#Anxious for nothing
thisbibliophiile · 10 months
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I can see why so many people hate this book, and it only confirms to me that anxiety is the sacred cow of so many modern Christians
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tonyjwash · 9 months
Be Anxious for Nothing 2.0
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog about being anxious for nothing. Basically my goal was to elucidate that it is not God’s will for us to live with, put up with or suffer with anxiety in our lives. Anxiety does not have to be something “everyone” lives with nor does it serve any useful purpose in our lives. In its essence anxiety is simply misplaced fear that has not been appropriately…
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baabaahosanna · 5 months
Anxious for NOTHING
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Don't OVERthink, TURN it OVER to the Lord instead.
Ang anxiety makaanxia.
Worst of all, anxiety causes us to experience spiritual amnesia, causing us to lose sight of who we are in Christ. We fail to recognize the fact that, as His coheirs, we have access to His glory and power, and that, when our priorities align with His, He will provide for our needs. This does not imply that life is a series of miracles. Instead, it means that no matter what challenges we face, we can be sure that our heavenly Father is aware of them and will support us through them at all times. He will even endow us with the poise and fortitude to handle our difficulties.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
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brucedinsman · 10 months
Book Review: Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado
Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic WorldAudible : Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max LucadoMy rating: 5 of 5 starsAgain Max Lucado delivers. I actually downloaded the Audible version and thoroughly enjoyed it, feeling at once encouraged and challenged. I need to stop letting the negativity drive me for certain.View all my reviews Amazon Does the uncertainty…
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cyellolemon · 1 month
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Also super quick labru thing because i needed to draw t4t labru but i didn't manage to draw any better than that sryyy
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flourmelon · 1 year
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“In the treatment of anxiety, a proper understanding of sovereignty is huge. Anxiety is often the consequence of perceived chaos. If we sense we are victims of unseen, turbulent, random forces, we are troubled.”
Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World
—Max Lucado
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barbh · 2 years
Anxious for Nothing: God's Cure for the Cares of Your Soul by John Macarthur [REVIEW]
Anxious for Nothing: God’s Cure for the Cares of Your Soul by John Macarthur [REVIEW]
SYNOPSIS Stress has become part of our daily lives. We worry about our jobs, our relationships, and our families. And while there’s no lack of remedies for anxiety, no solution seems to offer true peace of mind. John MacArthur, Jr. believes that peace is not only possible, it’s a divine mandate. Drawing from a rich legacy of teaching and ministry, MacArthur puts aside cultural cures to uncover…
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hellenhighwater · 9 months
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Wazzer is underweight and it's so stressful. I'm giving him extra feedings but I'm finding that he eats most when I literally heat his fancy salmon pate in the microwave and feed it to him on my fingertips, one tiny bit at a time. Tomorrow I'm going to try using an actual silver sugar spoon to feed him, because it's one of the smallest spoons I own.
I didn't have stress before I had kittens but they're just too cute.
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astaroth1357 · 4 months
How to Social:
*MC and the brothers are in the HoL dining room for breakfast. MC has only known the boys for two days now, so they're still a fly on the wall to most of their interactions. Incidentally, they're sat across from Leviathan today, watching him fiddle on his phone...*
*in its Ruri-chan case*
*with a Ruri-chan charm*
*wearing a Ruri-chan shirt*
*and watching a comfort episode of The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl*
MC [In Their Head]: Okay so. I need to break the ice.
MC: I read the plot summary of the Ruri Hana anime on the wiki last night so I understand the premise...
MC: I know the names of a few characters and the basic plot structure of the episodes...
MC: I should try to talk to him about it now.
MC: ... But what about that whole controversy over the dub and the sub versions? The forums said that they're practically different shows! How do I know which one he saw? What if I get it wrong??
MC: Maybe I should do more research...
MC: NO! I want him to introduce the show to me properly! I don’t want to come off like I know more than he does...
MC: But what if I say something wrong and it totally pisses him off?? He may never talk to me again!!
*and then, much to MC's dismay, Levi finishes his buffo eggs and juice then gets up to leave the table. Not a word exchanged between them all breakfast*
MC: ... *sigh*
MC: There’s always tomorrow....
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lucabyte · 2 months
Hmmm just gonna spit this headcanon out in text post form since A. I don't think I could exposit it well enough in image form and B. It's not actually textually/thematically substantiated and I don't like actually staking my stuff on just vibes alone*
But anyway. I'd say it's pretty evident that all the islanders forgot their names, right? King obviously. Because why the hell else would he do that, but also Siffrin No Middle Names No Last Name.
They're 'pretty sure' they've 'always' been 'Just Siffrin' 'as long as they can remember'. It's a pretty cruel twist of the knife to say that they don't even get to keep their birth name as a memento, which is why I'm saying as such.
My utterly unsubstantiated claim is I think it'd be cute to say that Sisyphus *is* the name Siffrin initially picked, assuming the myth of King Sisyphus is recontextualised as idk, just a play or something in the setting. But I like the idea of Siffrin going 'oh shit 🫵 he's just like me fr' at a tortured fictional character long before the irony kicks in.
As for how Sisyphus -> Siffrin. I think that chronic mumbler and emotional doormat Sif just did not correct people who misheard the name during their time travelling, and went through enough places with incompatible phonologies (pronounceable sounds in the language) without ever really writing it down that it just got kinda. Changed until it was unrecognisable, and Siffrin just went with it until the earlier pronunciations slipped out of their swiss-cheese brain. And they just kinda don't remember any of that.
Also, something something the horrid realisation that Siffrin also named themselves after a King. Just not as blatantly.
*(though I think there's something here about Siffrin, a guy from a belief system that seems to thoroughly disincentivise autonomy and self-motivated choice continuously having their hand forced to make changes/choices they don't want but have no choice but to... It's not solid enough to really back this up tbh, but it informs it.)
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foolishlovers · 6 months
but sir that’s my emotional support transgender demon
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thisbibliophiile · 10 months
Books of 2023 #31
Anxious for Nothing by John MacArthur
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tonyjwash · 10 months
Let Go and Let God
Sometimes you have done everything you know to do to solve a problem in your life without any success. You have invested a tremendous amount of effort. You have analyzed the situation from every possible angle. In fact, you have reached the end of your human capacity to overcome the situation and you find yourself, appropriately, at wits end. It is times such as these that it becomes necessary to…
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naffeclipse · 2 months
Hey, Naff! I was thinking of the AU where y/n is a dolphin mermaid and Sun, Moon and Eclipse run a mafia pod, and then I thought of the alternate scenario someone sent asking what would have happened if y/n had a kid with them, and then I had a thought! XD Not to contribute to the baby fever but!
What if the initial encounter went the same, y/n is chased, caught and forced to accept the deal of working for them, but in this scenario they are already expecting. Like super early pregnancy stage. Y/n does know about it, but it's so early that it's not outwardly visible or noticeable to anyone else.
And since that first encounter was so rough they are hesitant to ever mention it to the trio because they don't know how the mafia works and they are afraid either them or the future baby would be seen as a liability (unable to tell that's not actually the case). So they do the jobs they ask, while trying to hide it to the best of their ability. And thankfully for them (at least they think so), it's one of those pregnancies that doesn't really show until much later, but there comes a point where they can very much not hide it anymore.
But what if that point comes when there is a lull between jobs for them, and the trio of bosses is pretty busy, so they are left alone for a while and they are like "Great! Maybe I can have this baby unnoticed!" But then just as they approach the due date they are finally summoned back, but at this point they know they can't go to them. So when they don't respond to the call it causes for one (or all three) of the boys to get suspicious and come looking for them. And that's all I thought about gkjfhgkfh No idea what happens next XD
Chaotik, I'm rattling you so hard right now! It's a sweet little twist on dolphin Y/N dealing with the mafia sirens + baby, and I'm entirely here for it!
Continuing where you left off, I like to imagine that Sun and Moon are the ones to go look for Y/N.
They can't have one of their own go rogue, especially without consequences. They make no exceptions as they explained what would happen to those who aren't loyal, but Sun and Moon are especially sullen. Dolphin Y/N is all three of the bossess' favorite, and to have them try and think they can get away spears their pride (and hearts) when they've been so good to them. Of course, that's not to say they haven't taunted, teased, and grabbed Y/N mercilessly, as they have full rights to do within their territory and those under their protection, but they thought Y/N was growing closer with them in return. Regardless, they're on the hunt.
On the farthest northern edge of their territory, where it was confirmed that Y/N was summoned back but did not follow through on the command, they come upon a thick Arctic ice pack and towering, roaming glaciers. Sun catches sight of Y/N first. They're hiding behind a sizeable outcropping of ice, flukes flitting anxiously. Moon swims around to catch Y/N from behind should they decide swimming away is a possibility.
Y/N is panicking, doing their best to keep their now very visible pregnancy concealed while also pondering their fate. The due date is close but the ferocious bosses are upon them. How useless will the two orca sirens decide they are while carrying a child?
Sun calls out to Dolphin Y/N to come out before he has to make them, and though Y/N reluctantly answers, they still keep their belly hidden. Moon, however, sees them entirely from his position, baby bump and all. Caught off guard, Moon slips behind Y/N while Sun is still interrogating them, and he takes their arm and firmly but gently pulls them out into open water. Sun stops midsentence to stare at Y/N while they flounder internally, deeply unsettled by their reactions—or the lack thereof.
After Moon and Sun silently stare at Y/N and process the new situation, they share a sharp look. Sun asks where Y/N's mate is. Y/N says in a small but no uncertain voice that they have no mate. They intend to raise their baby alone. Both sirens seem to relax at this. Y/N begins to babble about being able to care for the baby and still perform their work but Sun and Moon have made a silent decision together. Sun softly takes Y/N's other arm to guide them back to the center of their territory, where they belong.
Of course, Sun and Moon now recall certain moments from the past few months, such as Y/N being especially skittish whenever they or Eclipse grabbed onto their hips or caressed their sides. Another siren under their pod commented on Y/Ne eating better for they're a little thicker around the middle, and Y/N quickly brushed aside the remark. Of course, Sun and Moon see now how much softer Y/N's face is and that their movements are slow and careful, not as slipstreamed as they were when the brothers first chased them down. They're a bit bewildered (and abashed) that they missed the signs.
Y/N is still panicking at how closely Sun and Moon guide them back into the heart of their territory before taking them to a sizeable ice cave, carved out by claws. Sun darts away once they pull Y/N inside. Moon asks Y/N more questions about their pregnancy: how are they feeling, do they need to eat, are they tired, do they know when they might have the baby, and so on. Y/N grows increasingly anxious by the grilling but answers truthfully. The due date is soon, very soon. That's why they couldn't answer the summons. Moon dismisses Y/N's stumbling overexplaining with a wave of his head. He's already pieced that bit together.
Then Eclipse arrives with Sun. His burning eyes immediately land on their big belly in plain view, and Moon tending closely to their side, his claws curled around their hand. Y/N finally asks what the bosses are going to do with them. They don't want any harm to come to their baby but Y/N is well aware that they can't fend off three orca sirens. (Eclipse remembers a time he noticed a slight swell to Y/N's belly but attributed that to providing well for their Dolphin Y/N after they've been so loyal and hard working in return.) Eclipse is silent for a long heartbeat before he flashes his teeth and chastises Y/N for not telling them earlier. They could have protected them more, allowed them to rest and stay closer to them, and given them less dangerous work.
Y/N stammers for a moment before falling silent. Did the terrifying eldest boss just say what they think he said? Sun leaves to retrieve a fish before Moon speaks low into Eclipse's ear. Sun returns and gives all his attention to Y/N while he ensures the fish he caught for them won't trigger any nausea. After Y/N says the fish is fine, Sun caresses their cheek once. Then, the twins disappear, leaving Y/N with Eclipse as he watches them eat. He explains that their child falls under the orca sirens' protection because he and his brothers already protect Y/N. They will see that Y/N is given whatever they need to rest and recover. Y/N is struck dumb, but the fish is delicious and they haven't been torn apart yet, so that can only be a good thing. Right?
Eclipse catches Y/N's chin in his hand, lifting their head to hold their gaze as he grins. It will be lovely to have a little one around, he says. Y/N believes he's sincere, still wrapping their head around how they started the day off terrified and somehow finished it with devotion and support from the three orca sirens.
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
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👏🏻 🏳️‍🌈 👏🏻
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