony down a well-trodden path to the back of the house where a small play tent was erected.
“Nothing.” Tony shrugged, as Steve followed him round to the back of the house. “Well, nothing bad, just…”
“Stop, or I’ll shoot!” Steve heard Morgan speak before she popped her head out of the tent, and held her left hand out in front of her. She was wearing a red glove with some form of battery powered light strapped to the palm. Before Steve could comment, Jamie followed, the same item on his right.
“Pew pew!” He grinned, making the noise at his dad. Steve took a deep breath and scowled at Tony.
“Hey look, it was this or the actual gauntlets so,” he shrugged and then Steve really did give him a glare. Tony held his hands up. “I was in the garage tinkering and they saw them and wanted one of their own so…”
“Iron Man!” Jamie grinned up at his dad “Look Daddy, like Unca Nee!”
“And I suppose those just have to come back to my house with the pair of them tonight?” Steve narrowed his eyes at Tony. “You know, I can always refuse to babysit.”
“Err, no you can’t.” Tony smirked. “First off we had Jamie last night so you and Katie could have a night alone, and second off…” “Uncle Pangles!” Morgan threw herself at him, her arms wrapping around his legs. “We can play tonight, I stay at yours!”
“…you can’t resist her Stark charm.” Tony smirked as Steve sighed, bending down to give his niece a kiss on the head.
Katie tried not to laugh at the look on Steve’s face as he recounted the incident later that evening as they sat out in the back round the fire pit torching S’mores with Emmy. Jamie and Morgan were fast asleep in Jamie’s room.
“Well Dad,” Emmy sat back and looked at him, her brown eyes flashing with mischief, “sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire…”
“What you got in mind?” He looked at her.
“We’re pretty good at art, right?” She shrugged and Steve nodded. “Let’s put it to use.”
So the next morning, as soon as the hardware shop opened, Emmy and Steve were in there gathering supplies for the Great Rogers Revenge plan, sharing a victorious hi-five whilst they loaded the trunk of the car up with their ammo. Katie told them she didn’t want to know what they were planning and she meant it, steering clear of Steve’s man-cave for the rest of the morning, calling them back to the house at eleven ish for a coffee and a slice of banana bread when Natasha dropped in. The two women could hear Steve and Emmy sniggering as they approached and when they walked into the kitchen, Katie was greeted by the pair of them holding up their finished items.
“Oh my God!” Natasha spluttered. There was a slight pause, before Katie cracked up laughing as Steve and Emmy held up their masterpieces. They had painted the insides of two small metal trash can lids to look like replicas of Steve’s shield.
“I got the idea from a picture in my history books.” Emmy said, grinning “Some young kids in a Brooklyn street after the war, playing with the lids like they were shields…” “Perfect handles to hold them with, look.” Steve grinned, flipping his round “And they’re spray varnished too so the paint won’t rub off.”
“Cap!” Jamie shrieked as the sight of the items Steve and Emmy were holding.
“Wow!” Morgan looked up in awe “Is one for me?” “Sure is, Moo.” Steve bent down and showed the two children how to grab the shield with their hands on the handles and, once he was confident they had got it, they shot out of the back door and down onto the grass, Lucky leaping up from where he had been snoozing under a tree and heading inside out of the way.
“Just do me a favour and don’t show teach ‘em to throw them.” Katie sighed, watching as Jamie was busy holding his shield in front of him as Morgan aimed her faker repulsor beam clad hand at him.
Steve shook his head, grabbing a piece of cake. “No point, we tried and it doesn’t work. They don’t have the same weight or trajectory.”
“Yeah, they just kinda hover for a bit and then fall down.” Emmy shrugged, her mouth full of banana bread. “This is good, mom.”
“Thanks.” Katie smiled “Nat you want another piece?”
“No thanks.” she shook her head, “don’t wanna ruin our lunch.” “Lunch?” Steve paused, the slice of cake halfway to his mouth.
“I told you last night,” Katie rolled her eyes, “me and Nat are off for lunch and shopping.”
“You wanna come Em?” Nat asked.
“Nope.” She shook her head. “I wanna be here when Uncle Tony picks these two up.”
She fist bumped Steve and Katie shook her head at the pair of them.
“Well, I do not. Gimme two mins Nat and I’ll grab my shoes.”
**** “So, Steve and I are taking the kids away in a month or so, why don’t you come with us?” Katie asked as they sat in a small tapas bar, just off Times Square. Nat pondered for a while before she shook her head.
“I can’t leave the compound.”
“Why not?” “If something goes wrong, I need to be there.” “Nat,” Katie sighed, “it isn’t your responsibility. The Avengers, we’re not…” Natasha cut her off, “Don’t, please,” she shook her head, “it’s my job. If I can help in even the smallest of ways then I should.” Katie bit her lip before she reached over for her glass of water. She understood that in all fairness, Steve had gone through his own phase of feeling useless not long after the snap but had found his niche for sure with the support groups. If this was how Nat was dealing with it then…
“Anyway, enough about that.” Nat changed the subject. “Tell me more about the delightful language my God-Son has been learning.” Katie groaned. “Did I tell you about the whole, oh Fuck thing a few months back?” “Yeah.”
“Well a few nights ago we’re sat at the table and he suddenly shouts ‘Daddy, fuck.’ So, of course Steve tells him off. But he doesn’t stop. ‘Momma, fuck, Emmy, fuck…’ and Steve’s getting more and more exasperated, trying to tell him to stop, and wasn’t until Jamie pointed to the table and shouts ‘need fuck’ we realised he wanted a fork for his pasta and not the spoon we had given him.” Katie grinned as Natasha laughed. “Honestly Nat, I thought Steve was gonna have a heart attack.”
“Yeah he doesn’t like that kinda language.” Natasha grinned biting into a breadstick.
“I wouldn’t mind but he taught Jamie that word, not intentionally of course. And then there was the jackass incident.”
“Someone pulled out in front of me at a junction. I forgot he was in the car so I slammed on the horn and flipped him off shouting ‘jackass’ out the window.” Katie took another drink of her water “Didn’t think anything of it until we were leaving Tony’s later that afternoon. I wound the back windows down in the car so Jamie could wave. Only he doesn’t wave, he raises his middle finger and calls Tony a jackass”
Natasha laughed. “Well, he’s not wrong.”
“Funnily enough that’s what Steve said.” Katie grinned. “Mind you, what he did at the supermarket the other day tops it all.” She took a bite of her garlic mushrooms. “He’s sat in the trolley and loud as you like shouts ‘I got a woody in my pants’. The woman in the aisle next to us just looks at us and Steve starts trying to explain that he was wearing Toy Story underpants, I mean…”
Natasha spluttered out her calamari, choking slightly as she started to laugh, Katie grinned before she too chuckled. It was funny now she thought about it. Tto be honest Katie had found it funny at the time, Steve was the one that had flushed bright red. At that point her phone began to ring and she fished it out of her bag.
“Uh oh.” She winced and looked at Nat
She nodded “Hi Tone…” “Oh don’t hi Tone me,” his voice hit her ears, “your husband is a grade A…”
“I hope you don’t have Morgan in the car whilst you’re being so angry.” Katie jokingly chastised her brother
“A trash can lid. A god-damned trashcan lid.” “Yeah well you send our kid home with some of your shit, we’re gonna repay the favour, now if you don’t mind…”
She cut the call and saw that she had a message from Steve.
Game, set and match to Spangles ;-)
She snorted.
“Are they ever gonna stop this tit for tat with the kids?” Natasha asked.
Katie shook her head, smiling. In all honesty she kind of liked the friendly little feud they had going. It was all good natured, and she enjoyed the closeness of her family.  “Nope. Sometimes I forget exactly who the kids are. The pair of them act worse than two year olds.”
August 2022
“Did Em tell you about the bloke at the harbour?” Steve asked, looking at Katie. The two of them were sat on the veranda of the villa on Tony’s Island. It was the last night of their two week vacation and the family had spent the time playing in the pool, on the beach- Emmy and Jamie scouring the sand for shells and other mementoes to bring home. Jamie had been particularly taken with watching the fishing boats as they left and returned from the small harbour, Steve often taking him and Emmy down to watch when they brought back their catches of the day, the small boy engaging as enthusiastically and as well he could with his two-year-old vocabulary and the locals had been nothing but gracious and kind back to him and his older sibling.
 Katie suspected it was for that reason that they had returned earlier that night with a selection of seafood which Katie had enjoyed preparing for them, along with numerous salads, potatoes and some local fruits for afters. The four had gorged themselves and the kids, after no protest at all due to them being exhausted, were now tucked up in bed leaving the married couple to take in their last night alone.
“No?” Katie looked at Steve.
“He kept asking me how much I wanted for her.” Steve smirked and Katie laughed. “She thought it was hilarious too, until I offered to sell her for three lobsters and a couple mahi-mahi.”
“Oh I bet she loved that.” Katie looked at him, as he shrugged, drinking from his beer bottle. “Mind you, it is kinda freaky, just how much she’s grown. I mean she’s fifteen this October.” “Tell me about it.” Steve grumbled “We got all that stuff to come yet.” “What stuff?” Katie asked, eyeing him over her wine glass.
“You know,” he waved the hand that was clutching his beer, “boys and…whatever.” Katie snorted. “What you gonna do when she does finally bring a boy back to meet us?” She asked, swinging her bare legs up and placing her feet in his lap.
“Be waiting with a shot gun.” Steve grumbled, his spare hand dropping to her smooth skin, fingers gently tracing up and down her calf.
“That’s a dramatic shovel talk.” Katie raised an eyebrow at him.
“Oh I won’t talk. Just hold it across my lap and look at him.” “You’re terrible.” Katie sniggered as his hand gently continued its ministrations on her leg.
Steve chuckled and Katie glanced out over the bay, sighing slightly It had been a great few weeks, just one person really missing.
“I wish Nat would have come.” 
“She’s worrying me,” Steve sighed. “It’s not healthy, being cooped up in that place, alone.”
“I know.”  Katie nodded. “But there’s not much we can do other than be there for her.”
Steve took a breath, laying his head back against his chair as the warm sea breeze hit them. Katie glanced over at where he was sat, his skin slightly more tanned, the freckles that sprang over his nose during the summer were now even more pronounced although they couldn’t rival hers. His hair had been cropped short again, and he’d even sprouted the thin smattering of a beard over the last two weeks, although he’d told Katie sternly he wasn’t growing it out again.
“I’m Captain America at those support groups, and he doesn’t have a beard.”
As Katie drank him in she noticed that over the years, whilst he had aged slightly, he hadn’t changed nearly as much as she had. All the studies, backed up by Banner’s research, estimated that Steve would age at a rate approximately fifteen to twenty years younger than the average person. At some points this worried her, as she knew that in fifteen years or so he would only look to be in his late thirties when they would both be realistically, going off the years spent living and not buried in ice, midway through their fifties, but that was something she’d known before she had married him.
And she supposed that as long as he didn’t care how old she looked it didn’t matter.
“Want a photo or summi’k” Steve asked, his eyes on his wife, as she was simply looking at him, clearly contemplating something. She smiled at the way his Brooklyn drawl dripped off his voice as it always did when he was relaxed. He cocked his head slightly to one side, smiling gently at her as his beer bottle rest against his leg. Deciding she wanted distracting from the ridiculous worry that had sprung up on her, she grinned and moved her feet before she stood up. Taking the bottle off him she placed it on the table and settled on his lap, her knees either side of his thighs, as he smirked up at her.
“Summik sounds good.” She muttered kissing him hard. Their tongues began their usual dance until he pulled back and looked at her, sweeping her hair off her face. Simply put, in his eyes, his wife was stunning. Her freckles which always became more pronounced in the sun spread across her nose and her cheeks, giving her an even more youthful look than normal. Her hair was now a few inches above her waist, having grown down from the shoulder length cut she had sported whilst they’d been on the run and was falling over her face in a mass of beach tangled curls, which Steve adored. Her figure, Jesus, he could look at her all day, curves across her hips, breasts…he’d been exceptionally pleased that, despite her confidence issues over her body not being what it used to be, she’d been wearing a two-piece swimsuit, even if it was one that covered her midriff. He knew better now that to try and argue that he didn’t give a damned about the fact her stomach was slightly less flat than it used to be, or her hips were wider, Steve simply let her get on with dressing how she felt comfortable and lavished affection and praise on her every chance he got, because frankly, there wasn’t a think about his wife he didn’t adore.
He questioned every, single day how he had gotten so goddamned lucky and it had been him she’d chosen to spend the rest of her life with.
“What’s wrong?” She frowned, noticing the contemplative look in his eyes.
“Nothing at all, Baby.” He shook his head, reaching down and pulling off the crochet dress she was wearing over her swim suit top and denim shorts. “Just thinking about how I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you look so beautiful.” She grinned as his fingers moved to undo the string that held her top around her neck, causing it to fall forward leading her bare from the waist up. He simply admired her for a moment as her hands wound into his hair and she gave a soft tug, causing his head to tilt upwards to look at her. “Not even when we got married?”
“Hmmm.” He contemplated, her lips hovering near his as she leant down, his hands creeping up her sides. “Maybe, but you weren’t my baby momma then.”
Katie grinned, she loved it when he called her that. Gently kissing him she pulled back and looked at him. “I’ve not changed that much have I?” She teased as she pushed down on his crotch and he groaned.
“Nope,” he muttered before kissing her hard, grinding his hips up against hers.
“Take me to bed Captain.” She murmured into his mouth, at him with suggestive eyes which peered from underneath heavy lids.
“Yes ma’am” he grinned, and in a swoop he’d picked her up and carried her inside.
**** Chapter 48 Part 2
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hvbris · 8 months
🌌+ Jurassic Park/World AU for April?
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from: Send ' 🌌 + a universe / au ' and I’ll make an AU verse based off of it. status: accepting!
When April was just a few years old, her father, a lawyer, was hired by Jurassic Park's investors and sent to the park to ensure it wasn't a lawsuit waiting to happen. He died on the island. His family was never given a clear answer on the circumstances of his death.
As she grew up, April became obsessed with finding out the truth about how her father had died, so she could bring InGen to justice. She started investigating, interviewing everyone she could, and reaching out to Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, and Ellie Sattler.
She was 24 years old when Jurassic World opened its doors, which only made her more determined to discover the truth.
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skippyv20 · 3 years
KENSINGTON ANON AND PG 🌳⛲️🌳 … “ MARIA AND CHARLOTTE ARE IN THE PLAYROOM, CHARLOTTE IS ON HER IPAD…” Estas haciendo tu tarea …Si. Estamos escribiendo poemas para la clase de inglés …… KATE ENTERS…… “ what are you talking about? “…… “ mummy I’m writing a poem about Maria” ……” wonderful darling, how is her Spanish coming along Maria?” ……… “ She’s a natural ma’am, and little Louis is very good as is George “ … “ Maria you’re a gem, ok’ who wants ice cream” … “ Meeee, meeee, meeee.
APRIL 30/2021
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Thank you PG....wonderful 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Sam, Snow, and Little Girls
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Words: 1,245
Warnings: fluff
Summary: After a tough hunt, the reader just wants to get home to her family.
A/N. This was written for Always Seeking's April 2020 prompt.
Betaed by @manawhaat
“How are things going?” you ask, falling backward onto the motel bed with a soft huff. Dean snickers at you from where he’s seated across the room and only laughs harder when you flip him off.
“Things are fine,” Sam assures you, even as you hear Ellie screaming in the background. It’s not an upset scream, you know. More of a “crazy child running wild” scream. Sam sounds tired, too.
You feel kind of bad leaving him home alone with her, but he’s no good in the field until his broken ankle heals. With no one else available to take out the vamp nest, it only made sense that he stayed at the bunker with the three-year-old while you and Dean took care of the job.
“It’s a little crazy,” Sam admits, “but we’re having fun.”
“What wild things have you two gotten up to today?”
“The usual. She wanted to watch Frozen 2 a million times but I managed to talk her down to listening to the music for most of the day.”
You laugh, rolling onto your belly and stretching your free arm above your head. It feels amazing, especially after the brutal battle you and Dean survived tonight. You’d wanted to call Sam as soon as you got done burning the bodies but decided to wait until after you’d showered and it was well worth the wait. Now you can get cozy in bed with the voices of the rest of your family in your ear. You always get antsy being away from either of them for too long.
“How was the hunt?” Sam asks, lowering his voice a little as Ellie’s voice gets further away.
“It went well,” you tell him. “Got a little sketchy at one point but Dean and I pulled through unscathed, well, aside from a few minor scrapes and bruises.”
You can hear the relief in his tone. “So you’ll be headed home soon?”
You twist your head around to catch Dean’s eye. “What time are we going home?” you ask when you have his attention.
“First thing tomorrow,” he answers, speaking loud enough for Sam to hear him. “We’re supposed to check out by eleven, so before then, for sure.”
“Didja catch that?”
“Yeah. It’s a five-hour drive, right?”
“Uh-huh. So we’ll be home sometime in the afternoon.”
Ellie’s background chatter comes closer again. “Daddy, who are you talking to?”
“I’m talking to Mommy, princess. Come say hi.”
The word is shrieked through the phone and hurts your ear but you still grin like an idiot. “Hi, baby girl.”
“Daddy is playing Frozen with me!”
“That sounds like fun,” you coo.
Ellie babbles on, telling you all about the fun she and Sam are having. Apparently they have done a whole host of activities, ranging from walks to playing princess, and the mental image of Sam playing princess makes you snicker to yourself. You listen patiently, responding in all the right places until eventually, she runs out of stories to share.
“When are you coming home?” she asks.
“Tomorrow,” you promise. “Dean and I will be home before dinner.”
Ellie cheers. “Daddy, Daddy, Mommy’s gonna be home tomorrow!”
“I heard,” Sam says. “We’ve missed Mommy, huh?”
“Yeah,” Ellie sighs. “Miss you, Mommy.”
“I miss you, too, baby girl.”
“We’d better go get ready for bed,” Sam gently prompts. “Tell Mommy goodnight.”
“Night, Mommy!”
“Good night, baby girl. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Ellie gives the phone back to Sam and you hear him gently instructing her to go put her pajamas on. She agrees brightly.
“She’s been good?”
“For the most part. She got into the flour yesterday and made a huge mess. Apparently she was trying to make cookies.”
You can’t help but laugh at that thought - your kid trying to make cookies and instead covering the kitchen in flour.
“I think I got it all cleaned up. I moved the flour bin up higher, too, just in case she gets that idea again.”
“Smart. Hopefully she’s learned her lesson.” Before Sam can reply, you let out a huge yawn that he definitely hears.
“I’ll let you get to sleep,” he says. “You had a long day. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” you mumble, suddenly realizing how tired you are. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. Good night.”
The drive back to the bunker feels like much longer than five hours, especially once you hit the middle of nowhere and lose cell signal. Dean has the inexplicable ability to be entertained by nothing more than driving and listening to his music, and usually you don’t mind too much, either, but you’re feeling tired and grumpy. You woke up with a slight headache and all you really want right now is to get home to your husband and daughter.
“Dean,” you finally groan as you fold your jacket up and set it against the window to use as a makeshift pillow. “Can you turn the music down a bit?”
He glances over at you. “You okay?”
He grimaces and turns the music down. You let out a grateful sigh and curl sideways to rest your head on your folded jacket.
“I’m gonna try and take a nap,” you say. “Wake me up when we pass through Lebanon.”
Dean shakes you awake about an hour later when he hits the Lebanon city limits. The town is so small that he’s passed through it in no time and soon the bunker is coming into view. You sit up at the sight, the nap and the knowledge that you’ll see your family soon doing wonders for your mood.
You want to run straight to wherever Sam and Ellie are but force yourself to help unload the Impala first. Sam and Ellie aren’t in any of the main rooms or either of the potential bedrooms. There’s only one other place you can think of that they would be, so you make your way down to the room Dean’s converted into his “Dean Cave”. He’s made it a lot more child-friendly since Ellie came along, worried his precious niece would get into something that could potentially harm her, and now it’s less of a “cave” and more of a lounge or theater room. He even added a big soft couch that’s perfect for movie nights.
Sure enough, you can hear Anna singing “Some Things Never Change” as you get closer to the room. Sounds like Sam finally caved and let Ellie actually watch the film. She’s probably snuggled up in his lap; it’s one of her favorite places to be. It’s a cute mental image that draws a smile to your lips. As you peek around the doorframe, though, your heart melts at the sight before you.
Sam is stretched out sideways on the couch, long legs folded to fit. Ellie is in his arms, as predicted, her small body draped over his chest. Both of them are fast asleep, Sam’s head falling back over the pillow and Ellie leaving a small drool spot on his shirt. You’d been dying to hug them, to hold them close, but all of that melts away because you can’t bear to wake them. Instead, you turn off the movie and drape the throw blanket that hangs on the back of the couch over them both. You press a soft kiss to both of their foreheads before leaving them to their nap.
You can’t hold them, right now, but you’re finally home, and that’s enough.
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Team Forever: @mrswhozeewhatsis @laughing-at-the-darkness​​ @tumbler-tidbits​​ @imsuperawkward​​​​ @emoryhemsworth
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Hide and Seek
Okay so earlier the other day while talking to @blossom-skies​ I was telling her how when my internet went down *AGAIN* I was playing hide and seek with my little ninja princess – we played sarcastic Hide-and-seek for three hours straight and while talking about this she mentioned how cute it would be as a fanfic
With Leonardo and Donnie… Later we agreed Mikey would be great dad for this too but it seemed so unfair to leave Raph out because I see him as a great daddy to his baby
That was it I wrote this because my heart couldn’t stand not to see them with their little ones playing a game while they are trying to do something important
@bloody-dark-shells03​ @betelgeusessonajblog​ @lonelyheart-clubband​ @fyreball66​ @nikitaboeve​ @darksaphire2002​ @aurora-the-kunoichi​ @autumn-the-punk​ @midnightrebel669​ @queendice98​ @mistyroselove​ @angelicdavinci​ @raphtherebel​ @raphie-chan1​ @luvroffictionalcharacters​ @waterstar2016​ @bluesakurablossom​ @neattea-tmnt​ @midnight-chocolate-turtle​ @ravenousmonstrosity​ @ravn-87​ @ellieandtheguys​ @tmntswagger​ @numberonecosmicgirl​
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As the leader Leonardo has so many responsibilities already on his shoulders between being the head of his team, the older brother, eldest son, the one who had taken the torch and was now in charge of all his brothers training after his father decided it was time for him to take a step back on top of having a 4 year old and twins on the way his plate was full and overflowing
But somehow even with all of that he still was one of the best father’s anyone had ever seen putting his baby above almost everything much like he did his beauty
Their son had been planned much like almost everything in their lives Leo being a perfectionist he had planned the time to get her pregnant so the baby would be born in the summer, had read all the stuff he could to insure conception, the number of times he had her in the bedroom in one day she was sure to be carrying after that first night but he had committed to giving it all to her for one whole week what he hadn’t planned was the fact that his child would be so stubborn; they had no idea what they were having and then the baby not wanting to come on time, coming over a month late but when the baby finally decided he wanted out he broke his mommy’s water while the whole family was in the middle of a movie night marathon
Leo was at her side the whole six hours and was so proud hearing they had a son, letting tears escape when his little boy was placed in his arms. Shadow was the spitting image of his father leaf green skin and blue eyes only added to the pride he felt in the room welcoming their little one to the world
The twins on the other hand – yeah they were far from planned one crazy passionate night after a successful mission during mating season, a few celebratory drinks and Leo had took her right there in the living room when they were alone both passing out on the couch, never expecting two months later wake up after a long night to see a little stick with a plus sign on his side table with a tiny note but once he processed what he was looking at he was down the stairs and in the kitchen where everyone was eating grabbing her up from in front of the stove yelling the news as he kissed and spun his girl around
But that reaction was nothing compared to hearing they were expecting two new additions so much more loving with her this time around hoping for at least a little girl
He had been unaware his lovely goddess had left for a while to go out with April and her girlfriend’s for lunch, and self care afternoon, and some shopping for baby stuff since he hadn’t really let her go anywhere in months worried for her safety, having thought she was in their room with the baby napping he had gone to do his daily meditation while they rested knowing how drained she had been.
It wasn’t until Shadow stumbled out dragging his little foam sword over to his daddy that he realized it was just them. He had been in the middle of his two hour long session and had hoped he would get to finish but the tiny child playing in his lap was a distraction, the thwack of the foam on his chest plate had him chuckling before the little boy was pulling on the tails of his mask
Asking nicely he tried to get his son to go play for a bit in the room while he finished up but he didn’t move actually standing in front of Leo holding his face in those tiny hands asking repeatedly for Daddy to play a game with him giving the cute face the leader had yet to learn to refuse
Finally thinking it could go in his favor the leader agreed to play their favorite game closing his eyes counting as he tried to meditate listening as the little one scurried across the floor losing track of his steps as he stopped immediately peeking out to see the his little ninja was hiding behind the couch his butt in the open with the tiny tail wiggling in excitement sighing with a grin
Repeatedly he counted and waited for the boy to find his hiding spot then called out the hiding place all without opening his eyes being ordered to count again afterwards going at the same game until a huffy little face was in front of his pouting telling him he couldn’t guess making the leader chuckle as he got a long drawn out gibberish lecture on he couldn’t guess
It was cute when his little man acted like him smiling with pride as he gave finally covering his eyes counting one last time before hopping up off his elevated seat chuckling when he saw his little warrior laid on the couch covered by his blankie scratching his head as he walked around just talking to himself
He looked everywhere stating several times he was just too good of a hider praising his child highly for being a better ninja then him before slumping down on the floor his shell to the couch so Shadow could sneak up on him gasping in shock when he felt the little boy climbing onto his shell yelling happily he had won
They continued to play like that until finally he asked his daddy to hide. Leo was a little too good at the hiding able to get high up above the baby’s eye of sight but it was fun to sneak around until he dropped down from the roof silently right behind him grabbing up his son laughing as he tosses him up over his head catching the giggling child never realizing his lady was watching him from the doorway “You found Daddy! Look at my little ninja making daddy look like an amateur”
If anyone asks he will tell them Shadow won every round like the proud daddy he is and not wanting the game to end they played until he had to go out for patrol when it was time for the baby’s bedtime
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Working all the time makes him a little less aware of his surroundings or can sometimes be a little negligent about his love by accident
Now that don’t mean that from the second he met the love of his life he wasn’t hers completely, that he did small things to remind the woman that even if he wasn’t paying attention sometimes he loves his girl more then anything.
That he had proposed after knowing her for three months because he knew she was the one
I mean it’s not like the second she told him she was carrying his baby he put everything on hold because his world was carrying HIS child and he gushed for days always kissing at the little belly already there, or the fact that he had made a machine to monitor what he found to be two very healthy embryos, going out of his way spoiling his queen with getting anything she could ever need and want, made her feel beautiful when at five months pregnant she was way bigger then expected and couldn’t get around too good, or the last month of his loves pregnancy that he didn’t really leave her side rubbing her belly and massaging her swollen feet… and lets not forget those first two months of the twin’s life he really didn’t work because he was too busy adoring the beautiful little angel’s he had somehow created with the light of his life
Donatello is a wonderful father and can be very dedicated to his family but he’s still the genius we all know and turning his brain off can be difficult when he has an idea, but after they were born Donnie could be found all the time working with his two little princesses in his lap or in the double bouncer he made to have them on his desk to give his girl a break to pamper herself while letting them help him
Now he had learned not to let them in the lab after they started crawling fearing they could get hurt he had put up a baby gate had found a play pen for when they did got to be in there but it was quick to see if they wanted daddy they could climb both easy with the other’s help just to be in his arms and with his wife expecting baby number three the twins could easily outrun her on a good day
So today when his Queen had gone out for groceries and they had finished cartoons they had gotten away from Uncle Raphie who had passed out on the couch found the cookies they had promised Uncle Mikey they wouldn’t tell anyone about eating the whole box before both had scaled the gate sneaking up on him while he had been fixing his computer, both climbing into his lap one pulling on his mask while the other had nuzzled up to him “Dada is working sweeties” he made the mistake of looking down seeing both starring at him with the bambi eyes pleading for him to play with them
He couldn’t say no but needed to get done before Leo needed him to do anything so he started counting still working on his computer, he went to ten then looked up his eyes immediately falling on the overturned basket with tiny giggles coming from right under reaching one leg over and tapping the top, again he went to ten but with each game he changed the language getting a pat on his leg telling him to count right before seeing two displeased faces
This went on for a while until he stopped counting focused on a few wires until his youngest climbed up his legs pulling his glasses off and running as fast as she could when he reached for her “Hey I need those you little troublemaker!” both giggled wildly when he blindly followed seeing one tiny blur run out of the door her sister having knocked the gate over
Without his glasses he was completely blind and had to count his steps to make it easily around calling out to them hearing giggles from two directions laughing as he almost tripped holding his hands out
This was something they could do but shockingly both were together throwing their voices in a way nobody had taught them making it harder on him until he saw a little blur shoot across the floor getting down feeling his way knowing what would come next and as expected the girl’s sprung jumping on him making him fall to the floor in defeat hearing the joyous giggles as they climbed over his shell “Oh no you got me! Dada is down!”
The cute chants that they had won were followed by tons of sticky kisses and his queen’s laughter at seeing him on the floor. His glasses were back on his face before his little princesses took off running as he counted again getting up and placing his glasses on the table preferring the game better when he couldn’t see anything
His work long forgotten for now he called out to the girls looking everywhere until he got tackled again playing until he collapsed on the massive beanbag holding the twins laughing
He was found later in the den watching their cartoons by his family fast asleep holding them against him all out cold snuggled together
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As the baby of the family it was a shock when at eighteen he had told his family him and his girlfriend were expecting a baby and there were doubts at the beginning; Michelangelo was still a kid when they had found out and he wasn’t ready for a big responsibility like what would come with a baby but when he stepped up and asked her to marry him after they had found a abnormality with the infant his brother’s started to see why their father hadn’t been too worried, seeing the usually immature turtle being so serious took all of them by surprise.
They were married two moths later and a few months after that he had called them frantic because while they were wrestling on the couch her water had burst barely having time to get her to the needle room before the baby was crowning
She was three months too early he had to be prepared that she wouldn’t survive but as he stood by his wife’s side he never lost faith that the baby would pull through breaking down in tears when he heard that small cry as the little girl took her first breath wailing as she was cleaned up never stopping even as her mother held her but the moment that tiny baby was placed in his arms she stopped looking right up at him so calm so suddenly
She didn’t look abnormal; in fact she was perfect to him cooing as he cried kissing her tiny face
After a moment it sunk in just how perfect she was; her light green skin that was just a few shades lighter then his own was his new favorite color but around one eye she had a birthmark that was a healthy peach color in the shape of a heart making her just as unique as the heart on his plastron, as he unwrapped her he could see a little bit more peach in smaller heart shapes on her shoulder, her bright baby blues opened only minutes after birth and a smile that put his to shame when she looked up at her father so small the little girl practically fit in his hand but she was a fighter
Mikey seemed to grow up fast right there or as much as he could being the jokester he was when it came to her, while his babycakes recovered from the delivery he had done everything for his princess caring for her finding she was calmest in his arms forming a bond none of them could possibly understand
Over the last few years she excelled getting to all of her milestones before any child should but to her daddy she was his little miracle that brightened his days making him the proudest daddy in the universe
Today Mikey was in his Call of Duty game smack talking his friends before hearing his little princess calling him making him almost jump out of his shell looking over fast to find his little girl standing next to him huffing as he tried to get his heart to stop jumping out of his chest
Something he had still not gotten use to since the first day she had done it right after she started crawling was his baby was one of the best ninja’s he had ever met – she was so quiet that she could sneak up on her Uncle Leo and Grandpa still as energetic but when she wanted something she was able to switch on her stealth mode just to get it
When she really, really wanted something she went to daddy because she got her way with him
He looked over hearing her sweet voice calling to him softly she was giving him that cute big doe eyed baby face that melted him every time as her mother caught up to her carrying their nine month old daughter on her hip holding her belly out of breath both were hoping for a boy this time looking drained from trying to get her to get dressed well aware the sweet little girl was going to get her way with him when he turned off his mic pulling her into his lap nuzzling and kissing his princess until she giggled curling into him “It’s okay I’ll save you from mommy” he grinned when his wife rolled her eyes but gladly sat down resting her feet on his shell
A while later she took his headset off his head looking at it “Hey boys no nastiness my baby girl is on” seeing him speak into the foam piece she started babbling into the speaker getting several heartfelt aww’s from his buddies online before her daddy took out two of them fast both cheering together
His wonderful little distraction was helping him win both into the game together
He knew it was only a matter of time but she finally wasn’t sitting still
He would never say it but now he knew what his brother’s had been dealing with growing up with him although he couldn’t figure out why they had always been annoyed; when she climbed onto his shoulder wiggling herself into the small space between his neck and shell slumping over his dramatically growling his name in her deep voice that made them laugh telling him to play with her it was the cutest thing he had ever seen
Mikey wanting to finish this one round agreed quickly his eyes never leaving the T.V. hitting buttons as he sat her down shielding his vision with one as she took off counting loudly until she disappeared hearing the ruffling of her climbing into the laundry basket beside the couch struggling to throw the small rags over her until Leo walked in with an arm full of towels that had just finished in the dryer trying to help the woman who was close to passing out, the leader trying not to laugh looking at his niece when she reached for them
The tiny squeak as he dropped all of them on top of her had Mikey grinning seeing them moving as she curled into them finally going still calling her daddy to find her
Without missing a beat he glanced over seeing her little snout sticking out scooting closer before tapping her nose lightly “Hey is there room in there for me!?” the rate of speed from which she stood up looking shocked he had found her made the others burst into laughter, demanding him stop cheating and count again she took off fast climbing under Uncle Raphie’s chair hiding behind his legs.
It didn’t matter where she went the joyful giggles were a dead give away his favorite was her trying to hide so she could see him those baby blues always made him want to look at her
After the game ended he dropped the remote leaving the game as fast as possible leaping up over the couch grabbing her as he landed getting excited squeals from the kicking child. He tickled her kissing all over that little face cradling his baby close telling her how beautiful she was until she kicked at him making the turtle sit up pouting at her as she took one his hands at a time covering his eyes making him count
As he got to five he felt a small pressure on his shell as the little girl climbed up on him  but didn’t react waiting until he heard the small click as one of his brothers hooked her in with his boards sling getting up hearing her giggle as she held the top of his shell. He walked around looking every where seeing his brothers dying as he searched acting completely oblivious to where she was stunned he couldn’t find the child until she climbed up squealing in excitement for finally hiding from her daddy in a place he couldn’t find
Now once she had calmed down he bounced around yelling it was his turn quickly going to hide by jumping over the couch sticking his head under the pillow waiting for her to get him after she finished her version of counting
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The little pats of tiny feet walking into the weight room drew his attention away from the bar he was holding up having not been able to fall asleep feeling overheated but not wanting to wake up his mate for some fun he had tucked his love in and decided to work out until he was tired
Raphael had just started his third set he was surprised to see his little girl standing there with a sad look in the doorway; her princess pony sleep pants dragging around her tiny feet as she pulled at the shirt that was getting too small for her, that little lip set in a pout tears filling those stunning golden green eyes “Ay there kitten – what’s wrong baby ya ‘ave a nightmare?” seeing her nod he sat the bar back down on the hooks sitting up as she shuffled towards him sniffling, picking her up after hearing her telling him about the scary creature that had been chasing her “C’mere kitten” he kisses her head trying to calm her by rubbing her little shell the way she liked “Ain’t nobody gonna hurt ya ‘m the scariest thing in these tunnels ain’t no half ass loser gonna get ya while ‘m here, want daddy ta kick that monsters ass fer messin with m’ girl” he couldn’t help the smile that took over his face as she nodded fast curling up against him
He never thought for a second he would be right here in his life; sure he had dreamed of a better life but it was just that a dream
He had never thought he could fall for a beautiful woman who had become his best friend in a short time after meeting by accident, he had taken the risk showing her he wasn’t wearing a costume after a few too many drinks, for some reason she had liked him, he hadn’t thought she would love him for who he was green skin shell and all but all night she was at his side and as the night grew later her drunken self becoming more then friendly, one crazy night of uninterrupted passion turned into a few months later hearing her say that she was pregnant
Time stopped right there
Not knowing what to do or how to process the sudden news he had sat down too stunned to speak the fact that she had told him it was obvious she wanted to keep the baby and he didn’t even question it Raphael had took her hand pulling the sobbing woman against his chest holding her tight whispering a promise that they would face it together and from then life had been perfect and took off fast
They were a couple right off the bat driving one another crazy, ridiculous fights that always ended ion them laughing and finding they were a match made in hell, he loved laying on her chest talking to the baby so affectionate when nobody was looking being the teddy bear she teased him for.
He was a committed father before he heard that first heart beat, before he had even seen the sonogram he was wrapped around his baby’s finger. As she reached her final month the massive turtle surprised her one night by pulling the woman into his room covering her eyes until he was ready for her to see. Where all his weights and belongings had once sat he had moved almost everything out placing it in the tiny area she had been given her stuff was in there now along with a nursery he had set up for his little angel on one side having built a crib and gotten her a comfortable chair and made both of them a blanket
Their daughters birth had been a shock a month before her due date that his wife still hadn’t let him live down since it had been his fault, he didn’t think so but hey he couldn’t have been the only man to break their girl’s water during a slightly rough love making session- Maybe…
But since the night that little girl was laid in his arms he was glad he had taken the chance, letting somebody in because she made him believe in miracles, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen next to his girl a mix of both of them his life had been flipped upside down by that sweet face and he hope it never changed. In a few weeks his woman was going to deliver another little girl even though his brother said he couldn’t tell the gender they knew it had to be a girl, or that at some point in his life he deserved the mini him that had started it all that was curling up in his lap clinging to her turtle baby doll
“Tell ya what – how bout ya tell Daddy what will make ya feel better kitten?”
He gave her time to collect herself much like him she wasn’t good in voicing her emotions but hearing her small whisper snapped him out of his thoughts looking at her as she asked if they could play a game pleading with her daddy when he told her she really needed to go to bed
He wanted to finish his work out but seeing those big eyes shinning up at him he gave instantly never really able to tell his baby ‘No’ sitting her down covering his eyes starting to count as he did some curls hearing her giggle as she went and hid under the meditation pillows her feet just visible chuckling as she called him to find her, groaning as he tossed his water bottle making her jump looking so betrayed he hadn’t let her win trying to find a better spot in his weight room but when told to count he started just saying random numbers in a never ending sequence after so long she walked over pouting looking so agitated with him
That look told him he was three seconds from getting kicked in his shin making him straighten up before she was running as he jumped up starting towards the kitchen making her dive out of sight sneaking around the living room while he grabbed one of his protein shakes looking around not seeing her as he walked quietly through the area of their home even for his massive size he was so silent he managed to sneak up behind her when he saw her little tail wiggling as she crouched on all fours behind the couch sitting down smirking as she peaked out looking for him before sitting back looking so confused
He got low looking out over her head when she glanced around again trying not to laugh “Man I don’t know where he went but ya think he’ll find us ‘ere”
The screech she made had him on the floor rolling laughing loudly knowing they might have woken somebody as she jumped on him yelling he cheated before he had her in his arms amused as she tried to hit him but it dissipated quickly as she kissed his cheek covering her eyes trying to count knowing it was his turn to hide
Without thinking of it he quickly pulled into his shell watching his little warrior as she looked up to just see the huge shell hearing her laugh as she crawled forward peeking in looking for him her tiny hand patting his head making him come out never knowing they were being watched as his brother’s came in from patrol sneaking to their rooms without interrupting the game “Oh yer too good kitten… damn ya are so good at this baby I can’t hide from ya- Can daddy try again?”
The game went on until the last time he had walked around not seeing her at all until the turtle found her grinning as his heart melted completely finding her curled up in his recliner with one of the blankets he had knitted snuggled with her doll fast asleep; very carefully he lifted her up patting her shell when she stretched cutely sitting down as she nuzzled into his chest sleeping so soundly, he put his legs up knowing he wasn’t putting her in her bed kissing her little forehead as she snoozed on him
Raph watched over his girl nuzzling her as she whimpered making sure the nightmares didn’t return passing out at some point while brushing his fingers through her little curls being found the next morning by his wife and brothers still lounged back with his baby protectively held close curled up on his chest humming as the woman kissed them after draping a blanket over both to let them sleep a bit longer
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frazzledsoul · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @dollsome-does-tumblr even though I haven't written fic in a gazillion years.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
The first thing that hit Rory Gilmore when she woke up was an overwhelming sense of vertigo.
The migraine was encroaching on the borders of her skull soon followed.
Where was she?
(The Morning After, Gilmore Girls, post series, Rory/Jess, or what happens when two not-quite-stepcousins hook up and everyone in Stars Hollow debates whether they should be encouraging this or not)
The first time they tried a real relationship again, it was a disaster.
He hadn't seen or talked to her for five years. Part of him regretted that a little, but she did say no, and he knew he had to start fresh if he was going to make any sort of clean break from the family legacy that had claimed him long before he was born.
(The Dynastic Plan, Gilmore Girls, AYITL era, Rory/Logan, or Logan explains to us why he could not get his shit together with Rory during AYITL)
Luke first noticed that something was amiss when he picked April up from the airport.
It was the middle of spring and she was wearing a turtleneck, a baseball cap, and sunglasses. When he asked her about it, she shrugged and claimed she thought that Connecticut was having a late winter spell, which didn’t sound right to him at all.
(The Cactus Incident, Gilmore Girls, post-series, in which Luke learns about the avian misadventures of one of his offspring)
“This has gotten completely out of control.”
Lorelai glanced up at her husband from where she was sequestered at her usual table by the window, surrounded by her laptop, piles of eclipse glasses in various colors, assorted boxes and tubes sprinkled in glitter and confetti, and a pile of streamers that had half fallen to the floor.
“This is a major celestial event, Luke”, Lorelai insisted. “A once in a lifetime opportunity to escape the daily drudgery of life to celebrate standing in the middle of the street for two hours and looking at the sky while we are treated to the spectacle of the universe pretending to usher in the doomsday a way too significant portion of the population are eagerly anticipating at any given moment –“
Luke put up his hand. “I get it.”
(A Convergence of Fancies, Gilmore Girls, Rory/Jess overtones I guess, post-AYITL, or Stars Hollow celebrates the 2017 solar eclipse, Rory is a sleep deprived new mom, and Lorelai is concerned because her family is watching too much Game of Thrones, aka the most chaotic thing I have ever written and I'm sorry)
Richard Lucas Gilmore’s second Independence Day celebration was turning out to be a lot better than his first.
For one thing, he was actually awake for it.
Rory’s pregnancy had stretched a week and a half past its original due date, leading to the delivery of her squalling bundle of joy on a humid June morning after fifteen hours of labor.
(Independence, Gilmore Girls, post-AYITL, in which Luke and Lorelai celebrate Independence Day with their combined offspring and toddler grandson and Lorelai confronts her impending empty nest syndrome)
Lorelai had thought that sending Rory off into the adult world would make her feel like her heart was being ripped out of her chest.
She had been dreading it for days, weeks, maybe even years. Despite what everyone had told her when she was a newly knocked-up teenager, she still felt that those first eighteen years raising Rory as she grew up herself had been the easy part.
(Full Circle, Gilmore Girls, post-series, in which Lorelai and Rory go through the same major milestones at the same time)
The fall of 2017 was turning out to be quite a revelation for Lorelai Gilmore-Danes.
She had never loved fall quite as much as she loved winter. Sure, there was the crispness wrought by the change of seasons and the concurrent excuse to shop for brightly colored sweaters and boots.
(The Grandparents, Gilmore Girls, Luke/Lorelai, post-AYITL, or Rory's love triangle and parenting woes as seen through Luke and Lorelai's eyes)
Few enterprises seemed to be designed with a specific target in mind quite as much as Facebook was for Lorelai Gilmore.
It caught her a little by surprise. Sure, she knew the basics of using a computer to run her business and control her finances. She could be disciplined and organized when she absolutely needed to be, and there was little use in clinging to outdated technology.
(Boundaries, Gilmore Girls, Luke/Lorelai, post-AYITL, or Luke and Lorelai try to rebuild their relationship and are very angsty about it)
Luke and Lorelai's third Valentines Day as a married couple started in the usual way.
It was usually their tradition to spend the holiday at home, but this year they had departed for Luke's cabin on the lake to spend a few days by themselves before the rest of the family joined them on Sunday. It was a beloved, time-honored tradition between the two of them to devote this day to each other to celebrate with their own brand of fanfare. Their adult children knew to stay very far away from them during this time.
(A Season of Peace, Luke/Lorelai and Rory/Logan, post-AYITL, in which Luke and Lorelai spend a weekend in the snow with their brood and we get an update on the younger generations's relationship statuses)
"I'm pregnant."
She turned to face me. Gap-mouthed. Shocked. Disappointed. Humiliated.
This was not how I planned to share this news.
(A Simple Twist of Fate, Gilmore Girls, AU but fairly canon adjacent, in which Jess is Rory's baby daddy and Rory discovers that he has not exactly been solely pining for her in the years they were apart)
Jess didn't exactly intend to introduce his daughter to professional sports in this manner.
For the most part, he and Rory weren't quite the stereotypical thirtysomething hipster couple that they sometimes appeared to be. Sure, Rory was still occasionally breast-feeding after seven and a half months, and you could find quinoa and kimchi in their fridge stocked next to the baby food and hoagies.
(Home, post-AYITL, Rory/Jess, a "fast forward" of ASTOF in which Rory and Jess raise their daughter in Philadelphia and try to avoid admitting that they are no longer hip)
Lorelai Gilmore's journey to becoming an active participant in Stars Hollow town life was a bumpy one.
She stepped off of the bus in Stars Hollow a few months after her eighteenth birthday, freshly divorced and clutching her almost two-year-old daughter by the hand, determined to talk herself into whatever opportunity presented itself to her. She wasn't able to work on her charms on Taylor Doose at the grocery store, or Fran Weston at the bakery, but William Danes at the hardware store gave her directions to the inn at the outskirts of town and an offer to work the counter at his store if things didn't work out.
(Beginnings, Gilmore Girls, pre-series/AU, Luke/Lorelai, in which Lorelai and Luke's parenting situations are reversed: she and Christopher are divorced and he is involved in Rory's life but Luke is raising April by himself after Anna flaked out, and they start to bond)
Lorelai Gilmore Danes didn't expect to have empty nest syndrome hit her quite like this.
She'd spent much of her adult life – even long before she was technically an adult – tethered to Rory's side and not regretting a second of it. Then Rory was grown up and off exploring the world, and she was settled down with Luke in their unconventional but happily domestic manner.
(Glimpses Through the Looking Glass, Gilmore Girls, drabble series that goes all over the place based on #NationalFillInTheBlankDay)
Ted and Robin's seemingly long-awaited reconciliation lasted just short of six months.
Five months, three weeks, and two days, to be exact. Not that anyone was counting, least of all Robin.
(Making It Easy, How I Met Your Mother, Barney/Robin, post-series, in which Robin figures out that dating a widowed Ted is actually a very bad idea)
In the end, it was decided that the best way to resolve the battle for the Iron Throne was to dissolve it completely.
It had been a savage war, far more savage than any of its players had fought up to this point. Euron and Cersei were dead.
(The Calm, Game of Thrones, post-series but written halfway through season 8 so it doesn't include any of the stuff that people hate, in which I come up with a solution to the Jonerys dilemma that no one liked but it was still better than canon)
Summer finally bloomed beyond the wall five years after Jon Snow had crossed it for the last time.
Sometimes it seemed to him that everything before those five years was nothing more than a half-remembered dream. He had braced for his departure for the wall half-hopeful: at least this grand march towards kingship, the burden of unwanted responsibilities, the dread in his chest as he wondered if he would survive to the end of the latest war was over.
(After, Game of Thrones, post-series, Jon/Tormund, or in which Jon Snow is living happily ever after beyond the wall with his ginger, his dog, and a family of his own because I am in charge and I say so)
“You’re still shit at that, you know,” Tormund whispered in Jon’s ear.
Magritte snickered from the other corner of the main room of their cabin where she was roughhousing with Ghost. Alsi sighed beside her, picking up her bow from where it was lying beside her and inspecting it for flaws.
(The Line, Game of Thrones, post-series, Jon/Tormund, in which Jon is still living happily ever after but takes his family to visit Queen Sansa)
The images solidified in Jaime’s mind as he made his way through the streets.
Charred skeletons. Screaming children. Rampaging soldiers. Blood. Smoke. Mangled limbs. Chaos. He couldn’t keep any of it straight.
(The Lion and the Snow - Snapshots, Game of Thrones, AU, Jaime/Brienne, in which Jon is King, Jaime is the Hand Without A Hand, Brienne is the Lady Commander of the Kingsguard, they are all disasters, and I am not telling this story in order)
Tormund didn’t intend to get seriously involved with anyone when he moved to King’s Landing.
It had been a rough couple of years. Hell, the entire last decade had been its own special blend of unexpected pleasure and slow, turgid, relentless episodes of confusion and pain. That was adulthood, he supposed. Always one damn thing after another.
(The Dragon Heist, Game of Thrones, modern AU, in which single dad Tormund - Brienne is his baby mama - falls in love with art student Jon Snow and there are lots of coparenting shenanigans)
Patterns: Gee, I like to start these stories off with long, complicated explanations of everyone's relationship status.
Favorites: I guess that would be starting off The Morning After with Rory half-horrified at what she has gotten into. I also like dropping right in on Jonmund domesticity in The Line.
Tagging: @fineosaur, @seethemflying, @aliveanddrunkonsunlight, @janiedean, @angel-deux-writes, @littlerockerao3, @istaricelebelasse, @tormundjonthings, @sdwolfpup, and anyone else who feels like it (apologies if y'all have already been tagged)
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captainchrisfics · 5 years
Sweet as Strawberries
About: First-person pov narrator and her husband, Chris Evans, go berry picking with their daughter and chat about having another. Probably the sweetest, sappiest thing I’ve ever written.
Word Count: 2,343
Requested By: Anon! Thanks for submitting this, I genuinely had the best time writing it. Fluff is so soul-cleansing sometimes. Hope you enjoy!
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Chris’s mouth was stained the faintest shade of pink between sneaking bites from juicy strawberries to the transfer of my lipstick every time he pressed his lips to mine. The apples of his cheeks and the top of his nose were rosy too, but that was from the morning chill. He pulled me into his chest and I looked up at him, admiring the way the noon sun glinted around him like a halo. Reveling in the bliss, I snuggled into the soft fabric of his worn flannel. 
He smiled down at me, rubbing his hand along my arm. “I told you it’s still too cold for this,” he said, chuckling as I shivered.
“I know it’s only April,” I responded, rolling my eyes. “But she wanted to pick berries with you all winter.”
Our eyes landed on the little girl running between the rows of bushes, wildly swinging her wicker basket. Occasionally, she’d bend down and pluck a good strawberry once a ripe one caught her eye, but the red ones were few and far between this early in the season.
“You remember when she was born?” I asked, pressing my cheek to Chris’s chest. He was a human radiator, but it still didn’t rid the cold from my bones. Really, I wanted to see if I could feel his heartbeat thudding through his layers of clothing.
Chris’s laughter rumbled like thunder. “Never gonna forget it,” he proclaimed, enveloping me in his strong arms.
“You said there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for her,” I reminded him with a tsk. Although I was sure my teasing grin would’ve given me away, I buried my face into the crook of Chris’s neck to hide it. “I feel like strawberry picking before you go film for the next few months isn’t a lot of her to ask.”
“Oh, just wait until the day she figures that out,” he chuckled. “You of all people should know she’s had me wrapped around her little finger the second she grabbed my pinky in that tiny fist.” Then Chris snorted as he started swaying with me, even though there wasn’t any music. “I never would’ve guessed it’d mean driving an hour and a half to the only farm opened this early in the season and freezing our asses off in the middle of a field.”
But then our daughter jumped up from the middle of a green patch. She raised her arm in the air, proudly waving the bright red berry squished between her small, chubby fingers. “Got a really good one!” she called to us, jumping up and down so hard her dress went flying. Despite the cold and our protests, she’d insisted on wearing a nice checkered red dress so she could match her favorite fruit. It looked awfully funny under the down coat and layers of leggings I’d wrestled her into anyway.
As quickly as she’d ran through the rows of berry bushes, unbearably eager to get her hands on whatever she could manage to conjure up in spite of the frost, she sprinted as fast as her five-year-old legs could carry her in our direction. 
“C’mon,” she pleaded once she’d reached us. Her pint-sized hand grabbed mine while the other wrapped around Chris’s fingers, dwarfed by their size. “You guys gotta help look,” she insisted as she tugged us through the field. “‘Cause I’m not gonna find all of ‘em for you to eat all of ‘em. S’not Halloween.”
I gave Chris a pointed look as I tried to stifle my laugh, telling him without saying it that this was his attitude coming through. He was already grinning at me with eyebrows through the roof, trying to convey the same. 
“You,” I mouthed, jutting my chin out to reference our little girl. As often as Chris liked to claim he didn’t know where she got it from, I had an idea. She inherited every last ounce of her father’s sass.
Chris’s lips drew into a tight line as his eyes crinkled shut and his head shook once in a defined ‘no.’ I raised my eyebrows, but before I could challenge his assumption, Chris said, “I didn’t touch a piece of her candy last year.”
I scowled as he blamed this on last Halloween. Our daughter finally talked him into wearing the old Captain America costume he snatched on the last set after her whole lifetime of begging to be brought around the neighborhood by Steve Rogers. He begrudgingly stepped into the old thing, bragging about how it still fit like a glove.
By the time they returned, our household had run dry, before I could even sneak any chocolate for myself. So when she collapsed in her bed, leaving her plastic pumpkin on the counter, I ate all of her Reese’s. Although she never liked peanut butter before, she decided the next morning that was her favorite candy and I’d committed an unforgivable crime. Chris, who was preparing for a role, refrained from pigging out with me and escaped punishment.
“I know, Daddy,” she said innocently, sending her dark pigtails bouncing with every step. She did too, he made sure she knew exactly who to blame.
“See?” Chris said between incredulous laughter. “At least someone in this family has a good head on their shoulders.”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s important to learn to share,” I grumbled in artificial annoyance. Chris only laughed, but soon stopped as our daughter drew his attention.
She slowed down as she focused on looking more intently among the green vines and thick layer of leaves for the patch of particularly ripe berries she’d managed to find. Chris and I started swinging her between us almost absentmindedly. She squealed as she protested half-heartedly, screeching about needing to focus.
Chris glanced down at our little girl, watching her giggle and leap into the air as we carried her momentum further. His smile grew impossibly wider and carved a dimple into his cheek and crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes. Chris took a deep breath, like he was trying to breathe in the bliss of this moment and replace all of his air as to never forget it. 
He looked at me, with the same smile that said so much more than that, his eyes searching for mine. Wanting to share the moment, to marvel at our little joy together. I grinned back, hoping it conveyed half the amount of pride and even just a fraction of the love that his expression did.
Then her little hands started wriggling more furiously from our grip. She ran between the rows, diving under a bush. She rose with two more bright red berries in her hands and an infectious grin on her face, the same smile that had me falling for her father in the first place.
Chris took only a couple strides to meet her before hoisting our daughter up onto his shoulders. She laughed in that lilting way her dad always seemed to squeeze out of her. It made me remember a time, entire years ago now if that’s even possible, that Chris and I would lay awake, staring at me moving stomach as she pushed and stretched underneath the skin. We would wonder what her laugh would sound like, what she would be like.
Too much like her father for her own good, if you ask me.
She popped the berry into her father’s mouth and scolded him for finishing it in one bite instead of saving some for her. They must’ve seemed giant in her tiny palm. Chris apologized anyway and reminded her what I’d said about sharing. As his hands quickly rubbed up and down her legs in an attempt to generate some warmth, he asked, “Can you see any more from all the way up there, darling?”
She rested an elbow atop Chris’s head to support her own. Our daughter peered over the field, a hand shielding her eyes from the high sun like a sailor spotting land. Her legs started to thrash with excitement, kicking Chris square in the chest. He couldn’t put her down fast enough. With her engine already revving, she took off once again to chase whatever berry she’d spotted.
Chris laughed as he caught the breath she’d knocked out of him. “She’s something else,” he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me to his side. He looked at me dreamily, in a way I always wanted someone to but wasn’t naive enough to hope for before I met him, as he said, “Just like her mama.”
“Now that’s something I’ll take credit for,” I grinned as I bumped my hip against his. Chris wasn’t listening though, he was too preoccupied watching our daughter dart between the bushes. She’d occasionally turn back to see that we were still there and, upon realizing we were already looking at her, she’d try to show us the trophies sitting comfortably in her basket, only for a few to topple out. 
“I want another,” Chris said, so sure of himself. Without a doubt in the world.
“Yeah?” I asked, trying to hide the hope in my voice. Truth was, I’d been wanting to have another baby for a while now. She was getting so big, after all. I knew our daughter would always be our baby, but I missed having a little one that fit so well in the crook of my arm.
“I mean, as long as you do,” he started to backtrack. Chris shifted uncomfortably, retracting his arm and shoving his hands into his pockets. I tried to catch his eye, but his gaze was on the sky.
“Hey,” I said softly, looping my arm through his, “I want another too.” I leaned my cheek against his shoulder.
Chris’s chest collapsed with a sigh of relief. His head rested on mine, neither of us taking our eyes off our little girl. “Scared me,” Chris chuckled dryly as he pressed a kiss on top of my head.
“We’ve been talking about it for years,” I reminded him of the long, late-night conversations we had. Chris always told me he loved being a part of a big family and wanted the same for his kids, to have the built-in best friends he did. 
I wasn’t entirely convinced at first, but our daughter changed my mind. The second she opened those bright, blue eyes, I remember thinking that I’d like to relive that moment a million times over. And when she really laughed for the first time, properly from the bottom of her stomach, she threw her head back the same way her father did. And, one morning, she saw Chris meditating in the living room. Without a word, she climbed into his lap and folded her legs in the same way and watched him with one eye open, trying to sync her breathing with his. Every time little bits of Chris popped out of her, when she furrowed her eyebrows just he did or said something with the same inflection he would, I realized I wanted to watch our children grow up over and over and over again.
“I feel like the timing’s finally right,” Chris sighed. “She’s so much more independent and I’m not signed to any more projects after this one wraps filming. Just saying, you know, I think it’s a good time to start trying again,” he reasoned, tucking his hand into the back pocket of my jeans.
In the past few years, it had never been. She was too little, demanding too much of us to even consider having another any time soon as far as I was concerned. And then Chris started working again. He was always dashing off to some other state to film or another country for promotional press, gone so long he’d miss our baby growing up and I’d miss his help.
“When you get back, though,” I asserted. “No shot in hell am I gonna be able to make breakfast as early as she wants with that god-awful morning sickness.”
Chris laughed again, resting his chin on top of my head. “So you’ve been thinking this through?” he teased. I pressed my lips together and narrowed my eyes at him, unsatisfied. “Kidding,” Chris retracted. “Of course we’ll wait another couple of months. I wouldn’t want to miss a second of it.”
“You say that now,” I warned, raising my eyebrows. “And then it’s three in the morning and I’m waking you up to send you to get some pickles because I’m craving that juice so badly I can’t sleep.”
“God,” Chris chuckled dryly. “Somehow, I’m still going to miss you.” He enveloped me in a hug. I pressed my forehead to the curve of his neck, trying to drown myself in his scent. Treasure the feeling of being in his arms while I still could feel his warmth. Tomorrow morning, his flight would come far too soon.
“It’s because you love me,” I mumbled against his skin, pressing my lips to his neck. I kissed up his jaw until I had to stand on my tip-toes to peck the tip of his nose. 
Chris’s warm hands found their way to my cheeks, numbed by the cold. He squished my cheeks together before placing a kiss on my puckered lips. “How’d you know?” Chris asked, looking at me with a crooked smile.
I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Had a feeling,” I shrugged into our hug.
Then another little body squirmed its way in between our legs, tucking herself between our knees. “You guys are not good at berry picking,” she insisted. “I found all of ‘em.”
“You did work really hard,” Chris said, placing a hand on her head. He ruffled her hair as the little girl’s features scrunched up with earnest annoyance. Chris pulled away from our hug to scoop her up into his arms. He peered into her small basket as his eyebrows shot up and his jaw dropped with mock shock. “That’s so many. I’m proud of you, kiddo.”
Tags: @patzammit​ , @thegetawaywriter​ , @coffeebooksandfandom​ , @captainsteveevans​ , @intrepidandabitcrazy​ , @super100012​ , @spilledinkindumpster​ , @torntaltos , @amiquette , @peach-acid , @southerngracela , @kelbabyblue , @artisticrogers1972 , @bval-1
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Stark Spangled Forever: One More
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Intro: How much can 2 words actually mean?
Warnings: Language! Smut (NSFW) No under 18s
Pairings: Steve Rogers and Katie Stark (Rogers)
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
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April 2026.
“James Anthony Samuel I swear to God you push your sister like that again and there’s no Baseball or Soccer practice for a month!” Steve glared at his son as he picked his 23 month old daughter up from the floor.
“She started it!” the 6 year old met his glare straight back “She smashed up my lego house!”
“Yeah, and you used to smash up our actual house when you were her age.” Steve pointed at him as Aurora buried her face into the crook of his neck, sobbing loudly. Steve gently shushed her as he looked down at Jamie “you’re bigger and stronger than she is, you don’t push her or hurt her in anyway, you got that? If she’s annoying you, you come find me or your ma.” Jamie looked up at his dad for a second, before he looked down, his wrong behaviour understood “Sorry Dad.” “It’s not me you should be apologising to.” Steve said, his voice softening slightly.
Jamie looked up, his blue eyes full of tears and Steve’s heart sank. He hated seeing his kids like this but he knew he had to tell them off when they misbehaved.
“Sorry Rori.” Jamie sniffed.
Rori turned her head to face him leaving a stream of snot and drool hanging from Steve’s shoulder as she eyed up her brother.
“MkayJay…” she sniffed and she leaned forward holding her arms out to him. Steve dropped her to the floor and she toddled across to his open arms and gave her elder brother a hug. Steve smiled as he watched them, despite the fact she bugged the crap out of him Jamie would do anything for his baby sister. Steve knew that.
He also knew that it was only fair Rori got chastised for her part in the argument. So he crouched down in front of them both and he looked at her.
“Aurora, you don’t touch Jamie’s toys unless he says you can ok?” he said to her, firmly but not angrily “You have enough of your own to play with.”
Or destroy as the case may be Her big green eyes, so like her mothers looked back and him and she nodded, looking down at the carpet, suitably chastised, her voice quiet “ok daddy” “Good girl.” He smiled, brushing her brunette hair off her face. When she looked back he was pleased to see both of them were smiling again. Crisis averted, discipline delivered…
“Cookie?” Rori asked hopefully and Steve sighed. He and Katie had been hoping that she would have slightly less of an appetite than her brother but no. The serum was as much a part of her as it was him. He glanced at his watch and seeing it was almost 4:30 pm he knew Katie would be home any time and he had just started their dinner before world war 3 had broken out in the living room. So as far as cookies went he really shouldn’t… “One.” He relented “but you better eat your dinner. And don’t tell momma.” He held out his hand. Aurora slipped her small palm into his and they headed into the kitchen, Jamie following.
There were no more tantrums or arguments that evening, just a small plea from Jamie as he tried desperately  to avoid going to bed at his 9pm weekend curfew      “Just one more please Momma and then I’ll go to bed I swear” he said from his spot sat in between Katie’s legs in front of her on the piano stool. Katie sighed and looked at Steve who leaned in the doorway of the smaller lounge at the back of the house and cocked his head to the side, raising his eyebrows before he shrugged. “One more…” she relented and Jamie clapped his hands as she placed her fingers onto the keys of the piano in front of her, Jamie lying his hands on the top of his mom’s. He wasn’t interested in learning to play, not really. Baseball and soccer were his things, but he enjoyed this, the alone time with his momma and dad that the two parents tried to ensure each of their younger kids got fairly (Emmy being far too old for any of that ‘mushy shit’ now) Katie’s hands flew over the keys and her soft voice gently filled the room as she sang, Jamie joining in after giving her a little grin when he recognised what she was playing. “I wanna be where the people are I wanna see Wanna see ‘em dancing Walking around on those…”
She stopped playing and looked down at Jamie playfully “What do you call ‘em?” “Feet!” Jamie said, holding his leg up. Steve let out a soft smile at the display of playfulness and affection between his wife and son as Katie laughed and carried on with the song. Eventually they finished and without protest Jamie turned to his mom and placed his arms round her neck. “Night Momma. I love you.” “Love you too baby boy. I’ll be up soon to tuck you in when you’ve finished your story ok?” He jumped down from the bench and headed over to his dad who gently guided him out of the room with a large, gentle hand on the back of his head. As he turned to go he cast a look over his shoulder as Katie stood up, closing the lid on the American Walnut finished Bösendorfer 155 baby grand piano he had bought her for her 40th. She turned to face him, and shyly smiled in the same way she always did when she caught him looking at her the way he was right then, the expression on his face soft, conveying just how much he loved her and it still knocked her off her feet. “You’re beautiful.” He said softly as she brushed past him in the doorway. “Charmer” she smiled as he captured her lips in a soft kiss before giving her ass a friendly squeeze with both his palms before he headed off after Jamie for their usual bed time stories. A father-son routine that Steve hoped Jamie wasn’t gonna grow out of any time soon.
A story about 1920s Gangsters later Steve bid Jamie goodnight and strode over the landing to Rori’s bed room. He picked up the stuffed bear that had fallen out of her toddler bed and, tucking it in next to her, he straightened the covers around his daughter’s chin and dropped a kiss to her head.  “Sweet dreams Princess” he said, standing up and turning off the lamp, flicking the pony night light on. “You know when they’re in bed I actually understand why we had them.” He chuckled gently as he entered the kitchen where Katie was unloading the dishwasher. Katie laughed softly  “They’re good kids really.” “I know.” Steve’s arms circled her waist “What time is Emmy back?” “You told her midnight…so probably about 5 past.” she grinned. “She text me before, she’s fine. Pete took her to a burger joint and they were just about to go into the movies…” “Better not be on the back row” Steve grumbled. “She’s 18 Steve.” Katie laughed before she sighed. “They’re all growing up so fast” “You not fancy one more?” He asked, his nose brushing against her jaw. Katie stilled and turned her head to face him. “I’m 42, still carrying extra pounds from Rori. And trust me when I say after her birth, I have no desire to push a baby out of my vagina ever again” Steve laughed loudly, his head tipping back as he did so. “Just a thought” he said, kissing the side of her neck before he straightened up. “You fancy a glass of wine?” “Getting me drunk will not make me agree to having another baby…” Katie sly eyed him as he opened the wine chiller and pulled out a bottle of Sancerre. Steve rolled his eyes “That’s not what I was trying to do… I thought seeing as they’re asleep, its Friday…we could sit outside by the fire pit and take some us time. Maybe I can make some loving on my baby momma.” She smiled and slipped her arms round his waist, standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss. “Sounds perfect daddy, let me just go tuck Jamie in and I’ll be with you.” *****
June 2026
Steve looked at his wife, simply smiling as she talked. It wasn’t often they got out like they had done before the kids, but tonight they were out for a meal and a few drinks for her birthday. She looked stunning. Her hair was curled loosely, hanging to one side over her right shoulder, her eyes were highlighted even more by the light brown shimmer that sat on her lids and her lips were plump and glossed with a soft, almost neutral pink. It reminded him a lot of how she had looked on her first date. Similar, but yet slightly different. A bit like them really. They weren’t radically different but everything they had been through, seen, done, becoming parents…it had made them evolve in a way but Steve’s heart still burst with pride and lust and love whenever he looked at the woman sat in front of him. Yes she had changed physically over the years. Taught lines of muscle had given way to softer curves over her stomach and thighs, her hips were bigger- not much- but it only served to emphasise her small waist even more. The curve of her ass was more pronounced as was her chest, both of which Steve was more than happy about, especially tonight as they were emphasised even more by the tight black cut off capris she was wearing, low cut shimmering gold top and high heels that made her shapely legs look even more toned. And right now he was imagining them hooked around his shoulders… “Are you even listening to me?” She sat back, glass of crisp white wine in her hand, a teasing smile on her face. He looked beyond gorgeous. Short, dark beard flecked with grey, strands of his short hair also Iightening slightly. His black long sleeved sweater which although loose did nothing to hide his still ridiculously toned physique underneath. He was deep in thought, but relaxed, she could see that from the way he sat. His elbow was leaning on the table, chin resting gently in his hand, his fore and middle fingers making an L shape against his cheek as his thumb gently brushed against the beard underneath his chin. She raised her eyebrows silently requesting an answer and he took a deep breath, and cocked his head slightly more to the left, eyes crinkling even further as he suppressed a chuckle because he had been caught, red handed.  “Sorry baby I was just thinking.” “You were miles away.” She said softly, leaving forward “what’s going on Soldier” He loved how she still called him that. And right then it made him want to bend her over the table and fuck her senseless. He squirmed slightly and picked up his wine glass, leaving back in his chair “Just thinking about you, how lucky I am…how gorgeous you are…” his voice dropped as he arched an eyebrow “and the things I’m intending on doing to you tonight.” They headed to a bar and bumped into Marcus and his brother, Allan, two of the guys who had religiously attended Steve’s support groups pre and post snap. Marcus gleefully told then that his wife, one of the returned, was expecting their first baby, news which both Katie and Steve had greeted with congratulations and a bottle of Don Perignon As they chatted and laughed with their friends, Katie was very aware of how tactile Steve was being. A hand on her back, skimming her ass every now and then, squeezing her hip, soft kisses to her temple and cheek.. it was all driving her wild so after an hour or so in the bar, when he asked if she was ready for home she greeted him with an affirmative nod. He held out her jacket for her, hands skimming the bare skin on her shoulders making her shiver. They bid their friends goodbye and headed out, hand in hand to hail a cab. Katie stole a glance at her husband, the father of her children and a fire lit in her belly. She had never loved anyone as much as she loves him. He wasn’t perfect, but neither was she. But they accepted each others faults as much as they loved each others better traits. He was an affectionate and loving man, both with her and their kids. Firm but fair and never shied away from lavishing affection on any of them. And then, in the dimly lit back seat if that yellow New York cab as it headed over Brooklyn Bridge something stirred in both her heart and her mind. She leaned over to him and gently nuzzled her nose into his neck, breathing in his aftershave. He gave an involuntary shiver and moved his arm around her shoulder as her nose now moved over the short whiskers that adorned his jaw and cheeks up to his ear where she whispered. “One more…” He turned to her, his eyes shining as he looked at her, smiling softly. “You sure?” He asked, barely able to believe it. She placed a soft kiss to his lips and whispered into his mouth. “Yeah, I’m sure.” It was all Steve could do to keep himself from jumping her there and then but somehow his will power held out. Once home, Emmy had simply raised her eyebrows when they had popped their heads into the lounge and told her and Peter not to stay up to late, and then rolled her eyes when Steve had pointedly told Peter the spare room was the 1st door on the right after you climbed the stairs. Closing the door to the lounge, Steve slung his wife over his shoulder causing her to giggle as he carried her upstairs, dropping her gently on her feet in the bedroom when she exclaimed she needed to pee. Steve shrugged off his sweater and was midway into undoing his trousers when she emerged from the bathroom, her pants in her hand, leaving her clad in just that delectable top and underwear. He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her almost naked ass and long legs. As she walked past, heading to the laundry basket in the corner of the room,  Steve looped both arms round her waist and pulled her discarded clothes from her hands, dropping them to the floor. He tugged her back into him, his hands gripping the hem of her top before he pulled it over her head, hands setting on her hips as she rolled her head back against his shoulder so he could lightly graze her skin with his lips.  Her hands gently moved between them as she undid the clasp on her bra and Steve slid the straps down, placing soft kisses to each of her shoulders causing her to shudder as he tossed that to the floor too. His palms flattened on her stomach as her arms slid up and connected round the back of his neck, pushing her chest up and he gave moan as he glanced down and saw her presented to him. One of his large hands crept into the front of her lace briefs, the other up to her chest, gently tweaking and playing with her as he saw fit, lips skating over her neck. “So beautiful…” he whispered and she moaned and writhed in delight at his praise and his actions as he worked her over “such a good girl for me…” Her head fell back even further into him as she let out a soft whimper of his name, his hands upping their pace slightly as she began to buck into his touch. She arched her back, her mouth fell open and then her head rolled forward as she came, knees trembling, her hands pulling at his hair. He held her up in his strong arms and whilst she was still in the after throws of bliss he nipped at her neck, drawing a soft groan from her mouth. “Gonna fuck a baby into you…” he said, lips hot on her ear “fill you up, see you all round with my child again…that what you want?” “Please…” she sighed, “Please put a baby in me, Daddy…”   His hands fell to her hips and he spun her round, lips crashing to hers almost bruisingly before he walked her backwards, her knees colliding with the bed as she fell back wards, Steve crawling over the top of her. His lips skated down from her mouth, to her neck, between the valley of her breasts and to her naval where his nose skimmed across the waistband of her panties. He hooked his fingers into the top and slid them down over her thighs, a hot kiss dropping to her ankle. His beard scratched her soft skin as he nipped his way up her leg, before setting his mouth to her. He licked, sucked, bit as she keened into him, her hands tangling into his hair as she writhed and groaned, trying but failing to keep her noise down. It wasn’t long before he’d gotten her there again and as she fell back, panting slightly he crawled over her, ridding himself of the remainder of his clothes as he did so. His hands placed either side of her head, he dropped his mouth to her ear and kissed just underneath before he whispered “I know you got one more in you baby…” as he pushed into her, the pair of them groaning at the sensation.
And she did. As he thrust into her powerfully, her hands skated up his arms to hi back, nails dragging down his skin. It was an assault on her senses, and as he continued to love her in a way only he could, the heat was rising again and she found herself teetering on the edge.
“That’s my girl…” Steve panted out as she arched her back and came again, this one leaving her utterly shattered. Steve wasn’t far behind her, releasing inside of her before they both collapsed, utterly boneless and melted completely into the bed beneath them. Her hands gently tangled into his hair and he lazily picked his head up and gave her a soft kiss, his nose rubbing up against hers.
“I love you baby girl.” he said softly, lips pressing against hers.
“Love you too…” she whispered into his mouth.
***** February 2027 Katie glanced down at the small, white stick in her hands. She inhaled sharply as she glanced at the result and tears filled her eyes as she stood up from the toilet where she had been sat on the lid, waiting for those precious last few seconds to pass.
Her mind strayed to the conversation they had held on Christmas eve little over 6 weeks prior…
“You know… it’s kind of ironic” Katie sighed as she nestled into Steve further, her head on his chest as the arm round her gently traced shaped on her side, under her jumper. “What is?” He asked, although he had a feeling he knew what was wrong. She sat up and looked at him, her eyes sad. “We’ve been trying for our little one more ow for 6 months. Doing everything right and…” she took a deep breath “maybe I just can’t anymore. I’m sorry Steve” “Hey.” He frowned, shifting so he was looking at her as she blinked, trying to stop the tears from falling “You have nothing to apologise for.” “I just know how much you wanted this and…” “Stop.” He said almost sternly as he gently cupped her face in his hands “we already have 3 beautiful kids. I don’t want you feeling like this” He hated it. Hated the fact he felt like he had backed her into this in a way. She was feeling inadequate and she was anything but. “I wish you’d told me you felt like this sooner.” He said softly, and she shrugged as he pulled her face to meet his in a soft, tender kiss. “One more try.” He rest his forehead against hers, his decision made “One more month and we forget it. I’m not having you feeling like this anymore baby. I love you too much to see you hurting ok?” She nodded and smiled gently, her hand reaching up and her fingers gently scratching through his beard. He closed his eyes and then her lips were on his, pulling him down on top of her on the couch, the movie on the tv completely forgotten as they lost themselves in each other again, moans and sighs filling the softly lit room.   No more tries. “Honey?’ Steve called later that evening, his keys dropping to the table in the hall as he greeted their now, very elderly dog, before he headed into the kitchen. She was sat at the table, eating dinner in between watching Aurora feed herself. Jamie was tucking into his food with gusto as both kids beamed at their daddy who greeted them both in turn. “Hi.” Katie smiled softly at him, taking the kiss he offered on her cheek “dinner is in the oven” “Sorry I’m late.” He said “ the faculty meeting went on a bit longer than I thought and then we got caught discussing the next semester…” “Steve it’s fine.” She assured him, taking a drink of her soda, eyes still on her fiercely independent daughter who probably had more spaghetti round her face than in her stomach. “How was your day son?” He asked once he had grabbed his plate and settled into the seat next to him at the oak table. “Ok.” Jamie shrugged. “Ok?” Katie looked at him “more than ok sweetie, tell your dad what you got in class!” “Oh I got the class weekly gold star for my art” he said, excitement flooding his tone. “No way!” Steve beamed at him, he loved the fact his son had inherited his talent “for the sketch you did of the planets?” Jamie nodded as he smiled. “Proud of you buddy” he said, ruffling his hair as Jamie’s grin at his fathers praise practically split his face in half. A few hours later both kids were in bed, they’d skyped Emmy who was just getting ready to go to a party in one of the dorms, something Steve wasn’t feeling all too comfortable about, and were heading up to bed. Steve was just about to make his way into the bathroom for a shower when Katie stopped him. “I have something to tell you.” She said softly before she opened the drawer at the side of her bed and with a sigh she pulled out the test. Steve felt his heart sink as she turned around and held it out to him. “Baby don’t be upset.” He said softly, as he took it, giving it a cursory glance “we agreed that if it didnt…” He trailed off and looked again. 2 blue lines. 2. “Oh my…shit.. Katie…” he looked up at her, his face shocked before he gave out a splitter of a laugh and grabbed her hips, swinging her up in the air. She laughed as he set her in her feet, giving her a soft kiss “You sure?” He asked, wanting to believe it but not daring to at the same time “Maybe you should do one more to be sure?” With a smirk she turned and reached into the drawer and began to toss test after test on the bed. 10 in total, including the one still in Steve’s hand. “Way ahead of you there soldier” “You’re incredible…” he said, tossing the plastic stick onto the bed and pulling her closer “My fucking incredible…” kiss “amazing…” kiss “ gorgeous” kiss “baby momma…” This time when his lips met hers she wrapped her arms round his neck and held him in place whilst she kissed him hard, deep, passionate before she pulled away, her fingers felt tracing his t-shirt clad chest “you mentioned something about a shower…” Grinning his hands slid under her ass and she laughed as he hauled her up, legs wrapping round his waist as he walked them into the en-suite.
***** August 2027 “One more baby.” Steve urged, his wife’s hand tightly gripping his right, his left brushing her hair back off her face “One more honey, you got this.” With a loud yell and a final, almighty effort she sagged back on the bed as a piercing cry hit their ears. “You did it…” Steve said, his eyes welling up “I’m so proud of you Kitten, you did it…” She laughed through her tears as their baby was placed on her chest, cries giving way to soft wimpers which turned into those familiar nickering noises babies make as their newest addition pressed into his momma, pink and wrinkled, brown hair spattering his head, his eyes the same shape and colour as his fathers, but the Stark nose stood out clearly, just as it did with Jamie. Their little one more, Henry Steven Rogers, Harry for short opened his eyes for the first time to reveal a shock of baby blue and Steve felt his heart swell even more. Out of all their kids he had been the easiest to name. Henry chosen by Steve, Steven picked by Katie, Harry agreed upon by both. There was no 3rd name. They didn’t have one they liked or felt drawn to and besides, in Katie’s eyes he didn’t need one, because his fathers was worth two. Something which had made Steve’s eyes fill with emotion when she had told him that. Harry was measured, weighed and returned to his father wrapped in a soft blue blanket as Steve preened over his latest progeny, another male to carry the Rogers name down the line. Eventually he began to fuss and was handed to his mother for his first feed, Steve settling in their bed, arm round Katie as he watched his son’s cheeks work hungrily. “I love you” he said gently, tilting Katie’s face round to his, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you too..” she smiled before they both looked down at their baby as he suckled on his mothers breast, tiny hand shaped in a fist which rest against her exposed skin. Steve gently traced his youngest son’s cheek with his finger, his chest felt like it was going to explode with emotion. After a few hours of being on their own with their baby boy, Katie having been cleaned up and Harry settled and changed and fed again, the peace of their hospital room was shattered. “There really should only be 4 visitors…” Steve heard the nurse say as the door hovered open a few inches. “Oh come on, what’s one more?” Sam’s voice pleaded. She must have acquiesced as the door opened further and their eldest and second eldest shot into the room, followed by Sam and Buck with their now second youngest held on his hip. “Oh Mom!” Emmy gushed, her large brown eyes shining as she looked down at her baby brother in her mothers arms whilst the men were exchanging back slaps and hugs “he’s beautiful” “Course he is” Steve replied, taking Rori and walking her to the bed so she could look at her baby brother “Your mom made him” Katie smiled up at Steve “You had something to do with it…” “The enjoyable bit.” We winked as Emmie moaned
“Gross..” Jamie climbed up onto the bed, his mum gently pushing down the blanket so he could see Harry’s face clearly. The sun was peeking through the blinds, the room was loud and crowded as their older kids aged 19, 7 and 3, and their friends- their brothers- took turns to hold and meet the newest addition to the Rogers family. Steve dropped a kiss to Katie’s head, the pair of them sharing a deliriously happy look.
“Thank you.” Steve said, resting his head against hers. “Thank you for making me the happiest man alive” She smiled, pressed a kiss to his lips before they both turned back to watching the other people in the room, both savouring every goddamned second as they knew full well there wouldn’t’ be another ‘one more'. Tags @the-omni-princess@momobaby227@jtargaryen18@geekofmanythings16@angelofhell-666@marvelfansworld@thewackywriter@cobalt-gear@asgardlover75@jennmurawski13@saiyanprincessswanie@patzammit@navispalace@joannaliceevans-fanficblog@icanfeelastormbrewing@djeniiscorner@ayamenimthiriel@coldmuffinbanditshoe@disneylovingal @madzmillz @sgtjaamesbaarnes@sweater-daddiesdumbdork
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mckenzierossistory · 3 years
Solo [Background Story Part One]
This is my story.
My parents are Donovan Rossi is a Navy Seal, Master Chief Petty Officer, and Angel Rossi, she was a singer; my grandparents are Alden Rossi, a Navy Seal, Captain, and Isabella Rossi is a music teacher. I’m McKenzie Grace Rossi. I was born July 28, on the hottest day in the summer. We lived in Nashville, Tennessee. Daddy said that they were very excited to have me. It was a blessing to them; it took a long time to get pregnant with me. When l starts to get older, my father, when away a lot to protect our country. Mama, when on tour, she makes sure she called me. So I am with my grandparents a lot. My Grandaddy was very strict about things, but Granny wasn’t until you piss her off. I wonder where l get my temper from, a southern woman that carries a wooden spoon that will fixin’ you real fast. Granny ensured that I was always busy; music was a big part of my life with my Mama and Granny. One day mama was on tour, the news announced that Angel Savannah Rossi was murder by a fan.
My Grandparents knew that they would have to protect me more. I start to look like my mama with the sassy, southern girl charm that can charm off a man’s pants. Granny said to Grandaddy and Daddy that will be a special man that can handle me when l get a little older. My daddy knew that his mama was right. Still, for now, Daddy didn’t want to lose me from mama fan, he put in a request to move to Florida; my grandparents took me to Florida before Daddy came back from his mission; we are on base the time Daddy got back, he knew we are safe, Grandaddy chuckles at the guys as l got older. I started to look like my mama; Daddy was growling at his unit, warn them about me that I’m off-limits. Throughout high school, l wanted to be a cop; I didn’t want to be Navy Seal like my Granddaddy and Daddy. I applied for the police academy I have gotten in; I had to work twice as hard as everyone else because my granddaddy and father are Navy Seals; when l graduate from the police academy, I went to Narcotics Unit, I did a lot of undercover work. I was offered to go to Sniper school. I had to go to DMO Camp Geiger, the United States Marine Corps base in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
We got off the bus, meet Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Trooper, then l meet Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan. He was a tall guy. I had to prove myself a lot l was the only female on the base at the time; I learned a lot about being the best sniper, a lot of rumors about Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan that he was the best sniper in the world. A lot of the guys start to notice me. Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan has a stop of that; I was here to learn. Graduation hit, my family was there. A few months later, l was on the roof, my phone ring; I couldn’t talk when l am on a case. He left a message asking me to come to meet him. A few days later, I sent him a text message because my partner's wife got hold of my cell phone; she knew that l had the hottest for Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan.
The date is set to go to the bar off base to meet him. My partner's wife picked out a very sexy emerald dress with a pair of black Jimmy Choo’s, a very sexy lace black bra, and matching panties. I drove to the bar. I was very excited and very nervous about seeing Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan again. I step in. The guys that l graduate with are snipers. They are whistling and hollering at me. I saw Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Trooper hugs him. We talked a little he knew l was a sniper for the swat team; he hears that he was undercover.
The bartender steps out of the bar hugging me, he asked me what l wanted to drink, and l told him a glass of white wine. I couldn’t get away from Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Trooper; then, I saw Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan as the song of “Burnin’ it down, by Jason Alden.” Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan has a smirk on his face telling the guys that they are dismissed. I smiled, taking a sit with Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan in the corner of the bar with him talking about everything and anything. He told me to stop calling him Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan; I just called him Jayce. I feel his hand on mine, then we kissed. That night was unforgettable with him; a month later, l found l was carrying Jayce’s baby. I sent Jayce to tell him, but l knew that he was on a mission in Iraq. Sergeant Majors Pete Cox and l start to become friends; I have gotten into some trouble with the Russian Mob with a case. So Sargeant Majors Pete Cox starts to protect me. I passed out in the house. I was rush to the hospital to have #AshleyLynnCaelan on July 24.
A few years later, #AshleyLynn, she is turning three years old, she is so excited about having her Birthday in Miami, Grandaddy and Granny live next to us, I couldn’t believe who l am seeing it’s Jayce. We started to talk; we had our first date on the beach was romantic. He moved in; I finally told Jayce that #AshleyLynn is his daughter, giving him proof of it along with her birth certificate; we got married on April 14, 2019; the wedding was a surprise for him, I had a lot of help to pull off for us. Then we went to visit my mother's parents; I was pregnant with our little boy, I miscarriage on him that broken my heart along with Jayce’s heart we pulled threw it then we got #AngelSavannah, a few months later Jayce got his assignment the girls always send him pictures, and letters and AshleyLynn put a teddy bear in Jayce bag so he will have someone to keep him company. #TBC
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