#Any way I hope you had fun at camp Riley!
campoverlook-if · 1 month
The Horror Corner #1: Bad Ben
Hey all, welcome to the first post of The Horror Corner, a special type of post where I talk about horror media that has either inspried me to write Camp Overlook, or is just something I really like and want to highlight.
Of course, people's opinons of what type of stuff I post for the page matters to me. Personally I believe this series will really highlight the fact that CO is a horror game, and the blog should be open to discussing horror related things that may not fully relate to the game.
I can post whatever I want on a blog, but it isn't fun if people think it's clogging up their feed. Especially if it's something they aren't into. So while this may be the first THC post, it could also be the last, depending on how people feel about it.
With that little disclaimer out the way, let's start the post.
(I forgot I had this queued up, please enjoy it anyways haha...)
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Above is the image of the man, the myth, the legend himself; Nigel Bach AKA, Tom Riley. The main lead of the Bad Ben franchise.
It all starts when Tom Riley decides to buy a house out on Steelmanville Road during a sheriff's sale. Thinking a house for that price is a steal, he takes it in the hopes of flipping the place and selling it for a massive profit. But he soon learns that things aren't quite as what they seem in this house in the woods. The previous owners disappeared with a word to no one. All their funiture and personal belongings filling the rooms like they never left at all. And strangest of all? The house is completely covered in cameras, watching Tom's every move.
Contrary to what my intro might tell you, this film is a straight horror comedy found footage film (my favorite genre of horror film). Not because they try to be funny, but Nigel Bach is just not an actor and he's never claimed to be. The original actors he had hired never showed up to the filming, so he decided to act it all out by himself, how hard can it be?
Nigel really is the star of this film series, his plots are all over the place and yet they can still be pretty easy to understand. His future films deal with the likes of multiverses, forced loops, colorful casts of characters, and even better(yet worse?) special effects. But its this first film that really started it all for Nigel and I'm very happy for him. I discovered the series back when it was just a trilogy and never thought it would lead into having a 12th film.
Bad Ben isn't one of my inspirations for Camp Overlook, but it has always given me thoughts of 'expect the unexpected.' Just when you think you know what's going on in the story it just drags you right back, throwing stuff at you, you just wouldn't expect. It also showcases what can be achieved when you fight for your dream no matter what setbacks you may be given.
Currently, the series is no longer available for free on any platforms. Previously, Nigel had worked with a company to get his films put on Tubi, however they ended up tricking him where he recieved no residuals for films of his creation. For now, they can only be rented or bought from his Roku channel or on Prime.
I believe it's worth it to at least rent the first film for the 2.99 it's currently offered under. Everyone deserves to get at least one little taste of this man and his imaginative world of Bad Ben.
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Also check out the game, it's really funny (and free)!
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Simon Ghost Riley
Library 📚
Warnings: This is a cowboy au story, so mature themes. mature language and themes. If you are uncomfortable with these themes, pls don’t read…. Also I saw that @caveofbats wants more cowboy ghost stories, so I’m pushing through my sickness and creating a story.
The roads as dusty as they were, seemed to be tainted with the blood that was spilt by those who choose to introduce chaos in such a calm town. The sherif was constantly pinning up bounty posters, hoping some sorry sod will stumble in and take a chance at fifty dollars. No one seemed to take any and the crime rate only went up, which in turn hurt the town as people fled and others put up warnings to stay away if they could.
However, one person seemed to think the warnings were stupid as these rich and arrogant bounty hunters that looked down on these “cheap bounties” since it wasn’t over one hundred per head. The way he walked into town to see worried looks from the few that remained , strutting into the sheriff’s office, he started unpinning posters and waved off after he received information for the first one.
Promised more information for the return of the criminals, he strutted out to his horse that was hitched outside. Riding out into the desert hills, he began tracking and soon the criminals would learn that there was a ghost on their trail. The games began and he was going to finish them one by one. If no one was going to, he might as well show everyone how it’s done.
Looking up the hill, he adjusted his cowboy hat and smirked underneath his mask as his first capture was within a few feet. Soon they would be seeing the ground as he hoisted them over his horse and brought them into the town and right into the jail house.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months as Ghost haunted his victims all over the country. Some thinking they’d be safe up in the snowy mountains, but they’d be hunted even after the snow covered their tracks. They hid in tiny villages, but the civilians were more than happy to rat them out for a few dollars.
Every poster started adding up and he was just coming out of the gunsmith with a new scoped Carcano rifle when the sheriff was staring at him with a brand new bounty poster. Slinging the gun over his shoulder, he took the poster but almost fainted when he saw the price on this one’s head.
“Fifteen thousand!? What did this bastard do?” Ghost asks as he tries to think on what they must of done to accumulate such a price.
“Riley Black . A bloody bastard for sure. They take pride in killing and robbing. They hang their victims and use them for target practice, but by the time we find the bodies, they’re long gone. Last we heard, they were down by Hutches creek, that’s just south of tumbleweed. My guess they’ll be hitting them next.” The sheriff huffs
Ghost nods and mounts his horse and prepares for the three day journey he’s facing when the sheriff stops him.
“Look son, you’ve been a good help. Im just gonna warn ya. This one will be more challenging for more than one reason. While Riley is dangerous, you’re also going to be dealing with multiple bounty hunters. Now that they’re back on the market, you’ll be dealing with more than just a cold killer.” He nods
The desert got quite cold at night and Ghost decided it wasn’t fair to his companion to continue tonight after the work they’ve put in, so he sets up camp while looking at the poster. Getting a good look at the sketch and seeing those haunting eyes looking into his equally haunting ones.
“Im going to have fun bringing you in, Riley” he mutters before tipping his hat down and falling asleep.
The morning sunlight had been burning for already five hours and Ghost had made progress over the hills as he tries to reach tumbleweed before Black. It was going great until something caught his eye.
Pulling out the Carcano rifle, he looks through the scope to see a body hanging from a tree. What looked like a young woman, but unfortunately she wasn’t the only one.
“Bloody hell. The bastard really is sick” Ghost mutters
Riding up closer, he shoots the rope as three bodies fall to the ground, one after the other. They were still warm, so they were obviously fresh kills and looking at the shade of red that stained their clothes, they were done just this morning.
“You can’t have gotten far. You’ll pay for what crimes you committed” Ghost says as he takes the shovel from the side of his horse’s saddle and takes the time to dig three graves.
As he marches onwards, he spots smoke coming from a small camp. Not thinking anything of it, until he saw that familiar hat.
“Looks like I’m going to be much richer tonight” Ghost snickers as he urges his horse to quietly take him to you.
“Riley Black?”
He turns around with a hand on his revolver at the unfamiliar voice. Coming to a standstill with some guy in a skull mask with a fancy gun, he just huffs before turning back to his cup of coffee.
“Who May you be, huh?. Some kind of bounty hunter? You don’t look like the sort.” Riley snorts
“I got a poster with a big price below YOUR name. Now, we can either do this the hard way, or the easy way.” Ghost huffs
“I have no interest in going peacefully and I know you need me to come in alive for that big price.”
“Unfortunately” Ghost snarls
The rushes of horses galloping their way put the conversation on pause as what Ghost was warned about came true.
“Friends of yours?” He taunts
“I work alone” he replied
“Charming. Tell ya what, you help me take them down and I’ll give you what you want, or you can miss out of a big pay.” Riley smirks
He aims his rifle at the group of bounty hunters as Black grabs his rifle and begins to take the vultures out one by one.
As they started getting closer, he swapped to his cattleman revolvers and began dropping them faster now that he was closer to his targets.
As the last man fell off his horse, Ghost grabbed his lasso and pushed Riley Black to the ground.
“I can offer you more than they’re offering. I got more money than they could even dream of” he tried squirming which earned a kick in the gut.
“Oh just shut up. You’re going to see the punishment for your crimes.” Ghost was beyond annoyed at this target. Taking a good look at the beautiful creature that he once rode around the country, he untethered it and hitched it to the saddle of his and mounted his trusty horse and started making the trip back to the heartlands.
Riding into the familiar town, the sheriff was the first to greet him as he dropped Black down on the porch of the sheriff’s office.
“They’re all yours sheriff.” Ghost groans as he stretches.
“You might have won, but I’ll go out knowing that you and your friends failed to help all those innocent people. Who’s really the bad guy here, huh? Cause I’ll tell you something sheriff, there’s no good guy in this scenario.” Riley smirks
The sheriff hands Ghost his money and he hears him scoff.
“Money tainted by blood. Do you feel proud of yourself?” Black taunts
Ghosts hand grabs his face and makes him look him in the eyes.
“My money isn’t tainted by blood the way yours is. I kill people sure, but it’s people that need killing. I also don’t leave my victims up in places for the other innocent people to see.” He says before leaving.
As he leaves the saloon that night, he hears your name briefly before the judge orders for you to be sentenced to death by hanging. Untethering his horse, he walks back up towards the sheriffs office looking for more work.
“Unfortunately I’m all out, go check out that town out west. I think it’s called Oakville, they may have work for you.” The sheriff chuckles
Ghost just nods and heads out west with his new line of work laid out infront of him. As he strolls into the small town, he meets familiar eyes that light up when they see him.
“Long time no see, sir” the Scottish accent makes its way into Ghosts ears.
“Anything good McTavish?”
“Oh boy you’re gonna love this next one. Some crazy bastard robbing banks. Got a whole gang with him. At least ten of them.” John smiles
“We’ll need a gang of our own if we want to take them.” Ghost sighs
“Already on that sir. Ain’t that right sir?” John smiles
Ghost turns to look behind him as he sees familiar teammates walking over.
Price, Roach, Gaz, Laswell and you all approach and suddenly Ghost is back in the saddle as the gang pulls out and heading up north to hunt this bloody bastard.
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aceghosts · 1 year
Worriedly inspecting your temperature after noticing your lack of mood and giving you a chaste kiss on the forehead. For Riley and Ingo
Thank you for this one, Biggie! It is a lot of fun to write these two!
[Prompt List]
Summary: When Riley gets sick in the Coronet Highlands, Ingo appears at the right time to help.
Words: 1,351 words.
Content Warnings: I don't think there are any content warnings that need to come with this, but let me know if I need to tag for anything.
Author's Note: Okay, I hope this makes sense as it takes place in Legends Arceus, and before these two are in a relationship. If anything sounds awkward or unclear, just let me know.
Riley finally needed to admit it: they were sick. Guess running around in the Coronet Highlands during a rainstorm yesterday was a really dumb idea. Wasn’t the first time they made a stupid decision. And it definitely wouldn’t be the last time. They cough, their Garchomp, Chompers, eying them warily. “Oh please, like you’ll catch this.” Riley winces, their already sore throat hurting from speaking.
Chompers snorts, shuffling away from them with a wary look in her eyes. Riley rolls their eyes. “Come on. We’ll head back to the Mountain Camp; we’re not far.” Getting up from the tree they were sitting under, Riley lets out a low groan of protest, their muscles sore and achy. Stepping forward, Riley stumbles, nearly crashing to the ground. Oh no, not good. Out of the corner of their eye, Riley catches Chompers, shaking her head at her human’s stubborn foolishness. They could call one Wyrdeer for a ride, but it would take Wyrdeer a while to arrive, and Riley just wanted to get back to camp to sleep. Biting back a sarcastic remark, Riley starts their slow journey back to camp, one shaky footstep at a time. The wind blows, a shiver running over them.
“RILEY!” Of all the people in this Arceus-forsaken land, it had to be him. It had to be Ingo. Riley nearly wanted to laugh in frustration. It’s not that Riley didn’t want to be around Ingo; They always wanted to be around him. Becoming friends with Ingo and Emmet had been one of the few good decisions in Riley’s life. But it was difficult when he couldn’t remember Riley the way they remember him. It hurt in the worst way possible, something Riley didn’t think could happen. They just wanted their best friend back; They just wanted the man they lov-. No, those thoughts wouldn’t help. Riley would find Arceus and make things right or die trying. They owed Ingo that much.
“Warden Ingo,” Riley turns slowly, trying to not look like they were two seconds from collapsing on the ground, “uh, how are you?”
Ingo’s smile falters, the familiar frown on his face returning. His chrome silver eyes roam over them, taking in their pathetic appearance. “You are unwell,” He notes, his frown deepening, “You should return and rest; safety should be a top priority for all of us. What station do you plan to return to?”
“I’m fine,” Riley snaps, Ingo’s eyes widening. He looks a little hurt, and guilt crashes over Riley. No! They hadn’t meant to make him feel bad; they know he is just trying to help them. “Sorry, just tired, but I’m fine.”
He shakes his head. “You are not as you suggest, fine.” Ingo moves closer to them, invading Riley’s space. Most people would have gotten a sarcastic comment from Riley, but they never minded when Ingo was in their personal space. He presses the back of his hand against their head, a soft gasp escaping from him. “You are burning up! You need to return to the nearest station, immediately.”
“I think I’ll be okay-.”
“Stop,” Ingo cuts them off in the middle of their sentence, “Please do not lie to me, especially when it concerns important matters such as your health.” Riley wants to laugh a little. Back in Unova, it was normally Riley dragging Ingo and Emmet away from their jobs to take a break. And now Ingo was trying to get them to rest. As they search his kind eyes, all Riley finds is concern and something else they can’t quite name. It’s not fair that he looks at them that way, not fair at all. All Ingo had to do was give them those eyes, and Riley could be a complete and utter push-over.
Stepping back as they try to put distance between themself and Ingo, Riley coughs into their elbow, this cough sounding worse than the last. A new wave of anxiety flickers over Ingo’s face, and Riley tries to comfort him. “Don’t worry about it,” They attempt to give him a reassuring thumbs up, “We’re heading back to camp. Chompers is keeping an eye on me.”
“Chomp?” Chompers questions, as if this is news to her.
“It would be irresponsible of me not to conduct your journey safely back to camp. Onward, we go!” Some things never change. Even if he didn’t remember who he was, Ingo was still the same, especially with his one-track mind.
Too tired to continue arguing with him, Riley, Ingo, and Chompers start their journey back to camp. Riley shivers, struggling to keep up with the slow pace set by Ingo and Chompers. They yawn, already wishing they were back in camp, asleep in their bed roll. As they walk, Riley catches Ingo, watching them closely, practically hovering over them. Every time they even stumble slightly, they see Ingo move, ready to catch them if they should fall. “Something on your mind?” Riley asks.
Ingo is silent for a second, clearly trying to choose his words carefully. “Do you feel capable of walking?”
Riley raises an eyebrow. “I thought that’s what I was doing.” Poorly, but they were upright, at least. Gotta look on the bright side.
“You seem to be struggling. Please allow me to assist you; I do not want to watch you hurt yourself.” Riley stops, Ingo stopping beside them. “Please.” He adds softly, giving Riley those eyes again.
Arceus, be damned. “How do you want to help? It might be a little hard for me to lean on you, since-.” Riley motions between the two, Ingo being significantly taller than them. It sucked being short sometimes.
Tipping the brim of his tattered cap down, Riley notices the faint blush on his cheeks that he is trying to hide. “I could carry you back.”
Riley’s cheeks heat up. “I wouldn’t want-.”
“You would not be,” He blurts out loudly, Riley slightly wincing, “In fact, I insist! We could call Sneasler if you would prefer, but our journey would proceed much quicker if you allowed me to carry you.”
Ingo is right. Even though she comes as fast as she can, it does take Sneasler some time to get to Riley. “Okay, you can carry me.”
Clearing his throat awkwardly, the red on Ingo’s cheeks grows a little brighter. “I am going to pick you up now. Please be careful,” He warns them as if Riley might startle. They simply nod, allowing Ingo to pick them up in his arms. Riley wraps their arms around his neck, a sense of security washing over them. For the first time, Riley felt safe in Hisui, here in Ingo’s arms. Leaning their head against his chest, Riley lets out a soft, content sigh. “Are you comfortable?”
“Yeah,” They yawn, “I am.”
“Excellent! Onward, we go!” Ingo starts walking, Chompers still beside the pair. As Ingo walks, Riley feels their eyelids growing heavy. Between their closeness to Ingo and the rhythm of his walking, Riley succumbs to sleep, finally feeling safe to do so.
Ingo glances down, unsurprised to find Riley asleep in his arms. Their body is warm against his, leaving Ingo with an almost familiar feeling of happiness. He does worry that they seem so reckless with their health. A tight flare of panic rises in his chest at the thought of losing them. Even before Riley explained that they knew each other in his previous life, Ingo found himself drawn to the other stranger who fell from the sky. Something about Riley immediately felt familiar, as if Ingo had known them his whole life. Yet, he has no memories of them, something which bothers him deeply. Perhaps, Ingo could ask them a few questions when they felt better.
“Please take care of yourself. No one, especially I, would like to see harm come to you.” Ingo presses a soft kiss against their forehead, unable to help himself. Riley snuggles closer to him, a soft satisfied sigh leaving them. Ingo is unable to help himself, the smile breaking out on his face. Now, to return safely to their destination.            
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rhainontheshelves · 7 years
Musical Theatre!Rocky
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A/N: Please forgive me please!! You have a long-ass bullet scenario ahead of you if you choose to proceed because yo girl doesn't know how to condense rip This is dedicated to an awesome friend, @sanhatation! The feelings might be long past but I promised to write this for you. A short part 2 will be coming to describe the life under the stage lights. Happy Reading! - Rhin
Rocky originally wanted to go to school for dance
Why wouldn't he? He knows he's stellar
But, he also wanted to sing
Unfortunately, it wouldn't be possible for him to get a minor in vocal
Dance takes a lot of effort and practice hours
So he worried and thought about it a lot over his senior year of high school
One day, Sanha approached him with a poster
It was advertising auditions for the school spring play
Immediately, Rocky was interested; acting had always piqued his curiosity but he had never gotten a chance to try it
He accepted the offer
Cue many practice meets with Sanha (who was auditioning as well) to memorize the monologue required
He memorized it quickly, just like any step or note
Pretty soon he made it his own, reciting with sincerity and little hand motions
At one point Sanha wondered if it was even worth it to audition anymore because Rocky was killing it
Come audition day
The director and the people helping him judge were very impressed with this young man they only saw passing the theater to go to the practice rooms
By the end Rocky was virtually guaranteed a spot in the production
He walked out of there the proudest boy alive but also as the most internally dying and relieved it was over with
Because he will never admit it but the audition really stressed him out and he worried over miniscule details
About three days later the director approached Rocky
He wanted to talk about the role he was thinking of assigning to the boy
It was an important part, however it wasn't the lead
"It's your first time." Was the director's reason
This disappointed Rocky a bit but the director had come with a plan in mind
Rocky would also be assigned as the understudy for the lead
The director had some suspicions about the boy casted as the lead's loyalty to the show, so if he did leave Rocky would get the role he really deserved
This pleased both parties and the next day the cast list was posted
A month later, practices were in full swing after school
Rocky was well on his way to getting his part down word-perfect and memorizing the lead's lines
He liked the cast and had made some new friends
The vibe in this group was carefree and fun while still hard-working
That's Rocky in a nutshell so he fit in quite nicely
The only thing that he didn't like was the inactivity
There were plenty of stage directions, sure
places he needed to be and actions that needed to be carried out
but where was the variety?
he thought back to when he was a tot and his grandparents took him to a show
There was dancing and excitement and singing and emotion throughout the whole thing
he wondered what had changed since then
turns out nothing had
he was just in the wrong year
"We switch between musicals and plays every other year," giggled Doyeon, the girl who was casted as the female lead
"You just came a year too late. I'm sure you'll have a chance to do one sometime in the future."
Rocky sure hoped so
First show night couldn't have come fast enough
There were still parts that needed more work, which is normal in any production
But the director felt that this was the most prepared that any of his recent shows had been
certainly not because of how hard some had wanted work to catch up and surpass Rocky
The show went amazingly well but there are always the oopses
aka a couple of props falling apart in the user's hands
Improvisation is a wonderful thing
It seemed like bows came too soon
Rocky stood up at the front of the stage with the rest of the cast, smiling and waving a bit after their final bow
His heart was soaring
The only thing that compared was when he finished performing one of his own choreographed dances and he got a standing ovation
That's when he realized that this was what he wanted to with his life
Fast forward to the last part of 2nd quarter, freshman year of college
He had just finished his homework for a history class and headed down to the theater department to grab audition material for the spring musical
Gotta start early
He gets outside the professor's office and sees someone else is in there
So he hangs around and waits, because he can be patient
He ends up dancing for like ten minutes, waiting, because this meeting is taking a really long time??
The door finally opens and a really happy girl exits
Rocky swears that the hallway gets a bit brighter
She turns around to thank the professor one last time but sees Rocky and almost has a heart attack
She totally didn't notice him there
Now flustered, she rushes away without giving Rocky a chance to see if she was okay
Slightly confused, Rocky just watches her go
The professor is in the exact same boat Rocky is
So they let it go and have a small talk about what the auditions require
For the rest of the quarter Rocky sees the girl in a lot of his classes and comes to the conclusion that she has the same major he does
However, before he gets the chance to approach her Christmas Break rolls around and he's off on the road back home
3 weeks, one memorized song and dance routine later, 2nd semester starts
Musical auditions are at the end of the first week back
and that first week couldn't have seemed slower
Lectures stretched on forever and homework seemed to take twice as long as it usually did
Finally, the last class on Friday was dismissed and Rocky was out of there like lightning
his class ended about halfway through the audition hours r.i.p
He ran as fast as his dancer legs would carry him over to the auditorium
Luckily the line is semi-long so he has time to catch his breath
The line shortens to about half the length it was when another person sprints in
The thudding of tennis shoes makes Rocky look up from the sample script
lo and behold the girl that ran away that one day is bent over a couple of feet away from him
"Are auditions over?" she asks fearfully
"No, I'm the end of the line" he replies
"Okay, good" she comes over to stand next to him in line
Rocky wonders if she recognizes him
she barely got five seconds in before she dashed away so he figures probably not
silence settles
until she curses
"I forgot my music in my room" she hisses to herself, smacking her head
Rocky's mouth runs before she can
"You can borrow mine, I have it memorized anyway"
she stares at him in surprise
"Yeah, here"
"Thank you so much!" Her gloomy mood brightens and Rocky's world does too
"No problem"
By this time the next person is called, and Rocky is torn away from a perfect opportunity to talk to her.... again
The audition goes by fast as always
Rocky stays for the girl's audition
Now or never am i right
She does a great job
Dancing needs a bit of work but that comes with practice
He's still standing in the doorway when she comes up the aisle
she gives him a "why are you still here" look but quickly replaces it with a smile
"You did awesome!" she compliments
"Same to you," Rocky nods
"Nah, I was just average... Thanks again for letting me use your music, uh... what's your name?"
"Minhyuk, but you can call me Rocky if you want to."
Cue the Zelda "object acquired" music because a new friend has just been made: (Y/N)
Rocky walked (Y/N) back to her dorm and got to know her a bit
She indeed has the same major as him
Her dream was to be on Broadway someday
but she's going through a slump rn so things aren't going so hot
Rocky understands; that happened with him and dancing around 7th grade
He promises himself that he'll check up on her and make sure everything's going okay
so he acquires her number before she takes the stairs up to her floor
and proceeds to do just that over the rest of the semester
checking up becomes full-blown conversations complete with memes
and they became best friends
they both got into the production that year
which made them even closer ofc
Summer Break rolls around and (Y/N) and Rocky swear to not let distance separate them
it doesn't
and this friendship continues until Junior year....
when (Y/N) drops out
her parents can't continue to support her financially and she doesn't have enough to support herself
Rocky, of course, is devastated
Where will (Y/N) go? Will she be safe? What about her dream??
He dies inside while helping her move her stuff out of the dorms and into her car
He goes back to cry in his room when her car is finally out of sight
The rest of the day is spent reflecting on every single memory
especially the one where she finally remembered that he scared her that one day Freshman year
"That was yOU??????"
and Rocky realizes that his world is no longer as bright
they continue to message each other
but it teeters out after a few months bc (Y/N)'s working two jobs to pay off her debt
soon Rocky has lost all contact with his former best friend, although he never forgets her
Fast forward a few more years
Now Rocky's graduated with a Bachelors' in the Performing Arts
He just auditioned for a role in Newsies
It fits his skill set perfectly
Acrobatics?? Yas
He's feeling pretty confident until he steps out of the building and someone runs smack-dab into him
He's dazed for a bit but when he asks the person if they're okay, his brain goes on over drive
(Y/N)'s there staring back at him in shock, an audition packet in hand
Rocky grins and immediately encases (Y/N) in a hug, questions falling out of his mouth at a million miles an hour
All (Y/N) does is hug him back at first, but Rocky notices her hesitation so he lets go
"I'm so sorry, it's just been a long time and I've been worried? How are you?"
(Y/N) finally smiles and replies, "I'm just fine now."
the two catch up while (Y/N) waits in line for the female auditions
(Y/N) was on vacation and she overheard someone mention auditions
she had never forgotten her dream
and a small little voice told her that something good would happen there
now she knew what the good thing was
*nervous and awkward blushing from both parties*
(Y/N) was called in before she could say anything else, so Rocky waited for her outside
fifteen minutes later she comes out smiling
She has a really good feeling about it
About three hours later
(Y/ N) has to go back to her hotel so she can pack and catch her flight
Rocky is determined to never lose (Y/ N) again
Bc he realized over lunch with her that his world was bright again and he never wants that to end
So he walks her to the airport, insisting that he see her off
(Y/ N) pretends to mind, but she really doesn't
She really missed Rocky the second she got into her car Junior year
The exchange of cell phone numbers happens once again at the terminal
It takes Rocky a couple of minutes more to enter his new number into (Y/N)'s phone
When (Y/N) looks at his contact, she blushes
it reads: Minhyukkie 😘
it doesn't seem special, but it is bc Rocky was insistent that only his girlfriend could call him that
(Y/N) makes a mental note to ask him about it the next time she sees him
fast forward one last time to the phone call
(Y/N) and Rocky were both super excited when Rocky picked up his phone
They had just gotten phone calls saying that they had been accepted into the production
Their first reaction was to call each other
In fact Rocky was just about to hit the call button when (Y/ N)'s contact popped up
The first five minutes was just screaming tbh
Eventually proper congratulations were exchanged
But it got lost in all the excitement
They would see each other for the rest of their Newsies career
And that was possibly the best thing ever
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
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okay prior to Turin here's how I feel about the songs,, reasons under the cut
(link to tier maker, I added in an extra column)
- im not usually a ballad fan but this made me cry the first time I listened to it, its just so passionate !! they both have such beautiful voices and they go together so beautifully!!! I watched their Sanremo performance and it was just beautiful honest to god its in my Spotify on repeat already
- I love the way Ukraine has been combing cultural elements with modern music in Eurovision I mean we had it last year with SHUM and it just works so well!!!! that's what eurovision is about baby !!! its so catchy !!!
- im not even apologising for this its an unironic banger its at the top of my Spotify on repeat I listen to it all the time I will not stand for criticism!!! its fun and danceable and catchy and literally just iconic. I will kill myself if they don't qualify for the finals
- girlboss moment !! I wasn't sure what to expect n then I thought it was a rock ballad but its just a rock song with a build up and honestly. it slapped. I love a good punk rock drummer the high energy the guitar solo yaaaas I loved it. that drummer hot too
- man has a powerful voice!! im surprised at the uk this year I think we have a chance or scoring decently this year !! I haven't seen any live performance so I really hope hes able to hold up those high notes live !!!! kind of emotional, although not my favourite style of music. vaunt wait to see how they stage it !!!!
- very catchy song and great performance !! its got that kind of glamorous energetic sex appeal that a lot of people expect to see in eurovision !!!! its got great potential to go viral especially on tiktok as a dance challenge or anything really
- such an amazing live performance !! such a gorgeous voice !!! its a beautiful song but you still have the sense of camp portrayed through the costuming and drama of the performance and its done so well you can see the story in the performance its just so beautiful I want to move this one up to S tier now pretend its in S tier
- witchy vibes, loved it, great harmonies all four of them have such gorgeous voices . the only thing I didn't like was that lone dancer she seemed a little out of place, but im willing to bet it'll look good in Turin.
- when I first heard it I was like omg I love the vintage vibe then realised it was called disco bc its based on 70s disco bc I have no working braincells. its funky its catchy its upbeat I love it. my main man seemed a little awkward on stage Id love to see him get into it a little more but I bet they'll do great !!! love the bass line
- I love a good punk song no surprise its coming from Finland lmao I vibe with it it'll probably end up in a Spotify playlist
- he really did it for the girls and the gays !!!!!!! it was camp it was fun it was glamorous what's not to enjoy!! at times feels like a verse on a ru Paul song but I don't know if that subtracts from or adds to the vibe
- lowkey didn't think id enjoy this one but I did !! its been growing on me !!!! he has a gorgeous voice and the chorus gets stuck in my head
- its not my favourite of this years entries but it gets stuck in my head from time to time and she has such great control over his voice its gorgeous
The Netherlands- DE DIEPTE, S10
- its catchy, but its just generally not the kind of music I vive to , great ballad though
- extremely talented guy wow cant wait toes it live I bet if its staged right and this high notes come across well it'll be such an emotional performance, a little too slow paced for me and although he sung it beautifully I wonder what it would have been like if he optioned up after the bridge instead of staying low
- don't get me wrong great vocals honestly, the song itself just didn't stand out much to me . a kind of mid tier song for me.
- cultural banger girls and gays edition !!!! not my favourite entry but still pretty decent nonetheless
- love the theme Malta's been going with lately with the whole self love and worth stuff, but this years vaguely remind me of Disney channel or like that phase in 2015 where people would release songs about being confident or how strong they and that snot necessarily a bad thing its just. a thing.
- again didn't stand out for me much, but she has a lovely voice
-loved the instrumentals but it felt to me a little too broken up like I love a good bit of chreography but it felt more important than the vocals at times
- I expected to pick up a little more than it did, and folk isn't really my favourite thing but all and all its not a bad song I get why people enjoy it
- powerful voice its great, just too slow paced for me, the instrumentals vaguely remind me of Karma from last year, I vibe with that
- makings of a viral song if im honest I can see it in a few peoples Spotify playlists, just not mine really. the last chorus was beautiful that was the highlight of the song to me
- lots of potential if im honest, its just not my favourite song. nothing wrong with it, just not my style, cant wait to see how they stage it though if its staged well it'll do really well I think
- almost reminds me of tout l'univers ?? like just a specific part I feel like it could go straight into tout l'univers. overall a good song just not for me, bound to be beautiful with staging
- I don't really have any criticisms on this song, its just not my taste really,
- I enjoyed it but the rap felt a little out of place, almost like a twenty one pilots song . its not bad though
- yeah decent song, just wasn't a big fan of the staging I hope they up it a bit more at Turin. what was the point of making it look like she was playing the guitar if she was just gonna stop halfway through. the slight moment she had was good, use it let her interact with the dancer more
- I keep going back and forth over this song I don't know, It was a bit lack lustre for me but the chorus goes hard. mid tier
- I had no clue what was going on this entire song why was she singing about Megan Markle's hair. is there an issue with lack of healthcare in Serbia. I didn't really get the message
- this one felt like that 2014 phase with songs like riptide and like the vamps and everything , not exactly my favourite thing . talented don't get me wrong just not my cup of tea
- really just didn't catch my attention, too slow paced for me
- I appreciate the classic rock vibes the guitar solo went hard but at times it felt like an anime intro more than an ESC song
- I know everyones thinking like ohh youre a die hard måneskin fan you think hes a second rate damiano and I will say that I think there was an odd coincidence with timing but no, I recognise that Achille Lauro has been around a lot longer than Må and is a big celeb in Italy and San Marino it just feels a bit odd that he was only selected now given his status and I hope it wasn't influenced by må bc they have completely different sounds, every Italian celeb is a slut even world class chef Gino d'acampo. Was I confused at first, yes bc im not Italian and I didn't know him but I do now. anyway its d tier just bc I didn't vibe w the song that much I just didn't have any strong feelings on it
- im sure it'll look amazing on stage but just didn't relay have any strong feelings on it
- lowkey avicci vibes?? just wasn't a huge fan of the western vibe it had going on but I appreciate the song
- just wasn't enthused by it, I hope they do something with the staging in Turin it didn't really make me feel anything with them just sitting in chairs , I just didn't get a string stage presence from them
I don't have anything to say it just did not do it for me. I just didnt enjoy the live performance. if they use the staging to their advantage they could probably qualify but its just not doing it for me
- at first I thought it was funny but its starting to annoy me now lmaoo, but not a fan of the bridge and the whole banana breakdown . choreography slaps though
- I appreciate the cultural aspect of it, just wasn't really inspired by it , cant wait to see how it'll translate onto the stage though
this took me like 2 hours its so late but im posting it anyway
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
I love my baby to death
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Warnings: fluff, friends to lovers, tiniest bit of angst but really tiny I promise, 3.5k words, set after Endgame
Summary:  “Say, hypothetically, there’s a 100 year old fossil who’s a bit confused most of the time but he’s got the spirit, right?, and he’s outside with a packed duffle bag, what would you do?”
You were supposed to enjoy a solo roadtrip after years of Avenging, but Bucky invites himself along and you can’t say no to his happy face.
A/N: I haven’t slept in a week because of nightmares and I just needed something to cheer me up, I guess. Reader took Steve’s side in CA:CW and spent two years with him as a nomad. You can choose to see her and Natasha as a platonic relationship or a romantic one, it’s up to you.
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Read the sequel to this here
“They’re just so fuckin’ gross I don’t understand how you can eat them.”
Bucky sends you his best death glare as he continues digging in his soggy cardboard In-N-Out fries.
“We could have literally stopped by Arby’s three miles west of here” you continue, “they have the best fries. We’re missing out, clearly.” you deadpan eyeing his food skeptically. 
“The curly ones? God no, they’re so spicy. I don’t know why you like your food to hurt but I don’t.”
“Okay, first of all they’re not spicy at all, I don’t know where you got that from. And second, they have a taste at least, unlike these.” You reiterate your point by swinging one the fries in his face. Bucky just grabs your hand and bites the fry, almost biting your fingers off too.
“Yeah, like that god-awful spicy chicken you forced on me the other day? No thank you, ma’am, I’ll stand by my own food choices.” 
You snort. “Not my fault your post-Depression ass can’t handle anything other than salt and black pepper. But sure, go ‘head and enjoy your sorry excuse of a meal, Buck.”
“People from your generation sure love complaining, huh? Back in my days you ate what your mama made you and never bitched about it, or else you went to bed hungry.” 
God, he’s such a grampa. You make a show of rolling your eyes and huffing in annoyance. He likes his senior citizen card a bit too much. He tries to stifle a laugh when he sees the look on your face and just shakes his head at you. 
California (and Bucky Barnes) has stolen your heart and you’ve loved this road trip so much you often wonder why it took you being snapped and facing the end of the world twice to retire from the avenging business. 
Fresno is interesting, to say the least. 
He wanted to stop by, saying something about wanting to see “an old pal from the war” ’s hometown for himself, and you’ve been dreaming about exploring Yosemite for as long as you can remember.
Online pictures of Yosemite National Park were stunning but the real thing is just breathtaking. 
You never thought camping would become your thing and you never imagined you’d enjoy stargazing so much. In five months you’ve discovered how big of a nerd Bucky really is and he’s been trying to teach you the names of all the stars and constellations. 
He sees Big Dipper, Orion, Ursa Major and Minor; you see pretty twinkling lights and the occasional shooting star. Nevertheless you sit through hours and hours of explanations, because when he speaks of the things he’s passionate about, Bucky is the most beautiful thing in the world.
“You know, the stars are one of the things I missed the most.” he says softy, furrowing his brows as he does when he remembers something from the past. “Stevie and I used to do that as kids sometimes. We’d sneak out of our houses and go on the roof of this abandoned building to watch the stars. Now there’s so much goddamn light everywhere, you can’t even see them anymore.”
Sometimes when you stop and think about it, really think, you can’t imagine how hard it must have been for them, having everything, even the night sky taken away from them. 
“Steve never told me.” 
“He probably missed the stars too.”
You eye him looking for clues on how he might feel, but you only see a sad smile on his face. “You miss him, don’t you?”
“Every damn day.” his voice cracks and you hold him closer.
“I know Buck, I miss him too. I miss him so much that sometimes I feel like my life has no direction without my Captain.” You’re barely holding back your own tears at this point, “But we’ve got Sam if we need orders, yes?” but you still try to make him smile. You’re always going to try for him.
Your attempt works and he snorts. Always bring Sam up to cheer Bucky.
“I hope he was happy, you know.” he says, “I hope he made the right choice and never regretted a thing. I hope that now he looks back and thinks he wouldn’t have had it any other way. His happiness is all I could ever ask for.”
You cling to each other that night and cry until the early morning. It feels good to let it all out, to let Steve go and look at the future. You’ve lost too much but tonight you only have hope.
New York
Five months before
“Words on the street is you’re retiring your crusty old ass from the field.” 
Sam is leaning on the door of your hotel room with his arms folded and a pleased look on his face.
“Rumors travel fast in this post-apocalyptic word, I see.” you say as you continue stuffing a duffle bag with all the clothes you have left.
“How are you?” Sam asks, with his newly found Captain voice. You wonder if it’s something in that damn shield that gives them that stern commanding tone.
“Tryina analize me, Sammy? I’m not one of your guys at the VA.”
It’s not like you’re pissed at Sam, you love him with all your heart, you’re just angry at the world and Sam’s the one standing in your way right now.
You hear him sigh, “I know what you’re feeling right now, I understand why you would think that-” “Don’t” you interrupt him, “Don’t give me that speech, Fury did that for you already. I’m not running away from my problems.”
“I’m not saying that-” you really don’t want him to talk today, so you stop him again “No but you’re thinking it.”
“I know what it’s like.” he says raising his voice “To lose who you care the most in the world. We all lost someone important but you lost Natasha and I know, trust me I know what you feel right now, because it’s what I felt when I lost Riley.” 
You stop and swallow the tight lump in your throat.
Your eyes well up with tears as you turn to look at him. You’ve been so blinded by your own pain and anger you didn’t stop for a moment to think about others. “I’m sorry Sam, I shouldn’t have treated you like that.” you say sobbing.
Why did she have to leave you?
Stupid, stupid Natasha. Why did she have to sacrifice herself for the world?
Why her?
He hugs you tight and rocks you back and forth. “I understand why you’re leaving and I’m not here to stop you, I promise. Just keep in touch, yes? Text me everyday so I’m not tempted to track you down and fly wherever you are to see if you’re good.”
You smile for the first time in a long time.
“Don’t worry Sam, you’ll get tired of all the selfies I’ll send you, eventually.” 
“You know I’ll never get tired of this pretty face.” he says raising his eyebrows suggestively, making you laugh. “Good, that’s my girl. I missed this laugh so much.”
You stay in his arms a while longer until it’s time for you to leave.
“This is not the only reason I’m here.” he says and clears his throat, “Say, hypothetically, there’s a 100 year old fossil who’s a bit confused most of the time but he’s got the spirit, right?, and he’s outside with a packed duffle bag, what would you do?”
“What?” you manage to stammer out. “Bucky just... wants to...tag along?” 
You are now as confused as Bucky is most of the time.
Sam shrugs. “I guess? You know he’s weird like that.”
What he really means is he’s just like you, lost and confused and in desperate need to live a little, but he doesn’t say it out loud. There’s no need to.
“So, would you mind if he came too?”
You see Bucky standing outside, leaning on your SUV. He’s cut his hair short and he looks hotter than you would like to. He turns around and waves at you with a big smile on his face. Like Sam often says, you too like his energy.
“No, I wouldn’t mind at all.”
Denver, Colorado
It’s a long way from New York to Colorado and if you’re honest, you’ve loved every minute of it and you’re glad Bucky came along with you. He’s witty, laid back, snarky, smart and overall a fun guy for someone who was a prisoner to nazis for 70 years.
“Look all I’m saying is I think Edward is a fuckin’ creep. Would you like it if someone stood in your room and looked at you while you sleep?”
“But is that someone a hot vampire, Bucky?”
“It literally doesn’t even matter.”
“Stop saying literally Buck, you’re a 100 year old man, not a valley girl.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Are you sure?”
“Lemme check a map.”
“Bucky it’s on the screen there, Google says we have 20 minutes left.”
“But can we trust this Google guy?”
“All I’m saying is if you made and enjoyed congealed salads you probably don’t deserve your right to vote for the future of this country.”
“I mean...fair enough?”
“Do we count blipped years or not?”
“At this point it, it barely makes a difference in my case, doll.”
“Honestly you’ve got a point, old man.”
“How are you so calm right now?”
“My standards are so low it’s practically impossible to piss me off.”
“But you aren’t even a little bothered?”
“Chill, it’s just a flat tire, it’s gonna take 10 minutes to fix.”
“Buck we talked about the things that are unacceptable. ‘Chill’ coming out of your mouth is one of those.”
It’s your second week in Denver already, and you’re having the time of your life. 
Bucky is spooning you like he usually does. You think back to the first time you’ve shared a bed and you almost giggle at the memory. 
“Uh, Buck?”
“We might have a problem.”
He enters the room after you and his eyes widen when he sees it.
There’s a bed in the room.
A single bed.
You weren’t expecting much from this place that gives you ‘Bates Motel’ vibes, but you thought you’d have two beds, or at least a couch.
“I’ll just sleep on the floor, don’t worry about it.”
“What?” you shriek “Absolutely not, I’m not letting you suffer all night. We’re going to share.”
“But I-”
“No buts, you know how many times I slept with Steve? I’m used to you supersoldier men by now, I’m no longer affected by your kicks.”
He stays silent. “You and Steve used to…?”
Only then you realize you could have phrased it better.
“God no, I meant just, ya know, share bed.”
He smiles and nods. Why does he look relieved?
Now he clings to you every night, and most times he’s the little spoon because he likes to be held. You used to hate sleeping tangled with someone else until you woke up on top of Bucky, his hands caressing your back, and he told you he had the best night of sleep he’s had in decades.
There’s a lot of things you do just because they make him happy, actually.
But how could you not?
There’s no point in denying your feelings.
Salt Lake City, Utah
God, you love Utah.
You drive through immense stretches of red desert whilst Bucky blasts Nicki Minaj like his life depends on it; that’s how it always ends up when he rides shotgun.
He insisted on visiting Monument Valley despite it being out of your way, but you can never find it in yourself to refuse him anything, so you drove 9 hours straight from Denver to the southern border of Utah just so he could see a place that looks a lot like the ones in those Western cowboy movies from the 50s and 60s he loves so much.
“Yasha would have hated it here so much.” you say as you pull over the Airbnb you’ve rented for a couple of days in Salt Lake City.
He snorts, “Yeah, I bet she would have.”
You thought time would heal all wounds and that someday you might stop feeling the void in your life when you think of her, but now you know you’ll never stop hurting. She was such a big part of your life for so long that your heart will never stop aching for her. 
Sometimes you think how she never got to see you again after you were snapped. 
You wonder if she ever stopped missing you.
You know you’ll never not miss her.
You’ve driven for more than humanly possible in two days, but he’s a supersoldier and you’re really stubborn, and now you can’t wait to sleep in a nice bed for the first time in a long while. Usually you just make do with motels, but tonight you wanted to treat yourselves.
You enter the place and notice immediately the two queen size beds. 
You should be relieved, and if it was 4 months ago when you first shared a bed you would probably be, but now you’re so used to his warm body next to yours, his flesh arm over you and his face resting in the crook of your neck that you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to fall asleep without him.
“I’ll go shower first if you don’t mind.” you say as you mentally berate yourself for your thoughts. 
Your goal to not fall in love with Bucky Barnes flew out the window somewhere in the green fields of Western Iowa, but at this point you’re just treading a dangerous path and you know you’re going to get hurt.
There’s no way Bucky feels the same about you, right?
You get out the shower, put on a t-shirt you’ve stolen from Steve ages ago and get out of the bathroom, only to stop when you see Bucky on the bed you claimed as yours.
“Sorry, I hope you don’t mind but I feel better when I sleep with you.”
Maybe he does.
Technically it takes roughly 43 hours to get from New York to Sacramento by car. It took you almost five months.
You’ve been covering Interstate 80, stopping and visiting towns, cities and parks along the way as you pleased, sleeping in seedy motels, your SUV or that fancy ass tent Bucky bought somewhere in Ohio. You’ve begged Bucky to drive from Salt Lake City straight to Sacramento, stopping only when it’s absolutely necessary; you’ll be visiting Nevada after California anyways, so for now you’re just enjoying the scenic drive, with the windows rolled down and the air messing up your hair.
“What’s that song called?” Bucky asks and raises the radio’s volume.
“That’s Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers.” you answer absentmindedly, distracted by the seemingly endless stretch of black asphalt and yellowish nothingness around it.
She’s lover, baby and a fighter
Shoulda seen it coming when I got a little brighter
Bucky sings along and smiles glancing your way.
“I like this.” he exclaims when the song ends “Can we listen to it again, please?”
You smile softly and play it again. If there’s one thing Bucky is capable of is listening to the same song on repeat multiple times until you’re so sick of it you don’t ever want to hear it again.
 Who knew the other side of you
Who knew what others died to prove
You never thought Bucky would be like this, or that you’d be privileged enought to see this side of him.
There’s a big smile on his face and the orange hues of the sky reflect in his clear eyes. He’s got one hand on the steering wheel and the vibranium one resting on the car’s door and he looks so different from the man haunted by his past and loneliness you met in Budapest all those years ago. He looks so carefree and relaxed now, so happy. 
You are proud of him.
California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She’s my priestess and I’m your priest
I love my baby to death
San Diego, California 
You’ve hiked the hills of southern Cali and gone parapending in Torrey Pines. You landed on a breathtaking beach with beautiful dark sand and soon found out, much to Bucky’s dismay and utter disgust, that it was a nudist beach.
He grumbled something about ‘hygiene’ and ‘decor’ and you just laughed at his flustered state.
“First time seeing a naked woman, old man?” you asked in between fits of laughter.
You didn’t notice the sea lion swimming next to you in La Jolla and not even Thanos’ creepy gang could have scared you as much when you turned around and looked him dead in the eyes. Bucky got his revenge filming you as you shot out the ocean with a shrill, covered in algae and terrified. 
You are loving the San Diego area so far. Minus the sea lions.
“Hey I- uh- do you mind if I take the car? I wanted to go do some shopping.” Bucky tells you.
He’s really embarrassed for some reason.
You shrug and mumble a ‘sure’ before going back to basking in the sun by the pool of the hotel you’re staying at.
“Okay, I-I guess I’ll g-go then, I’ll come pick you up at 5.30 for dinner.” he stutters out.
Weird, you think, but you don’t give it too much thought. Bucky is like that.
Dinner time rolls around and as promised Bucky comes pick you up on time.
You’re wearing a short green dress with white daisies printed on it and a pair of strappy white sandals. You look good and you know it; Bucky knows it too, judging from the glances he tries to sneak your way.
“So, uhm-” he clears his voice, “I know it’s going to sound weird but I promise it’s not. Can I- Can I blindfold you?”
Can he...what? You could split me in half and I’d be glad about it, you’d like to say.
“Kinky. You could at least buy me differ first, tho.” you settle for something safer instead.
He blushes three shades darker than his usual color and you take the black scarf he’s handing you, barely concealing a teasing smile.
He drives around for a while. When you get to your destination the first thing you hear is the waves beating on the shore and the smell of the ocean. He helps you get out and guides you somewhere.
“Wait here.” 
You hear him park the car in reverse, open the trunk and fiddle with something. He comes up behind you and removes the blindfold. You feel his hot breath on your neck and it sends tingles down your spine straight to your pu- “You can look now.”
When you open your eyes you are stunned for a moment. You turn around with a big smile that turns even bigger when you notice the blankets and the little picnic he’s assembled in the trunk.
“Buck, this is- I can’t believe you remembered.”
Somewhere in Colorado you mentioned how romantic you thought Sunset Cliffs were, and how much you wished you could do something like this. It was a fleeting moment, a thought uttered out loud absentmindedly over a couple of drinks in some bar. You were tipsy and you were running your mouth about all the things you’d want in a partner to some random girl who became your best friends for the night.
You realize you’re tearing up when his fingers grace your cheeks.
It feels nice to be cared about so much. It’s been too long since someone took such good care of you.
“I thought I’d do something special for you.” he says with an adorable blush.
“Thank you Bucky, I love this.” you hug him tightly and bury your face in his chest, inhaling his scent.
“Anything for my girl.”
“When did I become your girl, huh?” you ask teasingly.
“Probably when I invited myself on this trip.”
You both laugh at that.
You swallow hard when you see the look on his face. God, how did you miss the signs? You were always a better sniper than a spy, Yasha always told you.
Your heart is beating out of your chest in anticipation as he leans down slowly and your lips brush lightly. His hands are on your waist and yours on his broad shoulders. He kisses you timidly at first, and more passionately as he gains confidence. 
“I wanted to do this since Bucharest.” he confesses after your lips part.
“Took you long enough, Sarge.”
But it was worth the wait.
Tonight’s sunset will be burned in the back of your mind permanently. 
You kiss and laugh some more, and feed eachother seedless grapes because they’re the only ones you eat. He’s brought strawberries, white wine because you don’t drink red, hummus and pita and an assortment of cheese and crackers.
You kiss and talk, cuddle, laugh and kiss some more all night.
You’ve accepted long ago that you’ll never fill the gaping hole in your lives, but that night when you make love to eachother the void in your hearts that Steve and Natasha left behind doesn’t seem as encompassing as it usually is.
Thank you for reading! If you liked it, please reblog and comment, feedback is always appreciated 🥺🤲 might fuck around and write Bucky’s POV too.
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freddieslater · 3 years
for the wip game: 2, 17, & 35?
Ahh, good choices!! So, “Sex Education Goes Camping” is... kind of exactly what it sounds like. The students of Moordale High are going on one last school trip before their school is closed down for good. Organized and supervised by Colin and Emily, of course. But there’s more than just the tension of the inevitable goodbye they’ll all have to say at the end of it; Adam and Eric haven’t talked since they broke up. Ruby is completely avoiding Otis, who feels terrible about hurting her. Maeve is leaving for America the moment they get back, and doesn’t want to make the goodbye any harder by letting Otis try and convince her to stay. Aimee and Steve have just broken up, but they’re working on being friends. 
Jackson's eyebrows furrow. Maeve frowns. Otis and Eric share another confused look, as do a lot of others.
Spreading his arms, Mr Hendricks loudly says, "You are all utterly fucked! As am I, and so is Miss Sands! Well, I mean we can obviously find other teaching jobs, but it's not exactly easy, so, technically speaking, we are all very much fucked, you're right, Jackson."
Jackson just raises an eyebrow, then looks away. Miss Sands quickly joins Mr Hendricks on the stage as the students chattering gets louder around the room.
"What Mr Hendricks means to say--" Miss Sands shoots him a quick glare as she leans into the microphone, making him take a few steps back from it (and her) "--is that it doesn't have to be all bad!"
"No offence, Miss," Ruby interrupts, "but you're not the one about to have your entire future turned to shit without your consent." 
Miss Sands nods, and says, "No, you're right. I'm only losing a job, but you are all losing the chance to finish your education comfortably -- or maybe at all. And I am... so incredibly sorry about that. I truly wish this wasn't happening to any of us. But it is. And we have to deal with that."
"We have to make the most of the time we have left together," Mr Hendricks chimes back in, taking a cautious step towards the podium. "Which is why us teachers and some of your parents/guardians have banded together to give you lot one last Moordale High experience!" 
More murmuring. Eric and Maeve are already groaning, while Otis looks cautiously hopeful. Many more of them are apprehensive, including the likes of Adam and Ola, but they're sitting up a bit straighter in their seats, waiting to find out the rest. 
They've all experienced many things at Moordale High, not all of them good, but not all of them awful, either. Some of them have been the best time of their lives, like the performance they put on just a few weeks ago to rid themselves of Hope. And some have an utter disaster like their trip to France.
Most of them are assuming it's going to be leaning more towards the latter. And it feels as though their fears are confirmed when Mr Hendricks excitedly, and dramatically, yells, "We're going camping!" 
I completely forgot I hastily named it “Uncle Shawn the Icon” for this asjkdhajksh okay so. Auggie starts experimenting with feminine clothes, something that Cory, Topanga, and Riley are more than supportive of. But, unfortunately, people at his school aren’t as supportive. When he starts acting different (like Riley in that one episode where she was being bullied), they know something is up, and Cory happens to mention it to Shawn. Uncle Shawn who, after spending that week as “Veronica” realized he actually liked presenting as a girl sometimes, and came out as genderfluid. He comes over to have a proper talk with Auggie, and let him see that it doesn’t matter what other people say about them. Bonus: Riley mentions it to her friends because she’s worried about Auggie, and most of them jump to Auggie’s defence. 
"Auggie's being bullied."
Maya blinks. Farkle sits back in his seat. Stunned into silence. Lucas is shaking his head, and Zay and Smackle share a confused glance at each other.
Then comes the eruption.
"Give me names and addresses," Maya demands, voice like sharp ice and scalding lava at the same time, retracting her hand from Riley's arm. Ready to storm out right now to track them down.
That's exactly why Riley doesn't answer her, but she does look at her like she's crazy, and she says, "Maya! They're kids!"
"I'm going to kill them, what do I care if they're twelve?"
Riley's about to tell her she should very much care, because when they were twelve, they benefited much more from being talked to rather than killed. At the same time, they never did anything even remotely like the kids bullying Auggie.
"Did he tell you why they're bullying him?" Lucas asks, sounding like he can't think of a reason why anyone would want to.
"We already had an idea, and Ava told us this morning. He wants to wear skirts. Not just that, but more feminine clothing in general." She drops her head back onto her arms. "He was so excited to wear one of my old skirts on the first day of school yesterday, and now he won't even come out of his room. I don't know how to help him because he won't talk to any of us."
"Those little b--"
"Language," Riley says flatly, not even having the heart to really care if she finishes her sentence or not. Honestly, she feels like doing it for her. "I know, Maya, I'm mad too. I just don't know what to do about it."
"Say something," Farkle says.
Riley lifts her head and turns in her seat to look at him curiously.
"Your parents could say something to the school," he suggests. "I can't guarantee it would stop them, but if we were vocal enough about it--"
"We?" Riley asks, eyebrows raising.
Farkle looks at her seriously, and says, "My dad could make the loudest noise, and I know he would do it if I asked him to. It's Auggie, Riley. Of course I'm not just going to stand by."
"Yeah, and besides, no one should be bullied for what they wear," Maya adds, throwing Farkle a small smile that he gratefully returns. Then she turns back to Riley. "Seriously, Riles, your parents should say something to the school."
Riley agrees with them. It had crossed her mind this morning, and she's sure her parents are already thinking the same thing. She looks to Lucas, Zay, and Smackle.
Without a question asked, Smackle is nodding immediately, and firmly, a look similar to Farkle's on her face.
"They're right," she says matter-of-factly. Then, with a softer note, adds, "It's unfair for them to get away with trying to stop him from expressing himself. People don't like different and it's..."
"It's wrong," Zay finishes for her. "Auggie doesn't deserve that. Going to the school about it might not help but at least it'll make some noise, right? That would do something good, make people aware that it's unfair the way he's getting treated."
Riley's heart is ready to burst from how apparant their support for Auggie is, and just how serious they are about wanting to help. She smiles at Zay, and he smiles back, reaching forward to pat her hand on the top of her chair.
Her eyes slide to Lucas. He hasn't said anything yet.
I really need to hurry up and finish “Clash of the European Boyfriends”, I feel like I’ve been writing it for years. I feel like I’ve summarised it before, but I’ll give another quick one just in case -- There’s a dinner party being hosted at the Salvatore household, set up by Stefan, Elijah, and Lexi. It was more a way of forcing Damon, Enzo, Klaus, and Stefan to get along, but also a good way to get Hope more familiar with the house for the longterm future. Some awkwardness and tension ensures because you just can’t have those four in a house together and not expect something to go wrong. I would love to be able to give a snippet for this but I’ve been rewriting it so much that I can’t decide on anything that might actually make it into the finished fic, so I’m going to skip this one if that’s okay. Hopefully I’ll actually decide where it’s going and what I’m doing with it soon. 
Thank you for sending these, I’m really having so much fun with it!! 
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superspookywombat · 4 years
falling {j.h} chapter ten
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Warnings: very descriptive injury, I don’t want to specify because of spoilers, so if you’d like to know more details then you can message me :)
Taglist:  @Sleepy-whore @geekysimmerthings @mauvette268 @treestarrrrrrrr @kaleigh404 @krazykatkay456 @meganlikesfandoms @darknacademia @hi-my-name-is-riley @vdtwsupernatural @selmeuuh @raindancer2004 @wondersandtempests @royale-trash-slytherin @im-hella-bright @bootylimpics @livfg @It-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes @peacemusicinch @coffeeslut16 @bvbwestfall @Actuallyedythecullen @stan-joonies @Peacebuglove @Millie-753 @Frozenhuntress67 @i-tried21 @seaevans @femflorals @arseofrivia @trashysara @vulgarfuckinvirgo @sleepysnapesnake @hey-bulldogs @mental-breaker-74 @pansexual-and-eating-pancakes @duty-isnt-always-honour @jelly-fishy-babie @carnagefuck @clubpengiunn @wondersandtempests @100-percent-loving @fandomsandmore394 @pomiotszatana @cherrybuck @alohorcruxes @harryskillerqueen @left-in-the-woods @galaxypox @what-if-im-the-bad-guy @daughterofanarchy997 @camillapad @babieboth @thequeerishere555 @your-average-wallflower @anxiety-station @xo-sophiemae-xo @rachthestressedbandobsessed @amordesiempre01 @avalon68 @imaginebeinlovedbyme @vampiregirl1797 @scuzmunkie @maelleoute @popwhitlockanddrop @aliinova
A/N: okay so while writing this my heart was beating so fast. there were parts where I literally had to step away from my computer and take a breather. anyway, hope you enjoy!
“Oh, wow.” You say as you inspect the ring in the tiny box that Bella holds in front of you. Moonlight reflects off the tiny diamonds on the clunky jewelry, and you mentally grimace at how uncomfortable it has to be to wear.
“You don’t like it.” Bella sighs. You quickly shake your head no, then take the ring and rotate it around in your fingers to appear more interested. 
“No! No, I think it’s beautiful, it has so much.. Character.” You say, plastering on an even bigger smile than before. “I’m just thinking that it’s gonna be hard to hide from Charlie; that’s all.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m planning on telling him soon.” She says. You glance at Edward, who’s leaning against the wall of the house, blanketed by the darkness of the night. He watches you and Bella carefully, as if she’s going to disappear any second. “So, um, I’m going camping this weekend with Edward’s family.” 
“Oh, I thought we we’re going to go up to Seattle this weekend..” You say, your smile deflating. 
“I know I said I could, but I forgot I already made plans with Edward. Sorry.” Bella frowns, slipping the ring back into the box. You nod, staring down at your shoes.
“Your whole family is going?” You ask, glancing up at Edward. If you couldn’t hang out with Bella, maybe Jasper was free.
“Yes, Carlisle likes to take us camping whenever the weather is nice.” He answers, his face blank. You mutter a soft ‘oh’, then return your gaze to your feet. 
“We should probably get going, Bella. Before Charlie wakes up and realizes that we’re not there.” You say. She looks taken aback by your sudden want to leave, but she stands up nonetheless. Edward goes inside to retrieve his keys, while you and Bella walk down the path to his Volvo. You lean against the SUV and stare at the stars while Bella fiddles with her sweatshirt zipper.
“Look, I’m sorry for ditching you this weekend, but I need you to trust me.” She says, her tone serious. Your eyebrows furrow, and you glance at her to see her foot nervously tapping against the pine needle-littered path. 
“What aren’t you telling me, Bella?” You ask, your heart suddenly picking up it’s pace. She tucks her hair behind her ear and glances at the house, where Edward is closing the front door behind him.
“I- I can’t tell you. But I need you to trust me and stay with Charlie. And do not leave the house.” She says.
“Seriously, what’s going on?” Your voice quivers as you ask. Edward stops in front of the car, unlocking it. Bella looks at him and bites her lip, then she looks back at you. 
“Just trust me, okay?” She asks, then gets in the car, shutting the door and ending the conversation. Your blood freezes as you get anxious. What is Bella getting herself into? 
Before Bella left, she took her sleeping bag and the tent from the attic that hadn’t been used in a long while. A pit hung in the bottom of your stomach as she climbed into Edward’s car, but she assured you before she got in that everything was okay and that there was nothing to be worried about. Her apology didn’t ease your nausea however, nor the anxious thoughts that ran through your head. Currently, you sat on the couch, the morning after she left, an old and familiar blanket pulled tight around your shoulders, as if it would deflect your negative thoughts. 
The wind outside howled past the window, and you shuddered as the weatherman on TV explained that a chill would make its way into Forks tonight. Glancing at the clock, it told you that it was a little past noon. You threw the blanket off of your shoulders, standing up and deciding to make some macaroni and cheese for lunch. 
As you were draining the boiling water from the noodles, the phone rang. You flinch, jumpier than usual, and set down the pot. Reaching the phone, you pick it up and hold it to your ear.
“Hey, kiddo. Billy just called and invited us over for burgers and the game. I’m leaving work early today, so leave soon to meet me down there.” Charlie says. 
“Uh.. okay, sure. I’ll leave in five.” You say, confusion taking over your mind. You murmur a goodbye, then hang up the phone and go upstairs to change. Pulling your shirt off, you get the weirdest feeling that someone is watching you.
Deep in the mountains, a fight rages on between Victoria’s army and the Cullens. As Victoria corners Edward and Bella, she looks between the two and cackles. 
“Interesting. If you’re here protecting Bella, I wonder who’s home protecting Y/n..” She says, her eyebrow raised and a smirk on her lips. 
“No! You need me, not her!” Bella yells, her mind clouded with frustration and worry. The redhead sighs dramatically, her stride flanked by Riley. 
“Of course I don’t need her. But she’ll be just for fun. It’ll give me an excuse to rip the blond one to shreds when he comes after me.” She says, referring to Jasper as she nonchalantly picks at her nails. Edward crouches into an offensive position while Bella’s eyes widen and her hand places itself on her agape mouth.
“No..” Bella cries. The wolf lurking in the woods, ready to strike, overhears the conversation and sends a message to the others.
Miles away in a clearing, Jacob relays the message to Carlisle, who tells Jasper. Before he even hears the words fall from Carlisle’s mouth, Jasper feels his overwhelming grief. 
“Go. We’ll be fine without you. Go to her!” Esme urges him, and he takes off running. When he reaches his motorcycle that he drove to the clearing, he kicks it started and races down the backroads, the bike’s speedometer topping out at 125 MPH.
A breeze makes you shiver, but the realization that you shut and locked your windows after Bella left makes you freeze. You glance up into the small mirror that rests on your dresser to see a dark figure standing behind you. Screaming, you grab the first thing in arms reach- a lamp- and grip it so tight that your knuckles turn white. You whirl around and raise your arm, ready to strike, but the figure moves impossibly fast and slams it’s foot into your stomach, sending you crashing into the wall. Intense pain in your chest makes you groan. As the figure comes into light, you see that he has bright red eyes. You try to scream again, but the pressure in your chest restricts you from taking the breath to do so. You cough, and blood dribbles down your chin.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Y/n Swan..” He mutters, licking his lips as he trails his eyes down your body. 
“Who.. Who are you?” You ask weakly. He rolls his eyes, crouching down to meet you eye to eye. 
“It doesn’t matter who I am. You’ll be dead before you even have the chance to repeat my name.” He whispers harshly. His hand flies to your throat, lifting you up so that you’re suspended in the air. His hand tightens, making you instinctively reach up and claw at it with your nails. Your attempt is futile, as his skin is so hard that your fingernails snap off, leaving your fingers as bloody nubs. Your eyes widen as he presses down harder, your mouth falling open as you gasp for air. You can hear your heartbeat in an ear-deafening thrum, and your head feels like it’s exploding as you try to scream out. No noise comes out, though- if anything, just a squeak. The guy pulls you close to him, pressing his nose to your neck as he inhales deeply. “Such a shame I can’t take a drink. Victoria said we can’t leave anything to chance. You smell absolutely heavenly, and I can hear your blood pumping- screaming out for someone to sink their teeth in and suck you dry.” 
“Well, maybe one taste wouldn’t hurt..” He smiles, his lips pulling back to reveal two sharpened teeth. The sight gives you a second wind, struggling against his grasp even harder. He doesn’t seem affected in the slightest, sliding his hands down lower on your neck for a moment before brushing your hair out of the way to give him access to your bruising neck. Closing your eyes and preparing yourself for the pain to come, a thump behind your assailant startles you and him. He flinches, momentarily clenching the hand around your throat. A crunch is heard as a squeak escapes your lips, and then you’re dropped to the floor, unable to breath. You reach your hands to your throat as blood pumps from the wound that your crushed trachea caused. You gurgle as you drown on your own blood, your vision dotting and the overwhelming need to close your eyes taking over as you see Jasper lunge.
Jumping off his bike, Jasper doesn’t bother to flip down the kickstand as he runs and jumps through the window into your room. At the sound of his entrance, a black haired vampire looks over and snarls at him. Jasper sees red at the sight of the vampire’s hand gripped around your throat, and once he sees him drop you he lunges. Tackling the guy to the ground, he wrestles with him until he has the access to reach his neck. Planting a foot on the guy’s shoulder, Jasper twists his neck until a crisp snap bounces off the walls and the vampire goes grey and limp. Jasper stares down at the body, never having felt this much fury coursing through his veins. The sound of gurgling snaps him out of his blind rage, and his eyes widen at the sight of you laying on the floor, your hands attempting to stop the bleeding from your neck. Blood fills his nostrils and his throat burns as he longs to drink your sweet smelling blood. He kneels over you as your hands go limp and you fall unconscious. He knows that your time is coming to an end, and it’s coming fast. His eyes burn with the need to cry, though he knows he can’t; and his throat burns with the need to drink your blood that sits there, seemingly staring back at him. He clenches his jaw as he thinks back to how you make him feel like he’s alive again. How you smile at him and how whenever you’re around him he’s overwhelmed with total adoration. How he doesn’t want to exist without you. How he loves you more than anything he’s ever loved before, and how desperately he needs you. And so he pulls your limp body to his chest and buries his face into your neck, sinking his teeth into your delicate skin and letting the venom seep into your veins. 
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redshirtgal · 4 years
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You may remember seeing Lt. Farrell as one of the many rotating navigators on Star Trek. We saw him for the first time in “Mudd’s Women.”   In production order, this episode would have been filmed before the “The Corbomite Maneuver” and originally Dave Bailey was supposed to have the navigator’s chair. But Roddenberry never knew in which order the scripts would be completed and aired. So to make sure there were no inconsistencies, he came up with the character of Lt. John Farrell in case “Mudd’s Women” aired after Bailey’s departure to stay with Balok.
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And actually for a foreground actor, his role was fairly meaty in this episode. The actor Jim Goodwin was a friend of John D.F. Black, one of Star Trek’s Executive Producers as well as the first Executive Story Consultant. Black had often steered roles his way and this part was a good one for Goodwin to display his acting ability. 
It appears Lt. Farrell is an excellent navigator at the beginning of the episode. He helps track Mudd’s cargo ship as it enters the asteroid field and suggests they put a deflector shield over it to keep it from being destroyed. A suggestion which Captain Kirk decides to take even though Scotty warns him it’s going to be too much of a strain on the ship. 
The revised draft of this episode described Farrell as being “a super-conscious twenty-eight-year-old... red-haired, one of those people who fight to put out 100 percent all the time... which is too much sometimes."
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Which means sometimes you get this reaction when Lt. Farrell is a bit nervous ... as in this scene when it appears all the lithium crystals are going one by one. 
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And another one - evidently Sulu and Farrell took a break and were in the corridor when the three beauties sashayed by. As Sulu leads a stunned Farrell back to his seat, he refers to him as Johnny-O. This is the only time we ever hear Lt. Farrell’s  first name mentioned. This was not his original first name though. In the final draft, his first name was Jim and Sulu refers to him as James-O in the same scene. 
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Farrell’s judgment leaves him completely when Magda convinces him to hand over his communicator along with information about the miners. She turns both the communicator and said info over to Harry Mudd which allows him to blackmail Kirk. According to Memory Alpha, there were a few lines cut from this scene. In the final draft, Lt. Farrell tells the charming Magda as they stroll along that he has a girlfriend and also that he wants to grow a mustache. Later in the same version it appears Magda does have a heart when she tells Harry “ "I hope he doesn't get in trouble... he's really very sweet."
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Poor Lt. Farrell can’t seem to shake off the effects of those gazes when the hearing ends and everyone returns to his normal station. He gets dressed down by Kirk because the captain has had to repeat an order twice. Which results in another Farrell wide-eyed expression. 
All ends well by the end, of course. Farrell’s composure returns once Captain Kirk returns to the bridge after leaving Rigel 12. But it’s a lot of fun to see how often we see the whites of his eyes as he reacts to whatever stressful situation he is in.
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Going by production order, Lt. Farrell appears again as navigator in “The Enemy Within.” (strangely, this episode appeared right before “Mudd’s Women”). There was a deleted scene in the final draft right after Geological Technician Fisher calls for help over the intercom. Spock and Farrell are shown on the bridge listening to his call. According to this script, Spock bolts for the turbolift doors and yells back for Lt. Farrell to take over.  Alas, as mentioned, that scene was dropped. Which is a shame because it again establishes Lt. Farrell as someone who is competent and has the respect and trust of both Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. He’s not just some overwrought officer who makes goofy faces. Instead, we don’t see Lt. Farrell until almost the end when the Evil Captain Kirk enters the bridge and sits in the Captain’s chair.  Farrell’s above expression comes from Evil Kirk’s orders to leave the planet, even though that means stranding the other members of the landing party in sub-zero temperatures. 
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About this time, the real Captain Kirk along with Dr. McCoy walk onto the bridge from the turbolift. Knowing he has to act fast, Evil Kirk orders Farrell and James to arrest what he says is the imposter. 
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Once the real Kirk begins advancing toward his evil counterpart, Farrell is really confused and just freezes in position. At one point, he plaintively asks Mr. Spock what to do but Spock ignores him as he watches the drama play out.  Notice that our Lt. Farrell is the only one who seems to actually rise or make any attempt to get up out of his chair during this scene. Another sign that despite his shortcomings in “Mudd’s Women” he really is a fine office. 
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About the time “Miri” was beginning to be filmed, John D.F. Black decided to leave the show. Which meant Jim Goodwin no longer had his friend and sponsor to steer roles his way. Lt. Farrell appears for the last time in this episode, although he is not in his traditional navigator seat. He has taken Uhura’s place at the communications station (Nichelle Nichols was considered a day player, not a contract player. So we did not see her in every episode). 
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But Lt. Farrell does play an important role in this episode. He is the one who relays all the information Spock gives him into the ship’s computer in an attempt to find a cure for the deadly virus that affects the inhabitants once they beginning entering puberty.  Even though Jim Goodwin was assigned to roles originally meant for Anthony D. Call and for Nichelle Nichols, he was also on the receiving end of having parts meant for him given to other actors. Farrell had scenes in the first drafts of both Charlie X and The Naked Time. By the final draft, however, his part in Charlie X had disappeared. And his part in “The Naked Time”? It was assigned to a new character named Kevin Riley. 
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Jim Goodwin came to Hollywood by way of Boston, Massachusetts. He had begun his acting career long before Star Trek, making his first appearance in 1950 on the TV show Starlight Theatre. After that, he had a fairly steady stream of small parts in both television and film. 
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Before Jim Goodwin was seen on Star Trek, he had small parts in two episodes of a popular television western called The Virginian. In “A Man of Violence” he played the role of Corporal Perkins. The teleplay was written by his friend John D.F. Black.  In the same episode, DeForest Kelley was cast as Lt. Beldon, the medical officer for the camp. And Leonard Nimoy played a bad guy named Wismer (seen above lying on his side).  
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Also before Star Trek, Farrell had two appearances in 1964 as a helmsman in the sci fi TV series Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. The above screenshot is from the episode “The Invaders.” 
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As mentioned earlier, Goodwin did have small parts in a number of movies, including Ice Station Zebra (1968), The Reivers (1969), and Emperor of the North (1973), in which he played the part of Fakir (see publicity photo above).  This would be his last movie, although he still was active in television up until 1979 and ended his career with a total of 50 credits.
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Sadly the year after his last film, Jim Goodwin’s death notice appeared in the Los Angeles Times on May 20th, 1980. It is quite scanty but since he was not buried in L.A., it is possible that a larger obituary was seen in one of the papers from the Boston area and from Beverly, Massachusetts.
There does not seem to be any information about Jim Goodwin. Many Star Trek extras had other careers or jobs on the side and continued those when the acting parts began running dry. This may well be Jim Goodwin’s story as well. No mention was seen of him ever appearing in a Star Trek convention, which is a shame, because certainly avid fans would have remembered him and been interested in hearing about his days on the Star Trek set. 
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msjr0119 · 4 years
The American Adventure
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A/N: I swear choices is taking over my life, I’m dreaming about TRR characters. We watched ‘The Parent Trap’ last night, and my subconscious dreamt of an alternative version including the Cordonian Gang. So I’ve decided to do this. In my usual series Drake is older than the other characters, however because most camps only go up to the age of 17, they are all 16/17.
Prince Liam and his closest friends are sent to a summer camp in America for a month, whilst in Cordonia the nobles are preparing for Prince Leo’s social season unknowingly to him. During their time there, Liam and Drake become besotted with the same girl- Riley Brooks.
Characters all belong to Pixelberry; apart from Lola Hughes, Bethany Hughes, Nate Cooper, Andy Brooks and Jackie Brooks.
Warnings: Please do not read if you are under 18, if you do you are consenting that you are over this age. If any of the follow trigger warnings affect you please don’t continue to read. Swearing, mention of sex, bad habit- smoking.
Word count: 2,400
Tags- as always for prologues I tag my combined tag list and people who I think will be interested. If you don’t want to be included in further chapters please let me know. I won’t be offended. If you want to be added, again let me know.
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @bascmve01 @kimmiedoo5 @yukinagato2012 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @drakewalker04 @axwalker @nikkis1983 @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desireepow-1986 @twinkle-320 @queenjilian @princessleac1 @bebepac @drakewalkerisreal @ravenpuff02
Liam, enjoy this opportunity with your closest friends. I’ve spoken to the camp director- he is aware of your titles and has promised to treat you all no different. Or to disclose this information- Bastien will be staying on site for extra protection with a few other guards. I’ll see you in a months times, my son.
The youngest prince of the small country, Cordonia- couldn’t imagine what to expect from being at a summer camp for a whole month. For him, it was a month of freedom. Away from the palace. Away from the small amount of royal duties that the Prince’s had to do. Having a good excuse to not attend Royal events with his father the King, and his step Mother the Queen.
Drake Walker, Liam’s best friend was more than happy to leave Cordonia. To leave the noble lifestyle behind. He never fit in anyway. Madeleine and Olivia constantly reminded him of this. Three years ago, he lost his father. Jackson Walker was the head of the King’s guard who lost his life in the line of duty. Summer camp, was everything Drake enjoyed in life. Being outdoors. Camping. Besides it was in the country that his mother was born in. America. He was half American, being here- he should feel right at home.
Maxwell Beaumont, the spare heir. The fun brother. The outgoing one. You could take him to Timbuktu and somehow he would be enthusiastic- making the most out of it. He was feeling excited about attending a summer camp, most of the time his older brother Bertrand would be ashamed of him. Criticising him, for even breathing. This was a break that he was looking forward to, without the lectures about being etiquette- especially when it included forks.
Olivia Nevrakis- this girl never held back. You annoy her, she would openly insult you. Drake Walker should know this. Not wanting to attend this break from Cordonia, she had no choice. King Constantine practically gave her no option but to go. As much as Olivia tried to fight against it, it did mean that she got to spend time with her closest friend, Liam. When they was younger, she would follow him around like a lost puppy. Now they were older, she had grown feelings towards him. But she wouldn’t tell him, not yet anyway.
Madeleine Amaranth- the epitome of prim and proper. The true definition of a well raised noble for court life. She was fully aware of the description of a summer camp. However, she knew that she wouldn’t abide by the timetables that they would strictly provide. Madeleine was cunning, she knew how to get her own way, and she was fully intending on using this to her advantage.
Breathing in the fresh air, Andy and Jackie Brooks enjoyed this day every year. Yes, they enjoyed the traditional American holidays such as Thanksgiving and The Forth of July- but this was the day that summer camp started. This was where their love story began. The camp had been run by his family for many decades. Jackie came one year, and Andy was immediately attracted to her. Every year since then, he had hoped that she would attend - which she did. They were childhood sweethearts- both losing their virginities to each other. As soon as Jackie was old enough, she moved to New York to be closer to Andy. They were soon married, and raised two daughters; Lindsey and Riley.
“Now I can trust that you all will make everyone feel welcome, encourage them to participate in the activities. After all, I am paying you all a small wage. Enjoy yourselves even though you are all working.” The director of Camp Beaver Brooks said to the teenagers. For the last couple of years he had enlisted his children and their friends for this extra support to keep the camp running.
“Yes, Father. We will go over to the registration hut and help everyone get settled in.” Pulling his youngest daughter into his embrace, he held her tightly- knowing that she wouldn’t let him down. Out of the two sisters, Riley was a hard worker. Always pushing herself further. Always up for a challenge. Never letting anyone get in her way to achieve her ambitions.
“Thank you, Riley. I love you, sweetheart.”
Riley, Lola, Beth and Daniel awaited for the campers to arrive. At times they had an influx of people arriving at the same time, then it was quiet. So quiet, that they could hear the tranquility of the lake in the distance.
Witnessing a limo pull up, they all rolled their eyes back in unison. Each one knowing the usual scenario. People that turned up in style were the most obnoxious spoilt brats who refused to partake in activities.
“So it’s not the Coopers. They have a different type of limo. Mayors kids? Rich business mans kids? What are we betting?” Daniel asked the three women.
“They are arseholes. I can bet you all that...” Lola responded. Biting their lips they all attempted to not laugh, knowing that Lola was probably correct. Even if she wasn’t correct, she was still right. She would never acknowledge that she was wrong about anything.
“There’s five of them! I bet their parents are celebrating getting rid of them for a month.... oh, it gets better.. look...They’ve got a personal driver and a personal bodyguard!” Riley took a deep breath, ready to do the introductions to the people who had clearly never been to camp before. Not this one, anyway.
“Fake smiles, guys... we can’t let them ruin it for everybody else. We will bitch about them after.” Lola winked at the group of friends after saying this. They all knew that she was probably already making notes about the strangers. Making assumptions up.
“This is so exciting... is anybody else excited? I think I need to pee... maybe too late for that actually... but guess what? NO Bertrand for a month...” Clapping his hands enthusiastically, he was like a big kid in a candy shop.
“Li, please tell me that he’s not sharing with us?” Looking down at Maxwell’s damp trousers, Drake pleaded with Liam to not bunk up with anyone else but him.
“I’m glad he’s not sharing with me. I’m already stuck with ‘I can’t break a nail. I’m too precious.’ Eurghhh, count yourselves lucky gentlemen.”
“I’m stuck with Miss ‘look at me in the wrong way and I’ll slit your throat’...”
“I can’t wait to see you all pretend to not be noble.. this is going to be classic.” Sinking back into the chair, Drake laughed to himself- loudly. Deep down he had hoped that the girls would suffer during this trip. Just due to their horrendous attitude they have had towards him all of his life.
“Well you’ll feel right at home here... in the states where you actually belong.” Olivia smirked at Drake, knowing every time she criticised him about being a commoner it irritated him. Prior to his fathers death, it didn’t affect him - as he had his fathers support. Since Jackson’s death, himself and Savannah were criticised for still being in Cordonia- described as outcasts by the majority of the nobles. There was no reason for them to be there anymore, as their mother shortly abandoned them after tragically losing her husband, they all believed.
“I hear that there’s a lake here, Livvy. It’s apparently ice cold- just like your heart.” Scowling towards Drake, she didn’t think that he would respond with an insult. She hated him. He hated her. The feeling was mutual, and would be for the rest of their lives.
“Call me Livvy one more time, Walker. I dare ya!”
“That’s enough! Can we just enjoy this time. It’s the first time that I’ve been allowed a bit of freedom.. we’re here anyway. Remember, I am not a Prince and you aren’t nobles. We are all just normal people. Normal teenagers.” They all nodded in agreement, knowing how much this meant to Liam. For him to be free.
“Hey, welcome to Camp Beaver Brooks. My name is Riley. Myself and my friends will help you all get settled in. If you have any questions, just grab one of us. There are forms to fill out over there. If you all do that, then we will escort you to your dorms.”
“Charmed to make your acquaintance, Riley. My name is, Liam.” Pulling her hand towards his lips he kissed it tenderly. Dickhead, quit with the Prince charming act. Drake whispered in to his ear reminding him that they were no longer in Cordonia. “Erm, these are my closest friends; Drake, Maxwell, Olivia and Madeleine. We are from a different country, and are thrilled to be here.” Stepping backwards, she smiled at them all. Even though she was a bit freaked out by that introduction, she put it to the back of her mind- acting professional. Once they had all signed in, Bastien left them- phoning Andy he explained that they had arrived. Andy gave instructions for Bastien and the other guards to stay in a bungalow close by.
“So girls, Daniel will escort you to the girls dorm. Boys, myself and Lola will escort you to your dorms.” Fucking girls, we are nobles you fucking Yankee. Olivia took a sudden dislike to Riley. As she did with Drake. I hate commoners.
Maxwell latched onto Riley as she escorted them on the short walk to the dorms. He was acting as if he had known her own his life, Drake and Liam were both panic stricken that the Lord would accidentally disclose their true identities.
“Here you go, you will be sharing with a close friend of ours- Nate Cooper, when he arrives. He takes a disliking to people easily, but you’ve just got to defend yourself against him.”
“What Riley means, is Nate Cooper is a wanker. Good luck, boys.” Lola decided to abandon her post and sneak out for a crafty cigarette whilst Riley continued settling them in.
“Just ignore her. She accidentally drops the ‘f bomb’ and other swear words a few times. Quite a lot actually...” shrugging her shoulders, the men all laughed. Maxwell eagerly unpacked his suitcase and bagsed the top bunk of one of the bunk beds. Placing his teddy bear that he had since he was born, he would be more than annoyed if this Nate tried to steal his territory that he had marked.
“Ignore him, he’s still a child...” Drake explained, acting like the father figure of the group. As he said this, Riley locked her baby blues on to his dark eyes. Noticing him stare back towards her, she focused her gaze elsewhere. Not wanting him to realise that she was already hypnotised by his presence.
“So what is on the agenda for today, Riley?” Maxwell asked as he leaped off the top bunk, risking breaking a limb.
“Erm, well because it’s arrival day. You have this time to explore camp independently. Then we have dinner between six and seven. After that there’s a ‘welcome meeting’ then we all gather together around the campfire for a couple of hours.”
“Sounds fabulous.” Liam said, softly smiling at her.
“I hope that you all enjoy your time here. There’s a map in the top drawer. Don’t get lost on your first day though...see you all around six.” Waving goodbye, Liam followed her through the door- closing it behind him.
“Riley, I have a question.”
“Do we have any free time? Where we are not following a typical day agenda.”
“Yes, we have one day off each week. That day will change each week. There will be updates on this at reception. Why?”
“Oh, I just thought we could all ‘hang out’ as you Americans say.” Attempting to act like a normal ‘cool’ teenager, he hoped that she wouldn’t be offended by his upfront attitude.
“Sure. See ya.” Unable to erase the smile that was fixed onto his face, he entered the dorm. Grateful for his father suggesting this little adventure for them all.
Riley knew exactly where Lola would be, hiding behind the ‘bent tree’ as it was known. It was a common location for everyone to sneak away for a cigarette. Dodging all the tab ends that had been piling up over the years, her friend looked relieved that she had finally showed up.
“About time, I’ve chain smoked a whole packet nearly! What were you doing? Fucking them all?”
“LOLA! One, I highly doubt that you smoked a whole packet in five minutes. Two, I must be superwoman managing to have sex with all of them in that amount of time. Three, get a life!”
“So the tall dark handsome one, the blue eyed boy or the dopey one... which one would you sleep with?”
“Go fuck yourself. Or rather, Daniel. Come on, we need to get back.”
“Here you are ladies... this is your home for the next month. Dinner is at six.....”
“There’s room service, right?” Madeleine interrupted, as she scowled at the dirty room. Tracing her finger along the window ledge, she collected too much dust for her liking. Straight away she washed her hands in the cracked sink- then retrieved the hand sanitiser out of her handbag. I’m going to die.
“Erm, no. This isn’t a hotel.” The blonde nearly hyperventilated due to his response. Expecting for some elaboration, expecting for it to be some kind of sick joke- Daniel remained silent, shocked at her reaction. I’m a noble- get me out of here!
“Where’s the bathroom? I need a bath.” Olivia demanded to know as she folded her arms.
“If you turn left as you leave here and walk five minutes, there is a shared restroom. After dinner there will be a short ‘welcome meeting’ before we all gather next to the campfire. I’ll leave you to both get settled in. Enjoy ladies.” Both jaws practically dropped to the floor, before looking at each other with the same expression. Disgust. For the first time in their lives, they actually agreed on something. Why did we agree to come?
Daniel giggled to himself as he left the two snobs as he described them in his mind. Running back to the hut, he couldn’t wait to inform the girls about the newbies responses to being at camp.
This is going to be a long month. They are going to have a big reality check.
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diddlesanddoodles · 4 years
(Chapter warning: Discussions of death and gore)
See bottom of the chapter for bonus art and a new addition to the Dumpling Playlist. 
Farris lead them out of the tent and into the kitchen camp and they were greeted by the absurd sight of all of the kitchen staff surrounding a group of seven or so humans, most of whom looked absolutely terrified, and then one lone human who stood outside the group was waving a sword in the air as he angrily shouted at Bart. “...WILL NOT LET ME THROUGH THIS INSTANT, I WILL RUN YOU THROUGH!”
“Through what? My big toe?” Bart asked with a laugh. He could not look less intimidated by the man if it had been a dust bunny shouting at him.
Farris let Nonna down and she snorted at the sight of them, calling out, “Riley, stop swinging that thing around, it’s not a damn toy! We’ve already made a piss poor showing and I won’t have you insulting these good people any more that you already have. Put that poker away and shut your gob or I’ll be telling your mother she needs to teach you better manners.”
The so name Riley turned to look at Nonna, eyes wide and disbelieving. “Nonna! You aren’t hurt are you?”
“I’m fine you great cow pie!” she snapped back at him and earning a few snickers from some of the kitchen staff. “Now do as I said and put that damn thing away.”
Riley tightened his grip, looking back and forth between the giants around him and then back to Nonna before looking up at Farris. “Tell your men to back away first.”
Farris regarded the little squire with a flat look, displeased at being given orders and especially by someone so annoying, but conceded by glancing at Bart and jerking his head. Bart nodded and began to usher everyone back to their tasks. “C’mon now, let ‘em be, lads. Back to work, the lot of ye. We’ve had our fun.”
Avery made a long disappointed whine. “Aw, come on now. I was this close t’gettin’ that lil’ fella in blue to piss himself.”
Riley watched the giants leave with suspicious and wary eyes, but once they were a comfortable enough distance away from the group of humans, he sheathed his sword. He turned his attention back to Nonna, but paused, eyes shifting to stare behind Farris where Yale stood with Nenani cupped in his hands. The man’s eyes widened and he shifted nervously for a moment before abruptly bending himself in half. “Y-your Grace!”
The other humans looked at Riley in surprise, following his trail of sight and when they all saw Nenani, they mimicked him and dropped into dramatic bows with mutterings of “Your Grace.”
Yale snickered, lowering his head to whisper to Nenani. “Princess Dumplin’...”
“Nooo...” She whined. Her face turned red with mortification when she heard Avery and Kol both add their own flamboyant your grace’s from across the yard. Farris glanced back at her with a raised eyebrow and she frowned back at him miserably. “Please make them stop...”
But he just grinned at her and shrugged.
“Well, you heard her,” Nonna told the group. “Stop with all that silly nonsense. You’re embarrassing the poor girl.”
Riley’s face made several jumps between conflicting emotions before finally giving a small bow and muttering an almost inaudible, “My apologies.”
Nonna nodded in satisfaction before turning to look up at Farris with a pleasant smile and patted his boot. “Thank you for help, Farris, you’re a peach. But I believe I can manage them from here.”
“As ye say,” he replied and stepped back, crossing his arms. Nonna looked up and waved a beckoning hand at Yale.
“Go on and let the girl loose, young man. We’ve come all this way so we might as well give her all these presents we’ve trudged up along with us.”
Nenani perked up. “Presents? For me?”
Nonna regarded her with a sly grin. “Well what did you think it mean to pay homage?”
Yale laughed as he let Nenani down and she hurried to catch up to Nonna as she reached the group of humans. Many of them were pulling the packs off their backs and rummaging inside, pulling out objects, some wrapped and some not. And though they all were still sending wary glances towards the giants who were still watching them all from their work stations, the humans seemed excited to be presenting their offerings. Nenani did not know how to feel about it all. It felt strange to suddenly be in the company of many folks her size, having become so accustomed to living among giants and even more so when they were throwing gifts at her.
But so long as they kept their your grace’s to themselves, she supposed it was all in good fun.
Riley stepped up to Nonna, bending to whisper something into her ear to which Nonna nodded. Riley was a tall young man, dressed in a long dark gray gambeson coat, and green trousers. He look only a few years older than Jae. The leather of his belt was oiled and shining with a silver buckle of intricate silver. He wore a short stubble beard and his hair was a fluffy mob of dusty brown and his face was set firmly into a scowl. His hand still rested on the hilt of his sword as he cast his gaze around the camp. They lingered on Farris and Yale and neither giant missed the way he was looking at them. Yale wiggled his eyebrows at him, daring the human to try something, but all Riley did was scowl back at him.
“Now, my girl,” Nonna said, gently taking Nenani’s arm and guiding her towards the group. “Most of these gifts are going to be things you don’t really need and never asked for...”
“Nonna!” Riley barked at the woman in indignation; momentarily turning his head from the giants.
“...but I can assure you that they were all made with love and care and the finest craftsmanship we possess.” Nonna finished, ignoring Riley. One by one, each of the group stepped up and held out their offerings with a short greeting. Thankfully they kept it informal. Among the gifts was a light green cloak with delicate embroidery along the bottom, a brass broach in the shape of a dragonfly, a roll of beautifully tanned leather, a ring with a polished purple stone, and a small wooden box inlaid with different colored wood to create a beautiful pattern on the lid like a string twirling in never ending loops and knots. They were all beautifully made gifts and Nenani stared dumbly at the pile, taken aback and oddly humbled.
“And Riley has one for you as well,” Nonna said, looking to Riley with a nod. The young man reached behind himself and unclipped something from his belt, pulling it out and handing to Nonna. It was a sheathed dagger. The leather had been dyed a faint green color and near the top, pressed into material was a familiar symbol; the Thorn guard crest. Nenani stared at it, feeling a strange nostalgic pull.
“But first,” said the old woman, her voice soft and oddly serious. Her eyes were searching and hopeful. “I have an important question for you; Where is Hayron?”
Nenani stared at Nonna for a moment, a sinking feeling in her belly, and then after a moment said, “He died. Or rather...he was killed.”
There was a collective noise of despair and the group of humans all looked heartbroken at the news. They all bent their heads and muttered something Nenani could not make out. It did not sound like the common tongue at all.
Nonna nodded her understanding. “I had feared as much,” she said, eyes incredibly sad. “When news reached us that you and your mother were alive, but no news of Hayron...”
She heaved a great sigh, suddenly looking her age. “It is a great loss. I would have very much liked to have been able to see your father one more time. So many things I would have told him. So many apologies I would have made. Your grandfather was never the same after he was forced to give his son up. It tore at him, terribly.” She looked up at Nenani and smiled sadly, regret and longing on he face. “How he wished he could have had a chance to meet his grandchild. This broach here, the dragonfly...”
She reached for the broach from atop the pile of offerings and pinned it to the front of Nenani’s thick wool dress. “...is the symbol of familial love. He had this made for me after my daughter was born and I’ve kept it all these years. The notion to one day give it to one of my granddaughters crossed my mind, but they fight over every little thing. So, when I heard you were alive...it seems only fitting you should have it.”
She rested a bony hand over the broach, over Nenani’s heart. Riley stepped up to her.
“Who killed him?” he asked. The young man’s eyes were intense everything about him was pulled taut with withheld rage. The hand gripping the hilt of his sword tightened and his knuckles were white. “Who killed Hayron?”
“His name is Aidus,” she said to the man.
“Aidus...I know that name,” Nonna said, looking pensive.
Something in the back of her mind gave her pause and she looked back to Farris. Almost as though she sought his permission to say anything more. He seemed to sense her apprehension.
“It’s up t’ye how much ye wanna share, lil’un,” he told her. “But I’ll say this: better fer everyone t’be knowin’ about that fucker. He ain’t gone after the tribes yet, but best not assume that won’t change.”
She did not want to tell them about Aidus being the one to have killed Thadeus and starting the war. It did not feel like something she could tell them. Who knew what sort of the trouble that knowledge would stir. But the rest...the rest she could. After seeing the pain on their collective faces at the news of her father’s death, she almost felt like she owed them the story and the chance to share her loss with someone who shared it was alluring.
“He was after Mama,” she explained. “But Papa tried to fight him off. Aidus killed him and stole my mother away. But she escaped him a year ago. She said he threatened to kill my little brother.”
There was a shift among the group.
“Brother?” Nonna asked.
“Mama was with child when she was taken,” she replied.
There were hushed murmurs among the humans and someone from the back asked, “We have a prince?”
Nonna waved them off with a hand, frowning at them. “Quiet you hens!” She turned back to Nenani with an expression of longing. “We had not heard of your mother bearing a son.”
“She named him Haiyer.” The old woman was silent for a long moment, her eyes frozen as they peered at Nenani. Then she rose a trembling hand to her face, covering her mouth as the emotion took her. “...Haiyer?”
“Nonna?” Riley asked, his nervousness forgotten as he went to her side, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Are you alright?”
She nodded, wiping at her eyes. “Yes, of course. I am all right, my boy. Don’t fret.”
Riley looked back at Nenani. “Why would this man do all of this? Kill Hayron and take the princess?”
“Aidus is the man who Mama was supposed to marry,” Nenani replied. “But she fell in love with Papa instead.”
Nonna gripped Riley’s shoulder as sudden recognition struck her and she gasped. “Tarliene’s eldest boy!” she cried, eyes wide. “The King’s advisor! His son was named Aidus! I thought I knew that name!” She turned to the man in blue, the one Avery had been trying to scare into wetting himself. “Pip, do you remember if Aidus was one of the Ruby order? They were the mages sent to Riftside, correct?”
“If I remember correctly, they were sent in as back up,” he replied. “I’m fairly confident that if the Aidus that her grace...er, my apologies. If the Aidus she speaks of is Tarliene’s son, then he would have been there.”
“Aidus was a fire mage. Vennor’s apprentice,” confirmed another of the humans. He was older and gray haired. A thin pale scar rang the length of face on his right side. He looked to Nonna. “He was a member of the Ruby Order. A highly skilled fire mage.”
Above them all, Farris snorted. “I’ve met ‘im briefly. And he don’t look a thing like any fire mage I’ve ever seen.”
“My apologies, sir, but you mistake my meaning,” the man explained. “It couldn’t have been him. I saw Aidus fall at Riftside. He and two others were thrown from the cliff by Prince Mourin.”
“Ye were at Riftside?” Farris asked, the gruffness easing a little and he regarded the scarred man with a kinder eye.
“Yes, sir. Infantry captain,” said the man and gestured to his face. “S’where I got this beauty. Courtesy of one a’ yer late King’s balista’s shattering our shield wall. The prince and a few others got through after the river was set on fire and they scaled the cliff. They killed all them mages there. Not sure who, but someone ‘em got in a quick hit before they fell and it cut through the Prince’s neck and he bled out. Every soul on that cliff died that day.”
“Ye say ya saw ‘im fall,” Farris said. “He could’a survived.”
“Unlikely. That cliff is nearly 150 feet and the river may be deep there, but there’s plenty of rocks to hit on the way down.”
“Well if he’s did die at Riftside, someone forgot to tell him he’s suppose to be dead,” Yale added. “He’s attacked the castle directly twice now. Tryin’ t’get to the lil’un. Somethin’ about usin’ her to get her Mum to come back to ‘im.”
Nonna chewed on her bottom lip, mulling over all that had been said. She shook her head. “What could he possibly be after? Silvaara is no more, why fixate on Princess Aine?”
“Obsession?” Yale offered. “Revenge?”
“No,” Nenani said, something in her mind abruptly making sense. Keral had told her once that the smoke mage problem was like a puzzle to him and suddenly she was aware of just how many pieces she had. “Not revenge. Something about the gold prophecy. He...I think he thinks...it’s about him. When killed my uncle, he said that he wanted to see the dead walls rise. And then when the wyvern attacked, the only thing he said was the gold prophecy.”
“What do you mean when he killed your uncle?” Nonna asked. “Halden died in Silvaara. Alongside Haiyer and the royal family.”
“...no he didn’t. Uncle Halden didn’t die in Silvaara,” Nenani said, shaking her head. “He survived. He and some others made it to the Southlands. Where Mama and Papa and I were living. After Aidus took Mama and killed Papa, he took care of me for years. But Aidus came back. He burned everything down. And killed him.”
There was a long silence.
“Nonna,” Riley said in a quiet voice. His eyes were red. “We must hold the last rite for them. Hayron and Halden. We owe them that much at least.”
“It will take a few days to prepare for the ceremony,” Nonna told him. She turned to one of people within their group. “Jerand, how long would it take you and your brother to carve a pair of effigies?”
“Two days at least,” said an older man with a round face and bushy brown beard. “Three would be better.”
Nonna nodded. “I will speak with Warrick when we return. Could be a week or so before we could manage something half way decent. We won’t find much in the way of flowers this time of year.”
“What do you mean?” Nenani asked.
“The last rite,” Nonna explained. “For when an oath bound Thorn guard falls in the keeping of his or her oath, they are given what we call the last rite. Or full colors. We would like to give you father and uncle their last rite.”
“Didn’t grandfather have to...I forget what it’s called. Make him not a Thorn guard anymore?”
“He was relieved of his duty,” Nonna replied. “Only death can dismiss you from your oath.”
“There will be lots to be done,” said one of the group. “And so soon after Gregis.”
“More funerals,” Farris muttered unhappily.
“And what of it, giant?” Riley snarled, whirling on the kitchen master. “Do you see us criticizing how you mourn your lost?”
Farris glared at the whole group distastefully. “Y’know how many funeral’s I’ve been to since the war ended, boy? Too many. Both Vhasshalan and human. More than half didn’t even have a body to bury or t’burn. Folks speakin’ of a dead fella they didn’t know, paradin’ and weepin’ with all the pageantry and bullshit they can muster. It was never fer the sake of those closest to ‘em. Most ‘a the time it was only fer show.” He pointed glared at Riley. “Just t’see who could make a bigger arse of themselves.”
Riley’s face turned a deep shade of red and he glared up at Farris, furious and incensed. “KEEP YOU TONGUE IN YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH!”
“Riley,” Nonna began, raising a placating hand towards him, but he shouted over her.
“NO! They were Thorn guard, Nonna. My brothers! And I will not stand here and be told my grief is nothing but for show! Least of all by a giant!” He turned back to Farris. “You speak of things you know nothing about.”
“Do as ye well please, but it’ll just be people weepin’ over a bonfire. Ain’t no bodies fer ye to burn,” Farris said and gestured to Nenani. “The lil’un’s been my ward fer months and she’s been mournin’ fer the both of ‘em fer longer than that. I’ve seen her tears and heard her cry out fer ‘em in her sleep. So excuse me if I don’t think ye have any right to sweep in and take ownership of a grief that’s rightly hers. Ye haven’t a right to it. Or her father. ‘Specially since ye all were the ones t’ave tossed Hayron out in the first place.”
Riley drew his sword, the metal catching the firelighte. “HOW DARE YOU –!”
Yale stepped up behind Farris, eyes narrowed and voice low and threatening. “Put it away, boy.”
There was the rushing of many feet and the rest of the kitchen staff stepped up behind Farris and Yale. There all glares and scowls and tightened muscle. But either the squire did not see them or did not care, too entrapped by his own anger. Nenani went to stand between them, suddenly afraid of the sudden escalation, but Nonna gripped her arm and pulled her back, pushing her towards one of the group of humans. “No, dear. Stay out of it.”
“But...” she began to protest, but Nonna shushed her.
“Stay out of it.”
“Aye,” Farris said to Riley, scowling. “Where were the lot of ye when yer King had him and his pregnant wife thrown out into the wilds like unwanted dogs? Ye sat at his heels and followed yer orders like good hounds even as one ‘a yer own was thrown aside. So don’t get all high and mighty on me with yer talk of oaths and shit.”
Riley opened his mouth to reply, but Nonna spoke over him, gripping his sleeve and rubbing his shoulder. “No, son. He is not wrong to say so. He is not wrong. And we know it. Haiyer certainly did and you know it too.”
“Nonna that isn’t what...”
“Not everyone shares the same view as to just what it means to uphold one’s duty. It is a hard line to walk. And one you must be prepared for if you ever want to take the oath yourself.”
“How can you bare such an insult?” Riley demanded, voice thick with emotion. “How he speaks of us? As though we do not grieve them at all. That it did not hurt to see Hayron leave and know we would never see him again. To see Father weep and pray to the Gods that they would be safe and beg for forgiveness. To watch war break out and destroy everything and never knowing if they were dead or alive. Now we have a chance to help Father’s spirit to finally rest. And this...fucker tells us that we are not entitled to our grief?”
“Haiyer is dead, son,” Nonna told him and not unkindly. “Confirmation of Hayron’s death does not change anything.”
“It does to me!” he said. “I may not share their name or wear his sigil, but they are my blood too! Don’t tell me how I should mourn them. I would have been there if I had been given the chance!”
“Then you would have died with him!” Nonna said, anger rising in her throat. “You were a child, Riley! You would not have made a bit of difference to that fight. The moment the keep fell, you would have just been another dead child laying on that marble floor in pieces!”
The young man’s face contorted with pain and he took a lumbering breath and howled, “BUT I WOULD DIED WITH MY FATHER!”
Nonna was livid. “And I would have one less piece of my brother and another dead nephew to grieve over.”
“I can’t just –!”
“Riley, that is enough!”
Riley sneered at Nonna and then turned his angry focus to the group of giants. “Do you know how he died?” he demanded of them. “Captain Haiyer? My father? He was the last one, y’know. The last of the guard left alive when your King tore through the keep. Just before he killed our King and his family. His sons and daughter. Their children. Babes still in their swaddling clothes. Popped their little bodies like goddamn grapes!”
Nenani felt ill as she listened to Riley speak. One of the men standing beside her put a hand on her shoulder, his eyes downcast and sad.  
“Riley,” Nonna said. “Stop this now...”
But he did not listen to her. He was delirious with anger and he gave a manic laugh. “You might’ve noticed your King came back missing his left pinkie finger. That was my father’s doing. Lobbed the damn thing from his wretched hand...just before the Blood King bit hit head off!”
Nonna stepped in front of Riley and backhanded him across the face, the sound of it echoing across the camp. There was a moment where no one said anything and even Farris looked caught off guard. Riley stared at the ground, his head still tilted to the side from the force of the hit.
“Enough!” Nonna said and turned to the group of humans. “Pip, Jerand; take him home and put him to bed like the insolent child he is determined to be. Rendlen, you go too. You’re paler than milk and I don’t need you fainting on me.”
Three of the men from the group stepped up, one of them putting a hand onto Riley’s shoulder and guiding him towards the back gate. Riley did not protest or say anything, just kept one hand to his face where Nonna had struck him. Watching them go, Nonna sighed a great heaving breath as though it came from deep within. When she turned to Farris, her eyes were filled emotion.
“I am deeply sorry for his behavior, Farris,” she said, forcing herself to stand a little taller, though it was obvious she was still agitated. “It was not my intention for us to disturb you all. I hope you can forgive our transgressions here today.”
“That boy’s gonna end up pissin’ off the wrong folks one ‘a these days,” Farris warned her.
“He has many demons,” she relied, seeming smaller. “And I am sad to say...he is not currently winning that particular battle.”
“Tell ye what, Nonna,” Farris said. His face was placid and without a scent of irritation or anger. But there was something else there. Pity. “When ye see Warrick, give him this bit of advice from an ol’ man whose wrangled his fair share of belligerent lads who just wanna be angry at the world and fer everyone to feel as miserable as they do; work the boy till he can’t stand up straight no more. Don’t give ‘im a moment’s peace to dwell on all that shit in his head. Put all that angry energy into something productive. He’ll figure the rest out himself. Might take a few months. Might take a few years. But ye have to break him to have any hope of savin’ him from himself.” Farris turned his eye towards Yale and grinned. He reached out and looped his arm around his assistant's neck and pulled him into a choke hold. “S’how I set this smarmy bastard straight.”
“Ah, Farris!” Yale growled, pushing at the kitchen master’s arms. “Come off it!”
With a chuckle, Farris released his hold and Yale stumbled back with a muted curse.
Nonna watched the pair and laughed weakly at that, nodding. “Thank you. I will.”
“He said that the Captain was his father,” Quinn asked and looked to Nenani. “So does that make that whiny lil’ wanker the Dumplin’s uncle?”
“Half uncle,” Nonna said with a nod and then paused, looking at Quinn askance. “Dumpling?”
“Aye,” Farris said, the whole lot of them sharing a grin. “S’what we call yer niece there.”
Nonna laughed and patted Nenani on the back. “Well, I suppose there are worse things to be called.”
“What do you mean, though?” Nenani asked her. “When you say that he’s my half uncle?”
She sighed. “Well, no sense in beating around the bush as every in the village knows. Riley is your grandfather’s natural born son,” the old woman replied. “A bastard.”
The word echoed in Nenani’s mind, bringing with it the voice of Lord Eldherst. Bastard. Only a bastard.
“Hayron never told you? Nor Halden?” she asked, seeing the look on Nenani’s face. “That they had a half brother?”
“Papa never told me anything,” she replied, brow furrowed and feeling hollow inside. “I didn’t even know my last name until a few weeks ago...”
The old woman’s head drew back and she stared at Nenani, scandalized. “Truly?”
Nenani nodded. “I...never knew about anyone. Or anything...”
“He may have been waiting for your tenth birthday,” Nonna said. “When you would receive your first rite.”
“My first...rite?”
“That’s right,” she said with a grin, holing up the green sheathed dagger. “When you would have been given your dagger.”
“Given her dagger?” Bart asked with a bemused grin. “What’s the bloody hell does that mean?”
“You may have noticed us lot in the Hill Tribes are a bit...well, let’s be generous and say superstitious,” Nonna explained. “We of the Thorn clans hold traditions very close as it is really all we have left of our culture. We are all Silvaaran, but we are also Thorn. Our place in the hierarchy of Silvaara kept us apart from either end of society. Neither peasant nor nobility. So the old ways were kept well and alive through the years. Our music, our stories, our language...”
“...language?” Nenani asked.
“Tier,” Nonna replied with a grin. “Gothe‘er than ule ore sei schlie.”
Not a word she spoke was familiar and she had never heard anyone speak in that way. Nenani stared.  “What does that mean?”
“I said that many of us still speak the old tongue. As for the dagger, it is the first of the rites.” She looked to Nenani and smiled, holding out the green leather sheathed dagger to her. “When one of our clan turns ten years old, a dagger is made from a piece of their father’s yearling sword and given to the child as their first rite. Your father would have presented this to you on your tenth birthday,” She smiled at Nenani, but it was sad. “...but as we do not have his yearling sword nor him...I am afraid all I have is a substitute and my old bony self. Riley was going to present this to you, but...well.”
Nonna held out the dagger to Nenani and as she reached out to wrap her hands around the dagger’s hilt, Nonna closed her fingers over her hand. Holding them, she looked into Nenani’s face.  
“When you turn fifteen,” she continued. “This dagger will be melted down again and turned into a yearling sword as your second rite. And finally when you are deemed to be ready, your are given your final sword and take the oath. The oath use to be to protect and guard the royal family.” Nonna tilted her head in a strange sort of shrug. “But since the war, we have broadened that oath to the Hill Tribe and to Vhasshal should the King ever call upon us.”
Behind them, she heard Farris huff a laugh. “Yer saying yer wantin’ t’show the lil’un how to fuckin’ use a sword now?”
Nonna turned her eyes to Farris and laughed loudly. “Goodness no! We’d never set her upon such a path nor is it expected of any of our children to do so. Only four of the young ones have taken the oath in recent years and seven more have their yearling swords, but most never progress beyond their dagger. These rites are more to persevere our heritage than anything. Do not worry Farris, we don’t mean to turn your ward into a soldier.”
Farris chuckled. “Was only gonna warn ye she’d make a right sorry solider. Sleeps late, doesn’t mind ye worth shit, and she’s easily distracted by small shiny things.”
“I do not!” Nenani shot back with a frown. Nonna pulled the dagger from the sheath and it glinted in Nenani’s eyes, drawing her gaze downward. Behind her, each and every one of the kitchen staff was laughing. Nenani whirled around, red faced and opened her mouth to defend herself.
Farris eyed her with a smirk. “Oh, aye. Ye do, lass.”
She stuck her tongue out at the lot of them and the just laughed harder. Nonna smiled and patted her cheek affectionately.
“Don’t feel too bad, my dear,” she said and leaned forward to whisper into her ear, “I’m quite partial shiny things too.”
BONUS ART: Riley. 
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Author’s notes: The Thorn clan language is similar in sound to the Irish or Gaelic languages.     
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silverofdreams · 4 years
what if- “ A tale of two people”
Authors note:
This is the final installment to this series, I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as I had fun exploring this little plot idea. English is not my language please excuse any grammar mistakes.
I tag a few of my choices friends,
@ao719, @debramcg1106, @zaffrenotes, @the-soot-sprite @star-spangled-eyes @dcbbw @burnsoslow @emceesynonymroll
Disclaimer: I own nothing only my character Rose.
Song inspiration: Ellie Goulding- “love me like you do”
Pairing: Drake Walker/ Mc (Rose)
PG just pure fluff
Chapter one: https://silverofdreams.tumblr.com/post/189626271455/my-story-is-finished
Chapter two here: https://silverofdreams.tumblr.com/post/189808906220/what-if-chapter-two
Chhapter three : https://silverofdreams.tumblr.com/post/190041970130/what-if-a-tale-of-two-people
This story explores the What if Drake mentioned in book 2, what if he and Rose (Riley) met somewhere else other than Liam’s bachelor party could their story have become different?
   Chapter four
– The future –
Drake and Rose
A few years had now passed, Drake was back in Cordonia, it was time for the social season for Liam to begin. The guys had decided to go to New York to give Liam his bachelor party since the social season was all about him finding his queen. Drakes ex-girlfriend were now a mother to twins, Drake saw them from time to time, but he never talked to any of them it was best to leave that part of his life in the past. He also had no contact anymore with Rose, they somehow lost touch two years ago, he figured she might had found another guy and had forgot about him.
The guys were busy making the final arrangements to the bachelor trip. And in the later evening they took off to New York. Maxwell was his happy go lucky self on the plane. He had never been outside Cordonia, so this was a life adventure for him. He talked the other guys ears off and made them go mad by his many jokes and puns that he threw at them.
After some hours they landed at the airport, Bastien took their bags and grabbed them a cab to their hotel.
After they installed themselves in their separate rooms, thankfully Drake did not have to share one with Maxwell. They decided to go barhopping for a bit before deciding what to do their first night in the states. Drake really was not in the mood for this though, all he wanted was to take a whiskey in the bar lobby since the flight had been so long, he was also a bit jetlagged. But the other 3 had convinced him fresh air could do him good so out they went.
They soon stumbled into a small bar / pub and since it was about 8 Bastien thought it would be a good idea to have a meal, they did not know though the bar usually closed about 9 so they really came in the last minute.
Rose had worked several hours already it had been lousy day with few customers and a cranky boss that had taken out his bad mood on her and her coworker Daniel. She checked her watch, one hour left of the shift, when her boss yelled there was customers. She stood up and met Daniel on the way out. “Can you cover them for me please”? He asked as he needed to leave early. Rose walked up to the table where three handsome guys sat “May I help you”? She asked. Drake at that time looked up, with a shocked face realizing who their waitress was “Rose”?
Rose stopped for a minute why did this guy look so familiar “oh my god, Drake? Its you are it not”? “Yes, it is he” a voice said behind her as she turned around there was a 4th guy also very handsome, as he sat down, she turned back to them “Am I dreaming, is this really happening? I thought I lost track of you forever Walker” Rose said and could not help but stare at his handsome face. Drake looked a bit uncomfortable, he had not really told his friends about the girl he met years ago but lost track of. He had not counted to ever meet her again, but now here she was. “Eh Drake who is this girl?” Maxwell asked and watched his friend closely.
“Rose, this is my friends Maxwell, Bastien and Liam, guys this is Rose someone I met a few years ago”. Rose sighed “I’m just someone you met huh, what about all the time we spent together, before you just gave up and left me behind”. Liam looked at the two of them “Guys, this is not something to discuss here say Rose was it? Why do you not come with us after your shift is over? We want to go somewhere but do not know of any good place and if you follow it’s a good opportunity for you and my grumpy friend here to talk” Rose nodded “okay if Drake is okay with me following then I accept” she waited for Drake to reply.
“No objection” he muttered, she took their orders and went behind to deal it over to the chef.
When her shift ended, she changed her clothes and went outside, there the guys waited for her. “So, what are the plans?” Rose asked and watched them.
Liam told her it was a bachelor party for him and that they wanted to do something fun.
Rose nodded “Let’s go to a secure beach area not to far from here, there me and Drake should be able to talk as well, it’s a secret spot so no other people should be there more than the five of us”.
After a while they arrived and as expected the beach was empty. The weather was perfect for a night out the other guys went ahead to make a fire and set up a temporary camp. Rose and Drake sat down near the water away from the others. The two of them sat in silence for a while not sure what to say. “So here we are “Rose started to say Drake simply nodded “Yeah, uh I did not think I would run into you again Greer”. “Me either Drake, me either but still yet here we are it must be fate right”. Drake gave a little laugh “It surely must be Greer, say why did you stop all contact with me years ago”? Rose sighed “I’m sorry, it was after you had passed out according to your roommate, I guess he never told you I called so I simply thought you would not want anything more to do with me”. Drake raised his eyebrows “I can’t recall any phone call from you, damnit my roommate must simply had forgot to tell me”. Rose smiled “Damn your roommate”. Them both laughed. “I’m glad we got to meet like this again though Greer, I have missed you”. “I have missed you too Drake, more than you can ever know the days has been terrible without your company”.  They looked at each other as Rose let her head rest against his shoulder.
After a while Drake simply turned to her “I’m living in Cordonia now, my friend Liam is the prince there and this trip is before he ahs to choose his future wife”. Rose surprised face made him laugh a little “Way to spill the beans yeah”. Rose laughed “I knew those friends of yours had to be rich they looked the part”. “How long are you staying this time”? She then asked.
Drake sighed “We are leaving tomorrow, it’s a short trip”, Rose gasped “tomorrow, but what about us we need a chance to catch up”! Drake held her closer to him “We have tonight rose, maybe more if you want to come back with me?” Rose smiled “It’s crazy but I will do that, I will give us a chance to grow and become closer, I can’t pass this up”.
Drake smiled and they met in a slow kiss now their life together could begin for real.
 The end
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drakewalkerisreal · 5 years
Description:Liam, Drake, Riley, Olivia, Maxwell and Hana went on a camping trip
Warnings: None
(I apologize for too many words and bad english, as its not my native language)
Fire was crackling in the night. Tents were all set up with the help of expert instructions from Drake. Everybody was sitting by the campfire having drinks. Maxwell was telling funny and scary ghost stories. He went from ‘The Killer in the backseat’, ‘Buried Alive’, ‘The Hook-man’ to ‘Bastien-the vampire’. Olivia was looking at him with the expression ‘How can you even count it scary?’. Hana seemed a bit scared but listening it intently. However, Drake was lost in his own train of thoughts watching them in between. Many a times his eyes flicked on Riley when she giggled or frowned beside Liam. Suddenly Maxwell exclaimed “and then Bastien appears from the thin air, we almost screamed seeing him”. Everybody guffawed and Drake startled “What?”.
“Where is your mind at, Buddy?” Liam asked. “Umm, what have I missed” Drake stammered. “Maxwell is telling us how Leo almost convinced you all that Bastien is a vampire” Hana proclaimed. Riley looked into Drake’s eyes. For a second he looked into hers and then his eyes flicked away. “Ok, I am going to bed, enough of you jokers, we have to get up early” Olivia finally announced. “Hey!! You can’t call us jokers” Maxwell opposed “we are supposed to be your friends now”. Olivia rolled her eyes “at least I can call you one, Max” Maxwell amused “Friend??”. “No, Joker!!” Olivia snapped. “Finally, you called me Max, that makes you my friend, all my friends call me Max”. Olivia narrowed her eyes and left. Maxwell winked at others. Liam yawned and got up “I am going too. Good night everyone". “C’mon Riley, we should head back too” Hana said. Riley eyed Drake and left with Hana. “Ok buddy, I am going too, I need good night sleep to get recovered from today’s hiking”. Drake rolled his eyes “Good Night Maxwell”.
In the tent, Riley’s eyes were far from sleep. Thinking about HIM only. Why is he keeping me from him? Am I such unlovable? Has he never felt that way and it was only my imagination? At one moment he is there and next he keeps me at arm’s length. I can’t believe he doesn’t have any feelings for me even if he says so.
Finally, unable to sleep, she got outside the tent and found him there. He was still sipping whiskey. He looked at her “Can’t sleep, Brooks?”. “Umm, yeah” She sat opposite to him “What are you doing here, why aren’t you in your tent?”. “I am here to guard you all from scary ghosts” Drake said smirking but his eyes were still cold. “Hey, don’t try to scare me. I know those were all made up stories” She shrugged. “Joking, Brooks. Of course, there are no ghosts here! Do you see that light there” He pointed towards the hill “It’s a light house. I am thinking of hiking to the top” “But we are leaving in the morning?” She said questioningly. “Tonight. I am going there now”, he looked with a flicker of amusement in his eyes. “What? I don’t think it’s safe to go in this hour” she asked with her eyes widened. “I wanted to do this since many years and as I said there are no scary ghosts in here” he got up zipping up his sweatshirt”. “Then I want to go there too” Riley snapped. “What?” Now it was Drake’s turn to get shocked “You can’t, it’s not safe”. “Now, you are contradicting yourself Drake Walker, I am going there with you”. “Brooks, its final. I am not taking you there��� Drake warns. She got up stubbornly, zipping up her sweatshirt and pulling hood over her head “Okay Drake!! Then I will be hiking on my own”. “Brooks, sometimes you are so stubborn, you never listen to what I say” Drake pointed to her. “Okay Drake I will meet you at the top and I am not scared of ghosts” she said with a warning in her tone. He sighed “Okay, let’s go”. Riley chuckled “heh!! I knew it”. Drake scowled "C’mon bossy-pants, get some liquor. Its chilly in woods, we will be needing liquid courage” he reckoned. They stashed two bottles each in their pockets. “Follow me Brooks” Drake commanded. “Yes Sir” she saluted.
Drake turned towards a narrow path followed by Riley. It was a long hike. There was so many twists and turns in the path and it was little muddy due to light rains. “How far is it to the top” she asked keeping up with the breath. “Almost there, Brooks”. Finally, they arrived in the somehow cleared space and there it was THE LIGHTHOUSE stood tall over the top of the hill. It was a clear view of the vast blue ocean from there. Riley took the view of the scenery in the moonlight “This view is breathtaking. I can’t believe you were trying to keep me from this”. “You liked it?” he eyed her. “It was something I have never seen in my life” she said closing and rubbing her arms due to chilly wind. “You are cold, Brooks. You should have worn something warm. Even I did not remind you to cover yourself properly” he said in guilt. “Hey! It’s okay. I convinced you to take me here. It wasn’t you. However, this view is worth it” she said holding his arm. They looked into each other’s eye for more than necessary seconds. Drake took away his gaze changing the topic “Hey, we still have drinks to keep ourselves warm. Want some?”. “Yeah, more than I want to admit” she chuckled. He took out one bottle and handed it to her. “Thanks” she took it willingly. They sat leaning at a big rock besides each other taking in the scenery of the vast ocean floor. They started talking about every meaningless thing. They lost the track of time after having two bottles down and the conversation headed towards more emotional side.
“I never wanted this Drake” Riley said looking straight to the ocean. He didn’t say anything and watched the ocean waves. “I never wanted to be queen” she continued. “I just came here for an adventure. There was nothing fun in my life in New York and I just came here for a getaway. But it seems like I am trapped now. I can’t run away from all court and nobles. You were right they are going to eat me up”. He turned towards her “Brooks, you will be an amazing queen. You are one hell of a person I have ever met in my life. You have no comparison with all these crappy noble women. Got me? Don’t ever think that way, okay?” She looked into his eyes “But I don’t love him Drake. I can’t love him. I tried but I just couldn’t”. His eyes bore into hers but he looked away “But he loves you. Give him a chance”. She didn’t reply and turned to the ocean. He gulped whiskey “He can give you the world”. “I don’t want the world” she snapped “my world lies somewhere else”. “This is life Brooks. It’s not that you want always comes to you. Sometimes, you feel hurt but you have to let it be in order to see others happy. Sometimes it’s best to leave it to the destiny. Always remember, you have someone who loves you with all his heart. Not all people are born with Drake Walker’s destiny. I am not complaining though. I had Liam and now I can even count on some friends. Thanks to you” he smiled weakly looking at her. She looked back at him with unreadable expression in her eyes. “Heh” he chuckled “but sometimes I think something is wrong with me. May be if I am not that grumpy, things would have been different. But believe me I was not always like this. But everybody I cared about left. One by One. First Dad, then Mom, Savannah, Stella and now” he paused “you”. Tears started welling up in Riley’s eyes but she tried to restrain them because she wanted him to keep going. “Liam will be proposing you soon and you will be queen. Everybody will be looking to you. Me too. From the Crowd. Queen Riley. Brooks.” he hiccupped. Is it whiskey?
“Drake” finally Riley was able to form words “I am not going anywhere”. He chuckled “once you become queen our lives will be in two different directions”. “I told you I don’t want to be queen” she looked at him with tears in eyes. “Don’t lie Brooks. Don’t give me hope. I know you will leave too. Like others.” Enough of this. She got up suddenly and straddled him. “Brooks” he whispered “what are you doing?” She looked into his eyes with all the desire and put her lips onto his. It was a peck with her eyes closed waiting for him to respond, to make a move. She waited like that. But there was no response from the other side. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked into his finding no expression. With embarrassment and feeling exposed, she was unable to stop tears. It was first ever kiss of her life where she initiated and got nothing back. Her gaze was on the ground now. Seeing her in such vulnerable condition, Drake suddenly cupped her cheeks keeping all the constraints aside. Riley was watching him helpless. He kissed her cheeks one by one where tears came to a halt. He licked her tears pouring all his love which he couldn’t express in words. Riley closed her eyes again living the moment. Suddenly he pulled her face down and their lips crashed. He licked her lips as if they were his life saviour. He waited for her to respond and finally she kissed him back with all her soul. They were kissing each other as if it was their first and last. They kissed till they were unable to breathe and finally got apart. When she opened her eyes and looked into his, there were tears. He tried to look away but she had already seen them. She clung to his chest and hide her face into him, feeling the love of her life. He pulled her tightly into his chest and covered her with his sweatshirt. They hold each other like that and finally fell asleep in each other arms. After some time, Drake’s eyes flung open, observing the situation. Riley was still sleeping in his arms straddling him. Her face was onto his chest. He looked down and kissed her hair. He held her tightly for some more time as he will never be going to get a moment like this ever in future. This was the moment he was going to remember forever as a beautiful dream and nightmare both. Finally, he decided to wake her up “Brooks” he whispered “get up, we felt asleep”. “Umm” she woke up rubbing her eyes “how long did we sleep”. “I don’t know but we should head back” he said softly however how much he wanted to stay like this forever. “Yeah” she finally got up and found herself in the position and blushed. She said shyly “sorry Drake I fell asleep like this”. “It’s okay Brooks. We were drunk. We should go back, C’mon”. They got up and walked back towards the tent. Riley was so happy and was blushing all the way remembering the kiss again and again. Drake, on the other hand, realized what had he done and crossed the barrier which he never wanted to. It’s true that he dreamed about this kiss always, with her. His Brooks. But he knew she belongs to someone else. Not just someone else, his best friend Liam, only who looked for him and his sister in their darker times. Guilt and shame were filling in his mind. He was lost in his thoughts and didn’t say a word all the way. Riley first thought his situation is same as hers. By the time, they reached their tents she realized something was wrong. She wanted to ask him but he headed straight towards his tent. She looked towards him with pleading eyes but he stopped only at his tent’s entrance without looking back at her “get some sleep, Brooks”. She didn’t know what went wrong. Maybe he is too shy to look into me. With all the thoughts she slipped into her tent and due to exhaustion of hiking and alcohol doing its job, fell asleep immediately.
With the chirping of birds and ray of sunshine passing through her tent Riley was finally awake. Hearing the voices of her friends from outside, she finally got out of tent. “Good Morning Riley” Maxwell and Hana exclaimed together “Come fast, we are making breakfast”. Riley looked around for Drake “where are the others?” “Liam and Olivia have gone for a walk” Hana said. “and Drake?” Riley asked still looking around. “He must be here somewhere. Maybe he is gone with Liam and Olivia. Now come and get some breakfast”. Riley ate her breakfast in silence with the two, waiting for him to come. “There, they are coming” Hana said pointing towards them. Riley looked up immediately for Drake but disappointed to find that he was nowhere. Liam greeted with all his smile “Good Morning everyone” They sat beside Maxwell and Hana. “What’s in breakfast” Olivia asked. They started having their breakfast but Riley’s eyes were still finding Drake. Feeling annoyed she asked “where’s Drake? Has he gone for a walk?” Maxwell asked too “Yeah! Where’s Drake? I thought he has been with you too”. “Don’t you people know. Drake had to leave in early morning. I don’t know what’s the urgency but he said he really has to go. You know, he never tells everything” Liam replied eating his breakfast. Riley was shocked hearing this. As if everything has got shattered, somebody stabbed a knife through her chest. After last night, she thought maybe he will be ready to show up his feelings and make a move. But he was gone and does not even said goodbye. She wanted to run away from there, from Cardonia and from everyone. Finally, she looked up and Liam was watching her. She tried to wore a smile on her face to hide pain but it was of no use. Her eyes were saying everything.
@drakewalker04 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @emceesynonymroll @star-spangled-eyes @dcbbw    @jovialyouthmusic @drakesensworld   @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @ao719 @duchessemersynwalker
@pug-bitch   @rainbowsinthestorm @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @iplaydrake   @katedrakeohd
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rileysok · 5 years
hello fellow demons, i’m dani and i’m bad at intros so i’m just gonna throw a bunch of tomfoolery under the cut here and hope that you all can make sense of it! at the bottom there will be a few possible connection choices. if i remember. i’m writing this before the intro. probably a bad idea.
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(  rome flynn / cis male / he or him  ) . introducing riley chandler, the host for the runaway train . they’ll be twenty six years old , and arrived at hartly four months ago . you’ll always see a machete around wherever he is .
...anyway! without,,,FURTHER ADO:
here’s riley, he’s alright, he could use a good smack in the head and a nice cup of coffee
riley thinks you’re wrong and what he thinks is what is CORRECT as far as he’s concerned. this means you’re wrong. sorry not sorry. 
really, he’s exceptionally stubborn and will argue about anything. he’ll argue with you about the color of an orange. you can have the most thought-out and absolutely correct argument but it doesn’t matter to him. this is mostly out of his defensive nature. if you come at him in a gentle way, he...can be reasonable. no promises.
does not think a single thing through, my guy. he’s extremely impulsive, and makes very split-second decisions that usually come back to bite him in the ass. and then he’s shocked.
he’s usually some degree of [gasp] over an unintended consequence. he’s a walking pikachu meme. he’ll say something mean to you, and if you say something mean back? :O wow man that hurt wtf??
can dish it out but cannot take it what a big baby
will do literally anything on a dare.
is incredibly loyal, but ONLY to those he likes/trusts. if you’re in his inner circle, he’ll take a bullet for you. he’d walk off a cliff if you asked him too. but if he doesn’t know you, or god help us, doesn’t like you? he wouldn’t do much to help you unless it was life or death.
heavily into conspiracy theories, and now that the world has fallen apart it’s a great time to theorize, my friends
he’s got a temper problem, and will frequently lose his cool and unleash his fury. he cools off pretty fast, but if he feels like someone has really wronged him, he will hold a grudge. but the small stuff he doesn’t sweat. he gets mad a lot, so he can’t hold it against everyone all the time. 
because he’s fairly hot-headed and loyal, he can be...lead astray easily. but! he can also be persuaded into being a better guy sometimes! he’s a good boy underneath all his defensive sparky attitude problems, and will generally do the right thing unless he’s got someone whispering in his ear. it happens. 
his loyalty also has him a bit gullible at times. riley isn’t stupid by a long shot, but he will believe something that someone he loves told him, even if it seems ridiculous and far from the truth. he’ll just shut down that logical reasoning. 
he’ll kick your ass! he’ll kick his ass! he’ll kick her ass! he’ll kick his own ass! people who like him might call him feisty or rough around the edges. people who don’t like him would probably call him a loose canon. 
if he does like you, he’ll defend you from anything. he’ll be personally offended on your behalf. sometimes, this is really great! because it means you’ve always got someone in your corner...on the other hand, riley has a habit of getting offended over nothing, so this can sometimes mean that you’ve got a guy starting fights in your name. not too great for the ol’ rep.
despite his attitude problems he’s not usually grumpy or despondent. you can usually find him in a fairly good mood talking about something or other around a fire or helping around the safe zone. he likes to be useful, so he’ll ask you if he can help with anything. 
he’s really crafty and is great at fixing things. he doesn’t have any formal education after high school, he never went to college, but he made more than enough money as a car mechanic in his father’s best friend’s garage. he racked up a lot of useful skills during that time and can repair a lot of things, from cars to circuitry to plumbing to a loose door handle. 
if he had a job, it would probably be as a front gate guard. he’ll give you a REAL hard time if you’re a newcomer and you want to come in. but he’ll let you in...because it’s policy, not because he likes you, let’s be clear. 
speaking of, he’s been there for four months, likely the first batch of people. he’s got an older brother and his mom somewhere around the camp, but his dad and his older sister unfortunately didn’t make it. he’s got a strained relationship with his remaining family, mostly because he feels guilty about their deaths and blames himself for it. 
a few connection ideas!! (and i mean very few because i’m...i’m lazy)
a couple of people to be in his squad of lil punk young adults
a leash holder because he needs someone to reign him in when he loses his marbles over someone saying they didn’t like lord of the rings
someone he routinely butts heads with but begrudgingly has to respect/get along with
any kind of romantic connection. he thinks he’s the hook up type, but spoiler alert, he is not. he catches feelings really fast. so u know, any kind of messy fun stuff i’m here for. male/female/nb he doesn’t much care.
alright i did four that’s a good start, right? yay me! 
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shreyamistry · 6 years
Choices September Creates
Hey! If any of you have requested something or wondering why I haven’t posted any fics lately, I’m here to tell you why! I’ve spent the past 2(ish) weeks preparing for Choices September Creates and I finished my last fic today! So without further ado, I bring you the schedule and ships/fic summaries for the upcoming events! Let me know if you wanna be tagged in any of them, the first one Rain comes out September 1st, Apology the 2nd and so forth! (these are all at liberty to change if I see fit, but currently, this is the determined schedule for me.).
l. Rain - Hana x MC
Tonight, Liam will pick Nicole to be his bride, unknowing to him that she and Hana have fallen in love. Despite her attempts to force herself out of her feelings, Hana simply can’t stop herself from falling for Nicole. Finding herself in the pouring rain, Hana has to make her choice and Lady Nicole has to accept it.
II. Apology - Hana x Madeleine (NSFW-ISH)*
Madeleine finds herself having to leave Hana after a night of love, due to her occupation in the palace it’s rather urgent and she finds herself having to leave Hana again. Reflecting on the past Madeleine and Hana talk through her apologizes, leaving Madeleine to wonder what Hana will ever see in her.
III. Dance - Eleanor x MC
When Victor’s birthday rolls around, Hannah invites Eleanor to join her, knowing it would be her first time to a club Hannah wants to make sure Eleanor can handle it. Eleanor, however, is very perplexed by the idea of grown adults in this century enjoying high tea for his birthday late at night.
IV, Magic - Kenna x Annelyse
Annelyse and Kenna journey back to Aurelia after being repaired from Dom’s destruction under Hex’s capture. Kenna finds herself compelled at how well Annelyse’s people have settled back into her home and the respect they all share for one another. Kenna sees it as nothing more than magical.
V. Fight - Drake x Liam (NSFW)
Drake wants Liam, Liam wants Drake, but Liam knows it’s not possible. Yet he always finds himself night after night with Drake beneath him, his heart full of love, desire, and lust. He wants to fight his instincts and be with Madeleine, however, he can’t bring himself to fight the sexual gratification and love he gets from Drake in the dark of the night.
VI. Home - Zekei x M!MC
Zekei and Nova decide to spend the night together, after raiding the kitchen staff for snacks they retreat back into Nova’s room and reminisce about home and their childhood, both opening up more than they ever have before. Nova finds himself straddling his best friend, but what will that mean for them?
VII. Future - Kiara x Penelope
Kiara and Penelope often find themselves questioning the future, what will it mean for them? After yet another rift between the pair, Kiara worries that Penelope is moving on and as much as she tries to not let it bother her, she ultimately fails. Trying on the maid of honor dresses together for Hana and Nicole, Penelope makes an admission Kiara will never forget.
VIII. Cozy Night In - Kate x MC
After being released on bail, Kate and Jesse decide to spend the night together at Kate’s apartment. Jesse organized all kinds of treats to help Kate relax and feel better after finally being able to come home from her time in captivity. But what’s a sleepover without an admission of love?
IX. Vacation - AME Jury House Fic (Comedy)**
The night of the double elimination, Bianca and Jamie wind up in the Jury House with all the previously booted out cast. Together in the living room, Teagan helps set up a movie as everyone argues about Han’s pick mainly Lina. Can they survive the night together or will there be hell to pay?
X. Loss - Damien x M!MC (MCD)***
With the loss of some members of their crew, Damien and Kai must move forward with their remaining crew to save themselves and other from Eros. However, Kai finds himself falling further every day unable to cope with the loss in his chest, his only safety coming from Damien now, but can he pull himself together before it’s too late?
XI. Family - Ivy x MC (SUGGESTIVE)****
Ivy invites Jamie back to her hometown for a family reunion. The pair reminiscing on the past they’ve lived and further to come, and Jamie gets to know Ivy’s mother and her past in pageantry. The night falls and Ivy wants nothing more than a few quiet moments with her lover, but her mom may have other plans for her.
XII. Anniversary - Kenji x M!MC (NSFW)
Celebrating the one year anniversary of Talos and Nightwing coming together, Kenji invites Kyle to his apartment where they share a dance on the deck and a bottle of wine. However, Kenji has more exciting and fun plans for them that night, but will Poppy and Dax interrupt their fun?
XIII. What If - Kate x MC
The night before Kate is due to be wed, she and Jesse relax in his room at the bed and breakfast in Jesse’s room. Drinking liquor they stole from Miss. Harlenay, Jesse and Kate decide to think about how life could have turned out? What their wedding would be like if it happened to them?
XIV. New Beginnings - Bianca x MC
Bianca and Jamie agree to do a swimsuit photoshoot to promote America’s Most Eligible. After the season they’ve had and the feelings they’ve harbored for each other, Piper and Jen both agreed it’d be the best course of action to get them more viewers seeing the love that will bloom on TV. However, Jamie starts to have doubts about doing this photoshoot, luckily for them, Bianca’s there to help.
XV. Smut - Kenna x Val (NSFW)
As a war takes Kenna and her group by surprise, an attack they couldn’t have planned for no matter what Kenna finds herself alone and stranded in the woods searching desperately for Val. After their fallout moments before the bombs went off, Kenna couldn’t forgive herself if Val died thinking Kenna hated her.
XVI. Heartache - Becca x MC
Armed with evidence of an affair between the pair, Becca can’t handle the drama, the deceit, and betrayal she’s felt from Emily and packs her bags. Emily begs her not to leave, confused why someone would say she and Kassidy were sleeping together behind Becca’s back and why Becca would believe her.
XVII. Unexpected - Poppy x MC
Alex sets up another date between Dax and Poppy in hopes of getting them together and leaves them in a bar to talk things through while they help Eva with a secret project. Poppy knows she doesn’t love Dax or even remotely like him, at one point maybe, but not anymore. Before the night ends she and Alex can’t help, but make a half-drunken mess of things.
XVIII. Bad Day - Madison x Becca
After being broken up with, Madison turns to Becca for a day of helping her feel better. However Becca can’t help, but notice how flirty Madison keeps acting around her and she’d be a liar if she said it didn’t scare her and excite her all at the same time. With the recent news of their breakup, how will the day affect Madison and Becca’s relationship?
XIX. Camping - Dan x MC
Dan and Devon decide to go camping in the woods to cope with everything that happened post-Redfield, Dan knew he could use the support and Devon pretending it didn’t bother them as much as they said it didn’t. Devon can’t help but want to set up a memorial for Noah, no matter how much it hurts to be there or how much Noah hurt them. All the while a surprise visitor waits for them.
XX. Fluff - Crash x Chazz
This one has been deleted. I can’t write anything I don’t like, and as much as I loved the pairing I couldn’t find myself inspired to work with it. Sorry to anyone who was loking forward to it.
XXI. Autumn -
Couldn’t figure out what to do for this day. If you have any ideas hit me up, otherwise this prompt ain’t being done.
XXII. Endings - Kamilah x MC (NSFW)
Kimberly finishes her final day working for RainesCorp as Adrian’s right-hand woman and secures herself a position now as Kamilah’s, with Kamilah’s assistant moving on to a better position within the company. An ending is a new beginning, and Kimberly wants to break in the new job with some fun.
XXIII. Birth - Victoria x MC
Victoria and Normani are having their first child, with all of their friends around Normani delivers her baby with Victoria by her side the entire time. Matt’s petrified because he looked, Seth is making fun of him, and Teja is getting her hand broken by Normani’s grip while trying to keep the boys under control.
XXIV. Animals - Maxwell x MC
Maxwell invites Riley to a private dinner for two during an endangered animal awareness event. Where he plans a special surprise for them, but Riley has other plans for how the night should go on. But the pair may find themselves in deep trouble when they get caught.
XXV. Best Friends - Kaitlyn x MC
Celeste needs help with her fanfiction, Vasquez told her to channel her creative energies further than her internship and she decides fanfiction is her best bet. However, she’s having trouble putting into words how Val and Kenna should confess their love, luckily Kaitlyn is around to help (and tease her).
XXVI. Lies - Alana x MC (SUGGESTIVE)
Nadia and Kai discuss Kai’s relationship with Nadia. Kai worries that Nadia doesn’t care about them, and the fact that she lies so much to them, even over little things that shouldn’t bother Kai as much as it does. Nadia’s advice might not be all that helpful, but at least Kai channeled away some frustration.
XXVII. Sleepover - Naomi x MC
Jesse wants to surprise Naomi at her ranch with a night of fun at home, after finally being able to make their way back to Birtchport for the weekend. They cook her a lovely meal and get news over the phone that will change both of their lives for better or worse. Can they tough it out and make it last?
XXVIII. Moving Day - Han x M!MC (NSFW)
Han and Landon finish moving all of their stuff into their new apartment after spending the entire day moving by themselves, at Han’s suggestion of not needing any help. Landon finds himself surprised they managed to do it all, and sore with his back killing him. Han offers to give him an innocent massaging, but Landon’s expecting a little more from his boyfriend.
XXIX. Clean - Bianca x MC
Lina shows Jamie Bianca’s biggest secret much to Han’s disapproval, a confession that could easily make or break their relationship. Smuggly Lina walks away leaving Bianca and Jamie to sort out the details of what happened and decide what comes next for the pair or if anything at all comes for them next.
XXX. Celebrate - Grace (@zig-a-zow’s mc) x Aiden
When Grace’s birthday rolls around, Aiden decides to plan something special for her and the rest of their friends. Grace admittedly appreciated it, however, he wasn’t sure if she even wanted to celebrate further than just her and Aiden. As the party rages on an item on the menu catches her hand and she’s determined to prove herself to have a good night.
Books with M!MC + F!MC that just say ‘MC’ will have they pronouns, so you an picture it however you want!
* - NSFW-ISH means exactly what it says, it’s not NSFW but it directly references NSFW actions.
** - Comedy means it’s just a funny fic, it’s not anything deep except a joke fic to make you laugh!
*** - MCD is Major Character Death
**** - Suggestive hints to NSFW concepts, but isn’t directly NSFW/NSFW-ish!
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Riley and Maya: I Think I Wanna Marry You - Chapter 11 (Summer Camp Counselors Part 1)
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*Author’s Note - A new saga begins in my Riley and Maya series. This is also a perfect jumping on point for new readers (although if you like this story, you should obviously go back and read the previous chapters). I hope you enjoy this three part story a lot, since I really enjoyed making it. It starts out very silly but eventually hits on some important modern social issues. Enjoy!
It was the first day of summer camp at the Upstate New York Summer Camp for Girls. Many preteen girls were getting off of school buses and parents' cars as they eagerly headed to the middle of the camp to find out where they would be bunking for the next two weeks. Then coming out of a nearby cabin wearing two blue staff shirts were Riley and Maya. As the two saw the young girls coming onto the camp grounds, an excited Riley said, "Aw, look at them Maya. Young girls that have come ready to experience two weeks of bonding, boating, braiding, and beautiful friendships that will last forever." Maya rolled her eyes and said, "More like two weeks of us dealing with barfing, balling, bruises, and beautiful disasters that'll scar these kids for life." Riley then said, "Come on Maya. This is going to be a fun summer job for us. I mean we should be glad my workplace gave me two weeks off to work here. And since you get a month off from school, this is gonna be the perfect way for us to spend more time helping the world together. I mean I used to love coming to this camp when I was a kid. It used to be my favorite thing to do every year." Maya then said, "If it was such a great camp, then why don't I remember you leaving to come here every summer?" Riley then said, "Well since you couldn't afford to come to camp, once I met you, I decided to stay home every summer so we could spend more time together." With wide eyes and a happy face Maya said, "Aww. That's so sweet. But even with that being said, I'm pretty sure this is still gonna be two weeks of hell." A curious looking Riley then said, "Then why did you sign up to be a camp counselor with me?" Maya then said, "Because you're my wife and I'll go anywhere you go." With wide eyes and a happy face Riley said, "Aww."
Several minutes later, Riley and Maya were walking towards a cabin as an excited looking Riley said, "Okay Maya. All of our campers have already gotten to our cabin. Now I already have a binder with the girls' emergency contacts and medical info sheets just in case." Maya then raised an eyebrow and said, "In case of what? We're spending two weeks in the woods. I spent my childhood growing up on the streets of the city where real dangers lie. This is gonna be a walk in the park. Literally. Because there's a park nearby." Riley then said, "Well any good summer camp counselor must hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. It's that philosophy that got me this job in the first place." Maya then said, "How could you know so much about being a camp counselor? This is your first time ever working at a summer camp." Riley then said, "Well I kind of helped out the counselors a whole lot back when I was a kid here. All of the other campers called me the Little Counselor." Maya rolled her eyes as she said, "And knowing you, you must have taken that as a compliment." A confused looking Riley then said, "Well why else would they have called me that?"
Moments later, Riley and Maya stepped into a cabin with ten preteen girls all sitting around and talking. Riley then knocked on the door and said, "Hi girls. Sorry to break the bonding time. But I'm going to be your counselor this summer. My name is Riley and this here is my co-counselor and best friend: Maya." Maya then tilted her head up a bit and said, "How ya doin?" Riley then said, "Now no need to call us by miss or m'am. We're all friends here. Now for our schedule today, first we have crafts. I thought we could all make matching friendship bracelets. And if we have extra time, we could use that to develop our own super secret handshake. Then after that..." Then suddenly one of the preteen girls looked out the window and said, "Look. A fox is outside the cabin!" A wide eyed an excited looking Maya said, "What!? I've never seen a real live fox before. Where!?" Suddenly Maya and all of the preteen girls ran out of the cabin as a slightly flustered Riley said, "But that's... that's not on our schedule!" Riley then stepped outside of the cabin to see Maya and the preteen girls running off as she said, "Wait. Where are you all going!?" Riley then heard Maya yelling, "Come on! Chase it down and corner it girls! We've got to snap a close up picture of it! Remember, if you don't snap it, then it didn't happen!" Riley then made a moaning sound as she hit her face. Then Riley began to run after the girls as she said, "Wait up!"
In the camp nurses office several preteen girls were getting ice packs put on their knees and shoulders as Riley and Maya stood outside of the office. An upset Riley said, "Maya, you shouldn't have taken the girls running through an uncharted trail. New trails have to be walked upon and studied carefully. If you hadn't been running, then you all wouldn't have run into that beehive and we wouldn't have had to deal with eight campers suffering from bee stings." Maya then said, "Relax Riley. No one was allergic to the bee stings. Plus we got that close up picture of the fox. Plus, battle bites to prove we worked hard to get it! RIGHT GIRLS!?" All of the preteen girls began to cheer as Riley hit her face while looking frustrated.
That evening Riley was sitting outside of the girls' shower room on a chair looking frustrated. Riley then looked at her watch and said, "It's been half an hour now. How long does it take ten preteen girls to get showered?" Riley then sighed and stepped up and began to open the door to the shower room as she said, "Okay. What's taking you all so long?" Then as Riley opened the door, a bucket of water fell on her head. Riley became soaked in water as she saw in front of her was her ten preteen girl campers in the shower all giggling and laughing at Riley. Riley then with an upset face said, "Okay, that was very unkind of you all. Cabin lights out early tonight!"
Riley was walking towards the girls' cabin in the dark while carrying a jug of water. As she carried the heavy jug, she made some grunting noises. As she got near the door, Maya walked out of the cabin and said, "Oh hey, Riley. You okay there?" Riley then said, "No. Who knew water could be so heavy? So did the girls turn the cabin lights out early?" Maya nodded and said, "Oh yeah, they did." Riley then heard murmurs of talking from inside of the cabin, and then said, "Then why do I still hear talking?" Maya then said, "Oh, well you said cabin lights out. But you didn't say anything about flashlights. They've been playing strip poker since you left." Riley then said, "What!? Strip poker!? Maya, they're preteen girls!" Maya then said, "Relax. They've only been taking off watches and hair bands. You know, stupid stuff. That's it." Then the two heard a preteen girl inside the cabin said, "Woo. Ryan is taking off her socks! We're getting down and dirty now!" Riley sighed and said, "Well I guess that doesn't so too bad." Then Riley and Maya heard one of the preteen girls say, "Okay Miriam. Time to take off that underwear!" A suddenly very worried Riley then ran into the cabin and yelled, "Nooo!"
Upcoming Chapters For the Series:
-Chapter 12: Summer Camp Counselors Part 2 of 3 (Coming 3/31)
-Chapter 13: Summer Camp Counselors Part 3 of 3 (Coming 4/7)
-A New Saga in the Riley and Maya Married Life Begins (Coming 4/14)
*Note - To read the entire series in one convenient location, click here - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13229693/
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